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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 8

Brooklyn, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

B01DETTE SUNDAY HORNING, MAY 15. 1887. alry ohorgeB, writers who witnessed the Hell Gate explosion and trusty scribes who experienced the Charleston earthquake unite in declaring that their sensations in each of these cataclysms, compared with the rush and swirl of this Amazonian suffragist's dynamite discourse, were as a prayer meeting is to a railroad accident or as the twitter of wrens is to the vocal persuasion of an hundred calliopes. The Eagle will concede almost anything to Sophronia if she won't do so any more, or if Bhe will only turn on the Suffrago Association, which casts her forth, instead of on the relatively helpless chroniclers of the news of her unanimous expulsion from the councils of tho sisterhood. tion for the fraud to which it was unwittingly made occessory, every attempt to dislodge it foiled.

Its agents and emissaries freely employed the arts of intrigue, intimidation nnd debauohery wherever opposition manifested itself. A true account of the means it has employed to protect its crime begotten privileges would make one of the most startling recitals that this age of sensations has furnished tho materials for. When tho utter futility of tho efforts of private litigants become apparent, the Federal authorities resolved to take the monster by the throat, and upon the department of which Mr. Garlond is the head devolved the duty of initiating the struggle. The position wbb on embarrassing one for him, for, although his character was above suspicion and his motives not open to doubt, tho fact that he was conducting a prosecution the results of which might inure to the pecuniary advantage of the company in which he waB an innocent stockholder exposed him to the comment of the base and evil minded.

He therefore declined to take any part in tho proceedings, and tho conduct of the action now pending in the United States Circuit Court at Boston was committed to his subordinates and an able staff of private counsel. These facts constitute a syllabus of the his But the fact remains that Amerioan society has no higher goal than a judgeship, and the bench is only accessible from the bar. Government itself is held in oheek by the mandamus of law, moral and legislative. Youth is more acceptable in an advocate of justice than in an advocate of religion or any one of the healing arts. Law as a study is open to the comprehension and prosocution of a man who is not phenomenally gifted by nature.

Hard work can make for him a competence out of common law with common sense as a stock in trade. Assuming that none of these sixty Poughkeepsie graduates haB made a raBh choice in his profession the Eagle congratulates every one and offers each a piece of advice that all will disregard Throw away ambition. Throw it where nobody else can find it. Throw it into the deep waters of contentment. Remember that a good lawyer has beon known to make a poor judge.

TIio Keecber Moniorial in tbo Consumptives' Jlomo. When a great man like Henry Ward Beecher passes away there spring to the mind of each one of his thousands of acquaintances tho incidents of lost meetings and last greetings. The words which under other circumstances would have been lost to the world become pointed out, the departments where methods prevail which are open to criticism are few in Brooklyn and the men whose unsavory doings have cast discredit on the city are fewer still. The wrong that existed has been disclosed, nnd, unless the ends of justioe are defeated, the culprits will be punished. Brooklyn today is a city which is as well governed as any other in the country of equal dimension and population, and it is to its credit that where, in occasional spots, it finds evil it is anxioas to get rid of it at all cost and hazard.

Attorney General Garland as Justice Wooda' Successor. William B. Woods, of Georgia, associate justice of tho Supreme Court of the United States, diod at Washington yesterday aftor a lingering illness, which neither Bcience nor prescribed change of scone sufficed to alleviate. Ho was a just judge, a good citizon and a noblo man. Born in Ohio about 67 years ago, he was admitted to the bar in 1845.

In 1857 he was speaker of the House of Assembly in that State. In tho war in the Union army he attained the rank of brovet major general. After tho peace ho settled in tho South and bocamo State chancelor of Alabama. Ho was appointed circuit judge of the United States for the Fifth District, and was credited to and resided in Georgia. In 1881 was elevated to tho Suprome Court of the United States.

His decisions have beon able, conservative and essentially democratic. It is said to be probable that Presdent Cleveland will appoint Attorney General Garland as tho South's representative on the Supreme bench to succeed Justice Woods. It is the usage to select justices by sections. Should President Cleveland appoint Mr. Garland he would select a very able lawyer, a jurist by nature and culture and one of the most simple minded, single hearted and upright men that ever lived for an office for which he is ideally well fitted.

Tho decease of Justice Woods Mr, Bright would be hor warmost friend. If man hits a truck horse witn a hide an thick as aula leather a whack with a club the Society for the P. of C. to A. wants to bastinado the human being until he can't stand on his foot for a month; always whon Mrs.

Jollaby fixes hor fine eyes on Bor rloboola Gha hor noglocted family pines in th dloordor of an uncarod for homo; always the sympathy of tho world goos out most warmly for some causo long, long way off. Tho Foreign Missionary is over a horo; the Homo Missionary, with half tho salary and somo of tho privations ot his brother abroad, is usually lookod upon with disfavor and Is regarded as only a sort of a colporteur, any how. You Bend a box of your old cast off clothing to tho Homo Missionary, and ho writes you a gratoful lottor thanking you for It; ho In glad to got it. Glad to got It? If you don't send it, ho asks for it But, you send a box of your old cast oiT clothing to tho Foreign Missionary Oh, HoIIoIIo, Ho, Ho! You do itl Just try it one. I'd like to bo where I could soe that box opened; not too close, you understand, but on a hill, about half a mile away, boblnd a high stone wall.

Brethren, if Buoh a thing ever happens, let us pray, forthosakoof that Mission, that tho Allwlso Providence that directs the affairs of this World, Will koep tho hcathon from seeing it. Alas for our wolfish, lazy humanity, dearly loved, it is so much easier to lovo ourselves, tho fellow whom wo never soo, than it Is to lovo our neighbor evon a Utile bit. Our nolghbor can got at us; we can't oscaps him. Wo soo his poverty, hU woes, his wrotchednoss, and they draw too much on our sympathy; thoy won't givo us any rest. Wo soo his wickedness, his faults his vicog, and thoy discourage us; ho Is ungrateful for our bounty and kindness nnd that cuts our prido; he is oven a littlo iudopendont and irapudout insolent wo call It and that irrltatos us; and worso and harder to boar than all, ho is most exasporatingly like our solvos, and that Is unendurable.

If thoro is ono man in this world wo can't get aloug with, ono man with whom we aro bound to quarrel, ono man who irritating beyond human ouduranco It Is ho man llko mysolf. Lot my enemy or my neighbor tako any shapo but that and I can forgive him and lovo him. But alas for hlra If he be altogether such a nian ns mysslf I know tho type too well. And I wonder if you haven't noticed that yourself that tho mon and womon you havo the most trouble with aro most llko yourself, nnd consequently seem closor to you than any one else. Oh, good prophet, if you would succeed In the buslnoss, interest yourself In the heathen ot the North Polo thoy havon't beon discovered yet and stick to 'em; do not suffer yourself to bo drawn away from them: and if any man south of tho 90th purallol stops in your way strike him in the nauio of tar reaching Philanthropy.

ROBERT J. BURDETTB. BUSINESS IVOH'ICES. JUST RETURNED. "This is a Corroggio, lo it not, Mrs.

Midas askod the visitor. "Ob, dour, no," replied tho hostess. "We have no Americau paintings at all. That is something Mr. Midas picked up abroad.

It la by somo Eyotalian; his name 1 forgot, but it's on the back of tho picture." Visitor Investigates with an air of profound Interest and roads "Prang Co." A LOVING rilOVIDENCE. Down in Pennsylvania last Monday a woman was struck by lightning and stunned for throo hours while she was in tho act of tolling hor neighbor how to make a new kind of fruit cako with a prossure of twenty eight pounds to the squaro inch, that would keep for six months and grow toughor every day. Such thingB happen right "in our midst," and yet there aro people llko Bob Ingersoll who deny the existonco of a groat overruling powor that watches over the world and cares for mon. FAITHFUL SERVICE REWARDED. A Hydra, who or which had kept house for many years with more heads than a Purlton sormon, lay dying of an over do3o of raro humanity, and desired groatly to bo transported to the Elysian fields InthoJslea of tho Blossod.

"You stand a much bettor chanco," replied tho mossongor of the gods, "of going to Erobus, the tothorod, when Rhadaman thus gets a whack at you. You havo been a terror to gods and men; you havo devoured moro Human beings than you havo lived days; you havo desolated a whole family ovory timo you took a Bquaro moal. You are a nice duck for tho Elysian "But," faltored tho monster, "I havo always allayed my hunger with tho mon who tako presidoatal votes on railway trains.1' Tho messenger vanished, but in a moraout roturnod and handed tho Hydra a card "Pass tho bearer and friends Into Elysian fields; Manager's box. Account Humanity." THE FREE LIST SUSPENDED. "What is tho duty of the hour?" askod tho teacher.

And the nssossor's boy said ho didn't know unloss it was tho tax on watches. THE NEW TREASURE. Miss Malouey appoarlng at tho parlor door: "Wud ud yez molud ma'am, just steppin' out anto thokltchon a minnit an' lookln' on tho tablo tho woudhorful thing thoro Is that uz happenin' on it? Thini oggsas ye towld mo to bo batin' up fur tho cako, sure I broke throo ot thlm an' the Hvln miracle ov' it, thayro wur a bur hopped out ov lvery blessed wan ov thim. Och! 'lis the dlvll'a own doin'sand I'll not sthay in the room alone wid 'em a minnit for a whole weok ov Sundays out." CANVASSING THE POLES. Nordenskjold, tho Norwegian expljorer who hajs succeeded ijn making the Europoan nordwost pjas sage, Is njow contemplating ajn expedltiou to tho South Polo.

Wo ehjould think that Soudernskjold would bo a better man for that trijp. However, Its a skjold day whojn Knorrwegjan gets leJfL YELLOW JACK, THE TERROR OF RED DOO. "Look horo! I hain't been raised on booties myself; I don't eat 'em to home and I ain't goln' to oat 'em when I pay for bean soup." It was Samuol Standish Winthrop who spoke, turning angrily away from the host tablo in tho only hotel at Red Dog. Samuel Standish Winthrop, tho only son of one of tho oldest and proudeit families of Boston; a graduate of Harvard; brilliant, a poet, artist, an accomplished linguist, a lecturer and a man who, young as ho was, had onco road Browning in tho original Vandyke Brown. Polished, courtly and reflnod In speech and manner, tho child of tho oldest and bost culture of this continent was a strange contrast to tho rough sceno and rougher mon around him.

There wero a few of tho Inhabitants of Rod Dog in tho dlningroom at tho timo. Most of tho boys wero in the mines, and Jim Wild, Major Coldeck and Judge Lynch had gone out to bury a stranger from Ohio, whom It was found necessary to shoot during tho discussion ovor the relativo merits of fours and a full, so that, with tho exception of a few miners and gamblers lounging at the bar, the room was comparatively deserted. Winthrop'ralsod his votco with that porfoct modulation that spoke his university training: 'I say, pardnor, bring along a dip net and scoop out these boetlos. I tako my soup and birds separate." Rising lazily from the floor In a corner of the room, where he sat in the dust, mending a forlorn pair of ancient moccasins, Tarantula Sam, the unkempt, tattered, lazy hostler, walttr and man of all work at tho Red Dog Hostelry, shuffled up to the table and leaning over tho young Bostonlan's shoulder, with a deftness born of tho mountain and camp easily fished out the obnoxious Insect with his linger. See, Signor," said tho half breed, holding it bo fore him," you aro mistaken; it Is not a true beetle; hardly thought it could be possiblo in this latitude.

Note the vertical elongation of the head, tho slender antennas, tho largo ronlform compound eyes; the shioldllko tergal portion of the pro thorax, overlapping the head la front and the tergal portion of the mosothorax behind; tbo increasing length of tho strong legs, from tho first pair to the last; the elongated, many jointed, setose styles cf ret at its extremity all theso mark one of the least modified forms of the Insects, lllatta ericntalU, the common cockroach of commerce." Tho half breed paused, with tho cockroach held meditatively in his Angers; there was a little movement In tho group of idlors, gamblers, teamsters and minors at the bar; Colonel Tarheel, tho landlord, broke tho silence with, Well, 1 will bo dog gono." Samuol Standish Winthrop had fallen down dead on tho floor. GIVE ME EXCESS OF IT. "Music," says Carlylo, "la a kind of inarticulate, unfathomable spoecu, which loads us to tho edge of tho infinite and lets us for moments gaze into that." I am easily moved "with concord of sweet sounds." I love tho "old and antiquo song mora than light airs, and recollocted torms of those most brisk and giddy patod times;" but novor did I appreciate Carlylo's saying until a fow nights since, when I hoard Patti sing "Home, Swoeet Home." I will give you ono stnnza myself: "Mid and though wo may roam, Be it over humblo thoro'i no plao like home; A $barm from tho to hallow there, Which, $eok through tho world, It not mot with Homo! home, $woet, $woet homo I 1 no plafe like homo; no ho INDUCEMENTS FOR IMMIGRANTS. A man la Eatouton, has a houso and a cyclone pit on his farm, costing $1,200. The cyclone pit cost $700 and tho houso tne rest of It.

That's sensible; a man ought to put the most money In tho place whoro hp expects to spend most of his time. SOCIETY NOTES FROM KENTUCKY. Fred and Ethel and Allco and littlo Henry como into tho house very much out of humor, directly aftor breakfast: "Papa, thoro aro two doad mon down in tho garden and somobody's cut our swing ropo aud hung a strangor with It." Papa, who is busy ovor his paper: "Yes, yos; run away and don't bother; go somowhoro else and play. I hoard last wock thoro was going to bo a woddlag la Garrard County. PERFECTION.

A friend who was sitting to Michaol Angolo for a revised statue, callod on the sculptor with his fiest oxpression. and somo timo nftortvard callod again; tho sculptor was still sculping, although he was no sculpiu. His friend looking at his work said: "You havo not boon idle since I saw you last, but you had bettor have been." By no moans," replied tho sculptor. I have rotouchod this part aud polished that: I havo boftetied this feature and brought out this muscle; 1" You havo twisted my uppor Up: you havo mado a groat wrinkle across the chook; you havo carved a wart on tho nose and sot tho ear urihor back, and mado ono oyo crooked," oxclaimod the friotul. "But tboso aro trillo said tho sculptor, "and trillos mako porfcciiou, aud porfection is no trifle." But tho remarks which his friend dropped as ho started for tho rival gallery over tho way convinced Michaol that it is oasior to run powder mill in Brlmstono villo than It is to ploaso an unniurrlod muu with his picture.

the ruornET at hosie. Thoro are so many things, dearly boloved, In this contradictory old plnnot that wo don't understand that at times wo aro temptod to give up tho conundrum and got us to a nunnory. It is not noldom but only onco in a while that wo aro at all addicted to politics, but tho spectacle of thn good uud peace loving Johu Bright standing in tho way of tho oppressor and sitting in the seat of tho coorolouist is calculated to make a dumb man talk. Why, J. B.

Is tho sensitive poaconmkor who was compelled to loavo Mr. Gladstone's cabinet on account of a littlo coercion In Egypt; his peace loving soul could not onduro tho inhuman uso of force against tho woak. Ho rovoltod against coercion in Egypt. But ho thinks it is just tho thing for Ireland. Now, there tho puzzle.

Isn't It as a rule just that way with tho reformer who tnkos a contract to take euro of the wholo world Isn't he protty absolutely cartuln to overlook his own housohold entirely in tho broad plan of universal philanthropy? If Ireland was only somowhero In Southern Africa SIXTEEN PAGES. Tlie Sunday Morning Edition of tne Eagle 7ias a Large and Growing Cir eulation Throughout the United States. It is tlie Best Advertising Medium for Those who Desire to Reach all Classes of Newspaper Headers in Brooklyn and on Long Island. The Daily Evening) Eagle is now in its Forty seventh Fear. Its Circulation is Larger Than That of any Other Paper of its Class in Die United States, and it is Steadt ily Increasing Keeping Pace with the Growth of the Great City of which the Eagle is Admittedly the Journalistic Representative.

Branch Offices 1,227 Hertford Avenue, Near Fultoy, Street, 435 Fifth Avenue, Near IVIntli Street, and 44 Broadway, ICrooltlyn, E. It. Advertisements for the week day editions uill he received up to 11 :30 o'clock A. and for the Sunday edition up to 10 P. M.

on Saturdays. The Court of Appeals recently tlcciclod bov eral tax suits affecting the City of Brooklyn which have heretoforo beon commented upon by the Eagle. George S. 'Wheeler and "William M. Macfarlane wore purchasers at tax and assessment sales at various times between tho years 1808 and 1877.

For each piece of property bought thoy received a certificate setting forth that tho holder, after the expiration of two years, would be entitled to a lease of the land for a term of years, provided tho same bad not in tho meantime been redeemed in which event tho purchase money was to bo re: funded. In 1885 eight years after tho latest date mentioned and seventeen years after the earliest tho Legislature passed au act to clear up tho arrears business, providing among other things that within six months thereafter tho Registrar of Arrears should "cancel in his office all such sales made more than eight years prior to the passage of this act, upon which no lease shall havo been given, and no action commenced, and notice thereof filed as aforesaid, within tho period horeinbeforo limited therefor, and thereupon the lien of all such certificates of sale shall cease and determine." These terms are plain and specific. The certificates held by Jackson and Macfarlane and the sales upon which they wero founded camo clearly within the provision, because in all this time no leases had been given and no action liad been begun or notice filed or any proceeding taken by these purchasers to obtain leases. After the act of 1885 they sought to enjoin the Registrar from cancelling tho sales, on the ground that the statute was unconstitutional because it impairs the obligation of a contract. The courts bolow decided that it does not, and now tho Court of Appeals confirms that view.

Tho decision further simplifies the arsears matter, it is good for tho city and it is just to all concerned. In tho other caso Benjamin Andrews bought certificates at a tax sale. Tho sale turned out to be void on account of an irregularity in the assessment. The Legislature thereupon in 1884 passed an act authorizing the Controll to pay tho holders of the certificates "the amounts appearing in the libers of sales in the office of tho Registrar of Arrears to havo been paid by tho purchaser for taxes, water rates or assessments on account of his purchase." Andrews, after buying, paid certain taxes and assessments levied on tho property before tho sale referred to. Afterward he brought suit, under the law of 188 1, to recover what he had paid at tho sale and also tho sums ho had paid on account of the earlier levies paid voluntarily and without obligation or request.

Tho Courts below held that he could recover tho money paid on account of his purchaso at the tax sale, and no more. As to the discharge of tho earlier liens the courts decided in effect though not in words, since the law does not tolerate the free and expreBsivo speech of tho street that he had shown hiniBelf quite "fresh," that his action was altogether too previous," and therefore ho had no claim to recover. The Court of Appeals did not hesitate to lay down tho same doctrine; and this judgment, too, helps the solution of the local tax question upon which the Legislature and tho judges have been engaged for some years. Tho Commissioners want $10,000 to improve tho City Park. Just as this announcement is mado a movement is mentioned for tho salo of that grotesquely so called pleas tiro ground 8200,000 is named as its probable price and tho expenditure of the money on new grounds now filling in adjoining the Marine Barracks.

Tho City Park is an unfortunate spot. It is not known ever to have contributed to tho enjoyment of a single human being, while for most persons a visit to it is extremely depressing. But whatever disposition may finally be mado of it, great care should be taken in providing its substitute lest the latter turn out to be scarcely moro satisfactory. Tho proposed park is said to be intended especially for tho uso of the people of the Eastern District, but who knows that theywant one justthere Brooklyn should be adequately provided with breathing places, but no moro of tho minor sort which have already been opened are needed. It is no doubt in conformity with tho impulses of human nature that tho men and newspapors of New York turn and rend the Giants, of whom not long 6iuco they made much as pet athletes, and sneer heavily at their efforts to play ball.

But it is nono tho less amusing. Equally according to the constitution of tho mind tho Brooklyn team is just now tho subject of pleasant remark in this city. But let tho Brooklynitos tako care not to lose games. Tho pitcher or tho catcher, no less than tho statesmen or tho aoldier, can hold tho favor of tho fickle populace only by success. Our esteemed contemporary, tho Baltimore Sun, is mistaken in trying to convey tho impression that Brooklyn is one of the worst governed cities in tho country.

It is true that the recent investigation disclosed some abuses and that, as tho Sun says, immorality flourishes at Coney Island, betting goes on at tho race track and Civil Service regulations have been evaded." Furthor than this, it has been shown that at least one of the city officials has been guilty of the most flagrant kind of corruption or something very nearly approaching it. But as tho Eaqle has already It is painful to observe that an injurious and unworthy distrust of Mr. William Richardson by tho way, why will some people persist in calling him a deacon when ho is none has to some extent poisoned the mind oven of the courts. In the caso of Litchfield against the Atlantic avenue Railroad Company, Judge Clement mado a note that the injunction should prevent "track laying on Sunday." Is it to be supposed that Mr. Richardson would startle the Hanson place people and tho whole Baptist denomination by such shockingly "disorderly walk" as railway building on the "Saabath Mr.

Carlisle's interview, in which he said that President Cleveland had given to tho country "a safe, strong, healthy and clean Administration," in being widely copied in the Mugwump papers. Would Mr. Carlisle be surprised if Now England went for Cleveland If ono of the latest and pleasantest rumors from Albany has any foundation the prepara tions of the Hon. Thomas C. Piatt to convert Swinburne Island into a Summer resort for himself and his friends might as well be suspended.

Tho rumor is that the Senate Republican majority will no longer oppose the Governor's desire to reorganize the Harbor Sanitary corps, and aro willing to consent to the retirement of Quarantine Commissioner Piatt and Health Officer Smith. If a merely social visit of Senator Hiscock to Albany can be followed by results so salutary, what might he not do if he deliberately set himself to work to improve the mental and moral condition of Republican legislators One of the reports from Rome this week was to the effect that the Popo and the Czar wero negotiating for a reunion of tho Latin and Greek churches. The Czar is tho head of the Greek Church, and to this fact is duo no small part of tho superstitious awe with which ho is regarded by his subjects. This being the case, it is not very likely that he would consent to an arrangement which would result in transferring even in part his ecclesiastical authority to the head of the Church of Rome. It is pretty safe to assume that the Czar wants the biggest slice of what is going every time.

There need be no alarm over the surplus so long as the Government owes a dollar and is willing to pay it. The President's appointment of J. W. Hyatt, of Connecticut, to be treasurer of tho United States is a formal announcement to the Western ana Southern Democracy that though their votes are acceptaclo, thoir counsels on the finance question are not going to bo tolerated by the present Administration. St.

Louis Globe. Twaddle. This is too big a country for the administration of its government to be even successfully conducted on a sectional basis, and we are sorry to see such a brawlor for the Union as our esteemed contemporary the Globe attempting to excito sectional prejudices. What the President desires to do is to so compose the differences of opinion between widely situated communities of the Republic as to accomplish the greatest good for the greatest number at the least possiblo sacrifice of the views or interests of the various sections. The report that tho Administration iB unfriendly to Mr.

Randall is denied. The great Protectionist is lucky if ho is able to stand in with a Democratic Administration and Republican constituency at tho same time. Galveston A'ewt. Yet Mr. Randall has managed to do this ever since he was elected to tho Thirty eighth Congress, and he is more popular now than he ever was.

President Cleveland was exceedingly happy both in tho matter and style of his speech at the unvailing of the Garfield statue. Tho preBB of the country, without a single notable exception, recognizes it and praises it as a vigorous, eloquent and most appropriate address. The following, from the Boston Transcript, which devotes an editorial article to an appreciative analysis of the speech, will give a fair idea of tho impression it 1isb mado Most readers of ProBldent Cleveland's address will concode that ho knows hoiv to handle tho English language skillfully. His stylo and diction accurately ropresont tho man, as thoy exhibit a ro duudanco of physical and mental vigor, held in careful restraint, however, by pervading common souse and clear Judgment. Tho President appoars by nature to bo positive, aggrossivo ar.d oven com batlvo In minor souse.

In those rospects his compositions contrast with tho moro quiet, ropose ul productions of his lamented predecessor. Americans of ail partios and all shades of opinion fesl a conscious and Justifiable pride when the head of this nation acquits himself so as rightly to oaru the pralsos of un Intelligent and reflecting constituency. The better acquainted tho people become with the President's intellectual qualities the better are thoy satisfied with their decision at the polls in November 18S4, and the stronger becomes their determination to continue him in a position which he so creditably fills. Let Lord Lonsdowno meet Mr. O'Brien on the stump.

Old fashioned ways count for a good deal yet! Mr. George L. Nichols, in calling at the Eagle office last evening to express his thanks for tho Eaole's treatinont of the sad tragedy that occurred in his house on 23, amended the statoment of facts in a minor particular, which, to avoid any possibility of misconception, it is perhaps well to note. Mr. Nichols says that all the witnesses to the facts, direct or remote, wero formally examined before the Grand Jury, but that the incidental witnesses were not formally examined beforo tho coroner's jury.

Coroner Rooney, however, informally obtained all the facts which both classes of witnesses knew, but, in accordance with tho law and the practice, placed only tho witnesses to relevant facts on the stand. Tho examination of all tho witnesses, directly or romotoly related to the facts, followed as stated before the Grand Jury on Mr. Nichols' insistence and by tho District Attorney's courteous allowance with tho result that tho Grand Jury unanimously found just what tho coroner's jury had declared and requested that their conclusion bo announced in open court. tory of Mr. Garland's relations to the case.

If there is a single circumstance recited in the narrative which reflects upon his integrity as a man, his conscientiousness as an official or his sense of duty as an honorable citizen we are at loss to detect it. Neither by word, thought nor deed has he sacrificed one iota of his title to the respect which he enjoyed when he first camo into tho possession of the stock. He was innocent of wrong doing then and ho is innocent of wrong doing now. The President recognizes clearly and absolutely that the venomous assaults upon the Attorney General are resented by all men who love truth and rejoice in fair play. The misrepresentations upon which they rest are as cowardly as they are impotent.

Thoy are an impeachment of tho intelligence of the people, an assumption that tho community is largely composed of fools or rogues whoso natural inclinations would lead them to sympathize with the authors of tho slanders. From this stylo of warfare neither Mr. Garland nor tho Administration has anything to fear. No better proof of it is needed than the mighty popular tide which is gathering to bear Grover Cleveland into the White House for another four years of service to his country. On all the facts of this issue tho Eaole sees no roason why Mr.

Garland's appointment should not bo made, while tho record of his life, which shows him to bo a transcendent ly great equity and constitutional lawyer probably the ablest that practices before the United States Supreme Court is such as would make his appointment an excellent one. The President can be trusted to make a selection that all just men will applaud, and should he designate Mr. Garland the latter would provo to be one of the most trusted and able judges that ever wore the robes in the United States. Three Score Bulging Brow. Some sixty young men have just been admitted to practice at tho New York bar.

They succeeded satisfying the judges of the General Term of the Supreme Court at Poughkeepsie, that they know exactly what the law allows. The majority of their number are residents of Brooklyn. In searching the legal scriptures it seems strange that the attention of these new barristers was not drawn to any application in their individual cases of the law of supply and demand. American law, especially in the Eastern States, has become an industry almost as high priced and chary of emoluments as statesmanship in England. Unless the aspirant has a rich father or enjoj's a heritago that will feed and clothe him during the first ten years of his career he will simply be compelled to adopt as a means of livelihood some less fancy vocation.

The practice of law is a nice, clean business for the hands, and gives the mind much opportunity for miscellaneous thought. The Eagle of Friday published the names of the graduates and hopes that in courso of time each young lawyer will do something that will merit repetition of honorable mention. The choice) of a profession is one of two problems that confront ambitious young men having the best educational facilities of the age at their command. It is, or should bo, an earlier problem than the other, but neither should be given the temporary go by or a provisional solution. The other problem is the choice of a wife.

The Legislature has tried to diminish the supply of lawyers to something like the decreasing demand, but by making the prize moro precious and hard to win, young men feel that they must only exert themselves the moro. To preserve an equilibrium between the thoughts of Black stones living and tho Blackstone dead becomes every year more arduous. Every year tho avoirdupois of written lore increases, while tho buoyancy of animal spirits sinks in proportion. Forensic oratory has been choked by the dust of law libraries. When at last the successful lawyer must be a bookworm the legal profession will stand in crying need of fresh manhood, which is the attitude of the ministerial profession to day.

These social fluctuations always adjust themselves. Just now there seems no limit to the precocity of memory. Young men force their minds to remember the contents of a library of obscurely worded literature at an ago when the authors of that literature were wise only in their own conceits. This progress of intellectual activity can he measured by the degree of general information required by tho Regents of the State of New York. The annual examinations by this Honorable Board into the average proficiency of students in all the incorporated institutions of learning in this State have not changed much in past years, but the schoolboy no longer looks forward to them with apprehension or regards them once passed with any inordinate pride.

Sido by side with this early growth in wisdom, rises the spirit of independence in the young man of the period. Ho gauges every avenue of preferment with tho rule of self support. He does not relish the position of being an eleemosynary genius either before or after graduation. The tide of ambition for revenue only is, therefore, receding from the bar, while the cry for candidates for holy orders goes up from the seminaries in vain, and there is no great ruBh into medicinal practice as of yore. Even journalism does not offer many prizes for the fire eatiug courage of young America.

What is a boy going to do who will not labor and wait? This is an universal problem, the solution of which cannot be formulated. Everyone must work it out for himself as his opportunities and capabilities best enable him. historic. Mr. Beecher had laid a kindly hand on many a street urchin's head and tho world did not notice it but when ho had passed away that characteristic and loving act of his, as he went out for the last time from Plymouth 6hurch, hand in hand with the two littlo children, has been a matter of comment in tho city and around the world.

Not only that act, but a typical last word and promise of the Old Man Benignant has been brought before the public. As will in a line or two bo seon, it is likely to bear fruit in a tribute to his memory, which will translate itself into lasting good to tho community. The last conversation Mr. Beecher had with one of the managers of the Home for Consumptives in Brooklyn was on the subject of tho beneficent work of that institution. His language on that occasion was: "I must and will do something more for that great benevolence.

I shall help you." He was stricken down not many hours afterward. Ho had not the opportunity to accomplish what he had designed in the way ho proposed to himself; but it has been put in the hearts of his friends and the benefactors of suffering to devise a way in which, in a sense, the great soul himself may assist in carrying out his intention. A few days before his death a portrait of him was finished which many of his friends believe will itself become historic. By a use to be mado of it the last words of tho great preacher seem likely to provo almost prophetic. Tho use is this The picture is to be placed on exhibition with tho grand collection of Mr.

George I. Sen6y, at the Art Association Hall, for the purpose of securing, by a nominal admittance fee, a sum of money to endow what will be known as "The Beecher Memorial Bed" in the Consumptives' Home. It is fresh in the minds of all how the great body of the people of this city marched for two Buccessive days in an unbroken phalanx and in inclement weather to pay a last tribute of respect to that most illustrious citizen as his body lay in state in Plymouth Church. The Eagle would be surprised bo yond measure if it should be proved that that respect was so ephemeral that the exhibition of such a portrait the possession of an eminent citizen surrounded by such a collection of art treasures, does not speedily secure thousands of dollars from many times the number of visitors. We are of tho opinion that the energetic and public spirited owner of this picture and the promoters of this endowment have done wisely to put the admittance fee to the combined exhibition at the figure of twenty five cents, within the reach of all.

By this method the people who loved Mr. Beecher in his life and the people whom Mr. Beecher so loved the man of the people, as pre eminently ho was can all have the opportunity to see and to study this remarkablo portrait and this grand collection of the great masters of art. They can do it with tho motive of establishing in perpetuity tho memorial of aid to bear tho preacher's name in the worthy institution which it was his promise and his desire to help. On Tbo Warpath.

Two thoughts, more or less obvious, are suggested by the startling event reported yesterday the expulsion of Mrs. Sophronia V. Twichell from the Woman's Suffrago Committee. One thought is that the blood of the martyrs is the seed of tho church." Or to apply the groat truth the cause of the feminine ballot cannot triumph without suffering. The disfranchised can hardly fight thoir way to the polls except over the body of at least one victim.

If the grand movement demands tho sacrifice Sophronia is prepared to suffer; she will cheerfully fall as the prostrate victim That is, she will do so unless the second thought occurs to and captures hor first. It is a less meek and ecclesiastical thought, and is to tho effect that Sophronia is not unlikely to make it perceptibly warm for tho sisters who have undertaken to drop her. It is a melancholy reflection that the suffrage women are beginning to behave after tho manner of more men. They have their disputes and their personalities as if they were no better than male politicians. It seems sadly probable that tho suffragists will havo far more trouble with women than with men before they finally grasp the ballot.

The truth is all the trouble is with the women now, because if tho latter not Sophronia and "tho Committee," but womon could be induced really to want to vote, the men would not stand in the way. From tho lamblike but photographic description of Mrs. Twitchell's visit to tho Eagle office last night written by the solitary scribe who survived the cyclonic invasion it is more evident than ever that tho men would not stand in the way at least in tho way of Sophronia. She descended like a besom of destruction on the gentle ear of an inoffensive and unprepared base ball reporter. The horse reporter was next the object of her bovine belligerancy of speech.

The tender being who doeB suburban news ran to the frontiers of the city without stopping to escape her truly imperial mobility of mouth. The crowd of locals on items intent individually engaged hor active observation. Her topics, the rights of herself, the badness of Bockwith, the turpitude of Devereux Blake, the inexcusably pacific character of Mr. Twitchell, the indifference of tho community and the wicked willfulness of the Eagle, were poured forth with a volubility and vigor of voice that would fill (or empty) the largest hall in the world. Reporters who have participated in cav has been long expected.

For his successor Mr. Garland is first choice of every Supreme Court Judge, of every lawyer of either party in the Senate the confirming power and of the bar that practices before the Federal bench, irrespective of politics. Tho Eagle is aware that partisan zealots and unscrupulous organs have traduced Mr. Garland and will renew their fell work now that his name is used with reference to tho judicial vacancy for which he iB so well fitted, but ns men so widely variont in views as Grover Cleveland, Georgo F. Edmunds, William M.

Evarts and John G. Carlisle believe on personal knowledge and careful estimate that Mr. Garland is both highly worthy of and illustriously fitted for the office, tho petty politicians and tho noisome newspapers need not be regarded by just, honest and wise minds. Considering the attacks which will be made and have been made on the man, it may be well this morning to examine tho ground on which they are based. On the principle that a lie persistently ad hered to may eventually do the victim of the falsehood some damage, the enemies of the Administration continue to use the fact of Mr.

Garland'B association with the Pan Electric Telephone Company as if it were a sufficient reason to discredit the Attorney General in the eyes of his countrymen and were a reproach to the President, of whoso Cabinet he is a member. It appears to be the principal political asset of the opposition and they never weary of advertising it. The actual effect of this dreary reiteration is to convince intelligent men of the strength of the President and the weakness of his critics. It ib a rational inference that if tho most serious charge they can bring against him is his reBpect for the high character and abilities of Mr. Garland, they really have no case at all.

There never has been a time in the history of the American people when the humbug artB of political organs and orators were better understood than they are now, nor when they had less influence upon the public mind. The masses of both parties are honest, enlightened and independent. They read, think and decide for themselves. The utterances of partisan papers are accepted for just what they are worth, and no more. The statements of party leaders aro tested by the standards of knowledge and judgment which nearly every voter is qualified to use.

It is an age in which information is so widely diffused and original thought so common that deceit is almost impossible and falsehood cannot long escape detection. To these conditions we may attribute the fact that the bitter attacks on tho President over the shoulders of his Attorney General have not only failed of their object but reacted in his favor and given a fresh impulse to the popularity which he enjoys, a popularity more deep seated and general than has fallen to tho lot of any other occupant of the White House since the good and great Abraham Lincoln. Tho story of Mr. Garland's connection with tho Pan Electric Company has been so often and so fully told that every reader of newspapers in the land is familiar with the leading details. He acquired the stock years before Grover Cleveland was dreamed of for tho Presidency, or he himself had the faintest idea of becoming Attorney General.

His acquisition of it was entirely innocent and honorable. The company was a purely private enterprise. There was nothing in the character of the organization or in the purposes for which it was created that forbade him, as a United States Senator from Arkansas, to give it the indorsement of his name or tho benefit of his talents. It had no interests upon which he would be called upon to act in his Senatorial capacity. There was no prospect that it would ever engage the attention of Congress or the Executive Department.

Mr. Garland can no more be criticised for his association with it, than ho could have been for joining a company to raise pineapples in Ohio or erect cotton gins in Louisiana. When Mr. Bell mado his application for a patent of a telegraphic machine and suddenly changed it into an ono for a telephone, after a collusive interview with the Patent Office clerk Wilbur, a train of events was laid that aroused the indignation of every honest man in the United States and made every telephone company the implacable foe of tho monopoly whose spurious claims and corrupt practices the Government is fully prepared to expose. An investigation established tho fact, by the evidence of the unfaithful clerk Wilbur himself, that Bell obtained through him access to applications already on file on the Patent Office that involved the principle in which the bo called Bell tolephone is constructed, and that Bell thereupon altered his application in accordance with the knowledge thus fraudulently obtained.

Notwithstanding this disclosure, bo powerfully intrenched was the monopoly that, until the Government determined to have satisfac AMERICAN CA11PET3. FROM THE NEW YORK DECORATOR AND FURNISHER. Tho history or American manufacturing industry presents no parallel to tho Lowell Carpet company. Hero, and moro especially abroad, tho si oady decline in prices during tho last litty yours and tho competition born of rapidly increasing production, havo almost invariably beon met by a corresponding lowering in the tirade of all manufactured articles. This has been espouially true In England, whero overy reduction in price has been answered by a corresponding decline in quality, whether in cotton, wool or anything else.

A Lowell carnot on tho other hand is, so tar as the weight, durability and tinenosa of tho fabric aro concerned, the samo as in onr grandmothers days. Every decline in pneo has been overcome by iin provod processes and the introiiuction of moro rapid machinery. It only differs from tho carpet of half a contury ago in tho improvomont which lias been mado in all manufacturing procosos, and of which tho Lowoli Company has been among the first to avail ita. lf. In fact, had it not been for tile enlightened liberality ot this concern it is doubtful whether Mr.

Bigelow would ever have beon able to porfoct tho powor loom, vrllion. laid tho foundation of tho modern carpet industry. Amid all tho vicissitudes of matter how keen tho competition ut homo or from abroad, without regard to tariffs, either on competing goods or on the raw material, tho Lowell carpot has always been the same and ha3 always been quoted as the standard. Very fow outside tho trado havo any idea how biltor has boon tho light to maintain its right to this supremacy. Tho ladies of 47, liko those ot '37, wero wont to tool for the hollow stick, which oven then was a distinguishing mark of Lowoli goods, and it was not till tho Company took the matter to the U.

S. Court that it was ablo to establish its riffht even to a trado mark. Year after year it has boen omploying a corps of the best trained designers it could find in any quarter of tho world, and year after year, in Bpito of the quasi protection of tho Patent laws, it has seen its best patterns produced in inferior goods, not only by a thousand otieap looms of Philadelphia, but by the beat manuiacturing skill of England. But it has never faltered in its straightforward course. Meanwhile the moth ds of the Company havo been thoso which bolonK to the best school of mercantile integrity.

No dealer ever makes a claim for shortage in Lowell goods, for he is aware that tho pieco invariably, overruns tho ticket mark, nnd that tho answer to his claim will invariably be, "Send it back." Moreover, the company has always been represented by tho highest type of tho American merchant. From Amos Abbot Lawrence, names honored whorever the ir hito wings of comiuerco are seon, through their successors, Geo. O. Richardson A Co. and Smith, Hogg A Gardner, Company tins always had a starting in distribution oqual to ite acknowledged ability in production.

It certainly would be dinicult, perhaps impossible, to name another manufacturing concern America that has for half a century maintained so absolute a standard for integrity as rogards its production, nnd has at the sAmo time boon backed by a lino of merchants with the nerve and honesty to encourage and indorso such an adhorenco to principle. Tho tact is aliko honorable to both maker and seller. And yot the lesson is as easy to road as a page tho Now Kngland Primer. For tho smallest dealer who today buya an ingrain carpet is aware that a thousand looms stand waiting to know the Lowell price, and transactions of enormous magnitude aro mado twice in every year on tho basis of the forthcoming Lowell list. American axes aro confossoilly tho best in tho world, but no manufacturer has yet established so complete a supromucy ovor his competitors that the Australian baokwoi.dsman knows him from any other maker; American machino made watches havo no equals, but half dozen concerns sell them wherever, from tho St.

Law ronco to the (ianges. railro ids run on schedule timo. It is left for tho Lowoli Company to ho ablo to say that its goods are the standard by which alt comparisons are made. No one ever quostions their absoluto and unalterable integrity. The last live years have not been especially happy ones for tho manufacturer of carpets.

With a declining market he has soon a steadily increasing production. That through all this time tlio Lowell Company has gone on adding loom to 1 oru and has found a market for its in production is not only 'creditable to the men who have handled the goody, but it is an especially happy illustration of what may bo called the Dirwiuisra of manufacture, for it is a proof tho theory of tho survival of tho fittest. OVINGTON BROTHERS. IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR EXTENSIVE ALTERATIONS IN THEIR ART DEPARTMENT THEY WILL SELL FINE PORCELAIN PAINTINGS OF VARIOUS STVLES, SIZES AND SUBJECTS, ALL RICHLY FRAMED IN GOLD AND BRONZE, AND WORTH FROM S15.00 TO S35.00. AT THE UNIFORM PRIOE OF 310.00 EACH.


LARGEST CHOICE. An entire Suit of Rooms is famished in various styles to assist buyers in making suloctions. SUMMER RESIDENCES AND COTTAGES Furnished in any stylo desired. Special display of White liedroom Suits and English Braes Bedsteads, particularly desirable iur Sainmor use. Illustrated Handbook "How to Ftfraiih Our Amorioin Homos sent on application.


and Tweuty third at. BAIUIV'S TUICOI'HKKOUS FOR THE II AIR ESTABLISHED 1801. Tho only article which will thoroughly cleanse, beautify and improve the urowlh of t'to hair. It is recommended bv tlie lirst i in th lairt used by all classos throughout, the uuivtw.ui. It stands alvne ns regards its lium uiSH sud con uutly increasing consumption.

There is no oil or pomatum, or any preparation tor the hair, soiul or fluid, which approaches it in popularity, beside it is very reasonable in pi Ice. ET THE EAGLE KVEKY DAY Dt THB WESE..

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