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Oklahoma State Capital from Guthrie, Oklahoma • 1

Guthrie, Oklahoma
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

V1- 3 'r OKLAHOMA CAP! '-1 I THE FIRST WEEK I THE SECOND DAY CROWDING IN THE START! (om me uomes or tae oaggage ear and off he tops of the cars Baggage tents and applies were pitched from the windows efore the train had jnany of the passengers had ilighted from the cars They commenced inning up the bill to the land office pass-id all the lots staked out before and then iontinued until they founds place which tad no claimant Every man had in hi3 awi hv viiiiuautt toi iUAU UnU 1U U19 'w THE GRAND OPENING GRAND OKLAHOMA An a Gatnne aUlty Of $2(1000 PdOple OF I if his lota With each succeeding train here came in new town lot seekers The ast train from the north was as heavily oaded as the first and the scramble and the excitement at the unloading as intense The Eatry Day Passed Without Upon the hillside east of the itatlon stood the only frame building It in a Day Beating the Best Fecord possession oi tneir tents ana wm probably pass another night in the open air There are a great number of queer equipages here at least queer for this country Several Kansas City 'busses arrived last night which have been on the road for two weeks John Green a former Wichita tiackinan has a cab ou the grouuas Two or three veterinary and patent mediciuce wagons were also visible The Indians seem to have but very little curiosity in this establishment of a colony almost in their midst There are no Indians here a couple were seen yesterday near town they rode away toward the east And were possibly scouts Today the first gamblers made their appearance in Guthrie The-soap man with the prize dodge who for some time past has been plying his trade in Kansas towns was one of the first on the scene The three card monte and the shell man are also conspicuous These have all located their stands some distance in the eastern part of the town so in case of a wrangle there will be no interference of the officers Today in one of the passenger coaches on the north bonud train between Purcell and Guthrie during a short stop some ore suddenly cried out that that car would be aide-tracked and would not go any further Ot course there was a rush for the door atvl after the excitement had ceased and the report discovered to be a mictakf au old ffensvman from Texas found his pocket book and $280 missiug Upon being questioned he remembered having been tightly seized around the arms by some person behind him at which time he was niched of his pocket book by an old and well known game The gentleman left the train at Guthrie where he hoped to find some acquaintances us all his' money went with the purse But the above is an exception to the rule as there is very little pilferiug about Guthrie There are no intoxicating liquors ou sale here aud an intoxicated man has nut been seen rsur cierx lor Yha 'land office frost Washington arrived yesterday two fof Kingfisher and two here Land Register Dillie stated this morn log that the Kingfisher land office would not be open until Thursday WATER FAMINE After 4 yesterday and all night! there was much suffering for water Tb4 railroad company refased to let the set-) tiers take from the railroad tank for fer sf exhaustion Tha water in the Cottonwood is red with mud and a water fapUse seems imminent Hawkers went abotil' the depot last night with buckets of wte? charging 5 cents a glass The water was poor but found a ready sal Tb engineers were besieged by thirsty people fof drinks from the engine tanks ana many were accommodated Up to midnight not a quarrel ou tb Guthrie town bite had occurred The 4 meeting adjourned to ft The great anxiety of every one was information about the bize of lots There was great indignation over the fact that people bad goue on the ground before 12 ana it was the general sentiment that all such should be singled ont and debarred This would throw out many prominent men forjudge Clayton ot Arkansas held a Guthrie meeting before 12 There is also great iudignation over the hundred or more deputy marshals who used tbeir authority as a cloak to get ou the ground aud resigned at noon They all have a lor Tfaf are to be singled out and com plaint lodged against them A resolution was adopted to the effect that every invader should be complained of and efforts at one made to drive them out The feeing is very strong in this matter After criers had gone over the town a great crowd gathered on the highest elevation of the town to attend the meeting Fully 2009 people were prebent Ex-mayor Constantine was selected to preside Addresses were made by half-a-iozen or more prominent men from differ-rut parts ot the country aud strung feel-lug was manifested against the premature' iettlera which will very likely lead to th forfeiture of their claims iteps were taken toward surveying tha iand and laying out the streets of GuUirie tc Wild estimates of the number of peopla it Guthrie were telegraphed last night A later estimate is C000 A great prairie fire raged east of the city last uight and with the camp fires jpread over the city made a beautiful ughr A squad of General soldiers guarded tne land office all night In view of the scarcity of water one mau last night procured hogshead which he' filled with water whisky and syrup and lid a rushing business selliug it for cider it 19 cents per glass The idea as accepted in aU new towns is rife here A man in line at the land office today sold his positioo in the line for $10i Relinquishments on lots have sold all the way from $5 to $509 The true inwardness of things is beginning to be understood From current and pretty generally authenticated Jeports it learned that what is called the Topeka Kan crowd came into Guthrie as early as the night of the 21st and were up bright and early taking lots although no one was allowed in until noon of the next day These parties together with the people connected with the land offices began as early as 8 in the morning locating the most desirable lots and the time noon came they had secured nearly 500 in the vicinity of the land office which in this town occupies a position that corresponds in importance with the court house' square of a western county seat town These charges of favoritism and collusion! by the officials of the laud office are made freely aud openly and those who abided the legal time being in a large majority assert that they will overthrow the entries made by 8 as he others are called Factions have arisen too as to where the principal business street shall be There are now three or four so-called Main streets A Topeka Kan crowd laid out one running east from the corner of section 8 When the crowd as those who waited for the legal hour call themselves came they laid out one two blocks farther soutn but also ruuning east The latter at the some time laid out another street at right angles to their main street TheBe parties are principally from Wichita Arkansas City Winfield Wellington and other Kansas towns They have succeeded in keeping these two streets free of what are called They are fellows who when they they cannot get auch lots as they want try to cut another fellow out of his corner lot bv simply staking off another lot along side of his but farther into the street This practice was tried on the two streets named And this morning found them pretty well filled with stakes The main' street hnd been clearly defined by lines ot stakes as far east as a mile and a half and the lot holders on them called a meeting and organized a committee of one hundred whose duty it is to see that the streets are not so obstructed This committee at once started along these streets and as each was found they politely but firmly told him to get out of the street It he did not go directly and go quickly they simply picked him up bodily including his traps and roughly pitched him into the street with orders to not obstruct that street again In a remarkably short time these two streets were a plainly marked as if nothing had happened They also stand together in case one of their lot is jumped When a or a get in their way at all they give the alarm by yellingi SETTLERS GOING INTO THE CHEROKEE STRIP Coloniea are Being Formed to Take Possession of that Conn-try Immediately Homeseeker in Oklahoma Disappointed and are Headed a For the New El Dorado TAKING THE STRIP CHICAGO April The Dally New ipecial from Diamond Ranch says: The occupation of the Indian Cherokee strip has began along the line A much' harder nut to crack than was anv Okla- boma boom is now presented to the government The Cherokee strip which now lu process of lieing cobbled comprises nearly 8000000 acres being four times as large as Oklabna and it far' transcends tb latter (r Ulity Excitement in Arkansas City over the prospective full seizure ot the strip is intense The crowds of fugitives from the famine frdst heat and thirst of Gath-lie are swelling hs each one ot the all but paralyzed railroad trains comes in The fiercest reseuimeut is breathed agaiust the government for the outrageously unfair manner iu which the country was thrown open Ths whole federal machinery from president down to the last deputy is passionately deuounced Six residents of Arkansas City went out on the strip jWenlny and staked claims The Cherokees are aroused to the situation Fatten the chairman of their land cornmivsion passed through Arkansas City tins morning ou bis way to Washington to urgently protest against the invasion that he regards as inevitable Patten said that the Cherokee nation was unconditionally opposed to parting with the strip The preset proposition of $125 an acre was no inducement' The Indians lie said had too little land left and the Cherokees bad pooled issues with the Poncas Kansas Nez Chick anaws who are also menaced to resist to the last the cession of the outlet The Daily News correspondent at Id this morning left Arkansas City southward accompanying forty mounted men who with unnumWred others proceeding and to follow are determined to locate on the strip The cavalcade scattered by degrees as the landscape' to the right or the left allured them The soldiery assigned to patrol the Cherokee outlet under Captain Jack llayes has not yet returned from the south border where the accompanied the maiu body of boomers bound for OklahoniA' command however is exected in Camp Price near Arkansas City auy boar It would be the duty of the soldiers to clear the strip aud turmoil is bound to ensue It is plain however that something roust be done and done quickly to relieve the pressure of the homeless throngs St Louis Mo April A large meeting of Oklahoma boomers who failed to get claims in the rush and scramble of tho past two days held a meetiug at Arkansas City lost night The purpose of the meeting was to organize a Cherokee strip col ony the members of which were to go immediately Into the strip and take claim de br old-time boom- Jo toi ho strip If thousands ot others who will follow A meeting was also held at the nortr ine of Oklahoma yesterday and many set- tiers squatted in the strip Of course this movement is unlawful and the squatters' will inall likelihood be driveu out by tho military WILL SQUAT IN THE STRIP Kansas City April A Times special Arkansas City says that 150 men left quietly this morning for the Cherokee trip with the avowed purpose of squatting there There is no doubt that a secret organization is in existence which numbers among its membership many imminent and influential men and which heartily In favor of colonizing in the strip with a view to hastening the opening of Cherokee lands to settlement' Members say that if the people were allowed to live in Oklahoma until the proclamation was issued they lave the right to do the same thing iu the strip and they propose to do so ALL QUIET AND ORDERLY Washington April The following telegram was received at the war department this afternon: Chicago April 24 188a To Adjutant General 8 A Washington A The following telegram dated Oklahoma station yesterday is respectfully repeated: Reports from Kingfisher Gathna and Purcell state that everything progressed yesterday iu a quiet and orderly manner as there was no serious friction or disturbance of any kind The reports indicate that there are from 10000 to 12000 peopla in the territory Captain Mac Arthur at Guthrie reports about 30u0there and Captain Hall at Kingfisher same nnmber there and there are from three to four thousand in this vicinity and between here and PurcelL Lieutenant Dodge of my staff whom I ordered to Purcell ou duty returned lat night about 9 and reported everything moving in a satisfactory manner and the incoming settlers cheerful and welt disposed This may be said to Le the condition of affairs iu all sectious of the coun- try In myopinionquitea number of peopla have been deterred from entering tha country owing to exaggerated reports at to tbs numbers coming in utid the difficulty of getting here However a to reports from Forts Sill snd Reno and elsewhere I am satisfied that the arrangements perfected will prevent serious trouble of any kind though there mar be In remote sections of the country individual cases of strife (Signed) SL Merritt Brig Gen Geo Crook Maj Geu Comdg A TOWN MEETING BEFORE It Looked Like an Official Oollu-Sion to Gobble Everything up In the Game Exciting Scenes of the Great Race for Oklahoma Claims and Town Lots MUCH EXCITEMENT Tney were previous In defiance of the fact that no town was tupposed to exist until uoon Monday several hundred of the o'clock held an organization meeting Monday morning hi oclock a Pierce one of tne Topeka crowd secured the presidency bat when he attempted to foist his plat upon the meeting he was beaten amid cries of 'Down the Topeka The railway runs southwesterly past the town and it was proposed to lay out the streets on direct angles with the track bat a plat with north and south aud east add west sections was adopted This was proposed by George Ha Clayton of Arkansas brother of Congressman Powell Clayton and of the lately assassinated congressional candidate It was decided that a town lot shall be 30x140 feet and that the streets shall be eighty feet wide except two 100 feet intersecting aveuucs which were named respectively Mumford avenue for Dr Mumford of Kamas City and Harrison avenue for the president Meanwhile the whole town site was homesteaded repeatedly Forty applications under this right of public domain were filial at the land office and some beautifully complicated law suits will follow It looks only fair that those who were here in advance of the authorized hour and who grabbed the laud for the corporations that back them should lie disposessed and the whole town site placed in the fair and even reach of all It is almost certain however that for all its present prestige everything is going to Guthrie there can never be a town of any importance there The surrounding country is sterile aud with the exception of small pieces of bottom land can grow nothing but buffalo grass and cactus The ad jacent stream is small and alkaline and well water is deep snd scarce The temperature bounds rom lighting cold to withering heat and there are long periods of drought and occasions of floods and huiricaus As the sun went down little tents and unsheltered men dotted the region over an area large enough for an eastern metropolis There Is covering forabout one thousand people on a liberal estimate and the nights tvi'ycr warm days are absolutely VS ther it rains or not great suffering would bs endured by the thousands unaltered ArkausasCity is filled up with great crowds from northern trains that will descend upon Guthrie in the morning A break out of here will be sure to be the eye ut of the uext few days as there are many thousands more here than can be supplied with food aud shelter Meanwhile the rush continues aud the excite-rneut is nt a very high pitch onthe Oklahoma boundary Lieutenant Foster who started the pilgrims Saturday coming via the Arkansas City trail estimates that at least 4Ui0Qqj fits dr bugle late Chief Justice Waite started those entering at the Caldwell trail Colonel Ware started those ou the lluunev'ell trail being iu charge of this territory Captain Hays started those entering by the Blacx Bear trail It seems like a fairly tale but tuere is scarcely a doubt that front 20990 to 39000 entered by these trails while the six trains that came in from Arkansas City to Gnthrie brougDt at least tiouc people The wagon road runs within 100 yards of the railroad all the way The Cimarron ford on the Cimarron river is just three-fourths of a mile from where the railroad crosses that stream near the old site of Camp Ruesell All along the route were to be seen deer aute-lope prairie chickens ana qaail Two der were within 109 rods of the train and at least fifty shots were lire at them from the car windows and those on the roof without The prairie chickens and quail that were near enough to the train to sight were treated to a similar salute When the train crossed the last stream Cottonwood creek just before entering Guthrie the passengers began jumping off and rushing up hill on the east side ot the track towards the land office here a town site is to be laid out One fellow liecame so excited that Le jumped through a car window When the train stopped at Guthrie station there was au indiscriminate rush of men and boys rtinulng over each other to get to the land office brat or sqnnt on a claim 1 he scarcity of water will cause suffering until wells are dug unless the water in the Cottonwood creek can be filtered An enterprising real estate mau bad a carry-all at the depot when the train arrived and offered to carry people to his lots orer on the east side and sell lots at $1 a piece The crowd around the land office Is too great to be numbered Rnd those who did not get in to file their claims last night slept where they were in the line to be on hand this morning Fi each way from Guthrie station tow ire staked off and there was not between there aud Alfred th it did ioi have one or moreqrter sections stakes off People here are dumbfounded aud look at the vast multitude crowded iuto the country in silent wonder Returmug on the train hundreds of prairie schooners were passed still winding their way to the promised land As Gnthrie was fouud already staked ont when the first train got there some ngly rumors were at ouce started reflecting on the United States otfi-vrs and the officials ot the Sauta Fe road It is claimed that the car of that road has been at Guthrie for several days and they as well as the government officials connived with men biding in the brush on the west bot tom shielding them from the scrutinv ot tne soldiers tnat tnese otneers ou both sides had the town laid out quietly and had an understanding with these brush bidera so they all rushed iu and staked off claims before any train arrived although the regular train from the south which arrived abont 1240 was not allowed to carry any boomers when it reached Edmunds at 11:38 aud laid there until 12:23 A part of surveyors got off said to ne railroad men nneu prupie at Edmunds saw this they lushed out and began staking off claims aUo Persons who arrived on the regular tram from the south say that hundreds of claims were staked but at Guthrie when they got there A sixty room boose will be shipped from Kahsas City and ready for business by Saturday There were many amnsing scenes while -tiklnglots A number of men would get together and argue that a street shoulc run in a certain direction Lots would be staked to face it Men adjoining wouk leclaro that these fellows bad staked directly in the street and that tbeir lots faced the street Thus the greatest con-' fusion reigns and no man know for certainty that he has a lot Nevertheless manv sites were sold One roan oaid nign as fiuu tor a snpposea Dimness site Tronble is feared over this point which is the only thing that will breed trouble In the state of uncertainty every one is gooc natnred and banging on to bis claim Kansas Citt Mo April The Star correspondent sends the following to his paper: The first homestead filed at Gnthrie wm by Mark Cohn of Fort Smith Ark The first soldier to file a declaratory statement was Benton Turner who was a private in company I Sixth Illinois cavalry Daring yesterday three town site Guthrie Oklahoma City and Edmunds three homesteads and 21 declaratory statements were filed at 12 JA William Johnson heeding the title procession at the land office laid down a rough chart ol Gnthrie and filed it as a town site This was the first paoer presented OKLAHOMA TEEMING WITH ENERGETIC PEOPLE Guthrie Citizens Hold a Monster Meeting and Resolve Unfavor-ably to Illjgal Squatters Unfair and Illegal Entries to be Thoroughly Investigated and All Rights Adjudicated TUESDAY It was novel The sunset Monday evening the first one to glow on the young territory of Oklahoma and the new born city of Guthrie was as glorious as are the unprecedented achievements of the new territory and new city and they are the brightest on which old Sol has ever shown Yesterday at noon one long building stood on the hill which is the most prominent point in Guthrie Ever since that hour hundreds of men hare been as busy as possible for human beings and the result is that last night there were no less than 10000 enthusiastic Oklahoma boomers to enjoy sleep beneath not less than 2000 tents During the night and today this work has beer rapidly pushed and tonight the number of tents is fully 3009 Improvements of a more substantial character are are on foot and being completed as rapidly as the bnilding material can be hauled into the town The Santa Fe railway is crowded to more than its capacity with freight trains loaded with outfits supplies aud material of all kinds destiued for this and other points in Oklahoma With the single exception of Ahead end collision between a stock train and a freight this morning a few miles below this place in which no damage was done except to the two locomotives there has not been the slightest mishap The general apperance of the town as viewed in any direction from the land office site is that of a largo military camp The utmost good order sobriety prevail and it is asserted without contradiction that there has not been a case of drunkenness in Guthrie since she was laid out The festive three shell man And others of his ilk are on the ground but the sentiment is so strongly against any gambling or other robbing schemes that the gamblers are doing nothing Only two robberies are reported to date both of those having been on trains and for $70 and $230 For a time it looked as if there might be trouble over the lots in this town but this will probably be averted for the present at least People coming in from the country say that tb6re are many contested claims but only one killing has occurred That was yesterday at noon a man by the name of Martin went in at noon to locate on a claim near the big timber on North Canadian river twenty-five miles northwest of Pifrcell He found in possession a man named Alferd and in tne row which ensued Martin was shot twice and in-rtantly killed by Alferd wife and two children are in the territory still Alferd has been arrested Many stories are told of how meu who had their minds set upon securing choice locations had been disappointed to find ou reaching the that the claim was already taken Onq man at Purcell bought a four hunted Joilur Ihu'ougLbrcJ ruun-f ing horse and trained him to make a ten mue run Noon of the twenty-second came the rider sprang into the saddle put spurs to his Kentucky thoroughbred lashed him into a foam and made the ten miles quicker than he had honed When he arrived there stood an old boomer with a yoke of oxen The explanation is simple the old man had made a sneak on the soldiers These instances will result in much litigation bad feeling and possibly bloodshed The scene in and aronnd Guthrie are full of life and exciting interest Long lines of people constantly stand in front of the land offices the post office the express office And even the restaurants and so-called hotels AU of which are ih tents Alining camp prices prevaU but these will come down in the course of a few days when some of the many stocks of goods now on the cars can be unloaded Well are being sunk as rapidly as po: ble and good water is obtained in large quantities at from thirty to fifty feet There is plenty of good water in Deer Creek about a quarter of a mile from the station but water in town sells at ffive cents a quart Lemonade stands have a bonanza Within two weeks it is asserted there will be no less than two thousand frame structures in Guthrie as there are now that many said to be loaded on cars ready for putting up in a few hours A number of prominent persons from all states arc here and the talent found in this new territory will make politics iivelvin the near future Today a number of those who did not get cither lands or town lots to suit them are going back Opiuions vary as to the country agriculturally considered Those who got what they want could not now be driven out With the others it is different A town meeting was held on the afternoon of the 22nd and Hon Constantine of Springfield Ohio was chosen chairman Mr Constantine is reported here to have been one of Senator lieutenants in his famous senatorial canvass Mr Ed Greer of Winfield Ka was chosen secretary The meeting was adjourned until 6 when over five thousand persons were present Addresses were made by 'Hon A Bier of Garden City Ka Lewis Washington Territory and Dr Hill of Oregon On motion it was decided that all lots should be plotted twenty-five feet front by one hundred and forty feet deep All streets to be eighty feet wide alleys twenty feet A committee of one from each state and territory selected by representatives from leach respective state was chosen to prepare resolutions governing the manner And method of slatting the town site the upon iy Dona nue residents either business or residence purposes The United States laws permit the selection of two lots but the scramble was mi great that very lew persons Wert able to procure more than one each The second resolution provided that the blocks should be three huudred feet square The third one that a committee to he s-lected bv the meeting and comi-ting of one member from each statf should engage three civil enuineers to plat thee lands The committee ou resolutions was charged with this duty aud was also made an executive committee for general purpo-ca The fourth resolution authorized this general executive com-mifee to make police tezulations and to appoint a sufiicient police force The commit tpe was granted further time on additional resolutions Hon Thos Berry of Kansas offered the following resolution: That all persons who iu good faith and legally have taken lots be allowed to take their relative positions under this This resolution was considered by far the most important one adopted and oc-caMoned a very warm and leugtby discussion but fiuallv pasel without a dissenting voice although a uumber of efforts had been made to table it The opponents of this movement were the "street jutupet as they are termed because when they fouud they could not get such lots as they waut will locate in the streets 'ibis practice was growing rapidly and there was being engendered a very bitter feeling which in a very short while prom isedto briog about considerable abed but was fortunately averted The question of which direction lots should face was left to the executive committee Affairs began to get pretty lively by this morning when the lot jumpers began to get in their work Tnl however was soon stopped by vigorous and prompt measures Complications are constantly rising D9si- Is ys land a hatchet or an ax and carried four pegs with Which to mark the boundaries vas 16x20 one story unpainted Hear he railroad track had been put up the Irst hotel in Oklahoma It was opened NT General Reece Colonel Jake wheeler anil Colonel Bell of Spring-leld I1L and called the Santa Fe house' ibh hotel consists of fifty tents fire large ties being used as dining rooms with a capacity of 200 beds The register for the fine day showed thirty-seven uumes and for the first day over 500 The postoffice was ou top of the hill south of the land office It was a wait tent with a sign above the entrance ust north was another tent above which waved a flag It was the headquarters of the United States marshal i AMONG THE FIRST The first man to get the attention of the land office authoritios was Calm ol Arkansas City who filed as attorney ten homesteads for old soldiers The name appearing first upon the books is Thomas Johnson his claim being the northwest quarter of section 8 township 10 south range 2 west The first papers of arrest were issued Marshal Needles for the arrest of a pickpocket who had gone through tho pockets of II Howe of Fall City Neb as ho came through on the train Deputy Charles Wier was given these papers to make the arrest Russell accompanied by his wife and Miss Julia A Taylor all of laPorte lnd made up the first family to locate upon town lets The first 'otter to be delivered from the Guthrie postoffice was addressed to Ransome rtiyue of Wichita The first paper to Thompson a copy of the Daily Eagle A TOWN MISTING HELD At 11 after the lots had been selected and many tents erected a town meeting the first held in Guthrie was held presided over by Geueral A Pierce of Topeka with John Kankid is secretary Baker of Salina provided by motion for a committee to select a townsite plot so that lots could be settled before the rush began An arbitratiou committee to settle all disputes was also appointed Their duties 't might be imagined were not light and tney wni snobt likely be In service day and night By uight as far as could b- seen In anv other direction than the west were crowding rushing on the men with pegs and hatchets and ropes Tents were going up as rapidly as packages could be unbundled1 The line kept on increasing at the land office until 4 when the filiug for day closed TEX TITOVS AND IX A DAY Where but yesterday was the green aud rolling prairie tonight is a towu extending 4re miles east Hnd west and two north and south with at the very lowest estl mate of 10000 people The streets presented a most busy and set ive appearance As men women and some children rushed wildly over the land lots and building rliultcrijag places have not had a bite eat nor a drop of water to said one tnan as hu walked along in front- of his lot mister can we take up a tv ir ft iny tuisimnd nnrtk me earnestly inquired an excited woman as she stood astride a rope evidently watching the boundaries of two town lots off the nine were some of the many inscriptions to be seen upon the tents The day was very bright and beautiful and in spite ot the intensity of the struggle there seemed to be the liest of humor prevailing The same thing was remarked by Lieutenant Foster who started the -miners at the line REAL ESTATE BOOMS Soon after the location of town lots had! rommenced at Guthrie the traffic In them The first sale and relini guishmeut was made by It Reynold Mulvnnc Kan to I)r Jacks of the territory Tne lot was a desirable one and sold for but 85 The seller only a text minutes nftewnrd regretted the sale as lots kept on advancing in price One maa gave 6100 for a lot another refused $500 and another said that ins property was wort 1000 This afternoon an clettion of officers was to have taken placo The candidates for mayor were General Rice of Spring-field Mo Sumner Arkansas City Win Constantine Springfield FOOD AM) WATER SITPIY As might be expected with such an In fiuxof people the food and water supply would soon be exhausted and there will hunger and want in this city of tents bo fore the car loads of supplies can react) The only drinking water is that from the Santa Fe wells and all afternoon scores of people gathered around the water tank to catch in buckets and tins the drippings Kveryone seems to have come protecteO Against the thief and desperado Winchesters pistols holsters and cartridge belts were familiar sights Every person was in a good humor today because of the rush and apparent amount of land to be secured But whether such will be the cos when the property increases in value remains to be seen While there is a good feeling yet there is not a feeling of satisfaction or of contentment That taking of the laud by the deputies and the officers is a very bitter pill to swallow GOOD WORK BY RAILROADS The Sauta Fe railroad was very generally praised for the way in which they transported and lauded at Guthrie the large number of people they carried today Mr Turner the superintendent tonight san1 that they carried iu tho first train over 1000 tieople and on each of the other ten the run into the country enough to make the aggregate ovet 10000 passengers A MAD RACE- PoSBUSEik I Two stockmen Messrs Ragan and Coohrape arrived in Pond Creek this morning bringing the first news from the camp under Captain Woodson at the Caldwell trail At 10 yesterday morning two thousaud wagons and several hundred horsemen wenrdrawn up in line two miles this side ot the Oklahoma Hue At that hour Captain Woodson gave the command to advance and at 11:30 all had arrived at the Oklahoma line ready for the great fr re for all race over the prairies Captain Woodson addressed the boomers aud in the name of the United States government thanked them for their good behavior At precisely 12:03 the bugle sounded and the boomers commenced their mad race across the prairies A few yards from the starting point horse stumbled and fell upon him breaking the neck Another boomer in a buggy wishing to inspiret new energy into his fagged out hones fired a shotgun and accidentally killed a neighboring boomer Reese a photographer who also returned this morning from Caldwell trail camp says that on Sunday night the boomers held cbnrcb and daring the sepr tnon two men got into an altercation rqi a horse swap and one of the men Was fatally stabbed The first stagecoach from Kingfisher Which was expected in Pond Creek at4p In with first tidings from Kingfisher district had not arrived 7 Noble PrentU will deliver the annua address before the literary societies of Washburn college thle year Accident or Trouble of any Serious Character Horsemen and Railway Passen gers ponr into the New Terri tory with a Rash The Days Seperately and Reliably Detailed Since Monday-Exciting Scenes MONDAY-THE OPENING DAY At 12 o'clock April 22d Lieuten-fttood at the north 'll ne of Oklahoma watdh in hand Guards held a rope marking the Hoe When the noon hour came be turned to the bugler And told him to give the signal The bugler blew the blast and immediately there sprang across the line with a loud yell and cheering a thousand riders urging their horses on at the fullest speed Behind they left their wagons family and supplies expecting them to Many a iiiho had paid 1500 for a horse for this special occasion for much depended upon the result of the race 01 h-era rode a hore and took a second as a relay It was a race for valuable lands and everyone went at the full trot of his speed On on they flew first in a butch then separating they spread in all directions Many kept in a bee line for Guthrie others went to the southeast while a few rode to the southwest In ten minutes so ne of the ihetest ivtra t'nee miles to the south and were still going on at full speed The wagon train moved on south slowly and at many had crossed the t'iniarrou others had reached their claims and holding their houses stood the professed owner of a quarter sect ion of what they choose to Haim the finest land that ever the sun shone upon In some places two were now uiicti the aune section The rich valley of the Cimarron was covered with men South of Afred there were men urging their horses ou st full speed Two young men who hud evidently a team from a farm wagon smm fell behind au older person with a fleet race horse A valuable tract in the Cimarron valley was attained and the old man stoppiug leaed fr in his horse turned up the soil with his spade and leaning upon the handle waved his bat to the distanced emum-titor Few seemed to rate to stop around the uorth line as the liinl there wiis ot less value Hiid interior in richness to that below For this south country most of the men struck boldly out One mail Inis struck bis tent just oyer the Hue and lying within waved his int in joy to the crowded teams that rnssed him When the riders began to the good IhiuIs of the south they ould stop uml take possession Soou JiS fur tilt iw'jf CiUilil carry ixnnm ould lit seen Handing alone or in pairs jpoM t'te green prairie Some went to work immediately building shelter and protection against the hot suu Stretohed tar along the Cimarron valley rouldbeseen the immense wagon train going on toward the south Some of the mtfits would stp for camp There was iiot'mauifest any great expedition on the pari of the moving caravan The CAmp fires were to be seen rising In all directions and at one place embers had started quite a prairie tire ALREADY OX THK FIELD Besides the crowd with a right to entry there were concealed in the bushes and woods a large number of people When they heard the bugle blast they uemed to rise right up out of the ground Many a mat) who nad started from the line at noon reached his chosen claim found tnat some one was already in possession Whence he had come or how was a mystery Some times they both stood to contest it at other times the man on horseback toutinnel until he had reached a sevfic4 desiraUeDotcf gr'wtid One man who bad started ft ibriina said that he had stopped upon seven different spots to see some one rise oat of the ground to claim such A CITY BEFORE XOOX At Guthrie during the whole forenoon from mysterious sources tents came to tight aud before 10 two hours before the proper time tents began to arise from the ground and by 12 the legal hour for the opening there was already a city of tents The presence of so many deputy marshals and other United States officials was this easily explained They were simply town site schemers and rould not even await the time when they legally act The poor devils' who had been driven from raviues and woods could not draw much from the fact that United States officials bad been commissioned by the hundreds come in and secure all available sites jr future great cities The poor devils 't is true wanted to till the soil while the ifliclnl wanted to enrich themselves by 'violation of their oaths and the presidential order The population of Guthrie then this moruing was at least 1000 some twenty of whom could be said to be legally there The town boomers were pres-tut from Arkansas Kansas Texas Mis-1 ourl and far off Californio They were judges marshals commissioners rail-' road men and deputies for all all of them A party of the deputies moved upon a body of boomers concealed in the bushes rear Guthrie and rounding them up drove them across the river Leaping from their teams they fired off their mins and commenced turning up the soli and set them-i selves forth as the owners of the very claims from which they bad just driven the boomers The feeling tonight is intense and bitter gainst these men who took advantage of official position to violate the law and rights of the poor man and true settler In regard to this there will be begun a bitter contest for the town lots and claims around Guthrie At this place there was do announcement of the noonday hour But at 13 a long stretch ot woods towards the east was a dusty line filled with the draggling mass of humanity horses and wagons On they came in this wild iesperate race horses wet with sweat anili riders duBty and grim in their determlna-j don to secure and hold their farms Far' ip to the north a line of dust marked the trail of the advancing legions in that di-ectiou Now and theu a footman running at the top of his speed lame lu sight as a rider Hopped his horse to alight and waving lis hat announced that he was the owner if a part of the great Oklahoma country Then there seemed to ooze oat of the very (round Itself a crowd of men and boys was not five minutes afterwards untl a little white tent with a flag waving above appeared upon the hil'side west of Suthrie People same bobbing up from irery direction The staking out of town ota commenced in the morning illegally raa now continued under the law Two omen the first to taka claims lu Okla-lonia Mrs Heating and Mrs Anna Beard two widows of Arkansas City' vent upon the hillside near the land office tnd sat down upon their lota People' toibmenced to atreteth ropes Soon intha distance a man came riding at full speed upon a fine horse He said is had come from thirty-five miles east he did he had made tha distance la Ilf-mu minutes if he had started at 12 It was 1:20 when the first train of cars name rolling in from the northd I was densely packed and crowded and tha jeoplitcoeia-sced to toll to the A great number of interesting tales are told of the efforts of men to get across the border to pre-determined places in advance of others on noon of the 22d Right across the river and west of here is a very beautiful piece of land which a great many seem to desire Quite a number have been stakiDg it out in lots all day It is (aid that a carpenter from Oklahoma City who claimed the right by being a resident of Oklahoma on Monday at one minute after 12 stepped ucross the line of this claim with three witnesses and took possession but he now has several companiouson the same piece of ground who will be liable to contest It among themselves Another story is related by a youug Texan who had had his eye on a claim some miles north of Purcell In order to ninke the most rapid time he purchased a fleet horse giviug $400 for him for the occasion At 12 sharp away he sped across the border far in the lead of everybody He did not once quit bis break-neck speed until be hud reached the desired laud and when he reached there what should he be hold but an old man deliberately plowing ud the land in question with a pair of oxen here old he inquired does it come that you could get here before me with those old oxen? How dia you get the old mau replied guess I been on this here ground nigh onto two weeks There are a great number of cases where the boomers settled on the land before the stated time There are four long necessant lines of men at Guthrie one at the land office another at the postoffice another at the express office and still auother at the baggage room These contain about fifty uien each and are formed the first thing in the morning aud break up the last thing at night 'There was a Btring of fifteen or twenty meu in front of the land office this morning as eftriy as 4 At the baggage room everything is contusion ana it is almost unpossioie to procure anything in the present state of express office it Is -not much better At the postoffice there must bo at least four or five thousand pieces of mail and there is only one mau to attend to them ALREADY A CITY- Kansas City' April a special to the Times from Kingfisher via Fort Reno says: Kingfisher is a grown town already except that titles are somewhat in dispute and no town officers are yet elected Cbi- cago Avenue is half a mile long The offices of the Rock Island road the Cannon Ball stage line and other corporations are in one building which is a canvas tent ten feet by twelve Not the slightest trouble of any kind has occurred though iu many instances there are several claimants to one town lot Homesteads are occupied in all directions Captain Woodson gave the settlers under his command a fair start on the line at noon The horseback men dashed recklessly across the prairies the wagons and carriages following In haste and confusion The first arrival at Kingfisher was Guthrie from Custer county Neb He rode a slim bay mare and covered the twenty-five miles in one hour and three- quarters Not twenty feet behind him was Yohum of Harper Kan The two rode side by side the whole wajt I Donely of Harper and Jerry Nelroy I 0f Deoti came just behind They were aftet t)Wn i0t8 The great majority of those to whom Captain Woodson gave the starting signal went straight to their claims Many passed through here southward last night Almost every Kingfisher man wears a six-shooter and wears it where he can get it very easily but all are good humored and matters will probably be settled bjr law The town is spreading over the whole section Accounts from the line say that the start there was an exciting spectacle The line was formed at 10 o'clock aud was ten miles long Captain management was perfect At the signal the noise that burst lorth was terrific Wagons were broken in the rush aud others broke down iu the gullies and sharp turns in the road and all the way from here to the line the road is strewn with wrecks Among the first vehicles so arrive was a light wagon drawn by a nair of horses The oc enpants were George Morris Brownlee both formerly of the Larned land office aud George Worrell also of liArned They took lots in Kingfisher Two young ladies named Gilliland took a claim just this side of the north line The men gave them a show tnd their claim is not disputed They were in an open buggy with a sorrel mule ndatent daogliug behind A farmer named Hoper has a tot here and his sign reads: off this claim I have a This evening the ladies were on Band and strolling about as spectators A few gamblers have appeared 1 two signs are up The which is the crack hostelry is fall if guests Unless Gnthrie or some other of the astern Oklahoma towns beats this town his is the liveliest place in America tolar In the great race of yesterday erenrbody rants credit of being ahepd and discus- lions on that point are animated as those i bout claims The Kansas City Times and die Chicago Tribune are the onlv papers etting off dispatches They have em loyed a force of Cheyenne scoots and the coutshave no equalspn ability to cover (round Dispatches for these two papers ire written on the ground and sent brough every few hours OELAHOlti MAILS Establishment of Star Routes Considered" Official Reports from Guthrie Washington April Second Assistant Postmaster General Whitfield has nnder consideration the establishment of several star mail routes through Oklahoma It is expected one or more will be decided upon tomorrow Te secretary of the interior today received telegraphic reports from department inspector stationed at Guthrie DL and Arkansas City Kao The former says: ia qniet here a good class of people are ib charge of sf-fairs Guthrie land office ia in full operation Kingfisher will open about Thursday The people will settle the town kite question quietly and await legislation to perfect their title There la absolutely nogronif(w administrative uneasiness The public meeting here tonlght ls at orderly and eSoseryatlTe in character as it wOuld ha in Imo! Ya several times aud their comrades come in swarms the intruder is immediately surrounded and either told to get off and tay off or he is thrown off as the exigencies of the case may require Several of these quite exciting scenes were witnessed this morning The lot jumpers and street jumpers are treated about the same One young fellow ho had quite the air of a dude in dress no' loud but neAt bad his lot a good corner one jumped three times this morning Each of the first two times he argued the other fellows out of it Having to go to breakfast! he found upon his return that a big burly of the regular western type sombrero revolver and belt full of cartridges had gone on his lot and was digging away Esrfectly oblivious of all surroundings) verybody carries either a 44-calibre re-J volver or a Winchester The young fellow walked up to the jumper and said in a very mild tone friend this is my lot anu I nt you to let it The auswerthat the jumper did not care a what the young fellow wanted as he himself claimed the lot The young felloe vn have any legal claims to tnis lutLrikg on your witnesses If you can show a better right to it than I can you may have it If not I intend to keep The big fellow did not stop digging not look up as he asked are you going to keen But he did look up when tht tends to be applied fur for town site pu-posesandto provide police regulations All states were represented This commit tee made its report at an adjourned meeting at this morning where here were not less than three thousand earnest and determined men When the meeting was called to order three ladies requested that before any further proceedings be had a prayer might lie offered This was accorded and Rev II Peak of Winfield a minister of the Christian church no no wiiii niiiig made the lirst r-iyei- iii any public meeting held ill Okla lonia Gr Hill of Oregon chairman of committee on resolutions read the coiiMeiing of lengiliy rca rubles iid resolutions The first resolution requests the secre tary of the interior 1 1 set apart for towu site purposes as follows in town hip 18 range 2 west the east half of section 8 the town of Guthrie Ths north hnlf of 17 south Guthrie Th3 koiiili half of 3 ns north Guthrie the west half of 9 as east Guthtie and the east half of 9 as southeast Guthrie mnk ing five half sectious ull of which was laid our and occupied 1 here are in all about ten thousand lots clearof streets aud it is claimed by those well Dosted that fullv nine-tenths of these slender aude-iue Young reuow satu -i am going to keep it with this fellow shoving the muzzle of a 44 under the nosej of the Dig one He added am no ten-j derfoottmd if notoff of thislotj inside of sixty seconds you will die on this lot The other one looked first at the 44 and then at the face ot the man wbq held it When the sity seconds were up be hnd sneaked off the lot and has sincej bothered no oue He had made his boasts abont the dude off that flue One young fellow when he got to town found himself the possessor of a team and wagon and 50 cents in money He located on a good corner lot and stuck up his wa- on top to hold his claim 1 his morning struck a job at $3 a day in draying He asked some of the men on lots adjoining his to an on his lot He had not been gone long when some claim jumper came along and staked off a lot in the street on the side of his lot The cry was set up and the crowd alter having ordered him to get out of their street and been met with a refusal started to pitch him and his traps out of the way but be called out me go and get He did so promptly In the contemplated town site as petitioned for by the meeting there will be reserved proper plots of ground for churches schools ana public parks Four blocks will also be reserved to be known as Capitol square PICKED CP IX GUTHRIE A crond illustration oltbe percentage of Kansans In Oklahoma was given nere Monday evening When the chairman of a meeting assembled for the perfecting of the town plot asked all Kansans te withdraw to a certain knoll and elect their man for a committee about three-fourths of the crowd responded Monday those who had come unprovided were without a resource for food drink or sleep There was but one public place at which victuals could be obtained and the supplies there soon gave out All afternoon thetJ was a steady line st the Santa Fe water tank but towards evening this wai refased the people and a soldier stationed to guard it All available vessels were brought into use Bottles cans pails and canteens were at a profit Peo- fle do not use the river water probably rom the supposed medicinal qualities Today the scarcity of water is not so great Several enterprising boomers are pursuing a profitable business in lemonade ana water Another man has also ice upon the place but the two commodities are not combined unless by some priyate party A greater part of the immense crowd here last night alept out iu the open air with no covering other than a blanket or an overcoat Others sat upon their lota aU night to guard it from the depredations of night prowlers Those who happened toTiave a tent and beddipg usually had the difficulty of contending with tneprojecangtoits or grass tu? were tenaerfeet Todky however quite 4 number of eating place were erected Several supply depots cdmmenced business and food could be procured without much difficulty The number of tents put up tqday is five fold that of yesterday but on account of the congztlon at the baggage and exoma -offices moor are unable iet i THE LADY ro the Editor ot the Globe-Democrat Hope Kan April The Item recently published iu the Globe-Democrat regarding Miss Daisy Nannetta (not Marietta) the female Oklahoma boomer recalls to memory one of this daisy made for the Louisville Courier-Journal while the writer was city editor of that paper several years ao Miss Daisy was rq irrepressible hanger-on about the news- Eaper offices of Louisville and er ready wit and sharp tongue made her a general favorite with the reporters in whose room she was a regulu visitor Her ambition then although at the time employed in the public schools as a teacher was to lec me a reporter or society editressand it was occasionally found convenient to give her au assignment at a weddiug etc and through this work she soon became familiar with newspaper work and thoroughly understood the value of a scoop on one of reporters who were mak ng a final round of the police stations All the other reporters had lieen relieved for the night and I was alone iu the city moms A sunden ring of the 'telephone waked me out of a semi-doze and answering the call I found myself talking to Miss Daisy who was at the Tenth and Maple stieets depot of the Louisville Nashville railroad a mile away YVhilo massing the station on her way home she lad learned by accideut of a bad wreck out on the line some twelvo or fourteeo miles distant and a special several surgeons and a wrecking crew was about to lcar for the scene of the disaster I was Informed ter that the news of the accident mown only at the depot and that there was not a reporter in sight As the train was about to leave aud it would lie impossible to get a mau to the station iu time to cntch it I accepted Miss offer to accompany it auu wire us a report of the accident in time for the regular edition which generally went to press about 3:30 or 4 o'clock a About 3:30 a messenger boy In lot baste bringing us a very readable and newsy account of the disaster which had resulted if tny memory is not at fault in the death of two employe of the road and the injury of two others and bad been caused by a large tree being blown down and falling across the track Miss Daisy had boarded the special visited the wreck gathered all particulrrs obtainable and then walkea nearly two miles to the telegraph station to get off her special which proved to be a very sensational piece of exclusive news in the Courier-Jonrnal of that morning This excellent piece of work and my tuowledge of Miss Daisy convinces me that if she manages to get possession of a elaini in Oklahoma she will manage to hold it and take care of herself in all other respects at the tame time MUCH TROUBLE EXISTS- ST Louis April 24-Dputr Marshal Varaumjust arrived at Guthrie say thnt Martin Colbert a wealthy lialf-brceC cattleman of the Chickasaw nation wai killed in a quarrel over a claim by a mac named Nolan About fourteen miles west of Oklahoma City a mau was found dead ou claim Another man who gave bis name as Martin was sitting about twenty yards from tbedead mau taking thiugs cooly and quietly Upon being questioned Le in formed the deputy that be had a few min utes before noon on Monday left Ids wife and children on the other side of the rivet and arriving on his claim had some difficulty with the man whom he had shut in self-defense About three miles west of Guthrie was duel between a man who had beensto ping in the brush for the lnt two three weeks and another nut who came through on the first train It is said that the man who lu1! been hiding in order to jump the claim ordered bis rival off and on hu refusal to gc leveled a Winchester and fired three bullets into his body Over in the new town of Noble Deputy Mann sajs the scene was the most exciting he ever witnessed Texas cowboys ana half breeds mounted on the fleetest poniet that could be procured started on a dead with Winchesters in their handi hr! horses were urged to their greatest possible speed and took equal interest It the chase These men were employed by wealthy Texas cowboy and within a fen hours after noon they had their town government organized manigcr and citt officers elected and the new town now has 3500 inhabitants Another killing is reported near Goth-rie Of this a special dispatch say: The body has been identified as that of Cbyland late of Franklin connty Missouri All information shows that it was a most heartless and cold blooded murder perpetrated by three desperate characters who desired to take possession of the claim of which be was the lawful owner One of the murderers of yount Cbyland has been fonnd and executed He was discovered in the bushes near the river A posse of thirty men was formed for the purpose of capt uriog him When they arrived at bis hiding place they his surrender His answer was to pnlibu revolver and instantly a volley fird and be fell mortally woundetC Hs died In an hour His name is unknown The vigilance committee made no effort to conceal the killiuguf tha assassin ami rely npon the community to sustain them fa tbeir effort lo overawe the turbulent and lawtesselemrut of ibrcauip -I '-I QUIET AT GUTHRIE Kansas Citt April A Times spec from Guthrie reports no new development in the situation there today The topio whic'u le most generally discussed Is the 'y vexatious questmu as to location of struts ry aud lota Anew snrvey will 'Have to Lo made and endless litigation doubtless re- suit Meanwhile the real estate market -j rather dull purchasers are ebary about acquiring property of dubious title The order of the city is almost perfec ij i and is surprising to the large majority who predicted violent scenes RnmorsyCf bloodshed have been nrne rous aud ipuaji of them bare found their way Into print but not a single rumor has lieen confirmed yet and it is believed there has not been a -murder committed The land office was crowded all day and did a rushing business from 8 a to 4 pe ou but everything passed off quietly ASSASSINATED BY TTXANS Ft Rexq LT April A seller nam ed Goodwin arrived at Reno ysterda from Oklahoma and made a swon staV ment to the pmt commander that rit'y ty of four had been fired upon by of twelve Texans who claimed thejys made by Goodwin and party Ttd 5 claimed the land Captain ryoe several Goodwin mads his ecpe lean co thick bnnh aloug the rlfdede dard when he made lu warf honiw Tha rest of hi si ty lacbtnrui it mpc7 try under i-meanl I sent to ine v-n- rC' 19 jtonialrau nt'-LV iUii jsuHphl u-t Jernamf Lords' ren t' A.

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