Los Angeles Evening Express from Los Angeles, California • 1
- Publication:
- Los Angeles Evening Expressi
- Location:
- Los Angeles, California
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- 1
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1 1 P' Jt Melsois OLDEST 10fAKELES DALY-FOUNDED 1871 t4 Os 11111111111111111111111 FINAL EDITION CLOSING FINANCIAL 111111111111111111111111111111111 't AS" A 7773 r7 71 J''' in' 1' i' Vi 4 tg7t-mmr" v- 4' 74 or71rx! tc 4': 4 4 1041' 1 4 4 I 7 (z 4 I ir 1- 4' '4''''L l' 'P' 1 it i 7 1 Iiill (4 4 qi 1' 1 1 I 47 '-1 1 7 '74- i 1 '4" 1r 41h'4NA ri 0 A 1 1 IL' 4 ti'' 'iV 1' IT i A4 ::::111 Pi 1 7 4 '14 i ir 1' 1 ''iloo Yyl '-i'' 't'11 i' 1: 1 4--- L--- 16 44 1 14 '4 4 4 44q 7 am 4tn 1 4 I 4 1 4 ti I i t-1 4 i i iii- 1 1 I 't 4 i o' '41 rmt f' prvi vi 1-'1 c'' -40'll Y'rilt 1 41110 ik 1 -141P1 i 0 'T 4't''46-- i 1 m1P It i 1 ''to Ill ti 110 Mr lellaN IITILS 111 ell7 107 rSING )1 44110:11 I AL A 1 fr ir I5 111 A I I Ad I EDITION OLDEST LOTANOELES I 101 '111ir li 'A 1 II $4 i 1116 1 i IIP 11111romeo CLOSING 4:14 i DA1 LY- FOUNDED 1871 4 1 04 090 off 4Erg Only Evening Paper in Los Angeles With the Associated Press News Service VOL 14 NO 152 FIFTIETH YEAR (111 -VOL 14 NO 152 FIFTIETH YEAR Entered se seeend-thtes matter March 4 lilt It at the postottle at Leo Angeles Calif ender aet of conggrm of MO Pub ILAN daily except Wieder if Weather: Fair MONDAY SEPTEMBER 20 1920 1 IP AGC tO 4 FP EDITORS GRILL PRESS AGENTS: OmmNt Li 1 -wow vomer 111mat7 'S 0 I 1 I I I 0' INEMME(1: 40 '1411A sr i i EDITORS GRILL PRESS AGENTS Long Violent Quake Recorded Lng tx I I RADICAL CHIEFS BOLDLY' DECLARE PLAN TO EVE MINES SET OP SOVIETS ORGANIZE FOR OR FO ORFOR p'il I 7 il 1 1 Li 0 GIRL KILLED MAN DYING IN LOVE TRAGEDY pi pi Kil I in 1 By Associated Press -14 7ASHINGTON Sept 20--A very severe earthquake was recorded today on the seismograph at Georgetown University The disturbance began at 9:58 a and continued until about 12:30 with the greatest intensity at 10:40 a tn It was estimated that the disturbance occurred about 3300 miles from Washington By Associated Press LONDON Sept rumors are in circulation throughout Lanarkshire to the effect that the leaders of the Scottish communist movement have planned a sensational coup to be sprung at Blantyre regtir ttelcell ic Flee E7(tra4 PAP lit :0 ::::::::) i i i i :::1: 4'' (t rt 1 ste r't'' 7Y' 4 eight miles southeast of Glasgow says a dispatch to the Westminster Gazette from Hamilton Scotland CU SPEAKS IN LOS ANGELES TONIGHT "It ls asserted that the cashiers and officers have been bluntly told that seizure of the coal pits is im nlinent and that it is proposed to es tablish a soviet system of mining controls" the dispatch adds "The authorities are not skeptical of the rumors tor they are not unmindful of the undercurrent at work" 1fA1 WARNING OF NEW BOMB OUTRAGE The Exchange Telegraph haa recelved a dispatch similar in tone IT It itilkiiiik: tvt: LA" D11410 I I fp IA ::1 Deepest mystery today surrounds 4::: i the slaying of pretty 23-year-old Mrs :4: 7 6 Maria Campos de Lopez by a man 1t l' 47 4'''? '4k: k' 1:::: known to the police as Ortez 'r --'t 40 i ''t (1 ii Mo who shot the womart and then 4V 4: sent a bullet through his brain tqaTAk 14 1 084 6 ingThheouSahe0Oattinbg40012CCUNrerewd Iiinigha srtOrOeMet: 'zt INA 3r't A 4 "4 )1s4 -i: fiy and before the horror-stricken gaze 'T of Jesu Aguilar and his wife Auro- i ra who conduct the place Jealousy because he could not in- 2 duce the woman to flee with him and 4 her husband is the reason leave 0 'f 11- 2-ii 4 -r- 4 given by the police for the tragedy MYSTERY LETTER Mystery surrounds the finding of :1 a letter in the possession of the dead i woman who had no knowledge her st 4': 4 life was to be snuffed out written i' :4 ii1: 4'5- HI "My true name is Fredeick Luar 4 I 4::: I robbed the Mexican republic and 0 i 7 :4 changed my name Please send this tigmai- :4 card to my mother Good-bye world Southern Editorial Press Association' publication -Suppressed News- In background with officers of organize- Lopez and I loved her The landtion in foreground as -follows: Left to right John King Hemet president a Wickizer South Rasa- lascytlinatthlise t2ocetim! dena member executive committee Turner Redondo secretary pea mother of the'dead l'Alvonan- 4 The shooting occurred after the 41- iltrilFR 1 4 '('lf-4''''1 f4t: -7i eiNek: 11! :4 ::11 4 1- ''i i 1 i 47- tt'eA: aqe 'I 4' 4ii 4- l'i eR'l 4 41'10 :7: :61 4' -'----t''' 1 l'1 'V :4 tp ''4 1r i 'p '''4 i blopateh to livening Express RIVERSIDE Cal Sept 20--Sat'urdars convention here of the re-'publican editors of California sounded the opening gun in the campaign In this state newspa1 per was represented and the tale-gram of congratulations that went to the party's standard-bearers carried the assurance that so far as Southern California at least' was con-'earned a record-breaking majority 'will be recorded in November MESSAGE TO HARDING The message to Harding and Coolidge framed at the suggestion of Controller Chambers by a camImittee consisting of James McMullin of the San Diego Union Edward A Digkson of the Los Angeles Express land Baumgartner of the Santa Ana Register runs as follows: The republican editors of California in convention assembled send cordial greetings and assurances Of hearty support The republican party of this state is united and militant and determined to send a flood of repubik" can voters to swell the tidal wave from Maine A careful analysis warrants the prediction that California will give you the largest majority ever cast by the state for any candidate for any office Chairman Will Hays of the repub the rel moundeu larding- 3 state' neWgPlae: ntet to ceexried 18 con- 5 South- majoritY 1 rid Coo- 8 at to mot tramillill ward A ExPres Santa 111 Cali- rabisdP a to is Reds Gathering for Big Smash on Poles Gov James Cox of Ohio democratic candidate for President today In San Diego presented his own and his party's policies for national and International peace prosperity and progress The democratic candidate who passed through Los Angeles early today en route to San Diego from Oakland wag greeted by several thousand cheering men and women when he stepped from the train in San Diego shortly after 6 o'clock He will return to os Angeles at 7 o'clock tonight and all make the first of a series of addresses here in Washington baseball park 1 8 o'clock Arrangements have been made to seat 15000 persons at Washington park A corps of 200 ushers under the direction of Elliott today was drilled in anticipation of expeditious handling of the big crowd Governor Cox whose throat trouble By Awe laded Prose WARSAW Russians are concentrating heavy forces along the Niemen river beyond the Polish northeastern front preparatory to an offensive which is expected to be begun within a few days according to military attaches who have been at the front for several days past The soviet commanders have brought up all the available artillery airplanes tanks and other apparatus of warfare and according to re ports reaching allied officers Leon Trotzky the soviet minister of war has arrived at Lida to the south of Vilna to direct the operation Central Bureau Organization rCIILI ct DUI C114 VI 4dItILdLIVII I I 1 1 41 1 i i i If 1 Il I k' iiii? i t) I To 10 yEARs Urged to Pass Upon All 1 Free Publicity NEW YORK Sept postcard warning that an attempt would be made tomorrow to blow up the customs house after the Wall Street explosion last Thursday was received In the mail today by William Edwards collector of internal revenue for this district This postcard signed "A Citizen" was turned over to the custodian of the building by Mr Edwards who also notified Postmaster Thomas Patten The department of Justice too was informed of receipt of the postcard The warning said that the customs house already under heavy guard would be blown up at 2 Mr four had returned from a trip to a I beach city according to Detectives Smith and Thompson who investigated the tragedy During the automobile ride to and from the beach Guillermo was constantly endeavoring to Induce Mrs de Lopez to promise that she would leave with him before her husband returns to Los Angeles According (CONTINUE) ON PAGE TWO) Millerand Consents CALIFORNIA IN PATH OF BIG STORM COOMNNUED ON PAGE TWO (CONTINUED ON pAon TWO) To Seek Presidency SOVIETS DRIVEN OUT WARSAW Sept 19---Rns5lan bolsbevik forces have been driven out or Eastern Galicia by a general Polish advance along the southern front FOR Y1AM JAILBREAK 10NTINUED ON PAGE TWO) Indians Beat Boston In Second of Series EWS -MINUTE NEWS I( By PAtt 20----Premier Alexan- I der Millerand agreed today to be a candidate for the presidency of the 1 republic to succeed President Des- chanel who has tendered his resigns- gmbi oe ur ttlhi il al etrf rw o'H ha he 8 years i othld'e i 1 ho at fst cbe eont In ipnutobtlei ro lei tf wai rFrrna Ili 17 ister of commerce minister of public 'travel and many lesser offices He is also a publisher of note and has written several works on pout- ical themes I 1) I i '1 By Associated Press SAN FRANCISCO' Sept severe storm had reached the Pacific northwest coast today from an area central ovtr the Aleutian islands and seemed likely to increase in severity today and tonight with a slight possibility of it touching Northern Cali Ears of press agents should be ringing today The A's were talked about at the opening session of a two-day meeting of the Southern California Editorial Association in the chamber of commerce assembly room The subject was introduced by a Wickizer of Pasadena who dubbed the publicity men "ubiquitous" which really seems to be a compliment when you look Into the dictionary Mr Wickizer charged the press agents with "taking from the publishers that which is rightfully theirs he advocated a central bureau for Southern California newspapers to pass upon free publicity REPRESSION SUGGESTED "This bureau" he said "should be headed by a man selected and paid by us It would be his duty to ascertain the merits of persons and projects for which publicity is asked All Southern California editor should abide by his decisions "of course it is our duty as newspaper men to support with liberal space such projects as will be of general benefit to mankind And we went to do that But we divert from our own business office flur legitimate revenue when we print free in news (CONTINUED ON t'AG 21 TWO) CALLED EVISSARY ORDERCD YORK Sept wed a telegram today at Ellis island from the ie labor 9roering dPportution of Alfred from ta( ntw rewi)ho of btvia 1) be returA on VIP fro chip Pc4a Octlber 1 Neil McCcmologue who with Fred Mayne convicted bunco man and "Capt" Allen Brooks federal sus-Peet made a sensational attempt to break out of the county jail last week today appeared before Judge Craig and asked to be immediately sentenced for forgery Withdrawing the plea of not guilty whichhe had previously entered McConologue substituted instead a plea of-guilty and requested the court to pronounce sentence without the usual intervention of time He was accordingly committed to San Quentin for a maximum of 10 years Said by Deputy District Attorney CW Fricke to have a previous record for forgery MeConologue was charged with similar offenses upon three counts The one for which he was sentenced was for the utterance of a check for $01 signed Johnson the signature being forged The other two counts were taken off the calendar Sox Score Heavily in Garne With Phillies i that bounded away from Vitt Scott threw out Gardner ONE RUN ONE HIT: ONE ERROR SECOND INNING singled to right and took oDd on Smith's fumble McInnis ainzied So Cetla tot Hendry' going to third Schang etinti41 frF left and took mecond oat Jamiteou'a fumble Irk: drys scoring and McInnis tki ang thd ir a fouled to OrNeill Brady singled Pest Va4kle- goon 'owing McInnis and Samna Wausau threw out Bub Hooper bled to TIMM RUNS: FOUR HITS: TWO throw out Johnston Seulk and O'Neil aingled Mails fanned JaMieetab1 singled end Sewell wu out at the plate Itoopor to Schartg NO RUNS THREE HITS NO ERRORS THIRD INNING Tr) fanned Mettoekey bled to Spealtnf' Bendryz popped to Sewell NO SUNS NO HI NO ERRORS singled to left Weiner bounced a tangle off Vitt's glove Smith tvallPd biting the bases Gardner tripled to left setunt VI Urn bellganafiL Sneaker and Smith Johnstob to Hooper who doubled Geniner at Sewell grounded to Brady THEM BUNS MEET- HITS NO ERRORS flut I FOURTH INNING flied to Blanker Gardner threw out Schanz Scott doubled to right Brady atruck out NO RUNS ONE BIT ite) ERRORS singled Malls Dop-bunias I tro Vitt who doubled O'Neill off Bret- Junius I bled fo Menoskey NO BUNS ONE lit348 ERRORS FIFTH INNING flied to Speaker 6erb botmosd a triple off the wall in right cente By Amuse Wed Press CLEVELAND Sept weather kept down attendance at the second game of the series between Cleveland and Boston today when Cleveland won Mails the Pacific coast southpaw went Into the box for Cleveland while Manager Barrow of Boston selected "Bullet" Joe Bush to work for his aggregation Schang went behind the bat for the Red Sox while O'Neill caught for Cleveland it being his 87th consecutive game behind the bat The lineup: rf Vitt 3b Menesky If Hendry cf McInnis lb Schang Scott Brady 2b Bush In If Wambs genes 2b Speaker cf Smith rf Gardner Ski Johnston lb Sewell as O'Neill 0 Mails and Evans FIRST INNING filed to TILZEItterYtl Vitt fouled to Johnston Menooky tanned NO RUNS: NO IIITR: NO gromded to Bratty Wembegsnies singled to lett and stole second Boetthsr waLlkod Smith fled to Hoop Wont meee toklue Lind and mornt ilooinel thaw By Associated Press COMISKEY PARK Chicago Sept (CONTINUED ON PAGE Two) Big Drop in Corn Features Market IEOPEN INVESTIGATION OF CAMPA ON FUNDS I HINGTON Sept roirivi tk ire- will be reopened here Viiodoe3 by ti ii committe it iw as Amiouriied (1ty it thi I i4'- Kenvo chairmar of co1e-0 (4 wonesses were issued today i 1 1 RACE DRIVER PROBABLY FATALLY INJURED ORADO SPRINGS Colo Sept Banks a the Demer Times Denver-Pueblo road race was fatal!) injured today when his automobile was nem Colorado Springs Bankri suf ic red a brrken ir arid Internal injuries The lineup: 2b Griffin lb Walker of Perkins Dugan 3b Johnson If High rf Galloway as Harris rfj Weaver 3b Collins 2h Jackson If Fe loch cf Collins lb Risberg as Schalk a Faber and Hildebrand FIRST INNING toned out Dynan Griffin tinnind to loft Walker forced Griffin Wen 120---Safely entrenched in second place the Chicago White Sox met Philadelphia here today in the second game of the series in the American Ieague pennant race and took a long lead at the start The Sox as a result of four straight victories are 11 points ahead of the Yankees who dropped into 'third place Saturday and a game and a half back of the pace-making Cleveland chit) "Red" Faber was Chicago's pitching selection this afternoon while Philadelubla started Ramis CONSIDER INCORPORATION GARDEN GROVE Sept the next meeting of the chamber of commerce Incorporation of the municIpalltywill be disdussed Woodworth will Submit the resolution regarding the question of By Associated Prue ICANSAS CITY Mo Sept the first time since- the summer of 1917 corn fell below $1 here today Contracts for December delivery dropped to 991Se soon after the market opened This was 114c under Saturday's close walked Metiookes struck Dot ifendert to Sewall- NO ONE HIT 0 OIONTINIOnk ON PAW' TONI (CONTINUED ON TWO) 1111Immoomlimmommlomm 1 I 1 4 7' -a- 'A s'1-.
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