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Valley Morning Star from Harlingen, Texas • Page 7

Harlingen, Texas
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Friday, 1940-------Many Events Staged For Donna Couple Christiansens Given Farewell Courtesies donna Mr and Mrs. Waller Chnstiansrn have tha hub of Donna's social lift thus week For fivf years Mr. Christiansen has been the popular and efficient head of the EnRlish department in the Donna hieh school, entering largely into the life of the town in every department. His wife, the former F.lba Sue Roberts, is the daughter of Mayor and Mrs Branch Roberts and the granddaughter of Dr. and Mrs.

J. Roberts, original residents and members of a family the original tov nsite corporation Mr. Christiansen took his degree from Southwest Texas State Teachers College in San Marcos this month and has resigned his position in Donna in order to accept a position the Lutheran College in Seguin. Sunday evening at seven. Mr and Mrs Dale Washburn entertained, in their mor.

the personnel of the evening bridge club to which the Christiansens belonged. The delicious buffet as ed on quartet taoles decorated elaborately in blue and gold, which throughout the spacious rooms of the beautiful country home. Talisman -ses and durante were used in profusion. Monday night at seven Mr. and Mrs.

Maurice Bell entertained with a fried ch cken supper their lovely garden by games of contract bridge in which Mr. Lillard Ntarlin and Mrs Dale Washburn scored enjoying delightful orcas on were the Messrs. and Mesdames Thomas Boyce. Martm. Dale bum.

S. Ray. Gi'Cdon Wood, Walter Chn.stiansen and Maurice Bell ovening Superintendent and Mrs A Sanders entertained the Christ nsens informally at dinner. Tuesdav evening thev dined Mr and Mrs Oralou Fergus whde on Thursday evening Mr. nad Mrs Gordon Wood gave an informal supper for them.

The and gayest affair of the week was the coffee given nesday fmm rune thirty until eleven honoring Mrs Christiansen, by Mrs Branch Roberts The cool, high room.s of the bea i- tiful Roberts hom.e on North Ninth street glovied with yellow flowers, golden rod and golden glow, esper- anta and Lady Baltimore The lace laid table in the dining room held g-Hen tapers besides the roses, the creamv sandwiches and the tiny yell buds on the frosted Richard Austin poured coffeo throughout the morning while Mrs MoAll Price serx'ed the ired tea and Mrs Gordon Wood. Beil. Dale Wasi irn and Florence a sisted in receiving and the guest.s. who mere met at the door bv the hostess and hororee. Mrs Branch Roberts and Mrs Walter Chr both dressed in oid rose Almost a hundred friends called during the morn ng to say good- bvpe to a valued friend and offer her their good wishes for a happy and prosperous future Miss Ruth Bolling Presented Friday In Vocal Recital Ruth Elizabeth Rol- Img.

daughter of Mrs. Bolling of this city, mag presented by Mrs John Carr in a vocal recital Friday evening in the Ladies Parlor of the First Baptist Church here. Miss Bolhng. who is a talented and accomplished sang Old Smeet to Me Only m-iih Thinc Blossoms and She mas assisted by her sister. Mary Margaret Bolling, and by Paul Addison MORNING STAR 8oci0to Editor Fur Jackets Displayed Valley Talks Scheduled By Missionary Indian Woman To Visit Four Cities PageT Entering College schedule for the appearance of Mrs.

A. Hancock, a lovely Indian and a well-known member of the home board of missionaries of the S'Hithern Baptist Convention cated in Oklahoma, in the various churche.s of the Rio Grande Valley Association, mas announced on Tuesday bv Mrs. A. J. Harrell of this city mho is associntional leader of the young people of the Valley churches.

Hancock, who ill be accompanied to the Valley by Mrs. Hicks, C-rpus Christi. district young leader, was to arrive in the Valley on Thursday. 29. and to make her first appearance at the Mc.Mlen Baptist church that night appearing in Indian costume She mull speak sing, and in her native language while some one sings hymns.

Other churches of the Valley in which this noted nary is scheduled to appear, according to arrangements made bv Mrs Harrell, are Mercedes, on Friday. August 30. for an all-riay Valley-mide rall.v; Fnd.iv Hight at the Iwi Feria Baptist hurch. and at Raymondville on Siindav m'here she wiM appear at both the morning and e.cning services. The Mercedes meeting mull, possibly, be the outiianding meeting held by Mrs Hancock in the Valley, since at that time she will, begin- I ng at 10 00 a.

and ending at 3 00 p. teach a mi sum book by Rev, G. Lee a Baptist minn-ter. These two popular Edcouch misses are entering college this fall. lss Sarah Williams (left), daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. C. illiams, enters Business College in San Antonio; while Miss Julia Hill (right), daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.

R. Hill, will enroll soon at Abilene Clu'istian College as a freshman student. (Kerr Photos.) Calendar FRIDAY 3 p.m. Monthly business meeting of St. Guild at home of Mrs.

Fred Keepers, 618 E. Jackson. New officers installed. m. Special meeting of Palmetal Club will be held at home of Mrs.

C. O. Moore. Miss Nagel will be present. Urgent that all members attend.

Two-Piecer Younger Musicians Complimented By Natural Club Among the lovely fur jackets shown in Harlingen stores we see these two. The first cool days will send co-eds for a lovely platinum wolf jacket with waist- length sleeves, or a fox cape to wear day or formal evening. The wolf jacket on the left is waist length and is in trend with the newer light-colored furs of this season, while the fox cape is a wcll-liked fur done in a new wav. The long pelts are looped around and placed over satin with the longest ones in back. Both coats can be easily found in Harlingen shops.

Mrs. Lester Black Edna Belle Farrar Is Shower Honoree Birthday Honoree RIO delightful bnd- 1 honoring Mrs Lester Bliick given Monday evening at the hnrre A. T. -ugh with Ernest Taubert, Homard Davis. Mis.s Lela Taubert.

and as hu-stess. Pink rnse.s. crepe myrtle, and mhite lili-s carried out the pink and mhite color scheme ch as u.sed jn the delicious A beautiful array of received by the honoree. Those enioying the affair mere Me.sdames J. mes.

J. George, A. C. Garrett. Tommy Nemman, Harsey Johnson.

O. Taubert, A. Caffall. Ge'-rge Kindmger. Ellis cer.

Mamie Burleson. Key Merchant, Paol Zicger. George Bromn, F. Wilds, W. A.

Ledbetter. Ellen McMurlry. Mary Charlotte Field, Joyce Wilds, Cora Beavers, Lela Hams, the hoitesr-es and the honoree. HARLINGFN Edna Belle Farrar as honoree Wednesday evening i-t a taco supper, with Mrs. Robert Gan'ble.

Muss Payne and iss Bernice Brenzler as hostesses The surprise event mas given in honor of Farrar birthday. Many gifts mere received by the honoree. and a delicious supper as yed by guests ifichid- ing Lo's Meyers. Mis.s Evelyn Bell. Miss Velieve, Florence Matz, Mrs.

A. A Matz Miss Eleanor pper of Temple. Mrs Farrar mother of the honoree. and Mrs. E.

Matz. Badminton Party Is San Benito Courtesy SA.N BE.NTTO—Dorothy Ann De Guernn entertatned a badmin- party Monda.v afternoon compli- r.cnting Lucile Crom-, daughter of Mi. and Mrs. B. Crome, m-ho their family leave soon to make treir home in Corpus Christi.

in hostess dutier mere Mrs. A Brien and Mrs O. C. Hamilton. During the iced fruit punch and dainty cakes mere The honoree m-as remembered muth a pretty gift from the hostess.

Guests were Crome, Betty Lou Prentiss, Skipper Maxine Girard, Jane Morris Jean Bues- ir.f, Jane Heath. Totsy Heath. Joan Hamilton, Patty Casry. Annette Stewart. Emma Beth Hudson and Helen Clair Colmery The courtesy he'd at the Centi al power and Light Company ployes badminton court.

Outing Is Enjoyed By High School Set MISSION Smimming and dancing mere amusement features for an outing enjoyed Monday evening by a score guests from the high 1 of Mis.sion and Weslaco A picnic as served at Crystal Waters Pool as the open- mg feature of the outing. In party were Jn.sepnine Halstead. Marilyn Porth. Margaret Godfrey, Billy Pomell. Dean Hager.

Mrs H. F. all of Weslaco: Mary Anne Truitt. Mary Marjorie Rosette. Jean Wallace.

Hattie Jean Sturgeon. Wilma Thiele. Pearson, Mary Alice Conm ay. Jessie Jn Sturgeon, Jack Rankin. Ray Robin.son.

Bedford Arthur Evanoff. and Mrs W. Sturgeon, all of Mission, Wil- bur Lucas, Pharr. o- Supper Party Honors Mrs. Joe Summers informal hospitality mhich was a charrnmg gesture as the supper party given by Mr and Mrs.

Homer Gallom'ay to honor Mrs. Joe N. Summers on her birth- da.v. Supper served at the Gallomay home and dancing mas enjoyed later in the evening at the Blue Moon club. Edcouch WMU Meets EDCOUCH The Guide to Biblt by Theron J- Fouts formed the topic for study when we W.M.U.

met Monday afternoon for their regular Bible study. Those present for this study were I.e»-, A Harrell. T. A. Ham kins.

Jessie Leggrti. Bneger, R. O. Wade; and Doni Mat Regular Meeting Of Rainbow Girls Held I San Juan of Rainbom- Girls met for their regular meeting on Monday Advisor Merle Hendersen presided, assisted by the Mother Advisor. Mrs.

J. Roe. A char-' itv committee composed of Loia Comley. Betty Francis Thomason. Marjorie Britton and Alta Mane Smith appointed to visit i the Sunny Glen Orphanage this m'eek The degrees of the Assembly m'Cre confered upon Helen Cox and Ruth Ann Go.ssage.

There mere, twenty-nine Rainbow Girls and fourteen Eastern and Masons present. New Members Sought' For Garden Club MISSION -Mission momen inter- erted in gardening and civic liork are invited to join the Garden Club, it was announced this meek by Mrs. Jce N. Summers, president. Fall acUvitiei will start with a luncheon, tc be held Tuesday, September 10 at the Cactus Tea Room Prospective members and membeis on the 193940 roll are asked to make reservations for the luncheon with Mrs.

D. Schulze, not later than Septem- ber t. 1 Choates Are Honored With Farewell Party of Mr and Mrs. Jack tte gather at Fair Park Sunday afternoon a farewell party in iheir honor. Mr.

mill leave Panama, mith the famdy to How later Ice cream and cake mere enjoyed by the Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brown. Boyce and Leo Bromm. Mr and Mrs.

T. J. Graham and daughter. Shirley Ann. Mrs.

H. Schacht, Mr, and Mrs Charles Pierce and son. Larry, Mr and Mr? L. Slinebuck, Mr. and Mrs.

Horace Bobo and children. Kenneth. Margie and Betty Jane. Mr. and Wilford Smith, Louise Ritchey, Mrs W.

T. WngH4 and daughter. Betty Anne. Mr. and Mrs Chester Davis of Brommsville, Mr and Leffie Izard and daughter, Jo Anne, and the guests, Mr.

and Jack Choate and children, Jack. Jr and Raye. o- Shower F.DCOUCH and daughter. Adelaide, and Mrs Herbert Sproles, mere in the A. Willeford Thursday of the meek coming domn for the tea shom-er for Naomi Willeford mho is to marry their and Warren Trost, of Dallas.

Miss remained over until Saturday. Mrs. Sproles ment to Santa Rosa to visit with her Picnic Is Enjoyed By OES Chapter At Rio Grande City RIO GRANDE R.n Grande Chapter 843. O. S.

enter- taiend the members and their gue.sts Ph a iy right at the and L. park Thof-V included Mrs Harvev Diehl. Mr and E. Mr. and and daiightrfs, Jerrell and Pat.

Mr and Mrs H.av- ard I B.a and daughters. Betty and Pegiy Mrinlyn. Mr and Mrs McD 'nald. Mr. and Mrs.

ChatfiCld. Mr and Mart CavaZ 'S. Mr and D.inphy, Mr and Mr? Ted Mi Bee. Mr. and Mrs King, and Mrs.

Ge 'tge Marsh ch ldren, Mary Ann. Dick and Mr and Gonzalez Margaret M.irtinez and daughter. Oraha, Mrs GuGer- rez. Tdly Iz. guirre and Mar- gante 1 Swimming Party Is Given For Nephew PORT ISABEL Mr n-d Mrs Hunt gave a mmtng party and picnic the Harroif McClellHnd of IS visiting The enjoyed a short swim in the Yacht following mhiCh they ment the home of the where delirious baked beans, pote i and ed tea mere served Follom'ing tne refit Murder mas played muh a vim.

The y. ung people then men! dancing Pate Club uni 1 the small chaperoned by J. H. Schmidt, and her ther-in-lam', Mrs George Cad helped serve the young people. TlU 'e mho attended mere hnnie Mane and Rosemary Schmidt.

Frances Warren. Baumfrlder. Virginii Wartick and B-rbara I ng. and George Cail. Harry Pate.

Carl Chilton. B.lly Pate Ferry. Jack Hickman. Gannamay and his guest. Roberts Edinburg, and of the guc.

Harrod McClelland. Donna Women Give Souvenir Edition Of Colorado Paper DONNA Mrs, Sidney Hooper, her Sidney. Jr and her sister, Mrs. Mabel Collier Eppright returned on Saturday from a three months in Colorado Springs and M.mitou, Colorado. During their stay Mrs Hooper and Mrs Eppnght.

Ihiborated getting out and financing a edi- tu-n of the Pikes Peak Journal, in Mamtou Springs. This beautiful twenty page folder of nemspaper size printed on excellent paper and illustrated m-ilh nf unu.sually lovely graphs of the beauty is of the Pike.s Peak Region of the Rocky Mrs. Eppright prepared for it dozens feature articles on the hi.stoncal and logic landmarks of the region, mhile Mrs. Hooper, mho sold ail of the advertising, prepared pioture.s and copy, representing curio cl.ihs and c.imps of every sort that are them, elves orks of art. All in all ihis bit of advertising prepared by two Valley momen far a distant state, is a attractive guide book that entire region.

Plans f'or Skating Party Are Discussed i DCOUCH Plans fnr a skat- ng p-irty were made m-hen the Girl Reserves met at the home of Garner The grorup ed plans for the Candlelight- ing the commg year. Group r.g 35 latcr enjoved The h.A‘tes« served cookies, cake and iced a to Misses Ruth Hughes. Tennie Frank Alexander. Billy Bla r. I Dons Nattinger, Dnrr.thy McDaniel.

Betty Cannon. Gelest ne Carr; II. Mildred Gilbert. Margaret Cellum. Ruth Overhue.

June Vittetoe. Shirley Lila Jean Fsidlev. Shirley Beaver, Joyce Elaine Sunshine Sisters iClub Has Meeting I A. Puryear hostess to the Sunshine Suters Club at three Friday afternoon in her beautiful home on North Seventh Street. The living room mas filled jars of white roses while the dining room beautiful of pink radiance roses added beauty.

At the close of an afternoon of pleasant entertainment the hostess served a most attractive refreshment plate of pickled peach on lettuce, medge shaped spam and pimento sandmiches. rice krispy candy and toll house cookies, iced It a to Mesdames Jesse Day, Roy Farn.s, David Wilson. Grace Armour. H. A.

Tracy. W. F. Windham. R.

J. Mauldin. Leo Prather, Otto Prather, C. F. Wood and E.

E. Vickers. younger musicians of Weslaco mere guests of the Natural club Miss Lettie Lou Cannon the president was hostess at the Cannon home Tuesday from four until six The living rooms decorated with lovely arrangements of m'hite batchelor buttons mith a striking floral contrast of red zinnias in beautiful containers. Miss Margaret Lucas was program chairman introducing the younger folk in special selections; Everette McAuley, soloist and pianist; Frances Hudson, pianist, and Dickie Gallion, violinist. Mrs.

Cannon enjoyed the afternoon mith the club and guests and during the hospitable courtesy the hostess served ice cream and individual cakes. A report of the skating party held Thursday night mas given Mr. and Mrs. Pat Cannon and Mr. and Mrs.

Rogers Smith chaperons. after mhich a hamburger feast was most enjoyable. F'ifth Birthday Is Occasion For Party SAN JU.AX—Eddie Arnold Colburn honored Tuesday his m-other. Mrs. Lee Colburn, entertained for several of his friends on his fifth birthday.

On the lam-n. chairs and trees multi-colored balloons were tied added much fun for the children. Favors of glass train engines, loaded candies, made the blue and mhite laid table a pretty background for the candle-lit birthday cake centered it. The guests present mere his grandm- ther. Oscar Carlson, Mrs Mulkey.

Jeanette and Junior. Mrs. Pierce Wycoff, Sonny and Phyliss, Mrs. Anderson, Glenda T.ynn. Mrs.

Leonard Warden and Patsy. Sewing Club Member Are Luncheon Guests RIO GRANDE Ted Stone of McAllen entertained the members of the Club at luncheon Friday at the H. and H. Cafe mhen Mrs. H.

Baker was the birthday honoree. At either end of the long table low bom is of red while the centerpiece mas formed of the pink birthday cake topped with pink candles from which ribbons extended to each place with clever individual fortunes for the guests. Souvenirs at each plate were corsages of pink roses and bachelor buttons. Yellow place cards decorated with red butterflies marked covers for Mrs. Stone of Rio Grande City, Mrs.

A. R. Baker, guests, and Mrs. J. H.

May, Mrs. Howard L. Staggs, Mrs. L. Bass, Mrs.

W. W. Shuford, Mrs C. D. Mosteller.

Mrs. George B. Marsh, the honoree and the hostess. 0----------Visitors Honored SAN and Mrs. R.

Williams entertained Sunday night m'ith a supper at their home, complimenting Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Kruse and Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Ellis of Rockford.

Ill. and Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Nycum of Pharr. The Illinois visitors left Wednesday for their respective homes.

PATTERN 4510 By ANNE ADAMS seems to bt written all over this arresting new shirt-waister, Pattern 4510. It fairly sparkles ith the originality and youthful spirits that typify an Anna Adams style. clever deception and a brand new fashion nota in the button-opcaing effect that trims the front skirt. Together with the smooth waistband, it givM a two-piece look to the style. striking novelty too, in deep, attractive yokes that form two points in front and a curve at the buttoned back.

The collar tha shape of the yokes, front and back. For a stunning effect, you might have the collar, yokes and skirt of checked contrast. Pattern 4510 is available in sizes 12. 14. 16, 18 and 20.

Size 16 takes 2 1-4 yards 35 inch fabric and 1 yard contrast. Send FIFTEEN CENTS (15c) in coins for this Anne Adams pattam. Write plainly size, name, address and style number. Send your order to Valley Morning Star, Pattern Department, 243 West nth St, New York. N.

Y. -----------o----------VISITORS FRO.M DEVINE and Mrs. Charlaa Crutchfield of Devine. are visiting in the W. W.

Crenshaw homa. DeMolay Picnic Is Held At Boca Chica RANGERVILLE Miss Brttye yne and brother RiHy ere am the at the De- i-. supper and dance hall it "a 'Thursday evening. Ov; Dcmolays and friends enjnyed the supper and dance fnl- 1 -wed by a feast. Mr.

and Mrs. Cline and Mr, and Allie While mere chaperons the younger set Surprise Shower Given For Couple PORT IS.ABEL Mr and Mrs. Ed Hinkley Thursday evening by a surprise grov ry The mas the first m-edding anniversary of the couftie. Mr. and Mrs, Jimmy Uhl and Mrs.

Frances Uhl were the host and hostesses. All the gursAs arrived at eight o'cloi bearing sort of groccne.s. The event mas held at the Van Dusen pier. Danc ng. games, and sailing mere enjoyed eners beans, and punch The affair was a big to the Hinkleys, mho have just recently moved to port Isabel and the Marina.

Many friends of theirs from Bromnsville were able to attend. Birth Announced Plan Joint Meet SAN been received here of the arrival of little Philip Mayhew Wade, born August 14, to Mr. and Mrs, Duane Wade of Red Oak. lom'a. The young man mother be remembered by San Juan friends as Garnett Mayhew.

niece of Mrs. J. L. DeMange, and m-ho has visited here o- Lacklands Return land and daughter. Malda, have returned home from a vacation of several months.

WESLACO The Rebekahs are planning the joint meeting of Upper Valley ladies entertaining at Donna m'lth the Donna bxiges hosts to state officers September 19. Lucy Beller was in charge of the degree team practice. When Stomach Gas Chokes And Bloats ft carminative in Adlerlka soothe and the stomach to ease the gaa, and 3 laxafne ingredients give MORE BALANCED BOTH bnw- 1 for prompt relief ever'a here in the er Color Bot'le. CENTRAL DRUG FEMALE FUNCTIONAL COMPLAINTS Few women today do not have some of functional trouble. Maybe noticed yourself fettlng reatless.

moody and nervous lately. Then try famous Lydia E. Vegetable Compound to help quiet unstrung nerves, relieve monthly pain (cramps, backache, headache) and weak, nervous, dlzirv spells due to functional Pinkhama Compound has helped of rundown, nervoua women to go smiling thru Try itl You'ff hmavnly with JELL-0 ICE CREAM POWDER THmPTYI One and a half of smooth ice cream trom just one package. lAsri Nc conking! So a child can make itl SIX WONDlRPUl KINDI I Vanilla Chocolate Lemon Strawberry Maple Unflavored Fall IShoes Accent Your Fall Costume Colors A Brilliant Display of Own Shades for Fall Wear AND 8395 Styles for Every Age And Taste You'll a gay profusion of color whan you ta- loci your fooiwaar for fall. Thera's avary shade imaginable, for matching or trasting effect with your new fall anaemblaa.

Slip into a pair today. New Hosiery for Fall Tha new fall shades are here, in a grand choice of filmy sheers. Pair THRIFTY CO-ED SHOE STORE 109 S. Second St. Harlingen I.

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