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Los Angeles Evening Express from Los Angeles, California • 2

Los Angeles, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

EASTERN NEWS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS THE EVENING EXPRESS NEW ADVERTISEMENT: ally he thought did not regard It as contagious A contrary opinion was expressed by some of the members but as one of them remarked there were not sufficient data to Gitwaa RepxIlntM ib i buries FEB 15 1S7S FRIDAY form a definite opinion upon Barents WASHINGTON Feb Hocse a jr unronicie loth Change of Proprietorship HENRY CAUTERY ASD MOIXE having purchase 1 from Celestin Co the table oa Los Angeles street known bet tr as tae Stable uf French Charley" announce to the friends and patrons of the stable generally that they at all times are prepared to furnish single and double teams saddle horses toe and to do a general livery and sale business an beg a continuance of favors from their Mends aesurinp them of satisfaction fS 1 CAUTfcB Co rising to a question of privilege said he repudiated the intimation or suspicion that any The ErCHins Exprera unrli (tie Inreot circulation of any ai Higmprr in Sonlhf rn nlifaralR NEW TO-DAY Representatives of Louisiana nave Farmers' Merchants' Ml OF L03 ASGtLF8 Of tho amount of Capital actuailv paid up iu Gold Coin: Capita) Stock paid up la goIJ MTiiWo O0 ream Baking been engaged in any bargain in re- BTEAJI J03 FKISTISQ Special Flavoring Extracts ptlii The Fxpnos office is now prepared to do McKee PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Odd Fellows' Building OTer Post Office Corner Bill and Iirst street set para to the presidency wuicu ru-flscted on the honor of that State He had differed from his colleagues in supporting the electoral bill and he had advocated strongly the policy of adhering to the bill framed by the committee appointed for that purpose He had is It that the bill was in a great measure in the STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Los Angeles as owaer ill kinds of book and Job pnurmg ty steam We have one ol the most complete job printing estabiishmeuta on the Count nd cm Kive the luost fjerfect satisfaction to customers Our prices have been markod down to within a shadoof San Francisco ratos Wilson 4 Co and of the city of Wilmington gave ample protection to ihis county in and to the Wilmington Harbor against the encroachments control of any monopoly But further investigations have shown a condition of titles in this harbor that should arouse the people at once to an investigation and if possible to a protection of their rights Capt McFadden has made an application for a certain portion of the harbor under the present law authorizing the sale by the Stateof its tide lands But it is apparent that it can be ob tained only by leul contest Another of our citizens has made a like application which we understand he is ready to make over at any timo without any price or payment for the public good Thoro is in existence a law for the benefit of railroads as follows: Sec 474 (Civil There is granted to every railroad corporation the right of way for the location construction and maintenance of their necessary works and for very adjunct thereto over any swamp overflowed or other public lands of the State not otherwise disposed of or NOTICE Notice is hereby given that I havo sold to-day my basint ss comprising the Clothing and Uenta' Furnishing Store No 63 Main street Doivuev Block Los Angeles to Jacohy Mr Jacoby will collect all demands due the late firm and also will pay all claims and demands against said firm II LOEWENSTEIN interest of the peace honor and Hellman President Wine duly svrurn depoes and uys that the loregoiiiR statement of tli amount of capital actually pniil in true to the I est of bis kuowledcs and bebef IKAIAS EELLMAX President Swum and luhscribod before C'lIAS MILES 1G lm County Kecjrdor welfare of the couutry He bad been gratified to seo that the POSTPDNEMENT riinE ESI ERTAISMENT that was to hart been given tun evening by the East Los Angeles Literary Society has been postponed an accouut of the rain to next Tues Jay uigiif February 21st weather permit ting fl6 It Eraiaent Chemists and Physicians certify that these goods aro frca from adulteration richer more effective produce bettor results than any others and that they use them in their own families flS? DDIPST'C Unique Perfumes arc tlie Gems of all (Mora Uil I Toothene an exquisite Liquid Dentriflce USE STEELE PRICE'S LUPULIN YEAST CEMS STEELE PSICEMfrs Chicago St Louis Cincinnati action of Southern men on that question standing up for the Union had excited in the breasts ot ine Northern people a senliment of confidence in the ceustituencies ELECTION GF DOCTOR PARTICULAR NOTICE All pcrs ins indebted to the lato firm of II Loewcnstcin will please settle their accounts within thirty days with the undersigned or they will be placed iu the hands of an attorney for collect iio JACOBY Los Angeles Feb 1ST? Ill lm insidious tactics It will ba remembered that about a month ago the Board of Supervisors of Los Angeles county in pursuance of the powers vested in them by law proceeded to fix the rates of legal tolls em the several wharves at the landings in this county The members of the Board examined the subject exhaustively and they were met at every step by the attorneys of the railroad with demands for rates far above those which the Board was A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF A Directors of the Benevolent Society held on the 13th of Feb WILL SOOK BE PUBLISHED THE MAP OP LOS ANGELES COUNTY ruary Dr Josoiih Kurtz was duly elected toctor lor tho ensuing year WOJOHNSON Secretary Ioj Angeles February 14th 187B 115 lw in use not in any case exceeding in leuirth or width tliat which is COM TILED LY WILIlY ASD A STAIIIBEI'U A Grand Ball -AND- ENTERTAINMENT WILL BE GIVEN BY TIIE necessarv for the construction of NOTICE mHE OFFICERS AMD MEMBERS OF LOS Angele! Lodge No it A are Hereby requested to be preaent at a meeting ot the above Lodge at 10 a at on SUNDAY February 17th to attend tho funaral ol our late brether STRAUS Members of Pen-talpha Ledge No 202 and all Brethren in food standing are requestei to attend By order ol the al 114 lit CHA3 SMITH Secretary EXPERTS SAY IT CANNOT BE EXCELLED Orders for uiivauce qopii'3 now received liy LOUIS LEWIN CO SOLE AGENTS willing to concede The Supervisors in their capacity of representatives of the people stood between them and the onerous exactions of the Company andDx-ed rates that they considered just both to the interests of commeroe and the corporation There was ona Item for which the attorneys of the Company insisted more earnestly than for all the rest and that was to be allowed a toll upon every parcel going over their wharves It was object such works and adjuncts or for their protection though not in any case to exceed 200 feet in width The bill before the Legislature introduced by Senator Smith provides that the State shall not hereafter sell any of its tide lands The result of this bill if passed would be that no one could buy any tide lands and the railroad has a right by the above o27 tf 14 SPRING STREET STATEMENT OF TIIK COSDITIOK OF TIIE Farmers' Merchants' Bani OF LOS ANGELES At the close of business Satunlay January 12tli 1878: ASSETS ash on hand at Los Anei-les $1)18H 411 Cash in bank with correspondents in San Francisco n7U8 lit Cash in bank with cor-respondents in New York 1810 t9 Total cash JisoS'JJ 13 Bills receivable and overdrafts 7C84C1 44 Bonds and warrants (Los Angeles city aud county 3J5 3C Eank Building two vaults natures etc SfG14 80 Real estate taken in foreclosure ot niort- 113J3 69 t''57671 32 The amount of interest due and accrued but uiicttJIoctnl is $197S7 14 which is not inciudod in the foregoing statement The Assets aro situated in Los Angeles city the evidence ot the samo being in the vaulU of and Bank LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid up J476(ir0 00 lteserve luud 00010 00 Total Capital $aSnno 00 ue depositors 401133 la Due correspondents 54-20 38 Dividends uncalled for 300 00 Protii and Lossacc't undivided prolits 22711 82 51157571 32 Examined and found correct 0 QUODWIS JOHN OKIE-FIN EUGENE MEIEH Committee Iaias Hellman President being dnly sworn deposes and says tttat the foregoinK statement ot the condition of tho assets and liabilities of said Bank is true to tho best of his knowledge and belief 1SAIAS HELLMVN 1'rcst Sworn aid subscribed bafcro ClUS MILF9 10 lm Cuunty liecordir ftlASONiC NOTICE OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF L08 AN-gales Chapter No 113 Royal Arch Ma-sous ar9 hereby notified to attend a Special Convocation of said Chapter on SATUHDAY February llith for work in tho fourth degree Visiting Companions in good standing cordially invited By order of 0 FOT Herald copy (16 Lit law to all it wants and no interest Confidence Engine Co No 2 ON THE EVENING OF WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY FEBRUARY 2Cd Turn-Verein Hall or power can preveut it The ocean has afforded us one hope McKINLAY BROS' TEES DEPOT ALISO ST Oi'P ALISO MILLS If Card Salesman Tostuflieo address: McKinlny Bros Box 281 or II: Bard Box 151 jlltfdAw ed that a toll of this character would enable the Company to levy a tax on every satchel or bandbox on verv bunch of oranges and and States of tho sentiment which had been a stranger to that people for more than a quarter of a century He had felt that it was held by the people whom he represented that a State had no part In the Union separate from the interests of the whole country and he had felt that whatever redounded to the interests of the whole country would secure the happiness and prosperity of Louisiana Ho bad soen "at that time the President declaring in unequivocal terms that the time bad come when he had made up his mind to uphold no longer a military government over the people of Louisiana That had been given as an order to the military commander in New Orleans He had felt assured that no bargain was necessary that no private understanding was necessary to seeure the people of the South in their rights He had felt gratified when he read the inaugural address of President Hayes and when he had seen that geutlonian call to his chief Cabinet position a gentleman whose voice had as emphatically dclared his opposition to the military government in the South (EvartsJ as even the leader of the Democratic party himself Tilden He himself had pictured to the visiting statesmen tlie effects of Radical misrule in Louisiana and they had advised tho President that he could without imperiling any interests withdraw the troop? He sent lo the Clerk's desk and had read a resolution of the Louisiana Legislature endorsing President Hayes's policy and declaring that tho NIcholls government would be discountenanced in any political prosecutions That was the only transaction ho was acquainted with He knew of uo contract agreement or understanding Nicholls aud the Legislature pledged themselves to a rigid enforcement of the laws This was being done at the present time in regard to one of the members of the Returning Board who for a violation of a State law for the commission of a misdemeanor was being held for trial in one of the State courts He saw nothing extraordinary in that spectacle except tlie enormity of the offense TRANSATLANTIC FIRE INSURANCE CO OF HAMBURG In ro-insnranco contracts with eight other (iormau Insurance Companies COMBINED CAPITAL 85600000 1' PHILIP Agent lur Lag Angeles County jail tf No 18 Mam Street of relief from monopolies Does not the present movement look as if this last hope every parasol and umbrella MORTGAGE SALE was to be taken from us? Is it not the passengers might carry to and from tlie car3 and time that some public expression of the public wish be communicat MARIPOSA SALOON the steamers A proposition which might result in so an PASTURAGE ed to our representatives at Hacra-meutoaud an investigation of our Every preparation has beon niailo to assure the pleasure ol the participants noying a loll was looked upon as inadmissable and the Supervisors legal rights be made Should this bill pass what would prevent the very justly refused to sanction if The wharves are now free to hand-packages and a tourist enn walk BFOEFIION OOUUITTEK: railroad compauy under tho law quoted from skirting Wilmington harbor with a railway embank rpnE UNDERHIQN'KD DE3I11ES TO IN-X form his Irieuils and the public that Iio will open the above Saloon NKXT HVllIli-UAY February ych ami tut he wilt dispense the bett Winoa and Liquura iutlio market Alo uud Bei-'r on drauiit AX ELEQAKC ICN0U Will be served on tlie day a tf JOS SCHEUWli PASTURE FOR John Briefly Childs I Lord Parties desiring pasturage for stock will Uud it lo their advantage to call at the liauohor Chapel Trask McDonald Tract on the San Pedro road 12 miles South of Los Argelea nud four miles West of Oouipton TKUMS 11EA30NABLE j'JtlJJlWlnj ment and shuttiug us in from ac A it ueuKer uewoy 1) Rivara OE Jliies managers: Moorn Oeorge Vignolo RothcMhl liotti- Uuiol the planks with his valiso in one hand and his bunch of semi-tropical fruit in the other without being compelled to stand and deliver fifteen or twenty cents toll on each of those "parcels" The Company cess to the ocean excepting over their road'? It Is not probable that Colonel SHEUBUItNE 1 V8 17th District JOHN WHITE et al Court Defendants UNEER AND BY VIRTUE OF A DECREE of foreclosure and order of Bale en to red in the District Court of the 17th Judicial District of the State of California in and for the county of Los Angeles on the 2i)tu day of April A 1877 in the above entitled case and in favor of Sherburne plain till' aud apainst John White Thos Hmith and A Stephens defendants a certified copy whereof duly attested under the seal of said Court on the 2Jd day of April A 1877 aud delivered to me on the 14th day of February A 1878 whereby I am com mantled to sell at public auction to tho highest and best bidder for cash iu 8 gold coin the following and in said decree described real estate to-wit: All that certain piece or parcel of land situated in the city and couuty of Los An-eelei State of California' bounded aud described as lollows Commencing at the northwest comer of Lot No 2 of Blotk No 30 of the thirty-five aero donation lots of Hancock'i survey of said lots running tlienca south 2 dags west 6 21-100 cluint Unco south 02 degs east 3 20-100 chains thence north 27 degs east 6 24-100 chains tuence north degs west on south line ot Ninth street 3 20-100 chains to the northwest corner of Lot 2 Block 'M place of beginning containing two acres of land Public notice is hereby given that on Smith has foreseen the eflect of the TI0KET3 adiuittine Gentleman and La were discomfited but not discour dies llUJ fb-17ila aged Defeated before Hie Board of Supervisors they appeal to th 2(100 ACRES OF FINE Ci HAZING LAND IN THE SAN EAFAEL HAXClf Fur GO eonts per neru Alio in the western part of tlio city 377 ACRES OF EXCELLENT GKAZINQ LAND alM cents per acre law introduced by him but when his attention is called to the position in which it would leave our harbor he will doubtless realize the danger of leaving the railroad as the only possible power to secure the frontage at Wilmington Legisluture the refuge of the mo Barrows SAN GABRIEL FIHST-CLASWBOUID AT REASONABLE HAT I CAN BE OBTAINED For tut tieulnrs apply at tlie oftk-o of tho nopoly when it fuils to carry out its ulaos in the counties In order to reach the hand-parcels they hive THE- Barkeepers' Ball had a bill introduced to turn over Apply to 111 tf BEAUDIiY SI New High street Opposite i'ico House St Charles Hotel U8-tf eur harbors and wharves to i Board of Commissioners to be ap- AT And still it rains or rather pours The question is no longer whether If SEYMOUfi II LaFETIU Saturday the 9th Day of March A 1378 THE CASE OF FAT FOON Tho Cliinesa Lepjr Before the Medical Society pointed by the Government we shall have a wet enough Win Should tho bill pass three friends of Tin: HALL At 12 I will proceed to sell at the court house door in the city and county of Los Angeles State of California at public auction to the highest and best bidder lor of San Francisco ter but whether we may no SENATE SALOON WINES LIQUORS FANCY DRINKS Etc the monopoly will assumo the Leading Mouse OF Southern California Airiciiltnral Impleneits have freshets and floods that functions of the Supervisors re The regular monthly meeting of may give us too much of cash in 8 gold com toeatisty said decree for principal interest costs attorneys' fees and all accruing costs all the above de scind tiie (oils established by the good thing The weather at this scribed real estate Board and adopt such tariffs and the San Francisco Medical Society was held last night at Red Men's Hall After the transaction of the Grange Store WHOLESALE AND IlETAIL GHOOBnT iS8 MAIN STREET 188 Given under my hand at Los Angalus this writing (11 A mJ seems to have re1 Sunday 17th of Feb 1878 solved itself into a settled rain litti uay or jrounnry A i mis I) ALEXANDER folS-td Sheriff usual routine business Dr Black called attention to the case of the regulations as the company may dictate The traveler will not only have to pay for his hand parcels when ho leaves semi-tropicalia by storm The country under the In -ASD- Tho undersigned haa Just bought out the ahovo popular Saloon under bucoiumun's Block and is prepared to dispense the choicest brands o( Liquors Wines Ales aud all other beveragos OVSTEU3 OVSTErvS Connocted with ths Saloon is an Oyster Department where tho best Eastern and California Oysters will be served up in ovory style doc 7-tf BAEB Chinese leper Sarn Foou or Fat vigorating effects of the copious rains is looking magnificent TO LET steamer but he may also perhaps Between Second and Third col2tf HANDSOMELY FITTED UP 8AL00S be required to put upatoli for his boots unless he has the courage to shake tho dust of Los Angeles oil located in the boat part ot the city at We have a LARGER STOCK than ever BY TELEGRAPH bfiiuro bronchi to mo market ana am pro Foon who was present Fat came forward at the doctor's motion and submitted very readily to inspection Stripping himself for that purpose and betraying no sensitiveness to the free handling of the medicos who on their part seemed to have little fear of contagion closely around him and touching his face and person His head was by all means the worst looking part of him resembling rea4onauie rent fur particulars apply at TIIE HAVANA CIGAR STORE lw not! 40 Main Btreel of his bare feet The Board of Tho Committee take pleasure in announcing to the public thut no exertions will be spared to make the BARKEEPERS' RE-l'MON The most enjoyable of (he season pare to sen at BOTTOOT PRICES! Supervisors have sent up an indig- riant protest to the passage of this 1-3 WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH 13 bill and we hope that the oilizens Wo aro Solo Agents for COMPANY generally will adopt a vigorous GKOCEll 157 MAIN ST LOS'ANCiLRS Constantly on hand a full assortment -OK TIIK BF-PT JOHN DERE M0LIHE GAKQ fcd remonstrance and send it to Sac WHITE HOUSE one of the foot-hills seamed aud cross-seamed by gullies and deep SIKQLE ramento Hero is a copy of the ravines There was no scale upou CJ3 LATEST DISPATCHES Calls attention to its finely furnished anil his face or body but his ankles is a protect forwarded by the Super visors: won kept HUOMS and TAXILIl and moderate prices Extra inducements to per UECEPflON COMMITTER 0 LIl'S CHAKTKS B1IIES tii ruoKUxaicit neitxkk I'll IAUTU CJATOUV MA 11 1 SI'Km' 1 KUiHITS FLOOK MANAUKK3 Mil M'OINSIS It KOKABIIT s3 manent cuests or families 'Jliis is iu Also tho We the undersigned members of tact a kind of which were soinewtiat swollen presented a SCALY ATPEARANCE He appeared at least 50 years old the Board of supervisors in and for PACIFIC COAST FOR SALE IN LOTS TO SUIT 5000 Acres of the Lake Vineyard Land and Water Association Lands THE BEST OUANftE AND SEMI-TrtOP-ical Fruit Laud in the State located In the heart of the San Gtabrlcl Valley mil in the midst of the oldest aud largest vineyards and orange groves of Los Angelos county No water rates charged The purchaser of land from this Association receives not only his land but also a proportionate share of an inexliaustiblo water the moBt complete Irrigation system iu the which has cost the Association already over $10000 for ditchos pipes and reservoirs alone Wator iu front of everv lot Churches and schoolhouses on the tracts Tho Southern Pacillo Hail road passes through the lauds Ths orauga orchards and vineyards on these lands and in the vicinity attest their capability lor this culture The title Is perfect Grant bargain and sale deeds given Prices reduced to suit the tlmos A MAP of the Tract may he seen at the of Hco of Beaudry No 81 New lilsli street CO Los Angeles couuty uo solemnly NEW ENGLAND HOME GILPIN SULKY PLOW UK St'llUElMii: A WKIiNKK protest against the passage of the though his age was said to he but San Frruclsco Stock Exchauzn And lias every comfort (savo liquors) Los 31 The curiosity of the doctors be Tho anseies anorcis TO riE rolJNl) IN THE CITY sopidtf ing at length satisfied and Sam Foon having resumed his clothing TICKETS GENTLEMEN CI LADY PETER SCHUTTLER WAGON STltOrRIDOE l'roprietor ili lm Me and his seat Dr Black proceeded to HoHNiNa seaiOK Sam Fhancisco Feb 15 read a paper he had prepared with Stands without a rival THE BUCKEYE MOWER Oplitr 62 GO the assistance of the Chinese phy Including a vry lino supper HO TICKETS to be had everywhere- fell lw THE COMMIT EE Utah 10 75 Bullion 3 76 Exchequer" 2 15 Belcher 20 60 GRAND RAFFLE! aiexican la 80 8 Vl'i BAD 17 75 Iron and wood frame has no equal iu any California 2(1 15 Overman 14 37 Justice 11 62 sician who had had this aud several other cases of leprosy under his charge concerning leprosy in general aud this type aud case in particular The particular type of the disease called leprosy with which REDUCTIOUtf PRICES Foster Howard Co Dealers In Builders' Hardware Painters' Stock Glass Doors Windows anil Blinds at No 7 Arcadia Block Los Aneol-B street IIavk Reduced the Phices Of many leading articles in whic li thoy deal They Will Not be Undersold By anybolv dealing In enuallv sood mer succor 2 00 way The Taylor Sulky Rake Stands at tho head of tho list Rare Chance for Cheap Lots Savage 10 60 Don Va 22 litif Oholtar 32 00 HAN 75 Crown Point 4 20 7 Jacket 10 60 Union 5 87 Alta 8 37)4 opposite Pico House All communications addressed to the Secretary will receive prompt attention THREEELEGANT DIAMOND PRIZES Sarn was afflicted a highly significant name as it i wuuu Secretary nolS tf Los Angeles City Gal Initerial 63 BARNES' REVOLVING RAKES Julia 2 10 Caledonia 2 20 Hill 2 0 SI 1 80 Senator 3 60 Benton 1 25 hill now pending before tlie Jjegis-lalure for the creation of a Board of Wharf and Harbor Commissioners for the county of Los Angeles and also against the passage of the bill now pending to locate and build a bridge across the Los Angeles river iu-Los Angeles county Hannon Chairman Pkager John Young Morton II SfURCIIiON It will be seen that the remonstrance includes a protest agaiust another bill which proposes to levy a special tax upon the county for tho construction of another bridge across the river We understand that it is proposed to build this bridge at the foot of Aliso street within one block of the most costly and substantial bridge in the couuty A strong opinion prevails against the multi itomucK a su caused the head to approximate Alpha 10 00 very closely in appearance to a Highest Throw wins a Magnificent DIA- Belcher 4 30 TEN CHOICE LOTH IS ISLOCK 55 OF the Huber Tract can ho mirchased on tho installment plan from Childs at his residence corner of Main and Eloveuth streets or at tho oftico of Chas Beane Notary Public These Lots avo eligibly lo me monstrous tuber He was first Nor i 06 chandlso lint will as heretofore sell at the TIIE STOCKTON attacked with it in China LOWEST POSSIBLE LIVING RATES Single and Doublo Gear 10 to 16 foot and fnaseneer Coiulntf cated Having all the latest Calllornia improve about three year before he came to this country o- about four years They keep only the boat goods in their line sell on liberal terms of credit and San Francisco Feb The nicnta AWAY AHEAD OF ALL 11IVALS I a no He has a wire ana three oiiil following are the passengers for ON CHARITY and HOPE STHEETS Within a few hundrod yards of the clccant i TAKE SILVER AT TAB Tho current premium allowed on Clold an Los Angeles by steamer Los An dren in China His general habits are good and he docs not Next highest wins a set of DIAMOND EAlt-lilN'GS Lowest wins an Elograut DIAMOND KING Exhibited in the show-window of I'rcuss's Drug Store 750 Chances $1 a Chance Gold Medal Threshers Qreeu backs geles which sailed at 10 A to-day: know what was the Cause new Bchool Building now beiug erected As llESIDENCE PltOPEUTY these Lots are unsurpassed ocC tf GANG PLOWS! 2 to 8 Flows in Gangs TRADE MARK as abovo is register' and our various devicos fully patented Manufactured only by SHAW ILOW CO Stockton Cal CALL BEFORE PURCHASING ELSE of the disease It is most common Thompson Scott WHERE J24-3m A Kendall A ireeman in those parts of China which are low aud marshy and where the In 1 ho best Machine extant Railway aud Sweep Ilorso Powers Header Wauou Gears Miss Orelck For Sale or Rent habitants are poor aud have insuffi TTiixnionxr Corn PlHiitersliand and power cient and Improper food After the Knlu at Bun Jose plication of bridges at such short Eaflle to take placo as soon as tho chancca uo all taken 05- NO OUTSIDE EXPENSE fU lw Heed Drills Hay Presses Cultivators INSURANCE COMPANY interval in the present sparsely 500 ACRES OF LAND miles from tho center of Los A steles Shovel PlovsHorse Hoes first year the disease is considered incurable It is inherited but dies out generally in the third or fourth generation There is another species of leprosy prevalent In the nettled condition of our trans-river San Jose Feb A wind from the south yesterday afternoon culminated in rain commencing about 2 o'clock this morning and OF SAN FRANCISCO GREAT SACRIFICE coming down at Intervals ever FIRE AND MARINE nuburbs Tho timo will come when wo shall possibly require a bridge at the font of each of the principal East in which tho body is covered with white scales and thelleBh in city fronting on Los AnReles river with water right from tho Verdugo Canyon of which about 1U0 Hurts aro moist land situated in the bottom of Los Angeles liver Biiitablefor Corn or Alfalfa LOWELL'S ELECriUC HAY GRAIN ELEVATOR Manufactured only by OSHAW PLOW CO took ton Cal ince It is now raining heavily stead of puffing up and seaming Ihorougfares reaching to the river Paid-up Capital $750000 Assets exceed 1 000000 rots and talis away Tins species These Lands are offered for sale cheap but we should not so fur anticipate wiiu mo prospects or a long couUii' uauce A IIenv morns Knriiuealo Yet terday Sacramento Feb a fw or for rent on condition of immediate culti is very contagious but tuberosis is under ordinary circumstances By continued close contact or sex- vation l'l'incinal No 41G California St population as to render such irri' provemeuts premature and bur KENT NOMINAL al Intercourse it might bo Corn Bliellers Feed Mills Seed Bowers Artesian WELL PIPE A specialty and the best in market Medallion Cooking Ranges And a full lino of othsr Stoves Ac Glvo us a call and wo will guarantee satisfaction BARROWS FURREY CO No 18 Los Angeles St LOS ANGELES CAL Ji 18 tf FAIR UATES-rHOltrT SETTLEMENT ful southeast gale It blowing aud Enquiro of Box 900 BAKEH Rising Hun Vineyard jli) lm una oeen since a it is accompanied by much rain at this writ DR LOO CHAN i'OEV WILWNGTOH HAKBUB AND THE HEW MENDEL MEYER Takes pleasure in informing his lady and gentlemen friends and tho public in general that ha will sell out au entire stuck of DRY GOODS AMD CLOTHING For a parly desirous to luavo the city Said goods will be sold at the LOWEST POSSIBLE FICIUltES And consist in part of Jaconettes Laces Lawns Marseilles The Chinese physician alluded to ing (i Mj ana it shows no signs by Dr Black was then introduced and answered some questions through an Interpreter lie did not consider this type of the dis-ease contagious to any considera TIDE LAND BILL The absorbing questions of railroad and transportation companies Deem to posses) the public mind almost to the exclusion any attempt at a remedy We have here Fliiuda ut Mnuia trnrj Santa Cruz Feb It rained without Intermission from early last evening to late this afternoon the wator at times comincr dnwn OF SOLID SECURITY DIRECTORS Mora Moss Nicholas Liming It 8 Floyd John Parrott Moses Holler James Moflitt Kittle 1 Bauni O'Connor Hweeny I Htcinhai Joseph Biandenstoiu Daniel Meyer (luslave Touohaid Adam (irant 0 Ducommun Antoino Borol (lei llickox Charles Kinder II liaird Joaopli Holler Charles Bauni Bartlett boe lloag 1 Lawrence Pool Win Bchollo A Weill John C'only Hlouo El Indue Jaa 11 Uoewey A l'liipps THE STOCKTON SINGLE GEAR HEADER 1 10 to 20 feet cntr Trademark as above is registered and our various devices fully protected by paleuU Self Adjusting Reels' furnhhid if required Manufactured only by II 08HAW rLOW CO Stockton Cal II SHAW PLOW CO'S Hoisting Derricks To attach on derrick waenn to lmht by ble extent in answer 10 a ques tion whether a nurse afleoted with it might communicate It by nurs- In torrents The San Lorenzo river ng to a healthy cinio lie saiu ue MELLEN'S 10c- PARCEL DELIVERY A full assortment of Dress Goods for La tofore called the attention of our thought she would In the discus is riling it is at present within a foot of the score retched In 1872 Large quantities of timber etc are belnif carried down to the sta Cheaper tliaii Wood or Coal COKE FOR SALE THE- LOS ANGELES GAS CD AT TUEII1 YARD ON ALISO HTREET dies and Children BOOTS AND SHOES sion which followed one physician who had beeu a good deal among the Chinese said the premonitory And a full lino of CLOTHING 11AT8 GUSTAVE TOUCUAItD symptoms of leprosy were similar The water In many places has overflowed tho bulkheads and filled yards and cellars adjacent to the depth of several feet A number cto Como one come all and got your KITTLE I i to those or malarial poisoning and expressed the opinion that the dis bargains Frosidoiit Vice-President Secretary General A fen citizens to tho ooudltluii of titles to tide lands at Wilmington As near as we can understand uo one has a right by patent from the State to any lid lauds thore except the Railroad Compauy as hereafter shown It was generally understood and believed that the owner-whip of tho wliarf and lauds of CHARLES HAVEN STEAM OR HORSE POWER srniNo STREET Parcels wolghlng lets than 20 lbs DUMVKRKD l''OB TEN CENTS Trunks Bowing Macliinon ke SOots Other expressing in proportion Order ilnlos at Central llouse uyp New Depot: Hotel de Paris Main St Lafayette Hotel Hale Hti Hotel Main Hli Ht Louis llouse Main Bt Hates Ulscksuilth Shop IDS Spring St Novacla (trocerr cor Otk aud Olive DKSHOKU't Hut Stoiii 101 Mailt Bt Jj4-tr ease might become endemic in tlie JAMES DAILEY i of men are stationod at the upper bridge to dlulodge tho driftwood which endanger the structure Pacific avenue near Bench Hill Is low valleys or Calllornia but in the coast counties or the mountain Manufactured only by SHAW PLOY CO Him STOCKTON CAL ADJOINING THE DOLLAR STORE E7" All are Invited to call buy or not 13 lw districts lie would have no fear of WM BRODRICK J17 2m AQENT LOS ANGELES 13 CO PICK TON JO-1 in It The Chinese In this city gener overflown five feet doep.

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