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The Daily Oklahoman from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma • 1

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
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II I 'I i corrscisd iti ti Malutrr Ir Yon Wast to RENT OR SELL YOUR PROPERTY -WfcLlT IT VYI1H A JO Li 17 17 5 lnT i 1 1701 17 A US' MAIN IlKkCT PERHAPS 1 till to li pmirt im 2 1 drft't tW jnii i -n- 1 to Mt) If uo( rnt arul mi will Biak lha xamiititluii KkH auJ Ibao If DoMry you cun huv arr corracud with run A la th futara buuo 4 Whiiomi 114 i Muliitraat "i U'f 'll I 'pfejyil 1 ITlcf fouadad May II raaa founcUU aa 16 34 Caiaitonag oaii4a4 am 1 lava OLUME 6 NUMBER 29C OKLAHOMA CITY 0 THURSDAY DECEMBER 20 1831 OoaaUdatal Jaly I 1hv4 I Highest of in Leavening Power Latest Report fllll DEBIIE A DARK PICTURE PAINTED BY EX-SENATOR DAWES i AUSOLUTEtY PURE EMINENTLY CORRECT Nlsaley the geDtleman from Abilene Kan who has been here lever) days tilklng np a creamery will also establish oos st El Reno If lbs cit'iens of thst town will donate a site lie first wanted a site and flbk) bonus but the Eagle says: committee appoint id lo solicit the money were luelou every huDd with the itelemenl that the merchants of the town neither received nor asked for any inducement to engage in business In the city that there was here an inviting field for a creamery and they thought Mr Niaaley would be justified In making the investment at a business enterprise without assistance Irora the MAKES THE WEAK STRONG Txcinsxu 0 Oo 30 I was not abla lo wail on myself and coaid not gain any strength until I began taking Hoods Sarsaparilla about three months ago Now I am doing ha housework My right lung wss badly affected and In the spriog and summer I was very weak but Hood's Sarsaparilla has done me much good and I have great confidence In it Mbs Ksioht Hood's Pills care sick headache A TALK ABOUT HUES An Inmate of ths Stii' a'er In penitentiary contributes tha a i to the Mirror tb piper issu' by tin prisoner In thst Institution It siiikes as well worthy of reproduction: Some fellow that thinks he know salt i about the subjoct hu given it cul the world that it is only the female bec' that etirg I denounce the assertion a a libel on the sex and one that he i should have been ashamed to make and besides bow doe he know? I Wkat interest le It to any know whether it's a male or bee that comes along sometimes when we are not looking and brings us a wipe alongside the Jaw that makes us think i are under the wreck of a freight I train or h7e got tangled up with a Kansas cyclone? Instead of cariug anything about the sex of the Wast we only aim to relieve our feelings with expressive language which is not always fitted for use in a drawing room When you look into the pleasant honest face of a bee yon would hardly think that the south end of him wax so hot that you can't hold it in your hand While a bee as a rule is peaceably disposed I never knew or heard of one ho declined a scrap if it came his way Od peculiarity about the We Is that they are never too young to bite Thete was once a We too young to be put to work but Ji ho luvi i listened intently to the stories told by bis elder of the numerous times tiny bad raised Cain ith the hum in no became possessed with an inordiniic desire to do something remarkable iu that line himself so oue balmy bun-day morning be took his nay over In I and dale nnlil at last he sided a camp meeting conducted by some brethieo of the Afro-American race Vinh remark my mutton" tic descended into their midst and in i-t twenty seconds there were rIx'c ii men and a dog biesking out iliit mbly in seventeen tl IT -r nt -rectioos looking for cover and iioikug remark that are poculhr'y prohilui by the decalogue that is all but tc 2nd he looked as though lie m-vild bis two-legged companion'' tiie gift of speech la Oklahoma to pass the bill with amendments making It more easy for They have been caught by the charge and lo thia way he is forced to make a personal fight for the passage of the bill la addition to tha fact that tbe administration force are at work oa the same matter The story is going the rounds that certain prominent men have relatives and friend and political wire pullers mixed op la the business ia Oklahoma SLu they lo addition to the lobby are forcing action There Is not the least doubt but the bill will get before the bouse with an abundance of time for Us consideration and it will take a determined fight by some one to defeat its passage FLY NS WANTS TO KNOW WHY The Klckaiioo Reservation Is Not Opeued to Settlement as Ter Agreement- Washington Dec Delegate Klyon introduced the following resolution In the house today: The agreement made between the United Mates by its duly authorized commission and the Kicks-poo Indians fur a sale of a portion of their lands in the territory of Oklahoma on the 21st duy of June DWI was ratified by act of congress Usrch 3 ix'J aud appropriation maoe (or carrying the said agreement into effect and The allotment of lands provided for in said agreement and act has been made lo the Indians entitled thereto snd "Whereas It is for the beat interest of said tribe as well as for the gsnersl government and the territory of Oklahoma and Tlitie seems to be tedious delay in the opening of said land so ai 'Hired lo settlement therefore be it Resolved Thai the secretary of the iuterior is hereby directed lo report to the house with convenient speed the causes or reasons for delay in openiug these lands lo COCKRELL "SOONER" HILL AVery Strong Lobby la at Work to Secure IU Paxsege Washington Dee 19 Ex-Secretary of War Major Grant spent some time with the tub committee of the houte committee on public Unde to which was referred the Cockrell bill The sub-committee began its hearings today and it is understood will make a port to the full committee this week and then it ia Intended by the friends of the measure to rush the bill onto the calendar as soon ss possible The sd ministration is more deeply interested In this bill and the bill to tell the public lends at auction than In anything else before that cam-mitter These will be forced through the house If possible The fact that the bill has passed the Senate will accordiug to a member of the committee induce the committee to take It up first at it will be more easy to get It Into law than anything else Ortaia amendments will bo added 1 be bill as It passed the senate interests many thousand people and provides that no one by reason of being a sooner shall be prevented from filing upon lauds owned to settlement in the future The comin'tlee einendments will provide in addition that any one against whom charges of have been preferred can dispose of such ehaigts (Teelually by making affidavit that he did Dot know that entering upon land before the hour of opening would bar liitn from holding a claim In thia way it ia cluimi an Innocent will not be reed to give up his claim and the list of innocent ia large 1 hers is a strong lobby working to get the bill through and they iusist that they are certain to succeed It is uuderstood that Chairman McRae is being urged by certain personal friends FUNERAL OF WM 00ULDING Bishop Brooke anil wife arrived In tha city Tuesday night to attend the funeral of Mr Wa Ooulding The service were held lo fit I'aul'i church under tha direction of tb bishop assisted bv Rev Mr Francis rector and others Promptly at 5:11 the funeral cortege left the residence oo Broadway and at t30 waa met at the door of the church by the bishop and bie clergy Rev Dr Gunn opened the service by reading tha sentence as ths procession marched toward the chancel The sentences ended the bishop and clergy In their places the casket In position ncroe the bend of the niale nt tha gate of the chancel the bishop began the antlponal chant let me know my end and the number of ny The choir responding consisted of Mrs Wall see soprano Mrs Barke alto Mr Bekesaey-y tenor and Mr Oliver baas Mrs Francis wife of the rector presided at the organ assisted in the accompaniment by Misses Avey and Milcer This part of tbe serf ic was most Impressive and solemn The blehop read tbe lesson taken from 2nd Cor 13tb chapter after wv ich was song that sweetest of comforting hymns In Jesus blessed sleep whence none ever wakes to weep" The bishop thsn made his address full of wisdom and comfort to those who needed it at thia time During tbe tinging of the next hymn there waa hardly a dry eye in the vast con-giegalion Mr Uouldior was a great favorite with fit Paul's congregation He was looked op to ss a father by everyoue and waa a friend to all ho loved the Lord Jesus To them might well come the quet-tlos stkrd by King David concerning the death of his esptsin Genersl Abner ys not thst prince and a great man is fallen thia day in Israel?" -fit Paul's church could have spared most any other member 'better than Mr Goulding Hut the Lord's will be done knows what is ibest for us before we ask biin The service concluded at the church with a hymn sad an opportunity was given the friends to lake a last look at the departed Tbe deceased appeared as if he were sleeping showing that he evidently passed awsy without a wss simply sleeping the Cbristiso sleep Over thirty carriages went to the grave where the services was taken up by Rev Mr fihaw and finished by the rector tbe choir singing that coiufort-iag hymn will be done The relatives of Mr Gjulding may be sare that they have the syinpaihy and prayer of bit many friends who will sadly miss him BANKRUPT! MR SPRINGER STARTS BALL HOLUNCL THE SFEIKS FOR IR CARLISLE'S FLAIL Be Daelarae SS Bill 1 a taapmUM Thai Barmoalaa Fairly Wall With tha Vlawa af haarly All Aa- war Qaaatlosa Vat by Mr Walkar laada the Oppoaltloa Washington Dec Tha discussion on tbe Carllale currency bill began in tbe house yesterday but tha opening of tba debate was a It lacked both spirit and interest and was devoid of sensational features Mr Welker of Massachusetts gave notice of a substitute he would offer for the bill Mr fipringer of Illinois opened the debate in favor of the bill Tbe great Importance of the pending measure he began could not be more effectively emphasized than by referring to tha report of the comptroller of tbe currency which showed that last year there were over 300(1000 depositors In national banks having a capital stock aggregating 11809000-Ooo their deposits amounting to 0000001 The committee had given the subject the most careful consideration It had carefully examined tb recommendations of tbe president and tb secretary of the treasury and had railed before It tome of the ablest fiuaDciers in the country and the result had been the presentation of the pending measure as a measure of boancial reform He did not pretend to say that the bill represented views of individual members of the committee It waa a compromise and as such harmonized fairly the views of alL He then detailed at length the Intention of the bill reviewing much of the grovnd covered in his report already made publio Mr fiickiea of New York Interrupted Mr fipringer to ask him hew he reconciled the second and fifth sections of the bill The second provided thst noteholders should have a first lien on the assets of tbe bank issuing them while the fifth gave to the association of banki contributing to the safety fund a first lien on the assets Mr fipringer replied thst the proposed act gave to the billholdera the first lien on the assets and the banking association tha first lien on tbe remaining assets Hut the word remaining' is not in the fifth said Mr fiickiea "That will be the effect of the law" remarked Mr fipringer "It is not law yet" retorted Mr fiickiea sententiously yon must vote it through first" Mr fipringer finally admitted that the word should have Wen lncororated in tbe fifth section but said this was ona of the slight defects of the bill that could readily be corrected case of panic If half of the banks In this proposed inquired Mr Mahon of I'enosylvanla fail would the other half be assessed to redeem the failed bsuk notes?" Certainly" hat is the solvent banki would be bankrupted to aid the would be no such result" replied Mr fipringer all tLe batiks should fail under thia system the note holders would be Iu answer to an inquiry by Mr Simpson Mr fipringer admitted that time alone could determine the amount of circulation which would be taken out undrr any law but that as far as the retirement of the legal tenders ws concerned for every dollar deposited in the treasury by the banks in circulating notes would be issued Mr Hland of Missouri gave notice that he would move to strike out all after the enactiug clause in the bill and substitute therefor a measure for a currency system based on coin and coin notes This plan does not interfere with the existing national tank system but instead of allowing banks to issue notes as the Carlisle plan proposes he proposes that the government Issue the notes calling them coin notes they to be redeemed in gold and silver com and the govern men to coin both metals In the course of his speech Mr alker of Massachusetts vs he opened for the opposition claimed for himself the credit of alone having arouse) the country to I realization of bad financial conditions It was his work only he said that had built up tbe demand fur a change lie spoke vigorously in favor of his substitute and against Mr Carlisle's plan To all interruptions he gave short and sometimes rude answers He said that tbe compulsory requirement of the Carlisle bill for tbe sale of tbe government bonds by the national banks would be disastrous He favored the divorce of the treasury from the banking business it had Wen compelled to da Mr Hall of Missouri also a member of too committee on banking and currency who followed Mr Walker contended that the Carlisle bill war opposed by the national banks because they preferred the Baltimore plan xvhy? Because in the Baltimore pian tbe government stood behind the notes issued and in the Carlisle bill the banks themselves were respi nsible for the notes lie insisted that every bank official summoned Wfore tbe committee had Wen forced to admit when cornered that currency issued under the Carlisle bill would be entirely safe They had opposed the bill on account of tne fifth section which had made the banks solely responsible for theii issues lie also repudiated the state-uieuls thal this bill had Wen prepared iu haste As tne conclusion ol Mr Hall's speech the committee rose Mr Henderson of North Carolina reported the postotfiee appropriation bill and then at 313 jx the bouse adjourned CONTROLLED BY A WHITE OLIGARCH! fht ladlta Votm Off Ihaa Ha Wa Ttaatf Yaara lfa-Tb Trsstlst Huh tha FU Utilised Trlbaa Hava Hn LaatvatabU ft aU or ala Kwrf Coaoalr abla Mae oar Wasiunoton Dec Ex-Senator Dawes who waa a member of the commission appointed to negotiate with the fire civilized tribe of Indian to secure a better government for the Indian territory appeared before the house judiciary committee yesterday to argue in behalf of legit-lation to bring about that end Mr Dawes give a dark picture of the condition of affaire now in the Indian territory The country i really in the hands of the white oligarchy The real Mr Dawes says In the aVerile timber country and eke out an existence far from the whites and all civilizing influences The mountain and thicket along the water courses afford a refuge and abiding place for criminals and outlaws whence they sally in their foray im the surround ng country and states and to which they return when pursued The immunity thus afforded from arrest aud punishment encourage lawlessness aud only the presence of large bodies of armed men or the settlement of the country can extirpate this evil living in the woods are the admission of their wisest men less civilized and fit for citizenship than they were twenty years ago Theirs is a case of arrested progress and it is believed that ue only hope of civilizing them is to induce them to settle on the fertile lar Is rent portion to the white tn'ngle freely with them attending the same churches and Mr Dawes said that tle 1 -Trier op-pose-1 at all times by those 1 authority iu the tnhes and assuming to speak for them as to any change in existing conditions is what they claim to be truly situation" They mean by this term that the United Meres is neder treaty obligations not to interfere In their internal policy but nas guaranteed to them self-government id absolute exclusion of while citizens from any abode among them that the United Mates Is bound to isolate them absolutely While this was substantially the original governing idea in establishing the five tribes in the Indian Territory these tribes were to hold this territory for the use and enjoyment of ail Indians belonging to their respective tribes so that every Indian as is expressed In some of the treaties have an equal right with every other Indian in each and every rtion of the territory" and the further stipulation that their laws shall not conflict itb the constitution of the United States executory provisions have not been observed by either side The executory conditions contained in the treaties have become impossible of execution It is no longer possible fir-the United Mates lo keep its citizens out of the territory Nor is it now possible for the Indians to secure to each individual Indian his full enjoyment in common with other Indians of the common property of the territory These executory conditions are not only impossible of execution but have ceased to be applicable or desirable It has been demonstrated that isolation is an impossibility and that if possible it could never result in the elevation or civilization of the Indian It has been uade clear that under its oerations imperfectly as it has been carried out its effect has been to retard rather thaa to promote civilization to impair rather than strengthen the observance of law ami order snd regard for human life and rights nr the protection or promotion of a virtuous life such a degree has this sad deter oration become evident that to-dav a most deplorable and dangerous condition of affairs exists in the territory causing widespread alarm and demanding most a--tons cons deration AU the functions of the sir called governments of these five tribes have become powerless to protect the life or property rights of the citizens The courts of justice have become helpless and paralyzed Vi denee robbery and murder are almost of daily occurrence and no effective measures of restraint or punishment are put forth to suppress crime Within the territory of one of tnese triWs there were fifty-three murders during the month of September and the first twenty-four days of OctoWr and not a single person brought to trial "In every respect the present condition of affairs demonstrates tile permission to govern themselves under the const tution of the United Mates which was orig tially embraced in ttie treaty lias proven failure So likewise lias the provision that requires the I nited State! so exclude white citizens from the territory" Mr Dawes therefore thought that the government should consuier the treaties nugatory to such an extent as is necessary to tiring alxiut a responsible and effective government in tiie territory The committees seemed favorably impressed with Mr Duwes' argument Mure lurAi Aglut Tijlor Washington Dec l't charges against I' 11 Taylor the colored recorder of deeds for the District of Columhin alleging that he offered to enter irto an agreement tc make cieneat apiHiinluieiits in hit oitice atiu pay money lo vs Elvin base editor of local nepro journal lo erase me puO'u-alion ol attacks on hnu have been tiled with the eivil service Commission TUE CHOCTAW RAILROAD 81101'S In a communication of recent date a citizen of tome prominence in Mc-Alester Indian Territory delivers himself thus: Choctaw thopa are located here the road from here to Oklahoma City wi'l be speedily finished and we aspect a regular Wichita bo here Now we here in Oklahoma City term to think that the ahopt are not yet fixed located at any given point and thal our city has an equal chance with other places for the 1 x-ation of the shops How is this? on this Important matter is desirable Wiuit WtllKK A smart sbrriyd merchant from one of the larger Kansas towns after spending a few hours in this store the other day declared thal he had never seen such anothrr store in a town of this size From his talk you might thiuk he doubted if the Oklahoma people knew wbat a good store they bad If we could take a corner lodging in your brain this Thursday morning we would like to mova in tle facts of our operations now torn hiug Dry Goods Linens Dress Goods Handkerchiefs Shoes anil kindred other things that to make up woman and children and make homo bright and happy McGlinchey A AT want the goods? E) L-2 To the Public in General: We lieir to elute that eur intentions were to remove the stock cust to the auction hotifc hut in orJer to cave freight und i cases we will remain here a few days longer und let you liavo the benefit of our bargains We Sell Regardless of Cost You set the jiriee and we will wrap up the goods no conlen lion over prices as we must get rid of the goods at once We cull your sH'eial attention to and Suits and Underwear IX MEMOK1AM has orasinueli as it has pleas A mighty God in His wise and luiinz providence to remove our ben Senior Warden Mr Gonldug from hie esrlhly labors to tiie prepared for God's people Therefore be it resolved that the vestry men of St Hauls I'i 1 1 Episcopal church iu common wi'n oil' fellow church people and the in munity at large recogniz ihil th-v have met with a vere bos in the death ruf A va'ar wy hu been made tbnr cannot 6Ucd We bare loot a iM i-i brother oce ah has at I in poat of duty who bore mif iui ji'iiimu ly heavy burden and ti i a cheerful face aod a i lrh Cilty who had at all nm rfui kmdlyword ay to ui) I )c met Resolved further that we to the stricken family ami assurance of our deepest -t au r-ful sympathy and by that ip- be richly sustained tv th -e i vu consolations that cast ha "Hit! i- about the memory of Mr Keeolved further that resolutions be given tin for publication and ps -nt the bereaved family IUii a Kh Rb Am Il 'l i Kt A I I I Cl! i I tv ''I stryiiiiin Pul I nr- 1 SIX Iq Ponca ty six stranger in the p'aee ranged msi triable excitement by wu'x-n 'Untie principal street of the un i ii i armed it Wnii het rv pu and bowie knives and uth- imp' ti it of war The police und soon summoned a latge ui arrested the young nu in st-loon hen the ofli't-rs ui lit i On-saloon the boys V'dumai h- ep their hand an 1 said 1 1 r-' otr cah It iui md ooi afterward that the bo were used to the country hil arm 'U In m-Selves to combat gng und wheo the oflicers came in tin tleo aUi the Cook gang was on tlom Tht were a hunting party fron the and are called here Payne County )emKTat The attraction at tiie next Friday evening will Carter's great scenic nuliulrcuioi The Fast Mail" It bux tii-n oic i the greatest auecet-en know to the stage for years It lias a Mery oT thrilling interest and tbe tt-cui- ao I other mechanical effects are kGI to marvelous There is a reprex-inmiou of an engine room on aMrxi-vppi steamboat With the furnace urul the boilers In active opera' 'on very realistic train of our- -t is cross lfc I a i t- at ua scene is oiie of the most eiabori'e nl daring tbifcgs ever unit-' -uVc drama It lx descrWd ax a ifidand accurate rcpicvuUGon ot that peri lous marvel of natutc Marvelous Results From a letter written by Rev Guoderman of Uiiuondale Mich we are permitted to make this extract have no hesitation in recommending Dr King's New Discovery ss the results were almost marvelous in iheoase of my wife While 1 was pastor ef the Baptist church at Rives Junction she wss brought down with Pneumonia succeeding LaGrippe Terrible paroxysms of couching would last hours with little interruption and it seemed as if she could not survive them A friend recommended Dr King's New Discovery it was quick in its work and highly satisfactory in results Trial bullies free at It Haley's Drug More Regular size oc and (1 on DISSOLUTION NOTICE Notice hereby given that the firm and partnership heretofore existing between A II Uliew Arthur Chew and Nettie Cobb under the firm name and style of A Chew com pally doing business at No 113 Main street Oklahoma City in the terri tory of Oklahoma is by agreement of raid parties this day hereby dissolved the said Nettie Cobb who has sold her interest in said partnership retiring The business of said firm will le reafler conducted by the above named A 11 Chew and Arthur Chew under the old firm name of A II Chew A company and whi have purchased the entire business and accounts of saij firm and will collect accounts settle the business and pay the d-bts of the film A II Cnrw A Ciixw N'Ermt nu DEAN RELEASED ON HON'D Dean the attorney who was nvicted of eiubez'emeul in the district court in Norman a few weeks ago and sentenced to five year in the penitentiary at Lansing waa releas' last Dight having succeeded in giving hi -nno bond pending the decision of the supreme court on his appeal He has been In jail tevcral weeks but hia brother () Dean arrived from Indiana a few days ago and has been exerting himself in his behalf The 1 ond given Is an excellent one representing $4T 00 A CARD OF THANKS The thanks of Mrs Wa Goulding and family are gratefully extended to liie many kind friends for the help end sympathy received In their deep tion occasioned by the tuddeu death of Mr Win Goulding the husband and father Ss'i 1 mnann iiiii Rt 4ii 1 17 First door north of Hroun's Fruit Ladies Childrens Our Table Best and Prices are If so come Linens Defy Competition line ol Shoes in the city not the thing to do you at once to the MJ 1 A I A Stand It is the Fj-tcin Bankrupt stsk KememRr the place.

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