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Santa Cruz Surf from Santa Cruz, California • 1

Santa Cruz Surfi
Santa Cruz, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


Ill TIIE V. W. C. AH ALTOGETHER PULL FOR SANTA CRUZ SATURDAY, MAY 4th, Crops Out Afresh on the Valley Road. WE WILL INAUGURATE OCR There is no need of saying much about our Mens and Young Mens CLOTHING, for it la a well-conceded fact that our Clothing is equal in make, fabric, workmanship and style to anv on the coast.

What we want to Impress upon your minds is the Wonderful Reduction we have made for this Special Suit Sale. The people of Santa Cruz are well aware that our stock of Clothing is composed of the very best makes, such as Fechheimer, Flshel, Stein, Bloch, which we have made up our mind to sell. Here Are Some of Our Prices. They Speak for Themselves. Mens Genuine Black Cheviot Suits, never sold for less than $15, we will sell for These suits come in three different styles Square Cut Single-Breaated Sack, Double-Breasted Sack, Long Cut Single-Breasted Cutaway Sack.

Mens Genuine Scotch Tweed, Single-Breasted Sack Suits, never sold less thau we will sell for Mens Genuine English Navy Blue Serge Sack Suits (long cut Regents), double and single-breasted, never sold for less thau $20, on sale for office, provided that if said Committee deem it advisable they may have other boxes p'aced elsewhere. Tickets to be sold for fire cents each. Only one name to appear on a ticket, and if more than one name appear on a tii ket, said ticket to be discarded acd not counted. Tickets to be counted daily by the Treasurer of this Association, and the standing of the ballot to he announced through the Press. The ten ladies receiving the highest number' of votes to be declared elected.

Ballots to be closed at 12 oclock midnight on the night of June 1st, 1S95. Respectfully submitted, Bart Burke, W. H. Haslam, Frank Mattison. The 8an Jose Mercury of today says A subject of interested remark by all the visitors of Hales excursion was the great move that the Santa Cruz citizens are getting up in the way of booming up their Venetian Water Carnival and electrical display on the Ran Lorenzo river next June.

No lees than $15,000 has been raised to advertise the affair, and it promises to he the the most elaborate attempt of the kind ever made anywhere. It iB in charge of experienced men who who made a wonderful success of the great fiesta at Los Angeles. Already Santa Cruz is brilliant with the carnival colors, yellow and white. These colors are floating upon all the public buildings under the stare and stripes. All citizens wear carnival badges and ties, and the San Jose excursionists bad scarcely struck the town when hundreds of them had the yellow and white ribbons pinned upon them by the enthusiastic Surf City carnivalites.

Their energy and enterprise certainly make them deserving of a splendid success for their great undertaking. at headquarters. A handsome bunch of flowers came from Mrs. M. A.

Peck, Maple House. The Assistant Secretary received a beautiful hanging basket of flowers and ferns from Mrs. W. P. Young.

Mies Alice Lenox and Miss Mildred Peck brought beautiful to Headquarters. A fine donation of white carnations came from G. Greene. Mrs. Swift sent a lovely bunch of flowers this morning.

The Pilot Wheelmen are asked to extend invitations to other Bicycle CluhB throughout the State to take part in the Carnival. The Heard Furniture Company sent the Ladies Auxiliary a pretty dressing case for their rooms. Official buttons with two narrow ribbons of the colors attached, with the words Venetian Water Carnival, 8anta Cruz, June, 1895, made tlieir appearance last night. Secretary Pray has a big box full fur sale. Mens Latest Style Spring and Summer OVERCOATS, in Meltons, Tweeds and Cheviots, in dark, medium and light colors, worth $17.50, on sale for A MERE OPERA BOUFFE AFFAIR." The Progressive Spirit of San Joaquin Citizens Slurred and Maliciously Misconstrued.

New York, May 11. Antagonism to the new San Joaquin Valley Railroad is taking on a new though not unexpected phase. Todays issue of the Wall-Street Journal, a financial paper which has always shown a degree of friendliness to C. P. Huntington and bis schemes indicative oi inspiration from that source, publishes the following slur upon the Valley project Advices from California indicate that there is practical certainty of very large crops this year in tbe Ban Joaquin valley region.

The rainfall has been almost perfect snd nothing short of a miracle can prevent the wheat crop being abundant. The new San Joaquin Valley road project appeare to be hanging fire. A gentleman who bas just returned from an extended trip over the Southern Pacific, Bays the whole business baa an opera-bouffe aspect. Subscriptions are being solicited from tbe people in small amounts of $1 at a time, with the ladies club actively canvassing for them. One good effect of the new road bas been the fact that legislation iu California hostile to railroads has been shut off altogether as it is impossible to pass other Ihao general laws, and the Southern Pacific cannot he bit without the new road also beiDg attacked.

The Wall-street Journal bas eo notoriously avoided all unfriendly criticism of the chief magnate of the Southern Pacific Company and haBbeen eo uniformly friendly to his schemes that the above article needB no diagram to explain its animuB. Miss Willard to Harry, Chicago 111., May 11. A story is Boating around in Wamans Temperance circles today to the effect that Miss Frances Willard, the famous temperance lecturer will be led to the altar before autumn. Tbe gentleman in the caBe is alluded to without name as an Englishman of wealth and position and of prominence in reform work across the water. Miss Willards most intimate friends, however, point to the fact that she IB just entering upon her fifty-sixth year, and say that she has not yet intended any prospective change in her domestic relations in any oi her recent communications to her closest friends, A Splendid Number.

The Phrenix edition oi the Santa Cruz Surf recently issued, was a splendid number of that brigbt paper. In described tbe condition oi Santa Cruz before, immediately after and the improvements that have been made since the great fire oi a year ago. Salinas Index. Toar Physical Condition, Needs attention at this time. If you are tired, weak and nervous, it is clear that your blood ie impure, and without doubt there has been too much over-work or strain on brain and body.

Tbe coarse ai treatment for Buch a condition is plain and simple. Tbe blood must first be purified eo tbst the nervous system, and in fact all the organs will be fed upon pure blood. Intelligent people without number have testified that the beet blood purifier, nerve, tonic and strength imparting medicine is Hoods Sarsaparilla. Nervousness, loss of sleep and general debility all vanish wben Hoods Sarsaparilla ia persistently taken in a word, health and happiness follow after taking Hoods Sarsaparilla, J. Bernheim The Leading Clothiers, 114 to 120 Pacific Avenue.

CARNIVAL NOTES. Mayor Ffley baa returned from Santa Rosa with glowing aceounta of the Roee Fete there, and ia enthusiastic in the coming Roee Regetta to be held here. He met Governor Budd and he promised to be in this city during the cne-tian Water Carnival. The Mandolin Club of Petaluma, whose Venetian Float of white rosea and pretty girls, which waa awarded first prize in Santa Roea in Thursdays pageaut, has signified its intention of coming to Santa Cruz. All the cities surrounding the City of Roses, are interested in the Rose Regatta, and Healdsburg, Napa, Santa Robs, Cloverdole and others will send representatives.

At an executive meeting Hr. Hoyle urgently requested his resignation as Chairman of the Press and Advertising Committee be accepted. Hr. Hoyle was elected an advisory member of the Executive Committee and Mr. J.

F. Coope will replace him on the committee from which he resigned. The Parade Committee submitted their report and after some discussion it was voted to accept the report last night, except that of the appointment of Chief Marshall, action upon which was laid over for one week. Report of Committee on Parades that James 0. Wanzer be appointed Grand Marshall of parade and 0.

A. Rice appointed Marshall of Water Parade. Invitations will be sent to every Mayor and City Council in the State, asking them to participate in the Carnival, and it is expected that many of the cities snd counties will be represented. This telegram speaks for itself and the enthusiasm of outsiders. San Fuancisco, May 11, 1895.

Judge J. II. Logan, Vice-President Carnival Union League Club announced last night that they were with us and would all be there, Half Million Club also. Send formal invitation to Henry J. Crocker, President, and Albert Castle, Vice-President.

Club all with us. All society people anxioiiB for accomodations. J. P. Smith, President.

The annexed letter will be forwarded to all the G. A. R. Posts Dear Comrades: re extend to your post and the members thereof a cordial invitation to participate with us in the grand celebration of the Santa Cruz Venetian Water Carnival to be given here from June 11th to 15th. As this will be an event unrivaled in the annals of our glorious commonwealth, we urgently request your to cooperate with us in making it a splendid succes, our Order having been extended the post of honor in this carnival.

Yours Respectfully, S. B. Swanton, Com. Wallace-Reynolds Post, G. A.

R. No. 32. Mrs. L.

U. McCann presented the name of Mrs. J. P. Smith as Queen of the Carnival, who was unanimously elected by a rising vote of the Executive Committee, and the Secretary was instructed to wire to her in San Francisco the action of the Association.

The following telegram was prepared and given to the Manager to forward to MrB. Smith: Mas. J. P. Smith, San Francisco, We take pleasure in informing you that the ladies of Santa Cruz have unanimously selected you as "Queen of the Carnival and the Executive Committee unanimously ratified their choice by a rising vote and elected you as such.

Please accept the congratulations of our entire city, as the result meets with nniversal approval. 8igned O. J. Lincoln, Secretary, It was voted that ten maids of honor be selected from the pretty girls of Santa Crnz oounty, and such selection be made by ballot and that the sum of five cents be charged for each vote. The following committee was appointed to formulate a plan for conducting said contest Messrs.

Burke, Haslam and Mattison. The committee reported promptly and submitted the following report, which was unanimously adopted The Committee on arrangement for vote for Maids of Honor, reported as follows: We recommend that your Committee on Press and Advertising prepare tickets of a suitable form, countersigned by the Secretary of this Association, and that the same be placed on sale in such places of business as said Committee may deem advisable, said tickets to be voted at either of the two ballot boxes, one to be placed at the headquarters of this Association and one at the Santa Cruz Post- PENA SUCCESSORS TO Announcement Column. frt this column, on this page, will he found every day all the orders and announcements from vfftcial headquarters, from now until date of CarniraJ.J Mass meeting tonight at the Pavilion and it is desired that everybody who can will be present. There will be a meeting of the members of the Floral committee on Monday evening at 7:30 oclock in the rooms of the Ladies Auxiliary V.W.C. By order of Mns.

F. G. Mf.nefee, Chairman. Meeting of Parade committee will take place at Headquarters on Monday at 4 p. in.

By order of G. Bowman, Chairman. Cur. For Headache. As a remedy for all forme of Headache, Electric Bitters bas proved to be the very best.

It effects a permanent cure and the most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield to its influence. We urge all who are afflicted to procure a bottle, and give this remedy a fair trial. In case of habitual constipation Electric Bitters cures by giving the needed tone to the bowels, and few cases long resist the use of this medicine. Try it once, Large bottles only fifty cents at J. G.

Tanner and The Model Drug Store. Letter List. Following ie tbe list of advertised letters remaining at the Santa Cruz post-office for the week ending May 11, 1895 Anderson, Edw Brotherton, Elisha Cohlighe, Edward Collins, Daley, Mamie Diet, Ia, Jr Klkeus, L-3 French, DhHC Garrett, James (ieroklsen, Gerold Gross, Otto Henley, Johns, Walter Jacks, Harues, Hayes, Hansen, Mrs Martin, Autoue Meyer, KK Ray, A Roper, Ruth, Geo Stile, Mrs bite, Minnie W. T. KEARNEY, Postmaster.

KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live better than others and enjoy life more, witli less expenditure, by more promptly adapting tbe worlds best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleasant to tbe taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect laxative; effectually cleansing tbe system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing const! atf(n. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels without weakening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all druggists iu 50 cent bottles, but it is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co.

only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept auy substitute if offered. CHESNUTWOOD8 BUSINESS COLLEGE AT SANTA CRUZ, I the BEST EQUIPPED COLLEGE oo tie Coast No Classes Individual Instruction Given No Vacations. Pnplla Can Enter at Any Times Ladles admitted to all departments of tbe College Six Months Business Course $50, Good Board Room o.n b. obtained In Frlrsto Family for 18 per month. Waits fob Collbsi Joubhal.

For farther partlcnlan address the Principal, J. A. CHE8NUTW00D. 801 a- Bahta Cans. Cat For ul by J.

8. Tanner and Model Drag Store CBANCI FOR COMPETITION. Brother Jonathan to Meet John China-men in China Washington, May 11. Large opportunities for the introduction of Ameti-cau machinery and the investment of American capital are offered bv the peace agreement Japan has just effected with China. A provision is made that Cbiua shall hereafter be open to the introduc tion of ail forme of modern machinery and that such machinery ehall he admitted free of duty.

It is stated cotton machinery will be brought at once into extensive use, thus enlarging the demand for the raw cotton of the Southern States, The Chinese use eo much cotton that the Emperor granted a monopoly of us-ing cotton machinery to the Viceroy of the southern provinces of China. He has since produced large quantities and has prevented the British and Americans at Shanghai and eleewhere from using similar machinery. American cotton machinery should benefit especially from the new opening presented, and also telephones, electric lights, printing presses and many other devices of civilization which heretofore have been kept out of China. The Emperor of China has heretofore prohibited the introduction of modern machinery. As a result the Chinese are using wooden plows similar to those used a century ago here.

Modern tools are included under the head of machinery and mechanical devices, so the American plow and other implements snd tools will enter China free of duty. Sold Liquors to Minors. Three San Jose boys were locked up last night in the calaboose. They were found in a frightful state of intoxication and when taken before Judge was found the boys were under eighteen years of ege. They were locked up to sober up and retained as witnesses sgainst the saloons who broke the the law in selling liquors to miuors.

The men, John Mellich of the Old Corner, Henry Bibo of the Cottage, and Joe Mellich of tbe Farmer, were arrested this morning and released upon the payment of $100 bail apeice. They will appear before Judge Craghill Monday morning at 8 oclock. Dance at Felton, The Felton baseball team will give a dance in that burg to-night. An orches-of five pieces from this city has been engaged to furnish the music. Ttie proceeds of ttie dance will go toward the purchasing of new uniforms for the club.

As the boys have a large number of adherents, the affair promises to be a success. University Editors ('ensured. Berkeley, May 11. At a special meeting of the faculty of the University of California yesterday afternoon the Committee on Students Affairs, towhich President Kellogg had referred the trouble over the Blue and Gold, presented its report; and, as be announced several days ago, the editors, who at one time had grim foredobings of possible suspension, were let off with a censure. Tbe text of the report is as follows We recommend, first, that R.

J. Russ be severely censured for violation of propriety, for which he is unquestionably responsible; and that the President of of the University be requested to administer this censure. Second That the students of the University be notified that hereafter similar violations of propriety in the college publications will be severely dealt with. Third That the Committee on Students Aflairs be hereby instructed and authorized to take Buch measures as its discretion may suggest to prevent a repetition during the next academic year of the evils commonly incident to the publication of the Blue and Gold. FREE.

From Now Until the Rose Regattas The Surf will be sent regularly to auy address in California outside of Santa Cruz County. No more effective way of interesting people abroad in the June festival cau be devised than through tbe complete and accurate accounts of each days events as chronicled in the local press. Citizens of Santa Cruz, Bear in mind that all that is asked of you is to furnish the addresses of your friends in other parts oi the State, The Surf will be sent to them, free, gratis, postage paid, with your compliments, but absolutely without cost. Every paper so circulated should bring one or more persons to attend the Rose Regatta, and thousands of copies ought to be sent. Now is the time to hand in the addressee.

Don't Go Coughing around. You cau stop it if you want to by using Parks Cough Syrup, li it doesnt cure your cold you can get your money back. Sold by J. G. Tanner and the Model Drug Store.

SHILOH8 CORE, the great Cough and Croup Cure, Is in great demand. Pocket size contains twenty-five, only 25 cts. Children love it Sold by Bisby 's Drug Store. Subscribe for tbe Scbf, 15c perw eek. 1 PIXLEY, SJ PIXLEY, Avenue.

AND FEED YARD Assortment of THIS WEEK We will clear out the remainder Jesse Copes stock of Boys Clothing At ONE-HALF his prices. PENA 76 Pacific Any one who has ever had an attack of inflammatory rheumatism will rejoice with Mr. J. A. Rtumm, 220 Boyle Heights, Los Angejes, over hiB fortunate escape from a siege of that distressing ailment.

Mr Stumm is foreman of Mei-risms confectionary establishment. Some months ago, on leaving the heated work room to run across the street on an errand, he was cought out in the rain. The result was that when to go home that night he was unable to walk, owing to inflammatory rheumatism. He was taken home and on arrival was placed in front of a good fire and thoroughly rubbed with Chamberlains Pain Balm. Huring the evening and night he was repeatedly bathed with this liniment, and by morning was relevied of all rheumatic pains.

He now takes especial pleasure in praising Chamberlains Pain Balm, and alwayB keeps a bottle of it in the house. For sale by J. G. Tanner and The Model Hrug Store. President of the Medicos.

Baltimore, May 11 The American Medical Association elected their officers today and a Californian, Beverly Cole, was made president for the ensuing year. The new President was introduced to the Association and made a felicitous speech, after which the association adjourned sine die. Next year's convention will be held at Atlanta. Are You Going East? ai so it will be to your advantage to travel over the Santa Fe route. Unexcelled equipment, attentive employees and beautiful scenery.

The popular Santa Fe route excursions leave San Francisco for Chicago and Boston every Wednesday, accompanied by competent conductors. Pullman palace and upholstered tourist sleeping cars are daily run through to Chicago without change. Call upon or correspond with H. E. Makinney, agent A.

P. Railroad, No. 22 Cooper Leonard Block, 8anta Cruz Mrs. T. B.

Hawkins, Chattanooga, aaya, Shiloh's Vdalizer HAVED Mi I con-aider it the best remedi) for a debilitated ay item 1 ever used. For Dyvepia, Liver or Kidney trouble it excels. Price 75 cts. Sold by Bitbys Drug Store. Bakins A SPARKLING NEWSPAPER, 1 SEND IT TO YOUR FRIENDS.

Leading Daily Faper in the County BY MAIL, $5.00 PER YEAR. STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. PAVILION FUEL Keep tbe Best As old as the hills and never excelled. Tried and proven is the verdict of millions. Simmons Li-ver Regu-w-w lator is the iPffPV9 only Liver vys and Kidney medicine to which you can pin your r-r9! faith for a 1 ban y.Tui tive, and purely vegetable, act-j-v 7 7 ing directly on the Liver J.

and Kid neys. Tryic. Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry or made into a tea. The King of Liver Medicine. 1 have used yourKimmons Liver Regu lator aud ran eonseienciously say it is tLt king of all liver medicines, I consider it a medicine chest in itself.

Uko. Jack son, i acorn Washington. JW-KVfcKY PACKAGE Ha the Stamo In red on wrapped Wood, Coal, Hay, Straw, Grain and Chopped Feed. IT. I Ld.

Soquel Avenue, near Covered Bridge, Santa Cruz Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Govt Report AT BOULDER CREEK. ALL THE LAND AND TOWN LOTS Of th Pacific Improvement Company of See Freaciaeo FOR SALE at Reduced Prices on Easy Terms One fourth Cash, remainder in one, two and three rears, at per cent.

Longer time will be given on Fran Lend. Wood and Other Timber Products will be Taken in Part Payment, Apply to M. L. MIDDLETON, A(t, BonlU.r Cmk. ron PURE.

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