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The Daily Phoenix from Columbia, South Carolina • Page 1

The Daily Phoenixi
Columbia, South Carolina
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$1 a Month, in Advance. ''Let our just Censure attend the tmo Single Copies Five Cents By J. A. SELBY. COLtJMBIA, S.


TERMS-IX ADVANCE. SUBSCRIPTION. Six months, $5 One month, ADVERTISING. One square, (ten lines,) tice time, 50 eta Subsequent insertions. cts Special notices ten cents per line.

Psyche. Jn vigils lone she hears the chimes Of voices fron? diviner climes, And sees eutranced the statures grand, That throng her lofty fatherland. Unwonted odors, strange and rare. Float round her on the midnight air. From-gardens where her youth was spent, Beyond the dark blue firmament.

The fleshly walls and thin, "Which close yearning spirit in Celestial footfalls she can hear, Inaudible to grosser car. She mourns her lot like one exiled. Her songs are filled with longings wild For home, and that serener day Which lights the angels far awnv. BALL. Curious History.

The reader vwll find some interest, in the following curious history' of an Eastern pretender: "Some eight or years jigo a man appeared in the South of Persia, the neighborhood of Shiraz, and put forth pretensions that the only way of access to God foi' mankind was by him; and accordingly he assumed the of Bnb, tl ie Arabic term for 'door' Ho found some persons who soon ac? knowledged pretensions, and who became his One of his doctrines was, that alt men ought to subject to him, and that consequently he power exercised by the Shah was usurpation. This was noised abroad, jit.d reached (he ear3 of the king. lie -was summoned to the capital, where ho -was kept a while, and then he waa rc nioved to Makoo. a remote district, six tlavs journey from this place, bordering on Turkey. Here he was kept under guard; bat such persons "as desired to him were to Iiis presence, and he was allowed to forward letters to his friends, who had become some? what numerous in various parts of Persia, lie was visited by several por- sons from Orodmiah, who became lits decided Ho WHS in the habit of dictating to a writer, what he Koran; and so rapidly did the Arabic sentences flow from his tongue, that many of those who wit? nessed it, thought that he must be inspired.

It was also reported that he performed miracles, and multitudes readily gave credit to tho rumor, as it was known that he was extremely i abstemious in his diet, and that, he spent most of his time in prayer. You probably know that most Mussulmans believe that, a person may by absti neiicc and prayer attain so high a place in the favor of God as to be empowered to work miracles. Sub 6equently he was removed by order of the Government to Cbaree, near Sal mas, only two days journey from this place. Here he was a'Tiost entirely secluded from the world, but continued to write letters -to his friends, who handed them around as the produc- tions of au inspired person, though the 1 only evidence that I ever beard given of it whs that they were unintelligible. His.

disciples became still more numer? ous, and in some parts of the country they engaged in angry controversy with what was called the orthodox party, which led to a conflict. In Mazanderan some sixty persons, atid among them two princes, were killed inja engagement. The matter became so serious, that the Government issued an order that he should be taken to Tabreez and bastinadoed, and that his disciples wherever found should be fined and punished. Oo his way to Tabreez ho was brought to this place, where he was treated with marked attention by the Governor, and many. persons were allowed to visit bim.

On "one occasion a number of persons were in bis presence, and as tho Go? vernor subsequently told nie, they were all mysteriously moved aud burst into tears. At Tabreez he was examined I as to his doctrines by a high Mollah, who pronounced Mm a hermie and a madman, and he was publicly beuten. Ke was removed to Cbaree, where he was secluded from the world as before. Still he had commmunication by letter with maoy persons of influence in various parts of the country; and strange as it may appear, hts preten tehsions wera extensively acknowledg? ed. At Zengan, a large town on the road from Tabreez to the capital, his disciples became numerous and power? ful, so that hist year they re.iisted some of tlie measures of the Government, which was thereby induced to take a decided step for the suppression of the sect.

Bab himself was removed to Tabreez and shot in the public square, with one of his principal adherents, and troops wero sent to Zengan to bring to terms the Babites there. A spirited was matre bv them. They determined to dio rather than re? nounce their faith, ur yield to tho Government. Many of them made their shrouds, anil throwing them over their necks, forth with sword in hand, benton victory Having fortified themselves in a strong part of the town, they heldiout- against the troops seven months, and killed several hundred of them, and sornn of the chief officers. At last the head of the sect in the place, an energetic and shrewd Mollah, was mortally wounded; and his discip'es many having hewn already ki If od, could resist no A hundred of them were taken prisoners, and thrust through the bayonet.

None were left who would venture to offer any resist? ance, and thus the sect there and else? where appears to be extinguished. yon specimens of tin; papers wrote during his confinement at Charee. It is said that several horse loads of such were found af'or his removal from that place. The British Consul, resident at Tabreez, having obtained number of them, gave to me those I now forward. They have been shown to Mullah here, who is a good Arabic scholar, but he is unable to decipher them, or to extract any meaning from them." CELESTIAL curious at? tempt has been made by M.

Amedee in hts book entitled Le Ciel, to represent nature as it may be sup tosed to appear in the moon and planets from what we know of them. A lunar landscape, according to the ingenious author, bears a striking re? semblance to our volcanic districts, such as those of Vesuvius, Teneriffe, with the only difference that the cones and craters are infinitely more numerous and larder; the contrast between light and shade ia also much stronger, owing to thc fact that the moon, being deprived of an atmos? phere, is necessarily devoid of diffused light. The stars are visible in full i the lunar day is upward of three hundred hours long, The Saturnian landscapes are supposed 1 to be taken from the ring, the princi? pal feature of that planet. They arc characterized by large pyramids of light proceeding frum that appendage. The ring itself, which the author sup? poses to be liquid, viewed from the has the appearance of an ocean at the foot of a large luminous mass.

Count Augustus Potocki, who is one of the largest landed prSprietors in Poland, has been so impoverished by the heavy contributions imposed by the Russian Government on his estates, that he intends to sell all his properly and srHtleiabroad. His mu? nificent estate of Wilanow, near War? saw, has already been sold to the banker Dronenberg, of Warsaw, who also I'D contract for the purchase of tlie palace of the Potoekis, in the Cracow suburb, one of the finest build in-rs in the capital, nt which the Count has frequently received both the late and prcsetit Czar with Oriental splen? dor. AUCTION SALUS. Zealy, Scott and Bruns, WILL sell THIS 1 at 10 o'clock, op? posite their on Assembly Street, 1 Various pieces of Household Furniture, a large of Crockery-ware, Summer Clothing, Hoots, Hardware; Kitchen Utensils, Also, 1 Two Horse Wagon. Unlimited articles re? ceived up to hour of sale.

Terms Cash. 10 New Auction Commission House. BY JACOB THE undersigned being thrown out. of employment by the recent destruction of the city, informs his friends and the 1 citizens of Columbia, that ho has resumed his former line of business previous to his erection of Rook-keeper in the Exchange Bank, and offers his services as an Auc? tioneer and Commission Mer? chant, respectfully soliciting a share of oublie patronage. In conducting this business, he pledges the same fiJelity and promptness observed whilst formerly engaged in it.

Oilice at the Lower Ration House, op? posite Dr. W. I'. Geiger, and may he consulted at, boni" immediately opposite the residence of Capt, Thomas R. Sharp, on Gervais Street.

Consignments thankfully roeeh-ed. June K. JACOB LEVIN. Notice. MEALS will be furnished nt all hours through the day, and SOUPS and LUNCH from ll A.

M. to P. M. June 1- WAL J. THOMAS.

Fine Milk Cow. TT-iOR SALK, a tine MILK COW. lu quire at. R. TOZER'S MILL.

June li? I Flour and Corn at Private Sale, -f BAGS New FLOUR: X'f) 200 Bushels CORN in lots to suit purchasers. Apply at the Lower Ration JACOB LEVIN, Jun? 2 Anet. Merchant. GIORGI IL Receiving and Forwarding Agent and Commission ORANGEBURG, s. TT7TLL promptly forward al! COTTON VT to Charleston or GOODS for the interior of the State, whieh may be con? signed to his care.

Ile will also make pur? chases of cotton at reasonable rates of commission. Juno l-l "PROFESSOR WOODROW WILL receive a few PRIVATE PU? PILS at his study. No. 14 Simons li.ill, Theological Seminary. Instruction will be given in Latin, Greek, French, German, Mathematics and the Natural Sciences.

June 13 GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, I KENNETH GIBSON, At Robert Bryce's Old Stand, ACHOICE ASSORTMENT of Goods, consisting in part of 1,200 lbs. choice BACON. 7 FLOUR. 100 boxes No. I HERRINGS.


6 doz. BROOMS. 500 yards pure MADDER PRINTS. 500 Checked English ALPACA. 100 CAMBRIC! 500 superior LONGCLOTH.

ALSO. COLOGNE, JELLIES, BLACKING. Windsor Soap. Hair and Tooth lirushes. Dressing nnd Fine Tooth Combs.

Sweet Oil, Gent's Paper Collars. Sugars, Locks, Smoking Pipes. And various other articles too numerous to mention. Juno Iii Millinery and Dress-Making. MAD.

A. DcROSS would respectfully inform the ladies that she will exe cute any work in her. promptly. Dreis Patterns Cut to ht, at 2a cents. Cold and Shower Baths for Ladies-price 25 cents I at her residence, Wes: end of Washington atreet.

june 7 i-3 For Sale, ONE BOX FINEST CHEWING TO? BACCO, cheap for cash by Juno 15 2 FISHER HEINITSH. City Taxes. IWILL attend daily, from 9 a. ru. to 12 at thc Council Room, (formerly Odd Fellows' School-room.) for the purpose of collecting CITY TAXI'S.

lu view'of the nrgervjt necessities of the City Couucil, it is hoped that all tax-payers will prompt. A. C. BASKIN, June City Clerk. Bakery and Confectionary.

ISHODA1R and STIEGLITZ have re-opened their BAKERY, CONFECTIONARY and CRACKER MA NU FACTORY. Also, on line assortment of CHEWING and SMOKING TOBACCO, SCOTCH anrl MACCABOY SNUFF, CIGARS. PIPES, at Messrs. Cooper Gaither's old staud. June mtli6 Headq'rs Provisional Brigade, COLUMBIA, S.

JCNE 9, 1S65 To the Freedmen: THU time has come for you all to do your best to 6how that you are fit to be free, mei; ip this great Republic. Observe sacredly the marriage tie. Learn toread and write. No one must leave his wife, children or aged parentB while he can assisi them- Thieves and idlers and peo? ple strolling about the country will be punished. Be prudent, and quiet, and or? derly.

If you have to the military authorities. This rear you cm not much more than get a living for yourselves and families: those will get the best pay next year wini work the best now. Let no one be either proud or ashamed of the for.u or color that God has given him. Bo proud of the chauce to do for (yourselves and for each other. A.

S. HARTWELL, June U) Brevet Brigadier-General. Headers Provisional Brigade, cm.I KI s. JVXE I86c. EX KRAL 0RJJER So.

Li. HEREAS certain persons have, an nouneed to those colored people formerly their slaves aud remaining on their tenements that they must quit, with no provision made or attempted foi said colored people to obtain shelter ot work, it is hereby that no person 'shall turn off from his place or house those colored people who have lived with him and still desire to remain with him and do what they can. Any person or persons violating this order, and turning out. from their houses these people, to become paupers upon the community, will bc forthwith arrester! arni reported at these headquarters for trial Cares of colored people residing on places of their former masters, and be improperly or refusing to work with fair terms ottered, will be for action of the rnililaay authorities. By order of A.

S. HARTWELL. Brevet Brig. Gen. Official: GEO.

F. MCKAY, Lieut, and A. A. A. G.

june 10 6 Headq'rs Provisional Brigade, COLUMBIA, S. I860. GENERAL ORRER rTVHE attention of this command is called to existing orders against marauding and foraging. Officers and mon are tar ther ordered to avoid all unuecessa'ry I cuasion on'public matters with those who, aftor these 3-enrs of blood andi suffering, Still do not acquiesce in tho result of bat tic and in the of the General Go vernnienl. Courtesy to all is the part ol a soldier.

Information will be given when? ever desired. Sympathy for those in sor? row affliction is felt by no one quicker than by the soldier; but no soldier can forget what he has fought for, and what his brothers have died to support-thc Union, Constitution and laws and free Government-now, ns the result of thc war, accorded to all classes; nor can hi forget the dignity of his Government and his own dignity as its representative, in dealing with those who now either secretly or openly scoff at those sacred principles Contracts between masters and servant will set forth in words the freedom of tin hitter, and will witnessed by a Un i tee States officer and by a civilian. It is foi the interest of the people that these rein (ions be amicably adjusted without Cases of difficulty will bo examined aiK tried by military authorities, privileges or ad vantages whatsoevei I will be granted those who do not their allegiance to the United States Go I vernment, acting in good faith accordini I tb that declaration. Tiiis order will bc pablished to the cn tire command. By order of A.

S. HARTWELL, Brevet Brig. Gen. Official: GEO. F.

MCKAV, 1st Lieut. A. A. 0 inn? 3 Headers United States Forces, CITY OF COLUMBIANS. 27.

1S66. GENERAL ORDERS NO 4. IN order prevent any disturbance which may improper use of in? toxicating liquors, it is hereby ordered that, lor tlie pissent, nc intoxicating li? quors will be sold or given iitvaj to any citizen or soldier, unless permission ia granted from headquarters. Any one foiiud guilty of disobeying this order, will not only ive his goods confiscated, but will be subject to punishment by mili? tary law. By command of Lieu'.

Cd. HAUGHTON, Cnmmanding Fosf. W. J. Kv LE.

Lieut. 25th O. Y. V. 1.

Fost Adjutant may 29 Headq'rs United States Forces, CITY OF COLUMBIA, S. C. MAY 27, 1365. GENERAL ORDERS NO. 3.

VLL citizens having ni their possession any property that rightfully belongs to'the United States Government, accord? ing to the tenor, of surrender of Gen. Jos. E. Johnston, C. to Gen.

W. T. Sher? man, U.S. will immediately report the same to these headquarters. Persons mulets, horses and wa will, fi the present, bf permitted to retain the for the purpose of carry? ing on their work.

Any person failing to comply with this order within a reasona? ble time, will not only be deprived of any farther uso of tuid property, but will also themselves to punishment bj milt I tary authority. By command of N. Col. 25th 0. V.

Citv of Columbia, S. C. W. J. KYLE, Lieut.

25tu O. V. V. I. aod Post Adjutant.

may ii9 Headq'rs United State3 Forces, CITY OF COLUMBIA, S. MAY 27. 1855. GENERAL ORDERS NO. 2.

INFORMATION huviug been received at headquarters of the existence of armed (winds o'f marauders infesting thu country and committing depredations on the property of peaceful it is liereby uiJcred that al' r-uch will tie considered and treated as I outlaws, it caught, will receive tho severest punUhmeut ol military law. Thc United States Government is desir? ous of protecting all peaceful aa 1 law abiding und they will confer a favor "ti hes? headquarters, and do justice to themselves, by giving any information I they may have their possession respect mg the nanos movements of such I bands, and, it possible, aiding in their i capture. The time has arrived when it behooves every citizen to -lo all in power to assist the military forces of the United Staten to i peace and harmony throughout the land. Bj- order of Lieut. Coi.

N. 25th O. V. V. I Cou? V.

3. Forces, Citv of Columbia, W. J. Kr 'id Lieut! iioth O. V.

I. and Post-Adjutant may 29 Headquarters, Northern District, DEPARTMENT OF THE SOUTH, CHAKI.EOTON, S. April 25, Circular Planters, etc. UMEItOUS applications have been i.1 made to mu for information as to the policy to tie adopted ou the subject of labor. All can understand the importance of a crop present season, and foresee thy misery and ing consequent upon its failure.

In the present unsettled sta'te of the country, and in tho absence ol any recog? nized State authorities, I lind it my duty to assume control of tho plantations near the military lines, and order as follows: 1st Thc planter-', after taking the oath of allegiance, will assemble the freedmen (lately their slaves) aud inform them that they are free, and that henceforth they must depend upon their own exertions for their support 'id. Equitable contracts jn will be made by thc owners of thc land with tlic freedmen for the cultivation of the land during the prescrit, year. Payment will lc made in kind, and the allow irice of one half the crop is recom mendi as fair compensation for tho labor, the landlord furnishing subsistence until thc crop is gat i.ercd. These conn-acts will submitted to the nearesfmilitary or naval conminador for approval and endorsement. When th? above requirements arc com? plied with, protection will be granted as far as military necessity will "allow; but where no contract is made, thc crop raised will bc considered forfeited for the use of the laborers.

Should the refuse to cultivate it, they will Pe considered as- en? deavoring to embarrass the Government, and the land will be used for colonies of the freedmen from interior. JOHN" P. HATCH. Jjat- I Brig Ces Coir sanding..

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