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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 2

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Secretiveness is characteristic of New York THE CHUBCHES YESTEEDAY. THE ADEEPHI ACADEMY. ir0.QfilpMIg(k Webster admits that he labored to seoure the appointment of a oivil commission by tho War Department in the Spring of 1865. That commission is the one that Col.Oloott charges with whitewashing Mr. Murphy.

He supports his charges by tho affidavits of twelve licanism is just now heir in the bitter strife between Messrs. Conkling and Fenton, New York's representatives in tho United States Senate. We all know what tho ideal Senator is a statesman moulded after the antique Roman model, whoso sole end is the welfare of the State an officer who wlBh to be understood as dinpaTaging th Publio Schools, for although the colleges might all be swept away, iheir loss would not be feJt, but the Pabllo Schools are absolutely of vital importance to the prosperity of tho oountry. The Public Schools, howevor. do not go far enough.

Their curriculum of study is necessarily very narrow, and higher branches, whioh cannot be taught there, cm be taught in such institutions as this. ProfcHsor Spragno then spoke of the many things required in tho Academy to make it as perfect an educational institute as its founders desired. A COMMON SCHOOL TBUSTEB. Hon. John W.

Hunter being called upon to speak, said ho did not feel at home there, for he was nothing but common school trustee, Laughter. As mich. however, ho claimed that the common schools furnished tbo etiata over which such institutions as that bad built. It was tbe duty of every good citiaon lo give a helping hand to the cause of education, and a common school trustee bo could only pay he warmly welcomed that institution among the common schools of the City of BrookJyn. LoudappUoscancSIaughter.

A YANKEE RCBOOL Jtfffl A YANKEE SCH00LBIA3TEB. Rev. J. Hyatt Smith ws.i tbe last spoaknr. He wan not aprofcBsor or a trustee, neither was there in tho background a college which he ooul call his name.

He had, however, a vivid piJfliTe of a country school house by tbo roadside, standing: under a tall pino troa. Ho remembered the Yankee schoolmaster who taught there he sometimes calfod them in by rapping the door post, and then, when; occasion required, ho would recall their wandering tbmtghts by rapping on their heads with the same ruler. Lsugbtcr.J Great progreF had been made since then, and the education of to diy was certainly far In advance of the education he rt ceived in the schoolhouse under tho pinp tree; Heconuratulated the trustees on the progress the institution had made, and on the bright future beforo it, and, if he would go back and again be bttlo Jinimv Smith, be would prefer to etudY in the Adelphi1 Academy rather than in tho country fchoolijou. under tho pme tree. Loud applause and liU Prf.fof for S)Tacie their extended on inv fo nil pi esent to visit the eirU'piay romv which had been stoken of by Mr.

Hill, and the extreihi; cloned. SP0ETS A3JD PASTIMES. Vbe Conviction of Porry Now for His Partner and their Newspaper. Our fourth edition of Saturday night closed its account of the abortionist's trial with the fact of Judge McCue's charge to the jury. The record is oomploted when wa state that after two hours' deliberation, the jury brought in a verdiot of guilty of murder in the fourth degree, upon which His Honor Judge McCue imposed tho utmost sontonco of the law, two years' imprisonment at hard labor in the Penitentiary.

For twenty four months to come, at least, an unknown number of mothers will bo protected from the murder of themselves and of their offspring. The crime involved in tho slaughter of Emily Augusta Post and her ohild of shame will be partially expiated, and the gang of traffickers in the blood of babes will diminished by one. Wo rejoice that punishment has been meted out, of some kind at least, and deplore the limitations of law and of testimony that render the punishment inadequate. The swift arrest, incarceration and punishment of Perry reflect veritable credit upon the proseouting and judicial authorities of this county. Distriot Attorney Morris throw himself into tho trial with an energy and sagacity that have never before been so unmistakably employed in the public service.

He has added to his legal and moral record a success in which all friends alike of order and humanity oan but rejoice. The reports of the brief trial as published in the Eagle showed that every practical, scientific and dramatio feature of which the case was capable was sedulously drafted into the service of the people. While the duty of the court is of such a purely technical and expository sort as to deprive that tribunal of active intervention on behalf of the infantile and maternal life involved in the issue, the praise due to Judge McCue is far from being of a negative oharaoter. His resolute absent from you during a fow months, I did not for ot yon in my prayers, espeolaUy did I remember hoso whose loudness and GBBAT GENEROSITY had supplied mo with tho means to travol. I can hardly illustrate how intenBO is my attachment to this cburch and the congregation, until I had boen separated from 'you, although you wore always prcsout in mymind.

Yet you know all full well bow necessary it was that I should get rest for my weary mind, othorwlso I should have beou at my duty. I havo visited the oternal otty of Romo, and have Beou tho Holy Father thore. The reverend gentleman went on to re lato his vislti to the different parts of Europo, dwelHug at some length upou his visit to Romo, tho scenes of his boyhood and college days. Ho particularly referred to hia preachings in Ireland, aud hia visit at Asmoth to tho now Cathodral, and to tho tomb of tho patron saint of that oountry ST. PATRICK.

He bad officiated in the Charch under which tho remains had been deposited of tho patron saint of this Church, St. Charles JJorromco, and cited mauy Incident! that occurred during his Journeys, all tending to instruct and interest tho hearers. Tho subject he bad to addrofm thom on tho day being devoted to tha feast of tho Blosscd Virgin Mary THE MOTHER OF OUB LORD and Savior Jesus Christ, be could not hotter oocupy our minds tbot by recalling omc of hor prerogatives, and events of hr llf, and whtch would better harmonize with my feelings. It eceme to me that tho whole world fa Catholfo, having Been bo many magnificent temples and sanctuaries dedicated by men everywhere to God. The Idea that there was to appear a Bedcomor in this world, after the fall of Adam and ldr, to be born of woman seems to have gained oiedeua in the minds of the people of old.

And, it had been utid of them that they oeked how long will God forget to redeem bis promise to bring forth a Saviour, born of a woman? God counselled thom by saying ia the Holy Scriptures, with reference to the evil one, "I will bring an enmity between them, aud the seed of tbo woman shall crush Its head." It IB interesting to have this promise of God down from father to sou for IOUR THOUSAND YEARS, until its glorious fulfilment came ut last. Tbe human family multiplied that in tho grandohildrcn and great grandchildreu'o children of Adam tho promise found deep root and grew strong. And Noah, whon he heard the loud surging of the waves of the deluge was able to lay that this great promise of God to Bond hia Son shah survive tho deluge, amid tho groans of tho dying around. Yet ho preserved that for its in tbo ark. When men had become almost as bad aB thoso before the flood thiB proroiso resounded through tho ruins of Greece; like the Btili North star, gleamed tho light of our Saviour, yet that promiso was preserved through oil nations.

China held it in veneration, that tho Virgin Mary was to be tho Mother of God. Before the event the JowiBh nation expected it. Thoy hod the promise and SHE OAMZ TO SAVE AND RAISE MEN from destruction. From her love Uow accents low and harmonious; her beauty Ib like the beams of the morning, and her looks oro as the rod rose and the pomegranate. Her modesty beams from every oye, and tho ties by which she is espoused to her tovor aro stronger than death.

It was her modesty secured for her her Lord and Master, for it was what was noticed in Christ's time, ond by it wo can look up almost to tho very gates of Heaven. Sho was tho one by whom Christ descended, the ono from whom was born Jesus Christ, tbo Suriour of men. And all the praises and songs and hymns bo consecrated to the Virgin Mary. The musical portion of the service was unuBually good. In order to corumomorato thesafo return of the worthy pastor, in addition to the very strong and excellent choir, au orchestra was ongaged, and the music was of a conscquenco rendered iu a style worthy of praise.

Crodit is duo to Prof. Hoffman for the excellent manner in which this portion of tho exercises were carried out. affairs. Connolly As Co. wero Beoretivo, at a coBt of millions to the taxpayers.

When tho Seventy Committeemen took chargo of affaira thoy be oamo at once sccretivo, androfusodto lot the pub lic know promptly what thoy wore about. So soon as Greon was appointed Deputy Controller ho too got secretive. It was confidently assorted that tho instant ho ontored the offico a flood of noonday light woidd be poured on tho mysteries of administration. Where iB the flood of noonday light What about tho Managing Editor who hold a 10,000 sinecure What about the dozen sinecure holders in anothor "intellectual department What about tho twenty inspectors of one pump at $1,000 each What about the other manifold curioBitioB of the Balary acoount 1 Tho fact is, since tho Doputy was appointed, of all the promised disclosures wo have absolutely. nothing.

When will there bo an end of socrot ivonesa Tho Committee of Seventy iB referred to else whero as characteristically eeoretive. It has come out of its secrosy long enough to issue an address which embodies many sound and timely platitudes, but which gots no further than the slightly anciont advice to choose honest men to tho Legislature. Tho thick and thin partisan pross will outdo the Seventy in auch adjurations in about a month hence. In their address, however, tho Seventy set forth tho following conspicuous inex actness, saying "in this oity, one political partvhas had unchecked rule for many years." Now such has not been tho case since the days of Fernando Wood, when the annual expenditures wore un der $12,000,000. To him succeeded the double headsd ring Commissions, in which at first the Republican minority party were paramount.

When the Democracy regained control at Al bany, thev proceeded to abolish these Commis sions and were on tho point of giving to tho people of Now York their own affairs to manage. At that time, ring Democrats openly bought tho votes of enough Republican Legislators to continue in power themselves (the ring Democrats) on condition of going halves with the ring Republicans. That bargain has kopt ring Repub lican Hank Smith and ring Democrat Wm. M. Tweed undisturbed in then' powers and places, just aB they were in the old Board of Supervisors, wherein all tho jobB now under view were hatched and perfected.

One political party notoriously" has not "had unchecked rule in New York formany years." The corrupt union of the corrupt leaders of both parties in the double headed ring has been, on the contrary, the case. And for this the Republican legislators who flow to the rescue of Tweed and Smith from the deserved punishment the Democrats were ready to visit on them, are squarely and historically responsible. The Democrats at least of the Seventy owed it to themselves not to put their names to such a stupendous inaccuracy as wo have quoted. Tho Republicans of Chautauqua County havo renominated Mat Bemus for the Assembly. Tho Tribune has repeatedly denounced this man as venal.

He is one Of tho men who have got rich on going to Albany for throo months in the year at S3 a day one of the stereotyped political hacks of tho worst Bort. And gonerally throughout tho Stato, bo far as nominations for the Assembly are disoussed, it appears as if the same kind of men who havo boen filling the session laws with barefaced schemes of money making for a dozen years past, have the inside track" for thoir respective party nominations. A Btream cannot riso higher than its fountain, and if we got at Albany again this year the same crowd of eolf seeking obscurities that havo composed the Assemblies of tho pa6t decade, we shall get no honostor legislation than that under which Now York County has boon eo flagrantly robbed ever since tho Metropolitan Commission era began. The voters aro thom selvesm fault. They will persist in electing young fellows who have no buBineaB but politics, and no ambition but to be reckoned among tho followers and flattorers of some local politician or club; and then they wonder that these impecunious and irresponsible persons, who have to pay more than thoir whole salary for board at tho Delavan, should be in tho market, ready to vote any swindle into the statute book by which they can be enriched.

The fact is we shall never havo a decent Assembly again in this State until we arrange the time and place of meeting so that honest business men can afford to serve as Legislators. A man who goes to Albany aB Assemblyman must make a business of it, for three months continuous absence from home diBtracts his personal attont ion from any other business. Tho Stato only pays the man $1,000 for doing business, but it places him in a position whero ho ib able to make ten or fifty thousand dollars more by helping to foist dishonest laws upou the statuto book. And for this place, of too scanty pay, of too onerous demand of time and absence from homo, and of inimitable expoauro to temptation to dishonesty, the voters customarily select men of Bmau moans, of no legitimate private business, and of no public reputation, beyond tho ward or town they happen to live in. Beginning with Bemus, the Bamo thing iB being done again now for next year and it can have but one result, to form an Assembly in which a roll of greenbacks will outwoigh tho conscience of a voting majority.

AMUSEMENTS. Pauk TnEATitE. To night Mr. Johnny Thompson begins an engagement at the Park Theatre, appearing in tho play of "On Hand," written by Mr. Jus.

J. McClosKoy. Mr. Thompson long ago won a high reputation as being the niOBt versatilo performer upon liio negro minstrel stage, aud this play was constructed v.itn a view of presenting his wonderful versatility. Ii this lilay Mr.

Thompson plays no less than twclvo distinct characters, performs solos ou twelve different instruments, eings four different songs, aud dances three different dances or, in other words, gives an entire entertainment himself. Incidental to the play there is a railroad Bcnsation, with a drawbridge accident, a concert saloon scene, a fire scone, and a Btupeudous cataract with real wnter. Mr. Thompson is Buch a popular favorite that there is uo doubt as to the success of the engagement. Olympic Theathe.

Mr. Billy Rico, a favorite of long standing in Brooklyn, having just closod a very successful engagement with Kelly Leon's, plays for a short time at DounoUy's Olyinplo, prior to gcing west to join the troupo of Manning's MinBtrels, of which ho is joint proprietor. His appearance will be welcome. Mr. Frank Dillon, tho original Nobody's Ohild, and the vocalist Miss KateEmmett aro new facea for this week.

The "Female Mtnsti els" remain and give their favorite programme. Archie nughes and BiUy Bioe occupy the end. The negro burlesque of "Bolivar," the farce of "Our Gorman Bmigraut," with J. 8. Bfurpby as Hans, and the burlesque of "A Day at tho Grand Opera House" will be produced.

Globs Theatre. Three new stars open to night at thia houso. J. L. Davis, with his perform higs Eitty OTOetO, tho female jig dancer, and Miss Ada Wray, the protean comedienno, appear.

Messrs. Carles Gardiner, George Herman, J. K. Campbell, Harry Bryant, the great ventriloquist J. C.

Stewart, Quilter and Goodrloh, and Master Martin remain. The principal sketches aro "Doctor Hemlock," "Tho LaBt Will," and "The Faint Heart Can't Win," and eonga and dances of all kinds fill up tho programme. Mr, Harry Bryant, tho ventriloquist, is one of the very best who has ever appeared in this oity, and it is really worth tho price of admission to boo him, alone. A great fiumbor of novelties are promised for next week. Acbobs the Continent.

Mr. Oliver Doud Byron will appear to night and for this night only, at tho Academy of Music, in James J. MoCloskey's popular drama of Across tho Continent." Mr. Harvey Clifford, who has mado a "hit" with Knucklebone Johnny, also appears. Tho suocess of this play is astonishing.

It is meeting in London and the English provinces with as much success as it haa met with in this country. NEW YOBK. Boom's Treatbe. To night, after an absence of a number of years from the Amorcan stage, Miss Charlotte Cuahman, the truly great tragedienne, begins au engagement at Booth's Theatre. It is hot too nmoh to say that this announcement has created a wide spread interest among those interested in theatricals.

Tho play in which this lady will appear iB the tragedy of "Henry VIII," in which she will takotho part of Queen Catlierrmj and Mr. William CreswicU will support her as Cardinal Wooleey. Tho oHier characters of the play are taken by competent artiats. Niblo's Gaeden. After all that has been said, Carl, the Fiddlor," has proved a success.

This week it alternates with "FriU." Mr Emmott has played with both pieocs a very successful engagoraont, and closes this week. Mr. Frank Mayo succeeds him with the Streets of New York," in which be plays Badger. Gband Opera Hotjsb. Mr.

Gus Phillips, in De Nyse's new play of "Oofty Goofty," has drawn gond houses and sharp criticisms from tho press. Nevertheless, it has tho elements of popularity and will, be successful. It is to bo played during this wook, and will be Buccecded by "Eileon Oge," In whioh tho Florenes will appear. Oltmtio Theatre "Humpty Dumpty" is still running, and to largo houses. From all appearances it will run until time immemorial.

Matinees on Wednesday and Thursday. "Wallace's Theatbe. Miss Lyda Thompson, and her burlcsquo troupe oloscd boro on Saturday night. On Saturday evening next, Mr. Lester Wal laok, will assume the reins, and on this night the play of "The Rivols" will bo produood.

Mr. Charles Matthews, tho comedian, and Miss Plessy Mordaunt from London, aro new additions to the company. Union Square Theatre. This new place of amusement is riding upon tho top waves of popular favor. BurleBque, ballet and pantomime aro presented in tho best style, and tho dancers, negro and otherwise, are of the bost.

Bonfanti heads one list and Hughey Dougherty tho other. Kellt Leon's Minstrels. This troupe linfl returned to opera bonffo. "Da Saint Flour and "A Dime Novel," aro tho attractions. Military Funeral.

Tho funeral of Drum mor Boy J. H. Smith took placo yostorday afternoou from tho lecturo room of Plymouth. Church, Tho Thirteenth Regiment In full uniform, nocompaniod by the regimental band, attondod the Borvices. Tho funeral ritos were perform, by Rov.

J. S. Halllday, assisted by Kdv. Dr. Carroll, in a sotemn and impres elvo maimer.

Tho remains wero taiion to Grootiwood. Avenno Cliurcli Dr. Carroll's Farewell Sermons to (be Thirteenth Bcfrlmcnt and to the Parishioners. The severanco of obligation botween tho Bocioty of the Loe Avenue Reformed Church and ita late pastor. Rev.

Dr. Carroll, waB formally consummat ed yesterday in the fululmont of tho onnounoemont that his farewell disoourse would be delivored. Hundreds of poople thronged the edifloo at the morning service, whatever their motives, and with tho addition of a battalion of tho Thirteenth Regiment, N. pres ent, many wero forced to listen to the sermon standing every seat and chair in tho building being occupied at an early hour. As has been stated heretofore, tho occasion was tho annual rcliglouB servloes of tho Thirteenth Regiment, of which Dr.

Carroll 1b chaplain, and the services open ed with a voluntary by tho organist, Mr. Morrlam, succeeding which the olioir sung au authom. Tho reading of a scripture losaon and a prayer by tho pas tor followed in the ordor given, aud then the glorious old hymn, "Amerioa," in tho singing of which all Joined apparently In a whole souled chorus, above which tbo organ swelled its powerful notes but slightly, the discourse, an carniBt combination of appeal and advice, applying aB well to saint and Binncr, was founded upou tho woras contamea in 1st uormtmans, Kith chapter and 13th verso. TbiH was a favorito metaphor of tho Apostle Paul in his earnest endeuvor tj strengthen tho faith of tho early Christians. In tho text ho spoke aB a military leader to his troops, and his uttoranoes were the sharp and incisivo language of a captain marshalling hlB men enjoining upon them vigilance in tho emergency of a battlo imminent.

Those wordB ap ply to mo present, too, in ine great Dattio ot nio. AU are instructed to watch lest the sentinel, conscience, sleep at his post of which tho devil, not an ignorant uuvji, uui ail uuucaiuu uevii wn auu tar seeing, imgac take advantage. Tho doctor, in comparing tho CARNAL AND SPIRITUAL WARFARE, Bald, if It was in his nowor to transorlhe a mnttn from the banners of the former upon those of tiie church of uoo, no couiu not ao Doner man adopt that or the Old Guard, "Die, but never surrender." Thin, with tho battlo cry of Pulaski. "Forward." should hn nrinntnil by every Christian warrior that, in fighting tho groat waiijcjj vu earui, iuvj may quit momseiyes jure men, aud not as cravens or skulkers. Referenoe was had to the recent war in Europe, in wbieh the speaker held God's wisdom was roveoled.

It was not a war to settle boundary lines by no manner of means, ho but, on the contrary, to break the shackles of spiritual bondago and sxalt tho standard of freemon by the sev erence of tbe chains of despotism. In concluding his discourse, Dr. Carroll pictured, in eloquent and glowing terms, the triumphant archway at the gates of Heaven, to be looked upon by tho faithful Christian soldier only, and tho crown of rejoicing whtch God vrilL eventually give to suoh aa fight tho good fight. Tho singing of the "Coronation" hymn aud a benediction closed tho morning service, after which tho militia arose in a body and filing past the speakers platform bade adieu to their chaplain ith a parting band shake. Of the Regiment there ware 125 msn prasant besides Colonel Fred A.

Mason in command, Lieutanant Colonel BriggB, Major Daniels, Adjutant Richards, Surgeons Moore, and Watt, Quartermaster Van rTostrand and Commissary Seymour, and tho respective captains of companies. Judge Advocate Genera Craig, Major General Woodward and General Dakin, of the Fifth Brigado, with members of hia Btaff, were alio noticed among tho auditors in civilian's dress. THE IVBNIHG SERMON, the final one to members of the Society and congregation, was in fact a farewell discource, as indicated iiy the words of the text selected. They were "I'mally, brethren, farewell," and found in II. Corinthians, As at tho earlier service, the church was again filled to its seating capacity.

Rev. Dr. Orinistou, of Fifth avonuo, New York, and Dr. Wiggings, of tho Sixth Street Church in this city, were seated oa tho piattoim, and participated in tho exercises. In commenting upon the brief passago of scripture referred to above, tho doctor said the word "farewell" at onco awakens the most heartfelt cm jtious.

with which were associated tho tendorest feelings and kindest recollections. It also imphod the parting ot friends, a parting in somo Instances trying, yet necessary and in the proportion as friends oro bound together, either by the tics of human friendship or Christian love, in Buch proportion would be tho pain of tho llual adieus spoken. Pas sing with a reference to the les botween Paul and the Corinthians, the speaker said tho hour of our severance approaches the endearing tie that has bound us together is about to bo broken. The time has como when aB pastor, and with tender, sorrowful regret, I must take my leave of this sanctuary, this desk, and all tbe familiar tacts aud objects hero associated alike with tho labors, hopes aud joys, the trials aud disappointments of my ministerial life. In the searching, solemn introspect aud retrospect suggested by the single word oi the text, 1 can say hnmbiy, yet truly, that I have endeavored to knowaushtamouiz you save Christ and Him crucified.

The burden of his subsequent remarks was a concern for ttio welfare of tne impenitent, whoso nnal doom he fearod would be deep damnation and an endleBS hell, and his closim? appeal to such was made in tho most affecting terms, coupled with an entreaty to become reconciled to God. Then, he aid, in that day when God makes up his jewels, shall your soul shine amoug them, and augment the redeeming radiance of my crown of rejoiciug when I lay it at my Saviour's feet in heaven. Fare well. The interior of the church, about the pulpit, on this iuteret ting occasion, was magnificently decorated with a superb collection of rare exotics, arranged in various devices, liebma tho desk was thu word "Farewell," iu violet flowers, and underneath a bleediuir heart. At either sido hf the pliitiorm, pends Jt upon tho gas stands, were a harp with broken striugs and an anchor, and directly in front was a collection of seventy fivo oouqueie, lniertwiuea wuu sprigs ol green, au of which were tho offerings of the ladies of tho congregation.

In relation to a statement that the friends of Dr. Carroll have tmbt ci ibed funds for tho erection of a church in the immediate vicinity of his late charge aud their intention to prosecute the undertaking to completion as an early day, ho asserts his inability to comply with any Biich request that might be mado for tho present at least, his health being such that it will bo necessary for him to desist from all effort for a time. To day tho doctor was Biifforing from a third attack of hemorrhago of tho lungs, aud was scarcely able to converso continuously. St. Paul's Church.

The work on the new altar at St. Paul's Church is progressing Blowiy, but it is now suinciently doveloped to give an idea of what it will bo when completed. It is to be of tho purest whito marble ornamented with go'd, in tho form of a tabernacle. The entire chancel will bo finished in fresco and gold iu the most beautiful designs, aud tbe same stylo of ornamentation will grace the pillars, so that, whon completed, it will be in completo harmony with tho rest of the church. The cost will bu over five thousand dollars.

Yesterday, at the principal service, tho Ituv. Father O'Reilly, formerly of this church, but who has recently joined tbo Dominican Fathers, made an eloquent appeal for funds to completo the work. He said that iorty years since, when the land on which tho church stands was given to tho CathoUoa of Brook lyn, it was mought to nc so lor out ol town that it was quottioued whether they would build ou it or not. There were but few Catholics in Brooklyn then, but they went to work manfully, giving tlioir money and labor freely to build tho beautiful temnlo which thev all had tbo benefit of now. Would they not do at much for those who were to como after thom? The marble altar, bo said, was a gilt from a member of tbe cougre uuui'u, miu au tuuy nau 10 pay lur was tne other auurn ments.

Church of the ICci'orination. Tho Church of the Reformation, in Gates avenue, near Franklin avenue, is a tasteful frame building end is held by a wealthy ccugregatiou who aro temporarily economising their resources, for greater things iu tbe iuture. But by reason of tliu acknowledged eminence of the pastor, tho great excellence of its musical services, and the social character ot its con gregation, there aro few churchcB, even iu Brooklyn, better worth looking at or visiting. The morning services at this church yesterday attraotcd a large attendance, aud wero of a decidedly interesting though by uo means exceptional charactor. Kov.

Dr. Brewer THE PASTOR has, upon moro than one occasion, challosged criticism by eia deportment aud expressed views on current topics not universally regarded as suitable themos for pulpit. A oriel characterization may, thereloro, bo of intorest, in connection with hi3 discourse. Tallin stature, but of aploudid form, ho would be, If possessed of more flesh, of coniinaudmg presence. His features are of almost oxceptiooal sharpness, and seom to indicate a firm will and strong determiuatiou, whioh would illy brook opposition to hiB wishes or convutions.

Ho appears to be a man of an imperious nature, aud oue born to command. Ho is said to be endowed aud truthfully so. uo doubt with Dowers rich, varied and extensive. In his discourses ho uses tho finest cIbbbIo allusions, the noblest images, aud tho moat exquisite words as though they wero tho first that came to jus mind, tils style is clear aud simple, and ho seems to have tho faculty to employ tho diviue mission to the greatest advantage, and make tho hearts of his hearers vibrato with joy. His delivery is murbed with simplicity and solemnity and commanding deportment.

His voice is feeble, yet distinct, and his command of languago scorns' exhaustless. A he speaks, tho idea suggests itself that his words would bo moro copioua tuey uau wiuer cuaunei tuan os suppueu oy the bodily organs. After conducting the morning aervioo of the Episcopal Churoh in au impressive manner, the roverend gentleman preached AN INTERESTING SEB5ION from the following passago of Scripture "Woo unto you, lawyers, for you have taken uway the key of knowledge ye enter not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered," Luko, 11th chap. 52d verse. Knowledge la the key that gives access to moat important plocos it opens tho door to tho most dosiraulo objects it enlarges tho mind, fills the heart, improves all the capacities of the intellect, and utilizes and makes powerful tho best attributes of our creation.

Iguor anco on the contrary is associated in our minds with poverty, and what is low and grovling. Kuowledgo unlocks tho sacrets of naturo and discloses tbe hidden forces of tho earth and brings forth whatever is of value. It is the koy to tho intellect which cives us power and makes ua more than childreu and savee ub from boing dwarfed, aud it is not good to bo without it. Knowledge is also tho koy to religion, and wo cannot worship wisely without a kuowledjjo of God. Ignorance is the mother of doubt, aud aupor Htltion, and knowledge is tho biBis of all true worship.

woo unto tuoso tueu wuo taao away tuo Key ot knowledge they ignore God aud know not His requirements. All who would abut up tho treaaunts of knowledge aro in condemnation of Christ. It is a robberv. a taking away of a natural rie lit it is steal ing the immortal part of man it is cruel and mon slri.up, ana uesiroys tno oest elements OL our uutui'e. Ten iblo indeed is it to take away tho uoy of knowledgo.

It may at times havo been dono Iroui good motives, aud under tho impression that it kept men from heresy. Nevertheless it in unwise to keep away kuowledgo, for ignorance is darkness, and all should soarch the scriptures. Tho search for truth 1b always good. A tax upou auowiougo is alwayB wrong, and Dad in its consequences. Wo Bhould provido thomeauB for tho broadest possiblo dissemination ot all euliuhtenmuut.

aud all should have tho keys of knowledge, and bovo all is it important that wo come to a knowledgo of tho true God. Tho duty and importance of kuowlodgo to the young, was Btrongly urged upou parents, for it opens up a power that nothing else can gtvo. ENFORCED EDUCATION The reverond gentleman regarded as a duty of the nation. All Bhould be educated between the ages of seven andfourtcen years. Compulsory education he esteemed a moasuro of wiBdom and necessity.

He thought that the public schools In this country, though good, did not satiBty the demaud, and should be onlarged. We can nothc said, afford to havo any grow up iu ignorance. A FREE LIBRARY ho thought should bo established in evory community, notsueh as wo now mado Its ubo subject to oon ditiouBand moro or less of cost. Not endowed by any charity, but a library for tho people's uso bought by the peoplo's monoy, that all might fool a personal ownership and Interest in it. We Bhould have free library as wo havo a free Park from the people and of the people.

England, bo Bald, was in advauco of this country in the matter of frco Ubrarios, and wo should emulate her example in this rcspoct, and that ho said should be tho only strife betweon tho two to tho bring iugaboutrf peaceandgood will on tho earth, and tho glory of God in tho highost. Sydney Place Church. Yesterday forenoon the Kov. Father Freel preached in thia churoh, which is rapidly approaohlng completion. The edifice will be very handsomo whon oomplcted.

Yesterday morning it woa crowdod, and additional seats had to bo plaasd in tho aisles to afford accommodation to those who sought admission. Father Freel has just returned from Europo, having spent six months there, visiting Bomo ot tho most Important cities, and appears to bo muoh improved lu health, looking well and hearty. The reverend gentloman selooted for hia toxt the eleventh choptor of St. Luko, tho 27th and 23th verses. "And it came to pbbb as bo Bpako theBO things, a cortain woman of tbo company lifted up hor volco and said unto Him; Blessed Is the wjiub that bare thoo, aud tho paps which thou bast BUCkod.

But Ho said unto her, yea, rathor blosscd uro thoy that huar the word of God and keep it." Fatbor Freel proceeded to say It flllB my heart and Boul with incprosBlblo Joy to BOO you all assembled once more vthiu (he laorcd walls ol this sonotuary, so dear to me. Though Enlargement of the DnilOinn; The Past Work and Future Prospects of tbe Institution Opening of the New Building AdUresnen by Rev. Dr. Haddington, Charles E. Hill, Professor Spraguc, Hon.

Jno. W. Hunter and Kev. J. Ilrutt Smith The Work Done by the Building Conniittco daring the Summer Vacation The Use a Yankee Schoolmaster made of His Bulcr.

On Saturday evening the Adelphi Academy waa brilliantly Uluminotod. Every room iu tho buiki ing.was 1glitcd np and crowded with ladies aud Henfle roen, who were thfro in responso to an invitation from tbe Trustees and Faculty of the Institution, tho occasion being the opening ond dedicating of Mio new building, of which a description will bu found In another part of this report. A largo number of tho pupils of tbo Academy wero also present iu couin nv with their relatives and friends. After tho building hod beon thoroughly inspected the visitors collected ia tha lecturb room, whero the exeroises wore to taio place. Tho band of tho Four, teontn Itegiment waa ia attendance, and furnished eomo very choice music during the evening.

Amonff the gentlemen seated on tae platform wtiro Iiev Wm Ives Buddington, I), Iter. Dr. Homor, Kov. J. Hyatt Bmitb.

Hon. Henry W. Klocum, Profossor Homer Kpragne, ProfcNHOr Eaton, lion. Jno. V.

Huuter Harold Doiluor, Cha. HiU, It. D. Benedict, and other members of tho Board of Trustees. Jno.

II. Rhodes, of tho Board of Education and many other prominent geuttemon were Heated amonz the audience. After tbo meeting bad been called to order, by Rev. Dr. Buddington, President of tbe Board of Trustees, prayer was offered up by Itov.

Dr. Homer, Itector of St. Jamas' Church. WOBDS OP WELCOME. Rev.

Dr. Buddington then said Ladies and gentlemenIt ia my distinguished pleasure this evemug to express, on behalf ol the Board of Trustees, the Bijjual aitisfactiou they feel in inviting you to be prosent at the opening ol these rooms. At the commencement of this enterprise we promised that our most earnoat endeavors would be devoted to tho best interests of thia institution, and tho enlargement of the building and its appliances, by which your children aro to receive tho benefits of a high school education. We ask you to look at what baa been doue, and bopo that yoa will consider that every effort has been made to meet the wants of the children confided to our care. We also ask you to look at what haB been dono, as an indication of our fidelity to our trust and with every prospect of progressing in the futuro OS wo have in tho past), we moan with tlie help of Ood to do great thiugB for Brooklju.

Applause. Wo behove that there are citimua of Brooklyn who will co operate with us to the utiuoat in our endeavors to mako this institution the pride of our city. Dr. uddlngtou thcu called tne attention of hia uudieuoe to the wants of the institution in such things aB cuts, medals, photographs, engravings, books for tho library, philosophical, chemical and astronomical appara tue, a telescope, busts of eminent men aud women, aa aquarium uud zoological specimens. In conclusion, he paid, help us in our endeavor to crowd these rooms with everything whioh shall insplro the hoartB oE our sons and daughters with a lova for everything which i good, thUB qnalilyiug them not only for the lilo that now is, butaltjo for the life that la to como.

Loudi applauBC THJt Tr'ORK OP TUB BUILDING COMMTCTEH. Charles Hill, Chairman of the Building Committee, was then introduced and spoke as follows Ladies AJB Gentlemen As tho Trustees of thti institution are iimply almoners of your bounty, custodians of your property, admin iatrators of a floored of which you and your children are the sole beneficiaries, it ia altogether proper that they should, irom time to time, render to you an account of their BWJwaruHDip. I therafore respond most cheerfully to the call of our distinguished President to lay bofore you, in as few words aB possible, what haa botm doue duriug the Summer vacation, how it has been done, and why it bun beun done. It 1b not my purpose to weary your patience with a recital of dry details as to tho money value of bricks and mortar, or the co. of plastt riug and painting, of plumbing and gaeflttiug, or carpets and chairs, of window shades and thermomeiurs.

The curious in such matters are referred, for tho prices which are current for Buch artioles when furnished by wholesale to publio iustitutions. to the newspaper preds of our sister city, especially to the New York VVmcy. Applause and la ugh ter.j When they have studied carefully the figures which prevail there they may rise from tlie perusal with soma degree of astonishment to find that thiB institution has within ninety days erected the elegant and substantial building which you are this evening invited to inspect, furnished it completely for tho use for which it is intended, surmounted tho whole frontage of both old and new buildings more than one hundred feet in extent upon Lafayette avenue with a Mansard roof, and introduced a eteam heating and ventilating apparatus of the most approved construction, and of capaciry sufficient not only for this whole edifice as it now stands, but believed to be ample for another wing of equal di mensionB, to be erected ou the east Bide whenever the increasing demands upon the space shall require it, all at an entire coat considerably within $40,000. But if it shall unlortuuately prove; that the cost of these additions and improvements is larger than tho exhibits, to which I havo referred you, appear to warrant, I trust SOME BROOKLYN "FOLEY" may ariFo who will invoke tho aid of the courts, to arrest by iu junction the reckless extravagance aud waste of our venerable and worthy Controller, laughter and I venture to promise you that if, under ihe pressure of uch circumstances, he Ehall be moved to uppoiut a deputy, all tho vouchers will be found in tho proper places. Loud applause.

Very boou after this Academy came into the hands of the present Board, it waB found that serious disadvantages ensued, and were likely to continue, from ttio location of the Preparatory Department buiug at a puint several blocks distant from the main buildings. No way of overcoming this great obstacle to the harmony aud efficiency ol the school presented itself to tho Board until last Winter, when, b7 tho generous and spontaneous liberality of tho citizens in this vicinity, a large addition to the funds ol the institution was made. The Board then decided to undertake the work, and instructed the proper Committee to seek a purchaser for tho Adelphi street property. In this effort they wero singularly fortunate, having been able to dispose of this property upon terms qiite favorable to tho interests of the Academy, and at the same time to secure its permanent ubo for a purpose commending itself to the community with scarcely less foroe than the cause of education itseK. I refer to the association known as "Our Mission," for the care and religious in Mtruction of tho poor and neglected children of the neighborhood.

The funds to bo realized from this sale, however, would bo totally inadequate to the erection and furnishinj of such an improvement as was needed here, and therefore, at this juncture, our distinguished president, not seeing quite clearly through THE FINANCIAL PROBLEM, waited upon ono of tho earliest and warmest friends of tho institution, whose unstinted almost unbounded liberality toward it had entitled him to influential voice in any proceedings which had rolation to its prosperity uud success and explaining to him tho status of affairs, asked his opinion of the wisdom of the movement. Hie answer was characteristic "You n.ust go forward and do whatever ia for the highest interest of the Adelphi Academy. This community will amply sustain ou in it. Yondor lies a pile of bricks, belonging to me, large enough to build the building. I wi.l give them to you to comnieuca with.

Go ahead." ILoud applaufc. Accordingly, tho work was bcin at tho close of the last turin, and to night wo ask you to inspect the completed task. With a front upon St. James place of 53 loet, aud on Lafayette avenue of 48 feet it adds to tho capacity of this bujld ing lii class room', a play room for girls DOzlOD toot, and 19 iett 0 inches iu clear height beside, aud a pby room and cloak room for boya in tho basement, all well rupphed with licht and air, conveniently arrauged, aiid compariug favorably with tho best which can bu fcund in tlii? or in any other city. Tho wails aro budt of BulUcieut tliickuess to admit of flues for veutilatuiu and wurmiug carriod up to the roof connecting with capacious revolving ventilators placed thereon.

For heating and ventilating tho buildings two of Baker, Smith li largest size tubular boiler have been erected in the basement of tho main so urranged as to be used eithor separately or together, and capable of warming tho whole structure in the coldest weather at a maximum pressure of live pounds per hquaro inch, though it is doubtful whether more than three pounds pressure will over be required, thus reducing the danger from fire and tho consumption of fuol to the very loweHt possible point. As all tho heating is dono by indirect radiation, that is, by thu introduction of air direct from out of doori, which is moderately warmed on ita way to the rooms, and as the impuro air ia removed by means of the separate flues provided for that purpose, perfect ventilation is at all timed secured. All tho work on tho new wing has been dono by "days orks" the Committee deeming that tnetliod the most economical, provided men of integrity aud 1 competency could be found to superintend and direct it. buch men the Committee found in Messrs. J.

Lock Sons, for masons, and S. C. it W. Bootn, for carpenters. To tho energy and skill of those gentlemen moro than to any others, do we owe tho good fortune of I having the building ready to occupy at tho opouiug of i tho present term, on the day announced for that opening three weeks ago.

All the bills aro not yet adjusted, so as to enable mo to state the cost to a point, but enough are.made up to indicate very closely tha cost of each item. THE NEW BUILDING HAS C08T OOMPLETE including painting, gas fitting and plumbing, about $19,000. Ihe Trench roof upon the two buildings about $7,000, and tho heating apparatus about (0,000, new furnituro and school apparatus (that is besides that formerly in use at the Primary Depart to out in Adelphi street,) about $2,000, making a total of say $34,000. Of this sum have been permanently funded, and the balance remains to bo paid off from the tuition lund, and such contributions as may he mado by the genorous for that purpose. The demands upon tho school are already large they will shortly increase, and ere long wo shall be obliged to deny admittance to many who hungering aud thirhting for knowledge.

From ths top of youder tower the eye may, at a single sweep, rost upon the homes of more thun 30,000 children of a suitable age to attend school. Tho public schools are already crowded to overflowing, ond tho numerons private schoolB to bo fouud iu almost every block, are ttvcu now amply sustained. If thib be true to day, what may we expect a fow. years heur.e, when tha population of this portion of the city shall havo doubled? Said a distinguished speaker a. few months ago, at the reception cf the graduating elasn of one of our lirook Ivu institutions, ol learning He la a traitor to society who will not do what in him lies, to mako tho time to como betttr than tho times that are past." Let um accept this as a and seo to it that uo chargo ui such (reason can bo laid at our doors.

(Applause.) This city iri proud, uud juitly so, of her title of TiTL CITY OF CHURCHES It shall not bo tlie fault ut tlie Adelphi Academy if sho tlocw not become equally proud of her schools. (Applnuse.) Amply bupplied with these "twin sisters of a Christian pouriuj; their migbty influence for good in copious ond continuous streams upon tho rising generation with this commanding eailice, Uedi euted to learning and science, happily located boneath tho very shadow of St. Juaies Church, aud sarrouuded on every hand by others representing various creDds and forms of religious belief, but whose Bpirod poiut upward to tbe saue baavous, aud whoso inspiration from the tamo divine bourco, this commuuity, if true to it beet and higiiest interests, may look the iuture in the lace with umml'icrncy, feeling assured that whatever of political corruption, sectarian zoui, or toical unbelief, may invade othor less favored communities, fo their injury or to their ruin, wo, at least, may remain unmoved, lieiJleus of the akoptio's puny hands, While near the school the church upiro btaudfl, Nor fear tho blinued bigot's rule While near the church spire stands the sohooL" Loud applause. THE BOARD Op TRUJ3THE8. The next speaker introduced was Professor Homer B.

Sprague, Principal of tne Academy. Ho said: Laduu and gciitltmcn you havo heard from our eloquent friend the chairman of the linildtag1 Committee, aomo of tho resultB of their offorts and labors during tho year past, aud I wish to call your attention to another point which he has not statedt aud whioh these trustees have not been forward to stato which they aro too modest to state. That la, that dux ing tho patt year those trustees have given many long evenings to tho current consideration of the interests of the institution, and thoy freely sacrifice time aud money and their best onergiea to promote ita welfare. Applause. Tho respeotod and vigilant treasurer has every week day night duriug tho past year spent ono or moro hours ou these premises, besides giving many hours out of bis til do aud home hours to tho interests of tbo Institution.

(Applause.) The gentleman whom you havo just listened to has on. every week day visited this building, morning and evening, through tho whole of tho hot weather, giving hia best efforts to perfect this work, and others of that Oommittoo havo hardly been less energetic than he has. I say they aro too modest, for I was presout at a mooting of tho Trusteos whon it was proposed to put in a marblo tablet bearing the names of tho original founders of this institution, but tne proposition was not agreod to be caubo it would bear tho names of many of these Trustees, and tlicy said they did not wish to trumpet their names to tbe world. (Applause.) I am sure that thoy need no suoh commemorative tablet, for this buildlog is pplendid monument to their publio spirit, and as long as Brooklyn shall stand, its mon and women will be grateful for the benefits received from these trustees, and their names will be indelibly iuncribed ou thoir hearts. Loud aiiplauso, Si! i It (in institution as this is intouded to occupy a placu between THE rtJBI.IO SCHOOL AND THE COLLEGE.

Tlicra to mo to bo a chasm which needs to be bridged, ovor by InaUtutloufi this, aud I do not MONDAY EVENING. SEPT. 25. This Paper has tbe Ijargeit Clrcnla tlon of any Evening Paper Published in ibo United States. Its value as an dvertisingr Medium is ttaorefore apparent.

Prompt Punishment. There are but two reasons for punishing people who commit crimes to deter others from similar offenses, and, if possible, to reform the individual offender by convincing mm that rascality does not pay. For the accomplishment of both these ends it is much more necessary that the punishment should bo certain and speedy, than that it should be severe. The difference between two years' imprisonment at hard labor, and twenty years, is much Jikfl the difference between being drowned in only six feet of water and in a depth of sixty or six hundred. To a scoundrel, rioting in affluent luxury obtained from crime, the being suddenly and certainly hauled off to jail, taken with but a few days respite fo the Court, and thence marched off to Sing Sing or the Penitentiary, to be clad in prison uniform, fed on prison faro out of a tin oup, lodged in a Darrow cell, and kept at work all day in the banks and quarrias or at the shoemaker's bench, deprived of liquor and tobao co, gazed at as a curiosity of crime by every visitor, and ordered about by every turnkey this sort of thing must be so intolerable for any period much exceeding the first month, that if there is any chance of getting the rascal to reflect and repent, it will operate within a couple of years if it would in twenty or in a life time.

We fully believe that hanging is none too good a fate for rnurderors, and that society has every religious, moral and legal sanction for exacting blood for blood. We even admit that the dread of death would operate nioro effeotually than the fear of imprisonment, to deter the uplifted hand of the assassin from descending in the fatal blow. That is, if the penalty of death were as capable of prompt enforcement as the ieBser penalty of imprisonment. But in practice we know it is not. Juries are reluctant to convict when the sentence will involve hanging, and Judges and lawyers feel impelled to stretch to a dangerous limit their doubtful rule that it is better ten guilty escape than that one innocent man suffer, when an error may cost a life.

Therefore the death penalty, however justifiable, ought to be discarded, because in the present state of public opinion as refieoted in the jury box, it is too uncertain of execution to be relied on. It is of far more consequence that the criminal be quickly and surely punished, than that his punishment shall be fully as severe as the case warrants. As long as we can promptly bestow on the offender something that will be a real penalty, something that "will make him suffer quite seriously, and aco3inplish this end with such celerity that both ho and the public can clearly see the direct and unavoidable sequeuco of penalty upon crime, we shall suo ceed in repressing offences much better than by atraining after such excessive severity of punishment as shall tend to arouse the sympathy of jury, Judge and bar for the criminal, and entail delay in the execution of the sentence, until the whole moral effect of the conviction is whittled away. These considerations arise directly out of the Perry case. The man in all probability added perjury to manslaughter in pretending that he was a qualified medical practitioner of the London hospitals.

Had he possessed a diploma from London he would have been only too glad to produce it, or to point to the records of the Surgeons' College in whioh its nature and date would havebeen discoverable. It is not probable, as was at first surmised, that the Eosenweig trunk horror frightened Perry into carrying his victim away from New York city. It was a mere co incidence of inhumanity, that just after liosenweig had slaughtered his victim and packed up her dead body for transmission to Chicago, Perry should have attempted to get rid of his victim by dumping her, not dead, but dying, at the door of a Brooklyn Station House. His crime morally fell little short, if at all, of that of Kosenz weig. Neither meant to kill the woman, but neither cared to save a life which he had voluntarily undertaken the charge of.

Each recklessly held himself forward as qualified to practise as a surgeon, without having the necessary skill; each undertook to get rid of an unborn babe, and in doing so heartlessly sacrificed also the life of the mother. Yet the sentence of two years' imprisonment promptly visited upon Perry, will be of far more service in suppressing such vice, than a much heavier sentence which, in the far distant future, may he passed upon Kosenzweig. A thing that ought to be done, i better dono even partially or lightly at the right time, than to be done ever so thoroughly, long after the occasion has gone by. To a thirsty man a cup of water now, is better than a basket of win to morrow. A man who has money owed him, and who needs it, had better now get a quarter of what he considers his due, than wait ten years to be paid in full with compound interest.

Life is short, and long delays spoil everything, because by the tirno tho delay is over the circumstances are all changed, and what would havo been the right thing bofore, ia wrong or valueless now. It is upon this principle that we dissent from the views whioh "An Old Lawyer" reiterates elsewhere. He seems to think it is all right that legal decisions in money and property contentions should be appealed and re tried and settlement postponed for years and that in criminal cases tho same routine of circumlocution is advisable, with merely the concession of a priority to the criminal appeals over tho civil, which, whila it may lessen somewhat the injustice to society in the case of the criminal, must to the same extent aggravate the injustice to honest men kept out of their rights in civil cases by contentions litigants. We have but one idea in tho matter, as regards either civil or criminal trials that the use of Courts ia to settle and up controversies, not to protract them; consequently no Court should be constituted to try petty cases, that is not strong enough in law and trustworthy enough in morals, to be relied on for a just decision; and that that just decision should be final where the case is clear. Only on certificate of the lower Court that there is doubt on some essential point involving tho merits of tho case, should thore be an appeal; or when proof is afforded to the Court above that the judgment of the lower Court was biased or virtually in error.

Appealing on mere technicalities ought not to be ullowcd by the statutes of any civilised State, either in questions involving property or crime, i'or whatever rights a man has, he has now; and to toss htm and his cause about from Court to Court and delay settlement of the affair for years, is a monstfous parody on justice and a scandal to law. IVnntcd Republican Leaders. The Herald, crude and conscienceless as it is in regard to political as to all other affairs, sometimes prints a pertinent, pungent and practical suggestion. Such is to day's recommendation that the wrangling Republican leaders in New York, who fight each other inoro fiercely than they fight the Democracy, retire from the prominent places to whioh they have proved incompetent, and make room for wiser counsellors and abler workers, if happily such may be found. In urging the quarrelsome New York Republican leaders to this course we waive, for tho present, higher considerations of patri otism and put aside tho superior claims of the country and the public interest.

We appeal to them simply as partisans, from 0 I purely partisan view point, when we ask them whether they have not demonstrated their in capacity for partisan leadership, inflicted up I on their party incalculable injury, and brought it, partly by imbecility aud partly by the lively exercise of envy, malice, and all tincharitableness, to tho verge of hopeless demoralization I To begin at the beginning, wo find the prigin of the ills to which New York Uepub "highly respectable haltors," who swear that the Murphy Hats, were mado of gum shollac and Bhoddy, and tho amount of money of whioh bad material and defective quantities furnished by Murphy defrauded tho government was (as wo charged on Friday) nearly $2, 000,000. Apropos of tho hat business, Mr. J. Sheldon, Mercer street, N. becomes a swift witness in favor of Murphy to day by stating that the shavings furnished in lieu of hats were bv mistake, and wero intended to light fires.

That being tho usual and histor ical use to which shavings aro put, Mr. Shel don is luminously correct. The "mistake," however, would be called in harsher terms by any other than a Mercer street volunteer wit ness. The summation of tho whole matter ia that the anti Murphy fight has gone too far for compromise, and that it will undergo its richest developments at Syracuse. Thiers, it is said, will reside at Versailles until the question of German occupation of France be decided.

The Assembly is likely to play Kuth to Thiers as Naomi, "where he dwelleth it will dwell." On tho whole the Capitolian prospects of Paris do not look brilliant. A man in Norwalk wanted to mako his suicide absolutely cortain. He sat down on a keg of powder, lighted it, and rose half a mile in half a minute. He ought to have made himself Mayor and signed bills for work la Garvey fc Co. The Buicide would have been just aB certain in that event.

Prince Napoleon's alleged lack of military daring is the Bubjeot of frequent, serious and jocose remark in Europe. A prominent newspaper recently charged him with an "avorBion to battlefields." It ia a pity other princely persons were not averse to battlefields averse not merely to going there themselves, but to sending then people there to be slaughtered. The Times has an article to prove "the want of a ti ide a cause of orime." No doubt it is, but recent disclosures show that there are Borne tradeB the practice of which may be more viciously fruitful for example, the trade of political loafer, the trado of political office holder, tho trade of ward politician, and the various branches of the great political trade the people are excessively taxed to maintain. The Times has a queer way of defending Murphy from tho Tribune, and from Olcott. It concludes that Murphy must be innocent, and his accusers infamouB, because any other conclusion makes out tho late Edwin M.

Stanton as thor oughgoingly scoundrolly as he was resolute. To vindicate tho living Bolelv because not to do so would pillory the dead, is only less conclusive than a mathematical demonstration. General McQuado and Hon. Francis Ker nan are contesting delegates to tho Rochester Convention. We hope that such an unequal con teat will bo settled in advance of the Convention.

It is of the first importance that the Democracy in Convention assembled should not bo deprived of the abilities, record, presence, and eloquence of Mr. Kernan. Ned. Webster and John W. Harman are both delegates to tho Syracuse Convention.

It is to be hoped that Webster will not denounce Harman as a thief, as ho did at a Republioan Convention not long ago. In case he should there is reason to bollevo that Mr. Webator might bo reduced to the unfortunate condition of having to undergo a comparison of merit if not of musclo with the honorable gentleman whom ho bo shamefully insulted. The new weekly published by Hon. Alex.

Del mar, entitled Tlic City of Brooklyn, reviews tho recent controversy botween the Eaole and the Democrat as to tho city expenses of Brooklyn and comes to tho conclusion that both aro right and both are wrong that the two papers were each correct, but referred to different things, and thus apparently contradicted each other. It comes to the conclusion that the municipal accounts of the city ought to bo classified differently, and kept in an improved manner, so as to recognize local improvements, paid for by assessments, as a part of the actual government outlay, quite as much as if the cost was levied by general tax an idoa contrary to tho established practice of this aud every other city. Tho mashing of Macgrogor, Now York Superintendent of Buildings, assumes interesting phases. The architects and builders of that city met on Friday, and to them Judge Tappau sent a letter asking for all tho instances on record wherein Macgregor's department had blackmailed people. Mr.

Wm. G. Wright thereupon sent over his own namo Bovoral instances in the forms of statements and charges. The Superintendent's defence so far has been that hia subordinates havo perpetrated indiscretions of which he has been unconscious. If his subordinates allow themselves to be punished without informing against and inculpating their chief, thoir fidelity will surpass the honor that ordinarily prevails among thiovos of their kidney.

It is startling but true to assert that women of the town can get fairer treatment and more loni ont comment in papers than virtuous and Christian ladies. At least so the respective treatment of each by tho Washington journals proves. The good women of that city recently put themselves in communication with tho bad to induce thom to reform and to provide thom with Bupport and opportunity for honeBt work to maintain them in an honorable career. Forthwith tho strumpets and the newspapers ohargo tho ladies with efforts to discover tho men who consort with the abandoned in ordor to blackmail them. Hereafter tho comedy of editorial and legislative moraliza tion upon tho social evil will appear more amusing than ever, and tho single sermon of womau'a inhumanity to her fallen sisters will mako count leBB thousands laugh.

The New York sporting men having despatched Mr. CharleB H. HaBwell, a well known civil engineer, to measure the Milwaukie track, he finds it fourteen feet over a mile. This would Beem to settle the fact that Goldsmith Maid, having trotted the distance in 2:17, has made the best time officially on record. A deal of inoredulity and scoffing indulged about this feat would now appear to ho gratuitous and false.

There can bs no doubt that Goldsmith Maid is entitled to tho record; no more doubt than that it is b3eo a record officially without parallel in turf annals. Nor is it in order to insist that the mare perform the feat over again to entitle her to the honors of tho achievement. Ifitbotruethatthe Count of Paris has deolared himself in favor of Chambord's (Henry programme" and so declared againet the advice of Due D'Aumale, the intelligibility of tho telegram would be increased did the cable condescend to tell ub what the programme" is, and on what ground D'Aumale disagrees. The last heard of programme of Chambord" waB to restore the flag of my house" and the 15th oon tury, as nearly as could be ascertained. The Legitimists themselves, to their credit, put thiB programme" and its principal into the pillory.

It has absolutely become as inconsequent to ponder the programme" of John Smith as of Chambord. Sitting Bull ia tho owner of vast real ostate in the Northwest or, at loast, ho bejiovos himself to bo a great landod propriotor. Ho therefore regards tho entry upon his possessions by railroad agents for the purpose of eurveymg, occupying aud selling tho same as a trespass. If wo put ourBelvos in hia plaeo wo shall boo that it is quite natural ho should so regard tho enterprise of the whites. Thoy bave no title he considers ecfuitable and on broad moral grounds it would not bo easy to show a clear one.

Sitting Bull haa gathered an army of 2,000 warriors, and will resist the surveyors. He can only delay matters briefly. Tho railroad men aro bound to havo the land despite tho claims of Sitting Bull or the rights of the people of tho Unitod States eithor, for that matter. It is said that the workingmen engaged ia tho recent demonstration propose to organizo a general strike throughout the United States and Canada, next Spring. Before they do that they had better estimate the coat of maintaining themselves in idleness during tho period of tho strike.

How much of their hard earned savings will be left when the Btruggle is over There ought to be some way of settling labor questions cheaper and more efficient than an unequal contest between large capitalists (the employorB) and small capitalists (the workingmen), in whioh the latter are almost sure to lose. There will bo no appeal taken in thiB Perry case. The other Perry ease wob likewhie defended by the same counsel retained in this last one. Edward Perry, it will be remembered, was on the third trial, found guilty of murder in the second degree, for the killing of tho Furmau stroot watchman Thomas Hayes. On two trials the juries disagreed.

On tho third, before Judge Joseph Barnard, he was found guilty and sent to prison for life. Inasmuch as that verdict provoked no stay of procoodings and no appeals at all, as well as secured the perhaps severest puniBhment known to the experience of mon, tho simplification of murder oases whon the death penalty is eliminated is apparent. Think of it as wo may, juries and courts alike aro rapidly becoming weaned away from imposing doath as a punishment, whonever thoy have it in thoir reepeefcive power to change or retard the eu premo penalty. knows no personal motive, who recog nizes no ambition but to servo tho people, who prefers tho interest of all his constitu ents to tho purposes of a faetion. In these latter days we hardly expect to'realize the ideal Senator.

Perhaps we ought to bo content if a Senator intelligently, faithfully, and successfully serves his party. At all events, that is the test we propose to apply just here and now. Not to measure Messrs. Conkling and Fenton by the old Ho man type, they have miserably failed, even tried by the lower standard. As partisans they should have so honestly represented and so skilfully havo controlled their party in the State as to have consolidated its whole strength in an unbroken front against its political enemy.

This was their duty as party nion, and they have wholly failed in it. They have sac rificed their party to personal am bition, and havo risked its exist ence as a unit in disreputable disputes about Federal patronage and to day the party in the State is threatened with shipwreck because its Senators cannot agree among themselves about the distribution of a few wretched offioes. Conkling and Fenton have thus proved their plentiful lack of the essential quality of partisan leadership. They do not respond to the requirements of even a Senator of the last third of the nineteenth century. Passing from the Senators to the party press we discover the same incapacity for leadership.

In an interview with a representative of the Eagle the other day Mr. Tilden said that the Republicans had an advantage in New York City by their stronger representation in journalism. Whatever that advantage may be it is neutralized by the strife of the Republican newspapers, whioh deliberately waste proffered epportunities. Like the Senators the journals of the party fail to unite all their forces that occasion may be successfully seized, but seem rather to employ all their energy in promoting discord and accomplishing disruption. There are four Kepublican morning papers in New York, and a mere classification of them will show how they weaken rather than strengthen their party Tribune, Republican, in the interest of Fenton and opposed to Grant Times, Kepublican, in the interest of Conkling and in favor of Grant Sun, independent Kepublican, in the interest of Greeley and opposed to Grant Standard, of doubtful antecedents and uncertain position, but just now in the interest of Collector Murphy and opposed to everybody else.

Now, if these newspapers were, we will not say faithful exponents of non partisan public opinion, but wise organs of the party with which they are identified, they would refuse to attach themselves to any Republican faction. As good Republicans, their only strife would bo a generous struggle to assure the unity and harmony of their party, but they are really engaged in the bitterest strife, the end and aim of which can only be disintegration and discord. These journals are mutually active in a warfare which combines factional malignity with journalistic malice. The Times is busy charging that all the members of the Tribune's faetion are publio swindlers and political traitors, and the Tribune asserts as much in regard to tho Times' faction. The Times says that the Tribune was silenced in its opposition to Tammany by advertising patronage and by the election of its editor, Mr.

Greeley, to the chairmanship ot one of the Republican City Committees said Committee being run by Hank Smith and other officeholders in the pay of Tammany. The Times adds that for the same reasons the Tribune still entertains a tenderness for certain members of tho double headed Tammany Ring. The Tribune re torts that the Times would never have printod the Court House figures had not an advertising bill of one Jones, its publisher, been refused payment, and it rebukes tho recent course of the Times as hotheaded and partisan deficient in the calm, judicial, impartial temper uniformly characteristic of Tribune controversy. What is more to tho purpose, it puts many columns of affidavits and statements in evidence against a leader of the Times' faction, Collector Murphy, as a fraudulent shoddy hat contractor during the war. The antagonisms of the smaller papers are quite as fierce and fatal.

The Standard attribute! the hostility of its Republican cotemporary of the Sun to the Administration to bitter disappointment of office seeking ambition and it persists in the grave and offensive chargo that editors of the Sun hold sinecures under the city government, and are otherwise pecuniarily and discreditably involved with Tammany. The Sun retorts, with pon and pencil, in a direct aud personal style. The Sun's Gieeley antics are a puzzle. Tho malice of its broad eulogy is so highly spiced that not even the stupidest reader can fail to detect it. There is plausibility in the theory sometimes advanced, that the Sun really desires Grant's re nomination, and to that end is making opposition to him within tne Republican party ridiculous by its support of "Doctor" Greeley as the contesting candidate.

If the journalistic strength' of Republicanism in New York were ten times what it is, the Republican newspapers, as we havo seen, adopt precisely the policy best adapted to the destruction of that strength. The members of the Republican party must lose all faith in either their organs or their leaders. They must believe that the former are shameful falsifiers, or that the latter are political knaves and personal scoundrels. Such is the factional madness of the newspapers that in their blind rage they fail to see the weak points in their respective cases. To cite but a single example, the Tribune, in its haste to prove Tom Murphy a swindler, shamelessly produceB as a witness ex Marshal Murray, who, while testifying positively against Murphy, calmly records his own criminality as an accessory after the fact in helping Murphy to escape.

Surely a party was never more unfortunate in its leadership than the Republican party of New York. What its intelligent members must Rce that it needs is new, vigorous, and skillful leaders. Assuming that they can bo found, a step preparatory to their induction is the retirement of the present leaders. Mr. flank Smith must see that for him, a member of the Tammany double headed ring, who shared with Twoed the control of the infamous Board of Supervisors, to assume leadership of the Republican party just now is preposterous.

Lot him therefore resign his Tammany offico and his position as Republican leader, and devote tho remnant of his days to private labor in the rehabilitation of his character if ticat be possiblo of accomplishment. The Republican party of New York ought to be able to secure leaders to whom such damning suspicion does not attach. In default of finding them it should disband. Mr. Tom Murphy must see that a person on whom rests such a cloud as tho alloged shoddy contracts create is unfit for Federal offico or party leadership.

If he proposes to meet the Tribune's charges he should do so as a private citizen. Lot him then spare tho President tho embarrassment of either removing or retaining him by resigning tho Oolleotorship, and let him also retire from the front rank of the Republican party. When Smith and Murphy withdraw the work of reconstruction will bo simplified. Mr. Greeley may further simplify it by abandoning his absurd Presidential exploits and returning to his newspaper, which sadly noods him.

The Eaolb, as tho representative journal ef a city containing many honest Republicans, is hardly impertinent in offering the Republican State Convention about assembling a little wholesomo and disinterested advice. Let it prepare the way for a new and efficient officering of its party in New York by getting rid of both the Tammany Hank Smith and the Custom House Tom Murphy factions, and remitting to the honest Republican rank aud file the control of their own affairs. What tho Republicans want is now leaders, and permitting thomto chooso them for themselves will be a sound democratic republican precedent. Tho clerk, O'Oonnoll, who was a witness in the exrmination bofore Justice Dowling, on Friday, in bo vouchor thoft case, is stated to be Mr. Charles Underwood O'Connell, tho Irish oxilo.

llasc Ilo.ll. Tes Last Benefit Match, T1io match nr rsngeJ for the Goidio benefit, between thf Mnhm! Union. Club nines, of 18C8, which was to be played on Saturday, waa rendered a failure bv iw ejnaes. The attendance was cwiuo to tm careless' and spiritless nlav utim match, and the eontost of HatnivW dared miintereatros owing to the aba mco or most of the players, who were to nave talon part in the game. Of the old Union nine thorn wZ but Smith, Martin, Shtny, Austin and BeUan prewnt the nbssnteea being BirdEall, Tabor.

Geo, WriW anii Bsada. Of the old Mutual niue, only Eler took pan, hnceythe contest became merely a acrab affair between two field niner the only interest attached to it being eauecd by tho good up hill fight mad, by tho Mute 1 1 the scire at fh closeof thethird innings stood mi 13 to 4 against them, managed to finuh. tho game with the totals at 18 to 1C in their favor In tbe first threo inning Crcighton" went into pitch, but as he wa punishi d'to the tmo of 7 earned runs, and 16 first bane bite, he retired iu fTor of Kwnr, ani in the remaining 6 iuningi nly 0 first base hits were scored, ond not a run was earned. Kenny bMnf' well supported in th field which Ferguson was noi pier led tbe scorsat th bat on the Mutual side, and on (hootnorsfde, and fanuth. nuking tho beat UITTTT ITS it.ln.po.A.

.4 4 4 4 2 8 3 0 'J 11 1 0 8 0 1 .4450 UKION. Pib.Jdb .32 1" Patterson, 1. 2 Start, 1st Koony, Eggler, c. 4 Y'rjt, r. 2 JferrusoD, 8d 1 Highani, 2 Pence, b.

0 JMirtlD, i 3 a i A. I 4 2 0 1 ft sua 1 4 0 1 4 3 Hoidaworth, a. 1 2 3 1 Totali IS 17 37 12 Tbthls lfl 21 L74 BUKB SCOBTUIl1; I 3 4 fr 8 Ifotoals 4 Union 6 0 3 1 0 3 2 1 6 1 a I 0 1 16 Rods earnod Mutual. 8: Union, 1. Total bases oarncri Mutual.

28; Union, 27. First base on errori Mutual. 8 4. Total belillag errors Mutual, 10: Uuion, 25. Umpiro R.

M. Lash, Union Base Ball Clnb. Time of game 2 hours. T7e notice that our friend of tha iTorM, whenever ho makes an btlmate of a player's pitching as he did in last Monday's game referB to tho mns mado off the1' pitching. This is no criterion at all as twenty runs might be made off one man's pitching iu three innings and but six off that of another in as many inning aud yet the former's pitching may bo the most eifective.

It is tho first base hits and runs earned, together with the chances offered oil the pitching tor puttimi players out, which form tho only criterion of a pitcher's skill, runs beinp' of no acoount whatever, ag thev may bo all scored by fielding errors, ar made on base hits after ohances bave been offered off the pitching to put the side out tor a blank. Stab vs. Hzseevb. The Star Lad what. they eall "practice" game with an amateur nine, kunwn, as the lteserve, on Saturday, with the appended rosult HBSEBYI.

B.lB PO.A n. In.po.A. May, 9 Morc.sdb 0 Furor. 2d I a fi Dare, 1st 3 0 Holmes, 1 1 Buebj.i. a 0 1 K.

Urn. 1. (1 1 2 F. Roiiers. 1st 4 1 1 8 0 Worth, 'JUb 5 3 Dollaro.3.

i 7 6 Cljrne, Sdo 3 1 M. Roeore, 6 3 Beavan, 5 3 Cummin r. 1 a Brady, cf 3 2 JaoSson, tj 1 4 I 0 i Janlo. r. 0 1 AnderaoD, c.

0 Totals. 18 4 1 Totala 48 38 Vi 6 BUMS 6COBED. Eeservo Star 4 3 4t Base on errori 8tar, 17: Reserve, 4. Runs earned Star. 15 Keaervn.

(J. fieldiuB erors Star, Hejerrc, SI. Utijnrc Mr. Burdock, of the llautic Clab. 9 ime of game hour and 30 inicutes.

Tho only result of such practice games as this is to render the nine less oompetunt to plaj their beat again Bt a strong nine. The Boston Agaih Victobiotjs. On Saturday tbe victori mB Red Stoskiogs polished off the strongeet nine tbe Olympics have erer placed in the field, and thereby won their fourth victory over tho Olympic nino, out of six played, one Ramc ending in a tie. The Boston nine have now dofeated the Cleveland, Rockford, Chicago, Athletic, Mutual aud Olympic nines in succfssioD, and if they play as well in Chicago this week they will again defeat the White Stockings. Tho following is tho soore of Saturday' game in Boston BOSTONB.

n.lD.I'O.A.1 OLYMPIC. n.lH.l'O.A. 2 1 2 .114 0 U. WrigtlU 4 4 1 Force, b. Barnes, iib 3 3 l.eonrd, 1.

1 WEtormau. b. liirdsall.r.f 2 3 1 2 Mcvey, i paldinK, 110 Gould, Ibtb 0 3 14 Mcbafor, Sd 0 3 2 Harrows, 1. 1 8 H. Wright, e.f.....

3 1 I Brainard, 3 Miles, 1st 0 Allison, 1 Ha.l.c. 1 easy 2d 3 Thomas, r. 1 3 0 3 ail 1 3 I 16 0 2 9 1 3 I 0 Totals 17 19 27 BUNS SCOI1ED. 1 2 3 4 5 Boston Olympic .00600065 117 0 1 1 0 8 0 2 012 Umpire J. O.

Goodwin, Harvard Base Bill CI ab. Time of game 2 hours and 30 minutes. The World callB it an "exhibition" game, whereas it was the last gamo of the regular Beries between them. The New Chicago Nine. The managers of the Chicago Club have not done a very buaineas liko thing in announcing their now nine so soon, inasmuch as ono effect will bo to cause those of the present nine, who are to be dismissed, to play with far iess intorest for the next mouth than thoy otherwise would but we presume their principal object waa to give all the clubs due notice that they had engaged aueh and such eo that, knowing thoy werocnaagcil, no honorablo club would hereafter mako any attempt to secure their service.

The now nine is officially declared to bo as follows Catcher Allipon, of the Olympic, of "Washington Pitcher Zettlin, of the Chicago. first baseman K. Mills, of thn nivmnic nf ington. hecond Daseman viood, of the Chicago. Third baseman Kelson, of tho Kckford, of Brooklyn.

Short stop Force, of tbe Olympic, of Washington. Left fielder Trency, of the Chicago. Centre tieJder Cuthbert, of the Athletio.of Philadelphia. Right fielder Martin, of the Eckford, of Brooklyn. Tenth man Megary, of the Haymaker, of Troy.

Niclr Young, or the Olympics, is lo be manager at a high salary. "Wood is to be captain, and Martin change pitcher. It will be hard to beat thia nine, that ii if Wood ca discipline them up to the point of playiDg ts a club nmo. It will be atasOttodo it with such stubborn, growling players os soma are who aro in tho now nino. The Chicago Club aro Irvine to cet not that thoy want him but in order to preveut any othfli nine ieounng so strong a piayer.

i nis 19 Chicago like. Games This Week. To dar the OKmoios play their last gamo with To morrow the LckiordB play their third game with tbe Olympics, tho Washington blue Blocking being the only nine tho Eckfords have not yet defeated. On the Canitolino grounds tho Harmonics play their return gamo with me iixcejBiors aua tney aro going to give the rusty nine another whipping. Harmonic ltooli is up.

On Friday the Hannibal Colored Club of Troy, N. will play tbo Amicable Club of New York, on the Union Grounds. Both of them are eaid to be first class colored clubs, and a closo and exciting game is expected. The Ply Away Club will play tho Silver Star on the 26tb, the Union Star on the the Burnside on the yd of October and the Moutauk on the 6th of October all on the Capitolinc Grounds. Prospect Pakk Games.

The Washingtons beat tho Contests at Part on Saturday; score, 8 to 14. The Odines were boaten by a picked nine; 25 to 19. Tbe Winonaa whipped the Supbos; scons, 30 to 27. Tho Young America nine beat tho New York nine; Bcore, 14 to 9. Note.

A Troy paper says: "The Mutuals have apologised to tho Haymakers, and ot their request a Ineudly series of games will be played, tho first one to recur at Now York in September, whon it is hoped all bad feeling between them will bo obliterated." Chess. Tho coming season is to ho marked by a grand tournament out West, uhere thczo ia some "life uninng the fraternity. Tho forthcoming cheas concrees at Cleveland wili conveno on Mondjy, November 20, and play in the t'urnament commencing on the day following. Tjo players will be divided into two olives, according. to ttieir respective force, and prizes awarded as follows First prize, in first class, $100; seeoud prize, $50; third prize, $40: fourth prize.

$'1U. A similar number of prizes of about holf tho values will likewise givon to the second class. A full attendance of Westorn players is confidently anticipated, and a tho proceedings of the meeting are expected to occupy something sH tbnn a wcet, we shall bo much disappointed if New York ia not represented. Edward H. Ranch, of Lancaster, is compiling a dictionary of words ftud phrns or in common uso among tho Pennsylvania Dutch.

Children Teething The mother's faithful friend ia Mns. Wins low's Soothing Sxnup. Purify Tour Premises By using Bbomo Chxobalum, the best disinfectant and deodorizer known contains no poison, and la entirely safe. Propared only by TiLDKN 176 William 6t, N. Y.

boU If A Volume in Six Lines Thia very hour if you have a cough, a oold, or any difficulty in tho throat or lumrs, send for Halh's Honev or Hoabhoukd iHD Tar, Take ib faithfully, aad you are safe. Tho euro is certain and swift, tho preparation pleasant. Don't disregard theFo six lines. Pike's Toothache Drops onro toothaoho in 0110 minute. Sold by all druggists at 25 cent.

BUSINESS IVOTUlfljN, HATS OUR SEVEN DOLhAK DftiiSB HAT Is a emiaro Hoht against war prices. EXAMINE OUMPAUn, And you will certainty buy. nr WARNOCK 619 Broadway, T. I325 St A MANDAMUS. Alljudges ot artistic headgear unite in prooWlmtntr thut ft OX'S tall stylo of Rontloraen's hats is the article demanded by publio taste, aud authoritatively proclaim chat it is to be worn in preference to all othors, duriay tbe Kail season.

Knox's "vouohers" bis eleuanthata aro open to the luspootion of all, at No. 213 Broadway, corner of Fulton street, N. Y. TEETH $10 A SET. A beauttfalset of (wth on rubber, the bost 810 war ranted to tit tho mouth, and equal in all rosnoots to work at 415, 420 to 425.

TauRhin pure aud fresh daily. Operations on tho natural tooth carefully and bkUlfully performed. Ko charpo for cxtracUne when xorlt i ordered. roy29 lyMWAtl i Myrtt avenue. insistence that the jury as judges of the facts were solely to pass upon tho question of whether the treatment accorded "accelerated or hastened" the death of the woman, admirably confined the evidence of the many and eminent experts strictly within the practical and exact grounds beyond whioh New York city courts allow them absurdly to stray.

Undoubtedly, too, the Judge by telling the jury that the evidence to prove an actual abortion was defective, disembarrassed the minds of the jury of many complications, and simplified and expedited their conclusions. It should not be forgotten, either, that the Court sat on Saturday, an unusual proceeding, expressly to end the trial with the week. If we are not mistaken, Judge MeCue made a decision in advance of the ordinary ruling on a question of medical jurisprudence. He said that a medical practitioner, regular or otherwise, was to be held as bound to be able to perform the funotions he professed to discharge and that he was not only responsible for the commission of errors in hiB practice, but was also liable for any avoidable injurious omission of his duty. Heretofore, in practice if not in law, charlatans and irregulars havo been employed by patients at their own risk; and such a thing as malpractice, extending to acts of negligence, has hardly been thought of.

Judge McCue's ruling, whether it bo now or only an anomalously luminous putting of the law as it is, is in the interest of sound and regular medicine and surgery, and of the preservation of human life. To this decision the Court was logically carried by the clear and soarching evidence of the experts. They comprised the ablest and most trusted of our regular physicians, and it was, by their evidence, established to a demonstration that the defendant had been stricken with labor pains hours bofore she was thrust by her murderers into the close carriage and driven in her supreme agony over the roughest portions of two cities. Such readers as quarrel with tho leniency of the sentence quarrel with the law, riot with the administration of it. There was strong implication but no legal evidence that the woman had been tampered with before she was driven over New York and Brooklyn.

While nine persons out of ten presume that such implieature was the case, the death of their victim removed the only evidence to that effeot against the accused. They abso lutely profit ed by their murder of her by bringing the evidence within a minor degree of slaughter. They who think the evidence was very stronc err. These diabolical de fendants had very nearly so fixed the facts as to secure acquittal. Had Perry's testimony that he conveyed Emily A.

Post to Brooklyn at her own request and that her pains set in while she was en route, been believed, he would have got off. The evidence of every doctor was flat against such a statement. To that evidence we owe tho con viction of the wretch whom a oapital sentenoo were too good for. In this connection it is due to Mr. Spencer, the defendant's counsel, to say that he guarded with great vigilance every lepal interest of his client, and gave him that very able representation whioh evory citizen prefers tho worst as well as the most innocent accused should have.

We undertake to say that Perry's counsel detests his crime as thoroughly as any of us. Indeed he said so with effusion in his summing up, whioh was a conspicuously ingenious special plea. It now remains to try Madame Van Buskirk, and to deal with the Now York Herald, which, it is in evidence, advertised these two worthies in their murderous work. This woman, whose connection with the abortion business dates back on the files of the Eagle to the trial of the Strong divorce ease before Judge Garvin, now District Attorney in New York, six years ago, is guilty by every fact on which her aocomplioe was convicted. If she is wise, she will save the county tho expense of a trial by pleading guilty.

Anyway, it is next to inevitable that she will be convicted. We hope none of tho strong minded of our opposite Revolutionary neighbor will omit in the woman Van Bus kirk's case tho parlor and sympathetic cour tesies which the woman Stanton and the woman Anthony paid to the woman Fair. The mere fact that the woman Van Buskirk is very old, very plain, and charged with a less orime than the woman Fair, should not deter the woman Stanton and the woman Anthony from protesting against hor ooming conviction by a jury of married fathers or suffrage monopolizing male moralists. As to the Herald, tho law is explicit in the prohibition of the kind of advertisements it inserted for Perry and Van Buskirk and still inserts for others. Moreover, it is against such offonces that Judges are expressly enjoined to charge grand jurieB, despite the ex elusive discovery of a local Judge that no law of the sort existed.

It is evident that an indictment against the Herald most logically and legally lies in New York, whoroin it has business and being. The authorities over there should have had the senior aud junior Satanic Bennetts in jail for their advertisements of abortionists long before this. But let us hope it is not too late yet, and that tho authorities all over the country may take precedent and enorgy from the speedy and salutary conviction of Perry. Webster, Olcott, Murphv. et Al.

Mr. Webster, our Brooklyn, Omaha, Albany, Washington, New York, Seventh Ward, Navy Yard Nod, who is reported ou vague authority to havo been a candidate for Congress sometime and somewhere in his life, signs his name to a oard in the Tribune today, in which he Bays that he never declared it was a tough job for him to keep Tom Murphy from going to Fort Lafayette for his hat frauds. In bo asserting he antagonizes an assertion to that effect previously made by Col. Olcott. The latter squarely puts upon Webster to day an inquisition of unveraclty, or of a convenient memory.

But the two can best bo judged in parallel columns WE118TKD ON HIHBELF. lu no publio speech, or writing, Lavo 1 ever made OLOOXT ON WEDdTBSj, Havluff been shown Mr. B. D. Webster's oard, I beg to pay that his memory ia jBtrongoly treacherous, for ho haa.

not cmoe only, bat kvj rfmarbB of any Wnd la reference to thia Bubject. You niuflt, therefore, refer to something I mav havfl nnvnrnf Hr. tM mn tn said in private conversation hia own ofuce, when ho wai ana I assure yon that who Assessor, on the oara be over reported my exprus Jtvrcon this oity and Wash aions has rulareprosooted.ingtou, alone, and ia tho them. I have never givenlprosonoe of witiitnes, tho uitcruiicu (o wua 18 nore attributed to me, and tuougb tho friendly rotations which, for a long time, laat time at the Astor Houao. whon he lntroducou me to a cortalu General, Jast what you stato respecting htm.

It wn frnm til. nvn mouth puy ana mjBcu nave neon! that 1 first learned tho al diiturbed, Ioannot pormitilegod Boorot history of tho my namo to bo used lor tbsl whole movement in favor purposo oi tioing mm an Injustice. If I had believed iOf Murphy, and I roeolteot uow ae hub him deserving of sontenco lu his doUUs, how he boasted of his BorvicoB In his to Fort Lafayette I ovrtalu ly should nevor have ORlied friend's bohalf, and how frlenda of mine In tho Uoi bitterly ho accused him of ted Mates Senato to vote ingratitudo, and hoir ho for bis confirmation as Col 'pcoutod with derision tho lector of the Port of Kow.i'iea that that person had York. Kothlmsclrtobollovothathe I wiut a poraocutod innoooni. In the subsequent part of his oard Mr, Our Iady of Mount Cormol, Astoria.

The laying of the corner stone of the new Catholic Churoh, to be known as "Our Lady of Mount tho village of Astoria, took place yesterday afternoon, His Grace, the Right Bev. Bishop Loughlin officiating, assisted by Fathers Brady, O'Brien, Cummins, and others. The occasion was a very interesting one. About 4,000 pooplo were present, and a very hree contribution of money was donated by them toward tho furtherance of the work. Tho church la to be of the thirteenth century Gothic order, having navo, aisle, chancel, uud tower.

Tho extreme Iougth will bo 123 feet, and the. breadth G5 feet with Tbo bcigbt of tbo spire Is to bo 140 feet, and the seats vm uxuimujjocaie persons. Tbo eoat of tbo building will reach $30,000, ut present calculation. It is to bo composed of Wood's brink and TWohoao stone. It will bavo a half open timbered root' ceiled on the back rafters.

Mr. T. Houghton, of New St. JoIih'n Cliurcli. There was a larcre cratherinrf vosfAvHrnr morning iu St.

John's Methodist Episcopal Church, lu Bedford avenue, and a fine aiRfioiirso wno nmtmri tt tfap pastor, Kev. Dr. Chapman, who tools for hia toxt iuuiuiiuimi Pilate irrjin noveiaiious, u. 4 "ever thelefss I bavo somewhat against thee." The dincourao was of a decidedly practical character, and related chiofly to the defection of modern piety. Ho said there wore too many un rPeHiil on1 i.V mi.

rebyion of the Bible, the reverend gentleman said, was invniiH nnrl ihn Inacmi it Iif i of saints of old, was ono of joy and happiness. Tho I'lmtuuk wiuuiBiuH wuro Huarcmug ana sevore, bat admittedly just Subsequent to the sermozi Bishop OBDINATION OF A MI3SIONAEY. He invited tho elders present to como within tho chancel, uud in response to tbo invitation tho unprecedented apectaolo was witnessed of live regularly or duined ministers and attendants at St. Jonu'a every Sabbath rising from the'r seats and going forward to participate iu the ceremony viz. Kev.

Ura. Harris. DePuy, Torter, Saxo and Foster. Dr. Harris, the Missionary secretary of tho Methodist Episcopal Church, presented the Itev.

Joseph H. Gill to the BUhop to bo ordained deacon. The form applicable to this grade of ministerial service waa read, alter which tho Bishop said it was not the general practice to ordain to tho oilice of deacon and elder in tho Bamo scrvica on tho same day but in tho case of foreign missionaries, where young men were abojt to leave our country for distant fields of labor in tho cause of the Divine Lord and Manter, tho authorities of tho Church performed this double service of ordination. The brother now being ordained was to sail in a few days for India, to give his labors, and his life, if need be, to the furtherance of the kinRdom of Jesus Christ in that land. The Bishop then invited tho entire congregation, to unite in silent intercessory prayer that the brother now being sot apart for the high functions of the ministry might receive those gif la and inspirations of the Holy spirit by which alone he could till that high calling.

Every individual in this congregation, continued tho Bishop, who has formed purposes to live better, to be Christians of higher typo, holier in life and moro useful in ooiiduot, during tbo eermou this morning, can only keep that purpose and carry out that vow by tho help of the Holy Spirit. And, blessed bo you may havo that help but you must seek it by prayer. The ministers of Christendom can only preach Chriat so as to have their ministry tho power and wisdom of God unto salvation by having resting upon them continually the unction of tho Holy Ghost. Our sufficiency for this work is of God; and is it not pre eminently true of one who fiota to beatbon people to stand up in heathen darkness, surrounded by all tho discouragements and embarrassments of heathen life and iustitutions, to preacu Ohridt to them as tho only Saviour for mankind? Does not need must he not havo tho inspiration of the Holv Ghost? must ho not have the power of God on him ail tho wbilo, and be conscious that the Divine Spirit is within him, sustaining, strengthening, guiding and giving success to his holy ministration? Thia feature of the service, when tbe whole congregation remained for some moments in silent prayer, wub peculiarly solemn and impressive. Hot les? six ministers participated in the exercise of the imposition of lianas upon tho intended missionary evangelist The venerable and beluved Bidhop Janes, tho Wesley of America; a niiMiiouury secretary, au assir Uuit editor of a religious journal, an ex Book Koom agent, tho pas tor.of a big eliureh and two ex ministers.

In conclusion, the Bishop expressed the hope tliat motheru would devote their sous to tho missionary work, and introduced the newly ordained evaugebst to the congregation. PE0SPECT PARK. Tfio Saturday Concerts Tbe ninth of tho series of open air, free concerts at Prospect Park, was given on Saturday afternoon to an usBemblage as largo and appreciative aaany that had preceded it, and under circuinstanceB that afforded the highest incitement to an attendance, and the mot complete realization of its delights. Tho woathor was supurb, tho air balmy and bracing and conducive to porfect enjoymont. Nature never looked lovelier or bedecked tho Park with greater charms.

Little indeed can thoy conceive of its grandeur or beauty, who have not had a personal experience, and still loss understand or appreciate its influence for good. Tho scenes and surroundings aro bucq as to inspire, to somo oxtent, a generous appreciation, and that It ban cost a great deal of money, too per naps, cannot, or should not, affect its olaima to our admiration. Of THE. MTJ6IC it would bo idle and flippant to iudulgo in criticism. It is furnlshed by artists eminent and popular, and appears, at every coucort, to give ontire satisfaction, and a better critorion of ita excellence than is furnished in the attention it commands, could not bo had.

Tho Col lowing was the program mo of Saturday PART t. March "Attaoue" Hmnm 2. liTorfcnre "William TbII" itussini it. Serenade Seuuoert 4. Mazurka "Husaron" TAUT II.

o. Roleotton "Mldsnmmor Night's 6. "Walt "Les Adioux" Gumd V. 'Traetimeroi" (by rcnuoet) 8. Galop "ifaxowell" Strauss tabt nr.

9. Overture "Dio Schoeno Galatoa" Snppe Hi. Anvil Chorus, from'Trovatoie" Vordi U. Gnmd Air, from "Malc Fluto" Moznrt 12. Wail "Woinmoln Sinn" Popular Airs.

There aro to bo givon two moro concerts, whioh will bring tho exorcises to a close and uo mora aucccsstut, popular and enjoyablo musical ontortaiumont has ever been given in our midut; Thousands will doubtless await thoir recurrence another soiaon with tho fondest anticipation. SANITARY STATISTICS. X2e lEcnlil Officer's Weelcly Report. The following is a copy of the weekly report of the Honlth Officer, as transcribed from tho bookB of Chief Clerk O'Connor Brooklyn, faoptomber 23, 1871. 7b the Honorablo the Brooklyn Board of Health Gentlemen I havo the honor to submit tho following report for tho wook oudiug thia date BANITAKY INSPECTIONS.

Number of oomplaiuta received 61 Number of complaints abated 51 Number reported no eauso. Preliminary notices issued C2 Scavengers' permits granted 68 Vessel permits granted 60 YIOLATIONS OF TUB CODE. Number received 1 Abated 2 Defendants fined aosts CONTAGIOUS DISEASES BEPOBTED. Smallpox. 35 Scarlet fovcr 8 Typhoid fever 1 VITAL STATISTICS.

Number of burial permits granted 2S3 Transcripts of doath Issued 6 Marriage returns received GO Birth returns reeelvod ItcspeotfuUy submitted, Geobqb Ooohban, Health Onioor. A POLICE EDICT. Chief of Police Campboll bus wisely Issued tho following Qenoral Ordor, nbloU it is hoped will bo strictly onforood, and supnloinouto4 by nummary aud condign punishmont of all offoudord. OEKKBAlt OBDEB. To Captain Bin Your attention la specially callod to tho fact that certain partira" oro in tbo habit of tampering with tbo "Letter Boxes" iittnohed to tho lamp posts ttirougli out tho city dirt, filth aud rofuso matter aro found in tliciu, and caBea aro known whero Ilro has been thrown into the boxos, partially destroying tho contents.

You willinstruct tho men of your command to airostalt persona l'ouuil committing any of tho nets mentioned abovo. i'ATiuou. Caki'ukll, Ohlef of Polico..

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