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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 5

Logansport, Indiana
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Which in your mind carries he most the button or the suspenders. We can furnish you very responsi ble suspenders at a very moderate cost. JWENTER, The Hatter and Furnisher. mf Save This Coupon No extra charge for it, but it is valuable. It bares our names, and that will remind you of the necessity of a New fcj Spring Suit.

Present this coupon with a nominal sum of money at our store and we will make to your order the handsomest suit of clothes that ever adornecKyour body. TUCKER Tfm PEflRL STRBET TfllLORS, CHAS. W. SeLEGUE, tchmaker and Engraver. Comer window Johnston's Drop: Store.

Brand- nml Fourth streets. Formerly with J. D. Tiiylor. -All work warranted.

Ulvo him a cull. DAILY JOURNAL TUESDAY MOKNING, MAY 7. work Natural gaa bllla for May now due and payable. To Mr. and Mra.

Joaeph Malooe, son. Ed Miller has taken a position at Calp'a barber shop. To Mr. and Mra. Barney Bolol of the South aon.

Otto said there were too many clothing ttoroa in Loganaport. At South Bend the Maaona have subscribed $20,000 for the purpoae 0 erecting a temple. How about baked beans In tomato fio for a lOo can; lOc for a 15 can; 15o for a 20o Juat received, one dray load of waists, those you have been waiting for. Come Palace. Now, please don't wait to buy $15 and $20 aults until Saturday.

Otto you won't get proper attention. Bert Molntyre haa the contract fora handsome new residence to be erected on a lot near tbe college by Charles Laird. a. Elmorlck haa had his penaion 1 and increased. An original widow's pension has been granted Martha A.

Benefiel. Are you all ttlrcd out, do you have that tired feeling or elck headache? You can be relieved of all these by taknig Hood'i Sanaparllla. Oliver Dlxon, a colored man, who was charged with striking Mra. JOB- eph Dlxon some daye ago, and for whom there ia a warrant is thought to he at Indianapolis, where ho formerly resided. The managers of Slpo Dolman a dog and pony show called at the Orphan's Home yesterday an extended an Invitation to the matron.

The invitation was gladly accepted. The 1U. tie ones look forward to the event with anticipation. Awarded HifbMt Fair. DR; MOST PERFECT MADE.

I pun Grape Cm me' Tartar Powder. Free torn Ammonia, Alum other adulterant 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. YOTJH NAME IN TRIHT. Itenui of a Character Con oernlDK Their FrlendN. Mies Lizzie Rehwald was at Peru Saturday.

Mies Dot Johnston Is at Peru visit ing Mra. E. A. Gould. MleaLlllle Dalrymple ia at Peru visiting Mra.

Will Haeaetl. Mlaa Gertrude Murphy la the of Miaa Caroline Daugherty at Peru. Jeiae Stanford wont to Rochester yesterday in the interests of Llnton Graff. Mra. J.

B. Stanley gooe to Goodland today to spend ten days with relatives and friends. J. M. Lanler and John Downs Rochester wem In the city Sunday ridlD? in on their wheels.

Mary Williams has gone to her former homo at Delphi to make her home with her relatives. Mrs. J.O.Moore is here from Spring field, 111., visiting her mother, Mra. Benj. Reed of the South Side.

Miaa Daisy Bennett of Rochester waa here Sunday the guest of Mr. and Ed Leonard on the West Side. Mlae Emma Well haa returned to her home at Lafayette after a visit with her slater, Mrs. A. L.

KOEB in the city. Mra. S. P. Sheerln went to Terre Haute yesterday to visit several daya.

She was accompanied by her father, D. E. Daugherty. The press agent with Slpe Dolman's animal show isC. E.

Havens of the Eokomo Dispatch. Mr. Havens is counted one of Indiana's most ver- and' reliable newspaper men, and he is with the enterprise only during hla vacation. S. Munson, father of S.

W. Munaon, ho formerly. lived here, was in the city yesterday on business In tho Interests of the Munson Typewriter com. pany. S.

Munson lived here during the 40's. and. IB acquainted with Judge H. P. Blddle and other old citizens.

0- W. Heywood, tbe advance agent for Alba Heywood, the comedian who haa made a decided success in "Edge- weod Folk 1 this season, was In the city yesterday. Next season Alba Heywood will head a company in bert Hall Winslow's play, "Down In Injanny." World's ColumbUn EspOHitlon Was of value to the world by lllustra. ting the Improvements in the mechanical arts, and eminent physicians will tall you that the progress in medicinal agents, has been of equal importance, and as a strengthenipg laxative that Syrup of Flga ia far in advance of all Othera. A Divorce W.

W. Smith, the Pan Handle bag. gageman, waa yesterday given a divorce from Carrie Van Buren Smith. Tbe latter resides at Urbana, Ohio, and she was allowed the custody of their two children. The case of Administrator Mahoney 'or O- P.

J. Romlch, deceased, va the Pan Handle lor alleged damages, will he called in tho olrouit court May 23d. DID TWO BOLD ROBBEBS WHO HELD UP HARRY KELLER NEAR HIS OWN FIRE SIDE. A Olothine Dealer a HarrawlnK to Police of Ibe of S315, Which Taken From Him by Force by Two SlrBOcerN Who Bad Been Con- ce-ltrt in Way of CvptarlDic the Alleeud or Recovering the Money. Harry Keller of No.

108 Pawnea street was made tbe victim last night of the lust for wealth of. two men who were not particular as to the way they employed in securing riches. If what Mr. Keller told Capt. Thomas of the police IB true, he was held up in hla own barn about 9:30 o'clock, by iwo total strangers, who handled him with roughness and hastily left him, half stunned and poorer by $315 than he waa when he entered the barn.

Ho was unable to give even a faint description that would lead to the capture of tho alleged robbers, even if they should appear in public after such a bold stroke of villlany. Mr. Keller said that the family had gone to thepono show, and that It was a few moments before their return that he stopped out to the barn to close the doors, and lock the building for the night. A noise inside the stable attracted his attention, and as ho stepped Inside to Investigate tbe matter he was grabbed by four arma and forced against the manger, where he was held while intimidated by a revolver until hla clothing had been aearched and $315 In money had been extracted and retained by the alleged bandits, who, before they left him, derived a great deal of pleasure from thumping him and raiaing bumps on his head. Mr.

Keller gave the alarm as aoon as he could, and in a short time the police had been summoned by telephone, but they were not able to accomplish the capture of the two strangers of whom Mr. Keller related auch a hair-raising tale. LUTHER SMITH BURIED. The Victim of the Accident on tbe Vcndalla Identified by Cloth luff. The man killed on the Vandalia railroad Saturday night as stated In Sunday's Journal, was Luther Smith an extra man In the yards of the Van dalla.

By tho clothing his brother Identified the remains as those ol Luther Smith, and the laat words were spoken over the body at the Metea Baptist church yeaterday afternoon. The coroDor'a inquest will be closed today. A Choral Frolic. The young women who formed the beauty show feature with Eddie Foy's company had a great deal of.lun Sunday morning before daylight, wading the' Wabash river, and manipulating the beer can on the bank. Twelve of them were conducted police headquarters by officers Wlr- wabu and'Graham aud after 'they' had made extravagant promises as to fu- iure decorous conduct they to go.

The company disbanded lere, moat of the members striking for the windy city on the lake. Fan. On next Friday evening the Slayton Jubilee alDgera will be at the opera louse. Thia is the greatest company of colored singers now before the pubic. There are two of the funniest comedians you ever heard and there will be more fun than any farce comedy you ever eaw bealdea tha great musical treat.

Hare the prove that Zoa-Phora stands at the lead as a remedy for all complaints peculiar to glrla acd women. Modeat adlee will not let their testimony be published in newspapers, but we mail sealed letters to ladies who request Medicine Kalama- oo, Mich. The Ministerial Association. The Ministerial Association has hosen the following officers for the msulng year. T.

S. Freeman, prea- dent; Cbaa. B. Wellborn, secretary. At the meeting yesterday morning the Rev.

H. A. Perclval preached an ermon. Death of (H. JJ.

Leafey. M. D. Leahy, a aon of John if No. 1114 east Spear-street died this morning at 1 o'clock.

The deceased was twenty yean old. The- funeral will be given later. Of Electric Llkht Committee Mom? interesting Statements Mr. B. Boyer, of the electric light committee, said yesterday concerning the statement of George Warner, electrician for the Jenney eloctric light company published in yesterday's Pharoe-.

"No one has accused Mr. Warner of tampering with the wires of the city's plant." chairman of the electric light committee knows who made the short circuit at Seventh and North street several weeke ago and this makes it definite in hie mind that somebody Is tampering with the city's wires." "Mr. Warner says the cause of our la that the plant waa over- louded. That la not true because the single dynamo has a capacity 1.200 lighta and the ammeter never has shows over 45 amperes of current which only indicates 900 lights. The which blew out under this load of 900 lights indicating amperos WHS a 69 ampere fuse.

Tho charge that the plant is overloadad is simply not true. Just an instant- before Ibe lights went out the fourth time laat Saturday night I was standing looking at, the ammeter. It indicated -12 amperes of current." Warner Bays the center of distribution for the Incandescent service at Broadway and Fifth they are attempting to make it supply tha demand of all It is not practical or reasonable to expect, one "canter of distribution to eupply beyond a radius of half mile." fact is," continued Mr. Boyer, "that tho light can be ussd five miles awaylf they wrnt to.if the wireislarje enough to carry tLe current. If the wlxe was small the only effect would be that the lights would burn dim They would not go entirely out.

So itinakea little difference where the polint of distribution la, the wires arei large enough to carry the current." i 'Mr; Warner sajs thfey have al- refl.dy burned out an armature and it will take $900 to' $1,200 to replace, it." "The fact of the matter Is" con. Boyer "that there has noli been an armature or a single wire In nn armature burned out alnco the city took charge of the plant. There haa bfaen no accident to cost the city a cent. The armature that was taken out of the incandescent machine, wan taken out because It expanded aom'ewhat under the speed It c'lldarfcost the city a cent to replace it: The Standard company put in a new one as compelled by contract, for the fulfillment of which they were placed under $10,000 bond. In conclusion Mr.

Boyer said, "We know that it IB a fact that someone Is tampering with the clty'g line and we propose to find out who is doing it, if it is possible." TITO Lires Sircil, Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction Cltj, was told by her doctors ahe had. consamptlon and 'that there was no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery completely curud her and she aaya it saved her Thomas Eggera, 139 Florida San Francisco, suffered from a drendful cold, approaching consumption, tried without result everything else, then bought one bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and in two weeks' was cured.

He 'is naturally It la such results, of which theiie are samples, that prove the wonderful efficacy of thla medicine In and oolde. Free trial bottlea at Bi. F. Keesllng'e drug store. Regular iiize 50o.

and THE A Chance of Firm. Harry G. Tucker haa retired from the tailoring firm of Tucker Young, and it la said wfll engage in the manufacture of an article of his own Inven lion, the '-Ideal'' trouser and skirt hanger. Albert T. Young will continue in the business.

A Short Jlona-ivay. A horse owned by Ferd. Borges, the livei-yman, ran away yesterday morning on High street und Eel river ending the wild run at its owner's livery barn, where a. wheel was broken off the buggy at tbe entrance. Re'eiMed on Bond.

Albert Lewia, recently jailed on a charge of arson, was yeaterday re- on $750 bond'. The United Society of CdrUtlmn Endeavor and v.he National Young People's Christian Union will hold.tbelr Fourteenth International Convention -at Boston, July. 10 to 14, 1895. The Wabash EUlli'oadhas reduced- the rate to one flrtt-olmss fare for the round trip from all stations to Boston for this occasion. For tnaps of route and guide to Boeton writti'to P--3- CRAM.

and Ticket Said to be about JLiitest In tnc Xatnral CBSCH Indicated Peace. In the Miami circuit court ester day morning the case of tho city of Logansport vs the natural gas oom- pany was set for final settlement three weeks from yesterday, or May 27. It is probable that the matters will all be amicably settled before that date. J. C.

Nelson, for the purchasers of the gas plant. that the continuance of the controversy with tbe city was not desired by tbe Dietericb. syndicate. present owners of tbe gas outfit, and that the demurrer might be overruled with their consent. Judge Nelson also suggested Monday May 27, for the settlement of the case.

Judge Cox then s'ated that he waa glad the defendants had so acted, as he was about to overrule their demurrer. It Is announced tbat tho present owners of tbe gas plant have no intention of having trouble with the citizens on the question of gas rates. It is hopoi tbe (ormei- pleas ant relations will be restored. ADDITIONAL ITEMS. To Mr.

and Mrs. E. A. Rogers of Koyal son. The street car employes appeared Sunday in neat new uniforms.

Dick Biggs of the North Side was slated Sunday for fast driving. To Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Leffel 'of Bethlehem daughter. Don't fail to hear Slayton Jubilee siegers Friday night at tbe opera house.

A calico social will be given tomorrow night at the Broadway M. £. church. The Case couaty jail waa absolutely empty for several hours yesterday, for the first time In many months. A change of venue has been asked for In the case of Anna Moore va the Pan Handle railway company.

The old Taylor house on Market street is being taken down. A modern residence will be erected on the alte. Otto says he would close up three days If bethought it would boom business, but that rackethaa bsen worked here before. Ed Conroy of Jefferson township deposes and says that the hissing viper recently elaln by him was 35 inches long. Judge D.

B. McConnell haa gone to Chlckamauga to join the other members of the commission and assist in the work of that body. Another series of matinee race meets will be held at the Driving park this summer. One week from tomorrow the first one will probably be held. The W.

C. T. U. will hold a regular meeting at 2 p. today at the Home for the Friendless.

Directly after the meeting the lady managera of the Home will meet in business session. The Lions ball team won two gamea Sunday beating the printers 16 to 8 in the morning, a seven inning game, and gaining a victory over the mall carriers in the afternoon by a score of 22 to 8 The German Baptlgt'M Heetlog Deem tnr, Illinois. For this occasion the Wabash Railroad will sell tickets May 24th to to June 3d, inclusive, from all pointa to Decatur, 111., at one fare for the round good to return any time up to June 80th. This Is the only line run- Ing direct to the meeting Be sure and go via the Wabash. In order to save delay and trouble in changing from one road to another, either before your arrival at Deoatur or after.

For time tables, printed mattnr and other information call on or write to any ticket agent of the Wabash or connecting lines or C. S. CRANE, Gsn'l Pass. Ticket St. Louis, Mo.

Mummer to From Logansport, beginning May 1, tickets Saturdays good returning including Monday following date of sale ticketajgood returning ten days from date of sale pood returning thirty days from date of sale. $1.65. Family tickets good for any number of purchasers, family including servants and limited to September 30, following date of sale, 16 trips, 117.50; 40 trips. f20. In addition to tbe above there will be party tickets sold to parties of ten or more, going and returning In a body.

Bates can be had upon appliCE- tion to J. C. EDGEWOKTH, Agt. The Triennial Conclave Templar will be held in Boston. Auguet 26th to 30th, 1895- For this occasion the Wabash Railroad will Bell from all stations to Boston at one fare for tbe round trip.

Map of route ani VOL.VX'S OPEHA HOCSK. S. B. Patterson, Wednesday, May 8 First APJXWTOGC; Here of tire Krunous Actrasi Marie Wainwright! Who vrm Then Present for the 200th Time tat Brilliant Sodetr Drama Daughters Of Eve. Presented With Gorseeus Costannc and Great Cast.

Advance SiUe Open: Monday Morning at Johnston's Dnjf Store. Kloor 500, $1, Balcony Kte 25c. Boxes, 0 chairs, tX OLANH OPRKA HOCWK. s. B.

PATTERSON, MAKAQK OS 3 NIGHT ONLY. Friday, May.lO. SI avion Jubilee Singers WITH CO.MEDIAXS a a COXTUAI.TOS a A MAI-K HVH KTKTTK. AXO MELODY by lUe ACJtE. Advance sale opens Thursday at Prices as usual.

guide to BoeiOQ will bo mailed oc. application to S. CHASE, Gen'l Pass, and Ticket Ag't, St. Louie, Mo. NIAGARA FALLS ThnrMlay, Augntt 1805, Via, tht Lake Krie Western It.

R. Oa Thursday August 8, 1896, Lake Erie vVeatern R. R. will rut their popular annual excursion -tc Cleveland, Chautauqua Lake, Buffak- and Niagara Falls at the followlnf verp low rates, viz; Lafayette, Indianapolis, Wayne, $5v63 With corresponding reductions from intermediate pointa. In addition to the above, the pur-- chasers ol these ticketa will be privelege of special excursion tripe to Lewiston on.the-lake, including a steamboat ride on Lake Ontario, for 25 cents.

To Toronto and returt by lake from Lewiston, tc Thousand Islands, $5.00. Tickets for tho above side trips can be had when purchasing Niagara Falls tickets, or at any time on train. Besides the above privileges, wltt that of (pending Sunday at the Falls, we will furnish all those who side trip from Brockton Junction Chautauqua Lake and return free of charge. Tickets will be good, however, return on regular trains leaving tke Falls, Saturday, August 10, not desiring to remain over. Tlokstt will alto be good returning oa all ref- ular trains up to and Including Tuesday, August 13, 1893.

Secure your tickets, aleo chair and sleeping oat accommodations, early. Those Ing can secure accommodations IB. these cars while at the FaKe. For further information call on any -agent Lake Western R. R.

or addraic C. DALY. Gen Paaa. Agent, Indianapolis, Ind. The Confederate Buttle Speaking 1 of Gen.

am minded, says a writer In Kate' Ficldfc Washington, of tbe origin of tho confederate battle flaff: "At the battle of Bull Bun," said lie, "the 'stars and bars? proved a failure because they were tot miich like the union colors. both armies mistook their enemies-for 'friends, and vice versa. Alter bat-; tic I resolved to discard this flag anfl' called for each regiment to procure state colors. This they were not able to do, and I asked the army for new desijjns. Among those presented, one by Gen.

Beaurcfrard was chosen, and I altered this only in making it square instead of oblong. This flag vras afterward adopted by the confederate armies generally. It was a Greek cross of blue on a red field, with white stars oa the blue bars." This flag, by the way, wat designed by a Col. Walton, of Louisiana, and by him presented to Gen. Keaure- ffard.

income tax outrage is only an incident of the general democratic record of disaster, dishonesty and imbecility. The crippling- of the measure by the decision of the supreme court merely adds one more to the locp list of democratic "blunders and failures. It. is no wonder that decent democrats are so disgusted with their party that they will not take the trouble to out and Y. Advertiser.

and his cabinet would like well to make such a clamor for gold as to make the people forget the blunders of his party in the late congress. Throwing dnst in the people's eyes is not likely to blind them questions pertaining- to protection of American labor. Tbe country is not in a mood to ran this country in the Interest and at the dictation of English Chicago Inter Ocean- I.

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