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Windham County Democrat from Brattleboro, Vermont • 2

Brattleboro, Vermont
Issue Date:
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i "1 Ur Reply to Austria Till' reply fa strong clear and unequivocal It denie die claim of Austria and mokes that eloim appear ao unworthy nnd eoutemptililo dint the Osar him-sulf would be ashamed of it if his policy aliowod him to bo sidiamnd of suything Tiie dueument shows great ability and will establish Mr Mercy's reputation as diplomatist Hia Austrian rommuntoatiea to which it fa response urged the fidluwing paints vis: tiiM Kama had nevor erased to bo in Austrian subject that tho Austrian Consul had a right to seise him in Smyrna dial Capl Ingralinm was guilty of detdaring war a-gaiitet Austria dial ha violated tlw rights of a neutral port Mid finally dial the govern incut of the U-nitod Stal States must disavow the conduct of ita gents in Tot Us Democrat A RIXIVXSOEVCK IV LIMII LOVKUIOTX School days! WhM plashing sssocistioas and fraid ntuuinlio ranee elisstor Broiind thure sunny days of my early youth Tlmy were indeed happy days smnnil which even sow memory delights to tailing up imagos of tha pnet and minuriug again the of thore byguoe years I love to Inch back pon tliu time wlien tlw rays of science first slnme upon tlm when tiro first draughts wore drank fitan tha fount af knew lodge when idou began to germinate and thought was first trained to think I bra to trace lha working of tlw mind re it grew and expaiulud under the genial influence of to uinrk its enlarged capacity in youth ind its Lncreas-iag vigor ia maluror yonra Tho comisutioni too of tltoss gme-by Until inka I see thorn now as thejpusod to ait conning over their various uuiTfa with all the aider of young uapiraali striving to win the boson of tlw others siring less for honor! Ilian for fun taxing to tha utmost die vigilance of the teacher to keep thorn withia proper bounds while a four without sufficient enetgy to earn for either required the taimuliin of eoapuUou to jug them on And then 11 Ilia nuauiug Who does not remember die general outbursts that fidlowed its announcement wlien flam tlm rest ini nil of eeliaul w'e sprang mice into tho glorima liberty of noon-time Hut ns I look bark spun that gay and happy group as we used to mingle in tiro sports of childhood and the liilaritiasof youth a shade of mournful reflection RIGHT 7b Ms I Pass in dffertnt Sbwsi tf thi Count) is ftfsfr ate era inleroetednnd fa wfioa Mfs way mm Biotin I Bissons whleh I usd not bars specify morel me to absent myself from my horn Arid of labor for ha-manity during fcw weeks In whleh I had designed Is make spesfal effort to praoura signers to petitions salting of our Legislature to restore to married women thslr alienated property rights and the eq sal eusttxly and guardianship af their ehlldren also' to renew the petition pre-rented last year asking (hr women an equal vote is ths district ssbool meeting There art stony of you my jitters who hare rxprawd a whh to do remsthiug in this souse if only you bad ths I now appeal to you to do what eouid I In duren women I would gladly do or wire I among yos tho Individual I sa I would attempt aion Will yss out out tho petitions whiali follow pasta them on sepsrsti sltss Is of pa far sod ask tha signatures of wsn sad men four or many so you hare tlm and isasesa I uk of you samsstly not to fat any eousl deration of trifliag it prevent you from acting is tills matter iuditUe-II) And If several lu a place will da ths same fat them tid together ths names procured and send thorn to Must-pelicr by ths tows representative If ba fkvoraUs or willing to present them or to Mr Bhafter Mr Mr Hunt or any oilier gentleman in ths County whore gwaafry win serve naif not his Judgment There pett-tiuns should be circulated immediately and rent on far ths representatives that they may be under the eonshlention af tbs Committees at on early day and eeoura a ildilierate attention Additional names may ba sent on at aiqr Hm during tho screfau and add their weigiit to the of tha petitioner 7b As Legislator of Stall tf Fir rates Whereas existing laws ignore 111 equal uatund peculiar responsibility of woman re a parent giving fa tlw Caber tho custody and guardianship of ths eiiiklm as against ths motlier daring his life end by will st Us Remark of Son Joieph Buckingham at tho Mine Free Boil Convention Mv Fnirxue It is not In my power to aay that 1 did not expect to bo called upon to make any remarks Tha truth ia I have been Billing hero in fear and trembling fur some minutes lost I should bo called upon (Laughter) Hut my frienda I did not eomo hero to make a speech My lime of servieo haa passed and gone 1 am not able to inalta a apoerh and physical infirmity provonta my duing much work You may ask titan why I eatna here if neither lo work nor talk! Thai queelirai I can very readily answer I eamo here fur tlm purpose which led Mom sprat the top of Mount when lie was about lo die and wished to see tlm land" (Applause) I canto here gentleman to look npoq the faces of America" (loud cheer) not glass but fitoe to fees (Renewed cheotn) It does my heart I fool a sort of rejuvenescence in my wholofraiue (applause) to see so many young faces bafore me destined I trust lo ostubllsh liberty equality freedom and independence not only ia Massachusetts but in nil America even to aava tho Union Whoa I came from homo I resolved not to apeak I wu dutorminod that I would not oven if called upon and thia resolution I now rosolva and re-roolva lhai 1 will not violate But having alludod to tlm old Jewish lawgiver I will reeur lo his history anee more Wo an told in tlm Bible that in lha progress of tho Israelites through tlm wilderness limy wont obstructed by tha children of Atnilok sod we ire told that they had a pitched battle and that while Mom held np hie bands the Israel ilea prevailed hot when ha lot them fell tlm children of Amalek provailod Wa are told ferthcr that Aaron and llur stood np on each siilo of Mom and held up hie hands in order that the Israeli lee might prevail and they did prevail Now I thank God that I ean up both my hands without assistance Thus hr I in little more fevored than Mum and if tlm format prayer of ao incorrigible a sinner ao I am ean have aa effect these hands I will hnld up and I will pray fur tho success of the Free Boil party ao long as I have breath to pray for anything (Loud applause) Tux Kom No American ean read the following compliments induced by Captain Ingnhsm'e conduct in the Knsxta allair without fooling hi heart well with pride The Lnadon Advertiser mother may lease profitable lessons from her daughter Young America sets examples to Old England which it wora well for the lattor to Imltoto I'll United State though in their infitney sa compared with tho nations of Europe not only possess grantor vigor than any otlieT country under tlm sun but having tlm giant's strength tho Bopiiblio knows how to wield it fur berown interoatsand known honor America ia no craven country Sim hu eomago and aha knows when and how to diaplay it No power will inonlt her with impunity Sho hu not only quick perception of what ia affront but aha lorn not a moment in resenting it We uy what all that America cm and that lie will protect hn cilkens aud guests fjm hu no standing army iliebu scarce a navy but her Bag ia safe on every sea and the namo of and the passport of America is a warrant from affront ind outrage Unarmed unharmed elm lakes her place among nations and is ties ted with respect and awo We saw this in tho Hungarian war when Dairiul Wohsler made lha Austrian Government abjectly cat tlm leek Wo see it again now Tlm reason I I11 bnck- plain America represents the principle nf liberty that for the fronts of houses tho most beautiful I mokes ovary people her ally American statesmen ever seen which is sold at ton to twnlve dollars a speak and write in tlm interest of a country not of Houund Tho Milwaukee brick ia a rich buff color class Tho aet of this American Captain ia the theme of England of Germany and France Tlioir journals -Kt the people feel Even the Chirivnri ful Tillage and form I see buildings jesta no More but about FwAAtlf iip -H ihJiis une Jw gn g- Fuoititx Slavs Law Tlm Deportment of tha Interior nt Washington received on Monday a letter WI wlb eu' from Col Wynkoop Marshal of the Eastern District about two-thirds much to build with brick of Pennsylvania Mating that three of his deputies Muter mtsoas' wages here are two dollars a day were on tha point of being arrest od on a Slate warrant charging them with riotona or illegal conduct in NINDIIAJI COUNTY DKMOCBAT -jocefa-arcriMierr cKigxyyATt sniTEB st nas xinuou Ilratlirbers VL Oct It 1NSS other brick layen about $150 tho change a few short years have wrunghl among us Bonus are sustaining the rolatfan of fanoliauda nnd fiuliers of wires sod mothers whoso children now occupy the some oeato in die came achoul-room when thry tliomaolre oneo not Other bare gona from the liaunto of their early yean aud sudd die Mining snencs ef life are acting their part in the drams of wa' tiia undmignid do Vrspootfolly exiMrince while a fcw havo wandered for for from the lioino of their cmldliraxl toiling to wm for tiicm-kIvos a name and a pluco among the groat unca of earth' llut many very many of those young and jnymia have pomed away and gone to aa early grave All asrs one were victims of that fidl-dcrtroycr eon-aamption They ail alocp in dw saaia church-yard aad as the fart bcama of ths setting aun gild the cloee of dwy I Ipvo to visit thcig qu(gt rcsting-placo and there wonder among tlw image of the post while the memories of the departed Meal over me like gentle whispers from the spirit land Hut tliere fa sac spot whore I fondly Huger around which cl usten ths sweetest aaaoefationa of my early days Yoa she who hem slue pa wu the boon corn-pan ion of my childhood the friend and confidant of after years Wa loved aa sistore and with hearts in ininon no jarring taring worried the harmony of our friendship Our ebildioh joys and grids our youthful hopes and aspiriliraia wa shared togotiicr and even the secrets of die heart we held in common with each oilier Time but strengthened the tiea of our friendship and fa Um eimplicity of our afluetione we ever (earned eves thM the light of omr morning was soon to he obscured by dm clouds of adversity ltut the destroyer came Well do I remember when the feet forced itself upon me that aha whom I laved so well was indeed passing Truo I had long marked the advance of that insidious tho hollow cough and hoetic flush too plainly told the fearful truth She toe felt her danger but aeilhor of ua found words to apeak it far kope yet told his flattering tale But alas! die painful truth eouid aot lung lie disguised and wlien I knew that die mutt din my poor heart rdxdlud against lha dealings of Previdcneo and in its repiningn was well nigh ready to nflmnur against the Omnipotent She struggled hard and lung fir life wna avroct rfcass sever ly pray your honorable body to raped all law which distinguish betwasu the paternal ssd relation giving prafercuoa of right to ehlklrm'i to the former during eorerturs and fa ease of dU and power to detsrmfaa their gurdfansiiip ly U1 after hi desth Ws uk that tbs lavs bs so amendid to leave the guard unship of the children to the surviving parent Incapacity shine to dtprira either parent of the aerad'rigiit favolviflg tha diaohaigi of doliss imposed by God upon the yens We ask that neither law nor courts nor deceased fe-thera be allowed to appoint guardians over ebildrsa to whom God hu preserved mothers capable of discharging the ordinary duties of guardianship To thia end yoar petitioners will svsr pray and protart against all Ian divorcing tha capable mother from her ohild 7b the LtgUatun of Ik Blato tf Vermont! Whereas hy alow of tho Bute married worn on competent to acquire and held property Indepemlest of their husbands thu recovering the moans tut lack of which they were originally deprived of the right to fa gusnlisni of their minor children: Tbsrefijre we ths widen! gued uk of yoar honorable body repeal of tho law which declares tliat the guardianship Tested fa tho mother expire! at marriage also that a law bo enacted restoring to the wife who holds property fa her own right the right to not guardian of her minor children tF The Vermont Chronicla of recant date stated thM Bov Antoinette Brown fa pastor af UnUarUn eliurah somewhere fa New We havr spent good deal of tlm with Hiss Drown before sod sinee hex HUls-msnt and on assure ths Chronicle that ah fa over an Orthodox Congrtfationnl ehureh fa South Butler Wsyns County and fa one of ths most dox of the orthodox -a thorough old feohionod Calvinist hat hnil gnij knd ailthat fa wanted is lo let oo soother know bow you ftml and you will bo surprfaed to 11ml ao Many nihora ready to follow thoaa deeply impressed convictions Da not ba afraid Let every truo man in lha 8uta know every olhar Iran man Yon may ba Old Hunkers They are not Ilia worat ematurca In tha world becauaa there are a great many old Unnkaii who have humanity in tliair heana but tho difficulty la that they have ao long been in tho habit of neglecting tlioir humanity that they havo alrnoat forgotten that they had any Now let Ihia manhood eomo up lot it have vont Yon hare voted all your livea with party hut do yon know how many limea you have voted againat eonvietioo Make up your minda to follow your ennvictiona to tho hallot-boara and whnn you have made up your mind toll your neighbor and you will ba aurpriaad to Slid that he la ready to do the name thing' You want some aort of system in thin State by which thoaa determined to aland right and ael together upon this groat question may know every other true heart Now lot me aay a single Word to a flare of my audience not generally auppoecd to have much to do with thin matter 1 want to appeal to the women of Now York I nee eomo era diapoaed to eooer and aak 11 Why talk to tho women I they do not vote" I know it I know it need to bo tho fanhion once whon you had a meeting to belittle it by aaying moat of tha audience wore women and children Very good If I wanted to regenerate tha Kioto give me an audience of women and children (Siva me them and the old genllomnn may auy at Inane or go if they plcaao but take the bank seals Hut let tlm women and children come let tlm truth nink deep into thuir carte Tho women of New York have an immonao rcaponaihility Think of your daughtora Think wlmt a horriblo lot ia before them brought up to womauhoud blooming in youth and beauty and adorned with all the aeeomplialimenla of life and then ba eooaigned to tho emhracea of old Hun-kora Great laughter I aak mothnia to ace that tha drat loeauna of maternal love am mingled with admo-nitiona of fidelity to lliia ouhjoet While in the Sonata of the United Statea I received a latter from tha mother of five children She wrote about tlia lime of tha paaaaga of lliia beautiful Compromiae Act Sho wrote in dcapair and put the queation to me What ean I dot I have determined that I nan do one thing and that I will do faithfully I will indoo-triuato the thiklrrn" And when aha haa dime that aim haa done much You ean do much very much toward! the moral political regeneration of Ihia Stale One othor aubjeet I want to appeal to Christians lo thoaa who pofcaa to bo the fnllnwcia of lha Prinee of Pcaco I tell you it ia my anttled and firm eon-vietion that if tlm Church ea would juat waka up to the firat prineiplca of their duly it would nfit ba left to poor politieiana like myaclf to argue thia queation Though I may drive alavery out of tha Domneratie or out of tha Whig party what ean I do if it ean go and hide itaolf behind the allara of the Church What good for poor politieiana to talk about alavery if you go into tha Churches of tho Lord Jeeua Christ with handa dripping with ilia blood and pollution of alavery and ait down and break the elomcnta of hia crucified body I aak yon Chriatian frienda In waka up upon tha aubjeet and let tHnro ba in the high plaeea of the Church and in tha low placee too fidelity to thia great queation and do not let thoaa who are reeking with the guilt and pollution and blood of thia ain find exeoae or countenance in the fellowaliip with which you receive them into tho Chriatian Chnrcb Juat aa long aa tha Church halta and fallen upon thia aubjeet ao long will alavery maintain ite paaitinn in the field But it ia aaid that at the north we have nothing to do with alavery I think I have demand rated that if we have nothing lo do with alavery alavery haa a groat deal to ilo with on Wa ean at Icaat form thia mOlUtHH! II HtNHtll ameaa mmm 9 mmrnwntuS be arreated if tha judgment of Heaven must crane down upon tha nation for the multiplied wrongs of thia system we ean resolve that in the day of mrknn-ing tha blood of tha victims of oppression shall not ba found upon ear garmenta Great applause Labor and the Money Power And who ean adequately deaerilie the triumdie of labor urged by the potent epcll of money! It bae extorted lha eeeieta of the univono and trained ite powers into myriad of forma of turn and From the boeom of the old croaiiun It has developed new the creation of induitry and art It haa been it glory lo overcome obstacles Mountains have been levelled and valley exalted before it It has brukon the rocky soil into fertile glade it has crowned tin hill-tope with fruits and vuidure and bound around the feel of oeean ridge of golden earn Up from tlm annleaa and hoary deeps np from the shapeless quarry it drag its apotlvaa marble and rear its plaeea of pomp It tears tlm stubborn metals from tlm howola of tha globe and makes thorn ductile to its will It marchca steadily oo over tho swelling flood and through tlio mountain clods It fans its way through tho winds of oeeun tramploa its lioarss surges and mingles with the flakes of fire Civiliialion follows in its path It achioves greater victories it weaves more durable tmphioo it linldo widor away than the conqueror Ilia name becomes tainted and hia monument crumble but labor converts his red battlefields into gardens and creels monuments significant of hollar things-villas is a chariot driven by the wind It wriloe with lightning It site crowned as a quean in a thousand oitics and scuds up ita roar of triumph from a million of wheel It gliitens In tha fabrio of tho loom it rings and tparklca from tlm steely hammer it glorias In lha ihspa of beauty it opeako words of power it makes the sinewy arm strong with liberty the poor man' heart rich with eon tent and crowns the swarthy and sweaty brow with honor and dignity aud peace This then is one glorious result from money powor It Lao pmjoctcd those great acliisvomonta of free labor sod industrial enterprise which have beautifiod tlm earth rev oiled and applied now forces opened now departments of activity meliorated tlm condition and elovated tha naturo of man But thia ia by no means tho highest good it has wrought It hu boon the chief occasion of the splendid revelation in the last two centuries which have effected tho progress! of humanity li haa boon almost ths only power strong enough to cope with and overcome feudal despotism I do not call it tha groat principle of these movements but it was the medium through which great principles acted it made an issue for great principles See Chapin Pluxhaoo Nelson II A mine of Plumbago or Black Load has haso recently discovered lo Nelson Ilm Nashua Telegraph gives ths following singular circumstances attending ita discovery: mince are upon tha bomsstasd af Rev Osd Newell owned hy Dr Ne wall The Doctor's cow failed to eorae home as must a few night nines end in the morning sho was fourid dead having slip-ped down tlm Steep hill and caught hot horns in some wsy so as to break her neck One of the Messrs French went op to see where the cow and looking along where aha had slipped he found sho had uncovered a ledge of tho purest lead and of great extent The land lies upon tho aids hill so as to ba drained and operated with tha greatest facility right to work these mines wo beliavo is secured by Mosers French who havo all the machinery (hr tha mannfaetiiro of the article into various marketable shapes But the land la ownyd by Dr Newell to whom a hsnfftome percentage is paid for all lead taken out By tho loss of his sow he has 'struck a which eannut foil to mike him independent- Tlm stove polish manufactured by Messrs French is the vary beat article in market" tow rets affair them to a severe account and to AuMria a satisfaction proportionate to the magnitude of die Mr Many says iu reply dial our goverameat entirely approves the conduct of ite agents ia this flair thM daim to right to arrest refu-gors is Turkey was decided sgaiuat her in die cm of Kossuth Mid hie companions that Kom had since taken measures to boeomo ne American eitfaeu i tliot tha municipal law of Austria eunoeniing eitracnr hip cannot bo eonsidored aa international law dial lto was in Smyrna under tha protection of tho Amur-' iesn consulate which according to the lawn and uaa-gre of the East mongo nod by iutornMioual law would have entitled him to American protection without any other claim tint the Austrian agents grass ly vioUled tho law of ntoioes and boeame doom" in seising Karels sad in a bonl that the IT HtA11 reresftlis llllsL A1W JambujIb mmW United States would not comply with die demands of Austria but requires thM Koaxta be restored to the coodilioa he enjuyed before he was aeixeil in the street! of Smyrna With the eouioM and most braxea impertinence the Austrian communication chargee die United States with having violated the neutral anil of Turkey nod seeks to bring our government to repentance thnrcGir To this Mr Moray replies thM dm Sultan makes no inch complaint againrt aa aad our Government due not recognise tho right of Austria to make it In dimming the questioa of allegiance Mid the right of a man to transfer hia relations of eidsenahip from one nation to another Mr Many puts forth this doctrine for tha cocsidaration of the deapota the Soveroiga powor whereaoever it may be placed does not answer lha coda fur which it fa bestowed When it fa not exdxtod foFtha general welfare ef tho people or haa boeoma opprcaaivn to thia right to withdraw rests on aa firm a ba- fa and fa similar in priuciple to tbs right which h-gitimatiicc resistance to Wa hope the Cxor will rtudy that doctrine until he (beta edified CommonioeeUh Three Day Later from The steamship Arabia from Liverpool the filth nil arrived Now York on Thursday morning bringing three later European news The aspect of the Turkish difficulty wh more threatening and tlw general impression at Constantinople fa that tho Sultan will make no conoemion either to Rumus or to tho peace-malting powers Austria has fairly out of die eaolitioa of powers and fa disposed to side with Russia The Turks us in tho highort pitch of fanaticism and wren call npon the Sultan to decisis war or abdicate hfa throne A Utter fooling fa exorcised by tlie Muraolmon gsinrt England and it fa mud that anothor difficulty hu arisen between tho English nnd French Ministers the latter insisting that ths Ecgliah Hoot should bo removed to Constantinople nnd the firmer objecting The English and French Governments hare lent dispatches to tho Sultan urging him to ooccpt tho Vienna noto purs and simplo Thore fa ne news of importance from England At Newcastle dm deaths from cholera averaged 111) per day' Othor places report from one to thirty dnsths daily Steps havo boon takes at Sheffield to raise sum of money for Koran th Tho French Emperor it fa said hu rocentiy declared In oouncxion with the TuihUi queation dirt ha rtudl not go to war Ho and the Empress sot out oa the 2fid ult on tiicir Northern tour At Liverpool breadstuff) wore active and idran-eing Within the week flour had advanced 18d wheat 5d sad com 4d Cotton hail declined l-8d Prorisioiis were generally unchanged Tho Governor of Temi (Italy) hu boon put to death by dw people fbr insulting tiicir petition for cheaper brand on dw first ult Tho resiling committee of the Holy Inquisition Romo hare again condemned Tom' Cabin" danmablo Mid pernicious Cholera fa committing great ravages in tho upper port of India A sovere fhmino prevails in Burmali Intelligence from the Fatrifio The steamer Crosoent City which arrived NY on Tuesday evening brought dm Pacific mails 600 passengers from California and about $1000000 iu gold including $40000 from Australis which fa tho first shipmoot from thM country to the United States Australian dates am to the 20th of July which time the miners were agitating fbr tho reduction of tho license tax Large meetings had bora hold st which thora in attendance wora armed to the teeth and greM excitement prevailed Fresh discoveries of gold pm reported mid tho mining intelligence fa favorable A box containing £10000 in specie had bom lost in tho Yam by the swamping of boat Further particulars of the state of affairs Chinch fa which Hie captain of ths Amorican ship Defiance wra wounded are given Tha Defiance it appears oq going to nos mlutod the other Amorican vessels sad wh fined a second salute wu then fired which so enraged the Peruvian commander flat he went oo board the Defiance with three armed crews and after severe encounter soiled tha Captain bound him and threw him into one of their boat severely injuring him A Peruvian officer nod crew then took the Defiance to Callao the captain being Retained in confinement Mr Clay 8 Minister to Lima forthwith chartered the Britfah afoamer Bolivia and went to tho Chinch as to investigate sad iu sent despatches to Washington oa tho subject The Bolivian part of Cobija fa under blockade the Bolivian President wu so oonetandy engaged a-gainst revolutionary movements that fan eouid not attack Pore Mart exciting Morion have reached Santiago de Borgia of gold discoveries on the Amaioa and ita branches dm washings ms raud to extend fbrty leagues sod) twenty-five pound per day fa said to be the average product of one labor 'MsxicAii Mattxss Letters from Mexico repro-nt Santa Anns as distressingly np' and os foiling' in all hfa attempts to raise the wind Hit project fin national bank to put the Government in fundi has boon slxuidoaod and the Government is without tho moans to pay ite daffy expanses There is noihiug loft of the six millions of dollars reoeived from the ehureh and the application to the same source for an additional loan of $17000100 hu been met with a plea of absolute inability to furnish it Robberies is well in tha eitieo on the highways have one so froqnout that the military law hu taken the plaos of the civil oodo and summary punishment without tiia aid of sillier judge or jury follows immediately upon th beeli of detection Between fifty and sixty persons were garotod in on day fbr robbery John II Underwood of Georgia hu bean appointed Asciatant 8 Judge tot tire territory of U-tab Charles Bloomor Marshal of New Mexico tho execution nf a warrant issued by Justice Grier of the 8 Supremo Court for the arrest of a negro claimed aa a slave lahem Keith of Virginia The Marshal asks Mithorily to employ eoenacl and incur the neecssaiy expenses for defending the suit The Secretary replied by telegraph directing him to no time in eoneuidng tlw Dietriet Attorney and to Roehorter Waterford and Greenfield While take any measures for the dofnnae which he might Delevan I visited the grounds of Mr Frank Phm-drem nccereary assuring him tlut the Department dovoted friend of Freedom and and the whole Government are dotepuined all has-! geen anb and at any eoM to carry out the provisions of xerce af the finest land laid out in a It eemra over me and I can hardly petanado myaclf of Blit grace triumphed and i calmly die gontlo infant to repoao upon ite inotlicr'i boaom eo enlmly sank to her long sleep My own spirit wu nnb- and though I wept tears bitter tears yet dm hallowed feeling of resignation and trurt won mingled with my sorrow And now is I Hand by her laM nsting place her goads spirit ecems to hover near whispering word of heavenly peace and hope to me on and aem do I turn from thM loved spot without fooling rtrangtliend to tread the paihy of life it ill cod readily perform as beet I may its duties here fa hope of that Ideaeod day when we -h-H again unite to part no more forever From Oregon A gcnonl lodlu nr appears to have lately broken out la Oregon and promises to be war of extermination The Gov-crncr hid seat to Van T-l-nl for arms which were promptly forwarded to Bogus Blrar Judge Skinner India A put for Rogue River dial riot had been butclicrod fa a horrible manner ly th Indiana In Elk Valley a parly of 22 men under Lieut Ella ked a fight with ISO wsrrhaij the battle farted three heure Tho whites had five me killed and five wounded Of tha Indians only six were killed In Boott Valley sevenl cottiers liad here mardered by ths I adieus end soveral men killed In skinaishra with ths savages TliS Mountain Herald ef August 28 says: "Families drhras fisra thuir homes and aorapallsil to fea-til)r thcmaslrcs fa numbers for protection ths formers to leave tlisir hxrrert fields for tha oararity of lifk The which five the greatest aaaunmoo of an nbnndiwt now promt a sceno of devastation and must oo-tho litter ruin ef numerous fomiUoa We have sv-tej eonfldeora fa our eitltens who lure gone fa pursuit of tho savage foaTlicy will avenge thsra outrages and not quit the field while ths odor of an Indian is Murder in Springfield A I hocking murder wu committed In Out motion at Springfield known on Friday night Hone nnd Georgs Bands eokred brothers were on a dnuhsn spree Their mother wu with thorn -when quarrel awl etrnggi eoanaenced between far and Georgs die eedeavoring to wrest gun from hire In th males the gun was discharged tbs wed lodging in lier scalp Horses then discharged agon at Goorgs kitting him fa Um stomach but not wounding him firtnlly Ua than shot agile hitting him fa the head and tha shot proving ftotal fa a fcw minutes Ilonos hu boon arrest sdsad lodged In tyringleLf Stpuh UnKAiD -The Ilnlifiix (Ron Beotia) Chronic) puts forth the following hit of news most extraordinary fUh was eaught fa ths salmon net of Mr Haslet Hamilton of Bundonui in the Donegal Bay laet weak It fa a beau ti fill ths hood shoulders aud wafat resemble woman the lower part tint of salmon When ws saw it it wu lUvs fa vessel of salt water and Mr Hamilton hspsl to prerarvs it alive that way The eyes sis beaatifiiL Ita onus whan terahad bcoamsstW ami Ihs-wheto body appeared tire to tha touch Many parsons oouidsral it young A male of fa Madison brought an a-sack Five Ire Leicester shea) wra sold fbr $20Q Tbs Melbourne Australia) Morning Hnld of the 18th Jons states that Jobs Mitchell on of the transported Irish patriots has etfcotod bis esoapt from ths Island tna-ktagtho fourth of thsss prisoners who hare obtained tbeir liberty In' a riorifar iraaaer Tbs Canada Railroad wUl ba ready for nra from Niagara to Detroit on tha 1st of January next It fa 280 miles la kogth and nearly os an air line Ths New York osd Row Haven Railroad Company hns sliesdy paid nearly two hand rod thousand del lari to those who were injured end to those who lest their irlotiTfs by tb scoiilont st Noryalk Literary Notice- Lima An Content! yjVb 489-ML free and Heraidiy Relation of Client and Lawyer Bsil-wsy Incident Lieutenant Maury The Greek and the Turk Lady Wi Widowhood Fort IX The Embroider Gloves Characteristics of tho Duke of Wellington The Arte before the Flood Lord Clarendon's Exphuistlon raspestisg the Bart The Debate fa tha Hows of Cua-msw The Future of the Cabs Queation: Roomily of tho Forte's Aoosptansa of tha Joint Roto Discovery of mi Anefant Pyramid Foefry Short Article to American edition fa famed Row York hy MisElratii A Darker at two dollars a year to mail subscribers It it edited by Charles Dickons and fa on of tha most mtartafaiog periodicals published The Oe tuber Rot of tha Fhrcnolngieal and WatnCura Journals and The Student published hy Fowled ind Weill Rew York Woodworth's Cabinet aad tha Boyi' and Girts Magazine all In good season ind foil of Interest are raoeired Carpenter hu them Jawett tOaef Boston will immedlatoly pot to prem Harriet Beecher of Travels illustrated by hendf Tliess will fill two voL wu of the riot of Unde Tom's Cabin and it fa pre aumed most a reedy and extansire sals Tha Tribune states that BevEdwanl Beecher DD will sou faou a treMiu on Theology that fa expected to omiuad vary gsncrel attention It fa entitled 'Ths Con filet of Ages or tha Great Debate on the Moral Bria-tion of God sad Man" It maintain the pra-existsaos of tun ere ho boeame a denim of thia cloudy planet MuaAoncinm Laxm The bill fbr the pureluisof the lauds fa Mains belonging to Maaaaahnretti hu psased both hnuebss of flic Main Legishrtura ia the Uoasa 08 to 30 fa tbs Benate 22 to 10 Thera linda are located the Kcnncbra aad Aroostook riven and tha upper raters of the river Bt John ooai prising 1100000 Mnnsehusetts offers to sell tbs whole fbr $802600 ty Her George Tyler ion of th lata IToo Hqyall T-kr has wa are fafehsed aoeeptad a sail of tha Cuogrs-gati niial church and ooois(y fa thia vlllsg to beoomo their pastor fa plaos of Bev A IL Clapp rasignsd Shocking Trtgtd) at Obtrlin Ohio On tha lStkof fioptombra a moot revolting munlar was eommitted about tlirso milra oral of Oberifa A man named Fullam hod slandered a Mice Barber and anothor young lady Tbs brother of Mira Barber and a Mr Lovell tha favor of ths otbsr Iiffy wont to Fullam to talk tha mrtter over Hi than with threats end beeama ae raged They left him and returned to their work of tham proposed that they should Uka their riflra and go ovw to Fullam aod frigbtea him Accordingly they teok thslr gnu (a rifts and shot gun) and started On in riving thqy found Fullam and his wife raking hay Lev-all advaaoed to hfae and laid I soma to hiTf it Fullam nixed a pitehftirk and made a desperate pilings at him wife olingfag to him shrieking aad endeavoring to prevent his striking LoyriL He ion seeded fa wounding him fa three places with th Loren so raged at tills fired hia pises mining FuUam and lodging th content! in his hodwmding far dangerously if not mortally Ha thm handed foil smpfy gun to Barber to re-load took tha loaded gun and started for homo Fullam following Mm with hi pitchfork After going som distono Lovell Found and fired and Fullam bsing bat two feat frora hlfa reooivsd flia whole eharga fa hia aids tearing him in a horrible niaa-ner killing him instantly He kavra a famtiyhf three ahOdm The marderan wore Immediately JUbxw) Argos hava to road up North Adams and kill-hasp of Joseph Canada of Stamford Oao sought in a trap whleh with a log he carried forty rede ana then kit a part of hia (hot and male off It costs much fare to live here than in Bratdchore Meat fa two to three cents pound cheaper reals in the heart of tha eily jort about tha same Between Milwaukee end Delevan arc passed scro-I rsl fine populous Elkhorn Spring Prairie fruit orchard and nunary wu a promising right and nothing finer fa to be found in New England More anon I II Nichols Ou word about politics in tiiia Stats Am Soil fa in the aacondant Tho several parties have nominated their candidate! for State officers but before this readies you a People's ticket will be sent out curtained by the Pree Soil on and Temperance mon of all parties with Ex-Governor Farweli at tha heed He fa a whole hoartod freo sler and hu heretofore spoken in fever of the Maine Law Mr Holton dm Free Domoerrtie nominee fiir Governor fa nlao true ou Temperance bat hia election fa very doubtful thM'hfa bast friends are foil to so-eept his refusal and nominate Farweli I -a-1 8 Deputy StarthaU Judge Grier At Philadelphia 4th inrt 8 Deputy Marshals Cresi St Jenking went arrested on warranto charging them with riot and assault and battery upon Bill Thomas a fugitive alive recently arrested Wikesbarre They were brought before Judge Grier of the 8 Circuit Court on writ of Aefiew corput ou Wednesday when 8 District Attorney Aabmead asked for their discharge on the ground tlut no more force wu used thu wu necessary the fegitivos bring armed Judge Grier said that if writs were to be taken out in the manner of thou on which these deputy marshals wore arrested he would have die esse sent to the Grand Jury for an indictment against the per-rtm who applies for or assists in getting the writ a-gainat the lawyer who fasum and tho sheriff who ae it to see whether the officers mu to be ar ed and harassed whenever they attempted to serve a praeesa David Brown the eounacl for the Anti-Slavery Soefaty asked for a week's delay in order to procure witnesses which wu granted Rcliau of 1 The National latallignnear nominee thM ah Arrangement for the xdkau uflCaa-sts hu hew afibeted with the Autriu Ambassador It Mates that ha wu arrested by the Austrian Government ia the hope thM thM Government might through him obtain some information eoneeming the hidden Hungarian jewels and thM the subsequent finding of thou hu ind need hie release A -very fortunate pretext by which to bnek out of bud A young ltdy DocaUir Illinois recently lurried a professed minister of the gospel on very short acquaintance -Seven day afterward aha (bund herself deaertod ted made the nn welcome discovery thM home and carriage sported by her pious spouu fat It fa net aiwaya safe to take a black eoat and white neck-tie conclusive evidooee of ehar (Vide instances the late World's Temperance Convention) A conspiracy to destroy the life of Cassius Clay hu been discovered and thwarted in Kentucky the Fugitive's lave Law Smbit or the Hie Micliigiui Fret Democrat says A gentleman from New Orleans a native of the South who was in our sanctum fisw minutes since remarked diet they who had always lived ia tha midst af slavery knew its evils bettor thin any Nortliorn man eouid toll them Tlmy hated alavery while the force of circumstance hold them to But there wu one tiling they deepfaod more dun slavery end that wu a silly lying apology for it by a Northern man who bad no excuse for his mendacity Wimp Northern men bred in din love of Freedom and dm perpetual nreertion of it attempt to sugar over slavery they know they lie and Southern in know they are deliberately and wilfully lying too" Solitaxy AND The Philadelphia Inquirer uya CM Benton fa now seventy-one years old end adds We uw hinrtite other day on the pavement near his house in Washington He fa the youngest looking mu of seventy we have ever seen rather feller in habit and broader than ha need to appear He woan hia hat with a knowing ion a little on the left aido walk with a deliberate and measured tread having something like pride in its something thM bespeaks thM he fa Thomas Hart Benton He feel hie powers and so does his eountiy and so will it ever His mark will be left open the era of hie life Few men of equal intellectual power sod knowledge have appeared on this Mage of action In Cincinnati a few day ago a girl named Elisabeth Clay shot a man named John Murray through tho head killing him inatandy Murray had dod in accomplishing her ruin under a promise of marriage and then deserted her and married uothor woman Whether dm jury in deciding thia euo may render a verdict of or homicide' there ean hardly be a doubt thM the perpetrator who inflicted npos hi victim a cruelty worse thu death hu go ni man feu his The Cleveland Herald thus addressee old on omr Maker thought' it wrong for Adam to live' single when tliero wu not a woman on the earth how criminally guilty are old baelielora with the world fell 6f pretty girls 1" A fire occurred Buffalo in that quarter of the city known the Fivo Points lut Wednesday morning which destroyed over one hundred buildings in-eluding several valuable blocks lately erected on the burnt district The wind blew furiously and before the engines readied the spot nearly a doxca buildings were in flames 71m fire extended over 4 or fi urea George Gordon of NeW York hu invented a eard pres which prints 10000 oopies an hour The eards are -printed from long strip of eard paper which runs through the muliine and nt every impression a single card fa cut from (he strip the machine of coarse feeding itself.

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