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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 4

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

LfiAAL NOTICES. anaponAVimi SHIPWRECK. AT WORK. IN PERIL. of the lives that havo rolled upon their skill and forethought and watchfulness and of ttie millions of treasure that wore praotlcally intrnstol to thom.

Probably tbo boat bridge building skill that tho world can show Is now employed on the Brooklyn Bridge, for they had tho tBlent to begin with, and tho yoara of experience they have acquired has brought them np to tho first A NIGHT OF TERROR. Great DruuaKc by ttie Storm Jamaica Bay Tho Stetvard ot tho taiewlta Club House Narrowly Escapes Witii Mis Family The great storm of Friday, and the gale which succeeded it daring the night, was very eeraro in Jamaica Bay. Afield of ico bad coveted tha bay for several days, which tho wind and tide brdko up and landed on the moadows in miniature icebergs. Tho current swept it along with tremendous force, demolishing everything in its course. Tho boat houses of the Idlewild Club wora sot afloat and many of them broken into pieces.

The yachts woro washed upon tho shoro and very badly damaged. Tho rigging was nearly all destroyed. The Idle wild Club House, built on spiles driven into the meadows, la almost a total wreek. The ico was piled up around it to the height of fifteen feet, and the spiles were made chips of. Tho ice floated under the house and started the floors.

The powers of this Board, by the law of Louisiana, do not apply to Presidential electorB that the Board itself was not oonsOtutod In accordance with the law under whioh It was oreated; and Anally, that a condition, without whioh the Returning Board could not got Jurisdiction in tho casoa whero ft assumed to reject votes of whole districts, was not complied with. There ia every reason to believe that the authority exercised by that Returning Board la void, as repugnant to the Constitution of tho TJnitftd States, and also to the Constitution and laws ot Louisiana. In this state of the law. that BeiurninR Board, according to publio atatementa of oonoeded facta, by manipulations of the returns, bave changed a majority for one act of Presidential Eleotora of about 9,000 to tt majority for anothor set of about 1,000, which would be equivalent to a change of over 80,000 votes in the State of New York. IN FTjOBIDA we have ft board of State canvasjors, BOlomnly adjudged by the highest court in tuo State to possess none but ministerial powers, aBBume the authority to reverse the oblce of electors na shown ou the fnco ot tho retutna made by the oClcers who conducted the elections and received the votes and to do tute In opon disobedience and contempt of the jutUolal tribunal having jurisdiction in suoh matters, and vestod with the right of Qua! judgment.

IN SOUTH CAROLINA wo have seen the Board of Stato Canvnssora fabricating a canvaM In like dlBobadionce and contempt of tho Supreme Court having jurisdiction and the right of final judgment wo bave seen Federal Boldlory take possession of tha copitol of tho State, and a corporal at the door determining who wore the elect of tho Deople, and who wore to bo permitted to represent them as legislators. Notwithstanding some a 10RPO jNOTIUE MjTICE 13 VL heroby given to all porson! to bo affaotsd thereby, that tho Common Council of the City of Brooklyn has declared, by resolution. Its intention to oauso gas lamp posti, with lanterns and all nocessnry appurtonanoet, to be ral oa Melrose strost, from Evorsieon to Central avsnne, without petition thorolor. and has by resolution filed tho district of aBiessment for such improvement on tea lots lying on nnd along the lino on each side of tho said Melrose atroot, botwoen tbo points abovri specified and that tho said Common Council will proocod undor tho said resolutions at a meotinir tuoroof, to bo held on the 29th day ol January, 1877. or as soon thoroaftor as tho publio business win auow.

iioiuonsirancos in any) the said lm Srovonient mmt bo tiled with the Clerk of the Common ouucll (or othcrwlee prosi ntcd to tbe ilotnmori Council), on or before the said day. Dated ooklyn, December 30, 1876. HENRY w. SU1CUM. WM.

A. POWI.F.R, THOMAh W. ADAMS. Commissioners of City Works. Attest D.

L. Notithdp. doll lit (PORPORATION NOTICE. IS horebjgiron to all persons to bo effected thereby, ib it the Common Council of tho Cll.7of Brooklyn has duel red, by resolution. Its intention to cause sm limp posts.

with lanti'nin and all bo set and ou inpolut avenuo, from I'rantlin street to Union peiition has by resolution tbtod tJic aleti ict noasniont orsuca ImpcoromBnt on thelots run Ins; on osch Bids of the said Greenpoint avc. u' bitii om the points above Bnooinod and that th ftjifn Common Council will proceed under tho said resolu mooting tuaroof, to bo hold ou day of JniVufv, 18i7. nr Risoon thoreaftcr as tha publio business will allow. Remonstrances (if a ty) against the said lm provomont init fllod with the Clerk of the Common Conned (or othwwi se predated to tho Common Council) on or beioro tho stOd doy. Datod Brooklyn, llooetuher 14.

1878. rlh SLOC 1) M. WM. A. FOWLKR.

THOMAS W. ADAMS. oiiunlssioners of City Works. Attest: D. L.

NonTHPT, SooreUry. Ht CORPORATION NOTlOH NOTtCE IS horehy to all persons to be affected thereby that the Common Council of ths Oity of Brooklyn has do olared, by resolution, its intention to grado Uujli to root from Hloks to Divight stroet. And has by resolution flxe tho district of assessment for such lmprovomentat one hundred foot la depth on eaah elda af tao said Bu.ta street, botweon tho points above ppocified: and that tho said Common Counotl will nrooeod unjer tha said rosolu. tions ata rae3Ung thereof, to be held on tho 2 'd div of Jan nary, 1877, or aa soon thereafter as the public nuslnosst will allow. R.Qraonstre,uo 8 (If anv) ngr.uvst the said tru Brovomnnt must be filed with the Clerk of the Oiromn ounoil (or otherwise presonted to tho Comraon Council! on or before tho said day.

Dalsd Brooklyn. December II, aiB. HRNKY WM A. FOWLKR. THOMAS.

W. ADAMS, OummiBsiouers of City Works. Attest: D. L. NonrHCT, Soorettiy.

aol4 lit iVTOTIOE OF ORDINANCE TO IURT5C1? FKNC1NO LOTS ON DIKEMAN STKHKT Notlrt of the Intention of tlio Common Council of the City ot Brooklyn to nasa an ordinauco to direct tho owner or ow i ers of the lot or lots yinz on the north Bide Dihom Btnet. bDtvc3n Richards and Dwlizht streets, to fonca B.iltl lots with a close board lence. 6ix feet lugn, ii hcro jy vo i to every purfton to be aifoctei by tie safd ordinandi. Dated Brooklyn, Docembor 28, HKNRY W. SLOCUM, WM.

A. FOWL KM. THOMAS W. ADAMS, Commissioners of City Winks. Atiost D.

L. NoitTHCP, (ici rotary. de3.H.' A7VI ASSESSES JSNTTS DEPARTMENT OF COLLB I ItoonmO. 1 and Citv HalJ. Brooklyn, Doi ombor 15, ldio.

Notice Is hereby given that the asaestraent rolls in tno fobowliiK ciutitlod uinltora havo boon imuletod. and thn warrants for the collection ot tho various assessments mentioned tlnrcln havo this day d.utvorod to tho Collector ot Tnxoa auc! Assessments, ond all purdons lliblo pay audi aro ryipilrod to pa snui without deliiy at hie otlice, undor tho pe i ilty ot' the law: I. riewor. iiap 1 Drsinaa iliurict 24, sub Division Xi. Giading aud paving Koapoueot, from Kent avu Wythe avenue.

Digging down lots on north side of Madison rtroot. near Bedford a enno. .4. 'ciiel in, Lit. ioBiroot, oust Bido, botwaon Evans at reafc and Iho lOasI 'tivor.

6. i 'laiti. ift, Clotnioot nvonne, cast i lde, botweon Park and 'o a. entna. 6.

ltes.vlln.;r and rop. ti in1? Dean stroot, from Court Btioot to iourth avjn ie. 7. Gas lamps and posts. Hart street, from Tompkins Lewis avonuo.

0. itas aud posts, Otchard stroot, from Norniau to Van Cott aveuue. 9. tins lamps nnd posts, Beaver Btreot, fri.ra Flushing to Bushwicit avouue. In.

tins and posts, Stockton stieot. from Tompkins to Tnroop avenue. II. Li'a3 lamps and posts, Dunham place, from Broadway to S.Kit Sbilli street, 12. Gas lamps aud posts, Qnincy Btreot, from DownhlK stroot to Clssson nvetuip.

I. 1. Gasl'tmpBa'jd posts, Downirg street, from tjulncy slioe' lo Gates avouue. II. Gas l.tiups and posts, Herkhnor atroit, from Bodlorl to 'ostraud avenue.

EXTRACT FROM THE LAW: Section 10 oi Title 7 of 861 ot tuo Ijiwb of Now York, passed June lis, ISTi. On nil taxes or assessments whioh shall bo usld to (ho Collector before the expiration ol thirty days aiter tho warrant for tie collootioa ol the sama shall have boon delivered to him. an allowance ahull bo made toihe person or poisons making such payments at the rato of r.evun aud throo tonlhs per coalitm por annum tor tha unexpired portion thereof, and tho amount ot Bitch allowanco aha.ll ba crodltod to tho account of tho Colloctorund ohorgod to tha account, of the itevonno Fund. On all taxos aud astosa mcntspaidto him alter the expiration ot thirty days trutn tnu (tale oi tno warrants, one ior coin, oii.

iu oa nuuo.i, anu one per cont. additional for oi oiy thirty days thoroaftor. untilsuoh taxos or ajisssmeuH shall Pali. WILLIAM A. FUR15Y, doisaot Collector of Taxes and A DEPARTMENT 05? COLLECTION; Rooms 6, 7 aud 8.

City Hall, Brooklyn, DeoeniborSS, 1876 Noliro ii hereby given that tho HSSessmont rolls 111 the following entitled matters have boon comploted, and tho warrants for tho oollectlo.i of tho various nsasaaniontj uianttonoil thertiu havo this day boon delivered to the Collector of Tiuos nnd ABSossments, and all persons llablo to pay such assessments are re'iulved to pay the same without: dolay at his oifioo, undor the penalty of tbo law 1. Sewer, Map Drainage 1 list riot aub Dlvlslon 1. Tho abovo aimer asse iimionl nfioot3 pnrtlon oi tho follow ing blocks in tho Twolfth Ward, tiz: Brooks 40,41,42,43, 41. 4.i. tM, 64, 65 and 0).

2. Sower, Map Drainage Dlstrlot.23, sub Dlvlston 11. The above aawer assosiinonf. affects portions of tho follow, ins blocks In the Ninth Ward, viz: Now Blocks 31, 25, 26, 83,,38,3.1,48, 44,16,46, 47,48, 18, 511,51, 52, 55, 53. 75, 70,1 1 and 80.

EXTRACT FROM THE LAW: Seotlon 111 of Titlo 7 tit Citatt. Mint tuo Laws of Neiv Vork, pasted Juno iy, t878. On all taxeB or assossnuMits winch Bhall bj paid to tlio Colleolor boforo the expiration of thlrly days aftprtho warrant for tuo collection ot tho samo shidl have beotidehv orod to hliu. an allo.viinuo Bhall Lo made to tho person or poisons making payments, at the rate of seven aud three to'iilis por por annum for tho unexpired not tion thep'of. anifc the amount oi such allowance ahall bo to tho account ui Ibe Lulloclor and chu.

ged io the account of the Revenue Fund. On ill tuxes and asBotB nionfi paid 1 1 liltn after the expiration of thirty days from tho date of the warrants, ono por cant, ahall bo nddod, and one per vent, additional for evoiv tiilrty days thereafter, until such taxes oraBSjssinolltl snail be psid. WILLIAM A. TURRY, do22 80t Collector of Taxos and AssoiBments. SIKKOA'I'K'S rvorscE.

TN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OK JL William D. Vesdor, Surrogate of the County of Kings, notico Is lioreby given, according to law, to all persons havuiK olaims against HUNRY CARTER, iaty of Iho City of Brookiyu, doi'esRon, that thoy aro required to exhibit thn asm with the vouchers thereof, to tho lub srrumr, tho a.liul d.irator, at ollleo, 'AN Pearl Btroet, in Uw City oi New York, on or before the 17th day of April next. Dated Ootobor 10, 1876. oclOOinl'u HKNRY V. CARTER, Administrator.

ALL PERSONS HAVING ANY CLAIMS ogalnut tho ostate of tho late MARY ANN KITZ PATRICK, of Fort Hamilton, are hereby notified to pre sniit thu same for payment. By order of the executor and guardian of tho children. oolO 6ui Tu JOHN TANZEH. PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF WUHani D. Veedor.

Surronrata of tho Oountv of potBona havinc claims nsMust A TISl'UKlV JENKlftfi, lfil of tUoOUyot Utonlclyn. tloco.iaod, that thoy aro leiiulred to oxhlbit the same, with the Touoiiora thorool, to thu auL arriborfl, tho cxooutorB, at their pluoo of transacting hupi ncBB, at tho rooldonco of WWUm L. Jenkins, ono of thn czocutote, No. llti Kiglitli nvonue, in tho Oity of Now York, on or iiaforn tho tWdnty rtttti dny X( Jntutury DniodJub IMS'a. WILLIAM L.

JENKINS, 1 VrMnnM jylSQmTu NOHBKHT UKONIU.K, fcxeoatow PURSUANCE OF AN OROtiU OP WUH.mi D. Vernier. Surronnto of thn tlouatv of Kings, nolloo Is heroby sivou, bo cording to law. to all ycr aotiB Imviiiff aHalnst JAM HIS V. CYJKTiS, laloof tho City ot Brooklyn, docensed, tint thoy arts roiiulmd to exhibit the Bam with tho vouchers thomof, to tuo ub.

floi ihur, the tj.vroutor, at his ofliot), No. I'S Htrotst, iu thfl Ci(y of New Vork, on or before the thirty first day of Miircu noxt. Uatad fcstjpttimb'tr lift, lb'ilS. a2S TuGm AttliL CROOK, Exocntor. 1JN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OK flL William D.

Vu idflr, Surroca'o of the County of Kinpg. notico li horoiy fjlvfn, According to law, to ali pivBJins havluB claims COItNIU.IA II. WHIT Li'OK, l.Veol thoOitvoi ItunMyn, doceayod, that thov ore re.iuirod io exhibit tin ssim with tho vouchor! thorenf. lo me Bubioribar. tho rator, at Ms realdonce lt)o Hiuk'i strout in th'i City oi HroDuiyn, on or ifore tha 2Gtb.

dayofMiroh as it. Dated Sjnlembor 18, 187U. ohttim Tu "VViLMAM VUlTLOCK, AdmlnlAtrfAtor. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORXIKK OF Wllilna D. Veoder, riurrogato of the Countj of Ktnpe, notice is 1) nvby fflvti.i, nci.

i)rtlini to law, to fill UonotMhavlnffiljitmniiffcl.ut IsllRNAUI) HAVILAND, lutu of thu City of lirookiyu, iluoaaso.d, that thoy aro ro tmUiod tu ex'iiiiit tho aauio, with thi vouchors thereof, to tho auliscni or, thu ndminirifr.trl.t, at her reildonce, No. Wat'ir ilrnot, in ffio City of Brooklyn, on or beror) tho eii'h yot lurch nerf. Dated ontomber 5th, 1878. Bt56mTu HKIOGCr HAVILAND, Admlnlstratrlx. TN PURSUANCE OF AN OKIMSR "OF fi William 1).

Vfdnr, Hnrroante ot Hm County of Kfatrrf, notico hereby according to law, to all par h.v ng.ilnat CAl KN O. NOUTON, hi nf tho City ot Brooklyn, duueasud, that thoy are required to ma duiuo, tno vuucnoru inriui, i uiu mm. uj Ibur, tho mli.i'iiis'r.iMix, iit't a (uiniiy 11 trtot, i i tha City ol lirooklyn. on or boforo tuo 6th day Ma, rtffK. laud OWob.

iiS, lKjJ, tttlmTu N.uN'OY NOUTON. Administratrix. I 'I PUStUANOH OF AN'ORDEROFWIL linm VoodiT, iSurroj of tha County uf kms, notice ia hotum nhnn, to lw. to all uur ti ihik.viu cliiiiui ntWit liHIUKI) N. STA it).

Into of the CUv lir (h fij. thoy aro roquirnd to dxl.lbit tlvo ftune, tuo vo thursof, to tiio aub ML rii or, udiiir.iiUr;i'rix, bur roaiiionco. No. Hay mo id sticai, iu iho City of lirmktjn, on nr lioore Mm di'y ol Juno loxt. Dutod or 13.

IK0, do 0 bm JChlKT W. KVAG'C, Adiuiuiatratrix. A A SURKOCATJOVS COURT H15LD Iff Z5. nn'l for Um Cmmty of Kmns, at tho HurroKnte's of fitji in tho f'lr of Hroo'ilynt intholst riflv ot Ducombor, Prosint i.i'.utMt, cv.rro..ti irjtuo of tiic i.iMi'ie.'ition mm n. l'oltB aud of F.

B. Kir Hid Xcymonr V. Kly, mm ins 1 the brm of K. Ii. hly to rr nni.

llriiMtii Ilrofliin. docTtiod, to moityaKO, or sell hi t. ill' of lioiry JJr.iBlln, riooe vsod, for he payment of hia ott. On readhiH nnd tilbiK tho order granted 'in on lUu ifiMi dav ot Nrnmiiner. lbio, roi)uirin tno aa rlx of tho wild Hmiry liropiiy.

jnmaii to appear byroro ihoSurrutiiIo oFtIio County of burr, at his ofhco in (bo tJouuly Court llnu In the City of L'rooltlyt), oil tho day of December, 1676, at 11 In Iho foiouoon of thut diy, tjiou and Iheie to slio.v ca.iB'o why she should not lio re. ulird to niortaito. lease, tr sell lo much of the roal oinlc ol the aalii Honry Broslin.dccBitBcd, as shall bo nec ess ir toe pavuieat oi hli debts, and upon duo proof of a ri'lco ol ordsr to show cmisb upon ,0 aald administratrix, and lifter boarinp r. C. Bowman, ip, for tho lietiilonora, and D.

llaruetl, attorney Susan lire. llti, tliti olid administratrix, It is crilurtnl tbnt nil porsona itlleres'ed In the I'Stato of said Henry Hrrslln, doceated, aiitinat oioro tl1 Surrojat" of lln. County of Kings at bin lr. il. fliiii.

II cm In tbo Citv of Rritklvn. on the iod davot Fcbruarr, at 11 o'olook In tbe foro i iKMinot thut day, then aud thore to allow cuuso why au th uot to ittvon to tho tmid Breslln, ad ininWratrlx of U'inry Brodln. deceased, to mortgage, loaoo or ell bo much of iho roal estate of the saW duceasod as BIT. II TTni.nMi.rV to lift hid df.lltB. W.

1). VEF.DER, Knrroiate. (Oiiginal filod Docovnusr 6, 1878.) PURSUANCE OF AN ORD15K OF William D. Vtiudor, Es Sunogitoof tho County of notice is heroby (iIttiii. aoci.rdl.i to law.

to an per to is having cinmsag'ilnst aihivijia r.i.ijioTj.i,.i? v. um Citrot Btookltn, duesasrd. that they arc re juired ox titbit thr rjmii, with tho voncbor tn jrool, to th aoli.crlbur. theoxooutor, at bis O'flce. 148 Front stree io the City of New Vork, on or boforo the lstdsvoi Int noxt.

Datod November SI. 1870. JOSEPH SMITH, Kxaoutor. no22 6iuW TOUBIoi Al)JflNISTRAf OR'S OFFICE. JL 189 Montnguo stroot.

In purBuanco ot an order of William D. Veodor. Surrognto of tbo County of Kings, notlcs fs heroDy civen, aconrdinjf to lair, to all par BousVivina claims against OEOIlfilt M. MUNBON, Tito of tho village of Canaraio, docoasod, that thoy are reiinlred to exhibit tho with the vouchors thereof, to tho subscriber, Ilia administrator, at hli ottice, No. 18H Montague stroot, In the City of Biooklyn.on or boforo tbe floTentoonth day of May noxt Dated Brooklyn, Noramber, 8, 1878.

HKNRY J. OIILLKS, Public Administrator Administrator. In Klnss County. GEO. B.

APDOTT, Proclor. nc8 6niW PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF William D. Vcodsr. Butrouato ol tno i ou uy or ClntM. nulla is lmrabv ulvon.

'tus I iivhi, rlilou .1 OILS' W. CAY. late oi inu Cltyof Brooklyn, doco lorf, that tliry are to exhibit the eamo, with tho vouohoia tl iir.H.f, to th eu iBcrl. bortheoi90UMr.atliit.i!ioi:'l More rat. In th) U.

New York, on or Wturo the 1Mb day of June next. Doted JOHN A. DF.KMODY. Kxecutor. PURSUANCE OF AN ORUfiR OF ivllloira D.

Vi 1t. fii rnuato 'tho County of no icj IslK isby Kl' e.i, acco. dl to law. fo nil uor lilins VtW BALDWIN. Ik 1 1 of tho of llnoilyn dnco ad.

that thsy aio tn mtirod to exhibit the samo. with tlm vo icliera tticrco', to tuuBJ iBo. itcr, tbo Admln V.ratrix. at hor place of ttona ac log bnsliioi B. at tho oftioe of Co rjo U.

Baldwin, No. 409 Fulton atioot, iu tho City of Brooklyn, on or before thu twaaty first dsy of March neit Datrtl September 18. 1970. ELIZABETH BALDWIN, Administratrix. ael3 finW TIN PURSUANCK OF AN OROKR OF 1 William T.

Vendor, Surrorste of tho County of Kings, itlco la liart by according to law, lo all por sons hating claims aalust LOU If; K. H1RFKKN. lateof the City of Brooklyn, deceased, that thoy aro required to exhibit the Bums, with tho vo'tobors tuoroof. to tlio anb icriiier, tho Executrix, at tlio pise of hoiliicsa of do ceased, Kos. 241 and UK 'r.

j. In tho t.lty of Hrooklvu, on or befo tilu twinity sixtn day of Jauuary jPijllaW MARY A. SIEFKEN. Execu'rlr. PURSUANCE OF AN OHDBR OF William lHVo.

di of the County of King, tiotlo i Is heroby acuntllij to I tw, to all LSllnV JOoKPlI C. D1MON. late of tno l. that liey ire ro pitted thu aanio. with th vmioli ors tberof, to iho ub.

icrlbora. the administrators, at Hi. offlt of Joliu H. Din on. 77 Wi.r.ea st.oot, In tho City ot Now York, on or bido the Ut day of Marnjx fMte.l Oclober 21, lHx V.ftiw A' i.i ii.iX.

oc25W0m JOHN 11. DI.MO.S, PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER Off Willi unD. Voider, Surrogate of the County of liAr.Thv irlvon. acuordlu? to law. to all claim, aiatuet WILLIAM ODELL, r.t..

thefllit of Brookrvu. deceaiod, that thay sro ra. onlred I exhibit the with tlio vouchors thereof atrnot In the liliy ot Bronklvii. on or before the 1st day ol MoY" "wmDltJ WlLW SwM. BOUNTY COURT, KINUS COUNTY Fiances K.

Payne'.nst Justus i aimorana oincrs. lm. on Tn.isf?iv IfV 12 o'cloiiX. of thrt day, by or undor the dinfctlon of tho undcrsisne the referee, unpointed by said dement order for'tbnt pur Iho and Dro'JliBOB. vir; Ail ihtt lot, or par col of laud, with tbo bulldi tgi thnroon crnoted, situoto, lyinrr end being in the Twenty ihst Wf.rd, ol the City of Brooklyn, County of Klnga and State ot Now York, hounded and dosotlbed aa folloirfl, to wit: Bouinaing ata point on the southerly ildo of Gates arenvo distant three hundred and iifty Blx f(vet wpttorly from tho jouthweitorly corner or and Ralph Avenues ruanlnp thonco sonthorly n.

parallel with Ralph avonua and prrt'r through tho centre of a part wall one hundred feet thence wcaferly and parallel with Gates avenue nine touu (19) ioot; thouoe northerly and again on a lino parallel wit Ralph aYontie one hundred feet to the southerly aide of OtUe i avenue, and thence e.istorjy along tho aoutherly Bide of Gates avenuo nluetesa (19) feet to the point or place of boglnoins Datud DocomSer 22, 187d. de3a 3w SAW CHARLES N. JUPSON, Reforoe. BOUNTY COURT, COUNTY OF KINGS. John A.

Lott as sole acting executor, of Gerrlt I Minions:) doceaaed against George Marrin otal. In puiauauooof a judgment of thU court inula in tlio above entitled action, and boarirm data tho tenth day of June, 1876, the following described lands and promises will ba old at publio anotion, at the Commercial Exchange, at Kc. Fulton etroot in tbo City of Brooklyn, the 9tfi day of Novorabor. 1878, at 13 o'clook at noon of that day, by or nuder tho direction of tlio undersigned, who was by aMa judgment, appointed a referee for that purpose, vi2: All those lota, pioces or psrcols of land, situate, lying ana being in the Fifth Ward of tho City of Brooklyn, and taken toxetner are bounded as follows. Boalnninir at tho at rthwoBterly oornor of Gold and Wymouth strooM, and innnim tbonoe westorly alonir the northerly eldo of Plymouth Btreot, sovonty two foot, to land now or late of Michael Lowrey thonco northerly along said land one hundred foet: cuonoeeuterly seventy two foot to tlio west 6ido of Gold slroet, and thoncp southerly alons tho westerly aide of Gold street, oua handled feet J5 the plnoe or beginning together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto boioaglnx, or in anywise appartafaing.Dfi'.'jd Brooklfji.

Octobor l.t JOHN LEFFBHTS, Rofai. Tho sale of tho abovo deaoiibed property is hereby postponed until tho 23d day November, 1.876, at tho same hour and place. Dated Brooklyn, November 9. 1876. no9TMts JOHN L.

LEFFERTS, Before. Tho sain of tho above described property is hereby fur tbev postponed until the eocond day of Deoember, 1976, at the same hour and place. Dated Brooklyn, rforembor23, "no2.i3tTliMAW JOHN Tj. LEFFKRTft, Ucfereo. The sate of the above doscribod pr.iporty is furihoi p'fit pon unlil tho 23d day of Dcouier, 1S7S, at tho same hour and pluco.

Dated l5ro llecemlierC, I87ti. JOll.V L. LKl'VKKTS. Referoo. Thoealo of the above dciibed property horeb fur titer until the eixli) day of January, 1BJ7.

at the a.ime hour ami niico i to Brojklyn, Dccnmlrr23. 1876. JUli.N L. bEFFUHTSHci'cree. Ol1 STY OF NSW YORK.

SURHO Hy KP'rjB Court. In, tho tnatier of tbo real csiate of F. Bowers. By virtuoof att urdor of thu un tato of lite Ca of Vork made on the ith day of IfiTii, tbo subscriber. of Hu n( the saM V.

B.ivvorc, deeeasod, will lirli iiuh'ic the Oonitni rcial ExcilaUKO. So. ES) t'ult i si lirooklyn, oul'iu 12ili dav of January 1877, at l.i oYlock at noon, the di'sctlbotl esij 'ie, V'z; All ihit ceii.iin t.rc'ju'.ir iut. piece or parcel of i n'l p.h i'lc, Itj Pi 4r an'! boi'fi i the hlovcntb Ward of tht' (Jit.v liiooSitjn, in )miy oi Kins, on tUo rc3t side of 11 idiun avan'jo and nn.l ci a3 lot ii 'lity iiov i6) a ceiliiin nuii of bcl i.T:i to Ha'iiiltou H. Jackson, rib in tho oiiice of I ttie I'Lvl ir hi Kins Counii', on Iho day of Att hun'lrai and iivo, and known r.t map num.

JJ.T, bounded as folloivf, viz: bo'dimiiiR at it i i he uostovH' side of HuclRrn avenue ly 'UMvjt). diitant isi. tsvo ffot norlh 'i'Iy from tbo'.ii orno: oi avenue and Hudson nvrtitic; westerly r.t ri.sbt anpleB with Hudiou aro 1 i'J parliltci uif tl Huci feet tr the laud tormorly of Samuel Jniiii easterly by and tho line dividing the lot tl is of sawl Samuel Jauos one lutntlrcd and one an Jtjchf sto Hudson avoitue; thenco ejtr.u t.oci'irn sUh of lludaou livonua thiriy nine iet Ui in1 p'nee of INcw 1575. Ai S. SULLIVAN, Administrator.

no'iS Hi iituuiuatroat, N. Y. ur KINGS COUNTY ky Aua in Corbin ajaiuat J. llajter Upbam and olbira No. 3 In pi.ruaacn of a juilgraent of an'l silo mudo in r.bovc entitled action, bearing date December li, 17t), I.

he undersiited referee, will Bell at public auc i tionto UiihoBt bidder, at the rotunda 0( tho Kings i C. untyt House, in the City oi Brooklyn, on tho Kfb darof i.y, lb77, at Ibe hour of twelve o'oiock, noon. tit' lanri ttroinisjs rnor dn nientioaed and d03cril ea as All that lot. piece or parcel of land oa tht pjii oiijOncy ieJaJid the Sudro Bank, in tho Tctvu of Cavciend, in Kinpit Courjly, Now York, knov. as Jot er nineteen, a id bounded northerly ono chain nnii tv.o links by the of Sheepshoad Bay.

easier ly Bank lot number outlieily ono chain and sr.ven by the Atl mtic Ocean, and uesterly by SoJio lo; nuubcr eiehiean, fiurveyed May, 1757, by Jerc nuah YVilliamsaa. Dated December 13, 1876. I M. II. OLE.MENT, Koferso.


S. Hart. Goortro C. Har vryand William under tbo la'it will ana (es. famenl oi Joliu Barr, decoaeed, plaintilfs, asaviBt Mala chi l.cfr mid KUju.

bis wile, John Jiumia iub, ('leary, EJ.vard Buika, Thomas II. Geraty, 1 John K. Ketn. T. TiioniaB GiiiBon, Henry Maolav.

uMiuiina O'Ni 1 a id Kdivard G. receiver deferrfants. Amended aummouG lor relief. 'J'o iba defend i above named and each of tbcm Yon nre bore by aud requi' o.i to answer the complaint iu this action, of which a copy is herewith sjrrod upon and to bivj a copy of jour ausiver to the uaid complnint on the su'i at their ollice, No. 88 Nassau stre.

to Citv of iVetv York, wltbln twoaty dayaaflor tho servica hero.if, oxchl3ive of tho day of Bitchaervico; and if you fail lo ann cr tbo aid complaint within tho tlmo nforoinld th 3 in tilij aotion will apply to thn Court for the roliaf do 'iandad ia tho complaint. Dated Oo'cber 31, 1876. DEW1TT, LOOKMAN A KIP, PlulnUffs' Altornava. The complaint In this action was duly filed In tbo oitice oftheCiuritof the County of rCinas on the 4tb day of November, Irjfti. d57 6wV DEWITT, LOCKMAN KIP, Prffs' Att'yo.

COUNTY COURT, KINGS COUNTY The Brooklyn Savings Bank againat Francis A. Francis and others. In P'ltauaneo of a judgment of foraclosno aud sale made in this aotiou on the 3Jth day of 1875. 1, the uudursigned referee, therein named to execute tho said judlrnien' will Boll at public auction at tho Oonimerolal Riohange, Iio. 33 Fulton BtreBt, in the City of li: loiclrn.

County of KIiub, on Wednesday, tho 17th dav of JsTUary, 1877, at 12 o'clock noon, the following dtis orlbed omisaa, to wit: All tint certain lot of land with the Luii.iintr thereon in the Citv of Brooklyn, in the County of Kbits and State of New York, contained in tho block bi uiidi by Carlton, Myrtlo and Willoughby avonuesand Adelphi atr 'et, and mote particularly deorbed as fol iowi ginning at a point on tho easterly eido of Carlton avtm ia distant Bevonty uluc foot southorly from tho rjuth ea' tcrly corner of Carlton and Myrtlo avon uev. (houoe running eiatorly in a line at right amjlea to Carlton avenue ud tho centre linj of a partj wall thirty feet; thence ng.tin easterly and at tight aitglyB or nearly ao'wlth Oarltoa avenue thirty five foet and seron inches to a point distant eevGttteen'leatnorthoily from anothor point, which last mentioned point Is in a lino drawn at right angles to Cairton avenue and distant thoiefrom sixty two feet and, wh'oh last mentioned lino intersects tho easterly eida of Carlton avenue at a poiut distant aluoty nlni fet jonlherly irotn the southeasterly corner of said Carlton and Blyttle avenues; thence running aoutherly seventeen feat: thence running westerly in a lino at right angles to said Canton avenuB sixty two feet and nine inohos to Carlton avenue, and thonco running northerly along the easterly side of aaid Carlton avenue twenty foot to the point or filace of beginning, being tho same promiBoa conveyed to heald Elizabeth H. I'ranolsco, by a deed recorded in the Itegletor's oflico of Kines County in Liber 7iH of Con veianco, tiago April S8. 18P8. Datud, December 21, 181.

JfjllN D. SNEDEKER, Referee. fciUPHEMB COURT," KTNG3 COUNTY I3 Auetin Corbin against J. Baxter Uphnm and othon. No.

6 In pursuance of a judgment of partition and sale, made in the above entitled action bearing data December 11 1876 the undersigned Roforeo, will xell at public auc tlo3, to tbo hiaheBt bidder, at the rotunda of the Kings County Court House, iu tho City ot Brooklyn, on the 27tb day of January, 1877. at tho hour of twelve o'clock, noon, the lands and prtmisea therein mentioned and dosoribed astollowa: All that certain lot, piece or parcel of the Bodge Bink, on Coney Island, in the Town of Gravosond, in Kings County, New York, known a lot number 83. and bounded northerly, one chain and twenty links by the waters of Shcepuhead Bay; eistorly. by Sedge Bank, lot number Si: southerly, ono ohaln and Bovon links by the Atlantic Ocnan, and noiterly by SeJgo Bank, lot number S3 as Burveyed Jlay, 1757. by Jeromlah Williamson and also all the ono equal undivided third part oi all that certain lot, or parcel of the Sodge Balk, on Coney Island, iu the Town ot Gravesond, in Kinga County.

Now York, known as lot number 24, aud which lot ia bounded northerly, one chain and thirty links, by tho waters of IShoepsboad Bay; easterly, by Sodao Hank, lot number 26; southerly, ono cnain and Bovonteon links by the Atlantic Ocean, and westerly, by Sodca Bank, lot number 2.1, as arrayed Alar. 1767, by JoromiaAi WiUlamsan. Dated, Do comber 13. 1876. N.

H. CLKMHNT, Raforee. V. a. STiLr WEix, Plff'a Att'y.

dl36wW pVT Y. SUPREME COURT" KINGS COUN P(( TV Albert Day, executor of tbo last will and testament of Richard D. Addlngtoa, deoeasod, against Frederick Bt.kerand Amelia his wife. In pursuance of a iudiment or decree of foreclosure and sale mida in the abo entitled action, and bearing date the 10th day of Marob I37ti, the underalgned, tha referee therein named, will Boll at public nuotlon at tho Commercial Exchange, No 3ti) Fulton Btrcet, in tho City of Brooklyn, by Jacob Colo, auctio on the 23d day of January, 18(7, at 13 o'aloek, nnnn, tbo iollowing dosoribed prenilsoa. vlr.

All those certain eighteen lots of lar.d, bounded aud described U9 follows, namely: Beginning at a point on tho Boutherly aide of Union street, distant three hundred and tifly feet nine incites easterly irom mo buiuuhiiswiij yuv i ill a distant four hundred and twelve toot two inrhos 1 f' i. Hptrlv olnntr President street one hundred and ninoty feet tour l.ichos to laud of thn l. IV Stillwoll: thence northerly along said land two hundred aud forty eight feet to the. southerly side of Union 6.ret and thence westerly along Union stroot one hundred and oieh' feet and elovon inches to the point or place oi begin: Jug. Dated F.

G. Drake, Plff'a Att'y, 61 Liberty stroot. rti a fiftiupoti vrnora ivoriciis. raM) (JONTKACrOKS UlSMKlJUl 1 nn Ji oi WORKS, City Hall. Brooklyn, December 21.1?.

urono.uua will ba raoeiyed at tow oihco until ojJ ty. January tr uirnisuing iron ma ita is a'tu covers inu buevi u.iiu P'n 11. specifications in ha seen, and torua of pro pns aCVI UrM On ill me ui 1V1 i. i'ri'l'osals will tl 't bo nsidcred unlCBi1 an unilertakiu' in ivritin, ol BUreile 01 Ci'y vi ji y.r nal (who qu tiify. tu respnnsim iiy.

int'nu uu'n of that it the cuntracl db aivarusu tin or tie nr iD.isini:. thay will ba. onis bjunl as ms nr their Mi etv lor i's f.iirhlul nerfo.nnaiica; and in ca or they B'e. i or rotuse to execute the 11 eo av.arle i liiem, that ihey will ty to the City of Brooktvu the rliT.1 once betwoen the price B' proposed, and tho rtiee iit contract mav be mudii with other person i per Proposals to be indorsed "To the Board at r.y k4." ispeciniug The 6aid proposals will tie pitbilel osoneil and in ionneed at the next mooting of the a.d it, which will be held on Wo.inusday. the 3d ti'AV in nary, 1877 at Iho hour of in o'clock.

A. or il should be no ii'iuntm P'eBenton that day. then li e. the next me itie. ot tuo Hoard, liy order 01 I he Coniinon Council.

Uatcu.liroo.iliu, December 1874. V. Sl.OUu.M, W. A. VOWIKR.

'fflnofASAV. ADAMS Commissioners uf City W'iria. AttOol: D. Ij. NOHTnnp, S.crotary.

d31 lot mO OAS LAMP ON VARliT DF.PARTMENT PF CT')' WOltltH. City ill, Bro Ducombor I87u'. oea.o.i r. Alo ic.iy 8. 1877.

at 12 for fu ntsli'iig 8Gtt; ig id lanipjlosls, lanterns and all JcoBsaiy ap pu.eo.ia iee3, ou Varot str 'et, bclween liu. hwk'k avonua and Bogirt Htroot, according to specifications on file in thia Department. Pla: ipeciflcationa may ba sion, and forms of propo3 als can bo procured on application at the Department of Citv Wi rks. Proposals will nutbo considered unless accompanied with an nndortaltinx It writi.ig, of tiro seiroties on each nronoial (who shall uualify aa to their rosponsibihty, in tho iti ot that il be awarded to party or i tlos proposing, they will bocoina bound as his or their irety lor its faithful povformaaca and iu oaso .10 or thoy neglect or refuse to oxecuto tho coutract it ao awarded them, that thoy will nay to tho City of Brooklyn the dideion io betwoea the prico so proposed.and tho pnoo at which (he co may be made with an; other persort or Proposals to bo indorsed 'To tbe Board of Citv Workj." (specifying work.) The said proposals will be o'toneo and unnouncod at the next meeting oi th raid Boir.l, which will be held on the Otn day of 177. at the hour of li) o'claclt A.

or In case thor sliouldbrj nnqnornraprewatoa that, day, thon on the da there Jay ofthmanmentiigof the Board. t)y or.ier tno common Council. Dated Brooklyil Decern her llgj A. FOWLHU. THOMAS W.

ADAMS, CommisiSoners of City Womj. Attest: D. h. NonTnui Socreiarv. TO GRAUING AND VVISti IIERB1CRT STREHT DEPARTMENT Ol'1 C1T WORKS.

City Hull, lirooklyn. Docembor 2G, la rt ii 'ed iirouosals v. ill be received at this ollice, until in 1B77 nt 11 frtr vrtillnr null ninir 1 street. Irom UnsnboHtstroet to ICIugsland I o'iue, ill to pnement, accorittng to ipeci flcatio is'on lilei.a Ibis Drpntnunt. Sueci oi: .3 may lie sec aol lorms of proposals oeo be uroc'l.

I aupl.c ui at tho Dopartmeut of City VVorkB Proo.i aN will not hj coiu Mnrod unleSB accompanied wlin in wriiiig. of two sutettes oa eachpro (who shall ipiallfy as to thalr reaponatbility. in the t.u.l oi stl. 014)1, (iiat ii lie coutract. bo awarded to the pavtvor nir pro loj'aj, Huy wiil baaaino bound as his or ibet; a tv for its lAtt'iJu! pertorm.ince and in oaBO be or thn s'lali nealect or uc xecato tho contract 11 ao ar''.

t' Mint (I'. 'i will piy to the City 0 Bronkh a thdi''7craw( tha bo proposed, and the oiiccat "Men the oontract may bo mado with any other on or rsimi. I'top sill 10 bo indortwd 'lo tlie ot City Wor'tB," (aiwsityliiK work). The Baid proposal nill be publicly oprwU a id i.nanuaeod at ttu uoxt lneeti Slid Board. liti will hold on Iho lith dav ot" re, 1H77, at Ibe hour of 10 o'clock.

A.M.. or ocinuld ba no ij eo. iii present on that diy, then 00 i i ox meo. of tbo Board, liy ordir of t' Common Oj nc Brooklvn. Novom our wit).

A. FOWLBH, '1 it' CIAS VI. ADAMS, Comint: of City Attest D. L. NonTHiip.

rfu jret j. lDt irrSO CONTIIACTOUS A3 LAMP POSTS. Aj'. frost ikpahtme.ntof C.TV i ia.a, city Hall. Brooklyn.

December 23, I1.6 Sealed u. loo. wm ho roccivoi this on until Mon dxy.Jan rS. lwr at 12 .11.. for and sotting gas pi'B, ivitnintaraa and all necessary appurtenances, "rot acroet.

i.tweeu Humboldt street and ave.iuo, uicording iu specidcatlons onfl'ain Dep igkir. Pl and TTtecifications may be soon, and forms of proposal procured on application at tho Dopttrtmont of City Work. Proposala will not be considered unlet, accom panind wuii i.n undertaking inv.rlttng, of two anrotloion (ivhrt Rhnll nualifv aa to their rosDOnHibUitv. l.i tbe bum r.f that if the coatrict bo awarded to tha nftlTV fir riTTllUri liri'UUUlllZ. IIIUI III UDli'JIUB it i H.

i hie rrtlieir Burety iuj mitami aau in hftV.r tVmw hii select or refuso ix6aa( cho coa trrcHf so awarded thom, tliat they will pus to tho City of Bnolclrn tha dltleronce botwoan tba price 60 proposod, unci the price at wiiich the contract may bo mutto with any ct er pe arm or parsons. Propa als to be Indorsed tho Board of City Works," (spoelfjinji worlO. Hio BttJd oroposa's vTiil be publicly opened and Announced fit the ucxtinentintfof the said Board, which will be hold on tUs Uh dny of January, at tha hour 01" 10 o'clock A. M. orLicaBethoreahoudbauo quorum present oi) tht thon on tha day of tbo next raoitiujrof tho Board By or C0aC 'IIKNRV SLOCUM? WM.

A. FOWLKR, THOMAS W. ADAMS, Commissioner of City Works Attest: D. L. NOBTBUP, Kocretaxr.

Union strectitia aiMMaranno, muim jnB atr i n. tKa CtiD Vnrt nRfi M.iv ti. 1863. i i 1 Burning of a Eotel in West Street, Uew York. Itcsone of the Inmates by the Firemen.

Men, Women aud Children Escaping Without Clothing by Means of Ladders. Heroio Efforts of the Firomon and Police. A little after two o'clock this morning a firo broke out on tbe first floor of the thre story frame 1 buiidiug N03. 22 and 22i Wat street, ooooiod as a hotel by J. A.

Goshay. Tho flames Bpread raplaw and dense smoke forood its way up tho stairway and into lhe P4893 ouUin3 411 communication by the or rtlnartr rrrnarra tptttt fl.a Uur fliin Thn nlnnnr ttjoe dinsry moans from toe lower floor. Tho alarm was quickly sounded and tb.3 clerk on duty rushed upstairs shouting oat are at the top ot his voico and arousing the inmates of the different rooms from their slumbers. By this time the flames had spread with groat rapidity, oonsumiug a portion of tbe flooring of tbo barroom hallway and lower portion of the stairs, thus cutting off communisailon from the upper stairs. A sceno of the wildest confusion prevailed.

Tho smoke was pouring into the bodrooms, from which tho occupants wero hastily awakened by the noise and confusion, and thoy rnshod to tho windowa and upon the roof crying for help. Moanwhilo tho flro engines had arrived upon the spot and ladders were spoedlly raisod to the different windows at which tha people were orying for assistance. Captain McDonuoll and a squad of polioe mon from the Prince street Police Stat on, appeared early upon tho scene and did boroio work in rescuing tho inmates. Before the flretnon had arrived Deteotivo Murphy had raised a ladder to a second story roar window ond rcaouod the houaokeoper ot the note1, Mrs. Word, her little obild, and Charles Strasse, a lodger, who were in their night clothing and driven by the heat and smoke to tho window.

Meanwhllo Officer Hall had raised a ladder which ho had discovered lying upon Pier 45, North River, to another window ou the second floor, whore Mr. Ward, tho housekeeper's hua baud, with another of tboir children, Btood OIWING FOR ASSISTANCE. The officer at Mr. Ward's requoBt Ural took tho child in his arms and dopositod it safety on the sidewalk, aud then aeiiistcd tho father who was in his night clothea and partially suffocated down tho ladder. The Are in the meantime feediug upon tho inflamablc material had ontiroly consumed the lower floor and a portion of the upper rooms so that the prisoners who wore rescued lot all their clothes and oilier propeity.

Peter Lon brieo and Fred Corbett lodgers had rooms on tho second floor and only had time lo throw on so)0 of thoir lightest clothes. When their retreat by tho door way was out oil by lhe flro, no help arrived and they JUMPED OUT UPON AN AWNI5IG, and found their way through tho blinding sniw storm to tho posts on tho corner, down which thfy slid to the sidewalk. Thoy hud just arrived with their baggage passage tickets for lC'irope, ono of which was consumed. Tho bar kecpor of tho hotel, William Freeman, had very narrow eronpo. If'i di 1 not awako until ho was stirt onudod with flames, and thou Bprang from his bed, which was ou tho second lloor, and ho gropnd his wny to the awuitig, atid also osc.tpod down nu awning pon into tho street.

Uo 1 st ail hia Tho rest of tholodgors nun.igeil tj niiiko, tlieir way through, tho emoke down the stab's before communication had been cut oil. To the heroic offorts of Capt iiii McDonnell and his officers, and tho flromen, WoO arrived curly on tho spot, aro due tho saving of those who wero rescuod. Thoy BuiVered greatly from the blinding scow and tho tense cold. Mr. and Mrs, Ward and children wero cared for by neighbors, whilo tho other inmates were provided with ebeltor by the officers of the lu man steamer lying at pier 45, Noih River.

The fire raged with ftcrcencs', and v. cs not subdued until tho whole inside of the building had beoo doslroyed. Iobb on tho building amounts to $3,000, and on tno stock and fixtures $3,000 more. Tlio loss is covered by $3,000 in tho Jcffeison County Company, and $2,500 iu tho Relief Insurauco Company. Tho cause of the firo is uukuown.

but ia supooBed to havo originated in the vicinity of thu barroom stove. Everytluuj was all right when the bartender closed the bor, but eonft coals probably fell upon tho lloor igniting it. SHELTEIUNU A It KUliSEBT. The Sheltering Arms Nursery had its Christ as tree upon the festival of Holy InnocentB, at the Institution, 112 Loxington avenue, at four P. Tho following ladles and goutlemen kindly gave thoir tlmo, servloes, aud in laot, most of tho gifts and decorations: Mr.

Van Bokkolou, tho Missas Van Bokkelon, Miss Campbell, Mlaa Mallott aud Dr. Read, also Mr. Hurry Osborno, Mr. Frances and Mr. J.

F. Mallett. Just before tbo Christmas oxoicijcs, tho holy rite of infant baptism was administered by tho rector of St. Petor's Church, to Uvo baby boys, and thou after a ohort service, consisting of the Creed, singing Christmas oarola, a few collocts and prayers, the doors between the play room and sohool room were thrown opon, and there stood the tree, looking fairy like with its bright, many colored balls, its glittering tlnsol, tiny flags and gifts of books, clothing, toys, candy and orangos 1 How the bright eyos glistened, and how happy the iittlo faces looko.l Eventhe babies (there woro eleven of them, from flvo weeks to flvo months old) opened wido thoir eyes, wondering what it all nioant. After a abort address by tha Rev.

Dr. Paddook, and a few words that little children could understand (which, by tho way, 1b Boldom the case in publio speaking) by Mr. Van Bokkolen, the presonts wore distributed to matron, nurses, ohildron and balfiOB. Among tho ladies present were Mrs. Edward Martindalo, Vice President of the Institution (the President, Mrs.

Paddock, was abBont on account of alckneBB); Mrs. George Butlor, Secretary, and several lady associates of the Nursery. Alter the guts were on given out, tho ohlldren oaog, "Gloria ia Dr. Paddook pronouueed tho bonodiotion. And so Arras goes quietly along, always observing its churoh's lestivala, with no endowment but loving hearts and ready, hau Is to care for these homeless little ones.

In Common Council Special Session. Saturday, Docembor 80, 1876. Present, John French, President, in tho chair, and a quorum of membors. The reading of the minutes of tho previous mooting was dispensed with. The Clerk road the oall for tho meeting as follows: Brooklyn, Dccomber31, 1876.

To tho Hon. F. A. Sohronder, Mayor: Tho undorslgned toBpeotfully nflk rou to call a meeting of tbe Boaid ot Aldoitueu tills eve lititf at 8 o'olock, to take aotion upon the bonds of W. S.

Soaring, City Auditor, and of it. W. Potter, Assessor, and to transact any other business that may les.t ly conio boforo them. STEPHEN M. GKISWOLD, Alderman Eleventh Ward.

JOHN FRENCH. Aldonnan Twentieth Ward. C. I BURNET. Alduraiau Virat Ward.

To Wm. G. Bishop, Chy Ciork Deau Slit Vflt you ploaao call a apoclnl lneetlnj? of tho Board of Aldormon nccurdancj iritn tho foregoing re. quost, and olitUto, your respectfully, I'. A.

SC'HUOEDEIt, Mayor. Report of Liw Committee Approving bonds of V. S. Soaring and It. W.

Potter, a. AtBoiaors, and S. B. Wygaut and Downing, as cons: aides. Adopiod.

On motion ol AiQorinan murioa vny reipiosi i i no muo Ing poraona tvoru oiatcd Commissioners of Dood, lor the year 1877 nnd 1873. viz: Martin Dowd, William B. Fostor, Jacob 1. Hereon, Michael L'uuluu, John B. Hal), ltotjor HayoB, Vairici McGatllKftu.

By Aid. French Bond of Joromiah Lant aa Constable of the Twentieth Wn.d. to Law Tha Buard thon adjourned. WM. G.

BISHOP, City Clerk. The SXlbwlMK LinX luiiiislied. The Eagle wiU bo published hereafter EVF.nv day in lite week. Sunday edition iu tho morning. Order your carrier to loave it, or Bend address to this office.

Price 3 coats. llpiSnclimi in Prico.n. Lockitt's Celobrrttad SuuAit Oured Hash for sale at tboir various atoms. Price 15c. perl'), to fain Bice.

itiB' SIM MM MM Jl JIM 1,1 TT l'TT 'I' A A A A A AAA UU UU A A LLLL 00000000000 ooooooooooooo LIFE. INSURANCE! COMPANY ooooooooooooo ooooooooooo OF OOOOOOOOOOOOOO NEW YORK. OOOOOOOOOOOOOO F. S. WINSTON I'rosidm'.

oi ory tippm ed doicrlption of TJTTH A N'l) KNDOVMUNT POLICIES On terms as i nbl i rs tiinsi of any utlier cozipany. il! id April 12, 1813. CASH At SKIM 483,003,000. TALVABl. IN NTION.

mi. cni.i'.iriiWH ptip.DUS evaporator. Fur motstonlnt; lln hot, dry air of moral boato.l bv Hco. tis, iltrnacoa and stcv.n. No headache, Calarrh or sore

Call and ace thom in oporaiion at OBOKA HUDSON 4 SONS' and i'alnt Ktoro, Corner of Yor'x end Fulton utronts, Bot blook from Fulton Forry, whore testimonials from Prominuat clllzom can be seen. PATENT FAUCET. 71TJLLBR PATJ3NT FAUC1ST JL Ask your plumber to put it in, and we. the manufne tureie, Will koeo it lo ropalr lortiirnoyoars.wUhout charge. HENRY O.

MEYER A ManufactSmra of Fine Plumbing Materials, 46 AND 43 CLIFF ST. N. Y. JHirVTI. XJOOK AND JOB PRINTING! Of EVERY DESCRIPTION.


KOOyjfBA.qijS JOB PitlNf 1NO WIU GORPORA'CION NOTICES. jr, ORPORATION NOTIOE NOTIC IS 1 horehy elvon to all persons to be affected thereby, that the Common Council of tbo City of Brooklyn lui deolarod. by resolution, its Intention to cmso gas lomp posts with lanterns and all necessary appurtenances to lit; Bet and react on Milton street from Fra islln to Orchard street, without petition therefor. And has by resolution flxod the district of assessment for ouch improvement on thelosfrontiua on each aids of the said Milton stroot between the points above pcolliad; and that tho said Common Council will procood tin lor the ea resolutions at a meeting thereof. bo bald on toe 33d day of January, 1877, or as soon iliornafter as tne public business will allow.

Remonstrances lif against tha aald improvement roust be filed with the Clerk of tho t'om mon Counoil (or otherwise presented to tho Common Council), on or before the said day. Dated Bronlilvn Do ceraber 1876. HENRV W. SLOCUM. WM.

A. FOWLHU, THOMAS W. ADAMi Coinuilsslooe of City, Attest: D. L. NonTaCT.

Hocretarj. uola ut OTIOBOF ORDINANCE TO uut FLAGGING SIDEWALKS the City oi Brooklyn to pas. an Jt" Sv fS ner or owners ol the lot or lots lying North northeastorly 01 tho intention at nwnftr oi none i jnow piace, corner oi myrue avenuo is hereby given to ovoryiwrs on to bo allectea i ordinance DatoJ Urooaiya, iiwvdv rir err HENRY W. SLOCDM, WM. A.

FUWLKIt. THOMAS W. ADAMS. Commissioners of City Works. rt NoitTaOP.

Sscrotarj. do'iJ lot Attest: V. TlSPARTMiiNT OF CITY WORKS, CIT Hall Brooklyn. December 28, 1876. The following Tonosals wero publicly oponod and announced Docouibsr lH7d For oradinjr and paving Huntlnaton street, from hIiKb street to Columbia stroot: Thos.

Clyne, at $6.75 per ra mlnK foot; Wm. Sweeney, at $8.7 per running foot Tlnan MoAvanuoy, at 45.80 oorninnine toot; Felix Hlckuy. itl7 7i frannfngfoot; Patrick MoDonald. at S7 rnnninKloot; Jno. Reiliy, at 43.W) per running foot; Juo.

MSmn ano.S8porroaultig foot; Pafk O'lare. at 81 per running fo it: Owen O'Koofe. at 46 nor roanluK foot Sno KennSy, at 84 73 per ranntnttfooi; Daitel Gallagher, at tlU5 iouLSnf toot. HKNRY LOCUM. THOMAS W.

ADAMS. Commissioners of Oily Works. Attest D. I NOBimrf Secretary. do21 Fourteen of the Lost of Circassian Recovered.

the Another Terrible Night on Bridgehamp ton Boacb Tlie Circassian's Wreck and Some Points Connected with It A Poa Picture of the Horror The Storm Pre Tenting the Eecovery or Other Bodies. A Painful Humor from Shinnecock. Correspondence of the Eagle. BrtLDOIHAMPTOH, January 1, IS77. This is a sad plaoe to day, and none tho less ao because three days havo flitted by sinoa twenty eight human beings were untimely cast into watery gravos Tho horror is one of the most appalling that ever 00 curred on the Long Island coast, not excepting the wreck of tho good ship John Milton, about fifteen years ago.

She ran ashore opposite East Hampton, and thirty lives wero lost, twenty three of the bodies float ing ashore. The tweaty threo corpses lie side by side in the Tillage eemetory. Ou that horrible night the people wore not BubjoctP to the heartrending scenes whioh attended tho loss of tho twenty eight Uvea from tho Ciroassian. In this instance tho people wore gathered within sound of voices orying to thom and Heaven for help, and the sea forbade rendering any kind of service, while Proviiimca Sis injroy from all but four of the crew. No pen oan describe the horror of that night.

The simple people of this place stood within uvo hundred feet of the bow of thn Ciror.sBlan, and tho moonlight enabled thorn (0 ilisesru the bodies of those on board lashed to tho rigging. Thoso hardy mariners prayed for Divino interposition until strength failed them, and thoso on the shore echoed a responsive appeal to tho throne of morcy, with tears streaming from their oyes, and thoir hearts wolling with emotion and pity. The utterances of those on tho doomed vossol were at tira03 andlble, but they grow fewer and weaker until only tho moan of anguish and tho plaintiva cry of despair rjachod tho ear, aud thon the ship partod and the mast foil, and they went down to a watory grave to bo tho food of Allies and tho 00 cupants of Potter's fields in such places as the waves may land them. Tho3o were Iron maits, and straight to the bottom they bore their living adherents. Only in this way can the failure of any of the bodies to float ashore bo acoouutod for.

Had the mast boon of timber thero is little doubt that all the bodies would have been rooovored, and tho probability that many of them would have been landed alive. Humanity could not survive ioog in such a storm. Tho galo was blowing and the atm is. phere was bitter cold. When tho sea made a beach over tho ship the spray oovored tho rmn, and their clothing soon b3cnmo garments of ico.

Onco lashed to tho tigging they soon becamo benumboJ and helpless, and that many of them were quite dead wlion surrendered to the arms of Neptune is not to bo doubtau. THE BEGINNING AXD TIIE END. The storm of Friday was very severo and tho galo a hard one, but the crow on board tho Circassian hocdod it but iittlo. There was no indication that it would bo more severe than the storm of the Saturday following the stranding, whioh waa weathered suoce3Bf ully. Indeed, if it wore deemed likoly to be more eovere, it was thought that Bhe would ride it out porhap3 float off as four hundred tons of freight had b83n lifted irom hor hold and gho had been pumped dry.

Tho absence of water created a confident fet iiug that she was sound in every part. At four o'clock in the afternoon the ferry man of tho Wrecking Compapy.specialiy employed because of hia Urge oxporienco in riding tho surf, warnod tbo men on board ihat thero would be a hoavy sea whon the moon came up, with the likelihood of an increased gale, and suggested that they had better go ashoro with bim while it was possible. This thoy refused to do, probably trusting iu Captain Williams, who would not leave hia ship, more than in the judgment of the ferry man. He suggested that they had bettor send a lino ashore, ao that they would have communication with tho land if danger menaoed thom. Tins was alao disregarded, and is one of tho remarkable things connected with tho oa lamity.

If tho line had been Bent ashore no doubt every life would have been saved. When tho Circassian wont ashoro on tho night of December 11, the lifo saving craw shot a lino on board, whioh was afterward fastened to an anchor on shoro, and the crew, as also tno crew of the abandoned Heath Park, went ashore by tho aid of a boatswain's ctuir. Captain Williams was a vory bravo man, but evidontly foolhardy. In this instance his bravery nsurpod his common sonse and batter Judgment. When tho Circassian was five hundred milea off Montauk tho day boforo Bhe grounded, she sighted a vcsboI displaying signals of distress, and hor head was pointed for tho vossel.

She was reached, and none too soon. She proved to be tho Heath Park, a Scotch vessel, wator logged and sinking fast. Five minutes after the crew were taken off she went to tbe bottom. THE FINAL CRASH. The time passed without any abatement of wind or aea.

At midnight it was foared that she would go to pieces, but the horror was averted for several hours. Meantimo tbo Burf rolled over hor and roarod angrily, and every billow disturbed her bo that she thumped heavily on the bar and was washed higher up. This Btrain, and the fact that tbo four hundred tons of freight taken from tho hold had disturbed hor balance, would have rent hor asunder much sooner, had she nut been staunch and firm. The grounding did not appear to have injured her at all. At a little after four o'olock on Saturday morning tho crisis came.

A huge swell struok tho vossel, raising hor very high, and when I recodod Bhe thumped more heavily than ever, and the fearful jarring sent tho mizzenmast over the side, carrying the mainmast with it, and also the twenty I eight bodios lashed in the rigging. Notwithstanding thB maBts were of iron, thero 1b no doubt that they havo been driven to sea by tho tremendous undercur rent. Not a single body has been recovered. FOUB LIVE3 SAVED. Three of the crow of the Circassian and one of the wreckers are all that reached the shore uhve, of the thirty two on board.

These are Henry A. Morle, first mate John Rowland, second mate Alexander Wilson, oarponter, all of the crow of the Circassian, and Charles Campboll, of tho Coast Wreaking Company, whose residence is in Now Jersey. They wore washed ashore on oae of the foro and aft buoya ot a lifo boat, made of cork and oovered with canvas. They wero lauded a mile east of the wreck in an exhausted condition. Had they been undlsoovered for auy considerable length of timo, they must have died, as thoy wore a mass of ioo, aud benumbod and helpless, but tho people on ehore, after the masts bad gone over, took the preoaution to establish a patrol for five miles down the beaob to pick, up tho bodies that went down in tho rigging.

The men were carried to tho Life Saving Station and properly oared for. Their clothing had to bo out off, and to the oredlt of Captain Burney and several of the citizens of this place be it said, thty surrendered artiolos ot wearing apparel from thoir parsons to make them comfortable. EFFORTS AT RESCUE. The Life Saving Craw, of Station No. 10, Captain Hunting, did everything in their power to save the men.

Erery tim.e a boat was iauaohod i was driven high up on the beaoh by tho breakers. The fact is, the boat was too small for the sea that was on, and the larger boat has novor been returned from the Centennial Exposition. It Is a debatable question whether or uot it would have been able to ride tho surf if on hand with the weight of opinion in the affirmative. Howover, it seems inexcusablo for the Government to deprlvo the station of the means for saving life to embellish an exhibition from which it would not havo been missed. When tho Circassian went ashoro, a line waa landed in her riggiug by means of a mortar gun.

In this latter instance the mortar was used, but uo lino was landed. Tho wind carried it contrary to the direction of tho ship ovory time. Tho orew from station number seventeen brought thoir mortar, but it had no hotter effect. Tho last chargo of powder iu tho magazine was the death knell of tho ciow, as tho lino foil as far from tho ship as any of the others. No effort could be mado after that, and tha agony of those on shoro was awful to bohold, What seems straDgois that Ihoro Wero no lifo preservers on board tbo ship, or If there, not used.

Whero the cork buoy which lauded the four lucky men waa obtalucd is not known, but It must bave boon on the Bhip when tho cca broke over her. TI.o men wero in the water half an hour. If there had been other buoys, or lifo saving apparatus of any kind on board it is probable that the men would have entrusted their lives to them rather than take refuge in the rigging. There wsb an absolute lack of preparation and provision for an emergency. To be sure, no similar catastrophe over occurred before, ana this fact partially accounts for tha omiaBion.

Hundreds of vessels of all descriptions have gone to pieces along this coast without tbo loss of a single life among tho wreckers. Theso men, though warned that there would be a severe storm, had no well grounded reason to fear, as the Bhip was lying with her head pointed seaward, and the probability was that she would work over tho bar with the high tide and bo hauled to Bea by the Cyclops. The captain of tho tug and tho schooners, anticipating the severity of the storm, headed for Montauk, intending to return on Saturday and mate an effort to pull her off. They passed the night without accident. Tho Custom House oiilcer.Mr.

Estabrook, who was present as inspector of the cargo.waut ashore, and one of the captains of the wrecking crew took refuge on ono of the schooners. Estabrook says he had rears for the safety of those oa board as oarly as five o'clock, and whilo he stood oa the beach, with a few residents, they saw the miiamasf snapped off liko a pipe stem and hurled with great rapidity into tho sea. CARRYING DOWN THREE MEN who had gone afoft for protection. It was not nnti) half past eight, howover, that rockets were sent up as signals of distress from the wreck, and bonfire was speedily built on Bhore tn response, affording sufficient illumination to descry the bodies of the men in the rigging. When the water began to break over her she.

was anchored with two largo cables, and these Captain Lewis had Blacked, which made her rise moro easily. The wind drove her Btorn to the westward, and more firmly on the bar. This made the force of the waves more destructive. Tho wind changed from northeast to louthwest, increasing in force, aud by the light of tbe bonfire the ship was seen to aettlo, having doubtless ailed. Sea after sea broke entirely over her, and oftou her bull was completely hidden from view.

It was one boiling masj of white foam. At ton o'clock, or there KboutB. Captain Pearson heard a crash, and tho cry "MX GOD, SHE'S BREAKING IN HALF An openlog was discerned in sr Bide neaT the foremast. Everybody waa forced to take refuge in the mizzon rigging, with which thoy went down to their common graves. Among the wrecking orow were ten Shinnecock IndianB, oil related to each other, in many Instances several of them belonging to tho same family.

Jarvis and William Cuffee wero brothers, and so were John and Lewis Walker and Ruas. 11, Frank and David Burns. The other Indians lost are James Thurston, Oliver Kolls, Robert Loo. These were ail experienced seamen, and could have gained the shore in an ordinary storm by their exportness as swimmers. They nevtr had any other occupation than as seamen, and some of thom had the experience of whaleimon The tribB is now Bbont deplated, the men remaining at the reservation being few, and but one of them ablo to labor.

They had refused an offer of employment on a whale Bhip to become wreckers. 1 lllUUll to I women were froson to death looting (or their lost hus A report is in circuiauun wci iHU ui me DLuuudwi bwide; bodies. JUU1. I i I i Tls.e New Officials Take Hold. Somo Iloatlw Cut OH" in tlio fe'i ji 1 11 to' Offices.

The newly elected and re elected oity and county officials bogan work in earnest this morning. Tho offlois, with one excoption, presented tho usual appearance. This was owing to the fact that no obanges wero mads in the subordinates. Tho exception referred to was in tho Surrogate's offtoa. Whan it was determined that Mr.

Walter L. Livingston, tho coalition candidate, waa elected Surrogate, thera was a rush ot applicants for tho various positions whioh he would have at bis disposal, and it has boon continued up to to day. Mr. Llvlnaaton ra appolntea the Chief Olerli, Judah B. Vo3rbees, and the Administration tho latter, howevor, for throa months only.

Ernest Lascho was appointed Citation Clerk; Luke O'Rolily and Lauronco Quinn, General Clerks, and Syivoster Porter, aon of Rev. Dr. Porter, Appraiser. There aro two court officers, two oitation olorks and an appraiser yet to bo appointed. Mr.

Lasoho is a Gorman and underderstood to be the appointee of Mayor Sohroedor. He was formerly a reporter employed on the Brooklyn Free Presae. He takes the place of Mr, John Campboll, who was connected with tho office for yoars. Luke O'Reilly ia one of tho bright and shining llghta of tho Slocum Committee. He was formerly a member of tho Regular Domooratio Commutes, and was satisfied as long as he was taken oaro of, and Luke generally had some pojition.

Tho last plaoe he held was In ths Department of City Works. Lawrence F. Quinn i3 a son of Contractor Quinn, of tho Eighth Ward, also a membar of the Slooum Committee. Mr. Quinn, was formerly on the regular Democratic General Oommitteo, and was one of its noisiest members.

Young Quinn is employed in the law offloo of DnWitt Johnson, as a clerk. Mr. Porter is a son of tha Rsv. Dr. Porter, pastor of tho Bedford avenue Reformed Church.

A SUBURB EXCITED. A Clinrg off Wife Poisoningr Vlilcli Proved to bo Water oh ttie JBrnin. Great Neck is a suburb of the town of Flushing. Its pcoplo havo had a short season of excitement over tho supposed death by poisoning of the wife, of John Burko. John was suspected of having poisoned her, but there app3ars to have been no ground for tho suspicion.

Tho faotB may be briefly stated John and Li3 wife have been living together for about a year. Ho arose oarly on tho morning of tbo day of tho oi hia wife, for the purpose of taking tho boat to New York. He prepared his own breakfast, and having ate it, ho called to his wife to conio down and lock tho door al'tor him. She replied that she did not fosl ablo to get up, and told bim to lock the door and put the key on the window sill, whioh ho did. Mrs.

Burice was not scon during tho day by her neighbors, aud finally tbo door was forcod opan and her room visited, and hor body found dead on the bed. The absence from tb door of tho key, and tho absence her hueband. led tile suspicion that slio bad boon foully troated. Coroner MoKeo was summoned, aud an inquest hold. Dr.

Iloag m.ido post mortem, but failed to find any traces of poison. Ue came to tho conclusion that death resulted from water on tho brow. When Burke returned he explained matters, and produced tho key from where ho had left it, tho pubiio mind was sctisdod, and Burke was freod from tho terrible suspicion. '1' 5 a ifi Past and. nx ir What Has Been Accomplished Durinfr the Pa3t Twelve Months The Work of the Coming Year Stretching: the Great Cables.

The year that has just closed has marked an era in tho East River Bridgo enterprise that will long bo remombcred, tor it sow tho groat structure reach a stage in its growth that was un earnost of ics speedy completion. It is not easy for the public mind comprehend at a glance tho whole breadth of sueh an enterprise as this building of tho greatest bridge in tlio world. Mankind, as a mass, are incredulous to muoh that does not ot once strike their comprehension, and it waa not until thoy eaw a daring engineer of the Bridge cross on the single wiro from ono aide of the river to tho othor that they fully realized that the Bridge was, to ail intents and purposes, an accomplished fact. Skeptics havo laughed and calumniators have falsified about the Bridge and thoso who were conducting it but, throne aQd through good report, tho work gone steadily forward until at last those who scoffed are forood, not to pray but to admlro. Tboro has been something grand in the way in which the two massive gray towers have been stoadily lifted into the air, until now they stand like tffin sentinels watching over the two cities that they are to link together with bands of iron and links of steel.

Their foundations take hold on tho living rock deep down beneath the waters that lave the feet of tho two citios, whilo thoir orests riso far above tho roofs of quiet homes and busy marts of trado, and In the coming timo, when generations ahall have passed away, and when tho young Republic shall have reached tho full Btatureof national manhood, men wiU point with pride to these twin monuments as examples of the energy and enterprise of their forefathers. And the name of him who ooncelved the enterprise, and in whose brain tho idea had its birth, should be oarvod upon its por talB in letters that shall stand tha wear and tear of oon turies. and until thoso lofty obelisks shall havo crumbled into dust. THE BEOOBD OF THE YEAH. Tho opening of tho year that hoB just closed saw tho New Xork anchorage still incomplete and tbo Now York tower not yet finished.

Work on tho latter structure was completed early in tbe season, and thon tho whole energies of the force wore turned toward tho anohor age. It was finished late in tho Summer and thon the work of erecting tbo temporary bridge was begun. The case of tho East River Bridge presents tao somewhat curious feature of having to build a bridge before you could build the Bridge. In other words, it was necos sary to erect a scaffolding before the main structure could be put up. This ia called tho footbridge and cradles, and work upon this advance structure has on gaged the attention of the workmen since Augnst.

Tho Summer day on whioh tho first wire rope was stretched from ono tower to tho other, away up In midair, was a red lotter day in the calendar of the Bridgo history. In fact this wholo period was eventful. Early in September, Air. the Superintendent of Construction, crossed the river, from one anchorage to tho other, upon the slendor wire rope throe fourths of an inch in diamater, Boated in a boatswain's chair, amid tho screeching of steam tugs and tho plaudits of admiring thousands that crowded tho wharves on cither shore. During tho Fall the other cables for tho temporary structure rraro nlaoed in position.

Thero ore a num ber of them, the largest being about two and three quarter inches in diameter and the smallest two and one quarter inches. In addition to these thero are lhe two ondleaa wire ropes three quarters of an inch in diameter, that are travelaru or working ropes, as it is by t'lolr use that tho wire for tbo great cables is to bo cirriod from one anchorage to tuo otner and oyer the towers. At either anchorago thoy pass around large horizontal pulloys, that aro to be operated by a steam engine placed at the foot of tho Brooklyn anchorage. AU tho cables of the temporary structure are mado of chrome steel of tho fincBt quality, and are of a strength sufficient to Bupport four times the weight that by any contingency can be put upon them. The mode of thoir construction and usos has been so often described in the columns of the Eagle that an account in detail is aot heeded at this time.

It ii sufficient to say that thjj win support tho cradles, aud tho footbridge. Tho formor are platforms upon which tho workmen will stand and the latter will eivo aooess to them. Thoy will be ten in numbor, forming five setB. One set will be placed between each anchorage and its adjacent tower. and tho other throe between the towers and over the rlvor one in the centre of tho span and one in tho centre of each half, on either side of the central platform.

AH ODD QUESTION. As an illustration ot the crude ideas that Boma people entertain about bridge buiidiug in general and this bridgo in particular, a entloman of more than the ordinary dogrea of intelligence ono day asked the reportorial person "if tho Bridgo was to goover tho top of tho towers, where those cables wore," and manifested a considerable degree of enlightenment whon informed that the roadway would be through and not over the arches. The foot bridge will bo four foot wide, and oomposed of oak slats firmly bolted crosswise to heavy sills of the sama material. It will rest upon two of the cables that pass over the centre of tha tower. This will bring it between tho endB of the cradles, whioh will be placed end to end, transversely across tho cables.

A hand rail will afford tha means of steadying the footsteps, and the Bridge will ba braced on the land approaches bv cables about 200 feet apart, passing down to anchors firmly fastened in the ground. Over tho river a oable will be thrown from the roadwffy of one aroh to tho other under the foot bridge, and wire ropes will run from this to tho cables upon which the rails forming the Bridge wiU rest. This will brace it very effectually, and prevent its being disturbed by storms. The technical name for the bracing oiblo nnder the foot bridge is a storm cable. It will bo ltf inches in diameter, while tho guy ropes on the land approaches wUl be of iron, and throe fourths of an inch in diameter.

Tho cradles and foot bridge rockB have been built for some time, but they aro not yet position, aa any crosaer of the rivsr can see. Tho work of placing them on tho cables will form a part of th work of the present Winter. All this work is of course preliminary, and merely forms the scaffolding from which tho great cables will be strctohed, and tbo wires thereof placed In proper position. Whon that is accomplished it will be taken down and the cables cut np into guys for the main This Btretohlng of the cables for the temporary o.Mt..i iTT nnnht thn work down to tho close of 11,,. U.HA l.nM nf thn nmlnr, r.K.

toe year ioio, auu. uu ma uum vw4uB it may bo of interest to toko a forward glance to bob what the months may bring forth in connootion with the progress of tha giant structure. In a great measure the experimental part of the work has been accomplished, and it has been performed with a degree of skill and a measnro of success that epeak volumes for the skill, the intelligence, the wiso forethought and tho genius iu planning and oxoctiting oa the part of those who have directed the work. Their success has positively been briUiant, and high up in the catalogue of able scientific men who have reflected credit and luster upon American skill and genitu should be inscribed the names of the Engineer Corps of the New York and Brooklyn Bridge. Nous but themssl es can know the full measure of the responsibiiitlei ihey have DMBO, ffE)NESPAY EVENING.

JAMJARY 3, 1877. From Yesterday Four O'clock Edition, ROBINSON. The New Governor's First Message. A CLEAR AHD STRONG STATE PAPER. All thQ Administration Reform Re cmptoa sizo4 The Polioy of Tildon to be the Policy of Robinson An Exhaustive National Review The Empire Stato "Will Permit no Defeat of tho Will of the People Tho Returning Doard taws and Acts of the Three Disputed States Examined and Denounced A Constitutional Count of tho Electoral Vote the Only One that Will he Allowed or Respected.

Words of Great Vigor and Graro Import for Citizens and TrickstorSs too, to Road, Ponder aud Inwardly Digest. Albany Jan 2, 1877. Tho moESRgf! of Gov. Robinson was handed in to day. We give below a succerlct synopses of each topic of Uorus concern ho discusso, and follow it with a full tranaper of every word upon national affairs which the Governor has written.

Tutu treatment of the menage will bo found iustlftod by the comparative interest of tho topics and by tho extraordinarily cogent aud roaolute discussion of tho Presilency (juoftion. At the outsat the Governor invokes tho Logielature to remember that the p30plo havo oudowed thom only with power to be used in trust for them. Of the people be The money wliic'i they pay Into the publio treasury ia not our money nor is it iho monoy of tho ox cept as the pi ure the Siato. It still belonge to thom until it ii piiJ out by their agcuto for tho legitimate of their govorumout as provided by the Constitution and laws. TheStato Budsot, u3 made out by the Governor, shows In tno Sinking Finds as aggregate balances.

SH.191,685.50 Total debt altar spplyiuc Sinking Funds 9, Tho SS0O 01)0 duo ou tho debt iu 18T6 will bo paid from tho sinking fund without taxation. The gross amount of income from totla anil other resoutoea fur tho yonr outllng SOth September, 1876, was boln loss than in the preceding year. Tho cost of uolleotiou, ordinary repairs and other charges on reveuuea amounted to beiu S318.121.31 lees than iu tbe preceding year. Tho Erie oaual pro lucod a surplus of revenue ovor exponsoa amountiiiji to 8508, 053.14. The other canals all show small tueouioJ and large dcflcieiioies of rvemie.

Tho Governor would keep tolls at their presoat figure and Bell tee lateral canals. Of tho prisons, tho Governor says they havo "kept on their way from bad to worse." They coat more than they earned In 187C. The Governor says tbey can, and must and shall b3 roads aslf sustaining. Ho wan'a lawn passed at onoj (ixiag the salaries of the new ofdeers, Prison Superintendent and Superintend teudont of Public W'eiks, and then ho will fill the offices. Cessation of work on all uncompleted public buildings of the Stato for the proaout is recommended especially asyiutiiB and reforinawrjes.

Says the Governor Fully rcaponclins to the demands of humanity in bo half of the untorUmata jor, I cannot nee the propriety or the justice of reducing a larijo body of taxpayers to pauperism for thn purpose of buildidg gorgeous palacco in which other paupers are to be supported at the public espouse. Mr. Robinson wants legislation provided to adjust the Emigration Commission's status to Fedoral decisions of late affecting that body. Tho message voluminously and luminously dwells on 8svings Banks. Interest earning stocks should berated at their first oost ia searching for a bank's "surplus." Tha right to "estimate iu" ton per cont.

of daily balances should bo forbidden. Tho right to loan such ten per cent. Bhould be taken away. The maximum of a personal deposit ohouid ba ro.lticcd from $5,000 to or $2,000. The division of surpluses beyond ten per cent.

Bhould bp lopped, The Governor recommends the abolition of tho Normal sohools; the return to a direot school tax; tho reduction of of curriculum to eloraantary studios; the cessation of moneys to special schools. The condition of tho militia is pronounced good. Tho reduction of taxej to tho rato promised by Governor Tllden is declared to bo possiblo and imperative by Mr. Robinson. Changes which increase valuations arts opposed by Mr.

Robinson. Ho does not approve of that part of the State Assessor's work. Churches must bo kept exempt from taxation. Tho repeal of iho act for a fitato survey Is recommended strongly. The crouUon of a Stato Board of IZoallb la warmly favored.

Ground iB taken for hard money and reform, and for the guaranteeing of safety In all public buildings. Tho restoration of entiro local aelf govornmont to Now York City Is insisted on, and then after asking for moro stringent lawa against bribery and betting on elections occurs theso words on nauonatj affaies, Tbo recent Presidential Election threatens to prove an epoch of solemn portent In our history. For tho firBt time in the twenty two elections which havo been hold for President and Vice President of the United result loraains a subjoctof controversy after the canvass of tho votes within tho States has been made and announced. Tba two houses of Congress have been heretofore ropeatedly required to pass upon the authenticity and validity of electoral votes, lout in no formor instance has tho oleolion turned upon tho questionable votes. In every former case, the result hau been dotorniiued by electoral votes whioh were not In controversy.

In the present Instance one candidate for President and one caudidate for Vico President havo received 181 undisputed Electoral votes, as well as a popular majority oxceeding a quarter of a million. Auother candidate for President and another candidate for Vico Pretidont have received 103 undisputed Electoral votes. All tbo votes In three Staffs four iu Florida, eight iu Louisiana and in South Carolina malting nineteen in all, are still in diaputo also one of the three votes ol Oregon. In all theso cases two setB of returns have been "transmitted to the seat of Government, directed to the President of tho Senate," to await the action of the two Uoues of Congress, whoso duty It is to verify, ascertain aud couDt tho Electoral votos. In a situation mvoWiug eucn.

momonions rosuits as is liable to be weakened, dangoroUB concessions to bo made, perilous precedents cstabushed, sacred traditions violated, and the most impcrtaut bulwarks of constitutional freedom rendered less secure. IN LOUISIANA we have sceu p. State govornmont imposed on thopooplo by the military force of the Federal 0. iimlr color of a pretended order of a Federal Judge, which order in itself was void, and which led to the resignation of the Judge wiio made it, to escape impeachment. We nave seen the government thus impose by military ami iii.irn llHlirniitiotl.

bv I ITU eUU'lUuu i comtust, Jind tho Electoral votes in tha count given undtr it nuHiu'cca, rojocted prest'd' ri ial votes ti in 1873 by the to, innhnt of tho same tribunal. Wo havo seen the government so ere ie "a Rjturuing vi 1" ,.1 Mi. votd with absolute power to re vi" and. if thev please, to reverse the results of tho i.v of the State, and thus organiza a nnlfticat mcchaakiu u.nlor aa in tom purary possession of (he legislative powr 01 a State mie'lit pevpiui.iie men imc) I pau' here in this statement to mtorpoi IN BEEAW OF THE PKOPLE OF IHD QUEAT OOJT MOMWEAIiTH, a unlnntn denial of the power of uny State government or of tho Federal Government to ve jt such powers as 1 t. rniil.lm.

Mfiienini in I1UV caaya9gilll! board whatever. are ciaiiiiea uvuni T.i "tbo "first place. Buch powerB in respect to the choice ol Presidential aro not warranted by, 1,,,. rnmnriifinr. tn Mo Constitution of th3 Umtod Htates.

The provision of Section 1, Article 2, of that instrument, 'that each Static shall Rppolnt, in such mauner as the Legislature thereof may direct, its Presidential Electovi," does not confer on the Legisla ture of a State an unlimited power over the subject nun will nreteud.tliat a temnorarv majority in tho of a Ktulo cuull grant to an individual or fn net of lu.l dlllla to ft PpolllV tTCBiac'Il tial Electors that it could make this grant lor period of year3, or indefinitely, or to hia or their heirs or assigns. What it cannot do in form it cannot do in substance what it cauuot do dirocily it cannot do indirectly. The choice which a Legislature is authorized to make for a State, in the mode of appointing Presidential Electors, is limited to a more soloolion betwecu certain known forms of action, recognized in tho practice of popular government, and consistent with tao nature of popular government. It iB a choioe of modes, but must not chrnge or destroy the essential character of the thing itself. It is subject to the condition that "tho Stato shall appoint" the presidential Electors.

The State, that is, the political commuuity known in our jurisprudence and constitutional law by that name, must "appoint," aud in doing so it must act by and through its known aud rightful organs. At tho timo this provision of the federal Constitution was adopted, it was contemplated that the Legislature of a Stato possesJiDg' all tho govcrn mentalrfiowers not withdrawn by tho provisions of the Slate Constitution, or transferred to the Government of tho Union, might itself cbaoso tho oleetors. And, indeed, that was the mode at first generally practiced bv the States. The State Legislature at that time was reearded as tho moet natural and the legitimate organ of tho State. Tho power to choose Presidential Electors might properly be conferred upon niD r.f thn Ktatft liv a ceueral tickot.

the voters throughout the State choosing all the electors; or they might be chosen by the people of the Stato voting in districts, oach district choosing one e'ector. Theso wera methods consonant with the principles of our system of government, and by cither of which it could be properly said that the State did. in fact, "appoint" the electors. It is historically certain that these different modes were in the contemplation of the Convention which formed the Couscltutiou. Exp some diffl cully, however, in imposing this duty upon all the btates by any one uniform eystsui, it devolved upon tho Legislatures of each State the authority to choose from among these tuethjils, one tor iho exercise of that which granted in declaring (Jut each Slate shell appoint." While the Legislature of a State shill provide that Prcsidentie.1 Electors ahall be appointed by an election of the people, it cauuot provide that TUAT ELECTION SHALL KOT BE A REALITY THAT IT SHALL BE A SRAM, and that the actual power of determining the choice 6liall bo invested iu a packed committee, whether it be oalled a returning board," or by any other name.

Neither can it invest a board of canvassers with Indefinite or with arbitrary powers, uor with any authority which, by the principles and practice of our Jurisprudence, and the policy of our elective system aro not fairly incident to tho uuction of aacertainln the vote of the people. This seems to mo to be the obvioua, tho wise lntrriVotatton of tho Constitution of tho Duited States and of ita laws. Any other doctriue v. iU open tho way to abuses, frauds aud usurpations, which must end in deatroyln" popular elections. The moment we depart from 0, strict eonetruction of grants of power in dero afflmrnrr nf Iton AleelivP RVK.

torn nlir.ll lit! nnin 111 11UU LIU luic luai inu 1 1. .1... nf tho TTomvln. We Bhall tempt transient ma jorities to seek to prolong their power by tampering with tbo machinery of elections, and the easiest, most convenient aid most effectual method for such a purpose is by the contrivance of returning boards, which shall be packed aud equipped with powers hitherto unknown to our laws and prncticaUy subverslvo of the will of tbo people In tho particular case of Louisiana, other equally grave illegalities are believed to exist. The powers vcslod in the Returning Board are inconsistent with the provision in the Constitution of that State which guarantees the elective franchise to voters, and also with tho provision whioh confers the judicial power upon the courts.

It is orobable that the standard of cxcollonoe. Aud tho modest maunor in which they have gone about their important work is by no means tho smallest item in this record of morlt. During tho past two or three months, tho specifications for the wire for tho great cables wero prepared and published, and about tho first of Deoembor a number of bids wore received. Two or throe wero from Europe, and the balance from this country. In all, eight or nine bids wore received.

Thoy were oponod by tbe Executive Committee of the Board of TrusteeB, and have already been published in tho Eaole. Thoy aro still under consideration by tho Board, and will ba acted upon some time during the present month. During tho month Just passed, the engineers Vforo bUBily engaged a portion of the time, in testing the samples of wire furnished with the bids, to see whether thoy came to the required standards of elasticity and strength. Tho wire was required to boar a certain amount of strain bofora it would break, and must stretch a certain number of feet and recover a certain portion of the stretch when the strain was removed. Tho teats wore very thorough and severe, and not ono ingle Batnplo of wire came up to tha required standard in every respiot.

The results of tha testing wero embodied by the engineers in a report to tha Executive Committee, and through them to the Board, and Is still under consideration, and has not yet boen made public. THE OOMINO TWELVE MONTHS will witness the work of spinning the groat cables fairly under way. It will bo conr.monoed this Winter, but it will be Impossible to accomplish, much boforo the Spring orjons, In the tot place it will take some time to familiarize the workman with the process of handling tho wire and stretching it across tho river, and then tho progress of the will dopeud considerably upon tho weather. It will be impossible to work upon the aerial platforms when a howling nor'eastor ie booming down the East River, or whon a stiff gals blows up from the sea. But wind is not tho only phase of weather that will interfere with tbo work.

But by a wise forethought, arrangements have boon mudo whereby the scanty time afforded by tho inclement season can be best made available. The wire for th3 great cables under Ihe contract will not to arrive before tho oarly Spring, but tho Boar.l dirootod tho purchaso of thirty tons of steel wire of the kind to bo used in the cables. A portion of this hM already been delivered, and the rest is ready for shipment. It will be used in familiarizing the workmen with the methods of bundling the wire and in getting tho process fairly uuler way, so that when the wire begins to arrive unJer the contract in tho Sprincr, tho workmen will bo nocustomod to the handling and treat.nent thereof, and tho work can go forward aa briskly as the aea3Ja will p3rmit. But it must not be that in uupropitiomi woathor the workmen will b3 idle.

There will b3 enough to do asijo from stretching the wire to keep thom buy whenever they canno' work oa tho cradle3 and towers. There is a great deal of labor outsldo of the inero stretching of the wiro over the tower3. Thero will bo about one hundred inea employed in all departments of ih3 onterprlse. There will be men on the anchoraao, men on the towers, men. on the cradles.

Some of the men have had consilerabio etpsri enco in this kind of work, but many of them will bo new at the business. Many of hem will b3 riggers, and moil accastooiod to work alofs on dizay a'titudoi, as, for instance, the cross tree of a three master. THB M0DTJ3 OPERANDI Of stretching tho wires for the great cables Ins novor bijeu thoroughly described, and as it will bo the work of tho year just openad, it will be of interest to soe how it is done. Iu tho first place, it should bo premised that the great cables aro four In number, each lSjtf inohos in diameter, and composed of 19 strands of an average of 315 virc3 to a slra id, or an aggregate of 0,300 wires in each cable. The material will be steel, and the size No.

8. It will bo delivered to tho Bridgo in coils of not less than 53 pounds woight each, and containing about 700 feet of wiro. It will be galvanized in the best manner. Of course, it is impo33ble to twiet a wire rope 15 inches iu diameter, and therefore tho Bridge cables will bo of tho style known as laid cables that is, tho wire will be liid straight and thon closely bound together. Tho weight of the wire must be 14 feet to tho pound before it is galvanized, and each wire must have a breaking strength of 3,400 pounds, or a strain of 160,000 pounds to the square inch oi solid Boclion.

Supposing tho coils of wire lo be received. Tho first work will be to unooil it and give It two coats of lin teed oil. It will thon bo drummed, that is, ooiled on large wooden drums mounted on axles and framas for convenience in reeling off. These drums are about 10 or 12 feel across and 18 Inch03 wide. They are made of wood and furnished with handles for convonienoo in turning.

About two dozen of these drums have been made and are now housed undor the shod that covers the top of tbe Brooklyn anohora re. It should be stated that all tho wiro will be reeled off from this side of tho river. Tho large nuaiber of drums is necessary in order that there may be plenty of wiro in reserve, and the work of drumming up and oiliag in ba carried on when the weather does not admit of operations on tho Bridge. In the yard at the foot of the Brooklyn anchorago stands a twenty five horse power engine which will operate the machinery. This consists of ths two horizontal pulleys and the adjacent system of sheaves, around which pass the working rope.

The system of pulleys is usod in order to giro tho requisite amount of frlotion to prevent Blipping. There ere two working ropes, one passing ovor oach arch, and iu this way ihs cables on both sides aud in the centre oan bo Btretohed at onco. The pulloys are operatod by bolts and by a system of cog wheels shifted by a brake, tho ropo be worUod backward and forward reversing the engine. ROBBERIES AND BURGLARIES. John J.

Cullen, a peddler, was arrested in Brooklyn by Officer Elder, of tho First Product, Now York, and taken to that city, on the ohargo of having stolen a coat valued at $15 from A. Klauhammer, No. 210 Fulton street. A basket containing ono dozen bottles of lagor beer was stolen from John HawiinB' grooory wagon, No. 31 Cbnton street, on Saturday nittht.

The residence of Mr. William J. Anderson, No. 219 Harrison street, was entered on Saturday afternoon and threo coats, valued at $30, were taken. The thief climbed ovor the yard fence and raised the window of the baok basement.

John Holden, who is a seaman on board tho sohooner William McKnight, whioh, iB owned by the United States Government, was arrested and placed in i'otia on board the schooner by order of the Consul at Per nambuco on tho 28th of September last for stealing a yawl boat from the vos3el, valued at $125. On arriving at the dock foot of Congress street yesterday the prisoner was releasod from irons and transferred to the Third Precinct to awaic the aotion of the United States Marshal. On Friday night two horse blankets valued at $14, wore stolen off the horses owned by S. B. Mnssa, and which were standing in front of his store, 091 Fulton street, and another blanket valued at $9, was Btolon from A.

Houghton's horse, whioh was standing opposite 821 Fulton street, at about the samo timo. Tho offloa of I. Weldon's ra store, Nob. 130 and 132 Navy street, was broken open by thlevea, who then wont to work and forced tho door off tho safe and stole some papors of no value. If thero had been a fortune theroit would havo gone just the same.

Messrs. Wel don brothers know better perhaps than to koop money on thoir premises, oven in the safe, as tho precinct is a dangerous ono for thieves. Jacob Dastel, of Avenue New York, was arrested by Detective Brady, of the Sixth Bub Precinct, on Saturday night, on a charge made by Barbara Kraus, of 145 Harrlaon street, who says that ha broke into her apartments during hor absence, and stole 524 in currency, and $79 worth of jewelry. After William B. Perkins had clos'd hia liquor store, corner of Myrtle aveuue aud Prinoa stroot, on Satur day.night, a thief broke in and stole S5 out of tho till.

JameB M. Gregor, who says that ho comes from Troy, Now York, was committed to jad by Justice Walsh thi3 morning, for having stolen a hat from the hallway of Mrs. Conkling'a residence, No. fio Washington street. A black beaver Ulster overcoat, valued at $40, waa stolon from a oloset in tho Hanson place M.

E. Church, on Sunday morning. Thare was in ourronoy in one of the pockets. It bs' gngei to George ymith, tq sexton, About half pist twa on Sunday morning, the anotion etore of W. W.

Backus, corner of Flatbusa avenuo and Fulton street, was onterea by burglars, who burst open a sheet of tin from the door, and stole a roll of blue cloth. A coat aud a white shirt wero dropped by tho thioveB ns they ran away from the place, they being frightened by tho approieh of OfDcer Bannon, of tho Tenth Preoinct They made good their 03cape. NEW BUILDINGS FOR 1876. Notwithstanding the hard times, the Building Department's report for the past two yoara shows an lncreaas of 135 now buildings in 18TB on the total number of the previous year. Doubtless this Ib accounted for by the cheapness of material and labor encouraging investment of capital in this branch of industry.

The taxable wealth added to the community by the conBtrnction of new buildings during the year ending June 1, 1816, according to tho estimate made by Hon. Domlnick Roche, Secretary of the Board of Assessors, is $3,742,100. Appended are the reports of both departments. BUILDINGS EBECTTJD IN 18 7G, compiled from the reports of tho Budding Depart ment: No. New I No.

New Buildings. Ill 125 151 1S3 193 140 143 161 197 100 W5. January February March April May Juno July Augaat October Novomber December Bull din js.i 1S76. 4B Jamiary E8 101 Maioh 165 April 183 May 155 June 186 July lLSAnguit 170 i October Ml 10S December. Total.

Total .3,716 Increase in 187B over 1875, 135. ASSESSED VALUATION OF NEW BUILDINGS and their number in this city for the two years ending June 1, 1870, compiled by M. Roche, tbe Secretary of tbo Board of Assessors 1875. as 2. cr Wards.

1 Tfl i 17,11001 63,8.0 810...500 21,000 11,700 S3XI 143 xm 331.400 66.500 45,400 57,700 1C0.S00 83.CC0 201,800 73,500 ts.m 71.900 141.100 147,800 343,100 97,000 810,700 894,300 i Third 8' 3 I 7: si 104 IS 20!) I 40 110 6H 8) 23 Seventh Eighth Ninth Tonth Eleventh Twelfth. Thirteenth Fourteenth Fifteenth Sbtteonth Seventeenth Eighteenth Nineteenth Twentieth Twoatr flrst Twenty Twenty third Twenty Twentj.flflh 60 63 67 7I.60U, 179.20) 182.800 SI II ii 24 32i Si! oa.soo! S3 S8 132.000 63,4001 115.000 166,197, 1 Slti.6001 74 193 111 30 78 133 IIS 116,0,0 231,700 447.4D0 max 58 1S3I S3. 1751 US' 130 431 1W S70300 axooo 36 163 30600 Mir aTA 2M'MI) L4701 43.617,8001 1.5561 93.71X100 keeper and his wife and child were awakened by the noiso, and as he looked out, anticipated almost instant death. Foaunately the row boat had not broken from its lashings on tho front piazza, and tha ice had boon lifted from tho creek to the land. He succoeded In getting tho boat into tho crook, and in carrying bis frightened and orying wife and child aoross the meadows and ovor the ico and placing them in tho boat.

They wero compellod to loave in their night olothes taking only a tew articles of clothing for warmth, but thoy wero very inadequate to protect them from the fierce wind and biting frost. They had to row through tho creek for a distance of two milea lo tho n)n fr.m landing, before they canio within Bight of a dwelling, and before they oouli find shelter had to walk a quar ter of a mile to the rcjidonce of William Francis. When thoy reaohed this place thoy woro almost exhausted, Icicles depended from thoir olothini, aud iu tho fright tho woman forgot all about her shoos and stockings, her feet vfere fearfully frostbitten, as wore hor husband's haads. Every thou'ht of the woman waa for her child, so that Bhe esriouaiy endangered her me auu will Da a long timo recovering. Tho club house of Coloael Degraw, located below Hassock creek, was partly washod away and tho balance bally damaged.

The boats thereabouts woro aiao badly damaged. The loss is altogothor about $2,000. BLOCKED. TTIae EaTec4 4Sae Siofana ia Our Country Cousins Snowed In. Three Lives Lost.

The Btorm was the sovorest experienced by Long Islanders in many years. Tho fact that the enow did not Bottle, mado travel on tho Island much oasier thau it would otherwise have been. The railroads especially woro benefitted by this. irly in tho morning a snow plow loft Hunter's Poiut, propelled by two locomotives, and a groat part of tho main lino had been oloared before tho first train was due at any of the stations, but that did not avail the business men and holiday visitors much, as tbe early trains came from remote quarters over the branch roads, which had not boon cleared. The Port Jefferson express train, on the Long Island road, had to work its way along, and arrived at its destination nearly two hours late.

The Northport accommodation train, ovor tho Huntington branch, had some bard work, encountering several banks which oomplotely covered tho engine flora pilot to smoke etook. The train reaohed Huuter's Point forty five minutes late. Tho Groonport express train did not leave the east end until two hours after starting time, whon it was doubled up with tho freight, and two engines attached. It wsb not possible for it to get through before late in tho afternoon. The Glen Cove and Looust Valiey bracoh was so badly blockaded that no train could be run over it.

Tho Hompstoad aud Minoola branch got through with little trouble. On tho Rockaway branoh, tho first westward bound troiu was brought to a stand still near Woodsburgh, where itwill have to remain until digged out. Tho East New York train waa bloekadod on ita flret wostward trip, at Claroncovillo, and was unable to got either way. On tho Southorn and North Shore and Central roads, the trains ran with little difficulty, none being delayod beyond a quarter of an hour. HORSE OAR TRAVEL 18 ENTIRELY SUSPENDED.

The route from Jamaica to East New York is operated by substituting Bloighs. TUo cars over tha routes from Long Island Oity to Williamsburgh, to Astoria and Ravenswood and Biissvilio and Dutch Kills wero all stopped up to noon, whon tho tracks had been partially oloared by a shovel brigade, and occasionally a car was to bo seen, as often off the track as upon it. TIIE LONG ISLAND BATS and harbors aro all frozen ovor, and vessels are ioe bound far off the shore. Many of them nre in groat danger, and the orewa of boats in Huntington, Jamaica, and the bays of other places, have all oome ashore, trusting thoir vessels to luok and Providenoo. LOSS OF LIFE.

At eleven o'olock a sloighing party, going from Long Island City to Newtown, founds man lying on Jaokson avenuo, half buried in he enow, almost dead, and totally unconscious. He was taken in the sleigh to the jail at Newtown, and restoratives applied, but at noon to day ho had not recovered consciousness, aud the Jailor had little hope that ho would rocovor. Who lio ui La ixol Icnoirn. A KIND HEARTED FARMER. At ten o'clock last night Mr.

Willis, a farmer of Woodsido, was almost instantly killed whilo performing an act of kindness toward a fellow farmer. At that hour a man, who was on his way to market with a load of truck, got from the road to tho ditob, and his team wore unable to regain the road, the wheels having broke through tho ice covering a mud hole. Mr, Willis got hia team out and fastening a chain to tho pole of tbe wagon, Btarted his team. The chain broke as tho horses plunged, and the ond of tho chain struck Mr. Willis in tho head, fracturing his skull.

Ho died in a few hours. FOUND FROZEN TO DEATH. At four o'olook yesterday af tornoon Patrick Gllligan, or Dutch Kills, near tho Steinway settlement, loit his homo for Hunter's Point, partially intoxicated. His family heard nothing of him uutil this morning, whon a polioeman brought tho information that his dead body was at the station houso. At four o'olock this morning hie corpse waa found within a quarter ot a mile of biB home, frozon stiff.

COURT NEWS. Supreme court. The followiur' is a resume of tho business transacted during the year, in tho Supreme Court Thore wiro but two oaaes tried in tho Oyer and Terminer, viz, Fuchs and Rubonstoin. Both wore convicted of murder in tbe first degree. About 300 civil cases wero tried and disposod of and 7,000 Spooial Term orders granted, and an equal num bor in Chambers, by tha Ju3ticos, beside Spooial Term issues triod and disposed of, and non onumerated motions heard and decided.

About 250 appeals were argued at the four General TermB held during tho year. There woro 23 Country Circuits and 7 Country Sp3clal Terms bold, exclusive of the regular Special TermB held every Saturday, at Whito Plains and Poughkeepsie A Koatxli Time Some time ago Peter DeForrsst, a wealthy resident of Yonkers, Westolie3ter County, was adjudged to be an habitual drunkard, and the Supremo Court appointod Waiter fjudorhill a committee of his person and property. Tho Court subsequently gave Mr. DeForroat permission to make a will, which ho did, and afterward died. Friday Mr.

Chauncoy Shaffer presented to JU3tico Gilbert, in the Supremo Court, Special Term, tho petition of John Briant and Albert L. Bumhaoi, executors ol DeForrest's will, asking that tho Conimitloo, Mr. Underbill, might be directed to stats an account, in order that ho be discharged. Justice Gilbert satd chat ha did uot see htiv the Court could proceed to discharge a dead ran'a Coiumittoo. "Ths Lord has supersede I the Co oimissioa," Mr.

BUMTor said, "and what wo do.iiro is that tho gentlo man who was Mr. Do Forrest's tmmittce should show what bill a Uo had paid and so forth, and close up his account." Mr. It. E. Prion also applie 1 on behalf of tlio ira milteetbat a rcferaj bo appointed to take evidence na to the accouut.

Mr. Matthew Ellis was proposed by Mr. Prime as sticn rcfaroo, but Mr. Shaffer sail that they were goinq to have a very routh tlmo over it, and he would rather that Mr. Ellw was kept out of it.

Tho Court appointod Mr. John M. Mason referee, ond Mr. John Briant guardian cd litom oi a miuor child. Tho question bb to the discharge ot tne uom inittee was resorved.

ClUtitifr oil the Front oK a Few mouses. Before Judge McCue in equity, Peter L. Whaley sued Sebastian Kooh and others to recover possession of certain land In the Eastern District. In 1847 a Mr. Kane was owner of a triangular piece of ground on Flushing avenuo and Broadway.

Ho willod it to his wife for lifo, and thon to his daughter for the hfetirae of bor husband, and to her absolutely if she should survive her husband. If Bhe died before her husband, it was to go to her child or ohlldren surviving her. She died in 1878, her husband and three children sur vlving. In 1851, however, she and her huibaod brought an action to sell tho right, title and interest under the statute. The Court granted leave and it was sold to Austin D.

Moore, who disposed of it In lots, and houses wero built upon it. Tho plaintiff in the pre30Dt aotion is one of tho children of Mr. Kane's daughter, and bringB the suit to recover the property, holding that the Court bad no power to direct a sale, as tho parties selling had no seizure in tho property, but only a contingent interest. Tha defense is that the title was good. Several parties are (ntorestid in this matter, having put up houses on the property, which aUso cover adjacent property.

If the Court decides in favor ol tho plaintiff tho front half of the houses will become his property. A PLEASA.Vf SUJ lUtlSE. On Saturday evening, the ladios employed in the typographical department of tho Eaoi newspaper, caused quietly to he sent to the residence of Mr. William H. Sutton, the foreman, a beautiful pedestal table, in itself a flue example of tho EaatlaVo Btyle of art, and accompanying it, an elogant bronze statuette of Clio.

TbiB taBteful dual present wan a complete to its gratided and worthily esteemed reclpi lent and it made more pleasant the happy holiday time yesterday to the many who paid their respecta to Mr. Sutton and hi3 housoholJ, in their home ioi State street. rovys me.vs cjithowi; mbbaby association The annual reception of the Y. M. C.

Library Association, vrtU tahe place next Monday evening, in Stella Hall, Bedford avenue near Myrtle, having been postponed from December 20. Whilo Mr. Wb, W. Harrold and hia wife wera wafting for a car, corner of Grand and Myrtlo avenues, on Sunday, two yonng men, named Lewie Clark and William WaHa, came along. Watta ehoved Clark against Mrs.

Harrold and Clark stole a laoo hand kerchief ont of ber pocket. They were both arrested. This morning Justice Btley oommlttod thom to Jail on be charge of pocket picking. I I I i I i of those aclB have been by tuo ieaerai Executlvo, no mark of disapprobation ha been put upon the authors of tha outrages tho officer in command goes still unrobuked, and when the Returning Board wore committed to prlaon 1 for contempt, by the highest court in the Stato, a Jtidgo of the United States District Court is sant down to South Carolina, and, without jurisdiction in the Cine, grants a writ of Aaoeoe corpus, and discharges tha offendora. These proceeding are the more extraordinary and alarming when we consider that such violatioDB Ql law ftad of righj have, been resorted to to ovortarn eleotlons, all the officers conducting which wore of tho same political parly with tho oandidatcB in whose favor these acts havo been committed that the olectlons were hold under the survoillanco of troops of the Unitod States, without any constitutional warrant for their presence, and that tho judicial decisions thuB sot at nought cannot b3 suspected of any partisan bias, for thoy ware rendered both in Florida and South Carolina by judge3 all o' whom were of theBadio poiitieai'piriy with the Ba turuing Board.

TIIESE INTERFERENCES OP THE MILITAEY JPOWEB have been committed in flagrant violation of the Constitution and laws. Thoy were not provoked by domestic they wero not invited in the only way that would havo mado thom constitutional, by the Legislature of the Slato; and they wero continued after the election was over and during all tho subsequent proceedings of tho canva83ing board. Their tendency waa to overawe the voters under tho pretonsa of keeping tho peace, though by measures in thorn solves unlawful, and to doliver dis honost officials from tho natural sanso of responsibility and tho natural timidity in regard to tho consequences of their acts, which aro providontiat limitations to men's conceptions of tho oriuias upon which thoy may venture. While theso things were going on in the South a member of the Cabinet at Washington waB ucting aa Chairman of a partisan National CozuzniUse, and with tho co operation of somo of hie colleagues iu tho Cabinet, counselling and systematically sliinulatiug these dosperato measures. Tiie result whioh these procoodiuda seem designed to aooomplish cannot bo soourod without; ono farther step iu tbe prooessos of usurpation.

The fabrication of electoral votes amounts to nothing unless thoy can bo counted by ttte tribunal whose duty it is to vorl fy and authenticate them. That inexorable necessity has given birth to a new device for countinz the votes, not only unknown to the Constitution but in conflict with the construction hitherto always accepted, and with the invariabld practice and precedents. That device iB for tho President of tho Senate to usurp tho power of determining what votes shall bo counted and what shall not bo counted, aud to exorcise tbe.t power in disregard of the orders of tiio two houses. It would not be credible that so monstrous a chdm as this could be seriously assorted if leading Senators had uot publicly avowed it. NOTHING COULD BB MORE AJ3HOHRENT to the spirit of out system of government than such a ouo man power.

Tuo President of the Senate ie elected by tao Senators, and Ihfy iu turn are elected by tho State legislators. Ho is, three removes from the people. If such a power wero to havo been vested in a single man, a depository would have been ohoion not bo far removed from popular accountability. But the people 0. this country will novcr vost such power in any oue man, however selected.

They will nover consent to a new construction of tho Constitution and lawa that boars such fruit. Thoy will stand flrraly iu the aneiont ways, and insist that tha Eleotoral votos in this cmergoucy snail be counted as they have always bean counted, by tie two Houses of Congress, end by nobody else. They will look with lust Btispiclou upau tho purposes oi any who would proposo to depart from the precedents which have been hallowed by time, and tho uniform practice of tho Republic from its foundation. Tho Constitution of the United States confors upon tho President of tbo Senate no power whatever iu respect to tho counting of tho Electoral votea, except "in preseaco of the 8euate and Houss of Representatives," to "open" all tho certtdcates whlca. may bo transmitted by tho colleges to tho seat of Qovornment, directed to him.

Tho Constitution confers upon the President of tho Senate no power to determine tho authenticity and validity of an electoral vote, or lo interfere in any wiso with any such question. NO PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE HAS EVER CLAIMED OR EXERCISED liDOJ A POWER at any oi tho twenty ono presidential elections that havo occurred under our 'jousritution. The mode of prooeduto for tho counting of doctoral votea has been invariably regulatod by tho two Houses of Congress, by concurrent resolution or standing rules adopted before the count. Tuoso resolutions or rules have prescribed every siop in the wholo every funct on of the tollers and of the President of tha Senate, whenever any additional service, oven of tho most formal sort, has been required of him. In every instance the counting has been conducted in conformity with tho procedure thus prescribed by the two Houses, by servants designatod by tho two Houses under instructions and in tho presonco tho two Houoes, and with the entire concurrence and the implicit obedience of every President of the Senate who has participated in these ceremonies.

00 oiteu as any question uas arisen as iu iu uummi ticitv or validity ot on doctoral vote, tho two Houses have assumed and exercised the exclusive power to act upon and determine that qumHn. xuey nave, in contemplation of law, themselvea made every count; thoy have from the brat, assumed exclusive jurisdiction to regulate and govern the wholo transaction by temporary concurrent ordets adopted for the occasion, by standing Joint rules and by tha enactment of laws. Such hS been the uniform and uninterrupted course of precedents, the invariable practice of the government, and tho official exposition of the Constitution which nas been ueiioorateiy aaopiea, luvarmuiy nuiou upon, and universally accepted. No fitter repository of all such powers as aro invested in or msBt of necessity be exercised By the uovorn ment, can be found than the two Iiouso ot congress. They are not only the goneral agents of the people under our representative system, but in case of the fail ure of a choloe ol fresiaem ana vice jrroniuuut.

uj mo Ellectoral Cloieges, thoy are expressly charged by the Constitution with tha duty of making the election. THE PEOPLB OF THB UNITED STATES WILL NEVER CONSENT ioim thntr TioTwennntatlvfls in Conffrees strinpoi ot these powers, or tolerate this usurpation by a doputy of the 8enate, or by any ningle person, and still leBB by an officer who is frequently interested as a candidate In tbe result of the count. In this sentiment and purpose the State of New York cordially concurs. Foremost among all our American oommonwealtha in population, In tho variety and ex tnnt nf tinr industries and interests, she has in every vieisBilude of publio affairs put forth all her Btreugth, moral and physical, to maintain the existence and the just authorities ol tne uuiou, auu sue can uevei consent that tbe time consecrated methods of constitutional government shall be supplanted or overthrown by ii I T. Tlr.TiTver.xl revolutionary expouiems.

j. CHARITIES. nuual Kooriomzarion ot tjie Commissioners of ChnrltlOK. The annual meeting of the CommiBsionevs of Charities was hold yesterday morning at (ho Centra Office iu Willoughby street. Thero wore presout Commissioners Norris, Bogan, Midas, Raber, and The first business in order was tho organization of th Board for 1877.

On motion of Com. Mi'las, Com. Storm took tho chair. Ho oxplainod bi icily that the object of the mei'tiui; was to elect a President and Treasurer of the Bord lor the year, Com. Raber said it ctvb blin groat pleasure to move that the incumbent of the office during last year, Com, NorriB, bo re elected to the Presidency.

He bad performed the duties of (he position satisfactorily to the members of tho Board, and It would eeem, to the public. With tho experience of tho pa9t as a guide, and the kuidly co operation of tha Board, Com. Norris wuuld do better this year than tho last. Tfie election was mado unanimously. President Norris" thanked his brother members for thoir manifestation of confllouce in him.

It waa always a source of pleasure to havo the good will and aid ol friends, but especially gratifying to possess the esteem and confidence of those who wero brought into daily contact with one, and had the opportunity of knowing btB worth. During the past year ho was fortunate to meet with the hearty cooperation of the Cotntriissioners in all matters pertaining to tho welfare of tlio department. By mutual aid and the encouragement of the pr. ss they were ia a position at tho close of tho year to give an account of their stewardship, which had already elicited tho approval of tho public. They promised reform, and he thought tiiiHit Hiov wove fnlfllHtiT thn 11 mtgur uo 7 rf 9 I pioroise.

The good work they had begun it was their intention to pursue to tne end, witn tne assurance that the public would recognize and applaud their ef fiwla. All that thov needed to iuako tuo onsuing year as pleasant and prolific of results as the past waa an onergetie harmony work'log for tha publio weal. On motion of Com. Bogan, Com. alidas was selocted treasurer.

Com Midas thanked his colleagues for the honor and promised to perform hi8 functions faithfully. Com. Raber said he fully concurred in all that Com. Norris, their worthy President, had said about the tat year. It was pardonable for them on that day, the beginning of a new year, to look back and see what they bad accomplished and feel gratified if their fidelity to duty had morited the approval of the people.

He thought it could bo safely said that tho Board was gradually winning tho conQJence of the people. This was the natural result of the reformation which had been effectod out in the buildings. One of the actB of hfs otnciai life which ho would always regard with peculiar pleasure, was the romoval of orphan chddren from the contamination of the poorhouse to the private asylums whero they were so well taken caro of. He was convinced that the publio was greatly benefited by the change inasmuch as it conferred an opportunity on the indingent to grow up good citizous and inspired them with a desire to be celt maintaining. Pauperism waa reduced in consequence and the burdens of the people lightened.

Com. Bogan wu also encouraged to think that doing their duty in their own quiet way tho people would applaud them in their own quiet way. The salary roll for Vecombor, amounting to was approved. NEW HOSPITAL FOP. INSANE.

The following apppoiutments to the now hospital for tbe incurably iusance wero made Dr. Guy D. Dailer. at a salary of Thomas French, steward, salary of $1,000, and Mrs. Mary Purdy, matron, at a salary of SlOO per on uum.

The Board adjourned to moot noxt Wednesday. SABBATH SCHOOL FESTIVAL. The Christmas festival of the school at tached to Grace Chapel, in High street, was hold Friday evening, in its place of meeting, and proved highly entertaining to all participating. Regardless of wind and storm tho attendance was surpriaingly numerous, ho huge Cbristnm tree was both generously laden and munificently decorated, to the delight of the chil dron, who subsequently profited from its unusual variety of fruit distributed among them. Shortly before eight o'clock tho exorcises opened with a pro oeasion, the scholars and tboir teachers by classes marching into the chapel from tho parsonago adjacent bearing banners and singing "Onward, Christian Soldier." After the school had been "scatc 1 the rector, Eev.

R. H. L. Tighe, bejan tho preliminary devotional exercises, which ceoctuded with the chauting of the Lord's Prayer by the scholars in concert. Thon followed tho regular programme of oxercises, tho prominent features of which comprised the singing of carols In excellent style, an address, end the reading of a poem appropriate to the festival occasion by the rector and a catechetical course, in which the scholars manifested more than ordinary proficiency.

The concluding proceedings consisted of addresses by tho Revs. Messrs. Boyd and Orr, each being of an instructive character and adapted to the children in particular the distribution of gifts, among which was a valuable Fronoh clock from tho teachers for thr ector, by Miss Carl, Miss Rogers, and Messrs. Lacoy, and Pierrepont the customary closing of to chief magistracy ol this l'PpuoilC, an mo raiser as. wed the bitter force of socict.v&re naturally em battled to secure the pri.o.

It is in such orisiscs of xtnrv hat tlie controlling lorce OI oarumui principle.

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