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Chattanooga Daily Times from Chattanooga, Tennessee • 5

Chattanooga, Tennessee
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THE DAILY CH-ATIANOOGA TENN UItSDAY 1-111C11 1911 Ifil t' Buster ingredients and moreover the IDgTedI ents were natural and nut added: "When did you Tet to Chattanonis Jeemsr asked Mr Miller "Yewir yessir I comes last night" tell the -court where YOU are eems cast a hurried glance in the direction of -the court and suddenly couldn't "rayrnember jest "saekly name of de He knew the number of the house but-not the street And neither did be de name ula de pusson whar it virus 'vepe it- was-a married lady what didn't have no- bushimd-7 By lids time everybody in the courtroom wanted to and -47eems rum Atlanta" was excused- Dr John W- Mallet wan on The' stand -when pourt adjourned Dre Mallet qualified as a chemist: and practitioner from -SeyereV leading institutions of learning in the country He said be had examined and tuielysed- 'several samples of Coca-Cola tW win continue his testimonysthitmorning LABQR AGENT VANISHED IF HE WAS HERE AT ALL all the Floisheira I ce THOMPS ON: 721 Market I I I IIEEI 1 SEE 1 IL 11F0ur Licitly Leave Chattanooga 10:10 AM Leave Chattanooga 9 45 PMp--4 0 :10 PM Stop-over ten days permitted in CineinuatiOhlo or Louisville All Trains Carry Electrically Lighted Equipment Dbting Cars serving all meats For full information and sleeping ear reservations eall on any I Ticket Agent or write FRANK FORTH CONN City Ticket Agent Dtviston Passenger Agent' 103 West 9th St: Phone isle 105 Chattanooga Tenn To the Citizens of glass of lee- Ile said- according to his knowledge was- on 'ounce of coca-cola syrup to every seven ounces of carbonated water tinder agreements with bottling companies and similar establishmenta Howard Candler -testified to his- eonttection with the making of Coco-Cola At: the 'present he had charge- of the manufacture of the fluid Had heen in this capacitrtince 1903- rrevious that time he Iliad served SS Jaborrr in the factory7--a -traveling salesm an and general traftielmanagerInall he bad been- factory-- some thirteen ears- f-11liedrew'a diagram of the interior of the factory' and showed the architecture -of One- of the big tanks( and etpla hied- in detail the mechanical process- of making Coca-Cola- He -mid there Were eight laborers in the factory who worked in that iparticulardepartmeta besides the cook" James --Gaston who figuredf-conspicuously in the' testis mony-of Inspector Lynch The inspector testified sugar spilled Ant the tank -platform Into the tanks withhislootandexpectOrated tobacco: juice'--- ail libitum into tank also or to that erect 'Witness said this-could not -have been possible and explained that- the- "cook'! -did net eveduse tobacco changed his clothes be- fore -going to' work and a shovel for the purpose of raking' spilled sugar Into the tanks He said be was not a chemist- and did not know theproportions used in No 57 except that it was made of Coca leaves- and eola nuts He knew this however only from observation and statements of -chemists- It had been sold underany other name than Coca-eola- In -regard to the barrels and kegs' Lynch and Dr Kehler saw in the yard of the Plant he explained these were second-band barrels and were there waitiug to be eteaned and diainfected -Every sanitary precaution was used in this process Positive instructions were furnished to dealers as to making Coca-Cols the drink Mr Candler told of the three visits Dr Kehler ma4e to the factory for the purpose of inspecting -tinder instructions from theP government The first was Aug 13 1907 The dates of the other two he did notremember The first visit the thetor made known his object and was shown over the factory The next visit he was accompanied by his wife He said he wanted to show the factory to her and asked the privilege of seeing it He was again conducted over the plant by witness Witness d'd not nnderstand Dr Kehler to say he wanted to make an official visit The third visit he was accompanied by Inspector Lynch The first intimation witness knew of their visit- was when he returned from lunch awl was told the government inspectors were in the basement Ile found them and protested that they should have obtained permission to enter the workrooms Dr Kehler was standing on a projecting stringer peering into a tank and Inspeetor Lynch was taking notes Witness sold Dr Kehler a sample of Coca-Cola syrup He then- sent for his father who came and ilemarked to the inspectors that under thf law he doubted whether be had the right to sell the 1 syrup but if they persisted he would give them a sample Mr Candler said his father did not swear as testified to by Inspector Lynch and alluded to the inspector's testimony as "far-fetched" He said he had sent samples to several chemists for Analysis Upon cross-examination witness told of the process of making' Coca-Cola and of having visited the Shaffer Alkaloid works where "merehandise No was made He could not account for the forms of animal Ile Inspector Lynch found upon his visit but said he had rather fixed private opinions how these forms originated: Then witness and Attorne' Miller had a tilt of words as to the formula used Mr Siver objected and the court sustained the objection Further cross-examination failed to bring out the desired formula Witurss said fifteen gallons of "merchandise No 5" were'used to 1250 gallons of Coca-Cole-that there were twenty-five pounds of eaffoin to the 1250 gallons of bottled Coca-Cola and twenty-eight pounds gallons of soda-fountain Coca-Cola Witness did not know whether coca leaf contained cocaine or not He was shown several drug and pharmaceutical publientions that listed eoca leaves and cola nuts at market prices Mr Miller objected as usual believing on account of the publications being current numbers they lent been "fixed" for this special ease 'Mr Sizer risked witness the straight question if such was the case Witness said it was not Court overruled the objectimt of Mr Millsr Mitchell foreman of the manufacturing department of the Coca-Cola plant testified as to the eondition of the plant at the time of the visit by the inspeetors its usual sanitary conditions and general cleanliness of a ppa ra tus and habits of workmen Ile swore Asa Candler did not use profane language under any conditions and certainly not at the time of the visit of Inspector Lynch that is so far as he knew When 3frSizer askeill leave to read the deposition of Dr Shaffer of the Shaffer Alkaloid works there was another storm of protests and objections from Nit Miller He objeetedupon some of the grounds that the deposition hall not been filed When it was shown that it had been tiled on the morning previous to the convention of court he objected again because it was filed after the Tinted States court had closed The deposition was taken by Mr Miller and associates for the government October 1910 When the question "What are tire proportions of quantity of coca leaf used in 100 gallons of liquid?" was asked Dr Shaffer and be refused to answer saying it was a trade secret Mr Miller again objected upon the ground that if the deposition were admitted the proportions should also be shown The defense argued it wanted to prove by the deposition there was no (saltine iniPthe syrup The court sustained the 'objection conditionally! I am a candidate for Commissioner under the new City Charter and subject to the Primary March 27th and if elected I will do all I can to give the City an honest and successful administration I serVed four years in the City Council Have lived in Chattanooga about thirty years and my record is open for inspection Respectfully WILSON 4 norsheirrs Shoewit' Estinctive shaped to a really attractive an Blucher xford of stvli comfort SHOE Street LOttunS7 COM Chattanooga: I FRY CELEBRATES QUARTER CENTURY SERVICE Veteran Patrolman Has Seen Don partment From Its Beginning Today Today -J T- 'Fry enters up- Ntl on his twenty- 14 Kessiert Ct41 fifth year with 4A6417 the 'Chattanooga pollee depart- ill" Tr meat Nett to i ge Air Try is the l' oldest member of the police department in he continues on the apeotlineteolfistserViMere: Fry entered the service of the city when James Allen was chief of police and has been in active serviee ever since When- Fry entered the service there were only about a dozen men in the depart- ment but it has since grown until there now about seventy-tive men on the payroll of this department Mr Fry ksknown personally to almost every old cttizelL and has an honorable record as a policeman and as a citizen' lie is yet one of the mostactive men the department 'Under the new pen- sion laws of the city -Mr Fry Is now entitled to be retired when he so dedres would receive three-fourths of the highest salary be ham received while in department However judging from way he geas around on his heat it is probable that thia veteran will care take advantage of this privilege eon 1 WANTED A SECRETARY Courthouse Commission Needs One Very Badly Job as secretary to the courthouse commission is waiting for somebody Polk- sibly it n-ill not be filled until the county judge or some other agency ht given att-e thority to name the proposed secretary all the commissions Lack of a secretary 'prevented the commission at a meeting yesterday morning from transacting any business It was proposed to elect one of the members secretary but in view of the fact that the labor involved would entitle such an official to a salary of some dimensions was agreed that propriety forbade such: course The commission adjourned to meet this evening at 4 o'clock Pull membership was in attendance vis: Judge Allison chairman UoweIl 0 Preston Edwards Wheland and John Tinker iii It liti if FOR Butt On ce I Ilikers of the 'Drink Tell How It Is Made "MERCHANDISE 4- 4 THE Iti Content Guarded as Trade Secret but Coca Leaves and Cola Berries 'Testimony Denied 4 'rhe defense had its first inning In the now famous Coca-Cola case Yesterday Most of the allegationa of the United States were lenietl in toto' The testimony of Inspector Lynch and Dr Kehler was attacked with the testimony of Judge John Candler Howard Candler and G': Mitchell of the Coca-Cola corn- pany Strenuous objections tipon the part of the attorneys representing the United States and shrewd legal moves by Mr Sizer for the defense were some of the features of the day 'a hearing The United States failed to get at the contents of "Merchandise No 5" th secret formula used In the manufacture of Coca-Cola The term "trade secret" protected it from chief and pross-examins Mai Thus far the suit appears to be a "dog- The testimony of the inspectors has been checkmated by substantial testin3ony of the defense and it now remains to see what the experts for the defense testify Yeeterday was the first day where the technical gave way tp the practical Judge Candler of Atlanta a member of the law firm of Thompson Candler Iiirsh and late associate justice of the Georgia supreme court was the first witness introduced by the defense Judge Candler testified he was instrumental in the organization of the Coca-Cola company in 1891 at which time he was elected vice-president and a member of the board of directors and served in that capacity until 1890 when be was succeeded by Howard Candler At present he is a stockholder in the company but has no other official connection except Iin the capacity of a legel adviser lie gave a brief historical sketch of Coca-Cola saying the formula was bought from IDr John SPemberton In 1891 It was then called "Coca-Cola Syrup and actract" and later changed to Coca-Cola the present name Ile swore to certified copies of the original transfers and various judgments in which the Coca-Cola Company had endeavored to protect the copyrighted name Witness said since beiug made by the Coca-Cola company it had been known and sold as Coca-CAY1a and never as "coke" "dope" or any other similar names It contaiws substance known as 4 "Merchandise No 5" menu! factured by the Shoffer Alkaloid Mann-I facfuring Company of New Jersey He did not know the chemical ingredients or proportions used in that substance After the company had begun to rfiantifacture Coca-Cola for bottling purposes it was made heavier by larger proportions of sugar Col Candler described the Coca-Cola manufacturing plant as It was in 19(X) It consisted of basement and three floors The building was of brick trimmed with Imarble The floor of the first story was Watertight This was in direct contradiction of the testimony of Inspector Lynch given last week In all the building was In what be considered a first-class sanitary condition It had been built in accordance with the rules governing buildings in Atlanta and in every way conformed to the inspections of the tire department and buildiue inspector The colohel himself had used Coca-Cola for the past twenty-live years Ile usually drank from one glass to six klasees a day He also drank coffee and tea Had been sick twice since 1885 and both times from la grippe He said he tolerable" all the time An inter- pretation of that term was that he was in good health leing cross-examined about "Nter- I chandise No 5" he again stated he did Inot know the exact chemical proportions In a generalway he knew it to contain alcohol cola nuts coca leaves and sugar i Ile did not know whether cocaine was fused in it or not all of which was limIited to his own knowledge Just here the colonel and Mr Miller had a tilt-at-words in which the counsel for the United States accused the colonel of being "a distinguished ex-jurist of Georgia: ago which the't colonel replied with a smile that be might be that but net a chemist He did not know what the Coca-Cola formula contained and was sure no change had been made or such a change would have been suggested to the board of directors From a casual knowledge he knew water was first put in the tanks then' caffeine in certain quantities and Coca-Cola was colored with burnt saga e-What feeling do you have wben you want a drink of 51r Miller asked the witness "1 feel sub just like Id when I want a drink of whisky I want it and go alit and get 1tt1 beireplied- 4 "Do N-on I- like thi taste 'or effect of Coca-Cola judge?" "Just like I like the taste of whisky and like we-all like it "Yee we all agree with you up here in Chattanooga" said Mr-hfiller "Now mon evaded the question" said the attorney "Please tell me Judge Candler why zou really drink and' profess to like the drink Coca-Cola" "I really drink it because I feel empty It is sort of a feeling 6f emptiness that prompts It Frequently when am busy and can't get home to lunch IIgo down down to tle eodawater fountain and have the mixer fix me up a drink with one ounce of Coca-Cola syrup one egg and seven'or eight 'ounces of ndlk That will constitute- a light lunch" -The judge however did not explain just how be was able te "step out and stet a glass of wben be wanted it Atlanta being a "dre- eiti" Where did you get the coca leaf in do not know eicept that it came from the manufacturing company I juvt now" 'Under farther questioning Judge Candler: said be had 130 inordinate craving for tay -Dort of a drink but caused a ripple of laughterwhen he stsked for a OCiii-COLAt DEFENS 'ORKER: Co ty Board' Of Health Givis Advance Notice Dr F--McManus In Pointed Interview Tells Suburban Residents Ystrhat They May Depend Upon During Heated Term War against bog raising in the suburbs ind other conditions considered unsanitary declared by the counts board of health recently: through the president Dr Manns has not lapsed into ittheisblnaontknin th blankness doubtful orgotte nstathtuinsgsof the Mexican border manetr4rs On the other of band it is a -very live war according to Dr McManus who declares his position in regard to suburban conditions his formation for battle and hi generals in the various fields of the hog-war in the following interview: At a meeting of the county board of -health the sanitation of the suburbs was discussed- anti plans adopted for the purpose of better sanitation The territory in the suburbs will be divided and managers appointed for the different divisions 'The first division will -extend front the Georgia line to East Lake It Kelly has been appointed to manage that territory The setond divisiou will extend from East Lake to High street in Ridgedale- Mr Lavern will manage that section 'The- third section will extend from High street Ilidgedille to McCallie avenue Lewis Kington has charge of that section The fourth will extend from McCallie avenue to the Harrison pike Avondale Mx Jones will look after that division The fifth will include Sherman Heights Mr Brown has charge of that territory The sixth will include Hill City Mr Blatioqk will manage that territory The seventh will be at 8-t Elmo Mr Hamill will have charge of that division The eishth and Hist will include Alton Park Mr Tar-yin will look after that section plan is to inaugurate a scientific scavenger system by which the open closets in the suburbs can be kept in sanitary condition The closets will be cleaned every ten days during the hot months and every fifteen days or twice a month during the winter We have established a card system so the business can the kept in a systematic form etc The management will use sanitary wagons for the scavenger service The people will only be asked to pay the small sum of cents a month for such service 'While explaining our plan for the cleaning of Closets: etc I want to warn the people who have heretofore been feeding hogs in pens in the thickly settled parts of our suburbs that this will no longer be tolerated by the board of health and not to be compelled to damage anyone financially I will make this statement for if you attempt to keep hogs in Pens so as to create a nuisance which is Always the case you will be asked to film them out of the pens and by so doing might damage those who have embarked in the business To those living in the thickly settled portions I will advise you not to embark in the hog enterprise this coming summer To those who are now feeding bogs in pens and lots your neighbors have already been sending in complaints from the different suburbs and I will ask you to dispose of your present stock in pens for with the approach Of warmer weather they will create a nuisance that must be exterminated suburbs are rapidly growing and as we have no sewerage connection in justice to all who live in the thickly srttled portions we must have better sanitation for the- protection of health and also comfort We have continually in our suburbs case after case of diphtheria and scarlet fever and also some cases of typhoid and we will continue to have until all solonts are put in a better sanitary condition All will remember when but a few years ago yellow fever began to spread in some of our southern towns bow busy our health authorities became and grLat the alarm when it was lefirtled that it would take months to put our city in anythine like a sanitary condition And had not It been for the faithful work of our local physicians and striet rplorantine regala-1 tion by not allowing any cases to enterl our city we certainly would -have had an epidemic here for the surroundings were favorable "The time to oreoare for war is in time of peace and this adage holds good when applied to health As president of the county board of health I expect to use my utAwst efforts to establish better sanitation in the suburbs and hope I may have the support of all who believe in sanitation and who are interested in the growth and development of our city? NEXT BOOSTER TRIP I Will Go Down Central of Georgia Far as Cedartown In a few days the directors of the chamber of commerce will decide the I time for the next Booster Trip which will be as far as Cedartown Oa down the Central of Georgia railroad It will probably be during the latter part of April "TAG" DEVELOPMENT READY TO BEGIN ny An important directors' meeting of the A OzG railroad was beld in New York Tuesday the outcome of which is awaited here with interest If anything of the proceediogs were known in the general offices in this city it was not given out yesterday The supposition i that in the near future the development schemes of the road will berm on a large scale ST ELMO CHARTER BILL NOT UNANIMOUS CHOICE titizen of St- Elmo stated yesterday that petitions-would be -circulated for signature 4 by property owners in that suburb in -opposition to the 'charter measure pending iu the legislature The citizen said he believed IL large percentage of tbe taxpayers oppose the moretuent and the only way tOr defeat-it-is to prevent the passage of the bill as no vote by the citizens is permitted: 1 from us you deal with the owner Besides your money 'notes stay here When you'deal with agents for foreign cora- pames 'your money and notes are sent away and you are -never known by the owners of the get no pro- 4 teetion 1 4 kilguts OUT GEE TELIPIELIAII Co' THE ONLY HOME PIANO COMPANY 723 Market St Phone AL 638 irmono STRIP Are an'the fad this-season We have them In every variety-- also everything else that is new and up-to-data 0 We employ the finest tillors in town and will guarantee all that we sell C9 THE LEAD118 TANS 82 'Market Street I We launder therh sometimes but we don't make them 0 The Star Laundry 'PHONE MAIN 113 Sol Iloyses 311-312 James Bldg- Telephone Main 415 INSURAN( I write all kinds of insurance and guarantee lowest rates See me before insuring THE LUMBER 101 551 5 51 551 PmEnmt NISI The Finishing Touch to Your Garment Is a ant of buttons made' from theoattni material Wo make them in sill Ewe covered with sny material yoo me fur: illatit at a very small coat-CIVIC US A- TRIAL Chattanooga Bads Manotterades 12 West Stith Phone Main 4201 nM 22 ritpr 1141 0 littorgcmAls Trio CUE13' aro Invaluable to erofferers from chronic lung trouble Bronchitis and Asthma The convenient form and afford immediate and icrateful relief Warranted free from Opiates orinwthirer harmful- 3 a Price 28r Soo weal $100 Sareplalre 1 Brows lk Soo Bestow- Mars ik To IncreasePlano Fund- The kindergarten'departmeut aid first grade of the North St Elmo graturnar school will jtold an entertainment to! Inorrovr afternoon 'at '3 -o'clock for the benefit ot ape piano 1 1k I ATTEMPT TO RUN AWAY WITH LOCK AND DAM CROWD Officials Heard of It Took the Trail and All Is Serene Emigration Up- to Date A lively rumor in the city the past few days made it appear that an employment agent from Texas was in the eity for the purpose of securing -a large number of laborers from the Hale si bar camp to work on construction in the vicinity of -Dallas Tex As is 'well known there ar laws governing such canes and investigation has been made by the interested parties the intention being- to resist auch intrusion if the rumors were found to be true Mr Byron Burt manager for the -Chattanooga and Tennessee River Power company suited last night that he had been unable to locate any such movement Mr Burt heard the rumor and the name of the supposed labor agent had been gWen him' but upon visiting the camp at Hale's bar Tuesday Mr Burt found that no onethere knew of the presenee of such a person and up to last night none of the laborers had left the camp It is barely possible that the agent learning that his movements were being watched- passed the matter up for the present with an idea of making another attempt later COMING TO HELP BOOST THE INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL OFFICIAL OF RUSSELL SAGE FOUNDATION COMING Invited to Criticise and Suggest for Benefit of the Hamilton County Juvenile Reformatory Hastings It Hart director of the child helping department of the Russell Sage Foundation New York City will arrive in Chattanooga Saturday afternoon and will be entertained at dinner Saturday evening by the trustees of the Hamilton County Industrial school and other friends of that work in this city He will make a special study of the institution here on Sunday and Monday gathering information for criticisms and suggestions which he has been asked to inake On Monday night next Mr Hart will deliver an address in the A on "The Juvenile Reformatory of the Twentieth Century" In the course of this address he will make his observations concerning the work in Hamilton county Mr hart will go from here to Nashville on a similar mission His visit to Chattanooga at this time is by invitation from the trustees of the Hamilton County Industrial school to assist by advice in plans for the material improvement of the institution here Mr Hart is an expert in the line of reformatory work and the loCal officials consider themselves fortunate in securing his services It is especially desired that there shall be large attendance at the Monday night address to which the public will be invited NASHVILLE BRIDGE EXPERT LOOKS AFTER LOCAL WORK Howard Jones a well known bridge expert of Nashville is in the city and romol ha it that he is a lively applicant for aoptklutment as designer for the proposed river bridges here It was known tecently that his application had been tiled The immediate interest in the visit by Engineer tones 110WPter is said to be in connection will the local depot improvements of the St tailway MIMI "jp-7 2gvt -186 Spring weddings First showing of many attractive things in Sterling Silver Kakna Crystal Brass Goods Electroliers and Sheffield Your good taste will berefleted in any of these articles and you will find prices very reasonable zwri 0 If 1 1 GILLESPIE BUYS THE OLD ELLISREES FARM MAY LATER ON SELL OFF FOR SUBURBAN HOME5 ATER ON SELL OFF FOR SUBURBAN HOMES sent Will Operate it as a ock or Grain About $15000 Gillespie has purchased the Ellis ne d- -ill ar itossville an orwr- ith er as a stock far or ns a rm The farm contains about and the price paid is said to about $15000 Mr Cillespie esterday that he purChased the rely as an investment and that he would probably subdivide it Ill tracts and sell for suburban IORE -MEETINGS OF THE SCHOOL BOARD For Present Will Operate It as a Stock or Grain About $15000 Gillespie has purchased thc Ellis Rees farm near Rossville and- will cwrate it either as a stock farm or as a grain farm The farm contains about 350 acres and the price paid is said to have been about $15000 Mr Gillespie stated yesterday that he purehased the farm purely as an investment and that later on he would probably subdivide it into small tracts and sell for suburban homes TINO MORE MEETINGS 01EM1110P The nest meeting of the school board will by held Friday night of nextweek Some have supposed that wonld be the fnal nieethw of the present board but there will by another session on April 21S before turning over the schools to the new conunissioners PROF MORGAN TO SPEAK Knoxville "Man Will Address Tyner Farmers Tomorrow On Friday night April 7 Prof 11 A Morgan of Knoxville will address the Tyner larmems association in the auditorium of Tyner high school Prof Morgan is one of the foremost agriculturists in tilt- south today Ile was formerly connected with the Louisiana experiment station hut is now and has been for about six years direlor of the Tennessee experiment station at Knoxville and Jackson and is also dean of the agricultural department of the state university Ile was for several years state entomoiogistand plant pathologist He is also professor of zoology and entomology in the state university and for a long time has been the promder of the East Tennessee farmers' convention which meets In Knoxville about the middle of May every year He is at the present time secrets ry and treasurer of this organization Prof Morgan was offered the position of state eommisioner of agriculture by Goy Hooper but declined the merit fir 400 an BIA6 ci a 4 C10 IL 1 and Mr are and in and the the not to of it a i I 8 1 i NO James Gaston the neFro cook dPTPIoped the "minstrel part' of the trial if it could be ea1k41 such "Jeems" bid been "workin fer Mister Asa Canier fer nigh on twelve year" Ile "didn't chaw 1 terbaceer an' never (1 i He "never wore shoes with holes in pm on the job 'cause de hot licker mite birrn mall feet" He also "wore dime stockin's: clean ons too an' chfinged 'em ev'y- day" He also wore "overalls on de job" and shoveled in spilt sugar "offen de ilatform svid er sho-vel' This was brought out ty the questioning of Mr Slier Wien be was turned over to Mr Miller be felt himself in the bands of the enemy and attempted to conefliate them with a broad smile that would have done credit to Billy Kersands Teeth and 'space composed the principal STOR IA Por Infants Lut Children lb IC3 Han Bears the Ciptature of ming Lion 'omitto NOW-WHILES17FS COMpLETE 011PAroulkompo P401mmilv Airof a.

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