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Blount County Democrat from Maryville, Tennessee • Page 4

Maryville, Tennessee
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SEEK licalth and avoid sickness, instead of feeling tired and rorn out, instead of aches, tuid pains, wouldn't you "hither feel fresh and strong You can continue feeling Miserable and good for nothing, and no one but yourself can find fault, but if yoii Tire tired of that kind of life, you. can. change it if you How? By getting one bottle of Brown' Iron Bitters, and taking it regularly iccordingto Maiufield, Ohio, Nor. 1881. Gentlemen: I ha vt suffered wilti jjjin in my tide nd back, and great Aorencti on tnf breatl, with iFioot-' iog paint all through my body, attended with great weakneu, depret-aion of tpintt, and Iota of appe.

the. i have ttkto several different medicine, and wat treated by prom-" (nent physicians fur my liver, kid-jjeys, and spleen, but I got no thought 1 wouid try Krown't Iron Bittr; I have now taken one bottlo an 'I barf and am about well pain ia aide and back all gone tore neu all out of my breast, and I have a food apprtiie-, and am gaining in strength mid flrslu It can juttly Called ititkifi mtdicintt. John K. Allb.niS-ii. Brown's Iron Bitters i composed oflroninsolublc form; Cinchona the great tonic, together with other standard remedies, making a remarkable non-alcoholic tonic, which will cure Dys-' pepsia, Indigestion, and relieve all-Lung and Kidney diseases.

6 SWe cull special attention to the handsome stock of hand-made saddles Uud harness to bo found at the shop Wells. He still keeps Som-tisctt Saddles fop $5. Who would Tide bare-back when he can now fret Saddlo foi $5, which used to cost $15. CONSUMPTION CURED. An otd physician, retired from active practice, having hud placed i a li is hands by an Fust India Missionary the lor-fnula r.f a simple vegetable remedy for the, speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma, Jim i an iiiroiit ani Jmilg aflcctious.

also a positive and radical cure for GenerU Debility and all nervous complaints, after' thoroughly tested Its wonderful illative powers in thousands of eases, feels it his duty 30 make it known to his fellows. The recipe, with full, par-fculars, directions for preparation and use' and all necessary advice and in-htrucUons for guOcebfefiil treatment at own botjie, will qa tent you by return mall, free of charge, by addressing with tamp or stamped aelf-addres-icd envelope. DR. J. C.

RAniOXD, 1 04 Washington street, Y. fcgT Mention this paper. Send us the news from each District in tliecountv. Joy ii'd happiness has been brought (o the hearts of mothers, and the bloom of health restored to the checks of many little by Dn. Mof-victt's Tertiiina (Teething Powders.) Mothers! Moth Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by il sick child IsulTering and crying with excruciating pain of cutting teeth? If so, go nt once and get a bottle of Mrs.

WINDOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend upon it. There Is ndt a. mother oil earth who lias "ever used it who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and rest to the mother, and give relief and health to the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe to liso in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the- prescription of one of the and best female physicians nurses' in the Lnited States tio! 1 everywhere.

25 cents rly in O'-toVr hist wo advertised for (lie Sun Publishing St. Louis, Ai', tt. the amount of a book, which hey cl.tini tin forwarded to us Nov. hut. which Sve have failed to The book was entitled "The-urical and Circuit Lite." Who got it? SIflJfNY MUX.

"Wells' Health Remitter" restores and vigor, tores Jjyspepshi. 1 Svxual Cckkx- Apvil 'SI, y.i. i.A3;. cjlcbratci )l Ax jjiOOD SYItLT medicine in use, and 1 would i-blbj wi'i)nt Mary IIkkev. MTCeiLWYDEjietPiATJ Terms of Subscription: Ono copy one year, l.Oo one copy six month.

fx) One copy three montbji, 'A Advertising Italia Liberal. Address. DEMOCRAT PUBLISHING Maryville, Tenn. TIIUItSDAY, DEC. 11, ISS2.

RAILPOAt) TIME TABLE. Kiioxvillc Augusta It. If. Leave 8:00 a. m.

Arrive at Knoxville 9 20 a. m. feave Knoxville p. m. Arrive at Mary ville 4 p.

VA. AltOUXD TOWN. Weather rather "mixed" week. this A recherche dance at Town Hall to-night. -A new walk is being built at the College.

Santa Clans' Headquarters ire at Geo. A. Boole's Store. The HoUiilay trade this year will be quite lively from appearances. The boys have a small skating rink, and' many "ups and dotns" are the RemCmber the young, ladigs give an entertainment at the College to-morrow night: We regret to learn that Mrs.

W. T- Parham is dangerously ill with consumption. Who will take the first steu to wards securing that telephone from this place to'Knoxville. Burger, Hood fe are offering bargains in all lines of goods. Call and see them.

Chancery Court was in session this waek, Chancellor Stalcy presiding. Report of proceedings next week. Tho Adolphic Uiiii5h, Literary Society of Maryville College held its annual meeting in th'6 chapel yesterday evening. We say "Xnias time, and want it to bo a year's subscription to Dkmockat, from each one of our "admiring friends." Amos Hannum who drives a team for Messrs. Burger, Hood fc received a kick from one of the horses this week, which disabled him from duty.

If the weather is favorable on Saturday next there will he a game of base-ball played on tho College grounds, in which some of our best players will take part. The game will open at 2 P. M. We arc glad to sec all our educational, institutions flourishing and growing in usefulness. Without Maryville the Friends' Normal School and the Freedmcn's Normal Institute our town would not be half so prosperous or important.

Our woolen factories arc all running on full time and appear to be pushed to fill orders. The enterprising men who have established manufactories in our town arc public benefactors. Why is it that we can not have better sidewalks in some parts of our town? From the Depot to College Street, and a few other places that our young men who go-a-court-ing could locate, arc especially needed. Dr. B.

A Morton; whose genial and social character is proverbial, gave a "Lawrence- dinner" last Saturday, the invited guests being Rev. J. H. Lawrence and family, Mr. W.

W. Lawrence and wife, Mr. Jo. Lawrence, brother, and, Mr. John S.

Lawrence, the merchant. Tho occasion was a most pleasant one. Elsewhere will be found the card of Mrs. L. E.

Smith, who has received an unusually fine assort ment of Goods suitable lor Horn- day presents, to which we call the attention of all our home readers and advise them to give Mrs. Smith an early call. Ladies and children will bo delighted when tnoy examine her stock of beautiful and valuable goods. Mr. Geo.

A. Toole, with' his usual enterprise and desire to please his patrons, has opened the largest stock of Ilolliday Goods that it lias been our good fortuno to bee in Jla-ry vile many -ycarS. Ho. everything that the people heed and want, all useful ami ornamciilul articles, and Confectioneries in great variety. Old Santa Clans' iie.ulquarjerd are at Mr.

Toole and tho children gaze with rapture on the pretty things in store for them Chriftmas moruing. rriie Place TO BUY USEFUL HOLIDAY ARTICLES IS AT- CONING, JONES CO, Go and see and becon- vln'ced. Also Family ami Fancy Gr'o ceries, Produce, Notions, Dry Goods, etc- I have a large lot of Jewelry that has been on hand bhort time I will sell at cot. Vf. II.

KIRK. C3TA N'ickle Counter at Thomas can spend your nicklc and see what von get for them. Don't fail to call early. C'Mr. Thos.

I.Ulard has received a stock of. Xotionn, direct from Xew York this week, to fully meet the wants of Ills numerous customers. His stock exceeds any he has hcrttore brought to this market. No charge to show his goods, so call and see for yourselves and you will be sure to buy. 52rFincet fruits in the market nt TllOS.

LILLAKD'S. ESTThomas tl'llard requests us to return his -most sincere thanks to a generous public lor their liberal patronage, and he respectfully Heks a continuance of the mine, sfcpr.inil into Mr. Tlmnvia Lillard's 6tore the other day. and with- out exiijrgeration w'e cmv say that his st6ck surpasses any we have ever seen in his house, embracing a great variety of valuable, Yise'lYd and ornamental boll day goods, suitable for old and young. Call and see thcur.

C35T Fresh Oysters nt Thos. Lillard's, SiA ved at all hours. Tom keeps every -tiling, as neat as a new pin, with special accommodations for ladies, and good astention shown to all patrons. Eg1 You can get the best brand of Cfgars and Tobacco, cheap as the cheapest, at Tom Lillard's, and don't j'ou forget it. EST You can find large and well-assorted stock of Cftiifectfotteries, Toys, at Thomas Lillard's.

E-XMAS PRESENTS for all, and especially the little folks, at THOS. LILLARD'S. HIT" Get your Groceries at Thomas Lillard's, lie keeps the Best Codec that can lie had in town: A FACT! AVe do not "throwout any halt," nor do we advertlSe largely, but all wb ask Is for you to call iiijii see us and we will treat you right and sell you Goods as low as they can be bought in any market. Bring on your Produce, all kinds, for which we will pay tho highest mar-ket price. II L.

Bit A DLEY CO, Just received, for the Holiday Trade, at KIRK'S, the best- stock of Jewelry ever seen iu Maryville. lias a nice line of STATIONERY PHOTO, and AUTO. ALBUMS, BIBLES, VELVET and WALNUT FRAMES, PICTURES, CHRIST-MAS CARDS, DIARIES, WRITING-DESKS, POEMS, HOLIDAY BOOKS, Cukes, CandleS; Oranges, Lemons, Lard; Pickles, always on hand-, as low or lower In price than anv ill i iiiarfcet; at T. White ifcbo's. Sir.

Tom Gpnrley killed a bear in Happy Valley last Saturday. Some of our citizens enjoyed ''bar" meat this wcolc A Few Facti. Headache, constipation, billioueriess may be relived by the use of Dr. Hart's Antibilious Discovery. Coughs by uh-ing Sympliyx, Khemnitisin and neuralgia by Dr.

Hart's Relief. sriiiiiH and bruscs by Dr.llart's Nerve and Bone Liniment; with these remedies at hand almost any of the ordinary ills map be be promptld and effedtualld cured. Look out for the carrier next week and have his money ready. Tutt's Pills a Sugar Plum. Tm'ti Pir.i.H are now covered with a vanilla Hiigar coating, making them as r.U'iisjii.t to swallow as a littln sugar plum, and rendering them agreeable to tie most delicate Tld is a great addition (were It possible io tidd anything to lime very popular and wonderfully etllcaclotts pill) i it destroys the birtcr taste ithd protects tliciti 'from ihauges ojt cUmijti thus preserving their virtue in alt iarU of the world; The consumer of Tt'TT's Pii.l.

111 appreciate this hnprovement, i w'jich has maJe at great expens? to 1 lie proprietor while the price 1C-uiaaliis the same as before; PLOWS AND HARDWARE. Ve desire to call the attention of r.mnr and ojtirr toonrht'ttk of IlnnKnro mil Tlows. fihn'l en Uavoi to keep on lain or fiirnihli at hhoit nfc(itt both our stores, 111 y.iirvwlle Fiiti.iLviU'.; the fcU.ix ui lieK Also try us on Ready-iade SHOES nCall and see lowest figures and highest rates. MARYVILLE, RIENDSVILLE, TCNN.) Just received from Now Yorlc an 1 immense stoeic 01 dress goods, prints, domestics, ticks, checks, flannels, 1 jeans and water proofs at the lowest prices ever heard of in East Tennessee at Burger, Hood For good Goods and low prices call on w.II. KIKK.



J. W. Eakin requests us to say that Rev.McClellan, of the Knoxville College, Will preach at Pistol Creel; Church Sunday, instead of Big Springs. W. A.

Gill Fayetteville, say: "Brown's Iron Bitters gives universal satisfaction, many haying been greatly be tiled by its use," Valuable books free I books free! k-iT" Valuable books free! fa Valuable hooks free! JS'Vahtahlo books free i-y Valuable books free hif Valuable book free! BQrV'aluable hooks fcoT Vuluftblo booki free! CEESSBu 3 eg I 1 HATS-, GROCERIES, for yourselves that our irobds are of ood (niality. COjNtING Full stock Kip Rrogans Ladies heavy shoes 50e, Men prime heav Boots $2, Men's fnr hats 50c at Bnrgei, Hood Good coffee eight cents per pound. Good sugar eight ccntpcr pound at Burger, Hood Go's. Just received front New another large lot of overcoats at prices way dovn below the lowesi Burger, Hood Co. J.

T. WHITE CO. keep on baud Fresh Baked Bread of Mrs. Asipiitb's make. tW During the Holidays Kirk will sell cheaper than any one.

Williii Workers Meeting. Editors Dkmochat: Please mention through your paper that the Willing Workers of Iho Mount Harmony Association will con vene with the Prospect Church, ten miles oagt of Maryville, Blount couu- tv, commencing on Friday theT 29th day of Dec, 18S2, at 10 following programme has been adopted 1. Introductory sermon by Rev. J. Iddins.

2. Qncslion box. 3. Appointment of committee on on programme for next meeting. 4.

Friday night, a sermon christian department by Rev. P. B. McCar-rcll; Rev. J.

W. Bowman, alternate. 5. Is it scriptural for members of tho church to remain in the congre gation and refuse to come to the Lord's table, on days of com in union Joseph Miller and Calvin Lane. Saturday Mokninu.

1. Devotional exercises. 2. Report of commit tec on pro gramme. 3.

19 it light for a bhnrcli to bind their pastor to attend Saturday meet ings, and neglect meeting themselves? J. T. Kiuuick and J. M. Williams.

-1. Can the Ijord's suiuier be script- urally administered outs'rdo of the church Rev. F. M. Webb and J.

W. Hitch. Preaching on Saturdry night ami Sabbath. Come one, come The Executive appointed at tho meeting of the Ml. llup tnoiiy Association arc requested to meet at that 1 11: .7.

T. Kin nick, Sec. "liUCHLPAIIiA." Quick, complete cure, all annoying Kidney, Bladder and Urinary i)is- taws. fl. Druggists; UP 2 5 Clothing, Boots at EST Produce taken at JONES CO; Burger, ITopd 85 Co.

have just received their third stock of winter goods this season from ISTev York; They are selling at pnees so low ts to astonish you. Giv(i them a call. Just received our third stock this season of Ladies' dolmans, cloaks and shawls; which we are offering', at extremely low prices. Burger Hood Co; )r. T.

P. Cowan vill be ot hA oflicc ever J. S. liiiwrcnco'n 8ton! atvl Saturday of week. IVrnuns wishing work in liu lin6" will make ti note of this.

SALE! 331 01111 1 Oorm ty pci' ecui. Ioncle9: sxt tlie iMiuislleld Memphis, sav: "Our sides of Iron Bitters n'ro verv large. Reports of its' Mipcrioi Joiuc i)ropcrtie are numerous," -fi vongft, told or bore Throat should be stopped. Xealect frequently results in an Disease on Consumption. BROWN' BKOXCIILvL TitOCIIKS cm- T.MX TO (ilVE 11KMKK IN Bkonciiitis, Counns, Catarkii.

Cox- PUMI'TIVK AM) TlIItOAT DlSKASIH. For thirty years the Troches haw been recommended by plivsicians and and always jrives perfect 'satisfaction Thiiy are not new or untried but ing been tested by wide and constant use for nearly an entire generation, they have attained well-merited rank tmiong the few sluplc. remedies of the aire. Public Hj-kakkhs and use them to clean mid strengthen Hie Voick. Sidd at twenty-live cents it box evervwhere Jlaryviile Maihet IJejort.

fOlsItnCTKl) WKKKI.Y JlY BURG FR, HOOD "EAMillS IS (iKMHAI, MliCIIANDISi: Wheut, per bushel Corn, per bushel 00 I' lour, per sack 3 ()( Bacon, per pound 17 21 0 IS 7 4:. '0 Lird, pnr pound Butler, per pound F-ggs, pep dozen Spring Chickens, per lit Feathers, goose, pci- pound, Jnixcd. jior pound, Beeswax, per pound Cotton, per ponnd Rags, cotton, jier pound Tallow, per pound Wool, per pound Sorirhum, g-illon Dried Pcaclo-s, iialvcri trt A er pound 41 Blackberries, per bound fi 1 ct Ltitl.fl, 1 (J .1 Ti I.

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