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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 2

Logansport, Indiana
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vV'' i OIVIS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and 1-cfrcnhing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, eleansCH the system effectually, dispels colds, headaches arid fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever produced, pleasing to taste and acceptable to the stojmach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excel lent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrap of Figs is for salo in 50 cent bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not havo it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do accept any substitute.


HEW YORK. A LABI'S TOILET Is not complete without an ideal 3POT2VTDER. it ft Combines every clement beauty ancl purity. It is beauti- I lying, soothing, healincr, healtk- ful, anrl Harmless, and lightly used is invisible. A most 1 delicate and desirable protection the face in this climate.

jS Insist upon having the gonulno. IT IS FOR SALE EVERYWHERE, Foe. Owing to rapid growth of children their stomach ia impaired by enfeebled digestion, this leads to stomach worms, and they Induce fovers and nervous troubles which in time will cause illness and general impaired vitality. The boet cure is Kinehart'e Worm Lozenges, they remove all kinds of worms and worm neat. Sold by B.

F. Keeallng and Keystone drug store. For Ow nny Tom Mrs. Wlnslow'a Soothing Syrup has been used lor over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens tbe gums, allays all pain, cures wild colic, and the best remedy for diarrhoea.

It will relievo the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents A bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow'a Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind.

QUld, ericd or Outorfl. An DOCJUDB Mta, iba clung to GuUatA, IM ted CUldrMi. tlw Qutartl Do You Foel Itall Tliwd! Nature signals you for throw off the accumulation of bile and if you heed not the wainlog, sickness will follow. The beat and moat promp relief is a few doaes of Rlnehart's Fills, they will make you feel like now man; act pleasantly and leave the bowels with natural itool. Sold by B.

F. Eeesllng and Keystone drug Children Cry for Pitcher's Paetorla. 'it you wish a pill that will lea-re the bowels with free natural stool, use Btnehart'a. Sold by B. SaeflUog and Keystone drug store.

Children Cry for Castorla. If your child has swelled abdomen give Rlnehart's Worm Lozengss. Sold by B. F. Keesllng and 'Keystone drug store.

THE The spring poets huvo nearly all Jived in thu sunny south or in 'somo balmy climu whore thaws wore not a necessary preliminary to venial loveliness. No northern bard ever lias the temerity to sing tho praises of the chilly March rind April of his own cheerless clime. Coxirago him when he attempts to gush over a season in which he goes shivering about in furs. Kvon the most famous avoid the subject and venture no further than to comment on the rareness of a "clay in June," or tome such safe tiino of year when the season is well advanced and the ico has gone out of the babbling brooks, People who take a practical view of tho question have no time to lament their loss from poetic standpoint, but turn their minds to tho more serious question of a compromise between their ideas of spring- ought to be and what its pneumonia-laden breezes make advisable in matters of dress. Spring is not so cold as winter, but it is not June, either.

However, the greatest trouble it is that it isn't always tho same- thing. This makes it necessary to wear a style of dress that can quickly be changed for something else'. The best way to solve the difficulty to have a light wrap, either cape or jacket, but in this year of giant sleeves a capo is tho best. Evidently all the women have arrived at the same conclusion, for never was there such a deluge of these garments as we are being visited with now. Most of tho capes are short and some are so near being no capes at all that they suggest some magic potion or other, liko the stuff Alice drank in that wonderful Wonderland when she came ping to a point at the waist in the back, where it was festened.

This was edged with some heavy cream-colored lace, laid over black velvet. In front the cope-hung in 'two square stoles on each side of the front. These stoles were black velvet, edged with lace and a fringe of jet pendants. Tho ordinary wraps are made of silk or satin, with no fullness at tho neck and lots of godets from the shoulder perhaps it would be more correct to say, out, as the sleeves usually prevent the miniature cape skirts front drooping. These are not trimmed, but are considered sufficiently ornamental with their own plaits.

A small ruche of some kind is tho sole decoration. I have seen such capes made of moire poplin, plain black silk, black satin and moiro silk. Any of these materials may be made plain if only they are full enough, and the ordinary short wrap requires only about onfc square yard of material. Two yards of silk is more than enough, since it only takes about a width and a half. This economy in material, added to tho fact that it is the simplest matter in the world to make one, renders the wrap question a comparatively simple matter.

The more elaborate capes are trimmed with flounces of lace and plaited chiffon, and wreaths and bunches of flowers. One very fancyone, intended for the summer gardoa or the seaside ballroom, has flounces of the widest and finest duchess lace over brocaded silk. One of the blondest of blondes will wear ibis wrap. Another, of heavy black silk, has flounces of black embroidered chiiTon running to a point in front. But there are so many varieties chat one might j-o on describing forever and not include them all.

It is safo to say that there are just as many styles as there arc freaks of fancy, provided the freaks run in tho line of frills and plaits. However, the spring wraps are not all capes. There are somo people who insist that such wraps are not becoming and will never give up their jackets. The now jackets are either tan or black. The tans are either covert cloth or broadcloth, and are, of course, The most common style is after the- reefer pattern.

Some of those that button on the side have no correspond-, ing row of buttons on the other. A tan covert jacket that buttoned quite close to the neck had small pointed revers, and was trimmed with straps of the material stitched down at the edges. There were pockets on each side, which curved and sloped upward in front. But tho novelty about tho coat was the tiny curved pocket which was set in the top of each sleeve, a device which gave rise to several playful remarks about carrying one's heart in it, or using it as an aid in certain unmentionable card games. An excniisite creamy tan coat of broad- LOOK OUT BREAKERS AHEAD when pimples, eruptions, boils, and like manifestations of impure "blood appear.

They wouldn't appear if your blood were pure and your system in tie ritrht condition. They show you what you good blood- purifjer; that's what you get when you take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It carries health with it. All Blood, Skin and Scalp Diseases, from a common Blotch, or Eruption, to the worst Scrofula, are cured by it.

It invigorates the liver and rouses every organ into healthful action. In the most stubborn forms of Skin Diseases, such as Salt- rheum, Eczema, Tetter, Erysipelas, Boils and kindred ailments, and xvith Scrofula, in every shape, and all blood-taints, no matter from what cause it is an unequaled remedy. SCROFULOUS ABSCESSES. Mrs. BKLLE SWEENEY, of Flat Top, Mercer W.

writes: About four years ago I took scrofula, and did everythiug that doctors and others prescribed, but only pot worse. Several abscesses formed about tny neck and breast, dishnrginp: a quantity of matter. I got. so weak I could scarcely walk about the house. I read all the medical works I could pel hold of, nud, among- the rest, read some of your works.

You described my case, nud recommended Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery with his MRS. SWEENEY. Pleasant So I procured some and commenced usiiifrthem and soon began to mend. In si.v months my sores were rill healed up. I am forty-five years old and believe lam as stout ns I ever was in my life.

I used about one dozen bottles of the 'Golden Medical Discovery' with the 'Pellets, 1 and used nothing else after I beffan usiiiff your luedidnes." Most of the fronts are macic with a yoke. A blue satin frouc is tucked down a few inches to form yoke, and then blouse fashion. Collars are mado with a yoke of points surrounded by a. flounce of wide ciiifl'ou. Yellow or grayish white is the usual-tint.

ALICE AIIOJW. SAVED BY A amused visitors to St. George's chapel, Windsor, England, was Wise, the serton, lie was a Mr. Malaprop. with an affection for long words whose forms were changed, and high-sounding- phrases, which he invariably misplaced, says London Trt Bits.

Sir George J. Elvey, the organist of the chapel, relates several of these uiaia- propisrus in his "Life and Reminiscences." One day a clergyman, hurrying- into the nave of St. George's just before afternoon service, remarked that he had walked all the way from Bish- opgate in less than an hour. "Well," replied Wise, "you must bo a g-ood Presbyterian, then!" Tho poor fellow meant pedestrian. Seeing Dean lesley taking a constitutional outside of the chapel, the sexton said to a bystander: "Look at the dean up and down them steps!" "My favorite pnper," said he, "is the 'Ulcerated Wise prot, it into his head that the chapel belonged to him, and that no one had a right to see it without paying him a fee.

-'It 1 doesn't matter," said lie on ono occasion, "who it is. even Mr. Dean go in the chapel without first 'insulting-' (consulting) me." So far did he carry out his idea of ownership that at last it was ordered by the authorities that no fees should be given for seeing the chapel. Oardt In ITIi Coffln. At tho little village of Nomps-au-Val, near Auiiens, a curious ceremony was lately seen at a funeral, says the London Daily News.

Tho deceased was a card-playing enthusiast, piquet having been his favorite game. By the terms of his will, a pack of cards had to be placed in the coffin with his body, and certain of his card-playing- friends wore to have a legacy of about a hundred pounds apiece on condition that they bore him to tho grave and stopped on the way to drink a glass of wine at a small tavern where, to quote his words, he had "spent so many agreeable evenings at cards." The instructions of the will were strictly carried out, and a uousiilerablo crowd assembled to see the last of the piquet player. vt itids Showers Bring forth FLOWED How many otborvnso bonutifal are marred horrid blemishes How easily anil quick's 1 tboy bo removed ia bo- coming moro jEor? widely known, ma tfelr tamo of Uiat preparation EMPRESS JOSEPHINE FACE BLEACH so near vanishing into nothing at alL They arc nothing more than collars, but they arc collars of such as never seen on coat or cape, and they stand out in godets and ripples, and assume as much importance as real grown-up -wraps. It is amazing how- much trimming can be crowded upon these diminutive creations. If there jisnt room for a flounce they are trimmed with a full ruche that winds Children Ory for Cattor 1 and twists about as if it were trying to find room to stand on.

One pretty black silk ix.odel was trimmed with this kind of a ruche, made of black mousseline do soie. The ruche started to go around tho neck, but changed its course from the shoulders and ran to a point down the front. Capes are made of every material that is fashionable, from gauze to mohair and broadcloth. The gauzs capes arc accordion-plaited and generally a silk foundation. A very pretty one was mado vrith two flounces of accordion-plaited black mull over pink silk, with a lace ruche at the neck.

Among its many uses crepon numbers athe cape, and flares and flutters around the shoulders in about the 'same way that it flares around the feet when made into skirts. A tiny wrap of black chiffon crape showed green silk beneath. It was the crepon -with the satin stripe and thin' mesh, and was finished at the neck with a chiffon ruche. Another wrap, which was more than a piece of removable trimming, had folds of silk nvo- TWO SMAST JACKETS. cloth waa made double-breasted and buttoned with large pearl buttons beautifully carved.

The sleeves wero the most attractive feature about it. They were aada of curved of cloth stitched ono upon the other and edged with tiny Valenciennes lace. A pointed cuff was edged with lace, as was also the silk bow which was knotted at the neck. One of tfie prettiest black coats was a satin-like broadcloth, which had a pointed poke-piece stitched down, and all the seams were stitched and beveled. Among the novelties was a dark green jacket with long points in front, and a short cadet back.

This was trimmed with black gimp. A tan coat that did not come together In front had long, sloping revers, with velvet trimmings. These jackets that do not fasten arc to be worn with fancy fronts of silk, satin or lace, and the fronts are made and exhibited in the are as various as the capes. It is perhaps cheaper to make these as it is usually a simple mat- jter, but the shops furnish novel ideas. I A front of blue gauze, fastened to a istock and belt, had strips of narrow insertion, edged with lace running down the middle of the ifront and forming a wide band, and other narrower bands at each edge.

collar had two points turning down on each side, which were made 'of quarter-inch blue moire ribbon and white Insertion sewed tojrether. A fllMiIcan Remedy Which Proved Eldca- In a CMC of Smallpox. At a prominent hotel a few ago was a gentleman hailing from Nuw Mexico. He had been on the frontier since boyhood, and was rcn-alintr al friends with choice bits of personal reminiscence, eagerly listened to by his audience. Finally, says the New York Telegram, drawing attention to the pitted condition of his face, which showed the ravages of that dread scourge, smallpox, he said: "Yos, I had a dose of it in Socorro along about 1881.

Everyone gets smallpox down there, from of example. You hardly ever see a Mexican who is not scarred, and yet they never go out of their way to avoid it. There is a peculiar superstition held by Mexicans regarding the disease. With them it is associated with their religious creed. It is this: Should one of them die of smallpox, thore is no grief manifested by his relatives, as the cause of death is regarded ono of open sesame to the kingdom come, the pilgrim avoiding any tiresome wait in purgatory or other stations on tho route.

Why, they take their children where it is, so that they will catch it when young, the same as American mothers Jmndle the chickenpox or measles problem. 'I have a sister who was taken down with tho black smallpox when" she was but fourteen years old. The American doctors did everything they could, but finally decided the case was hopeless. It was then that the Mexican nurse, Maria, asked 11 she could try her hand. She explained the remedy, and we gave assent.

What do you suppose she did? She went out and hunted around until she got a black rooster. One with a white feather wouldn't do. It would spoil the charm. This rooster was decapitated in the sickroom, and the warm blood used to bathe my sister. Improvement began at once, and to this day I don't know whether it was the black rooster which saved my sister or the dropping of the case by the POWER OF A METEOR.

It Stranc" la Bfelp'a CompMi. A very curious observation of the effects produced by a meteor seen at sea is made public through the hydroj- graphic bureau in Washington. Capt. Eedman, of the British steamship Ke- rano, when a little more than two hundred miles southeast of Cape dear during a recent voyage from Baltimore to Havre, saw a meteor which appeared to pass close to his ship. An observation of the north star taken soon after the appearance of the meteor showed a surprising result.

The direction of the ship's compass needle had been changed no less than eleven degrees! Before the meteor passed the needle had pointed about 5 degrees SO minutes west of trne north, but now it pointed 5 degrees 30 minutes east of north. That the meteor had caused the change was indicated by the fact that within twenty-four hours the needle returned to its former position, moving slowly back about eleven degrees toward the west. Equally great effects have been produced upon ships' compasses by lightr ning but in such, cases the bolts have actually struck the ship. The meteor seen by Capt. Redman did not touch his ship and while he makes no estimate Us actual distance it was nrobabir considerable, since there is no report of its having been observed to fall into the sea.

DOUGLAS $3 SHOE THE BEST. TIT FOB A KING. CORDOVAN; FRENCH iCNAMCLUED CALF. FINE -EXTRA FINE- LWDIE3- Spreads IJirpDKhcrat tlio Innd. Tho obtainod from tlio nso of this moit juetlv colobrntod remedy are not confined to CASOI, of FrockJos, but in lio irc-at-uxat of PIMPLES, TAX, SUNBURN, SALLOWNESS, ECZEMA, ACNE, And all other diseases of tho skin, EMPRESS JOSEPHINE FACE BLEACK ttrvrir FAILS TO CFfccr EVERY BOTTLE GUARANTEED, ForsaJebyJiUin F.

Coulaon, 8C4 Market y. Keesllng, 305 Fourth St. W. H. Porter, S3G Marko SL Keystone Drug 0 A Meajis 1216 Broadway DR.ROORIGUL; SPANISH TREATMENT LOST MANHOOD nnu all uttf udiuii both of younj? njid otoJ men HIIU wmion.

Tho mvftil oltoclHOf KUKOI1S, protlucinc ironJc- NfrrottH Em.wfons.Coiiiflimpaoiia, "xhiuiSvinK of treatment, oiw ity. Kxlm of tJiu Uon- Acum mart Thi'y nut only euro by rt-'irllnp at, ilw wil of ra.ii). but uro it (rivjit KKKVK TOMC nnil J(LOVf) HL'JLllKIt, lirlnnnK Iwclc tho pink rlow to fiia indnMUiriUBlho FlItF. OF YOUTH to imtiont. for with n-rlt- li'li EUAfuntvc Lo or refund thr lioold tree.

BpauUli Urnln Itox JicW l.y Ben KIshcr. Urneitlgt. 311 Fourtli Ntreei. Over One Million People wear the W. L.

Douglas $3 $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally satisfactory They give the best value for the money. They equal cuitotn In ftyle fit, fhllr wearing qualities are The prices arc jtampcii on sole. From fi to $3 oaveil over other If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold J. B.

WINTERS lit Day, IBtb Day. THE GREAT 3 oth hay. RE VIVO RESTORES VITALITY, Made Well Man of Me. Going For A Lake Trip? You'll fully cnjey all of IKS dellghUv If you Uiko ono of Uio LAKE MICHIGAN ANfc LAKE SDPERIOR TRANSPORTATION CD'S ELEGANT STEAMSHIPS, between Chicago and (Thu Island every week day produces the ubovo results iLiyn. It act! powerfully and quickly.

Cures when all otlicre fail. 1'ounK in on will regain thoir lost mnuliood. old men will recover their yotitbfiii vicor by ufiinx BEVIVO. It quickly and surely restores Nervous- noes, Lost Vitality, Irapotcncy. Nigbtly Emissions, Lout Power, Filling Memory, Wasting Disuses, and all effects oC sclf-abugo or excess and indiscretion, whlcb unfits one for study, business or marrisfto.

It not only cures by starting at tbe scat disease, but is a great nerve tonic and blood builder, bring- lot back the pink glow to pale cheeks restoring tbe fire of youth. It wirdK off Jnsinity and Consumption. Insist on having REY1VO, other. It can bo carried in Docket. By mail, 1.00 per pacloco, or six for 85.OO, with a post ttve to core or refund tbe money.

Circular froc. Address ROYAL MEDICINE 63 Rlvtr CHICAGO, ILL FOB SAXE BY B. F. Keesllng, Drugftlut, Lopwsport. WEAK MEN RtMbE VIGOROUS.

WhatPEFFER'SNERVIQORMd! It acU powerfully and quickly. Cures wbcn all others full. Young men regain lost o)4 men recover youtfcful rlitor. jA.b*«liiceIr Vltmity, ImpoteneT, llln Memory. WuttDa- oMtM or ixattrt and ity and consumption.

lst Impose a worthless pubstltnu on indiicretlaa. Don't lee you becanneTVrleldi a greater joroflt. Inslitoo bar- Ing BTBlKTlGOK. or send tor It. Can carried In rest pockeu Prepaid plain -wrapper.

Per box. or lor with A. Foiltlva Written Onmrmntee to or Reftind Iho Bold by "Jrnartsta, Adilreat 10. Sold by B. Plaher.

I Macklnnc nday exctpled). Tbo new steel sUwimship "Manltou" Is a (loai.Ii)R palace, Travels 'twlxt, Mackinao Island, Harbor Springs, Petoskey, Charlevolx, etc. Wrlro for our readable reading maltor, free, or. ask your nearest iiRcnt. Address Jos.


CO. Ruth Water SL Chicago, Tbe Pennsylvania 'rains Eun by Central AK FOLLOWS; Dally, Pallr, Leare. Bradford and Colombia -12M a 2.45 a PhlJadelpblsAN Richmond Cincinnati oo a 2 60': iDltaDapolli Loulnrllle "12.50 a 215 Eflner Pwrla (new 2.55 a a Crown Point A Chicago S.iSamlZSOom Richmond 1 6.15 a Crown Point 4 Chicago 6.00 a Montlcello EBner -f 7.15 a Bradford CoJumbui 7.00 a 6.20 Eflner local freight 8.30 a nj IndlanapollK 4 Mi46 ISO Elchmond 1.56 1.85 Bradford Colombo! LBO 1.25 Philadelphia 4 New lorlt 1.50 1.25 Montlcello 4 Eflner 2.30 7.46 a I Chicago 1.30 t45 Chicago 4 Intermediate LB6 m' Kokomo 4 3.00 tll-00 a Wlnanac iccomodatloD 4.00 pro Mailon Acomodatlon 5 9.40 a J. A. MOCULLOUGH, Agent, Ixigansport.

F. Keesling and Lost Manhood and vjg-or qilcklj Tiipbtly cmiBoions, rclr curM by ttn Sea Fisher, Drnggist LfflGANSPORT, JND. tu Remedy, A MALE An MALAPROP. Sexton Wbo to CM Lent; Twenty years ago, one of the "nlghta' CUPIDINE Cores'Lofit Nerv- TCUS; Dtblilij, jw-is tUjK-barge vaileocele effects of earlr Indlicre- tlonar excefBes of rears. box; 6 for $5.

ForsilebT KeesHmg, KmfUA INwu BrmwL ENNYROYAL PILLS Original Gomlae. Drank! for Ke4 OK! Co" tribA vhk blue ribbon. Al far EAST BORVD. New York Exprew. dallr 3.41 am Ft Warns except Sunday 8.30 am Kan.

Cltr A Toledo except Atlantic Express, dallj 4.67 Accommodation for East- MS WEST BOtKD. Pacific Express, Osllr 1057 tm, for Wast. J2.00 Kanaai Cltr except Sonday 1.46 Lalarette except Sondaj- 6,05 8t tools Ex, daJlr ViM Eel River Logansport, Weet Side. Between Logansport and Chill. EAST BOCXD- AccomiKOdaUon.

leare except WESTEBOUXV. iccomnodatlcm, arrlTe except eKmdaj .0.00 a VANDALIA LINE TraioB Kogaiuport, 1 FOE.THZ ROBTH. a i No. St. Joteph s.10 i FOB THE580CTH.

No. TerreHaoU T.Hai i etoept Sonday. eMtLHTUic ill tnlni ititloai, UM (or fall Inronmmon; to ttooofb can, env, KM.

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