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The Journal-Republican from Wilmington, Ohio • 3

Wilmington, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

fl I 'JS baxks But the Excitement about Low Prices in Winter Goods at the GREAT TRADE EMPORIUM or 60 days we are going to slash the prices of Goods RIGHT AND LET You Need not Ask Who Has Done the Business AND BOOTS AND SHOES OHIO THE GREAT TRADE CORN OR PREMIUMS WILL BE RECEIVED 1884 1884 CLOAKS WRAPS WILLIAM COHN creature is a won Sjpeoiiil Opciiiiift Display' Garmen tf of I I Main Street Merchant Tailor Dolman Taeliot is and electic long pile Platform Rockers COUKT 1IOUSE NEWS atitb StoeRinett of all kinds Cane Giirnients at Tuesday Wednesday November 11 and 12 tiM in Missc nml Legal Notice Sheriff's Sale style and Qualities at the very lowest prices out extra charge Preston ISiiUcliug 'it party who had Supreme Court Law and were It was a very A great deal of local matter is crowded over to the second page this vs 89 If you want to see the most com plete stock of Hats and Bonnetts for ladies and children ever brought to Wilmington go to Mrs A Mrs A knit hoods sacques for A full line on hand Thorne and wife to David Ed wards quitclaim to 12 acres Sheriff to A Lynch receiver 157 acres 79 I A Terrell and wife to Emma Malone 213 acres Chism to oster 21 100 aire Pbebe Berry to Belle Jones quit claim to 1 acre Isaac Berry to Belie Jones quitclaim to 1 acre Polk Jones to Isaac Beiry quitclaim to 1 acre John Moore et al to Sarah Mitch ell 226 acres Mitchell et al to Mitchell 118 acres 50 Mitchell to Emeline Mitch ell etal 203 acres 81 Probate Court MARRIAGE LICENSES Edwin Hadley and Carrie Mather Solomon Hudson and Harriet Davis Edgar GWood and Adella Greely Break the news gently to the ladies of Wilmington and vicinity that Mr Johnson has in stock a large va riety of the latest novelties in fall millinery something that will gladden the eye and please the taste of the most fastidious Verily thing of beauty is a joy Ladies call and be convinced that we speak the truth And forget the place The Main Street Millinery Store cor ner room Block and pay for them as soon as in the house sell all GOODS for CASH and just whenever we see fit we cut prices on anything we wish square into it if we like Just look back over the ground during our time in Wilmington and see who it is that has kept prices down who was the first to cut prices who has been the most benefit to the cash buying people? In consequence of which Common Court NEW CASES Recd vs A Haynes and wife money only A Cook vs Celia Green money and attachment West vs John'B Moore ap peal Thomas Jones vs Hudson et al money only Olive vs John II Moore ex ecutor money Jesse Allen vs Joseph erguson money and had all the all Trade he could attend to while some high priced goods fellows that buy on time and sell on longer time and expect to make 25 or 35 per cent on goods have and are continually howling DULL TIMES and NO TRADE while our stores all round are crowded with customers Well enough of this for we have said much more than we expected when we commenced but one fact after another comes up and we can hardly refrain from penning them for your observation But our main aim in this little advertisement is to let you know that we take time by the forelock and are determined in the next six weeks to reduce our Mammoth Stock during the season That people want can use and must have Goods We can safely say and without fear of just con tradiction that we have the largest stocks of We frequently hear from reliable customers how certain eight by tens and old fogy high priced merchants talk uncomplimentary about us We care a snap In fact we rather enjoy it for it is the strongest proof that their jealous minds are working and they are envious of our reputation and record Keep this fact in view that we are under no obligations to any wholesaler or manufacturer in the land have no consign ments and allow nobody to own us but our own or the all and Winter Trade Domestic Goods Dress Goods Canton and Woolen lannels Blankets Stocking and Saxony Yarns Shawls Cloaks Underwear Boots and Shoes Carpets ancy Goods and Notions Very nice line of Velvets Silks and Velveteens in Black and Colors also a full stock of Cashmeres Ottomans Plaids and other new Dress Goods Everybody respectfully invited to call Brown Brothers Druggists Builders Contractors Painters and others are requested to call aud get prices on Paints Oils Glass Varnish Putty Brushes Louisville Lime and Cement and Newark Plaster Our goods were bought low and will be sold at a close margin for cash Come and see Brown Bros bat are attractive We have 57 in stocklections from congestion of tbe lungs or pneumonia and in a very bad form Mr Savage was attended through the night by the physician and other gentlemen and on Sunday morning his family was sent for Sunday evening being but little better Dr A a Quinn of this place received a message that they desired his attendance and immediately started remaining with him until Tues day morning At this writing Mr Savage is a little better but is still weak and not able to return to his home Mr Savage has done good work in this campaign and it is to be regretted that it should close in such a painful and unpleasautmanner His many friends hope for his speedy and complete recovery The fired their last gun shot their last made their last puff of the campaign at City Hall Sat urday night last Ulric Sloane made the After a great deal of noise by tho Reesville Band the speak er was presented to the audience which almost filled the hall and consisted mostly of women and Republicans' with perhaps in the neighborhood of seventy live Democratic voters pres ent by Telfair or two hours Mr Sloano talked devoting more than half tbe time to expressing his ideas on the tariff which ideas were pronounced free trade ones He can make a nice smooth talk and did on this occasion but his arguments and the proofs in support of his statements were re markably thin He conld not close without attacking Mr Blaine but his charges will come under the last head We suppose he knew that his party had nominated for a high office a man by tbe name of Cleveland but be never mentioned the fact and during his whole address that name did not pass his lips neither did he refer to him He was considerably annoyed while talking by noise and confusion in the rear of the hall made by boys and some of bis own been celebrating the decision on the Scott too full to keep still good meeting for the Democrats bet ter than they are accustomed to but it changed no votes The election in Wilmington yester day passed off very quietly more so than usually There were no contests no quarrels and no disturbances of any kind at the voting places At the West Precinct not a vote was chal lenged at tbe Eastl'recinct there were but three challenges In the morning early tho clouds began to gather and by 9 the rain was falling and continued almost continuously during the day This has always been con sidered indicative of a light vote and disastrous to Republicans '1 he latter were agreeably surprised however to find that the voters were coming in and the poll was heavy When the polls were closed it was found that the vote was the largest ever polled and that there had been an increase of twenty one votes in the township over the October election eight more than were cast then at the West Precinct and thirteen more attheEawt The Republicans ill this township have made a gain of filty six Both parties worked hard and faithfully and every vote was gotten out that could be The boxes which were placed by the windows for contribution for the relief of Anderson his arm at Morrow when opened were found to contain 25 in dimes and nickles This money was placed in the hands of Rannells and will be sent to him at once There is a feeling of re lief aud gladness that the campaign is over audit hat the excitement worry and labor will not again be called for for four years A DISPATCH to the Commercial Ga zette from Yellow Springs says: A curious deformity has made its ap pearance on a farm near this city in the shape of a two headed calf The an imal is perfectly vigorous and healthy and exactly similar to an ordinary calf with tbe exception of two heads One head is the ordinary size and the other is immature and growing sideways al most at right angles to the animal's neck The smaller head though oc casionally showing signs of life in the blinking of the eyesand opening of the lips sleeps most of the time and the mouth refuses food The larger head is entirely normal in size and functions but the curious fact is noticed that the animal can not I walk in a straight line but travels in a narrow circle in the direction of the small head which protrudes from the left side The heads seem to have lit tle connection and one will be in a waking condition while the other sleeps The mother seems to be extremely annoyed and troubled by the smaller head of her offspring and licks it constantly bellowing piteous ly the while Tho derful curiosity It is difficult to say which is the greater curiosity the one described above or tho one reported from College Corner belonging to the swine species It has two bodies attached to the shoulders two heads four eyes four ears and eight legs The bodies are both perfect in form and attract a great deal trf attention among stock raisers October 25 1884: Iteixt ajm Circulars We are showing some very elegant new styles in this line in various kinds of wood which will be found surprisingly cheap We have elegant and 0 I Wraj)S Best in the county which we are going to SLAUGHTER BEORE NEW DAY Trite we have not got 11702 pairs of Boots and Shoes as I see on a handbill thrown around the streets a day or two since from our down town friend of the 8 by IO boot and shoe store ou can Judge for yourself of its truth but people say of our advertise ments matter how they may seem they are for we will give for a line that is untrue in any advertisement or circular from the first up to the present time We only wish we had room to give you prices on every article in the house but will crowd in a few: National or Candee Gum Boots 50 same Gum Overs 6Oc Ladies Gum Overs 35c Men Boots 50 75 upto the Walker Boots acknowledged the best in the market The best Si Shoe the market affords A good working Overcoat Si 50 and 50 full Suits S2 50 and up Overcoats Si 49 People that dislike the crowds ol Saturday and the afternoons will please make it a point to do their trading in the morning ALL AND WINTER NEW AND CHOICE GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT THE Has just received a full line of imported and American Suitings for the all trade and is now ready to satisfy all customers in any line or style of goods He has also a complete and fine stock of Ready made Gar ments to which he invites inspection Call and see him before ordering The finest perfumes aud face pow ders at Taylor Thosein need of a good PoeketBook Purse or Wallet will do well to call on Brown Bros Ladies lire inviteil to cull and examine tills display Wraps All the shape of the season difTei ent styles Ladies shouldcall at the Eagle store and see the new jersy suitings and other nice cloth suitings Also new and handsome dress buttons II Mrs Weltz has opened a millinery store at her old stand on Main street and invites her old customers to call and inspect her stock of fine new goods Boots at 50 per pair at STATE OHIO CLINTON COUNTY SS: Cockt Common Pleas suite of Ohio ex ret Lizzie Martindale plaintiff I yolcc 5263 va Israel Murphy defendant Israel Murphy whose residence and where abouts are unknown will take notice that on rhe 1st day of October A 1884 the plain tiff above named caused proceedings in bas tardy to be instituted against the defendant Israel Mnrphy by tiling tier complaint sworn to by her with one Mills Justice of toe Peace and causing a warrant to be issued by said Justice for the arrest of said Israel Mur phy upon said charge made in said complaioi that Israel Murphy was the father of a child with which she the said Lizzie Martindale re pregnant which If born alive will be a bast ard And it being made to appear by return of the Constable on said warrant that tbe de fendant could not be arrested on demand of tbe plaintiff said Justice forthwith made a cer tified transcript of tbe proceedings had before Mm including the complaint and warrant aforesaid and tbe officer's return thereon and delivered tbe same to the attorneys for the plaintiff wbo on tbe lOtbday of October AD 1884 filed tbe same in tbe office of tbeCleik of tbe Courts of Clinton County in which said us tice resides aud also tiled therewith aud with said Clerk tbe affidavit of plaintiff's agent duly sworn to stating that tbe plaintiff Lizzie Martindale pregnant with a child which if born alive will be a bastard and that Israel Murphy is the father of said child and that tbe said Irael Murphy so conceals himself that a warrant can not beserved noon hitn and that the same is Case ho 5263 on the Appearance Docket of the Common Pleas Court of Clinton County and that an order of a'lachment has been Issued and served in said case Cotct Aafanilanl TatVMkol Wnrnhtr a haaohtr nrt titled that be required to aypear auo aoswc i acres 2 roods ard 20 equaro poles of land earn nnartre MmniainiB in mutBriiv nn nr si oei orB t10 i iu lblvcui dui jj la a yt i isa bi at which timeaaid cause will ataud for hearing ieyuieut of eaid urn so louna uue A 4 nln 4 1 a 4 A VAW A Z1 itliu UCLCI limutuuM auu ouvas Julia asa uo nuu orders will tie made by tho Court therein as i are authorized by law i LIZZIE MARTINDALE Mills 4 Van Pelt Attorneys odd Notice is hereby given that on or about tne lit day of October 1884 there was stolen from my house a cer tain certificate of deposit on the irst National Bank of Wilmington Ohio Said certificate payable to my order and not indorsed the same calling for and being dated August 28 1884 All persons are hereby warned from securing same by negotiation or otherwise as payment thereon has been stepped John Begonville Starry of Clarksville will take your measure and make you a No 1 oak tanned kip boot for 60 boots half soled for forty cents Starry at his store in Clarks ville sells Piqua or Springfield ash ex tension table round top at seventy cents per foot Drop leaf at eighty cents per foot You can buy of Starry in Clarksville a cupboard safe for 25 and a small safe for Other furni ture at equally low prices Grand Opening op Millinery I wish to inform my many friends and kind patrons that I have in stock a beautiful lino of goods which Tiave been carefully selected with a view to please the purchaser I have dis played my very best taste on my trimmed work While I tender my many thanks for past patronage I cordially invite all to call in Saturday and Monday November 8 and 10 Respectfully II Johnson DECISIONS i Alex Crosson vs John tJ Dewey settled and dismissed Sarah Sears et al vs Joseph Garrison et al left off the docket Edwards Lewis vs Thomas Coil et al two cates settled and dismissed Wm Haines vs Thorne Roed three cases judgment affirmed State vs Babcock et al Mines ar raigned plea of not guilty two cases State' vs Johnson defendant ar raigned and pleaded not guilty State vs Carter defendant arraigned and pleaded not guilty State vs Bray defendant arraigned and pleaded not guilty Elizabeth Rammel vs John Ram mell divorce granted judgment for alimony of custody of children given to father ulton Crane Peters vs I Allen judgment for 18 William Schofield vs Isaac Schooley et al Smith appointed receiver William Dillon vs John Dillon dis missed at cost Mitchell vs II 1) Moore etal dismissed Starbuck administrator John Davis judgment for 5 Patrick ox two itzpatrick Miss Carrie Johnson Ed Johnson Marie Nibbs Mrs Jennie Phillips Mrs Nettie Rubel Mrs Tonic Ward Mrs Alice Wright Billey Williamson Mrs Mary White sand Mattie Smith Major Shaw and wife of Xenia spent several days last eek witbProf Memck aud family TbeMa jor was Superintendent of the Home for several years under Repub lican administration but has to vacate when the Democrats get into power Car Rhonemus of Reesville has purchased of ulton and Sey mour arren all their iuterebt in the stock and machinery on their wheat farm of two thousand acres in Dakota which was owned by the three gentle men He has leaded all the land for the term of five years and will farm it for that length of time A train passed over the Midland Saturday carrying officers and repre sentatives of the Ohio and Mississippi Columbus Washington and Baltimore and the Midland railroads to Columbus where a meeting was held to perfect arrangements for the opening of the mw road It was decided to commence the running of regular trains on or before the 17tlr A lady in Wilmington called upon Mayor Mills Saturday morning aud wanted him to pass an ordinance at once tjprevent the boys annoying her on She said she had intended to have it done sooner but had neglected it The Mayor referred her to the Council but the ordinance has not yet been passed It is a shame and a disgrace that when the gallery of tbe City Hall is opened at any meeting it is filled by a class of boys who annoy a speaker and his audience by their noise and unmanly conduct It is the duty tf a police officer to be present whenever the gallery is optned and it is also his duty to make au example of some one and see that tho habit is broken At the Methodist Church on next Sunday Rev James Stephenson will preach outhe subject: of in the morning and Life Worth in the evening At the Christian Church the subject of Elder discourse in the forenoon will bo and in the even ing of At the Presbyterian Church next Sunday evening Rev Straus will take as the subject of his discourse We had the pleasure last week of visiting the first three rooms of our public schools They are taught by Misses Aiken Hadley and Greer We listened to their musical exerciseunder the direction of Prof isher They are making rapid progress in that study It is wonderful how well they sing aud how readily they answer questions considering the age of the scholars If you wish to enjoy your self for an hour go over some morning and hear them A BADLY mixed up ease came up in the Court last week 8 McCoy on Saturday filed an atlidavit charging Lewis Atwell with the theft of bis watch and in money Atwell was arrested and placed in jail When brought before the Court he made atlidavit that Mc Coy had taken his watch so McCoy was placed in jail After re maining iu jail together for a time they got matters fixed up so that when they appeared for trial no ease could be made against either and they were both discharged 'Tur fiftieth anniversary of the marriage of Elijah aud Elizabeth Ha worth was commemorated at their residence near Dover Meeting house on the 23rd It was in the nature of a surprise for while they were absent from home guests from different sec tious of the country arrived to the number of near one hundred An ex cellent dinner was spread and a most enjoyable day was spent The bride and groom were each presented with a pair of gold mounted spectacles A more extended account was received too late for publication The Trustees of the Home met on Monday and were sworn aud entered upon their duties They organized by electing Wm Mann Chairman and Joseph Noon Secretary The latter will serve only until the Superintendent is appointed when he or she will act as Clerk' of the Board Applications for the position of Su perintendent were received from eighteen persons and were considered and recommendations iu support of each were heard by the Trustees They adjourned to meet Thursday next when an appointment will be made The young misses of Wilmington gave a Halloween party to which they invited their young gentlemen ac quaintances They neglected to say however on the invitation where the party was to be held leaving the young men to discover them After some trouble this was accomplished and they filed into the home of Wolf where the girls' awaited them The latter were found to be masked and a partner was selected by each young man without any idea as to who he was getting The refreshments were excellent and a most enjoyable evening was spent by all We received from Brother Chew of the Xenia Gazette last week a letter requesting that we place in tho bands of the judges of the election at the several precincts in the county some printed slips also sent These slips were to be placed on cigar boxes and tacked near the window otoach voting place and had thereon a request that each voter give a dime for the benefit of George Anderson of Waynesville It will be remembered that Anderson is the man who lost an arm at the Blaine reception at Morrow a few weeks since We sent the slips to the different Postmasters iu the county asking that they band them to their judges and we suppose that it was done but have not learned what amount was realized We trust that it was a handsome sum The Republicans closed a well con ducted and splendidly fought cam paign in a manner befitting the oc casion at City Hall Monday evening A large crowd was present perhaps three hundred voters being in the hall Addresses were made by Judge ami Seth? Brown of Lebanon which were appreciated by the audienee and the speakers were often interrupted by storms of applause After they had concluded a was held Walker Linton Judge Doan Doan Levi Mills of Wilmington and Dr Lindley of New Vienna each making five minute speeches The meeting closed with everybody laughing yelling and in splendid humor and with enthusiasm to last until the polls were closed the next day 1 Hon John Savage was invited by the Republican Committee of Highland County to address a meet ing in Hillsboro on last Saturday even ing and went over to accept the in vitation After speaking to a large irndionce he went to the hotel accom panied by several gentlemen and while sitting there in conversation with them he was suddenly taken very aick A physician was sent for and on arriving pronounced tho illness You can now shoot quail or rather you are permitted by the law to shoot at them Misses Ada and lora Hadley of Itiehmoud Ind sire visiting relatives in Wilmington Professor Edwards delivered a very interesting lecture at the college building last night The Wilmington High School Alumni Association will conduct a lec ture course this winter I Wolf took a tumble into his cellar last week breaking a couple of i ibs and spraining his Luce DilGhas Welcii attended ibennnual imeeting of the State Dental Associa tioint Columbus last week The Women's oreign Missioimiy Society meets at the home of Mrs I) olaml ThursdaySifteinoon i Judge Pope started for his Southern heme in lorida on Saturday where he will remain duriugthe winter Quarterly meeting services at the riends Church last Saturday and Sun day attracted a good many strangers Read the notices of Starry of Clarksville in another column lie iris a good stock which he will sell cheap We delayed the publication of this issue in order to give our readers as late returns from the election as possible I Peabody Superintendent of the Midland aud Colonel Parrott of the same road were in on Saturday Mr and Mrs Watson of Delaware i Ohio have returned home after a visit with the sister Mrs Dr" Welch All Day was observed at the Catholic Church on Saturday Rev ather of Chillicothe mass On October 29 at tbe Presbyterian parsonage by Rev Straus Edgar Wood and Miss Adella Greely Clarence and Charlie West of Lexington Ky arrived iu Wilming ton Monday evening to visit their mother for a few Jays Married Ou the26inst by II Bingman at his residence Mr Edward Bond to Miss Susan Swingly All of Clinton County Ohio Read' the advertisements in this pa per They contain interesting matter and will inform you where you can buy almost anything you want There will be a meeting of the Wil mington High School Alumni Associa tion at tliOxhome of Miss Lou Moore next riday evening at 7 The excursion of the Board of Trade of Columbus which was to have gone over the Midland on Thursday has been postponed until Thursday of next week We arc requested to state that the colored man who was assaulted and whipped two weeks since on South street was named Thomas Morris and not Bryanjt Wr are under obligations to the Chi cago Daily News for a map of the Western States divided into Congres sional districts It is an excellent map for reference At the home of the parents October 29 1884 by II Douglass Mr Edwin Had lev to Miss Carrie Mather All of Clinton County Ohio A grand good meeting was held by the Republicans at Edenton in tbeedge of Clermont County Monday evening Melville Hayes and Judge Williams making the speeches Married At the Parsonage in Wilmington Ohio November 3 1884 by Rev James Stephenson Lewis Coulter to Miss Lucy Ann Wil liams both of Hillsboro Ohio Quarterly meeting services at the riends Church on Saturday day were attended by large congrega tions Eli Jones a missionary from Asia preached Sunday morning and evening Leo Weltz is doing animmeise business in fruit trees this year He is packiug and shipping nt the rate of worth per day His employes are busy in different States delivering the shipments The Democrats procured bail for the colored man Carter who was in jail under for illegal voting at the October election and got him out in time to voto yesterday He may yet be sorry that they did young attorney of Wilming 7 ton should not kiss so loud as he did Sunday night a week when parting with his Grove street lady you know he ja so Blanchester Star Who was it? List of unclaimed letters remaining in Wilmingto'h Post office Clinton County Ohio i Daniel Burton three 'rank ulner Rev A Sargent is visiting in Nebraska Regular trains on the Midland on or before the 17th 7 Dixson ot Columbus was in Wilmington ou Monday Last Saturday was a lively day in Wilmington bu8iiiessbiisk Middleton spent a few days heic with his family last week Hamlin proprietor of our gas works waa iu town last'wcek Arthur Eastman and wife of Mainville were in town this week Ed Boswell and wife of Washing ton IL were in town on Monday Mr and Mrs Terrell have returned from their Kentucky visit Mn Marble is visiting her daughter Mrs Bybee in Indianapolis Hockett of Dayton spent Sunday with his mother at Harveys burg The November number of the Wil mington Collegian will lie issued thia week Mi: Will Edgar of Springfield spent a few days in Wilmington last Center Tables Hat racks Book cases Side boards Desks Wardrobes Mirrors Chairs Bureaus Beds Hair Cotton and Spring Mattresses Our line of Oil And Rocking Chairs Bamboo Willow Rattan Carpet Velour Silk Hair cloth Pattern Wilton Embossed Plush Tinsel and Mohair Plushes BEDROOM SETS Go to Carroll Bi foi fruits candies nuts for parties and family use this winter One door northof the or Boots and Shoes at small mar gins go to Clinton county national bank Wilmington OHIO United etales Deposlinn Dues a GeucraXBanktDg Buainws CAPITAL Bond deposited wltH tne Treasurer or tne United feta ten $100000 Moobe Pres Hohbach ice Pres Madson Bltts Cashier rTrr Thomas McMillian Abel Wal ker Moore Bombach MadlsonBetlK THE CHALLENGE riRB EXTINGDISnBR PUTS OUT ANOTHER LARGE IRE AND SAVES a dwelling See Letter Butte City Montana September 25 1884 Last evening a dwelling house near my ot flee was accidentally Urea and the flame were belching out over tbe street when 1 reached the spot with tbe Extinguisher but by dashing the contents ot one cylinder in at the window tt so deadened the fire that I was able to enter and entirely extinguish the are In tbe room by spreading the liquid ot the second pint cylinder upon the burning walls Tne furniture Including a piano and every part of the walla and ceiling are burned and riiine'L The room 12 by 14 feet was literally filled with fire Had the Extinguisher been iusiautly nt hand snob serious damage might have been avoided I am thoroughly aatis th with tbe great merit of The Cbaliange and shall keep it ou baud for the protection of any property JoUN Cowan Tills jExtlngutaUer cwst only ONE HOLLAR aud saved Thutanda WH CARRUTHERS AGENT 123 Central are Cincinnati Responsible County Agents Wanted cnl'J Ladies do you want a handsome plume tip or fancy feather for your winter hat? Go to Mrn Jennie Outcalt Buy your winter goods at Peddi Oysters served in every style at Carroll Bros Otte door north of 0 Stocking yarn all colors long reel full count (120 threads) till wool and fast colors at 121ic per cut at Scho actory Store The best line of pocket books purses and wallets at Taylor Weg Kcal Estate Transfers II Walker to Jesse Pond lot in New Antioch Pond to William Pond same property Charles Osboru and Walker to John Smith 95 acres Walker and wife to John Smith 51 acres Le Boy Lacy 1 vs Older of sale Joseph Cadwallader ct al BY VIRTUE ot an order of sale issued out ol the Court of Common Picas within and for tbe county of Clinton bud state of Ohio aud to me directed I will offer for sale at pub lic auction at tbe door of the Court house tn Wilmington Ohio ou MONDAY November 17 1884 Between the hours of 10 A aud 4 o'clock the following described real estate situate In Clinton County to wit: Infeurvey No of Entry 1096 beginning at a stake tn tbe north line of the original survey and tn the line of John land and corner of land where a beach 20 inches lu diameter twats south 15 degrees 39 links thence with me south 36a degree east 78 6 10 poles to stake in tne line of it land and corner of John Jones where a sugar tree 20 Inches beats north 67 degrees 25 links tbencewtth south 53 degrees 40 west 130 68 100 poles to a rtotie In the line of John land and comer to Jonah Littleton's land tneree with line north 36 degrees 12 min utes west passing a stone corner between Jonah land and Mshlon land at 71 2 10 poles crossing a tiraneb at 125 8 10 poles 172 26 100 poles to a stone corner of Mahlon Brackuey's land and tn he north line of the original survey and in the line of Aaron Howell's land thence with the original line nortn 89 degrees 18 minutes east crossing a branch at 109 pules 161 8 10 poles I to the place of oeginning containing 102 1 4 Oil ttu re TVilru nt lonil were ordered to be sold a upon execution to satrsf caul claim if default be made in the kx vAii nf Mair) Kiirn fitemfi 4inr Appraised at per Acre Term of Hale caAlt JOHX MJTH Sheriff Clinton County Ohio VRT A Cl LA EJiGEB AttOTDeya 1112 Starry at Clarksville will sell you a National gutn boot for 65 A Bay State gum boot for 45 One strap New Hampsbirehorsc blankets seventy five cents with two straps eighty cents Lap robes at bot tom prices at Clarks ville ZIMMERMAN MEG CO JOBBERSIN Supplies MACHINES and ENGINES OUTIT Catalogue sent on application Mention this paper CINCINNATI Headquarters for oysters celery and pickles at Carroll Bros Velvet ribbons of all shades and widths for tiesand trimmings at Mrs Star crackers city butter and oys ter crackers at Carroll Bios buy ninety threads for a cut of yam when you can go to actory Store and buy 120 threads aud long reel for l'Jtfjc per cut ol5tf Heavy all wool blankets at per pair at actory Store A full supply of the celebrated Saint stocking yarn aud blankets at the Eagle store Shot pow der caps and wads at bed rock prices at razer ou5 Winter is coming and Dunn is now prepared to for ladies and hoods and children on short notice of samples constantly South street opposite 0 Wilming ton Ohio When in town look for the sign of Oyster Bay Oysters always fresh ine knitting yarns Saxonys zeph yrs Germantowns at lowest prices at Mrs Jennie IL Walker the boot and shoe man on Locust street has just re ceived a fine stock of ready made goods of all kinds in that line See him before buying John Moore makes No 1 cast ings of all kinds at the Champion Bridge Works tf Razors straps shaving brushes CU)S nt Taylor Try City Bitter Crackers febl3 ly New stock of winter boots aud shoes arriving at the Eagle store We have the largest stock and best grade of Whitewash Paint and Var nish Brushes low for cash Brown Bros tf When you want anything in the easting line go to John Moore at the Champion Bridge Works tf Mrs II Stout wishes to inform the ladie of Wilmington and vicinity that she is prepared to do all kinds of stamping Residence on Columbus street jell tf or By the undersigned a fiew choice thoroughbred Essex boars fit for service Bentley Prices guaranteed at on every article Buy your stocking yarns blankets and woolen goods at Wool en Mills on South street or at Scho actory Store on Main street Best in town and the cheapest in prices See facts in other columns The latest style hats all kinds and prices at Mrs Jennie The Slaughter Sale just commenc ing tit means something If you want a bargain in anything kept iu a first class milliner ami no tion store go to Mrs A Dunn She will not be undersold Others cry dull trade but last week was the banner week for tho Peddi cords Their sales were an average of to each store Hog Buy Hog Cholera and Pneumonia Cure of Tay lor Wegman They warrant it The clothing at The Trade Emc rium is immense Go to Mrs for your Zephyrs Germantown Yarn and Saxony also Seine Twine and Knitting Silk RST NATIONAL BANK WILMINGTON iriTAL Siooooo acuncs $33500 7 BOSWORTH Pres A Boswobth VP Nichols Cashier Bosworth A Bosworth A Wilson Nichols 8 Lang Transacts a general tankinghnsiuess Depos ita received payable on demand Investments Btado as parties direct Collections made and promptly remitted tor on day or pay meet 1 i aul7 77 A MOORE The LEADING URNITURE MAN Do You Weed Any Goods? If so coinc directly to headquarters at once as we have the goods anti will protect yon in prices Kespectfully PEDDICORD EMPORIUM WILMINGTON UP TO THE 25TH NOVEMBER We claim for our stock general excel lence in quality and style Immense va riety and a scale of prices yvluoli will 1)0 found extremely low PARLOR SUITES Upholstered in ramie terry velvet carpet hair cloth snun silk or lorentine plush Buy a present till you have seen the grand display of HOLIDH GOODS Both useful and beautiful at the urni ture Warerooms of MOORE and Steel Engravings is far above the aver age grade and we spun no pains to keep it so Each and every subject is selected with jrrent care and the rrMtlt is that we carry in stock none but striking and salable for you to make your Bargains all throat i the house Prices to suit the times i ll and examine TT JElI.

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