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The Evening Mail from Stockton, California • 1

The Evening Maili
Stockton, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)



MISvmssrMaii. i "i one day. Messrs Walter Brothers, of Wal-tersburg. sold ovr 880 bottles of Chamber lams Oolio, Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy during this epidemic, and say thy never hard of its failing in any case where the directions were followed It was tbe only medicine used that did oure the worst easts. Many pemoos were eared by it after tbedoo-tort bad given them Op.

Twenty-five and flfty-oent bottles for sale by H. H. Moore A Sons and I. Holden. There was no blaok feline to caterwaul now.

If he had be alive he would have dope so. The conspirators then produced pleoes of shingle on wbioh they wrote, by dipeing their dirks into tbe dUembowt-hd body of the oat, some unknown bnt cahalistto word. They then buried tbe pltcet of shingle in the ground and at down to concoct the details o( their oomtempla'ed murder of Justice Field. Mr. Morrlaaev paused In hiamarratlve and lit a freab cigar.

"Did you overhear their plotting?" asked tbe reporter. I did." Wbatdld they say?" I oonslder my Information on that sui j-ct valuable. If yon want it my price is $10 000. Otherwise I shall save until the proper time arrives for r-USLIHHSD DftlLT (SUNDAYS ZXCgPTZDJ BY TUB MAIL PUBLISHING COMPANY. B.


1 he Mail will be found an excellent advertising idlura. Its readers comprise persons of aU asses and shades of opinion, and exoeed in num er those of an; other newspaper published In the San Joaquin valley. On business matters ad CreSf J. J. Nunan, Business Manager; on editorial matters, the Editor of the Mail.

Office Aldridge Building, No. 224 Main street, Stockton, Cal. IKAVKLUtU T1MB TAHLJf. Merit Wins, Wedfsire to say to our citizens' that fop are we have hewn selling Dr. Kins' New Duoovery f- Oonsumptlnn.

Dr King's New Life Fills, Buokleo's Arnica Halve and -c-rio Bitters, and have never bandted ramt-dirs that itell a wt-ll, op that have giv.n such universal satisfaction. We do not b-sitare to guarantee them every time, and we stand ri-ady to refund the purchase price, tf satisfactory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely oo their merits. H. H.

Moore A Hons, druggists. la A Duty to Yourself. It is surprising that people will nse a common, ordu ary pill when they can secure a valuable English one for tbe same money. Ackers English Fills are a positive cure sick headache and all liver troubles They small, sweet, easily taen and do not gripe. For sale by H.

H. Moore A Hons, druggists. 9o Not'ce. The practical dver and is in new carters and has everything improvid do rst-olass and chap work. Give me atrial and be convmeed No.

293 El Dorud street, north of Maaouto temple L. A P-lzer. aul'J 20t L. H. Lang, successor to W.

H. Richards, Undertaker. Charles Ball, formerly wt'h Mr. Richards, will continue to act as funeral director. The office, at the corner of Burner street and Miner avenue, is always open.

Telephone No. 67. fe2Hf ago one soldier killed another at tha Presidio aud Judge Bawver refused it try the defendant sod sent him to the Stats court. Iu this the learned Judge was oleary right, but lo what re p-ct ee that oase differ from the case of Ngle, exo-pt that the aoMUr Committed tbe homicide upon a reservation of the Uuited States unleas, indeed, tbe doetrine be maintained that sn eat og-houe on a line of railway, which may be need for military purposes, is without the jurisdiction of the 8tte? Suppose It be imagined that a Federal Judge or any officer attaohed to his person commits an assau't, or auy other mide-meanor or felnny, while traversing the Btate whether on private or official bneiaees woald he be exempted from the ordinary laws aud process of tbe Btate Toe mere statement of such a proposition is its answer. It might as well be contended that a Superior Judge coo Id only be tried within bbownemuty.

Nav, tbe contention would have togiatill further and destroy the axiom that no man cau he a Judge in his own cause, for Judge Field Is part of the United States Ctrcnit Court, snd the Superior Judge would be part, perhaps the whole, of the oourt within hie county. I apeak, then, deferentially bat firmly when say that, in my deliberate opioion, no principle. constitutional or tberwiee, no etatate. oo Americao pr cedent, no sound orooovinc mg reason cau be invoked lo aid of the Fed oral jurisdiction in the oase of Nagle norio the oase, if it be a Oase, of Mr. Juetioe Field, and that all the argumeote in favor of the assumption of such a jurisdiction are opposed to ourdeclaratten of righto oar constitution, dersl end 8tate, and to our politico at juridical systems, snd rest upon an exag gw ated estimate of nfficial position snd of individual oonsequence which it was the expressed obj-et of our in-iituti-ns to prevent, and wnich eould not be tolerated with safety to ihe repubiio.

Tne signs of the times In many directions are ominous enough. Lttusat leaf, if wh cap, avert further centralization and main tain, in their jnst rquipoise, the rights of men, of municipalitiea of Btstes and uf the nation. No oa-eshonld be prejudged Investigations should be calm, diapafstenate and thorough, and the law should be firmly and mpariially administered, through the regularly appointed tribunals, without regard to particn ar case- and without reference to particular individuals or te (articular or izn aginary eng-nries Full Particulars of the Conspiracy Against Field. How and Where White, Swain and Editor Colnon Met to Plot tho U. 8.

Judges Murder. James A. Morrissey says be knows all about that conspiracy. Hla aoconnt was taken down In sbort-baod by a Mail reporter last evening, when tbe horrible news reached tbe startled citizens through the columns of tbe Mail. Is as follows: Twsb the dead hour of night.

A ghostly glamour flo' the streets from the dull-khud elroirio Umpe. Beneath tbe shadow of tbe Eureka Eogine-honse stood a solitary figure, muffi in dark eilenoe. It was I. Foot falls olinked on the oonorete pave fronting Feist A Oo.s store. I listened.

The sontids approsohed They drew nearer. My heart-beats oeastd. A sudden terror seized me. An uooontrollable impulse grappled with my brain, and forced me to take off my hat. I took i ff my bat.

Theu, fur tbe first time, I recollected sxpe riencing a like feeling once in Bau Francisco. recalled tbe past. I tried to place that filing of dys gone by. At last I did. I re membered hat it was Just as I we leaving tbe ferry-boat.

On that oooaston my ht oame i ff respouse to a sentiment of respect and awe for which I could not account at the time. subsequently I learned that the United States Oironit Court wss in session there at that very moment. And all became plain. But wby this sensation at tbe grusome hour of midoight? Could the Circuit Cunri have oome to Stockton? Impossible! Tbeu wby this shock? Wby this impulse? Why this awe? Why this ungovernable determination to take off my bat? Wby this mysterious sentiment of re-peot? Hal I have itl It must be Colnon coming he, too, is a government official. He is store-keeper for bonded warehouse No.

8. My awe of Federal officials i true as the needle to tbe pole. Though the aotuating impulse is invisible, it never fails. Twaa hot An I alias oloak shrouded his shoulders As he passed through the alley into baok of the jail I saw the deadly git am of a dirk beneath tbe folds. He wore a brigands bat.

His feet were padd-d with sacks The lithe and agile figure stole silently psst. Another otme. It entered from around the jail wall. A white doth masked tbe faoe. I could not see its features.

But when it spoke I rhe voice. Who it gtve the trystiog word I identified the conspirator. Twas District At irney White. Thn trystiug word? Hal they dared not trust each others disguise; th must assure themselves of their own idtnti'y. Tbe trystiug word? It wa: Bt-o-o I The old clook in the town tower pealed the strike of twelve.

A black Thomas oat spoke np at tbe same instant. A pussy cat aop the Library building answered tbe Thomas feline They held an animated discussion which 1 could not understand-1 mean the oats did. Bl-o-o-o-d dl hissed the white masked figure. Is it not singular he should choose ba' oolor for so dark a deed? Yet the philosophical mind will searoh out the cause Philosophy knows no bounds. She nods over everything Tbe philosopher will at onoe detect the reason for this choice of the color white.

His name is White. Yet white is no color. For is it not the presnoe of all oolors? Let this be as it may. I digress. I will leave the determination of this poiot to hiloaopby or Viotor Hugo.

Digression is a sin. Hardly had the gory word been pronounced when foot falls sound' adown the rear stairway of the Eldridge bui ding. The two con-spiratora whipptd their dirks from nodr their cloaks In doioe so, they took them by tbe haft. They refully avoided touching tbe old ghaming blade. Was it not singular? I should remark! IusHoct told me the steel was poisoned.

Horrori Nearer and nearer oame tbe clinking adown the stair. A figure emerged from the black wall of night. It etmrgtd also through a back gate. Was it a spy? Hd the conspirators been detect'd? They grasped their knives firmly. They stole silently toward it.

The lithe figure of Onlnon was outlined against the fenoe. Suddenly the new-oomer paused. He spoke. He, too, gave the tryst-ing-word. gurgled: Bl o-o-o-d Tbe black cat srobed its baok.

It oalled once more to the oat on tbe Library building The old dock in the town tower not repeat tbe hour of twelve. It waa not a repeater. Therefore it oould not strike the keystone time of the night again. If it eould it wond doubtless have done eo. The fact that it did not must be interpreted by pbilosopbere as proof that it oould not.

8uch is philosophy. Then tbe three figures came together. They joined hands. It was a triangle of conspiracy. A triangle is a solvable mathematical figure Given two Bides and one angle, the third side may be determined Tbe two sides were Col-non and White.

The angle was blood. Con sequi ntiy the third aide becomes known. It was Jurtios of the ace Swain. Bach is mithemstiesl The black Thomas oat went into spasms. He was a wild conglomeration of ebaotic fl-fsh.

It was mathematics, science, mini that did it, Thus does mind triumph over matter. Tbe three conspirators joined hands, have already made a remark to thie effect, but 'tie well to repeat. Repntitinn is the aoul of vigor. If a man smite another in the eye be oan etill see. But if he repeats the act and olosee the other eye also, the thing is mncb more effective.

Therefore, repetition is not a flaw. With their hands joined, the trio held their knives between their teeth They tons care it to touch their lips to tbe blades. Thoir teeth were firmly fixed on the hafts. Thy raised their eyes havtnward. White, the arch conspirator, asked in a sepulchral me: "Are we three one?" Colnon answered: Blooodl Swain answered: Bl-o o-o-o d-d White echoed: Bl-o-o-o-o o-o-o-o-d d-d-d I The black oat sent a piercing shriek palpitating on tbe night air.

The eonspiia'ors stood apart. Their eyes glistened. The elephant's eye ia treacherous; the blodh wild; the tiger's, savage; tbe lion's, threatening; the 1 paids eve 4s stealthful; tbe jaguar's, cunning; tbe grizzly bear's determined; the whd ox's franno. But tbe ye of tbe coosplraor emb-dies al). It is as tnacherous as tbe elephant's, as wild as the savage as tbe tigers as threatening at the lions, aa atealtbfal as the leopards, as ounaing the jaguars, aa determined as the grizzlys, as frantio as tbe wi oxa.

It occupies among ey-e the position of the devil flab among horrible creatures. Such is the eye of tbe conspirator. Such were tbe eyes of the conspirators. They separated White, the arch fi nd, traced oo the nuonretrewn earth with his dirk a large cross The blaok cat was oaugbt and its throat cot. Tbe bio- waa sprinkl over the oroas.

The pussy cat on the Library bnildtog fortuitously escaped by crossing the and sliding down tbe rain-scout. Yet her precaution was needless she was not black. Tbe warm and gory feline carcase was then laid at tbe foot of tbe oroas, White ato at tbe head Bwaln stood at tho left end of the oroas-pbee Colnon stood at the right end of tha crops-piece. The consplrstors ratal their daggers np at arm' length. The arch fiend then av ke io a ghoulish voic.

His words were crystals of oluod. H-sid: Bhali wo Ngla him?" "Nagle him!" hissed Coloon. Nagle him!" mattered Bwaln. it Henry E. Highton on the Ques tion 'of Jurisdiction, Something that Law Students Should File Away for Future Reading-Sound and Impartial.

San Francisco Henry Highton dictated theollow-ing in answer to a request for an oplnioo on tbe jurMicdon of tbe Federal court lo Justice Field's oase Mr Jostles Field, as a member of the highest tribunal in the word, sod also on account of his d'snng'iisbed ability aud learning, is entitled to respect. The late Judge Terry, who waa A-socUte Justice end Chief Justice of tbe Supreme Com of this Bute, who wa- sn ibfluen ial member of the last Constitutional Couvsution. who wm a lawyer of no-nal capacity, originality and txpsiienoe, and who acquired great iofluenoe among tbe people, also deserved commendation and es Tbe questions, therefore, which have arisen ont ol me late tragedy present themselves to my mind without individual prejudice or par ahty aud solely ss they effect ine Btate sod the country. In these respects more oo ao O'Ont of the loose sod moooaiderate view which have been so wide presented than for nv other reacoo they appear to me of great and immediate importance. Equality before tbe law and just distribute) uf the powers of government underlie aud obar-oienz1 tbe American system of jurisprudence.

Ho far as personal rigOts are neerned tbere is no distinction, however ingenious or subtle, which can be recognized between ao Associate Justioe of tbe Buprme Contt of the United States and an ordinary Justice of the Pesoe, between tbe President nd the dock labonr, nor is there any sound Lcepimn to the rnie that offenses ag-iust tbe Btate are to be dealt with exclusively by tbe Btate sovereignty, and offenses sgainst the F'dsral government exclusively by Federal tribunals. At the common law which prevailed in Euglaud, It was treason to slay the Chancellor, Treasurer, K'ngs Jastices, Justices in vre or Jui-tices of A-wz-; it was petit treason -r a servant to kill bis ma-ter, a wife her bnsbaod or aa eoclesiasticsl person his superior; aud it was $candalum magnatum to -p-ak in derogxtion of a peer, a Judge or other great offio-ra of tbe realm; "and though," said Binckstooe, "the words spoken were such ss would not be sotionable in tbe case of a common person, yet when spoken in disgrace of such high and respectable characters, they amount to an atrocious injury," There were oss'-e in which the dvree of an off-nse b'Oame intensified through tbe aupe nor dignity of the person agalost whom, individually. theoffeose was committed. No such doctrines have ever been tolerated, bnt on tbe eontrary, they have been express'y and necessarily repudiated io the Uuited States, aDd one step towards the reasst-rtion of these monstrous oiaims of privileged cla-ses would be a leap backward toward the Middle Agis. and would practically subvert our political institutions.

When, therefore, it ie contended that there is any di-tinction whatever butw-en Mr. Jw tice Field and an ordinary citizen, turning upon the relative impfrtance of the Individ nalit, aDd tb this distinction enters into tbe of tbe land, a bl is aimed against both the Fd ral and Btate Con-titutions, whLh reaches the equality and the safety of the people And much of what has been said about the killiug of Judge Terry means precisely this or nothing. Every man, be he high or low, rich or poor, is invested with the iualienable right of eelf defense, bnt the lawful unlawful exercise of thie right must depend upon the special circumstances of each rase. A men may defend bimseJf, a husband bis wife, a father his child, a servant his master, the stroDg tbe weak, but, so far as the law ie concerned. ooe inexorable rule applies to ail, and the necessity, real or apparent, must justify the act.

Ma of the heretical and dangerous propositions hich have been announced by geu-ttemen of professional eminence and exalted character have arisen from oonfounding the aw wi'h the facts. This was most noticeable in the telegrapbtd interview with General Butler, who oorreotiy stated law as it respected an ordinary citizen, and forgetting tbe Declara'ioo of Independence and the declai ation of rights in the Constitution of bis own as well portion of the Federal 0'n stitution itself, which he was instrumental io framing, nndirtook to diccrimioate tbe ease of one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of tbe United States, or of a Federal officer acting on hs behalf, into an txoeption to the general rule. Mr Justice Field has no other or greater legal rigbte than tbe humblest oitizen io the laud indeed his own divisions show that, in he judicial capacity, and I presume in his per-onsl capacity also, he would not claim them. As matter of law, therefore, his high position of tbe peculiar circumstances by which he was receotly surrounded have oo foroe what evtr, while, as matt-r of fact, the circumstances surrounding and preceding the late homicide may have the greatest significance and weight No member of the bar oan be justified for oontempt ir for threatening or aiaultiog a udicial officer, and, on exactly tbe same pnnciple, oue private citiz-n cannot be jusri-fled for unprovoked thrtate or wanton assault upon another. If, therefore, Judge Terry was gcilty of a oontempt, for which be was puniebtd; if be repeatedly threatened to kill the Judge by whom bie sentence was pronounced; if be suddenly and maliciously iitrnck that Judge, himself physically wak and advanetd in life; if tbere was good reas to believe if the fact was that the blow was to be instantly followed by homicide or a murderous attack, and if, UDder these conditions, a bystander, and eepiciallv a person watching over the eafey of the Jndgo, in the exercise of a sound judgment, without mahoe or precipitancy, and believing that he waa taking one life to aaveanotbir, killed Judge Terry, then the micide wa justifltble before any cunrt of the ate, but jat-tifiable eolt-ly because of the fao which oould be infinitely varied, but which are to be tes'ed by a rate, equally applicable to every citizen, which totally ignores any disparity in social rank or in official position, and whioh places all citizens upon a common level.

If. on the other hand, a Deputy Marshal or soy her person, whether tailed for that duty or not, waa prepared in advance to adopt an xseptiDal tut-aure of violence, on account of the dignity of the person he was guarding, and resented a mere assault by a homicide, is guilty of a otime, into the d-gree of which, for my purposes, it would be unprofitable to inquire. Neither of these auppositi ms, however, may bo true. Tbe avid-uce most determine the facts, to whioh the same law, before the same tribunals, should be applied as in any othtr case. If tbere were the slightest dinger of popular uprising, of any act ri -toas vio-leuoe, or of au uoiaaful interference with the proceedings of a fconrt of justice in the coQD'y of Ban J- aquin, where Judge T-try wss "hot, wh'ch I do not believe, vould be the duty of the Governor to nse the whole powtrof theS'a'e to protect the eoortand all persoos within its jurisdiction, and, if ces-ar every male citiz of the Btate, not duqual fit-d or exempt, coaid be impressed into that service.

I may individually regret that a warrant was tesnrd against Mr Justice Field, but tht is beside the question. He was is liable to that warrant as any other cit Zen, and, if i was illegally Usotd, his remedy was by a proceeding fore tbe Justice of tbe P'Soe who issued it or bv au application for habeas corpus to i of the courts of the State and not to a Federal t- ibunal. To sty that ao Associate Justice of tbe Supreme Court of tbe Uuited States travels through bia circuit and impresses th dral jurisdiction wberevt-r he plants his feet is to justify a unrpntiun of wt-r- As monstrous as it aid be to hold that he had a mgbt to travel with a private execatiouif and to inflict any penalty he rhose nroo anv person wbooff-odd him If a Jude had ti at poaer, then no dis'tootion C'old be made between him sod all the other sti'y tbousaid employe of the three departments of tbe Federal government, i If my reeolleetloa serves me, not vary long I Demented Knight's Ferry Mans Queer Life. Aged mnd Alone, He Lives in tbe Ruins of sn Old Court-House, Manufacturing Spooks. Slght-aeera who have passed through Knight's Ferry, tha old coooty seat of Btaoialana county, have notion? a carious eharaoter there an old man who was formerly a Catholic priuet, but who la now of nnsonod mind-, having lost hia reason In an attempt to- make a translation of the Bible from Spanish Into English.

He oeonpiee the mine of the old County Court-house, in wbioh there are still two or three pretty good rooms, aod spends nls Ume in making all aorta of rude figures of men and women. Hia favorite Oooks were always those deaiiog with tbe hlatory of auoient couotriea, the Bible and mythological works. HU iniud la full of the obaraciers "of bla favorite literal are aod bis rude statuary represent suca figures aa plsyed promt, uent parte to tbe periods of tbe past. Tbe old fellow served tbe eouotry Id tbe Mexioan war aod ia now drawing a tbe government, besides re-oetviog an AUowauoe of $10 pur uiootb oid the Indigent fund of Btablslaus county. Most of tbe figures be makea are rale ludeed, some of them heieg hideously groteaqoe, ibe Utnbs being disproportiooate to tbe size of tbe body, tbe features of tbe faoe occupying Incorrect positions in relation to each other, and tuaoy otber defects being appareot, hicb cause the statues to look like heathen images.

Hie inode of manufacturing la oer-taioly unique aod ongloal. He first makea a bag having tha shape of the human body aod atuffs It with straw or grass. Over this he piaoes a thick coaling of piaster, wbicn he manufactures nimaeif. Then, with a small knife, he seta to work and oarves ont tbe leaser features. The more prominent ones, such as tbe nose aod ears, be affixes afterward, soapiDg them before be piaoes them on tbe bead.

Observed from the outside, the ghostly figures form au uu-onoy group, calculated when seen in tbe twilight to make ooe shiver. Tbe venerable old man imagines that these figures are spirits among whom he aa beeo doomed to live aa a penance for hia failure to make tbe translation of tbe Bible. It la said to be a sad sight to see the withered old fellow talking to them, pleading with them, oare-siog them living among them aa though they were ludeed uocaony spirits sent to keep blm company in tbe mouldering rulos of wbat was once a building where county government bad its earner. Aud tue old gray-beard is always on tbe alert to protect bis spirits, too. Many if them presumably tbe more aaored ones have beads wbioh can be removed, and tbe moment tbe foot-falia of an trudiog mortal are beard on tbe brlok pavement without tbe old cuau hastens to change tbe beads from one to another of the white objects, thinking that in thus casting tbe identity of ooe apon the otber he will bewilder ail those deu'Z-me of earth who may oome with otber than good iotentlobs toward hla ghosts and children.

From early morning until darkness falls he ia constantly engaged at bis work, aever stopping unless it be to bay some food at tbe grocery store or briog a bucket of water from tbe river. He consider all persons who oome Inside hia abooe devils ant to work barm to hia pi Its, aod if ooe of tbe objnets should be touched by the band of ao i truder he destroys it, as ha considers that it has tnea rendered vicious by tbe cootact. Mo ooe in Knight's Furry has anything to do with him. Children are frightened at the old man, aod growo people, koow tog that they are not welcome, do oot molest him with vial a. He la perfectly harmless, oever attempting to Injure aoyone.

AU tbat ia knowo of bn past la that he ia an American and baa bad tbe advantage of tbe bsst schools, speaking four laoguagea and being otherwise well eduoated. "It waa jaat about dusk," said tbe narrator of tbe above, wbeo, iu com pany with a companion, I entered tbe building, bavlug been attracted by tbe grnaome oDj-cts wbioh we bad observed from outside. Aa we passed beoeatb tbe orumbliog arch wbicn formed tbe eu trance to tbe building where Circuit Judges Booker, Cavls aud Creaoor held court lo early days, tbe old man arose from bla work and stood facing ua. We spoke pleasantly to him aod be fiuaily oondeeoeoded io converse with ns. Hla language was that of a highly educated mau, and he told us all about bow be had commenced a translation of tbe 9panieh Bible.

He worked night and day, studying and thinking and striving to transpose tbe Spaoiah phrases to English; but there were passages wbioh he oould not overoome; ex pressioca whioh he could not exactly write in bis own language. He com menoed to flouoder aud his mind grew darkened; spirits came to upbraid bim for bis failure; devila taunted and curbed him; be gave op bis task in wild despair, feellog that he waa not oapable of completing It. Ever afterward (he spirits and devils bad been with bim Look at be said, waving his baoda toward tbe bideous white objects bleb the darkness In the room had made twice as frightful; (there they are, Hver with me and aroaod ohidlng me for my great failure, taunt ing me about my lack of knowledge, aod they are right, too I should not have failed, and I am paving tbe penalty must stay here with them forever and protect them while they float around me and gibe at me and taunt me day aod night. For all time to oome I must endure my punishment. He abowed ua each separate figure, explaining to na whose spirit it waa and how long it bad beeo there.

He talked for some time and then fell to working nme putty which be had on a board aod would talk oo more. We left tbe place, carting fearful glaoces over our shoulder at tbe Images, which stared and grimaced at ua io the dark as we went out." Badly M'x-d on the Terry Case-Sauk Rapids (Minn.) Free Press. State Supreme Ju Stephen J. Field. acoooipned by a deputy 8.

M-trebal, sat dowo to dine at a station on a Southern overland train at Latbrop, California Judge Terry, a bitter en-my of Judge Field, entered and slapped the Jus' Ice in the fao, whereupon Deputy Marshal Nagle shot Judge Field dead. Judge Fteid gained mtnr)etv by killing Senator Broderick lo 1857 and later by marrying Sarah Althea 11 Sharoo. Natural Gas Laid ta tha shade. Murphy has jirt received 700 tons of ooal, which he off-rs at oust He also bs on hand a lot of nr-fort wood and stove wood Office. No 83014 El Dorado etre t.

mar the uew Push ffl Telephone No. 3C5 au21t( Tsrriblw Bpldrutie There was a terrible epidemic of dvsentery and bloody flat in Pope county, Illinois, last ammer. As many aa five deaths oooorred in tho It of To for to To to I i i Vi NO LONGER A TERROR. Modern Treatment That Corea Constipation. According to tho San Francisco dallies a remedy has been discovered that with almost unerring certainty overcomes constipation.

It new laxative principle In Joys Vegetable Sarsaparilla. The papers are full of recent occurrences confirming its cCcacy, and giro place to thoir lost sensation, a card from Gan Francisco's well known lady manicure. Sho says: I am willing to relato tho following experience. I havo for years bad a weak stomach attended with constipation, and never found but one preparation that helped xao aud that soon wore out ana lost its effect, and I was a sufferer till I tried Joys Vegetable Earsapa la. helped mo la every way and bos thoroughly reorganized mo.

I bad ono of tho most sensitive stomachs and was in continual distress, but can with tho aid of Joys Vegetablo Sarsaparilla now cat any and everything with ny old accustomed freedom without any evil effects. I am both surprised and delighted, and -laCy recommend it." Clara IIzlvim, Manicure, 123 Kearney street, 8. Cholera lo Michigan. Dr F. Larbe City.

Michigan, says the epidemic of last year in Presque Isis county, in which so many persons lost tbeir lives, wss cholera dysentery instead of cholera, as first reprt-d Henaed Chanberlsius Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and says it succeeded whe-e ail other remedies failed. Not a single case was lost in wb eh it ws used. Tms retnedv is the most reliable and most successful medicine known f- colic, cholera morbns, dysentery, diarrhoea and bloody flux. Twenty five and fifty cent bottles for sale by H. H.

Moore A Sous and I D. Holden. Remember, We Guarantee give yon a solid fourteen-karat gold watch $60 at $1 a week that you woo be uuabie buv iu tbe regular way of tradt for less than $65 or $70. Join now and get a gold watch $1 a week. Owen A Coody Watch Clnb, 255 Main street, Yo Semite biock, Stockton, Cal.

The following members got their watches Saturday evening: Clnb No. 1, member No. 17; cluh No. 2. member No.

45: olub No 3, member No. club No. 4 member No. 4. aul9 lw Everything In Season.

Five hundred acres of the best watermelon land near Lodi will supply John Elliotts market with tbe finest watermelons in tbe world. They are arriving daily and are fi st olass in size and flavor. John Elliott spares neither time nor money in procuring the best tbat grows. He has secured the products of tbe best peach orchards to tbe State, and be proposes to give Stockton people first choice not the seoond-ol uts fruit shipped to Stockton dealers by San Francisco wholesale dealers. Rammbflr, We Gueraotee give yon a solid fourteen karat gold watch for $60 at a week that yon would be nnable bnv in tb rt-goiar way of trade fur less than $65 or $70.

Join now and get a gold watch for $1 a week. Owen A Cotidy Watch Club, 255 Main stre-t, Yo 8emi'e block. Stncktoo, Cal. Tbe following members got their watches fiamrday evening: Club No. member No.

17; club No. 2, member No 45; club No member No. clnb No. 4, member No. 4.

aul9-lw New Musto Store. A. Alberti for several years past engaged as a piano-tuner for the music house of Gherman A Olav. and later of Kobler A Chase, has returned to Stockton and opened the finest stock of pianos, organs and otber musical io strnments ever displayed in this city. Tbe public are invited to look at hi stock.

Orders for tuning promptly attended to. and all work guaranteed to be first oias. San Joaquin street, opposite the Pavilion. Telephone, 820 ap2 ly Pullmwo Tourist-Car Excursions. Select excursion via the Atlantic and Pacific railroad, Smta Fe route, uader the management of salaried railroad employes, leave every Thursday for all Eastern pointe, Berths furnished tbrough to Chicago.

Rates same as from San Francisco Baggage obecked through to destination E. B. Myers, agnt. No. 188 Main street, Stockton aplSdAw Buekieo'a Arnica Salve.

Tbe beet salve in tbe world for cats, sores, bruises, ulcere, wait rbenm, fever soree, tetter, chapped haods, chilblains, oorns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or do pay requtred. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price. 26 cents per box. For sale by H.

H. Moore A Sods. de27 Cbamberlaiue Gone, Gb i-rs and Dtar-rhrna Knneriy. This medicine can always be depended upon, not only in tbe mtider terms of Bummer com plaint, but also for malignant dysentery aod obolera infantum. Tbe lives of manv persons, and especially children, are saved by it each year.

It is pleasant, safe and reliable For sale by H. H. Moore A Sons and 1. D. Holden.

Furniture, Carpets, Oilcloth, All are going off rapidly at Parkers olrsing out sale. No. 250 Main street. Dont miss thisopoortanity of getting such goods as yon need at bankrupt prices. Natural Gas Stoves.

Dont fail to see tbe Jewel natural gas stove. It is the best stove for natural or manufactured gas yet produoed. Jackson A Earl, sole agents. je22-im Gall at Ouoe aod Buy Any kind of furniture or carpets, or anvthing else in oar line, cheaper at Parker's. No.

250 Main street (Sylvester's bankrupt stock) than at any oth place in tbe city. Removed. Dr O. 8argnt occupies stew offices in the S'mpson A Gray building, oorner of Mam aud El Dorado streets. Jy81-Im John Barrett, Undertaker and embaimer.

Coroner's office N' 896 San Jcaqtuo street. Telephone, No. my I Pop Bouse, twkota Grua, Cal. First-class resort, with oottagee for families. Moderate rates per week or month.

je7-Im Jobs Jory, Undertaker. Parlors at No. 845 Sutter street, between Mam and Weber avenne. Stockton, Cal. je8 C.

V. Thompson, corner of D-rdo street and Weber avenue, has just reoemd and wii continue to receive daily large oonsigMuenta ot mountain achee aud plums. jySO lm Martin, tbe practical rseeboerand successor to Byd A Morgan, guarantees ail bis work, bhop, Market street, opposite the jail. au2 Im Pianos and orgaoa tuntd and repaired at Campbell; worn warranted; Maaoio temple, No. 814 El Dorado street.

Jyl8-1 Lnxeo A Catts sell good bard wood bedsteads fur $3 50. All sizes are foil length aud width. anlO lm Violins, guitars, banjos, aooordtons. sheet momo, cheap at Kneppera book atore, 179 Main street. Nothing but pure fruit ayrupa in Leffler dehoious looream soda.

ap2t-lm Shirts to order, $1 25 and $1 50. Buckley Walker, No. 202 Mam street. anU-lm Delicious toe-cream sods at Leffler'a. No, 2i5 Mam street; three for a quarter.

ap20-lm Hot pork and beans every evening at Frank Madden Independent naiouu. Ja28tf Bed-mom suites of seven pieces for $18 at Logan A D-aus, No 294 Main street. jel4-lm Children orv for Pitcher's Castoria Bee Batchelders prioea on photos Children cry for Pitohera Caatoria. Dr. for are 1 dty 344 uf THE AMERICAN CYCLISTS.

An Unusual Tournament on Wheels at Banner Island Nt-xt Sunday. Tbe American team tf bioyolists, which Is on a trip around the world, will give an exhibition al tbe Banner Island traok on Sunday xt. The three champion lady bioyolists of tbe team are cntbariaBtio devotees of cyoliog, and know as much about records and ideas of training as the ohampions, Wilbur F. Knapp and "Senator" Morgan, who raced abroad year In the American team, whn they won 102 out of an actual 109 aoratcb races. Knapp Buys he will pooeibly lower ail onaat recoid on Suodav in tha banoiop races, as t.e will start from the scratch tbe two handicaps in which the five members of tbe team take part.

Since starting from Omaha tweoty eight races have been won by Jessie Oaks out of 88 races ruo by tbe three ladies, aud in every race the maoager, John Hardin of baaeba 1 fame, offers special inducements for each to win Mr. Kuapp would like to get a race with a trotter for five mile, end would like to wager $500 that be can defeat any Htuckton trotter at five miles. The local amateurs will probably escort the visitors to the ball prk un Huuday and take part in two of tbe races. Below We give a short sketch of the champions: Jessie Oaks, born in Bo-oon, Lincolnshire, England, in tbe year 1665; commenced i aci ng in cbeser, N. in 1886; her height is 6 feet 6 inches weight, 110 pounds in racing condition.

Mias Oaks has won the following championship races: Forty eight hour championship, Madison Square, May 13h to 18tb, 1889; eighteen-hour champi' Qsbip. Bitter; Chicago, April 20th to 26 Cau b-matched to mpeie against any lady rider. Wilbnr Knapp, of Denver, professional ohampi of the world, was rn in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1866 weight, 155 pounds in racing trim, and stands 5 feet 9 inches in height. Won the following oham ionships State championship of Ohio, 1885-6 ma-enr championship of America iu 1886-7 professional championship of tbs world, 15 od 20 miles Leicester and Birmingham EngU June, 188s championship of France, Bordeaux. France, 1888; five championships of the World.

Hartford Conu and Buffalo S-ptemW, 1888; forty eight hour champion hip of the world Ornate, Nebraska, March, 1889. Can be matched to r-o any man living, from 1 to 100 miles, for $1,000 Helen Baldwin of New York; born in Pitsbnrg, in 1871; commenced cycling in 1887; weighs 120 pounds; 6 feet 5H inches in height. W- the following ebampionr-hips 12 hour, Ki sas City, Mo March, 1889; 18 hour, Omaha, Neb June 13tb to 18rh ls89: fiuished third in New York and Chicago in races for the championship, Kiltie OBrien was born in Johnstown. in 1870; weighs 120 pounds; stands 5 et6H inches in height onromeoced cycling iu 1888 and is one of tbe voung-st lady riders; won the twelve-hour race at Denver in June lust; finished second to Miss Oiks in tbe great New York race, and, made more number of miles in the re-oent raoe in Omaha, lady bicyoMs'e against equestriennes. W.

J. Morga-i (better known profession ally as Senator," through his potit ca1 speeches), was boro in Monmouthshire. England in 1860; commenced racing as ao amateur in Eog'nnd in 1879: came to America Canada in 1881; won the following long distance championships: Thirty six hour, nv Is'and, N. May, 1882; twenty-six hour Mechanics Institute, New Yurk, Janea-y 1883; eighteen-hoar, Milwaukee, June, 1883 forty-eight hour. M-mphiB, 1884: forty-eight hour, Minneapolis, 1886; woo over 300 races inide of four years.

Holds all records for forty-eight honr races, DASHES HERE AND THERE. Perry H. Kline, representing a Lower California land syndicate, arrived In this city from San Franoieoo this morning, Dra. H. K.

and O. H. Bulson oan be found at tbelr offices over Holden drug store from 9 io 12 a. M. and from I to 4 and 7 to 9 p.

m. Peter Maao, Corner of Weber avenue and Sotter street, 12 lb dry Granulated sugar $1 00 16 lbs Golden 0 sugar I 00 10 lb can White il so lard 1 15 10-lb oan California lard Costa Kica free, No. 1. per lb Ousts Rica ouffee. No 2, per lb Old G'lvemment Java coffee, per lb st roast Java coffee, per lb tiled oats per lb Full-weight Standard Savon sonp, per bx Star of the Kitchen eoan, per bux my23 Remember, We Guarantee To give you a solid fourteen-karat gold wateb for $60 at $1 a week that you would be uuable to hny in the regnlar way of trade fur ss than $65 or $70.

Jio now and get g-id watch for $1 a week. Owen A Goody Watch Clnb, 255 Miln street, Yu Semite block, Stockton, Cal Tbe fulloaiug members got their watches Saturday evening Club 1, member No. 17; ub No. memht-r N-. 45; clnb No.

8, member No club No. 4, member No. 4. lw Roths fur Ladles. Ladies wishing baths will fiud at the Eagle bnrber shop, 837 Hunter street, facing Hunter-street square, the best of acenmmo dati'n, mclndiug well-furutehed room and a side en'rance.

Entirely n-w througbou and eep-otlly fi ted up for ladies. Baths, 25 centa, or five tickets fur $1. M. Cicinato, Proprietor. auJSif New Fall styles of furnitur0, just received from the East, are now on display at Lauxen A Gaits' new furniture and carpet store.

aolO lm David Mos'o quotes no prioes, bnt sells as low as the lowest. Comer Center and Lafayette streets. jySOif B'lokley A Walker will make yon a fine eh rt for $1 60; perfect fit guarauteed. No 202 Mam street. aul2-lm Bugays, teas and ffees have been reduced at David Mustoa.

corner Center and Lafayette streets. JySOtf th latest atvlH in flue merchant tai lonng go to P. 8 her id n. Ban Joaquin street, iol9 lw Johnnie Galls Beeort, No. I Btookton street, near Market, Ban Francisco.

Lauxen A Catts are offering furnitnre and carpets at rock-bottom prices. S- th-ir large advertisement. aulO-1 For hay, gram and groceries, at the lowest figures, oall at David Mustos, corner Outer and Lafayette streets. 30if Hardwood bedsteads for $4 st Logan A Doan's, No. 294 Main street.

Ail other soi-da equally cheap. jeU im Roxbnrg carpets at 95 cents p-r vard at Logan A Doans, No. 294 Mam street. jeU-lm Bavaria lager for family nse. Telephone 312.

jy2 lm For the very best photographs go to Batch-elders, No. 163 El Dorado street. Spooners latest, tbe triplex portrait, Cabinet $1 nrdWn: Pinnw wllory PROKbisaioNAL UARLC. DR. F.

CORNWALL) q7HK OCULIST AND AURIST JF NO. 112 Grant avenue, San Francisco, will visit the Semite house, Stockton ver; two week one Next date August 25th. hours from 9 tO 4 P.M. TDri'-UW DRS H. R.

C. H. BULSON. FFICB NO. 198 MAIN STREET, OVER Holoeus drug store, hesi 'ence iso 215 san Joaquin mres-L C.


4 and 6, Simpsou A Grays new bu )dn corner ot M-lu aud hi Dorado sireH; tele-phoiiH o. 196 Residence, ho. 207 auuter sir-et; telephone Mi. 332 mj-Hi DR ASA CLARK, OFFICE IN StLZ BUILDING, OPPOH1TE ihe Court-house. Telephone otber and resideuce.


ODD FEL-tows building, over Feists No. 'taniHlaus street. Office hours From 10 to ll aud 2 to 4 M. Tciepho-e, No lOn. ociuf DR.

A. W. HOISHOLT. kFFIOE ON EL DORADO STREET, OPPO- site the Stockton theater Office bourn 9 io ll and 1.3U to 4 Residence, North street at end of Hunter Nervous diseases a specialty Consultation in the German and the Seanajim-iun auguages Telephone 141. mrttf CLARA M.

FREEMAN, PHYSICIAN AND 8URGEON OFFICE HOURS 8 to 10 a I to 3 and 7 to 9 M. Diseases women and children a specialty. Channel street, between Suiter aud San Joaquin, Stockton, al. jj DRS G1ESEA A BEEDE. Office-no.

246h main street, nbw- ellR block Telephone 187 deb tf W. B. MARCH, M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, BURSoN. PaLA-veras county.

Gal. ociy-'-m DRS. L. E. A S.

N. Homeopathic phybicians and sub- eons. Office No. 190 Main street. Stockton, 0-ilifor lift.

QKO. EUSHFOHTU, C. C. BLAJS, ARCHITECTS, KETCHES AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED on bhrt notice. Blair A kuahiorth, Kee buildiug, Stockton feMf J.

H. TAM, Attorney-tT law kgom n. 6. el- drldg buildiug, Stockton. auali 9.

NU.OL. M. H. OKB N1COL A ORR, TTORNEY3 AT LAW. ROOMS N9 7 AND 8, Simpsou A Giay'a i.ew lu idmg, Siocbm, CaL nuJ 1 4 W.

BENNETT, Attorney at-law. office dd fl- lows ouildmg. Malu street, Stuckon. W. N.

RUTHERFORD, Attorney-at-law. no its main street, room No. 2, Stockton Cal. Jel4 lm SCHELL, BOND A EAST1N, ATTORNEYS-AT LaW. STATE AND FED-eral Courts.

Modesto, California. deilif J. M. MESEROLL, Dentist, office-no. main streets between Center and Bl Dorado streets, atockl too.


OFFIOF ROOM NO. 4, Eldridtre building, wain street, opp-'Mte Court-bous square, dtockton, Pal. apltt J. a. IOUTTIT.


Rooms 1, 2. 3. 4 aud 5 WUhoits building, Main street. Stockton, 'al. 2tt A.


THE COMPANYS STEaMFRS WILL LFAVB tbe wharf at the foot of omT'en-e streei fur San Francisco daily (Sundays excepted) at 5 a. Steam ere will leave Washington street wharf, nao rranci-co. tor otocktoa daily (buudays excepted) at 6 r. M. Na Freight Received After 415 Oclock.

All freight remaining in the shed after 6 will be stored al the risk and expeuae oi the owner. Ti- ket and freight office at siemer landing on tbe whart. akTUUK iva'Wall Ma aer. Iviwr im HOT MINERAL SllllNGS, NAPA COUNTY, GAL. ME AMERICAN EMS, THESE TER AKD baihsare not sorpa-ed on the P-uttic oat tor tbe rel ef and cure of all rurabte di-ene I or Liver sod Kidney complaints I yap in, fr-se-ma, Materia Dianee aid KbenmHiihin th-y prove blghy eftective and re remarfcaolj beue-ft l-l tbe cure ot Partei.

pieMsantly locte1, pur- air. no materia no mnsquivs. A flue swimm1 a bah Mineral Uar a'tarbed tge on st -t. He ena with morning train from dan co. kur circulars ado res W.

H. LI II R-fprenee in Woodland M.i lUm morning; alteruo ouuuays excepted; River Travel. Oallfornla Steam Navigation Company's aie leave for San Francisco dally (Sundays excepted) at. .5 T. u.

IHve San Francisco daily, Washiugton-street whart (Sundays excepted) at 5 p. a. PostotBoe Hours. Week Days From 6 a. m.

to 1:25 p. from 2:30 to 4:46 p. and from 6 to 7 m. Sundays From 1 .45 to 2:80 p. m.

DIKII. DOZI Kit In Rio Vi-ta, August 21, 1889, Uteod sia wife of rdin O. Dozier, daughter ot llliam and Julia K. Nell ol Honora, and t-l-oer Mr-. Samuel C.

Irviug and Mrs. Livingston of GUs n. To-day's Temperature. 8 P. -87 12 v.

-83 9 A. Has Watt Been Deposed 7 Chairman Watt of the Asylum Direct ora ia opposed to having the new rest denoea of the physicians located to froot on California street, and hia favorite arehlteot, Percy, planned to erect them west of the old bnildiDg in the traot be tween Park street and the present rest deuce of tbe Superintendent. Yesterday Directors Harvey, Durraooe and Johnson met at tbe asylum to hear the physicians' objections against this location and their arguments to have the buildings front on California street. It is thought that tbe three Directors are in favor of the latter proposition. Tbe matter will oome np for determination at the next regular meeting of the Board.

Something for Nobool Children. Quite a unique little article of much value to school ohil iren may be seen ai Btelobart Goldsmith's, which is very properly oalled the Soholar's Companion It consists of a neat little cylindrical wooden case which may be carried io tbe pocket, and oomalos an improved slate pencil, a lead penoli, pen and pen-bolder and a stx inch ruler, all of tbe best quality. No doubt every sohoolboy and soboolgitl in Siookton wilt have on, when it is known that they are given away to every stadeot taking advantage of tbe auexortled bargains offered at tbe I store, No. 191, corner of Main and El Dorado streets. A Regular Haight-Street Game.

In San Franotsoo yesterday the leaders defeated tbe Saoramentos by a score of 22 to 9. Tbe great feature of the game was that was tbe poorest played this season. 8aorameoto plied np fifteen errors and Tnompson was chanted with six passed balls, mostly dne to Ziegler' wild pitnhing. Twenty of the runs made by San Francisco were unearned. Crazed by Her Children's Death.

Mrs. Margaret Voss, 88 years old, wife of a farm laborer who lives about fonr miles from town on the Mariposa road was committed to tbe Stale asylum to day. She bad been an inmate of tbe Napa asylum for two months. Her dementlon is of tbe melancholy type. She broods over the death of aeven of her eight children.

Robbed at the Pistol's Point An excited stranger named Smith stated to tbe polios offloers late this after noon that two men bad jnst robbed blm at toe point of a pistol of some valuable documents. A complaint was issued an i searob is being made for tbe men. A11 three are strangers, and stopping at the same hotel. Blown Up In an Explosion. George McGuire of this city, fireman on Charles Swift's threshing machine, ws blown np yesterday bvtbeexplo-aim of (be boiler.

A dispatch says be was blown a distance of eighty feet 8everal ribs were broken and be was badly scalded. His death Is expected. Irrigation Coming. It la reported that tbe $40, 000 owed to the San Joaquin Land and Wrter Company has been paid by the anbfortbsrs who were holdlog out for tbe determination of tbe suit. Another Gas Well Started.

To-day the Siookton Gas, Light and Heat Company (tbe gas-maonfacturlng corporation) started a natural-gas well on its lot near tbe Haas well. Ratertalnmnt At GVsce M. church (Booth) on Saturday eveoiog, August 24'h, at 8 oclock. Pnfs-or Newton, asitisud by his olass in slooutioDv will give an entertainment, ooni.tiog of recitations "fmm grave to gsy from lively to severe," and musto vocal sod Instrumental. Refreshments served by tbe ladies of the churob at the oonolusi-n of the exercises.

ao28 2t Ho, for the Fishing Rxearalon. The steamer Thomas Dwyer will leave McCloud's lake n. xt Naoda.v morning (August 25tUJ at 6 a for Htad Beach. Tickets (limited tv 76) for the toond trip, $1. Apply on board.

au23-2t I THREE BEARS BAGGED. Ona of Them Trapped Daring the Night While Feeding on a Carcass. i A oamplng party, consisting of A Rossi, A. Lertora and R. Reno of ibis olty and P.

Bsrona of San Francisco, have returned from tbe Sierra Nevadaa. The young men report tbe kllliog of three bears oo the cattle ranob of D. Roaasoo, near Lake Eieaaor, above Sonora. Ooe of Rosas ooa oowa had died, and one morning while the young men were at bta place it waa discovered by James Phelps, a man worklog on tbe raooby that two oiooamon bears were munching at the carcass, Tbe whole parly orept np aa dose as possible and Pnelps shot one of them, be other reoeivtog a harmless volley from tbe amateur hunters ad he dashed over a log fenoe to get out of tbe way. Tbe bear returned lo a few hours and white he waa teanog at tbe oaroasa the young men took another obance at him witty more Ruccess than at first, for he ran only aa far as the fence and fel.

back a death struggle while trying to scale it. The next day a large black bear was seen feeding off tbe bovine remains and Pnelps and Rwaaco, who are old hoot era, determined to trap blm. They took ao Immense saw-toothed steel bear trap wbioh they had and, drawing a heavy log up near the carcass, fastened the trap to It with a heavy chain and staple. About o'clock the next morning they beard tbelr game squealing and aa soon aa it waa light enough they went dowo to tbe place, finding the bear in the trap As soon as be saw them be made frantio -fforta to escape, dragging the log toward the low part of tbe ft-noe. Tbe young hunter from San FranoSaoo was given the first shot at tbe animal, but be trembld so that tbe gun went off prematurely in hia band.

Tbe other members of tbe oamplog prty took a hot each, wlibont dropping the animal, snd one of the mnuutalners then shot him tbmogh tbe bead. Phelps and Ro sasoo say that tbe killing of a cionamon hear In their locality la no rare occur, rence. Railroad Rates of Fare. Following are tbe railroad rates of fare for first class passage from Btookton to ihe points named: Alpine- 111 10 Acampo 65 Alta 4 45 Los Angeles 413 Madera. 3 10 Marlines 2 15 Marvsville- 8 30 Anaheim Anderson.

Antelope- Antioch- Arcade Athione Auburn. Banta. Battle Mountain. Bethany Biuea- Boca Borden Burnetts Byron Caliente Callstoga. 8 80 Carboodale 1 60 28 25 25 Ceres 1 Charleston.

25 Chico 4 60 6 60 Clyde- 1 io Colfax 8 75 Colton 15 10 Cometa 1 06 Cornwall. 1 75 6 9 Delano 6 Ot Delhi. 1 55 Delta 8 0- Demine 40 On Dutch Flat. 4 35 Klk 116 Elko 24 40 Ellis Elmore 7 50 El Paso. 40 Oo Emigrant 6 2h 80 Forest Lake- 7 Fort Yuma.

82 80 Fowler- 4 0 French Camp 20 Galt Goshen. Gridley Haniord Haywards Huron lone Junction Kennet. Keys 1 30 14 20 2 50 2 10 1 00 2 45 I 21) 260 95 9 70 4 00 81 50 66 3 00 4 20 NewhalL. 12 50 Sues 2 10 Nord 4 80 Oakdale 1 85 Oakland 2 50 Ogden 85 00 Penryn 2 55 Peters. 60 Pilot Knob 23 ft Pinole 2 50 1 75 Pomona.

14 85 Port CostA 2 30 Ked Redding Keno. 1(1 Merced Midway Milpitas Modesto Mojave Monterey Montezuma. Sana Nelson 640 64T 8 70 70 Kipon. Sacramento Halida Han 18 00 san 2 60 Mtn GabrieL 18 65 an Joaquin Bridge San Jose- 2 50 san 2 50 sd Pablo 2 50 San 18 95 Santa 14 40 Ninta Cruz. 4 00 Santa 13 85 Selma.

4 20 soquel 4 00 summit -umner. Hunol st Heleni 6 6 95 1 yo 8 55 8 9t 6 05 8 75 75 4 75 8 6 15 2 40 45 6 95 1 85 2 25 7 15 1 2n 4 85 Lancaster-. 10 66 Lathmp 85 Lemoore Lerdo Livermore Livingstone Lodi Lorenzo- TehacblpL Tehama raver Trigo. Truckeo Tucson 5 40 70 450 90 7 00 86 50 6 10 1 2 40 5 05 8 10 45 Tulare. Turlock ValleioJuaction Visalia.

Wadsworth A Safe Investment Is one which is guaranteed to bring yon satis factory results or in case of failure a return of purehas price. Oo this safe plan yon oo buy from our alvertised druggist a bottle of Dr Kiogs New Discovery for O'-nsumptioo. It is gnaraoteed to bring relief io everv oa when used for any aff oiion of throat, lungs ohes such as oonsumpti-m. inflammation Inugs, brnnohiti. asthma, wh-oping onugh, O-oup, etc.

It is ph a-iant sod agreeable te tarttt. perfectly safe nd oan alwatsb-de nd ed upon. Trial titles free at H. H. Moore Sous' drag store.

la Bummer drinks of all kinds: lemonade: nioe ooid Inoob at tbe United States hotel saloon, corner of Center and Market streets Jimmy Batler, formerly olerk at tha Commercial hotal, proprietor mrfll NEAT JOB PRINTING. JOB PRINTING OF ALL KIM'S, FROM A riming card to a mammoth thtee-beet putter, oare tully, neatly and promptly done at the Mail Printing Office..

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