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The Parsons Sun from Parsons, Kansas • 6

The Parsons Suni
Parsons, Kansas
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iri dal fail rk BVURDAY OCT 15 1955 PAOK 0 Hi i a HOGS PRICES AND POLITICS- Facing Decision of '54 fcdibfoudL enough so that 'he Democrats will appear to fie outbidding them And that is perfectly turn He 'won't not any more than the President did in dealing with the decline of employment in 1954 He holds that a government-managed farm economy is no more possi-hie in its competitive enterprise system than a government managed industrial economy and that steps which lead continuously away from bringing farm production into halince with consumption wtll end hv hurting the American fatmer not henefitting him Secretary Benson has faced revolt in the Republican Party ranks hefore and with the backing of the President won out When beef prices were off some time back the Republican farm-bloc Congressmen took out after Benson Their cry vvis: "Benson must go Mr Eisenhower decided otherwise and cittle raisers are doing very well today Now the same issues arises over hog prices The drum beats of another "get sn-i "ie -pphower Cabinet Mill Mr 1 'cnhower present is dvled tar it his been unable ti te uh a sufficiently united ctoi so th it Secretary of Ag-rcuituip In Denson can pn-welv knou oi publicly affirm th nt the a Iministi atiiin will continue to s' and behind its own farm piiiev There are some in the Cabinet who are ji'terv over the firm vo'e that thev want to Mo someth ng as thev say -vvhieh means thev want to almost anv thing" to show that they not the Demoerots are the farmers' best friends Obviously these do something do-nothing members of the Cabinet do not sav -would not say-that thev want to tetreat from the administration basic farm pohov Thev pist want to tetieat from it without lying so They know that Secretnv Benson will take shortterm emergency incisures to deal with real etisis conditions if they develop Rut thev suspect that Mr Benson will not gi far enough soon principles cut me window Its course his now been pmvei i-dent sound and eq it to iop need The economy by its ntimul strength lighted itself wuhout massive government intervent on Every bod' is better off Fmplov-ment wiges and profits aie running at an all tme gh and thp prophets of gloom and doom htvp been proved not to he our wisest or best friends Now the administration Is faced with exietlv the sime kind of decision benuse of a decline in farm prices of about he same proportion as the derime in emplovment in ID it Onlv th tune the poi tiral pressures aie greitei hc'iijsp so much of ini bottom Repubi can voting sneng'h stems from states with laigefrm popula'ions This time the p-il trnl tempt i-tions a gn iter because both the presidency and the Cinmcss are at stake at a tme when a small h'fr of rould turn the re-su Cher av An 1 at th time and at this ROSCOE DRl'MMOMl WASHINGTON The Even-hower admnistratin is May faced wih an acute political piob-lom because of a moderate but politically exploitable decline in farm puces Actually the administration faied the same Kind of acute prob-lim in ld51 bcciU'-p of a moderate but poliMcally exploitable unem-pDv pient In last year's cris s'' which was purposely exaggerated by some-the admin tiation stood by its principles Despite politic il and temp tatmn despite the oncoming congressional election the administration did not rush piecipitouslv into a large program of made work and mass scale deficit spending It nude money for capdal expert turn easier gc bv lowering the interest rae anl it cu' taxes to a consumer pui chas ng piwer It refused ti he pmickel into throwing its own economic crusade by some panickv Republican Senate and House farm politicians can now be heard in the distance and they are going to get louder before they get quiPt-er There are two reasons why Vice President Nixon is trying to resolve or compromise the Cabinet division as quickly as jiossible Sherman Adams feels that a divided controversial Cabinet paper should not he put to President Eisenhower at this stage of his recuperation Secondly if Mr Benson cannot soon affitm a dear and strong White House position the initiative will he grabbed by every vote-scared farm-hloc Republican Congressman support foe the administration's program will he dropped piecemeal off the rear of the political tram and the Republican Party will be a house divided against itself on one of the basic policies for which it has stood since Mr Eisenhower's election Mark of Confidence In Estes Rv DORIS FTFFSON WASHINGTON When Sen Estes Kefauver returns from the Orient next week he will find a campaign headquryters waiting for him at Pennsylvania Avenue and 13th Street Northwest on which the rent is paid up to inauguration day 1956 This rrnik of loyalty and confidence is the work of two lawyers Will' ini Roberts of Washington and Bradley Eben of Chicago It will he a surprise to the Tennessee Demon at who doesn I even know it was contemplated It will be equally a relief to his Senate staff who have been struggling with a mounting volume of Ke-fauver-for-President mail and Do It Every Time By Jimmy Hatlo 4) I 14ST ME5TNS OF THE BRIDGE CLUBEMVULIHIE INSISTED TH4T ELMO REST INST54D OF C4LL1N3 FOR HE HOME SHE DON'T think 5LMO WOULD T4KE HER 4T HER WORD TWEUE VOU 4REVOU SELFISH BFLTT5 TUS ONLY UUSB4ND WNO GILL FOR HlS WIFE' THEY MUST WJV'E 4 FINE OPINION OF US Kefauver managers now take the view that he should not enter all the pnmaries as he did in 1952 They are ruling out for example all those where the results are not binding upon the convention delegates Nor do they feel that there is anything to be gained by challenging favorite sons in their own states certainly where a favorite son is making an open and strong effort to control his state delegation The advantage of winning a state primary which binds the delegates is twofold They also elect the members of the national committee for the next four The Hiatf Case A decision in the now-celebrated case of the Kansas state purchasing director Eugene Hiatt has brought aried editnnal comment from newspapers Some question the ruling of the state civil sen ice hoard others laud it as a practical solution to an pvnlosive political issue Excerpts from editorial columns are presented here: Pittsburg Headlight Both sides won something in the decision It is likelv that the comment on the dcriMon of the hoard will be critical in some quarters This will he based on the idea that the hoard should have said es or no on the case of Hiatt and lot it go at that Fut instead of that the board has seen fit to criticize the manner in which Hntt was fired and then to place the sen ice of the state foremost in upholding the dismissal Certainly this latter makes sense Hiitt could rot have been restored to his inh under those who had insisted upon hi dismissal with anv benefit to the state Hutchinson News-IIorald -Its reprimand of (Gov 1 Hall for Pm firmg sen es notice pn t'-e Governor he must ernmu-lous and careful while carninc out his campaign promises to make changes in the statehouse On the other hand the board is giving the governor the man he wants as ahead of the purchasing department The operation of that important position is now- the sole responsibility as we ho-lieve it should be If anv irregularities are discovered in the department thev cannot be blamed on other side They must be answered for by the governor and others in his administration at the polls next year Abilene Reflector-Chronicle -The decision of the new (civil service! board appointed by Hall himself-not onlv vindicates Hiatt but romes as a severe blow to the governor and will go far in protecting the state civil service laws in the future M-my Kansans including some of Cov Hall's staunchest supporters are of the opinion he bungled the whole Hiatt affair IIis comment when asked for reaction to the board's decision was not that of a pot'shed statesman All of this may set the stage for one of the most and gubernatorial primary campaigns Kansas has seen in manv a year A groundswell Is starting for Hiatt to run for governor a-gamst Hall Topeka State The civil servdee hoard has accomplished the same feat as the fabled horseman who jumped on his horse and rode off In all directions In effect the civil servdee board has held for both Gov Hall and Mr Hiatt It will be very interesting to see whether the Hall administration finds comparable for Mr Hiatt Kansas City Star The two-month controversy between the Kansas governor and his purchasing director which resulted in the firing of two members of the former civil service commission winds up with a rebuke to the governor for Impulsive and summary action but with a practical answer that should ease the operation of the purchasing office It should never have happened The commission handpirked by the governor found properly that not a one of the specific charges of insubordination lack of co-oneration and misconduct in connection with the aeration of the office in itself justified dismissal The controversy may have indirect hene-firial results It demonstrated there had hern widespread violations of the law in previous administrations over political coercion of civil service emflovos It is doubtful that Kansas civil service has been materially damaged loin The board's decision not to reinstate Hiatt to his former position was onlv common sense After nil the charges and counter charges and other frictions incident to his apnenl it would he to put him rtoht back where he was and expect everything to get along ns if nothing had happened The board recognized this Rut it did everything else it could gave htnj his back salary in recognition of the initistice of his dismissal declared that he was a state and ordered that he be placed In a position of equal salary and responsibility somewhere else in the government if possible Independence Whether the discharge was as Hiatt contended purely for political reasons is left for the people of the state to decide in their own minds The whole chain of events Including the smwsal of former members of the board i'self will be decided by some according to whether or not they supported the governor in the Republican primary There have been others who became convinced that the whole deal was political though they did not support him then We heard of any who did not support him in the primary who now believe the discharges were rot basically political Oil Wealth to Dozen Others NOT CONVENTIONS A Look at '56 A Sill ITZ TOFFKA-America will see two national pditical conventions in 1956 the likes of which have seldom been equaled since the turn of the rentuiy In almost bowed reverent and respect to President Eisenhower during his convalescence Republicans are loath to talk openly about the next leader of their party But they are thinking planning talking in whispers They are secretly checker-boarding delegations Various state chieftains believe the Sin Krunusoo convention will produce more candidates than roses on a bush Favorite son delegations will come from states at toss the land Holding those delegations and delivering them to a winner on the psv chologieal roll call will be political strategy of the highest tvpe -A- The situation applies suddenly to both parlies In almost two weeks of traveling this reported found a sudden awakening to previously unexpected opportunities and responsibilities lor king makeis Across the nation came millions of fervent prayers for the complete recovery of the President In the trip which extended almost fiom ocean to ocean and to the shadow of Lisenhouer hospital bed not once was an advised leader encountered who believed Ike would be prevailed upon to seek or accept renonunation On that point are many elements of sound reasoning I he President is not rated as a politician His nomination came mainly Horn popular demand He went to the White House a national hero That role would be largely erased if he sought a second term under conditions which left serious elements of doubt as to his ability to cariy on Voters everywhere it is pointed out would resent a situation which tended to rate Ike as a ixilitirinn Eisenhower reeieotion prior to his illness was rated a shoo-in Results of the Munition leave the two paity nominating events as wide open as a 'lexas cow pasture Demounts who a month ago walked atound the political ring with their guards down now are planning the fight of their lives when delegations are chosen Democrats can conceivably stage another 1924 Madison Square lianlen battle when John Davis won on the lU3id ballot Ur the bitter clash could rival Wood-row Wilsons spectacular nomination in Baltimore in 1912 Republicans also have some ferocious fignting records sm as the deadlock of 1916 which bi ought the harmony call to Justice Charles Evans Hughes They could repeat the smoke-filled room compromise which nomin'ted Warren Harciing in 1920 to break Lire famous Low-den-Wood deadlock Plays on the political front are likely to come with startling rapidity after the President returns to the White House and prepares for the coming session of Congress That session may not pioduce much important legislation It will though dtama-tize issues on domestic and foreign fronts It will be a perfect setting foi displaying lightning rods in advance of nominating conventions Kansas seems certain to join the rank of states offering favorite sons whose names are likely to be presented to the national convention Several columnists as well as Rep William Avery of the Kansas Inst district have advanced the name of Milton Eisenhower former president of Kansas State College and brother of th president Brother Milton is among Ike's chief counselors A move in Milton's direction would confuse the situation and add to prospects of a wide party split the Presidents boyhood state Speculators in the mile-high city doubt seriously that Ike would permit designation of a hand-picked particularly from his own household Gov Fred Hall has been frequently quoted as telling county chairmen during current district pep rallies that he wants a state delegation which will respond to his will in It is a big stake this control of state delegations by favorite sons Kansas may have her name the pot extremely early A favorite son necessarily need to win Ability to horse trade and ride a winner pays off heavily Each day of progress toward recovery tends to increase the list of possible nominees All of which adds to complexities of the 1956 convention Kansas is already in the game with a stack of blue chips WE THE WOMEN Ruth Millett About five years ago she started working because she felt that she and her husband could get out of debt if she could add to the family income Now at 37 with her son 18 and her daughter 15 she finds that financially the family is no better off than when she started working and that in other ways it is worse off Instead of paying off old debts they have made new ones Gradually they pulled away from old friends who had families and started going around and trying to keep up with a free-spending crowd who weren't tied down with family responsibilities The son recently joined the Navy and his mother feels it was because he wanted to get away from a home that was no longer a home With both father and mother working and spending their leisure time with their instead of with their children there wasn't anyone around to make a home for a couple of teenage The mother wants to quit work now and try to make a real home and be a real mother to her daughter But her husband in favor of it She wants to know If she should quit anyway Of course she should It has taken her five years to find out what a real job in life is and where her first duties lie But she has found out and she knows in her heart that she made a mistake when she put a pay check ahead of making a home The only thing to do about a mistake is to quit making it once you recognize it for what it is There are too many homes in America today that have lost all the richness of family life because the wife and mother of the family put a pay check ahead of homemaking There are too many parents who doesn't from school to empty houses being thrown on their own when they are too young children who are given by parents who should be giving them love and attention and time There are too many parents who doesn't see the picture clearly But when one does like the woman whose letter 1 have just summed up the thing to do is to make a new start DALLAS The $50 each that three women anted up during a bridge game fumed into a $137-73638 pot today But the monpy goes to their 11 heirs and a pioneer The contemplated strategy lim- years thereby strengthening the winning candidate in the national party organization 'Burgers for Americans In Paree By SIIVU PORTFR When my husband and I tok our first trip to Pans shortlv after World War II we were exubeiant-ly determined to carry out nur vow that we'd really Paris So we wore out our shoes visiting out-of-the-wav French spots wr got hoarse trying to make ourselves understood in our high school French we gamed five pounds in three days stuffing ourselves with rich French foods sauces ines One late evening as we were ptepanng to go out to another fancy Fiemli dinner party niy hioband suddenly exploded Boy what I give for a good Armenian hamburger and a good American cup of Toward the end of our stay we found a restaurant our French fx tends assuied us was what he wanted There we had an inferior plate of ham and eggs an appalling French version of American and the price made us gasp I recall my husband remark as he paid the check 'If an American hamburger stand opened here it would make a fortune That was years ago And now finally the largest hamburger chain in the world is going to fulfill his wish Early in 1056 the White Tower Restaurant Corp when it opens a branch in the heart of Paris will become the first "short chain operated by Americans and for Americans to invade the Continent The lunchroom will be an exact duplicate of the 225 White Towers vvhieh now dot our countryside from North to South with the identical white walls counters and stools which have characterized the chain since it was founded 30 years ago The management will be strictly American Although under French law 50 per cent of the French company and the dominant personnel must be French the hamburgers rolls mustard coffee etc will be as close to what millions of us have known as the executives can achieve And the prices in francs will match what we pay in dollars When a rumor of the plans reached me I went up to see Thomas Saxe Jr the imaginative and aggressive head of White Tower at Ins hen (quarters in Stamford Conn made you decide to do I nsked be said promptly more and mote tourists traveling abroad everv year with low-cost transportation sure to swell the number of American visitors I don't see how we can miss you know that 65000 Americans are permanently stationed in Paris anyway? We'd open a stand to meet that demand alone even if we couldn't count on a single tourist and we'll get plenty of will the French take to this new American invasion? Won't they resent His genial face broke into the broadest of pixie smiles checked caiefully on just was his answer gieat influx of Americans since the nnd-40s is changing ttie traditional European custom of a long leisurely lunch hour More and more Frenchmen who aie doing business with us are adopting our habit of a quirk bite fluring the day a stop-off at midnight for a snack instead of the usual soup' And since we'll stay open 21 hours a day as we do In the States I he surprised to see as many Frenchmen at the counter in the odd hours as If this experiment Is a success Saxe is convinced it will he-he plans to open White Towers all over the Continent Rome would be next Brussels is on Saxe's schedule before the largest fair in history' opens there in 1938 As Amerirans have swarmed over Europe in recent years we have become known for many things which aren't typical oi us at all But a quick hamburger and a cup of coffee? as typical Americana of the 20th Century as anything can flunk of Anri somehow this whiii my huiband anticipated so long ago inkier my 1 mny-bone and to me highl ghts the smallness of world as lew other business tales have its the job that the and Mrs will have to do in the pre-convention period and wall enable them to concentrate their energies on key situations As of now managers think of only three states in which they are sure he ought to make his best effort to win the primary They are New Hampshire Wisconsin and California New Hampshire is normally Republican and has only four electoral votes But it holds the lead-off primary March 13 and his victory over President Truman who later said he was not a candidate for re-eiection started Kefauver as a serious candidate in 1952 Wisconsin a clue to the farm temper will always be remembered as the place where Wendell Willkie bit the dust in an attempted comeback in 1944 It is a next door neighbor to Adlai Stevenson's state of Illinois Kefauver anticipates a close race here California is of peculiar interest in 1956 Democrats think they have their best chance to carry it in years due to the Republican family fight which finds Gov Knight trying to cut Vice President Nixon down to size with Sen Knowland at the very least bearing it bravely Objective observers report that Kefauver is very popular in California In an attempt to head him off National Committeeman Paul Zifferen has begun to lineup a Stevenson delegate slate This contest will get going very soon and very sharply Kefauver supporters claim they will win it three to two It is difficult to see how Stevenson can duck the Kefauver challenge in states of such importance He might skip New Hampshire and get away with it but hardly Wisconsin and California woman oil well driller who dug a holp for them The story of the fabulous bridge game begin in 1930 Mrs Stinnette Mrs Virginia Sanders and Mrs George Light were playing The name of the fourth player has been lost Mrs Sanders a Sherman Tex resident said she knew of a good oil land lease that could be bought cheap The other two players both of Dallas agreed to put in $50 each High Producer Mrs Buda Mauldin of Dallas and her husband Mauldin agreed to drill for the women The well came in as a gigantic producer and three other wells were drilled on the 15 acres of land Since then it has produced about $600000 in oil The inexperienced women had no hard and fast agreement on how the oil would be shared As expected the case got in court A compromise court settlement was entered formally Thursday in Dist Judge Dallas A court A Scurlock attorney for Mrs Mauldin gave a sigh of relief Long Litigation For the past 17 years he has devoted about 60 per cent of his working time to the litigation and associated matters At one time it was estimated there were about 25 lawyers representing about as many clients in various complex phases of the litigation In all there have been five suits and about 75 hearings since 1931 w'hen the first case was filed In addition to the four principals some of the money will go to others who acquired interests in the property including the heirs of Fred A Perrenot He was associated in drilling the first well on the Poby tract of the Castleberry survey in Gregg County Women don't wear many clothes to speak of but they sure do speak of the ones they do wear nu Charge Against lola Publisher IOLA Kas (P Angelo Scott publisher of the lola Register has appeare 1 in Allen County' District Court to answer a charge of indirect contempt of court The complaint was brought by Coniierman an attorney and loin attorneys believe it's the first case of its kind tried in Kansas The action by Conderman was hired on a news storv in the Oct 5 l'Mie of the lola Register reporting a jail break attempt on Oct 4 And Oct 6 editorial commented on the episode at the Allen County jail The storv said four men had tried to flop thp jail but were foiled by Sheriff I-orance and Jailer Alf Williams The story identified the four men allegedly involved in the attempt One of the four was Conderman's client On the following day the register earned a story quoting the sheriff that one of the men had admitted the attempt hut that the others including Conderman's client had denied it Arguing before Judge Spencer A Card yesterday the attorney said the news account seriously prejudiced his client's constitutional presumption of innocenee He contended that this was indirect contempt of rouit Conderman said his client was innocent of the escape try Fred Apt attorney countered that indirect eontempt must be based upon publication of facts or opinion pertaining to a suit before the court Neither the news article nor the editorial he declared made references to charges against Conderman's client or expressed opinion about their validity The editorial was primarily roneerned with the need for a new Allen County jail The matter was under advisement by Judge Card today FROM SUN FILES Our Past 20 Years Ago Oot 15 1935 Citizens of Erie voted emphatically for a $27500 bond issue for the constiuction of a new school building The vote count at the special election was 291 for the issue and only 79 against it High school and junior college students organized into 17 different clubs Each group was organized by students interested in a common hobby or vocation Mr and Mrs II Gail returned from Mount Pleasant Tex where they spent several days visiting relatives and friends Mrs Ralph Baker and Mrs Earl Johnston were among the Parson ians to leave today for Cheriy-vnle to attend a district meeting of the Women's Relief Corps being held there 30 Years Ago Oct 15 1975 The Pittsburg Pirates took the ha sob ill ihunplonship of the world fmm Washington by battering Walter Johnson and scoring their third straight victory over the Senators 9-7 Kiki Cuyler doubled in the eighth inning with the bases loaded for the victory II Smith formerly with an Arkansas City motor company has become sales manage? for Richmond Rule Work on the remodeling of the Schmitz Jewelry store has started A new brick front will he put in the building which will carry out a black and white color scheme The windows will be enlarged and will have birch pannels at the back and mirrors at the sides 40 Years Ago Oct 15 1915 Oswego wants to have a now water system The city council will call a special election within the next 30 days to vote on the proposition The total will be not more than $30000 The resignation of Burroughs policeman was rereived by Mayor Stewart and was accepted A Kellond general baggage agent for the Katy has returned from Kmsis City where he attended the 35th annual convention of general baggage agents Mrs Feess returned from Chicago where she has been visit-in with friends and relatives for the last month Hounds After Slippery Man LAWRENCEBURG Ky Fleet-footed John Allen Cummins 35 who has broken jail three times recently yesterday escaped officers and was being sought with bloodhounds Cummins who has outraoed Sheriff Ernon Feathers and other officials on various occasions was arrested by Deputy Sheriff Herbert Phillips yesterday at Tyrone He broke away but Leathers approaching from a different direction from Phillips caught him Cummins broke away again and esc a ped lie was wanted on a child desertion charge Kansas Clip An Atchison man went to the poor farm pr to visit a frond who once ran a newspaper that pleased Atchison Globe The business executive who claims he's srnwed under means he is onlv able 1o take two hours for Emporia Gazette SEVEN QUESTIONS Bible Quiz By LAVIN' A ROSS FOWLER 1 the mbek shall inherit the earth and shall delight themselves in the abundance of Psalms 37:11 2 What famous prayer did Jesus give as requested bv a disriple? St Luke 3 To what people was Jonas a sipn? St Luke 11:30 4 hoasteth himself of a false gift is like Proverbs 25:14 5 What does the Bible say of Deuteronomy 6 Which commandment is often broken thoughtlessly? Exodus 20:7 7 "perfect love casteth out 1 John 4:18 Six correct excellent Three correct good Answers in B'hle does not behoove any of us to think ill of the rest of Wilcox French Arrest 105 Moroccans RABAT French Morocco (B French authorities announced today the arrest of 105 Moroccans at Marrakech after an evening of hunting and looting apparently connected with nationalist agitation for home rule Only one Moroccan was reported hurt by firemen trying to get away from a hostile crowd The trouble started late in the afternoon according to the official report Friday is the Moslem Sabbath and a likely day for trouble because the population is idle Police said the troublemakers were mostly boys 6 to 14 They threw stones at the Cafe de France a favorite spot for French and foreign tounsts and the scene of several terrorist attacks Increasing evidence has come into the hands of French officials that rebel leaders are trying to create a solid front of resistance joining East Morocco and West Algeria One war that will never be won is that between the sexes There is too much ftat-e i ir'i the enemy on the part of both sides Dighton Herald A newspaper reporting the antics of a couple peroxide blonds at a football game last week commented thusiv bleachers went August a Gazette THE PARSONS SUN AND REPUBLICAN Published Evenings Fxcent Sunday The Sun Publishing Company 318 Sou Centiil Parsons Kansss Civile Reed Jr Publisher Entered as second class matter at the postoffice at Parsons Kansas under the art of March 1871 SUBSCRIPTION RATItS By Carrier In City of Parsons One 30c By Mall In Parsons Trade Territory One 17 Sts 83 80 Three 83 By Mail Outside Parsons Trade Territory One Year 89 Six Months 83 MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is entttled ex-eluMi Iv to the use for repuhllcetlon of ell the lo'-al news printed In this newspaper es well as ail A news dispatches Memhet Audit Bureau ot Circulations The plan for reflectoried license plat been h-mrl-wr Scotched you mig say Wichita Eagle You can have all the rest October's Emporia Gazette An unemployed jester is Wellington News COMFY COZY Ql'AKTFKS qmrkly tenanted through To ads Describe yours to an ad-writer TODAY Cali 112 In 1773 the Rev Dr Stephen Hales an Englishman discovered that blood has a pressure and was first to measure it Wire rakp racks make fine drying racks for small articles such as baby aweateri bonnets caps.

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