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The Berkeley Gazette from Berkeley, California • 3

Berkeley, California
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TtETtKEUEY DAILY GAZETTE TUESDAY EVENING JANUARY 9 1909 THREE SENSATIONAL SIGN0R WILL WILL MANAGE THE INAUGURAL TRAIN ARIZONA S0L0NS 'I MUST NOT SMOKE SAYS PACIFIC jANNIVERSARY i LEAGUE OF MAIL WANTS OF BIRTHDAY JUSTICE HAS SHIP SUBSIDY OF GFN LEE BRANCH HERE DIVORCE IN EDINBURGH FIGHT -FOR HIS LIBERTY By Dirpot Leased Wire to the Gazette) PHOENIX Arlz Jan 19 Members of the lower house of the Arizona legislature are "ploying hooky today following the adoption of a resolution prohibiting smoking The ban was placed on cigars when Watkins a graduate of the uni veisity with the class of 1908 who has ju returned from a tour of old Mexico has been appointed manager of the "Inaugural" train which will bo sent to Wat hlugton to witness the ceremonies connected with the Instal- (Special to The Gazette) EDINBURGH January 19 High so-cloty of Kdiuhiiigh und London is confidently expecting to lie seandallze-d by (Special to The Gazette) OAKLAND January' 19 A toebnl-cal fight to secure lllieray for Signor accused of forging the name Hv Diront wim to the OQwtte Today the annlvcrsa'y of the I (Contlnuud from Page 1) SAN MIANCISCO January 19 lmth of Gi rn Rohirt Loo and That tho representations of nfllclala the niemery of the Bleat Southern 111 hxlay He trM me he was of the Pacific Mail Steamship company haclir being honored throiiKhotit f-0 yo'ar3 of oko anI had lie salt but NxI- as well as hy Impressive me- ftve yrurH ni0e 0 compe tency norlal exercises in Washington Now f( hIs declining year- lie has not reKariling their Inability to retain Oriental trade If compelled to publish the hearing of the gov rnor't? message lfton of william II Taft president was under discussion Expecting ajn0 chambers ot cony 'ce of Oak-large number of women to be In at-1 bind Berkeley and Alameda and other trndnnee a resolution was introduced 1 commercial bodies have endorsed the prohibiting the use of tobacco during plfa rnfl wm aHgst ln equipping the the reading of the message This was -aI wlJIl displays of manufactures amended and a ban placed on the and otll(r exhibits from the county weed for the entire session Actordlng to the pIa of the 0rganl- izaiions tinder whose direction tho I train will bo sent a complete tour of nearly depopulated while large crowds the revelations in tho dlvoice suit ofif Millionaire James A Murray to Stirling versus Stirling which was checks and drafts totalling $860000 only bis wife for whom to provide but called lor hearing today Mrs Stir-! was commenced today before Judge bis sisters In time devotion energy ling who was a belle of War hlugton Brown Church attorney for before si married Captain Signor filed a demurrer to the In-ling has mimed Mrs Atherton the I dletments us returned hy the grand cd the community clnt of view cun- 'tamous English biamy as co-respond- jury against Signor and at the same ent In the action against her husband time he presented a motion that the Captain Stirling has brought a counter indictments he sit aside York and othe cilie This year's anniversary Is renelereel especially notable by the publication of a new biography and appreciation of Lee cntlt-h Robert Lee tho Soutncrner" fiom the pen of Thomas Nelson Page Lee at Page Is not slow to point of solons assemble in the lobby to t-noke tinned Boke I think the right perspective has been uttalncd lu the lad out was a man of his state a state 1 few wee ks and now the task Is to keep vliich for asnus too many and too alive the rpark of public conscience various to be rehearsed setes a plain mark upon her sons a mark as clearly 330 Members Here Professor Boke stated that fifteen or twenty thousand buttons of the ague of justice are now being worn distinguishable a- the mark of Massachusetts upon the Adamses The son of Light Horse Harry the the east will be made and the entire Atlantic seaboard and the south will be vbited and California products heralded throughout the east The train which has been especially provided for 'by the Southern Pacific company for the trip will leave here In time for the inauguration of Prest-d nt-eleet Taft March 4 New Orleans Baltimore Philadelphia Boston Niagara Falls the Grand canyon of tho Colorado and other points of n-terest are Included In the itinerary kinsman of Richard Henry and Francis 1 0111 "mt hr wrrf afMlt aft" actlve I-Lhtfoot Lee -eared in a region fra-1 mber of the 1 ague here This city CARMACK MURDER CASE (Special to The Gazette) NASHVILLE Tcnn January 19 Although the trial Is set for tomorrow It Is like ly that a further continuance will be secured ln the case of Cooper nobin Cooper and John Sharpe who are chargid with the murder of former United Stntes Senator Carmack Attorneys for the defense have persistently opposed a speedy trial evldmtiy believing that their elic tits will fare better after public excitement hat? had time to die out It Is thought that self-defense will be the plea of the defendants rates la pare buncombe Is the opinion of Interstate Commerce Commissioner Franklin Lane today "Tho talk that is being made by a gentleman connected with tho Pacllic Mall company" said Lane that they have lost their Oriental trade by reason of the decision of the Interstate commission In the Cosmopolitan case is till a pretense yon may put as saying that It Is a pretense "1 dont see why it 13 that the people of tho Pacific roast cant got this mat ter straight In their minds 'Must Name Railroad's Share The commission decided In the cosmopolitan care and I wrote that do-chdon myself that the railroads and steamship lines could not make a rate from an Inland point to a foieign country as a single through rate hut that the railroads mast publish their share us a proportional rate As or instance on business between Chicago and Hongkong they must publish the proportional rate between Chicago and San Francisco That Is the only part over which we have jurisdiction If we allowed thorn simply to publish the thronghrute to the Orient they could beat us out on re bate cases Now I have ween quoted both Hil! and IlaTiman as saving that they had not lost ton of trade by that decision And yet there serais to be a sire to misstate the situation Why don't they do as the Canadian Pacific has done that Is publish a proportional rate from Inland points to Vancouver It does not have to be the same as the local rate I know that they tried to get the Canadian Pacific not to do that but to stand in with them when they deealreel that they would give up their Oriental shipments on account of the decision but the Cunadlan Pacific refused to do It Its all pure buncombe Wliat they are after Is a subsiely NATIONAL BOARD OF TRADE (Special to The Gazette) WASHINGTON January 19 Matters of interest affecting the business Interests of the country were considered' at tho opening session today of the National Board of Trade Several hundred delegatee- are in attendance representing commercial clubs and business mens organizations throughout the country The session will he concluded tomorrow Frank La Lanne of Philadelphia Is president of the body The demurrer all ges that the offenses charged against Signor were not committed In this county and that the local courts have no jurisdiction The motion to set aside the eight indictments are based upon three grounds First It Is charged that the grand jury was not projieriy empanelled but not much faith Is put In this for the legal standing cf the grand 1 i ry was competently passed upon during the consideration of the fight against the Indictment returned against Isabella Martin Other Charges A second charge against the legality of the indictments Is based on the allegation that the grand jury heard the evidence while parties were In the jury room who should not have been there Tho third charge Is prejudice on the part of members of the grand jury Attorney Church admits that at the present time he knows of no mem-bej- of the Inquisitorial body who was prejudiced against Signor bnt be considers it probable the wide publicity given the case had caused some member of the grand Jury to form an opinion upon the matter before it was officially presented fo the grand jury for consideration Following the filing of the demurrer and the motion Judge Brown continued the hearing until Saturday morning He Issued an order directing the nineteen members of the grand jury to apepar in court Saturday morning to answer the charge of prejudice At that lime the Jurors will be placed upon the witness stand and questioned regarding the feelings they held toward Signor rrlor to the time they commenced an Investigation of the evidence against him salt against hls wife which Lord Northland Is named as corespondent The proceedings today were of a preliminary character Imt some highly-spiced sensations are expected before the hearing is linlslud No Compiurmse There Is apparently no chance of settlement on of court because Mrs Stirling dt elans that she intents to ventilate her woi thoroughly and If possible shed lull light upon the beautiful Mrs Atherton's vivacious carter prior to mietlng Captain Stirling Mrs Stirling Is backed up by her mother the very determined Washingtonian who did not hesitate to visit Mrs Atherton the famous English beauty at her London residence and toll her what she thought of her It Is the gossip of Edinburgh that Captain Stirlin- formerly of the Scots Guards has told his friends that In the event he Is divorced he will niary Mrs Atherton Whether Lord Northland who Is also a guardsman and who Is the son nnd heir of the Earl of Ranftirly and who Is named as correspondent by Captain Stirling in hls counter suit will marry Mrs Stirling after she gets a divorce remains to be seen Possible Outcome It Is not Improbable thpt the Scotch court may condemn Mrs Atherton to pay Mrs Stifling heavy damagrs if the courts decision upholds Mrs Stirling ns both the Scottish and English courts often condemn correspondents to pay heavy damages for breaking up homes A Loudon court several years ago condemned a correspondent to pay an Injured husband $123000 There Is a 'popular impression In Edinburgh and London that Mrs Atherton is a poor woman To the contrary Mrs Atherton has an Income of $10000 a year derived from her mother's and stepmother's estates Society is very hopeful of seeing Mrs Atherton called as a witness to the Bland CANADA TO RETRENCH (Special to the Gazette) OTTAWA Ont January 19 Canadian legislators are gathered today for the coming sei-slon of the parliament of the Dominion which will open tomorrow It is expected that the session will be comparatively short and will be marked by a policy of retrenchment in appropriations ln order that a temporary falling off In public revenue may be met bv a corresponding reduction In expenditures OLD GOLD We mfg old gold Into new Jewelry Thiel Anderson 2187 Shattuck 12-31-r he acclaimed as the logical center duration along the lines of civic virtue Pluns for the propagation of the Issues of the league of Just ice were discussed It was Suggested that an end-les- chain scheme be inaugurated wherein tnrh member pledges himself to secure one new member he in turn to obtain a new member and so on ad Infinitum Another speaker suggested thnt merchants be asked to proclaim their sympathy with one side or the other and that members of the league patronize only those that eopouse the side of the prosecution Students Evince interest A number' of university students were present and proclaimed their sympathy with the work of the league Criminal- Procedure Reform Professor Lester Jacobi? spoke of what ts being done toward reform In criminal procedure Ho read a paper which was prepared by'B Hodgluad for the Commonwealth club of San Francisco wherein suggestions which are to be presented to the state legislature set forth refornn? In the state laws which if acted upon would prohibit criminal trials from becoming lime wasting farces A niimbir of reform? suggested were: Prompt trial prompt sentence after conviction prompt hearing in npi ellate court In case of an appeal being granted Tho nstuciutlon suggests also that a law be made whereby In criminal cases the accused may be called to the stand He may answer or not as he chooses according to the provision of the proposed amendment but1 the prosecuting attorney may have liberty to comment upon accused person's refusal to answer A number of miner amendments were suggested all tc ndlng to render effective and color-Ions the average criminal trial grant with memories of the great A merlon who gave his life to his1 country and lives forever In the hearts of his countrymen very early made Washington Ills Ideal beginning at home with a fine devotion to his widowed mother her out-door agent and confidential messenger" Honored at West Point At West Point he won the adjutancy of the cadet corps and ho was graduated without a demerit His likeness lo Washngton war? perceived even at the academy but both there and In later life he endeared hlniBelf to his fellows by a gift of happy speech and felicitous expression denied except at rare moments to the great chieftain He married a women whose sense of honor was as delicate as his own and the realization of his ideal was absolutely unhindered He defended Virginia against servile Insurrection he protected St Louis in spite of her fro-wnrd opposition against the Mississippi and hls work yet stands as w-mss to what West Point taught him hls achievements In the Mexican war according to bis comrades- and Ills commander made him the greatest living soldier In America the "greatest soldlt now living In the world said Scott forgetting both hiimvlf nnd Wellington Essentially a Virginian Constantly and consistently he was Virginian to hls Innermost fibre and Virginian he remained when the oi-proach of the Civil War brought him tho provident's offer of the chief command of the army Duty as he saw commanded him to follow hls state and duty he had long before written to hls sen was "the subllmest word In the language Se he resigned hls commission hoping that peace might come tut determined not to fight against Virginia Those earlier pan sages are thoso hy which hls whole life should be judged for In them he guided circumstances later he was driven hy them as much as such a man cun bo driven His character exhibited Itself In dei-do of clemency In refusal to employ hls position for the benefit of any member of hls family Ron an sternness towards hts sons who responded In a spirit as fine at? Ills own In the chapter recording these matters page Includes a comparison of the Pennsylvania raid and Shermun's march to the sea and hardly does justice to Sherman whose approval of the cruelty practiced on thnt march Is well known to have been batz-d on tho theory "I must be cruel only to be Kind" Big Value a HI i This BEAUTY DEMONSTRATION Friday afternoon January 22 a demonstration of Iir Christians wonderful pri purations will he made at DOrlan H-ilr Store Telegraph ave Di-Christian of Paris recently lectured a the Hindi Club in Oakland l-19-2t WOMEN TO TAKE UP PROPOSED CHARTER NEW NEW NEW NEW YEAR IDEAS BUSINESS PRINTING CROWNING OF THE SOLEDAD VIRGIN Nickel Plated 50c It Is the business of the Gazette Jol department to supply the last Remand do It right 3 I AMUSEMENT LAND ALBERT BROWN PASSES AWAY BUTTERFIELD 2169 Shattuck near Center The Womeng Christian Temperance Union will act as hostess at their bimonthly meeting tomorrow at 2:30 oclock In Trinity church The following program will be rendered and a social tea given AH who are interested In the proposed new charter are most cordially Invited OiHbiing prayer Dr Matthew vocal solo Miss Margaret Davies "The' i New Charter and Its Amendment Dr 1 Lapsloy A McAfee The Initiative' Referendum and Recall Explained At- torncy Drunk "The Interest the Federated Mothers Clubs Are Taking in Its Adoption" Mrs Eleanor Carlisle violin solo Miss Carrie Bright "The Ethical nnd Educational phases of the Charter Dr I McCash "How the Political Equality Club Will Help" Mrs Wtn Keith vocal' solo "Little Boy Blue Miss Olive Morrtsh (Nev-In) report from legislative work at Sacramento for the "Sunday rest bill" Mrs Dr Tufts 12th and Clay St Burnt nse 9 -4- Me-e A344 AN ENTIRE NEW SHOW Wilfred Clarke and Co De Blere Murray Sisters Five Salvaggls Rooney Sisters Hibbert and Warren Rogers and IVcly New Orpheum Motion Pictures Last week of Gua Edwards School Boys and Girls Prices Evemnos 10c 25c 50c 75e: Box Seats $1: Matinees (exceot Sun days and holidays) 10c 26o 50c CEE WOO LAUNDRY first eia wont: t-vsu inane: ben work: lowest nrlrps Work palled and delivered 1 ook for our wagon PeeUelew War penr qhstinew (Special to The Gazette) OAXACA Mexico January 19 The Virgin de la Soledad Oaxaca's million- dollar patron saint was crowned here In the presence of what was probably the most notable assemblage of dignitaries of the Roman Catholic church ever assembled In Mexico Pope Pius was represented by Monslgnor Jose Rldolfl opostollc delegate to Mexico who performed the act of coronation assisted by Archbishop Glllow of Caxaca Several bishops and archbishops hundreds of priests and thousands of the faithful witnessed tho ceremony which took place at the Soledad church the shrine of the virgin which was commenced In 1083 and cost nearly a half-million dollars The robe of the virgin Is covered with pearls diamonds and other precious gems contributed hv devotees during the lust two and a quarter centuries ntid has value of nearly a million dollars The image of the Virgin of Soledad Is alleged lo have been of miraculous The best values that are sprung on the Public In the way of Lumber can be learned about by getting our quotations on your supply Our prices demonstrate that you can secure 100 cents worth of value for every dollar you spend here Albert Brown a pioneer underttaki of Oakland maintaining a branch business In thin city since 1893 died at hls home at 1387 Alice street nt 3 oclock this morning The deceased was born In New Jersey in 1813' He arrived In Oakland twenty-two years ago where for ninny years he Was associated In business with the late William Hamilton Ho survived by a wifo and four children Albert and Frederick I Brown and Mrs Tower of Stock-ton and Dr Earle A Stone Albert Brown was widely known In Berkeley and Ouklund as a prominent lodge mun being a member of many Masonic orders besides' belonging to SURGEON RELIEVED OF INSTRUMENTS ATHLETIC CLUBS 1 ENJOY BANQUET West Berkeley Lumber Co CHA3 HEY WOOD Mgr Telephone Berkeley 697 Foot of University Avenue tho Oaklnnd lodges of the Elks Knights of Pythias Odd Fellows 1( (vrr the nilddle of the origin and was dhcoveied hy a native Woodmen and the A Dr Frank Simpson of 2446 Chnn-nlug way while attending a patient at 6413 Duncan street Oakland was quietly relieved of snrglacl Instruments to the value or $1750 which were left In an Instrument case In tho physician's automobile which was standing In front of the Duncan-stroet residence The empty satchel was Inter placed on the porch of tho patient's residence Tho matter has been reported to the local police who are Investigating the theft TEN YEARS FOR RACE-TRACK VICTIM 1 sixteenth ctutury The shrine Is annually visited by thousands of the faithful and many miraculous cures are reported to have resulted through the intercession of the patron saint The Image Is beyond all doubt the most valuable In Its nmteritil accessories In America and one of the richest In tho world Lot' 41x130 Street work done on Josephine near cedar For a few duys only CHICK SITTIG CO 2025 Shattuck ava (Continued from Page 1) A banquet was given last night hy the Mercury Athletic club to the Na-jtiomil Athletic club Thq affair startled at o'clock and lasted until after 1 10:30 The meeting started with a luncheon which lasted for about an Jicttr After that the balance of the evening was spent with music and songs I speeches nnd short talk from various 'members of the club Tho occasion was 'closed with a talk from Jmigck The following Is a of the mem- hers of the two clubs National Athletic club Aniinnd Meadows VV Metnhelt If! Bring-ham Young Carlton II le-znar I Burney Slater Met-culf It Twede ltachelder II Bertolucci Mercury Athletic club A Hahn PRESSING CARPENTER REPORTS THEFT OF TOOLS Buef remaining on hls feet admitted hls guilt to the court Ilo wns ready tot tell agnln the story of smull peculations played on the races at Emeryville and at Seattle and spent ln road houses lie way ready to tell how when he lost ho endeavored to cover up his thefts by taking gronter stints All this ho had told before to Captain of Detectives Petersen and Detective Hodgkins and the prosecution spared TERRY McFADDEN ARRESTED (My Tirtrt Ionitil Wirw to the Ornette HOBOKEN J' January 19 Terry MeFnddeii the physical culture here today awaiting statutory charge preferred him hy Miss Helen lie was arrested notoriety a number by advertising certain methods and establishing culture restaurants did not have lo meats and he also conducted two magazines him that shame VIOLIN Maker and Repairer Superior (instruments Q'd and New Studio 1709 Milvis St Dear Virginia a Brkly California luthnni Plan Purity Baking Co (Formerly AllstonWnv Home Bakery) 2029 CHANNING WAV PHONE BERK 4001 OTHER 8TORE 2111 ALL8TON WAY pir? L-iaxl Wire ta the GztU QUOOOOOOOOQQQa-OttUOiKHKMKKM I SAN FRANCISCO Junuury lib One 10 Discount Until Jan 31st on stock of Cut-Glass Jewelry Silverware etc Moving to larger quarters 2119 Center St A A HANDLE CO DOCOOOOOOOOCCPOOOOOOOOOO Smith McDonald Mows Loyd hundred and lift yvenlremen appeured today In Judge Iawlors courtroom to bo examined for Jury service In the trial of Pntrlck Calhoun president of tho United Railroads cliurgtd with offering a bribe Another ease of tre theft of carpenters' tools In the Claremont district wus reported to the Berkeley police yesterday Webb who lives at 1323 Mllvla street bus brought to the unites of the police the los of $30 worth of tools on the 16th and ISth of this month taken some time oetween 8 a and 1 Webb staled that the house must have been entered with a key as tbero are no signs of the tlibf having broken Into the Imlldlug This case Is a sequel to a series ot similar thefts which have been committed tn that neighborhood In the last few months nnd the police ure using every effort foleelpts $1312083 discover tho Identity of the culprit 1 020000 faddist Is In prison trial on a against Huyes of this city In Chlcugo McFadden gained of years ago physical culture physical where the pHtrous wrestle with tough started und TREASURY (tty iJirez-t hi-MPd WASHINGTON treasury report The Electric Iron Is always ready and economical Sold Ly Electricians Hardwarcmcn and Grocers Berkeley Electric I sighting Co Oxford and Allston Way OVERMAN RE-ELECTED Tly Tlirrrl Liuarit Wiry to thy Gaiyttpj RALEIGH January 19 Lee Overman of Salisbury North Carolina wa re-elected United States senator by the North Carolina legislature today REPORT Wire to Ihe GntUtzV January 19 The tndny Re-disbursements $2- There Is no rnse on record of a rough cold or In erlpoo dovehudug Into I'lieiimonla after Folevs Honey nnd Tar has been taken ns It rures the most obstinate ih-en nested coughs and colds Why take hii1'iuk else t'obcl Drugs ot Ouullly.

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