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Cleveland Daily Leader from Cleveland, Ohio • Page 4

Cleveland, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

eC-FCU BALI," "TO BEST," HI" A rotFD," BOABUING CW- RTES," and other siort notion not eioeedlDS roua ma, tnaertart In this eolume lor S3 mu, three linn eeora, hir time 60 fur ail over rocs ana mo; ax-eeedraa: slam- lum, doo.l. above rat. OA INTEREST. 0. A.

Riad A fj Bankers, pay the kirbeat ratee of premium tut stoveanbar Oospone and tnteroat on 0. I Bond. novl OST OmThubsdatAitbrkoow, is pair of I.adie,' GOLD SWTAt LK-. either on Weneleror Brcwnfll-Sts. The finder bp suitably rewarded by leiTing them at thia office.

ISS FOB BENT Front Oiticeh thb American Buildinfl. Hack-M ba-ia-m w. O. ILLI AK8. IOST.

On Sjkdt AvrEmooir, between tp Angier and American Honee. a Pocket Book, marked with the own-r a initial. E. A between HO and M. Any eueaetiiroine; the earn, to the Leader office whim be rally re-a-dsd OKBVANT GIRL WANTED.

fy Eoarllep. or German preferred one who can coma arefl racommen Jed aia g.od Cook alio. to waen. Iron and do otber (enaral lioueework, at ,5 froapect-bt. t-US A.

READ Bankim, 95 Jm Superior nay the hlchent Premiom for Oocpoo internet doe on U.S. Government bonds, and Coy and bail ail klttoa of blocks and Bond oa anlaalon. rOUSE AND LOT FOR ILK- A one terv and a half Hotiw, fsecm St. Price one thousand dollars down. balance on time.

Enquire at 31' Seneca M. .23 135 WANTED A Goon Cuttm or the Merchant Tartar trade, in a nice little country town 38 nilWe from this city Enquire about the nar.ica ari at Koch, Levi At Mayer, 18 atex slreet. FOR PALE A FEW BUILDINO loteonCe-e Arenueoo tl-ne. Aboi residence ooivj to buaineia. Apply at Hi Ontario-M H.

i ILKINS. A BUSINESS FOR SALE. Thi Proprietors cf an olabiishwi ltKht, genteel on v-iii dinpoe it, laving other business to attend. 1 uld carried on by a tienian aud Lady. Th- g-od tret and klock will thaa eu tjj-u-Aod an las.

The ptock now biting low. Address box S'20, iileTeLand Fast 0 flics. janls-137 SA1.R-32 Aobus or Land, JP on he tit. Clair Road, 5tni ee from the t'itv, at bargain. dilio jii xincw.

janltvLM Liht lALEMKV WANTED Br a nona in New Tork, dftaline in Wen odfi a. Toonff ma acoiiaia'fti with the Mer- influence a cih Uml in Mf't W-ai Gds, ma: titiiti in tiT jaridiwiiiiB' Bnx No. 1.72 3 F. 0., riviM iiame and pariicuLarc to ability. janlS: 135.

T7N0TNEF0R8ALE. A Sioond iJ hand Kncrf se tor aato. eipht horw tkywer. ill aoM cbaa for oaah. Aaciy at tie Leader Offica.

aniTS-- -aa. I). W. Gia IJcnscd War Claim gent Oriiects BoantiM. Pensfonf Bark Par, Priu Ttonaj anu OilMc vtu iaiua.

syp.nsmial A ttevtimi It flron to the prosecution Ot Okaimi in lwpartinsnu vt aenintcun. amVAM harlnr Olnlmi phoold applr In PW- on, or br fctttr, at onoo, and ttief will receife mention. W. AOE, octU-B2S nnerlor-St Clerolaodi 0. iTDr.

Gibson, Proteegor of Medicitta and Electropathy, cures obstinato cases of Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Scrofula, KeurnlgiA and all aenooi diseases, and diaeases df the Brain ThnuL Heart. Lunre. Lirer and Urinary Or Mum. and other Chronic diseases. Reference pyen lo icany formidable ee.aea cured in this city after other pnysicians had tailed.

Hee advertisement iu another column. OOiue Io. llw, beneca Bitreet. c. a.

BRUCE. tlCEKSEDCI.AI.'yl OJfFIt'EB Cunun. Ohio. I Washiwotos, C. Ho.

1 Lyman's Block, I Ko. 448 Ninth Bt. Hoar the Gurt House. We are aathonsed by Corernment to collect the SIOO B.notT Ana diBCbArged soldiers; also, the widow, chd dm, and rightful heirs of all deceased soldiers ft! so vetnaleBS, which eyery discharged soldier was disabled in the entitled. Also, Pensions for sold; are widows, children, mothers or or phan sisters, as they are severally entitled tin Atriaelaw.

Also, Back Par Ane discharged soldiers or resigned officers, promptly collected, or cashed. Also, Prize Money. Money due enlisted three months men money due teamsters, and every other class of eiaima growing out or tms or any other war. We also pay special Attention to PATKNTK. ewer Awwld Claim aad Palest A cents wrtai are wee Licensed.

We pnblish Thi Soldi aa's Faicrsn," a paper much interest to soldiers and their heirs. find an your name and stamp, and we will send ft copy free or twelve copies, one each mcnta. for So cents. Apply to as in person or by letter, with stamp, and your business ehsl have prompt-attention. Fees low, and no charge until after we have ac complished what we undertake.


at E. Ci POPE, finpertnteadeate, MAnnfacturera and Dealers is ail amas 01 WOOLBrf SOODBi Oonsisting of Plain Fancy CiSSIMERES, IsOKSKlSH, 6ArnNET9. UNIONS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS. ETC- KTC. I 'A good stock constently on hand, adapted to the Western Market.

Market priceB paid for Wool and Pelts, in Cash or jaanuiactureu irooas. Office and Salesrooms, HO. WATER 8TREET, CLEVELAND, AUCTION SALES. ODAY, FEB'T 1st, 1S64 Ho as and lot, 5o. CO W-uhlngtoc-fet West Else.

AT ACOTION 0. Cftti O. CLTTCB SON will seM on Monrtar. Feb'r lt Atiu'rWIi A -on the pr'TtiistF. fauuse aud k-t.

Ko. 80 Waehineton Mrert, Uentfidel ween the triii-tanrM of Hon. Ho: ace Foot and teth aon, iQ. The lit 1b iu! -t front on Waahiogion atreet and rnns hark 2rw f-t to Vermont ureet. Terms of le fourth each.

In bHDii and bal ance in two and three years, with BeDii-annuHl tnnt. or all cmnta at th ortitin the DorchaMT. lNt'ered paymeo be securtl by mortei- on i he premi-ee, and pu icy of insuraxic) lor ou the nooie. Title p-rfeet. HURSDAY, FEB.

18ih, 1SC4. Two UouNex and Vols, AT ATJCnOJk JT O. C-tmaa Som O. OtTTTER A SOV will ae'l on Thnreday, Febm. IKh, on the prem aes, the Jo lowicg described property, tu Housi and Lot 104 Euclid-St.

Two frtorr Brl-k rtonse with Basfment. well built, Oat) and Water, with fixturt. Alfvo, frotd frame Barn oo sane premise. LutS fevt trout and Li5 feet deep, roanins ihrougb te Huron-bt. Hoxrai and Lot IOC Euclid Sr, Two strti-r Rrirk Hon-e.

with Ba-ement. well ballt, wee and Water, with nxtarwi teetlrvntand lie lw deep, ruoniug inruugh to Uuron-at, Txkkk or Saie One onrth cash at time of sale; in ne, two and ttiree la Let rut-iir-sa nt Ui cioOst. A. M. sf-Kor fiirtner particolnrs enyuire of Brayton Stock wetL, UalldiuK, or of O.

Cu ter Son. Ban-St. iar-lv 136 CiUL. msssm ran 'mmmXM JVES CLEVELAND BBEWERT, Canal-St Cleveland, O. enstantly on Hand (or City aid Xxport Cat, IX, XII, Pale, Amber and Cretin lie, Porter and Brown Stout.

WPartlonlar attention fa oalted to my "teak of PBKSXNT CSX ASD OBEAK ALU, a antmd and reliable article, of which can always be found on band dnrinff the warm eat weather In bum ner. Orders addressed so F. D. SVUNE, Acent, wi.l raoolaa prompt attention. eosS-lm MORNING LEADER MOMDAT mORMING, JAN.


Lake Shore, nSast) Atlantic A Great Weatern a. P.M. :15 :3 Pittsburgh at WkeeUng :30 7:40 7:30 7M Uahoninff and Touneetown Conneant and Kris Accom'a Banduaky ABB1VALS. 7:16 rs tJO Lake Bhore, (Eaatl 7:00 Atlantic A Great Weetern. A Wheeling nolnnil.iw Toledo Haboningand Tonngtownli'JO Conneaut and Erie Acoom'n 10: 1ft Sandnaky s-JO Saarvitisens wiebing conveyance to either of the above Trains or Boata, will be called for by Coaches of Stevenu' Omnibus Line, by leaving their address at the Omnibua oaice, 147 next door to the Weddell Hnnae.

NEW ADVERTISEMENTS a A. Bead A 0o BankersSold, Silver and Oon. Kns Bought and Sold, and Money Loaned. Hadame Porter Curative Balaam. A.

A S. Sett berg-Parian Tases. LostPair of Gold Spectacles. W. O.

William Office for Bent. Cotnmittie on Berettien-Local Notice. Book Lost. CITY NEWS. Odb thanks are due to 8Urr for New York papers, fie always has them, up time.

Fioif Exoxtilli. Lieut. Reeve Spen cer, of the Second Ohio Cavalry, arrived in town on Friday from Knoxvillo, on ft short leave of absence. Pauow.L. The Italian Opera Company arrived in this city yestreday morning.

Mr. Orau is with them. Most of the artists of the troupe are stopping at the Angier House, PcfteoiAL. Representative Everett was in town yesterday on a visit home. He turns to Columbus to-day.

Representative Lockwocd also came up and spent the Sab bath at bis home in Solen. 6batio asd Bathixo. If yon want good bath or share, go to Goettler's Saloon first door south of the Angler House en trance, on Bankstroet. You 'II get it there, ore 1 Opika Glasses. In this time of oicr atic excitement and bustle it will be well to remember that excellent opera-glasses, style andpriecs to suitevery taste and purse, can be obtained at Solomon's, 130 Superior Street.

Caid Mas. G. Spehoeb, widow of Geo Spencer, adopts this mode of expressing ber grateful acknowledgments to the Pbcenix i i Compmy, No. 4, for the'r practical sym pathy as evinced in their timely and gene rous liberality. Colcbxd Tsoops.

Captain F. A. Nash. Provost Marshal for this District has been authorised to enlist recraits for the 27th Reg intent United States Colored Troops, and to forward them to Camp Delaware. This is good chance for those who wish to enlist i that regiment.

The "Ceiiobtoic Zouaves." Captaii Frank Lynch and Lieut. Diebold, of the sterling Creighton Zouaves, i.e. Co. 27th Ohic have re-enlisted as veterans, and have opened a recruiting oflioe at Atheneutn Hall for this good company. If yon want to en list, here is an excellent chanoe.

BuesV Biethdat. On this day, Jan uary 25th, more than a century ago, Robert Burns was born. The day is one ever sacred to true Scotchmen. To-night at Chapin'i Hall the Burns Curling Club celebrate the birthday cf Sootia's noblest poet, by a ball and oonoert, at which Mrs. L.

L. Doming will sing. Rmsxi's MiXBTEELa. This well-known and favorite band of minstrels will give th first of their two entertainments, at Brain-ard's Hall, this evening. They are a first elass troupe, and their list of star-performeri includes many in the first rank of the burnt-oork profession.

As they are only with ns for two nights, those who desire to see them mc6t not delay improving the opportunity, Wizexae'i Billiaed 8aloo. If you want to find an excellent billiard saloon yon had better drop in on the Empire 'Billiard rooms on the couth side of Superior, at foot of Bank Street. Yen will find'tbere the largest saloon in the city, well fitted np with all the requisites for the game. It is well lighted and finely arranged, and eontain perhaps the finest carom table in town Give Captain Wizeman a call. B.

Dooolas Co. This firm, doing business at li9 Superior street, has on hand an excellent stoek in trade, consisting of a splendid supply of artists' and photographic materials, of all sorts a great number of en gravings and oil-prints, and ft large variety of photographs, As. They have justreoeived a complete assortment of William Hennts' Drawing Caids, which are the finest models, in respect to systematic design and beautiful exceution, that we have ever seen. A Good Xppoietheht. We notioed day or two since the resignation of Fred S.

Smith, our former popular Deputy County Clerk. We are glad to state that the vacant position has been filled by the appointment of Hosea Townshend, formerly ft Lieu tenant in the Second Ohio Cavalry, and an able and Ulented'gentleman. All who have business in the Clerk's office will find Mr. Townshend an obliging and gentlemanly officer. Ratleoad AccroEira.

The morning Lake Shots train, due here at 7 a. Saturday morning, met with an accident about ten miles this side of Erie, by which the baggage ear was thrown from the track. No damage was an hour's delay in replacing the car. We are informed that the train on the At lantic and Great rVestern Railway, whioh brought in the 25 th Ohio, got off the track ft short distance this aide of Meadeville. No great damage was done, and we have no further details of the casualty.

A Let-toes Feom Gocoh. The many dmirers of John B. Gongh will be pleased to learn that to-morrow evening he appears gain before ft Cleveland public. He lec tures at the F.aolid Street Presbyterian Church, before the Ycung Men's Association of that chareh. We hope that the orator and reformer win be greeted by ft large an ient.

Tickets for the lecture are for sale at the prinnpal book-stares and news depots, and reserved seats at W. D. Baker's Dews depot cn Superior street. Tbi CiiTtLARD Coai On. Eirntiints.

Among the new discoveries of this eager and inventive there has been none which has affected more directly and powerful the capital, labor and traffic of our city and section of country, than that which has laid open to manufacture and trade the vast treasure of coal oil, which, until ft few years ago, had lain latent and undeveloped beneath the farms and forests of Western Pennsylvania and the Reserve. Its discovery and use have created among ns ft new and distinct manufacturing process the refining of coal oil which business has increased with wonderful rapidity, during the past few years and especially during the year 1S63, in its extent and importance. Few of our readers have any conception of the amonnt of this inorease or of the capital employed and business done by the Coal Oil Refineries of this city. We hara therefore deemed that the following facts, obtained from a'prominent coal oil merchant of our city, will not be uninteresting. There are now twenty oil refineries in operation in Cleveland, which give employ ment to over one hundred men.

They would, when in full operation, consume about 4,000 barrels of crude oil per week, worth, at present market prices, $28,000. They would produce weekly 3 000 barrels of refined oil and bentole, which, at the Government tax of $4 per barrel, would yield a weekly Gov ernment revenue of $12,000, or $624,000 year. Besides the labor directly furnished to the hundred men employed in the refine ries, they indirectly furnish employment to almost as many more, among the eoopers, draymen, railroad men, Ac It is not often, however, that the refineries ean be kept running, np to their full capacity, because of the distance which the crude oil is brought and the difficulty of transporting it, which has, however, been somewhat obviated, recently, by the building of the Atlantic and Great Western Rail way. By the way, it is ft notioeable faot that all the refineries reoently built are on the line of this road. When 'tt was proposed at first to build Refineries in this city the City Council inter fered against the projeet, doing all they oould, by adverse legislation, to prevent their ereotion.

The aspect of affairs has entirely changed, and each new refinery is now regarded as an acoeesion to the manufacturing interests of the city. Charles A. Dsan was the first to start a Refinery, known then, as now, as the "Pioneer Oil Works." It was, at its commencement, very unlucky, being burned down twioe in one year, but its owner, nothing discouraged, struggled on and won a victory. The following is a statement of the number of barrels oi crude oil consumed weekly by each establishment in the city, and the num of men employed by each Barrels Men Vame of Company. Consumed.

Employed. Charles A. Dean POO 1 Hu-eey A McBnde 45 W. E. Sccfield A Co 300 AndrewsClarke A Co H-0 Palmer Thomas 300 Bimeler, Smith Jt Co 300 Alexander.

Wilson A Co 300 Brewster Pelton Vial PraithA Lee 150 Corning A 1-Vl F. M. Backus D. V. Darrow ISO Hnton 160 F.

X. Byerley Major Smith Henry Smith UO Doctor Parker. ..100 Fav 4 Stewart 75 11. Potter loo Grant A Merrick 30 It may be interesting to traoe the crude oil through the refinery to its finished and purified state. First, then, it is run off into large tanks, called Crude Oil Tanks.

Thence it is carried by pipes into the still, and there distilled by heat by the same process which is employed in the distillation of spirits, th gas being oondensed by means of ft eondeus-ing-box. From this, Benzole first appears, and then Distillate Oil, as it is termed Hence it is brought into an Agitator, where is mixed and stirred up with sulphuric acid and alkalies, until it beoomes sweet. After this it is washed with water and plaoed in "bleachers" or settling-tubs. 'It is now ready for the barrel, for the government stamp, and for the market. Such is the general ontline of the manu faiture.

The details are different in cac different refinery. The refineries built dur ing the past year have made many ehangei and improvements, mainly in the form the still and the length of the condensing- pipes. Most of the factories have but one worm or oondensing pipe to each still, but Bimeler, Smith A Co. hare two, Smith A Lee and Palmer A Thomas have each three, an Alexander, Wilson A Co. have four.

Such briefly and barely told, aro a few facts in re gard to the ooal oil manufacture in this eity, Great as has been its growth, it has done no more than keep paoe with the market. It is destined to still greater growth and wider importance. The demand for illuminating oils is, and will be, on the increase, and we ftre glad to see that our enterprising mann faeturers are so busily and actively engaged in supplying that demand. Aeeival cr the 25th. This regiment, all that is left of its once well-filled ranks, arrived in this city, on the Atlantio an Great Western Railway, about fire o'clock yesterday morning.

They marched from the A. A Q. W. Depot to Camp Cleveland, where quarters had been assigned them. Being dissatitfied, whether justly or not we are not now in ft position to decide, with the condition in which they found the barracks intended for them, they re-formed and marched to the city, where quarters were provided for them at the Armory, the old Center Street Theater.

By the prcmp generosity of the proprietors of the American, Angier and Weddell, who, though not noti fied of the arrival of the regiment, threw open their houses to them, all were provided with comfortable suppers. The regiment now numbers only 250 men, It was organized at Camp Chase in June, 1S61, and has since been actively engaged in the service. Colonel Richardson, its former commander, is now at home recovering from a wound received in the siege of Charleston, Its Lieutenant Colonel is confined in Richmond prison. Thus the oommand de volves upon Major Nathaniel Houghton. The regiment has lately been in Gillmore's command, and.having re-enlisted, left Folly Island on the 15th of this month to return home and recruit.

They came the Atlantic A Great Western Railway, taking breakfast at the McHenry Home, Meadeville, They feel justly dissatisfied at their recep tion here, which, owing to the day and hour at which they arrived, was attended by no demonstration whatever. It is to be regret ted that they came at such an unfortunate hour, as their reoeption on any week day would have been much warmer, and more worthy the fame and services of the gallant 25th. Noethbee Oaio Baeitaet Faie. The members of Floral Hall Committee are re quested to meet at the County Court House, Room No. 2, this (Monday) afternoon, Jsn- nary 25th, at 1 o'clock.

A punctual atten- anoe is particularly desired. By order of Mas. Da. E. Stielteq, Chairman.

Ladba W. Stzhlixo, Secretary. CITY NEWS. Presentation on the Atlantic and Great Western. One of those presentations which are indi cation! of real commendation, and not mere shrewd advertising dodges, occurred at Meadville a few days ago, the occasion being the presentation of an elegant and costly watch and chain to C.

W. Bradley, Train Dispatcher and Superintendent of the railway telegraph line of the Atlantis A Great Western Railway, and a similar present to his estimable wife. Mr. Bradley has been connected with the road for fifteen months, having previously filled ft responsible position upon the Erie road. He has proved himself one of the most energetic and efficient officers connected with this new an1 important route, and has won the confidence of all connected with the Company, either as superior or inferior officers.

As Train Dispatcher he has had in his hands the impor tant duty of guarding against collisions and accidents of every nature, and the immunity against disaster which the road has enjoyed is the best proof of the ability with which he has filled the position. In view of his proven own personal qualities as a man and a get tie narono if fiiends de termined to present him with some suhstan tial mark of their regard. In this movement the higher officials of the Company joined heartily with those in lower station, a fact which renders the gift doubly valuable. The following is the correspondence which passed between the parties to this pleasant surprise MEADVILLE, January 20, '64. C.

W. Bkadlit, A. A G. Railway Office, Meadville DmrSir: Some of your many friends and co-laborers have deeired the opportunity to express to you their high regard for you, as a man, and their confidence in, and respect tor you, as a railroad official. This assurance could be given by word of mouth from each of them, but it will be pleasant to them, and, they trust to yon also, te have that regard evinced in some more prac tical and enduring form, which may serve, in after davs, as a reminder of the time, when with sure discretion and ability, yon guided the trains of the Atlantio A Great Western Railway so as to ensure comfort, speed and safety to their many passengers, while at the same time, you won the confidence of your superior officers and tho esteem of your associates and employees, by your uniform faith fulness, courtesy and justice.

They have, therefore, procured the aceom panyiog watch and chain, which they beg yon to acoept as a small token of their firm friendship and cordial feelings toward you, And they further request of you, that you will oonvey to yonr esteemed wite, the present accompanying your own, as an expres sion of their warm and hearty wishes for your mutual health, happiness and prosper ity, xonrtnenus. Wat. KEISS, AND OTEIRS. MEADVILLE, January, 21, 1864. Messss.

W. B. Kbkss amd OrBzas Gentle men It is needless for me to say to you, in reply to the letter accompanying your very el egant and useful articles of presentation to myself and wife, that the reoeption of their evidences of esteem was most gratifying as well as surpnsice. As an officer of the At lantio A Great Western Railway for the paat fifteen months, I have endeavored to do my duty if I have succeeded in that endeavor, and given satisfaction to my superior officers, and been instrumental in scouring the safety of the trains upon this road, it has been very largely due to the cordial co-operation which have ever met with from ouicers and em ployees in all the departmentseonnectel with the company, and to the personal interest which each one has taken in securing the welfare it the road and the public. To all of them therefore belongs an equal share of commendation.

In the name of myself and wife I accept these testimonials which you nave been pleased to tender ns, and assure you that we sbatl ever remember with pleasure and grati tude, our many mends ot the Atlantic Great Western Railway. Very Truly Yours, C. W. BRADLEY. Italia Opera.

Our brief season com. menees to-night. The opera selected for th rftenl of Grau's magnificent galaxy of stars is Lucrezia Borgia, with Madame Lorini in the great role of Lucrezia. No one wh wishes to hear Madame Lorini in the fnll exercise of her msgoificent voice should fail to attend to-night, as this is generally admit ted to be her greatest rofc. To-morrow evening the beautiful opera of Lucia di Lammermoor will be presented, and M'lle Castri will make her debut as Lucia.

There are yet many available seats, for the accommodation of two or more, together, to be had. Call to-day at Brainard's and secure them. And remember that an early application will secure an excellent gallery seat, at the exceedingly low price of fifty cents. These seats are as eligible, in almost every respect, as those of the parquette, and the low price at which tbey are offered throws them in the reach of all who have scut enough in them to enjoy the soul and spirit of true music Books of all the operas to be pe-formed giving the Italian words and English trans iations, can be obtained at Brainard's. Need op Impsovkmkkt.

Two matters which come under the purview of the City Council and the Board of City Improve ments, call urgently for attention and im provement. The first is the condition of the paved walks in the Public Square, which, whenever a rain occurs or when snow melts, are flooded with water, and become almost impassable. This results from the fact that the stone pavement is actually lower than the ground around it. The trouble can eas ily be remedied and should be. attended to as soon as possible.

Another difficulty is the present state of our cross-walks. On most of our streets the ordinance in regard to side-walks has been carried out, but the cross-walks are still left with from six to eighteen inches of slush snow, mud and or on them, through which men, women and children are forced to wade. Some provision should be at once made for the cleaning of our oro'S walks as well as our side-walks. Newoomb's Miesteels. The concluding entertainment of this fine oompany was giv en, to ft crowded Saturday evening, at the Academy of music.

Their matinee, at two o'clock, was also well attended. The evening's programme was hardly as good as that which had been presented on previous evenings, but it was filled with spirit and energy by the performers, and well received by the audience. The vocal musio of the evening was generally good. Mr. West's fantasia for the flageolet was especially well received.

The comicalities of Pell and New-comb were, as usual, rich. No troupe has recently met with suoh marked favor from our citizens as this. They make their appearance in Painesville this evening, and in Ashtabula on Tuesday even- ng. We commend them as an excellent oompany to the people of those places. Sixth Obio Catalet.

Fonr companies viz and of the Sixth Ohio Cav- Iry, arrived in this town Saturday noon, on their way home to recruit, having re-enlisted as veterans. They are under command cf Cspt. Abell. Companies K. and are expected son, having also re-enlisted.

All these veterans are originally from the Ro- psrve, and they will make Camp Cleveland their headquarters, As we have recently given quits an exten- ed notice of this regiment, we will not now give any details of their history. The Painesville Railroad Disaster. The Painesville Telegraph, extra, of Janu ary 20th, gives a graphic description of the late terrible accident near that place, from which we make the following extract. After describing the stopping of the Express train by the snow, it Bays To render all safe, the Conductor of the Express train, Mr. Murray, sent flagmen in both directions so soon as his train was stopped, to warn all approaohing trains; That the Aooommodation train, approaching from the East, was not notified by the flagman sent in tha.

direction, is clear, from the fact that it thundered along at full speed over tee track the express had cleared lor it, ana without any warning dashed into the rear of the unfortunate Express at the point above indicated- It is nnderstood that the flagman olaims to hare performed his duty faithfully, but that owing to the dnnng snow, the tn-gineer of the Accommodation train failed to see his red flag. Howover this may be, is ft matter of future investigation. The Express train oonsisted of the baggage and Express ears, fire passenger coaches filled, and a sleeping ear containing perhaps 25 or 30 persons. The extra Engine of this train was standing behind the sleeping car and close np to it. The forward part of the train was fast in the snow, with the locomotive detached.

The passengers were doting away the time, fretting at the delay, scolding at the Railroad men who were so heroically breasting the storm, endeavoring to open the track, ormakingthemseires miserable at the prospect of further delays. In this way about two hours had been spent in the snow-drifc, it being then about 9 o'clock in the morning, when the aecidont oocurred. It is hardly possible to giro any correct riew of the seene that followed. It was heart-rending in the extreme. The Engine of the Accommodation, striking against the engine on the rear of the sleeping car, had driren it completely through that car, dashing and splitting it into the smallest fragments, there only remaining the roof as a recognizable part of the car.

The momentum of the approaching train was only oheoked when it had driven through this car and well into the one ahead of it, which was filled, to a large extent, with women and little children. This car was driven into the one in front of it, the two becoming inseparable. Both were badly broken in pieces. The third car fram the sleeping ear also had its rear end broken in and its interior torn in pieoes by the concussion. Thereaction from this terrible blow broke the coupling be tween the two forward oars and the rest of the train, and they were fortunately thrown some distance ahead.

The coupling between tbem and the baggage ears were also broken, and the mails, baggage and express were driven still fartbor forward beyond the possible reaoh of danger. In the sleeping car and the two cars next in front of it occurred the principal casualties from this frightiul collision. The chapter is extended and its harrowing character heightened by the ignition of the deorurof the bro ken cars from the fire of the stores, by which untoward event the wreck of the three pas senger coaches were quickly in tumes. in deed, so suddenly did the fire break out that it was impossible te remove all the wouuJed from the ruins, and it is feared that several perished who might otherwise hare been sared. The remains of at least two bodies, charred and blackened and.wholly unrecog nizable, hare been already exhumed from the ashes.

It is hoped that this is the total of bodies consumed, but whether it is or not is at this time wholly a matter of conjecture. When the wreck took fire, the two foremost cars were yet filled with passengers. In their haste to get out, the forward door oi the leading car, which formed the only exit, became choked by the crowd. For a mo ment it seemed as if a multitude mustperiah. The flames, with unequalled rapidity, were working toward these miserable unfortunates, and already told ef their presence by their unwelcome heat.

At this critical moment sashes were burst from the windows, and extra openings made with axes, through which the crowd were extricated. But their release from the burning ruins was only ft leap into another and almost equally great danger, bince eariydayiighttue thermome ter had been rapidly falling, and at this time the oold was most intense and penetrating aggrarated greatly by the pitiless wind and the driving snow. In the ditches beside the track the snow lay several feet deep. The passengers, startled thus suddenly from their quiet in the warm oars, were wholly unprepared for this leap into the freezing cold. The ladies and children particularly were suffsrere from this cause.

Their outer garments had been removed for oomfort in the overheated cars, and, in the haste of their exit, cloaks, shawls and furs were all left behind, to be consumed by the flames. The able men who were nuinjured by the collis-sion were exerting themselves in extricating the unfortunate sufferers from the ruins, where the flames had not reached. Under these circumstances, the condition of the women and children was pitiable in the extreme. Rushing with shrieks and cries from the ears, they sank immovable in the deep snow, and, in many instanoes, despairingly gave themselves up for lost. But when the rapid progress of the fire rendered efforts to save th9 wounded, who were buried in the ruins, unavailable, or impossible, attention was quickly turned to this other elass of sufferers.

Than the strong men shouldered the weaker females and the helpless children, and bore them off to a place of security and comfort. The two remaining passenger cars were soon filled with the rescued, ar.d the houses of Mr. B. B. Parks, Mr.

R. Marshall, and others in the neighborhood, furnished asylums for a few more. Many were the sufferers from frozen fingers and feet, but these were bat slight injuries and are not mentionea in the general list of casualties which we append. In the mean time, Conductor Murray had sent couriers forward to this place for assistance. Our people, to thoir everlasting credit be it said, turned out en ataaee to the assistance of the unfortunate passengers.

Every available team and sleigh in the city was promptly brought, and loaded with bln-ets sal other needed artldles, started for the wreck. In wards of fifty sleighs were thus sent, down after the survirers, while hundreds of our citizens plodded their way thither on foot, heedless of the storm and cold, to render soch assistance as might be in their power, Thus by night the passengers, with the ex eeption of a very few whose injuries forbade their removal, were brought to Painesville. Here the hospitality of the citizens was shown. Every house was thrown open, and no efforts were spared to make the passengers as comfortable as possible. It goes on to give due credit to the rail road officials and citizens of Painesville for their work for the wounded, and closes with list of the killed and wounded, which hat already been given.

The Atlantio Mobtolt for February is received. Here is the table of contents and contributors. Our readers will perceive that it gives the name of the authoress of "A H.lf-Life and Half-a-Life," as Miss H. Appleton. This talented lady, who first became famous as the writer of that powerful story, Life in the Iron Mills," has, until this time, succeeded in preserving an 'ncoo- tufa.

Genius by Brownlee Brewn. My Brother And I by J. T. Trowbridge. A Half-Life and Half Life by Miss H.

Appleton. On the Relation of Art to Nature by J. Elliot Cabot. Snow by Mrs. Elizabeth Akers.

House and Home Papers by Harriet Beecher Stowe. The Cinvulaiorists of St. Medard by Robert Dale Owen. Presence by Alioe Carey. Glacial Period by Louis Agassis.

Bryant by George S. Billiard. Aoneslcy Hall and Newstead Abbey by Mrs. Waterson. The Last Charge by Olirer Holmes.

Northern Invasions by Edward Everett Hale. Reviews and Literary Notices. Chaboe oi Time. On and after to-day the Express train on the Cleveland and ittsburgh Railroad will leave Cleveland at 1:25 p. M.

instead of 1:40 P. and arrive at Cleveland on return in the evening at 9 p. instead of 8:40 r. M. Noethiee Ohio Sabttaet Fate.

The Committee on "Musical Entertainments" are requested to attend an adjourned meeting on Monday evening January 2Mb, at Brainard's Music Store at 7 o'clock P. at. precisely. It is hoped that each member will be present. The following compose said Committee T.

P. Handy, F. X. Byerly, E. F.

Sergeant, Geo. Brainard, J. Undemer, K. C. Bouse, J.

M. Leland, E. B. Allen, E. Stair, C.

J. Graham. J. A. Redington, T.

P. Handy.Chairman. jan25. The Committee Reception Ere re quested to meet at the Mayor's Office Monday January 25th at 10 o'clock A. v.

1. u. MasTSEs, unairman. VALENTINES. VALENTINES! VALENTINES Of every style and price, from one cent to ten dollars, for sale wholesale and retail at Baker's I ows Rooms, 2o9 Superior Street, and Hoffman's Blook, near the Postoffioe.

jan 23 FEBKUAKY MAGAZINES. Godey, Peterson, Atlantic and Continental Magazines for February, for sale at Baker's, 259 Superior Street. jan23 ON Tins. All the Daily and Weekly Papers are now reoeired on time at Bakers. 209 Superior street.

tan.3. lit Scperlor. St, Cleveland, S. HALS, Bahkbzi. TUB HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOB 6413, Silver, Cenponi Jafre'm Toadi AGE-TOY for S-20i AHD ALL OTHES GOviiBNMENT BOH14 WANTED VyOVRSIST BASK BILLS.

lalyn LOCAL NOTICES. t'CTTKR FOR BALE. NEW CUTTER OF THE MOST ACCEPTABLE abd pibishid pattibn, With horse, harness, Ac also ft good dou ble sleigh, for sale. Inquire of G. F.

Lewis, S9 Superior street. T. Elwood, 100 and 102 Bank street, has Just received a fresh supply of fresh shell oyBters. amities supplied. jani.id3 DiPTHEEtA Dr.

Wateon's Diptheria Cure is the best known remedy for all throat diseases. For sale by Strong A Armstrong. Foe Coughs, Colds, End Toothache, nse Porter's Cure of Pain. We have tried it frequently, and found it an excellent and reliable antidote In all casos. Trumbull Dem ocrat.

Sold by all druggists. Price 25cts. W. L. Pobtsb, Proprietor, Cleveland, Ohio.

Sewinq Machines Foe Sale. Four Wheeler A Wilson and Grover A Baker Sew ing Maehines, perfectly new, for sale cheap for cash. Apply at the lbadie counnn room. novZott Peetistet Cr. B.

t. Robinson, office CO Wood street. All ki-daof surgical ana mechanical dentistry done, in the beet man ner and at a low price. dec2K.IT Home Manufacture Parson's Inimita ble Camphorated Dcntitriee. sept23-R2 Lost 200,000 Teeth.

But Professor Leauraau's PoLLiar or Rna.s is at hand. Br wise aud buy. Don't wait ron tbi Tootracrb. For sale by Druggiats. octA MILITARY UxNEBaYL.

HtADQUKTEES, STATE OT OuiO,) Adjutant GE.raAL's office, Columbu, January lr.ii, lovi. To thx Clitklasd cades Th Draft having btwii po'tpDner. nntil th first March. l-64, ail Kecruitintr (JiV prs ot old,T. woo nuiapp latmenii irum iais L'parTrrjeiu, wi be uil'-wed to con tin recruit fur ttieir rf pfrti xv-ajinieuignoiu a oi at wni-rmetbe-y wi, n-p rt to thi.

oflica tltj total numt. of men rrcru.tMi and mnat'rt infop rvit-f, tt-u'lin acssriitKaieo, iron, trio rrovont MuaUfiiDaj Olaotir. Bvor.l-r of tit- Govr'-ior. B. R.

Co J-N, AU jl I uf uhio. CI eve! ami Hralfi please copy. jaulil-liU JQTH OHIO CAVAIRY. fWrniti will bnvceTiHlfsrthi a bo re Rei-ncat, at, toe in ui ir. r.

nttyvf, no a.ij sup-cior-s: 8 ift'i Bounty will be paid to Vt-terani. tiaO-i, xtuunty fur ItWcrcitM. The Keg i men ti now in th Army of thp Cnrnb'sr or a. JAAlk-i ii. i ii A I r.

ii- TAX SALE REDEMPTIONS. TAX SALE C. Bali hs this day deposited in i'rm Treasury of Cuyahoga County th- nuiii of dcjIUn anrj ninety-fuur cent-, to rede'-m una and acre 1.1 Ud1 in'-ction in ttii fur Jajiuiiry lOlsl, lOUi, VI 1 VIA 1 Uul i. U. r.

A tor. Anditor'sOfflos, Cnyabog. aim. TAX SALE REDEMPTION. Samuel MonHthaa this, day deposited with the iruiu-iuroi t-uyttnoga tjouniy tne turn o'tcn dul-lara and twantr-tour cent to lnt si tsiu-b jj, Miia tor uu.i Jaiurv ij, icr, ton fe.

Tyler. ii. C. HAV. Auditor natiuor uiflce, Muyanvffft i ieT.aiii Janua- ry iw.

jt'iio-1 SHERIFF'S SALE- SHERIFF'S SALE. In obedience to the yy command of atbird Plurien Order of pale, inuwl from the Court of Common Plea, of Cut- ahoga County, Ohio, and to me directed in the cae wherein James Kidney D'aintitfand Mctireor in defendant, 1 shall expoae to sale at public auction, at the door of the Court House Gl HKlel UOUDtJ, Rt ttlO fiOUT 01 tWO CiOOK F. M- of the 2tUl day of January, A. I). the follow-ine described lands aud tenements, tr.

wit Known and described ah (lot No. Iti2.) lot No, one hundred aud xtv-two. in Ezelrititi Folsom'ji allotment ef the Charles Taylor larm, in Ohio City, now Cleveland, aaid lot being on Detroit itrpet, a front of forty feet, and extending back, with the name width, to Vermont street. Appraised at E. H.

LEWIS. Sheriff. By L. H. WHITNEY, Deputy, Am Kg 3k Cauheld.

Attorney for Plaintiff. SHFRirr'n OFFira, De KM, ifrtf. dec2'M34 PATENT LAST, Boot fchoe Co Kw England Office, PL MSB'S PAT JEST )2and St. BOUTS ssawasl lAlklJl7sI' a rs ti dd ai-trrEF a General A gout. Patent Stamp on nch Fair 'Box rtf Bosto.

PPPCIALNOTICE-Anyn'reon lofrincinir op. ou "riuiur raieu. Ltvm win a fail wiin ac oordintf taw. nr. T.

ii. SHi'LVti is alone author- ized to make Mt-uure Work upon tlm l.ut iu uiereiana. u. sraAUUK, janie-137 (teopnil Atnt COMMISSIONER'S SALE. DURSDANTTO TaE COMMAND OF A decretal order of sale to me directed, issued from the Court of Comon Pleas, for Cuyahoga county, Ohio, in a case therein pemdtnr, wherein Lyman Little is Ptaintilfand William H.

fWumont, Jones, W.G. Davidson, and Peter Caul were defendants, I hall expose for Mile at public auction, at the door of the Conrt uouse, tor saia county, upon ineiaitn aayoi rt- ruary, iso4, at iv ciock, a. the Janus and tenements described as follows, to wit: Bituate in the to won hip of New burgh, be ing number seven in the twelfth range of townships in the Connecticut Western Reserve, in the State of Ohio, and which is also in tbecounty of Cuyahoya and is known ae the soutneriy nan or suo-iuis os. iwenty-iwo 'ii and twenty-three of original one hundred ore Jots, Nos. three hundred and thirty-one.

(331.) three hundred ftud thirty-two, (i32,) in the tuvvnbhip aforesaid, and being the same lot conf-veved to the grantor hereof, by th a aid Lyman Little, by deed, dated Auinist lath. 153, refer ence Dei ng nereuy nau thereto, said lot containing five acres, be the same more or less, but sui'iect to all legal highways. Appnuied value rVJWJ. J.a.iiKANN18, Master commissioner. Frio, HnviT, plaintiff's att'y.

jaoury in. 311,1 'PO PERfcONSWISHIiNGAPURE JL and reliable article of Bourbon fl hlsky for Kedlclnal Use, I would ear that I have received the agencr for an article manufactured by re-poosiMe parties, and bar log the en'iormeBt and approval ot lrs. Mutt and Parser of New York City, aad niaiy of the lending Physicians throughout the country. ee advertisement Id New Tork Independent. tt.

vr, AjA.ii., 119 an-M5 Clersiaad, Ohio. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL. COMMERCIAL. CLEVELAND MARKET. lfapkb omc.

8 atl aiA I iTmwiae. Janoavy 23, la6L F1wr CoDtinuea in good local demand at nn- chanffed rate. Bates imall lot eomvoa red double extra at 1C0 bbl Indiana white do at 97 and iome inperfine at as, Bye flour nmaiuai Arm at ,00. Wheat Very little arriTlnfr. Sale 1 ear red oa track at and 1 car poor white at Cera rma-da trifle better.

Sa'ea Scan new on track at fl and 1 car at 91,03. Oats- Steady at 73c. Rarle-y-Ncminilat tijr. Rye-Firm with tale 2 can at niffh wlDea No inquiry. Nominal at MSo.

He Are in deinand at C7.C038.C0. Very few are coining In, and packer, are compelled to procure a part of their lorpliea la other markets. Fork Finn at 20,00 fcr city packed mess and for clear. -Lsurd Firm and active at 13ac for city brands tn barrels and I2c In kega. Bams Selling at 13c for cl ty sragw cared.

rhonldera Sugar cared sell at 9c. Dried Beef Sellings! 12c. Seed Clover is firm at and timothy Dried Fruits Apples are steady at sc peakd peaches at 22c and uu pealed at 12c. Batter Continues very firm. B'ceip's ae light, and choiceqoalities are selling riadily at Cfceeste-Qulet at 1313.Hc.

Worth 2223c. arboa OH -Pale 400 bbls at 52353c. Pair-Steady at 12,20 for fine and at for coar-e. CHICAGO 23. to the Cleveland Receipts Hoga to-day 9,557 reeved, and live.

Beceipu this week 98,035 aga'nst 85,731 In corresponding week in 1563. Bsceived this season to date 1,113,035 against 4,399 to same time last sea son. Mr. Hors-To-day 15c lower. Bales mostly at as gross.

Dreeeed lower. Bales at 7 35, dividing on 200 lbs. Beet rattle Active. Pales at 2,553135. Pre vleJeBS -Dull excpt pickled hams which wars active at lft-BioHc Bulk hamsa9HO.

Loose bulk shoulders 6ae. Loose lard Whlakr-lScpercalonlowsr. Bales at 645c, closing with tremendous panic among holier. Wheat le lower. Car Dull and lows-, (lata-Sales at Jttye Sales a.

91, 0T. Barley Doll. 1 17 TtltQRAPH.l re nod declined prKo lb- Jal-s rnno irom 7ln7Mc to per lb di Per'ect ainle In the mar ket Seiies 10-' bbls at o-Hc iM bbls at clos- ui uuii sat aUASL Alt. nirj. NEW YORK 23.

Cotton Market firm and decidedly more active. Sale at M-fitc lor Midliing lbs bulk Klenr Markotoone-dQiiiotand cImmI with kt ter 'it-iAiand and rat bar Hcmer without chat, go in price). Whlskr Market nnwttled HaIm at c.uflw Whemi Marliotflrai with lair d-mand chictty lor ie- at si.3ial,57 for Chi-atjo Spring: PI, 541 Milwaukr nli lor Mil for wauiset. chui.e lots aro higtis-r si, id lr common r-d s-ars; ior winter rd -eAterti; uiuvt inicuiu auu ior Wtut t-si- ero. orn Market more active and a2e hiclu-p shipping mixd western in iorw.

lata-Mirktmors active and 1c bOh-r. 6a'as ai rr resrt" ine ia'i- an eitreme. WwOI Firm With mnm. Petroleum Market iuitU ale of redded In bctd ut Pork MarKt dull. heivy snd lewer.

S(ir8 at met-i ror oiJ mesi for n-v nics, rr old and new prime and Of" f-r prime nir-sj. AUe U0 bbli mens for Febrimi buyer's option at tZitiQ aid MM itiu new nits fur Jnuo at Bacsa at for Vpi r-ivrQ cumL-eriaiid rot, Drewd Hana-Mrsrket Qufci. Bales at 99C for weniarn and forcif, Dmvv shade eaier. Bales at atTiv6 utUi niaiUot prime ket. le re-deji Batter Firm.

Rose Prentice' Provision Market Report. per- The following are the rates cbanred by them a f7r -c ed premium ilams, h. 13c lrled Beef lb "taouldera Uufar-cared th 9c Boo or Smoked S'dea tr, lt lard Prime leaf, in bbls Park-No. i eucm bbl ZL s-xtra cir ft bbl KiMt fcxtra ctiarKt made for packaees or cartagr to railroad dt-potsor Ah aniclott are warranted strictly prime, and equal to anything in Ordors printiy filled. tJnr suirar -cured Hams and W-d took the r.rat prrciiiu at th late Uhlo Tair.

HOSE A VKKMiivS, l4i 144 VUUkXlt-4i tnyl: ivzi FINANCIAL. N. Y. MONEY 23. Money fit arkot very aetireand unite stringent.

Hterlin Kxebttnc Market dull. Sal-a at 't, -oId Quiet and irrenlar. Op -mag at aV4, de-clttitbgto V't. and clotiug orm at 56.Vi67. 4 wfevernm Hmnu.

sri trrn TnlU'd sIiU- ixes, tnpt-iT1. Beven-Thi'ty Treasury Nots Jr tutted Mat ive-l II 17 'u sr ir run Unite! St.ites iix of 1661, 974 Mistvuiiri sixi-s. TenrMMtee aixw, 13iy 97 Total txport specie tj-day N. Y. STOCK 23.

N. Y. STOCK 23. Stocke-Qn'eaTjd lower. unicnavo ann uocx island tmmm Pittsburg, Ft.

Wb-il r4 Chicago ClivelaLii aud Ti'leno Pltthnrtr. UlinoiH Central cr)p. -Sicbiean Hlcbiean Oentral New Ifyrfc R-ading- i Tish-ipit. ti ..138 i -I26K -1164 Erie prefecrtrilL H)7M Arrckitoox BO ASS. American Central Hutks Load Cn Minnesott Co Hill sixes.

iri New York City Teoi, o( 1776 Illinois iential tiarlem Erie 2 Lid PROPOSALS. IJJO TIMBER CONTKACTOKS. Ci-EVELAND, Jan. 14. 1 64.

lTDMiftil W1 iw riul hw A G.rn t- a-cua lAB-rj neii, ior luruisti ing A Ii JT 1 Jj JIJ for the Foundations of the Union Psmeager Dcnot a. w.eveiacu to tk Vi feui to leuKth, 12 iuches in di- mo tun. i souuu iimoer. and to b-idvliTered at the loot ot Vt in Cl-vsa. lar-d, or at some acc-ibic point on a lUUro-8 Thedelifery to cnmincnrA htr the and tO btj ConiDat-lfd 1V Lh IMh nf las i sj-I'iirtlee olferiDC protK-imla.

ann not knntarn A sny of th- nndtornigii-d. mustgivo r.f- Is. n. I1TBBY, J. N.

L' OrffH. JOHN A. eSTONE, 5-20 U. S. BONDS.

Wehvbeen airBolnted Somm. ssM ailcwsUUAISMllU-UUi VI railed States DondK, a-d are bow ready to reeeiva Orders and Bnbecrlp-lopa for nine. Biukaajirt llankers wlanlnit to In-rest in Oover-jment (oriMee will tun It to Mrest t.addrtasorcaU boon oa. We Py GoapoB IntereBt In Gold. pay hlrhen preminia for same.

WWcalao buy adaeli.oa ill Kinds of Stocks and Bonds At tne New V.rk Stack Kxekaaar. H. A. READ A-TO B.nkerm, -f QOLD EARS, HOW PKEVENTED. Use Mlirs Patent Ear Protectors FOR SOLDIERS, SKATERS, TEAMSTERS A an Ali Who A a 1 rosso to tbx Wxathxe.

Agents Wanted to wboWsale and ret nil tn rverv town and roaniy. Stort-kepers will find rething that eel b'tter seat by tor 2-cents; or, one dozen pair for Addrevi a uiiic- ox Ko. 668 VMh ins ton Janl 'Of-iJiw Po-ion. Muji WATER L'MEi WAT KRLI3IE am) bbls "Akron Wat' Lin for sale by lu Vti.r.a-, ni'ttT mw.t I a -1 21 77 ud 7 Msrwla-et. C3Y CwwiSSe No.

230. HO. 2:0. NEW STORE No. 280 Sap9rior-8l oor.

8net. ALL NEW G00D3 IT EEDCCED PRICES. Havlnr nO Old Shon-worn (WtrAm tn rtfhtr HI1 aaaa to our Cuitomturs aod bm Publls ganerally, that we will sell our entlrt stock of inter ijrooda, which are all lN' and tmsoiisd, at prices to Cdmpaie with any iathe We will not a run era or aoota ari cm. bnt will saT we own our goods at. THK TIST CABS BATI si we buy and sell exolus.vlr for tnsh.

Our Winter Goods must be sold in order to make room for astoost of Goods bow being purchased la the KaAitexa mawk-eta. VrwAn narlv rs-Amlnfttl-En la estsana-rarfVill Ms-issd. at iSo. Sao buperiort corner of itaiMca-st. j.

x. H. T. B0WI8. I A OompleU Assortment a Alexander Uediam High Colored KID GLOVES, Suitable for Pirtlesor iTfnlng Wear.

P. SHERWOOD, 242 and 24 Superior. 3t jan23 JU BT OPENED. An Ilegsnt Assortneat of LYONS MOIS ANTIQUE SILKS, in the following Choiee Ootan GARNET, LAVENDEB, BLUE, GKEEN, BROWN, CUIB. WHITE, WINE, DRAB akd PURPLE.

I. P. SHERWOOD, gA- and 844 SaEerlor-gt. jann QASH BENEFIT! 1. DALDMIV A OrrEBTBIS DAT One Case (1150 Yard,) ENGLISH EMBOSSED ALPACAS, At Twenty -five Cents.

sHTThee Goods are pi re obalr, la very choice shades, and are offered lor the Exclusive Benefit of Cash Enyers. jan 30 ANDKERCHIEFS-TbiGrisT deeot for the bMt aasMrtmnl nrl Qentlemeau UandXerchiefs, at the lowtwt hcaa, Is at a ri 1 iaii rlerie flam nnrt I nh 9nT) LEGAL. STATE Or Cuyahoga Coaaty.i"- OIit. Ktbboe, -I vs. John H.

Kibbee. Divorce. XHE LEFENUAST, JOHN H. Kibbee will take b-j, that the Plaintiff, Ollv. ber, nl-d in the of flea, ot Coya-h.

ea cooo-y, on tbei tb. d.r of j.n.ry, her tuiun axaiunt Urn, fcr om aliened Ior heaxins at the seornary ten. -r -fl. ant is le and dalind. janS-ias D.

W. OAQ, Solicitor for 1-eUUoner. Henry I oyd and George Black, 1 Before 3. H. Bea- vs.

1 ham, 3. m. K. Collina. Lnd 'fwv Cuya- Attachrarnt.

boga e-jity, O. KFiiNiANT WILL TAKK NO- I TICEthat at our ins tunc an attscrnest has been issued amnios turn cbatte flhu and credirs or Delr-udtuit. aid aitacbment wr iMued by Geo. id. Beuttam, Jusiice 01 the Peace of Cleveland :ov.rnLip; amount claimed, 1177,70, intarkst from June loth, b.l.

the uote ot Detan-iUnt to J. U. Ad, endora-d to Piatotiff. paid tntt eiU be for lMaring February llth, lob, at 1 o'clock P. M.

HKNHY UaOYP. iiKOBGa ULACtf. jan 4-114 By Back Nobis, A ttorneya. HENRY GRAHAM is aotified tntt Christian Gran am, ow the 5Wd day of De-ceuioer, itSihi, hied her petition afraiast him in th Court of Coramca Pie asm the county of Cuyahoga and State of Ohio, wdich charges that she ta a bona fide resident 01 said county and baa been a resident of said State for mora than a year lat past; that a February, 167, she and the defendant were noarned, and that ha has been atlifuiiy absent from her for more thaa three yenrs iaet past, and aska that she may divorced from the defendant, for the custody and care of Emma Graham, their only child, and for ail proper relief, which petition will be for hear ing at the next term of aid Court. CHRISTIAN GRAHAM, By 8.

ri. Pat vr i sb 4 Bauwi. December, 1b3. deeus Her Attorney. STATE OP OHIO.

CUAHOGA COUNTY- S3. William W. ts. PstitloB tor Divorce, Mary E. Ward.

Matt fi. Ward. Itefendant. will Ukenotfea tht the said Plain tilt, on the 'Mid day oi November, tooo, nieu nis peuuon ib tne leoan 01 cocomoa Pleas of said county, praying to be diToreMl from said Defendant. The cause of divorce al leged is adultry.

btud cause will Ne for beannir at tne February Term of said court. Said Defendant will also taka noti-a rfiw. virions will be taken in said cause by said Plaia-titf at the house of John Myers, io the town ot Hudson, county ef Lenawee, and titate of Mich-igan. on the 4th dav of February. 1864.

betwta toe hours of 9 o'clock, a. and o'clock, r. and to continue from day to day until said depositions are completed. Also, at tha aamtm nltuut. aod between the same hoars, in eaid case, said rtaintm win take depositions oa the nth day of February, Also, said Plaintilf will take de positions tn said casa in Cleveland.

Cuvahoga county, Ohio, on the 16th day of February, at the office of D. W. Gage, betweee the hours or o'clock, a. and 6 o'clock, e. and continue from day to day, between said hours- until th same be completed.

D. W. GAGE, anornev' ror r'afnnTT. LOST. WAKTI YVTA NTED.

Hasd Loom. Eva- it ra-mipr kni-MP 1 ha-t lAUb telf Alrir Rjwcd Loom im article he wants to wake and cava. ED'-ney with Th ttt'n ng an eay ertna by a tae-v womaa or DOT.d:) trv- whol bailBeea wv-avine ICV. or io in a day ttu S10 a ray caa beeai-oad by iu ur. wni Tswusbte Mgnu and Looms for sale.


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