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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FOB M.SCF.r.L.AttEOnS. BOARDING. 2 O'CLOCK EDH10I fftBTEB BBtiy gKiHaYljBa. Citj Jtxtos ana "(teif. WANTiliD all A'lluA AO ClUUti' lug and baking or any kind in a private family, by an obflaing girl: It also a good washer and fro a er ia the best of referaBoot.

Please call at 215 Paoltlo St.be1. Coutf and Boemm; WANTED SITUATION IO DO GEN eral house ork hya respecttble girl: ia a good plain oook andercellent waabor aud.lnmMitje JM cltyroferenoes. Oall for two dars at 479 Adelphlsa. WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework, by a pBptaMo(flrt; plain cook: boa good reforenoee. Please oall tor tm days at No.

B87 Degraw st. XidlSi.h bast of rafottnoesglW PitU at.Kn IR Nnrth Portland aV. TO tET APAR'miiWXa. TO LET ROOMS IN HOUSE NO. 43 Oheerer pUoe.

fonr room, on a Boor, In gnod order, at low rent. Apply to JOHN MOD AH ATI, No. U6 Union st, coy Hlois. LET ROOMS SECOND AND flnnr. nf hAnoe offl Adelnhi at.

six rooms on each floor, with water ana water oiosats, ana gas pipes fa Pleiuui oall at 481 Adolonl st. on urns each flo blook rent moderate. TO LET KOOMS "IiBAS ANT UOOMS, No.lM Etallat, between Myrtle and VVUlouglib avs, conslstlnK of seoond story and two roo ns In third atory; all lmprovementa: rent low; immediate posses. skin. Inquire llfl Adelphl St.

TO LET KOOMS FOR LIOHTHOU31 keeping, two larg, rooms on second floor 'and one large room on third floor with large oloiets, wllh nse of bath room hall and stairs oarpeted. two days at No. 48 Sldnoy plane, between State and Livingston sts. TO LET ROOMS BASEMENT AND parlor floors, containing five rooms, with nooessary lmprovementa rent 818 to the right parties; convenient to Greenoand Bold av, and Halaay st. oars.

Apply on.rne premises, no. hh jenerson as, near projreii. bt. mO LET ROOMS THK LOWJE5R PART JL of the 8 story brlok house. No.

369 Gold st, near Myrtle av, consisting of basement and parlor floors aud tores bedrooms upstairs; separate gas meters for two fam lllesln the honse; rent $28 a month. Apply toA, H. TO LET ROOMS SEOOND FLOOR anrtj two rooms on third floor, of promises 209 Hall st, near WlUoujrhbv In all 4 rooms with privilege ot bath room and stationary tubs; good closet room; separate gas meter; all in good oroer; the other rooma ooou pled by the owner rent 82.. TO LET ROOMS FOUR ROOMS. IN A now house, on the first floor water, km ana marblo mantela; flfteeu minutes from the ferries by throo oar routes; rent $ia per month.

Apply to TB.OMAH H. BRUSH, No, 8a Carlton av, sixth house north of Park, second floor. TO LET ROOMS TO A PERMANENT responsible tenant, with a amall family able to pay tho rent monthly la advance; front and baok basements, Karlor floor, most of the third floor, 8 story, high st rop rlok heme, 853 State st 25 x. ail CO, extension 6 ft all the modern lmprovementa just put In and house olaaned. Tho owner occupies the balance.

TO LET ROOMS SECOND FLOOR of three or four rooms, to a family of adults: or would let lower part furnished and owner would board wlthparti family to board, who would partially furnish rooms; house contains modern improvements; within flvo minutes' walk of Olty Hall, Apply at 102 Dean at, mO LET FLATS ELEGANT APART menta In tho new first olass buildings, Fifth bet. OaToll and Macomb ate; size 21x10; eaoh oontalna seven rooms, with bath, stationary tuba and dumb waiter; rent SBSOper annum and upward; Fifth av. oars from Pulton, Walfst, and South lorries. Apply on premises or to.WM..B. COOPER, 99 Pearl at.

New York. TO LEX FOH BUSINESS fUlCPOSKS. TO LET STAND ONE OF THE BEST vegetable and produce stands In the olty. Apply to B. W.

POTTER, 200 and 203 Montague st. mO LET ROOMS IN THE BEST PART JL of Fnlton st, two large rooms on seoond floor, suit able formllttaor, dressmaker or tailor corner building. Apply at 320 Fulton at. 7 Hroo LET STORE NO. 163 PIERRE nont st.

near Fulton, one of the boat stando In rnnliTvn for a bntoher. flaherman or tallor'a shoo. Aonlv at 320 Flton at. TW0 LET STORE CORNER STORE JL with fixtures oomplete; has been occupied as (tro oenr fourteen voars Germans preferred. Inquttt next door, 180 Tompfclna av.

TO LET STORE AN ESTABLISHED fanA crwii. Innatlnn tha fltt.tiM ana suraic wui ne soia very reason aoiy. Apply at US State at, or store SOS Fnlton at. TO LET STORE A LARGE STORE, suitable for any business, near Roosevelt st. Ferry, at reduced rent Apply to JNO.

AGGERTY, 818 Wator sC.N.Y. TO LET STORE BROWN STONE store, with four rooms above north side of Fulton Bt.neir Grandav; price $40 pormonth. "WM. R. BRYAR, jj mum iv, TO LET STORE FOR A BAKERY, tbe store 645 Hicks st, near Wood hall, to a live man, at a low rent, Hero is a chance for somebody.

Also, two ntoo floors, with all improvements. Inquire at 850 Union street. TO LET WHARF PROPERTY ON Go wan us Canal suitable for yards, factories, ware bouses, etc. for aale or long or short terms. An ply at offioe of BROOKLYN IMPROVEMENT Third st, cor.

of Fifth av. LET STORE AH OLD ESTABLISH ed milllnerv atore. In a aood location whloh haa anno gooa oasiuess yearB, uu bwi. ukuubuuiv ly fitted up the fixtures and a small stock will be sold very reasonably uossesBlon will be given Immediately. Apply in the store U5 Court st, TO LET TORE AND FLATS IN the new blook.

Fulton streeMwtween Verona place ana Marcy av, (opposite New York tbe neighborhood needs house furnishing, orockerr, dry and fancy goods, jewelry, tea and coffee, harneis, shoo, millinery and olber stores; rents very modorate. Apply on promises to K. W. SAN FORD, 1,865 Fulton street. IOK MALE HOUSES.

SALE HOUSE A NEW" BROWN C1 atone house; No. 4Q Sterling near Sixth all lmprovementa terms easy T. J.McGIVERN.avrnor. nrr IO LET HOUSE A BARGAIN, THE two Btory and high stoop brlok house. No.

166 Doug ricK nouse, no. lee uoug Inquiro for key at 161 lass sr; mooern lmprovementa, Douglass at I70R SALE HOUSE OR TO LET 584 Henrv at. nnnoalta First nlaco. all lmurovomonto fine looatlon; rent and price moderate. M.

DIXON, 93 Wood hull et. FOR SALE HOUSE THE HANDSOME oomflp Btnrfl nronertv. altuate on nartbeaat oornor ot Bridge and Sign aca; atore 25x76; first rate buslaosa location; price 815,000: easy terms. W. P.

COOK, 236 Washington st, near Concord. T7OU SALE HOUSE OR TO LET Very cheap, three story and liar frame house, fen rooms, all improvements: No. 655 Franklin av.near St. Marks av: size 24x8x70, Key at WVOKOFF 4 JAMES, 169 Montague at, or owner, 173 Lafayette avenue. OR SALE HOUSE 146 SOHERMER uuiu si ium iv i uuvm uuuvm 10 u.y, iuv, od location; house in good ordor; all Improvements; terms easy.

Inquire on premises, or of JOHN UOR DON, 828 Baokett st bet. Efixth and Seventh avs. I4IOR 'SALE HOUSE THE GREATEST harsftln in Rrnnklvn; tho oosv and convenient bouse. No. 761 Lincoln pi.

noar Sixth av, 3 story, 10 rooms all improvements; fine order; first class plumbing; su perior location: price omy wo.ow; tar ma eaay; 11 soia immediately a great bargain without FOR SALE HOUSE AT A BARGAIN, nn Wanliln rtnn at. betweon Greene and Gates avs. an oleaant high stoop brown atone front bonso, 20x46x121, with 20 ft courtyard those wishing to purohase a first class now house will apply on the promises, or to 226 Clermont av. to LAMBkRT A MASON, builders. FOR SALE HOUSES 12,000 BROWN stone house for three stories, all improvements, Lexington av, near Olasaon.

Also, throe brown stone nouHOB, three btorles, all improvements, at, near Franklin av. WM. K. BRYAR. No.

985 Fulton ttreet. TTIOR SALE HOUSES JUST iTIW laHED, JP three first clasa houses, three story, basement and subcellar, brown stone fronts, with all the improvements, all done by day's wnrk; thoso wlihlng to bay a well built houso will do well to call and examine on premises. Bergen street, near Fourth av, or Inquire of JOHN MONAS, owner, 187 Bergen at terms easy. TT.OR SALE HOUSE MUST BE SOLD A splendid 8 atory and basement brlok houso, In per. lent nroflr.

with nil mndern lmnrovBTnnnji. altuate on Adelphl st: a very desirable property, and oan be bought st a great sacrince; possosaion lmmeaiateiy. Appiy 10 J. H. HAVENS, roal estate officea 751 and 753 Fulton st, corner of Portland av.

FOR SALE HOUSES AT A BARGAIN, tcvn i if thnn twn atnrv ha temnnt and cellar brown Btono houses, 20x43; ten rooms, all lmprovementa, ready ior occupation, convenient 10 a roe xwes 01 oars; terms to suit, inquire on the promlsos. Oil Ron pi (late Van Baron fit), near Bt. James' pi, or of the owner, J. IV inu, aw munoy bc J7IOR SALE HOUSES OR TO LET 2 new tn story basement and collar brick houses, yekoffst, westof nevins: all Improvements; extra well finished price 84,800, lf taken this week lf not sold this Court st. TTIOR SALE HOUSE A FIRST GLASS, fVirta fM ha Am Ant.

hi nwn atona front hanac. No. 45 St. Marks av, 20x44x100. new, with all modern im provemonU.

one and a half blook from three railroads, two and a half blocks from Prospect Park. Apply on the premises, from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M.

Tho adjoining house to let, apply as above. FOR SALE HOUSE ON THE HILL A nntr ihmn Htirv. basement, blsrh atooD. brown stone front, In Spenoer place, seoond houso sooth of dan cock st, near Fulton with ail the latest improvements; one of the finest locations In toe olty; within two blocks of five lines of oars; central looatlon; between Drs. Sou cider's, Duryea'a and Carroll's Churches.

Apply tobutlder, GEO. AUG HAN. on premises. I70R SALE HOUSES FIVE NEW TWO JP atory and basement Philadelphia brick houses, Madison Bt, just east of Nostrand av, basement and trimmings brown Btone, Internal arrangements and conveniences unequaled; location flrat rate, near three lines of oars: bnilt in a substantial and workmanlike rrann.r, FBANCIS WOOD, owner, Madison at, near Nostrand av. CpOR SALE HOUSES ON PAOIFIO ST, B.

soucn Blue, oetween jjioot iyu auu now i ur ovi, two tine detached brlok houses, with court yards and verandas to front; 90x42x107; three story, basement and cellar: all Improvements; one with extra ground; two substantial homesteads eomo and Inspect them. Apply on premises, or at No. 433 Flatbush ar. P. SHIBDKN.

owner. IriOR SALE HOUSES TWO NEW 3 story, basement and subcellar, brown stone front houses; each has 18 rooms, with bathroom and closets; replete with all modern improvements; looatlon is good and central, between Prospect Park and Fulton Ferry, within fifteen mlnntes walk of either; will be sold at a sacrifice and on terms to suit. Apply on premises, Bergen st, tar Hoyt, or 134 Bergen at, of J. MALONEY, tll OCT. OR SALE HOUSES ON DEAN ST.

noar Brooklyn av, oae or two oi tnose eiogant luroo story and basement frame bouse: all modern lmprovementa; those wishing to buy a thoroughly built houso in a first olaaa melgbborhood, will do well to oall and ex amine before purchasing elsewhore; price moderate and terms easy. Appiy on iuu vrgmuos, SEARCH. IiOR SALE HOUSE 709 DEKALB AV JD enue, between Tompkins and Throop an elegant detached cottage, 22x60, 60x100; replete with all modern Improvements 30 minutes, by DoKalb av. oars, from Fulton Ferry; I Invite the attention of those wishing a comfortable, cheap and accessible home; 75 per cent, of purchase money oan remain on bond and mortgage. Inquire on the of FAG AN, ITS Adelphl street, or D.

A M. CHAUNOEY, Montagne. OR SALE HOUSES ON GRAND AV, rr.raf.i tnft TlnRTslb avi One or tiro of that elegant block of three story, high stoop, brown stone fronts, Stfx4oxlC0; all modern improvements replete; those wishing to buy a thoroughly bnllt honso wonld do well to call and examine before pnrohasln prloo moder ate; terms easy. Apply on nremlsas fiflaK, Adelphl stroet, orD. 4 OHADNOKY, Montogao FOB SALE BEAIr KSTATfc.

.11 In a trnnA atate of enlUvaUon: Drloe low: only 92.000 down, balanoe on mortgage for fire years. Ap. ply to WM. KRONBEBQ, i Pine N. Y.

FOB EXCfiAKOfc. TTIOR EXOHANGE FRAME HOUSE. 22 Dy mieu in i iuo "I street to street, for house or nonses In city ralne JL' by. C00. Address O.

Bsgieomce. OR EXCHANGE FARM LANDS, level, rich, well watered and timbered, title war. ranted, for property in or noar Brooklynjalso, anoijBl denees In Philadelphia. Address LANDS, Box 1M, Kagle offlee. TTIOR EXCHANGE HOUSE AND Grounds For Brooklyn Property A fine noose and urounas or Br onnds in Elizabeth bto ble nnaa in ttiizanein, w.

mmuMiiro onnremfsea: all modem lmprovementa; lotlOOxlfio. PrlcnftlR.llOO. Address O. J. FISHER, Wall street.

M.Y. SIOR EXCHANGE TWO OR THREE Frenoh flat honses; brown stone fronts; modern irovements two blooks from main entranoe to Pros pedt Park. Tne owner wonld like to exonange the equity over mortgage for railroad bonds, bond and mortgago, vacant lots, or any good seonrity. Ho money needed. Address HA11PA Kagle offlce.

FOR SA LE PlAJVOjf, JEtC TTIOR SALE PIANO AN ELEGANT JP first class piano with stool and embroidered cover will be sold very low, for cash. Apply ar 169 Monroe at, first northwest of Nostrand av, aU4hla week ezoeptlng Tnursaay. OR SALE PIANO A LADY OFFERS to sell, or 9S7B, a superior 7K octave rosewood pi ano, flrat olass In every reepeot, with fine embroidered cloth cover and stool, if taken lnunedlately. Apply at 189 Monroe ft, near noatrana av. mOR KALE PIANO 885 ROSEWOOD.

tV full tone or to let $3 per month, with stool pianos rented until rent pus for them $5, $10 and 816 seven years guarantee wuneaon lna.rument; tits i fa A SON; waxerooms, 808 Fulton street, opposite John son. FOR SALE PIANO 290, ONE OF the famous Kranlch A Baoh, or will rent it for $7 per month. New pianos rented, so that the rent pays for them. Fine Bebrlng ft lMehl Piano. 8500 MDLLBB'S Piano Waxerooms, No.

BUi fnlton at, over Nerln'a book, store. FOR SALE PIANOS ONE 7 3 4 OC tave plane made by F. O. Lights A N.Y. elegant piano at a jffreat bargain: one 7 octave, 9150; two sli oc laves gooa for beginners at $60 and $75; all moat bo seen to be appreoiuted.

Call bofore purehaafng elsewhere and examine at 114 Living ton at, oorner Boerumpl, day or evening. XJEIT1PEK AW JE AN ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE PROVISIONAL COMMITTEE OF THR PRO nnivminst a rtmr ViniH llnnnts rm 1 1 1 haM ORBNADA HALL, o. 118 Myrtle av.on FRIDAY VB NING, Ootober 16, at 8 o'clock. Tho friends in the sovs ral wards and towns are requested to organize aud sand delegates. Every Prohibitionist will consider himself a delegate, uome one, HAOf(BE Oluimun OomuiltWs or Klan Ooonty, OR SALE HOISTING WUKEL AND flstnres.

Annly the Eaglo offloo. EOR SALE BUSINKM A Byruniui ihopa fixti I Bridge Sands n4 proprietor going to Newark. ITIORSALE BUSINESS THE STOCK jP and flrtorcs of a candy and fanoy store, Oall a TO CR SALBBUSINEHS A BUTOHBB uoia at. FOR SALE FIXTURES BU'IVI ISI loe hoots, benohes, rails, blooks, eornej new snd socond hand. MATHKSON, eel West Thlit, fonrth st, W.

Y. FOR ALE FURNITURE HLEWNGT narlor snlt In silk, with slip oovers, used, for sale at one half Ua oost. Inquire at S9 Fulton airoet. EOR SALE BUSINESS HOE STORE, stock and flxt tiros new; a good chance for aprac I man to seonre a good ouslooss at moderate oost. Apply on the premises, 680 Myrtle av.

lljIOR SALE BU8INE9S AND STORE JL' to lease Would sell the stook and Bitnres ot llqoor and oyster saloon. Inqnlre on tho promises, Myrtle TTTIOR SALE OVERCOAT FOR BOY JD of six or soven yeata, fine dark bine oloth with cape, very little worn; coat Wj would aeU for no jess, a. M'a wmvo. FOR SALE CARPETS GOOD SBUOND band and misfit carpets a specialty all sisoi rich patterna and fine qtullUes, KngUsh, Brassals. three ply atllrato.

very cheap, at the old place, 119 ltons. New York, hot. William and Nassau, sts. Sent to Brook lyn free of charge. nrutjiAL.

Nwrivt s. 188 E. OHRISTIANSEN'S GERMAN, Hnh and Krnnah boardlna and day sohaol for young ladles and ohildren, will R80PKN September IP, at 20 Sohermerhorn st. At tho Kindergarten, which will be conduoted by an erportenoed Kiadergartnerlnn from Europe, ohildren are reoolved as young as three years. Circulars at tie sobool.

ALLAOK, FORREST, AMARANTH. Tudor, Bcllpse.8sx&n, Orar, Sslvlni, Yosemlte, Club Ilouso, Mew York, Matinee: la Uarl. Florence No. 1, Florence No. 8, HI.

Jamos, (qnlte new), Lome, Promelr, (the latesO.tho Don, the User Fnll Dress, 8sn Domingo, Bishop. Osrrotte. Oollegisn, Yonng Duke, Olub Honse, Boys' Dlokens, Boys' Ssllors, tissex, Fara. Forrest, Derby, Salvtnl, Kensington Collars, est assortment at lowest prloes in Brooklyn. BAVB, SV3 Fnlton st.

LADIES DE8IKIsG DRESSES OR BON nets made by a neat aud tasty modiste, whose obargea are very moderate, at her private realdenoe, will be waited upon by addressing Mlsa L. D. REMINGTON, MrooKiyn rostmnoe. 1 AD1ES' UNDERVESTS. VERY 90 ols.

regular extra fino tiatbrlggan.BO gents' hoavy an dershtrts, GO 76 81, l.40. up to f2R0: bestquiH. ty gents' furnishing goods only, sold at EAVES', 5 3 Fnl. ton st. STITCH IN THB SIDE.

WHIOlx MOST conerslly relieved and For years this lotion has not only held it. ground against widely puffed medlolnes, but has feaoreasod In favor daily. It la a speclfio for muscular attaoka. miES AT 750., 90O. I Ribbons.

No. 9, grca grain, all colors, only 20c: sssh ribbons, fine quaiTty, only 65o. nice assortment of neok ruoblnga at very low prices: linen collars and enrrs, handkerohlels, eto. EAVES, SCS Fulton at. All goods as represented or money refunded.

DOWN THEY GO. AS LONG AS PEO ple let plates and dishes fall through their fingers and break, so long will chraa men ftourtsn. To all sufferers by careleasneas in thla line, the store ol fcessrs. JAB. RORKK A No.

6S6 Fulton at. Is reoommended, beeaase there great bargains in orook. ory and glaaswaro aro offered. The moot orittoal Uste can be gratillod, and moderate purs is respected, for they Import dlreot, and save at least one profit for tho customer. CJEWING SILK, 100 YARDS, FINE k5 quality.

So. per spool braid, nne quality, op. per piece jl cotton edgings, fine quality. nor yard maglo rnffllBg, fine quality, fro. per yard; Initial paper, amall lot, at I8o.

per box: Frouoh dressing, 16c, por bot tle beat quality riorii KAVES, BQS Fulton at. Hor Ida water, only br rum, 66o. A TTENTION 1 NOW IS THE TIME YOU J. want your heater, range or stove repaired and put In for Winter. Call at WATT 4 801 Fufton at, who pay prompt attention to those things.

All kin da of iln ware, wash tubs repaired, Fulton near Oum ber and. TTlTCAnED REIiTS FROM 350.. 500.. 750. Jl Beaded fringe, best quality made, 2JS fnohes deip, only Uo.

por yard 8H Inches wide, 90c, worth 41.35 bst quatUy paaaementerle.only Sue per yard, ana he ad nd pockets, 75c All goods sold at prices adrertlsed. kav sua mcon et IGGS' DETECTIVE AGENCY, OFFIOE, Sf7 WASHINGTON ooomas urwuvuiii. i. All legal, divorce and defective bafliaess nromptly at tended to. Oflloo hours from 8 A.

to 6 P. M. CABLET WOOIiEN 1 2 HOSE, 980., Red Flannel Underwear, best made, 8 60 pors.t; Gente heavy undershirts, 50c, 75c. Fine wool sblrtB, $1. Just received, on elogant assortment of Bilk Haidtter ohlefs, at ifl.25 each, worth 81.76, oheap.

Buy the boat toods, at Tower than tho lowest New York prloes, at STEAM SAW MILL FOOT OF BBIOGE All kinds of ship and house timber of any ro quirod size, sawed to order at the shortest notice; a large stock of oak, yellow pine, white pine, and Hackmatack timber; deok plonk and flooring coasUnuy on hand. 4 "lOBSETS BEDrOED HIP GORE, 48C, embroidered, 70o. woven corsets, same prlo. bet. ter qualities, 81.25: glovo fitting, 81.SS: hsndsome embroidered corset, best qnality, only 83.S5: fins quality toys, dolls, Ac, at very low.prlres.

Ratlafaotlon guar, anteed or money returned. KAVBS, No, SO, Fulton strett. A1 LL LADIES ANNOYED BY HAIR rowln nn the brow. Una or faoe ahonld apply V.flmn Nn. i A Wait Tbirtviahth atraet.

Now York. She romovea, personally, the disfigurement Instantaneously by an application not i iurloua to tho BklnOail from to i daily; GABNET JEWELBY. ONLY 38 OTS. PER sot, efic, and upward; plated jewolry, nloe quality, from 75o. por sot: plstad bracelets, fine quality, 81.2o, worth 82; neck chains, rednaed to 76o, worth rubber neck chain, only rings, sleeve buttons, hat and hair ornaments.

EAVK8. No. 801 Fnlton street. HOKMW, Oi BHIAUEH, Etc ALIGHT, COVERED BUSINESS WAG on wanted, anltable for a light express. 6M Fnlton street.

FIFTEEN GOOD WORK HORSES FOR sale. Inquire at lf Prospeot Bt. ORSE BLANKETS. HOH8R BLN1BTH, THB EUBREA HOR8H BLANKET OO. Aro offering through their Agent, HF.OKMAN, S6 FULTON 8T, near Smth.

Bvory variety of Horse Blankets. At Real! O. O. At their Wholeaalo Prloe List. Oall and examine and aavo the retail profit.

HORSE. ROOK AWAY AUD HARNESS for sale A stylish bay horse, hands high, sound, kind and a good traveler: also, roolraway (wilt seat four) and harness of tbe best make will sell rookaway separately; rare bargain la offered, as ownor haa no us. ror the turnout. Apply at SSO Carlton ar, near Grosne. after 6 P.

M. NOTICE TO OWNERS OF HORSES living In the vicinity of Grand and Greene ktq. cues. The undersigned begs leave to Inform tho public tnacne nas oponea a superior Doaruingaua nwo dw io. better known as the Gaand av.

Boarding Stables, not to be surpassed tn lignt, ventilation ana aryness, Alan. ooaon cans recoiveu ana nromntlr attended to. R. R. nw.MNRTT.

nrnnrlntnr. anctotusor to Karl A Hewitt. Horses wintered and wagona stored at reasonable tonus. Apply wlthomt delay. OOjSY FOR SALE, 13 1 2 HANDS HIGH, 8 years old, stylish and gentle: suitable for a lady or ohildren to drive.

Inqulro at 493 Eighteenth it, near INSlJflANC ETNA IN8UKANOB COMPANY. HABTPOBD, OONNEOTIODT. 88,000,000,00 run in rnrrr suuR xeaoo, FOHTy MILLIONS DOLLABS. Policies Issued on most favorable terms and losses promptly adjusted by jjqqmip; a THOHN. Agents.


HENRY T. DROWNB, President. Hz HUT 11. Ha tiecretary. THB OLD BROOKLYN FIRE IHB CO.

artsred 11 4. P(0. a. uours iuii iroo iyai nil. Snrplns Hei Total Assets, January 1, Tbls Company offers an nndonbted seonrity, and sollolU a share of tfie bnslneas of Its friends and the pnbUo.

T. O. BBROBN, President, O. K. BRAND, Secretary.

P.P. rUBNALD. H. STARK, Vioe President. Assistant Secretary.


Broad ay and First st, Wllllamsbargb, 151 Broad CASH ASSETS, Jnly EDMUND DE1QQS, President. N. W. MESHBOUE, Secretary. WESTERN DISTRICT OFFICE, No.


CASH .8 00.000.00. Insnres ajrainst loss or damage by firs a the risk ol lnlsnd navigation and transportation. Ho, COURT STREET, No. 16 BROADWAY, BrooMyn. New YorV.


LOW, ISAAC H. OARY.jB., DUD I. BJtxis lAin, WILLIAM a. LOW, 8. B.






K. LOTHROP. Preildoni. Wm. A.

Scott, Seoretair. Branob Offloe: a PEARL ST, New York. FREDERICK g. LOOKWOOD. Manager.


BU 1IDVS, ASSETS 81,000.000.00 S1. W4I00.OO GEO. T. HOPE, President, H. H.

SfPOET, Vice President. OHAKLES H. DUTOHER, Secretary Brooklyn Departmen Plj UN I IN8URANOK OOMWJ OF BROOKLYN. Noe. and II Court at, Brooklyn, No, Broadway, Brooklyn, E.

APIT AL. 1, 000,000 GROSS SURPLUS L003.947.0i TOTAL ASSETS 008r7S The aaseta of the Phenlx are larger than those of any otner Brooklyn Company, and it continue, to Insure against loss or damage by rue, or against Inland Marine Losses, on the most favorabl. nna. iu gTEpHJlN OHO WELL, President. DAN'L.

F. FBRNALD, Vice Prealdat, Phtl aitdek Shaw, Seoretary. William r. Stephen Orowell, Austin Oorbtn, Iaaao BrburhoB A. V.

otont, jr. J. D. IngersoU, O. S.

Weodhnll, Tbos, H. Rod ua, jaenryu vu aj as, a guaHi dmht. aDmuu, John M. Uloks, Harvey Uoks, jamee H. Elmore, F.

Knowlton. JL jBTOiningn mj. v. apaaer. George W.

T. eaon. A B. Enaland. jnarie.

u. nulla, Samuel W. Burtls. In Baera. A.

Rradlav. Daniel F. Fernald.Nathanlel Patnam. Jos. 8.

Boc eU, Edwin Bice, Bat us E. Graves, Rroatus B. Brown, W. Orowell, Da let H. Gragory, Krra Baldwin, George I.

Seney, L. Kob.rU. Robert Hampoon, Harold Dollner. TL RANCH OFFICES OF THE METROPOLITAN fNSUBANOE OF NEW YORK, Are located In Brooklyn, at No. 186 MONTAGUE STREET, and No.


Oonrt st, Broeklyn. (No. 1 8 Brotd 07. New O0, CASH CAPITAL. ASSETS Wm.

Ellsworth, Bxra Baldwin, W.rtwln Beers. 150.000 1166,000 lifvfriRjV John Halaey, James Raymond, umrL. RMsegnie, Wm. M. Innab m.

Warren Rlohmond. fl.n it fl. Rnrmi. (V Raft. T1.

fl R. MIWOT cii.a ewis, iu Samuel Booth, Stephen Llnlngto TJto Samuel W. Burtls, Abraham Lott, Win. JL Thomas, J. W.

Campbell, A. A. Low, George A. Thorns. JohnOoinsWikT T.

A. Newman, Alex. Underhlll. Stephen B.OoniUn'oter Pettlt, BrOMtjr VJsntln, Cooke, M. B.

Powell. Edward D.WnJte. John H. Dlmon. John M.

Phelps, J. O. WhltehooM, a. sr. xieuuio, aissaaroiuu.oi'.

w. i Eaton. John J. Rtudwell. John WHlUrns.

ra Taoob Philip. Joseph D. Willu, j. GhtfT. WM? ELLSWORTH Alfrad Hanaber, GEO.


HOWB. Presiaent; r. nuiAji, and Secretary. Bjrnoklyn Offlcos 211 MOSTAGlll and anJA.u nn. ru vM iani wpi proaaiyo.

BOARD UN THB MSlUHTS llO. 4 Willow st A large pleasant room for eeatlemsi and wife or two single gentlemen also, hall room on first noor not sna coia water room. OARD A PLEASANT, 8 I A nXm. nrmrlnr hnard and aeoommodatlona. is for a gentleman and wile or two or three aiugle gen ium.

aI1 fiimnnrA Mt. nmr WuhinrtQn i beet Ol roiOr enbeafrom occananta and others; terms reasonable to desirable parties. Please oall and examine the rooma. OARD 420 OOLD ST, NEAR FULTON Bp a nice, pleasant, large room, aooond floor front, nicely furnished in black walnut, for QU; aleo small room for or will let two rooms furnlahed for light boumkoepinff; house haa all Improvements, very pleas aatly located, convenient to the ferries, and family small. OARD ON THE HILL 457 HAMIL aw too at cor.

Gates av To let, with board, rooms Viwniaiwf rn nnf itrntnhnfi. rn tlAmsn and wlfa oraln. gle gentlemen tbe honse la pleaaantly located bet. Clinton and Washington ava, and one blook from two oar routpa. JOARD TO LET, WITH BOARD, TO 9 a gentleman or gontleman and wife, aback room, corner honse, with all the improvements, a handsomely furnished room, with a famUv of three adulta owning the house.

Location near Dr. Talmaae's Churoh; fifteen to twenty minutes1 walk of ferriei, and convenient to oar lines, ao. aa ow av, jir. t' 'iu OOARD 134 STATE ST, NEAR OLIN. i A w.ilnrnUhadtvinm.T tiJl first olass ran Mam an tnf rtf( hI0.

nlflBSSnt 1001113 fflT efnglc gentlemen: auperior advantages for sreotlemen wishing toaoqutrolanguages: Frenchanduermanspokan In the family luBtruoilonln the evening If desired; con venur.ll to iemea; raieronoe. "OOARD ON THE HEIGHTS NO. 6 Montague terrace: this finely located house haa Doerj not In peridot order, and newly famished: hand, some rooms, en snlto or elngle, wihh choloe and liberal table, are offered to gentlemen and their wives or slnglo gentlemen, parties deplrlng Io make arrangements for the Fall and Winter will find It to their advantago to call. OOARD TO LET, WITH BOARD, A J. irons zoom auu mn umwu d.i., 1ka.

DAnfclnra nd wife, or alrurlo a.ntla. moo: will lot sopar ate or together, furnished or nnfarn location fine near ort Greene Park. Apply at 181 Adel pblst.near wiiiongnnyav. OOARD WASHINGTON PARK IN ttnna hnnA hnrtniialv farnlahad In wal nut every city convenience genteel, private family, without children 0r boarders, offer fully furnished floor to small family, or'party of adult', with excellent table ana attendance, end the comforta of a pleasant home; Arc, and Datn, use Oc parior, piano, eio. a.

in. a agio omce. OARD 241 WASHINGTON ST, Blfi a. A Tl 1 1 hAnaa a an. ulAtii.

Mnma mnntAlaA arltli hftt. nf1 flfilil nrmtAr. tf lot Wlt.n first e.ass board, at 919, 814 and $10 for two persons, including lights and fires, and either furnished or uofnr nisneu; ten minutoo wais irvm nwi uiwu Ferry. OOARD WANTED IN A REFINED jl jr nome, aiuur auu uur u.i.u ruuiua. uun which must be aonth.

Address MONTAGUE. Bagle office. BOARD WANTED BY A LADY, ON or near the Holshta. where tattlon In mnslo and other branchea Cure of piano If necessary) would be considered fall or partial panivalent of referenoes. Addresa L.

V. TREVBTTB. Brooklyn P. O. li OARD WANTED ON THE HILL FOR aladyanddanghter: large front room, alcove, or two connecting rooms, with ample closet room good table Indispensable: references exchanged.

Address, with terms, ARJiOLD, Kagle office. BOARD WANTED WITH THE USE OF Dlano by a yonng lady engaged daring tho day private family preferreo. Address, stating terms, which tsnst be moderate, BOABD AND PIANO Eagle omce. 13 OARD WANTED FOR GENTLEMAN, 13 wife and infant Jn a BBall private American fam ilyreslulnjr on the Hill front alcove or connecting roorrs, nrnlshed or unfurnished. Address, stating loca tion and terms, h.

TOARD AN TED BY A MAN AND I tfa. nn fnrnf ihflfi rftnmH. with oloflflta. onOf before November I must bo convenient to Wall at. or Fnlton ferries ot to oxoeed $0 per month.

Address, with particular, CASHIER, Box N. Y. P. t. DOABD WANTED FDR A GENTLE man, wue sou uaaguter, a iwa room adjoining, on seoond floor, unfurnished, except caipete and sbad.B; water ana gas: private family pre lerred: tfrros $70 per month.

Address for three daya nutVAiUfi urooaiyn r. u. HOARD WANTEDTWO ROOMS ON nn rl etnrv ft. hxctr niirlnr and OTA UDDfir TOOtD. with board.for the Winter, by a gentleman and daughter, who will furnish the rooms; the Hill or vicinity of Dr.

Dm yea's church pro tor red terms and particulars, A. Box 107. Bagle offlce. ROARD WA.STED A GENTLEMAN and tfA wish hoard In a firit olass neisllbiir faood, between Atlantic av. and Cumberland st.

and Coort and Adelphl Bt price not to exceed $16 per week; gentleman away more than half of the time; references Slven and required. Address, for two days, JACKSON, agio office. HOTELS. A T. STEWART'S GAKOKJN U1TX A HOTEL, GARDEN CITV, L.

Is now on en for the reception of guests. It is elegantly famished and fitted throughout with all the modern Improvements of a first olass city hotel. Board, $3 per day. Accessible per Flushing, North Hide and Central R. via 'inirry ionrTO sc.

anu siatoeo sup lerneo. amuu U. HIK8DALR. Manager. rVHNM 8tlbl KOOIflSi.

I71URNISHED ROOM TO LET, A NIOE lv famished lartte front room suitable for two aen tlemen. at .4 Hicks st, second floor. 170RNISHED ROOMS TO LET, THE bnflpmpnt and narlor floors, consisting of five rooma; noune has ail modern improvements. Apply at No. 47 Elliot pi, bet.

Fnlton at. and DeKalb av. TC1URNISHED ROOMtJTO LET NEW 1. ftiFnfnnnd front room with small room attaabed convenient to Fulten Ferry auttiblo for two gentlemen. Apply at He Fulton sc, near miauagn.

B71URNISHED ROOMS TO LET, TWO hfidrooms. one lartro froot and one bao on first floor, to (rentlemen; terms low, 44 Hicks st, bet. Poplar and jUiddach. BURNISHED ROOMS TO LET, A nr mnTni. fnm ilnHnfl fnr honaekeonlnir.

to a ffenileL Boandwifo only; hot and cold wator Iniooms, alio bat hand use nf laundry lf required. Apply at No. 4 7 liold st, noari'miop. PURNISHKD ROOMS A FINE SECOND floor. "vnrsimDrovement, to let to adults, without board, i.ruuld let to man and wlfo ford gut house koep lug.

A cply In up nenlng at fiSfl Dean st, or through the oay oi t. u. too i lUHKiaHEDHOOMtj TO LET, A NICE oH rnpnf.hnrf n.rlnr flnnr. alan furnisfaod alcovo room, second erory. with tbe use of laundry and kitchen.

Apply at 367 Clinton et, or at No. 49 Whitehall st, Netr Vorlr. T7VURNISHED KOOMS TO IjET THE Vr.naaVifl nil ImnmvftTnfin tfi suitable far slnale or for light house keep in nltbln tivo minuteV vsnlk of City Hall or Pulton Ferry; also rooms tu rear liouhp. furnished. Inquire at 1C8 Nassau st bet.

Pearl Hud Joy. FURNISH ED ROOMS TO LET I HAVE rarv ntoA larse front rooms, furnished, sol ti ble for two gentleman: house Has all Improvements, newly furnished, Ac 2 minuiee' walk from Fulton Worry and 5 ficm Wallst Ferry, on Columbia heights. No. 8 Poplar street. lURKISHED ROOMS TO LET, FRONT chan bar.

second fltorr. verr larae closet, and pri vaio oarn vfiiii pnnirioit. bju; uaua panuii wuu room and olosota, 88: nice ball room.SS: light honseJteirp. ing allowed; wiue, nanusomeiy carp ten uana auu main, nice neighbors near forrlea. 96 State st.

cor. Henry. rltTRNISHED ROOMS TO LET. TWO Wl or three rooms on second floor in a nrivate house ivcoupled by the owner, with or without full or partial board; house haa all tbe modern improvements, islua a good neighborhood, near the City Hall, and no boarders in the noose. Address, for three days, E.

Bagle office. jnUJRNISHED ROOMS TO LET, A Aral flnnr. hftnrlftnmnlr nrntfthflrf. all DAW. three rooms with every convenience for housekeeping, tore soeclablo amall families: nrithtn a few minutes' walk of Hamilton Ferry and twenty minutes of Fulton Ferry; terms' very moderate; no good offer refused.

No. 650 Henry Fourth pi. EnjRNISHED ROOMS TO LET, IN PRI It nstatiAiis, VianrlMTnnlv fni ttthnd narlor and base uient floors; soven rooms and separate bath room; eleva twd oven range ana every lmprovemen: ujo nuuiw ui upper part; location very desirable; only throe blocks W. 1 1 arrv; vArvlftwranttoaamallfamllv. No.

11 Willow Btate and Joralemon ats. TO M3T UOV1.E8. LET HOUSE A NICE HOUSE, rith hut naf crhlvirhnad rent JB800. Inaulre 80 El llOtpiBCQ, mo LET HOUSES NOMINAL RENT to JMay IOJO, ronr oi snoso new uir uu mont brown stono honsos sitnatod on St.

Msrlia av, near Carlton. Apply to J. No. ill MonUzue TO LET HOUSE RENT 9500 TWO story and basement framo home; 9 rooms; heater, range, hub, bat b. room, marble mantels, stationary tubs, Xo Ao.

Inqulro on tho premises, ItiO Lexington near D. iora. TO LKT HOUhKS OR liKASJfi A JL Fort Hamilton a few commodious villas, with offlco uud gardens, sltaato on high ground, naar trio Third av horse ours, and offered at Sbont half their valno. Apply EDWAfeD AHMSTBONO, 138 Chnroh st, NeB.ork, or to Mr. Uituun rors namiiwu.

TO LET HOUSE 5600 KKJST Bit yosr Ho. 1M Pntnam av, betvroon Franklin and Bcrllord three storlns, Phlladolphla brick; In parfeot nrdrr: oil iraproveropnts. Call and see the owner oua honse, from 9 to 13 A. M. Also, for sale.

No. 1M Gates av. near urono, vjireo m.i;"w. see the owner and house, before 8 A. M.

or from 6 to 8 TO LET HOUSE A HAHU UrtAJN Uci Tho cosy and convenient honse, No. 761 Linooln pi. ndar Sixth iv 10 Improvements; in fine order: location ono of the best: coav.nlent to Flatbush and fifth av. cara to a rcbponeiblo rarty, who will aarantoe sood care cf tbe above premises, immediate possession will bo given at the extremely low rent of Sit per month; ntylDieotlon to qniiuron. HO LET HOUSES MOODY 4 KOli GKS, Montaane st, have a fine oUbb o( honsos.

on the "Hiir'and rl.ewhere.whlch they offer at a very low rontal. Elliott pi. near Hanson. 8 story, Btone, overy Imp. WAX Onrlion av.

near Greene, 8 story stone, overy Imp. 1,000 Lafayette av, near Kllltjtt pi, aaiory onos, every CloFson aviearGaiesVs story' brio "eVVrV 'imp" Uatesav, near St. James pi, 8 story 1,000 1,000 mn IWU Henrv st, opposite Beoond pi, 8 Btory etond, 16 rooms, every imp Schermethorn at, bet. Smith and Hoyt, 8 atory Cartoll'st, between' onrt" and Olintou, 8 story stone, very flno Third pi, bet. Clinton and Honry, 8 story stone.

1,100 800 600 We have a'lso a good seleotlpnof smaller honses, rents SfsheThSslfflrst olass localities, price, from Those wishing to boy wonld do well to examine onr lists, as we hnvo a very large number of honses. btb large and small, that we oan oiler at greatly reduced prices and on ma lasy terms. WOODY ROOEB8.ltJMonUaest. TO UOPWE8 fjmilSHEI. mo LET HOUSE FUNISHBU I Wasblnaton av, bttweon Greene and Gates, to a re.

i innnlrn nn nponsioie yariy; puu pCUJ TO LET HOUSE JfURNISHKU A very desirable 8 atoVy and att. high stoop brick honse convenient to ferries, on the Heights pompletoly famished; will be let for 8160 per month 876 per month will be allowed for board of the owner and wife. For portionlars. address MARX, Bagle rwvn T.TP.T HOtrSB FURNISHED A I first olass tarnished house, on Brooklyn Heights Tolet, on Columbia nelghts, a first olass, brown atone front Tlouse, with ground, and oommanrtlna; magnificent view oflhe Boat New York Bay, Bast River. Ac the house is In perfect order, 6nUhed snd furnished thrtnuboutlnthe best style will be rented low, to a Btriotly private and responsible family, and Is worthy the attention of parties seeing a flrat olsss resldenoe.

For par. tlculars and permits, apply to S. HONDLO W. Real Be tate tsro er aoa moniagne qr. TO LET APAKT0IGNTS.

T.W.T Tlfinilffi nPPUR PART OF hnnso40fi Dean Bt; water and gas, Appiy Aon State st. TO LET ROOMS LOWER PART OF house No. 407 Dean at, consisting of eight rooms; water and gae. Apply at oa.etaies. mn SECOND FLOOR OJf J.

tbree rooms, ga. bath, hot and oold water, lahouso 23 Bond st, to a email ramu? oniy rent moaeraw rriO LET EpOMS SECOND FIiOOE OF ve rooms, waier ana gas, io a amau nmuj. KyorBon st. Hens gin per monsn. rw rn r.w.TTinoiws FOTTR KOOMH; I vratet and gas.ohesr, to May 1.

Apply to No. 300 at Fifteenth at, Boulh Broo lyn. mi) LEfKOOMS SECOND FLOOR JL of House 214 i goa snd vrator; and to rooms ta rent 818 per Hi nfMK.nt nalahborhood. rlnOl BT BOOMS THl LOW EE PAK't of housn. oonslstlng of parlors and of laS8!) Pearl st, botffn Jonnson and TUlary.

Aoply aa above. LOT ROOM8 WITHIN THREE I minutes' walk of Olty Hall, a soeodd floor, oonslsf, irfinf ffiSJ. rooms, water and aos, to a small family only. Apply to B. H.

8rcABUKr.i08rnons mo IiET BWBS waw J. four rooms on St. fell! rt: also third floor, tonr vmR. on i eari at. wt ur ply at FBBB 'S coal offloe, no.

nona mn T.TST K.1MIMS HISUUIX I liUUB. JL and one room on third floor: premises 165 Hall st, and ytuuttmy wvr.w Tf place oti 17ET FLATS NEW IMPROVED flmta mm Fnlton at. between Vernna. place ma marcy av; oaou buuo uuuHre uuur, iu'ir raouia r. idn tiaitit nrirt atnrtt rnnms and laundrv: twn BtiltAS to m.

bnlldiug every improvemunt, tuc lading shades to front windows; small, respeotable famlliea are Invited to examine I hem rent, $84 and 890 per month. Apply on ptOtQUOB, to If. W. aAiVtSJUUt 1,999 ItTUWa St. JOARD PLEASANT WELL niv 9 nlshed roomv, with abundant closet room, with or themt board, at ffiiOrMIta av; Inn Inn.

tnt ma. BOARD A PB1VATB FAMILY HAVE third floor to lot, with first class board: separata plaoe. BOARD 16 SECOND PLACES. BET. Clinton and Henry ats.

Very desirable rooms on seoona ana third floors, southern oxposare: ust seen any time vrith refereneo. BOARD FIRST GLASS IN A PRIVATE famiW. nlnaaant mnm InnrnJclnni ftntnn. lent to can. B60 Bohennerhorn Bt, between Hevlna and Powers.

BOARD ON CLINTON AV, LARGE nlnasant rooms, handaotnalv fern1hAL ta lot an unite or single. A poly at No. S8CUaton ov.seoond nonte irom i aiayee. BOARD ON TAB HEIGHTS 116 HHN rv at lam. handsomelv fnrnlflhod nan ant storr front room, with email one connecting, if desired, to let mm nrsioiaas lauio rnieroncca mven ana reQnirea.

KOARD 95 HIOKS ST TO LET, WITH Vinitrrl i nrn tnntnn. BTlltAbiA fnr vonflriman nd irl fn or rinale gentlemen; modern improvemehts; location first olaaa. 65 LIVINGSTON ST. BET. and Court, flhninn mnmi nn nnnnr1 avnrl third floors; also a large back parlor; terms moderate.

OARD 197 HARBISON ST, OPPO alba Christ Church Tl let with beard, two rnnmi. soitablo for gentle man' and wife or single gontlemon; modern lmprovementa; location first class. OARD FURNISHED ROOMS FOR mt ligui, nnnaBM vevuiM or hiiuuq. ooarn: noma has all Improvements; family small; terms moderate. At job AoarosHu A HI) 148 STATE ST DESIRARLK 13 looms to let, with board, to a family or slnglo con Uemen: good Io oat ion, and bat fow boaiders taken; best of references given and required.

BOARD TO LET, WITH BOARD, A handsomely furnished second story baok room has Pacific st, bet Bono and IS ovine. HOARD ON THE HILL TO LET, otth hnnrA. tvro nlnelv furnished lapirn mnmitalon hall bedroom location best on the Hill. 131 Fort Greene piaco. OOARD ON THE HEIGHTS TO Da i wif.

hnard. desirable Toonu for a fAn.ll nf tkHa. aila. nnn lAFffA rfMirn. Sllltablo fftF twi.

ffAntlAtrtAn Inqnlre at 123 Columbia heights. OARD TO LET, WITHGOOD BOARD, IB aannnnd atorv front hall room, nlcalv farnlahad. haa hot and cold water in: terms very low. Oall at 861 racino et. poy yu.

1 A RD ON THE HEIGHTS VERY Wo HaaintlilA moms. With first olaia board. mv hg ma. ourod by applying at 173 Ullntan et. Tarmfl moderate.

BOARD 313 SCHERMBRHORN ST. second door from Nevins, a pleasant Btinny front room, suitable for one or two gentlemen; terms moder ate. lOARD PLEASANT SUNNY ROOMS I With i vnKT At 1S7 Sabermerhnrn strAAt hnn.A tnrl InnnHon flrt Mrrs convpnlftat to oars and fetrlaa tarma moderate references eiohanged. OARD HANDSOMELY FURNISHED A t. and A1 1 iwnta nrf h.t In mam i location very desirable, within a few minutes' walk oi in.fon and watt sr.

iernes; reierenco require a. ia wasnuigtup at, cor. hm. u. DOABD A PRIVATE GERMAN FAM rr nan uirtmmfiilato tvn nr IhrAA cAntlnmAii nrith fine rooms and excellent board; terms very moderate.

Apply at No. 183 West BalUo at, between Henry and ton. ROARD 226 QUINOY ST. A SEOOND atorv frcnt alcoTa and larae bsoV room, also a baok Dsrlor and extesston; acoommodaUona all of the beat; but few boarders taken; location qnlet and desirable; One DIOCE irom inrep oar muien. OARD AT 28 SOHERMERHORN ST, hnfvnnn Dllnton and Court, a fow arentlemon or se'ntlcmen and their wives can be accommodated with the beet of rooms and board; hot and cold water; terms moderate; refereneea required.

OARD 66 CLARK ST TO LET, WITH nicely fninisbpd, to two gentlemen, or gentleman and wife: and one hall room on third floor: within five mln utes' walk of Wall bu or Fulton ferries. OOARD ON THE HEIGHTS 13 OR AN wTv hnr. nt. fwn mlnntea' wilb from Fnlton or Wall Bt. rnrrlAH hanlf narlorand extension, htindaome'v furnlah ed.

suitable for a family also, hall bodroom, suitable for single gentleman. OARD TWO PLEASANT FRONT rnrimn ftnnnnRtlntr or almrla. for can tin man and wlfn or gentlemen, with board; larae closets; all couvenien oo: hall room for gontleman; first class looatlon. 149 Scbermerhorn st. BOARD ON THE HILL 65 SOUTH fTfnd at.

a larffA. handanmelv fnrnlahnd front mnm tnr frAntlnman ana wife also, hall room for a alntrla gentleman: house, location and table first class; refer en ces required. on TJOARD AT 22 SANDS ST. TWO OR I thi rentlemen oan obtain flood board, with nloe room, at moderate terms: a large hall bedroom to let at ftl tnnnn All Itrn nennnn; a rtnunln nf ladlna oan ltm be accommodated with board. Oall all week.

OARD ON THE HILL AT 109 FORT Granne nlaea. between Fnlton sL and Hanson place; ball room to let; first clan board; terms mod era to: references exchanged; dinner at half past 6 o'olock. BOARD ON THB HEIGHTS A NICE Iv fnrnlabed front hall bedroom nn the second floor, witb good board, within a fow minutes walk of tho ferries also a tew table boarders taken. 73 Livingston street. BOARD ON THE HEIGHTS 114 REM.

sen st. onposlto Br. Storra' churoh An eleTant rait of rooma on parlor floor and' front, alcove room on Rpcond floor: also one or two rooma for ainnle (tenttemen: references exchanged. OOARD TO LET, A LARGE FRONT board: all iuiDrovemuCa: Americans' (n houae: very moderate. Oall for one week at 161 Wyokoff st, between flojt and Bond.

BOARD 197 FULTON ST FOUR MIN nns' walk from ferries: marble front bouse, ojn taiolno: all modern improvements board with ntly for nlshed room 94 per week and upward, according to looa tlon and furniture. BOARD 145 AWRENOE ST A LARGE mnm with oloaeta. nnttablp for orentlemnn and wife or Finale gontlempn, furniabed or nnfurnlsbed; terms mrdorate to permanent partios, Also, tablo boarders taken. BOARD ON THE HILL, 94 LAFAY Mto av Flea ant unite of rooma on second floor. front room alcove: also, two large rooms on third flior.

handsomely furnished ample closets, hot and cold water, xe. i tame nrsc ram ana mention verv aiTraorive. BOARD 128 STATE ST. BET. LINTON and Henry Very desirable rooms to let, with oard.

suitable ror sioaie gentlemen or gontiemen ano 'fimi vTimn; tuuan.u kwiu; HibUlU uru uiiuutu. wuu. South and Wall et. forrlea; terms very moderate ROARTSINGLlC GKNTLEEN, OR ranf lampn and thnlr wIvah nan find verv well far. nlshed Toomv, with exoellent French asmaM nilvato family, by calling atS9tf Ollnton of Baltic; dlpuor at 6 OARD A VERY PLEASANT THIRD nt.nrv frnnt room, trtt.ri nitrft larirn nlnBat.

ta tat 'fmlahnA nr nnfarnlith(ri. with ernnd hnnid bonftn In In desirable location; convenient to oars and ferries; terms moderate. At 87 Fort Groeno pi. BOARD 276 ARROLL ST, NEAR Hmlfh Handsniruilv and follv fhrnlnhed seaond flnnr. with liAftrd all mnrlArn Imnrnvflmanla Are and raa for family, 8S0 per week; Bingle rooms, S3; looatlon and nouaenraccuaaa.

OARD ON THE HILL TO LET. Hlh hnard. nt. av. an oles aTitlv fnrnfshad alcove room: brown stone house; first a law table and attendance; also a room for two single gentlemon; loca tion nne, OARD TO LET.

WITH BOARD. ON 4hftTTB.ffht Willow at! rooma anltable for two alnglft gentlemen terms $7 and 88 per week aonven lent to Fulton Ferry house and tablo unexceptionable; good references required. ROARD 115 COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, rnrnnr PlnoanDlo at: rooms en suite or and cold water, large closets, fine water view; within five minutes' walk of wall streot or Fulton errles refer enoes. OARD A LADY OR GENTLEMAN ean find a Dleasant front room. In Glinton av.

witb board. In a faily where there are nn other board on. Anyone uewr tug nome com ions may aaare5s.d.j uagie offlce. OARD ON THE HILL 145 GATES i avA annnnd floor alcove, andotber desirable rooms to let to gentlemen and their wives or single centlemen rooms large and airy; hot and cold water; all improva mnnta: table and accommodations first class location fine family private. OARD ONE LARGE ROOM ON 8EO Wm nnrl flour, hiifc and cold water and haatad bvfnrnaoe.

oontlMRiKn and wife or two nrlvata amilv. md terms modetato. 177 Oongreas st, near Olintsn five mini tea' want irom oontn rorry. OARD ON THE 49 SOUTH II Arffirrl nniir T.araiatta av twn larim rnnmpi on ft rt flnor. with bav window, hot and cold water and sood clnsta; convenient to the Fnlton and DeKalb av.

oars. wrfr rencea exenangea. I OARD NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS Ha Linn hmnrittfimfa narlor antta tar tmntlnman and wife, with private biard.Ilf desl ed; house brown modern improvements; near Wall st and Fulton fcnles. Ho. 3 uoncora sr.

OARD 115 HENRY ST HANDSOME Jt ly famished rooms, or en suite, let. with first class board, vitb an Amorlcan family; within seven minutes of the terries iamuy aoaiat ana nome com forts assured reiorences excuangeo. 1 OARD A NEW ENGLAND FAMILY havA twn larsa hall rooms on second floor, to let witb board, to gentlemen; every convenience and home nmfnFf imirftsr Mnd fnrTiAH: faw Vn(rdirn tni irn ma. nnnahle; reference exohsiigod. Inquire of WEBBB BHVO, cot.

uourtanq oraiemon aw. ROARD NEATLY FURNISHED FRONT nnrl hunk mnm. nn neoond floor, all imnrnvo Mnntjs. to let: aingle gentlemen or gentlemen and thMr wives desiring first class accommodations on very reasonable lennB can exenange reierouuus ujr ouuaKa.outnion street. TQOARD ON THE HEIGHTS FIVE Wm minntM walk from Wall st.

or Fulton farrlffii tn let, with board, two large tootus on second floor, very nicely furnished; also, rooms on fourth floor: nous and location first etnas terms moderate; a few table boarders taken. Apply at lira uenry er. OARD 289 HIOKS ST.NE AR JOR ALE mnn.hnnMand nrirhborbood first class flva mln on second and third floors; Izaudsomoly furniHhed. and plenty ot oiosot room tormt Yurj rwsanauiB ao9iraoio myrtles social and musical people always appreciated; OARD ON THE HEIGHTS TO LET. IB hnnrd.

In nrlvato familv of adnlta. two ronm. on second floor, en suite or slntjly, to gentleman and wife or single gentlemen furusfhed or unfurnished room on third floor for single gentlemen; all improvements. 73 Miosa bt, near range. nnABlVON THE HEIGHTS PLEAS ant rooms on second and third stories, suitable for pentlemon willing to room together, or Rontlomen and tholr wives.

A pleasant bonse, good tble and convenient to all the ferries. 62 Cranberry at, second door from Dir. Bee oners unuron, Ik OARD 170 COLUMBIA HEIGHTS mP Handsomely furnisnea secona uoor, rooms an connecting; to let en suite or separately; hot and oold water in each room and large closets; also, rooms on fotirth floor, with closets, hot and oold water, gss and fire if desired, on reaaonaoio iwi BOARD NO. 161 LAWRENCE ST. A hsndsomelv furnished front room, 05 third floor, tvro large soitablo for gontleman and wife, or single Rentlemen: also large baolc room on same floor, far nlshed or nnfnrnlshodilenmlnntea'waiK irop the fer.

rtes. uoy poaraers gs per wpq. OARD HOME COMFOKT xu LKX, two slnclo and two oonneotlng rooms, well for nUied, with plenty oloaetroom and good board, anltabla for small family, gentleman and wife or a tew single gentlemen: terms moderate. HS Hall st, near Myrtle OARD TWO LARGE HANDSOME rooms, conneoung ouu hvo vSthboard, to gentleman and wife or party of Bingle gyii Uemen; house and location first olass, and within ten i I i mAriAiafA. inn nnnAr nunurxa waia 01 jtuo ion "ij'r BOARD LARGE, PLEASAWX KUUMS on second nicely farnlsbod with plus ooaraana overy aomocumiw.i uuuuvv contains ail improvements; f.J? minutes rrom niton rerx.

kk rc.t. TlZTUWJL one door from Washington st, and one block from Uton street. BOARD 132 DEAN SJSJUHu uuuk below Hoyt A l.rgo.newly "rnished. second stray front room. In first class brown stone honse.

Kept in par. horf; ionvenlont to all tbo ferries also.oheerfol hall hmipwim for alnfflr ffantleman: terms moderate. OARD ON THE HILL A LARGE seoona ssor, ironx room also, Oilrd story rront room anltable lor gsntlemen ana luoir PSStSm men looatlon pleasant and desirable. Apply at No. 84 Greene second door from uarlton.

IN A PRIVATE family with first oUmboard. tbroo large rooms on second snd third floors, with lroclr.sota. bath, hot and oold water, etoi rooms famished with salts terms $13 esch tor two persons nonaoneaija: ami forrlea: one hall room 86.60. Address BLMA, Eagle OARD IN A STRICTLY PRIVATE i 4.r ii fn niahAii room, on saoonu uoor. 'r Jff ji ner trenir.

or one on oixu uu i ii ub. od mnm a KamtaA hv linsliin hnDlB bas modem iUlDrOT mwA tV rn llnnn nf ctsra: fine: wonld let rooms unfurnished: adults preferred. Address, for one week, KUKAb nuain, r.agie omce, OARD ROOKLYN HEIGHT A 1 i 1 1 I 4n men hot and coldf water largo closets; would llko to take one yonng lady terms ve ry rosronable. Apply at 85 Hicks st. three mlnntes' walk from Fulton Ferry half a block from Mr.

Bceoher'a unurcn. BOARD ON THE HEIGHTS IN THE well known mansion, 144 Bomsen st. seoond door westof Clinton. Parties deslroos of first class accommo dations, oansoonro largo, elegantly inrnisnoa ui. able for famlliea; also slnglo rooms for gentlemoa; ror annum imvma, mr v.

a ktwti TO flflOK. WASH AND iron, a girl. Call at tSt near Bedford. TUT ANTED TO DO OEM JSKAli xtUUSiS Apply at Sixth ar. WANTED AS uiiaaiBjiti.YiAiu waitress.

a. girl: good oily refereneea required. Apply KB rranxnn v. ANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE toiean, way pupiiwumuhmuw HaUey opg doors from Tt aop fcT. 'morrow, ANTED TO TAKE OA KB OF TWO sonnir oMldron, a nurse, and do apstaln work.

apply at Apply a Sixth stt tottrocn Fifth and Stithara. ANTED TO DO GBNEKAXi HOUSE work, a sir mnat a good plala oook, wiauer njDm a goo 542 Raymond at. and troner. uan at clilldreD and attond to ohamberwork, an effioient Bftrrint, Appli at 178 Columbia holgtoti. ANTED AS WAITRESS, A YOUNG girl roast bo willing and obliauur, with good, rex ere neon.

Apply at 209 Uarlton vr, WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work.ayoang elrl: mast be a good cook, washor and Ironer. Apply at 76 Johsaoa at. 7AKTED AS GOOD PLAIN OOOK, Trasber and lroner. a mustcomo well reoommended. washer and lroner.

a good, smart. German lrl; WANIEU IO DO HOU8BWOBK, FOB a small family, and assist in the oare of children, a girl. Apply at 879 Cumberland at. WANTED TO GO TO NEWARK, TO cook, wash and iron in a small priyato good, thorough irfrl. Oall at 136 Summit st, from 1 till 6 O'CIOOK.

WJ AD TED FOB fJENBRAfy HOUSE Prntnitant irlrl: must understand her business: wages, 8 Apply with refer ence at I3S Main vxiorq at. wnrk. In a. uraall nrlrftto faccliy. a neat young hi" wflcos notovr r813; Bnutnave gooa reierenco.

api 26 Uodsibbs sr. rANTRD KOB A Ti HOUS 15 in BTTtnii fftmllv. nclrl: mnt bo a coad cook and laundress no objeotlon to oolorod must hava good fertnees. Apply a a ocuorrauruotu ANTED A COOK, WA8HER AND lroner; most bo joang and thoroughly compe tent: only (hoso with first class reference from last em ploy erneea appiy at oianey piwc. WANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE work, In a small family, tirst olass Protestant girl: good wages paid.

AddreBS for one week. Btotlng natloDallty and giFlzig roforonco, ISKATNBSS. Baglo office. WANTED ONE TO DO GENERAL bnnttowork, the other for ohamberwork and waiting, and to assist In taking care of a child, two girls: boat ol references required; wages $12 and $10. Oall for two anys ana mimon by.

WANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE T7ork in a amall family or throe, a thoroughly com stent girl, with good reforonce: German. Scotch or node preferred good wages to ono who suits. Apply at 3V nWironf ar. WANTED TO DO GENERAL HO0SE work, a Swedish, Gorman or colored woman; most bo a good cook, wash or and lroner. Apply for two days at 262 Union street, between Court and Clinton atrprts.

Yr ANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE irk in a small private family, a respectable girl, with city references: good wages to good girl. Apply for two dysat 697 Madison st. Take Gates av. bars to Btnyvesant av. WANTED habit ONE WHO HAS J3E15N IN the bablt and Is oapablo of doing general house T.tlAt D.Ale..Hf 11.

'fn. work, a tidy and obllgini a uu auu uuiuuik lutniwus Ktii uu uuiaumviu co coiorea; wages uauato xoira ar doc. seven tponin ana Jttignwomn sw. WANTED SERVANTS, KOR. OOUN try and the office managed by ladies Sf PmVMKNT niTRTCATT.

fl Dnnonrd nt. nmr Fnltoni three blocks from the City Hall tho most res poo table servants come hero for pUees as the business Is condaotod on anew plan. H. B. Situations for wet nnraes.

ANTBD waitresses End elrls for tinner hoase work. at. jut. Hfi.nuM.un servant omce, is uourt ai; also plrlo will notice' that they can get passage tickets and drafts on Kngland, Inland and Scotland, at lowest rates, at my office. WANTED TO DO LIGHT HOU8E work and assist with sewing in a small private family, a toady Protestant young woman; oerson wilt uave a.

comrotxsoie home and bo treated as member; one familiar with cutting and fitting pre ferred: compensation moderate. Address B. three dayn. Kyple off'ce. ANTED EVHRY HONEST GIRL, who would not be dependent upon others, wints mkio fUtla tAntrht, fcn nnflrjttn tinon Domastio.

BlflBS. "Whcoler A Wilson. Willcoi A Glbbs, Grover Baker. Florence, Manhattan, Weed, Howp. Singer (family and tailoring), and Empire eewlng machines freo, if desired.

One dollar for full instructions to those who oan pay, and pnymontcftn be mario from flrat wages If proferred Ad ply from A. M. to fi f. oxcept aaiuraay. sr.

Most mom irom to ju a. di, OP II I K'S AIT) POOIKTY. and to 2 P. M. WANTED A FIRST OLASS TAILOR, by F.

GREMSE, at 159 Lawrence st, one door from uuou. WANTED AGENTS TO SELL A NEW rditlon ofBmi as family Bible and fine Btool eu gravlngs. Apply to THOMAS McCOMB, No. 8M Fulton ANTED IN A HOUSE FURNISHING and hfixriw ir i afctr. to make himself useful, a young an about 17 yoars of age must be honest, ludus triou.

actlvo and willing, and nivo best retoroncea. Ad dreBS HARDWARE, Eagle office. WANTED TO COLLECT BILLS AND do office duty, a lad, at moderate vragoa, in the oCBco of a manufactory must be good at pon man snip and arithmetir, strict lyhonest and residing with bis parents. Address 243 B. Eagle office, giving ago, resldonco, and wages asked for.

WAfyTED SlTtJATlOWS FEW ALES. WANTED SITUATION AS CflAM bennald and assist with the washing and ironing, by a respectable girl. Call at 293 Myrtle av. WANTED SITUATION AS CHAM hernial and waitress, by a respectable young girl. Please call at 42 Wocdbnll st, for two days.

"VKTANTED SITUATION filn in llrht bouBi AS CHILD'S by an Amerl Y7 Durre or help in llsht bouBefforkj can girl. 74 Dnffield at, In basement. ANTED SITUATION TO ASSIST In light housowoik, by a reepeotable young Prot CBtnntglrl. Pleaso call at 743 Myrtle av. WJ AN TED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral honsaworic In a amall family, byarospoot able girl.

Call tor rour aava ac mo. uancon av. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEH nml hnnnflvork: 1b a eood washer and Ironar: has good refereacc Apply ut 40 Carroll at. WUTA NTED SITU ATION TO DO GEN VV eralboure work, by a respectable young woman. Please call at 585 Myrtle av, entrance on Htneben st.

ANTRD SITUATION AS SEAM Hf man in a nrivate family, br a ronnir lady. Apul; to or address M. 01ermontav. ANTED tlTUATION AS OHAM 1 bormald and waitress, by a respectable yonn? girl: has good city references. Call for two days at 100 Wyokoff street.

WANTED SITUATION AS CHAM bermsld and waitress, by a respectable, young girl: no good city reierenoes. auotoii tor iwo uayo WAITRESS, Kagle office. WASTED SITUATION AS CHAM bennald and waitress, by a respectable young wo man: has gooa city reierenoes. uau lor two uars at vo West arren at. WANTED SITUATION AS OH AM bermaid and waitress, or to do general housework, byayoungglrl: has good reference.

Please call at her employer's, 188 Lafayette av, cor. Carlton, WANTED SITUATION AS CHAM bonnald and waltiess or child's nurse, by a ro ppoctable olty references. Oan be seen at 87 Van dermic av. WANTED SITUATION AS OHAM bermald and waitress, or to take care of oblldren, by ayoung girl oan furnish, good elty reference. Call at 887 Pacific st.

WANTED SITUATION AS OHAM bertnaldand waitress, or general housework, in a amall family, by a respectable girl. Please call for two days at Awm st. WANTED SITUATION A8 OHAM bermaid and waitress, or housework with a amall family; has tho best of city reference from her last place. Uali rortwoaay8atno. il muou.uuTaT.

ANTTCn SITUATION AS CHAM" bermaid and waitress, or to do UKhthouseworkby a respectable young gin Is willing and obllglngt for tbree days at on uirtn av. XTTANTED SITUATION AS CHAM bermaid and to take oare of children, by a respectable ynunK womao, lately landed. Call for two days at 888 Hloka et, cor. Congress, over the drag store. WANTED SITUATION AS CHAM bermsld and waitress, by a respectable young woman bas three years' references from last plaoo.

Call or two dajg at 63 Columbia pi. WANTED SITUATION AS CHAM bermsld and waitress or to do light nousawork, byayoungglrl, Annlvat Bfia Fifth av. nraaont emnlov. RlDg tbird bell. WANTED SITUATION AS OOOK, a Kirl; la fall? competent: hoe first cIbbb cltv reference.

Can be seon at 8ol Henry at, over the drug Btore, first floor. WANTED SITUATION AS OOOK, trasher and lroner. la a small, private family: has good reforonce from her laat ploco. Oall for tiro days at 95 Nelson St. WANTED SITUATION AS OOOK.

washer and lroner, in a small family, by a re eprctablo youdk woman haB good city referonoe. Oall for two dayB at 59 Olaason Flnanlng. WANTED SITUATION AS OOOK, waaber and lroner, or to do general housework, by a respectable yourBwoman: has good city references. Call for two days at 44 Pacific at. 7S7ANTED SITUATION AS COOK In a amall family 16 most capable and an excellent washor and ironer.

Apply to day or Wednesday at ber present employer's, No. i76 South Oxford st. WANTED SITUATION AS COOK, washer and lroner. by a respectable young girl; bas good city reference. Please call for two days at No.

37 Joralemon Bt. XJT ANTED SITUATION AS FIRST TV class cook, waabor and ironer, by a respeotable young woman; bsBgood city references. Address COOK, Eagle onice. WANTED SITUATION AS FIRST class cook, waaber and lroner, by a respectable young woman: has good city references. Call for two days at 913 Atlantic av, near Bt.

James place, first floor. WAN TED SITU ATION AS A FIRST clsBscook.byareFpectablewoman; good city reference from her last place. Gall at 205 Park av, between VanaerDill ana uiermont, iruui ruuui, bbuuuu uuur. ANTED SITUATION AS GOOD TT cook, washer, and lroner, or to do general house work, by a respoctame young woman; ana gooa ouy raier ences. Call at402 Hicks at, near Warren.

ANTED SITUATION A GOOD nl i nnetlr In A TiriTAtG hf fl iTOOd steadv her last place. Apply at wju Annuo ay, ANTED SITUATION AS GOOD ilain eook and first class laundress, in a private woman; nas gooa city reierenco xromnerJasx piace. ju pppoen tw VKTANTED SITUATION AS GOOD plain cook, waaner ana ironer ia pnvaw mui, or has no objections to a private boarding house, by a re BDeotable young girl. Call at 62 Amity et. titaNTRD SITUATION AS NURSE.

TT and to take care of ohildren, by a respeotable Miins woman: bas good city references. Call for two Pays at oo oixta av. A NURSE 0r to do cbamberwork and tako oare of growln. cbudron, by a respecuiDio gut. iw era, Mo.

806 Henry st. MTA NTED ITU ATIU Jx A a NURSE a a mnlrA herself irenerallr Diefnl, bj a jonng girl, IB years of age best of clw wfer WANTED SITU ATIUJS AiS aunofl and assist with plain sewing, a joaDfl" bcoton woman; na. bovu viv two days at li yierrepunij WANTED BTiOfl AO rujuLj rererencp girnu, im ANTED SITUATIOlf AS SALES woman In a oonlecuonery, ar gooua i by a yonng American woman. Address for two aayai oncora Bk WANTED SITUATION AO yyiuj. nurseby arespectabj citv references, door from Atlantic av.

WANTED SITUATION IJn A JfJttr vato family, bv a respectable middle aged woman, with good city reference. Oall at No. 18 vine st, near Uoft lumoia. "VSf ANTED SITUATION TO 1 wash and Iron. In a amall private family, oy a young resneotabte girl.

Oan be seen for two daya at No. aro Hamng kt, near T7 ATED SllUAm TODO OHAM berwork and waiting, or woald do ohamberwork ana pis in sewing, by a respootablo yonng woman; good city leferonce. Apply for two daya ata28Tltlaryst. WANTED SITUATIONTO DO OOOK lng, washing and Ironing, by a rospeotable girl; the best of reference. Coll for two days at JNo.

tt Amity Slreot. WANTED SITUATION TO DO QES. eral housework In a small private family, by a rcpppctable girl is willing and obliging. Pleaso oall at 2fe5 Hick, at, near Amity, top floor; WANT ED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral housework, by a respootablo young woman is a good pluln rook, washor and lroner; has good city refer nci. Onll for tno iiay3 at 65 Iean st.

A TKD BIT 1 1 AT ION BY A UK sncrtsble middle sa ed woman who understands drFFSSiid cloakmaklng and all kinds of family sowing would Iikotodo little upstairs work; best city rofor encos. Call at ao, 1 Ollaton st, Boar Fnltoa, EAGLE OFFICE, OOTOBER 14. BY TELEGRAPH. Results of the Elect Yesterday. Democratic Shc KB Lb OM IndUM Ah Probablr Demoorfttlfc Ohio.

IndBflr Iowa, Nebraata, West Vir (rinla and Arkansas held their State elections yesterday, which so far as heard from, baye resulted In comparative victory for the Democrats. The Nowmi N. charter election was almost a clean sweep torthj Democrats, who sconced nine oat of thirteen Aldbrmen. The local Democratic tloket wa, eltotca atwsmarcr. Dakota but Kidder, (Rap.) for CoDgre aloBal delegate, will probably have 3 00 majority In the ola Territory.

Iowa and Nebraska hare gone by reduced majorities. In Iowa, partial returnlndl colo the election of all tho Bcpublioan candidates for Stato officers', by about 40,000 majority, and tho election of all the Congreaimr'n, except porhaps, George W. Crary In tho First District. In Nebraska, the Interest centered on the Legislature which will chooss succe sor to Senator Tipton. There was muck scratching in West Virginia, but li Is thought that Ooff, (Rep.) In tho First and Faalkner, (Detn.) In tho Second District, have Deen eiectcu to Ccngrcss.

The Arkansas returns have not been received, but there seem, to be no doubt that the Radicals aro defeatod and the entire Conservative ticket elected. The election the most orderly over held In the State. The result ior Indians is yet undecided, owing to the meagre returns but a Demo cratio triumph is claimed, and will probably to accorded. The vote for the Independent tickot ia very small. A Democratic Congressman from Indianapolis is claimed.

The Congressional delegation will probably Bland, Republicans, 9 Democrats, 4. in Ohio, the Democra cy have oarried the State ticket by a mijority prooably exceeding 20,008, and have gained nve or six Congressmen, making ihe Congressional' delegation about ono uslf Republican. The Cleveland and Toledo districts are DemocraUo gains. In New York Olty the German Independents hare nominated Oswald Ottendorfsr for Mayor. Tbo Ohio Toledo, Ootobor 14.

Six wards in Toledo give Wikoff, for Seor'tsry of State, 1,635, and B. 11, 1,084 Pratt, Rep for Congress, 1,430, and 2,013, Hard', majority in (ho county la from 700 to 800, Tbo Indiana Iec(ln. IndunafoijuV Oetobcr 14. The return, at three o'clock this morning an still very meagre, and it impossible to tell the result on the Stato ticket. The Republicans certainly eleot seven Congressmen, The Journal concedes the election of a majority of the Democratic ticket in the oily and county.

MUSIC AMD THE Tbo Brooklyn Philharmonic. The sale of reserved seats to the Philharmonic Concerts, in the balcony and dress circle of the Academy of Muslo during the season, will take plieo at the Academy of Mnslo on Tuesday, November IX It will commence at 8 A. Hi, at 6 P. K. The restrictions and manner of rale are sot forth in tbo official advertisement in another eolamo.

Tbe tea of these concert, are to well known to need detailing now. The goad done byihut society and by its tonoerta is, however, so great tbat we naot help urging the wisdom of a large attendance at ths sale, and the most liberal subscription through purchase thst eaohoan afford. The Theatres. There has been no change of bill at any of the theatres. Mr.

Emmet continues to playfVf: ta large audiences at the Brooklyn Miss Bogurs continues to play JfinW to small ones at the Bark, and at Hoo ley'sand the Olympic "business" continues to bo satisfactory. MONET MARKET. The Stock Speculation Active and Price, Low Gold Steady. li, Stbekt, Ofitober 14. Tho stook market opened weak this morning, with prices from to below the closing sales of yesterday.

The csble reported Erie lower in Londos and the depression In this stock Uaan effect upon the wholo list here. Tbe stock openod at 23galnst at the cl.Rr.of yesterday and moved up steadily and slowly to 28V, going into the Boltd weak at The prloe followed tbe London quotations very closely. Faoiflc Mail opened at 47, at the dole of yesterday and fell off to 403 before the call. Liko Shore opened at 78, below the last sale of yesterday, told at advanoed to 79 and went with the board weak at 784'. Northwest opened at 38 at tbe close of yesterday, and Bold up to 38ft before the board.

Rock Island showed a further decline opening at 08 against 08 at tho closo yesterday, and selling down to 08 Before tho call. Western Union opened at 79if against 79, the last sale of yesterday, and sold down to bofore the board. Central fluctuated, between par and and St. Paul moved steadily between and Union Paoiflo opened at 35, below the last sale of yesterday, sold at and wont into the board Blrong at The only sole of O. 0.

I. C. before the board was at iox. Ohio, opened at below the last sale of yesterday, and fluctuated between that and during tha early business. Wabash opened at Six, 'old at and.

then fell to a before the board, going Into, the oalf weak at 81. Tbe cables report tbat bullion to the amount of 137, 000 pound, been withdrawn com the Bank of England to day. This may not affect the discount rate, however, though some of the drawers ef exchange, yesterday were disposed to discount an advanco. Sterling Is quoted to day at 4.8iK (or 60 days and J4.87 for sight. Gold opened at 110 and all the early sales were mad it that figure.

The loan rates range between fiat noT two per cent, for Ihe use of cash coin. The New fork Clearing Honse Association yesterday bought the building at the corner of Nassau and. Bin formerly occupied by the Bank of the Commonwealth. The banking room will be converted Into a clearing; house, as soon is the necessary alteration, oaa bs made. The price paid wm $115,000, which wil enable tbe receiver of the bank to pay off tjAuiau, and bar.

a small surplus, On the first oall there wis a further decline in Erie, to nx caused by cable advices that tha pric had fallen off in London, This Is the lowest price for this stock during tha year. The hlgheBt was 54J on ths 15th of January. The break in Erie appeared to demoralize the whole list temporarily, and advantage waa taken of this to sell considerable amounts of Lake Shore ind Western Union. Ths former broke a little, but the latter stood firm. After thia demonstration the market lapsed into dul ness.

About the only atnre of the speouUHon at thia tune was an advance of Central to 101. ThecloaiiDgB of tbe associated banks reporteoHo day wero 73,57,476. Money in laa ing at 3 per tbe rateB having been elighlly advanced ia coua; qnence of the demand. 8TOCA EXCHANGE SALES FIRST B01KO. NlW Yob October 2COOUa6 10o0UBt i UK0 S6 S0r 47 11X00 do 1UM1US5 90O67 lOOOUSMPrfiB 100 S's 81 110(0 do bo lOOUO 8 (Fs Ourrenoy 1127.

11AX ma 116 117 100 10B do 27', SIX do do do do too 200 50 lko six S1K 800 JJ 800 Ohloao A NW bo 03 BIO do bS SS4 300 do 117 1000 Missouri St Sa v. ons onus 1000 California 7a 2000 St Lr. coo Lue 50 BIO S00 1W 18.4 luoo unesa unio 1st 2030 Suoo Chl A ft Wit son ooniroldbda 1000 (Jen Pacific B. 2000 do 1000M A Mis. 2d 1U00 Great West'n 1st 88...

37 Bank Commerce. SO Mechanics Bonk. 6 Marine 17D1B Canal 100 Marrlana CoalCo ba 100 Western On T.l mli to, in, ao 800 ta mi 73 71 117 138 150 I 115X1 I do si 700 SoO 2SO0 l)0 800 1100 1S00 600 do 7i do do do do do do do su. Wl 7B? ,....3 7Sf im i Hf ,9 18 do, ir' i 7, 795, 19k 791 19H 7951 79S4 79'll 7954 IU) 500 A. Ml 1tXC 10(0 HV UU j.

600 400 600 IS 700 100 too too no 400 Dnlon roctno a. bobl MJt 100 do HK bj sa 5M 1800 sou b00 wo 509 ion do 3A do liK ba UK do S5 do 3I do 8) do bS S5K do Sfifc t. ao do 200 Foe Mall Oe. oo 200 wa uv. iOO Clsv A Pltu (nor lOOUostH ARrieK.

bo lilt New Oaatral A NX 100 do tMVBH lUlOhloojro It I bob3 98 do aoo 100 aoo 100 iini iu Dl gk boo 800 do la 100 do 31 100 CM Pp bo loe i'ol Wab at bo J'g 100 do Ayj do IMReiuuVASartrRJW 140 IMI Jl IMJi lOOAt MtloAPaon bo HM JC0 Ohio oilas'ppi bos J74 roo do JJt (to do 0 If IOO do REAL ESTATE TB J.8FEH8. Moore st. 100 ft. Morrell st. KilM; 0 Rehwlna to Jaoob Sohwind rc7avfes38ft a Gwinnett st, 18x18; A Brnst to John NlBderloln.

Leonard st, s. 75 ft, a Jackson at. 3x100 Set tenreloh to Helen wife Adam Rotor Hamilton av, 42.7 Hnatlttgton at. 25x108. loz 9Sxl4.6x98.4.

foreclosure Bergen to John and Daniel Whitney, 124 ft Throop av, 86x10(1; Dieok mann to Adam Bonner Same property. A Bonner to Johanna, wlf. WU. halm niflflkmann 4.00 3,03 ton Brooklyn 26 ft Hawthorne flnhn et at to Jawnh Wlllfn Canton jl), or Coney Island Plank Road, 283. a xa r.

sail io circle ar, r'roBpeo, rarx iu v. lana tixen rer opeoin. rri ua av: rr uraoam ro iie oaoa Tblrty flrst Bt, a 8, SoO ft Fourth ar. 25n uonBa VJ ijoan anu iaraaric UiafBon av. jl n.

ox my to Ellis, who oi Union St. cor noviuo uanai ioas iu ton n. Baltio st S0i ft botbsm to xnoma ttou 48X su oo oa roz. 400 do S00 son do OH 100 do i' H. 1300 do luO do s8 8' 800 do 48H' 2000 do 46X 103 do J3 49M 800 do Vt 48H 500 do W' 100 do.

S3 1O0N OmaHBB i bo loOK 100 do 100 do 101 800 Erie Bollway I 100 deV.V.V.'V.'.'.M ion do 3 S00 do. KX lUtt do 28X, aoo do i 800 UK 900 do 97gl 900 2W US do i7f, 400 do 1M do 700 do SJV 10 do WJ AJS TJH.14S1T A1'1U TO DO OISN. hnntawork. in a amall nrlvata family, bv a reepeotable woman; ia a good plain oook, waahei and i a. in ffin thm beat altPMferAaoa from her last pIao0Jfl wlliing and obliging wagea not ao mnoh an object as a good home.

Please oall for two days at ID9 Warren st. WANTED t. 1TUA1TON TO DO UHAiML berwork and watting, and asatet with washing and ironing, or to take oare of children, by a respectable young girl; will bo found willing and has got the best of city reference. Oanpe aeea for two daya at 801 Hudson av. ANlil KlTUATIONTODO OiiAM Ty berworkand take oare of children, or to take care of children and do plain sewing, by a respeotable youug American woman: is willing acd obliging; haa good city Call for two daya at 8i North EUloU pi, near Park av1, top floor, back.

WANTED SITUATION AS COOK, and laundress, or general ssrvant, by a neat, Indus trlousgiri; will be foana a capable, economical, and re spectral servant, good cook and baker, and first class washor and ironer; best reference glveo either city or country. Oall st lift Atlantic av. nr ffenrv Bf. ANTED HITV AXKU 5 A 1 tS. WANTED Sl'iUATlON AS SKOOND hand on bread, bv a baker, lately landed from the old country.

Apply for two dwn at Atlantic av. WANTED S1TU ATION AS OliKKK or bookkeeper in an oGSoe, or at any respectable business, by a competent yonnr man who iswilliogto work: raJary no objoot and good references. Address J. L. Bagle offloe.

"C7JTANTED SITUATION IN A DKUO 7 1. b' aonng lady, a graduate from New York Medical College: is fulls oom patent to attend the pre. if nnnniMPV' hUhost referones given Address OHUGOIRT. Kncr'n omco. WANTED SITUATION AS G( tAOH man, by a resDoottul colored man understands his business thoroughly; polite and nbllnlng: city or country with first class reference.

Call or address No. S9 Pineapple tt. WA NTED SITU ATION A YOUNG man, aged 22, lately landed from the Old Country; understands the grocery and liquor business; is not afraid Io work: willing to do anything. Call or address ROBHRT VINT, the sboemaker.RP Knlton at. WANTs WANTED PUPIliS jPBIVA IE FUP1LS In Brooklyn at their own residenoos; oommnu Rngllsh branohes: higher mathematics; French and Latin if desired: terms moderate.

Oall on or address 192 AdpInM at. WANTED OUKSSMAK1NO iVtttS. K. M. JABVIS begs leave to Inform her natrons and others that she has resumed business at No.

451 Carlton av, where dreasmaltlng In all Its brauohB will be promptly attended to and satlnf ant Ion gnranted. WANTED DBESSMAKING A JFASH lonable dressmaker withes a few engaaemonta by the day; has all tho It tent styles of Paris fanblons for evening or street dresses: terms moderate. Oall at 333 Raymond st, corn or of Fnlton, Ats floor. WANT ED HOUSE KE fGPINO BY A middle aged German lady ot refinement, as housekeeper: is an excellent cook and baker; also dressmaker highest refer enoes city or country. Call or address O.

1b Olvmer pt. nsnr Ttf A'nrA uv. ANT15D HOOS iU A JfUSl hnnubdnnHr nr asslatani. bv an Amatiaan Inrttr nrlllln tn vnrk hnarrf for whoas danarDter belns re ceived In romaneratlon. Address NK0BSSIT7, Ohlchej ter'a drug atore, corner Myrtle arenne, and Adelphl street.

JOfJAHTEV BOUiil iSi.i'i iU A Kuttsr TV olass bookkeeper, with the best of referenoos, Irishes to get a position In this olty: iteadr work pre ferrod bat will wrlto up accounts oaeapyina ehreo or roar hoars a daj at a moderate salary. Address P. 8., Ksle office. WANTiSD T6AJliU Utiilt dAJS 4.VU French private lessons, a competent North German lad; teacher having still some boors neeklv to dls poso of, wonld Hko to give lessens a roung ladles' sem fnorv highest references. Address for this week M.

H. F.i Bagle offlce. WANTISD GOVHKN 0S8 A WU1IO ladv of refinement, edaoatlon and ability, with a good knowledge of muslo, desires a position as governess, or would aocopt a place of trnst where attention and atrlct Integrity woald be appreciated; any roferenoea riven that may be red. Address A. Box 2,793, N.Y.P.O.

WAWJCBP fl CISC il i ANTJtoD ASUlNU UHiiN I Lilli.UEaS'S dress. Oall all the week atlflS York at. or families a competent iauu WANTED WOKJt A JfcCorl.U I ble Scotch woman; to go out by the dtywasblne or housecleanlng. Please call at 91 Paoltlo st, near Henry. WANTED WAtoalNUB 3t a il ii epectable wooian, a few gontl omen's anil ladles' washing at hor own house.

Pleaso call at No. 58 Doan street. 1 WANTED WASHING Bit A UHl jf rotable yonng woman, ladies' and gentlemen's washing to do at her own home. Please call at 743 Myrtlo av, second floor, iron room. ANTED WOKK Bk A ble woman, to take la washing in hnr own hoaoe, or to go out by the day haa good city referenoos.

In quire at 311 Hoyt at WANTED WASBBNU AWD IKoN ing, by a respectable woman, at her own borne, or will go out by the day. Please call for two days at 41 Atlantlo avanne. WANTED WASHING A HEiPEUi'A ble woman wishes to do ladles and gentlemen's washing at ber own residence best of reference. Call or ad areas 725 Gates av. WANTED WAS ING A BESPEU table Swedish woman, to go out washing bv the day or week flrat olass washer and lroner.

Oall for two days at No. 73 Hands st onr. of Pearl. WAN TED OBIS. A KEaJPiiiGr able married woman, two or throe daya' washing, to go out by the day.

Call all the week at 400 Throop av, bet. Lafayette av.and VanBuren at. WANTED WOBKB A BES tU table yonng woman, to go out by the day or to take In wnehlng and Ironing; has good dry roferonoes. Call for two daya at S91 Baltic at. near Hoyt.

WANTED WOBK BY A ablowoman.togo out bv the day washing and ironing nrnouBBOieaning, or woum vasu wwaiDg nujno, csn furn'pb tbe beat of oityreferonop. Call for two days at No. 20 North Oxford st. first flnnr front. WANTED WO ItKB If A itiSS riHUT nhlA rnlnred woman, br the dav.

or a few gentle men's wsBhlng. at 76 cents a dozen. Pleaso oall or ad' dress 11A no. in oanuH Bbreei, buiru. uoor, back.

WANTED It WASHINU AND iwinina nf. hflrntra a roflnaotabtA wnmnn. or will iro out by the day: is a good shirt lronoranda lirst class laundress In erory respect. Oall at 238 Hudson av, naar Concord st. and Park av.

"17STANTED WASHING AND IRONING, at her own honse, by a respeotable woman; hna good olty references. Call for two days at 443 0onrt st, second floar, back room, between Third and Fourth placB. WANTED 8EWING AN OJfEKATOB on Grover A Baker's. Sinarer's and Domostio sew crnnlrl IllfA tPUT TnOrA nnc CHTnfln tjl f.n Bt out by the day or weec, with or without machine. 813 Court sr corner or union, TANTED ABHING A JbTHST OJb AtJS lUUUUre33UO.lll.

i ll aaun otuoi residence by the week, month or dozen: all Kinds of fine Wasoing. puranK auu uutu Hi io uiuiiiiuuituciu. corner of Franklin and Lexington avs. TTANTED WOKK BY A KESPEOT BDIO VTOUlOU. W.

UJ UIITJ UBJ UU Tf lOUlUR and Ironing, or will do washing at her own home can do all kin os of fine washing and flaUoKthm good city references. Call on, or address. Mrs. H.OBAW. 496 Warren tt.

'ANTED WASHING A erenoos as to oharacter and capability. Please call at 292 jsergan os, near iiuwdi uuur, "1XTANTED WASHINU A RE3PEOTA ble woman wishes a few fren tlemen's 'washtoff, or afamtlys washing by the month or week; can be wall recommended by the person she works for at present. Call at 27 Prloce at, near Concord. WANTED TO PURCHASE OLD a old, silver, and broken watoh oases and jewelry of every kind, ror wmon tne nignesx prices win do para dj M. J.

WoOLYNN, Watoh andClook Dealer, 696Fulton at, near bt. Felix. 18k. gold weddirig rings always on nanu, at low i oea. WANTED WASHING A BE maMitil nntflUh woman, a amllv's waahio ot i crw fir thA rtnt lp.mon'it naKhtncr; tuba: all modern lmprovementa; promptly delivered understands all Kinasoi nnewaaning ana uu.idk rieass couorau rtMetH.o..7R Atlantic av.

near Smith at. one pair of Btetra up, oaoic room WT A NTED A BY BY A BESPEOTA hit. mfrtdln mirttd woman, who haa had manv years' experience with young children, and Is fallv oompe.ent to takeonuie casrge or an misnc irom its uirca; one or mnra nhllrrt nn t. her nwn hnust beintrat nrasent entire ly dlRengaged; best city references. Call on or address 4trt Hndson av, second floor, back.

WANTED BO PSES AITO ROOfTlM. WANTED KOOMS ABOUT FOUR, IN ifrntiii nftlerhhrtrhfiod. AonTflnianfc to Fnlton Ferrv. for a family of three. Addieis, with particulars, A.

Kagie omce. WANTED HOUSE FuRN ISHED A three story honse with finished attic, fully or partially fornlshBO, within ten mlnntes1 walk of the Ferry, wonld exchange country house for a few months. WANTED ROOM FURNISHED BY lar1.n4 Hitncrritnr.TiArir (Htv Hall. In are. n.Tnl ntiK(inrhnnti.

nni. in tri vlnlnltv at a first alaas restaurant; ieferenoea exchanged. Address A. Baglo omoe. TTTTT ANTPID ROOMS BY A GENTLE' WW m.n and ait ft inn ohlldronl.

4 rooms, in nelKhborhood; not more than 16 minutes from ferries; well furnished for light housekeeping: terms about $40 month. Addresa Box 6.1W W. Y. P. Q.

THST AN TED HOUSE TO PURCHASE TT Between Fulton st. and DeKalb av; toontalo ftn.inH.nms Kaat Aa hn fnrnnTTi fnrt all mnrifirTi imnrovo menta price, from ..000 to $5,600. Address W. M. tU aoyi ait giving looauon, u.scniuuu, wiwo auu vu wnen pobbobhod may db dbu.

nCT ANTED ROOMS FIRST OR SEO ord floor of four or five rooms in a private house lor nonBCKeeoing, WlWin mieen uj uuma oi qiuju. tsrrj, by a toat rijd couple with no ohildren rent not to exceed $15 to $18 for month. Address, stating W. box 1.0O1 rt r. u.

BOAUDINft. OARD ANIOE HAI.L BEDROOM TO let, with beard. Apply at 88 uncover place. OARD 70 WILLOUGHBY ST, NEAR Ltawrenoe nooma io lee, wa noara. OARD 62 LIVINGSTON ST, BET, Clinton and Court Booms to let with board.

OARD NO. 96 CLINTON ST. OOR. of Remsen, handsome rooms to rent at reasonable prices. a TOARD ON THE HEIGHTS WITH J3 desirable rooms on second floor; also single rooms rBiBiPDOB rnqaiiBQ.

ai iuoh a OARD A LARGE ROOM SUITABLE far irentleman and wife, ar two aentlemen also a nail room. j.pptj atia TTiuougnny ai, oor. oi oay. OARD ON THB HILL FOR TWO ti wouitiui iu viivow iiuum uuu uiuiuuiuui; iur nlshed room on first floor. 6M Fnlton st, OARD WITH PLEASANT ROOM.

ON seoond one or two ladies. AodIv at B79 Paoltlo TanAPTi ono nmMUii'OT. xrr. urn nnrf DeKalb av. Elegant rooms to let, with board; in evaiy way nrat ciaaa.

BOARD 177 SCHERMBRHORN ST, near Smith Handsomely furnished room? for gentleman and wife, or single gentlemen; house, looatlon and table on mrpassed terms moderate. TJOARD 35 POPLAR ST. BETWEEN Lf HIoks and Willow, nloe, pleasant room to let, with board; bath, hot and oold water, gas, Ac; house three uii naia irom uiuin ana vtbii bu xemes. OARD ON THE HEIGHTS A FAM ny or two or tnree aingio gAntlemen, can obtain very desirable rooms with first class board by applying at 145 BOARD A LARGE FRONT ROOM, suitable for gentleman and wife or two single cron tlemen; also a nloe hall bedroom, with good board; in yrivaw immuy. iati at ino i.ampenano SC.

TJOARD A PRIVATE FAMILY, HAV JLjp Ins more room than require, con aooommodato tvro or throe gentlemen or gentleman and wife, with good botxi. Appl? at 174 Olymer St. B. D. BOARD A LARGE AND PLEASANT third fitnrr front room, with Isron Toaoi tn unfurnished, with or without board, at 260 Sohermerhorn sc.

a tso poara ror a angto taoy. TT OARD ON THE HEIGHTS DESTRA JL9 ble furnishef rooms, soluble for a gentleman and wife also, rooma for single gentlemen. Apply at 161 Xtemaen nt. uc vjiiuimu. "OOARD ON THE HILL 182 HALL JL Bt oeoona noor.

iron alcove and baok room to gentleman and wife or single gentlemen; house has all OARD ON THB HILL 96 LA PAY sfv.avi ftvinf. rAnmi Via rilrl A all improvements; location unsurpassed; three doors' xrom ur. uuier unarop. lOARD 130 FLEET PLACE. VERY ty deslrablo rooms on third floor, to be lot separately It desired terms moaeraro; reierenoes ezenangea; OARD TO LET WITH BOARD, IN A JP private family, a largo i bird Btory front room with closet atxacneo, ior gem ana wue or single gentlemen Ua II ai OHO ron nunr ounu.

OARD AT 176 AMITY ST HAND. i anmnli7 fnmffihfld rnnmi. In a nlAaaant. McatJnn. (1 minutes' walk from South Ferry: house first olass; best oi reierencea giv.u mun.u.

iwiu. i uu.ra.o. fl P.D ON THE HILL 3H2 flliKR' mont av. betweoD Greene and Lafavette Boom? on second and third Honrs, to lot, with board: hot and cold water in rooms; good looatlon and terms moda "WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 14. AOOMEBKNTN THIN BTBHINS.

BROOKLYN THRAT fttt. Frltx our Cousin German. PARE THBATRK Miml. ROOLBITSOPKRA HOUSC Tho Golden Battorily. OLVMPIU TBRATRB Variety Gatsrtalnment.


ThoSphvnx. AM88I0AN llSriTOTK, N. V. lndmtrlal Pair, HIE COSSTITUriOS CLUB. There was a full meeting of the Directors of tho Gonrtimtion Club at their Club House on Bridge street last evening.

After going through with 4he reading of long list of expenditures by the Secretary, Judge Walsh moved that a grand miss meet tho auspices of the Glob, be held forthwith, to properly and formally ind rso tho general Dimocratio ticket. The Chairman, Aid. Clancy, thought it would be well to defor such a meeting until mt ter the local nominations were made. udgo Walsh acoepled the amendment, and a committee of three, consisting of Meters. Win.

Furcy, Judge Walsh and Aid. Clancy, was appointed to drift prosramme to be submitted to the Olob at their spooiil meeting on Tuesday evening next. CBAMJ BOUMJUUT PAItADE. An adjourned meeting of the organizations Interested was hi Id on Monday evening at the Armory Inrtltrtncu to tns giand moonlight parade. Major Fred.

J. Kurchtr, of the Thlrly second Regimoat was eallid totbech lr. 'eswere appoint e.l to carry it thepropoicd programme on the 23.h int. Tne Forty seventh Begiment will be invited to ltrtlclput; and Compauy Tuirteenth Regiment, Capt. Cochin commanding, will be tho guests of the erening.

A largo roviexing stand will be erected in front of Captain Reitzer's Boulevard Garden. BASK UAH. The Mutnals played the Harffords on the TJnicn Grounds. Mr. Wm.

Green, of the Flyaway Club, was chosen umpire. The game resulted in a victory for the' Mutnals, after two hours of told and disagreeable play, with tho following score 198456789 Mulnal II Hartord 0 Time of game, two hours. Buna earned Matuals 5, Hartforda 1. BURRH H'N BKVEPTTOli. Ono of those pleasant occasions yclept receptions whtoh crowd Bur ham's Gymuasium with ladies and gentlemen, took place last night, it being tho first reoeptlon of the season.

There was the usual entertaining programme provided for Mr. Burnham'a There were culisthtuio and gymnastic exercises to lead off witb, in which the physical training of the members of the gymnasium was shown to advantage. Jaftcr this there was a half mile walk, a quarter mile ran, a half mile rim and a sack race. The pedestrian competitors were W. P.

Halstead, W. tl. ildron, Giles, D. V. M.Johnson, W.

Pellotler and B. 'PIckford. The winners in the races were: Half Mile Watt W. H. Waldron, m.

7 W. P. Hal tcad. 4 in. s.

Quarter Mile Ban W. G. GUce, 1 m.lOX D. Y. M.

1 m. 17 s. Ball Mile Bun W. Pclletlor, 2 m. 43 8.

PIckford, UX a. The exerclBes were much enjoyed, and the evening nteruiument wound up with the ladles' reception umces. council of nit Next Sundny, the, special services Trill be held in the Church of tbo Nativity, Madison Btrect, near Classen avenue, tho Rtv. Mr. J.

Moran, pastor. The occasion will be the second anniversary of ihe di dlcatiou of tho church. Since the Father Koran's adv nt to this parish as Its pastor and spiritual guide, the euccosa whioh bas attended bis ministrations has been marvelous, and the triumphs in all the Christian eutt rpritee therewith connected, have been of joy and thanksgiving; and it is to this end that a grand ceremonial will be inaugurated to mark this epoch in this church's history. The friends and admirers of Father Moran, and the Christian public generally, are Invited to join io the oelebratien of this anniversary, and all will receive a hearty welcome. It is expected that several renowuod priests will assist at tho Mats in the morning service, commencing at 1 Dbkyiixb The Irish Distilleries, Belfast, Ireland, aro tho lirgest holders of Whiakyln the world, 'ihelr Old Irish Whisky Is recommended by the Medical Profession in preference to French Brandy, la casks or cases.

U. S. Branch, 51 Broad at, N. Y. Coughs and colds aro speedily cured by the use of Wistab's Balsam of Wild Oheiiby.

50c. and $1 a bottle. Large bottlos much the cheaper. Ahotheb Bank Gonb Op. Banks fail and men absoond.

but Ubsehb's OtroKMATEO Bitters nevor fail nor dotort us. No aloohol. Coco dyspepsia and indigestion. Sold by druggists, tc, at $1 por bottle. Jons F.

exuy, CuanAtt A 8 sod 9 College pi, Knabe Piakob. A. G. Slade G05 Fulton streot, havo just received a fine lot of grand, sqnaro and upright pianos from tho celobrated piano fac tor of "Win. Knabo A Baltimore.

Call and examine them. Elegant Fuenttuue. Messrs John Wood 4 Co aro now ofTorlng at retail, the largest assortment ofologant over exhibited in this city, at Croat bargains, lu their now store, 239 Fulton street, opposite Clark. HAIXillED. CURTIS HOVE On Thursday, Ootobsr 8, at St, Mary's Ohurcb, rlssson aveoun, by thB Rev.

D. V. M. Johnson, Fhzd. Cdbtib to Julia A.

Hovev, both of Brooklyn. DU FLON VAN ZANDT On Tuesday, Ootobor 13, at the residence of Uie bride's nuafe, Goorno A. Powers, by the iter. Charles W. Homer, Hekby M.

Do Flos ana Sarah A. Van Zakdt, granddaughter of the lata Mrs. Sarah Macomber; all of this city. No oards. FARM3AM STEPHENS In Brooklyn, October 13, 1874, at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev.

Cbas. W. Hojner, Geo. C. Kabnhah, of elllevlllB, to Maby daughter of B.

Stephens, of Brooklyn. No cards. HALSTKD BOKEH On Wednesday, October 13, 1874, by the Kov. Dr. John Hall, O.

STOCKTON HaLSTED, of New Vork, to Sabab daughter of Fred'k W. Bokee, of tola city. NBFF LEEDS. In New Haven, Ootobor 6, at tho Austin Bonis, by tho ov. Lools trooob, of St.

Luke's Church, Darieu, QEOBOE O. NBFF of Brooklyn, to AD. die M. Leech, only daushtor of tho late Joseph H. Xeods, of Darioa.

No cards. DIEJJ. AUSTIN Oclobe 13. wiout A tTBTlK, aged 67 yoari. Funeral ritlay, October 16, at 1 o'clock P.

141 Concord Bt. Relatives and friends are invited. BWJNKMANN. Tho Month's Mind cf Rev. Jobeph Becsemakn, O.

S. will be celebrated on Monday, Oc toher 19. at 11 o'olock, A. in St. Mar's Church, Far HockswBf, li I.

The Rev. clorgr nd friends are reipectfully Invited to attend without further notice. TralnB will loave Hunter's Point at 10 A. and South Eighth street, 9fi A.M. HATEY On Monday, October 12.

AHK, widow of George Davey, aged 72. Funpral service w'l bold at her late resldenae. 67 Byprsoc ptreet, on Thursday, 15th atone o'clock, to which friends are invited. ERRNCH In this cttv, on Tuesdav, October 13, Mary Aim fcBBNCB, intho Wud yoar ef her age, a native of tho County ot Wexford, Irolnod. The friends and noqaa.lntaj.ce5 of the famltj are re quested to Httend her funeral from tho residence of her mapbew, Doyle, on Thursday, at 9 A.

thence to the Church of Onr Lad; of Mercy. Oebevoise st, where solemn requiem mass will bnoffered for the repose of her aoul, and thence to tho Cemetery of tho HolyCrous, Flat bust. JTWr.T.V On October 12. 1P74. CATniTmiE relict of the late Patrick Kelly, and daughter of allien and the late John T.

Slaue. In the 32nd yenr of her ttelaliYOS and frtenda of the family are respectfully lu Tited to attend her funeral from nor Into residence. No. 73 Duffleld Thursday. October 15, at 2 o'clock, thence to the Cemetery of the Holy Cross, Platbush.

LASAR In this city, on Wednesday, Ootober 11,1874. FaKNIB WM wile of Slglsmood Lasar, aged 4) yearn. Funeral at her late resid nco, No. 63 Jortlemoa street, x)n tho I6tb irst at 11 o'clock A. M.

UartJord, papers please copy.) HILT IPS October 18, 1874, Elizabeth Piuliaps, osnd 73 years. Relatives and friends of the family are requested to at tend her funeral from the residenco of her son in law, 4 1 Bridge st, on friday, October 16, at 2 P. tS. JKJB LlUlODS isrrtvus. A MBKICAK BIBljii UJM1UN ANN1VEK 8ARY.

WRDNESD S.Y, Ootober lu tho MA.RI BRB'8 TBMPLK, corner of Oliver and Henry Bts, N. Y. Meetlnaat9M.l A. and fi P. M.


1 EusoniL. YOUNG GENTIiEM4S WHO ihosp Leplno open faoe allvor WATCH, hv ml.t&ko shout the Sth of Sept ber. at M. J. McG LYNN'S io olry st 6S5 Fulton et.

caismurtj vaiuauiu, hall allow film the repairs Brooklyn October 1874. U.J.UOBLYKS. IT1A8UN1C. ONG ISLAND LODGE NO. 382.

P. A. JLi Summons. Brethren Business of the utmost importiilico renders it necessary that every member should be present at the regular communication, Ootober ltith lost. You are hereby summoned to bo oresont upon 4hatoocaBlon.

Byorder J. Lf TAYLOR, Hastsr. WM. Pobt, Sec'y pro torn. LOST AND FOUND.

shll jlOTJND LAST WEEK, A SMALL HUM of MONRY. Claimant apply at office BURTIS' 'lpyard. it68 Oonovor st. OST ON TUESDAY MUKJS11SU JLi either In Fulton or Pearl ats, child's blue 0APB. The Under, by leaving the same at 109 Putnam av, irill be aaltably rewarded.

LOST A BUNDLE, CONTAINING A list of at the Coort House thla mornlns. A tnitublo reward wlU be paid to the finder, by leaving It with BDMUND BLAMEY, 189 Montague at. rOlilTH'Ui MKE'f JVl "TATIONAIi DBMOOKATIO GBNEHAIi J3I OOMMITTEK Tho Oonferenco Committee will meet Fbeolx Baildlag, 16 Goartst, on THURSDAY II KNINO, October 16, at 8 o'oloclt. Otner Democratic oraanlzatlons Invited to attnd. B.

O. MUBPHY. Ohalrman. BEMOORATIO GENBEAL COMMIT special ioetlo of the Bioontlve Oom otlJciwk MnTHURSIAY BVBNING. October THOMAS OARROIX, CboIrmaD.

iMEEtlMM. requested to attend a nnnll "estod to attend a spooial ness of Importance la to be Jab. C. Obmosd. Bee.

THE GRAUINU AND MITTEB OK THE OffMMON OOONaiL will matter ot Kiade of Mejiopolits. 'VS Vronr lor cassa WlSoiSP Concll Ch.mboron THURSDAY EvVnINO, OotobSr 16. at TH o'clock. uoreow RIPLEY ROPRB, Chairman. THE RAILROAD COMMlTTEEWfEL meet In the Common nouncil Cltv Tnlf on WEDNESDAY KVllNI.NG, Oct'jber 14, HJ Vt o'clock.

In relation to the railroad trncss First struct orotsinjr Broadway. Tho Presidents ot tho various com Kanle. nnnln on those t. acks are ri. uiie trd to bo vrsa.

int. Bvorderof lOKORGR BROWH, Chairman. THE AHSESMKJMT COMSIII'TEE OF the Coiinon Oonniil will mo in the tlommen Council Chamber on VHIUAY Ootobor i6, 1874, at Hi o'clock. JOHN M. OI.AXCV, Chalrnia IVOTIRKS.

TVTC1TICE TO THB H'l' 'OK H' lj)KIS' OF 1' tlioCONFY ISLAND ASB R.R. 00.: The AnnunI Election of 1. mid liiiK'CUjrs of Klor. will tatr. at Olf of tin Ct.i.m..., N'o.

20 i MONDAY, fli lcilw If IS74. PjllsopcnatS o'cUuk, ana closo at 4 o'clock, I'. M. E. V.

DltAVI OK, 6oc'y. WANT tt SITUATlori iw ml hoaeewora: in a private family, 1 hi. aocd olty ref orenoes. ANTED SITUATION TO DU hoaaewor ta a prtvato 'bVuf rta at No. 177 FlatbusE V.

TaTfTANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework, tea small private family, by a yooDjr girl boa good relerejoea from ner last plaoo. Oall Bergen at, near VtndorbiK av. iiMTED SITUATION TO DO GKN era! housework, or eook. arepectable young Has good city references. nail for two clays at 83 Amity at.

wjlTANTED SITUATIONTO DO GEN etil housework. In a small family, by a yonni girt cMdcltyreforence. Pleas oall for two days at 169 Batter street. STED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework or ohamberwork and a respectablo Protestant girl i bas city reference. Please oall for two days at 178 York at, near Bridge.

VH7 ANTED SIT AilO IV DO UKJN eral housework for a small by a respectable middle aged woman: has good olty roferonoes. Oall for two a ays atno. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN In a nmftll nrlVAtn fflmllv. hv rospeetable young giri.awijuinaea. uiuiunxinago et, for two days.

7 ANTED SITUATION TO DO IjIGHT TT bonflework or to take care of ayoung girl of an obliging disposition. Oan be seen at 173 Butler srreot. WANTED SITUATION DO THE ohamberwork and take oare of children, by a ycungglrlofa pleasant and gool disposition. Oan be seen at 181 Butler et roar. WANTED SITUATION TO DO THE housework in a small family, by a respeetablo vnung woman: beet of city reference from last place.

Please call at 638 Bergen st, near Vanderblit ar. WANTED SITUATION TO DO THE bousewoik io a small family, by a respectable do upstairs work: best of olty reforonce. all for two days at 4E9 Court st, near Lnqnctr. WANTED SITUATION TO DO OBN eral hoojowork In a small family, by a respectable ronrjg girl; Is willing and obliging; good references ftom her last pliioe. Please call for two days at 4i Frank lin av, between Park and Flushing.

ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN Aral hnnitntrar r. and make honeli nsnfnl. dt a girl, lately landed; a comfortable home more of an obfeot than bigb wattes: references as to charaoter and honesty. Please call at 482 Adolpbi at. WANTED SITUATION TO DO OEN eral housework, by a respectable voung woman; Is a good cook, washer and lroner; bas giod olty references.

Call for two days at 800 Warren st, between Court and Smith, from 9 to 6. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework, by a respoctable young girl; is a ood plain oiass wssner ana ironer; jiavme best of oily reference, door from Smith. Please call at 86 Douglass st, third WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework, by a respectable middle aged woman. In a small family or as cook, washer and lroner; bas good city references; from last place. Call for two days atEtrAtlantioaT.first floor.

WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework for a small family, br a respeot ableyounKgirl; ortodochambervrorkand would assist In the washing. Apply at 339 Bt. Marks av, near Under hill. WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN mvrI hntiflflirnrk. hv a retiDBa fable rnnnor; is a good cook, washer and lroner; has good city referen '9, uai Call for two days at 87 Douglass at, beL Smith and Hoyt.

WANTED SITUATIONTO DO GEN eral housework, by a young gl 1b a good plain cook, washer and ironer; has good olty reference from her list plsce. Please call for two days at 804 Henry st, oor. Atlantic av, second floor, front. WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework, In a small family, by a respectable young Norwegian gtrl; is a good cook, washer and ironer; has good city referencos from last place. Oall for two days at 658 Hicks st.

WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework, in a small family, by a respectable young woman; is a good plain cook, washer and ironer; has good city references. Call for two days at 330 Atlantic av, bet. Smith and Hoyt aw. T7 ANTED SITUATION TODO LIGHT cbamberwork or to take care of ohlldre by a re jmertflblB yoDDirlciil, Pleaso oall for tiro daraatNo. 113 Wvckott st, bet Hm mlth and Hoyt.

ANTED SITUATION TO DO LIGHT honsevrork. In a small, private family, or as oham bermsld and waitress, by a respectablo young girl: hns good city references. Call for two days at 9 JU DeKalb avenue. WANTED SITUATION TO DO LIGHT housework, ohamberwork, or mind ohildren, by a young American girl wages not so much au object as a Sood home. Call or address for two days M.

Q. 183 North irst st. near Fifth. E. D.

"ANTED SITUATIONS ONE A3 nn ran and seamstress, the other to do con oral housework in a small family, by two respectable. Pro Lea ant glrlB. Call at SI 9 Pacific at, bet. Smith and Hoyt. WANTED SITUATIONS AS cook, washer and ironer, the other for ohamberwork and wafting, by two reepeotable girls, in the same house; have has good city references from laatplaoe.

Please oall for two days at 48i Hioks at. WANTED SITUATION TO DO THE housework for a small familv. by a respectable girl is a good plain cook, washer and ironer; city refer ence, inquire ai uiiumju WANTED SITUATION TO DO THE ohamberwork and taking care of ohildren, by a young girl has the best of references. Call for two days ozi Uivingsion sc, room on secona uoor. WANTED SITUATION TO DO THE ohamberwork and waiting, by a respectable Protestant young woman understands all kinds of family Bowing; first olaBs city reference from ber last place.

Please call at 676 Bergen st, near Vanderblit av. ANTED SITUATION TO DO UP' ntj lra work, bv a Toaur American clrl would ba willing to assist in washing and ironing. Call at No. Ib7 ANTED SITUATION TO DO UP stairs work, or sewing, or as nursn. by a young American trlrl: has city references.

Please oall at 221 Bridge st. In the fancy store. ANTED SITUATION TO DO UP etalrfl work, or to take oare of ohildren. br a speotablo yonug girl can got the best reference. rioaso call I0r 6WO nays ai aio ttobi.

nnrr.n Di. ANTED SITUATION" TO DO UP Htnfi flfrnrk and wdftlnir. or woo Id do creneral boosework fn a email family, by a respectable girl. Oan ba aeon nt her present emolorera, i nmorw pi. WAITED SITUATION TO DO UP atalra worfc and altlng, by a young girl has no objections to aislBtlng in care of children: has tho best olty reference from the laat place.

Ploase call for two daya at 444 East Warren at. WA3STBD SITUATION TO MIND A baby or to honsewnrk. by aresDeotabln young Protestant girl: haa good city ieferenoea. Gall fcr two aya at 967 DaKalb av. WANTED SITUATION TO AKE care of ohildten and aealat In ohamborwartc.

by an American girl: or would do general hoawworfc for a email family. Call at present employe rn, 81 Nassau at. AN TED SITU ATION TO TAKE rutrfl of a hahv and do Dfaltt aawlnir. or as oh am. bennald and waitress, bv a young girl who is willing aad obliging and understands different tnaohlnes; is well ANTED SITUATION AS CHAM bermaid and waitress, in a private family, by a ss.

In a prii obliging haa dS7S at no. 71 vati lrl ir nilllnir ann I rood, city reier Atlantic av, near once. Please call for two da7S molts at. WANTED SITUATION AS OHAM bermald and to assist in washing, or to do honoe work. in a amall family, by aypnng gtrl; good reference.

Call for two days at No. 67)4 Wro off at, near Smith, In the WANTED SITUATION AS HAM barmaid and traitress, or to do raneral hanuvork inaamallfamilT, by a respeotable young girl; has good olty references. Oall for two days at 155 Dograw bet i ionr; ana atcii. WANTED SITUATION AS CHAM bermaid and waitress, or would do housework in a small family, by a young girl beat city references. Pleaso call for two days at 897 Atlantloar, between Hoyfc and Bondste.

ANTED SITUATION AS CHAM berxiaia and to do plain sewing, or assist in the kitchen, by a young girl good reference is willing and DDiiging. uan do seen at varivoa av, near rare, floor. first WANTED SITUATION AS CHAM hennald and waitress or chambermaid and nnrie. by a respsctable yonng woman; is willmg andobliging; haa good olty references. Oall for two daysatBtt HIoks st, between Amity and Congress.

ANTED SITUATION A CHAM" bermaid and waitress, or would do Ilfrht houao wo A. by a respectable yonng girl has the btst of city rof eronoe. Can be seen for two days st 616 Atlantic ay, op pogite ttiiioti piace. ANTED SITUATION AS A work in a small, private family, by a respectable good reference oan bo given. Please oall or a 83 Jay st, near High.

WANTED SITUATION AS OH AM bermaid and waitress in a small family, by a reepeotable young woman; haa good oitr references. Call for two days at Lafayette av, corner of Classon, over tho shoe store. WANTED SITUATION AS OH AM bermaid and traitress, or to wait on a lad rand do sewing, by a respectable yonng woman; has good olty reierenoes. uuuior iffua vo Dpeuoer hi, Deuweeo mynio ana ram bts. 1sC7ANTED SITUATION AS CHAM bermaid and waitress, bp a respectable yonnc one who nnderstunda her bnalnnM.

has the bastoj city reference. Please call Hoyt at, between Batler ana uongiaaaaua. WA NTED SITUATION AS CHAM a rem actable touus girl, or has no objection to mind children has good city references reqmrea. uan oe seen ror two aays ac no. l.wi acme si, net, uiasson ana ran in bts.

X)STAN TED SITUATION AS OH AM TT bermaldsnd waitress, or to take oaroof aoblld, bv a resDectable aronnir woman. Has ctood city refer ences. Call for two days nt SlDean st. between Smith st, ana uoernm secona no or dbo ANTED SITUATION AS CHAM bermsld and to take care of children, by a re spectable young girl; will be found wiiling and obliging; has best oi ouy reieronD. ii raquirea.

uan lor two aays Bt 169 Houttl Portland bt, between Atlantic av, Hanson place. WANTED SITUATION AS OOOK, waaher and Iron or. or to do eaneral housework, In a am n. 11 famftv. hv a rnnnfirtfjihlA twn itttn nn nhlflrtlnn to go a short distance In the country.

Oall for two days at 57 ac, near uicmb. WANTED SITUATION AS OOOK, washer and ironer, or to do the work of the lower part of the house, by a middle aged woman; good city reference given. Please call or address 329 Gold sc. bet. Concord ana JSaasau.

MT AN TED SITU ATION AS DBESS maker and aeamstniss in a gentleman's fami.y; wtl liner it a Hint In the cam of nhlMran or nhamberwork: is a first class operator on Wheeler ft Wilson's sewing machine. Can be seen till salted at 109 eiatbuah ave nue. WANTED SITUATION AS parienced nurse, by a respeotable yonng woman, I rnmnetent to take fnll aharon ha uood oltv refer ences. Gall for two days at present employers, 220 Halioy st, DO twee maroy ana rompuni ivi. tlTANTED SITUATION EITHER AS honsekeener.

or take care of children, and In struct them in the Oermsn language, by a fine Gorman girl is also a fine aewer and good dressmaker. Inquire at Kg, jay st WANTED SITUATION AS fflEBT class laundress, by 'a respectable young girl; no rthfaAllnn rn rfn hnnseworb In a amall ramllv. Can be seen for two days at No. 12 Vanderblit av, near Flushing ar. nee tor city rererence.

TTA NTED SITUATION AS FIRST class cook, by a respectable girl: understands rnnlrfn alMta brapches. and would assist with wash ing IT requireu ut ui wnj KVigmuvo uuiu hi yinw. uau ao nenry BcorBt uwr. rrfAWTKD SITUATION AS FIRST VT olass lanndress. by ft respeotable yonng Protestant weman; understands her business: will assist with olty references Oall for two days ar.

Jtiu Awnnwo oor, zxeary ton's, Boom r. WANTED SITUATION AS A GOOD oook. washer and ironer, by respeotable woman understands kinds of oooklng; has good olty reforenoes. OaU for two days at 17 Henry st, over ploture store. XX7ANTED SITUATION A8 UUOU TV oook.

washer and lroner. by a respeoUbU i gir has two rears' referenoe from her last place. Please call for two day, at fS Nary at, between Lafayette st and DeKalb av. ATTTKn SITUATION AS NTJKSB TT and to do ohamberwork or ploin sewlng, bi a olrl. 1.

willln. and obliging can or Hsh Best city re'ence. Call or address NUESB, Vsl Blevenrb st, bet. Tntra ana roann ova. XTANTED SITUATION AS UK HIS and to do ohamberwork.

a young girl la willing and obliging, and oan fnrnlsh tho besf city reforenoe. Call" aSrtreia MJBSE.lM Eteventk at, between Third ana Foarth avs. WANTED SITU ATION A WET nurse, by a respeotable young married woman milk six weeke old bost of city rererence. Ploase oall for two days at 210 Oonover st, betweon Bikeman and Partition. TilkT ANTK.Il SlTnA'PHlNS EMP II MRNT BUREAU, S9 Oonoord hear Fnlton.

afanaged by ladles servants lu every ospaolty, for elty or vuuui. ouoBuintiy on nana; inia Dasinoao bm hot. saocessfnl oneratf on nviir Hitm mti. and manv families havebeen aappUed with help who vrotdd never aoply at ii oeioro, wet nursea ana. invatta aarsea sup vv at;.

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