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Sierra County Advocate from Kingston, New Mexico • 2

Kingston, New Mexico
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kujdav, run. 17. max. Entered at lli ruelofflne at txtrra i'ountT, New sletioo, for tranitnita ira ibrusKU Hi tinted hlate Mail. aa eoon elau matter.

In every community titer er thus wko guutrouilj dvot a portion of tbir tins, mouey and uargj for th general wlfr; ad thoae who sit bsok pinohiag tbeir nickle and wailing to profit without eipense from th udav-era of faior broad-mindad popl. To woih data do you balong Tb practical opratora of Colorado, Montana and Nevada wba have pasde aucb forilliatit eues in ilvr mioiog, aro now looking-eagerly for fold miue. Jo aecura thata man will aaaura tat proeperity ol Hillaboro, for onr rnitiei bara cartain merit, beiag trua flaauraa acoomitanyiog eruptive dyke and therefore certain of continuance riowawarde to indefinite depth, and with cbiaf valu in gold, with eilvr and copper aa by-product. A mina that baa prodacad ralu-abla ora in c(nidiar la amount, that haa paid ita own development aad yielded revenue besides, and La "ore in light blocked out ready for exploitation, can aold for Ou tba contrary, wines that nave narrr mad a profit, aad era till in tba propotiv atjn ba aold for caah nly to ineipari-nced buyara, who ara almost ar lain of failara in praetieal operation, and wba thua iu tha outcome do tba grtatait damage to tha welfare and reputation of a oainp. The world 'a prodtwtion of gold for 1832 amounted to to which tha United Htatea contrib utad $33,000,000 and Auetralia Ruaeia cornea next with and all other countriee together make ap tha balance.

Of silver ther waa produced, in value at 80 centa par ounce, $113,000,000, the Uuited Htatea again leading with 58.000,000 ounce. A alight deelina ia evident in the production ailver while that of gold ia grant-ly incraaaing, tba yield from South Africa alone being nearly eqnal to that of Itassia and promiaiug aoon to lead tha world. lCvry gold mine, or prospect, will Lav a olianee la tha imiaedi-ata future and onr people who points property which they aia net able to handle'tbeiiiaelves, will aoou find aala for the name. Rut there will be few aalea if fancy price aia demanded. It ia wall to reflect tbat tha investor mutt ex-pnd large eutoa for development and roaeliiuerr Imfort any of the minta of thia district can ba made to pay.

When to thia a large lamp utn ia demaadad down an what at bait ia an uufcertain propoaition, the buyer ia very apt to be acared If your tniun ia aa certainly good, ae you aay it it, give tba tor a obaaoa to prove the fact ba fore aaking for any important payment. Aa an evidence of tha absolute necaaaity for intelligent atudy of milling operatione, the Mining Industry relate that ia a eata where the ore waa a hydrattd oxide of iren without aalphidet, tba atviug ra only li per cant and that the ante ore afttr being heated yielded 75 par oent of ita gold by amal gamatlon. Tbia it a very aignifi-caat fact in acpacial application to tba diatrict about Aaiuiat IVak, where in aucb minea at tha Happy Jack, Printer Hoy endethora, auch ra it j.vrv!nt to a considerable itptb A pan tt ef tfct or at rnineit'and the unit after being thoroaghly heated, miht ba of tba greateat importance te both minora and mill men. Th Advocate bat duripg the paat two year eoatitlently and taadily upheld aad adveitited tbe mining reaourcei i of Siena county, and haa been at considerable ex-peate to aecura accurate and ab'o report oa tbia subject It haa at all timaa ba impartial and baa never emitted favorable n-tution of an ffitritonuut property cr enUrpnae. ita work ia appreciated it xvi lout in freely expressed ceiuiuaiidation but financial cooperation ia not ao ouaipieiwus.

Thar are aiill toe many man boro interested ia mining who have not yet had tbe grace to come forward aad aubtcriba for tbe paper. How aver, tubaonber or no, Tin Advo-oat will coorinna it werk-aad let no good property etcapa ita notiee. Mines, Mills and Smelters- Tba Snake mia keep the Standard mill fully occupied on an average of 25 tona per day. Standard Company' emelter haa been running tba paat week principally en Kingston eilver or, of which there ia a Urge reserve in the bina Mangaueaa-iron flux from tba Trojan in Heady Pay gulch haa been uted alao, experimentally and with tacceaa. Wick a' galeh auowt continued activity.

At tha Morton, Dickey A Lararoy are putting iron rail traek and ear in tbeir tunnel; Nolan Wayland areputhing tbeir contract on the liull of tbe Wooda, and Ed Htricklaad ia working the Grey Kaglo. Chnndlflr Bros, are following the ore pipe on their lead enrbonate claim, lb Rig Chief, with good reanlU. It ia believed that they will aoon break into one of those Urge ore deposits charaetariatie of the fo. uiatiou in which tbey are working. Contract for ainking tbe Ameri can abaft will probably be let tbia coming Croat-cut tonufll on Wrigley 4 Company' Pereha mine advanced twnty fpet laat week.

Tbe diamond drill will be need at tbe PUcere before it ia tried on the tino fixlil. Manaeer Bilharst of tha Copper King Coiupauy, ia ranking propara-tioua for exteuaive work. I)ve Hpriugr's lead cirbonate pro)rty on the South l'ercha ia allowing up a flue body of ore. Two huudred pounU of choice specimens aaa forwarded to Hierra couuty'a exhibit ut the World's Fair. The Richmond mint waa started again tbia weak.

Work en tbe tunnel at the abaft house level ia all that will be proaccnled for the preaent. aJnoh re timbering and cleaning up baa to ba dene, but ti mine will aoon ba producing. Henry I loot it the foreman aud ia a guaiantjia for lively operations. Since opauiag the fourth level of the Opportunity much water haa bean encountered anion ating, indeed, to an average of 1C0 buckete a il'iy. To obviate thit dilKoulty a Urge pomp haa been plnced iu the abaft, aad tha hoister thua relieved will aaia be competent to handling tba output of ote and water.

Such improvement take time and money, but once effected th development of theoe great minea ia inucb advanced. Pay daya on tbe Honauza and American mine Ibis week. Standard mines, mill and amelter licit Monday. The new hoiatine; machinery for the Opportunity will be delivered at tha miue within a few daya. ltooaaia mill ia running on "high grade ore and taming out large proportion of concentratea.

Bmrlting cbargat ou the class ef ore produced at Hillaboro have been considerably reduced at Ieu-ver aud t'nobio. It ia now possible to have ores, or concentrate, treated for per ton Output of Hillaboro gold minea for the week ending Thursday, Feb. I6th, aa toported for Tail AuvocATi Tone. front the Standard U.J Mining 4 Milling Coiuo.inv Snake Miue Op(mrtiiinty Miue Froie tbe (i.kkMI.. Mining Milling Co Ronatixa Mine From the Auiencen, Hnpry Jeck, IS-inter Fu.y, etc 17 90 80 35 Total.

175 I. L. ANCHETA KILLED. From the Silrar City tstinl. Laat Friday I.

L. Ancheta, jua tice of tbe peace at Ban Lorenao, waa abot and killed by W. Lee Tbompaon. The particular of th killing as nearly aa tbey aa be aasertaiuei are aa followa llmmpson waa plowing on a piece of grouud which he ba been cultivating tbra'nnruTer ot yeara, when Aucheta rode up and told Thomp-aon not to do any more work tbore. Worda followed and Thompaon left bia Uam and started toward a tree againat which bia abot gun wa atanding.

A man who wa with Ancheta called oat that Thompson waa going for hiagun, and Anoeeta put tpma to bi horse aud pulling a revolver fired at Thompson. Tbe two men were ao close together thit Thompson waa powdor burned. Thampaon returned the fir with bia abot gun killing Ancheta almost inatautly. Thoueptoa went to bia house which was aoon aurroanded by Mexieane, who evidently intended to kill him if he came out. A courier wa dispatched to Silver City with the newt of the killing.

He arrived here about 5 o'clock Friday evening and del'r ered the mestsge to District Attor ney Ancheta, who is a brother of the murdered man. The diatriot attorney and iDepnty Sheriff Bscs immediately atarted for rUn Lorenzo. On account of the intense excitement at Han was taken to Han Juan and placed under guard. Th land upon which Thoropaon waa working at the time of the abonting has beea in dispute for come time, and on account of thie dispute there haa been ill-feeling between Ancheta and Thompson for a long time. '1 bompton bought the land ny yeara a no and paid $1,000 for it to Wood aud Bull, but, owing to aoma irregularity, the title to the land waa net perfected aa I tbe laud wna thr.iwn open for settlement again by th government.

Kince that time there baa been a strife for the. possession of the land which it now very valuable. Mr. S. 'Hopewell, the wife of (rve Hopewell of Sierra I epresenUtrve Hot and Soebrro conniic.

went to Las ic.ia on nueciiy nmrmnK hi ihu Oloaco, Porlirio her aieter while Mr. Hopiewell in John -truing. Korraat VedderJ doir.g; arduous service in the Allen, Kdw.rd Stimur, William paration of finance vitiation the "tlcering committee on tbe (innjwr 1'otillo, Kicimrd T. fteu-Denver trip. Saula Fe New Mexj- Uenr It.

Uuck, Nicholae l'iet- can. Are you in want of canned fruits, jollies and jams? If to, yu il find them at Smith's. Tbn yon want something choice for eaucc and call at Smith's and gt eoase bis extra line California evaporated frn ita. MULIIATTON'S MINKS. 8aata Nw Maxicna.

Joe Mulhatton ia in town. 'He dropped down from the Cbatna placer liclda laat night and he de- clarea be hits thakan the dnat Kentucky from bin fet for all time. For tbe paat five mouthe tbie cele brated Kentnckian haa been living in a dug oat on the Jiio Chama taelve miles above Aliiquin, nuper-intending the doiag vl work on teveral thousand acres of placer ground which hit company controla. He brings ood report of th outlook on the Cbama. Since the Haa Jnan river petered out he eaya a number ot southern Colorado iniura have oome to the Chama river fields- mud have ataked claims.

The water it there in abundance and there -ia no discount on the existence of gold. How bsst to nave it is the problem. The ordinary sluicing procee will not do, an the gold ia of the Hour and acale variety and floats off on the water. Mr. Mul hatton aaya he haa perfected arJ rangementc to put ia a lincyrna amalgamator this spring, antt bej think tha tcata thu far made will insure tbe success of ench a plan of treating the gravel.

There aro thouaaada of acre of these gold bearing gravel toda on tba Chans. At present there are tweuty-five men in camp, and the reporte thev send to their Colorado friends brinranew comers everv few davJ 1 I A stock cf cvtrcost and anderwear at the Uilisburo Mercantile Co. 'a store. The Hillsboro Mercantile Com-r f. any bat made arrangementa with an Eastern Creamerv for a aupply of the delicioua lilack Diamond reamery butter, of which tbe store tiow Lat a tapply on baud Mr C.

F. Davie, editor of the Bleenv laid, low. Farmer, says: I ran ree- emniend Chatntierlain'a Cough Kemedv to all sufTeren oilb cold and croup. I bav aaed il in aty family (or the paat two year an i have found it tbe beat I I ever naed for tbe parpeees for wbicb it is intoade'. (0 rent bottles for aaie by C.

C. Miller, DitfggiH Choice creamery and dairy butter fresh ranch aud case eggs, in stock at SiDith'e Caah Deal. Mr Alhtrt Favoril, Arkansas City give oar radr the aeuaflt of his xpriiu with veld. II says: "I contracted a coltt arlv Ut spring tliat nettled pa lay lungs, and had karJIv recovered from it-who I caagbt another that knag on all (UBiiatr and left me with a hacking coagh which I thought 1 would never gat rid of. I hae Cough Kaady some eirUi yr age with much ssccess, and coBcluJad to try it again.

I haa1 get through with eae bottle toy cough hail l(t me, aad I have not suff ered wita a cough or cold sine I hav recomcBCndWit to Others, and all spesk well of it." 5(Jcnt kettle for alo by (j.C. Miller, Pruicfitt. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. In tbe District Court of tba Third Judicial District of tbe Territory of New Mexiro, sitting iu and for tbe Couaty Sierra, at the March, A. 1SU3 Term thereof, ia Ckan-' very.

James Prauimond, Oilbort Harris; Tkoma Wdliam Bcvan, Tony Crown, Dani) E. Keller, Klawortb F. Jtl'KMlguod, James Bord, tlenrv Uf, l'liilip McKay, Celeetmo Oroaco, llario Kd-riRiiui, 1'orlirio Siaa.John C. Homing, perreat Vddr, Artbur Allen, Kdward UUr-ner, William Williams, Hubert Murray, Maliloii W. Btrop, lVrfiiio Gutierrei, Jul l'os Gitupur I'otil-I.

Kirbard T. IltunaHCT. Complainants. Ueorga liir.1i, NirheU I'lerson, Joliq It. irick, Frederick W.

Mister, William It. Harper, Wafur aad Ciutrlsn partnera lining buni- ns aiider the flna name aid HjU of Waguer urrn-. E. V. B.

rioea, Beiijairiin P. nearer, K. K. I.yile, J. K.

I KiukadcNetli W. Kinkade, his wite; AiH tiarnaby and I Pdfcnd-ant. Mary U. Karnabr, his wife. The aaid defendants, F.

V. B. Ho, Hnnjaiim 8harer, U. K. I.ylle, J.

F. Kiukade, Nettie W. Kinkade, Asa BariulT and Marv C. Barnabv. are hereby notified that a suit ia chancery ha Dm-n cuuirncmwu ajuinni iiietn in (tie lintiii-f 'Court for the Count of Sierra ud Territory of No Mexico 'by tha suid rniiiiilaiuanta.

Jamcu Dmminnn.i I Tl.omas W. Dilliard, William rjsvan, Tony Crown. Dunid Kelley, lilwonn itiooilKO'i Jumti BnvJ 1 im.ii:.. ir i on, johb rricae. hrrick Will tain H.

Ilarpwr, John ii. Wagner and Charle F. Mrarfi, partners uoini under tlit firm name and atrle ei. Wagner A Myers, 'praying that Ilia rraei lio CJ.iima of hull ot'tkr said cout-pUinant iiixt to valiJ and initiating claimaof lien upen the Kangaroo and CHledonia it inea and IwininK cUima, situate in the ttlack Range Mining District, County of Biorra and Territory, of New for the ieMictive amount due complainant for, wm and labor performed by them in and upon aid Miut-H und niiuing chtinia and for natvriala to be unad in the working thereof and he cootruction, allernlion und rair of the aa upon said Kangaroo Mine and tlanti: Jamea Primirooud, Gilbert Harria, $180 26; Tliomaa iW, Dillard, $101 Wdliain Bovan, Daniel K. Kellev, Ela-wortli F.

Uloodgoed, Jama Hoyd. Henry Ptulip'McRay; H4.0t); Celeatino Oroco, $140 25; Dario Uodrinuez, lr-fiiio Siaa, $73 00; Arthur Allen, $lo0 00; Kdwari utarner, Itobert Munar, Mablon W. titropea, $4000; I'orlirio Oglierres, $2i050; Joee M. Ponce, $IH0 tiiKM l'otillo. $U8 J0; Kichard T.

llenneaaey, $160 Frirke, William It Harper, JohnU. Warner and Cbarlra Myera, a uch partner, a follow upon said Caledonia Mine and Minjug Claim: Tonv Crown. LDaniel 00; Johe C- Horn ing. $171 tO; lorreat ad Isr. $49 50 Kdward aUsrner, Wdliam Wil liams, $141 i) Matiluu tStrope, $47U)0; tieorjo R.

Buck, $206 00; Nicholae 1'ierKon, John II. Fricke, Frederick W. Miiter, William K. Harper. araregating to tbe siiai of fj on raid Kangaroo nine aud inining claim, and to tlte eum of $1, 157 50 nu aai Caiad.mhi 'nine and Uiuiug Claim lhal complainant tie allowed reeor linii ftee, coaia, in It rent nd attorney'e It-e for forei loHing aaid claima of lien; that the ail drf-niant.

K. V. It. Hes ami BenJ imin I'. Sbcarr.

be decreed to mv rotnplaitmi.t tbe riertiTe auioueta loand to lie due tiiem upon en a ctuntuig le had hereiii under tic ilin cliun the Cnurt, with aail re4-ordiii feea, cot, intrrel and aitoniey'a by a abort djv to U- fixeiL by llt Court Jhat in oefaeli bo uiedti in such f.ivineiit that the aai.l nnminr claim be al 1 under tbe direction Of ll'e lrt to eatiufy the aaiuo; that inrof said- aale tbat the t'e ii 1.. dtiot.l out of anJ veated in the purchaser purchaHere thereof, and tbat all-equity of re imj- lion oi in aant owner (nerein aud all perna rlamnac under them anv nortioi of the eaide aaid aala burred and forever- ferecloe I aud 'for geueral rehet. Thai iinleaa vou enter appearance in said luit on or tiefore tbe nrat day ol the next March Term of aaid Court to be bitn aed held at the Court Honre in eaidCeunty, on the 1'Olh lay of Marvh, A. l. 1aU3, ie ree pro confeieo therein will lie entered azainst yon and eaid venae proceed to final decree in aeeor lauc with law and the ruleaof taiJCotnt.

A. CHKISTY, Cleik and ltcgitior in Cbani-ore. F. W. Paacfa, K-lictu Sr Cop rV'nast.

When yoa feel the need of katn ortoiiet 0Hpt, or laundry tupplics, do not forget tbat th place to get them it at Smith' Ceth Deal. SEE HEKii! I.adiea hats, gents bat, children' batii and a hage atock of dry goods at ts tLUe-bure Ai area tile etore. Joieph V. Dory, ef Wanaw, wa troubled with rhumatim and tried a number of different but ttyt none of them lacmed to do him any good but fiaally be got bold of one that speedily cured biui. He was aauslt pleased with it, aad felt sure tbat others similarly afflicted would like to know what tbe remedy wae that cured him.

He states for tba benefit of the public that it is called Chamberlain's Fain Balm. For sale by C. C. Miller, Druggist. For froth fruits, figa, datei, not and candies, call at Smith' Caah Deal.

NOTICE FOR 1'UBLICATION. In the Diatrict Court of tbe Third Judicial Diatrict ef the Territory of New Mexico, fitting in and for the Conuty of Hierra at tbe March, A. M. lues, Term thereof: William Harris it. Weld C.

Chandler, Daniel O. Knight and Lee Stubblefield. The said defendants Weld C. Chan. Her, Daniel O.

Knight and ritubbleficld are hereby not Dad tbat a suit in chancery haa been commenced againat them in the District Court lor the County of Sierra, Territory of hew Mexico, by said complainant William Harris, prayiag that acettain mortgage deed dated tbe 18th day of February, A. D. 1889, made, executed aad delivered bv said defend ant Weld C. Chandler to complaisant be decreed to ba a valid and subsisting lien upon tbe property therein described, iur to auiuiiiih tounu to ue uue complainant upon an accounting to be had therein upon tbe promissory note of said defendant Chandler, dated th 17th day ot February, A. D.

1S80, payable to the order of complainant four mouths after date for the sum of Six Hundred Dollars with interest atone per cent per month until paid, said property being in said mortgage, desuribed us follows Uue undivided one-twelfth interest in and to the alingaton Water Works, aitnate In the town of Kingston, County of Sierra, and Territory of New Mexico; alao the right, title aud iutereat- of the said Chandler In and to the remaining eleven-twelfths ef said Kintiatou Water Works, aad the Midnight or Moeulight Mining Claim ed print of water called Dona-hoe ttpring, situated thereon and which forms the basis of the water snpply of said Kingston Water Worka that said defendant Chaudler be deereeil io pay complainant auch sum as may be feund to be due upon anch accounting by a abort day to be fixed by the Court, together with the coin of the proceeding, inelii ling reasonable aolicitoi 's f-e to be allowed by lbs Court; tb.t in default of auch payment tbe taid mortgaged prm-iaea and property be aoid to eatiufy the same under the direction of the ('curt; thai deUndante Daniel O. Knight aitd Blubblefleld be raquired to set up the nature of their interests in laid moilgafed property, if any they have, and tbat said iatcreita, it any there bo, ha decreed to be subject and inferior to tbe lieu of complainant; that in case of said aalo that the deftutfanla and all perilous claiming under them any portion of the mortgaged property ilnee the execution and del i v. iy of aaid mortgage be theieby barred and foreclosed of all rixht, title, internet, property, poMeeaion, claim or demand and equity of redemption of, in or to the same and every part thereof; and for general relief That unlee you enter your appearanre said auit on or before the first day of the next March Term of said Court, commencing on the twentieth day of March, A 1). 1893, decree pro cnn'feiso therein will be rendered againat you and aaid cause proceed to final decree ace rd-ing to law and tbe rules of aaid Court. A.

L. CHKISTY, Clerk and Kegister in Chancery. F. W- I'askpr, Solicit tr for Complainant. NOTICE.

U. 8. Land Office, I.a Cruc, If. January 17, 1893. Complaint havlnr been antaraj at tMa Otllce by John II Cellett acainat Daniel ftiiliock.

for abandiininv hia Hma. atead F.ntry No. 18J2. dalcd Decern Oar 17. 18S9, open Lota 2 and a.

nw 90. sw. Saetinn Sfl Tnin.hl,, south, itange 4 weat. in Sierra Cenntv. New afexien.

with wi tt, tion of said entry tbe said parties are hereby summoned to Senear at tbia Otlice -on foe IMb dav of Februarv. 1 at 10 o'cKk a. to respond and furniah teatiutouy coureruiag said alleged abandonment. SAMUEL P. McCREA, Kegictev.

A ROSE GARDEN IO FINE ROSBPUArTS. Veur lelectleo reaiioe Staalar Varieties, pest-pal. Oar Catalogae of rtanla Boutin teniDf bow 10 dc lucceaatui wita Garden and Hetae Plants. -TMia ttOOKLCT TCLLt HOW TO RAISE BfQ ORY8ANTHEMUM. eaoKLn onavoam fen vau hi mm ve vetja noma SOUTH DENVER FLORAL 40.000 rv.

HMMem M. fir YOU WAMT A lllr.nM .7: "AILWAY FREICHTS BOTH WAYS. IVERS PIANO FOlt Two good bone, one good mule, 2 inch wngon; two harnese, etc. Apply to I. Hillaboro, N.

M. Peter alles WAGON AND BlacfesmiClii Main street. HILLSIiORO, N. i' XT' ETC. ONLY FIRST-CLASS! WORKMEN EMPLOYED, One compound, high pressure, duplex, double plunger Worthihgton Pumping Engine steam cylinders i8j in.

and ij water cylinder 6 stroke io in. 15,000 feet five and six IncK. ill. up-weidea iron pipe. One pair tubular boilers 50 horse power each, .16 ft." by inches diameter ith murl and steam drums and stack; Prescott, Scott One tubular boiler, 40 hor power, with mud and steam drums and stack, Quicksilver for $40 pef V.

flask of 76J lbs. Apply to i nr. mlver Minino Ce.v or Lake Valley, Lake Valley, N. M. and Floral Novelties for ') Is new ready, alee e.

o. son a aotTM txxvia, oauv. Write) uat- ,111 (run SHOP, PIMM- 100-PAGE CATALOGUE FREEr plvlng valuable) Information. make It eaay to deal with uir WHEREVER YOU LIVE. Our prlooa aro MOST REASONABLE tor' anrlctly FIRST-CLASS PIANOS.

WC SELL. ON EASY PA YMF NTS 1W take OLD PIANOS In EiohanK EVEN THOUCH YOU LIVE TwO THOUSAND MILES AWAY. Waguar-ante satisfaction, or Piano to ba raturrxwl tn urn A oiib i aaa vatr .1 RAILWAY FREICHTS BOTH WAYS..

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