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Santa Cruz Surf from Santa Cruz, California • 1

Santa Cruz Surfi
Santa Cruz, California
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IX. A L03T SHIP. CONGRESS. Williamson Garrett. the Danulie has reached Vienna.

The Piaiten Sea is frozen over for the first time in many years. FEW'S BILL THE ROSS STABLES, F. H. ROSS, Proprietor, Can be found at the Old Eagle Stables on Front Street, JORDAN TAYLOR, lo Copt Jordan) 130 and 132 Pacific Ave. DEALERS IN HARDWARE Agricultural Implements.

Not a Single Life Saved Out of a Crewcf Twenty-seven. London, Jan 5. --It is novv Unown positively that the vessel wrecked near Waterford, Ireland, was the American ship Alfred D. Snow, Captain Willey, which left San Francisco August 31st for Liverpool. The ship was lost at the entrance to Waterford harbor.

The bodies of the captain and one of the crew have been recovered. There is no doubt that every member of the crew, twenty-seven in number, perished. The ships papers have been recovered THE STOCK MARKET. Latest Sales at the San Francisco Stock Boards. San Frauiscco, Jan 5.

Alta 2 10 Justice 11 03 Best 6 25 Mexican 5 00 Benton North Belle Isle 7 75 Con. C. Virginia 21 50 NevadaQueen 2 30 Crown Point 7 00 Ophlr 9 37 ('hollar 7 37 Potosi 6 50 Gould Curry 5 (10 Savage 8 12 Hale a Norcross. 13 00 Sierra Nevaaa. 4 00 Delays are Dangerous.

You say. well 'tie only a eligbt cold. Look oat it may lead to an fnflaninnitiou of the lining of the numerous pir cells of the Luugs. this is pneumonia; or to spasmodic, contractions ot the fibers of the air passages, which is Asthma; or the inflammation ot the liuing membrane of the throat and tubes which pass through the Lungs, which iu the first stage is called Bronchitis, arid may lead to Consumption. Sants Abie is delicious in flavor, certaiB and perfect in its remits.

A few dtises will relieve, a thorongh tri atment enre the above named diseases. Every bottle warranted by Hug. Druggist. Better than Cold. Can he traiy said of that new and effi-aeions rem-odyfor Consumption and diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs, -anta Abie, for is is plensant to the palate and death to a cold.

Every bottle warranted by J. J. Hug, the Druggist. It might be well for persons desiring to advertise their business to understand that the Daily Surf reaches more renders in this rnunty than any other newspaper that is pub litUed. -OF- Boots and Shoes To make ready for San Francisco Stock, WHICH WILL SB SOLD VERY LOW.

Store, Fixtures ar.d Good II for 90cts. on the Dollar. MAOK-S Pacific Avenue. CIIAS. MADEIRA, Manager.

On the corner ot Pacific ami Walnut avenues is the best furnished College room in the State. The most popular School on the Coast. Pupils can enter at any time. Ladies admitted to all departments of the College. No classes individual instruction given.

The pupil can thereby advance as rap-idv as his ability will permit, and he will not be kept back by others ot less talent and application. All graduates will become thorough accountants and elegant penmen, and only such will receive our College Diploma. We are determined that no one snail hold our Diploma unless thoroughly qualified. Only an ordinary common school education is reauired to enter the Business Course. A Prepare and Shorthand Department WITH SPANISH AND FRENCH, Have been added.

PupilB found deficient in mathematics will receive special attention in that branch. Terms, for six months, $42. Good Boom and Board can bo Obtained for $10.00 par Month For further particulars address the Principal J. A. Chesnctwood.

Box 43. Santa Cruz. CaL Pacific Coast Bills IntroducedHouse Committees Appointed. SENATE. Washington, Jan.

5. Mitchell called up the resolution for the appointment of a Commissioner to select a site for a naval station on the Pacific Coast. Hoar introduced a hill to provide for a Worlds Exposition at the. National Capital in 1892, and thereafter to be a permanent expo-dtiounf tiie three Americas in honor of the 400th anniversary of the discovery of America. Piatt introduced a bill for the of Dakota.

HOUSE COMMITTEES. Carlisle Makes His Assignments--' The California Members. Washington, Jan. 5. Speaker Carlisle has completed his list of assignments to committee service of the House of Representatives and will lay it before the House this afternoon.

Mills of Texas is chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, anil the other members are Breckenridge, Turner, Wilson, Scott, Bynam, Kelly, Browne, Heed, McKinley and Barrows. Randall of Pennsylvania is chairman of the Committee on Appropriation. Among the other leading chairmanships are: Banking and Currency, Wilkins of Ohio; Merchant, Marine and Fisheries, Dunn of Arkansas Agriculture, Hatch of Missouri Foreign Affairs, Belmont of New York Naval Affairs, Herbert of Alabama; lostoifice, Blount of Georgia. California members -are assigned as follows Vandever on Coinage, Weights and Measures, and Thompson on the River and Harbor Committee. Felton is on the Merchant, Marine and Fisheries Committee, Morrow is on the Foreign Affairs Committee, and McKenna on the Public Lauds Committee.

Washington, Jan. 5. The House adjourned till Monday. The Governors Secret Service Fund, San Francisco, Jan. 5.

The Examiner will say to-morrow by a special telegram from Sacramento that the appropriation of $2,500 for special contingent expenses of the Governors office, known as the Governors Secret Service Fund, is nearly exhausted. Marcus D. Buruck personally drew $1,525 of the amount in warrants made out in his name. It is not uecessary for the Governors office to state how this money is expended, and the money must be paid on demand. The fund will not be replenished until July.

Our Debt. Washington, Jan. 5. The total debt at the present time is interest less the reserve fund and cash items available the total debt is $1,295,441,281. Champion Shot Bogardus.

Dayton, Ohio, Jan. 5. The finish of the Bogardne-Winston match or 100 live Iliads each for a purse of $500 was a brilliant affair. Bogardus won by a score of 82 to 80. Weather Predictions.

San Francisco, Jan. 5. Indications for the twenty-four hours commencing at 4 oclock a. Jan. Gth, for California Generally fair weather, preceded by local rains in the northern portion; variable winds, generally northwesterly slightly warmer.

Arrested on a Question of Law. Tombstone, A. Jan. 5. The Board of Supervisors to-day suspended County Treasurer Ritter foivan alleged defalcation of $0,600.

Ritter claims that the amount is due him as a percentage for the collection of taxes. Old Suit Dismissed. New Yore, Jan. 5. Judge Lacombe of the United States Circuit Court dismissed for want of jurisdiction the famous H.trlem Flats claimants caes in which Theo.

Coverts claimed he was a lin al descendant of the grantees whose grants were issued in 1691 and 1712. A Boat Race. Sin Francisco, Jan. 5. O'Connor of Toronto has telegraphed the backers of Henry Peterson, the California oarsman, his acceptance of the latters offer to ro on March I8th a three-mile race for $2,700 a side.

The papers are signed. Fatal Accidents. Wii.KEsiiARitE, Jan. 5. Reports just at hand sav that by a premature blast four men were killed and seven severely injured while at work on the new branch line of the Lehigh Valley Railroad near Laurel Run.

London, Jan. 5. The Birmingham Canal burst to day at a point near Dudley. Hundreds of families are rendered homeless by the inundations. The Round Valley Trouble.

Washington, Jan. 5. The President has sent lo Congress a communication from the Secretary of the Interior submitting a draft bill to provide for the prosecution of the settlers on the Round Valley Indian reservation in California. The President says that the documents submitted exhibit an extensive and entirely unjustifiable encroachment on the lands and rights of the Indians. The monetary claims of the tresspassers are well founded, and the sum should at once be appropriated and paid, otherwise the intruders should forthwith feel the weight of the Governments power, CHAEOTS HOME.

The Wealthy Oaklanders Thoughtful Gift to Women and Children. San Francisco, Jan. 5. A. Chabot of Oakland, now on his deatii bed.

before departing for the East on a business trip last June, executed a deed of trust conveying a lot seventy-five by a hundred feet, a number of stocks and bonds valued at neatly $100,000 to erect a building as a temporary refuge for respectable women seeking employment and for the care of children left at. the home while the mothers are at work the trustees to consist of five gentlemen and four ladies. Those named the deed are 11. Vrooman, Rev. I)r.

Steb-hins, J. Glasscock, Stephen Gage, Ilev. Dr. McLean, Miss Chabot amJJuhn P. Irish.

The trustees held a meeting recently and filled the board by electing Mrs. Chabot and Mrs. Vro. man. A DAY OF SNOW.

A White Mantle Covers Several Central California Counties. Dixon, Cal Jan. 5. It commenced snow ng this morning and still continues. About three inches have fallen.

The weather is very cold. Petaluma, Jan. 5. Snow last night covered the -fences and housetops anil the hills surrounding Petaluma. The weatherto-day is cold and cloudy.

Grass Valley, Jan. 5. There were fifteen inches of snow on the ground at noon to day. The ditches that bring water for power are all blocked with snow. About six hundred miners are idle.

The thermometer stood 30 deg. above zero during the storm. Sacramento, Jan. 5. Snow began falling at 8:13 oclock this morning and continued three hours, although the atmosphere was wanner than yesterday.

The lowest point reached by the thermometer to-day was 40 deg. Orchardists all say that no damage was done to orange or other trees. Smallpox Increasing in San Francisco. San Francisco, Jan. 5.

Eigiit new cases of smallpox were discovered yesterday afternoon, three being children and the others men over tlirity years of age, all living in the southern section. Five additional cases were reported before 2 oclock this afternoon and all were sent to the hospital. Smallpox in Sierra City. Sierra City, Jan. 5.

There is one case of smallpox since last The out -going mail has been stopped and business is almost entirely suspended. The pest house is filled. New quarters will be provided for additional cases. peculiar Killing of Two Men. Cleveland, Ohio, Jan.

5. A span of the new central viaduct, now being constructed, and which connects the side with the city proper, fell this afternoon a distance of 85 feet. There were eight watchmen on the span when it fell and two were killed. Held for a Poculiar Offense San Francisco, Jan. 5.

United States Commissioner Sawyer to-day held Geo. H. Ferine in $2,500 bail for trial on the ciiarge of snatching an official bond from C. T. Conrad, special agent of the Treasury Department.

Hilled His Wife and a Stranger., Jan. 5. A horrible double murder was committed by one Sandoval some days ago in a small town in Jalisco, Mexico. Finding bis wife occupying the same apartment with a stranger he stabbed them both to death and then hacked them in a horrible manner.

The murderer escaped. Sudden Death. Cincinnati, Jan. 5. A mini Baldwin, late cashier of the Fidelity National Band, died suddenly this morning at his residence on Walnut Ilill.

Baldwin was indicted with other officers of the Fidelity Bank. A New York Fire. New York, Jan. 5, There was a big fire here to-night. Simon Strelditz, importers; Rosner Brothers, commission merchants; Mahler Meyer, commission merchants; The Caxton Bookbinding Company Toppman auctioneers; A.

S. Higgins carpet manufacturers. and others were damaged to the extent ot $100,000. Fighting to no Avail. Albany, N.

Jan. 5. A Republican caucus tc-night passed the resolution of Assemblyman Platt, of Duchess county, that the nomination of L. Q. C.

Lamar to a seat on the Supreme Bench of the United States was an insult to the entire loyal people of the Unirtn.and the caucus demands that the Republican Senators front this State vote against his confirmation. Accidents at Red Bluff. Red Bluff, Jan. 5. Wm.

Yetrels infant daughter swallowed a button and chocked to death before a doctor arid ved A young son of Wesley Bennett drove a four horse team over a bridge covered with water. The horses shied and ran off tl.e bridge and were drow ned. The hoy was saved by striking a tree and elimbing up the same. 11a was found three hours later nearly frozen. We take this opportunity ot returning thanks to the public of San fa Cruz who have so liberally patronized us during the last ten years.

When Vo started many thought we were entirely too far out ol town and that competition was so great that we could not succeed. After ten years experience all agi ee that we have the best location in Santa Cruz today for business. Only one firm beside ourselves is now in the grocery business that was here when we started. When we commenced we resolved to do right by our customers and to ourselves, and through all of the changes that have taken place our business has steadily increased. Groceries and Provisions OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE.

Sugar, Flour, Bran, Middlings, Meal, Crackers, Butter, Cheese, Etc. We buy direct from Manufacturers, so that no middle man or agent gets a profit before it reaches us. WE CALL ESPECIAL ATTENTICN To oar Tsrlocs Brandi of Teas and Coffees Flour, Grain, Ground Feed, Middlings. Bran, Cracked Corn, Linseed Meal, and Feed Oats, There is no one thst ca UNDERSELL US. Butter and Cheese RECEIVED WEEKLY FROM BEST DAIRIES.

SEED DEPARTMENT Black and "White Oats. Beardless Barley. Wheat, Buckwheat Rye. Com, Beans, and Barley. Garden and Grass Seeds.

Mesquite Grass, Rye Grass, Blue Grassl Clover, Alfalfa, and all kinds of smsl seeds. A large supply always on band HAY ADD GRAIN By the quantity or Bsls. Poultry and Eggs And all kinds of farm Produos Bought and Sold. Green and Dried Fruits Always full supply ol taeh kind in itsseason. To Prevent Chinese Immigration.

A FRISCO PILOT BOAT SUNK. Chabot of Oakland Deeds a Heme to Poor Women. A MAX AXD HOUSES BURNED. The Smallpox Increasing Rapidly in San Francisco. Associated Pres Dispatches to Daily Surf TO STOP CHINESE.

Feltons Proposed M'asure for Remedying- the Great Evil. Washington-, Jan. 5 Felton lias in-troduceil in the II mse a bill providing lor the termination of the treaty stipulation! between the government of the United States and the Empire of China, and prohibit Chinese immigration into the United States. This is the bill, with some modifications, which Felton introduced two years ago. It absoutelv prohibits the CO ning of any Chinese, save diplomatic representatives and stuJents who intend to enter the public colleges of this country, and it provides that the master of any vessel who shall attempt to land any Chinese except those who are excepted by the act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction thereof shall be punished bv a fine of not more than $500 for each Chinaman so brought, and also may be imprisoned for a term of exceeding one year.

The bill also provides that within six months after the passage of the Act that all Chinamen residing within the United States shall be required to register in some of the United States Courts; that any person so registered who wishes to depart fr the United States shall give notice of such intention an shall surrender his certificate ot resignation, in lieu of which the Chinamen shall receive a certificate of leave to depart, and that any Chinaman found in the country who does not possess a certificate of registration shall be deported. This latter clause is intended to aoply to Chinamen who may be smuggled in over the bonier. BUN DOWN AT SEA. A Pilot Boat Sinks in Twenty Fathoms of Water Near the Heads. Sax Fkancisco, Jan.

f. Pilot boat T. H. Allen, with Pilots Barber and Rogers and four sailors, while cruising about nine miles southwest of the Heads last night was struck by the British hark Sir William Wallace from San Pedro to this port and sank in twenty fathoms of water. A gale was blowing at the time, and although the men on the Allen had seen the hark and another vessel a short time before and were making for them at the time, the fog was so thick that it was not known they were running close to danger until the collision occurred.

The Allen was struck on the port how and sank in a few minutes. The men all escaped and were brought here on the Wallace this morning. The loss is $12,000. A Han and Horses Burned to Death. (via Reno), Jan.

5. About 2 oclock last night the bain of S. W. Robe.ts of Milford was burned. The remains of a man were found in the ruins.

There were also found twenty-one horses burned, and among them one named Chevalier, a very fast horse. The fire is supposed to be incendiary. Suffering Bavispe. Nogales, A. Jan.

5. As the winter advances the earthquake shocks at Bavispe increase in number and severity, The place is almost entirely deserted and presents a fearful appearance. A volcanic eruption is expected at any time. The Apaches are still raiding in the vicinity, and life and property are in constant danger from them. Santa Clara Agriculturalists.

Sax Jose, Jan. 5. At a meeting of the Santa Clara Agriculturalists Society this ternoon Edward Tophatn was elected President. The Secretarys report showed $1,333 in the treasury. The Daily Fatal Train Accident.

Lynchburg, Jan. 5. A freight train on the Norfolk and Western Railroad ran into a rock slide near Central last night. The engine jumped the tract into the river and the engineer was drowned. Cold Weather Austria.

Vienna, Jan. 5. This has so far been one of the severest winters on record here. Cases of death from the effects of exposure are reported daily. The water supply is beginning to fail.

The ice in And will be pleased to answer the oM enquiry, Can I get a team today? with Yea." Mr. Rosa Is an experienced livery man and has fc looked The isa" with a flue lot of horses and carriages, and Is prepared to meet the wauls ol the public on the most reasonable terms. DONT YOU FORGET THAT THE BEST TEAMS AND Saddle ZZorsoif TAM B1 FOUND AT TUB Benner Stafble LOWER PLAZA A. P. Swanton Son, Proprs.

Telephone No. THE NEW YEAR Is upon us, and so Is tho fact that II. G. II0LL1NGBERRY, The Boss Tailor; HAS THE MOST ELEGANT STOCK OF Foreign and Domestic Cloths Ever brought to Santa Cruz. WThe fitting of the human form is made a science of in this establishment and a perfect fit in every case Is the result.

Satisfaction Guaranteed. H. G-. HOLLING-BERRY 224 Pacific opp. Minnesota Ave.

THE PIONEER BAKERY STILL IN THE LEAD. The Finest Bread, Cakes, Pies, and all kinds of Pastry in the City. Two bakery wagons kept busy every day delivering goods to all parts of the city. For the accommodation of Mission Hill customers a branch bakery has been opened at Al Zinas Butcher Shop. At Zuros Restaurant can always be found a supply of goods from this bakery.

Owing to the superior quality of getorts and close attention to business the trade is fully double what it was at this time last year. F. COATES, Proprietor. NEW BAKERY Now is your Chance to get a good Loaf of Bread. F.

M. SWAN The well known caterer, will be pleased to see his friends at the A VK.VUtC Ji IKKHY, whore he will bo prepared to furnish them the whitest and sweetest loaf of Bread that can be made; also Cakes, Pies, Wedding Cakes, and everything to be found in a well regulated bakery. A first-class wagon will be run la connection with the business. AVENUE BAKERY, Pacific below Elm St. Jel4 ly F.

S. MARTIN, Foundry Machine Shop ENGINE AND BOILER WORKS. Steam and O-as fitting- Promptly executed at as low rates as any first-class machine shop in the city. Shop fao of Washington Street. nol-eod WANTED.

Wanted A PLACE TO WORK NIGHTS AND MORNINGS and Haturdavs, to earn board while attending Chcsnutwoods Business College. Inquire at this office. WANTED. A GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSEWORK, Apply at the 3uitF office. Wanted- A GOOD GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUE work.

Inquire at this office. deci7-tf. Shoemakers. piYE OR SIX MORE SHOEMAKERS CAN A obtain permanent situations by applying Immediately at the Santa Cruz Shoe The positions vacant are as lasters, holders, trimmers and finishers. oo25tf Wood (hoppers Wanted.

WANTED AT ONCE, ONE HUNDRED WOOD Choppers. Apply to CUNNINGHAM Boulder Crock. no lOt D. A. DAMKROEGER OFFiCK At Kaye, Knapp Pacific avenue, Between Elm and Maple Streets.

Santa Crus. SCOTT ELY. UNDERTAKERS 137 Pacific Avenue. GEO. STAFFLER, Pioneer Undertaker 87 Pacific Santa Cruz.

Everything Furnished at Reasonable Rates Embalming a A FULL LINK OK 3Ioline. Collins, Buford, Gale and Knapp Plows. AGENTS FOR THE California Powder Works, South Coast Paper Mills. A. CRISTOFANINI, Wholesale and retail dealer In Wines, Liquors, Cigars 35 Pacific Ave.

Opp. Pacific Ocean House, Santa Cruz Agent for ASTON DISTILLERY. CHOICEST LIQUORS MID FINEST WINES IN THE MARKET. Importer of Kentucky Whiskies Bills of Exchange On all FOREIGN COUNTRIES ISSUED, and Money exchanged. for G.

P. IVnthnrey the oldest Paste Factory In the State, and for S. MartliielUs Famous Cider. JUST OPENED. The Del Monte Saloon, On Pacific Avenue.

Insells Old Stand, Opposite Pacific Ocean House. M. CUNEO, Proprietor. Cutter Whiskey a Specialty. Lie, Steal, Swear, Drink Smote.

When you lio, let It be a white lie; Steal away from bad company, Swear, if at nil, by your country; Drink the BEST Winueand Liquors; Smoke the best brands of Llgam. TO BF. FOUND AT DIAZ BRO.S IVY SALOON, MONTEliEY. EXCELSIOR SALOON, 141 Pacific Avenue, Opposite Tea Store, Santa Cruz. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars.

II. SCIILOBOI1M, Proprietor. Santa Cruz Brewery, PETER WALT Proprs. Manufacturers of the CELEBRATED VIENNA LAGER BEER. All orders promptly filled.

Satisfaction guaranteed. no21 Premium Export Lager Beer per quart Bottle, Santa Cruz Layer 10c. pr quart Uttl, at O. DIESINms Railroad Exchange, Cheny street, near narrow-gauge tunnel. no3 A.

COHEN, Manufacturer of FINE HAVANA CIGARS. Wholesale and retail dealer in Tobacco, Cigars and Articles THE LEADING PLACE FOB Choicest Imported and Key West Cigars, 60 Pacific Avenue, three doors south of Pacific Ocean House. Jyl4 FISCHERS CIGAR STORE, 232 Pacific Avenue, opposite Bridge Street, Santa Cruz, Cal. Choice Imported and Domestic Cigars, Tobacco and Smokers Articles. A.

W. FISCHER. Pronriptor I. ZX. DAIEiEY, 121 Pacific Santa Cruz.


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