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The Royal Gazette from Charleston, South Carolina • 3

The Royal Gazettei
Charleston, South Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TlIsCATt0111JL Dy LuutssANteakOlitzt 1 Dy Lit tit ISA 14t0C3142itt 4 1 (BY TE'lltlISSION) 'T4UuVYDIsiuy at 133 Da if Ord 1f -W PI RAM'S MO? Writ Ell ia Cahotiwor '-PILE Laid 110UST and LO contaiaing 4o fect front and la feet detp ith a good kitchen fhop ranks at'al raTtli Tara alto a varkty of 1144241'04 Itik-hea Fonuture Aav rtfon inliiable to pordtate the Lid at privatt Lac may in die mean time orrI7 to I mak PROW ON) to" ittrit I Ave Ae tot Cdttimm4 I 4o lett front arv A PhTER Malt ot the brig Alai Arsdas front ti Coss I lying at the lower Market Wharf intends failing fontli be wiL dSpoic of the following Articles ocry cheap for Cab Pro duct or Goverment Baht viz 1 I Flour in Barrels Choice Mcca Beet in switoie and La ditto Pock in half ditto lp Choice Itofc Buttcr in Firkins Tailor in ditto Iktould Candles and S031) in Bores Englith Pafe in Caiks Conp-rs Nis Key Crcaume 110111nale tleneya and NVomrut sittles StArchs and lists Ste NI B'E L117 0 'Li 1Z- Commatinasst of CRALtSTOWIll 1i PROCLAMATION 4 105 ItErtrots a Number of lawles randittl tico (-- 1 1 anCioned even by the awned power of the '4Cr -it Rebels have of Lite by their plundering and t1 tt4 hatiltants of this Country I'll) WilERE- I AS one hIACKAY well known shout SA Robberies much dittreirc---1 the peaceable tn 14'tek' vannah River bath particularly dirtineulthed himfelf by becoming a Ltader of the fe iniqult (ins Ilandi I Do) hereby a Reward of ONE IIIINDKED GUINLAS to Any Perron or Pcrfors who (hall fectire the (ALI Mackay 'and him rarely deliver at tome Pot hi l'ollettion of his htsjefly's Troops 1 and alio a Reward of FIFTY GUINEAS to any Ilerfon or Perron who in like Manner (hall fccure and deliver tip any of his Allbeiates in filch nefarious PraZtices extending alio his Mijetly's free Pardon and the above to Inch Accomplice in there Crimes as thstl acover the Ilautts of his Atiocistep fo thst forte one or morh of them inly 1e brought to condign Punillment AND I hereby call upon a3 his 1A1city's lice Sohezts to he diligent lu the Perpetrators' of tuch trot ious Villainicii warning every onif that whoever thall be found to i13A aided Whiled or conceal ed any Inch EtIons will be contidcred as Accomplices anbl punithed accordingly ozts4v uatr sty Iran siel Sesi et CipsrleSsumit Ms Jerold Da tf 41164 Anno Dolnioi Oser Tionefitsd 5-- vv 1114961rd skJ Ejibtrolv old is ilsrtsprostritr) Iear st NJ Alajcifj ittirs NISBET BALPOIJR By Onier of the Comntandantt IL Ds at Secretary I 13 Al Li 0 11 cOMMAIIIIDAllt OZ Clutttrrowso Vt A () A NI A g- I Robbrrics much dithttred thi peurabk to hatiltants of this Country AND WitERE AS one ritACKAY- we') knoven shout SA vannAh Itivcr bath rArticutuly dirtinvuillic1 --S it A 0 lis 1' N1 itA Iptet It Seol et Omer leSowt Ms Oste Se-old iv fly rtspostritr) 1 5BLT BALFOUR 11A It- LES TO NV April I Is :0 TT is by authority we inform the pallid that a body of Rebels filling of upwards of one hundred Cavalry izsing formed the deign of furprifing the it at Pocotaligo WAS proceeding to execute it on Sunday night hit but Colo11 Fenwicke tuving received timely notice of their intentions marched with only 3o of his troop to (nitrate them and meeting the enemy drawn up about fix macs from Pocotaligo notwithlanding their reit fuperiority in numlacrs chars" cd the main body with flitch (pint as totally routed and drore them into the next fwamp fourteen of their men being and wounded and fame holies taken with the Iota of five men wounded and one miffing on our fide Any colouring would be needlefs to thew the intrintick merit of an adion which does fo much honour to Colonel Fenwkke and his 4111111V" 40 A of wretches forced from civil tociety by their crimes have lately made an irruptioo into the lower parts of this province On the night of the 8th of this month fifteen 1 of them furrounded the hOufe of Doetor Clitheral at the Ilorfelhoe and by pretending they had a metrage of confequence for their matter they prevailed upon the fervants to give them admittance A young gentleman lately returned from England Mr John Inglis happened to be at the Doctor's on a vifit and being awakened by the no they made came hattily clown itairs naked and defeneelels to enquire into the caule of the difturbanee one of the ruffians inttant by met him With his 'minket and difeharged its contents into Lis breaft Mr Inglis immediately expired Dodor Clitheral VV33 carried away priloner to the quarters of one Harding whom they call Colonel whence he returned yellerday to town on his parole No firer ttft can be given of the expiring power of Congrefs than that confeffing their inability to oppore bravely in the field the progrefa of the Britith armies they now retain murderers and atiallins in their fervice that confcious of their impotency to 'conquer they derive pleafure from die raillery and fullerings of individuals Mr Inglis from the amiable- Deis of his manners and his abfence for lome years from this country could have had no perlonal enemies The cruelty of his murder mull therefore wholly fall t13011 Congrefs under whofe orckrs the ruffians have Body difini teretted band of Patriots faceted from the common mals of your countrymen for your wifdom and integrity of heart confide not too much in the itrength of your capital or the fidelity of your followers Britith valour and condiid may overcome the former and felf-intereft may prompt the latter to atone for their own crimes by the lacrifice of their leaders for diftrels ever difrolves thofe combinations of men whole only bond of union is a community of guilt When this pe'p rioi arrives and we truit it is not far dittant in vain will You look for -pity- from thole whore relations and friends you Lave barely allaffinated for pity is but weaknels when extended to deliberate crimes and wanton cruelty Mr Olborne who kept a ttore at Pocotaligo has been alto murdered by the fame banditti and in a manner too thocking to relate On Monday afternoon arrived a brigantine from New York the failed from Sandy Hock in company with the fleet that arrived here on Wednefday latt Lieutenant Thompfon of his Majefty's fhip Blonde is appointed Agent of Tranlports for the Southern Department if A a fr: 1110MOVISMnam 11 It lubfcriberp as furvisioit Executor of the (tate of Mats Beew von Ell deeraled reiptetts the favour of all ratans indebted to that elate to difcharge their debts forthwith order to enable him to make remittances to the creditors thereof in GreatBritain and tor the more freedily effeding the fame he gives notice that fevend very valualile and improved I'LANTA 'TIONS on both tides the Savannah river and near the town of Savannah (being part of the lands of laid elate) are fur tale for bills of Exchange or otherways as may be agreed on CHARLES PINCKNEY frtz has leveret valuable LOTS Of LAND in excellent lituations for trate in Charlellawn to let out on building leaks alio Come good Negro Tradelmen to hire out bv the month And further requelt4 thole who arc indebted to him on his own private account to paT off their debts Cborksteloo Aforcio t781 OIPIIEOMMOMNMMIMMIEOMMEINMMMIMIMIMEIESNEMIIIIIMIOIIEIIMCMMIIMNMIOMIMMMIOUPMIMMMIIIINIMOOMIOIIMOMPNEIMMPNOIEMIEOPEIIIOMMIINKIMNWONOMENIEEIO PERIstISSION To its foll lesr CIA Crelli (ovtrasorki Prosteet Of Itoora esti Loss si Tows Emmilomwoonnaeloomm CHAILLISTOWNI stlartb Alt Ilth CAPTAIN 1411MAIIONo liarrackhistierb requetts that a11 demands outtlandin agalott the Barrack Department or on hil own priv3te account may be tint hi to the Itarrakk()tfiee No 1711road-tIrtet on or bcfore the 2oth di) of Arra intl Ant in order that they may be refpcdively Oi THvasnay neAtt ditrst Is at thwritv Cock us )011 at Aiciont 'Tows Alartb It Ilts ckNtalierb requetts that a'1 he ilarrack DcFartment of 4 Valuable PLANTATION in Chrift Church Parfh i fituated A betwixt Wapetaw and Guerin's bridges about 16 miles from tow containing about too acres moll of it timbered and Co convenient that there is a Arre half a mile from rood landings an exceeding good range for ftock and from fnuation can be fenced at a fmall expence On the premiles is a very convenient dwdling haute with neccflary out-buadings For further rarticidars enquire Of NI-1111AM MKIMMV 0 0 Several Traels of Land containing from 'to to goo tries fituated on Illand Creek near the Hone-Shoe belonging to the taste of Mr illocandrr Grp tieteared Enquire ag above (NNE year's leafe of the Wilma known bystlie Mint of MOTFE's WHARF The rent to be NO tittartetly EDWAttl) OATS Chalologono March 3otht i 78 I OTICE is hereby given That the Ferries known by the Names of Ilibben's limprierelS and tiViams'o are now fliut up and that the ferries from to Charkfigum and from 5(01'8 to Pm Ilwootts are open at both of which conftant Attendance will be given Ay Order of the Comm ANDANT9 tn BENSON A Q2antity of two Inch Plank to bc Enquire of the Pats rifts rut Inhicriber's LANDS on Danicrs Ifltt advertifed for publick fale the sttl of fail rntith are now tube 11111 private eontrad alio leveral 'try valuable RACTS of LANI) in different parts of the province) proper for rice or Indigo The terms will be made as agrecabW as pollibic to the pur chafer ISAAC LISLSNE0 April flit No 9 SouthItay rtiVii0 good OVERSEERS arc wanted immediately by JOHN CRUDE A PERSON well qualified for teaching Yotma LADIES 1-1 in a genteel family may be heard of by applying to the Printers 'PG bclbid ativertiftti for Char lejlown April 2 1781 AM direded by the Commandant to fignify to the Pub lick I That no Powder or other fpecies of Ammunition is to be fold or difrofed of in any quantities without carrels rep million from the Commandant or thofe by him authorized for that purple FRASER TownMajor DIJ13LICK NOTICE is hereby riven tolhe inhabitants of 1- the Parithes of St Philip and St Michael Charlet town 11114ifted tq choofe Vettrymen Church-Wardens Commit 'flours of the Markets that an eleCtion of thofe Officers will be made as direlted by law at the Parith Churches of St Pbi lip and St litticbael on Eafter Monday the t6th intlant By Order of the Board of Police April rox78x THOMAS WINSTANLEY Clerk I 1 rrHE fate of Mr Watt WiLsobi ettate which was 1 advertifcd to be on the Izth inttant at Mr William liarvey's at Wappoo is poftponed till further notice April zz 178a MARY WILSON POWELL 'HOPTON' Co WAVE FOR SALE l'XTANTED to hire by a gentleman thortly going to Eng land a SERVANT of good charaCer that can thee and drefs hair to whom fultable wages will be given EllqUirt of the Printer A Few al good SIIIPCARPENTERS and CAULKERS 11 as any an the province to be hired by the day taus at No north end of the Bay 111011010600011MIMOOmownlIMIONINRIMMIW AllaMMEWMENIPSOOS1101 Aare peribris indebted to oLA Pi 0 solve dectaltd hereby to pay their A-1A debts to the fleb fcriber and all thofe who have any demands apainft the fai4 Nicholas Langford or his elate are defired to bring them immediately WILLIAZCHARLES WELLS Adminifthitor No 7 I Traddftreet 'VILE Subleriber defires all Perfas indebted to him by Bond or Note to difeharge th41 long arrears of intereit due thereon without further delay Chat-Mown 3d April WI EGERTON LEIGIL ffillE proprietors of NEGROES employed in the Q2arter- Mafter-General's Department are defired to callat his orrice No on the Bay and receive their wages from the IR of January to the 31ft of March as foon as they conveniently can They will be good enough to bring certificates of their property from the Commiffioners of Claims 31j1 of March 178t CHaaLasTowti Marcb 25 1781 WHEREAS divers Perfons who arePrifoners on Parole in Charleitown do curdle their Profeirions Trades and Occupations and avail thvinfelves of the Emoluments and Advantages incident thereto which thould be enjoyed by THOSE ONLY who have returned to their Allegiance and are defirous of fupporting his Majefty's Government which affords them Protedion For Prevention whereof hi future IT IS ORDERED That no Perfons now a Prifoner on Parole in Charlellown lhall have the Liberty of curdling any Profeilion Trade Mechanick Art Bufinefs or Occupation And his Ma- jefty'sSubjeets are hereby itrialy enjoined ad required not to employ Nth Perron or Perfons on any Pretence Bj Order of the COMMANDANT HENRY BARRY Secretary and Deputy Atiostant-Orneral ft( te 4 1 1 i 1 1 JAMAICA Rum in Ilogtheads and Mukovado Sugar in Tierces and fmall Port and Caleavella Wine in and Port Wine in Cafes of fix Dozen at one Guinea per Boxes of Window Ghia tor Salt or Rent SY WIIARIT on the Bay the whole toeether or In Ceparate in parcel' three large Rare honks will foon be ereZteki thereon which at a (mall expence may knre for dwelling honks THEODORE OAITIARD No ot Bays IP' IONIRMINIIIIMIONSWIEIMIN To be Sold (by Permillion) A HOUSE fuitable for a fmill family in Lynch's Lane' 1-1 No Enquire of the fuhfcriber on the premifes te GEORGE POWELL To be I et on i eafe ''HE LAND on which the Charleftosvn Library was built I being a corner lot of 40 feet front on Union-ftreet and 46 feet on Chalmers's Alley there remains of the building a large part of the wall with tome bricks Enquire of GABRIEL MA NIGAULT A I' p1 "lememonnolo A LI pertilna indebted to the ettate of MrsAs rri I)u ta'rl A 1 decealcdo are ddired to make immediate pnyracut and all to whom the fsid (nate is indcbted are defired to Mns in their accounts rroperly attelledt to a VVILLIAM DAVIE Ranh 21 1781 JAItIES 14ILE3 '1-'0 BE SOLD or Let on Leak for five Years a LOT of LAIstl 1 on the Bay a little to the north of the Enhance and two lots from No 23 Containing 24 and a half feet front and 142 feet dal) it has on it a large twoflory brick kitchen wage-hook: and Core with a fine cellar underneath the brick foundatien of a luyorc anti the cellar paved Another LOT hi Union-kcet on the tack of the othrt containinf se sad halt fcn front and Is fort to itichca deep There are on is a good chair4oute and liable which with the addition of a chimney would mate a good ilore end hitches there is alfo the brick foundation of a former houre Apply to TIIONIAS BUCKLE No 33 BAY Clodemit hinuary t7tr A 3 per5)ns Indebted to ANDIAW Logo and AIDazw sna 0101161 Lot are dcfired to pay the tcreft and tart of de principal of their bonds for Degrees fold front' the year ZI to 1773 the courfe of this crop -N a Their counting-bode is kept at Anoaaw Losol haute on the Omen 1111V)y0 pair of SAWYERS are wanted toBmtafearptiire a I It Wonted to 189 ullos Credit A GANG of FIELD SLAVES tram ten to fifty hands Any perfon willing to difpore of Inch may hear of a purchafer by applying to pita Isla Erg Metting4treet or THOMAS FALK Efq AuVeyRiver A LLrons indebted to the ellate of MAL MOLLts de ce ed are cleared to make immediate payment) and thofe having any demands againft the kid digt to bring in their accounts properly attefted to to MARGARET MORRIS Adminiftratrit rHE very beft fea-lhore SEED to be fold at No a Queen-ltreet by GRAHAM BURT A LLA 114 perlons indebted to the elate of INI immediate Awl WISE decealed are requefted to make pay ment or fettle to the latisfadion of the lubferiber and thore who have any demands againft the laid elate are dclired to bring them in at the Round 0 properly attelled to th EislisuRN 4 04 4 LATELY IMPORTED And for Sale for CASH BILLS or PkoDucti JOHN ANSO At No 9r TaADD-Srastr LAVED Sugar in Barrels irrels Bottled Port Wine in Calks of fix Dozens each Mefs Pork in Barrels Cargo Beef in Bartels and Tierces Ship Bilket in Hogfheads Pearl and common Barley in Kegs A few Dozes of Soap and Candles AM f- Chartehum ditrit 17St ANY perfon haying for talc worUlg eixen flout Steers fit to break able draught limit Carts or Wag gons with their Geer will pleat apply to me at No Ss Church-llreet and may be aa'ared of a generous Price with READY CASH on delivery BRIAN CAPE it'diNTB11 1111111E1)IATELro A OVERSEER for a plantation near Cootawhatchle upon which there are about fifty working negroes I goo(' recommendations will be expected as generous encourage ment will be given Enquire at No rs on the Bay TO BE LET A PLANTATION 'sty pleafantly fituated at Aecabee LI on Alley-river adjoining Mrs Elliott and Roger Smith Erg about liven miles from Charicftown by land or water Enquire of BENJAMIN DART 'as No 2 Tradd-areet TO BE LET pi LOT of LAND in Amen-ftrect with a tirve baling 11 thereon part4of which is at prefent occupied by Mr Lebby block-tnaktr as a work thop the other part has lately been ufed as a publklt flable Any perfon inclinable to rent the fame or the building without the lam may enquire at Noss oppolite the fame lb Locryo To titura-maltr as a worx inop Lac Miler naS l'at tT bcca ded as a publick Any mlott inclinatitcrI to teat Luc fame or the building ulthout the lan6 may enquire at so opporite the Cure VI A LEXANDLIt INGIAS regoills thote laitelited ta hint to fettle 'L te his fatiaradtion on or before the bra doy 01 May ecit sod Le hereby rives aotice to thole who ptid him in dereciated curretzys to prtrside for the full and equitable dikbarge ciba demands as ha sill otherwife do himfelf inflict 13 the fpetdieft method la Lis robves lie alto thofe indebted to the Oates of Gyo larroa az1 Davie Dissiittgra and Mrs Hetes katarayot to Istrs eastatia: to psy their relpedivo debts or to renew their obligstiotL For axf may Entered atoll immavarlittr rIllAT well known PLANTATION fkortnerly the tro piny kichst4 Woe Emma on btatti142 in Et I rarifb-eostaittiog I ISQ acres the rtcft art guott land Ice rice indigo or corn and it tialt rtod fentes and dant Ce let planting immediately On tho iseis ttletals gorxi evett ling-botife gcaal And tothct Ary 1-tr ft re perfoos inclinable to paTh(4 the tini ate ckftei to on Taoseas Pisa 117 it itilley-itissr at to the fulfailmtes at ttla 1 lot le-Shoe' JOSIAI I FENaARVI on 0 BE SOLD Asi goy it Zarargat alas laaseett4alati ifT PLANTATION la EL And "evt'e Part0a yc lvi acres of land iefis two LOTS of LAVD its iirply 10 T11014Al FALet Ztv et ALley-RlOtte or rt to IYA of hail i ca two tars of 140 IA14 AP it Pt tITATICN la Et Antw 'o Prkaas' 31: setts r' 4- 0 4 Aroly to TitCIMA 8 Foal Etv ot Allty-klikt or tt4 1 'ti a 4lizown 16 Irm 7 ra 4toa) April it 17 81 a LI perrons indebted to the etlate of CLImixt 4 Pala at deeeatod are cleared to ditcharge their relpedive debts txm as polEble sand thole who have any kgal demands againlk the 1441 elate are requelled to fend them au properly attelltd And Ahoerer employs harbours or entertain any of the ender nivatiuncid negroes belonging to the ffid ace vie SJortfrot Tom Peer Billy Harry joimm Abraham Sasaki LaA14e1 ii ari 4b amtes Ala Hire Biaa Prodar Crotia Coon ir Btts) Simmer 74c1Pat1 airfoils Siam Will Freak lafu Katt 77 ody Nas" Trrs illiaday Sae Bra and Grilse that for ionic tune "Ala have been away to le great prejudice of the cage will be prolcuted with the utmoft rigour GEOVGE-PADDON BOND Executor IL Accounts delivrred tt 8 north cad of the Bay will be lovAared to the 15 1'111 tkig An 10 the cititte be pruletited wsth the utmost rigour 1: GEOVGE-PADDON BOND Executor- II IL ddivcred ti oorth co4 of the Bay will to 1JvAasZed to the 15- 1 1 i v'.

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