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Alton Spectator from Alton, Illinois • 1

Alton Spectatori
Alton, Illinois
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VOL II LOWER ALTON ILLINOIS TUESDAY MAY 28 1833 KO 16 wero not to be driven from their fuast in one we are doomed to die with thirst and hunger! short moment when Mr Snitli ceased' nothing to eat you know Tom nothing splashing as he looked into tiie boat to The word was repeated by Torn watch the progress a shark seiz'd both hisi who afterwards continued the conversation legs and bit them olfjustaUv the knees boy the ship that passes Human nature was not strong enough to through the Gull ot Florida and which bear the immense pain without a groan but 'must come neaily within hail of us so that Smith endeavorded to conceal his misfor-if we or one of us can live a little and tune nature true to herself resisted the I dare tat wc can find food for one why endeavor and the groan was deep and audi-i then you know lie whole story will be told The crew had long respected their and will bo something gallant commander'' they knew his worth and his courage on hearing him express his pain and seeing him relinquish his hold to for re-echoed the other ami advanced toward his companion with a look of savage determination Both understood VI'liUFHl'l) WEEKLY BUR AT II teums 2 isO iTpaiil in W2 75 within six months or $(3 (JO al the expiration of the year Yox a square or under I Ou for the first insertion for each continuance 25 cents A liberal deduction will he made to those who advertise by the year Mi uIl sink two of tTie men grasped their dying I the allusion there was no doubt hut tlmt they could have outlived tho day without resorting to the last resource but they stood afraid ot eacli other Both had knives for sailors always carry these 'iustimnents suspended by their necks by a strong piece of while line which they call a lanyaiil Although not driven to die dreadful alternative they anticipated the woist results they officer and placed him in the stern sheets Ever now in almost insupportable agony that gallant fellow forgot his own sufferings and thought only on rescuing the remaining few from the untimely grave which awaited them he tolil them again oftheironly hope leplored their perilous state and concluded with these words any of you survive this fatal night and return to Jamncia tell knew they could not long both survive tin 1 Tr- I 1 awful situation in From the Providence Uuzette We never read the following lines written by Thomas I lav lies ISiyley without realising ns emotion which it is at all limes ditlioult to rnppress The production is one of those beautiful and splendid affairs which do equal honor to the head ami heart of the poet and it at the same time adds to the fame alre-dy inquired by its celebrated and excellent au- thoi It PILOT Oh Pilot! Vis a fearful night danger on the deep I'll come and pace the deck with thee I dare not go to sleep I'n down the sailor cried go down This is no place for thee pear not! and trust in Providence Wherever thou be Oh Pilot dangers often met all are apt to slight And thou hast known thee raging waves Hut to subdue their might It is not apathy he cried I hat gives this strength to me Pear not! but trust in Providence Wherever thou be On sucli a night the sea engulphed My lifeless form My only boat went dflvvn In just so wild a storm Ami such perhaps may be my fate i lint stilt I say to thee Fear not! but trust in Providence Wherever thou be which they weie placed no ship passed them within twenty-four hours it was evident that one must have been murdered to save the We regret that o'ur limits will not permit us to extend the extract and give in the an own words the account of the rescue of these two men from their perilous situation we must refer our readers to the Bonk itself Suffice it to say that when hope had neaily left thoina brig hove in sight at the distance of several miles which was apparently steeling in the direction of the spot whete they wen hut when it approached within two or three miles it changed it course when one of the sailors seeing nothing but death before him with generous self-devotion jumped overboard and swam fin the luig in the hope of reaching it and thus saving tiie lives of both He fortunately succeeded in approaching the vessel and attracting the attention of the crew a boa was sent and he was saved as well as his companion in the hunt of the Magpie They were landed at Havana and then conveyed to Fort Jloyal in a man of war fell upon tho wet faces of tho struggling crew most fortunately as some would think hut in reality the most painfully unfortunate from what followed the boat on the beams of the schooner floated clear of the sinking vessel ami seemed prepared for their salvation the fore-yard-arm had somehow got fixed on the gunwale and as the schooner sunk it naturally heeled the boat until she was nearly upset and half full of water when the yard got untangled the schooner sunk and the boat floated only ark of their safety was amply large enough to have saved the twenty-two men who instantly swain to her and such was the impetuosity occasioned by their fright that prudence was overlooked and in the hurried exeition of eight or ten endeavoring to scramble in all on one side the half-filled boat heeled below her gunwale in the water and rolled over and over some got across her keel the others held on by her and all were safe from drowning Smith who appears to have been a man of most consummate command and coolness began to reason with his crew on the impossibility of their being saved if they continued in 1 heir present position for those who were on the keel would shortly roll oil and exertion and fatigue would soon force the others to relinquish their holds or urge them to endeavor forcibly to dislodge the possessors from their quiet seats llepoinl-d out the necssity of righting the boat of allowing only two mdi to get in her to hail her out while the others supported by the gunwales which they kept upright might remain in tho water until the boat was in such a condition as to receive two more and thus by degrees to ship tlm whole crew in security in this moment of peril the discip line of the navy assumed its command At the order from the Lieutenant tor tlm men oil the keel to relinquish their position they instantly obeyed the boat was turned over and once mote tho expedient was tued but quite in vam for no suonur laid two men begun to bail with a couple of hats and the salety of the crow began to appear within the hounds of probability than one man deciar-1 lie saw ttic tin of a shark lu language conver the panic which seized the sir idling seamen a shark is at til! times an oh-cct of lioiror to a sailor amt those who have seen the destructive jaws of these voracious fish and their immense and almost ineiedible power their low of blood and their bold daring to obtain it alone can loiiii an ilor of me sensations produced to swimmer by the cry of man now smuggled to obtain a safety Well tney knew that one drop of blood would have been scented by the everlasting pilot fish the jackals of the link and tnit their destiiicuoii was inevitable if onlv one of these monsters should discover tlm rich lopast or 1m led to its ibod tlm litile rapid hunter of its picy All discipline was no unavailing the boat again turned keel up one nun only gained Ins security to be pushed troni i by outers and thus tneir strength began to fail from long-continued exertion as howeiei the enemy so uiucu dreaded did not make his appearance Smith once muio urged them to endeavor to saio themselves by the only measure left that of the boat but as lie knew that lie would only inctease their ahum by emloavoung to peisuadc them that snai l- hie 1 1 at notonntis to the observer of human nature The farce into which the clmracfer of Nimrod Wildfire has been let in like a figure by Teniers into a water-colour painting id a poor tillkir the laugh ut Mrs Trollope id only a sneer and we much wished Airs Gibbs had fallen into better hands for alio could have acted the character well Thera was one good scene however where Mrs Trollope writes a letter to Nimrod Wildfire requesting him to patronise her of Refinement at five hundred dollars per The Colonel imagining sho wished to marry him ordets a covered wagon brings in a parson and comes to carry her oil' to tho buckwooas by a coup dc main In another scene having been challenged by some foppish English traveller to fight a duel lie appears dressed like Robinson Crusoe in bis hunting slnrt with a rifle on each shoulder and insists on settling the affair at The fellow gets frightened and on being asked the distance says that half a mile is the right space witii rifles Tho Kentucky Colonel demands you wuntmetostrnii my Mr Ilackett may ground his reputation ns an actor on his petformance of the character The Editor of the Literary Gazette lias kindly supplied our memory with the following of Kentucky from this farce I can out-talk any mail in liio Slates and give him half an Start I have laid a speech iu soak these six months 1 ain all brimstone but my head and aquafortis Pistols! pistols are trumpery they lodge a ball in a body and wound his feelings! a ride now sends it clean through and no mistake Stranger bet you $500 1 hits you between your eyes without touching your nose Linde von know I ran out-eat any man in the Stales? I wish staid till I untied rny neckcloth have swallowed him whole You are like a new pen and I'll use you up to tho stump Stranger if you think to turn me you may as well row up the Fulls of Niagara iu a fish kettle with crow-bar for an oar 1 say stranger if you try to get through that ere sand-bank I guess Must your idilor Vanity thy name is woman! Slmkspeare ami he is a screamer 1 ride through a crab-apple orcliaul on flush of lightening Stranger if you keep your mouth so wide open I guess sun-burn your teeth Aly father can whip any man in Kcnluck and 1 1 can whip father I can out-grin a wild cat I was in a menagerie once: stranger says I talk your wild eats grinning Link here says I uml 1 gave one of a look ami he turned on his hack and died 1 never owned a nigger hut I borrowed one once: a fever uml an ague the fever stopt but the ague left him lie was so tarnation lazy lie shake If you plant a crow-bar overnight in Ken-tuck it wiHspiotittcnpcnny nailsncxt morning Give us some music "000 horse power If it triii may 1 he tetolaccously exflunctified Stick me into a split log for a wedge the Admiral (Sir I anrence Halstead) that I was iu search of the pirate when this lamentable occurrence took place tell him I hope 1 have always done my duty and that here the endeavor of some of the men 1 get into the boat gave her a whirl on one side the men who were supporting poor Smith relinquished him for a moment and this critical juncture lie rolled overboard and was drowned His last bubbling cry was soon lost amidst 'he shrieks of his former he sunk to tise no more Could lie have been saved his life would have been iiksome: and hut for tho time which even tho best desire to make atonement for the sins and errors of early to offer their contrite prayers to the throne of grace to implore that salvation we all hope tor and none of themselves can claim lie had better have died as he did than live to he dependent on others to hear the peevish complaint of his attendants or to sigh pleasures he could never obtain With him died every hope all hut two of the crew gave way to loud execrations and cursing Some who had not been so seriously injured by the monsters of tlm deep endeavored to get upon tho keel of the boat which win again upset hut worn out with excessive fatigue and smarting under tile keen pain they gave up the chance of safely and wero either eaten immediately by the sharks oi conning death which appeared inevitable they they threw themselves from their only suppoit and were drowned At eight in the evening the Slag-pie was upset it was calculated by the two survivois that their companions h-ul nil dual by nine The sliaiks seemed satisfied for the moment and they will) gallant hearts resolved to profit hv the precious time in order to save themselves they righted the boat and one getting over the how and the other over the stern they found themselves although neatly exhausted yet alive and in coiiipanlive security they began the work of hailing and soot: lightcnc: liciently trot to he easily npsi It the boat vvlii-n Loth From London Weekly Messenger lOXOOX Corral Carden 1 lav mg seen Mr 1 laek-ett at Diury Lane Theft tic where he appeared in the diameter of a thorough limbec our iccllcclion of lie inimitable liiiiuo: which Matthews throw into Ins Jonathan were so Ire Hi that we like the Athenians ot old aecoidmg to Esop preferred tlm imi iattve squeak the actor to the genuine grunt of the real pother and set down Mr American is a dull mete mallei of fact sort of person But Air ilackett ou Saturday night last made his appearance in a (diameter quite oiigmal ami which lie has made his own Aimrod Wildfire The huiliidian a hold vigorous impression from the tanip of nalme with all the lire and spirit of the West India character suf-l'ic liame of the Northern huntei the habits of the backwoodsman the rovin set down to rest Thero'imi of the sharks was a signal for their return to labor The vmaciotis in msieis cmleavoied to upset the boui they swam by its side in seeming anxiety fur iheir prey hut idler waiting Some tame they -the two rescued seamen tumid themselves from iheir insatiable enemies and by the Messing of God saved Tiled as they were they continued the labor until the boat was neaily dry when both laid down to rest tho olio fuuvard the ot Lot all so completely had fear operated in llieit minds that they did not dare not even move dieading that an incautious step might again have capsized the boat They soon in spite of the horrors they had witnessed fell into did not abound those parts he ujteil the wisest plan of desiiiug loose who held on From the Iouisville Herald I IKK of svtunt nr A CAl'TAl IN TIIK NAVT A very interesting woik heating above title has just reached our city-now that the country is overrun with 1 hu dash of the imagination it is really refreshing to meet with such a bool as this possessing as it docs the richness of most exjibeiant limey with high claims upon our faith in the fidelity of the narrative We have often wondered why those home ij on the mountain do not more frequently give us an insight into the magical scenes of ocean life knowing a we do the capaciousness of the materials and the of those who lave already essayed the task They have nothing to lea 1 lioin the yclept critics while they can come as Smollett Cooper Alarryatand I Chanier the reputed author of the pre-eut work have done Wo will hail iheir appearance ut all times with pleasure This work is not strictly speaking a uu tnoirof the life of the author 1ml lather record of various interesting scenes through which otlinrs as well as himself have passed The scenes are worked up with gieat skill ami peculiar elegance of language and in some of them the graphic power is im mailed aseviihmceofwhieil wo present the tlnilling incident of the sinking of the magpie and tho loss of tho crew nmon the sharks This is not theoaly intcrestin put of the wot The visit In Constantinople is sketched with great powernnd full ity and in connexion with it the friends of Cord Byron will read this portion with deep interest and with increased admiration of him as a man and a poet Wo would advise those who wish to enjoy a rich intellectual repast to call at the Bookstore! of dames ilice and purchats tho work which they uu then read at their leisure: those who harrow books are too much in the habit of rending against tune to enjoy their real merits dint to tho story The Magpie a steal schooner under tlm command of Lieutenant Smith was ordered to cruise between the shoal at the extremity of the island of Cuba and the city of Havana in order to intercept a piratieal vested which had been committed great depredations on those sous The Magpie readied her destination and while lying near tho Cohn ados she was struck by a squall and the event occurred which is related in the following extract A squall of wind which must hvcbccn leu fully strong seemed to burst liom the i loud alongside tho schooner it readier Iut before tliu male could call the watdi into activity Tho vessel was taken ubnek ntid Air Smith ns he pul his fool upon tho last step of tho ladder found his schooner upset mid scareely time had lie to leach tho deck before aha sunk to iise no more crew amounting in all to twenty-four liapismed luckily to boon deck with tlm exception of two who were drowned in the schooner mid in one minute they limml theiiiM Ives struggling in tho water their home their ship and sumo of llimr companions lost forever Tho wild cty of ussis-taiiec from some of surprise fiom others and fear from all seemed to drown the wind lor ns if sent by Providence to died this single event no sooner had tho schooner sunk titan the wind entirely ceased a ralin came on and tho bright rays of the moon by propensity (f the Indian tin coinage of a lion and the rlioduiuuntado of a Gascon To a Kentuckian the province of Kentucky is the metropolis of the vvmhl a Kentuckian tiie only icul lord of the creation ami the greau-st of men and he himself the glut esl of Kentuckians A Gascon 'lei larod that 1 lie beds in nis castle wero stalled with the whiskers of the enemies he hud slam out the Kentuckian avows that lie struca a such a blow that tho mail disappeared and all that was tell of him grease spot on the The Kentuckian can his weight in wild cats dive deeper slop under longer ami come ip dryer limn any man in the Ask him about the country uml he tells yon that the soil is so rich that you may go under us well as over it He himself half lior-e halt alligator with a spice of tho steam and his policy will a race round a paddock with Hash of Nay more he day saw thunderstorm coming on about llireu yanls behind me 1 pul spins to my horse mid away wo went full my male ami the shower until ul-tcr a ride of twelve milts I just got to tin stable door as Hie shower wetted the tip ol her Such is the chuiaclcr of the Kentuckian and well did Air Ilackett rep-resent it He looked frank generous and honest uptight uml dowmiglil and ut lie himself sajs like a man vues Hie whole Them was smack of humor tt relish a novelty about this clmr-aclor which we much tnjojed after the fa-timiing lepetilion of the same round ol sentimental ploughin') lovesick lurineis idle foppish gentlemen and lounging lords with which our stkge is infested This is an original clruacier Imt to enjoy it proeily requires somewhat mote acquaintumo with tlm jicciiharities of the American chuiactei sound sleep uml tho day laid dawned before they awoke to honiblo reflections and apparently woiso dungeis sun rose dear and unclouded the cool culm of Hie night was followed by the sultry calm of tho morning and heat and hunger lliiisluiul fatigue seemed settled on the unlortunate men rescued by Providence and their own exertions from the jaws of a horriLlo death They awoke and looked ut each tho very gaze of ilcspuir was appalling: us far as the eyccoulj reach no object could Lo discerned tho bright haze of the morning added to the strong refraction ut light one smooth interminable plain one endless ocean one cloudless sky uml one burning sun were all they Lad to gaze upon 1 ho boat lay like the aik iu a woild ulonc I hey had no oar no mast no suil nothing but tho baro planks ami ihciii' selves without provisions or water food or raiment They lay unon tlmclm iw'Mlh lay upon tho culm ocean From the Alexandria lazettc TO TIIE Robert Randolph late Lieutenant in tlm Navy of the United States having recently announced his dismission from the service by the will now umlet lake for ihe information of his lid-low citizens generally and of his late associates attached lo ihe Navy to expose the ciiciunsiances which have led to this catastrophe In the Spring of 1820 John II Timlmr-ake rser of the frigate Constitution died at Tort Mahon from the clli cts of derangement in a fit of which he had unfortunately maimed himself by cutting his throat Commodore Patterson then Commander of the frigate directed me verbally to assume tho duties of af ting as the successor of Air Titnbcrlake About to become the recipient of the money slops and other cllccts belonging lo tho United Stales which were left by my predecessor it was not my duty to count the money or take invcntoiy of the cllccts Common sense might tench any ono that the counting of the money and surveying the efibets Involved upon others befo'ro I could bo made responsible I paitictpated in neither It has been testified however by Captain Fulierson tlmt lie gave verbal orders to his first Lieutenant to cause tho money to ho counted and an uecmmt taken of it to ho delivered to me and also to designate throe otlici-rs of the ship to mnkG an inven-Imy of nil public dl'ccts before they should ho delivered over Captain Patterson has further deposed that Lieutcnunt Vallolte the gentleman to whom these verbal orders were given reported to him tlmt all had been done in commanded But the persons lined by Limit Valletta as those desmna-ted lo perform the duties before mentioned disclaim their npioiiiniont and positively assert tlmt they hud no agency in makiiro an inventor) or counting the money and or by the gunwale lo keep splashing iu tin water witli their logs in order to lngiiteii the monsters ut winch they were so alarmed more had hope begun lo dawn the boat was dear lo her ihwuits and four men wero in iter liatd al woik a 'little forbearance and a little obedience and they were safe At tins mom Jilt when those in the water urged their messmates iu the boat ti continue bailing with uuromiltcd exertion a noise was licaid close to them and about tilleen sharks came right in among them Tho panic was ten times more dreadful than befote (lie boat was upset by the simultaneous endeavor to escape the danger and the twenty-two sailors wero ogam devoted to destruction first the sharks did not seem inclined to seize their picv hut swam in amongst the men playing in tho water sometimes unoul and rubbing against their victims This was of short duration a loud shriek from one of the men announced his sudden pain a shark laid seized him by the and severed it entirely from the bod) No sooner bad the blood been tasted than the long-dreadod attack took place another and another shriek proclaimed the loss of limbs smno were torn Irom tho boat to which they vainly endeavored to cling some it was supposed stink from fear alone all weie in dreadful peril Smith even now when of all horrible deaths the most horrible seemed to await him gave hisorders with clearness and cool ness and to the everlasting honor of the pour departed trow bo it known that they were obeyed again the boat was righted and again two men wero in her Incredible as it limy appear still however it is true tlmt tho voice of tho ofiiccr wns heard amidst the danger and the survivors acluully us before clung to tho gunwale and kept liio Imat upright Mr Smith himself held by the stern and cheered and applauded his men Tlm sharks had lusted tlm blood and friendless Miserable It was 0 time of intense anxiety their ejes mated upon each other in silent pity not unmixcd with fear Eucli knew tho dicudful ulleniu-tivo to which natiiro would ergo them The cannibal was already in their looks and fearful would have been the attack mi either for they were both brave and stunt men and equals in strength and courage a had business thin said the man on the very bad business indeed I think I am sorry I was not eaten by the sliaiks with the rest of the poor fellows and then 1 should never Imvo known the misery of this 1 have replied Jack many heavy squall before now but I never felt such a gale as no hope Tom none? here than is lo Imi met with in uu English umli-etu'e We hope soon to see some Aimaican Smollet or Fielding arise to preservo to us the natural pectiliarlies of their country be firo all humor lias been evaporated by Inu alembic of refinement Ameiicu jib is in tho bold impiess of naturo In many pails of that country tho elements of society have just been thrown together uml tlm various atoms Imvo not yet rounded into tlmt jiolitencHS and tameness which at present renders all English society so nio-j never Imd any knowledge of the inouey.

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