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Portage Daily Register from Portage, Wisconsin • 3

Portage, Wisconsin
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

pnily Regjistet Caledonia -Air: Joseph Johnson of Iowa is jay Evening Jan 8 1892 Dekorra Jan 7 Misses Sabra and Belle Robertson daughters of Mr and Mrs James Robertson returned home on Friday last from Nebraska where they have been for about two years Thomas Arnott who has been confined to bed with the grip for four weeks is improving slowlv Jan 7- bere visiting some of his old acquaintances Airs William Ramsay who has sick for some time is now better Robert Lockhart who I has been been KEWS BR1EFLETS ypCouocliie of jSoott was in Pardecvillc Jan Moon is on the sick list this week 1 I George Heath came back from Chicago Friday Mrs Chandler has been ill with the grip Mr and Mrs Dell Reilly returned home Tuesday II Falconer was the guest of his mother Friday Frank Knapp died quite suddenly Sunday morning leaving four orphan children Andrew Fish came home last week Charlie Stone and wife went to their new home at the county house Monday jcl li0 teaching at Rio spent Christmas and at home Mrs John Shanks who has been sick for about two weeks is getting better nr Hckwood is spending the day tt uk eu friends nn Griffin of Steverte Point was "rtj'f usnor to day 1' Mary Egan is visiting Miss for a few ditjs Pratt a prominept merchant The Wisconsin river froze over 5 at this place on Sunday night for the third time this winter i Miss Mary Oobie and Miss Katie Marshall returned from Juneau Dodge county on Monday afternoon People taking the train at Hartman station would appreciate some kind of shelter while waiting for trains that come all the way from ten minutes to two hours lhte especially in such weather as we have had this winter Would it not be ff)r the interest of the St Paul company to erect a small building there and have the pbstoffice in the building instead of paying a man to carry the mail 20 rods? Mr Eli Grey is mail carrier between i( in the city esterday ily of Kings- Air John Marshall of Battle Iowa is visiting with his uucies and Alarshall Edward Shanks was home and spent New He returned to Cambria Alonday morning where he is teaching school John AIcLeish came home from sota last week John went to Alinueapolis last spring to work but he things there is no place like home George Staudenmayer is just finishing a fine new barn for the Winn Smith starts this week woods jl ui: (I Humphrey and fan it the Kinder House yesterday fin Pud) torians will gjlve a supper The donation appointed for last Thurs- nu) tt ill Jan- one week from MMER SCENE M- H( nrv has gone to Duluth U( t- tailed by business He mi a da -i ewport Jan jJ Hill of Red Wing Aliun Coldness Between The Table Cloth undoubtedly was bought at one of our January Linen Sales Dekorra and months Miss Mary Stevenson of Arlington is visiting her aunt Mrs McKenzie this Meek I Wm Irons and wife transacted business in Portage on Tuesday last The young folks in this vicinity! had a pleasant suprise party at Mr Tuesday night BREESE LOOMIS CO i i llolledon is enjoying a six from her duties as trim- int rv establishment of her is visiting at Airs Anderson Charlie Olson made a business Otsego this week Quite a number of young fo sembled at the home of Airs Ryan Thurs day veiling to he present at the wedding of Aliss Nellie Ryan ami Air Olson A very pleasant time and many valuable presents received Aliss Emma Peterson is home from Kil bourn where she has been at work for some time rl i of Barabfo who has ilh relatives city to-day nev and Mike Ford of Ami ret Alinn arrived one day too late to attend the fiinenil Airs Bert Horton returned to" her home Marcellon Mrs Griffin is improving Jopartnieii 1 a in Berlin Monday She was accompanied juiuhtr of the young bien of this ii Jrrangementf for an in that Grandma It will be re-and broke her Prices for January 1892 Jan 20 and lU -i the way of miusic day was postponed on account weather Oscar Smith was quite seriously ill last week Stanley Ashley is home for the days Reuben Kohler has been very sick with the grip and Airs Kohler is also on the sick list Misses Ruth Cole and Genie Mathew-son spent several days with friends in Portage recently Mis3 Wells of Portage was the guest of Miss Jessie Woodard last week Miss Blanch Milligan returned home in Sparta Monday Curtis Allen took possession of market Monday Miss Jessie Woodard went school at Endeavor Monday a new baby girl at born the 29 Mr and Mrs Wilt Wing are the happy possessors of a baby born about the middle of last month The gathering at Charlie Christmas day was a notable one beciuse the people assembled were all of the same blood There were 40 piesent and a half dozen or more were detained at home by sickness Among the victims of grip and pneumonia one hears mentioned to-day jire three of the Knapp children Varo Griffin Nona Richmond xMrs Tasker Riley Richmond Judy Mell Homer Cobb Charlie I Kohler Miss Peterson Mrs Major Woodard and George Kincaid Messrs Wm 1 Spicer Wesley Johnson and II Parmlee are suffering with neuralgia Mist Lizzie Voelz has gone honle for an indefinite stay -Mra who neejd no recom- l( 11 'V I 1 i- (in honor visited Poftage before 1ii It tr fare) liirhtfB failed to ijit lot evtmng betwefcn 9 and 10 Jan 7 slowly We are sorry to state Merrill is failing slowly membered that she fell limb last March Heath is hauling stone to Pardee-ville where he will erect a residence in the spring Mr Heath formerly resided on a farm northeast of Marcellon Geo Whittingham is so far recovered as to be about the house There will be no more Sunday Marcellon until the first of April Frank Knapp died Saturday night The funeral was held in Marcellon church Monday He leaves a family of four children three boys and a girl by her sister Leba Preston Gardo who will visit there Byron Clark returned to the Point Alonday Rev Steinbregker lias temperance society in this I Frank Campion went to Alonday last Alary Bissell Alonday Rey Burgemeyer of Kingston was in lay to see AIcDon-nell who is seriously ill kcr went to Rey Steinbrec fircciL Bay ist tv hen things in rt interesting tlin long with the the curling It is' said arc dynamo Otsego Jan 7 Aliss Abhie Thurston cago made a short visit among neighbors -1 i I Air and Airs Welcome Aloore from their trip to Oconomowoc last week I Air Aloore attended the reunion of a family of ten children all of whom were present but one All are married Air Aloore is the oldest I Airs Ida Gary and children or Dunn county weie visiting her sister Airs Alaxtield also Airs John Curtis son of Pardecvillc Airs Curtis is Another sister Joseph Goodman died at his home in the town of Columbus Saturday Dec iiO 1 will be nr order for duty this even- Christ- Kilbmirn Mirror-Gazette hw the u-ual happy tipie was ex-mni at tlie German Evangelical -li mi an interesting ijrogram was on Alonday The term of eifeuit Tuesday was cry court short operr-d here! a Ltoi' the merit of vvhiqh was good "ome talented musicians of Wednesday forenoon The principal seonsin lx long to that School The -1 Sclmeller bf Portage Newmarkets high sleeve roijgh goods good styles prices to close 1 $750 and $25 Newmarkets ith sleeves Price now $5 to $10 sh Sacques high sleeves $875 Some PItlsh Jackets $500 kets ranging in price froro 50 to $500 low sleevey good for every day Price now $100 34 to 38 including some sizes and $7 Jackets in Worsted all size 36 sleeve to close at 1 $200 Some $4 and $5 Jersey Jackets high sleeve all sizes good style little 100 light weight will close at $250 all cloaks reduced Shawls at sale prices BREESE LOOMIS CO 1 I)r Russell the doctor Fall River Jan Alarried at the 1 ome of the groom Airs Alary Buck and Air Geo Stanton on Dee 23 Rev Pratt officiating I 1 Alarried on Dec 29 at 11 a next term ider i3(00 bonds isos of starlet fever 'on i present -il I St hwartzrneyjcr of Custer case state of Wi was continued to being still held A number of reported Air and Airs lived from Alont at her parents in 1 H'lier reach hitve ar- and are guests in the ill ami Packwaukee at the home of the bride's parents town of Springvale Aliss Laura II Air Frank Aldrich of this place On Dec 23 Aliss Nellie Palmer and Air Victor Brossard of this Lewiston Jan 7 Miss Sarah Seivert deparetd for Janesville Monday 1 A Lewis of Lewiston and Lena Simmons of Amherst were married on Christmas Mr and Mis Ileiser left for Michigan Monday Mrs Williams left for her home iu Missouri Tuesday morning Montie Moore teaching at Arlington and Vet Cushman spent Sunday here Following are the names of the pupils of district No 2 Miss Utley teacher who Have not been absent during the month of December: Lester and May Colburn Oscar ami Beeca Tenuison Anna Torkelson Edna and Lyda Dorr Ethel and Jessie Utter Aliss Aggie Alitchell of (Chicago was visiting her brothers in this village of Rio place Lane's Family Idedicine Moves Bowels Each day Alost people need to use it CHILLY IT? were married also Aliss Herell and Air Peck of Doylestown Air Denver Babcock of St Paul is calling on relatives and old time friends week Airs Geo Field is reported as better Clarence Bradlev is very ill On Thursday at the home of the parents Iley Pratt united in matrimony Aliss Bertha Loomis and Air! A Kirk both of this place Air Babcock has sold a car of LET THE PORTAGE DAILY REC ISTER WARM UP YOUR 1892 BUSINESS WITH AN ADVERTISING CONTRACT IJ WILL PAY centL Good butter at a- pound at ti (Hinitv was in this city yesterday IPs home after a tew days' tt Kingston and Buffalo two i minions oer which he "at ii' had charge Father Schwartz- 11 i) friends in ill's city hav-b rector of the German Catholic on ui this itv a few ears ago -Mi is Davs of the Emrmur Dept sinerg 186 in ut the government rivr and ntnwv iih nts in iseonfin has been red 1 1 om Milwaukee Ho Washing- 4 1 In ie he ill have charge of the nmii nt of tin Hats among liens Maj Davis is succeeded li'J I mu Grt gory 4 caning Mrs Lercy Shackley 'h- Fnd Bashford gave a delightful i nut from 7 90 till 9 o'clock after 'lie party gathered at' Mrs Shack-' nt) ster supper was awaiting bic ladies pn sent were Ales--v'Uit Fiaser Carrie Joy James Race Iiobt Thomson Lv-1 Arrington Frank Wiikie 't Perkins Osctr 0 Munson A very enjoyable pm li Coughing Leads to Consumption Balsam will stop the cough at once El 3 4 25 cents are but of sight at CL oats to his brother-in-law in Alichigan a pound Plenty of buttijr at 17 first-class at cents Drunkenness The opiutr and chloral habits cured In three weeks at The Keeley Institute Lancaster Wi This institute has Dr Keeley personal endorsement and uses medicines furnished directly from his laboratory Our success equals his For further information address Du A II Batiber Alauagcr 1 I I 4 I I I I i i 1 I Lodi Jan Death came with the new year to jhe family of Mr Geo Simons of the Briggs House taking to his dread keeping the beloved wife and mother Mrs Simons She had been ill about two months nevertheless the end came suddenly in the first hour of 1892 Mrs Simon was greatly esteemed in this community and her demise will be much felt and deeply deplored She was a most devoted wife and mother to the husband and three grown children who survive her and a faithful Christian friend and neighbor She had lived jin this village since her marriage in 1853 II Simons and wife came up from Evansville in response to a telegram announcing the death of their mother and remained several davs Mr Geo Simons of Reedsburg came to attend the funeral Miss Nellie Vandeusen Madison paid a short visit recently to her brother Air A Vandeusen and faijnily of Lodi School opened last Alonday for thewin-terterm of twelve weeks II Andrews made a visit to Dodge-ville last week on business remaining there several days Air Seaman Peterson of Janesville who has been in Lodi on a visit) of two duration returned home last Saturday Mrs Jorden who suffered a stroke of paralysis (her third one) on the 29th is still in a very precarious condition A delegation of young men from the AI A of the University of Wisconsin held meetings on Saturday evening and during Sunday in the different churches of the place Catholic Pijayer Books a'-tine assortment at Drug Store Randolph Jan 7 A Beals ha3 sold hi interest in the meat market to his partner A Gilmore and his dwelling tq John Lloyd Al rJ Beals and family wilt move to Alinneapolis iu about two weeks i Alilton Jones of Racine was an over Sunday visitor with Dr Jones and family Wyocena Jan William Lafler has moved to Grand Bapids Wm Allen returned home to Liberty Bluff last Saturday Mrs Geo Muggleton is afflicted with the pleurisy' Geo family are all on the gain Mrs Gilson is suffering with rheumatism John Bull and wife of Cleveland Ohio are here called by the sickness of his father Alanson A Bull -All of the family of Charles Ellis -with one exception are reported sick Died this morning at her late residence three miles northeast of Wyocena Mrs Wm Alexander She leaves five children to mourn Her loss Funeral at Congrega lional church Friday at 11 a cents a pound Gilt edged butter at 17 at Farm for Sale aim for sale with good barnat and a goodorchard For A good well and Call for the St Julian 5 cent Cigar at particulars inquire of AIr John Harring Id ton West Emmet street Smoke El straights Monopole 10 cent I BRITT is Smoke St Julian the best 5 cent sm Dke in the city 1 BRITT SALE Transferring Lunatics jj 11 o-hhosh Aortliwesterb of yester Hl-' Rogue and Adams tne Columbia county insane lr' at the Tremontjj They ar- Ustrrd iy ami are important iheently a large rldition was lu the institution hey repre-iai tin state board of jjcontrol has 1 bi number of patients! transferred "'m 111 hospital to tlie new 1 he number includes twenty ie puiTnts four fron Marquette ir from Portage anjd six from The transfer today oj the mentioned "imnodation to tpe Chicago St Paul railwajr the Wis Feather 150 500 Mufflon Fur Trimrriing 250 ay Fellows forget M4ry Ann A choice line of the finest Perfumery in fancy packages expressly for the holiday trade also Bulk Perfumes in great variety at Drug Store Air and Airs Sam Segcrson and of Rio spent a few days of the past week with Randolph friends Airs Owen Owens of Alinneapolis visiting friends in this vicinity I 1 1 Airs Alary Dickson of Waupun was the guest of Mrs Evans on Thursday John Jones and wife of Alinn called on friends here Saturday AlissesjLizzie and Sallie Jones 0 Cambria called on friends here Alonday II Hughes was an over Sunday visitor at Aliiwaukee Aliss Eliza Reese was down from bria this week for a few visit Wm Davis of Grand Rapids Wis has been visiting relatives here the past two weeks Dance at Bradley's hall on Friday night Jan 15 All cordially invited to attend Dick of Portage sold a car- $1-50 95 3i3 185 -95 95 95 150 150 Lynx 150 Bear Lowville Jan Miss May me Farrell reopened her school at Leeds Center Monday The watch meeting at Mr New eve was a largely attended enjoyable affair Refreshments were served by the hostess at midnight and the new year was saluted with the cheerful tones of a large dinner hell A number of the friends of Mr and Mrs Joseph Edmister surprised the worthy couple Christmas night and celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary in a manner most jovial A chiDa tea set presented to Mr and Mrs Edmister serves as a Good Trimmers for Broadcloth Popular Songs Thec arje a few of the popular songs I I Broadcloths ran a specif coach to ui hospital and Ibrought it I ft Rev II IU Fairall editor of The Iowa Alethodist says editorially: ha ve tested the 1 merits of Cream Balm and believe that I by a thorough course of treatment it will cure almost every case of catarrh Alinisters as a class are afflicted with head and throat troubles and catarrh seems more prevalent than ever We cannot recommend Cream Balm too I used Cream Balm for drv catarrh It proved a Al Weeks Denver "pon the til traih It was -cisq ried to the St Paul and sent Be- hiution hy wav of Portage DRAP DE DAMES -C Line of Spring Shades at Marjruerire Kvaniretino Thou Art an hy A White and published by the While-Smith Alusic Pub Co 5 and Washington street Chicago Angel My Marguenteot Long Ago Madeline Alany others equally fine are to he had at reasonable rates Send for catalogue Full Sale Prices fitting memento of the occasion inmates it contained only Miusues and their assitants The load of oil and bought a carload of emp barrels here in less than an hour1 on Aloti-dav A great hustler that fellow colors: Cazardores 5 trinvR rrtHj are jinowl as jncur iL't the reason given for the transfer 0 Suede Aliss Fovder is now prepared to teach Levee Jan 7 Herman Zeller and his twin sisters Misses Lizzie and Mary have arrived home after a two absence Herman Siewert ana his sister Mary from Arlington were visiting in town this week the perfect roeasurqme Sylphe Tisane 1 1 Aeraunaute ivoire Vareck Grenat Prune Aubergine Blondine Navy Lemane Mordore Antelope tailoring system of actual inch nt employing only rule or tape line Including latest novelties eeana-less waists dartless front bias dart work dart etc Tor terms and particulars ib-quiri? at residence on West Cook street Aliss Anna Fowler Mdntello Jan 7 John Campion of Alinnesota js visiting his parents and friends in this village Air and Airs John Devs returned from a wedding trip to Chicago Joliet arid other places Saturday I Cards were received this week announcing the marriage of Aliss Alary Gjj Boyd and Air II AlcKoane Dec 23d at Rowdle S- Alary was a former resi Winter Excursions to Warmer Climes Excursion Tickets to Alexicol California Georgia North Carolina Florida the Gulf Coast Texas Hot Springs of Arkansas and Excelsior Springs of Alissonri are now on sale by Agents of the Chicago Aliiwaukee St Paul Railway Apply for rates and other information to the nearest Agent or address Geo II Heafford General Passenger Agent Chicago Illinois I thi hospital liecds room favoraly treated lK tu my more are sooii to be taken G- iiMumions Thenew Dunn will be completed early in be tken there institutions receive per Cung for them whle the addi-Dusc of so doing is Jyery small 'lerUH)U contained many 'ur'Nilh innumerable flight H-V vere given ample room closely Arzile Nickek Alisiere Orge More things we could say about Dress Goods I 1 Breese Loomis Co Smoke she Occasionally one hears this expression as a lady with a strikingly lovely complexion passes along the street Certainly! she uses the Famous Blush of Boses manufactured by Miss Flora A Jones South Bend Ind Supplied by Purdy Price 75 cents per bottle 5 El Monopole the best lo cent Cfigar in town BRITT dent of this village and all wish her a Wanted Girl to do general house work 5l ft I Linen Sale opened Monday January 4th for two weeks at Breese Loomis Inquire one door west of -C Weather Predictions l' 't EATHER BtfltEAU 1 MlIWAiTlgEE IS January 8 8 a at Mrs Episcopal church happy and prosperous life Frank Clark and Frank AIcLIugh of Stevens Poin were guests of friends here through the holidays Airs Ford died at the home of her son Tom north of this village on Saturday last and was buried from the Catholic churgh on Alonday Her sous Pat 'Jir or lours: CgM-i For Bibles Albums Toilet Cases Lap Tablets etc go to Drug Store January Dress Goods Sale at BREESE LOOMIS nrisk northwest winds On J4inrv colder THE POSITIVE CURE ELY BROTHERS Warren St Few York.

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