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The Bridgeport Post from Bridgeport, Connecticut • Page 24

Bridgeport, Connecticut
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ORDER NOTICE" STATE OF CONNECTICUT, COUNTY OF FAERFEELD, SUPERIOR COURT, SS: BrtdfKporti Sept. 7, 19,73, Upon- the Complaint of Ihe Mid Adotph D. t( Folrlield, Conn, praying for reosonj (herein forlfi determining the or to certain tract of land, slluaicd In tht Town of In said Folr- fie'd County, bourvied as NORTHERLY toy land now or iormerly qt SMnev.anxj. Kodassoh Mwsher; EASTERLY by land now or formerly ol WillJdm C. and Julia Neltleton, Trusties; SOUTHERLY by laVid now or iormerly Clolllde RuiM-JI; WESTERLY by (and now or formerly ol David Sayacwl, In part, ond by land rum or formerly of Marltxi M.

Hart. Returnable to the Superior Courl In ond for Counly ol Bridgeport, on the First Tuesday of 19)3. It having been represented by alfidavil 'annexed lo Ihe sold Corrtptninf and (o by Alberl L. Harfow, attorney for Ihe Plaintiff, that he has endMvored ascertain the names ond addresses Ihe heirs, personal representatives one crebi lors of Wakemon Sfxerv one other unknown persons who may claim any Interest or estate In and lo sore! pr er THEREFORE ORDERED--Thai reasonable notice cf the pendency ol sold Complaint be given by this Order or Notice In Ihe Bridgeport o' newspaper published In the City Bridgeport and having glsa a circulation In Ihe Towns ol Fairtie'd end taston, three times consecutively, commenting on or before Ihe 20th day of 1973 ond thot return ot such service be mode lo Jhe abnve-nomed Court. ClerV of Ihe Superior Courr far Folrtteld Counly STATE OF CONNECTICUT, COUNTY 'OF FAERFIELD, SS.

BRIDGEPORT, Sept The Within ond foregoing Is a I rue attested copy of the original Order Notice In my hands for service by publication. Atfest MARTIN TYMMIAK Deputy Sheriff, Falrficli! Counly NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING September 20, 973 PROPOSED SUBDIVISION The Town planning 8, Zoning Commis Monroe, hereby gives noli; that there will be a p-jbllc hearing Thursday, Sept. 20, 1973, at 3:00 In the Council Chambers cf the Tow Hall, Monroe, to consider th following applications to subdivide Ian In the Town of-Monroe in accordanc with the Subdivision Regulalions of lh Town of Monroe: TURKEY ROOST ROAD or's Mop Parcel Assessor Map Parcel Pelilion of Wtlllar tA. Busk for a subdivision of proper! consisting of thirteen lots as show "on a mop entitled "Section Storv bouse Roost Road, Mo roe. scale 100V dated Sep 1, T973, prepared by J.

Ass PE, property located I The applicant, or tils must present the application at the pu. lie hearing. 'At this hearing all innll the right lo be heard. copy oi this legof notice Is on fl In the office ol Ihe Town Msrtra Ct Oated at Monroe, ihis Slh" dc Of 1973. A ZONING CO.VAMSSIOH HARRY J.

HAGAN MARION CALLO NOTICE OF ANNUAL M5 ET KG Notice is hereby given ihe Antiu Mftlln" of the SOUTHEASTERN FAIR FIELD COUNTY CHAPTER- ICAM NATIONAL RED CROSS held an Wednesday, September 12:00 noon al The Threa Doo 197: 1775 Madison Avenue, Brldgparl. Th rhcetinq will Include election of me. faers of ihe Sc-ard of ar.d elt lion ol Officers. The Annual Report vj be available for Inspection. The pub Is srwiled to ottend.

Court of Probate September 10, LilTS District of ISiidgeport NOTICE TO CHEUITOnS ESTATE OK MARY TAKABCH NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING SEPTEMBER 70, 1973 PROPOSED CHANGES IN REGULATIONS The Town Planning Zoning Commit- on, hereby slves notice xt (hey will hold a public hearing on all, Monroe, to consider the folding proposed changes In Ihe Zoning emulations, Tonrrof Monroe. 1. PROPOSED REVISION OF SECTION 2.7 "Subtecl to Ihe seen ring ol a il exception permit as provided nfl pni i es on( ig aivd horses if located on a lot of at least (51 acres and provided that any irn, stable or other building or strut- re used for iuth riding academy or board and stabling of horses Is catsd no) less than 100 feet from any lerly or street Jirte. SHALL NO MORE THAN TWO (31 HORSES OR EVERY '(I! A OF LAND OF HE SAID PARCEL." 2. PROPOSED I I OF SECTION 2.13.2 "Accessary uses may Include: nvale garages Cor use in connection ith residence; The regular ou1dtxr park- ig of not more 1non Jhree (3) nan- ommercial vehicles on any one lot; on-eommErcral kennels, provided Ihol iV such kennel occupied by more than ree 13) doos, and any run KELTER connected therewith, ts Jocaled at less tftan 100 feel Irom any properly street line.

A NOH-COMMEiRCtAL EHNEC WILL HAVF A CAPACITY OF MORE THAN FOUR (J ADUL.T OGS; TRADITIONAL FARM ANIMALS UCH AS, BUT NOT I TO OR5ES, COWS, SHEEP, AND ANY iTHER LARGE ANIMALS. SHALL BE -EPT ON A PARCEL OF NO LESS HAM FIVE (5) ACRES THERE SHALL NO MORE THAN ONE (1) SUCH FOR EVERV ONE ACRE 'F SAID PARCEL." 3. PROPOSED OF SECTION 6.1.7 "House pet shall be defined as animal of such siie ond nalure WHICH IS COMMONLY AIJO TR ADI- ION ALLY KEPT (N THE HOMF. HESE INCLUDE, BUT ARE HOT RE- TRICTEO TO, DOGS, CATS, BIRDS, ISH, AND SMALLER AMMALS." Actress Betty Field Dies In a Cape Cod Hospital A I Mass. (AP) -Private funeral services were being planned today for actress lapsed while vacationing" in Provincetown before she was to leave for Hollywood to i Betty Field, best known as the "Day of the Locust" and to act a of the play "Dream Girl' 1 and the i "Of Mice and Men." Miss Field, 55, died Thursday of a cerebral hemorrhage at Cape Cod Hospital.

She col- NOTICE STATE OF CONNECTICUT COURT OF COMMON PLEAS AT BRIDGEPORT, COUNTY OF FAIRFIELD, Sepl. 7, 1973." CARRIE VECKERELLI ind JEM MA VECX.ERELLI VS. JAMES il. If living, and If deceased. His Heirs, Representatives ond Creditors, NOTICE 10: James H.

Seeley, If llv- 15, il deceased, to his widow, rielrs, eprescntalivcs and creditors. ORDER OF NOTICE UPON THE COMPLAINT Of IhD plaJn- liffs In the above enlllled action, praying (The proposed ne 1 4, PROPOSED REVISION rdlng Is capital- jf title In th rein lorlh, for by adverse poi session of two portions of cerloln premises koowr as Braoklawn Avenue, FoIffleW, and also Known os Lo) No. 103 an Mop of James H. Seeley on (lie In Ihe Fuirfield Town Clerk's Oiflce as Map No. ID, more- particularly described In said ol willed ihe defendant, James H.

Seeley, Is Ihe record cwncr, returnable to ihe Court ol Common Picas within Fatrfleld to on "IONS 3.5, 4.5, AND 5-5 SEC ilding other structure shall exceedi a heighl 2Vi storiei or 35 feel, whichever Is ess, exccpl for properly (or leased) by he municipality where a height neces- ary to perform Ihe 1n1 ended funclion hall be permltled for communication In upport of public works, adminislralion, afEty, emergency AND civil defense aad education). Such communlcaHon jtrudures shall be located, minlmu distance from any properly line ot Ico equal' to the heighl of such slructurej. pcopoied new word ts capilalized nd Ihe wording to be deleled is parenthesis.) At Jhls hearing oil persons shall have ihe right io be heard. olk erk, Monroe, Dated al Monroe, ihis 5th day of September, 1973. TOWN PLANNING ZONING COMMISSION HARRY J.

HAGAN, Chairman MARION CALLO, Secretory Ihe lit Tuesday af 1973, and upon motion In said aciion for an order nolice ond from Ihe annexed, of the plalnlifls' attorney that neither he nor eilher of the fcnowi whether 1he said James H. and 11 he Is living. if do is doad. or where any jf them reside; It appearing to and. being found hy Ihe subscribing aulhorily thai some ol the defendants ore la the plaintiffs 1 hat the of all of the defendants Is unknown, ond 1hat notice of the InstHution of Ihis action most likely 1o come to their alien- on is that hereinafter ordered: ii Is ORDERED--That nolice of Ihe InslMu- iofd an ABC-TV "Movie of the Week." The most recent roles in Miss Field's 39-year career were in the 1971 Lincoln Center, New York, productions of Edward Alhee's "All Over" and Harold Pinter's "The Birthday Party" and "Landscape." Her 1946 performance in "Dream Girl," written by her former husband Elmer Rice, won her the New York Critic's award.

Born Feb. 8, 191S in Boston Miss Field attended the American Academy of Dramatic A New York City. She made her stage debut in 1934 in London and soon returned to New York lo appear in "Page Miss Glory." Her Broadway career quickly flourished, and she appeared in "Three Men on a Horse," "Room Service," The Primrose Path," "Never Too Late," "The Sub- by-WoM "Boy Meets Girl," of the Toreadors," ject was "Where's Ion of said action be given the defendant by proper officer cr olher person causing a true and allcslcd copy of this order of notice lo be punished in Bridgeporl Poil, paper prlnled In Bridgeport, Cr-- irintr" thcee limes consecutive) re Sept. 70, 1, service be made to lenci'ng 01 hot return ol he above na NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Seplember 18, 1973 Zoning Board oi Appeals, Monri hertuy gives notice 1 fna! Ihey hold a public hearing 'net! Chambers, Monroe, Town Hall, Monroe, ot 8:00 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 18, IV73, lo hear the following upplicolicns: APPEAL a302 CHURCH ST.

Pelilion of Myron J. June E. Winnihger lor a waiver of ttie Zoning Kegulotlans cf 1he Town of Monroe under Settioh 3.4 pertaining lo Ihe required setbocV fro sideline from 25 leet lo 17 feel, pli 12 17' deck to an enisling rciidsjiti dwelling. Prcpeity located in on RC. APPEAL r303 COTTAGE ST.

Pclilfon of Leo Cortina for a waiver Ihe Zoning Regulations of Jhe under Section 5.4 pertaining jirfd setback frojn a si reel liri from 50 (eel to 30 feet, plus or minus, ORI setback; from stdelinc from 20 (eel to 52 foot nddlll 1 Hour, imes before 773, and Daddy?" and many other plays. Her films included "Victory," "Butterfield 8," "Birdmari of ALcatraz," "Coogan's Bluff," "Seventeen" and "Bus Stop." She also appeared in numerous television productions. Miss Field is survived by her third husband, artist Raymond Olivere, and three children from her marriage to. Rice. court.

SANFORD n. KATZ Asst. Clerk Court of Common picas tor Foirllcld County STATE OF CONNECTICUT, COUNTY OF FAIRFIELD," S5. BRIDGEPORT, Sepl. 197J." he wi1h1h and foregoing Is a true and attested copy of the original Order of Notice In my hands lor service by publication.

Alfest: EDWIN S. (AAK A Deputy Sheriff for County The Finns made the first Ylolotov cocktails and used them against Russian tanks in 1940. NOTICE Sealed Proposals for drive-way rocsn- arxl res! oral ion will te received by fhe Town of Srratford, at Ihe office of the Town Manager, Town Kail, Strut- ord. Conr unlll rpsidsnliol dwelling. Property on RE lone.

NOTICE PLANNING i ZONING COMMISSION TOWW HALL MONROE, COHN, NOTICE OF F'UBLIC HEARtMG SEPTEMBER 13, 1973 PROPOSED CHANGE' IN 7ON1NG REGULATIONS PROPOSED CHANGE MAP The sion, Ihot. there THURSDAY, SEPT. 13. 1973, at p.m., in Ihe Lecture Room, Chalk Middle School, MS Fart Hilt Rood, Monroe, lo consider Ihe fallowing proposals for In the Town Zoning egol otions and TOY, 2:00 n. on Tuesday, Oct.

3, 1973, nnd Ii Council Chambers' publicly opened read. No bio's will he recetvfid after sold hour. Proposals will be received on Driveway Recon- DC a public hearing on I'urs ant to -DwurMtt. JuAfic, all must inesentccl the fiduciary named below on or before December 10. 1373 or be barred liy' taw.

The i i a IE; J. rhiLIp 1 l-l State Street. Bridgeport, Connecticut Court of Proliatc JJistricl of Fairfield NOTICE OF A I ESTATE Ctl A EC I.OTT K. HANK A CHAlUjOTTK K. MUKKAY CHARLOTl'E KHOUES HANNA.

Deceajatil to an order uf Hon. Uicbard I- Judse. dated Septcmhor 11, a hearing- will he held on an application Tray ins: for avitroval of A i rntion to Comprotnisc Appeal From J'robate as in said a mill- L-ation on i more fully at the Conn of Prohale on Oci. 1973 al 3:30 P.M. By Order of The Conn: Enda E.

Ociej.ka. Clerk APPEAL r3Q4 4r1M OSBORHE LANE. Pension of 'Clarence ond Helen. Danody fir a waiver of the Zoning ReyuluUons cf the Town of Monroe under Section 3.4 pertaining to the required setback from sired line from 50 feet to 45 leet, or minus. Permission lo construct a 56 24 foot rcsldcnlial dvjelling.

Properly located in on RC zone. APPEAL MAIN STREET, clilion ol Malthew lor a wai'J- of the Zoning Regulations o1 1he win of Monroe under Section 9.70.4 per- jining to the required setback irojii -t Ireet line from 50 feet to 28 feel, plu: minus, permisiron to construct 30 J6 fool, plus or minus, addition ti on exisling retail slorr. In conformancs Ssrtfon 9 of Ihe Zoning Rcgulalions of the Town of Monroe. Properly locntcd a OBI zone. APPEAL -306 -74-1 PUHDY HILL ROAD.

PelHion of Marlon Goticalves lor vaiver ot the Town Ordinance perlain to building permits an unacceplet ds. Permission to creel a one-cere bulldina lot as on a map cnlil iperty to be conveyed to Josepii inip Goncolvei, Monroe, da! 13, 1973, Revised Aug. 1, 1973 by Burton M. Day, RL5. Prop locolcd In an RC Tone.

applicants or their representolivp must present Ihe request a I the public hearlna. At this hearing all persons shall have Ihe right to heard and written communications will be received. A of this leqol notice is on file in the oliice ot the Town CterX, Monroe; Doled of Monroe, 1his 5th. day Of 1973. ZONING BOARD OF A A OF MONROE JOSEPH A- I A EDWARD KtRILUK I Secretory of Monroe Zoning Mop; 1.

Proposal of Ihe Monroe Town Plon- ning deletFon ( Commission exisling Section 9.39 Duah (10.1 through 10.10 inclusive) ol the Town of Monro Zoning Regulations. Proposal the Monroe Town Planning Zoning Commlssi adoption of SECTION 9.1O (PRO POSED) DESIGN RESIDENCE DISTRICTS and 9.30 (PROPOSED) DESIGN INDUSTRIAL DIS- lW fAlieN Fort Trie I ing Contract: CT 73-13 tween Ihe hour's of 9 doily except Saturdays, Sundays end dgys, end ebtolned upon makin a posU of FHteen U15.00), quolEded which TRICTS to Jhe Ti ing Regulations. of Monroe Zoo- Satd proposals (If adopted) lo be Indicated in Sections 1.2.12 ond 1.2.13 of the Town ol Monroe Zoning Rtgula- tions; also Map of Zoning District The Town Monroe, Conn: Copies the proposals are available 'ile in the Planning Zoning Oflli At this hearing 208, Town Halt, Monroe, and Reslorolli atlon for Bidders, Proposal Specimen Plans and Speclflcallofii and other Con- ract nocumenls may be examined at Hie office of Ihe Town Engineer, Room Slrolfard, be- BiTl-. i de- irs by will be Hunded to bidders wlthtn thirty (30) days ffer propoiols are opened end upon eturn of Ihe data undamaged. Extro copies ol specif lea I ions may be obtained at the cost of Ten (SI0.00) Dollars each, extra copies of may be oblalned ol the cost of Ten' (SIQ.OCM Dollars eoch, which sums will not be refunded.

Exlra sheeis may be obtained al ths cost ol One (Sl.M) Dollar cacn, vnlch 'urn will not be refunded. Cosh, nr a certified check-made payable to the order of the Town of Slrat- or a duly executed bid bond, In ihe jnl of of each must be deposited flch bltldor with his bid "as a guor- that. In case a contract Is award- him, he will execute such contract oncJ a satisfactory Performance ond Labor ond Material Bond -n the full amount of the biff, satisfactory to Council as to form ord surelic; lance of Ihe hid will be canlingenl upon the fulfiUmenl of this requirement by the bidder and en failure to do so, he shall forfeit the deposit. The Town of Sfratford reserves Ihe AP Wlrepriolo map Forecast of Nation's Weather 'Ihe National We a Ihe Service says: Warm sir will be moving up Ihe West coast while cooler temperatures will prevail in the upper Atlantic slates and near the upper midwest. Rain or showers is expected in the central Plains, along the Gulf and in upper New England.

SNOW WHITENS WESTERN AREAS By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Snow whitened of Montana and Wyoming today while many Eastern states, remained soggy from heavy ains. Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming was expected to acc a 8 inches of snow by noon today and 4' inches already cover Lewistown, Mont; Rivers were on the rise ir Maryland after Washington, D.C., was drenched by nearly 4 inches of rain Friday. The rainstorms swept from the Middle Atlantic states into southern New England. BasebaU-SUe Hail Baseball-size, hail pounded the Nebraska Panhandle in thunderstorms Friday night. But, in hetweeri the isolated storms, a i skies were widespread the Pacific stafes to the eastern.

Great Lakes region. Predawn temperatures ranged rom Butle, to 88 at Needles, Calif. Some olher reports: Anchorage 47 cloudy, Atlanta 70 clear, Bosion 57 rain, Buffalo 53 cloudy, Chicago 59 clear, Cincinnati 57 clear, Cleveland clear, Dallas 65 clear, Denver 55 cloudy, Detroit 49 clear, lonolulu 78 clear, Indianapolis 57 clear, Kansas City 61 clear, Los Angeles 63 cloudy, Louisville, 65 clear, Miami 81 partly cloudy, Paul 54 cloudy, Nashville 69 cloudy New York 58 cloudy, Phila dr-lphia 61 cloudy. Phoenix 79 clear, Pittsburgh 64 cloudy, St. Louis 58 clear, San Francisco 56 cloudy, Seattle 60 clear, Washington 68 clear.

OBITUARIES Miss Katherinc R. Bar key Services for Miss Katharine Roselyn Barkey, formerly of 2370 North avenue, a retired Bridgeport who died Friday the CaroKon Convalescent hospital, Fairlield, will be conducted Monday at noon hi St. Peter's church. Burial -will be in St. Michael's cemetery.

Born in Bridgeport, Miss Sarkey was a life-long city resident. She taught many years in Prospect school. She was a member of the Black Rock Yacht club 35 years, the Bridgeport and Connecticut Retired associations, and the Council ol Catholic Women. Survivors Miss Mary Evelyn Barkcy of Bridgeport, will be in Adath Israel cemetery, Fairfiekl. Born in Russia, Mis, Schless was a resident of Bridgeport 72 years.

She was past president of Lad Machzeik Talmud Torah and the Hebrew Fret; Sheltering society. She was of Congregation Adalh I a a Congregation Shaare Torah. Survivors are three sons, Benj a i Schless of Miami, Edward Schless of Fairfield and Bernard Schless of Bridgeport; three daughters, Mrs. Ceil Lipson of New York city, Mrs. Silvia Fetelberg of Bridgeport and Goldfarb of New Haven; 11 grandchildren anc nine great-grandchildren.

include a sister, K. Yordon, pastor of the First Congregational church cm the green officiated, burial was in Riverside cemetery. Miss Elizabeth Kindilien NORWALK MEss Elizabeth Kindilien, of 306 Flax Hill road, retired manager of (he Folly Perry store, died Friday in Norwalk hospital. Services i a place Monday at 8:30 a.m. in the Collinr funeral home, 92 East avenue, and at 9 o'clock in St.

Joseph's church. Burial will bs in St. Mary's cemetery. Miss Kindilien was a life-long resident of Nonvalk. Survivors ar uvo brothers, Bernard Kindilien of Nonvalk anrt Brother Finton of Holy 'ross Brothers, Smith Bend, a niece and two nephews.

George Blanar Services for George Blanar, GC, of 254 Clover street, Stratford, a retired General Electric company employe, who died Thursday, vJll take place Monday at 8:15 a.m. In the Adzima.funeral home, 591 Arctic and at 9 o'clock in St. John the Baptist Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic church. The Rev. John Duranko, pastor, will officiate.

Burial will be in St. John's cemetery, Stratford. Miss Marguerite Salraggio Services will be conducted Monday for Miss Marguerite Salvaggio, 27, of 137 Fermvoud drive, Stratford, who drowned Thursday in Bunnell's pond at Beardsley park. The funeral will.take place at 8 a.m. in Ihe William R.

McDonald funeral home, 2591 Main street, Stratford, and at 9 o'clock St. James church, Stratford. Burial will be in St. Michael's cemetery. rty The ill persons shall Ihe right lo be hNfd and written unicatinns will be received.

A copy ol this nolice is on in Ihe office oi Ihe Town Clerk, Monroe Doled ol 'Monroe, this doy of August. 1973. TOWN PLANNING 8. ZONING COMMISSION HARRY J. HAGAN, MARION CALLO, Secretory YOUTH FINED $50 IN HYDRANT CASE An 18-year-old youth arrested Aug.

31 in. connection with an attempt to open a fire hydrant on Kossuih street, was fined yesterday in Second Circuit of Pruliatc of Btidjjet0 Dislr NOTICE OK HEARING ESTATE 0V AUGUSTA OL.I1A 'I to orticr of lion. 'Kidney 1.. UworHn, Juclac. dalcd 13.

1973. be tieW for i to real property be. iorTcinc lo as in said application on Hie more anitcars at the Court of iVobale nn October 1. 1373 at 10:30 in the forenoon. Caryl G.

Morgan Ass't. Clerk NOT1CE WOT ICE OF PUBLIC WEARING SEPTEMBER 70, 1973 CHANGE OF ZONE AMD 5PFCIAI EXCEPTION PERMIT The Town Planning ionlng. Commv 1 sion, hereby notk that they will hold a public hearing Thursday, Sept. 20,. 1973, at 8:00 P.M.

1 Ihe Council Chambers, Monroe Tov.n hear the follow- right to relect.any or oil bids, lo waiver ny Informalities or to accept the bfd or which In Its judgment will bo fcr the besl Interest of the Town of Stratford TOWN OF STRATFORD, CONN. By: JOSEPH W. VEMABLES Dated: Sepl. ond 17, 1973. 9 CONNECTICUT FORECAST Clear tonight, lows around 50 to 55.

Sunday mostly sunny, becoming cloudy in the afternoon, highs in the low 70s. Precipitation probability; 10 per cent tonight and Sunday. northwest a 10 tonight; 10 to 15 mip.h. on Sun er irl day. Winds m.p.h.

Judge Donald Dorsey imposed the fine on Miguel Campos, of 255 William street, who pleaded guilty to a substituted charge of criminal mischief in the second degree. Assistant Prosecutor Erwin Cole said police received a complaint of a fire hydrant being opened on Xossuth street near East Washington When police arrived at the scene, they observed Campos at the hydrant with a wrench "in his possession, Mr. Cole reported. Other Cases Other cases disposed of included: William Chezako, 54, of 80 3owe avenue, a i i while under the influence of liquor, $150 fine. Arthur O.

Daley Services' for Arthur Daley, 72, of 1698 North avenue, who died Thursday, took place today in St. Augustine cathedral. Buria! was in St, Michael's cemetery. Albert R'. Davis Services for Albert Russel 3avis, 76, of 160 Fairview ave nue, Stratford, a retired self em loyed insurance broker, who died Friday, will take place Monday at 11 a.m.

in the Dennis and D'Arcy funeral home, 2G11 Main street, Stratford. The Rev. Fred- crick J. Allsup, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Fairfteld will officiate, and burial will be in Lakeview cemetery. Born in Ashley, Mr.

Davis was a resident of the Bridgeport area for 72 years, -1 years in Stratford. He was a former member of the Algonquin club and a member of (he Rosebud club. Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Louise Benedict. Davis: of Stratford; a stm, Russell A.

Davis of Stratford; a step-son George J. Hannah of West Palm Beach, Mrs. Antonio Pergola ANSONIA Services for Mrs. Palma Pergola, 70, cf 86 Garden street, wife of Antonio Pergola, who died Thursday, took place today in Holy Ro'sary church. Burial was in Mount St.

Peter cemetery, Derby. a brother, George Davis of Bridgeport; four grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. Mrs. Guido M. DcBiasc Services for Mrs.

Theresa Miloro DeBiase, 77, of 18 Ridgewood place, wife of Guido M. DeBiase, who died Thursday, ook place today in St. Patrick's church. Burial was in St. Michael's cemetery.

Joseph Mercfidxnte GREENWICH Joseph Mer-' cadante, 8S, former president of Ihe Green Star shipping company, New York city, died yes- erday in Greenwich hospital. Mr. Mercadante had also been president of the company the America Istcg Steel and Alcoa'Hico corporations'. During Wolrd Wnr 1, he was a message decoder and received a Presidential citation in the sink- ng of an enemy submarine. Survivors arc two daughters, Mrs.

Jesse F. Sammis, and Mrs, F. Morgan Brnokfield. David WistrnntI NEW CANAAN Memorial services will be conducted tomorrow for David Wislratul, IS, of 74 Journey's End road, who died Wednesday in Norwalk hospital as a result of injuries received Tuesday in a motoi- cycle accident in Darien. The services will a place at 3 p.m.

in the New Canaan Presbyterian church, with the Rev. Guthrie a officiating. Burial will he private. The Franklin Hoyt funeral home, 199 Main street is in charge of arrangements. Ray H.

Space, Jr. WESTPORT--Services for Ray I Space, 30, of 20321 NW Hth North Miami Beach, formerly of Westport, who died Wednesday in National Childrens Cardiac hospital, Miami, will take place Monday at a.m. in the Fable funeral home, 215 West State street, and at 9 o'clock in the Church of the Assumption. Burial will be in Assumption cemetery. DEATH NOTICES BARKEY--In Fair Field, Eepl, 1973, Kaiharine Rcsclyn Bar key, sister el Mary Evelyn Borfcey of 7370 North avenue.

Friends may oHcnd trie funeral In 51, Peter's church on Monday, $r-pl 17 oi 12 noanj a Moss of Cfvisrion Buriof. Inlcrment En St. Michael's cemetery. There will be no calling nours, Arrnngomenls by Mulllns ond Resale, 297 Park awnue, Bridgeparr. BLANAR--In SUoUortf, Sepl.

13, 1973. irge fa nor OF 2U Clover ilfard. devoted brolher of Slophon nor. Frierxls a re In vitcd 1 a i Fend funeral (rom the Adilmo funeral 591 Arctic street on Monday ct "1 '-im St. John ihe Doplist Stra 8:15 and fr Carpatho- Russia.

Calholtr. church John's Orthodox Greek In1e.rrr.ent Slrslford. 7010 Film NOTICE The Stratford Board of Zoning" Appeals hereby gives nolice Ihot following duly odverlised public hearings field July 10, 197,1 orwi Sept. the following actions were ink en on Sepf. 11, 1773 on pelilicns advertised In The Bridgeport Post on June 23.

W73'ond July 2, 1973, ond Aug. 23, 24, and; 97, 1973 and a copy of this notice has been filed Tn the Town ClerK's Olilce on Sepl. 17, 1973. 1. 230 FHRRY BLVD.

PellHnn ol Berry-Palmer 2. PARKWAY, Petition ot Nicholas J. ed wiFh stipulation. 3. GREENFIELD AVE.

Pelilin of Waller wjm Me Givei ol the following variances have been in the office of the Town i Ihe Town of Faston: requiremenls of the zoning regulations in order to build an addition lo -xisling buljding to be used Family oom for core or retarded child. The effective dale of the foregoing arionce shall be 18, T973. Variance dcnlM David Dillard. Burr StreeF (or a. variance of '1Fie retiutre- ils of the loninq regulolions in order pcrmH the adding of slio kllchen to on existing Dated at of 1973.

BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS OF THE TOWN OF EASTOH By LAURA B. HALL1WELL Crerk Hull, Mo ASSESSOR'S MAP ASSESSOR'S MAP Petition of Edwfi for: -39, PARCEL -J7, PARCEL R. Green, Trustee, 1." CHANGE OF ZONE FROM RC TO Bl for that certain parcel bounded ant' Trvat "certain parcel of lond located Ii Monroe, os shown on a mop entilled "W.ap Showing Proposed Zone Change in Monroe, scale 1" 100', doled July 74. 1973, prepared by fAantcl Assc 'afes. RLS, and more par- 4..

BARNUM.AVE. CUTOFF, PeFl 'ion of Paul PetiUon of John with stlpylaticni. 6. GARIBALDI PeliUan John Boyko. Granted with itipylolions, t.

170 OUA1L ST. PciillOd of Granted. 8. LIGHT Petition of Robrt Granted. 9.

1QS9 WARNER HILL cpaftmsnl lussl collage. 13FFi dav NEW ENGLAND FORECAST Vermont Partly cloudy tonight, lows 45 to 55. Variable cloudiness Sunday, chance of showers, highs low to 60s. Massachusetts-Rhode Island Partly cloudy tonight, lows in the lower 50s. Sunday variable cloudiness, highs in the 60s.

Maine Partly cloudy tonight, lows in the 40s north to the lower 50s south. Variable cloudiness Sunday, of showers highs upper 50s north to the upper 60s south. New Hampshire Fair William J. Kroll, 24, of 55 Pep- circle, Fairfield, possession of a restricted substance (marijuana), nolled. Adqie F.

Geter, 41, of Yacht street, disorderly conduct, $50 fine with $15 remitted; intoxication and resisting arrest, nolled. Nancy Ann Rourick, 17, 2117 Nichols avenue, a larcency in the fourth degree, nolled. Janice E. Kuninsky, 20, of 150 Hartley E. Hall Services for Hartley E.

Hall, 59, of 204 Acorn lane, Stratford, vho died suddenly Thursday, ook place today in the Newtown funeral home of Wilmot, West and Goulding. The Rev. Alistair Sellars, minister of the Newlown Congregational church officiated, and burial was in Mountain Grove cemeterv. Mrs. Henry C.

Jpnes NEW MILFORD Services For Mrs. Charlotte F. Jones, 73, of Route 25, RFD 3, wife of Henry C. Jones, who died Thursday, (ook place a in the Cody-White funeral Milford, The Rev. Richard Scallon of the Berean Assembly of God church officiated and burial was private.

Mrs. Hugo J. Lsdwig Services for Mrs. Gertrude Meaney Ladvvjg, of J80 Wilson street, Fairfield, wife of Hugo J. Lad wig, who died Thursday, took place today in Our Lady Manhattan avenue, larceny in the Assumption church, Fair- Starr E.

liculorJy described 01 foil NORTH- by land rVl Cornell S. Carr, EAST-1-by' highway IRt. 260' SOUTH--by land n't Celia SFrall, being iO" rlghl way, 4iD" 4-'--', land I Kcndol I in POT! and nil P. H. L.

Maya 254' Court of Probate September 11. 1073 District of BnrlperoTt NOTICE TO CKCUITOitS KSTATE OP J.II.LIAN A. AUCH Pursuant lo an orrter of Hon. Sldnry I- Dworkln. all claims must lie i.r*Fentcrl to the Jtiluciary natnc'l on nr before DcuemVitr 11.

1117,1 or liarred The fi.iu.tiar- is: Attorneys Am ore 1 8 1 Middle Street. liriitttciiorl, Connecticut Ccniaining in ol! 3.0 ocres, plus 2. A SPECIAL EXCHPtlOM PERMIT for tonsfrixtinn of retail stores as in- dlcaled on mop enlilled "Siie Development Plon, Monroe Shopping Park, dated Aug. 33, 1973- prepared by Chorler Petei Granted ID. HONEY5POT Pelitlon c( Ernes! A.

VflcM, Jr. 8, VWUIjsi H. with stipulatton, 11. WIKLUNO Petilian of tdar Ccnitructlon Company, rf with Kflpulntion. 12.

LIGHTHOUSE AVE. Pelilion Edward Rosemary iranled. 13. LINDEN AVE.r Pelitlon of Birahous, Inc-- -Denied. TAVERIJ ROCK RD-.

Petillcn Connecticut Qrpartmenl cf Transpor- 15. 3000 WAIN ST. Petition af NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids on Inc. following Hem will be received ol the Olfite of the Purchasfrvg Agent, CI1y Hall, Mi I ford. unlit 10-00 a EDST, on Friday, Sepl.

38, 1973, ol which time they will bs publkly auencrf -nd read aloud: RING GRINDERS, PINS, BO1TS FOR SHREDDER PLANT. Specifications for the above may obtafned at the Office ol the Purchasir-g Agent. Ifie Purchasing Agent of 1he City ol Mllford reserves the right to rciecl any i -bids or any par! thereof, or Ive detects in same, or accept any iposal deemed 1o be In Ihe best ercsl of the City ol Milford. RICHARD H. CO P.

(Slant cf Frc opplicont, or his muit presenl these applieaFions al ihe public heorina. At this hearing oil persons shall have Irie righl to be heard. A copy cf this leaal noHce Is on file In the otlice of Ihe town Clerk, Monroe. Dated Monroe. Ihis 51h day of Seplember, 1973 i TOWN PLANNING 1 ZONING COVJAISSION I HARRY J.

HAGAN, I Chairman MARION CALLO, Secretary GRAHAM ST. THOMPSON ST NAV Cor. Pellllon of Elliabelh Granted with slipylollon. Elective date. Sept.

16- 1973. DORIS WcLELLAM Secrefory BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Court of Prolate 7, 1373 KOTICK TO crt KSTATE I I UvorkTn. Jurist all filKhnn muBl to Ihe i i l.tlnw nn or he- fnrr PercmTrfT 7. 1373 nr he l.arn-,1 Uw. The i i n.

UcHnkle. Kq, inif. llrnail 8 Connecticut fVOTICE STATE OF CONNECTICUT, COURT OF PROBATE, I I OF TRUMBULL, DISTRICT HO, 73. Sept. 11.

1973. EstOle OF FRANK R. COUTANT. PeJirioricr: THE STATE NATIONAL A OF CONN. Dale of Hearing: Oct.

1, 1973, 10:30 a.m. ol Towm Hull, Trymbvll. Upcn ttie application of Ih'e PcHliooer prayina that on instrumsM purpirtir.g lo fas! and tenement he oi- mitted lo prftMlp, as per oppIicaCon on lile more fully appears. IT IS ORDERED THAT: $aid application be heord and dslerrrircd at 1he rt of Probate at the tiate, lime ond piece indicated nbove. Order of Court Aft.

ANDERSON NOTICE NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION Notice is tiereby given pursuant NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING September 20. 1973 PROPOSED SUBDIVISION Th Town Planning Zonlrxj Commission, Monroe, hereby jivas nolice I hot Ihe re be a public hearing on Thursday, Sepl. 20. 1973, at 8:00 p.m., 1n Ihe Council Chamber of the Town Hall. Monroe.

to consider the following opplicalian to subdivide land in Ihe Tovjn of Monroe In accordance wilh. the Subdivision Requlotioni of the Town of Monroe: CROSS HILL ROAD ASSESSOR'S Kwik JCIeen Car Wash, a Conneclicul corporation having its principal place of business in the City ol Bridgeport, Counly of ond Slate of has been dissolved by resolution of Directors and Shareholders cffecllve Sept. 1973. A Certificate Dissolution hoi lilrd with the Secretary of Stole required by law. ,11 creditors, if any, warned Ic present Iheir claims against said corporation lo Louis Stein, Attorney at Law.

2-iQ Falrffeld Avenue, Bridgeport, or Dec. 31, 1973, otherwise lid will be barred 01 by said provided. Dated al Brftfgeporf, Conn. Ihij 121T1 oy of 1971. XWIK KLEEN CAR WASH, INC.

By LOUIS STEIN Ms Allornay onight, near 59. Sunday partly cloudy, highs upper 60s. FORECAST EXPLANATION The rain that overspread all of New York and New England Friday evening had ended by dawn in all but a few coastal points. The low pressure re-; spohsible for the a i i drawing away from the Virginia and 1 a coasts, allowing dryer air from the north and florthwest to penetrate southern New England today and tonight. Temperatures will be a little milder than they were under heavy clouds Friday but they will average out about normal.

the fourth degree, nolled. Ismail Marrmdovski, 32, of 304 avenue, disorderly conduct, $15 fine, Freidine Kuca, 16, of 63 Maltby street, Sbelton, larceny In the fourth degree, nolted. John Zulkowski, 25, of field. Burial was in JLawncrott cemetery, Fairfield. Meriden, criminal trespass in the third degree, fine.

MAP slJ. A PstUlo on Mervielson for r.sisling ol of NOTICE sold at Family 6arage, North Avciyf, tridflcpoit. Conn, on Sepf. HtTi, al 10.00 a.m. FAMILY GARAGE, INC.

CHARLES EMBER 5R- as sfiawn on map cnlOlM "Cross Hill Estates, Seclion Monroe, fo owned ond developed by Sfman Mendel son, 55 Salem Rood, scale 100'," dated Aug. 1, 1973, prepared by Uowo- kcwskl, HLS. Prooerfy located in on RC lone. The applicant, or his representative must presen! this applicoHon ot Ihe public heortng. At this hearing all ursms have ihe rigM lo be heard.

A copy of this leoil nolice Is an Jile Ihe office of the Town Cleric, Monfie, Conn. OaU-d al Monrae, thii Slh day I 1973. PLANNING I COMMISSIOrl HARRY J. HAGAN Chafrmon MA RIO i( CALLO Secretary ie or.nuol -diJncs F-oundollon, Inc. a 1he yeoi ended May 31 1973 Is available at its principal i located at X74; Main Bridgeport, Conn, for Inspection during bus'oess hours ony cilizea vho requests it within 180 ctays offer xjblicatron of this notice.

ROY A. JOHNSON Founaallon Manager NOTICE Notice Ti hereby given thot on crder doled Sept. 10, 1973 has been Issued by the undersigned authorizing Ihe r.ame of the gas screw LARK official number 532013, owned by William B. Law- rcnco, of which Bridgeport, is home porl, lo be chongetJ to CORSAIR. P.

F. JONES By Direction of Ihe Officer In Charqs Marine Inspection, U.S. Coast Guard DIVORCE SUIT FILED BY DEBBIE REYNOLDS LOS ANGELES (AP) After nearly 13 years of marriage, actress Debbie. Heynolds has i for divorce from shoe manufacturer Harry.Karl. attorney cited irreconcilable differences as the reason for the divorce proceeding.

Miss Reynolds married Karl after the breakup cf her marriage to Eddie Fisher. She had two children by Fisher. The marriage to Karl was childless. The actress is starring on Broadway ''Irene." FIREMEN CLUB SETS WEDNESDAY MEETING The first meeting of the Con-j necticut Firemen's Square club after a summer recess will take place Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at 593 Tutvxis Hill road, Fairfield.

Raymond Heyse, club president, said a program of. interest to firefighters who are-regular paid or volunteer members of fire departments and are Master Masons has been planned. A buf- Eet dinner will be served. NOTICE PUBLIC SALE 1W2 Ford ID Roymond J. Plrtctte, MS William 51., Bridgeport.

Sale ol V. Auto 1C15 north Bridgeport, Sept. NOTICE I will nol respomibfe lor nny bill! contracted by anyone other then myself. JOSEPH TARTAGLIER 193 CoUoge Sf.i StevtTiior), Conn, in the musical SHIP MOVEMENTS NEW (AP) Transatlantic passenger and mail ship movements. Arriving today: none.

Sailing today: Alster Express, Havre; Hellenic Pioneer, Khorranishahr; SL-Exchange, Bremen. Arriving Sunday: none. Edmund S. Cholko SPRINGFIELD, will take place Monday for Edmund Cholko, 50, of Frontier drive, formerly of Bridgeport, who died Friday while at work In the offices of the Government Employes Insurance company. The funeral win be conducted at 9:30 a.m.

in the DeMaine funeral home. Born in Bridgeport, Mr. Cholko was a graduate of William and Mary college and its Marshall-Wyte Law school. He was admitted to the bar in both Connecticut and Virginia, but chose a career in Ibe insurance field. He had resided in Virginia about 20 years.

Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Dolores Cholko; two sons, Michael and Patrick Cholko; a Dallas S. Lowman Dallas S. Lowman, 50, of 270 Edward street, FairEield, an engraver with Photo magazine, Stamford, died yesterday in Bridgeport hospital. Services will take place Monday at 2 p.m.

in Ihe Wilmot West, and Goulding funeral home, 1209 Post road, -Fairfield. The Rev. Brig. Claire Lowman of the Salvation Army in New Bedford, Mr. Lawman's brother, officiate.

Burial will he in Oaklawn cemetery, Fairfield. Mr. Lowman, a IL S. Army veteran of World War II, dad lived in Fairfield for 15 years. Survivors are his wife, Mrs.

Mary McQuillen Lowman; two sons, Dallas D. Lowman, U.S.A.F., stationed at Shepard AFB, and Jeffrey S. Lowman of Fairfield; two daugh ters, Mrs. Yvonne Cannclla of Danhury and Mrs. Carol Krieg of Irvine, his mother, Mrs.

Edith Lowman of Indiana, six brothers, William T. Lowman of Indiana, the Rev. Brig Lowman of New Bedford, Blair F. Lowman ol Jarrel O. Maddux NEW I Services for Jarrel 0.

Maddux, 77, of Sun Valley road, who died Thursday, took place today in the Liliis funeral home. The Rev. Bruce Carlson, of the New Milford Methodist church officiated. Burial was private. Mrs.

Moses Hill, Jr. NORWALK--Services for Mrs. Octavin Huyncs Hilt, 65, of -1 Good row street, widow of Moses Hill, who died Wednesday in Nonvalk hospital, will take place Sunday in Johnson City, with burial in Mountain Home cemetery, Johnson City. The Nick J. Downer funeral home-, 75 East avenue, is in charge of local arrangements.

Mrs. Willie Clayburn NORWALK Services' for VIrs. Frances i i Cluyhurn, 68, of 75 South Main street, widow of Willie Clayburn, who died Wednesday, took place today in Calvary Baptist church. The Rev. Samuel J.

Williams, pastor, officiated, and burial was in Riverside cemetery. Friends may call Saturday 7-9 Sunday 3-5 ond 7-9 p.m. Ponahcdeon services on Sunday at 7:30 p.m. DAVIS--m Srroflord, Sept. IJ, 1973.

Albert Russell Davis, husband ot Louise Benedict Davis of liO Falrvlow avenue, Strnlford. Services will be held on Monday at II a.m. from the Stratford funeral home of Dennis, and D'Arcy, Jfill Main jnlcrmcnt In cemetery. Fricrkls may call Suturday 7-? p.m. and Sunday 3-5 and 7-7 p.m.

DeSIENA--In Hollywood, Florida, Sepl, 13, i973. Alexander DeSleno, me 63, of lormerly of juj VIVLU by his wife, Marie DoSferci of Hollywood, daughter Mrs. Dcixjld G. and brother Charles De Siena, both of Bridgeport, iisicr Mrs. Mary Bounlnsanle of Bronx, n.Y, and tfirCL 1 grandchildren.

Mass was hold Fri- dny ai Church ol 1he Litlfs Flower. In- termefil in Memorial Gardens. Arrongcmcnls fay Panciera Me- HALI. Suddenly In long island. Sept 13, 1973, Barlley E.

Hall of Acorn lane, Orancnuc Village, Slralford. Private funeral servfces will be held at the NewJown chapel ot Wilmol, SVest and Goulding. 45 South Main slrcet on Salur- day. Tiicre will be no calling hours. Friends desiring may make contributions lo Ihe Heart Fund or Shrinors Crlpplpd Children's Hospital.

JONFS--In this city, Sept. 11, 197J. Earl Jones son og Kalherine of 7D1 Myrtle avenue. Funeral services will be held Monday at 1 p.m. Jrom Marlon's Mortuary 25 Currier strecf, corner Smith, wlih Rev.

WUHarn Kenney olficlaling. Intennejil Park cemetery. Friends mqy call Sunday 2 to 4 and 6 lu 9 p.m. JONES--In Mllford HospHol, Sepl. 13, 1973.

Criarlolle F. (Lollie) Jones, fce- loved of Henry C. Janes af Mew Milford, Conn. Services be held at Ihe Cody-While funeral home, Ifl? Broad sfrcct, Millord, Saturday at 11 a.m. Interment at Ihe convenience of Ihe family.

Friends may'call Friday 7-9 p.m. this Ci1y, Sepl. 1-J, 1973, Dallas S. Lowmcn, husband cf Mary L. McOuillcn of 270 Edwards falher of Dallas, Jef- Monday af 2:00 p.m.

In the Wilmol, West and Goulding funeral home, no? Pobl Fairlield. fnlcrmcnl In Oak- fawn cemetery. Friends rmy coll Sunday, lo 5 and! 7 lo 7 p.m. SALVAGGIO -In Rrldgcpoit 13, 1S73. Margucrile Salvcrjnfo, beloved daurihlpr of Anthony F.

Salvaggio of 137 Fernwood Drive, Slrolford, Friends arc Invited to ntlcrd the funeral r-n Monday Sept. 17 al 3:00 a.m. from Ihe VJilliom K. McDonald funeral fiome, 5571 Main Stralford. and at 9:00 a.m.

iri SI. James Churcfi the Mass of Christian Burial. Lntermenl In SI. Ml chad's ccmeJery. Friends rnay call Saturday 7-9, Sunday 3-5 and 7-9.

SCHLESS--Ln Failield, Sepl. 14, Fan- r.te Schless of Old! Town road, Unrfgeport. Services Ibc hold cl A. L. Green funeral tiomc, V27 Granti street, Sunday at 1 p.m.

Interment in Adalh Israel rcmelcry, Folrflcld. Memorial contributions may be made the Jewish Home far the Elderly, -1200 Park avenue. SPACE--In Miami, Florida, Sepf. 12, 1973. Ray H.

Space of Sandrn Morgan Space ol 70321 Norlli East 1 ltd Horlh Miami Reach, Florida. funeral procession vjlll leave 1hu Fable funeral home, 215 Slate Wcntport, Monday a) 8:30 a.m. for Mass of Christian Burial at 9:00 a.m. 1n 1hc Church af Assumption. The family will receive friends at 1he funeral homo Saturday 7-P.

Sunday 3-S 7-9 p.m. Inlcrmenf 1n Assumption ccniaicry, West port. UNVE1L1MG llOTlCE The unveiling ceremony (or Mrs. Lillian Alperl will be held at the Work mans Circle rctnelciy, Fairlicldr Sunday, Sept. 16 at 2 p.m.

Paul Warga NORWALK Services for Paul Warga, 78, of 8 Nursery died Thursday, took lace today in the Raymond funeral home. The Rev. Henry Sailing Genoa. Sunday: Hamburg, daughter, Terry Choiko; father, Frank Chotko Bridgeport; three brothers, William Williamsburg, Sylvester J. Cholko oE Stratford, Conn, and Dr.

Alphonse F. Cholko of Bridgeport; and several nieces and nephews. Danbury, Horace Lowman cf Stamford, George E. Lowman ot Clymer, and Donald S. Low-1 man of Darien; and three sisters, Mrs.

Savnnah L. Geiscl of caster, Mrs. Betty D. Hctrick of Brookville, and Mrs, Rosalie L. Snydcr of Perkasie, Pa.

Miss Josephine A. Paetsch Services for Miss Josephine A. Paetsch, 87, of 30S Catherine street, who died Thursday, took place today in Si. Joseph's church, Burial was in St. Michael's cemetery.

Mrs. Jacob Schless Services for Fannie Schless, 9i of 3671 Old Town road, widow of Jacob Schless, who died Friday in Carolton Convalescent hospital, Fairfield, will take place tomorrow at 1 p.m. in the A. L. Green funeral home, 927 Grand street.

Rabbi J. M. JacobovHz will officiate. Burial In the "dog do yoLir talking! FLORIST ASSOCIATION OF GREATER BRIDGEPORT.

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