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Alameda Daily Argus from Alameda, California • 4

Alameda, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ALAMEDA GRAND AUCTION SALE CASE OF BLOOD POISONING PLEASANT OUTING OVER THE WIRES PERSONAL Iiujmty SlierilV Lane was in ln today nil oltioial bus) 11ms Mr ami Mrs A Jonas ami two children of street have returned from their visit to Napa county Alameda Transfer Company Dcthoiih who imvo Imd tho occasion to employ the services of AI Klmrpu I lie expressman always recommend him to their friends Ho personally supervises ull Die work intrusted to him and employes men experienced in tho Bundling of furniture His Ahe imdu olllce is at 1707 Park street and his Hun Francisco olllce ut 21 Market street His Han Francisco telephone number is lttl He is prompt and re liable and lms un improved upimmtim to move pianos Have the Best If you want your new dress to fit iiko glove and be in accord with latest command get (lie Jloyal Worcester Gurnets Full line on sale at it A Prices no higher thnn other eor sets hut quality much better Spring housecltfaning While cleaning house of course il necessary to huve the lace curtain washed The Alameda fcteum Laundry is now making a specialty of curtains and are doing them at very much reduced rules Give them a trial ILLY 22 1S95 STONE REMOVED Little Harold Carpenter Out of Danger The Child Who Swallowed a Peach It Remained in His Throat Harold the thive-year-old non of Veterinary Inspector Tai'penter who swullowed a peach pit is now considered out of danger It was thought that the pit was in lus stomach and physicians in Oakland seriously thought of performing an operation on tlie child to remove the stone A few days ago the parents of the little sufierer took him to the Germau Hospital in Sail Francisco and I)r Morse ft stall physician located the peach pit not in the stomach but in the thiout and soon removed the obstruction The little fellow is uow doing finely and is considered out of all danger A MOTHER MISSING Hiss Clark Anxious Her Mother for Miss Marehia t'lurk is anxious to know he whereabouts of her mother Mrs George Clark who 1ms hem living at I4D mrl street The daughter came from the interior to visit her and when she rang the bjll no one responded Becoming alarmed site asked Ollicer Hchoenau to enter the plaee which lie did He found papers iu the rooms which showed that she had not been home since the lfitn inst The appearance of the rooms iud ieated that when she left she did not expect to be gone veiy long As her mother complained of heart trouble the daughter fears she was suddenly taken ill while away from home The daughter is stopping at St FBmo House Oakland Dyspepsia JJnv Gfnllu'nif'n I have tiikcn your Wgeluble SarMipurilla find run suy I have never seen auyt mnj Cfjiiul to It 1 have suflered ten years with dyspepsia not betuK Hide to eat nnytnmg bat milk nnd brown bread Life was nothing but misery for me Now I have a good appetite out anything I wish and feel no disagreeable etteots fioin it I wish I could tell nil dyspeptics and urge them to try your Veiretabte nsunarilla (Signed) It Jell Mi TH F'orbfstown Cul If you want to get a eprimr medicine without a blotch an old sarsaptrula mule-murk a big patch of red pimples take Jo it Vegetable SHisapanila We had an epidemic of dysentery in this vicinity last says Samuel Pollock of Briceland Cal was taken with it and suliered severely until some one called my attention to Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemedy I procured a bottle and felt better after the first dose Before one-half of (he bottle had been used I was well I recommended it to my friends and their experience was the same We all unite in saying it is the For sale by Encinal Pharmacy At half Cosh Stores are closing out a lot of Agateware at about one-half the regular price miss this chance to furnish up your kitchen BIOS DAY I Of Very Fine Furniture Household Goods and On Tuesday July 3Mli necordiiiK to Instructions received I will sell tlie contents of line residence ofix elegnntly furnished rooms nt 21M Alameda avenue near Walnut street Mltiikb Auctioneer Olllce 1418 Kverett street Th Potency Several rears nio tlie president ut Hi llalttinore Hhak-aro elub wrote a lettei to a friend In L'unnecticut an exporloneM Shakespeare scholar who had organM successful Shakespeare clubs InWiJJ described the methods ot the Haltiniur Shakuspenre club winding up wtlh the statement that "the meetings nlwuys end with a collation" The Oenneetleut friend In his reply intimated that ho thought this unnecessary and perhaps a little frivolous When his reply in read to tho Baltimore club a lady member said: Mr Trumbull that a flirtation club of two would not succeed In Baltimore without something to eat much less a Shakespeare club of Republican The Ruling Fusion If you love mu why did you marry mo thunf Site (formerly of Chicago) I could not gut a divorce if 1 had uut married yuul Syracuse Post He Make Moth End Meat "I don't kuow of another observed the hog in able to make both ends meat" Ho was obliged howovor to oxpialn that he moant hoadehooso and pickled foot boforo tho full flavor of his bon-mot was Detroit Tribune Did You Ever Think That you cannot be well unless you have pure rich blood? It you arc weak tired languid and all run down it is because your bicod is impovei'islud aud lacks vitality These trouble may be overcome hyr Hood's Sarsaparilla because Suixiparilla makes pjre rich blond It iu truth the great blood purifier Hood's Pills cure liver ill conMi-pation biliousness jaundice headache indigestion The Knciiiiil Cyi-lery hus just ie- eeived tlie first installment of Avery Bicycles ami Messrs Smith and Mans tho proprietors will be pleased to explain to tlie public tlie merits of this standard wheel The cyclery is ut 1124 Railroad avenue Bay station where wheels are rented riding taught and all kind of dillieult repairing done A Few Alore Days But a few days remain for bargains nt Jones' Bazaar and it is to your ml vantage to attend Jones' Bazaar Washington street near Thirteenth street Oakland Nervous Shock JoY Company Gentlemen: This Is the tirst time I have atlempted to write for three years Have been so nervous and weak that I have luld in bed for most oi tbe time A fr Dd who Imd taken your Sarsaparilla sent me two bottles The second one Is most gone and I have gained twenty pounds und surely feel a new woman 1 was pale llun no ambition llad given up as I had Irlcd so many remedies and doctors but found no benefit If you care lo publish tills you have my consent (signed) AI US A TILLMAN A lamella Cal Tbe New England Bakery is making the best and cheapest bread in town Order the wagon to 1631 Park street Van Voorhies receives fresh goods daily opposite Park Hotel DAILY AitUUS A Military High Mass Hphinufikld July The lirat solemn high military niaus ever celebrated in the o)hmi air in the Cnitcd States occured nt Camp Lincoln this morning from 10 o'clock until noon The service will be long remembered not only for its novel character but on account of its solemnity und the grandeur of the music by au imposing chorus of Bpringllcld musical talent The altar was inouutcd between two gun carriages the mass hooks being held iu place by four bayonets The entire regiment was marched out by Col Colby and formed in a circle Ou oue side were seated Governor and Mrs Altgeld Adjutant-General Orendortf Brigadier-Generals Wheeler Andrew Welch and James Barley and others The orchestra of the Seventh Kegiment Baud under the leadership of Professor Forest accompanied two church choirs in tlie rendition of Twelfth Mass in Rev Father llyau was the celebrant Deafness Cannot be CureJ by local applications us they cannot reach the deceased portiou of the ear There is ouly one way to cure Deafness aud that is by constitutional remedies Denfness is caused by an intlatned condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube When this tube gets intlamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing and when it is entirely closed Deafness is the result and unless the inllamniution cun be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition hearing will lie destroyed forever nine eases out of ten are caused by catarrh which is nothing but nil inllumed condition of the mucous surfaces We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by eutanh) that cannot be cured by Cuhtrrh Cure Send for circulars free To Toledo Sold byT Druggists 7-jc Falcon '95 Models If you are thinking of purchasing a bicycle why not call at tlie Falcon Cyclery and try a Falcon wheel which are superior wheels all the latest improvements Jlieycles models for sale and to rent by the hour day or week Falcon Cyclery corner Railroad avenue and Parit street (hand street station Osborn Brothers Proprietors Fallon Creamery Butter We have secured the agency for this butter which lms taken flist prize in every fair iu tlie state lb Aiton Suns in Sail Francisco go to 213 Sutter for a dainty and appetizing lunch Good News Ladies Great American Importing Tea Store Cor Park St and Alameda Avet IS SELLING Hason Fruit Jars AT GREATLY Reduced Prices 1 Dozen Jars pints in box oOc 1 Dozen Jars quarts iu box 00c 1 Dozen Jars gallons in box 80c Inspect our Improved Jelly Glasses We undersell nil others In our and ULASSWAKF DEPART-MFLNT It wilt pay you to visit us We are headquarters lor CHOICEST TEAS COFFEES SPICES Our Prices Quality Considered rouitively the Lowest 43-Buying directly saves mlddlemeu and protltn LESSONS so CENTS Visit to Foothill Ranch A Which Wil Become Popular With the Residents of Alameda Oat of the niot iilvio-aiit places imaginable to spend a Sumlay in the vicinity of Alameila is in the foothills back of Eruilvale ami they will possew an additional attraction to the residents of this city hen it becomes generally known that genial Fritz Boehmcr a pioneer settler of the En-citml lias liuspitable rclreat high up ou the hillsides A couple of roproseiilalivoH of the Ahofs were the guestsof Mr lioehuier yesterday und they decline without reservation that they cannot recall when they had a more enjoyable outing Mr lioeiimer is tlie owuer of acres which are distant about four miles from Alameda niul are spread over the hillsides west of tlie Laundry Farm quarry The owner thinks he ha a valuable holding in this hillside property and all who visit his place will readily agree with him Mr Boehemer 1ms a glass house on one of the highest peuks and from this observatory can be seen one of tlie most beautiful panoramas that a person could desire to behold Tbe American ling Hunts to tlie breeze from a liberty pule and from another peak still higher known as Hill Uiauied after Kiiowland of this city) is another liberty pule llill is set fruit trees of dillereut varieties and Mr Hoehmer expects to have them in bearing iu three or four years lie has al-o set out several thousand vines which have taken root and now present a thrifty appearance The road to Redwood canyon and Moraga valley runs through Mr property Itis-anew and easy grade and a decided improvement on the old mad Mr Iloeh-mci sou Fred lias opened a store next to a big tank wheie both man und beast cuu procure refreshments Several hundred teams pass over this road daily iu fact it Is one of the best traveled roads in the county since the new grade was made and young Hjehuieris already doing a good biiMtios with the residents in Hie valleys beyond and the numerous campers in that vicinity The road leading to Mr much is in good condition and has a large Sunday tiavel Residents of Oakland and Alameda are beginning to realize the advantages which the Contra CV-ta hilU furnish for an outing A Recommendation Venable of Downey a pioneer of Los Angeles County Cal says: I aiu troubled with a pain in the stomach or with diarrhoea I use Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea ileinedy I Imveuned it for years know it to be a reliable remedy' ami recommend it to every For sale by Encinu) Pharmacy' Bicycles in Demand The streets of Alameda were never better than they are now for bicycle riding and this accounts for the big demand for wheels at Fred cyclery in the Linderman Opera House building He is agent fur the Stearns aud Cleveland wheels and does all kinds of repairing Frank Butterfield 10 McAllister street San Francisco muffins at Suiter street San Francisco 213 Eagle milk 15 cents per cun Of) cream 10 cents per can ull kinds ol baking powders 40 cents per one pound can I Aiton Ac Sons lfl Dark street Call and inspect our big vaults Our pure wines ami liquors are sold strictly os represented Molins Kaltenbach 29 A'larket street San Francisco Are You Going East? I patronize the deservedly popular Sunlit FT Route Palure und tuuriKt Kleeplng ciiiH are dally run through lo i'lurttgu A (4iect tmirlHl i-xourMun to Bouton rim nielli of a eomiN-tool maimirer It-avc ou W'edm- (-iy of t-iii-li wt-ek EIiiuhI und clu-iipusi ruloH to ull point in I lie Cuitc-d Sinns Ciiniulu Mexico or Kurope The Kc In (lie only line reaching King-stun A fumi which point the Grand I'limm of I hi- Colorado river is rum-bed Send lor ln-Miillliiiiy lllitNlratud iluscrlptlve book of this route to 1 1 Warner ugunl A A 1' It li 1 1 In BrninUvay Unklauil Nervous Prostration I-: Joy (Jcnilcim-n I lime vu 1 lured from nervous prostration from Iovni'N Cun any Vegetable Sar-n)oo'illii tilth t-uii'd nit liver sionntr-ti mill howelN lutvi been very Inuelive lull since inking your remedy I mil col I rely well All husmessiiH'ii nnd women hIjuiiUI uhc II lMunsu puhliNti (Kilned) MR WM II KN JON Kfl Bui lo Mont ukju'lH tiredness give way to ugclidiic SursHOttri I la Your Face Is Your Fortune A SHOOTII SKIN Clear Complexion Make the )lnlml fm-u attraulive Beauty is compel at ie led ale ohm Yt may ull by proper care haw) a nice smooth skill amt ulcer cmiipli xiuii Inch are 1 11 Ue-nisHve tho fliM elcmenlH ol bcaulv Nothing rondures tins end so thoroughly und emu-pletcly ns th dully use of LOLAHONTEZ CREME THE SKIN FOOIJ As prolerllon from the elTVetH of fim and wind and lor cleansing the face Irmn cs niellrs or oilier liupmules 11 is superior lo any I hlng discovered lasts throe months Price 7: eeiilH All druggists sell ll Bewme ol iiniUitloiiH MRS NETTIE HARRISON BEAUTY DOCTOR 40-12 Geary Street San Francisco Tl A HEW MH CO Alameda i Supposed to have Been Contrated While Wading in the Estuary Oakland July Jimmy Scott the ten-year-old son of Floyd Scott residing at lh6 Twentieth street Eul Oakland is quite ill at his homo from blood poisoning contracted in peculiar manner A week ago he was one of a party of young folks who spent several hours wading about iu the estuary The day was hot and the beys remained in the water longer than they would have otherwise done The next morning the Scott limbs were swollen double their natural size and were steadily swelling until his parents becoming alarmed sent for a physician who pronounced the case a verv dangerous one of blood poisoning The only cause that can be assigned for the disease as the boy was in perfect lieallh before bathing is that the spot in the water where he remained so long was in tlie direct current of an emptying sewer which impregnated the water with poison WR GUT IRRIGATION LAW Los Anoklks July Judre Ho-s of the Tailed States District Court in a decision this morning declares the Wright irrigation law unconstitutional Fresh From the Country Our butter comes direct from the country without lying for days iu 1 commission house like ordinary store butter This insures ils always being fresh uud For sale ill fancy boxes at the Jersey Creamery 1413 Park street Library Building Open Sundays and holidays until noon Among the numerous persons who have been cured of iheuimilh-m by Chamberlain's Pain Balm mention should he made of Mrs Emily Thome of Toledo Wash who says I have never been able to procure any medicine that would relieve me of rheumatism like Chamberlain's Pain Halm I have used it fur lame back with great success it is tlie bed liniment that I have ever used nnd I take pleasure in recommending it to my For sale by Etiriiml Pharmacy When ihi vfti flick we cave fcer 'VIh-d Li- vRb a lull sin cried for Cutoriv When Lie I 1-4 tlie riling to ('astui'ia Wli-Qf-he bad i ulliJ'fnt-liek'av'-tlieiii Cagic-iiit 22 to tlie wife of A WruiniM a daughter DIED In Alameda Inly 2) Michael I it-loved unhand uI I in- Cm ay nnd fittlx-mi Robert ami Murj Conway uni vc OI lleltUUl In Oakland Julv 21 Alvn Ltler 11 nf Mr and Mr lira-w I a native ot Oakland aged 1 year 1 mouth and 1 1 duvs WEVER Undertaker and Embalmer 1524 Park street Alameda Kvervthing requisite for Funeral KeMdence abo uarlors Prompt ut-lemion day or night olllce all night Telephone No GALLAGHER Funeral Directors No 2d Fifth street San Francisco Cal Licensed to Coiidnt Funeral in Alameda Finest Mineral furniture hearse oai mure etc ni wavs on hand and iimunhfcd ut the fehoriesl notice Telephone South si opposite Elucoln School 8 NEW ADVERTISEHENTS Dressmaking A competent dressmaker wishes a lew moie engagements lor the day Call or addiess 121 Kullroad avemu 7 22 Jt Dog Lost IRISH HKT'I FR WHITE SPOTS ON breast suitable n-wuid by returning to ljJ7 Walnut Mreet 7-22 It House Wanted H'RNISHFD HOUSE FROM TEN OH twelve room in good lo'-itiuri ly the ir Address HAIKU HALL 1-M Park Mnt AlaiiM-Ja 7-22 It Found ON KNTKAL A YEN FK A A I CA and pin owm-r mav have sumo hy call-11 ik at the A ay 1 ofllep proving projiyrty and pt mg lor this aihertUi niPiH 7-22 Board and Rooms Wanted Family nF two adfiis and tii childn 11 desm loanl and two rooms Addit-ss st at 1 iig lerms hANoJioN tjeai) htlcct SiQ Fianeihco 7 20it Cottage Wanted VrRMSHKIi COTTALK WANTED FOR two to four months posihlv hmur Addn-sH spitiM nt and whuekov ina tie ohtiiiu ItUl -FL POBox D2-L sari Fran-fisroJil 7--o it For Rent or Lease Horn: of twfial rooms Near to srlmuis nnd station A true! I Kroiiiutfl Smialiie fir lar-- tarmlv or hoardois 'I niik modertle to 1 Prly Addles- BioadgiUgc Alumdn Pod Otliee 7-11 If Wanted MoDKKN FIVK-IKmiM POTTAGE with hath ilr lot uhniU 4i)j12i Cost not to I'Miid (Jill Apply to KDWJN li I ITT hst 1 1 siuet cotner ol San la Clum iivcntu Alameuii 7-19 Dissolution of Partnership VOTH IS HEREBY filVKN OF THE jN di-solution of ao tnershlp herd oon- -jsting belvvteu John Suth and 1 l'otNWll 7 JOHN SA I To Let THE TIIINO FOR A SMALL family Jlat ol lour hirse morn and Imlh all modern iinprovtiucuu Appiy22M End ual ueuue Pupils Wanted 'toMPEIFNT WISHES TO V7 secure a imnihei oi pupils to Inslniet Iu yraimtiai and llrji srhuol hriinchOH A ppl A A 1 (jus othre 7-9-1 II Fumi lml Room rpo Ll I 17 100m griliog moniig sun App'v I2in I mii) sin el in ami aemif 7 li 2w ine Team For Sale AlMd'BLK TEAM SORREL tlse and six ers old with SLA1FU '1 HA ver IihikIsoiiic und nomij new Hlwi double harness the tntir il'u complete at a hargain on iwcoimt of owner going Du-t imiuiu at link Mn 1 Alameda 7-lb ini Items of Interest From Many Points Olst of News As Cleaned From This Dispatches is a prospect of big strike on the Gould system of railways in tbe Southwest A tornado swooped down on a prove west of Zanesville Ohio yesterday afternoon where a camp-meeting was iu progress The attendance was very large Two women were killed and many injured terrible accident resulting in the loss of 14s lives occured near the mouth of the Gulf of Spezzia Italy yesterday At 1:30 iu the morning the steamers Ortigia and Maria ran iuto each other and the latter vessel was so badly damaged that she sank iu a very short time Four men were instantly killed while crossing the Fitchburg railroad track about two miles from Willumis-towu Mass yesterday afternoon A paily of six men were riding in a two-seated covered carriage They were stiuckbya westbound express Two of the men LTareuce and Kd-ward While both of Williamstow escaped by jumping An electric car was held up by a lone highwayman at 5 yesterday afternoon in Wichita Kansas in sight of at least tidy people Fred Miller of Kansas City the only passenger was compelled at the point of a pMol to give up his money £70 and the conductor was relieved of his gold watch and some small change The robber ran through un alley and disappeared Jeflrey of the Denver and llio Grande ltailroad has returned to Denver from a tour of England and France deeply imbued with the idea that the agitation of gold and silver lias come to au end and that the future of the white metal is dependent on the production of gold It is doubtful whether the Salisbury administration will be of any benefit to the cause of lie said It is felt by meu who are strong bimetallists that the iucrea-'Cd pioduction of gold in Africa in ('olorado and other parts of the Tinted Stales will asM-t the cause of bimetalli-m This i strengthened by the fact of leturu-ing prosperity As gold becomes more plentiful its purchasing power becomes less and the two metals coming nearer together iu value bimetallism will be easier to accomplish Real Estate Transfers Frank Kellogg to Julia Kellogg lot 4-xlo0 feet block Pi north side of Eagle avenue IDS feet east of Willow street gift A Gamble to France Kitte-master lot north side of Central avenue 4U4D) feet from line between Aughiuhaugh 223374 acre tract and Chipmau east 111 67 acre tract north 14S51 feet cast 80 feet south 14S5S feet to beginning gift A Gamble to Mrs A Gurd lots 4 to 7 in block 20 Oak Shade tract gift Johanna Kower to Elizabeth A Hamilton lot lhb Kncina! Park tract 10 newspaper ctuiitix of this city intend to join the Alameda County Newspaper" Protective Association hich wa- recently organize! in Oakland Why Does a Fellow lie Yellow' You mail an natwer to this simple conundrum We know that you know that we uie tin: term la no oflensive its yellow because he is bilious In other word- Ills liver bus gotoul of order his bowels have become constipated His skin and eyeball assume (u most unwarrantable assumption) a saffron tinge his tongue puts on a coat of fur eeu the summer time: beui alii Ins right shoulder blade und ribs twinges remind loin that a very restless imp is lu their immediate vicinity Now if this hapless mdmnunl will simpiy procure and u-e at once Hostetler's Stomach Hitters lie'll be all right shortly Coiwination biliouv malaria indigestion rheumatism neuroma und disorder oi the kiciipos and hlad-del all jield to tin- peeiP 'A lonlly remedy Hint L'e it piomptly with and regulurilv A tarn dully Columbia and Hartford Bicycles One of the best known bicycles on the market is theColumbia it ha stood the test for many years and this in a guarantee for its merit Hammond fc Son loth Park street near narrow-gauge are tlie local agents ul-o agon In for the Hartfoid bicycles to rent by the hour Their bicycles are all new Model Job Office Arms Publishing Company have milled lot of new job type to tlnir model job olfiue und are prepared to quote prices a- low as any ollire iu San Francisco Call and get estimates Theo Gj-r li5 Washington street Oakland for Saulerne Riesling Hock Cubinet Burguudy and Zinfandcl product of (he Jiuby Hill Vineyard To (John Crellin A Livermore valley Has tlie highest standing iu the market Awarded gold medal at Fair Chicago and Midw inter Fair Sun Francisco Schuler proprietor of the Puluee Brewery is making some of the finest cream steam lager beer in Hie state lie also makes a superior porter which is higkiy recommended by local physicians Their beverages can he had in bottles or on draught of all first-class dealers When you want a tirt-class job in plumbing and gaslitting call on Fischer 1334 Park street uud get estimates A full line of cutlery hardware tin and agateware ou hand Vlso agent for the Humber hot water heater send all their patients for the pure wines grape brandy Kentucky bourbon and Jive whisky imported ale porter ami ehumpaign to Theo bio Washington street Oakland Wine-drinking people are healthy Drink our wines 3 cents per glass Mohns Kaltenbach 29 Market street San Francisco Van Voorhies is the sole agent for Dr family mediciues all others (uv iuiiUdiviiSi Mrs () Hasiett is spending a few weeks at Raymond's near Ios tiatos Mr Hasiett goes down Saturdays and returns Mondays Dr Sanders who recently hail his ankle turned while getting an electric cur can now walk without tho assistance of a crutch George liosmarin the nurseryman has submitted a bid to the City Trustees to keep in repair tlie rockery at the junction of Alameda and Central avenues Judge Ellsworth was a busy magistrate to-day Three of the four departments of the Superior Court full to him the other three Judges being away on their vacation The friends of Mrs Wilson will regret the sigu that she is not likely to resume her residence in Alameda which the sale of furniture und effects of her residence on Everett street would seem to imply Joseph Sweeney bos accepted a post tion as salesman with It A l'ickelt Co tho Park street merchants Mr Sweeney is a young man of much 'experience popular and accommodat-! ing and will assist in conducting tlie business during Mr visit to tlie Fmsteni States A welcome guest ai rived this morning at the home of Mr und Mrs A Wrampe 1213 Eagle avenue It was girl eleveu and a half pounds in weight and is the first addition lo the family The mother and little stranger aie doing well and Mr Wrampe is correspondingly happy Bank of Laundry Earn President and General Mannger of the Alameda Oakland and Piedmont JLiilroad Company was on Park street to-day und a reporter tried to interview him but uli efforts to have him say something that would interest the general public proved futile Road Race The Acme Club Wheelmen will bold a ten-mile road race next Sunday from High Htrud to Haywards It will be the first of a series which will be run until the winter rains set in The purpose of the contests is to try out men for the club relay team for next season's century race Tbe entries thus far are Otey William Greaves Casey Castleuum A Nissun Wetmore Jr Phillips A Rogers Owens Xj Hhhnun and Bears Mineral Water Agency A Dean is now in charge of the fruit and vegetable department in Becker's market 916-018 Washington street Oakland and would be pleased to wait on his Alameda friends He still continues his agency of the lead ing brands of miueral water at his residence 1417 Willow street and will promptly fill all orders sent to that address Van Voorhies sells all goods at cut rales opposite Park Xfotel Lessons by the hour by competent teachers 3 3 FOR Only Bicycle LIMITATIONS A Full Line of Bicycle Supplies on hand A Full Line of JHrirft: Sttjiifiix on Fund Impairing in all itn Jlrmuhift SkUhtl chan- IV8 NOW IS THE TIME TO GET Nobby and Stylish Goods The Valley Railroad is now an assured fact and work is now in progress CHARLES NATHAN CO We have tbe largest assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS Fur tbe Coming Season NOBBY SUITS to order from $1300 UP PANTS to order from $(30 UP 37 Sutter Street below Montgomery San Francisco PRIVATE BICYCLE RIDING SCHOOL This is cheering news for it is an indication of better times in California You can make times better with yourself by patronizing our store There is no doubt about this Popular Cyclery 2313 Santa Clara Avenue Bet Park and Oak Streets jgcgr1 Samples of goods delivered and measurements taken in Alameda or adjacent towns free of charge Cloth for sale by the yard SsMWJiijnwwiwniniHwwiwwfiwwwwwwJwnwik! 1329 Park Street Alameda Cal Er RENTING Bicycles 25c ALBERT DEXTER Prop Ask Twenty Women A NISSEN Or twenty men what niercnandUe need is most mind anil nineteen of e'i lot will say sonn thing to a storeful of just tho tilings High priced! Not a bit of just fa priced -but avay under what been used ti Alteration Sale AT Commercial Mart Cor Eleventh and Washington Streets Owitm Go aJ-it iiir-iinr of mir business during tin pat your we find it iinjirnlivi lo enlarge our mLor We want room plenty of room to satisfac-tonly meet the demumb of our ever increasing trude Goods bought for spot cash and sold for cash only why we prosper Wi have no Imd debts to make you pay for tlie same hh some other houses huve We do only cash business and give you the benefit of our dose buying and our rash system Wfuie always sutislied to sell for small profits und quick and large returns And Hull's the secret of our great success AGENT The March BEWARE OF y- Renting a Specialty Ail New Wheels I A Pickett Co Postoffice Block Park Street Alameda Per Hour REPAIRING BICYCLE SUNDRIES FOR SALE Harmon ie Hall With all iiiiprovcmeulH mid lot Size ot lot 100 feet oil Fain sheet by a dr-plti of 2)1 fuel running through to oltagu hired Apply to VOLBERO 645 Santa CLra Avenue Notice to Wheelmen We do all Kinds of Bicycle REPAIRING llc OAKLAND IRON WORKS Second Jefferson Sis Dress Goods at Greatly Reduced Prices (Send for price list) 0TR GREAT RIBBON A Specialty This Week MTJ 'I AI LK of im pain KID GLOVKH worth 31 pair for V)e I1 lU-mnnnts of BLACK and COLORED DKFSH UUODSut your ou 11 pi ice lo dose them out HEM ELM BF'K this In 1111 opportunity that doe not )u ifixjd ut sui-h ridiculously low prices uow Is jour lime to ettleli on ut Commercial Hart Corner Eleventh and Washington StreeLs Oakland liiiiiiiuiiuumiuiiuuiuiuuumiumuiuiiiiuiuiuiiuiiius All New Wheihi fit Jt nt nnd for Sale 1512 PARK STREET A LAM I'DA Brmu'b 74 Han Ave Oakland A HAXBY Cattle Bought FRESH Sold Exchanged MILCH COWS GOOD l'AKTIIltAUK KIIKNIKHFII tfOK UOKSKS AND COWS AddrcHH A Haxby Mflrosp noarEnn Leandro Hoitd Alameda (Uuiiiy 27 Pianos to Rent For Sale Stf GREEN MAJORS ATTOIIXUY AXI) VOViXSELOIl AT AssixSiUmI with HON THUS CA' 81 Sainmiin St Fan CrKiK-lHcn l(o Wegenflangel An WK OKKKIl FOR HALF FOUHTEEN Inrgt jcitH a depi of aoj lect Nirert wcrt'd nnd cnrheTliit the nomlnul Mim of ii a front fuoi-worth double tlu miinunt ust be Hold at once ('nine hood VMi an )air elmlt-e 'IVrriiH to unit uutef II will ini I Id Ihhisc-h ou tho lmNiU-Vul Hmh tomtit (be purchaser AIho aline Modern Hoime if nine mom a J(Hthi one block from iiHrroUKftitKetB0l rh-ctrlc ertra pHs the riratr E'or pMiHriil apply to HERMAN C0KJ1KH corner HrlHK ii ruiie aud HikIi ktreul Alameda 7-V I at VICTOR CYCLERY Ml uupzkk rawra sniTH Physician and Surgeon Removal over Dro Htore Cor Webster St 11ml HhiiIh Chira Ave Okkick Hor 1 to a und 7 tok Residence 707 Kuutu Ulurn avii ini'du no Ala-7-IK liu Sewing IMMILY SEWING AT3I PER PAY OB AT Imiiic-iit rt nKcmuhlc pilccs 2052 A Iu lucca fw 2o1f Wanted IN FAMILY OK TWO A BlCNO HfKLTn 1 ic-isl 111 houseuol'k Apply 2uol M-' mctlu time Hot! 05 VICTORS THOMAS Prop Su'entn'H CapH tr(dwniH on Hand at Low Feiees.

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