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The Parsons Daily Sun from Parsons, Kansas • Page 3

Parsons, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I tlrbt (pray tnnlc RinRs of the Croi gings of the Croat THE CRESCENT CITY. A Glimpse of One 4 the Mark CoBee- Free Trade. The reduction of internal revenue and the taking off of revenue stamps from proprietary medicines, no doubt has largely benefitted the consumer, as well as relieving the burdens of homo manufactures. Especially is this the case with Green's August Flower and Boschee's German Syrup, as tho reduction of thirty-six cent per dozen has been added to increase You Are Invited! To call at our store and see the large and handsome line of Furniture we have In stock. Parlor and Chamber Suits Pining Chairs and Tables, Sideboards, Secretaries and Hull Racks, Parlor and Library Tables, Wall Cnb-inets, llattun Furniture, Fine Upholstered Furniture.

Also Wall Paper aud Celling; Decorations. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY We have a full line of Collins and Caskets and a line Hearse. Ellis Thornton. Now is the Time to Secure Bargains! Ileal Estate la Advaneins: ami will pay a Largo Hate of Interest on the Investment In the Siext sixty Days, 1 have rLESSHDESISTOID LOTS In all parts of Parsons, and In ray new addition on the west side for disposal. The early purchaser are those who will make the most money.

The only brum) of Laundry Soap awarded a first class medal at tba Kew Orleans Exposition. Guanui-teed obsoliituly pure, and for ceneral household purposes is tho very bast Moxicon Mustonu Linimont PARSONS COMMERCIAL BANK. CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000. Docs a General nankiup; nuslncss. Issues Foreign Drafts and sen I'Urisuge nonets to aim roni uuropc.

Government and School Bonds Negotiated. U. II. KDWAItDS. President.

O. W. HAWK, Cashier. ScUtleo, tsTttehis, Contrsetsd Lsmbago, Sprains, Koselof, sUiinmaUan. trains, Xrapttoas, Boras.

ItltehM, Hoof Ail, Seslds, ItiffJolnts, terew Stings, Baekaese, Worms, Bites, Galls, SwiaMy, BrtUsss, Seres, Saddle QsXH, anions, Spavin Piles, Coraij Cricks. THE FOREST AVENUE FRUIT DEPOT Is list in A Fine Lot of .1 STEVENS. President. LEE Vice FIRST NATIONAL BANK Iteilvw-n 1enoit loaim moiioy bii1 trnniwinU Imnkhiff In nil Iu braiichea. Minktiialtlti ttinl ritrlarii lnifl for aitlH nt low nut.

rat. pHMfwli.ff ntuplo mpIUIa we olfer to prompt Hiutiiiion. Your Business Respectfully Solicited and tow. Wank leg- I grenadier have dis- I appeared, and the white tunics of the infantry have been replaced by more convenient and lew costly uniforms of blue and gray. it there is in the choir at least one costume, worn by an Austrian officer of high rank in attend.

ancc on the Crown Prince, which comprises the familiar and eminently becoming whito coatee and cherry-col. ored trousers, laced with gold, formerly the predominant attire of the Kaiser's hosts. Again, the graceful Ital-ian uniform, with its largo epaulettes of silver; tho shapely dross of the Spanish officer, with its low-crowned whito shako, and every imasinablo variety of tunic and pirkelltaubc of the German military wanlrooe, iiieiuuins the famous white tnnie. s.herod steel casque, and hirh jack boots of Pr.ncc Bismarck's regiment of cuirassier are liherallv en evidence. H'issar.

Un lans, Voltigeurs, Russian Chevalier Guards, Hmve-ls, pass in a kaleido-scopio panoram and of Hungarian cavalry uniforms thero is a sumptuous exhibition. One panoply of tightly fitting crimson, ono mass of gold embroidery, terminating iu Hessian boots with tassels of gold bullion, excites a murmur of ad- miring comment, while approbation unminzled is bestowed on a hussar dress of bluo and gold, in which the "dolman" or jacket hanging loose from the shoulder, formerly worn by our own soldiers, but discarded af er the Crimean war, is seemingly of blue satin, trimmed with the richest sable fur. Whito or cream-colorod trousers, seamed with gold, are worn by more than one military magnifico from abroad; ono personage of note wears a uniform curiously barred with gold and white, somewhat after tho manner familiar in portraits of British Admirals in tho eighteenth century; and tho succession of foreign mili ary raiment is so continuous and so lively that it would be almost a relief to the eye to find this glittering prism momentarily darkened by the sable uniform and the shako, adorned with tho skull and crossboncs. of the Black Brunswick-crs. London Tclegraok PLAYING SCARECROW.

How a Bnsy Editor Hail Good Can of a Lady slier. "Oh, thero is little danger of an ordinary mortal's growing conceited!" said a lady, in mock despair. "Pitfalls are always wailing for our pride." She then went on to say that, having some business with ono of the literary world's great men, tho editor of a well-known paper, she ventured upon a call on hi in at his office. Ho was most cordial, and her errand was soon completed to her satisfaction. Jtisl as she was about taking her leavo, there came ti knock, and she rose at, mice to go.

"Oh. pray wait one moment," said the editor. "I know that knock. Oblige me by waiting until tho gentleman has handed me his manuscript" "Idid wait," says tho lady, in telling the story, "and found that the new comer was a celebrated author of our city. -Ho glanced at me, gave the editor a package, and hurriod away.

To tell the truth, I was immensely flattered that the editor should have preferred losing the eclcbra ed man's call to shortening miuo. Judge of my feelings when he said, as soon as the door had closed behind the visitor: 'I really beg your pardon for making use of you in this way, madam, but I absolutely couldn't resist the temptation. I knew be wouldn't stay if he saw I had a visitor, and his calls are so confoundedly long. Youth's Companion. The Sweating Sickness.

The medical worll is becoming alive to a sharp epidemic of sweating sickness which has burst out sporadically in many parts of France. Tne disease, a Paris correspondent of a London newspaper writes has always existed in a mild form, and is ordinarily regarded as a mere summer-heat rash of the miliary kind; but this year it is accompanied with violent perspiration a most weakening kind, and a pimply eruption covering the wliolo body, which lias in some cases a b'istercd appearance. Tho Black Prince died of a sweating sickness, which used to bo a seourage in the time of tho I wards and the Henrys, when the Eaglsh armies were in occupation of a part of France. It is announced officially from Bourgesthal although iho sweating sickness is rapidly spreading iu that town and its neighborhood, the mortality attending upon it is rathor on the decline. N.

V. Poet. Tho Hirtford Time says that shnd have nearly forsaken the Connecticut. Marie Antoinette's Diadem. A well-known resident of B.iffalo has just returned home from a trip to Europe.

Among other souvenirs he brought with him a diadem made for and worn by trie Antoinette. Tho fillet is a plain band of Roman gold, inlaid with a mosaic of opals, turquoises, rubies and sapphires, depicting the incidents of the lives of Helen and Dido. Above this rises a spray pattern of beaten gold, exqi isitely wrought; supporting a border of fleur de lis composed of rose diamo ids and pearls. Three of the diamonds nre from the famous Golconda nrs. The monogram of the unhappy Queen is engraved on the inside of the fillet This is said somehow to have escaped tho notice of the auctioneer, elso it might have bronght much more than was paid for it, 60.630 in.Jtwdtr$ Weekly.

Baked Indian Pudding: Ir. boiling water thick with corn meal, cook a few minutes, take from the stove and git and iweeten to taste. For ir in sweet nu until it is tin nice a two-quart basin full, three eggs well beaten and one-half a nutmeg, piece of butter size of ike one hour in a slow oven. This is an old-fashioned pudding, but very nice indeed. Botton Budget Ellicott City, ML, has a confirmed smoker who is only two years old, and till attended by a nurse.

Hu smoked a cigar recently for an hour or more and showed no signs of sickness. The little fellow has contracted the habit from his older brother. Staada of Maw Orleana. The New Orleans market-houses have for year been lamed for their coffee-stands, and hundred of itrao-gers visiting New Cleans einsidor it bonded obligation before leaving the cltv to get from ono of these stalls a cup of steaming Rio or Java, or whatever namo the proprietor considers it lror to call the beverage he sells. The New Orleans coffee-stand Is essentially a homo institution; it never changes; as it was a year ago it is to-day a long marble slab extending along the outer aisle of the market, iu front of which is a row of high revolving stnnla.

nn which the customer sits his meal to an active and healthy waiter with a nasal twang. Some of the 1 stands are more elaborate than others. as far ns decorations are concerned, although they all make some pretensions to ornamentation. Tho more elegant have mirrors set in whito frames, with gold trimmings for a background, whito the less pretentious have paneled backs, painted snowy white. Above, suspended from the wall, aro bright-colored chromos of impossible bean-tics, with variegated and highly-colored dresses, deformed rnce-horses, steamboats racing on tho Mississippi, and full-ringed ships.

In the exact center of the stand tho larder, if the place where the edibles are kept may be so called. It serves a double, purpose, as it separates the white from tho colored patrons of the 'Long Hotel. term applied by those who eat iu the markets. In thislardor sits a huge copper vessel in which the coffee is made. It is equipped with a glass gauge, by tho aid of which tho proprietor is able at any moment to tell exactly how much coffee is on hand, just as an engineer gauges tho water in his boilers.

Near tho coffee kittle, potato salad, macenroni, codfish balls, cold slaw, cold ham, roast beef, roast pork, boiled eggs and a number of other substantial and delicacies aro temptingly displayed on huge dishes, while above on a large card-board in big letters tho bill of fare is printed with tho prieo of each dish in plain figures. The service nt nil stands is identical thick, hoavy coffen-cups without handles, saucers to match, two sizes of plates, big and little, forks with threo prongs, black-handled knives, and pewter spoons. Common bottles with a quill inserted in the uoik contain the mustard, poppor-sauce, catsup, etc. Tho sugar disbtes aro peculiar, consist-ingot large china vessels with covers of Gorman silver, which work on hinges that may bo closed when not in use. This completes the outfit of a Ci and.

ith a brnec of waiters and slock of provisions, tint proprietor is ready fir business. When a coftve -stand is ouce opened it never closes, unloss the proprietor bursts or retires from business with a handsnmo fortune, which often occur. Day and night, bright and early, wet or dry, cold or hot, tho stand is always open for business, tho biggost runs, however, occurring at early morning ami after dark, as the Long Hotel numbers among Itt patrons many people who would object to being seen eating in a public market. The usual rates are coffee five cents, small dishes of any thing five cents, large dishes ten cents. Tho purchaser of fifteen cents' worth of any thing, from a plate of hash and a cup of coffee up, is entitled to his choice of any of tho side dishes or salads and bread and butter without extra cost.

Tho patrons of a coff io-stand aro, of course, decidedly mixed, and in the ranks may be found the shabby-genteel gentleman, tho broken-down sport, the newsboy and tho hoodlum, and last, but noti least, by a big majority, the country excursionist Of late years this class of customers have incroased wonderfully, and now hardly an excursion comes to N.iv Orleans that docs not bring its quota of patrons to tho market-house. There they can got thoir meals at any hour, and at train timo can get a lunch put up for a nominal cost. Tho regular customers of the coffee-stand have a cortaln lingo Greek to the outer world, but very plain to the waiters. For instance: "A stack of whites" means buckwheat cakes; "Little man in the parqiet," stew and sausago; "Java and sinkers," or "mud and boxing-gloves," coffee and doughnuts; "Ham and trimmings," ham and any kind of salad; "Italian paste and two collar buttons," chocolate and doughnuts; "Short and warm," sausage and cw; "White chips," potato salad; "Rid maccaroni and codfish balls; "Llttlo dog, smothered," sausage; "Slaughterhouse and steak and potatoes; "Shark or whale," fish; "Rats," cold slaw; "Pullman hinge," plain steak; "Murphies aud rings," potatoes and onions, and so on down through the list. When a shabby-genteel patron appears and timidly orders coffee and doughnuts, tho healthy waitor, with a nanl twang sings out: "Java and sinkers," tho caterer repeats, "Java and sinkers," and then with a flourish the coffse aud doughnuts are dexterously slid before the customer without spilling a drop of the beverage or disarranging the doughnuts from their position in the plate.

The hoodlum and sport docs not give the waiter a chance to amend his order, but gives it in the lingo of the market-house. N. O. Times-Democrat. gaudy uniforms.

Rich miliary Oarbs -on la Londo Dnr- Ins; tho Job loo Enrols. The garb of all the armies in the world, save those of France and the TTnWatt Kt.ltoO Uuma l. Ml. I United States, seems to be illustrated hero and illustrated in the most vivid manner. The eye, it is true, seeks in vain for the blue tunlo and the panto-Ion garance of onr nearest Continental neighbors.

Eq-ially conspicuous bv their absence are the simple tonics and shoulder-straps of the brave countrymen of Grant, of Sherman and of Sheridan; but, on Uie other hand, the martial array of nearly all tho Continental nations, and even of Slam and Japan, arrest inspection. The Atis- trian army has lately been reclad; the 1 CAPITAL PRIZE, $150,000. We do herrbf reHiff that nprrvim I orw ranoemeafs or all the 1mtklr and Hrmi-Anual Dratctnos The Louisiana Stair Lottery Com pany, ana in prrwtm huh ana comrot iw Drawing themselves, and that the same are con-dwried with aoswsff.oiraMs. and in goad fait rosraro atl iw umiiuiib torn txms pang to use thit certificate, trnth fac-timilel of oar signature attacked, in its advertisements." Commissioners, We the undersianed Banks and tinnier aill pug all Prists drawn in tKs Louuiana State Lotteries which maw be presented at our couHfers. II.

OULKsllV, Pros. UmUlana ISnl'l Uk. p. I.ANAI-X, Pres. mala National Hk.

A. IIALIIWIN, Prea. Mew Orleans Nat'l Hk. CAUL KOHX, l'ns. I nlon National Dank.

Unprecedented Attraction. Over Half Million Distributed. Lnuixlarut State Lottery Company. Incinerated in lHfiS fur 25 rears by the legists tare for Educational and t'tutritable purposes with a capital of $1.000,000 to which a reserve fund of over $550,000 has since been added. Hj an overwhelming popular vote ite franchise was mule a pan ol ine pnwni male lonstuuuon ailuutMl DnM.mhM' 2(1.

A. 1). Ih7t. The only Lotterw ever voted on and endorsed Oy the people of any state. It Sever Scales or Foafponcs.

IU Jraml HIiikIo Number Drawings take rlnre monthly, and the heml. Annual irawlngs reicularly every six moiillis Mime ami llet'emlier). A OPPOltTl'NITV TO WIN A I'ORTIIN K. KK1HTH OltANl) UHAWINO CI.AH3 II. IN THK ACAD.

K.MVOF MUSIC, NKW OKLKANH, TUKHUAK, August i7-u7in Noniniy urawing. Caiiital l'lizc, 10,000. Tickets are Ten Hollars only sialics, e. riifiiStO. list nr CRUSH.

1 CAPITAL Pltl.K OF $150.900. lliHANU 50.000.... 50.000 KiltANl) 1'lllZK OF 20,000.... 20.000 LAHOK I'ltlluS OK 10.000..., 20,000 4 LAIillK I'HlKh OF 5.0H0.... 20 PK1ZEH OK 50 25.000 100 80,000 200 200....

500 100.... 50,000 1,000 50.... 50,0110 AlM-UnxIMATION PBIZIH. 100ApiroxiiiiHtionPrinof $30,009 100 200..,. 100 10 000 2,179 Prises, amounting to $5,15,000 Application for rates tflclubs shonld be mmlo only to the nHico of lite Company in New Orhtens, For further information write clonrly giving full address.

POST A NOT KM, Kxiimw 51iney Oniers, or new iork hxcliange in ordinary letter. Currency by Kxnress (it ourexjiensel addressed Al. A. IIAIU'UIN. New Orleans, or jit.

nil run, Waslilugton, 1. C. Afifl'ess EcrstcrclTctirs to NEW OKLKANS NATIOMAI. HANK, New Orleans, La, DCMrHilRrn That the jiresenee of Oenemls IILlV III 1 1 lliwtin-winl and ICHrly. who are in charge iif lite drawings, is gunmnteeof absolute tntoxrily.

Hint tne rnannn are all ecUl, and tliHl no one can pneriiily ilivine what nutntM'rs vill drtiw a It KM Mil IK i hut thepnvment of all Prizes i tit AK A.NTKKII HV PlM'll NATIONAL HAN KS of Nmv Orlmns, and the Tirkeu are signnl by tho Pnwiil' nt of nu lnstitulion whose chartered rights nre reognizeil in the higliest Courts, therefore tiewaro any iinilntions or anonymous mmmi snin i -mi gT-yiH-AvVar. a Route otwooii St. Louis and the West. THIlOL'GIt TitAlN'S TO St. Louis, Kansas City, Hannibal.

WICHITA, and rU Point in Kmithorn Kail. Mm. hstifl San nicnii And all Point in tlin t. II. O.

'X'oAVJlWtilKl, C.en'1 Pnssr. und Tier. AgL, Kl. l.onls, Mo. Ask your retailer for the James Means' t-nnllen Some dealers reeonuiiend Inferior gfXMii in omer to make a larger pioflt.

Tnu Is tne orlvlnnl SHHhoe or ImltatsHis which ae-kniwlelKe tnelr own lufrttnrlty tiy alternating to tmild uiMn the reputation of ihenrlglsal. Nose (ieualee ealeea earlaiiale Mtasaa, JAMES MEANS' sirtssv WIS sr utmm I Mule in rtuimn. Congress and iMci ii mnn. unex to Durability. Camfint jKwnMc a pusiai rsra iu.

win to this nniie in any state or J.Heans&Co Our i-eleiirsied factory produces larger otiantity of Shoes of this grsile mull 'i any other factory In the world. Thouesmls who wi'r them will tell roll the ir you a-K mem. juris. MKAXI' MIIOB fir ui.apnciied la UursLillcy. Full lines of lie above shoes for sale by W.

L. BARTLETT CO. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM the pTffiisr fsvorlts for drrstlnsi the kslr, ROTtertn ooUir when grsv. snd prsrenuns' fJamtrufr. It elMe the snslp, store the hslr fsiung.

sna Is sure to phsisa toe. snl $Lss st DnnrMa The best Coagh Care you can use. And lbs best preventive knows for Osswimptloa. It earss bodily psins, sad sll disorders of the Stomach, Bowsls, Lugs, LI'rr Kidneys, Uiiasry Urgsas and sll ssinsls Gonplslnts. TIk.

fsebls sue slok. strns gllns; sgslnst dlMsse, and slowly drtruna tnwsrds Ihsgrs'. "01 (suslnM rearnr their hssJth oy the noMly W'lt at Psassa's Tome, sat Setsy Is asa-aorooa Tsk tt In tuua, Sold by ail insxlsu sutrsbottlss at HirJDERCORNS Tbsssisst, sorw, quickest s4 Ssst ears for csna, salons, HlndrnthHrrsr. tsarerowta, StooiHltn- ottsssuWosMs.

lUksstfce fast oomtorubla Blndersonis earse whs ovsrythlBa ejssfaua mout it Imams suts. Hisooxawa. ft I II- War ft i Lincoln sr, IjOts for. ssjaLXjiEs the size of the bottles containing these remedies, thereby giving one-fifth more medicine in the 75-cent size. The August Flower for dys pepsia and liver complaint, and the German Syrup for cough and lung troubles, have perhaps tho largest sales of any medicines in the world The advantage of increased size of the bottles will be greatly appreciated oy tne sick nnu tunicuHi in every town and village in civilized countries.

Sample bottles for 10 cents remain the samo size. GikhI ItcsuliK in lOvery Case. D. A. Bradford, wholesale paper dealer of Chattanooga, writes that ho was seriously nflleted with a severe cold that settled on his lungs; had tried runny remedies without benefit.

Being induced to try Dr. Kinti's New Discovery for Consump tion, did so and was entirely cured bv use of a few bottles, bince which time he has used it in his family for nil couirus nnu cuius witu best results. This is tho experience of thousands whoso lives hnve fooen saved by this wonderful Discovery. Trial bottles free nt Holmes' drug store. lioleru Morbus at Cedar Itaptus.

Cedar It amps, lown, Juno 80. George Johnson's boy, about eight venrs old. was taken with cholera mor bus and given up to die by the attending physician. Mrs. Market called at tho house with a lxittle of Chamber Iain's Colic.

Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and they gave the boy two doses of it. The effect was a prompt recovery and the next day ho was up and ubont. Everybody mat neign borhood now uses it. Wo have Holland herring by the ko''. also in sruull quantities, lhey nre good; try them.

Our apple butter and jellies at (i cents, worth 10 cents. He are headquarters on soap in boxes or in small quantities. Try our canned aoods and cot prices. If we do not plesso you nobody will. Our goods Bro all fresh, but must be sold regardless or price.

Geo. Sohleitke Co, Would You Believe It? That we are authorized by the pro- Ill lMll VI Jl.i i nm fond Iih mnni'V to nnv otio who has tfikon three-fonrths of a bottle with-tiiii We tire positive that no (ln i' proprietor iMH the confidence in lii; meilieino to do this, it is for eu riching, demising and purifying the blood and toning up the Bystem. Fnce $1. Call nt lteeme's drug store. If you want tho best mackerel in tho world come and try ours.

If they are not what we represent them to be we will charge nothing for them. Geo. ScHi-EnsE Co. MARKET KEPOKT. Grain and Provisions.

bt. uieis. FliW-Firm; XXX to choice. R.4033.0J; patent, S4.OkS4.1S. Wheat Lower: ltcd.

69r(TOo; No. 8 Red, Futures clonod: July. 70Ho August, 70ic: Soptemhor. Oolobcr, 73jc; December, year, May, 89c a. Coiw-Flrmer; No.

S. No. white, 40 1 40 '4c. Futures closed: July, 340 August, S4Sc; September. AlHc; October, SSHob; year, Mc May, XHc n.

Oats Stoady: No. S'4HIUH. KYB-Dull: No. 44 Tobacco F.rm; lugs, common to choloo, 17.110 h.00: common to good loaf, ti.KS.(n. HAV-I'ralrie, 9.50: mixed, 110.009 I clear timothy, il4.ioaai.CM.

UUTTEB-Creamery, 81 io: dairy, 16J11S0. Euan Dull, at 5'i sc. Pork Weaker: standard mess, llS.noaid.OO. Lard Steady; prime steam. IiAios-LonKs, 9c; shorts, 9'49c; dear rib, 8ttc; all packed.

NEW YORK. Whkat Lower, heavy and less active: No. Rod, August, 79 iHUc: September, HIA8IS0; October, December. rtt28SsO; January, 81'4 8oc: May, 91 l-M91Xo. Corn Higher and moderately active: mixed Western spot.

-M'-t 4Bc; futures. 487o. OA A shade stronger: Western, S4 isSc. Pork rm new mess. old mess.

I1.V2V 1 LARD Dull and easy; sleam-rondored, 6.90c BcttEU Firm; Western, 008 Western, 12 iH'io. cniCAUO. Wiikat About steady: cash, September. 0 7-16c: October, Cork Easy and lower: cash, ISSte; September, 8 15-tMc: October, 89o. Oats Steady; cash, U'iV, September, October, 28'ic.

Pork Year, 111.45: January. $11.95. Lard Steady; oasb, 6.57 iA.Suc; September, October, 0.6.'. Cotton. Quotations for mid II ng ranyo as follows: St.

Louis, 'ic; New York, 10c; New Orleans, 9 9-19o; Memphis, loo Oalveston, 9'4c. Live Stock Market. RT. LOCIri. Cattle -Receipts moderate; good to cholca native steers, 11.8.", falrto meJIum steers, (3.40 8.7) common natives, HOGS Steady: packing, butchers and choice heavy.

K.iO Yorkers, ifi.103 B.S.I; gs, C5.13. Sheep Firm: good to choice, $3.5033.91: fair to medium. (3.00 8. 10; oo.nmoa, 14.1.00. KANSAS citv.

Cattle Good to choice 0 m-fed, 11.6733.95; common to medium, v.i.wi; stockers, 11.00 feeding steers, cows, tt.003 S.M; grass range steers, 'i'B'iH. I Boos Good to choice, .15 J.6 39; common to medium, t4.95 6.10. Sheep uood to choice, 13.00 i 3. 50; oommon to medium, 12.00 j.76. mcAoo.

nooa-Llght, 5. rough racking, 15.06 5.90; mixed and heavy packing and shipping, 5.40 5.50. Cattle Best natives, 11.3074. common to fair lower, at 3.80; cows, fi.t5aS.00; stock-era, 11.75 8.10. SnEEP-Common to good, fg.5O34.O0; lamha, BH.UUhO.UU.

1 INDIANAPOLIS. Cattle Steady; common to choice grade, ta.i4.5. Hons Active; common to boat grades, ta.10 6.45. Sheep Steady; common to good, 3. 7544.00; lambs, tg.50tf&.5.

Honey and Stock Market. New Yoiik, July 9. Money 4 .44 PM" "Mit. Exchange steady: ported IS to, Governments steady; currency, 6's, 123 lid; 4's. coupon, iv7i4bld; 4'Vs, 10H bid.

The stock market opened quiet and steady at last gilt's clos ng uynres. but after a few small transactions prices began to fall, aad on every sale figures went gradaally lower, the greatest weakness being in Pacific Mail and St. PsuL At the present writing the bottom figures of the day ar prevalent, vfe decllM being Ja 8 per ant PARSONS TOWN COMPANY II. A. WADR.

Vice-President. J. PIKRSON, Secretary. op- iteecipt ol Fresh Candies. LARK.

President and Cailiior C. B. STEVENS Ait'iOatAier. our imlroim liberal AocomnioU(loni and CHOICK FOR SALE OF THE CITV. fetatewttV Is prepared solely for the CURE of Complaints which afflict nearly every Woman Ml all classes of society.

By giving tone ar.d strength to the Uterine functions it corrects Ml DISPLACEMENTS AND IRREGULARITIES, AMORlOUIUM AND RlNCWS TM8 SYSTEM. It Is of great value In Change of l.ifo its use, during Pregnancy, greatly l.l.. reucves saiaiia v. wwwi, speedy recovery. Pleasant to taste it u) may be Uken at all timet with safety.

DOCTORS PRESCRIBE IT 0I ALL DISEASES PECULIAR TO WOMEN. a H-Un Da. J. IMir Blr 1 ht (or dio.D.a MtsLuults, mustlnsi Fnle iimmmmi yl iMeUICr. nd I take pisMesUrtj tu stuyinsi ttit ixieUltF.

pud I take pisMesUrtj fu stuymsi oont4lftr MrrH' fmn.mif T-mle Urn irnni-t rnnl-t Li iital plirls3i otin hna) ii til trvutsniMt of srn funtrtloRiB. 12 MnMsUit I la uraoiiofli with tb sry I oMilttL It MirtstJnIw kisss sMiitml forth tiwm Mrtttlar trnablwi whlrh smnii but. it vure of lu ttsvnab cvi i. M. Tt.

old by all Druggists and Daalera Prlo One Dollar a some -J Avoid las Impustlkm st pmsatlous isms. sji toacss. Hint ii' RtkmniT UiU BS II.UFIJ thoocalKU. ill mm wa IntsrAia wuh silsnUon to businsM. or csum nsia ortftOBntttilrnF iasnvwsr.

Fotina4 on srknt So mudiril prlnclpffS. Brdlrad rsppHrsnoolo Vis snl ot dlMSSS Iu spuclflf InSiwiii-flls itliuut dl.v. ThmnmluraM fsni Hun, nf lli I iTMin.rt ThA fcssomss sUssrfsl ss rspidJrjniDt boih sttssgtaaad assiUs TREATMENT. 8 Hosts, t3. two Mm.

W. Stm, 17 ss.ldsalmlvl.mMls rflir. SMBivrn lisrk. the osllml HARRIS REMEDY Urt CHHum, SOetf tt. TmiOi Strsst, ST.

LOOTS. MO. I 11 I THIS GOOD OLD STAND-BY accomplish for arerjbodr exactly what IselaUaed forie. Oosof uwrsasoas tor tlis treat popnlarltir of tbe Kuataae' Llnlmsnt is tonad Id Its aalversstl asslleaklllty. ErsryboarnssdssoohasMdloiaa, The LaaakaraiaDDasdslllnoasaof socldinl.

The 11 case wife needs II for foaaralfaiaUr use. Th Caaaler naeds It tor his tsams and his smb. The HechaBlo Beads It alwajs oa Bis work bench. The Mlaer needs It la esse ot snartaney. Tbe l'lenoer nooda It-csn't get along without It, The Farmer needs it in his house, his stabs aad his stock yard.

The Steamboat man er the Boatman aasda It In liberal supply afloat and ashore. The Horse-fancier needs It-it Is his best friend sad safest reliance. The Hieek-erewer needs It-It will save him thousands of dollars aad a world trouble. The Railroad man needsltand will need It so king ss his llfa Is a round of secldsntsand duaisrs. Tbe Back weedomaa nosdi lb Then Is aoth-hif like It as an anUdote for tho dangers to Ufa, limb and comfort whlota surround the pioneer.

The Merchant needs It about his store among hi employees. AocldonU will happen, end when thessoom the Mustang Liniment Is wanted stone. Kei a Dottle lathe House. Tls the best of economy. see a Dottle In tbe Factory.

lulmnudlate ns in ease of accident sares pain and loss of was en, Keen a Battle Alwnysla the Stable far use when wanted. APET? IOOKI1TO XT 3. fhililmn's, 1 to yearn, Sc. a pair two atlachmenia. loe.

Mlssrs' lc IjHlIrs' lo. Mlssfs', wllhabrlt, IaiIIi'b', 5a Htoeklnir. Alsinmlnsl, and Catsms- nlal IJaiKluK" Bupiiuiw com- iii ,1 Health hklrt Supportrr .850. Brlshton licnt a liarter 1 60. roa sals ALL FIRST-CLASS STORES.

Samples sent nost-nald to an address UDoe receipt of price In SAeut stamps. LEWIS Bole Owner and Manufacturer. ITS Centre Street, New Yo DOCS H01 BURN OH BLISTER. REQUIRES M0 RUBBIH0. fla Bsaass Cures ColSn Joint Lsmenesa, UB fi3rtSiContrarteil and Tender F-et, Bwoeny, 8iot Bruised Shoulders, Knees.Corksd Ankle, I'lnf rsllnn of the Knot, Sora Bhoalder A Breast, Corn in Horse Feet, S.

For sf oscular Rheumatism, Nn-UO ifl rslgia. Lame Hack and general bodily pains a ache. Sold bg Drussllts. 16 si. Bottle 11.00 4 01.

BotUs 50 otf ratraais onr st T. JACKS0H 4 Quitter, CTtTlVlRT'C ait. a si fats a --kHEILIKa n) POVDEB MOLD Bf BABNaHS ANU DI1UO STORES- WarrWd tossM cure alt open UnC uVilJiliosiaaycauss 1 if nVVTv nmmmwt isbhiiiiiiiisHsii HAVE TOWN LOTS IV AL1- PARTS IhoaJMiAti l'risvi rvet or ono rt Ion i of wbom sjoor a i ui I IrM irfor NeiooaDpbUitr.Orfniii'e ndPb vipnlcHTln YoanstorMI'l a. 1 JtUd forKiftbt Vsmrsj in mm mm thr abOiltIf' rmfittf pmav mksn rlnasrsi masi Otlris full nlmffl parfawHanti full Mnniv RtrviiaTth n4 Vlafomu ill Tothoj wThosratfr from tl.a mmf shtranidii brrKwht bf Indissnrt.i3ri, Ki osmr, Orw-I fVorlU or loo rrtasj innaiaTml in run mmna uw oar tiauMi wiih ortitniMt of yrror troabl. ana MCtiro intent "tm rwinij lam A.

laUMbE. rsT vrv i YrV mrm saw wr. -iiiiimi- rr jrmt nun MAKE NEW RICH BLOOD, And will completely change the Mood la the entire system la three months. Any per son who will take 1 PU1 each night front 1 te IS weeks, may be restored te sound health, if such a thing be posslb'e. Tor caring Female Complaint these Pills bar as eqoaL Physicians Bee them In their praetlee.

Sold everywhere, or sent by malt fat' eight letter tamps. Send for elrcoUr. 1. B. J' II SSON A) BOSTON, MASS.

CR0Ur ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. JIIIINWIV" A.NODVNK tlNIMBNTwUllnstan-tsnetmity rlli.vs Uirss terrlbia dls snd will positirelf nine nsnes out cf ten. lafonusuon that will ssv llres wnt free br nsll Iwa't dslay a ssomsna is betur tnso cars. 1PIUA dlnnawii a nnww us. curs etsny rrtrratlHi umat vm.

rl. CUSK KrorsJri. InSamss, Son Ijiiih, lihdln st tne,1nn'e 0na. v.irwnc ipynirrr, amr.m nunwi, nwi Cftfwik: Hhrausflini, ChronK Spins and 1oh Beck. Sold ersrywhere.

an. limmKfl, aend or nsmpruei lo I jutinrun mm HENS LAY sis Enftith VHnfrtMryHmgmm MOtenlstl. tw travclmff in this errtintry, start tral uvst I lb Motm und eUtl Powders s.ld bf I Irs) won til trsth. tmcrniscl valiitl. nth in cart ri will mtk mlofuod.

4V44 nwytvarty or wut Is iXU UTitkA KrrfTMtui' CanCltU PWdTt. iM, 1 Uiwutai U. lo -Vs Mds.

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