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The Evening Review from East Liverpool, Ohio • Page 1

East Liverpool, Ohio
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WEATHER i tniulU an i w.iiin- EAST LIVERPOOL REVIEW HOME 1 rr I The rresa. Intrniationnl The nited KAST (MHO. MONDAY. NON I.MHI .11 10 sixtep pages 'I'WO 168 ABSENTEE BALLOTS ARE CAST TODAY The Piffle-Pact. Which is the Best Hobby? A Bigger Solar System.

Sweden's Butter Idea. Los Angeles Aqueduct Reported COUNTY ecincts in SECTIONS IN MOHAVE ZONE ARE DAMAe PROSECUTES BISHOP Blast In Ily AKTIil HKISRXNK liv KiiiK S.v niiicatt'. Jnc, THE aiul the govern iiuMit of the States shniiKI meditate on riirain interesting statement, that tliere will net he an.v war between and chop-stieks (aiiiiol fight against maehlne represent China, huge in nunilters, and unprepared. The machine guns represent trained to the mintite. dotibfs that in a war between Japan and China, Japan's would easily defeat I'll ilia's 110 0110 000 Japan would be victorions because Japan is ready for the fight, relies on preparation, not on fotd- isli peace sentiment, or what Hiram Johnson ealls Kellogg Rv The AMoriatcd p-ot." LOS The Alexander the Great alked T.os Angele.s bureau of and flirough driving hia wedge light was notified by telephone toot Macedonians, a few thousands, ilirongh the gigantic Persian army, akes Place Jaw Bone Canyon.

AID Pipe Line Carries Water From High Sierras. EYESPRincipals IN MAYORALTY FIGHT ON BALLOTING FOR 1932 HINT House Control Rests On Congressional Elections. NEW YORK HOT Smith-Roosevelt Split Watched; Dry Law Is Issue. Bjr Asuoriatcd PrMs, WASHi.VGTON, Nov. 2.

With an eye to the 2 national cam- jpaign, party leaders look to the lontcome of scattered elections tomorrow for a definite political and a mile long front of fighting day that of the bringing water from the high Sierra W'atersheds to the city li I'ersia was bigger, richer, dynamited. the case for the govern- made no differnu e. of the damage revealed, but the dyuamitingjof conspiracy lo v.oiaie me ea-elections. lied than'Persia. That would was to have taken place.J'ralforrupe Tract ices Act in hwi York, the strength of make no difference, if anv Jaw Bone Canyon, near of ttie -Anti-pranklln Roosevelt and 'Smith iK'mmrats Associated Press Photo, gh Assistant District Attorney Wilson of Washington, D.

will whether the Ftepnbllcans or Democrats will organize the lu- iiinizA wisi house may be decided by goes on tnal on a results of five special coiigres- dyuamitingjof conspiracy to violate the TUESDAY VOTE Hilbert Stands Pat oit 6,000 Poll in City. I MAYOR RACE HOT Sunday Shows, Relief Tax Levy Win Interest. RALPH C. BENEOUM OLIVER HERRINGTON, SR. A.

W. CHRISTEN Photo by Fisclier. A three-cornered flKid the mayorally will feat the municipal election In Fast IJveriMmt Tuesday. The uominee.s Ralph Heneduni. Deimicnii, and pharmacist; Oliver J.

Herrington Sr, Republican and dairy pioducts disirihiitor. and A. W. t'liristen. Independent and laborer to thel or Asiatic country sliould Workmen were ontei'ed em.inst ns as man.v fighting Moliave.

'Iiips as had men. I tie aqueduct supidies l.os writer-geles with tlie major portion of il.s subject iievei tire of life He always has controversy between Owens Val of passionate iiHerest rancher.s and the city, and on The late Lord Northcliffe usetioccasions was dynantited Committee 1928. editorial man who has a hobby long been a I neglect your hobby." when the city to con- Hi" real hohhy was the heliet that farm lands in order lo oh- was like Napoleon. water rights. llapul)- and dly Is liie not sntlicienfly in- sufficientIv shorL suffi Los immediately.

He- tme.nng. snttKientiy siuuL the they I lent exctttng. were not expected to report for at i w.thont three hours. Jaw can- i.iiiips, lange (O ns, is in the desert more than lOo the very rtch from Los Angeles, le' ting all difterent kinds of lleas, il.e arctic to the tropics. 1 No ger of a shortage Rothcehild.

at least, made a Angeles was said to exist, ou useful to science. reservoirs comaiuiug an ol.I.ies represent waste only of ample supply iiulil repairs are incentration. Hiiade. Contemplation of life and the' mtivrse, from tho ants with their HOLLINGER gaiiized society at your feet, toj Of mrvCKTI distant nebulae, and from' UlEb (iniiie goodness to the miir.lerous and swimiliug iuclina- Retired Potter Found Dead at of the human race, in 839 Avondale Street with of flas-' interest." Mornmg. BISHOP CANNON ARGUMENTS ON NOVEMBER 20 E.

Smith will he tested in their dispute over a forest lonser- vation amendment by Roo.sevelt and opposed by the Democratic presidential nominee in The Roosevelt sidit is he ing wat.hed with (lose interest by observers. is an issue In several of the elc( tlons, while there is particular interest in the su of two norma ily con gressional districts which the! Democrats hope to win. Ohio. Michigan Vote Watched I The Democrats have assanltedj Uourt to the Repnhlican strongholds in the; Hear Demurrer on Election Night Party Scheduled For 7:30 Tuesday iteiuins from Die education a.s well as Issue and 2h special megaphoned and hull street, commencing at As fast as a pret inct nounce the figuia's in al lowiisliip. mnnicipal, lillagi- board of hallotiiig on Ihc wclfarc hond proiH.sals In Coluinhiana connty will he Hned al Review office, Washington ni Tucsda.i.

connt is Iliade, Th. Rcvicw will an conti sis in Kasi Li vm pool Wells ville and other cities and villages. Three news Assoi inted I'l e.s.s, Inicnialloiial and L'nited will carry reports on Hie hallotiiig in Von are invited to allend The Itevtew's EJeeiinii Niglit parly, other (itii'H throughout tdiio as well as other state figtils. IniJIctiiieiil. Hv The AHHOfialed WASIHNHTON, 2.

Proctor today set Friday. N'ovemlier 20 for argmiu'iil before the District of supreme ourf of Bishop James Cannon, demurrer to an indictment charging liiin with wilfully violai ing the corrnpt practices law. The date was fixeil I.y agree- gan districts, hut virtually t-oncisle' eoonrt Pennsylvania to their opponents. Tin expect to retain i tiie twentieth Ohio and tlie; New York without diffi cnlty. The in eseiil house lineup i.s; Demoeiats 211; Rejiublicans 2FJ: Farmer one; vacancbsi seven, one of the two other vacan cies nstuilly Republican, will filled Gaining tlii- the liepiihlicans would hold lionsi- eontrol hv one.

if there is no BOY OIES CRASH HURTS ON HOLY LAND fdarted today East Liverpool Man Gives llluttaf ed Lecture at Bethel Churob Sunday Night. Otm hundred and sixty-elghl ahsentees have cast hHllot.s In tht fights for places in the municipal, village and board of eduraflou elections to be IS townahlpa, 12 cities and vlllageg and .14 school districts in hiana county Tuesday. Electlog Board Clerk J. W. Moore said day.

The absent ballots, than half of which were cast East IJverpool and WellsvUle tors, will he distributed to the 111 precincts at noon tomorrow, dropi ped Into the ballot boxes at onog and counted when the polls closg at p. m. Intense Interest Here. 1 Notwithstanding the intense terest in the three man mayoralty fight, a Sunday show battle ao 4 submission of the one mill ployment relief Ux levy, J. S.

herl, (hairman of the election iK.ard, pat today on his diction of a poll of 6 00 votes ig East Liverpool. A record vote Is exiwicted in all siih (llvislons. for with the Hon of where Mayor I). Cope, running on a non-partisaa I village ticket, is unopposed, ge for aii muyim ally places. Tim only county-wide iirofHisal it tho IT.GOiI.OOU slate welfare bund Issue, However, 17 sub-divLdont Judgment upon a total Him widening 01 aud ot in issues for mu- TWO EAST END STREETS WILL BE WIDENED Zone Strip Deeded To City.

Ill Oakland was nlclpul and school purposaa and two strtfis ofi'lL 2 nillls In tax levies for scUunl L. a ce 12 cunibs Sunday. I lassici of Liiixilii each feet wide and one- l.alf him long, deeded to the city hv Dr when a righi 01 wa.v flirough his property was ohtaliicd for an oiiflef to the Oak- Ralph J(diii (' didlvercd an'hmd sanitary sewer. illiiHt latisl h-cfiiK' on In'C- IhMiediim unnouiii ed Lisbon, Sue- Caiiaun at llic Bciln -1 Fres- extra 25-foot strip borders liytfliaii ihnicli in Wayne town Wedgowood street hefween Globe night. was intro and Elmrla and Etruria street diiced h.v Attorn S.

W. rawford. tween Wedgewood and Andrew Appidxiinati'lv at avenue, making hoili 1 lioroiighfares tended tiie meeting, niie of a Her Hriinh-Moore irr tl. Nov. 2.

l.awK-iK 11 of his solar 1 niited ami mistaken. like the oiiiiiion ot the Chinese concorntng Hicii kingdom They it tiie middle kingdom be- laii-e they thought if was the cen- and Mrs special le(-liires. sfionsored counsel, Itohert H. Mr. Hollinger, who was horn whose demurrer (hallcnged the Clarkson, liad formerly been em iConstltufionality of the conitpt ployed as a kiln placer by tlie act.

fei of and about the mer Laughliu China company. Just hefore the court convened oily important thing. They learti He leaves one daughter. Cannon ami Miss Ada L. fioiii Japan and Russia now, as.Hollinger of East Liverpool; on? 1 Burroughs, trea.surer of liis anti ihey learned long ago from Gong brother, Frank Hollinger of New'Smifh DemocrafR coiiimitlee in lis Kahn and ntliers that China is Galilee, and a Dora'1928, who was charged with the TtO feet wide.

City enginei-rs set the stakes lo- depnrtimmt etn leiy. A talk on missions was giv under the sniiervision of hy Mary amL.Sfreet Commtssfoner change tomorrow in the politic-a com ell (Boh) Hollinger, Assistant District Istatns of the five seats, 1 son 01 mi ami has been Attorney John WiLon and thoj A governor is to he elc tmi vitalnne. East Chestnut so day and street bed Sunday morning in his home Sonthei Methodist Jet.sej Demoeiats Lisbon, died at Centra! at 839 Avondale Hlroot. claiming former Governor A. tmspital Sunday afternoon Moore will win over David Baird, ii-om injuries received when a 1 1 in.

n. former Republican senator. A vie mn in wliii li he and eight ottu-r i-ohM 1 k'H'le and cinder the tory they contend, would hi Lisbon youths were passengers, oioiig 1 ares within the iw(i a rebuke to the national leadershiii ovmturned on tlie Kensington Lis- iof President Hoover during lioii road on Oct 25. i 1 .1 1 ieconomlc crisis. A i iislicd skull and internal 'vt7 BOY TOPPLES A third candidate.

Edmund injurie.s I not so imtHirtant. Ast 1 otiomers say that the middle Crawford of Wollsville. Funeral services will kingdom of our solar sy.sfem Tuesday at 2 p. which we are acquainted is com- jiiuatively unimportant. Far out in space never h.v i Riverview there are probably a dozen giant idauets that would make, not on-; Iv our tinv earth hut even Tm.T rvnivv 7 lupiter seem small, and they also! HIT-RUN DRIVER belong to our solar system.

This Is news. It might up.set the! of the planet.s’’ ac- epted hy Jeans, Kddington, and other wise ones. They say that far in the past -ome giant sun passed near nsandl its is)wer of gravitation pulled! iclergyman of falling to report cam lie in made liond of in of Rev, J. H. Lawther, pastor of the First Presbyterian church.

POLICE AUTO Halse.v, indorsed by the anti saloon aught league, has added Interest to the contest, since both Moore Baird have sponsored repeal of isled liy Rev. Foster, I (lie journey iiom llaila to Ml, Carmel in ihe Holy l.and, using large maps of Palestine lor lllusliations. Points andi. rastie.l into a tree, proved fatal ia the the youth. ilis body as taken Lisbon, Plain ot wlie he was under from Hie the Innk as highway and auiiipieirare Jmlucit In dlecOuu been Instructed to count first state welfare hond vote, then cRj and tillage tickets and transmit their I'efioi'ta to eiei Hon board in 10 zones.

The ald.s In turn will refiort totals lo the election board hcadquarterH here. Campaign Closes Tonight, East LiveriKiol'H (Hinpuign for municipal offices will close tonight wlieii Heneduin, Democrat, will sp(-ak at a rally la tho Airo'rlcan la'gion fsiHt rooms, Dresden avenue, at 9. O. J. Her.

ringfon Kr. Repuhlhan. and A. W. Christen.

Independeiil, coucliided their canvassing today. The legion is also expected to act on tho one-mill unemployment relief levy and Ihe proposed stata welfare bond issue at its meeting tonight. The final rally In behalf of initiated ordinance banning Snn- Smith, 14, Injured in movies and theatrical and FROM VIADUCT STRIKES GIRL Miss Helen Wolski Suffers Concussion In Accident in Washington Street, Newell, Sunday. (Continued On Page 2) Temperatures East Liverpool Weather Report. noon Sunday, m.

Midnight Today, 6 a. ni. TiKlay, noon Maximum Minimum 46 41 39 40 47 47 IS .00 Miss Helen Wolski, 19, of Kenil worth, suffered a alight usslon of the brain and cuts aud bruises to her face and head, Sunday about 8 p. in when she was struck hy a hit-and-run driver in STRIKES BOY Hen Johnson, Democratic chair 'man of the highway commission. Calvin Rolley, 10.

of The Republican or- Suffers Fractured Leg in Com- iganlzatlon is attempting to take the measure of Governor Pincliot in the Allegheny county comrnls last Cana ot Gall' Horns of llatlln, Gustave Watersj of Mcrotn, livei Pliaiqier. Damas foot Fall From Sixth Street Bridge Saturday. Hylvester 14, son of Mr. merce Street Sunday. WELI.SVILLE Calvin Rollo.v, 10, of Buckeye avenue, siiftertHl a (dghteenth ainendinenf.

jto Hie of his Kentucky Election Exciting. In Kentucky, the state wide Three other youths tion Is enliveiHHi hy the campaign 12. Fred Clunk. L5. Lewi.s Evans, 12, also Injured Shm hem, -Mrs.

Ell hmitli of Allison Ihe ad i(ieiit, went to theli remaining 156 Hamari- js recovering iu the City Saturday Mans, Ihdhel. Jenisa- hospital today from severe scalp Fumual services for in, Bethlehem, Jcriio, and concuHslon, sus- will be held at 10 a. in. when he fell or was knock- at St Catholic fi-arftired left let- above the anklpM" ruiMMOKii. iuuiuur naciured tt leg aiiove tne anKio McGovern a Pinchot 'Inver of tlie true! Sunday at p.

when struck and David i Dalton an automobile driven hv Patrolman an ana a i not fM.aHaa Lawreiice, DemocraHc Candidate (laHii. pnaueo not cudries r.xceii. formality of electing Demo Brad The accident otcurred nominees to state offi' barge of re Twelfth and Commerce street, dtnd was released RALPH CAPONE slonership contest The regular, I Burial will be In the Lis Republican leader, G. Armstrong.

iof Pittsburgh, is running against! William Fawt-ett, 22, of Lisbon, tlie truck, arrested hy Dalton Pike following the aded not guilty hefore WASHINGTON, 2. Ralph treorge Bradbury of Lisbon apone, brother of Al Capone, was accident otcurred nominees to state charge of reckless driving, today refused a review hy the and Commerce Mississippi.released on imnd of'prerne court of his conviction Mike won the John Bauk-ijjavlng made false statements in $1,279 TAKEN APACHE IN BY COURT ADMITS MURDER Tse Associated Daily Temperature Report. Washington I Hie sidewalk In front of Excell's nominafioii. Nomination today asked Coroner Ernest! attemi.f to street, Newell. j(ai.

tantamount to election there. ML Sturgis to conduct an inquest. Miss Wolski. was walking' Me was taken to the East IJver on the side of the road with her 11 hospital where the fracture Sister (Catherine, 17, and two other reduced hy Drs J. King girls, when struck from the J- S.

McCulloch. by the driver who failed to stop, Automobiles operated hy Carl they reported. Two others suffered i West and Walter Ward, both liv- minor Injuries, the fourtb girl in crashed at ing unhurt. Miss Wolski was re-ithe same place Sunday morning, miyved to her home where she Ward, police said, received a jceived medical attention. cttf on the head.

Other occn- i pants of the cars were unhurt CHILD STRUCK f'lty la 11 la Hniialit iiiciiuiati Invelami Denver Detroit 1 Paso Kausa.s Cit.v L.i" -Miami -New York Pirtsonrgli P-trliand Ore 8 a. in. Comti- tton.s 40 Clotldy 42 Clonuy 40 Clondv 44 Clondv 12 CloiKiv 4 4 Cloudy 40 Cloud 46 Clondv 42 Cloud' 48 Clouclv 46 Clondv 56 (lear 72 Cloudy 50 lear 44 Clear 42 I I. Ck) hnniy 4 4 lear HHt Maximum )4 54 4t 0 54 41! BY AUTOMOBILE SHAKES Fines and Costs in City Cases Dur- WASHINGTON, Nov 2. Th ing October Total Clerk department announced to day a confession has been ohfaLi McMillan Reports.

from Golney Seymour, young Apache Indian, that he A total of 11,297.15 was paid Schmerler on the White the city of East Liverpool hy reservation In Ari zona last July. Junior Stockdaie, 3, Suffers Lacerations in St. Clair Avenue Accident Today. municipal court during Octohe TOKYO ISLANDS amounted to city fines ,...,1 and then kill Number of Casualties are Reported In Shikoku and Kyushtu When 199.90; transHcripts and steno- grapher fees $16. 7 There were 72 civil.

120 REV. F. A. DEAN criminal and 25 state caHes filed ETM If I nf during the month. Of these.

1 Houses Collapse. Junior Stockdaie. three-year-old of and Mrs. Howard Stock- 661 of St. Clair avenue, suffered TOKYO.

Nov. 2. A cuts and bruises to his head earthquakes shook civil, 110 city criminal and 1-5 staf and legs today at 40 a. island of Shikoku and Kyushiu cases were disirnsed of. was struck by an automobile 8 number of by ()1 he San 52 Clondv Ta'Jipa 52 Clear VYashiugtou 42 Clear High.

Phoenix 88 Clear 1 76 Clear. El Paso 78 Clear. Low. VY'hite River ..24 Cloudy hran 24 Cloudy. Flsgsiaft 26 Clear.

driven by John L. Russell of North- 1 reiamled, cau.sed avenue, Plea.sant Heights, collapsing. Clair avenue near the Grant street on, vho was comijiR down the avenue, said the child ran in ryi front of his machine. drove! eg into the curb damaging two on his car. in an effort to avoid hit- 5 ting the child, he told police ROTARIANS TO HEAR HELLYER i 300 MEN GO BACK TO WORK Second Presbyterian Church Pastor Taken III In East End Pulpit Sunday.

HA.MILTON, Nov 2. 11 1 recovering fioni an hree hundred employes of 6 International Harvester eorn Carl Hellyei- uill (ireHide at pany, some of whom have been the weekly of idle for nioTiths, went hack to work Hie Rotary club in tin- today at the plant of the company The boy was taken to the Tuesday )hoopiial where he was attended bvj --------------------------------------------Dr. M. D. McCntcheon.

Russell the accident to police, who the and four-day week basis at pre 'lere. F. Morion, plant manager, said it was the Intention to work an investigation. A. E.

Frosch is well qualified by ihir education for mem- 'her of Board of Ad not onl.v for the office but for the entire Re-j publican Ticket. In other words I Dr. CoUin F. Kinsey ball served the STRAIGHT people well In his first term on TIf KET. (Signed) G.

Jay School Board. Give him a Republican Ad, ond Rev A Dean, pa lor of tho Second Presbyterian in Virginia avenue. East End, which 'while hi.s night. Rev. I)ean had the tion and turned speak to an elder of the wiien he lo the floor unconscious.

He was taken to the parsonage and Dr. McDade and a nurse summon ed. Rev. suffered a stroke several months ago while prepar ing a sermon in his Re-elect J. T.

Croxalt for Board of Ad. from the Foist I.lveriKHil aud Boa ver Valley Tractlou Sixth viaduct, near the City DENIFD p. m. IVILVIILVY companion, returning from a football game at field and hud reached the end of the via duct when an east-bound Interur- and a west-hound city car appeared simuifaneously. Smitli and III jliis conii'union, whose name was I not learned, droppixd to the bars of the rails.

Tim former on the w'est-lHiuml tracks ami the latter the east hound tracks. The interurban, in charge of E. Wright of StiMibea- coniiUdmlMe his All The Excitement About? Why STARTS TODAY OF COURSE. Everybody is talking aiiout which means trading your useless possessions for things you want. The Swap ilnsMlflcation starts fijday on the Classi fied Want Ad page.

And will he a permanent ture. All Swap ads are accepted at the usual lassi- fled fgrHuM tuore every swap advertiHer will REt ElVE A I TICKET to the THEAliK. In'entory of your les.H fWissesKioiis. a swap ad then st-ml or phone it to THE HE VIEW office. PLACE YOUR AD TODAY RECEIVE FREE GUEST TICKET TO THE STATE THEATER.

dramatic In East Liv- will bo held by the Sunday Observance association In church of the Nuzarene In St. Clair avenue tonight at 7:. It). Am- pllflera will be installed outside of the h. Rev.

B. H. Shadduck, pastor of the Orcliard Grove Methodist Episcopal church, and Prof. A. 8 London, Wkhlta, evangelist will be the speakers In tho main auditorium, while Rev.

Janies of East Palestine, wlio Is conducting a revival campaign here will address an overflow meeting In basement of the church. The music will be iu charge of the young choir and church orchestra. Sunday observance were delivered yesterday at the St. Episcopal church by Rev. K.

Caulk; the First United Pre.sbyleriiin church, hy Rev. L. Davison; First Methodist Protestant church, hy Rev. J. F.

Dlmlt; First Free Methodist church, hy Rev. Waller G. Blrdsell and First Preshyteilan church, by ville, traveling east, slowed up Dr. J. II Lawtlier The city cur, with Roy in charge, Open Until 6:30 p.

m. Ballot supplies for East Liver- in the viaduct at this and l.iverpool and St Clair and was unable to stop until after townships will he distributed at the Smith lad. who either the election board headquarters la jumpcNl or was sliaken from his the Betz building. Market street position. He fell 25 feel to the hillside below.

'I'lie Smith lad was Into at tonight. Supplies for other precincts were distributed Saturday at the court house in Lisbon the hospital hy football spe. fatordjand the C. N. Brannari drug store where he was attended by Dr.

in Wellsville. Tuesday will be open JOSEPH MURPHY, VETERAN, DIES Former East Liverpool Man to Get Military Funeral at St. Aloysius Church Wednesday. fiom 6:30 a. m.

to 6:30 p. m. HOT ELECTION. 'State Welfare Bonds. Local Issues Face Voters.

Murphy, 14, World war died Sunday at 2 p. in his lioine in Grant street. New W. after a long Illness. iMurphy.

a former resident welfare bond i of East Liverpool, leaves his wid-jsioual fight.s^ ow and three brothers. James of Minerva; Joiin of East Liverpool and Patrick of Funeral ednesda will Bjr The A hot year" election palgii came to an end in Ohio today, ami tonionow will scratch their verdict.s on host of issues. Aside from jsioual OHIO.

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