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Santa Rosa Republican from Santa Rosa, California • 9

Santa Rosa, California
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MAKERS' BUREAU COOKING SCHOOE OPENS HERE TODAY Classes in Elks' Building Are Expected to Draw Hundreds 1 attP '41611111S 6hritill V' 40 IlAso ics otzvAi 1 trinat Air iv 1 7 1524 ty 411 p)1 1- A 1 04 Speedy Preparation of Menus Will Be Featured During Afternoon Demcinstration SIXTEEN PAGES NUMBER 89 SIXTY-EIGHTH YEAR SANTA ROSA CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY APRIL 13 1932 A' TICWATING a much larger atten dance than at any of the previots free cooking sclu )0Is held in Santa Rosa The Press Democrat-Sal ita Rosa eptitilican-Safeway Stores' free cooking school will open it': doors this afternoon at the Elks' auditorium under the personal direction of Mrs Catherine Laughton home econcimist of the Safeway Stores' Homernakers'f way 'stores' This Week PADLOCK SUIT PEE IN COURT HERE TH1111501111 MPA USE PRISONERS ON PUNE ME 11 Iln I LOOKS 'FOODS THAT LURE' -1 it 1 ij1111Alii 1 0 4 'r'''' '''ii1's'i' "44 1' 1 Vr' 1 1 'A -C: t' 71 rIt :::1 A -ItsR" rE l''- r6 4''? 7-1: 0 i'-: S' I 1 orri'' ''t -v 4 'f'''' q'''v' "'1' A''' WE NEED RAIN A DAY'S DRIVE HE ROBBED THE BEES BENNETT VALLEY NOTES School Days Here Again By Joe Talbot nomentaKerhbureau The doors at the main en: trance of the Elks' Temple in A street will be thrown open at 1 o'clock so that those who come early will have a full hour to 'inspect the ma fly electrical and 'mecha Ica I labor-saving devices and equipment on display in the ball The demonstration Nvill open at 2 o'clock and Will continue until 4 MUSICAL PROGRAM Preceding the opening of the class there will be a musical program a nd all those who attend Will be handed copies Of the ilay's reCIPCS and other literature pert a Ming to the demonstrations recipes and other literature perta ining to the demonstrations 30 Witnesses Called For Action Recommended by County Grand Jury Arrest Looms For Those Who Fail to Stop Cars When Alarm Sounds Sheriff is Authorized To Employ Inmates Of County Jail 0 'At '1' I i A c''' 7 1 i i $IIk 4 4ri' Z' I (::: 4 14 'sp 4vt4 Ae i 'rl )4 i4)'Il Iv 1i4 ::::4:: 4 w- io 9" 7 ro 4 p1: 4 ki-riAL1- rr 4 rri'': :5 -r tl" 4 -1 A '('s 4 '''l ''''''it- t'' 3 41:) ti'''' THE reME-2 to 4 Weduesday Thurs a and Friday THE Audi torium THE Press Democrat-Santa Rosa Republican -Safeway Stores' Free Cooking School the 1932 household arts exposition for Santa Rosa and all So nonla county tt each (lay will be a complete demonstration asked what her primary 'Lim in cooking schools is Mrs IAti411ton replied "That's easy It's the little things about the kitchen that count most women are already good cooks I don't even try to go through a full course In cookery from the beginning to the end That would be almost impossible "lint I can help answer some ad the problems that confront the rdinary housewife in her kitchen how to get variety in her menus ihat makes meringues fall and how to use that little dash of spice (Jr flavor that adds so much to a dish "Women iyant to know how to make eiwking more efficient that's all I try to show them" Thirty witnesses incIttiding several who presented a complaint against vice conditions in the suburban area just west of Santa Hosa to the grand jury have been subpoenaed by the sheriff's office for the trial tomorrow of the "redlight' almtement action hrought hy District Attorney Dole against the property of Mary Clark Gray alias Dorothy Leonard in that district The suit was filed at request of the grand jury after a group of residents of the vicMity had appeared before that body to protest conditions they said existed in the neighborhood Dole is seeking under the abatement law to close the Leonard premises for one year on the ground that they have been used for imprmier purposes and constitute a nuisance The suit NVili tiPd hPfore SliI rior udge Fl 'Ilia id Comstock without a jury Three days have jleen reserved foft it As an aftermath of the forting or a fire truck into a curb Monday night by a motorist who suddenly cut in ahead of the apparatus Chief 'William Muenter yesterday announced that the city ordinance providing that all vehicles must pull aside when an alarm is sounded and remain there until the aPparatus has passed Will be rigidly enforced "It's just a matter of 'luck that someone hasn't been killed in the Past and hereafter we're going to take the numbers of all cars whose drivers violate the ordinance and issue warrants The penalty for violation of the ordinance is a fine of not less than $5 or more than $45 Both axles on the pumping truck were sprung when the driver was forced to run the ear into the curb l'o avoid bitting an automobile that suddenly darted in its pa HI 'Aftwriter also criticized motorists who follow fire trucks so closely that the firemen are hampered in answering alarms and fighting the flames 111)rivers should keep at least a block in Nick of the apparatus so that in case we have to turn back to get to the hydrant after reaching the scene of the fire we may do so without interference" he NAPA April in the Napa county Jail vitt he allowed to work on public buildings and grounds in the future the board of supervisors decided today It Aas the contention of the board in making the ruling that at practically all thn es there are numerous prisoners who desire and Ire anxious to work in the court house yard a the county informry the detention home and ot her places in order to he outside and secure proper exercise In their resolution the supervisors empowered Sheriff Steckler to employ the men for public work without further cost to the county RUSS ISLAND PROJECT A petition was presented by the Napa Fertilizer and I teduct ion company for the privilege 'and franchise 1 0 dispose or garlatge waste et by incineration on its properties sil nate(' on Russ Island County DIeric let-ups A Daly vas directed to advertise for bids for Nate of the franchise for a term of 25 years The company is a partnership consisting of William Russ Patrick Ivory and Charles I I Wells According' to its petition the company is about to acquire the franchise of dkposing of the garbage ()I the di a tal county of San Di-an cisco It is proposii toliy 11w 141 rliage to ItlisS Islio oil and there dispose or it by incinera jou and that client I es es 1 BENNETT VALLEY April 12-1 attended the Grange benefit dance at Grange hall Saturday evening It was an eminently successful affair Durin the evening 1 met many engaged in farming as well as dancing and from these 1 get the unanimous verdict that we need a good stiff rain So declared Guy Savery who grazes his cattle on Strawberry ridge Alt Guaspari of the same locality on the Dan Lafferty estate Cleveland Duerson big land owner and dairyman On the northern slope of the Sonoma mountain and Frank Latranconi who ranges his cattle along the base of the 'Mount of the Burning Bird all agree that failing weather' is a great necessity (' I) Ward Carl Kirch Kent Sibbald Jim Jamison and Lesley sheep men all join in ploring the gods lot rain Dick CI ane and Bob Cook Hill road hay farmers tell me the volunteer hay crop is ahout at a standstill and Avill have to have water in eight or ten days or the jig will be up for any thing better than half a crop Joe Keiser who is in possession of the obi AlcCuno ranch initis Chaney Ward in the judgment that if rain does not come soon it had latter not come at all I merely niention these things about the weather gamut as others mention them to us--A newsimper has to have news of some sort to help swell the circulation and Bennett Valley news must be fairly interesting or they WOUlit IVA (10 as they ilid last wcek--take fall (Witt! a section of "This week" iifIVS to spice up Itrisbane's colu11111 and Airs Walter LerouX 111)Wri frOill Cseyserville Grange Air and Airs Peterson were up front Sonoma Grange and Alr and Airs Johnson were over Irma Bellevue Grange Just what Isort of tin' alibi Air Stanley and Airs Lucy Stetson put up for their ((ontinued on Page 12) There 1011 be gifts of all varieties a nil descriptions lroemies flobr baking powder sa It ea ailed goods mel chalalise foods cooked on the cooking school platform-- all NNdll he given away New rucliws Ways to make the old dishes look different little tricks to brighten and lighten the home- maker's will be given And ir there is any question about pies kind qi lies bothering local ii ousewives they a re invited to bring them a II to the cooking school Laughton famed throughout the west for her knowledge of cookery and her insight into the everyday problems Of the housewife 'i1I be in charge of the programs She arrived in Si nta Losa yes- terday morning a nd immediately inspected the auditorium and supervised the installation of all the necessa ry kitchen equipment necessary to comfort the school She pronounced till spacious auditorium perfect for the occasion and deck' red that she is looking- forward to her ppea ra nee here as "one 1 the hest cook ing schools she ever cololueted- Ea eh day's program ill be entirely different and no hOliseWire sholdd MISS a Minute the en-fella Ming demonst rat ions 0 some forty (listing and senora te dishes a re to he made IQ the cutina ry a rtist a her three sessions and you won't Nvant to in iss a one Each day's yin he correlated ith the progra to come Father of Traffic Captain Succumbs 1 This young Cathrine Laughton home economist 1 with Safeway Stores' Homemakers conduct The I Press Democrat-Santa Rosa Republican-Safeway Stores' big free I 1 cooking school which opens this afternoon at the Elks' auditorium I Averages of Ball Halm at Meeting Players Revealed Of Scout Troops Al' State Lion Hunter Conquers Illness Two Automobiles Damaged in Crash Word or the death of Shryer 79 father of Captain Earl Shryver Of the highway patrol here vas received by the local wan 'Monday frotn Eansas City The elder Shryve a retired physician tiled suddenly according to 1110 Thief message lie had been living in Kansas City for several years and Captain Shry vet had not seen his father since the close of the world NVar Captain Shryver I on only son The only other SUrVivor is Dr Shryver's stpmother or the Slata Rosa patrol captain 1Vomen Leave For PORTKIWILLE ilrue stricken with a hemorrhage after his arrival here Saturday was NVOil on the road to recovery yesterday his attending physician said Bruce is state lion hunter SEBASTON)1 April (latiolf and Walter had a head on collision Sunday in Burnett street Both cars were damaged but no one was hurt sEitAsTulq )1 hat ting avvroge of Ow lucid basp ha 11 I p1111 :127 269 list I t1 tom sitri ker Striliva 362 AicCord 13:1 ii 208 sEnAsTi 114 4 Atm II 13-14 Kahn chief executive of the vet ado nren 1o Seouls attendtrig a l'iwctitrg or tro4s- 27 and 2S Sehast(umi Monday niht rraeHee in first aid and IgTialing was lit lj wider tho direction of Scout Father's Bedside sEAsTium April I lot-1014 Airs Steve Ivorkover 1voro culle1 to lloYwarri on aceount of 111( serious iiness of their father Cincinnati has contracted tor 20 porice motorcycles to be equipped with radios and cameras )on Hardin and Fru nk oilulters Fellers CUTS TO Faul PREPRIRITIIOn featured at the Romem'AKERs'111111 l'iT-CUTS 1 4 it reaty 1 -Fi -rt esiness 1 gess el wins 1 oven-I COOKING SCHOOL IHHO ta: v' A 1 I 9' ii 11- --2 )1 titti-01d1 74' PM HO ti'f i 'ls 8i I l') 'y 1 t'-)1-2 I0 l'4 77-7ILLP 11-1 1: lb C7- 1 lirTrr '''''''71''L'': See and hear Mrs Cathrine Laughton staff member of the Safeway Homemakers' Bureau Cooking School today! Mrs Laughton will bring many useful and practical suggestions on food preparation have your pencil ready for tile ideas that bring new interest to your kitchen Come and be the guest of your nearby Safeway Store Suggestions That May Help You Today! Practically every casserole dish isvastly improved by use of a crisp topping of crushed Snow Flakes mixed with little melted butter and sprinkled ovet the top of the combination Si cru lin Fri the i- -til 7f sx---5-'" 4 XT-- 1 i '''-'4-: 4" 1 '5 i :1 A 711 i 44 i 4 i4tr tirgr ih4iiril of 17 I sztOTI -4 al NA "5'1'''''? 60 V' I 7 11'4r14144 4 'i 444141torp 1'Y' 104t(4 tl 4t4 i iltt' qr 04s: 1N-404 44 ittiet------- I 't 1i it 1611Ail li'''''1' 14')- li007 '4 1 '''''''''S ----gISCei: 'V 'r' "r--- -tecIL During the Cooking School Days the Following School items will be Featured at our stores atthese attractive lower prices Features for Wednesday Thursday and 13 14 and 15 Sperry's Flour 241A 65c Drifted Snow Gold Medal 2412-lb Sack 73c 5 t' t'NtN 4--- 4Z W'''" 't 4 1'ITI'ie'Ou'lr) 'i-4'1k4L2: 7 szr -7 1v-4 Aor---1- -1 A S'C 01 1 Et Ef 011 Es 014 1( If 014 011 I El Cake Flour lge pkge 25c Chocolate 1 lb can 29c for All 2 packages 15c Assorted Alold with Each Pkg Baking Powder lb can 27c Acting Free Biscuit Cutter or Cake Pan with each can Gold Aledal Kitchen Tested Pineapple 2 Ige cans 29c Libby's Whole Slices ihepopiiarity for SNOW FLAKES '6) 1)01( fo' SNOW FLAKES 7 1 KES Try this 'bra loped Mita' Arrange layers of Tuna with sea soning and pimentos alternately with Snow! lake cracker crumbs lbp with crushed Snow Flakes mixed well with melted butter Bake until nicely browned LJ Shortening 3 lb can 45c Vegetable Shortening Airway Coffee pound 19c Santos Ground Snowflake Sodas 21bcaddie25c Oren Fresh Maximum Syrup qt jar 33c Pure Cane and Maple Rhubarb 3 lbs 9c 1 -1 are featuring these favorites of the West They get Snow Flakes oven-fresh regularly from the Spotless "Uneeda Bakers" bakeries located in population centers of the Pacific Coast Give Snow Flakes to the children after school it won't spoil their appetites Serve them with soups salads baked cheese dishes and light lunches Snow Flakes are triple-wrapped Get (lie big call them thrift package's In countless homes restaurants hotels and clubs everywhere in fact where good food is ap predated and enjoyed you'll find these crisp deliciously flavored soda wafers 1-finh Don't miss Snow Flakes'unusually fine quality Buy from your grocer today open the familiar tred package and then taste for yourself this out freshness Remember to always insist on Snow Hakes grocers everywhere Mayonnaise pint jar 25c Best Foods Gold Medal Bordens Milk can 19c Eagle Beef Stew 2 pounds 25c Lean Boneless Steer Beef Lamb Chops pound 15c Large Rib or Shoulder Salt Pork pound 14c Eastern Dry Cured Round Steak pound 22c Young Steer Beer 4 lbs 21c Fa ncy Fresh Local Fancy Peas Fresh Local i 1 1 You'll Like Cheese and Slim Hales ending fora dinner! Mash Roquefort cheese with sfork add tart salad dressing to suit your taste and mix to paste Pile mughly in center of cheese serveror pretty plate and surround with crisp fresh Snow lakes Servs with coffee Don't ask for mF il1P1 LAKES 'ati yi: :1 -it '4 4 1 -1 2'INo 'v 1 vogb lay 4 1 74ilin'elr P' or Arrange one or two cak ea of cream cheese on a plate anti pourover them stiff strawberry taspherryor curtantjambeaters slightly with fork Serve plenty of Snow Flakes with this I -II --I4 I It I A 1 OMNI IN THE FAMILIAR RED PACKAGE 3r Cor 5th 676 530 3rd 2073 429 3rd 1060 NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY if "Uneeda Bakers".

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