The Salt Lake Tribune from Salt Lake City, Utah • 80
- Publication:
- The Salt Lake Tribunei
- Location:
- Salt Lake City, Utah
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 80
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
431 The Salt Lake Tribune Friday November 2 1990 Utah's largest eineplex opens today at South Towne Mall Nw3ktok I 1 STARTS TODAY IN DOISY STEREO AT IA 5 1:40 9:50 11 PARTS TODAY IN DOLBY 31E9f0 AT 7'20 950 SAT Al 210 4 50 7:20 9:50 7:15 9:30 SAT AT 21S 4:30 910 04010wk Taloa 11 (PG) STARTS FRIDAY NOV 16 466-6265 3092 SO WAL7 DISNY11 FANTASIA 301 7 Olt 30 7010W frrEF110 NIPSTIE Ak1(1' JAMIE oeua S'IltINO RIVALRY itos1 (I COO OOHS 00) VIS I as STEREO MATTHEW mEmpHrirriELLE (P0'11 (12 41115 013N IS) t'lli gs mstnexcE 1100)(3 0)(3 isp 03 ill CLINT EASTWOOD WHITE HUNTER BLACK HEART TODAY AT Ca 1:30 3:40 7:20 9:45 ft- I 0E1 I ti tcx 2 10111 III al so 1100 Mb lag 16111011 6:15 7:3010:03 Mt So 700 671 460' 106 SOUTH TODAY IN DOLBY STIREO AT TODAY AT 1:15 3:45 7:05 9:40 01111AS5Atw ticuortaticsozi too wr-nAme co 216-411 1245 300 515 735 10:00 STIREO 1210 118 4111 Stil0 IfietAL 000400844IT NO kind Ills SOUTH TOWNE CENTER CINEMAS 282 West 10600 South (Eastbound exit off 106th South on I-15) SANDY UTAH (NI) 676-9240 SIBLING RIVALRY 1230 240 4:50 7:00 930 1 IT -iarV kY -44 lull 1 STARTS FRIDAY NOV 9 IltMo NIS CINEPLEX ODEON SOUTH TOWNE 11ALL await filfaMill azgverzraz ItAS 30A 3:15 1010 MO 7:00 910 MOND SUNDAY 1PG-131pl TODAY IN DOLBY 5111210 AT Pt 1:45 4:15 t50 4 TODAY AT 100 310 5:20 7:30 10:00 Advance Ticket Purchases for Same Day Film Presentations opo WM Moro by Dick GtiMn Blake Andersen manager of Cineplex Odeon's South Towne Center Cinemas is ready for the grand opening on Friday tj Super Dave attempts big screen leap Los Angeles Times Service HOLLYWOOD Super Dave Osborne the daredevil stunt man who always fails so dramatically and comically has vaulted from NBC's "Van Dyke and Company" (1974) to Showtime's "Bizarre" (1979-1984) to his current variety show "Super Dave" on the cable network He recently turned up in new Nike network spots aired during the World Series -7 And to prove that you can't keep 'an inept daredevil down the dead pan Super Dave actually Emmy Award-winning writer-performer Bob Einstein will now attempt a leap to the big screen "We have a deal with Columbia to do a Super Dave movie" says Einstein brother of actor-director Albert Brooks Likely premise: a movie-within-amovie that has serious-minded Super Dave turning down a fictitious studio's offer for him to make a wild action-aventure but then stumbling into a real-life one anyway NOW OPEN '1 TEN COMPLETELY NEW STATE-OF-THE-ART WIDE-SCREENED CINEMAS ElegaMlydelloned lotetlats with luxurious plush seating Dolby Stereo loved 'Completely handicapped accenible Listeniad whom lot the heating impeired Plentiful FREE epilog AMERICAN EXPRESS t1TUNI IN TOMORROW' (PG-13) FRIDAY IN DOLLY STEREO AT 1:45 4:15 7:40 950 1TEXASVILLE" (R) FRIDAY AT 1:15 3:45 7:05 9:40 "GRAMM BRIDGE" (PG-13) FRIDAY AT 12:45 2:45 4:45 7:10 9:10 "SIBLING RivAutr (PG-13) FRIDAY IN DOLBY STEREO AT 12:30 2:40 4:50 7:00 9:30 "MEMPHIS BELLE" (PG-13) FRIDAY AT 1:00 3:10 5:20 7:30 10:00 "WHITE HUNTER BLACK HEART" (PG) FRIDAY AT 1:30 3:40 7:20 9:45 3 HAS Of PARKING 543 MIK VALIOADON UM MAW" In-131 DAV IN DOIDY SlEkE0 AT 1:45 335 51 1:30 9:30 "MUIR'S DAILY IN DOLAY S111110 Al a10 40L 210 920 "OM OALACr 00 DAILY IN DOLBY ST1110 AT 2:30 5:00 713 9 441 COvATS AND VIP POUTS ACCEPTED 101 SNOWS I1101 AKA SORRY NO PASSAS HOLEADAtfENTER letaltitALIDOS4111420 ttli NAKED FOR DRAW" On TODAY IN DOLBY STEM AT 730025 SAT 1:30 3:30 510 730 9:25 'AVALON' (PG) TODAY IN MAY $TEREO Al 710140 SAT AT 1:45 (25 710 940 "GRAFFITI armor IPG-13) TODAY IN DOLSY STERSO Al 7:05 9:10 SAT AT 1:90 3:00 500 1:05 "QUIGLEY DOWN wow RI TODAY IN D0111Y ST190 AT 100 9:35 SAT AT 1:15 4:15 100 035 "YINMORPOW" IR IODAY Dan stwo 9 SAT AT "JACOBS LADmr IR) TODAY IN DOLBY 5ti9E0 Al 72! 050 SAT 2-00 445 7:25 0:50 otovAttfr 47453001d-a 184494 "(MAYNARD parr III TODAY IN DOtBY STEREO AT 7 40 9 40 SAT AT 1:40 3:4 5:44 740 940 NIAIMPHIS 01G-131 TODAY IN DOLBY STEREO AT 7:10 920 MT AT 2:00 440 7:10 9:20 1111XASVILLE" tR) TODAY IN pours' mew AT 7:15 9:30 SAT AT 130 41S 7:15 9:30 GRAFITTI BRioor re131 TODAY IN DOM SRPEO Al 145 945 SAT AT 145 345 5:45 745 945 mrtt PALACr 1111 TODAY IN DOLBY Mt-0 At 1:00 915 SAT AT 210 700 915 COVAIS APO TICKElt AC01110 TO SNOW420 SONE OM SORRY NO PAS5LE "SWING Maga" 1Pce15) TOOAY IN DOLBY SITKO Al 7:15 915 SAI Al 1:15 15 5-15 715 915 COVATS AND OF TICKETS ACCE90 160 SOWS SETOtt OPM SOW NO PAgES NJAC0111 LADDir On TODAY IN DOISTITtlIE0 Al 100 t3CIAI AT 2:00 430100 30 MP DOWN UNDER" IPG-431 TODAY IN DOLS IDTO AI 7A1240 SAI AT 210 440 AO P40 MINI IN TOMORROW" (4-131 TODAY Di Noy Sii0 AT 120 950 MT At 220 4150 210 960 IROLLEYN OlITH1011fr wsofttfon tot MitSmotifin P914419 NSISUNO tivitur (PG13) TODAY IN DOM VIREO AT PIO 915 SAT AT V45 3:30 5:15 7:30 915 "QUIGLEY DOWN UNDER" (PG-131100AV IN DOLBY STEREO AT 1:00 9:3) SAT AT HO 4:30 POO 910 "GHOST" (K13) TODAY IN DOUIY STEREO AT 7:15 9:45 SAT AT 215 4:45 7:15 45 Iptt'icILIEARE: "EIXASIBUI" (11) TODAY N4 DOUTY STEREO AT 730 1000 SAT Al 145 430 730 10:00 "WELCOME HOME ROXY CARMICHAEL" (PG-13) TODAY IN DOLIY STEREO AT 7:20 9-25 SAT Al 110 305 510 720 925 "ORAFHTD BRIDor (PG-13) TODAY AT 7:15 915 SAT Ai 1:15 315 515 715 915 "HENRY AND JUNI" (NC17) TODAY AT 7:00 9:35 SM AT 1:30 4:15 70() 9:35 "MEMPHIS IELLI" (PG-13) TODAY IN Dow STEREO AT 7:10 9:20 SAT AT 200 4:30 7:10 920 "911AVIYARD SHIFT" IR) TODAY IN DOLBY STEREO AT 7:40 950 SAT AT 140 34 5:40 7:40 9:50 "PACIFIC HEIGHTr (11) TODAY IN DOLBY STEREO Al 7:30 9:40 SAT AT 1:10 320 5:25 7:30 RAO icosr 1116-13) TODAY IN DOLBY STEREO Al 7:00 9:30 SAT AT 415 790930 MATINEES DAILY! "DICK num (PG) DAILY AT PIO 7:15 WOMAN" IR) TODAY AT 4:20 PaS "JUNGLI BOOK1G) DAILY IN STREO AT 1:00 230 710 "DAYS OF TIMM?" (PG-131 NIGHTLY AT 4:15 910 "YOUNG GUNS (PG-131 DAILY AT 215 7:30 "MATH WARRANT" (a) TODAY AT 4:30 910 CK TAUS" TODAY AT 115 310 720 WI TODAY AT 5:01 PIS "CHEERFULLY SCANDALOUS IAZZJiLl ECM PX3 kWIV riv AII IIVIEST MIER WIMANITIPSEI MAN 1e1 IN YLAIII ANI PETE RIK 11111T BEI TIE TOR" Durbin MtRABELLA "PETER CB KEAND'S EXCELLENT ADVENTURE' Karen Moline VOGUE ItJa Falk has his funniest part since 'The In-Laws'" Berlin SPIN MAGAZINE LuNATic Barbara Hershey Keanu Beeves and Peter Fal COMER" ecItt "MALI CF I eitirtrws 'Int IS Itt AI at IlUillittLii4a Nil Ikv III 1 Glenn ovelt tkpg" SAN JOSE MERCURY NEWS i 11 IN 'i" 'A Ai pk 11-e Ilt'As 'NILO AN VL1Y" '4 A I -Jeff Craig ''''41 I TY SECOND PREVIEW ttr A0--- -1- I Aro I-Lill IN TOViORROwle 0G-13 4) Ifteudgeomgo 110 roc istiPtlrofte1 ritilT7141 1 Crow slt wpd 1 10 The largest movie theater complex in Utah opens for business Friday South Towne Center Cinemas operated by Cineplex Odeon Corp includes 10 individual auditoriums with a combined 2358 seats Corporate officers from Toronto-based Cineplex Odeon Sandy City officials and South Towne Mall representatives will celebrate the event with a film-cutting ceremony Friday at 5:30 pm Located at 10600 South and 1-15 in Sandy the multi-plex boosts the number of screens operated by Cineplex Odeon in the Salt Lake area to 3605 So Opossi POO STATE 2 Sig Nits IL 266-0251 Closed Sunday Poland Young Joan Memel' "TOPPER RETURNS" 7:15 Hitchcock "3IP STEPS" 9:00 Nov 1 Marvin Poyno "PLANEMAKER" 466 -6266 7T11 EAsT JAMES IFLUSI MR DESTINY els) 011M 001911191E0 STH SOUTH MOAN 0171107 AVALON 700) 43) 7 00 L45 52 at 12 different locations around the valley The 10 auditoriums at South Towne are situated around a spacious lobby with two large concession stands The facility's largest auditoriums have 318 seats two others have 294 seats with the remaining six auditoriums wall 189 seats Six of the auditoriums are equipped with Dolby stereo All auditoriums are handicapped-accessible and offer infrared sound-enhancement systems for people with hearing problems The prcjection equipment is interlocked making it possible for the 4T11 SO I Ulf MST 31443117 BARGAIN TODAY FOR PFRFORmANCFS IN PARENTHESM RCAD snows HO 150 AU SEAM 01 00 4000100 Stereo 000 DWI A week "DARKMAN" (R) same film tu shown in as many as four auditoriums simultaneously A Cineplex Odeon spokesman declined to reveal the construction cost of the facility Opening day features at South Towne include "Texasville" Peter Bogdanovich's sequel to "The Last Picture Show" Prince's "Graffiti Bridge" Kirstie Alley's comedy "Sibling Rivalry" Clint Eastwood's "White Hunter Black Heart" and the offbeat satire "Tune In Tomorrow" with Keanu Reeves and Barbara Hershey Starting Monday the theater will begin a series of free showings to intmduceaudiences to the facility The "Great Movie" series includes "The Great Race" with Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon "The Great Outdoors" with John Candy "The Great Santini" with Robert Duvall "The Great Train Robbery" with Sean Connery and "The Greatest Story Ever Told" with Mai von Sydow and Charlton Heston Free series tickets are available from South Towne merchants Ticket prices for movies at South Towne will be $5 regular admission with daily matinees for $350 JAMES itICHAEL BELUSHI CAINE Would you give up everything you havefor everything you've ever wanted? T6eniSeetT I PG -131 Woo hoi le kw losio pPictures 1 1 A1110 PlAtA111-41101101 PATRICK SWAYZE GHOST 0011 11:0011410) VII 111:91 JAMES SELUSHI MR DESTINY (PAM 1SIS GOOD FELLAS SONNY "ir IN li ell)14 II) 7 00 IM 99 TIM ROSIN! I 9 JACOB'S LADDER HII 730 19:00 STEREO TOM SELLECK QUIGLEY DOWN UNDER f0121 7110 II30 STEREO MARKED AFCCitL DEATH HI (' 00)0101(540 7I3 30 4 1 The largest movie theater complex 52 at 12 different locations around same film to lic shown in as many as begin a series of free showings to in- the Great Race" with Tony Curtis and situated around a spa- f'''' I it i ai in lid ba yh ocpi neenps 1 ef xo obduesoi nne scso rpFriday i fl Tt hoewvnael 1 eayr South Towne Center Cinemas oper- The 10 auditoriums at South w- 0 nstsru imetujo ltnanceoostusolfy A tmduceaudiences to the facility The 1 Cineplex Odeon spokesman declined "Great Movie" series 'includes The 1 facility Jack Lemmon "The Great Out- 1 I tl 'i it' clues 10 individual auditoriums cious lobby ith two large conces 't -111 "1 '''C' ''))54 r' l' pening day features at South doors" with John Candy at "The Gre I A Towne include "Texasville" Peter Santini" with Robert DuvaR The 1 7 1 it '6'6' 7 i 1 with a combined 2 358 seats Corpo- sion stands The facilitys largest au 4 rate officers from Toronto -based ditoriums have 318 seats two others Bogdanovich's sequel to "The Last Great Train Robbery" with Sean 1 7 Tr 1 1 44 1 's i 1 Cineplex Odeon Sandy City officials have 294 seats with the remaining Picture Show" Princes "Graffiti Connry and "The Greatest Story 1 'e 4 1 I and South Towne Mall representa- six auditoriums wifh 189 seats Six of Bridge" Kirstie Alley's comedy ver Told" witb Max von Sydo and 1 4 7eL ff 1 1 4 1401441e 4 N's 4' ties will elebrate the event with a the auditoriums are equipped with "Sibling Rivalry" Clint Eastwood's Charlton Heston Free series tickets lig 1 a film-cutting ceremony Friday at 5:30 Dolby stereo All auditoriums are "White Hunter Black Heart" and are available from South Towne 1 A is1 i (' 1' 4 i ao Pm- handicapped -accessible and offer in the offbeat satire "Tune In Tomor- merchants i 1 I a-- 1 i 0:4 I with Keanu Reeves and Barba- Ticket prices movies ovies at South I kt A 43 1 i ss :71 Located at 10600 South and 1-15 in frared sound-enhancement systems A Irma ra Hershey Towne will be $5 regular admission i -44 2 '1 Sandy the multi-plex boosts the for people with hearing problems 'TOPPR Stalling Monday the theater will with daily matinees for $350 L- 0-71' i In' 1 number of screens operated by Cine- The prcjection equipment is inter- a IL J-- 1 i I 44417 14M'Ilt: 1' -01: A plex Odeon in the Salt Lake area to locked making it possible for the I' r-A re 1 4r (7) Je i I eee- 3605 SO Open 7:00 RcAD Snows 710150 r'-' 1 AVAILIII STATE 2 Sig Nits Aii 51AIS MOO 'I- 111 kind ATM IS ISM WEST 3101425017 Sr" 17 0'1AA 5 1I I Ai: jmas t-tp ---1 BELLISHI I I IttICHAEL i CAINE Roland Young 00f1 17 11conciott 4 5-'' e1 417 2 0 'RETURNS 15 "DAR KMAN (R) 1 Hitchcock "3 STEPS" 00 1111 2444A -1 '7-444 3 4 -4-''s A 0 i i 4-- 4 Nov M0 71110 Porno "PIANEMAKER" Would you give up everything 6 4 you have for everything 1 $350 BARGAIN TODAY 4 you' 5 9' L-- ii---4- -i-: 1 o- 7' 7: 4 s- 4 7' 4 rift ro: 0 PERrORNANCES IN PoNENTNESIS 4e: -''I'17' 14-' ever wanted? I I i pi 4 4 4 44'i IlL 4 'f' 7 tFrt ICaotitie Ali- tf inA04002: I 'i: i 1z --iv -i 466-666 Tro AI 5TilSOUTH 466-6' 961 302 SO-qHIAD 2 i vT AMIL OaNu I lifel a fw411NYTTI 21 iSsoiNFAY911 9 591 I I Then meet 1 -Tribune WWI Photo by Dick GtiMn eil I I Blake Andersen manager of Cineplex Odeon's South Towne en to 1010141E0 14 00)100 0'45 A 101 Alts -045 4 l--0'- ti Do DESTINY- 1 Center Cinemas is ready for the grand opening on Friday 1'- 069-6266 REDWOOD RD 54TH SO -1 AIRSTIE Dolby Steo loved Att 0 itY J4141EOEIRTZ tA a11011 6 A sBuNG val a a i I 1 ri big 4Nue 1 I OOHS 001 0 30 STORED I 'T 11:00114101 VII 11:01 1- 1 Super Dave attemp ts screen leap JAMES SELUSHI ITEmplirsIALLE I DESTINY 12 410 CAS 0 10 1110 1 i ST 44' 51 ItIll'a11'11146141 '11-' Los Angeles Times Service pan Super Dave actually Emmy reElsTsrMiliscArRwa4 -1''' 000D FELAS SONNY SOY l''00)(3 IMO 'ISP 'E'I'S iS'OS HOLLYWOOD Super Dave Os- Award-winning writer-performer etl 11'1114 Ill I 0" 14 IS 111etr WKA MMArdik: 15A444424441114444 7 MOO 'WOW 6 await IP lif Man borne the daredevil stunt man who Bob Einstein will now attempt a 4 TIM R011111101 TON JACOB II LADDER till 7:4 5001 SO N1GHiAND -Zi ft 101 2 COrrotettwo at 11100''' l- 1 always fails so dramatically and leap to the big screen 110:41011 1 4:30 730 10:00 STEAEO SEEM EWIAMEM1P4T I muck womne 4: "I' e451 WrOLAMO CO 2164Pli comically has vaulted from NBC's "We have a deal with Columbia to TA? 1'1 071 OSLIA I 00 14 UNDER fails' ORATIVARD SHIFT IRI 0000I (1111 i 1211031411)118111SIT11410 (1 41tt4 $1 7 111 41 '2'' 6:15 7:30 10:03 "Van Dyke and Company" (1974) to do a Super Dave movie" says Bin- 0 7:110 11130 STEREO WA 2' A' 512000 10:00 VIREO JAMES SIM SCOW SOY 1AI Showtime's "Bizarre" (1979-1984) to stein brother of actor -director Al- lanmsPv14LesierN 0 MA OESTINY 1011) tie silts stii to -'5 t'I I mivtEttlito Avant too too his current variety show "Super bert Brooks op)(300e6 77) 7 7 7 Ateneto PITO Mamma OM 1111) 7 ti 4 Mi MUM 4' LI KO TZG ISCOUN Dave" on the cable network He re- Likely premise: a movie-within-a- :1777 7-- 7-r---7--- -a cently turned up in new Nike net- movie that has serious-minded Su- work spots aired during the World per Dave turning down a fictitious series studio's offer for him to make a wild i And to prove that you can't keep action-aventure but then stum- i i in inept daredevil down the dead- bling into a real-life one anyway 411PtP' A -CINtPLIX CYDE PaltralinIC tOunt1! 4 -TREs -11111m41kilitts PO i l' 1 11 Iiiiiiseink1wpiN loillive i 1 slowskitiNt- 04-soiloctios444: Allf SENION-CMZENSkall 400111-TOWNketNTEllAt NOW OPEN '1 0 -282-wistria6oesoum: 06040' TEN COMPLETELY NEW STATE-OF-THE- 1 ART WIDE-SCREENED CINEMAS 4 (legato40nd Willow with inhtiotth Muth meting 1 ilk I 9Ic r-A1N16- i 'Completely handicapped acenihie erc- i er hir 4 'i Listenlog system tot ete besting Imenitee VAS SOUTH Pientifol FREE evil 1: 4 1- AMERICAN EXPRESS f' 124: "TUNS IN TOMORROW' (PG-13) ''r I 5 'i 4 FRIDAY IN DOLBY STEREO AT 1:45 4:15 7:40 950 70141 1 "TEXASVILLE" (R) FRIDAY AT 1:15 3:45 7:05 9:40 LI II Illt -000- k- NORAFFITTI BRIDGE" (PG-13) FRIDAY AT 1245 245 445 7:10 9:10 'i' "SIBLING RIVALRY" (PG-13) FRIDAY IN DOLBY STEREO AT 12:30 2:40 4:50 7:00 9:30 "MEMPHIS BELLE" (PG-13) FRIDAY AT 1:00 3:10 5:20 7:30 10:00 '7 "WHITE HUNTER BLACK HEART" (PG) FRIDAY AT 1:30 3:40 7:20 9:45 41 4 'tRa'ttltbAattlitriAAt ti TROLLEY AI ORTHINSIStrfr- 1 II- iiiiidttoriitii201419 'i i lifTS OP PARKING 150 MIN 10010A DON --4- I 'IMMO IPIAarr (PG-13) 11111UNO timer IPG13) TODAY IN DOM STEREO 7 YIP AT 5 C01 DARN IN DO 4 3351351 IDY SIEk60 1: 230 Al 730 915 Mt AT 145 330 515 730915 i "h1111ES'S CROSSING" It "QUIGLEY DOWN UNDER" (PG-13)100AV IN DOLBY '0011 'II' (1) '4- i DAILY IN DOLBY STEREO Al a10 4 710 910 STEREO AT 7 :0 0 930 SAT Al 200 4: 30 700 930 -qui re i Stf "WHITS PALACr (10 DAILY IN DOLBY STEREO AT 220 MOW TODAY IN DCARY STEREO Al 7:15 945 7 500 715 940 COVATS AND VIP TICKETS ACkEPTED 1M iaws ItKet ohm SORRY NO PASSES SAT Al PIS 444 P15 P45 4'-' A i i I-LA Atf HO 0 ENTER OLLETS 0 RE-1111111- 0 A 01 I ltotiliiistotto100itilt1-U -sorsomit -i 4 114ARICID Mt MTN" GU TODAY TN DOLBY STEREO "mfhsvtur III TODAY Iti DOUN WRFC AT 730 '4' ill A AT 730925 SAT 1 310 510 730 925 10'00 SAT AT 1-45 430 7:30 10:00 1 N' 01790174741 Al :1 00 0 940 I i i 'AVALO (PG) TODAY 1 1 SAT AT 145 4 25 7 iiii2 'GRAFFITTI wear 1PG-131TOOAY IN DOLSY STEREO sploo5r10 720 9:25 se I 71)5 910 SAT Al 1 3:00 00 59 (PG-13) TODAY AT 715 915 SAT --i UIGLEY DOWN wiper (R) TODA IN DOM Al Ai 1:15 3 15 5 1 5 7: 15 9 :15 7-1- liii 1 S7940 AT 7 935 AT 1:15 415 7'00 935 "HENRY AND JUNE" (NC-17) TOOAY Al PAO 9:35 SAL 1- 111141 112 TODAY iN 000 STEREO Al 1:30 415 7:009:35 I ii 1 9 SAT 71 9343 7 'JACOBS Dr RI TODAY IN DOEE A pair- '-t-'-'6''" 44 r4EMAS 41-1 1- LADE 7 '750 SAT I BY STERO 2-00 4:45 7:25 50 TROLLEY 12 cP 14kinVAttiT1111 111 110111t- 1 im- 1 3: 71 't 4 i ituraoultkmr Adotiptme10771 'MEMPHIS BELLI" (PG-13) TODAY IN Dom STEREO AT 7:10 9-20 SAT AT P00 430 7:10 P20 'ORAVEYoo por on tope IN DOM SMISO AT L- a 7 ID 9 40 SAT AT 1:4014 SAO 74910 "GRAVEYARD SHIFT" IR) TODAY IN DOW' STEREO AT 4 '11A I ik-- 4 k7---: '250 SAT 140 340 540 740 910 "SIEMPHIS ELLE" 1PG-131 TODAY IN DOLBY STEREO At PACIIC HEIGHT ---t 49-L--- t' 710 910 SA At 200 440 710910 Fr iai TODAY IN DOLBY STEREO AI 1 7:30 940 SAT All 320 525 730 940 -t l01 -71''" TEXASYlitrt SAT AT 130 IRI TODAY IN 41DOLITY 715 91 mem AT 7:159:30 'i4osr (PG-13) TODAY IN DOM STEREO Al 7:00 P30 --4 'GSAFFM1 Betoor IN-13t TODAY 111 DOLIY STEPEO Mt AT 1:45 4:15 GO 9:30 7 77 5 5:5:4945 r- --ws Al 7:45 94 AT AT 145 3:45 4 7 I Nmrt ALACr ta DAY IN DOLBY STEREO Al 700 fAMIldforiCIEN 4 I 4 1 1 i -lool') CINEPLEX ODEON 91 A 0 0 9 CAI A 4 AT 2 1 10 7035 OVS ND Ti5 122 't -'4'' I 'e ACDIED FOR SHOO'S WORE OPM SORRY NQ PA415 -3 l': SOUTH TOWNE CENTER CINEMAS 4 "SISLING RIVAIRr itce13I TODAY IN 00)19SIEREO '0 I' AI 715 915 SAI AT 1:15 315 5-15 715 915 10Al 0 282 West 10600 South '''k--- AND (it TICKETS ACCE90 fol WOWS WM 61941 MATINEES DAILY! '1 A SOORY NO PkSES --1 '--c7V ''''I IN: (Eastbound exit off 106th 'DICK num (PG) DAILY AT 210 715 1t1 ajt A 1 IIi01111ii 11: RSMi PTY WOAN II TODAY A "J0 7:00 "RETM" 4209: 45 1: South on I-15) :::1: 1140-0! 4011 BOOKIG) DAILY IN STEREO AT 1:00 2 ro NJA00111 LAMP Iti TODAY IN D0119 STEREO AT (PG-13) NIGInLY AT 415 900 if rIll" SANDY UTAH (801) 576-9240 7 VO SDIAT AT 100 4307:00 9 MO OUNG GUNS (PG-131 ONLY At 115 730 A tfrWJ: 4301012Y DOwtI UND1R" Im-43) TODAY IN DOLSY 'DEATH WARRANT" iiii TODAY AT 4:30930 airrO AT L11140 SA1 AT 210 440 10 94p DUCK TALES" (GI TODAY AT 115 3:00 7:20 j'''- 'Ili 'CY' -MI i' 11111 lir" ill k'Y tt 1 I I i 'MTV 220 950 SAT Att 22115Crilit rlY "oAakkutr NI TODAY AT POO PIS SO 5- ::1 1 1 1 10 -ri t- -i '41J1 scliNDALous I--: tirtrirarriiran (r: 111t1 IIIIIT Alt2 CAP MI AIL TN IMITEIT OI DEI IMANIYOUSEI 4 I tgirp Tr: II iZ 'Irlfsti i'V IlIttritirri sou I 1 li TOWNE MAN lill II TEM III PETE FALK IIIAII MIT FiEll TIE Br 1 A- 11 A- 111 A IL -Karen Durbin MIRASELLA 1 i 1 lc vtiof 106 SOUTH ik -am- Ell st --4q11" "'PETER AND KEANU'S EXCELLENT ADVENTURE' w-- 1 4 14 olniirt 4 Falk has his funniest part since 'The In-laws'" -Joey Berlin SPIN MAGAZINE i All 1 wit 1 a 1111 rr14- 'k' CME ul -'N0 CC Barbara Hershey Keanu Reeves a nd Peter Fa it Imitirjakim zli8S14 1017'' 111tN 1 OEr "511-: 11441TiMplli 1 rTh Katen Mo 1 line VOGUE it) 9 0 t-Ar----: I IBLING TI lu 13 I "WEI CF 4 Ak- 6 11'''1 11)I NI 11 i 1 rarnitCrara fur 1 r'v 4- kir- I --w I VAL RY 1 1 --r: A TOVIORI10 1 1 SAN JOSE GIenn Lovell I 3r4 -o -0 TODAY IN DOLBY STREO AT 1P 1 li 'Ni217Yrg uou1 Ze9 MERCURY NECWS 1- Ti 1 7 i 44 EG 131 TODAY IN DOLBY STEREO AT 1Pe-11J 1 willIO 1013 VLY" '4242A P) 4 7---4Aki 1 112:302:40 4:50 7:00 9:30 1:45 4:15 74C t50 41 is1 i 41 -Jeff Craig Ilit? r--ltoroF'----fi-et-1-ci-----II CLINT EASTIVOOD rater 4 At ------I an' SECOND PREVIEw l(r' 4 tf 1 WHITE HITTITE -at 14 dt IF It ttlky -Iii 1 611- II A i4 t''-4f4Jiwg3acd(-6 7 i it m't 11- ItN I Al A k-1Tgl -A1i- 11''' BLACK HEART 4- 4 -4 --k ToDayA 455 TUN- 11k TOIVi0FIR6 001! 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