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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 3

Logansport, Indiana
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butwithm I Accept no subatitutcs. THE Is a Good Machine. stiuiUata ot eicelience. Manj 'UOTS of the "Jtunson" constilec It THE You wlH UnJ it a valua7)l6 nsslstaut In jour ot- nco. AdUren8 for particulars THE MUNSON.TYPEWR1TER CO MAMJFACTCKKKS.

240-244 Went lllkc ClilciiRO, III. Greatest Diseovery or me 19th Century. Br. Tewgue'n NKW KKlOiOV Medlcntod Air For the Cure ot Catarrh, Antliiua nnd all Pnlmonary DIseasM, It no -equal tor Sick and Nervous acne, 1.000.000 people die annually from ibe above named U. S.

A. It If the best remedy on earth for It will give Immediate relief will effect a cure where all other fall. by B. F. Heeding.

STRAIN, Undertakers 610 BROADWAY. SIX. Special Train EXCURSIONS MaxinkQckee Lake VIA THE VANDALIA LINE July 10th, a6th, and August and, pth, i6th, 33rd. Fare for tbe round trip $1.00. Train leaves Vandalla station at 9:56 a m.

CHAS. L.WOLL, UNDERTAKER 417 Marktt Btreft, to promptly, day 01 ntral Cnlon anfl Mutual No. 16; Beilflenoe, No. 12L STATE NATIONAL BANK LOOANSPOBT, IND. a2OO.OOO J.

F. Johnion, B. Vl H. J. Heltbdnk.

Caihler. DIRECTORS. I.T. Johnion. 8.

W. J. T. Elliott. W.

M. Elliott. W. H. Buy Qoveroment boiidi.

personal iocurlty and opllater ue wclal ot tperoent Intereit loft one peToent. pw annum when Deport Vault, of thl. tt. cliM. mortncei and ttner ttTat from It to US rear.

Mre. R. F. Latz of Wabaih, Is visit log F. B.

MoDanlBli of Marion, la here on business. Laura, Howard is visiting her brotber Bd at Pern. George H-. Gray and gonof Fowler are visiting In the city. Di.

A. G. MUler. Thursday at hii new ofQce, 814 JJorth Henry Meyer 'home-grown, nutmej McBeth- of MonHie waBrhere yesterday on bntlness. Prtd start 'on a tour of 'the Northern fn a few days mportant Item to Railroads is the iavlne of Coal.

VANDALJA General News of Railroads and Railroad Employes. The railroads of this country annually about- for uel. A saving of 20 per cent, on his item amounts to ft3, 000 000. The otal net Incomes of all railroads In he United States for 1894, after pay- UK died charge--, was -less than 100,000. or less than tbe cost of fuel.

other hail 20 per cenl. been avedinfuel, and it is believeil it is potsiblo In most to secure a eduction of from 10 to 20 this expense, net income of property might have been ncreasecl 30 per oeiit. The paper reiid by General Sui er uteuclent A. Mlils of the Clover at the moetinu of the Cuniral assooiatioo of railroad officers lant week is "an iuterestlng OOP. In it.

states that, and economy extremes are opposed to each ther. Powerful and economical boilers botli require large lire boxes ami fuel area, bnt for power, the grate area should be largo and the lues large and short, while for economy tbe prate urea should not be too arge and the flues should be small. long. The dimensions of the fire box and grates should bo governed by the character of the fuel. The brick arch Is generally recognized as a desirable aid to a more perfect.

ombustion. Testsiiuade by Henri and Mari, in France, show that for a consumption of from fifty sixty pounds of coal per hour per square foot of grate with a draft: equal to a vacuum of from one inch to three of water, the arch will reduce the amount of fuel consumed about 10 percent, 'it Is discarded because of ita interference with the work on the Hues and the expense of maintaining it. The sumption of fuel is never -watched with that scrutiny given to requisition and the shop pay-roll. THE -NEW. ENGINES.

Superintendent of Motive Power! Arp of the has been spending a great deal ot time In Pittsburgh of late, looking after the new engines. which are- being, built the Vandalia. The engines are of the mogul, pattern and will weigh 140,000 pounds. The cylinders -will measure 20i20, which will give a five-foot drive stroke. There are 818 flues In; each boiler, which gives a heating' surface of 2,100 feet, and makes it possible to carry a steam pressure of 185 pounds.

The are be-. ing built by the Locomotive works. There are fifteen in all, and the first one will arrive and be ready for freight service by August RAILROAD NOTES. Trainmaster May was at Bradford yesterday on business. Assistant Trainmaster Johnson of, the Panhandle, was out the.

Eastend yesterday. £The mileage 'of the Pennsylvania will soon be ma'de good over the 1 Grand Rapids Indiana. Michael J. Danill of theJPanhandle, blacksmith shop, is laying off on account of an -injury to his hand, received while at work Tuesday. Walton will not, as was reported, be one of the officers of the G.B.

which has lately become a part of the Pennsylvania sys.tem. Pat hammerman at the Pan Handle shops, was slightly injured while at work yesterday. A chain broke and struck him on, the 'Farmers hear 'Nlles, drove away -workmen who were trying to put the St. Joseph yalley.railroad in running order and tore up the roadi bed for several.iniles.. They objected to its running through lands.

The out on freights does not seem to have lauon influence on the lines leading out Chicago. A printed by the Times-Herald shows that the total tonnage carried by the ten Eastern roads last week was only greater by twenty-six tons than in the proceeding Laketomnage, however, has been increasing stead; ily ever -sines the outs' were ffl'adeV: An undentandlng to all concerned 'has -'been' reached the matter'of the 'rates for the fire chiefs' meeting at-Salt'La-ke City; A special reduced 1 rate of roiu Chi: cage and. $37 'froni Lpuls'will be gran ted. "only on" the. Oth', and are be" taken, through the machinery of; the; Western- Passengei, Association', whereby be'-giveri' a 'd'escriptlon "of every purchased ai 'wltl, It, is il brokers at.tauipt 'to.

speculate jn them, the latter bave up the attempt so. The movement of grain from points in western Kansas-to the EuRtern markets has gained such Broportions that some of the lines Jnd it difficult to handle all the offerings. The Santa Fe is especially crowded with business, and is said to about reached the limit of its capacity. The company bad 825 cars of corn billed for New York Saturday, and sent out fourteen extra; irains on the Chicago division that day. On same day there were 435 carloads in the Argentine (Kan.) yards awaiting shipimnt to tho East.

Republican Speakings. ItcpubHcnn speakings will be bold, at the following places Jn Cass 'county: Friday August 7th, Hon. James A. Mount, Hon. G-oo.

W. Stcele, at Logans-port, at 3. o'clock. F-rHlny-night, August 7th, -at Broadway Logausporr, Hon. W.

O'Hiu-a of Tern will organize a Republican club. August Stli, Hon. W. D. Owen nt Walton.

Hon. W. T. Wilson will speak at Cnl- loway school house, wnsb'p, evening, August Oth. Hon.

W. T. Wilson will address a. mooting Thuvsflay evening, August 0, at Onward, Tip ton township. lion.

I). C. siieal; at Satm'iby August Hon. T.

WlHs-on will a-t Miia-ml township, Tuesday August 11-th. L. A. Myere will spwik at Red Noblni township, Thiurs- day August 13th. There more Catarrh In this section of the country ihflu all other diseases put until the last few years was to be incurable.

For a great -many yeafs doctors pronounced it a disease; aaid prescribed local reroo-. dies, and by constantly -falling" to cure witli local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and there-, tore requires constitutional Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. Cheney Toledo, Ohio, Is the only constitutional cure on the It is taken internally doses from 10 drops to a It acts directly on the blood and mucous sur faces ot tbe system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case It toils to cure.

Send for circulars and Address- F. J. CHENEY Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, MAY GET TWENTY-FOUR TEARS Christian Baker, the convict who escaped from the prison North a few weeks ago and who was is likely to 'be punished severely: The prosecuting attorney at Laporte is about to enforce old statute which says that.if any prisoner tries to escape, he can be'taken before the' circuit court and his old sentence be given him. This be the first time that the law has been' enforced and Baker the original twenty years.

WAKMING. Tuesday, evening at the home of Wendell Miller of Washington town ship, occurred a house war.mlng which was tendered by seyenty-sfoc The.evenlrig was spent at dancing and 'other amusements. Re; fresbments were served 1 Music was furnished-by Ja Roderick. 1 TO CLEANSE THE SYSTEM Effectually yet gently, wtien costive bilious, or. when the blood Is linpura or to permanently-ov'ercome-ha- bitual constipation', to' awase -the- kidneys and a healthy activity, Irritating or weakening them, to dispel or fevers, 'use Syrup of Figs.

$25 CASHPRIZE: Will 1 b'e'siven, to person making the nearest guests to-the of Colombia cigars mdmifacturedl by Julius Wagner from August V-1880, to By buying a Columbia cigar from-your dealer you will receive coupon on wfcicliyou' will-write your name and guess. The consolldaUon.of Natural.and Artificial Gas makes toe payment of bills for. consumer using both. kinds of gas much more convent. ent.

The person paying for natural gas wbp-Is also a user.of tbei artificial can now pay botb bills tbe'same time at tbe company's 317 Pearl street; All.bills, are due and collectible: on first of.each month wltli ten Bills August, '1890, now. being.due; you when are, ailing is medicine that will cure you. Try Hopdls Sarsaparllla^convlnced I The 8ugg.estio'n 1 hot tea cakes nt awakens visions, In the imaprinatloha of the average north- ernhousekeeper. Yet there are few southern households where hot bread is not the rule, and in spite of this and the -prevalence of the frying-pan, dyspepsia ia much, more common at the iiorth than at the south. In fnc't, it is generally conceded by intelligent physicians that the habit of brooding over a special disease goes far to induce morbid conditions that may In time invite the disease.

So those who are forever watching for indigestion are likely to be its flrst victims. These people consume underdone, potatoes and coarse rornbeef with eagerness, under the impression that they are partaking of plain nnd wholesome food, nnd refuse, the most feathery Hfrht muffins bc- hot bread unwholesome. ia more acceptable to healthy fitomachs thnn perfectly-made shortcake, served with fruit, for supper. is a mistake to suppose hot bread is an article- of winter diet. Cold bread not enticing to the nppetitp, as everything shou-ld be in summer, because the 'appetite is a-pt to Inp at this season, when food'is especially needed to sup- the wastes from the perspiration and stimulate the stnngt-n.

A simpin lea in a sheet in a.dripping pon or biscuit tin, offers change from shortcake. Sift a quart ot the pastry flour twice'with two teaspoon- I'uls of cream tartar and scant one of soda. Jtnb a tablespoonful of butter through the flour tint! add linlf flip ot siig-nr. Put in two eggs and milk, enough to make a stiff letter. Boat batter, which should be as stiff as you fun stir it, nnd bnke it in sheets in a hot, oven.

A Gc'rmnn coffee eioiis accompaniment of fruit. Ktirly 'the morning- rub a Iic-nping- tnbln- jpoonful of bnttcr into quart of the best bread Hour; break in nn ejrtr and r.cld- half a. cup of sugnf and half of suit. Pour in a cup of milk has been boiled nnil colored, and also a cup of warm writer. Add finally half cup of Tiomeirrule yeast- or A quarter of yeast cake.

Set it nt sn; o'clock in the niorning-for At 4:30 o'clock pour the cakes into slieets about an inch thick. Brush the coke over with it thickly equal parts of fine flour anil pow- sugar 1 mixed together let it jrise one hour. it half an hour in quick oven. simple, delicious imuffln is. mivde two cups of flour, 'sifted twice, with two tsaspoonfuls of baking powder a Kiib tablcspoonful of butter through flour and add one beaten egg- and cup of milk.

Beat the. batter a larpe-sixed patent benter very rapidly for several moments. Drop the cnkes into peased iniufh'Ti rings resting on irbiscuit tin or into roore convenient patty tins arid ibnke the muffins rnpidly about KO xl Tribune. i GLEAMS OF IRISH HUMOR. Iranny Bemirln "popped oat by Witty should get your ears lopped, said a "smart" tourist to an (Irish peasant whom was quizzing: too-large for a man." "An 1 Ibedad," replied the Hibernian, "I -ust thiukin' yours would want to be made larger; sure they're too small for an nss." "Barney" was a noted car driver at a -well-known Irish watering place.

He hfild that the "salt xvather" was vastly improved by mixture with a "drop of- the craythur," but would not commit the that- the latter element, gained anything by the com-, bination. He sometimes drank more of it "neut" than, was wise or well for the father of his weak family. One hotday' long drive nnd a liberal for-: Barney turned Into the best bnr -in asked for te keep down the The who would rather have other customers than poor Barney, cnmc in as the latter, was raisins': -the. glass. "Barney," he "I'd rather you wouldn't be drink-, You know you were sor- rv for 'it before, 1 and-1 suppose you'll be' Borry for''this, too.

"Begorra raight," "but, sure, be sorry for takinV it than for in. a certain Irish college the student at his oral csftmination give answers frotna. pulpit before examiners. Once a student bad opinion of his attainments ascended the pulpit with a'nither-self- tatlsncd and hopeful'air. him ailittle, plied i biro with of "stiff" interrogations.

Hardly a single-correct au-. wos given, and. when iia time had expired' he descended and returned to his and numiliatcd. "Now," said the victorious 'examiner, when lie caught the eye of victim 'again, "If you had gomrup as you came down you'd-have come'down as you' went Gazette, 1 1 One quart of potatoes, two chopped', linndful of parsley, 1 two' -teaB'ppon'fuis of snlt' and one tables'pobniul'- of butter. Butter, a 1 deep dish and put-in a la.yer of'pota- toes (about an Inch), sprinkling 1 -wltli salt, pepper, and parsley, and i contmue ito Bring- quar.t of point, add Urge tablespoonf uJ of flour stirred.un- tU smooth to ft little cold mUk or water.

Pbui over the potatoes and bake in ahot, oVeu until Housekeep- BYRON B. GORDON. Draughtsman Patent Attorney. Spry Block. Logansport hummocki the city.

flneit aoconipJMunent has. Delia tVare tyiiftti her.foifthe stage?" "She Is an impressionist 1 1 G. A. R. AT ST.

PAUL. Special Ratcw via Pennsylvania for National Encampmcut. August SOtlv 31st ana September are the dales upon which low rate round trip tickets to Sr. Paul will be sold via Peansylv.lala Linos, isuort rowle through- Chicago. Tickets will be returning -until September 13th, Inclusive, and If deposited with the Joint ageut at Paul on or before September lo, the return limit will be extended lo iuclude September 30tb.

The rate's for this occasion will be cscep- 1 itionally low via Pon'usylvania Linens only system of railways over whlcl) i-un from Western Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio and Indiana to Chi- icago 'Union- Station, the natKral'eatc- iway from tlioso States to the Northwest. iDaUy tralu's'from'-Plttsburgh, Colum- Indianapolis and Louis- iville make convenient connection nt St. Paul Arrange- imeDts may 'he made by G. A. R.

Posts 'or' parties of friends to travel together on special trains or special cars that will go through 'from 'starting' point to the Encampment 1 without change, if the number justifies It. Information on die subject will be cheerfully furnished by representatives of the Pennsylvania. Lines. '-She' can run 1 the gamut from th fall-from-a-wheel cry: the acute as-i wUt causediby Jce.cream.diBap-; polntmenVVBuflalo Times. SUNDAY EXCURSION TO August 9th, via Pennsylvania from Logansport; excursion, train leaves 6 a.

m. central ttme; rehirnlaxg leaves cinclnntttl 7 central time. Base ball game, Cincinnati.Reds vs. Louisville, Leaigue teams. Lots of time to see the Zoo; the.Lagoon; the.

Parks and other attractive resorts of the "Queen. City;" CHEAP EXCURSIONS TO THE WEST AND.NORTHWEST. On August 4, IS, September 1, 15, 29, October 0 and 1890, North- Western Line (Chicago North-Western R'y) will sell'Home SeeKers' excursion very low rates to a large number of points In the west and north-, west. For full' Information apply to ticket agents of'connecting lines or address W. B.

Knlskern, G. P. T. Chicago, 111. HALF RATES TO OMA-HA.

Via the North-Western Line (Chicago North-Western K'y)' August 15, 10 and 17, 1880, one fare tor the.round trip. 'On August 21 excursion tickets at veiy low rates will also be sold-from Omoha to Denver and the famous Hot Springs of South Dakota. For full Information apply to ticket agents ot connecting lines or address W. B. Knlskern G.

P. T. A Chicago, III. POPULIST CONGRESSIONAL MASS MEETING. For above meeting the Wabash Railroad 1 company will sell tickets to Peru and 'return, good only on August Cth, at rate of sixty-five (OC) 1 cents'per round C.

G. NEWELL, Agent, SPECIAL EXCURSION TO FORT On Sunday, 'August 9, 1S9C, the Wabash Railrbrfd company will run a'fipe- clal -train-tdi'Fort-Wayne, leaving Logansport at 7 o'clock returning leave Fort Wayne 8:30 Tickets good for special train only; will be sold at rate of i-ouijd trip. Agent. Niagara Falls Excursion Thursday, Aug. 6,1896 VIA THE Lake Erie Western K.

R. "Natural Gas Route." On.Thursday, August 6th, 1896, thc.Lako Erie Western R. JR. will run thler p'opu- excursion to Cleveland, Buffalo and Niagara Falls at the following very'low rates, viz: Peoria Bloomlnprton 'X-nIayctto 'Michigan City Indianapolis Tlpton. Rate from all stations to Put-In 7.85 6.2S 6.2S JBay'and 'return, H.fX>, With corresponding reductions from Intermediate points.

In addition to tr.c above. these tickets will be given privilege of upcclalexcursion Bide trips to Lewtaton- on-the Incluflinur a stearo boat on Lake Ontario, for 25 cents. To Toronto and return by Lako.from Lewlston. Tickets of admission to places of epeclU interest at or near Nlafrara falls but out- islde the reservation, Including toll over the International-Bridge to the Canadian side, elevators to the edwM. Whirlpool Rapids on the Canadian will he offered on train at a reduction: prices charged after reachlne Falls DO NOT MISS This opportunity of spending Bunday 'the greatest historical spot In the Unltwl States.

Excursion will- arrive Niagara 8:00 a. August can leave the raw any day within the limit of their connecting with steamer at BuaHo, which leaves there every day at 830 p. Passengers can have stop-over prtyus 'on return trip at Cleveland, Sandus For jSnphfe't full matlon. call on any agent. Lake Western R.

R-, or address F. DALT. General Passenger Art. Ind. D.

C. SUMMER SERVICE TO i MACKINAC. Their new steel passenger commission, making four week between Tote-Jo, Uacklnac, BOO. i-etoskcT, Dnluth. If you are contemplating a summer outlnj 2c stamp for Illustrated pamphlet.

Vddress A. Detroit, Mich. CHICAGO TO ST. PAUL AND RETURN. i On "account of the A.

R. imeut Tue North-VTestern (Chicago. --o North-Western Bailway) will on Aug- ust 31 and September 1, 1896, sell escur- sion tickets from; Chicago tp Paul audjeturn at rale of for the round, trip, good for returu passage until Sep. tember 15, with, privilege of further. ex i tension to September 30, 1S06.

For tickets and full information apply to agents of connecting lines, or address IT. Waggoner, T. P. 7 Place, Indianapolis, HALF RATES TO On account of the National convention of Republican League Clubs, 23, 2-4 and 25, The North-Western (CM- ca'go North-Western; Railway) will sell excursion tickets from. Chicago, to.

i Milwaukee and return, at rate of one, fare for the round trip. For tickets and full information apply to ticket of connecting lines, or address W. B. Knlskeru, G. T- Chicago, St.

Joseph la a most delightful tewrt during thte extremely torrid Fare, for tie round trip, $2.00. TnJft leaves Vandalla station at 7KK) t. n. every gas bills for the 7 of August are now due- and payable at tho company's office on Pearl street or The JourriaViO cents 'a- Subscribe for The Journal. montti;.

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