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The Fresno Morning Republican from Fresno, California • 9

Fresno, California
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I THE FRESNO MORNING REPUBLICAN' FRIDAY mAncnic 1028 AICI1V1VC! tri 1 irt 11 Al nt-411-11' 110Q '7ITAPHQNEMOVIETONE' I 4 Is MARKED STEP IN ENTERTAINMENT II nT 1 I It 111 LEcs TTwooleeGr vo er nm aThhc iess milimprn ColoneldenLindbergh and On Program President all- Pseth Lindbergh and i I 111111 ellnium RiryT Evening Premiden1 Coolidge will to) both EYDEMEMPER 11 tahnnd 11111111V 111ATIP LEGS TO SRN NEXT Colonel Lindbergh and 1 President On Program COU'r 0 II I LL MANIICERIS co Charles Lindbergh and I I EFER EN President Coolidge will be both sinegen tahnod 11illecamrdingine -11f1THEATEll In New Stale Theater Opener Tonight te Theater Opener Tonight It AaNAILMIlklitird(tittrZT I i 4''' 'SILK BE FJSTIIIIIENT IS INLIIcE ANY aTHER HIKE' 11" I I 1:1 now the traction at the State theater Ralph Allan managing 'director AL JOLSON TO BE HEARD Comfort courtesy end rert ke tit ill here fur the 'll undD Junior Enter- At JOINOR in Jazz Singer" bo throe of the watchwords of crises Inc lessees and operators of with l'itaphone will bn the big at- State theater whielt opens ton ist it according to 101110i MK new State theater ne ecomes of traction at the State theater erten- Allan the outsuinding figure in Frestio'n ing sundn3 Atnrch 25 director here for 'U Lid I Junior Eit- theatrical world tonight with tho Oen- terprisce lite lessees and vtierattta lug Of 'the now theater of Fremo's newest elle house Allan was named general manager' Meet's Prior to noming to Fresno Lucia gide have ba'sa of the theater here by Michael ichel Natty he has held posts in Ilia theatrical eatral trained as usherettes 111 the nOW nen President eM general manager of the ht111nes5 in Portland Sall Francisco ter and for several days hev lii As operating company a fsw wtsks to Spat Os Los Angeles Oakland and 1 een handling imaginal coo Lis tt after an exhaustive examinatrut of i Pasadena tins' thernseives la readineri 10 tN the records of the horri- of andi I During the liat few ears 11s retie emplify courtesy and soffit dates for the post of rr arver here itie hri iaiiia1 ihe hithiii aid Scats of a very high tvee to! Fortner newroanes man HIld lie 0h a ita the" hxy 1i A rum jail lia IA II 011111 I time stutkrit at the University or rail I the State Theater in naliland and the theater mai trill give a fornia Allan entered the theatrimi iluthrie theaicr in Portland Ile came idea of rest comfort 'a l''''''' a4- 1usiness with Famous players arid to ptsria from the stat6 theater cording to Allen And the entio 1 ot et for s011ie time was Faelfic North- in Oakland 0110 Of the string of la so arranged that every it 11 west district manager for the taeneral theaters by and Junior cominsuda a direct view '4 the IY Film company with headquarters' at i Enterprises Inc nutnulacturad screen new State theater becomes on of the outtundlng flotem In 1rotino'n theatrical world with tho open lug Of the now theater Allem wag named general manager of the theater here by Michael Natty fornta Allan entered the thentrimi iAlainetia with Players and for S011ie time Amu fie North tit 10 11 ilY en 11 AV ft 't Doors of the new State the ater will open this evening at o'clock with performances scheduled at 0:30 o'clock and at 9 o'clock The prograin Nvill consist of the initial operaticn In this territory of the Vitaphone-Mo vietone which will put on the screen and in the air Anna Case soprano of the New York Metropolitan opera Van an Schenck comedians Will if lays head of the motion picture industry tile New York Symphony orchestra a President Coolidge rind Cot Charles Lindbergh "When a Man Loves" featuring John Barrymore and Dolores Costello will complete the program at the premier showing at the new theater 1 '7 0 4 7 76t: ii 'i 4 4 4b4 4 4 t4ixo 1 ri 4t rk iiik7x I 0 vp 444 i 1 4 "Silk one of the year's outstanding comedy' dranias will have Its local showing at the State theater with Vitaphone starting next Wednesday March 21 Madge Bellamy in the featured role scores again as one of the screen's leading comediennes Her humorous delineation of the youthful chic and smart business-girl of today is without doubt one of her outstanding rules since her advent Into pictures James Hall es the conceited rival salesman cute a sorry figure after the ViVLICIOUR Madge unfolds her beg of tricks and defeats him unmercifully However love is no respecter of persons and Hall finally convinces Miss Bellamy that he needs a protector from the perils of the bust-nos world and escorts her to her new 'midden in life with all the Pomp of a visiting monarch 1 1 14611W1110 A 41464 A Amm Aa A Aft 410 d2 Atk 4 NIF NOW Nis" '411tir 'NSF Noe -1tor 71' Nlvfr- --'i--qi-f4rtrt Tv mbodies Combination 1 i'- "ie ''e1 4- -4 -11itiF -f''' Apt 7 Of Several Scientific 1 1 9nohyi I 1'''-e It 4 it r9 4 4 ktrk 's ') Developments i 4 -40 410 ttA 411 a av I rt0 thin is an era of ri-rim'ee 'N444 1 rk 't ''(lur rind in tP1P1)110110 )1101 1 I 1 i 11 1: g1114 4gtornobilits airentft sitlimitrino4 t- Maitre transmission by ocl ifie (V 4i known tti have mad' tlistunite a tiiiig ht or A p11 1' And now cornea th a A 11t hone- Ai -t: 40i ne 0v8eitringv hain il ie tiotAl Jot- e)( I Hi' ''''t A17' eit '2' ii Its: the screen just as though he igtilitg '')'" 4 4 iltA 1 itood there In Itertion And tottight I' Nu tP ot the State thentor premier )--0-14- 4 mowing we may seo Anna C1' "7 1:: r0 tatropolitan op tt era tiottertft und pear her gokton Voice ft ij4 i'4 1 74 1 JP irav: I i rt LI vitarom la iihmolutely Itiithilw fr'41112 1' tAte any other invention 'rho min- Itiples underlying the Int tett mem sm different entirely from tither at-1 Here are John Barrymore and Dolores Costello in a beautiful kegipta that tintoft totn nyirtv the scams from "When a Man Loves" the opening bill at th new State leproduntion of itolind in conjtine- theater tonight Anna Case noted soprano and Col Charles Lind tron 'With Motion Okfol o5 Tii bergh will also be seen and heard on the same bill l'itaphone erotoelit-)4 I l'1 othr binatimt of sereral a re a reat the Illusion that the aetors 1 telephone inStireS ohm A oh gatelopments Theo Viral sytTn of 111DI stproftr on the naturalness waN es- and a remarkable levie 67rPPTI are in totality spoaking or SYNCH RONIZATION tilt tPProdlitte4 ttio ftntinA IN-avett ttingIng or pinying alt the ago may SYllehr011iZatiSS--thfit is the tier I iitat have Leen registered -ftEGISTRATION STEPS The first sop registration is i Ie For snusierd programa a ape- tacontblinhod by meana nt high jai: alttallty mlerophono of an Irttprovocl tYpe complemented by an slootrieni 111 'amplifying apparatus and sound- lc 'reel star! ng meehanism 1 I t4 istra- le 'Akin may he enl on at a ed con- I 1 olound speaking (Continued on Page 10 Col 1) fi I Elnommumono El Fil nnmin le III a JCR Ell on elderablo dintatiee from tho "mare Is II IL- of the sound Thls la (onto) au im- I Success i feature al It finftblpt ttle I a APe I oroste the Melon that the aotore telephone inStill'S oorreet Aolurne whose motive! appear on the I and naturalness 6rePTI are hi reality speaking or SYNCHRONIZATION Fingirg or playing aa the easo flay I Is the per le For musical program a ape- daily eenntrtoted loud sneaking (Continued on Page 10 Col 1) I A a 11 ot i a a ii a I 1n a i 11 i 611 11 1 II In II II Success 6:: 111 1' rr 414 a 4 4 4'rr IP lin 44001 Mati ilea' fokri ti All 1 -ice -ice dinvt! 0 I OboNv pear A Vit ite VPI''' el kooill lopp 4fori '1110ne diet 1 waN that 1 gr a Th cent dius11 'snip 'reels 'Alon rolder IL- of th anyta Aert5Leu-Ing In nallETI I'' 14 11 IlL Alon may be eanad on at ti con- 1 111 rttlerable dintaw a froti the tnuree Ils I 1L of the sound Thls la quit nu hn- Success 'portant feature as It onft111 tie I 8 4-1i1: 71) -38 4-k AFIkie A 0 sf i i7 il Lj'y Op 42-1 4 It As t40 Or IN -1 r- ic i i- i Ilcii 4 riki b- 1''' idol 1 0 IF 1 ti i-7' New York Symphony Provides The Music' he New York Symphony or- chestra of 107 pieces under the leadership and direction of Henry Hadley plays the entire score of "When a Man Loves" featuring 1 John Ban7more which is the i oppning attraction of the Dew theater EDDIE PEABODY ALSO Eddir Peabody of 1827m8nia Caine ill be a WitaPhone presentation during the showing of Al Jolson's "The Jazz Singer' at the State theater I 1 i i 1 The light breezy MequPneve of title Imo affair are typical of en- toyable entertainment 1 1228 II STREET ELECTRIC laws asz FRESNO CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE 2-1814 COMPANN 4111 0 -tat' ilo -411kt 49r I' I 1228 II STREET TELEPIIONE 2-1814 4 la tilS111TICZtin 777k Ci a4 1407 A' rz ti iE tift luir 'ELECTIttlef-- 7 (COMPANYIR LIG11 6 4 HE ATIING kttoNTRACTORtft FRESNO CALIFORNIA In the Vilophone-Alovietone llvt lame program Will present Matdoito grnestine Sehumonn-llotink ho- loved and worl(1 renownod prima in molcort: Willie rind Eiti- I I gertt Howard the far famed com-1 Marls anti others 'l I i 1') Success and Best Wishes ri 1 r- C' to the 1 71! to the '41 WISHES THE W131-1E3 I lit I VT irl Irl rt rrly tt g'' NI 12: i7Yg F11 71 1 (X' I rek I 4 tr '4 0 71 I' 4 1 VI 'i 14 ie 31i v7 gt' c4 ri og E- 1 4 rli I 3r a'id-oiata or actors to group themSeles naturally in any neA-tna and hi Asies away with any need of orowd- on lag tafora PI microphone I 7h per on I-1 Ptep in the process Aspenda upon a day! that repro- 1 tdoces the NO1 Ind that have 11 "Nati registere(1 fneetrieul rut-- treats from this device pasts lute an Salpilfie- and operate 3 roollterful speaker This nouticen- Is of a typa that IIMIIIRAPS any MO- 117 0-i 11! and Greetings to -1 State Thea in tn -aoloint or actors to grnuyi them- 6 oelves ntaurailv In any nren A nd and Greetings to Aruba nquu with nIF nf crelwri I rhentNtl sOlJTA end fq ra pn a i runs treating sufflotent V011111-10 ti fill 113 ire tT 1r911k 11 POPULAR PRICES MATINEES 35c- 1 Oc State Theatre From A ALLEN Bijou Theatre 1 r-) 73 ate Theatre Upon Their Opening Friday 1 1 1 i Fresno Theatrical Federation Consisting of Moving Picture Machine Operators' Local No 599 American Federation of Musicians' Local No 210 International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees' Local No 158 treatlfriotent 170111111f 0 fill Elm Moving Picture Machine Operators' i ni 41 Just One of hiS 18 4 ally otif) I lioittattUrn A ALLEN ting Th thlr'd etep le to Ilnk tip the J11 i r4 Local No 599 1 ereoptodueme mo that tbro musirt Will 11 111 I triarin audible to thong seated IP' 11 L''' American Federation of Musicians' WIred fi theai or dreA ddptio atr ri tt r11 tpble ad en asyetem ti i pti Bijou Theatre Local No 210 ft $ctssibin to pirk up the retzl-t fil eid International Alliance of witinel wave amplify Mein t'd I II ees 1 inane of proper'' Inca 1 i'm'i 11 Theatrical Stage Employ tpadsing tr lephon trinct 111 11 11 11 4 0 Local No 158 vlb4 Prato rt tnnig inOdt I I a urz-al I 111111-111111 1111 111:1111 'P4 Ntatti4111151Vt911 IMP volume ia I' is I III 11 1:11 7t 1 9 1 1 IN Ig II 'ARifl 'MriitiEINMigMtRA'Ara -ZE'A '7si -1E5A Yi'-' 1 VITtill'hig STATE TIEATRE A WORLD OF SUCCESS This Is Just One of the Many Buildings Wired by Us 1110 rt 40) PI 4POV46)1143114521WITPV1145111014Y1441La tswebaeitl4es gel wJipNoof Iraricotootvoggill arimirrrt Beginning Saturday Continuous Daily ---1 to I 1 M--- ATTEND THE MATINEES Is of a Eiroao' 0-1 il lo '11 C't State Theatre aultdata or actors to group them- 15 1 1 4 i selves naturaliv In any arAne hod lv and Greetings to MN r4 i Aces away with any neod of ere'nl- II I ''l lag or PI inierophona 1 1 i I 7h perond step in thn procaalt Upon Their Opening Friday ST ATE I EA 1 'RE AlpOndl Upon A OVI thI1 repro- ow 4 1: AttUnsa the conn1 IVIPO4 thnt bnya ee IMITI relestend fneetriani our- 111 I va 'omit from thia device pass litto an le State Theati irJ resno Theatrical Federation A WORLD OF SUCCESS anaplifie'l and a powerful In Er2i 4 Raid opeaker Thi tr oftle-t iii i typ that eliminat 1( es any ma- cla Consisting of mhtnte1 solJni end is ra no 141 of From us VI 'treating outtliolont volume to fill UN III Moving Picture Machine Operators i ing Pi' ThiS Is Just One of the Many Buildings t4 ic any min auditorium Th third step 14 to Ilnk lip th A ALLEN r'4 Local No 599 erentodurttr no that the muslin Will 11 1 III I 3: inade audible to thong semted in it on Musicans American Federatif i' Wired by Us theittor An nelaplation tit r11 Bijou Theatre Local No 210 4publin aAdresa system rriakes it 1'211 1 711- $cresibin to piak up the reyt-ten 41 tct' International Alliance of 903Und waves amplify thve t11 I 111 I 4floann of pronalt brat 1 4111 a 1 Theatrical Stage Employees' ftwoong tolephows troferin 11 ''r Local No 158 atrial 144 I 0 Vie I 1 245 IA 51 I 14 W' RYA! YI MV Altil L14511 it if waves or vihrationi4 int I aulcils Ell- -4r V0111rnn 14 Po r(glihiti as 1 a is Lon Tir'1 '''IrlintWirtirir It 1 Ottreatigartaillattsh- 64 I i I I tE't: ratMr-r 1614-j 1 1 7 I 1 POPULAR PRICES 1- Beginning Saturday 12116 a MATINEES 35c-10c Ilk' 0 Continuouo Daily 4 11111110 nostaktioll WO it n611-1 1 to 1 1 M-- 1' to CM MCI 5 11::1 CM I 44 5 ATTEND THE MATINEES 4 'I 1- 1 I 1 1 11 1 Evenings Sundays Holidays 50c and 15c Evenings-- Sundays Holidays 50c and 1 5c 6 6 4ra I'll 4 E777 HEAR AND SEE! ENIN The Cansinos 1 OrPheum Dance Headliners in "La Fiesta" President Coolidge Silent Vov- 1 010 NE Is Thrilling the World Anna Case Col Chas Lindbergh TVan and Schenck VpLi Litilll WFUI I a Assisted by Male Chorus The Lone Eagle Himself Internationally Comedians Mussolini Italy's Iron Man The STATE THEATRE Is the ONLY Theatre in the San Joaquin Valley Presenting VITAPHONE MOVIETONE Not a Moving Talking Picture Do Not Confuse With Anything You Have Ever Seen or Heard SHOWS AT 1h PM DOORS OPEN AT 6 1 1 1 21 Not a Moving SHOWS AT IT lit 111) I 111 I ENIIN tat11 4: :1 Talking Picture 630and 4 1:: 0 jk 4 1 0 Do Not Confuse 'Ill I A VITA PHONE 31114': Fo it 01 I ETON With Anything co 4- HEAR I i -fr' orY'-- -4 k3 0 ilt: -3'0 You Have Ever ''4 -0 AND Seen or Heard DOORS OPEN AT 6 4 1 3 J- i t) Tii- 1- 2't --tf ritr- MON I ETO NE 1 ilr 1 i 1 1 i s4f :1 -ird ir 1''- SEE! i tii I 4:4 vii yr-757-4str A40 I "1- 4 IA it 4a 444t40 4 4 430 rP- 't k-41- :1 '4 47N 1 I 1 1 i 3' Is Thrilling the World 44 l' It av -rt -n4 I ft- 4 e-7 e0417- 'sn 44t 0-oi' 'two- 7 1 i-f- it 4 4 4 me: 4- I Anna Case Col Chas LindberghVan and Schenck --r L- 114'e: rt A 4 '1 t' 1' 411 ilt toi'frottil?" '-t '1e11''i i 4 ol-ie i14 i --'1: If to) 4 tA: i'i 0 1 0 'I ei li ran i i 0- Metropolitan Opera Star Soprano 7 4 A 4 'o i "e'" a Internationally Famous 'den TN 4 i 42- or- 7 04r- 1 0 The Lone Eagle Flimself i-1-a-4 -4 Assisted by Male Chorus Comedians k4-- tO '7' 9' 1''' i 7 C'''! if 04 11-: 1 ":1 i i :1 t-' -e A The Cansinos 1' President Coolidge ft a -Mat441 ha 4kk SOX: monmmommtm i Mussolini 4 1 4 Orpheum Dance Headliners Silent Cal-Speaks AoT4'4 a It id 4 i-! -t in "La Fiesta" Italy's Iron Man I 4 ri -1t: 'i -1'i ''''VVI-4 '-is'C "r4-70 i The STATE THEATRE Is the ONLY Theatre in the San 4 1 1 i 4 0 f''' i A trt! Joaquin Valley Presenting VITAPHONE MOVIETONE A( I it 11 A bl 'ks4 ti --1----4641friiimotoitaiweiesomsouvilapistarboomes amiatarmilei todmivibkinwol Oi: li WRYIVIRE and tOURES COSTS" --LOVE IN ITS BLOSSOM ---PASSION AT ITS HEIGHT th --In EN LOVES9 IN ITS I3L OS OM Burning Romance vir ---PASSION AT ITS HEIGHT Accompanied by New York Symphony Orchestra of 107 Pieces (Henry Hadley Conducting) Something You'll Never Forget 1 IAtaf'': i c4sr vt ri 1 7 LL 1 It joi tii tivtitypit :111 and toLtREscosTE 4 A I ---In them 64 EN A LOVES" LovE INN rrsiBTLoHs Burning Romance IGHT 1 1 1 Accompanied by New York Symphony Orchestra of 107 Pieces (Henry Hadley Conducting) Something You'll Never Forget I i 'wE77 La owitiow go ail 1 4 11 Li ii I 4soLk 3 I A 0 i RE and i J01: 'N l0114RES COSTELL'Ip ri 7 '3'-':" 1 1 1 --pLAgsVsEI0INN AITTSIBTS HEIGHT OS OM 4 it EN In the--- A LOVES7' 1 Burning Romance I Accompanied Symphony Orchestra of 10Conducting) Something You'll Never Forget Ac by New York Pieces (Henry Hadley Cond 1 r-1 11 I pwpw- II! I.

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