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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 1 1 1 i irt tf nrrTirrre.T'V ri, FOR SAM5 MOUSES. THIRD EDITION SECOl) EBITM ax i nKV.nXlS. liHi ntr "CTV. FIRST EDITION ,1 fx OTAUV tension frwno hoaso. Inquire on tho Pamlsefl.

Uf A i uI.TH Oum l.RTlniruin av. iwu' TO LET FURNISHED. COMPLli L'ii, anew 8 story and basement house to. a smal i family mrTfuir TPnHssTcSrtTnN MARCH 1 A WANTFD TO illltJll a niuciui" house a distance oast of City Hal Brook lyn. AddrooB, stating lout and locattoo.

ROMKK. Hatltt ANTBD A YOUNG MAN A GOOD butcher. 160 Myrtle ay. rulinr fiTDT IV) A Stable Institution. Just wlion all Stable men wero iiomplstanig that tie horso liniments wo "unstable" romodios, tho MUSTANG LINIMENT made its nirv Into Missouri.

From that dajr It has rolgood witti OB SALE eg Columbia 'Mus and Gossip'. EAOLE OFFICE, 3 P. EAGLE OFFICE, a P. OT. Heights: two romutoB iromrnivuu office.

EAGLE OFFICE, 1 view and oompleto lour siory orunu "AOTEDAaMALL HOUSE, OB THE n.VIU OQC TJnnrl Bt. N. Y. SU)m UIIIUOi lBGrovo place. near Hanover plaoo, uemoou VV lower pt of a house.

In a good looatlon, oonve. niinttoFul.oJ Forry. Address, stating part.oulars, to fcl5 3t WANTED A coneril houBOWork; ono who understands, plain, oockttg. Apply 146 Plertepont st. oll2t ANTED A GIRL, TO DO GENERAL housowork; mnst have good roforenooa; Gorman Anpiy at No.

50 Wllioughby St. st and Fulton av. ont a rival tbxoutbtout tho Western and Southorn Slotss. It euros rheumatism, neurllgia, bruises, barns, sprains, tumors, soro nipplos and coked breasts. Ab a homo medicine.

It is not a whit behind Us oolobrtty as a HOUSE, H. jjfJX ai.OlO 11. THE FEEEY ABUSE8. ftlUUSDAY KVEMMii FEB. 15.

SP0ETS AND PASTIMES. iiET A 2.8TORY aTeTRnPOB OASid A rlAJNAi "oSTwater 5nd gas, largo yard i and stable OUR WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENCE. Tho Suffrage Secfcintr OR SALE ONEIOHB LEFT OF "tasonfcUetwodFrenohwo htato st, between Novins and Powers sts: Price low Wrrna eaBy. Inquire on tho prornlses.6! 1 SALE ORTO LET THE BROWN Vtc Pw hous" with all modem taBljf A WSbUI some, good silo, Bound, and gontlo horse for family horse liniment. 11 WUtttV Wil rentSSOpBrmontn.

inquire ou 1 A no nnnJ. Mnllfl aV. toil a bowB: also an oporator, 112 Tenth st, cor WITH. 1 Morning. Good morning, Brown.

Address, lj101aI1S18 Greene av, AMU8KMEHT8 THIS EVENING. FOB unnv Ktforni WcuKeninc TO LET 2 7 UUJM xvfl "nilhed or unfnrnished. Moi WTAHTWh 11 II! tl 'Vil "Why, I buy my second floor. 1T5TANTED A YOUNG GIRL, TO DO "Where do sou got all your good clothes Per. Wl a two story, basomont and suboollar house 78 Pearl st, N.

Y. rW" Another Chapter of Oiitrasres Dancers of Travel on tno Williamsbursrli lane Taxing Pasaeneers to Par for Accidents Tlie Alleged Poverty of tho Company. groceries for cash from Gbay Bbob. 4 BAOKOS, and save ts. hnv a neir rii.

That's hovf 11 BoKLYN THEATRK Tbo Duko's Motto. light chnmberwork, and to mako nersoll gonorai useful. Apply ntI39 Gates av. near Fulton and Flutbush uvsj prioe not to eioeoaisvyo Srir Address, s.a.lng terms and toyBM THKATRK. M.ittle aliacip, mo in Arms runiitj smaU Washinqtok, D.

Fobruary 13, 1872. PBO0EEDTNO8 IN CONOBESS. Is done. Yon Villi find their stores at AOS. so uu l'lttlDUSU r.

yj. fol5atTh43 st. and 4'U Atlantic av. Go for 'oin. IfclPlO THE ATRR.

Variety Kntsrtaiomei. ANTED BY A KlSbl nc lABbt, la (nillsen't rirl. who is a good sower, an opportunity The third month of tho lonir seBalon of a Congress LEY'S OPKRA HOUSE. Mlnstroi French Clocks and Bronzes. A new an WANTED A GOOD biKL, suk oralhousowork; with good references.

Apply a 2P8 Adams st. WANTriD A GOOD OOOK, WASHER and Irnner. In a family of live persons. Good references required. enry st.

kt a ktwh A IN11TTSTI5IOUS WOM DP.MY OF MUSIO Kngllsn Ofra Hon good; 31) minutes from nulton Ferrr. Apply 4J Fulton st. FOR" SAlOlTCLINTON STREET, two OM tronthousos. No. 9 and S50: size, 20x45 fo.X 16 feet; all "jodern nejjr the cars ferrios.

Apply to E. M. DAYbulldor.jn from which much waa expected, and by which Httlo is itvow to he accomplished, drags along without any forred. No. 60 1 uvau avt r.

1 Base Ball. Amending the Continuiiif; the comments on amending tho rules, we now come to the question of the Second Rulo, whioh governs ths pitching department. The amended rulo suggested la as follows BULB SECOND THE PITCHING DEPARTMENT THE PITCHBJl's POSITION. Section 1.

The pitohor's position shall be designated by two lines two yards in length, drawn at right nnglos to tho Hno from homo to tho second base, having their centres upon that lino at two fixed iron plates, placed at points fiftoen and sovontcon yards distint from tho homo base. There must also bo an iron plate at oacli end oi toe Jront hno of tUe positiou. DELIVEBING THE BALL. Sec 2 Tho player who dolivers the ball to the bat mifbln the liUCB Of tllC PitCUOr'S POSi rble lirtdo. KNKUM New Hibernleon.

mnpn About the usual uumuer ui AVGUUOf TiTKTANTFfOBUY, A FIRST CLASS house in a good neighborhood, on ihe Hill: price HANY CHAPEL r.xnitiltlon u. ANN'S ON THE HEIGHTS Locture by Rot. S. introduced into the House on Monday, to bo referred btate at, or 40 hebormernorn select assortment of the latest lies maf oo Messrs. Hart dealers lu jewelry onds and BtorUng silver ware, and keepers tho city time Sales SL a'd manufaciory.

213 and 315 Iton st, Corner of Johnson. no: who wish it reliable hair preparation partial payment taken in board partfen xrns; possMslon immediately roquireu. i 'c'M6lt toB address RENT, Bagl offlce. at rriO LBT 158 REMSEN ST, NEAR I ion thT third floor, about 23i60 ft can bo easily Jr rW3f SiSSto WtoD? S07 Montague st. fe mTTTifl' BY LEONARD MOODY, 208 Vr A large, three story, to the voriouB Committees, from whose drawers cuoy OR SALE IN BROOxS LXiN uxiBvar A ilrst class brown stone house tho mvner being g.dr.

The management of tho Roosevelt street Ferry appear to he resenting the people's movement regarding them by still further and more outrageous Impositions. At a few minutes paBt six on Tuesday night wtionthc great travel of the day centreB there, one of the largest boats was sent out partly loadod. Ihe Warren, tho smallest and oldest of thom, was tnen brought into the slip and kept there nearly twenty minutes, until about two thousand people had assembled on board. It was raining very hard nt the time, and everybody in tic esposed portions of tho rickety old craft waa completely drenched. In the wagon nasf nncs os well as in tho cabinB, sho was crowded to moveWn finger, was literal mpossib Tim 19B Rcmsenst.

are never even expected to emerge. LLA HALL Lecture by hev. 11. M. ualiaoor.

Foul to remove from tho city mu soil at ANT1SD TO PURCHASE, IN Ai' 1 hrlok hoilSB. With THE PETITION OF THB WOMAN SUFFRAGISTS, locniion desirable. Address liox ioc, i'. r. u.

JUG MUX'S 1 HR1STIAN ASSUVJ1 ATlU. i ec 0. Jonos. Jr. an tor general housoivork.

Wagoa 15 per month. References required, 77 Cumberland Bt. Wmntmaiiart young qmh, to do upBlairs work In a small i familj and to as in the caro of a ohild.Apply302Union1t WANTKDA COMPETENT WAIT reae and chambermaid. Apply with good city rof orenoes at 54 First place. CXrANTED A PIRST CLASS OHAM fV borniai1, whooanoome woll reoommendea.

Ap buy Hall's Vhoetadle StclLlaN Uaib Renevv re', lin Bi i.amK'STHEATIMS, N. Y. Tho Vetoran. V. nu'HItU UTfllfP.

pnniJT Bill Mil li, 1 1 1 V. 1 UAViiu BP" A ripple of interest was raised on the calm surface of Monday's proceedings iu tho Houso, by tho presentation, bv Mr. Kelly, of Pennsylvania, of a momorla.1, not to oxecod $10,000 TJH'S r. 1. donas vjujeav.

nil Imnrovements: 03 Woodhull st: store property 623 J. Kagle omco. bu. ltlicompountioaoi iua tbo strictest caro. 6 0 Curb for Coctoh or Gold.

As soon as liiiiKTip VlTTTtT and 1.2 2 Court st, store property 347 Ulitn near iniru WTtT ANTED TO VVX, urv Kmall house, from ten to flf AVRNUK IHEALKK, x. i Hvorae. tu Ol'IillA HOUSE, N. Y. European HypotlM Ootnuany.

St. store property cor. mcuaruu lion and he must remain within thorn until tbo ball hasioftliiB hand; and ho shall not make any motion to bo delrver the ball whilo outside the lines of tho party on easy ttrms. .7 iVi THE HILL signed by MmoB. Hooker, Gordon, Stanton, asking that they be allowed to appear ot tbo bar 6( thf U0U86 OU iV.i, nirS ont'JP A flT.ASS tlie storm waV not necessary to inako it oven This boat later in the evening teen thousand'dollars (810,000 to 816.W.

fcrrod. Sond price, terms and location to PRINClFai house: high stoop ply at 81 Columouioisuis. MPIO THEATRE, N. Y. llumpty Durapty.

LO'S ARDHSN, N. Y. Tho Bkick Crook. ji. iia auviii' n.i."Q ll i mnrovoments t1 tenement house; woU rentod to a line olass of pitciior's position.

FAIIi BALLS. ANTED A GIRL, TO COOK, WASH In a small family. Apply at 210 West navinc a argo per contago on vamp a uno and brown Btone basement, sio finn lAeation two complete order: immediate possesion: hno loca blocks east of Washington Park. Apply to au iiio dniivnre.d to tho bat wiiich aro not porlunity to mako a good invoatinont. Address d.m, KAStl.SlI''lalbU3ll av.

IiVBRY THEATRE, N. Y. The Boy Dctccnro the Ix)oi0. JATOHOOMiQUffi, N. Y.

Ooraic Vo. alls Warren st, cornor ofClinton. WANTED A GIRL, AS CHAMBER and waitress; none neod apply without tho next door. No. 181.

ttt i Tni.unAN'P ARGE MAR sent in by an overhand or roundarm throw, and which tTTin SAT.FON GATES AV A TVYU tTlDBY A FAMILY OF THREE persons, to rent, or lease from March 1, a small modern house Ither furnished or unfurnished must bo withm twenty minutes of Fulton Forty. Address ALfcXIts Kae WfflC0' ANTEDIMMEDIATELY WEL1j built two and thro story houses, of all desorip Send full particulars to are delivered over me uomu uaay, CtS, AO. JAMES' THEATRE, N. Y. Marrlags.

Ml bniiani 9 rooms: n. story. niiHeinuiiu nui, rr best references, at 117 state st. bataman cads for, ehaH he consiuereu lair uauo. TJNFAIE BALLS.

loi.20xl00; reason for selling, owner wisnes city. Inquire en tho promises, lo. 473 Gates av. between there li tho slightest uneasiness of the onost, Wlta am. eulty of breathing, or indication of oougb, take during tho day a few Bbom's Bnoscniai, TnoQHKS.

Faii, not to use Dooley'b Yeast Powder if von doslrosweot.nutrmous rolls, biscuits or pastry. His (bo most oconomlcal. froo from injurious substances, wilt keep In any climate, and fnll wolght guarantoed. Vor aalo by all grocers. "Necril" has only to be tried to be appre eialcd.

Ko person suffering from the terrible dlseaso, neuralgia, slionld be without a bottfo. Try it and be convinced, bold by all druggists. fel53t Valentines, Vaientines. SQUARE THEATRE, Y. Nogro Acts.uur Ballet.

Ac CD'S MUSEUM, N.Y. Forfnrmrieeso.erj alter Hostrand ana Alarcy WANTED A GOOD downstairs work, and assist with the washing and Ironing. Apply otCJIntr.Jrom rto ,8 o'olook. vnywnA SMAUT. ACTIVE LAD, Saturday next, in oi'aer; to get Bearing oh tho right ol woman to cxcroieo tho IrahohisO.

Even the privilege of a hearing was doniod tho ladies the voto standing 87 in favor of according tho request of the memorialists, and 06 against it. The voto was not partisan, both partiCB dividing ou the question nnd your representatives following tho precedent Slooum voting against allowing the ladies to appear at the bar, and liiusotla in favor of it. REVENUE REFORMERS WEAKENING. Ono ol the Pennsylvania, protectionists renewed on Monday the old schome for defeating general revision of the tariff, in a resolution directing tho Committee on Ways and Means to report a bill repealing all OOB SALE A FOUR STORY AND 39 Nassau stroot, Now York, or Brooklyn. mojLiNliIciW ana evening.

narung. ANT'S NEW OPKRA HOVSli, N. Y. MinStrel Sec. 4.

All balls delivered to tlie bat whioh are sent in over tho striker's head, or on the ground in front of the homo base, or on thb side opposite that to which the batsman strikes from, or which hit the striker whih ho Is standing iu his proper position, or which Improvements; in thorough repai riMMB fln3' VY 15 or 16 years of age, in a gent's must resido with parents reforonoos roquirod. Adttross "TlSto SWorpVyoar, Annly or lrom niton uorry; msu ,00 casu. Auares. x. Sy TOURTII STREET THEATRE, N.Y.

Ncgro atricltles, AO. FRANCISCO MINSTREL HALL, N. Y. Nogro prico 411.000; $2,1,00 N.Y., within ti on days. MhBCHAH Hngieomce.

ANTED AN EXPERIENCED Woman, for general housework, in fam of hreo r.ftv roforoncos roquirod. Call at 287latos av, aro sent iu withm a foot 01 His person, auan do consul' ercd UDfuir hftlle, BALUING. 417 I' ll. ton av, urouniyu. zzz antedaTdbessmakeb.

TO Sf come associated in bnBiness with a lady pleasantly located on the Hill "oo who ha. a thorough i knowledge ol the business in ell 'its branches mdispensablc. Address for three days A. O. EogleoBice.

tola at tetanteT) IMMEDIATELY, lots for cash, between Kranklin av and Ralph av, De 39 Nassau st, 170R SALE ON EASY mt, I1 house and Clormont av. near DeKalbjtbe ntricitics, etc. TnY PASTOR'S OPERA HOUSE, N. Y. Burlosque, mo LET POSSESSION Ht.YrfhrinC three third house north east of Franklin av.

JL T.idies and cents, please call ana examinu uui more broko dowBi 00 THB PASSENGERS WECB DOOMED to several hours of dreary waiting, most of thom pelted by the terrific hail storm, against whioh the poverty of the company doubtless prevented them from affording any shelter. This accident was probably due to tho overloading and straining of that fearful o'clock paBsage, and thoso who were on the boat then may well be thankful that the accident did not happen on that trip. With 2,000 persons on board, the panio which would tave inevitably been created may be imagined, and it? terrible results are fearful to contemplate. Bringing the Wairen to the Blip at this hour is a new outragn. Heretofore the largest boats were providod.

Tho company, moreovor, have been aware for a long time, as everybody else havo been, that the Nebraska waa unsafe, and traveling on her extremely dangerous. Still she Has kept running until the World denounced her, and the committee from Albany appeared to investigate these abuses. Then sho waa with drnwu. Now this ovorcrowding and delaying is no now thing. It has beeu going on for years, and has boon alluded to in theee columns bofore.

Nothing, it seems, is of any avail to stop it. Only a night or two ago one of the boats was STOPPED IN THE MIDDLE OF THE BIYER, and tho passengers, who wero then packed in every nook and cranny of tho unseaworthy vessel, requested to "trim ship. Of course thero was an immediate panic, as ovorjbody supposed the boat was about ti go iipam ends, and the rush to tho onposito weon ana r. ni. Sec.

5. Whenover the playor, delivering tho ball td the bat. shall throw it bv an ovcrhaud or roundarm ly a neat, elegantly furnished Yt honso is brick; stories; with mod uso, with all modern Improvements; Has, batu. "auen aJjdin (rijBr ho h0o wash tubs; glass, ohlna and sliver ware Apply to WILLIAMS i POTTKR, 21 II let ot vorv moderate rent. bo soon from i to 4 foH Valentines, tho finest over offorod In tho City of CburcUBS.

si. Dances, YORK C1ROU3. Scones In tho Ring, Acrobats VILlO.V, pft y.Vlonna Lidy Orchestra. Frqnt st, rt, x. oo7 Tu.ThiS tf rnoMAS Yf.

WOODS, No. 303 If niton st. Import duties upon tea and coffee. Tho duty ou these articles is raised solely for revenue. From it tno government rccorved between twenty five and thirty mil throw, Hio umpiro shall declare a foul bilk, and Rbould the nlaver delivering such balls to the bat per o'clock, 281 Dean st, between Novins ana Powers, i An it i ini' iir crlTl1'PA'rJ A at Seal Toucans, Seal Caps, Seal Gloves, Tr 1 fioutli nf Mvrtle, a tbroo story, high briok basoment, ON THE HILL, A MO i4.onn or fflls.aoo.

T1STAN1ED at greatly reduced prices. Balch. PHICE Jc TO LET A 3 STORY, BR1J15 nvvan, rnlshed comoieto. onClermont av. to a resnon board of lions.

It follows, of course, that if the proposed bill should ho reported and passed hero would boon ond of tariff revision, for the party fn power do not pro em bro subediar, frame houso, filled in with briok; nearly new; all itpprovements: aizo 2Ji4l)xlOt) partly furnishod if desired. For particulars inquire of tho owner on promises. WANTED A SMART, TiDi, nyi girl, with good city reference, to do upstairs work and private family; good home; wages, 86 per moolh. Apply at 17fi Putnam av. A FIRST CLASS COOK, washer and ironer; good city references required Apply at S94 Washington av, near Oreone or, from 6 to S) o'clock P.

M. WANTED A GOOD COOK, WASHER WV arjn ironcr a girl, for chamberwork and vralt tag; referraces required. Vpply at 219 Carroll st, near Court. lie fourtU EQition of tbo Brooklyn ily Kaglc Is supplied to iVcwsdeal carriers, and the Public ol the Bilow 4 1 Fulton St. otMn nrivnto famflv.

for tho 'ooi; in exchange, on a cash basis, tor a goooonca mi 1 batace in cash a good oh anoe 'or a oar tf reduce expenses Apply toing eight, months of the tll socond floor. Apply to CANDBiS a cniiarcn two roomB "Netjril" has cured Neuralgia when all fcl Ut SOH SALE CHEAP AMD ON EASY I terms of navment. those throe fine Httlo cottage J'UlIOnBV, ZZ Astern District, nun iiiii fiin Vnlton st. rnh TUip A UKTOTT HOITSK. USS tiaa at Distributiua: Aarcncy of other remedies have fallen aiip" ita height, it will give lstant relief.

3t M.Tailn pose to reduco the tariff at most, moro than twonty Qve millions. The protectionists tho men who favor a lax on ooal, salt, iron, and every article of gonoral and from whioh but a potty sum Is realized to the government, of oourse voted for this resolution. ax Za furniture housos. Nos. 73.

76 and 78 Chestnut street, Brooklyn, K. anitahlo for mechanics or other laboring mon. Inquire on T17ANTED TO BENT A SMALiLi UUi taire. wltb four or five ioms. with ono or mote acros of ground, on Long Island, within fifteen miles of sist in hie action, or should he wHfully commit any other balk persistently, tbo umpire, after warning him of the penalty, Bhall declare the gamo forfeited by a score of 9 to 0.

Also, when the player, delivoring the bail, makes any motion to deliver the baU to tho bat, he shall 60 deliver it, and ho must not have oither foot outside the lines of nis position, cither whon commencing to deliver the ball or at the time of Hb delivery and if ho fail in any of these particulars, then (t shall be declared a balk, in which case any base runner occupying a base shall take one base without boing put out. PENALTIES. Sco. 6. Should tho player who delivers tho bill to the bat repeatedly fail to deliver to the striker fair balls, from any cause, the umpiro must call ono ball; and if the pitcher persists in Buch action, two and three balla.

When three balls shall have boon called, the striker shall take the first base without boing put out; but no premises, or of CHAKLlto D. aiv, Broadway, K. Y. 12t tho house hmidBomely furnishod and take part ront, in D. K.

F. WANTED A WJBAT, X1JJ1 about 16 years of aco, to assist at housework In sroal family to a flood c.p! good wagos ta offorod. Call at near Uoosevolt street IFcrry. Addross place, nandy to tbo cars, giAKUItlD. Wednesday, febraary 14.

1879, board lor lady and ohild years oia. TOBALB TWO HANDSOME NEW HI i thrun aforv hnnnmnnt snd sab Tho revenue reformers when put to this test, either yielded or dodged in largo numbers. Thirty seven of Brooklyn f. u. now Ho.

71) PiOrtU UXloni Bt, nuar catw. uv. To Our Readers. TSTANTED OLD GOLD AND SILVEB, swiv' ll ii Watcn ana uiock 7 ANTED A GOOD PLAIN COOK, TOLETPARTIALLY FURNISHED A Cellar; 12 rooms; have all improvornonts neighborhood first class: convenient to all the ferries. Inquiro on the them stood firm.

Sixty three members wore "absent'' vV Tvahor and Ironor; bIbo, a phimDormaid and Mnni.YNN'S. American wopuy. premises, 193 Dean St. bet iloys ana uona sts. SVe have estabhsliert agencies tor uio saie Apply at 8t)9 waitrcps: itiueI.

coroo well re com monad a. nTaVried desi' to'beard with the party, who must ioiozi Knlton fit betwpen ltaymond and ienx ata. iuho, wScnes amljewelrVropiirod and warranted. American fit, 2d door from Wiuougnoy an. I nr.

PiW SRTOR SALE OR EXCHANGE IN Hi 1,1 1 1,1 ntlnTrtnn'a mnU nnnn. with tour Of w.o uvjMsu nu hntween Hp. K. OH.BI of Eltlngvillo. p.

Cattnach In Brooklyn, on Wodnosday ovon IngPebrnaA by the Rev I. Van Dyke, I.EOKflE UM i)i York, to LIZZIE daughter of John Caituach, of Brooklyn. Monjo Haiivky Iu Brooklyn, on Monday. Hobrnary 12 2. at the residence of ttie br do's unclo, Edward Mrvi a No.

21 Livingston st. by too Kt. Rev. John iiishop of Brcoklyn, Louis Mokjo, to Katk he Eaoi.i: some of the principal business points Jew York City, as follows House steps. p.

lluckwood, Crand street Ferry. ANTED A I A I ITRTANTJfflD A OAAUL. assu iwiioi worthy irl. tooo gonoral housowork in a family of tliroo. one but Iboso well recommonded nood apply I hnnrtrnrl frill trfiOS in full Bar party terms very low.

fiieta lrnlltn avs. IOiaol baso runner shall take a uase on tniru caueu oaus un ing: houao has' all'mudern improvements, such as a ciU apartments ana nouses io iei, 2 if And for. that aro situatod botwoeu Oxford st and acSSToirdst. mO LET THOSE NEW THREE SToHY houses, corner Atic and Albany ii P.T1AV Rfir 13 Kluahinir.L. I.

tdl Ut4 mUU Side Railroad, James slip, Jow lort. ANTED A NEAT, STEADY GIRL. j. i in email umllv must less ho is obligod to vacate tno naso ne oocupieu. jmo ball shall be called ou tho first ball delivered, and not until the ball has passed the homo base.

With this exception, all unfair balls must be called in the order of if il. av lioKalb av and State st, will please sonu mu p'arVieulars jK A. FISHBH I4VI Fulton av, op. posito tho car stables, or 39 Nassau Bt, room 22, N. Y.

aide amid crushing of smaller humanity and shouts and cries, nearly served to tip oyer the craft in tho other direction. Another unbearable and disgraceful nuisance is tho practiBe of scrubbing tho cabin iloorB aud swabbing oil tho decks between eight and uiue o'clock iu the morning. This is invariably done on every boot that the company boaste, and at tho vory timo when it is not only most toconveniont, but most absolutely sickening to the passengers. There ia ono thing which tho management pride themselves upon, and doubtlesB supporo the public have nn exalted idea of tho excellent regulation! at the terry houso AT THE FOOT OE BOOSEVELT STREET. This is tho watchful caro exortcd by this hnmani iVi.oilriiir llrothcrJ, Erie Railway Ferry lluiiumgs, OB SALE OR EXCHANGE A NEW .1 i Hnrnllinrr.

In A flan tic. TlSar to oi, Slio.r.r.r" many of thom woro, however, iu the lobbies whilo the voto waa being taken. MORE FRAUDS COMING TO MGHT. It haB been moro than rumored horo for a long time past that while discarded arms and ordnanoe stores, ossumcd not to haro beon needed by our government, to the amount of ton millions, were sold by the agents of our government to Franoe during the lato war, but a liltlo over eight million dollars readied tho Treasury two millions having been considered os legitimate "swag" by the military pets hero. Considerable interest is taken in the resolution introduced by Senator Sumner, providing for an investigation into this business, and revelations are expected as ugly and J.

HAHVBl, ail Ol luw iiJ. closet, range and all Improvements would exchange for uer ol Chambers street. New York. hongooa wanner aau uouai tKnii and Kevins. leis it thoir aeuvery.

ANTED SECOND HAND PURNI Albany; 2Mx45; aU modern improvemouts only 8500 cash renuired, balance by installments: would exchange for un DIED. THE PIEST BALL. ANTED TWO GOOD GERMAN Address Cox N. Y. P.

O. encunii)ered oity lots. Famll os having mmiiuru, nr rtt.hnr household ROOdS to diS 'Postponement. The Atnenenm neiua of eonsump girls, for kitchen anu On Wednesday. February 14, 7 Wvotv unfair hall must bo called in tho order or 202 Cumberland st, Brooklyn.

mVTTTTfilsnMBI NEW FIRST CLASS afternoon, Dr. Coltou nosi first class with roieencos need apply al is uroonu av. fol5 2t of its delivery, after the first ball has been delivered, pose of in" any "quZtitv Harge or small) can get a good ddressing BUYB.Kaglo offlce B. Furni. f.

ntacc on afternoon of I three, story houses, on Grand, t'nn Mrs ANNK Bki.l, in tho 29th year or uer gc. Friends he flmlly' are respectfully invited to attend her luneral on Friday. 16th inst at 3 P. lrom "th Church, corner of Clinton and Amity sts. B1 rl hrntir.

if I mm In aft. t.hrOG Story DaflO the first ball to eacn strmer aiuue vu uu ciouptuu ANTED A GIKL, TO DO iitsm i. f.milv One who Is a lture. appra.ou 6t, experience A LADY. DOING X' wec l.

rooniB with improvements, 816 Wa5r1nrt.s,,'' hot. Court aud Smith. Boutli dido will soil cheap at S8.2oU PnS r. perfectly dVyand Teady for occnpaUon renU moderate private families most ot them are brown HIT CALLED BALLS. half can rcmnin oTk ruortRUBe.

Inquire ou the promtBos. or good washer and ironer, nd witli good rooommondatton myciJlat28.1Clormo3tjiv feisai Rpo. ft Un nlavor Bhall bo nut out on any hit ball on business on Fullon avonuo, a largo unfurnUhod i.onrd for Snndavs nn looatlon as close to headquarters ns wcb tho Custom House Gen KnriDEN Death. Kiehnrd Managan, iour DCHKI.Y Mra. JANE A.

DUNKLY, wifo of Leonard DThelyf'rfernds and relatives aro invited to attend the funeral services at 234 P. on Haturday, 17th. at bt. rANTED A THOROUGHLY, uuin eral Ordor businoss. The rottenness ot every branch vi ars old, who resides with his father at ri l'ros which a balk or a ball has been called; aud neither ahall a strike or a foul ball De nailed, or a baso run on such a hit balL But bases can be run on called balls thrown bargain at eliza froneh ironf house.

12 rooms, oppo oetent chambermaia sna waitress, of alio government is growing to be disgusting' to, fair ct etrcet, died buddeniy yesterday aiternoou. SandCpaartlcula.k:'KAMSKY, Brooklyn P. O. Luke's F.plaeopal oanioQ, uuiuu i TO I.ET APABTMEWTS. slto on Wgh ground; also nrnituro farm 60 acres, near Cranford.

N. J. also stock and crops; will take pari Ironer was notified to hold on hinucst. first class city references. Apply I'riaay morning iron, 9 to 11, 64 First placO; GOOD.

HONEST. GER BrniiKiyn. fol4 bt' men on all Bides, and heroic treatment In effootually dealing with thodiscasois every day becoming moro to bases; and any player givon a oase ou caueu uaua shall be privileged to run all bases ho can make beyond the baso given him, but in this latter case he does so at the risk of being put out. LET A FURNISHED ROOM, WITH TED TO RENT OB LEASE, ON JUOHEnTT In BrooElyn, on rtunin n. utizABETll.

youngost daughter of Joseph and Jane Accident. Barbara Snyder, eighteen popular. out bonrfl, at 236 Adams Bt iieyment in proporty. A. O.

KUCK, 43 Barclay Btrool. IOR SALE FIVE FIRST CLASS 3 blph stoon dwollinss ono brown win a tm acory auu uaauuiuuu uuiu man girl, to de general housework if aiittlegreen wo will long aa Bho i3 willing, at 143 Noblo st, fironnnint Dousbcrty. tfu Invited iir liouoo. containineabont oight rooms, toa family ot era old. who rtsidca on tho corner of Hudson avenue A VOTE OV LOCAL INTEREST TO BROOKLYN.

tarian company over the saiety oi tneir passengers uy oroviding gates to prevent people attempting to get on board a boat before she is properly secured to tho slip. Whon thiB arrangement is coupled with the fact that the boats are delayed for Bny length of timo under a half hour, what is tho result 1 Is it likely that people will nit quietly iu the hare barns that are provided, and styled 'rooms," while others are on hand ready to got tho few available seats in the cabins The consequence is that a vast crowd, like the curioatty seekers bofore the. cages of the wild animals of a menagerie, congregates and waits in the cold or damp air, as the case mcj be, until it pi easeB the forry olhciulB to raise tho gates. It may seem incredible, but it is nevertheless alleged on good authority to bo a fact that tho ongiueer employed by this company who burns the smallest amount of coal during each month, at its termination is awarded no menus a DEAD FOULS. In attend tno lunonii iroiu stono and four Philadelphia btick.fronts; splendid looa To day the Committee on Public GroundBond Build TO LET A COUPLE Off i fnrallhcd rnomB, with Breakfast, in a private i Gorman family.

Apply to No. 443Paoltlo Bl, betweon Bondajd rVnviriR itUTM1S ll'lUS'l' IJLiASS 6a Adelphl Bt, on rnuay, ava lid riymonth Btreet, was seriously injured yesterday, being cauput in the machinery of the mat factory ol See Anv ball sent to tho bat from tho pitchor's VV woman, in a largo ladies' suit a good sit nTturolf in "good order and on satisfactory terms; must nave March 1. Address, stating terms i and lo On WeAneaaay. 1'eoruary n. uwu.

Address, with rofor lion on Franklin av, botween racino buu ubju ota. all modern improvements. Apply on tho promises, to STAFFORD A ICHOL. ownors. Terms easy.

ings reported tbo first of the many bills bofore thom providing for federal buildingsiin various oitloa of tho of John ana maxia uation for an oxporioncon perHon, oation, HORATIO, Eaglooffico. uruiule 2o0 Water street. positiou, which shall accidentally hit the striker's bat, shall be declared a "dead foul ball," and no base shall be run or player put out on such ball. 227 Brooklyn P. u.

agod'lliycare, 11 months and six days. enees. A. B. funeral wdltake place on Friday.

16th, at 2 o'clock, Union. Albany, N. was first in favor. It seems to TO LET WITHOUT BOARD, ONE OR more furnishod rooms: prite ioue and hood first class; within two blocks of Brooklyn City H.dl. Address PERMANBNCE.

Brooklyn Post Oflloe. feI3 6t ANTED A SWEDE, GEBMAN OK jo20 12t S'l'uATO FOR SALE 6,000 DE KALB AV, innM.BiPirn,tm, hnHomnnt. attio and col frotiJ 6 Mercem stroot. Citt Court Calender Friday, February BOARDING. have secured this distinction for thOBO reasons Tho measuro haB been steadily pressed for several years, The amendment to tne nrst section oi tuia ruie uou siBts of adding two plates to those required to mark hhe pitchor's position, tho idea being to afford tho um iinrTi Tn RmnklvD of consumption, on Wednesday, OAKD TO LET, AT 83 BEMSEN ST, lar, framo houso, filled in eight rooms, bathroom, wator 18TU.

Xos. JC5, 282, ZJ, ai, i'Jti, lf.i, 47. 177, 20S, 209, 200, 211, 212, 213, 214, 213, TO LET TO A SMALL FAMILY OF Tnnm with nrlvllcge in bath room. Ffbrmiry 1 1. JOHANNES JaOEB, naUvo ol Amateraiun, Ri onklvn Heights, doairableroomB.

pire a guiao watcning tno niuvtsiieiita ui iiuuuia Rood wasner ana ironer. aupij to TY block from Fulton av, and below Franklin av. Wages $i4. WANTRD A NEAT GIRL, WHO CAN dive good references and do plain st wing, as oham bormaicfanf waitress in a small family. Call at 131 South nnr i

house: all improvements. In by tho representatives of that city. Last year, a bill in favor of an appropriation passed the House, but failed in the Senate. Mr. Boutwell rocommonds that closet, lurnace, tnreo tuus, oasio.

nvo lot 25x100: throo extra lots on rear st. 2dxW0 eaou only 1,100 ouch; terms to suit. For permits, apply te J. CuRNKLL. 44 Court st.

fol4 St he, 21S, 219, 22U, 221, 222, 22. 221, 225. oATtDFIRST CLASS ROOMS AND A PRIZE FOR HIS FAITHFUL PENTntlOTJSNESS. quire on tho promtsos. 94 Socond st.

South Brooklyn. fol5 3t 1 Sendrha'eaffy honrd at ana tti ijeiunium ThiB mav serve to account for tho want of anything felO 12t advantecos of Turkish batlis.u aesireu. rSrm. SAl.E TN THE TWENTY FIRS I Ostortl st. like speed in the passage of these boats, and also for rWri If.T jvi A HMal.L FAMILY.

invited to attond. iimm niawi.Y UKNl JL) tho cafjitals of the several States shall bo first considered in the provision for public buildings, and lastly Rl iUn.j fV, Will tii of nkng hnninl at bttrEiins tho want ol steam tne ueatiug apparatus. i. with orwitDOUl i JL first Door and bssoment, 6 rooms, gas and water, at "SlPowers st also, second floor of 3 rooms, at 391 Hoyt st also'iwo stores. Apply to E.

H. BABCOOK, corner Court. 16146 from $2,000 to $50,000, in the most choice locations in Brooklyn, at very low prices and onas eaiHonlVTpi want them. Apply or address 7Ai A. Fib" Mi, 1,417 doors above Prospect.

iu his aeuvery, as regarus uia uieppMig uujuuu lrout line of his position. By placing an iron quoit at each end of this front line tho umpiro can bettor see the position of the front line. Tho amendment to tho second section refers only to tho position oi tho pitcher in delivering the ball to the bat, al! movements in such delivery to bo mado while actually within tho lines of his position. The third section has been amended bo as to refer only to fair balls, and thoso include all balls tossed, pitched, jerked, or thrown to the bat except bT nn ovor i.nnd Hirnw nr a roundarm delivery. If a ball bo thus Sneak Koeeery.

A sncalc thief got into of William I.eavy, 131 Fulton street, yo3tcr ay ml Tiiooa, during the absence of the proprietor, nd got away with three pairs of pants. He hasn't seen since. Sugar TniEYEs. Edi Sweeney, "William Well, tho plea set trp Dy too company is not nt an a denial of all these thrng6, as might be oxpectod, perhaps, but that it is poor fhat its stockholders aro receiving vory little for their funds invested. It would the city authorities of Albany very wisely offer to give ground for a sito for tho building, on condition that tlio General Government erectB it.

OARD TWO HALL BUDROOMS TO JELIY. On Thursday, February 10, iiu, oi consumption. THOS. JELLY, aed 52 nrs and nine The friends of the family re respectfu ily invited to attend the fnnoral from his la residence, 17o Lafayette av, on Saturday, at 10 A. M.

McNLLY, On Thursday, thll5th 1873, DaNIESj to fc'ultoo av, tsroomyn, orjy naasau at, xvuuui teiu im WANTED A GIBL, FOR GEJSJllKAL, housework; mnst be a good waBher and irpnor, and nlain cook; house has all improvornonts. Apply at 183 Madison st, hetvreeiijodmlJoBtoild avs TfANTED A NEAT. TIDY, PKOTES YV tsnt woman, to do the gonoral housowork of a small nrivato family of three adults would had this a good plaoe a comfortable homo. Inquire at No. Jefferson st, Ormond place, Brooklyn.

fel5 Jt XTANTED TO" LET TWO NICELY FUKM1U1SJJ Mr, Garfiold opposod tho bin on the ground that as 170R SALE THOSE WANTING 1 of hrnn ornn hnlinrs. 31t43.10) threO StOfV seem that overy euort is msae Dy tuo tjompany to remedy this dcporable stato of affairs, as tho following Incident, soberly told by a passenger on board at many public buildings wore now under way as the hi.fnneralatao'olock, or batnrday, tDO SavStlrin oigiit all tho ferrios. Apply R9 Hkrh at. near Adams. aud basemont wiUi eiteosion, oxtra jot if roquirod, pn Irnrlev and Thomas Fceney, al' beys, were arrestcu on The re hlltn rnsidonce.

No. 2: Noslrana av. JL let, with good boara. Apply at. 103 nuuiiswiiH fel4 6t BOAKD WITH NICELY FURNISHED rooms, for gentlemen, or gentlemon and their wives Apply at 23 Nassau st, opposite Gallaher's church, foioet TJOAKD LARGE AND CHEERFUL rooms, newly furnishod, for marriod ooupios or sln gVgentfeman; telrms very moderate.

168 Hall stnear for inteftnent. mama will ho taken to Calvary force in this Department could attend to, and ho contended, therefore, that it wa against public policy to authorize tho construction of a Fedora) building any sent to the bat at tho height the batsman calls for aud ovor tho home baso, it is undoubtedly a fair ball, and no nmh hall can he legitimately called. And moreover the time, goes to SUOW. one OI tueso Iiuaung paiaiiet, was coming into the slip, when the pilot pulled tho "back bell" and the cord broko. As consequence tho boat ran into the piles audi the wharf at full speod YorKav, Dotwoen I'unon anu a wnuuu, wua aU spoct them; just riuished: tho ohcapeat houses in Hraok lyn.

Inquiro at SHKKIDKN BUOTHBRS, 152 Hprkiraot nr. nr nn tho nromian3. f3'1' l'11" TOTETTHE LOWER PART OF houao No. 79 Cumberland st. uninrnishod or pai a nM rwntnr on each floor: or of having stolen a barrel of sugar irom nuo ront of Segelkeu's grocery store, on tho corner of State md Hickfl slrccts.

They were brought before Justice 7 a small family, must no "Si.r' ironer and goed ain oook, neat, and willing to assist SV, ih work occasional none.nood apply where until those now under way wero completed. and tore away everything; The passengers were ac the socond floor' furnished for light housekeeping ront l. tat famllv fol53t hvalsh this rnorniuf; and remanded for examination, FOB SALE WELL BUILT 2 STORY basomontandBubcellar Philadelphia brick hmse; hot. cold wator on eacU floor, and Mr. Shellabarger accepted this as a test case, and the tually Myrtle av, south.

mtrrcT'r' Tnn ms A SECOND FLOOR, House voted with tho understanding that if this bill TAXED TO DEEBAY THE EXPENSES SDABD A LARGE, PLBASAJN 1 every such ball when not struck at renders the batsman hablo to tho infliction of tho penalty of having strlies called upon him. Tho fourth soction rotors to unfair balls, and tho amended rulo includos uudor such category all balls which are not within fair reach of tho striker. Cortaiu, a ball touching the ground hi ftront of tho baso is not a fair bull, nnd neither la on sent in over the bats DWn oaHriTinil. will he snld low: terms very Fatal Casualty. At about four o'clock JL consisting of three rooms and bathroom, to let to and wife or single gentlemon rooms elegantly easy is ha'ndv'td Gates and nostrand av.

eats. Aliply on felfi 2t Richmond Tn Brooklyn, on tho 14th Cath ebjbte widow ot the late NaUianicl Richmond in tho bdih yoa tho house of her son in law Samnol HopklnB. 905 Van Buren st, Friday at 12 o'clock. Remains will bo interred in K'oirport, B. I.

Smith. Very suddenly on Tuesday, February 13, isa of Isabella and the late Mlnard Kmith need 17 years, 2 months and 28 days. Was' interred it Greenwood, on Wodnosday. tho Uth. Van PELT.

On Wednesday. Fobruary 14, 1872, WM. TT Van PELT, ngod 48 years and 10 months. nnd friinds of the family, also Common caused by the accident, for which it is hard to see how did not pass no bill of this charaeter would. This turn of the debate was fortunate for Albany, for of without the best of references.Oail at 26oonnton av.

WANTED A GOOD COOK, WASHER and ironer. in a small, private family, to take the entire charge ol the kitchen only those with first olass references neod apply at 27 Cambridgo pi, nearGroono av, between tho hours of 10 and 2. ANTED TWO GIRLS, ONE AS cook, washer and ironer, tho other as ohambnr Bj room, with board, for a gontloman and wife or two gontlemon: also, hall bedroom; family private. ,,0 u.l,.,n,Dinrn st. ICJ the premises 288 Qulncy st, or at owner's, dUl Adolpni St.

on Tuesday afternoon last, a girl namca miryatuor furnished for housekeeping terms moderaw; De.t re or onens uivnn and reoulrod. Call at or addross 70 Woodhull 1l 5 let1 fatally burnod in Kent, neir Myrtle avenues oy CTT. tciu ur lUUEf course ovory member whojwuutod an appropriationfor his own district or State, voted for tho bill, aud it street. Iher clothes takinR Are from a grate in front of wlaoh mnn'a head: nor a ball aent boyond to the reach of a r.lint.m av. Washington av.

St. Marks av, Now nnO LET SIX LARGE ROOMS, BASE ma oittioiT. rocking a cradle. Sho was taken to orkav. Columbia, and his bat in front of him, nor a bill sent on the other sido to that he Btrikes from.

Neither ia a hall fair that is EL mont and first story, wlttt extra iui, 7LtrHo nn Of in hands St, lUrtliShOd other desirable locations on tho Hill, on the tloiitms, aua tho rcfidence of her parents, No. 600 Flushing avenue, Our Bulletin contains full also in other parts of tho city pasBCd by so large a majority that Mr. Garfield failed to get followers enough to call the ayes and nays. So it is decided at oil events that additions shall bo made to tlio Federal buildings throughout tlie country. sertv In wmiju a lyot oi uia pursou.

uuuustiunuuiy every such ball should ho called iu the ordor of ita do iVYOKOFl? 4 AMliS, 203 Mqutague st, particulars. wtiere Ebo died at Joai o'clock yestorday morning. Corout Jones hold an inquest. rooms for lodgings. i2 to 44 per week, five minute, from tho ferry, Apply to W.

S. McILVAIN, ti Sands st, je8 TbS tf OARD ROOIYIS TO LET, vviin rood board. Apply at 255 Washington st. betweon Condofd andTillary Location central and convenient to tho forrios. Roforonces required.

fel4Jt BOARD A NEATLY FURNISHED AL cove room, also front room on third floor, wnth good hoard; to respectable parties only. Apply at place. "OOARD ON THE HILL AT 271 Adolnhl UeKalbav. A baokroomon fond floor" andsomoly furnished; hot and cold water; maid'and waitress; must bo first class ana navo ielerencos; for whioh Uberal wages wiU bo paid. 2oO President ANTED A COMPETENT WOMAN, to cook, and assist with general housowork, for a family living a short distance out of the city; references req.

rod. Call at 115 Columbia Holghts. comer of Pmo wealth Lodco 409 F. A A. and Orient Chapter i iTari respectfully invited to attend his funeral from his lata residence, OR Sunday, 18th, at two clock, 1'.

77 Clermont av. ie Watkws AI tho M. V. Staton Island, Mrs. Eliza jaow OR.

SALE A NEW TWO STORY COT BEOOKLYNITBS HERE. The fifth soction, as amended, includes all styles' of delivery which constitute balk, aud in these are named overhand throwing and rouudarm throwiug or they eoilld be responsiuie, auu cue mi. munw ailed a a charity. But UiiB poverty strickon plea hardly tallies with tho facts. The property was originally v.

By consolidation and several purchases the stock is now raised to $1,000,000. On thiB tho dividend declared last year was uo less than 22 per cent. It iB useless to multiply words about such a tennreless defence as this. Mr. George Law, when on tho witness stand a day or two ago, was unablo to explain why the company last April stated its oapitai to be i3VG4.91, or why it pays taxes on but $670,000, while tho company claims its capital to be $1,000,000.

This is simply too thin." Ono horn of the dilomma Mr. George Law must accept. He cannot now reasou nbly expect to save taxes aud reduce apparent net profits at the samo time. It seems almost certain that the treiraous efforts made by the people themselves, and through their popular representative from tho Eighth District, will have Bomo effect in iuducuiE tho Legislature to give them their nocded redress. IforW.

beth WATKlKB.aged ,6 years. Cut AYitii A Brick. At throe o'clock afternoon an old man of seventy, named John Among tho Brookiynites hero ore Mr. Henry O. it.

Bowcn nnd his accomplished daughter. Mr. Bowen is bowling, as also auy motion to aenver tno nan wituout tage, built, by day's work hard finished walls, marble mantel, Baltimoro hoator. Perry range, water in the houso; abot ono hour from oity or South Side Railroad of L. I price 2.610 terms asy.

Apply for ono wpek to AM UF.L WRIGHT, owner, at tno oflioe ol tho John Hancook Mutual Life Insurance 165 Broadway Now York. XA7ANTED A GIKL, TU lAiviU uanr. Lawrence, was struck on tue neau wnu oiict, nn actually delivering it. iuc puuuii, iu. ui lumu on terms of friendship with almost all the high officials hrst class ooaru of a young baby and to ao plain bowiuk TO LET A SUITE OF BOOMS, Unfurnished; also, one largo and neatly furnished; marble basins, hot and cold wator, gas.

oto. Those that douot object io mnsio please oall at 179 Duffield st, bet. Myrtle av, and Willoughby st; roforeuce exohangod. fol52t TO LET THE LABGE AND ELEGANT rooms now occupied as photograph gallery Nos. 2ol and 253 Fulton st.

opposite Clinton st, to loaso for a term of years, from May 1, 1872; a location unsurpassed for a A MEETING OF THE JEFFERSON tntixtf nt TOO film 1R t.HR K.1II1C UH lUbl, YOtVT. CARD 19 NASSAU ST. PLEASANT apply unless they have had oxporlonco and i can give nrs. rr.l.'',... ftnil bntweon land oP.

M. at loO Koss of the administration, and, of course, his visit here, ia ko refers to tho Deualties for unfair delivery, walkiuK along Columbia street, and severely cut. Ills wound was dressed at St, Peter's Hospital. Ho managed to get in a crowd of boys who were pelting each otlif with stones. au agroeablo ono.

tt. Krooklfn. V. IN DEMOCRATIC GKNKKAL uuMJin nt (heir ho.idauartors, Urls' Acadoiny, on and it will bo seen that the wording has been chauged litiio so ns tn accord with tho provious amendments. Gonoral James JJ.

Craig and family, navo lound LVl'VIKC In. at o'oiooa. A FIRST ULiASS V) n. YSTANTED According to this rule tuc umpire 13 umriiiiuiuu HOUSE AND LOT TWO Btory and hasomont frame house, 8 rooms houso 18 9 by 27 ft. lot 18.9 bv 100 feet; In good ordor, a first class locution and healthy neighborhood one short block from DoKalb av cars, 30 mlnutos from Pulton terry, ljorfartlier particulars apply on tho promisos, 1SS Kosciusko st, or to d.

W. Box 178 Brooklyn P. o. Iel5 2trn4b II renras in a first class nnuso, ior guiiuuiui uuu their wives, or single geotlemen; family social and ro iined; witnin fivo minutes' walK of tho ferries; terms moderate. BOABD ON THE HILL FOB GBN tlomnn and wito, or two gentlemen: a front room in HmjI.

class houso and location, at Washington in Winter agreeable enough to induce ono who thoroughly understands her business aaa i innr innthavn cnod city reior. morcnant tailor, or oiuer uiuiuuu. ni'i'v call balls as louows. KV i(1 MontiiiriiO St. v.

on5j none others need apply. 213 Washington av. 'I' ITmnirn cannot call a Dan oil tue nrst nauauii. w. n.

Gardner. Socrotary. them to prolong their stay. Mrs. Craig is accepted as an addition to ay Bocial circle horo sho fluds her to each striker, nor ehould such ball bo counted at TiEMOCRATIO OKHBBAL ItJb DEMOCRATIC GK.NI5 FOR SA1E IWISCEfLAIVHOtJS.

nit tiorntinni ivtll a h. iU until tno mtclior uas "re moderate price for the remainder of tho season, at 9S La time occupied mainly in renewing acquaintance with 7OR SALE OR EXCHANGE ON ANTED AN EXPERIENCED woman, to do general housework for a family of peatedly" failed to send in low oaus. xue ueuvury ui thTnw nonra iruui uiium ov. Brooklyn Heights, a 4 story brick owoning, foxiu, old friends families rosidont in Washington. 1 OR SALE CHEAP AN OLD Es Tn l.K.T NO.

180 WEST BAL (ice unfair balls constituting tho repeated mlriugo. rnlerred to. A meeting of tho AL CM RlITn be held ou I'UURSDAY KVB MNG February 15. at 8 o'clock at Headquarters, Court's? 7fKemen. A full attendance is raquostod.

uoun TUK(S bekgEX, Ckoiriuan Pro Tern R. Heuman. Soc'y. Pro Tcm. tablished moat market, doing a good cash trado.

Brooiilxn. at A Fuxehal. Mrs. James Mooro, of uSDean street; Mrs. Thomas Dunn, of tho same number, and Mrs.

Dalton, of Remseu street, ihile attending the funural of Mrs. Moore, at 88 Dean siieei, had (heir prokets picked of various sums, aniounling in total to $00. Tho thief is supposed to have been a woman, with dark hair and dressed in dark Clothes, id of about twenty two years of age. three adults; those having good reforenco may appis ai 087 Gates av. third house northeast of Frauklin av, after 6 in tho evening and Id in tho morning.

lot ISO; irescoed throughout and in hno ortlpr, proiaoiy thomost dosirablorefidoncoin Brooklyn; will bo sold on eiisv terms, furnished or unfurnished, or oxchangod In part for smaller proporty. For particulars apply to J. N. RALLEY, 202 Montague st. foiabt No matter what the cause oi tno lauuro to scnu iu fnlrimllH Hie iioimlcv must be inflicted.

Tne Kingston ana Porto Rico cable. Havana, February 15. A dispatch from Kingston, Jamaica, dated yestorday says: Thecahlo to Porto Rico is now all right, and the tests are perfect. Thero were two breaks, ono near Porto Rico, caused by the driiting in a burricano of tho ship which was laying tho Cable, and tho other near Jamaica, caused by a wreck. Telegraph com TASTED A COOK AND CHAMRER maid, for a small family on tho Hoights also a BOABD OF HEALTH, tic St.

between Henry and Clinton, a ploasant, front room, on second iloor, woll furnishod and co. Uhdnghot and cold water; at moderate terms; for gentlemen and wives or single gentlemen. BOARD VERY" PLEASANT WELL furnished rooms, with hotand ct.ld water, suitable for gentleman and wifo nr sinplo Ketiilotnon very notir tie No hall can be "called" until the ball has actually passed the home base. The Tlmnirn must call all "unfair" balls in the order "fTAUST CLUB THE ANNUAL MEET jD inof thoFAUSTCLUBwillboheldat tho MAI iX)N DOI1KK." No. 187 Montaguost, on bBIDAY, tob OR SALE NO.

38G TWELFTH ST, nniorMiini? n. now briclf basoment doliver v. and oouseouectJv three in succession and Buhcellar framohouso with cxtousion, marble laantois, Tlie Oil nauutaciunnf uoni micste" Business of unusual lmportaoo wiU bo trins. JcS; C. U.

H4.NSAM. Secretary pro. ton). Iel4 St I cm and ivllthe car routes, jippiy as if SO dellVerCU. ror instance, uy iwa uno, pitcner sendB in the first ball on tho ground, tho sco fell 2t" munication with Porto Rico is now compieto.

conteol girl as child's nurse; tho best of wagospam; several girls fnr housework and cooking, washing and ironing for very desirable places in small families and the best of wages. Apply at MANNING'S, 42 Court st folauf 1STA ED A OHOATB'S AGENCY, TV f.S0 Atlantic av Irisb, Swedish, English. German and American terventsnf all ages; places always on band; vointend to makcour office the model office of Brooklyn; all fees returned if wo fail to got tho applicant a place, the Height s. Ualtimoro ueaxer, waior anu kus uirou eleven rooms iico $4,400 also, a houso No. 171 liiKbth Bt.near Third av.

ten rooms: prico 44.3IHJ. ItiaUKO Ol H. HAILV1NGER, 386 Twelfth st, near Sovonth ay, Bonta Hrnnlflvn. fe3 Ut Inquiro at 323 Baltic et. near Smith.

ieio 17OBSALE CHEAP 100,000 HARD JP brick. Apply on tho premises, Kent ay, near DoKalb. olO 3tJ FOR. SALE A FIRST CLASS BOOT and shoo store, in a good neighborhood, on account of going in tho country. Apply at 213 Columbia between Scckott Mid Union sts.

roll ITlOR SALE FOR S1S0 A NICE. SEO ond hand, rosewood, 71 octavo piano a nico Instrument, round oornors, oarved logs, ovorstrung bass a. hand some persons, in want ot such might do woll by calling as It must bo sold. AppjyaU5ti Honry St. TIOBSALE ATA SACRIFICE AN EX B1 tensivo stock of sheet musio and mstrament.

Call at 687 Myrtle av. aud examine. Also, two Pianos, one double round and one square botfc new, and first quality, ni, .1 i.rtienn. tno imtu oetuw eiu umiiiii. iui, liaiy Anoisned Tne Complaint Action of tlte Hoard.

The Board of Health met last evening to the fourth so as lo almost hit him, and tho fifth beyond LUST ANU FOIJrVll. t.lie reach oi his bat, tho umpiro is onngou to can tue lnat. bulls as thev are delivered. In this case tho take some action in roferenoo to tho Pratt Oil Works at OST A REWARD OF 35 WILL BE 'fjOAKD 30 FORT GREENE S3 front, aleove, pleasant, sunny room, with water, gas, etrCfortwo contioman, or gontloman and wifo private family and pleasant homo comforts no moving in aiay. fel6 2t BJOAKD TO LET," WITH BOARD, 481 1TB Henry st, botwoon Harrison and Degraw sts, wltbln rrriM.

a anito of rooms oon la'JO lm Mus ITlOR SALE 4,700 TO THOSE LOOK Sl tag for a cozy little house, two story, basement, sub collar, frame, filled in, sovon rooms, wator and gas through, out Heater in basement. Twonty minutes' walk to tp Ttut unA dniilv on tho nrornises. striker would tako his base on iivo balls dolivered, tho fewest number ho can tako them uudor tho amended paid for Iho return to No. 105 Joralemon si. of a Wt AN TED 15 ANTS KT YOUR tn.

KMPLOYMP.MT AND IN AnBwers to the name of nit If, wlltte, curly noireu 10 la DEMNITY 29 Concord st, near Fulton. Tho busi 01 P.timho'rlnnd st. Terms easy. Aiao, 4 lots In tho Vil Section seven makes a special roferoncc. bllll not lieOU olllllltied.

OST A LAVA BARKING, UN iul, ton st. Wednesday afternoon. A suitable toward necting, sultablo for families or single gentlemen also a ness is conouctco ny lauica, who have neor been at an olfico beforo. You aro not re lage ot Parkvllle, L. ton minutos' walk from V.

1 Parado Ground cheap. ol2 4V largo room on third floor. Pectiou nine is a much needed amendment, as it doos away with the tricky play indulged in by some batsmen quired to remain alter your mum, 13 wtit he given io the finder by leaving ltatiyiruuon st, BOARD Greenpoint, which hnvoboen oomplainod of as dangerous to life. There wero present Aid. Boggs, oboirman Ropes, Clancy, Wylio and Nolan, Assistant Corporation Counsel Johnson, and Mr.

Borgen, couiisot for Mr. Pratt. Tho following COMPLAINT was read by Mr. Johnson Cousi ov Kings, sb. Thomas Eelly, being duly sworn, deposes and says that ho isa householder, and TrlOR SALE CHEAP A HANDSOME In Kn Jfifi PncitioBt: three story, OAKD TO LET WITH 710R SALE A GROCERY STORE, ON irlnthnsh av: stock and fixtures, with lease, will bo ANTED 75 SERVANTS JIAiu good cooks, plain cooks, nurses, chambermaids, when tuey uesivo to ueip piuyci iouou second story front ana nacs: rooms 11.111 liranu av, ueLwcon uakjajiuu (1ST A ('OHAl i'AMKO AND GOLD KAKRINC (loworpartMn goin2 from Rcmson st.

ur?" ivnn.r, MtWiT lot 100 it: houso iu bedroumsnmvly furnished; all improyemonts oonvenipnt sold cheap; good reasons for soiling: a good stand ior a German grocery. Apply to DP. WHY A KOWLRY, cor. waitresses, laundresses, and girls tor gonorai nousewora, and the highest wages; drafts on Ireland, hngland and distance lo tbo ferry; is noar mo uilj nan, ritiinn nd irnin llioro throusih ulton toi.lartcst. Snow Cake Kobbeby.

Last evening the show case in front of Cornelius Hurley's shoe maker's shop, Xo. "iSO Filltcn street, was broken open and robbed i three pairs gents' iioots, and three pairs of gaiters, valued at $30. Officer Kickard of the Fourth Precinct, on hearing of tho robbery, pursued the thii.vep, and ill their llifjht they threw away half the property, which was restorod to tho owner. Nourreat. The Funeral of Jobs Glass.

The funeral of (ilaff. who receutly died from injuries received at No. ir.9 Sassau street, Hew York at tho bands of Costello, took place yesterday from the Church of Ht. Andre A3 in Diione street. The body waa followed lo tho church by a large crowd of the relatives and friends of tho deceased.

The burial took Place at kdlush. The Faitst Club. To morrow afternoon ot five o'cljck, in the Maisou Doree. on Montague streit opposite ttic Academy of Music, iho Faust Club will hold a special meeting. Officers for tho ensuing yi ar r.v.i to he el' the amount of expenditure for rent.

determined, new members balloted other iiic of ccmal iniiiortanco trauaacted. A allf i. dance autielpal, d. Skating. Senator Osborn Requested to Resign.

Savannah, Fobruary 15. A despatch from Tallahassee, says tho Assembly of Florida on Wednesday afternoon, by a largo majority, resolved that U. S. Senator Oaborn be re quested to resign, stating among other roasonathat the appointments to Fodcral offlcos made by his recommendation wero obstructions to a Republican Government. "West Virginia.

Constitutional Convca. tlon. CrtAitLESTON, W. Fobruary 15. In tho Constitutional Convention yesterday, tho.

Committe of tho Wholo on tho report of tho Committeo, of Elections and Billot Rights, fixed tho age and length of residence necessary to hold ollico in Iho Stato. The Governor and Judges arc to be 35 years of age; Senators, 25 years, and to havo been residents of State years. IVi lnn mi'll. u. Tho linder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at le'7 ISA moder'n improveiuents 11 rooms 1 10 pantries and closets; neighborhood nnoxeep enable and convenient by cars all fernoB Wrina to suit Inquiro on thn nromises.

or of WM. BAN 1 No. boi uana' st, Now Wk, WYUKOFF A JAMES, 203 Montague st. lrom Jl upivurti, HENDI'RSON, 18 Court st, basomsnt, near Montague 6t. Trm A nimi.MV Reception.

Tho grand ro ot ulton anu Mayinonu IrSaiTeat a great sacrifice, JL' for cash a first class, sovon octavo, rosewood piano Itemeen st. OARD NEAR State To let, with board a largo socond story front nienlw furnished: largo closets; kot and cold water, Annrlmn Institutions takes place 0 OST ON THE EVENING OF THK 13. at. the SConimandery Hall, a silk UMIJRKLLn. nf tho Ladies' Matinee, the latter el3 4l ANTED 100 SERVANT AS conks, washers and ironors, chambermaids, Inrtn OI tno ricuusi.

luuu ,....3.., BrooKlyn. fancy ments: round corners; improved overstrung oass; Ac. to gentleman and wile or two goatiomon aiao, cuarau carved case and legs with maker's bin oi suo ana gi I BjOR SALE AT A VERY LOW FIGURE! 41,51,0 cash, balance ou terms to EUit, a com m.spq. imtiftM UOUSQWOrK Ull'S rrom to sinelo gentleman; tliroo minuios to duujd aim six to Wall St. Ferry.

21 attctct with tho name wriiter onivwasar Hu l'ed to the inside. The hn.ler wi41 be liberally rewarded by loaviog the same at 472 Fulton St. Ill syro. foll 2t tee can bo soon at it) nnugo st, in tin, also fiftvrespeellib'lo girls, lately landed, and small girls; nluces in nbundanco, in all capacities, at Mr. noH ssAT.TCTIfiW TNTHECOUNTRY resides WltU nis lainny iu i si, ueat Thirteenth street, in tho city of Brooklyn, and that ho owns tho lauds aud premises upon which he rosidos, as above stated; that about three huudrod feet from deponent's residence, aud in said city, a kerosono oil factory or works is situated, being on both sides of North Thirteenth street, aud between First stroot and the Fast lliver, in said city; that at said oil works there has been, aud now is befng carriod ou, for the period of more thau six months past, tho bnniness of OABD MONTAGUE TERR ACE, a third fioor from Itomson schandsomolv furnished tho most!( pietc two story basement ana suoceuar.

irauiii house, containing every improvement and wililiu do minutes' rido of Fulton Ferry; must ha seen lo bo in instnlltunnts tf renuired; flico. Ill Atlantic st Bi i .1 cl, .,11.1, f.u,. rI vnnrs old third DRI' KSON ()ST ON WEDNESDAY. THB 14TK from 225 Livingston st. a small, whito, Scotch te 14 able aud bopt io Brooklyn.

roi ms. with hut and cold water, to gontloman and wifo, or irnntlomen willing to mom together: honso, over terrier DUG. Answers to tno natne 111 cco. Jr.

lre' nnmhnr of housos tor sale and to. lot being postponed to Saturday. Tho schools invited include tho Packer Institute the West's Lad es Academy tho Polytechnic Instituto and tho Adelphi Academy This will ensure a gathering of tho haudsomost cP is and youths our city can present, and the gather inir of beauty and fashion will enotoworthy. Tho ico is in splendid condition, having been sprinkled last night. SUITS AGAINST EX COLLECTOR WOOD.

calf now by hew side; gentle, kind and a splendid mllkoi; gives twenty quarts of richest milk, and waxrantod sound in every way ond woll calculaiod for family use. Inquire of owner R. SUMMERS, 597 Washington av, botwoon Pa foniKition leading lo nis recovery, or luu pursuu him, will bo woll rewarded. "018 looks the Bay. and but two minutes from Wall St.

1' erry terms luodorato; rel'eroueos exchanged ot in the Tweiitylirst Ward aud vicinity. Apply to JOMU'll cor, of Cites aud Tompkins avs. fel.i Ut' Ti.iiii, SAf.10 A FIRST CLASS TWO cific and Dean ale, mijllluiN 'I HE HILL A BEAUTI ANTED A SITUATION, BY A vmincr Prnlc.t tflH Girl. old. to tnko OATO Of Hi and snhcnllar frame house, fillod in ES fv.l alcove room, on second door; also, back room on WOK SALE 250 7 OCTAVE, ROSE B1 nnA aennnd hand: Stodart.

makor. elections for State and County officers and Members of the Legislature will bo held on tho second large cnilurea. tor to uuqu ut ui munjuunu a. sumo lloi.r: aicovo room iiiiinisiiuieiv luunsii." loaets, hut and cold water, hoator, Ac; third lloor front AXTF.D A SITUATION. AS SEC 83G0 7 ootave, rosewood plauo, (been carofullsused) Dun.

jii. fnrto. Lmnuol OUbort. Bos 1 OST AT THE ACADEMY OF Hj Hehniarv 13, 1672. at fVmiimindory Ball, an oblong sJstone DIAMOND It INC.

The tinder will be liberally rewarded by applMtig at Brn. fiKO. MtLLUK'S. Central Houso, or JS ROBSON'S, al Myrtle av. fell 3t OST ON TUESDAY AFTERNOON.

JLj botwoon threo and fouro'clock, fn ono of the Beriron st netweeo lloytst. and Nostrand av, a lady I UCIt ii i.r,r,i tnnnN. The hnder reliniug on irom eruue peuuiuum. uv shows that said business, as carried is dangerous to Ufo, tLe said ail MMMM, oerag highly intlamma umum Tory "plosive, aiid tldOasioiiB constant danger to all persons residing in the ndshborhood of said factory; that have there rueently occurrod, and such is the nature ef said business and tho material thero vith brick and finished in tho best manner, wiUt every feet from Gates av. by cars and 30, minutes to t'ultou Ferry; must bo soen to bo appreciated; mice very low nnd terms to snit tho purchaser.

Inquire I a Tuesday in Octobor. riitnn it desireo house lirst class, urown stone urivai ond hand on bread, by ainung married man, late Vi.T, Pond Hull. Piano family. Addrcssjf. C.

Eaglo omco. as Tin: BEPOftTEKs. It is "sttiua to Tho auti duelliug clause was unanimously ly laDdcd. Address lor tnreo days at hi uoiuiuuia vorv handsome (low for cash). Pianos fin ottn omen, or en too bo a vrrv oomnion habit of loafers when arrested by possession iprii i.

OABD AT 20!) ADAMS ST GKJN tleinen and their wives, or singlo gentlemen willing room toEClher, can tind pleasant rooms and good board 'jsrawbticlis" on tlie Amount Cliararcil mint, at the Mammoth Musical Rooms of A. C. bLADh. 605 Fulton st, opposite Flatbush av. folll TANTED A SITUATION, BY A RE upectsble young girl, as chambermaid and or laundress: has aood city roforoncos.

Call for two the police in the commission of any act of deviltry, to will bo suitably rownrdod by leaving it at 120 Dean st, near TIOR SALE THREE STORY BROWN i otr.A linnet. SRS Doirraw street, noar Smith; all im houso contains all modern improvements: a tew minutos uive Iktir busir cts ub reporters in the hopo that there. atoreS lb" tho parties oliargo of tno same, a tuo time of Budl fires, stated that it was dangerous for the members of tho Fire Department to approach near enough to the samo to extinguish the Uames. The "Weather. iton, D.

February 1510 A. M. martially cloudy and cold weath esterly winds with viminia north viilk from City Hall anu convenient, to cuuuu ami days at 42 Grand av, oor of Walworth st. tf STATviTF.n A SITUATION. BY A RE t.

ferries, rteierences OXCUIIIIKUU. by ay be leniently dealt with. At midnight, last niaht. a fellow who gave his name as James White, and lor Oiiice Runt, Stationery, Clerk wjfirc, A Sutisfactory Settlement jlnUcijmteu. Oil the 3d inst.

two suits were commenced Hoyt. Ci. REWARD LOST, ON MONDAY, A 3 COLD BKAOF.LBT. Tho iindor will receive the above reward by loaving tho same at 171 illoughby av, Brookls or 41 Fourth st, Wiltiamsburgh. 2t sneetnble married lady, having full broasts.

as wot FOB SAJLE KEAE, OR SALE FIVE SPLENDIdIjOTS, located on tho northoastorly cornpr of Lafuyotto and Franklin avs. Inquiro of OHAS. W. HALL, 315 Wyr Deponeut iurtner anowu ii no huiiid ounw OARD ON THB HILL TO LET, hnarn lifinV mum. Rnnnncl fitflrv.

SUitaOlo for a said he was a reporter, broke into the basement of nurse, in a respectable family. Apply to Mrs. No. Ill) Madison st. N.

Y. fol4 2t' er prevail ovor tho Atlaufl nthward; cloudy eastward, and clear weather iu nv h(1 fel5 6t ANTED A SITUATION, BY A KE tie av. Clinton's hat store. 07 FuKou street, for the purpose of sle. pii:" there, but was caught by Officer Nelson, and gentleman and wifo or single n'ntleman, and accommodation for ono young man in the third story; houso bts all tho modern improvements: terms moderate, loo South Oxford Btreet.

foil 3t Tu.ThtfeS. tatherand light snow, with westerly SPJiCIAL, NOTICES. nneet.ble vmmii girl, as chambermaia ana wait Pratt that ho carries cm said ousiness anu assumes to be the manager and owner of said oil works, and that such oil works go by tho name of tho "Pratt Manufacturing Company." Deponent further shows that on one sido of said factory, and up to it, houses are thiokly built up, and that iieinhborhood is thickly populated, and tliat First taken iLto custody. If any respectable paper has a re a r.T?.lSTT,lf,MAH. UNEMPLOYED IN ress, uan no seen on luurouaj, 01 uu' Front and Water Bts.

Lower Lake region and Northern Pennsylvania New York. The falling barometer with rising teni peraturo aud southerly to easterly winds over and porter i this stamp the sooner his services aro dis tho evening, wants copying or writing to do BOABD A WIDOW LADY, HAVINCx A few hoarders, has a second story front room and ono nn T.rinrv fnr two centlemen or centloman SITUATION, A WANTRD A wedish woman, pensed vr it the belter will be for aU concerned. by the General Government against ex Collector A. M. 1Vood and his bondsmon, to recover tho sum of $21, 942.03, being tho amount of the deficiency iu his accounts.

His sureties aro Martin Kalbfleiach, R. M. Domill, Jno. K. Pruyn, Froderick Scholes, Petor G.

Taylor and John Angus. Two bonds woro signed, one on October 3, 1802, and tho other ou March 13, 18G3. They aro both for $100,000. at home; thorouglUy understands Kronen, fcnglisn ana Carman: terms easy: best of references. Please addre3S street, which runs along said factory, is a much trav aa wot nurse.

Apply at nrojont est of tho Mississippi Valley, extend eastward to fol2 it" aer uiu uuaiy employer's 185 Joralemon st, who will Rivo and wifo can accommodate a few day boarders, also good locntlon, within wulkinK distnnoe of ferries; near Oity eled street. J.UUO, O.H.11UI. Box 102, liagle omco. fol5 2t' recommonaanoD. Xako Huron, over the Ohio Valley and into the Eastern Gulf States.

Dedication' of the Cnuncn of thb Coye ALE VAULTS. W. nail; tern" very muufnutj. aw CALEDONIAN BY A Sworn beforo me this 14th day or etiruary, ior W. D.

O. Boaas, Alderman. rVitrnTv of KrN fis. es Torsnco Slano, P. J.

Hughes, H7S7ANTBD A SITUATION, ecv At tTrt nf onfrnnfifl nn tMBtmnV FOlt SALE TWO LOTS, ONE ON Gates avonue and one on roar on Qtiincy st. 2ax200, near Koidav; will he sold cheap. Anply at 169 qiassim av, or to P. H. MKLLBY.

90 John st, N. Y. 6t FOB SALE A EARM, ON THE JA malca and Hempstead plank road, Ij. of choice land. 36)iS oi 36 acres, 17 milos from Brooklyn, with good building, at no fancy price, one and a half miles frem Quoens Depot.

Address Queens, ti. UURYKK. felS at' FOR SALE OB EXCHANGE POUGH keepsie property for N. Y. oity or Brooklyn preporty a fine farm property of ocreB, on South ay, 2K milos from the Court Houso.

Uood roads, and neighborhood lirst olass in all respooui. For particulars, Inquire of O. RICHARDSON, ICS and 157 Crosby st, Y. fe3 lOtSTnATh NAv, T. This church is just completed, at tho oornor of tn dn nhnmhnriwnrk.

and take oars IJOAED A SECOND STOBY FRONT JT alcove room, nicely furnished and thoroughly heated In lot with hrmrd. to a centlaman and wifo. or nnnn nr n.nlrl dn annnrM work in a small amllv. choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Kirst olass anutllo beards and Bagatelle Table on the promisos.

felo tt Classon avenue and Baltic street. It la a handsomo Mr. Wood waa Collector of internal rovenuo in the John F. Daley, being each for thomselveB duly sworn, PloaBecall for two daysat 3ti2 HisBfctjthjbMeniaat. Third Dirtrict for six years, and whon the bureau waa brown stone building, 00 by 40 feet in sine, with a high INE DBESS SHIRTS Clerk of tne Senate.

Albany, N. Fobruary 15. Tbo election of a Clerk of tho Senate in placo of Mr, deplore aud say mat tuey aro eacu oi mom uuimir holders in snid Oitv of Brooklyn, residing within about TCTSTATTFTl A SITUATION. A gentlemen houso Is pleasant and conveniently looatod botwoon two car routes; terms modorate. Apply at 27 Fort Greene place.

014 St ornamental slate roof. It will accommodato 358 people. The congregation bas been gathered and has first established co.lcot.ors were paid a commission, and not a SBlary, aB at present, aud they also received nn allowance for office expenses, such as rent, station Yf young girl, to do chnmberwork and waiting. Please call at hor present employer's, 110 Fort Greene glaco. provements.

Thioo sttiry framo, 46 Kihott plaoo, noar Fulton, 20x36, 14 iniprovomonts. Tiiroe story briCK, 472 Suckett street, 20x411. Ihroo story frame, 375 Grand avenue, near Gates. Prices low and terms to suit. Inouiro of tho owner, Thomas Read, 822 Fulton opposite Gates aveuuo.

jaolt 12t'ru'lhAS FO ALE STORY AND HIGH basoment framo house, gas, bath, hot and cold water to second story, marblo top lh basins, Baltlmtiro heater, nine rooms, and suboollar. Prico 83,760. $3,000 can remain on bond and mortgage for iivo yoars. Inquiro of K. BUXTON, No.

7 WlUotighby at. or of W. J. WAL LACK. corner of Lewis av.

and Pulaski St. folO fTUWSAlTE OI EXCHANGE A FIRST Jt" claBS, 4 story, brown stono dwollfng, situatod on Clinton street, sits 25x65x100, ttnlshod in hard wood, cabinet mantols, plato glass windows and in ovory respect a tirstclaaa rosidonco; will bo sold on easy terms, or or ohangod for Improved or nnlmprovod property in vicinity of the Park preferrod. For particulars land keys lo examine premises apply to J. N. It ALLliY, 202 Montaguo street.

foWJOt SALE IN ELLIOTT PLACE, JP near Hanson place, a finoS story basomont and sub collar brown stone ront houso 21. Ciso, lot 21.6x100; overy improvoinont. hot and cold water In ovory room marble cased and top basins, plato glass windows, beautiful chandeliors. Also, on Hicks st, a story basement and subcellar brown stono front houso, replete with every modern improvement and ticulars and pormitB, apply to P. O.

PRO YOST 31 Court Btreet. 108 tfiu.iD.4a ItORSALE ON CLINTON AV, A FIRST fl class stor.v attic and basement framo dwelling, 38x 40, two parlors, dining room and reception room on flrat floor large ball, kitchen, laundry and lino collar, 9 aloop Ing rooms; all modern improvements and heatod by steam finely frescoed cornices, mirrors and oonsoles go with tho bouse; ground 60x12c, also lot adjoining on roar street 17x80, wlti stable, io. this property wiU be sola vory low nnd cm easy terms, as the owner leaves Brooklyn. Apply WYCKOFF4 JAMES, 203 Montague St. Terwiiliger resigned, will not tako placo until ho closes rOARD PERSONS WISHING LARGE nnfi cmdirtvunii nn nodond fln nr.

nan be encaced fol5 8t 300 fcetofeaid oil works; that they have heard road tho above affidavit of Thos. Kelly, aud that of tlioir own knowledge all tho Btatemonts therein contained ns to Baid oil works, its uaturo and the dangerous character of the business thero carried on, aro true. worshiped for over three years iu the Atlantic avenue Mission Chapel. They now enter upon a now careor A SITUATION. BY A RE up his accounts, which, however, will tako bnt a row days.

The nomination ot Charles R. Dayton, the pros AT FINDER'S, No. 293 FULTON STREET. SIGN OF THE PLAID STOCKING jo5 Tu.Th.AS AT THK DOOR. cnnxtnhln TTilrfffM rtfrtfi woman, lo t0 08.TQ (it flD now, or for the Spring now; rooms furnishod or unfurnished and newly papered: family small; pleasantly looatod and convenient to ferries.

Oall at 420 Gold st, near Fulton. Ko moving in May. ieH St SALE OR EXCHANGE BY J. ery, clerk hire, That amount was an arottrary one, boing settled bj tho Department in Washington, aud when Mr. Wood sont in his bill for expenses already incurred, it was cut down and tho amouuts charged against him.

In the agerogate thoso suma amount to $21,942.03, to reoover which tliese suits have in a new neighborhood as an independent churcH The dedication will take place this evening (Thursday), invalid lady has tho best of oity refftrenoos from her TTAT.T.IPV 00 1 Xfnnfnrrno st. COUntrV ROfttS and cut Jotirnal'Ckrk, for Clerk of the Senate, gives great satisfaction. Ho has held tho position of Journal Clork, N. ACTION OP THE BOABD. Aid.

Nolan offered the following preamblo and reso place, uaii tor two gays at aoa mniu av. STTTA BY A RE at o'clock. Rev. Edward Beocher, D. will farmB in gTeat variety, situated on Long Island, Connecticut.

New Jorsoy. and on tbo Hudson. Also oity propertff of every description, situated on tho Holghts, South "H30AKD N0. 1 FIRST PLACE, COR nnr of Henry st. to lot, with board, choice of two of tho Senate for ruany years, and under different ad ww onafjihirt iTAiini7 woman, as laundresi.

ohambor been commenced. ti will, therefore, be seen that tho legal proceedings preach, and tho Pastor, Rev. Franklin Noble, will make a statement of the present condition of the ministrations, though he is a Republican. double roomB, adjoininn oachottier; hotand cold wator In. rnafd or Hue washer nnd ironor; ha good city references.

OOD SKATING lutions Whereat, A certain factory or works situate in the city of Brookfc'll, and commonly kuownas Pratt's OU Works, and managed and carried on as suoh by one Charles Pratt, of said city, aud owned by him, is now iSrooKlyn, ou ono Hin.ana avenues. uu Park. Apply as above. are a mero matter of adiustmont between Mr, Wood Call tor two days at la fortiana av, near wyrun. c.

nouse oanasomoiy lurnrauou. uuu uuiiLtun mi provomonts; terms for two adults, $16 per weok. overy church. ITTArim A SITUATION. BY A KB" Fire.

Last evening Officer Stone discor AT THE RINK TO NIGHT. HORSES, CAKK1AGES, TV Bpeatablo girl, aa cook; has four years' reference from her last place. Ploaso eall at 8iQ AtlsaUo av, botiroan OAKU AT 161 DEAN ST. L.Att(ris, Ib nlrv moms to lot to ainelo eentloraon or gentlemen ered a fire iu tbo grocery store of Patrick O'Briou, No. 168 Columbia street, caused by a dul'ectivo flue AIOTSEJJIENTS.

wawioRton ana vanaeroin. nnd tho authorities In Washington, aua nave no roior enco to tho money which passed through his hands irom tho taxpayers, as ho did not colloct any money which has not been paid ovor. Mr. Wood ia now in Washington for tho purpose of having the matter settled, and in the U. S.

District Attorney's ofiico it is confidently anticipated that a satisfactory adjustment will be made within tho next ten days. and their wives; house has all the improvemonts; table Bubstant ial and everything homemade Persona wishing a retired home, wherB everything is well ordered, will do Damago to the coiling, $25. Insured. ANTED A SITUATION, BY A BE tmn fit iS In vnnncf wnmnai. AS OOok.

washer and being worked and earned on in tno Business oi me manufacture of kerosene oil by the refining of crude petroleum and, Whereas, The said factory, as now being carried on and worked as aforesaid, in the opinion of this Board, is dangerous to Ufo aud, Whereat, This Board bas now token and filed among its records, proofs which it deonis suiliclontto provo that ice same is a nuisance, and to authorize ths declaration that tho same, to the cxtont now carriod on, ia a Ironer; 1b an excollon hand at broad and bin it. Gan bo woll to can immeaiaireiy iJinner at ciock. ipiaoti Bbookltn Titeatbe. Notwithstanding the fact that last night was the first night of Lent, a largo audience witnessed the fourth performance of ''Tho seen far two da a at 574 uiaBson av, near oreene. lOAKD ON THE HILL A GENTLE A MnntKa rati I MONEY MARKET.

TffT ANTPiD A SITUATION. BY A UE WW nrw.tiTi1n rnnnr cirl. to tin frenoral housowork. filfiirjuitiv nrniii on. nnttl June 1: houso Duke's Motto." The opinions expressed by theEAaLH Company of the Foety seventh.

A wpll known ae one of the best in Brooklyn; table unex AT WITTY'S OABBIAGE AND SLEIGH MANUFACTORY. Carriages and slolghs ior sale. Attention of purchasers is called to our largo assortment; quality and stylo, not ox celled, and prices 20 per cent, less than New Vork. lrom long experience, being twenty years established, wo are enabled to offer great inducements to purchasora. Pony phaetons a speoialty, all styles; old carriages In exchange.

Also, to lot, carriages and slolghs by the day and season. Also, fine coaches, road turnouts and ponleB and phaotons for ladles' park driving. ao NevlnB street, cor. Fulton avenue, Carriages fob sale it ikst class top wagons, road wagons, pony phaotons, aad oarriagos of evory description, (warranted to be equal to nny that aro made). Satisfaction guaranteed or no solo.

i nnn Hn.tnn ho rooalred made to or feltwt Gan oe seen at ner preaei empiovei 10 xdiib a uv rf AS FIXTURES, GAS FIXTURES. It THOMAS READ'S GAS FIXTURE WARBROOMH, 822 FULTON AND 467 OLBRMONT Opposite Gates av. The largest variety and latest patterns constantly on hand. YOUR PATRON AG IS IS SOLICITED. ly QOOD SKATING AT THE RINK TO NIOHT.

MWeTto loan on bond and mortgage. $2,000, S2.500 aad to loan upon improved property in this city. Apply to ORVMjLft U. JONliS. SOT Fulton st.

fol5 3" ThSA ru Wall Stkeet, February 15. Gold opened weak and dull, tho prico ranging from ceptionable. Apply Immodiatoly at 309 Omnborland at. tween Uiinton ana lieury bib. on Tuesday, concerning the production and periotm ance of this beautiful romanco, are oonfirmed by wit publio nuisance and dangerous to nic now, tuoro foro, comer oi iiu on am hmiuiibwu AiNTTCDBlTUATIONS.

BY TWO new company of tho Forty seventh Regiment, Captain Wm. J. Powoll, with forty seven names en nessing it again. Mr. Roche's effectiveness is increased rAinwrahtnolrli).

nnn b.r nhambermald and wait to 110.V. The absence of cable quotations somewhat deranged tho calculalions of operators, but tho rolled, was on Monday ovouine musterou mio tno ser rpsa. tnn omibt an aunarin. or wuuiu uu uuuiuk, huiuiub, by the severai performances, and, in fact, the Bame re BOACD 105 HNK ST SKUJOJN floor large room, with fine pantries and bath room adjoining also largo rooms on third floor likewise singlo FOR SALE AT A UAKUA1JN ifMUBi greatly reduced A woll built, two story, basement and subcellar frame house, filled in with briok, replete with all tho modorn improvornonts, suoh as bathroom, stationary tubs, morning glory heater, olosot refrigerator, Ao. house is nearly now and in thorough ordor, Bltuatod 25 feet from Gates av.

cars neighborhood rapidly improving, and isatirst class investment; will be sold on very easy terms, and payablo in Installments if roquirod possossion I n.nml.A. 'Xlfl Tnmnl, 1 a no foK t.F and ironinff in plain family. Can be seen, for two days, general impression was that the hears wero on tho mark may be made of all. The Eceuery is superb, and Rcaolvea. That this Board do hereby resolve and as Clare that said oil works, as now carried ou, is a public nuisance and dangerous to life.

Hesolned, That tho busiuoss of manufacturing or refining eoid oil in said factory is hereby ordered to be suspended. vice by Major Lumington of Gonoral Moserolc's Staff. Tho company drills will begiu ou tho 28th, aud con at present employers, at wo. a utuauju ar, wj, the mounting of the play all that could be desired. BTST ATMTRTl A SITUATION.

BY A BE safe side for tho day at least. Tho land linos aro down aud conBequeutly cable dispatches are dolayed. Tho rooms ror Koutiuuiu, uuuoo ou.uo rounding citlos peraons wlehing to furnish all except oar potacan mako liberal arrangements; no moving in Map; Attention to detail is manifested in every particular, snectable girl, to do housowork in a Bmallprivate tinue on Wednesday oyonings tucrcaiter at tno armory. The Forty Beveuth will have a grand concert next month to aid iu the equipment of a now band. Apru 1.

inquire on lamlty; isa gooa pisin cooa tuio mii wim.u. tauie nrav ciasa, mm guuu quiouuouw. JiCSOtl'CU, mat a copy OI tuie rmuiunuu uu duiiuu ou Charli Pratt in tho liltmnor by law provided. carrying rate ranged from 1 to a per but tho majority of the renewals were made flat, or freo of Call foe two at 299 dor. Also, anno BBlecuon oi sieignoo first rate socond hand coach for Bale oboap.

YOGNg, l.Ooa Atlantlo av. The dressing of the 3adies bdu geutlemeai is not only appropriate but elegant in tne extreme, especially so in ironer: goou city tL imuuiiua. nr an Adams Bt. interest, thus aiding the operators on both sides. It st, near Bridge, can bo consulted on all affairs of life: absent friends found; lost and stolen goods WANTED A SITUATION, six A ttJO sneclablo younir atrl.

to do downstairs work taOlo young uu "'w. On motion the loregoing was adopteu. Tho Board then adjourned. EXPLANATORY. Tlio notion of tho Board fn receiving the BWorn com BOAKD A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE, or two single gentlemen, can bavo a large third Btory Iront room, in a private family, wbcro thoro are no other boarders; room lurnishod with Brussels carpet and black walnut bedroom set; bathroom with Improvements on sarno floor; torms, including firo and light, $14porweok.

Governments are strong owing to tne short lutcrcst BANKRtll'TCY NOTICES. the case of Miss Conway and Miss Burns. The gipsey dresses of tho two ladies aro very picturesque, and the former lady at a later period of tho play, blooms out in 11UTMAN, 510 Fulton st, cor Courlni) stairs. fo5 12t in a nrivato ffljuily; is willing and obliging. Can bo days at hor present employers, 141 Olinton BANKRUPTCY DISTRICT COURT and the demand.

Quotations at tho first call were as follows: 81 's. Coupons, 115; 62's, 111; fil's, seen for fcwo i iOR SALE CABTMBN AND TKUU men tulinnnHce The ownoroifors forsnlo brown ered more than 2.000 people testily iu mo rty of title gifted lady; takes time and guarantees satisfaction; French, German and English sooken. l'eo o0 oonts. No gonta adnifttod. ri OOD SKATING avenue.

a.pply at lib tioyt st. wim plaint, aud then declaring tho place a public nuisauco and dangerous to life, was taken in order to comply nrnvisions nf the law governing Buch cases. ol New In io mAM? TMIJM 1 Va I.KIMTIrJK. JOHN A SITUATION.

15Y A RE mare. 6 years old, 16k hands high wolght l.iall no bettor S7STANTED a costume that is simply gorgeous. Mr. Potersohan's music is heartily applauded, and tho "cat duet" has achieved a success. Tbo play is excellent, tho performance meritorious, and the accessories superb.

If, Can bo soon at ainrtnMafniinfr rrt rl dfl Hirllt hoUflOWOrk. Or to In this city Bound and kind evory way. 111; 65's, now, HOtf; G7's, Ul'i; OS's, 113V; 10 40's, 107t; Coupons, 111; Now 5's, Curroucy 0'e, 114. HOARD WANTED. for.

at" ITlOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A NEAT cottngo, 8 rooms, a good collar, two stall stable, oar rlago Bhed, nine or ten lots, fnll sizo, in OlarenoevHlo; no incumbrance; 8 miles from Brooklyn fivo minuteB' walk from depot; accommodations ovory half hour; this property will be exchanged for a good frame house in Brooklyn or williamsburgh; no cash wanted will pay cash in balance if wantod. Call on Mrs. JONKS, the owner, 12 Dovor st, N. whoro particulars can bo had at any timo. folO St' 57IOR SALE OR EXCHANGE THE splondid businoss proporty, 214 Bowory, N.

Y. It conBisls of a threo Btory and basomont brick building, sizo feet, tho building covering tho ontlro lot. Iho sloro is elegantly fitted up. with plato glass windows, Ac, nnd Is suitable for dry goods or any businoss; has baoo rented for $6,000 por year worth will aoll for oash, or will oxebttngo tor improved Brooklyn property. Inquire of E.

M. CAMMEYER, at the Eqglo offloo. fe8 1 No. 3U Littlest, Dear Jonn. TB.KO CurO OI ClllinrtJ'l InlOIJ lilllUU, uui.

yoij AT THE RINK The defendant, Mr. l'rart, win now navo turoe uaya time in which to servo a uotico on the Board, to bo heard, in order to prove, if possible, thut his SKDLltY and ALBKR B. PEASR, bockrupM. A warrant In bankruptcy has boen jssuod by said Court against the estolopf Charles Williams, John J. Valentino, John K.

Sedlcy and Albort It. l'oaso. of Kings Inquire tor two days ai yo ureas nurtuuKruuiu u. OARD WANTED AND UNEUB ntshrd room, for a smglo man, above Bodford. Tho etock market opened weak, but recovoroa during third floor.

SEWING MAtl IlWES. not nuisance mu ut uuocuub. iiuiiu eutu TO NIGHT. tho first call. Tho Hannibal and St.

Joseph difficulty i'. ATSTED A SITUATION, BY A Address EUGKNH, Eagle office feU 3t notice is served tho Board must men ortior a stay oi A MERICAN BUTTONHOLE, County aua state oi no inn, boon duly adjudged bankrupts upon potltion of their creditors, nnd tho payment of any dohts and mnst rnitncr.ihlf Tmitic cirl. to do work proceedings and tako testimony oroor to uetormine OAKD WANTED BY A YOUNG ti mm. in it rnsnent.ablo family, near Hamilton av. or QI.NGERS, ATTENTION SOPRAUb, 7 alios, tenors, and bassos wanted for the chorus an baa been partially settled by a decision that 30 d3ys notice of the new stock must bo given.

the case. and mind shtlrrcn is a Rood ohflmbermaid and waitrosa: ia willinK and has traveled to Europe with her mibtreas has good ciy roforoncea, Please call at 139 Cam OVERSF.AMING AND SEWING MAOHINB COMPANY Mr. Pratt proposes to contest too manor. Smith Ferry proforred. Addross stating torm, A.

Box 1,000, N. P. O. Kpiscopal church; special educational aavanmgcs ouuruj tn those having good voices. Address, immodiatoly, MUSIC, caro of Chandler Brothers, 170 Montague st.

fcl24t ton Bt. tlie delivery oi any tmipmi m.u.. bankiuptB, to thom or to thou uso, and the transfer oi any proporty by thorn, are forbidden by law A mooting of tho creditors of said bankrupts, to iirovo their dobts and choose ono or more sssignoos ot their 06tte, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy to bo holden at Brooklyn, in said District, on tho 2ith clay of Fobruary, A. D. 1872, at 2 n'olock P.

at Iho olfico of I). C. Wlnalow. Esq. ,189 Montaguo streot, ono of YfiTANTEI A SITUATION, AS COAOH "OOR SALE A RARE OPPORTUNITY LONG ISLAND ITEMS.

BO AHD WAN TED EOB UICNTLiIOMAN ond wifo. In a private family, within 15 minutos' walk of ferrios; modern improvements roferonoos oxchangod. Address, and stato terms J. Ragle office WW m0T, niTiPln nolnrAd man. Wllo nnaorfltfinad Have now roady for delivery, their now and greatly Im proved Sewing Machines, with or without I ho buttoniiola part s.

Don't to soo thom beforo purchasing plsowhero. B. We sell on monthly Instalments and, desired. i.V, oria la n. pnrrif nl ii ri vnr Ulifl.iratands the JL1 fsofferod thoso who wish to buy some or tno most l.nnn, nnrl nnnSRrhlv lnnated hnnSflS infill BrOoklvn: care of a furnace, and can tiivo good reforence froni hi3 Queens Countt.

The Board of Supervis price3 and torms to suit. 332 Clinton av, betweon Lafay O.Ttulh nn fnur alnrv. hlch Rl.nnti. hrnwn utono. proaeut employor.

uuavuniAn, zuuar BOABD WANTED UNTIL FIRST OF 9 fnr trontloman. wifo. and ohild two roars old tho ItogMtorsin Aurnw iuii ai. French roof house, 21x4ljxll0, a stable lot in roar, finished THE PROPRIETORS OF THE CRLEBRATFD LIQUID SILVER," For replatinu silverware. Offer the pateht and stock on hand forsnlo very low; a good opportunity for canvassors to make a handsomo fortune Address Box 102, Haglo oliice.

felo 3t" S.TuATh TfTISlTING GOVERNESS A LADY, EX furnish purchasers tvittt lltst class at Kntwonn ltav. RTtT ANTED A SITUATION, BY A RE Yestorday afternoon soveral parties who had delivered tho new Btock wero compelled to submit to have tho old bought iu uudcr the rulo for them. Quotations of leading stocks tu tho boll of the Dxohango wero as follows Harlem, 113 Ohioe, U.7, Lake Shore, 90 Union Pacific, 33Ji Western Union, tOX Pacific Mail, fW.V; Wabash, Erie, 31; Control, 97; Northwest, 74.i,'; Rock Island Boston, Hartford Erie, Hannibal St. Joe, 4344; Reading, 113; St. Paul, 55.

Exchange romaius at 109' for sixty dayB and 110 for eight. Money is easy at 6 per cent. Stock Excnaiiffo Sales First Hoard. ors of Queens County mot at tho Town Hall iu tho village of Jamaica, yestorday, and spent tho cntiro day in lively debate 08 to tho tax levioa of Newtown and in olegant stylo, 19 rooms; uvi tjiunoy st, tureu Bi ory brick ttont, Fronch roof, 20x42x26x100 40 foot court yard, unfurnished rooms proferod; torms must be modorato, and location noor City lioll or forrios. Addross, with terms, Box 1,584.

N. V. P. O. foMaf spcotohlo young Englishman (single), in a privato 5 jt U.

8. Marshal for B.iid Distrlot. rN BANKRUPTOY DISTRICT COURT I of tho United Stales for tho Eastern District of tamiiy, as Rroom uuu UUn uu, and olegant piazza in front, contains all modern improve ments; 252 Clormont ov, 2Jd Btory Philadelphia brick, hrrtwr. Hlonn hiiftnment. stoon and trhxuninirs.

10 rooms, tr nininrr nt vniiniT nomas, euuor aauuiu ur Long Island City, and adjourned without taking final i i tYithn (innntrv hfiB iiooti oftv ZTl 1. In rj iHN MAN.SFIKLU pecisnced in tuition, deaixos ao enRasement. At TO LET FOll BUSINESS PCRl'OSESi uarncaa, iwaiiuouju action in tho matter until Saturday, tho 20th instant, and NATHAN K. Bankrupts Bast lotely overhauled, plumbed and doooratod for owner use, all Improvements 169, 173, ond 176 Adelphi at, throe retoronce. Appiy or huuiom aua tM TnemB nuynbu, iiuum riuurni, auuuiruii in ahuoi Music and Drawing.

AidreBB a. M. Kagle office. Accident on Stewart's Railroad. John em DtStrlO.

OI nOW XOnt, OSl a. warri iu been issnod br said Court agaxafit tho UUAliMM Al, ILaglU oniuu. CT A TTT.Tftf TIT ATIO FOR A ILLIAM BROWN, provemenls. 'lll'is is the oholceBtlot of proporty that has 1 the ntton Jones and R. M.

Dunn, two laborers employod on W1 (THO LET OR LEASE THE FOUNDRY, Jl machino shop, engine, together with the entire building, roar of Nos. 29, SI, 33 and 35 Furman st, olose to Fulton Forry. Apply on the promisos, or of NATHAN STEPHENS, 91 Liberty N. Y. lo9 6t" eBtato of John Mansflold and Hathan K.

Mansfield of tho County of Kings and State of Now York, THor.ln, hn linvn hnan dnlv adlodgod 1'Iain and ornamental PLA8TEREH. tlon ot buyers. Immcdlato possossion, Call and see for ELASTIC STITOH AND NEEDLES, SILK. OO lTON, MAOHJ OIL, 40. BROOKLYN OFFICE: No.

6U Bx. ly TERMS OF PAYMNB TfcTOTICE OF REMOVAL. THE SKWrNB MAOHINK BUSINESS Heretofore done under tho name of 11 A I ft OO. i ff largoand desirabloseleofcionof hihlyrecommended servants. Tho JnrRCfit selection, neatest and most reap uot abla class to be found at any agenoy vl Brooklyn aro i tj vi KririH iffinn.

Ill Atlantic Bt: the Stewart's Contra Railroad at Bocky Hill, wero seriously injured on Tuesday while at work with the steam yonrsolvos. Apply on tho promisos, or address i. ra. lnlmuirfl nrion netraon OI orouiuora, therefore, the play is not supported it is becauso tho public do not appreciate a good thing. The Academy of Music To night.

At the Academy the Parepa P.osa English. Opera Company will perform Herold's opera of "Zampa," with tho celebrated English biritone, Mr. Sautlcy, in tho title rolo. The has beeu now presented twice iu New York this week, and it will therefore bo given in better stylo ttiiui ut tho New York Academy. Park Theatre.

Next week Mary Mitcholl and J. w. Alhaugh, two sterling artists will appear at the Park Theatre on Monday. Tho lady is a sister of Maggie Mitchell, who is known from one end of this bri ad couniry to the other. Tho first named artists will make their rtclmi in a favorite pray, aud we are promised a new drama Hurivg the week, from the pen of Chandus Fulton, a young dramatist resident here, and too well known to require introduction, on titled "Saved from Ruin." "Mattie Mad cap" still holds the boards to good houses.

Hdoley's Opera House. Mr. Hooley is giving nightly the best minstrel entertainment to bo Witnessed in this country. Unaworth, Eugene, Rice, Mulligan and Campbell keep tho audienco in roars of laughter overtheii comicaHticB and queer conceits. Mr.

Henry sings beantif uliy "LiHJe Dale" and the applause that follows the conclusion of the Bong shows how deep rooted is the loTe for theso old simple and tender 8CDg8, which were in the early days of ruinstrehiy so powerful an element, in the popularizing of tho form of entertainment. Nowhere in New York can so excellent a performance of negro minstrelsy in its best form he seeD, as can be nightly witnessed at Hooley's Opera House. Kings County Uoal Estate Transfers. (Ara. uiormaiiL nr.

Aahta itnd thn dolbrorv of any nra 775 ATLANTIC A near Clermont. Jobbing oi mason work aud plastering promptly to at moderate terms. 6t9 mo LET TO MASONIC LODGES A shovel. MOD 6 20 61 IU 0,11,1 1 R.2H to II 110 ni' nv i.TCiYrJARD MOODY, most respootadlo. reliable and best oonducted in this country.

1 very commodious Lodge room, In the fourth story of Rocky Hill Rowdyism. Charles Collim mWiouauiK to said bankrupts, to them or to tholr uso, and tho transfer of any property by thom aro forbidden by raw. A meeting of tbo otodltore of said bankrupts, to provo r.o rtniirt nt. and S76 Atlan 4IM0O US M0 0 67 llljj. the Savings liang oullQing, oornor oi uuntuu nuu atianuo hxllriinn ilnmrnnl hnnln ill, ntjllim ntjl I 111 trt KlIlL ANTED SITU ATION FOR GER REAL ESTATE AGEK'tS.

tie av. a 3 Btory brown stono, all Sookett Bt, hot. Hoyt their debts and ohooee ono or more aaslgnoes oftQelr osrtaoe, 11000 08 IU IW coup 111 CoOOO do 1)3 111 unm IT ns si 109 ed iow to responsible partlos. ia23 tf Al st n.mian innininite RPOloen! BlSO.

189 Montaguo at, Brooklyn, In said DlBtrlot, cm iho 4th dny March. V. 1872. at 10 o'olook A. attho.

oilloo of R5COII S6B810 106'4 D. M. CHAUNCEY, 207 MONTAGUE BTREET, TO LET TWO LARGE HALLS, AD AFT ed for club rooms, billiard rooms, daguorrootype prloo $10,000 a 3 Btory brown stono front nouso. an imp. on Warren si, bet, Fifth and Sixth vs.

prioo $8,600 a sUblos, on' of keeper oi a drinking saloon near Rooky HIM, was assaulted in his saloon yesterday by a gang of drunken railroad laborers, who attomptod to rob tho money drawer. ColiinB defended himself with a olub, and John Moran, ono ot his assailants, was seriously iTiliived largo number of first class Irish sorvants with excellent references; and Httlo girls for housework, Aa, at very low wanes. MANNING'S. 43 Court St. Established 20C00 68 Cur uui Tn tit Ha fLr? brick bouse; with two brick roar fcLse JHmi Warron Bt, and Sixth av.

prlee David C. Window, ono of Che Registers in BanaTnotoy of taid Distrlot. 8. R. HARLOW, fei52t U.

S. Marshal Mossongor. fol5 3t" gallory, o. inquiro on too promiaos, oornor oi av. and Flatbusb, or of E.

4 J. WHBIiAN, 62 Sohermerhom since 1849. lot. rin th two fine houses, on oor. KWO do 63 6CKJ0 Car St 6a lo 1HKI 8 St 6s Jan Btreet.

leioet f5'A' mi, a flnn framo tn RANKRUPTOY. IN THE DISTRICT BROKERS IN REAL ESTATE AND LOANS, Have for sale and to let HOUSES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, fn all parte of the oity. WAWXED MISCEIiLAWEOBS. nnO LET OR LEASE, JOU 1UVE OR Court of (he United Statos, for tho Eastern District NVrTrl, In tho matter nf WILLIAM A. JENKINS.

Fell Into a Pond. Jnmos Johnson, of West Flushing, fell Into a pond noar tho Flushing De h0'nflited ln all imp, on Hall st, hear MyrUeav. price iffl artery hVick store, and dwelling, with stat lost roiVi Bis, prico Bovonyoacs, a farm, aixty ove aores; nouse, barn, WANTED BY A GERMAN WOMAN, work by tho day la a good coo washer and Ironer. HCT Yonx. February U.

4ij0 QoJckalUor Co 83X 100 do SH 100 Quicksilver 3l'i 200 do 55 200 do bo M'4 10 Dol A Hud Oo. U9H 100 Pao 8 8 Oo .83 67J4 600 do s3 67X 600 do 200 do 5'X 400 do 67M 200 do B7f SOO West UnT. 70Jd 6 AmM Un 65 10 A 11 Rlv tun 17 do 974 200KrloKR bo SIS 200 Harlem 11 U3K 40 Road IU SCO Lk 8h A Mh R. bo 90T 800 do b3 91 200 Olov A Pitta grtd bo SO Oin A Ind it. 8S1 20 Don Ill 100 Best II 4 4i SO Alt 4 prfd 68 100H48tJR 44 100 do 44J 100 4 St prf 64 14 Mor 4 Essex R.

9S! bankrupt. Notice is horoby given that a petition has hoen roa'd" depot near the houso rent $300 also part of a double hrnun fi mr rnnmfi' one hour from, tertv bv ISoutb. atiln ft July 82S, 1000" Missouri Stato 6s WSl WOO Long Dock 92V 1IXIU Oen Pao ROB IMil SOOOUnPoo 91 1000UP7BL 1000 do 81i looen An 8IJ4 pot, yesterday, and narrowlg CBcapoa arowumB. filed In said Court by William a Jenkins, in Btna lustriot. nlurfanhmS n.

hnnkrnnt under tho Act of llonirress ol atoro and dwel ing unca, uur. ui ai.uu wrth ov, Prioo 87,600 a 3 Btory brown stone front house. Fourtn nv, pri neai. attio frame AQdroBS lVi tsmitn si. Desirable building plots, in the vicinity of tho Park.

Valuable water fronts on the Bay, Oanai, East River and Railroad: rent month. Apply for ono week to SAMUEL, WUlGttT, Bxooutor at tho olfico of John TITAN TED 35Y A TjE AN WIFE ja27 tf Nowlown Creok, honsepVonDcan strprloe also a large plot of for salo or to loaso; also a large numbor of apart March 2, 1867, and acts nmondatory thereof, for a discharge and certificate thereof from all nis debts, and other claims provnblo under Bald Act, and that tho 23d day of TTAhmnrt. 1R79. nt 11 o'clock. A.M..

at the offloo of D. O. Boys Wno Cabby Pistols. The practice of oarrying pistols is unhappily not limitod to a olass Hancock Mutual juio insurance uompany, TT and ono child, furnlphed house on theUeighta, EW JERSEY REAL ESTATE AGENCY nowxors. 6000 UnP ins In Rilim A 93K6 from May 1.

Address Box 2.823 N. Y. P. O. toi tit and houses to ront, in a good looautles.

I' Further parUcuiars inquire of LEiSnARD NOTBW 840 FULTON STREET, CORNER OF COURT, WILL BE REMOVED ABOUT APRIL 1 TO THH NEW BUILDING, No. 306 FULTON STREET, OPPOSITE JOHNSON, AND CONTINUED BY. THE WHEELER WILSON MANUFACTURING COMPANY, fc61m HEMRYBUTMAN, Agent. QEWING MACHINES OF ALL THE latest improved stylos of no machinos for sale and toront; rent to bo applied toward purchasing any maoblno desired. Old machines taken in pari Daymont for now ones; all makes of maohluos repaired and Improved I also partloular attention paid to teaching.

126 Court stroot, botwoen State nnd Soliormorliorn; branch offlce 18iv ington st N. Y. M. ITA MILTON. aula ly Wlnslow, Register in Bankruptcy, at No.

189 Montaguo PUROHASE S. FERGUSON, XXTAR TED TO of citizens only who know how to pou, im will not uso it except in on exigency that do. loOO A 1st 97V 6000 GtW 2dm MJ4, Montaguo at, cur. oi TO LET OFFICES, ROOMS AND tores in buildings 178, 180,238, 2iQ, 311.828, 313, Hi. 376, 877, 879, 385, 391, 393, 408, 681.

615 and 517 Fulton st Nos. SIXCOl, in IUO Uliy ot oruutiyu, ib aasigneu iui uuaim ni tho tmo. nlinn nnd whnro all creditors who havo nrovo caBh. a houso in Third Ward, say $8,000 to $12,008. intrude it; hut tho pistol Is worn by blusterers, men No.

S3 Nassau st, cor. of Liberty st, Room 6, New York, Any ono Daviug a pargain to aispose oi, aaarosa duj. i.ioj, DENTISTRY. their debts, and othor persons in inlerost, may attoud, and show cause, If any they have, why tho prayor of the Baid po Pi tf. J.

183, 185, 193 and 501 Montague Bt, Nos. 59 and Ql Honry st, lUOO Mor A Has is mt. lift 11000 PMW AOlstm. 106 WOO 4 I and R7fl 102. 0000 XI A Ut Rs Istm 10, Having tho largost and most variod list of farms and i fh Ktato.

for s)e or exchange, I fool ttoh A BEAUTIFUL SET OF tilion should not bo granted. uatou at isroomyn, on tue RESPECTABLE "SXTANTED BY A TheBO ouiiainga uave an inuuern improvoraenLg, nnoiigut, cood ventilation, and aro suitable for lawyora. brokora, 12th day of Fobruary, 1872. art iP tcolh on whnlohono rubber; extracting tinder confident that those wishing anything bo inr of a low gomtlonron of a low 14,003 my Uno can ja6 lyS.TnSTh to my Uno can SAMUEL T. JONES, Clork.

married woman, tho wosnbig 'muil Mil 4 St SfM IC10ZG merctiants, banks, jnaurancg oompaniofl, express compa accommodated. nod ladles. Please call at ISO Third at, near warren, up nies, artists' biuoios, loage rooms, ojud rooms, oriignt mnniifnctnrine. Havins on tiro ohnrae of abovn hnihl. stairs.

1001.0 A St 1st Iowa Division 89 20PO Cedar FAM 1st 350 11,600 75 1,05 TtlfT AiVfrKD TTOTTREft AND PARTS OF ings wo olfer favorable lonsos and moderate rents. UPAFAltD CLAPP, AMfl REAL EST AT AGENTS, 1QSTIFMSKN ST. CORNKR OF COURT, OlTDental oliice, Fulton st, opposite City Hall. OBico 7 A. M.

to 9 P. M. 0J housos wantod, to lot, in all parts or tbo Oity 1 'Vin nSiATh 1st 92M subject to freaks of passion ono suuueii impulses, ana oven boys who don't know ono end of tho weapon from tho other. On Friday last, iu tho German Commercial Institute, at 170 Pacifio street, a boy was wounded by tho accidental discharge of a pistol caro lessly handled by ono of his matoa. It was ono ot thoeo pretty vest pocket revolvers, to carry which makes a boy of twelve feel about sovonteen feet high, and four hundred ponndB in wolght.

Tho boy waa phot in tho leg, and vory littio hurt, but both ho ond tho shooter woro about na much astouisbod as if ono of their jack knivcB had explodod. tft fl PROVDST. 83i 76 76 411 44; pood tenants waiting. Court st. tel3 5t 6,500 10U Un Pa bo 100 do b3 100 do W0TW s30 loo do 1000 Ohio AM 100 do b3 Have for sale a large and desirable varioty ol housou and lots.

Also, to let, furniBhod and unfurnished houses, in HEELER WILSON'S IERSOWAI Magndlia st. 8, 82 of Evorgroon av, SSxIliO, houses ana lota Park Bt. SOQ ot Chester av. 25x100 vWt st 80 of Utica av. 200x100 av.we,117 8of Baltio Bt, 21.7H), (con.

Fhwd 300 of Tnroop MxYtoV.V.V.V.V.V.V.' Doanst, DB.S69 of NoBtrond av, 60.8xle0x83.6x ints (husband aud wifo) Butler av, 100 of division av, 75x100, (fore HmSS'sV 'i "iti w' o'iio ward Madisou Bt' sVs0 of at Nldiola, av. KilOo Jefferson st. 115 of bt. Nicholas av, 2oxl00 Lewis and Macon St. corner.

Kiralt, Fito, st, 100 of Twelfth at. 2axl00x2d C3.llii.7x7.4xod. 10 US. DISTRICT COURT EASTERN 0 DISTRICT OF N. Y.

ln Bankrnptcy. In tho matter of SMITH WOOD. Bankrupt, will bo sold at auction un WEDNESDAY, Fobruary I82.nt 10 A. at No. 636 Fullon Btroet, Brooklyn, all tho prou orty of laid Bankrupt in said store, consisting iinrt of plumbing materials and tools.ckanilohors.hracKota, globes, pas stovos.

wash baBins, wator olosots, marblo slabs, lr. iinrs. ahados, pipes, cooks, boilors. foot lithe, sao, cHico iurniluio, hose and nine, old brass and lead, tools, furnaco anvil, hollows, scaffold, planks, horso, Wdgou aud harness, 4c. by.l.

OOLff, Auctioneer. folUOt CHARLES JONES, Assignoo, Ac. ANTED TO LIVEBY STABLE Rom. good location b. Money to loan on imuruvuu iy uk MANUFACTURING COMPANY.

wfiiBMnfinN WANTED OF OATH HEAT REVOLUTION IN BILLIARD 1000 100 Bk Amorica 146 10 Morohants 120 165 Bk Com 118 7 Con Nat Bk 100 100 Cons coal or Md. e60 88 20U do bo 88 hire, with drlv) oab or phaoton. Addroaa N. B. ghoppfnp carriage.

1.331 76 rUHF. TiNTVRRSTaNTCn RESPECTFUL 1 TCR1NK and ANN HHNSON, who came froraO iunty Ireland, to tho City of Brooklyn, sotuo tif toon JT TABLKS. W. H. GRIFFITH'S tablos beat tho world with Delaney'B patent cushions, which are being re at 1.000 r.agie oi 16 Homo A Wat'n 11 10J) lv nnlinit thn nntrnn iirn nf reftl nstato owners who do 60 SBoond av as SEWING MACHINES.

Brooklyn Office, 810 FULTON ST, cor. of Court at. THE BEST MACHINE, AND THE ASIKST TERMS (6 ly HBNRY BUTMAN, Agent. BUbBtituton in toe ptaoo oi rooian tioionuor ana tue tioit. whioh is snffiolent nuarauteo of their sunorloritr.

WANTED TO BUY, A SMALL BRICK, rosidonco In Brooklyn; good neighborhood about 200 200 18,000 Firo to boII or rent their proporty, romlndlng thom that they should leavo their orders now for thB opening Spring luByreco'lrodbyKEUON HRNSON, at47S Atlantic arv. toI4 at and can only be bought at W. U. UttlFFIX'U'S Factory, ID minurcs riue irom uuon irorry price vesey fit, n. x.

i. business, u. vy.u.ji. rntiiB, Jia Aiontaguo b. lm 11.

01. u. cox n. 3.500.

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