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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 4

Brooklyn, New York
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g' Mjimii WWyriMjWvt.ffWrIWTTnBOTTW i. 1 1 ii HMrimiirrlll iilllllllllllllB iiiiiininiiii.i.iJ8WWMMI IMW IIIIJIIII imni "Mgg SiV.v. I 1 I WTIw nrrir nnn cine lOCAHTlTinn I I fKK.PifflVj: THE imiWnHISV. 1 I nAKWIN JASIHH Wll.lj Klin THE CHOLERA.

RAPID TRANSIT. FOR HIS FEE. STEPS DOWN. The Brooklyn and Lonjr Island RnlU He Expect to be Kcnotnioated and Think Blaine the Coming nan. Tho Oregon Readies Qnecnstowu in Six lKoyor how to Grant a Bearing Next SaSnrdny A regular meeting of the Milk Dealers and Producers Protective Association of Kings and QueenB Counties was held last evening at Smith's Hotel, corner of Fulton avenue and the Manhattan Beach Railroad crossing, East Hew York.

Mr. Daniel Van WIcklen presided aud Henry Hewlett recorded. Aftor the routine business had been transacted the chairman invited milk dealers with clear record and who were not in auy trouble with tho Board of Health to join tho association. If auy man joined for tha purpose of victimizing the organization he would be summarily expelled, beside forfeiting hiB iuitlation fee. There wero two names added to the roll.

The Committee on Veterinary Surgeons reported progress. The Investigation Committee reported that Mr. Euckuck's stable was in ia good and clean a condition aa any that they had seen, and it was situated on high ground. Iu relation to John Dubbins' Btable they reported that tboy found everything iu first class condition and cenFiired the Board of Health. Both ensos will be taken under consideration by the association and given iuto the hands of their counsel.

The committee appointed at the last meeting to testify lu Justice Nneher's court iu a caee in which a cow of ono of tho members had been condemned, reported that they went to the court and when about to testify as to the condition of the cow were shut down on, and told that they wore not experts and did not know anything about a cow. This case was also referred to tho counsel. Mr. George F. Pinder said ho had bad a case bofore the Board of Health yesterday.

The experts testified that the condition of the stable was A No. 1, and tho Healih Board were compelled to decidolu hts favor. Au Outbreak Reported in England. Au Entire Family Stricken Down Orer Two Thousand Deaths iu the South of Frnnco Sinco the Appearauce of the Scourge The Latest Reports. London, August 8.

An outbreak of English cholera has occurred at Northampton, owing to a scarcity of water. An ontlro family has been stricken with tho disease, but uo deaths havo yet occurrod. Paris, August 8. There wero three deaths from cholera at Marseilles and three at Toulou last night. Seven returned fugitives havo so far died.

The Siede says tho government has determined to demand the suppression of the quarantine along th Italian frontier. If Italy refuseB to grant this demand reprisals ara threatened. The official records show that since tho outbreak of cholera iu the south of France, 2,200 of tha iuhabitauts have died of the disoase, Marseilles, August 6 Noon. Thore hare been two deaths from cholera hera sinot 9 o'clock this morning. THE FLOODED DISTIUCT.

Complaints Made by Citizens to Acting Mayor Oleun. Complaints were made to day to Acting Mayor Oleua by citizens of the Sixteonth.Nineteonth and Twouty flrst Wards that tho cellars of their houses had been flooded during the recent storms because of the imperfect sewerage system. They referred particularly to the soction bounded by Broadway, Walton Btreet, Wal labout Btreet and Tbroop avenuo, which aro included In what are known aa the flooded districts." Mr. Olena explainod that the City Works authorities wera pushing measures for tho construction of relief sewerg under the Hodges bill passed by tho last Legislature, and that the districts in question would bo reliovodaa soon as possible. Iu other sections of tho city tha heavy raiuB caused moro or less damage and iucouven CHASIXG RIVER THIEVES.

About half past eleven o'clock last night Sergeant Buss and Officer Hoy, of the Atlantio Dock, suuad, saw a boat with two men in it alongside tha bargo Columbia, lying at the Commercial wharf. Their suspicions being aroused they procured a boat an rowed over, but the supposed thieves pullod to South Central pier and wout ashoro leaving their boat, lu which were found six bags of sugar, containing about COO pounds. SPECIAL, ADVEItTISFMIEXTS. PKING HUMORS. As a Spring Medicine, Blood Purifier.

Dtaretfo aaA Aperient, no other so called blood purifier or tarsapsrilla compound is for a moment to be compared with the OUTI CUKA RESOLVENT. Itcombines four great propertiosia one medicine, acting at onc upon the digestive organs, blool, ludneysand bowels. For those who wake with Si ok Hmidfiche. Furred Tongue. BiliDusnoss, Dyspepaia, Torpidity of Ihe Liver, Constipation, Piles, High Colored Urino, InlUmed Kidneys.

Feverish Symptoms and other congested conditions requiring a speeJy, gentle and Mta apiMient and diuretic, nothing in medicine canpossibbj equal it. rjlliE HERITAGE OF WOl Misery, shame and agony, often bequeathed as a sola legacy to children by patents, ia neglected Scrofula, Ta cleanse the blood of thi3 hereditary putt on, and thus remove tlia most prolific: cause of suffering, to clear tho akin disfiguring humors, itching tortures, humiliating orupticins nnd loath some sores cuuaed by it, to purify and boaulify tho skin and restore tho hair so that no of tho remains, CUTICUR A RESOLVENT, the now blood puritior, diuroticland aperient, and CUTIOURAand CUTIGURA SOAP, tho great skin cures and boautiflers, ere infallible HAD SALT RHEUM In the most aggravated form for eight years. No kind troat.tienr,. medicine or doctors did mo any permanent good. My frionds in Maiden know how I suffered.

Whoa I he.xnii to nsotheCUTIOURA REMKD1KS ray limbs wera so raw 1 tender that I could not bear my weight on them, without tiie skin craokin? and bleeding, and was obliged to gouljo.aon cmtchos. Used the CUT1UURA REMEDIES fivo mouths, and was complotely and pt rinnnjntly cared Mm. S. A. BROWN, Maaa, Jlefe: ences Any citizen of Maiden, lAius.

iOPVER 1 have been afflicted with tronblomo skin disease, cot erinj almost completely the upper part of mv body, causinE my skin assume a copper colored hue. It could ba ruLbd off likn dandruff, and at timo muring intolerable itching n.l the at intense mffering. i have used blood purifiers, other advertised leii.edies, but experienced nn relief until I procured tho C'UTICURA REMEDIES which, although used carelessly and irregularly, careoT that terriblo itching an 1 restoring my skin t(J its n. tnral color, lam willing to make affidavit to the troth of this htAtement. S.

G. BUXTON, Milan, Mich. Soil hy druggists. OUTfOHRA. T.Orpnts; RESOLVENT, Sou1, 25 cents.

POTTEH DRUG AND CHEMICAL Boston, Mas Si ml for "HOW TO CURK SKIN DISEASES." For Infantile anil Birth llnmon and Skin B'omiahas in CUTli. UKASOAP, aiinliciouslypcrrmm Skin Uenutifier, r.ud T.iilet, and NnrBory Sunativu. RKR RRK It OOO OOO YY A A A A A AAA Mi i OTCK EDITION WEDNESDAY EVENING. AUGUSr 6. 1884.

PREPARING. The Democratic Leaders for a Vigorous Campaign. Actirity at the Opening of the State and National Headquarters Sir. McCarren on Blaine's Strength the Irish People The Senate Committee on Ordnance Organizing Meeting of ltepresent atives of the Labor Party. At the Democratic National Henitqunvters this morning the work of renovating the committee's new house at Xo.

West Twenty fourth street, was well under way, anil Serjeant at Arms EJ. Itorno thought the building would be ready for occupancy in day or two. None of the members of the National Committee are in town except Commissioner Hubert O. Thompson, who waxes wroth over the absence of elova tors In the new headquarters. Senator Gorman, uuder whoso direction the work of the committee will be carried on, is expected to reach Now Vork by Friday or Saturday.

At the Democratic State Headquarters Chairman William E. Smith was in conference with Senator M. C. Murphy, of Now York, llou. P.

H. McCarren, of Kings County, and several other prominent Democrats this morning. Mr. McCarren, wno is one of Democratic leaders in the old rallying ground of the Fourteenth Ward of this city, caid ho had just roturned from Saratoga to enter on his dntie3 as a member of the State Executive Committee. He tad met Governor Ilen aricks at tho Springs and the Indiana statesman seemed very enthusiastic and hopeful for tho success of the ticket.

Tho reporter asked Mr. McCarren what the disaffection among the Irish citizens amouuted to, and tho Fourteenth Warder laughed at tho question. It will be a visible," he said, as last Winter's snow around election day. That some disaffection was manifest I flon't deny, but tho Irish people are not such fools as to allow themselves to bo duped by this fellow Blaine. Eo has been the persistent enemy of their race on all CCCasionB.

and to tho recommendation of fierce Know Notbinglem he has added the additional luster of apostasy. Governor Cleveland has in all matters been temperate, and to all natioualities ho has been courteous. The Irish people don't Bxpcct any more than this from ny public officer, and the protestations of the Blaine faction that It will do anything to help Ireland are as ridlculousTas they are mendacious." The apartments of the committee are In the recent nnei to the Hoffman House. They are stuccoed aud burnished, gleaming with old gold and resplendent with variegated lines on the ceiling resembling snakes. Chairman Smith will be in permanent charge, and tho people of Clinton County, as well as the ontire Democracy of the State, oxpeot great results from his man agement.

Senator John A. Loaan since his advent in New York baa somewhat hidden his light under a bushel. He is nnder lnstrnctions, it is said, from Mrs. Logan not to apeak moro than throe consecutive sentences to reporters and the burden of these must bo on the weathor, or aome subject other thau politics. Hoia strictly following the injunction laid upon him.

Tho United States Senate Committee on Ordnance is expected to organize this aftornoon at the Fifth Avenuo Hotel. It is composed of Senators J. it. uawtey, cuaic jnsn, Aldrlch, Miller of California, Butler and Morgan. The committee is empowered to inquire into the capacity of the various Bteel producing works in the United States, the best location for manufacturing ordnance aud several other matters connected with th.3 re establishment of a navy.

Senator Han Icy has been in town for some days. Ho did not caro to bo interviewed to day and aid that his opinions of Mr. Blaine's candidacy had not changed since he delivered his Bpeenh at tbo Kuvmimcan ratification meeting In New York come time since. THE LABOR PARTY. Fourteen members of the national committee, cheson bv the varioUB labor unions of tho United States, wero nreaont vestorday at a meetiug of the committee hold in tho office of Mr.

John Kooncy, No. 2 Pino street, Kew York. Mr. Rcouey presided and Mr. John W.

Reogh recorded. Among tho committeemen prcsont were: General M. Kcrwin, George it. uottren, a. iu.

AbaU, Jamas Springer, Walter E. Barnard, Samue! Sheers, Thomas H. Komayne, II. J. Carroll, Joseph M.

Davis, William n. Spiiuger, M. V. oannon, jouu loaie, John Oarliu and Felix Gallagher. General Kcrwin presented a set of resolutions disap nrovins of the action of W.

A. A. Carsey, Wilson S. wolf and others, who hold a convention at Chicago on the SOth July, at which Governor Cleveland was enthusiastically indorsed by tho labor leaders prosout, Kerwiu's resolution dououiices C.u sny and Wolf and Enures the public that the "only original Jacobs" of pure labor unionism is represented by himself and "Judge" Rooney's organization. Tho resolutions con eluded by peremptorily tho expulsion of the recalcitaut Carsey and tho contumacious Wolf.

Judgo Rooney then delivered an address, In which he aid: The result of the Chicago Convention has demonstrated tbeuuwortbiness of the Democratic leaders aud their unfitness aud incapacity to manage, a great political party. Nothing is more apparent in every step Which they have taken than their entire selfishness and eager greed of place and power, to tho utter disregard and contempt for tho voice aud wishes of those whom they profess to reprcsor.f. Tho masses of tho Democratic partv may contemplate the certain defeat that awaits them next November as the logical result of tho blind stupidity and aeliish ambition of their assumed leaders Our first choice for President was Gouoral Butler, the mauiuwhomwehaveallcoufidence and who has on all occasions proved himself our true friend and it was strongly intimated that, if tho convention could not be persuaded to nominate General Butler. Mr. Thurman, Mr.

Bayord or Mr. McDonald, or "Hr Dana or Mr. Flower, would be acceptable to us, but all to no purpose. The struggle before us promises' to be earnest and severe. Mcu who have Interests to enhance will set forth all their energies for the accomplishment of their desires.

Some will be actuated by patriotism and some by motives of selfishness; but above tho din of tho strife tho voice of right aud justice will be heard, hading their forces to certain victory, aud when the battlo is over aud triumph is won the now pretonded friends and admirers of Grovor Cleveland will disappear like a mist before the noonday sun and ho will be relegated into that obscurity out of whioh he ought never to havo been brought. On motion of Colonel flolaud 5,000 copieB of tho address and resolution were ordered to be printed for general distribution. The samo gontleman also moved that a committee of three, cnnsiMiucr of tha chairman, General Kerwin, and Captain Barry bo appointed to consult concerning tho candidacy of General Butler and tn the The meeting then adjourned, subject to tho call of the chair. PLAYING INTO THEIR HANDS. Secretary FoJtfcr Snsiainins the Cons mUaiotiera or Emigration.

Washington, AugnBt 6. Tho Secretary of the Treasury has received a telegram from Henderson Brothers, ageuts of Anchor line, Baying that his instructions to withhold clearance to Bteamship Devouia is seriously affecting her freight arrangements. The Secretary to day telegraphed to tho Collector of CUBtoras at New York as follows Henderson Brothers offer to give bonds that Rosenstein shall not become public charge. Submit offer to Commissioners of Emigration, and if satisf actory clear Devonia on reg nlar trip." Ho also notified tho Commissioners of Emigration, by Iclcgraph, of this action, and said thai if they accept Henderson's offer tho Devonia will bo allowed to clear. The Seoretary haB also addressed a letter to the Collector of Customs, in regard to this case, in which he lays You will inform Messrs.

Henderson Brothers that, whUo the department desires an amicable adjustment of the matter in dispute, It will Banction no ar raugemont that is not eatlsf actory to tho Commissioners of Emigration at your port." GEIUl.m' AXD AUSTRIA. Vienna, August 6. Tho newspapers express great gratification at the recent meeting of Emperor William aud Emperor Francis Joseph. The Frcmdenblatl Bays Although the meeting had uo great significance it waa not an act of mere courtesy, but an indication of the development of the two empires which the alliance, based upon mutual convictions, has so greatly promoted. No Berious anxiety need now be entertained for the stability of the friendly relations between the two Btele.

RAILROAD ACCIDENT. St. Louis, Aug. 0. A passenger train on tho KauFas and Texas division of the Missouri Pacific road encountered a broken rail near WhltesborouBh, TtxaB, at 3 o'clock this morning, nd the entire train was thrown from Iho track.

Mc Mahon, tho express messenger, was fatally injured and leveval passengers were slightly hurt. No details have et been received. THE TURKISH MUTINEERS. CAino, August S. Eight of the Turkish mutineers at Asslout were sentenced to death.

Two wero shot at Abassiyct The sentence of tho others was commuted to penal ser Vitado for life. CONDENSED TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Fire yesterday destroyed twenty.nino business buildings in East Portland, Out. Estimated loss, $75,000 Insurance, 30,000.

The North Bennington Boot and Shoo factory was burned this morning, with most of its contents. The loss is not yet stated tho insurance is $3,500. Hev. J. G.

Wilson, a prominent minister of tho St. Louis Methodist Church, died last night, aged 58. Owii to 111 health, induced by overwork, Mr. George O. Trevelyan, Chief Secretary for Ireland, is not likeiy to bo present In the House of Commons duriug the rest of the present session.

Dr. William H. Colo was to day nominated as the Democratic catididato for the Third District of Maryland. Hon. John V.

L. Fiudlay waB nominated in the Fourth District, for Congress, without opposition. A Polander, named Buzyun, was instantly killed and Frank Waters, a single man, fatally injured, at Indian Ridge colliery this morning by a fall of rock. THE WEATHER. PROBABILITIES.

Washington, D. August 6. Forthe Middle Atlantic States, generally fair weather, except ou tlia coast occasional sliowers and panly cloudy weather, variable winds, slight change in tern feature. RECORD OF THE THERMOMETER. Th0 following is the record of thf thermometer an kept at the Brooklyn aiaij.y 10 A.

it io, 2 p. iSSSS t.i.;:::::::: 70 80 82 83 UK HI01I WATKil. Tho following ia tho otticitti annvuuwu of the time and duration of high water at Now I. mnt'r ViK AUlUHt 7l load Company to havo All It Asks For. Aldermen Meflnrty, Conner and Oorwin, of tho Railroad Commutes of tha Common Council, met last evening, as announced, to hear arguments for aud against the granting of a franchise to tho Brooklyn and Long Island Cable Railroad Company.

Ex Senator W. H. Mnrtha was present, as wore also Dr. Matthewson, of Union street, and W. M.

Hlnman, The former is interested iu opposition to any system of railroad on bis thoroughfare, while the latter represents a large estate at Atlantic, Vaudorbilt and Clermont avenues. Dr. Matthewson claimB to have authority to use seven eighths of the property owners names on Union Btreet in opposition to tho Nassau Company's proposed build, ing thero, and Mr. Hinman was on hand to oppose the RIchardson CorbIn scheme. Chairman McCarty, of the committee, when the meeting had organized, said "To the gentlemen interested In this Brooklyn and Long Island Railroad project I would say that we expected to have the resolutions presented and submitted to night, but the documents were delayed in the Corporation Counsel's offlco, and the hearing In consequence must bo adjourned until to morrow night." Being interrogated as to tho resolutions Alderman McCarty said that they comprised the actual franchise which it is proposed to confer on the Brooklyn aud Long Island Cable Company, not, however, until a full hearing of the othor had been had and the proper amendments suggested and approved.

Tho meeting thou adjourned. BOCK A WAY BEACH ALMOST DESERTED. Several Evictions and Agereusive Action by Creditors. Eocknway Beach was almost deserted yesterday, and the placo had the appearance of a breaking up day in October. The business men aro very despondent.

Four evictions have taken placo and many judgments have been recorded against hotel keoperB, merely as a protection, the creditors say, and not to enforce paymont. The skating rink ia iu high favor and tho floor la occupied moat of tho time by several hundred performers. The Springfield Coterie is having its picnic to day, and the party numbers over six hundred of tho farmers aud their families the township of Jamaica, AMULET LODGE OF GOOD TEMPLARS. Tho regular quarterly meeting of Amulet Lodge was held last eveuiug at Adelphl Hall, corner Myrtle avenue and Adelphi Btreet. A large delegation of Scandinavian members from Verdandl Lodge, and othor members of the order, attended.

A. H. WaUier, W. O. presided, and J.

L. Mitchell, secretary, recorded. Tho secretary's quarterly returns showed tho memberBbip to be eighty, equally divided between the Bexes, being a gain of seventeen during the threo months. Tho treasurer's report showed the receipt! to be over $73. SHOUTERS.

Last Night's Attempt to 'Break Up the Independent Meeting. Mr. Dady Repudiates the Charge that His "Heelers" Caused a Disturbance Sapient Mr. O'Reilly Tho Blaine Young Republicans Anxious to Get Together and Hire a Hall Meelinsr of the Repnb Iican Campaign Committee. It leaked out to day that tho Blight disturbance which took place at last night's masB meeting of Independent Republicans in the Grand Opera House, was the result of an organized effort to create the iui preBSion that a majority of those preseut wero friends of Blaine.

That tho effort failed was duo to the promptness with which the Independents sat down on tho demonstration of the tattooed man's shoutors. The first cheer for Blaine provoked a storm of hisses and such vigorous expressions of disapproval that tho followers of tho tattooed man lost heart and feared to carry out their programme. Thoy did not dare to hiss the name of Clovelaud whenever it was mentioned, as was proposed they were dismayed by the whirlwind of applause which swept over the theater when Carl Schurz enlogized tho Governor. Mr. Michael J.

Dady was accused in one of the New York morning papers of having been present at the meeting with some of his tl heelers," for the purpose of creating a disturbance. Mr. Dady was in an indignant mood when spokou to by au Eagle reporter this moru ing. Said ho "I was not present at the meeting, and I do not know that any of my political friends were there. If I had been present I would, if permitted, asked Mr.

Denning if Mr. Schurz had been paid for the delivery of his speech. I know that Mr. Schurz is a sposker who speaks for hire it bos been his custom to demand money for his speeches from tho party which I am sorry to say honored him." That was a groat meeting last night," eaid a by stander. That depends upon what standpoint you view it from," said Mr.

Dady. I understand that as a Demo cratic meeting it was a great success. They teU me that there wero very few if any representative Repub licans preseut I mean the solid Republicans which represent tho much talked of better element of the party. Such Bolid men as you see on the Academy of Music stage when Reuublicaus hold their mass meetings." There are a great many representative and solid Re publicans who do not caro to advertise the fact that they are going to leave their party and vote for Governor Clovelaud," said ex Congressnian O'Reilly to the Eaole reporter. "No oue will be bo foolish as to deny that there are a great mauy RepublicauB in this city, merchants aud business men, who have signified their intention of voting for Governor Clevoland.

If all of tho Independent Republicans of tho city had turned out last night they would have filled two Graud Opera Houses." Soveral very young members of the Young Republi can Club wero associated with a fow Navy Yard employes in last night's attempt to interfere with tho har mony of the meeting. When they realized their in significance thoy adjuurned to the sidewalk and amused themselves by shouting for Blaine. A deputy sheriff was one of the conspicuous shouters. Whenever tha enthusiasm of his youthful associates Sagged, he stimulated them to fre3h efforts by Betting up the boors io a saloon adjoining the Opera House. It was reported to day that the Blaine members of tho Young Republican Club will hold a mass meeting in Music Hall at an early day.

if enough money can be raised by thorn to pay for the use of tho hall. The Advisory Committeo of tho Young Republican Club have not yet examined the letters received from members who were invited to state whether they were iu favor of holding a meeting or opposed to the idea. Yesterday several hundred letters from members of the club, addressed to tho Advisory Committee, wero removed from tho PoBt Office and handed over to Mr. Nichols. The letters were placed in a safe and w'dl not be opened untU a majority of tho members of tho clubTiavo been heard from.

MEETING OF THE CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE. The Republican Campaign Committee held its usual executive session last night and consulted with the presidents or other representatives of all the Republican ward associations in the city and county, the object being to take counsel togethsr as to the best methods to pursue lu go present campaign and to ascertain what was being done by the committee and the associations respectively. Tho result of thiB and other similar oonferencos to he hold Is naturally expected to be that harmony of thought and actiou will be obtained among Republicans throughout tho entire county, party members everywhere being able to feel thai they are not subject to the dictation of four or five leaders, and that whatever credit may be gained for success they have a share in. There is, howover, no particular work on hand at the present timo. The car.

penterB are still hammering on partitions and Bide entrances at Headquarters, on Montague street, no docu ments for circulation appear to have beeu Belocted and there is still nothing to do for the little army of assistants, who are clamoring for a hand in the campaign work. No annouueement is yet made of a fixed time for the first general mass meotlng, and it does not seem likely that the enthusiasm for the ticket will begin to boil over before the beginning of next month. Ques tions as to tho condition of political feeling in the various wards were asked by the Campaign. Committee last night and answered in such a way as to convey assurances that Republican "kickers" had generally como to the conclusion that they could wear out their boot toes to bettor advantage than by kicking at Blaine or against the giand old party, and so far the conference was uncommonly satisfactory. Some talk was also had, it is said, about tho existence of anti Cleveland Democrats In the different wards, and advice was given aud taken as to the best way to foster tho feeling among them.

Turning to ward politica now, at seems that the big Ropublican majority In the Twentieth ward, and alao in the Third Congressional DiBtrlcl as well as the Ninth Assembly District, is already exciting much rivalry among aspirauta for Assembly and Supervisor ial honors. Supervisor Meyers is considered to be out of the race for his present office, and it 1b said has lost somo of hia former backers in tho north end of the ward. He Is', however, said to be anxious for an As sembly nomination; but he Ib opposed by W.lllam C. Wallace, law partner of Stewart L. Woodford, for the favor of tho Goodrich Nichols element and if tha lat ter should triumph at the primary, tho chances seem to be in favor of Wallace.

It is not to bo forgotten, how ever, that the Suiumerflold Weeks faction is in tlia Twentieth Ward, aud that Major Clobridge is more than likely to bo its candidate. Tho Nichols people soy ho is without opposition, bo that if the Twentieth Ward secures the Assembly nomination thiB time, Clobridge will be the man. That it will secure it, there seems to be little doubt, because the Thirteenth and Nineteenth have monopolized tho position for years, and because the Thirteenth, at laBt, is handicapped by Laycraft's demand for the eohrievalty delegation. For the Supervisorship thero aro Beveral active can didates, A. H.

Borne, a brother of Wm. M. Borne, of the Bovenue office, beiug one. Ho Ib iu business as a prin ter, and ia backed by the Unity Club. Wm.

L. Bennom, lawyer, Charles Y. Van Doren, Wm. Sheifield and Randolph C. Fuller are others, and it is said that the struggle between them is growing very lively.

Fur CougresBmau, there seems to be little doubt that James has seenred tne rmieieentii, xwoiuiotn, xwenty Rrot and Twenty third wards already for a renomina tion. Some Twentieth Warders talk of J. B. Summer field, tho president of their association, as a fine candidate, and a mau'who would mako au ideal Congressman, but it Is pretty Bafe to say lhat Sumraerfield la not and Will not lie a eKfiuiuH auu iuuii uauiua wui havo a cloar flold auu an tuo lavor. A RANDOM PISTOL SHOT.

in the Dark at a Supposed Thief and the Result. John W. Frank, nu agent of John Hirts' Brewery, living at No. 224 East One Hundred aud Twelfth Btreet, New York, awoke last night and thought he saw Bomoono breaking lu his parlor window. He fired at the window, but on examination found no one.

He then vieited tho atatlon houBe and while there a woman was bronght in sufforing from a pistol wound In tbe temple. She waa found near Mr. Frank's residence. Tho woman was taken to the Ninety ninth Btreet Btation house and Mr. Frank waa held to await tho result of her injuries.

Hon. Darwin R. James was found at hia res idence, No. 282 Tbroop avenuo, last evening, and iu response to a question as to his intentions, said I shall be a candidate for renomiuation, unless, of course, thore is much direct opposition. I havo as yet takeu uo steps in tho matter, and at present am keeping very quiet." Do you expect to receive tho nomination "No one can tell as to that, still I do not apprehend any serious How do you regard tho present political outioon?" Well, at present everything aeems to bo for Blaine, At least it lookf that way.

Still I have only considered the matter casually. I think, howovor, that were the election to take place within a few weekg Mr. Blalue would bo triumphantly elected." Then you regard the future as dangerous I cannot say but in bo much timo thore is room for many changes iu tho preseut mixod and anomalous condition of politics. Mr. Blaino is very popular, and a Republican, I of course consider hia olection Mr tain in all events." Mr.

James said further that he preferred to keep qulot, aud that ho was as yet paying little attontion to political mattera. THE DUI1LIS SCANDALS. Dublin, Aufjunt 6. A true bill hna been found agotuat Cornwall French and Fernandez for felony. HAZAEL'S DASH.

The 3Pedestrian as a JPug Eastern District Dos Catchers Make an Effort to Cnptnre His Pet A Lively Row Ensues, fn Which They ara KuocJccd Down A Revolver Drawn. Tha Eastern District dog catchers were not so BUCcesBful lu capturing PcdeBtrian Hazael's dog this morning as they were in soiziug Mrs. Fletcher's pet ou tbo stoop of her dweUlug, on South First Btreot, a few days ago. The inclosed wagon was being driven slowly along Fourth street at half past ten o'clock, when thoy noticed George Hazael, accompanied by a friend, walk ing toward Woods' Rink, on North Ninth Btreet, to tako his forenoon exercise. Hia favorite Scotch terrier, Dash, was at his heels.

The wagon was stopped, and two of the doe catchers alighted and mado a dash for the cauiue. Hazael Btarted ou a run for his Btoro ou Graud 9treot, nearly two blocks distant, and called Dash after him. One of the dog catcher's comprehended tho pedestrian's clever ruse, and Btopped him whiio hiB associate tried to capture Dash. Hazael, with a well directed blow with his clenched hand kuocked the dog catcher dowr. Tho latter's compauion drew a revolver, but Hazael'B friend knocked him out.

Ttie pedestrian then started for homo aud tho dog catchers jumped into their wagon and followed him. When they reached the Btore Dash was uo where to ba found, aud Mr. Hazael, surrounded by a large crowd, stood at the door. Ono of the dog catchcrB boasted that ho would tako the cauino from tho whulo crowd, aud was about entering tho storo wheu Mr. H.

B. Davis counseled modoratiou, aud told tho man that he would not be able to tako Dash from a singlo man iu the gathering. Bergli'e man 13 coming altor your norse," cried a wag. and a policeman at tho samo time made the dog catchers move ou. Thoy threatened to capture Dash at a future day.

ASKING HEAVY DAMAGES. The Claim of a ITInn Tl'lio Was Itun Over by a Carriage. John Corey, of Flushing, has through his couuBel, Clarence A. Drew, commenced an action iu the Supreme Court against John Muhrot, of New York, to recover $2,500. Corey alleges, thot through the negligence of Mr.

Muhrot's coaciimau whilo driving, ho was knocked down aud ruu over, receiving injuries of painful character, which confiuod him to hia houso for several weeks. Mr. Muhrot is a wealthy gentleman, aud is spending the Summor at Bayside. He says he will defend the suit on tho ground that tho accident resulted from the negligence of Corey himself. CRIMINAL MATT tiltS 15! JAMAICA.

Would be Suicido and an Alleged Slabber Let out on August Eodert, of Woodhavcn, who wis arrcBtetl for attcinptiiig to corauiittsuiciilo after ho became involved iu a BCaudal, was released ou $1,000 boil yesterday afternoon. He havo au examination to niorrow. Jubepb Buct, of Queenp, waa arrested yesterday on the charye of haviut stabbed Fritz Motcti iu tho fight at Queena ono night last week. Buck pleaded not guilty this morniiig and was released on $2,000 bail.

Frederick Eiguer, who waa arrested on tho same charge, has also been released ou bail Eigiier states that tbe man who did tbo stabbing has not been arrested and that Morch was stabbed by mistake, the kuifo thrust being intonded for Herman Eigner, who had four of hia ribs broken. MONEY MAKKET. Tbe Annual Report of tbe Central rJi cific lixcliuiito Stronger Stocks fir regular Wall Street, August 3 P. M. Among the sales of bonds this afternoon were; (Jhoasapealte ana umo currency, auadu Wa bash, Chicago div 70 Kansas Northern, Omaha divM 95: Central Pacific lat, 110 New York, WeBt Shore and Buffalo 1st, 43a44 OreRon Improvement lat, 65K Erie, 2nd, consol, Kansas Pacific con sol, 81 Denver consol, 49a43 Texas aud Jfew Orleans, Sabine 60 Houaton and TexaH, 1st, main line.

Union Pacific lHt, lO'Ji ditto S. Iu8a 109 Fort Worth and Denver Int. 04; Texas Pacific, Rio Mftirouolitau 2nd. 92V: East Tennessee consol, Bfla 583 Erio 3d oxtouded, 102 St. Paul consol, 118 wormem muim; mi, jluu.

Exchange was advanced to $4.83 for long and $4.85 for short in consequence of a demand to remit for stockB Bold on Europeau account, KieriianTs agency says tho belief gains ground that Mi, Vanderbilt lias practically obtained control of the "West Shoro "and that he will b'o the purchaser under foreclosure. The grain movement at Chicago, Milwaukee ana io leao to any was as touows Oalcnge. Milwaukee, bush. B.C07 3.320 400 Tolodo. bunli.

1W.003 83,000 12.000 husn. 133,174 31,024 200,719 111.6G4 Receipts wheat Shipments ReceiutK BuiuiueutB The uitiml report of tho Coutral Pactfio lor tue yunr ended December 31, hUowb: 1882. 1H83. mili (2. 998 Cross earnings $2ti, 07o, nU2 ul 1 82 Net $6,130,422 S5.

403,919 Applied tu reduction of dobt. 2,538,030 2,334,003 nnnltnniiin to divi Surplus 3a, 112 Uehc iency 3,129,913 420,017 Expenditures for equipment and wero $2,109,808, which compelled au increase of tho floating debt. A further augmentation of this debt was caused by an increaso of supplies. The amounts found duo by the United StateB Commissioner of Railroads under tho YavioUB acts of Congress, have beon promptly paid, and tho requirement for the current year is $071,382. It is announced that rains have been goneral In Texas, greatly iacrersing tho prospects for tho cotton crop, for the.

reason that this State ralsos about one third the cotton produced in tho South. The anthracite coal market continues quiet, and the Coal Trade Journal says that it must remain for the transactions of the rest of this month to develop the necessity for further restriction. The operators can so arrange that tbe average daily output will not bo over 123,000 tons. It Is reported from tho West that the Chicago and Northwestern will withdraw from the tripartite pool. If this is true this combination will be dissolved.

Stocks wero barely steady early this afternoon, but after one o'clock Western Union was advanced and points wero freely circulated that it is destined for much higher figures. The tone was moderately firm for half au hour and the speculation fairly active, but between half past one and two the market waa irregular. Jay Gould resigned from the presidency of the Wabash to day and the plan of reorganization was adopted at the meeting of bondholders. Stocks were in the late trade and at ths close. Honey loaned at 2 per cent, and at lf, and closed about lf.

The following table shows tho course of tho Stock Market for this day 2:15 P. M. IitKhost. Lowest. SP.

M. Ctosrae. l'l'iM 110 37 10 ii 84 inn 102i 134 lit 85 Ooenlni. Wabwh Pactno Wabasn Dreferred Centralana Hudson. Illy Oenada 38 Erie 17 ne Onion PacUlo.

4G LakeShors 85 MorrMand Kssex Met. Lack A West. lU'f Northwestern 104.V 134 Koch Islana 114 bt. Paul 87if fit. Paul preterred Ohio antt Misasasiool rew 62tf Canadian Pacitio Oregon lbhC Western Union 07 PaciUc Mail 61 Manitoba 97 Michigan Central Ueluware Hudson.

100 Denver Ri Grand 111m. it central Aloracad, 63M Y. Elevated Metropolit'nKlevat'd 93 22JJ KortuernPaoitlc pfi. 54M Mo. Kansas Tartu 19jtf Missouri Pacific 92if Louisville A Naahvido Jojtf Keadimr 27K N.

If. Oat. 4 West'a 12 Omaha olX Omaha preferred. ttntralPaoillc ilti Ohio Central 2 Lake line 4 Western 12X Peoria. Oeo.

4Bv'lli 15 Teiaa Pacitie. HJ Nash.Uhat.iSt.L... 44 Chic, Bur. liQuincy. 121 Richmond Dauv'e.

Kic nmond Terminal. 10 N.Y. Ohio. 43t. 7X N.T.Chic.St.L.pfd, 11 Lonslsiand Camdiau Pacitio Oreeon Navigation.

Pullman 109 38 87 jiiU 104i 134 114 8V. 1105s 374 iiii 85' lii y. lO.Hi 134 114 86 62 io 68 am 97 100" 14 63 95" 23M 64M 30X 27i .12 34 St if. 121 io" 1H ns BOH ioii 51 97 100 12J4 63j 95 22K 63 19 92 27 12K 34 90 2tf 121 its" cow 97 100 12K 128 03X 95" 22 18J4 92 351f 27 12K 33), 95X Mi 13 io; 12 44 121 is" no 1C9 Manhattan 12 12 12 fniiowtnct table shows the bid Quotations far Government bonus at tuo reaootive c.n 7 aat board. U1K IM'i ,.120 ..120 100 124 board.

S. M. 1891. rjr U. S.4fei, 1891, U.

S.4a, 1907, Wg bi.4s. 1907, coup U. K.39 U.S. Ourronuy 6s Ill 112 120 inov Tli EXA1HSING STKEET I5AJM10AD SYSTEMS. Villinm "RicharcUoii( president of the Atlnn tio avenue Railroad, la in California on a pleasure tour, In which business will be slightly mixed, a9 he purposes to exaniluo tuo San Francisco strest railroad cable system.

Edward Freo, a director of tho Brooilyu Underground Railroad, has gone to Chicago to oxamino tho cable railroad system there. Mr. Hnziard, president of the Brooklyn City Bail road, Is contemplating going to Clevolaud to exoraiuo the electrio railroad thero to see whether it it adapted for Brooklyn streets. A Corner on tho Corn. DR.

Wnta'8 Oonx axd Bosio.v Rksikdt oontrolstho market. Cur Is perfect. Take no other remedy if you woDt conn and bunions cored. All drnggiats, 25 cents. Hai detiboreU Klnff, Tulloa, oorner Clinton sts.

Bargains'" ol aroots, DayH, Twelve Hours and EJU four minutes. London, A.ugast o. Tho Cimard Line steamer Oregon, which arrived at Queenstown at 7:23 o'clock this morning, made the passage in six days, twelve hours and fifty four minutes. Tho best provious east bound record was made by the National Liue's steamship America on her second trip. It was six days, fourteen hours and eighteen minutes.

ACTIVITY IN THE EAST. Hovas Who were Kclyinff on Fortifi cations aud Torpedo Fits. An gnat 8. The Timet this morning publishes a dispatch from Madagascar of July 25, which reports as follows 'The French aro displaying tho greatest activity in drawing mules from Reunion by requisition. "General Willonghley is at Tarafatto with 10,000 Hovas who aro mainly relying on their fortifications and torpedo pits.

Measures have boon taken to retire, if necessary, to Ambosi, fifty miles inland. "One half of the French troopB that have reached Madagascar from Tonquin have been sent to Majunga and will form a second army. It will march from Majunga to the capital. 'The native Premier is disposed to mako peace, but he fears that he will lose his head. 'The Freuch are suffering much from dyaontery and fever." CHEEKY BROWN He Decides That Discretion is the Better Part of Valor.

A Chicago Detective Persuades Him that tho Lake City Air is Good for Him He is Wanted for An Ag gravatcd Assault and Attempt to Kill After Denying His Men tity He Finally Confesses. On Friday last Superintendent Campbell received a telegram from the Chief of Police of Chicago asking him to look out for a colored man named Monroe Brown, alias Cheeky" Brown, who was wanted in Chicago for assault and attempt to kill. Detective Powers was put on the case and succeeded in art resting his man the Bamo afternoon at Coney Island. Brown persistently denied that ho was the one wanted, and refused to go to Chicago without a requisition. Detective W.

J. Smith from that city arrived this afternoon, and at once identified Brown, who uo longer made any attempt at concealment, but admitted that he was the right person, The papers aro expected to arrive from Albany to night, end Detective Smith will at once return with his prisoner. The crime with which Brown is charged Is that Btabbing a man namod W. Carney, of No. 319 Woat Twenty Mcond street, Chicago.

On the night of the 22nd of July, soon after 12 o'clock, Brown, with several other colored men, was coming down Twenty aocond street, singing and making a general disturbance. Mr. Carney, with some setting on his stoop as the night waB very warm, and when the crowd got op posite his house ho asked thorn not to be so boisterous. Brown, without saying a word, pulled out a large sheath knife aud, rushing up tho steps, Btabbod Mr, Carney in three places, aud then with his companions made his escape. It was thought that Mr.

Carney would die and his ante mortem statement was taken, but since then he has somowhat recovered. AFTER YEARS Of WEDDED LIFE. Mrs. Ttu rUnor Sues Her Husband for Divorce. An notion for limited divorce on the usual grounds has been begun in the City Court by Minna Berliner, against her husband, Phillip Berliner, both persons being residents of tbiB city.

The case is not devoid of some saddoni ng features. Tho defendant was, up until a few years ago, one of Brooklyn's most respected aud prosperous merchants, being the proprietor of a largo dry and fancy goods business on Fulton street, at the place now occupied by tho Domestic Sewing Machine Compauy. He was roported at one time to ho worth $100,000. Having occasion to go ovor frequently to New York City to another establishment of the same kind there owned by him, he began, it is said, to con tract expensive habits of living and a strong taste for intoxicating liquors. He descended steadily the grade, it is said, finally reaching tho point of ruin and disgrace in the absolute loss of all his business and wealth, and hiB utter enslavement to wero married as long ago as 1858 being united together on July 29 of that year in New York city.

They have sinco continued to reside iu the State, living tho greater part of tho time in this city. The iHsuo of their union has been eix children Han nah, Nathan, Henry, Jacob. Albert and Louis, alt of the latter long since reached the legal status of manhood. Louis is now iu his twontloth year. Tho plaintiff ia living at present at 572 Washington avenue with one of her boub, who Is conducting a small dry goods business there in hor behalf.

In her complaint she allogea that her husband has not been as kind in his conduct towards her since their marriago, as a loving aud considerate husband mifht be, more particularly sinco his downfall, since which time his treatment of her has developed into acts of tho most positive cruelty. Frequently, it is alleged, during his intoxicated fit, he has fallen into a violent rage, and threatened to take her life. She specifics two occasions ou which he assaulted her, the first boiug in the Spring of last vear. when ho shied a dluuer plate at her head, hitting it and inflicting a deep gash thereon, by which she was compelled to call in ine services oi a pnysiciau io aiteuu her. Tho other occasion alleged was iu the mouth of January iu the present year, when ho seized a table knife and threatened to kill her with it.

During the ist year, she alleges, he has contributed but twenty cents toward her support, iu consequence of which aha has been frequently obliged to solicit charity from hor neighbors. She statca iu conclusion that she has always faithfully performed her duty towards him, and pruys for such re'ief iu the courts as may be deemed juet aud proper under the circumstaucca alleged. G. F. Elliott aud James Moflott for plaintiff.

THE LATE HARRIETTE LOW. Funeral Services at Grace Church Thit morning. The funeral of Miss Hnriiette Low, daughter of Mr. A. A.

Low, who died at Newport, B. ou Saturday, took placo at Grace Church, on the Heights, at 10 o'clock this morning, Right Rov. Bishop Little John conducted the serriccs, assisted by Rev. William A. Snively, rector of Grace Church, Rov.

H. T. Scudder nev. Spencor S. Roche, of St.

Mark's Church. At the close of an unprcsaiv. mrvie.o. Rev. Mr.

Snively spoke briefly, eulogizing the docerscd ladj recounting her services in the Grace Church work and Sunday School, aud the purity aud beuovoleut character of her life. There was but little floral being the family's raqnest that no ilnwers be sent iu. On the altar was a large cross of calla lilies, while the casket waB covered with a cross of white roses aud ragilo forna and a Btav of tea roses, with a center of violets. Tbe members of the family present were Mr. A.

A. Low and wife, Mayor Seth Low and wife, William G. Low aud family, Joslah O. Low aud family aud Heury E. Pierrepout, aud family.

The attendance of the church people, by whom Miss Low was held in great esteem, was very larce, and beside these there wero present many family irlends, prominent among whom were Ripley ltopea, Charlea E. Bill, Georo A. Jarvis, Peter C. Cornell, W. C.

Sherlock, C. E. Bill, Joseph Howard, W. A. White, Walter H.

D. Jones, William C. Pcet and family, Henry P. Morgan, James Howe, Dr. Andley Haslott, Henry Sankey, Dr.

William H. Dudley, B. H. Field aud wife, J. D.

Jones, Cabot Ward, John W. Frotliingham, R. W. Hopes, Edward Bill and S. B.

Chittenden, Jr. Many friends were too far distant in tho country to permit their attendance. The rouiaina were iuterrod in tho family vault at Greenwood 9 E9i.HA RGSEXTS THE CHARGE. A TlictUricai Scandal Aired In a London Conn. London, August 6.

Tho trial of tho action for divorco brought by Sirs. Emma Tyara against her husband, Frank Tyara, both members of tho Lyceum Theater Company, was begun to day. The defendant testified that he bud Intercepted a letter from his wife to Mr. Haviland, another member of the company, whilo tho company was in Boston. He thereupon went to Mr.

Hfiviland's dressing room wbero ho assaulted aud disfigured him. The judge questioned HaviJand and tbe lattor admitted that improprieties bad taken placo between himself and the plaintiff. This statement was deuicd by the plaintiff who declared that there was a conspiracy to doprivo her of her child. THE COUNTS OFFICIALS' SALARY VETO. A Movement Said to be On Foot to Override It.

As regards the salary veto of Supervisor at Large Fritz, tho general impression around the Comity Court House and city bnildiugs to day is that twenty oue members of the Board are pledged to vote lo over ride the veto. A good deal will depend upon the action the Committeo on Salaries will take at its next meeting. If the committeo be unanimous in its opposition to tho veto, thero is little doubt that a two thirds vote will be secured. THE PROBABIE CAUSE OF A SUICIDE. Denver, August 5.

It is stated on good authority lhat Frank E. Everett, tho banker, of Golden, who committed suicide about threo weeks ago, was short in hia accounts with depositors to a large amount, approximating $100,000. He carried $50,000 life insurance. AS KX COUNTY ATTORNEY AKRESTED. Cincinnati, August 6.

Samuel IJ. Brew, ox county prosecuting attorney, was arrcctcd last night charged wi th embezzling $8,000 from Mrs. Elizabeth Cox, who prefers the charge against him. Drew was her attorney and agent for several years. DEATH OF KAHAUKOKGEVICH.

August 5. Prince George Karageorgevlch is dead. THE CHAI'TAUIJUA ASSEMBLY. Chautauqua, N. August 0.

The children's class was organized this morning at the Temp'e by tho llov. B. T. Vincent, of Pottsville, Pa. Rev.

Jesse T.yman Hurlbut, D. of Plaltifield, N. and M. 11. S.

Holmes, of Auburn, organized the normal chifB at 8 o'l lock. At the sanie hour tho Kev. H. H. Moore, of Chautauqua, lectured beforo the crates Academy on Socrates His I'hico in Providence aud Method of Teaching." At 11 o'clock tho Kev.

3. G. Towuseud, D. lectured on Womau." A HOTKIi BVUSEB. Vienna, August 6.

The Boar Hotel has been burned. Tho fire is suspected to have beeu of incendiary origin. THE WOMAN SUFFRAGE MULE ROY, N. August 6. A convention of the pooplo of this part of Geuesoe County was hold yesterday iu the Opera House here, to consider tho county's attitude toward tho Woman Suffrage hill.

Mrs. Mary Soymonr Howell, Mr. Morgan, editor of tho he Roy Time and others spoke. A resolii tion was passed deririaff the Senator and Asaoinblymaii from tho diBtnot to press tuabilt Ex Chief Judge Neilson Sued by His Counsel. The Fund in the Hands of the County Treasurer to the JnQge's Credit Attached.

Soon after Chief Judge Neilson, of tho City Court, retired from the bench, having attained tho age of 70, ho presented to the Board of Supervisors a olaim of about $15,000 for his services, extending over thirteen years, in drawing jurors. Mr. Robert Payne was retained by Chief Judge Neilson to advocato his claim before the Board, aud he did so with much skill aud After como delays the claim was in part allowed, and money to tbe amount of $4,000 was in the hands of the County Treasurer, subject to Judgo Neilson's order, Mr. Payne has begun an action against Judge Nell Bon to recover for his professional services. He allegos that the services which he rondered wero fully worth $1,100, aud saye that though he has demanded payment, Judge Neilson refuses to liquidate the claim.

This morning Mr. Payne applied to Mr. Justice Cul len, at Special Term of tlia tSupranie Court, tot an attachment against tho fund to Judge Neilson'e credit in the bauds of the County Treasurer. The afiidavit of Mr, Payne sets forth the facta and states that Judge NeUeon is assigning the fund to outside parties, and that unless an attachment be issued the plaintiff would bo seriously damaged. Mr.

Justico CUUen granted tho attachment, which was placed lu the hands of tbe Sheriff aud Immediately served on County Treasurer Adams. GENERAL MATTERS IN THE COURTS. Mrs. Anderson tie is a Decree of Divorce. Judge Reynolds, at Special Term of the City Court this morniug, grauted a decree of absolute divorce ia tho suit of Henrietta against Loren Audor son.

Hia Honor allows the plaintiff $6 a week alimony. Andorson Is a member of the Twelfth street Danish Church. A few years ago ho camo to this country, promising his wifo that when he succeeded in earning a few hundred dollars he would send for her. Mrs. Anderson waited patiently for a year, but she received neither money nor letter from her husband.

Determined to learn what hor husband was doing, she wroto to frionds, Tbo next mail brought her tho information that Mr. Anderson was living in style with a woman who formerly occupied a high position In the church of which he was a member. Mrs. Andorson, with the assistance of friends, sailed to America, and whon she reached here Bhe ouud that the information already communicated to hor was true. Tho next stop Bhe took was to begin au action against hor husband for absolute divorce.

John 0. Bostleman for plaintiff William Ensign for dofendant. Adjudged .11 untie. Charles A. Wall, whose father died in 187G, leaving him a fortune of $50,000, was adjudged a luna tic to day by Mr.

Stophen Oatrander. who was appointed as a commission bv tho courts to tako testi mony in the case and report. The particulars of tho caBe uave already been published. Court Notes. The examination into the charges preferred against Louis Weibe, tho ex poBt olfico clerk, was con tinued ycslorday afternoon, before Commissioner Allen, In the United States Court.

There was littlo testimony takeu, and the case went over uutii Soptomber 17. BEACON SCHOOL. The President of the East New York Hoard of Education Refuses to Sinn an Order. Deacon William O. Anderson has caused some discussion in the East New York Board of Education by rcfusiug to sign an order, a3 presidout of tho board, to pay August Hissinger, the contractor, who is buildiDg the new school house on Fulton avenue, for the portion of tiic work already completed.

According to the specifications the floor of tho boiler room, which is to oo in tuo cellar, was lo oe two feet lower tiiau tuo found that this had not been dono, and Baid ho wcuid not agree that the money sliould bo paid until tho work was done properly. At a meeting of tbo Building Committee held last evening, the architect explained that the plan hud been altered, but that ho had neglected to notify tho committee of the change. Upon Mr. llisaiu ger agreeing to deduct $10, tho amount saved by the cnango in plans, Anucraon signed the order. Mr.

C. W. C. Drehcr and some other members of tho Board aro provoked at Mr. Anderson's action, and say that he was mcuuung witn winit did not oolong to mm.

utiiors say that ho was right in Vhat ho did, and that tho ummiug vuiuujiKcu weiu very careless. THE XAVli STKEET HOMICIDE. A Coroner's Jury Acquits William Mc Kcnncy. Coroner Menninger held an iuquesfc this morning, at tho Morgue, on tho body of John Lyons, of 136 Nayy Btreet, who died on Sunday evening from the effects of a fall on the sidewalk in front of his house, From the evidence adduced it appeared that ou the evening in question Lyons was under tho influence of liquor aud was very quarrelBome. Something his wifo eaid angered him, aud lie raised his hand to strike her as Bhe stood on the stoop of the house.

A fellow boarder William McHeuny saw the action, and to save Mre, Lyons, gave her husband a Blight push. Ho staggered aud fell to tho sidewalk, striking his head on a stone. Death was almost in stantaneous, aud MoKeuny gavo himself up to the first omcor he met. The Coroner's jury brought in a verdict lu accord ance with the facts, aud exonerated McKenny from all blame, as in their opinion, ho iu no way intended to injure Xyona wheu he gave him the push which caused Uls deatn. A DIIUMGHT EXPLOSION.

Fire in an Affitnfor at the Brooklyn Oil Works. At half past twelve o'clock this morning a shock resembling that of an explosion startled the resi dents in the neighborhood of the Brooklyn Oil Works on Oakland street, at Newtown Creek. A largo agitator, containing a thousand barrelB of oil had oxploded. The fire was first discovered by tho watchman at tho Four teenth Ward bell tower, who immediately Bent out an alarm. Sevoral engines and trucks responded and streams of water wero sqou being played upon tha burning oil.

When Assistant Chief Engineer Smith ar rived tho oil was blazing fiercely, and threatened Church's Saleratus Works, about 50 feet distant from the agitator. Two more alarms wero sent out, and sev oral men were stationed at the salaratus works, hose iu hand, ready to prevent the flames from teaching tha premises. While tho firemen wero directing their streams on the burning agitator and endeavoring to control tho blaro, the oil suddenly ran over. Chief Smith inatautly or dered his men to drop their hose, and stand at a eafe distance. After nearly four hours of hard work the fire was got under control and finally BUbdued.

The damage is estimated at over $8,000. There were nearly 1,000 barrels of oil iu tho agitator. It was all cousumed. The explosion Is attributed to the presence of gas lu the agitator. Two years ago a fire occurred in tho samo refinery, aud tha premises were totally destroyed.

EXPLOSION IN A DYE SHOP. Three illcn Injured While Making; Their Escape from the BuildiHjr. The dyeing and cleaning establishment of Charles Franke, at No. 613 West Forty sixth street, Now York, was wrecked this morning by a mysterious ex plosion and scathing fire. The whole fire department of tho uptown district was called out to battlo with what threatened at first to asBUme the proportions of a disastrous conflagration in a very dangerous neigh borhood.

The flames were confined to the dye shop by the enorgetio work of the firemen, but wrecked that en tirely, with heavy loss. Edward Lendenberg waB badly burned aud takeu to tho Roosevelt Hospital, and Peter and J. Bretz were burued about tho faco iu making their escape. The cause of the explosion is yet a mys tery. CONVICTED OF PETIT LARCENY.

Another Kockaway Beach Thief Como to Judgrnient. Yesterday afternoon Constable Tim Jones, of Rockaway Beach, camo to this city and arrested Henry Viukey on tho charge of stealing 42 from a bar ber named Newman, whose shop Ib near tho Museum. Vlnkey was arraigned before Justice Healey, at Far Rockaway, this morning. Tho evidence Bhowed that $24 aud not $42 had beeu stolen, and the court, holdiug Vinkey guilty of petit larceny, sentenced him to three months' imprisonment. Vinkey was at ones removed to the Jail in Long Island City.

DEATHS IS BItOOKIiYX. The deaths in Brooklyn during the week ending August 2, 1884, numbered 302, being 09 less than iu the provious week, aud represeutlug au annual death rate of 24.93 in every 1.000 of the population, Compared with tho corresponding week in 1883, ther wero twelve less, when the death rate was 26.75. MISSING MR. MORTOJf. Postmaster McLeer is still performing the duties of his Charles B.

Mortou, The Colonel has been abseut from his post for ovor two weekB. The Postmaster Baid to day that thero wa a Bort of tacit understaudlog between tho Colonel and himself some time ago, lhat tho former could tako three weeks vaction this Summer if he wished. It is not probable that Mr. McLeer will consider the question of flllluE Morton's place until he has beeu away threo weeks. Tha United States authorities aro still unac quainted with Morton's whereabouts.

NO PRETENDERS ELIGIBLE. Pabis, August 6. At Versailles to day tho committee of the Congress of tho two Houses of Parliament, to whioh all proposed amendments to the constitution were referred, accepted M. Audrleux's amendment declaring that all mouarchio pretenders wero ineligible to the Presidency. The committeo acted iu this matter in accord with Primo Minister Ferry.

A FATAL FALL. Hunter's Point, L. Im August fl, Patrick McDfly, well known citizen, became suddenly Insane yesterday, and lato laat ulglit, whilo trying to butt his brains out against a wall on tho second floor of his residence In Peri Btreet, fell over and down a long flight of staira, breaking hts back aud neck, aud dying a few minutes afterward. lie was 50 years of age, and leaves a largo family. THE OOELET CCP YACHT RACE.

PnoviDENOB, B. Augnst 6. A light wind from tho southward with fog off the shore and clear weather, greeted tho yacht sqnadron at Newport this morning, for tho Goolet cup race. Tho judges, Messrs. J.

P. Tarns, Charles H. Stobblns and JnleB Montaut wero in the steam tug E. Luckon back, of New York, and steamed out of the haibor at 9:30 o'clock, having in tow, tha Norseman, owned by Mr. Goclot who gives tho oups, nnd who desired to witness the race.

Twenty six yachts are In the contest with the prospects of a rattling raoa. Difficulties in the Way of Some Elevated Roads. Laws Which They Hare Ignored and One to Which They Pin Their Fnith A Spe cial Act Which Seems Opposed to the Constitnilon How the Projectors of Rapid Trausit are Trying to Aroid the Expense of a Commission. The enemies of the Richardson Corbin elevated railroad project are said to bo lying in wait aud propose to make matters extremely Uvoly before the Bailroad Committee when it comes to dealwith their petition. One of tho points which will be raised against the gentlemeu is that they have not proceeded, so far, according to the process required by law.

The only act under which an elevated railway can now be builf chapter 006 of the Laws of New York, which requires that fifty reputable bondholders and taxpByera must make application for the road, verified on oath before a justice of tha Supreme Court, the Bald application (in case of a road running over, under or through city streets) beiug made to tho mayora of the city alono. Upon this application being made to the Mayor he must appoint five commissioners who will invito planB and select from those submitted tho one deemed most suitable. This commission has power to decide whether or no the proposed rapid trausit road shall be elevated, surface or underground. When has taken all evidence on tho subject it presents a roport to the Mayor and then the Board of Aldermen must take action for or against the report of the commissioners. As tho company has not presented any such petition, as required, it may have to go back and begin all over Tho compauy can, under the Laws of 1873 Chap.

432, by consent of the aldormeu and Mayor, con vert Mr. Richardson's horse car system Into a cable syBtem, but there is nothing in that act which gives power for au elevated road, nor for the conversion of Mr. Corbin's Atlantio avenue steam railroad into a cable iad. The portions of the chapter named which deal with the subject relates that "tho Mayor and Common Council of any city aro hereby authorized to permit the use of any Improved motive power or motor for the traction or propolliug of any car or any city or Btreet railroad which is or may be constructed operated by horse power within their respective jurisdic tions, Buch permission to be subject to such restrictions, regulations and conditions as the said local authorities may impose and subject to revocation at any time by the authorities granting the samo by a two thirds vote of its members." Tho laws of 1881. ohanter 498.

entitled "an act to facilitate rapid 'transit ia the City of Brooklyn, by au thorizing the depression of tho railroad on a portion of Atlantie avenue in eaid city, and the connectiou aud operation of the same with olovated and other railroads" gave permission to the Atlantic avenue and Long iBland Railroad companies to Bluk or dopresa the railroad on Atlantio avenue, east of Franklin avenue in the City of Brooklyn in such manner and to such au extent as may bo necessary to enable the eaid railroad companies to run traius in a proper aud satisfactory manner below tue grade or Atlantic avouue. Baiu sinning or depression to be at a point or near the intersection of Sixth aveuuo with said Atlantic avenue to Buch poiut lust of Brooklyn avenue as may best afford e3sy junction and access between said sunken or depressed railroad tracks aud those on the surface of said Atlantio avenue eastward thereof. The said railroad companies shall also join and invite the said railroad by safe and proper connections and connecting structures suitable for tho purpose at or near Sixth avenue and at the junction of Atlantic avenue and Flatbush avenue, in said city, with tho elevated railroad which may hereafter be constructed ou said riatbueh avenue and on tho route to Fulton Ferry aud the East River Bridge, as authorized to be built by tho East River Bridgo and Coney Island Steam Trausit Compauy aud the Brooklyn Rapid Transit Compauy." Section 7 of this act eomuelledthecomnanieB to com nlote the work withiu two vears. aud as they have dono nothing iu the matter at all, the act ia necessarily void )W. To tho law as given above the opponents of tho new proposed elevated cable railroad look for the defeat of its plans, and nothing has been said against it which cauuot bo applied to tho Kings County Elevated Rail ruad, which also failed to present the petitions of fifty property holders, and has In other ways failed to com ply witn tne law.

out, ou tue otuer naud, iiiesBis. sorbin and Biehar.lson aud the Kinizs County people have somo law on their side. Many pin their faith on the following quoted from chapter 518 or tne Laws ofsl881. entitled. "Au act in relation to the streets of the City of Brooklyn Whenever the consent of tuo local autuorities oi any city naving tne control oi auv streets or hiehwavs is rcnuired or necessary to authorize the construction or operation of any railroad, lu whole or in part, such consent, In the city or Brooklyn may be given by the Common Council of said city aud lu case the owners of oue half in value cf the prop erty bounded on that portion of a street or highway upon or through which it is proposed to construct a railroad have consented to the construction and operation of BUch railroad upon such portion of eaid street then tho Mayor aud Commissioner of City Works of said city may give the conBent aforesaid aud tliey may also give consent to the crossing of intersecting streets ami the authorities nva hereby given respectively the control of such streets aud highways in tho cases provided aud for the purposes aforesaid." To this the enemies of the new elevated roads oppose Article of the Constitution of tho State of New York, which aavs.

section 18: "The Legislature shall not paBs a private or local bill in auy of the following cases," and then goes ou to quote" various matterB, among which is Granting to auy corporatiou, association or Individuals tho right to lay down railroad tracks. Tho Legislature shall pass geueral lawB providing for the cases enumerated iu this section, and for other cases which In its judgment may be provided for by general laws." Therefore, as the last quoted act is most clearly local it is declared unconstitutional. This is the way the case stands now and these are tho poiuts on which argument before tho Common Council will be treated. Tho expeuee of a commission would have to bo defrayed by the company which required it therefore probably, the avoidance of the procedure stipulated for by the Rapid Transit Act of 1875 and its amendments. MEETINGS OP WARD ASSOCIATIONS.

The Ninth AVard Republicans. A meeting of the Ninth Ward Republican Association was held last evening at Barnes' Hall, cor ner of Vanderbilt and Atlantic aveuues. In tho absence of tho president Mr. George A. Price occupied the chair, and tho secretary, F.

M. Avery, recorded. Tho Investigating Committeo roported favorably upon twenty fivo propositions for membership, aud the names wore ordered to be placed on the roll. Mr. Francis A.

Biggs moved that when tho associa tion adjourned it bo until the 19th of August. Carried. Mr. O. H.

Davenport then presented a communica tion iu which he charged Frauk A. Saunders with calling a meetiug to ratify tho Democratio nominees. lie moved tnat ttuunaers uo expelled irom tun association. When the reporters tried to get tho communica tion, to take it verbatim, the chairman refused to allow them to have it, and said it was not worth writing. Mr.

I' raucls A. Biggs moved tuat in accordance witn the bvlaws of the Geueral Commutes a committee of three be appointed to investigate the charges. The chairman appointed as euch committee Messrs. J. H.

Ashley, Marx I. Eblers aud a. Moutauus. The meeting men aujourueu. Seventeenth Ward Plumed Knights.

The Plumed Knights of the Seventeenth Ward met last evening in Schwartz's Hall, Manhattan aveuuo and India street. Mr. C. H. Wolven presided.

There was a large attendance Thore are now sixty men enrolled. It was resolved to parado on the evenlug of the 14th wnen tue wigwam oi tne oovenieentu Ward ltepuollcan Association will Do lormaiiy opened. Mr. Gilbert Sofield, tho captain of tho compauy, made a few remarkB. The 11 tuned Knights of Squakum.

The Plumed Knights of Squakum, of the Twentieth Ward, held a meeting last evening at their headquarters, No. 8t Flushing aveuue. The chair was occupied by William Hereon, and the secretary, Jamos Grogan, recorded. The meeting was largely attended. The club now has a membership of 150.

Mr. T. Alfred Vernon was introduced and delivered an address ou the question of tho tariff. He also eulogized the Republi. can nominees and called upon all true Republicans to work In the interest of Blaiue and Logan.

He said ho was opposed to the bolters, and it was time that those people who had left the ranks of the Republican party were branded with the name 'Bolters." The address was listeued to with marked attention, and the BDeaker was frequently applauded. Mr. William H. Beard was the next speaker. He con fined his remarks to the general Issues of the campaign, He illustrated his poiuts by jokes, which caused hearty lanahter and frcaueut apnlause.

The meeting adjourned after a few remarks by tho president. Tuo cluo will be drilled at intervals, auu will prepare for a grand torchlight procession. The Twenty fifth Ward Republicans, After a regular meeting of the Twenty fifth Ward Republican Association had been hold last even. ing, at which no business was transacted, Mr. Gran villo W.

Harman called a ratification meeting to order. Dr. Leys introduced tbo usual resolutions indorsing Blaine and Logan's nominations. Tbe Lcalie Male Quartet gave some fine campaign songs, after which Mr. George F.

Elliott was introduced. Ha said that thero were two good papers in this city and ho enjoyed reading them. These papers reported meetings fairly, Ho referred to the Eagle, a Btaunch Democratic paper, and the Brooklyn Times, a Btraightout Republican paper. He referred to Mr. Carl Schurz, who, he said, had always been a kicker.

George William Curtis went iuto the national convention, aud when the nomina tions were made he did not make any objection. Ho was a traitor and a Democrat. Mr. P. W.

Ostrauder. the next spoakor. was received with applau.e. He thought that tbe question of moral ity and capaoillty on ouiu sides wuuiu euiuiunieu, aud the discussion would ba confined to the questions nt fivM trade and oroteciion. In speaking of Mr.

Blaiue he said that he had beeu known for years to bo the good husband of one wife, Mr. loeau, ne saia, when the Democratic party took up arms against the flnw tn its defense. Mr. Blaiue was the leading statesman of the country and had been for twenty years. The only thing that could bo said against Logan, continued the speaker, was that he did not use as good language as George William Curtis.

Grovor Cleveland never pleaded a great case. He had made mouey through the connection of other members of his firm with monopolies. Ho had novor done anything great. nn s. B.

Dutcher. tho next Breaker, referred par ticularly to the platfsrm of the Democrotic party. Dur ing hiB remaraa ne toia a aumuer u. muui stones which kopt tho audience in roars of laughtor. He rhnrmd that the rebellion was a Domocratio rcbolllon.

Not a single Ropublican in tha couutry took up arms nrminat tho Government, Ho dwelt at somo longth on the advantases of protection, A reduction of tho tariff was necessary, ho claimed, but he wauted to know whom they would prefor to trust, a Bopublican or a Democratic Congress to mako such reduction. In Bpoaking of tho tariff plauk in tho Democratlo party quoted the Eagle as soylng that it was a perfect piece of legerdemain. Tuo Democratlo platform do nirmi fnr a free ballot and honest couut. If there was a reo ballot aud honest count eix or seven Southern StuteB would cast their bollots for James G. Blaiue.

At tho conclusion of Mr. Dutcner'S speecn uaii tuo auoj. Mr. O. F.

Burton said he had left his own party, the Democratio party, because it believed In free trade. He did not waut Americans to have to compete with pauper labor In foreign countries. Referring to tho Independents, ho oalled Curtis the ringleador, Sohurz the clown, and ridiculed tho othor members, winding up by Baying tuat tney were umy a dime museum. The meeting thou aojournoo, IT IS CHEESE TITO TIME. The Illness of Three Children Supposed to be Due to the Article.

Dr. Sandford, of 498J Gates avenue, was called yesterday afternoon to the house of Ohristian Thompson, 025 ReKalb avenue. On arriving thero he found Mr. Thompson's three children violently Bick and evincing all tbe Bymptoms of poisoning. Tbe only thing they had eaten out of the ordinary way was eoma ohenae, which had beeu bought at a neighboring grocery.

The Board of Health is making an Investigation to determine whether there waa anything detrimental to health in tho cheese. Pastor Vosscler Tenders Mis Resignation. The Anticipated Inrestiffation Does Not Take Place Last Night's Meeting in the Parsonage of St. Matthew's Lutheran Church Dissatisfaction Anions: Members of the Congregation. At 7:30 o'clock lost evening several re porters visited the residence of Rev.

George H. Voaseler, No. 197 North Fifth' street, adjoining St. Matthew's Evangelical Lutheran Church, of which be is pastor. They camo on the understanding that Mr.

Vosselor, having been requested by his people to resign or bo re cjected, had demanded a full aud public investigation of his conduct before all the church members. On being admitted, howover, they were informed by bis reverence that tho meeting was not ono of the character expected but simply the regular monthly meeting and private. The reporters, therefore, retired. A reporter arriving later asked them if Mr. Voaseler had bowod them out.

One of them Bald no, be bounced us." It was originally understood that the meeting was to be held in tho church. It was held in a back parlor on the flrat floor. The reporters being denied admittance congregated on the stoop of a honse directly opposite eager to see some one come out from whom they could learn a fow facts. At the railing which soparates from the street the flower garden in front of tho parsonage, two of Mr. Voseeler's daughters acted as sentries with a email barefooted boy who ever and anon ran back to the basement and returned.

A voice in Gorman from the basement once duriug tho mooting cautioned the ladies at the gato to give uo Information to reporters. Suddenly a gentleman came out at the haU door aud gaining tho street was hurrying toward Fifth street. A reporter accosted him with the words "Are you one of tho trustees 1" No he said, I am tho teacher.1' On the reporter asking him if there was any investiga. tion to be held ho said, Go to the gato and you will get all the auswere I'm in a hurry to look after my Bick child." The dullness of the reporter's vigil was relieved only once by a street fight between some twenty youug roughs. Suddenly one of them was pitched upon a pile of lumber which ho struck with his head making a horrible thud.

The others then Btampeded, but presently returned and laid tha Injured one oMt on a coal bin to all appearances dead. He afterward revived, and they carried him away. About nine o'clock there being present nine trustees, Hev. G. H.

Vosselor took the chair and Mr. J. D. Mahlstadt, proprietor of the Eckford House, corner of Broadway and Eighth street, acted as secretary. The first business in order was connected with the Sunday school.

The report of Mr. Gebhardt, the teacher, showed that there were forty two scholarB. After some other regular business had been transacted Rev. Mr. Yosscler made an extended addross, in which he charged tho newspapers with having unfairly reported him.

He also alluded to one of the trustees, presumed to be Mr. Jacob Dahmer, of No. 395 First street, as having shown an unfriendly feeling toward him and as endeavoring to have him removed. Mr. Dahmer, who was prese nt, repolled the charge as false, and Intimated that on the contrary ho had always been the friend of Mr.

some months ago, when Mr. Voaseler had spoken against him. Mr. Vosseler stated that on the occasion referred to bo spoke under excitement. Messrs.

J. Edicker and Claue Gerken two of tho committee, who had handed Mr. Vosseler, the demand of the vestry for his resignation wero present. Mr. S.

Stolte, the other committee man, was absent. Neither Mr. Edicker nor Mr. Gerken said anything, though the latter, it is asserted, had tho most reason to speak. Nothing whatever was said In reference to the alleged causes for domanding the pastor's resignation, either by himself or those presout.

At tho close of his ro marks ho said that he had made up his mind to resign and would propose that his resignation, to take effect May 1, 1885, be accepted. Two or three members manifested opposition to the proposal, but finally it was accepted. A reporter of the Eagle visited soma of the church members this morning, and found that a few of them are qulto dissatisfied with the arrangement and Bhow a di 'positlou to have it set aside. Mr. Jacob Dahmer said I don't feel well satisfied and I do not thiuk this matter is over yet," Ex Captain Samuel Wandolt, formerly one of the pillars of the church, was visited this morning at his cooperago works ou North Third street.

The captain difOlaimed all interest In tho affaire of the church, which, he Bays, he aud his family left some months ago. He thinks, however, that a two thirds vote of the church members will limit the further connection nf Mr. Vosseler with tho church to three months. It is understood that another meeting In reference to tho matter will bo called soon, some of the church members regarding the trustees, who have all been appointed by the paetor, as too much under his influence. Such ia the state of tho church's affairs at present.

Mr. Vosseler'fl age has been misslated. Instead of 60 he is but 55 years old, though looking much older. His father is still living iu Swabia, whither aftor ho resigns, it is said, tho reverend gentleman will emigrate. Ho is popular with the boys in tho Fourteenth Ward, who familiarly characterize hiin as "Holy Joe." About four years ago he had a fair at Masonio Tcniplo for tho benefit of the church, and a grand feature of it was a sword which cOBt about $375.

This was put up for competition between tho friends of Garfield aud Haucock, the candidate to receive the sword who received the most votes. The sword was won by General Hancock, and afterward presented to him on Governor's Island by Jnstico Thomas Kenna. The votes netted to the church about $4,000. Some persons said that Mr. Vosselor profited personally by this fair, but this is denied on the very best anihoiity, as all the money weut into the hands of the treasurer, and has been fully accounted for.

Mr. Vossclor's salary is nominally $900 a year, but what with feea for marriages, aud the fact thtft he is rent free and has nothing to pay tor coal, nis position is worth $3,000 a year. A few years ago ho purchased two frame houses, worth probably $6,000, ou Bushwick avenue. Ho claims that under nis cnarge me cuurcu has prospered, and that all Hb debt out jibb oeeu wiped out. THEY ARE ALTOGETHER 1RRESPON SIDLE.

'I'be Happily Si tun tod Atlantic Bank Stockholders. It now appears, in spite of what has hither to been said on the subject, the Atlantic State Bunk iB an exception lo the rule that tho stockholder of State bauks are responsible to double tho amount of their stock to depositors in case of the suspension or failure of the bank. At the instance of depositors, who had requested in formation on the subject. Mr. Freling H.

Smith, re ceiver of tho Atlantic State Bank, Baid to an Eaglb reporter yesterday The Atlantic State Bank was oaganized under the act of Aprd 18, 1838, authorizing the business of banking. Section 23 of that act read no follows: 'No shareholder of any such association shall bo liable in his capacity for any contracts, debte or engagomeuts of such association unless the articles of association by him signed shall havo declared that tho shareholders shall be soli Terra is Homing contumcu in tuo arth'leB of cssocl tion of the Atlantic State Bank which declares that the shareholders shall bo liable iu their individual capacities for tho obligations of the bank. Uuder chapter 100 of the laws of this State, relating to banks, haukine and trust companies, pasa' July 18. 1S82, there is a seetlon relating to the liabilities of the stockholders, but that is confined to the stockholders of associations of issuing hank notes or paper credits to circulate as money. Now the Atlantic Slate Bank was an association of discount aud deposit and issued no notes or paper credits to circulate us money." This is why Ihero is rejoicing id tho camp of the Atlantic State Bank's stockholders, aud wailing In that of the depositors.

Judge Scott who was a stockholder himself in the Atlantic, drew tne articles cl agreement for it. Iu view of the fact that Mr. Oliver Denton, cashier of tho Atlantic State Bank, is contemplating establishing a new State bauk, with himself as president, aud has declared that he dooa not know whether or not the liabilities 'of the stockholders of the now concern will be greater than those of the old, it is as well for possible depositors lo know just what to expect. WHO TOLD THE TURTH? Commissioner Partridge Called Upon to Decide on a Roundsman'! Veracity. Roundsman James Green, of the Sixth Pre cinct, made a serious charge of neglect of duty against Officer Patrick H.

Bowes beforo tho Polico Commis sioner yesterday. He stated that about half past one oh the moruing of July 20, he was setting at the window of his house, on Grand street, taking tho air, when ho obFerved Bowes engagod in conversatiou with a woman opposite the millinery store, 501 Graud street. They alked for about fifteen minutes, aud then Bowes turned down the light in the street lamp. aud went into tho store, He waited until twenty minutes pas four whon Bowes came out. Ho thou weut up to him aud charged him with being away from bis post, which Bowes denied.

In his de. fonse Bowes swore that at about half past 2 the morning named ho met a friend of his, John Roberts, at the corner of Leonard and Grand streets, which is opposite to Green's houso that while talking with him he heard Mrs. Green say to her husband I just eaw Bowes getting on a Grand street car. Now is a good timo to foilow him." To which Green an swered I don't want to go out now I'm sleepy. His wife still urged him, saying: "You big, fat, lazy thing, you must go out.

No wonder the boys call you Old Mr Green closed the conversation by remarking, Hold your gab I'm going to sleep." BowerB further stated that having au idea that tho roundsman was watching him ho got several people to timo him at different parts of his post. Eight of these appeared before tho commissioner and swore that they bad spoken to Bowes during tho time he was alleged to have been iu the milliuery store. Commissioner Pttrtridgo did not deem the evidonce sufficient and tho complaint against Bowes was 'dis missed. INCREASING THE SALARIES. Action Taken at 'I'll is Morninc's Meet ing oi the Charities Commissioners.

The Commissioners of Charities and Corrections met this morning at the usual hour at the Board Room, No. 411 Fulton Btrect, President Van Sicleii in the chair, Chief Clerk Toal recording. Tho following resolutions were offered by Commis sioner Kissam. ReaoluiA. That from and after August 1.

1881, and un til the further order of tho Board, tho salaries of the following employees of this department be fixed at the ngures nameu u. J. iobi, cniei cleric, u. cuiorc, junior relief clerk, $2,000 A. Simis, junior counsel, $1,800 Charles Q.

Beach, clerk, $1,200 per year Mrs, Annie u. nammouu, ux aiiusuuusb, tiu iura, Catharine Douotng, matron, uospitai, per moncn Timinan Poraw. Patrick Keeean. James Monlauh Thomas Feeney and James Kavanagh, each $10 a mouth, Tli is resolution was adopted by a unanimous vote. Commissioner Kissom in conversation with an Eagle reporter after the adjournment of the Board eaid, ThiB question of tho increase of the salaries of the employes in tho department has been exercising tho minds of the commissioners for soma time past.

There is no difference of opinion as to the foot that even handed Justice would require the incroaso of the sala rleu nf nil of the emnlovcs. if the work performed was taken as a measure of remuneration therofor. Tho point of variauce between the commissioners is as to the wisdom ot Increoaing tue salaries ui uu mo em ployes of tho department at iniB time." A PROBABLE FATAL ROW AT A PICNIC. ConoNA, L. August 0.

A picnic held in a grovo near hero by a colored orgranlziition from Flushing known ai Seraphin Lodge Order of King David last night, broke up in a row, rrmilting iu ono man. Theodoro Johnson, of Flushing, being beaten aud cut so badly that his life ia despaired of. Tho row commencod in a quarrel between Johnson and another young colored man about girl to whom both had been paying attention during tho crcniuf. ine chairman said they snouia not lei ujb rest, as Mr. Pinder had gaiued a clear case.

The committee to wait upon Mayor Low and lay their grievances before him reported that thoy had not seen the Mayor. The case of Mr. Pinder was bronght up again. It was finallv decided to wait another week, and if ho in tile meantime sustained any damage, then it would be their place to sue the Board of Health, xms motiuu na carried. Tho chairman said tha milk dealers had no more rights than tho vilest criminals on earth.

The iuspec tors of tho Board of Health, ho said, came to their etables without permission and acted in a very inipor tiuent manner. A'Tew days after they would receive a notice to appear before the Health Board, and then ascertain that their cows had been condemued. If aomo action was not taken now, they might aB weU move out oi tue cuy. Mr. Sidney Hlgble related a case which was referred to connsel, and a motion was mado and carried that an Invitation bo sent to the State Board of Health to bo preseut when the case was called.

Supervisor Jewell, of New Lots, said he had spoken to Mayor Low yesterday in reference to the committee that had called ipou him. Tho Mayor said "he would be prepared to meet the committee next saiuruay mum o'clock aud to hear their Krloyauces. A storm of applauBe greeted this announcement. Before the nictlon to adjourn was made tho chairman said that members who desired tho services of the asso ciatlou's veternary surgeons need not wait until the next meeting, but if urgent they could call at the residence of the chairman and he would give them an order. Mr.

Jewell Buggested a committee be appointed to go before the Health Board and ask that body what they requiro the milk dealers to do. Anything the Board suggested should bo complied with, ami he thought there would not be so much trouble. The meetiug then adjourned. PASSED AWAY. Death of One of the Solid Men of Queens County.

Ex Assemblyman and ex Congressman James Maurice Dies Kather Suddenly. The Victory Which He Won Over Prince Harry Genet His Gift to the Diocese of Long Island. Hon. James Maurice died at his home in Maspeth rather suddenly yesterday afternoon. He had been complaining, but was not thought to be seriously ill.

Mr. Maurico was at ono time tho most prominent citizen of Queens County, but for the past fifteen years he has lived very retired aud his name seldom appeared before the public. He was a lawyer, and at one time was the partner of Jamos T. Brady, and for a quarter of a century was prominent at the bar, but he made the larger part of hia fortune out of tho real estate bus! nesB. Ho always displayed a great interest In the af fairs of Newtown, where nearly all his life he resided, and to his ability as a lawyer and a financier ia attributed tho savlug of tha town from bankruptcy at a when it was overloaded with debt.

He took a leading part in all reform measures and carried every issue for ward succssfully. Mr. Maurice was elected to tho Assembly of this State In 1851, by the people of Queens County, and in 1853 he was elected to Congress from tho First Dis trict of New York. He never had a liking for poli tics, and only consented to be a candidate for ofhco when a crisis arose and the people demanded his ser vices. His last appearanco before the public as a can didate was in 1860.

Iu that year Boss Tweed had need to increase his strength in tho Legislature, being threatened with tho loss of Beveral New York City districts, aud Prince" Harry Genet was Bent to reBide in the Town of Newtown and become tho candidate of the Democratic party for member of Assembly. He was backed by barrels of mouey and experienced no trouble in securing the nomination. The Republicans nominated Mr. Maurice, and oitlzens of the Democratlo faith met everywhere aud indorsed him. IVhcn the ballots were counted Mr.

Maurice had a majority al most outnumbering Mr. Genet's total vote. Tweed re venged himself on too people oi gueens county oy favoring some pernicious legislation. Mr. Maurice was not uiveu to display, but detested it.

Ho cave a creat deal of money away in charity, and kept his benefactiouB as Becret aa possible. Recently ho donated fifty acres or laud to tne episcopal diocese of Long Island for cemetery purposes. The land is in tho town of Newtown, aud if the donor's views aro enr ried out the cemetery will bo a source of considerable revenue to the diocese. Mr. Maurice lived and died a bachelor.

He had two brothers and three sisters, aud none of them ever married. But one of the family of six survives. Mr. Maurico was T4 years old. He leaves a very large estate, said to amount to hot less thau $1,000,000.

MINOR KEWS OF TUE DAY. A Condensed Rucord of Incidents in Brooltlyn and Vicinity. John Polick, mate of the steamer Clnighill lying at Roberts' Stores, was arrested yesterday for dis charging hide without a permit from the Health De partment, Farrcll, of 5GS Sockolt street, and John Golden of 170 Myrtle avenue, wovo arrested last night for breaking a pane of glass, valued at $25, in Smith Shaw's restaurant, 35,1 Fulton street. Richard Murphy, 41 years of ago and residing at 191 South Third street, while at work yostorday afternoon iu Young Guard's moulding mill on Greeupoint ave nue, was cnught iu the machinery and received two painful wounds. Patrick Daly, aged 21 years, who lately arrived from Ireland, was arrested yesterday aftern jon on a charge of stealing $20 from tho room of Lawrence St.

Law rence, an ex policcman, restdiug iu Oakland street, onpoint. He was locked up. Tho George W. Willla'ua Association, of the Eigh teenth Ward, held its annual excursion yesterday. Rev.

Denis Orsborne, a native of India, will lecture in the Fleet street M. E. Church to night, on Life and Christian Missions in India." Tho Star of tho Sea picnic will take place at Schut zen Park this afternoon. The Japaueso fireworks display will lake place this afternoon and eveuiug at Brighton Beach. A display of fireworks will take place at Manhattan Beach to night.

Tho Varuna Boat Club will hold their annual regatta on Saturday, August 16, off the boat house of tho club, at tho foot of Fifty seventh street. The racing will commence at 3:30 P. M. Rov. Fathor Boursaud, of this clly, has been appoint ed president of the Boston Roman Catholic College, and rector of the church of tbe Imaculate Conception in that city.

Joseph Hughes, of Tenth street, near Hops, ono of the alleged assailants of Officer Lynch, was locked up In the Fifth Procinot Station House last night on charge of habitual drunkenness, made by his wife. Abraham Jarvis, aged 55 years, of Cooper and Al bany avenuee, was steppiug off the rear platform of South Fourth street car at Blx o'clock last evening when he Blipped and foil, receiving a contusod wouud ou the head. Henry C. Eno, of No. 258 Division avenue, charged Mary Goff with larceny before Justice Rhinehart He stated that he gave her apiece of stair carpet worth $13 to take to his prosent residence, when he was moving last May, but she pawned It, Honry Burns and James McDermott, young men re siding in the Eastern District, were arrested by an officer of tho Fifth Precinct while crossing tho Graud street Forry, on complaint of John Corzoine, who ac cused them of stealing the two cans of milk which thoy carried.

The body of a drowned man very much decompoRed was fiBhed out of the Eaet River at the foot of North Ninth 8tooct this moaning. Deceased was about 45 years old and 5 feet 7 inohes in height. Tho Arctic fleet will arrive at the Navy Yard to mor. row morning. The bodies of Greoiy'a men will be laud, ed at Governor's Island, No reception will be given the fleet.

The bricklayers' strike in New York remains the same, both sides holding out as stoutly as ever. An elevator fell at No. 84 Ann Btreet, Now York, to, day, carrying with it three workmen, but no ono was seriously injured. SEWS JOTTINGS 110.11 CO.NEY ISLAND. Itlocttnpr ot Graretieiid Police Coin misNioners.

The Board of Police Commissioners of Gravesend met iost night and appointed two special Thomas Quinn and James (Stewart, Justice Stryker offered a resolution that a tax be levied upon Bchool Districts Nob. 2, 4 and 0 as follows: Distrlot No, $184 District No. 4, $552, aud District No. 6, $2,703, making a total of $3,500 to be appropriated for polico board expenses for next season, the samo to bo placed before tho Board of supervisors. Henry Wallace alias Hawkins, a pickpocket released on boil, has disappeared, and warrant is out issued bv Justice Waring, for uls arrest.

The coachman of John Snedekcr was robbed at tho latter's residence on Iho Boulovard last night of cloth ing and money. Patrick Murphy, employed at Paul Bauer's Concert Garden and hotel, was arrested yesterday for tamper. ing with tho guests' baggage. Teu complaints have been made against him. WAS, IT GAMBLING John Witten, of No.

388 Manhattan avenue, was arraigned this morning before JuBtlce Naoher on a charge of keoptug a gambling saloon. The complainant wos Officer Mahony, of the Ssventh Precinot, who, accompanied by Bov. W. O. Stiles, visited Wltton's saloon, July 27, and eawaome men playing cards.

Wilton produced four witnesses to prove that ho had refused tho request of somo parties for cards, and did not know that cards were being played In his saloon; The' Justice reserved hia decision. FOR BEATING HIS WIFE. Joseph Hughes, one of the gong who some weeks ago boat Officer Lynch in Union avenuo so badly that his life was despaired of, was before Justico Naeher again this morning on a charge of beating his wife. The Justice sent him to Jail for twouty mua daya. Hughes is uuder ball to answer for tho assault on Officer Lynch.

GtlO a GG GGQ PPP PPP OOO OOO www WW WW WW WW DDD 1 DDD F.KB KB KKB RKR RRR 3 COKPOKATgQ.V IVOTgCflS. CO CONTRACTORS AJirRACT FUOlvt (rtl.nnncQ nf tho Common Ooiinui! iu rotation to do iMit.s to be made bjr proposers for trork, passed Aprit 1H77: Ea nronosal must be aceo.iiniinitul bv a denoaifc ot i' lOU in iwniuy, or hy certified clinck inyt)lo to order of the president of the Bo of City Woivs (novr the Com mis innur nt tho department of City Works), tobo returned to bidder in case his bid in rejected by the Board of City Works (now the Commis siunerof the Department of Citv Works). In case tho party parties whom th coninictmay ne awaruea siiau neglect or lomao to enter info cull iht t. llin dMnnsifPd ntt MlxirH fieri, will bo retained as liitaidated damnges lor such neglect or relusttl. Wiirks, Municipal uepannjent ituiui.ns.

timoklyn An gnat Sesleu" proposals uill be reciiireii at this office until Monday, tho lsih rtjyof August, lKtil. ot 1'2 M.t for build inH irm (ire engine house on Pacific straot, south side. H)i iet from the south corner of "Sixth avenue and Phailii: Pinna and uncc'inY nona mnv he seen, nnd form of proposals can be procured on application at tha Department of Citv Works. tho tlop sit aforesaid, and aldobyan undertaking in writ inp, of two rjiiretie.i, on each (wli slmll qualify to their responsibility in tho huiii of 81, Of)') that, if th bo a wart led to the part' or p.irtios pi'tip ieinsTt they fiiriiiAncii: nnd in ciisb he or ther sh. t't l.eAuct or refuse tn tho iuract, if s' awar Ied limit, thut they will pay t'i the ('ity of Brooklyn the differenc between tha K' proposed ana tne price at mu tract may iii with any other pei.

son or pers. ni. Proposals ta beind trscd "Totlm Coinmisaioner of Urn Department of City VV'ork (spc filyinir work). The pvuposals will he pubhdy opened and announced ou tho lith diy of August. at the hour of 12 o'clock M.

provided that the Commissioner of the Department 'f City Works, or his reulnily appjlnted deputy, is present, cae of tha ab senco of, then on tha first day the. eaftHr when either i prcR'iiit. By order of the C' mmiiii Council. Dited Bru.khM, Juno' IHSi. WILLIAM II.

FLKKMAN, Commissioner of the Department ot City Works. At t3t: D. L. Nokthup, Secretary. auClOt TO CONTRACTORS ACT FROM Ordinance of ths Common Council in relation to deposits to be made by proposers ft.r work, etc, passed AprilO, 1877: Ksch must he ficconi pan led by a depouit nf $100 in money, or by certified chock payable to) order of tho President of the Board of City Works (now tho Commissioner of the Dopartmont of CJity WorkB), to be retuvneii to the bidder in case hia bid is rejected by tho Board of City Works (now the d.

nimissi. nut of the De ptti tmcut of City Works). In case tho party or parties tct whom contract may be awarde.1 shujl neglect ot refus outer iuto contract, the amount dopa ted, aa above Fpfeitied, will be retained ns liquidated dtinmes for each Jifljrhvt or refiiB il. FIRE ENGINE HOUSE D. p.rlmcnt of City Wurks, Municipal Department lluhd lirookljn, August (i, 1S81 Se.iled proposals will bo received at tbisofnee, untii Monday the Ifitu day of August, lHSt, at 22 for buildi'JK a new fire ensmo house on lincy street, south Bide.

500 leet westerly from tho southwesterly corner of Kalph avenue and (juincy street. PJaus specifications nuy be seen, and forms of proposals can ho procured on application at the Dopartment of City Works. Proposals will not ho considered unless accompanied by tho deposit aforesaid, and also by an undertaking in writing, ot two sureties, on cash, proposil (who shall qualify aa to their ibility in the sum of 4,000) that if the contract ht awarded to the party or partit proposing, hey will become hound as his or VjOU auri ty tor its faithful ptirform nico: and iu caee he or they shall neglect or refuse to exocute the contract, if so awarded them, that they will to the City of Brooklyn the difference between tho price eo proposed Jtnd the price at which thtj contract may be m'tde wilh any othor person or persons. Proposals to be indorsed "To the Commissioner ot the Department of City Works" (specifying work). The uaii! proposals will ho publicly opened and announced on the lHtn of August 1884, at the hour of twelve o'clock provided that tho Commissioner of the Department of Uity Works, or his regularly appointed Deputy is prosint.

In case of the absence of both, then on tho first day thereafter when either ia present. By order of tho Uoinmon Council. Dated Brooklyn, June 2. UU. Commissioner of the Department of City Attest: D.

L. NQRTHUr, Secretary. au6 lOt IO CONTRACTORSABSTRACT FROM finlinunce or tno Common Council in relation a deposits isita to be made by proposers for work, passod IKi Each uronosal must bo acci'innauied bv deposit of $400 In tm ney, or by cei titfed c.itfck payable to orner of tha president of the Board of City Works (now the Ci mmi SMt utr of the Department of City Works), to be returuiul to the bidder in csae hb hid is rejected by tha Board utPCity rks (now tho CumumKioiUT of the Department of City Works). In cise the party or parties to whom the contract may he awarded shall neglect or refuse to enter into contract, the amount deposited, as abora apeciti'Hl. will be retained aa liquidated damages for BUoU neglect or refusal.

UK 1 lUK ENGINE HOUSE Department of City Wcvks, Mumoipal Department Building. Brooklyn, August (i, ly 4 Sealed proposals will be at this offiet until Monday, the 18th day of August, at lit fof building a new tire engine on 9.m:h Seiond street, north side, 1.13 feet (i inches westerly the northwesterly corner of Fifth street and South Second street. Plana and specificati ns may he seen, and tortus of pr xhub can tit procured on application at tho Dopartmont of Uity WJ2 ii jfj'oposniii win not ne oonsiaarea unis mlu. m.wi the deposit ab resuid, and also by an "n(1VrV! miWvM a ing. of two sureties on each proposal (who sh ill 9" Ahy iiifcir responaiuruy in mo sum ui 1 hia or thnir mir 'ty ts tnltninl per.

fiman: nnd in case he or tttey aan execute tie owiitracc. it par to tho of Hruoklynllie JIH on I 0 prttj nv othxT person or pora. r.ipom Ds I la othor person or dnrsed 1. tno i.oiunii i hi orks publicly nVned 'did tint im, nt tin. hour of 12 Vlw thai Depitm.t of Lily In the Oom.

Ine regular i th day when either Hy order of tho i omin. (I.mnol. Ulted, oftheab" Urookly I .17 oiiiiMiii it. I in. Attctt riiit rn ui im i TtfoTiCE TO ARCH ITJ5CTS HA Lh 1 FOR TUB COUNTY OF KINGS Pnnsandhpeoino itions for a now j.niilio uuildinK to HAMi OF 3 ha bniwnai tho Hall Kecords for llm County of Kiobs, Dtona ied to bo ereoled on vn.

am lundi adjoin nc the Court H. oi" said count, in tiiu City o. Brooklyn, aro suliutod and will bo recoived by tlio i mruiiteo of th li.iaul ot Snnorvl iiira of said ounty. at office ot tho clerk of" Bo rd Komi 10. to.nty Court llotiKfl.

in niil city, until 12 oclo.k norm of ,1 lure day, tho 18tli day of Mipterubnr, l. Tn said Bi ard odor prioiiiunin to comioiti.iir aivi.lto.ti an follows: to tho ono whose o'c, Mull lie aa ivuntel to im tho to the second best! 'IKi llllto the third I est: IIHJ.UU i i the fourth bi sU and to the flf'h beat. Rolua mil rtuul lor tllB goroniinenf. of nrrbirecta impotintf Jiavo boon adopted by said Hoard, and printed tho jme bo obtained on application at tho offiVe of tho ii I clork. All coniniu nic tlins.

Plana, Ac, should be iddro'i i to the nndor BittnPtl connnitteo, in caro of the ol rk aforempntionod. By order ot tho Board of Supervisor of vines ounty, New JOHN IS. L. iiYursrk: TIIKO. WILLH.

Jjl88 Bjeowu Uommittoo on lull out BBB A IT Nit BR AA KK II NNN BBB A A KK II NNN AAA II NNN BBB A A 11 UN i iliisrir'gsii? a 55..

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