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The Daily Kansas Tribune from Lawrence, Kansas • Page 2

Lawrence, Kansas
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almost a miracle of our Government in XA'NSAS TRIBUNE. petition with' his Majesty finally succeeded in purchasing- the hor3e Spring Summerx Goods By Telegra REPORTED FORTH! KANSAS DAILY TRIBUNE Battle In Texas The Union Troops' Defeated I 10 Union Victory in Kentucky I AFTERNOON DISPATCHES. Chicago, April 20. A letter tocne uournai, aa- Grand Ecoie, says our cavalry had been, driving the enemy for two days; out on ine iorenoon oi me otn, word I was sent back foi our infantry support, and General Ramom in command ot the A third and fourth, divisions of the third corps, was ordered to send forward a brigade, and he did so at noon, himsell following with tie fourth divisien. At- ter advancing aDOut nve miles irom where the thirl division of his command and the niath corps were encamped, the rebels made a stand, anu our line, consisting of only 2,400 in fantry, formed in a belt of woods with an open fidd in and the enemy in the wods on the other side.

Genera Stone of Ball's Bluff, formerly chief oi General Banks staff, was on the fiek and took direction of the Central Ransom was in favor of ad- vandng only in force, but his wish wat disregarded. After keeping up a skirmish ing icross this open field for about an hour, the enemy advanced on us in overwhelming numbers, estimated, at 10,000. General Ransom got all the available troops to the front, and opened on them. The enemy lost heavily, but advanced steadily and some of our cavalry gave vay and our ihiiiitry fell back, and in a few moments the enemj pressed us so closely, and the panic among our savairy so demoralizing, that the retreit became a rout. General Ransom cid all in his power to rally the men, but finding it impossible he made every effort to save the artillery.

While endeavoring to get the Chicago Mercantile battery off safely, he was severely wounded in the leg, and Capt. C. Dickey, his a-ljutant, was instantly killed. Our loss is probably 2,000. The Mercantile Dauery losi ail us guns, uapiain vv lite is a prisoner ana iiieuten- antd Thorp and Mctfride killed.

While the 4th division was fallinsr back in disorder, the third division, numbering only, 1800 men, came up and was im mediately routed. Finally the 19th army corps with 7,000 men came up and forming in line, checked the enemy and held them until we got all the trains off, except that of the cavalry. The whole army is now falling back here. where it must wait reorganization before proceeding further towards Shreve- port. Cincinnati, April 20.

A dispatch to the Commercial from Catlettsburg, 19th, says Captain Patrick. hjui arrived with over 100 prisoners, captured at the battles of Paint-ville and Half Mountain on Licking river. Hodges, rebel brigade attacked Colonel Gillespie's force at Paintville on Tuesday, but was repulsed. Gillespie pursued the retreatingj rebels with 800 men, of the 14th and 39th Kentucky. and surprised them on the 14th inst in camp at Half Mountain, capturing 70 prisoners, 200 horses, 400 saddles, 300 stand small arms, their camp equipage, 85 rebels killed and wounded, a large amount of stolen property recovered and returned to the citizens.

A rebel wagon train was captured and burned. Our loss was one killed antl four wounded. The rebels were commanded by Colonels Clay, Prentice, May and Johnson: Clay is among the prisoners. Tribune special says Brig. Gen.

Prince has been ordered to the com- at i JOHN HPEEU, Editor. LAWRENCE, APRIL 21; 1864. FOR PRESIDENT, ABRAHAM LINCOLN. LEAP TEAR. The present year, it -is well known, is bissextile or leap year.

Prom time immemorial, it has been understood tho fair sex have tecuilar rriviWs dnrinir everv fourth vear. Bv common conseni ine iaci nas oeen ac-i A 1 1 A 1 I knowlcdged; but wo are very sorry to Wn Lan know theso privileges have tot been know theso privileges have ot been carried as fully into effoctas they should I be. It is universally admitted that unwritten or common law is es obligatory as that of the statute book. This will bo admitted by every one having common sense A great amount is written and spoken in these times about "women's rights. Wc arc among those who believe in acknowledging and enforcing all the rights of thc better half of thc world 'woman i thc original rights of woman under tie law giving them, one year in four, pc- abused and often ignored.

It may be thc spirit of the rebellion which has affected tkis age, may have influenced the other 6cx to neglect the acknowledgment of the law. It may be our friends of tho fair sex, out of sheer modesty, havo neglected to enforce their just and righteous claims. it has been brought about, depend upon it, there has been a woful ignoring of this law. We ardently desire to see the origi nal law restored in all its Justness and grandeur. primitive This' law of leap year originated in Scotland, and we will go back to the old statute which is the origin of the -acknowledged rights of woman, once in lour years, or the reason, simply, that we desiro to be specific in this matter, we quote from the law.

verbatim tt lit- eratim, as follows. It is. dated A. D. 1228, reign of Queen Margaret "It is ordonit that during ye reign of "her bless it Majestie, ilke maiden Ladee.

both high and low estait, shall hae liberty to speak ye man she likes. Gil he refuFcs to take her to be his Wif, he shall bo mulct in ye sum of an hun- drity poundis or less, as his estait may te except and always gif he can make it appear that he is bcthrothittoanither woman, then he shall be tree. Hero our readers have the very law which has originated the common rule of giving tho ladies the privilege to make their own selections for husbands. This is a just law, and reasonable. We ask any man if he can raise any sensible objection to it? Three years are given, wherein young gentlemen as well as middle-aged men, can give all proper attention to tho important subject of i T1, selecting partners for life.

If they neglect it, and willfully and obstinately persist in neglecting this important duty, we see 'no better remedy than the law mentioned. Let us have such a law in Kansas in Lawrence, and there will soon bo a different state of domestic things. Name Claimed. Major General Joseph Hooker claims tho name of "Lookout'' for his seven-year old battle-horse, which bore him through the perils oi tho tight above the clouds. "Look out" is a rich chcanuL stands near sew cntoca hands high, and hasl all thedalni in Just W.E.

Stitliir A MERCHANT HAVE JUST RECEIVED, FROM New York and Boston, their NEW STOCK of1 Spring Slimmer Goods! CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, COATINGS! SUMMER PANT STUFFS! VEST1NGS, JEANS, TWEEDS, COTTON ADES, Military Cloths Trimmings, UMDES' CLOTHS, In all of the Colors a largo and splendid assortment. We hav tlie Latest Fashion, and are prepared Make to dor MILITARY CLOTHING COATS, VESTS, POINTS, and BUSINESS SUITS! In th latest and most approved styles. The new and popular AMERICAN SACK Also, the elegant and very popular ENGLISH WALKING COAT With Pants and Vests to match, made from French, English and American Coatings and ea, TO FIT OR KO SALE! N. the place The Old.and Establish! House of W. E.


Collars Without Number, But we have got a Large and Splendid Stock Of the above named article, which we are willing to sell at WHOLESALE or RETAIL, at the lowest Leavenworth lrices. TVe purchase our goods at the Eastern Manufacturers, and we defy competition. Please call and see for yourselves, our goods and prices." Our motto, "NEVER UNDERSOLD Lawrence, April 14; 1864. IIAMM HOUSE To tlie Public: THE SUBSCRIBER TAKES pleasure in informing the public generally, that he has leased thc above Mouse, formerly the Commercial, for a term of years, and has thoroughly refitted the same, and designs keeping a first-class House. He respectfully solicits a share of public patronage, pledging himself to use every effort to make the guests of the House comfortable in every particular The Hbhse will be opened for the accommodation' of the public, on Blonday, the 4tii Day of April, 1864.

JAMES HAMM, Corner Main and Fourth Streets KANSAS CITY, F'Ito Linen of Stages Leave this House J3 There is a fine Lirery Stable attached to th House. apl9d3m Horses Waited. Wanted by, the onderrfned, immediately, 100 and Artillery Horsey For which the highest price will be paid. MEEK A THOMAS," Liiwrence. wnr22dtf i i 1 i NTinin rr ail iiaxRLLim m.

itiuuirr. mwctamm Tm. Vf 0 HT A II Dj CH I LUE RO II THE SUBSCBIBRSH AD ONE OF 1 1 these Safe jx their office at time ef Quanta-el'ii raid, and although it was tried by hammers and wedges, and afterwards by fire, we fbunii the coatenta uninjured. TUi ia theonlr Safe the Rebel tried open Withoat mcmh. Foe Sale bj i i SIMPSON BROTHERS.

ASeatS fur tha n29dw tf rr. 1 1 11 t-vx5 ii 1 1 1 iiv.c I VllUV KJ VIA JLU. VJ kJm savins: half. NIGHT DISPATCHES; Washington, April 20. The following dispatch was received the Navy Department this noon Uairo, April 19.

To Hon. Gideon Wells I have received private letters from Red river, one dated Grand Ecore, April t10th, and one dated Alexandria, 12th, stating that, the army under Gen. Banks met with reverses on the 8th, near Mansfield, in Western Louisiana. mUr army fell back, and on the next day the rebels attacked them and were handsomely Loss on hnth sidp Admiral Porter, when last heard from, was about 40 miles above Grand Ecore: r. River low.

(Signed) A. M. Pennock, Fleet Captain. i New York, April 20. The Commereial's Washington dispatch says it is pretty decidedly settled the National Bank bill will not some up in the Senate this week.

It will be amended so aa to prevent taxation, and may establish seven per cent, is the rate of interest in the States where no legal rate exists. Eight to Sixteen. Lord Shaftesbury recently stated in a public meeting in London, that from personal observation he had ascertained chat of adult male criminals of that city, aearlv all had fallen into a course of crime between the oges of eight and sixteen yearsj and that of a man lived) an honest life up to twenty years of age, there were forty-nine chances in favor and only one against him, as to an honorable life thereafter. This is a fact of startling importance to fathers and mothers, and shows a fearful responsibility. Certainly a parent should secure an absolute control over the child until 16; it cannot be a difficult matter to do this, except in very rare cases, ana -it tnat control is not wisely and efficiently exercised, it must be the parents tault it is owing to parental neglect or remissness.

Hence the real source of 98 per cent, of the crime in a country sucn as jngiana or tte United States lies at the door of the narents It is a fearful rellsction we throw it before the minds of the fathers and mothers of our land, and there leave it to be thought of in remark ing only as to the early seeds of bodily disease, that they are in nearly every case sown between sundown and bed time, in absence from the family circle, in the supply of spending money never earned bv the spender, opening the doors of confectioneries and soda foun tains, of beer, tobacco and wine-shops, of the circus, negro minstrel, the restau rant, and dance then follow the Sun- day excursions, the Sunday drive, with the easy transition of the company of those whose ways lead down to the gates of social, physical and moral From eicrht to sixteen In these few years are the destinies of children fixed in forty-nine cases out of fifty fixed bv the parents 1 Let every father and mother solemnly vow, "By God's help I'll fix my child's destiny for good, by matins: home more attractive than the streets." Printers Locked Up. The printer of the London Gazette is the confidential man of the British Government, and to his care is intrusted the printing of papers that it would not be safe to risk out of doors. When the composing-room was in the cellar of the old Foreign Office in Fludyer street, at the back of the house in Downing compositors and readers were kept under lock and key when 'dixy very private and confidential documents were going through the press. A friend has' told us of an excellent -n summejr it iSj to give you ilnrino- trio winter, to the Yes Md Midicn. He MU AS Vt AM ga he tried laQ winte and iwotkQ(i-like a cFharm.

Reader, sup-J with so much hos- r6fy 'hard, that AarkTitA'n tthfiriAr timft than ipeCtea when asked the. reason, avely id, he liked- them; so1 mriCv and he ate and drank so in cessantly, that he was sure," if he had lived there a month longer, he would die a iortnisnu. 1 rauwij acuw VT" personatedt "The'seaTBIonsjeur. "At en, ,3. he and the' gentleman' sailed 1 through the agency of this "Lookout" is undoubtedly the finest -charger the army; id, in grandeur of form and action, dwarfs all other horses which approach him.

Backed by his owner, who is himself a matchless rider, the people, could they but behold him moving ud Broadway, would say it was the finest equestrian statue they had ever seen. Wilkes's. Spirit of the Times. A Philanthropic Dog. The Paris Patrie is the authority for the following: At one of the cates on thc Boulevards they had a which was a universal favorite, tie was ac- i tn 4.

fu nni nnrrxr nfi nnP his duties was to go with a basket to the tLn ovprv morning for the bakers shop every morning ior ine baker's shop every morning for the r0s Une morning tne mistress oi ine 1 it same thing occurred thc next morning and the attention of the baker was call ed to the error. As the deficiency con tinued, the baker unhesitatingly assert ed that it must be the dog that stole it. A waiter was sent to follow the dog from the shop home but thc latter, instead of returning direct took his way down a by-street, and entered a to a stable. Here he placed his basket on the ground, drew the cloth aside, and takinjr out a roll, he approached a closed kennel, from which the nose of another dog was protruding. Ilis imprisoned friend took the roll in a quiet, monstrative wav.

as tnousn it were a tiling to which she was accustomed, and the dog picked up his basket and trotted home. The waiter made some inquiries of thc porter, and learned that the animal tor whose sake the aog had committed petty larceny, had had tcrnal duties to perform towards three pups from the day when the first roll was missing. The landlady was sotiiuch interested in the matter that she would not allow the dog to be interfered with, and he continued to abstract thc roll daily till his friend was in a condition to do without it, when he resumed his ior mer probity. Hott Tecuinsch Was Killed. The Western Christian Advocate, of a late date, contains an obituary notice of Isaac Hamblin, who died at hia resmence ai, iioomneiu, nuiana, a lew monins since, ageu auuuo eiguiy-sii years.

Jir. liamDim was a man 01 aeep piety and unquestionable veracity, lie was in tne Daitie 01 ine names, ana the writer gives the following as his which Tecmnseh wa3 killed Hq gays he was standing but a few feet from Colonel Johnson when he fell, and in full view, and saw the whole of that part of the battle. He was well acquainted with Tecumseh, having seen him before the war, and having been a prisoner seventeen days, and received many a cursing from him. He thinks that Tecumseh thought Johnson was Harrison, as he often heard the chief swear he would have Harrison's SCalD. and seemed to have a special ha tred to word him.

Johnson's horse fell under him, himself 'being also deeply wounded; in the fall he lost his sword, his large pistols were empty, and he was entangled with his horse on the ground. Tecumseh had fired his rifle at him, and when he saw him fall he threw down his gun and bounded forward like a tiger sure of his prey. Johnson had only a side pistol ready for use. He aimed at the chief over the head of the horse, and shot him near the center of his forehead. When the ball struck, it seemed to him that the Indian jumped Willi 111s iieau luii uitccu iccu mw iuc air As B00n as he struck the ground, a little Frenchman ran his bayonet into him and pinned him fast to the 1 ground.

1 1 Albert Pike, poet, orator, lawyer, rebel, Brigadier and Indian Agent, is said to be living within the Federal lines at Huntsville, south of Little llock, in a most wretched and poverty-stricken condition. The retribution of Benedict Arnold and Aaron Burr has overtaken him. During the latter portion of his career as a rebel General he was the victim of a most relentless persecution on the part of Hindman and Holmes. He came out of that the, tuspect of the Confederates: and impoverished in purse; siricKen in Doay ana rumen in cuarac- 1 1 1 ter. be hnahimseii once more under the old flair, broken down and ruined.

mm i- For tde Ladies. A im portant to the-ladles has 1 just been made: It is a new crinoline, which will not get into those unpleasant shapes when ladles pass through a crowd; "orget into cars or stages, its inventor says: perfect areithe! iands that a lady may ascend a steep stair, lean against a throw herself into an arm chair, pass to her. stall in the opem, or occupy; Uie jaj carriage, without proVokingrudc remarks from observers," 1 1 rn ted mauu vi uie limitary uisLnut 01 jrauu-i 1 v.o, A ini t. "way to keep skippers out 01 bacon dur-cah, Columbus and Cairo. Gen.

Grant -tx u. viiauu all reviewed the 16th- corps on iTxuuuojr, aiso reserve aruiiery ana i rt.1 corps, oa aiYBion ravau-y. a detachment of the 2d Massachusette uuur xuaju pose vou try it, and see willope-from a Veebnnoissance through Center- J0J CAle, We stronglY reC0m-ville, Green Springs and Prainsville, -bringing six prisoners Of Mosby men and intormation tnat a. large, Doay rOiH T-0i Oo teams, taking them offtowards Upper- vtlle. Colonel Lowen.

i started, with his brigade, oi cavalry irom. Vienna, supported by General Taylor's brigade of in fan try) from Fairfax Court House, 1 I l' kii.nH& tp give them battle. New YcRK April 20 ty and elastic actiou 'of the most deli-oitel? fashioned colt He is three quar-t3rs bred, being by Mambrine out of a hilf-brod -tnaroj and, notwithstanding his ponderous sue, he haa trotted, under saddle, in 2Ab. He was bred in and selected, when a five' jcar-old, for Mr. Ten Broeck, as the finest horso that could be sent to Eng land to exhibit style in a coupee.

For 8OU10 reasou he was' not 'sent further eastward than Tork but, 1 here, was seen by the Jiorse tho tmperor of the trenchwho repeatedly offered. Jt thousand' dollarr to obtain possession of -ws at thu time that General Hooker came in eon- A Norfolk letter to the World says i i At a fancy ball jnarb, France, lte jnissioif of Uierebel xommis- recently, a lady was seen in st very, low-sioner Ould to Fort Monroe, was to ask necked dress, wide floating and waving Sutler to send, ud for-rtho very sick of an abundance of green gauze. She was I our prisoners at xwcnmunuf, wuu were is-;.

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