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Chattanooga Daily Times from Chattanooga, Tennessee • 16

Chattanooga, Tennessee
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vu i -2-7 -7 -s 5 s- ''i- 1 i-- 2 -s 7 s' 1- 2 s-t ry: -s 1-z i --7 i 4- --r 4-- -i- 41 --n--' litilt Yr- '-'1 Nr' 0- 4C: -114- -4' SA i in 1 7- 'nu-'-ll: SUNDAY TIMES: -CTIATT A I od NTN: NO Elli 2 1013 AINENISIMINMEMEMEMSW 4 '-1 4' 7 Virginia 2 eans With--Vanderbilter-C attanooga Loses Thriller to Tennessee-- poi i DE 7 III 11 i Figures -in Ste a Battle -VANRBILT 1 Vandy's Downfall in Detail "Lulu-' saw 1111WI 'Twixt Volunteer and Ale ccasin FoR HARvAn 2' -F3 I 1 IS I SNAMPE) First Period bilt's goal line Vanderbilt putting the -P-7 I -P- NIMEEMOM Virginia won the toss and chose the Vaki- ibland clilLpedayriogutittheentru -1-ortirod i3nitterds Canurd- ho fumbled 4tttt id --qt'' southwest goal A brisk wind was blow- repeated tile performnce around left on ing in the faces of the Nr'anderbilt phty- a a Lase passn wuo fueases thiew a lso-Jard pass Victorious 0 re Over tAftnell 1 1 1 Virginia University Team ers Curtin kicked oil to Gooch on ir- to row mbled the bait atier -st gilds's 5-yard hue Gooch returning the he was utcsied irginta gettuig the half Re 411r! cl-oppeensaon -oe Wins Victory ball 10 yards Gooch and Landes then to uri rginiii punted Cal cE ore of 23 to 6 ti Whole tore throligh the Vanderbilt line for sub- bite getting the bail for Virginia 3 4:: Team by Himself stands' gains Virginia was penalized spear was sent in tor Mayer at lett COLGATE YALE: 1 15 yards for holding tooth failed on a Leif for Virginia A forward pass forward pass and then punted to Cur in across Vanderbilt's goal line failed 4t-i- -i TENNESSEE BOYS on l'auderbiles 25-yard line Curlin al- 1 fr i lowed the ball to hit the ground und 1 0 taking tulle: usallipr to 4ta3cakired 'MOCCASINS MAKE MANY ina 1 Carry -Ball to Tennesseeli Goal aus aLiuerwit ouaro nue and the weaknes or--th ARE BADLY USED UP fell on it Without any gain After a hne Itay ied the ball oer for a ser plunges and short end runs carr ouc'hdown Carter kicd ke goal Ray ARMY LOSES TO NOTRE D''' Curlin for V'anderbilt swept around kicked off to Curlin under auderbilt THRILLING RUNS' IN OPEN right end for a 20 yard gain taking the goal posts eurlin brought the ball baCK ball into Virginia's territory The l' ir- jti yards Sikes attempted a forward '3ame 144 ies of 1'r ginia line held and Clirlin kicked to pass hich 1andes caught Time was I- Score of 34 to Line Navy alks Away With ooch who was tackled after a sort then called with the ball in Virglaia's -i: 4 4 i''''' 4e-- ') Hammered to 'Pulp by Virginia advance GOoch punted out of hounds possession on V'auderbilt's-10-yard Mar ine -i A'anderbilt getting the ball on thelr end of second period: Virguna Y- 'Makes 33-yard line Sikes 51cQueens and 'Fur- 21 Vanderbilt and Desperate Plunges by Line by Fast Play but Can 1 ner tried vainly te andnce the balld Cnre 1 Third Period Annapolis a ye 4 put va was blocke thI pkii by tilt tel left end for irit 3 -) era ss- Great Run setmer gfeettheofbatihire three va irgnitilciae anti nifftmeabnal re Ly 't't "1 2 -'L: 1 ala 7 pls rlin dropped back for an- ter LOC 1 aaueL uiE rur ugata aer ur tgmtace at tua at center Not Buck It Over A' si CHARLOTT arer Cu ESVILLE Va Nov 1--- i AMBRID o-1 v's otlier kieki' sendi the ball well into retated to ie et uait ittjec sa GE Mass Nv seo uit ng i Battered aid bruised the Vanderbilt ual- VirginialiA territory White rep deed I to iie ttle itt -r orii Lae unal to of the Crituaou pfly I 'T 1 veriuty football Leath today towered it Team by Himself 11i0C6ASINS MAKE MANY 'THRILLING RUNS IN OPEN arry' Ball to Tennessee's Goal Line by Fa3t Play but Can Buck It Over :1 verliuty football team today towered its Coleman iVat left end for Virtenia 3 al us Lu au uer ui i 414-turd nue er8 and the weakness Of 1111 Stellar Figures-in Battle 'Twixt Volunteer and Moccasin VANDERBILT IS SWAMPED Virginia University Team -Wins Victory TENNESSEE BOYS ARE BADLY USED UP Score of 34 to Line Hammered to Pulp by Virginia 'Makes Great Run CHARLOTTESVILLE Va Nov 1-- Battered and bruised the Vanderbilt nal- veritaty football Leath today towered its I Vanc ly's Downfall in Detail I 1 First Period Virginia won the toss and chose the southwest goal A brisk wind was blowing in the faces of the Vanderbilt phtyers Curtin kicked oil to Gooch on irginia's 5-yard line Gooch returning the ball 10 yards Gooch and Landes then tore through the Vanderbilt line for substantial gains Virginia was penalized 15 yards for holding Gooch failed on a forward pass and then punted to Cur lin on Vanderbilt's 25-yard line Cur lin allowed the ball to hit the ground and fell On it Without any gain After a series of plunges and short end runs Curtin for Vanderbilt swept around right end for a 20 yard gain taking the ball into Virginia's territory The Virginia- line held and Ctir lin kicked to Gooch who was tackled after a beort advance Gooch punted out of bounds -Vanderbilt getting the ball on their 33-yard line Sikes Mcgueena and Turner tried vainly to advance the ball Cur-lines atteMpted punt was blocked the punter recovering the ball by a nice 'dive under the feet of three Virginia Players Carlin dropped back for another kiek i sendirg the ball well into irginia'ak territory White Colemanfrat left end for Virlenia 1 bilt's goal line Vanderbilt putting the bail Iii pay ou their 20-yard lute Curhn elected right end tor it) yards and repeated the perforwance arouuu left on a titae pass siles thiew a 3o-3arti pass to brown wiao fuwhied the hail atter he Wail utckled irgluia gettuig the balf trgiuiti pauted to Curial who luitubleci ite getting the bail for irgluia Spear was sent in tor Mayer at lett Leif for Virginia A forward pass across a it de rbit t's goal Hue failed Gooch theu slipped around right tackle taking the hall to Vaadertnits 4-3ard line Ray carried the bail oer for a touchdown Carter kicked goal Ray kicked off to Curtin under auderbilt goal posts eurlin brought the ball bates Jt1 yards Sikes attewpted a forward pass which Landes caught Time was then called with the ball in Virginia's possession On Vauderbilt's -hi-yard Score end of second period: Virgiuia 21 Vanderbilt Third Period Huffman repaced -otgan at center anti Wu kurLAII oace at tiurter Lot auueioiA rur dgata atr tecaraed itt tett Lat ALayer ttaaeu tad to slava Lite initvr crivattg Lae UtiAl utus LU itatuercitt ote3ard tine EASY GAME' FOR HARVA Victorious Over Cotnell 1 Ecoro of 23 t6 COLGATE DEFEATSYALEI ARMY LOSES TO NOTRE V-r Navy Walks Away With'Oame by to and Desperate Plunges by Annapolis Players' CKSIBnIDGE Mas 1 strength of the Crimeou tirst7litti er8 and the weakness Of' the'seeN41 I i- A cours to the niversity of Virginia' the Nlayer 'ISO was sent in at left half for iocitscil circled lett awl rigitt euds iur 8 la 11 score being 34 to Virgini Neither team seemed to be a UW of io ttit-ii bvei lt tscu we pulled tring men were brougbt out 'rile Vir th ginia backs-hammered Van- able to- make consi to tiootai no Kicked to 0tt uu yam stent gains and pnnts antic a game today against --i etall11 derbdt line into a pulp driving Morgan were exchanged agtin Virginta gained tile Lie -0 pA autieruut bialued at tew which the Crimson wou witli appartt abont 20 yards on the exehauge Tom 3 ards uu tile alluerulit wane ease 23 to 6 the big Vanderbilt center from the game I i-- White was sent in to replace Hoffman a stiecessaul tot witsd pass butes to While Brickley fullback i tratcicI with an injured foot and necessitatiag st right tackle for Vanderbilt l'a) lirown gaining 1- yaros tioelisch left half Capt Storer rightrilad-(41 numprous other changes in the hue-up Nlayer and Gooch bored through Van-1 puuted beuud irgulla aud the butt was of the regular Harvard players were na Valle Virgiluas goal was threatened derbiles line for repeated short gains put into pnty on suuerollt a 0-)ard 4 several times it was never in serious Virginia then was penalized II yards tine Aiajer shot around rignt eno tur the line-up touchdowns were seared -dalnger except in the final quarter for holding and was forced to kick I i5 yards anti on ttie next ptay each ot the three periods ad firkek Boeusch Vanderbilt quarter darted "Curlin 31c()reenit and Sikes made dasued around left tor tue saute Ws- added his customary goal from the fi through etenses on aneroi gh Vilginia Vdlt'a brr fnr Vanderbilt lint lance Slit)er Lanues and tiay ploughed Cornell was held back of the middle a il was penatrzed 15 yards for bed bug through auderutii line by tity majer held and was a nugligitilei-- fur 15-yard line -Twisting and jumping he and Curlin printed Gooch Cbebter wore 1 Le ii i t111111 re u- iliesLueu wepe spurted down the tieid appateutty as threw Gooch in his tracks ili boles in the auderinit defense three periods sured of a touch-down ten he bad Virginia a ttem nted another forward 'I went-tive yards wore was gaintd In tile last fifteen Entputes Orr Left Tackle Red Rainey Tennessee Quarterback passed ad the Virgiula players the throug pass which failed and Ray plinted througn auderulits line by tiny mayer Ilaughion tient Ms subsitaes ilte the oi spectators was in ausfrieuse But Ban- Curtin reterned the bail to Virginia's aud 1-andes hay then bored Ills ay batkilki and they cruntutettitgailisi 4-5-rard line On the next down an across the line tor another touclidkiwn Liilat-all 011S121 I Lig i AIhough Lacy titka 41--- ehAe a a 1 A I I doipli substitute right halfback for Viz Anmr Ar an 4 ir Gar 14-ib 4414 ira no in Oh OM VP a derhilt lost the distaree gained on a Clatter kicked goat Scote: irgiulae a gathe salad aid tielti tJutheihtor Lip Orr Chattanooga's Left Tackle see's three touchdowns and it is evident 4 Red Rainey Tenneasee Quarterback I kick without trying to He coors to the University of Virgiaia the score being 34 to The Virginia backs hammered the VanderbAt line into a pulp driving Morgan the big Vanderbilt center from the game with an injured foot and aecessitating numerous other changes in the hue-up Willie goal WILIS threateued several times it was never in serious daInger except in the final quarter Boeusch Vauderbilt's quarter darted through Vi Irina defenses ou Vanderailes I5-yard line -Twisting and jumping he spurted down the heal appaieutly assured of a touch-down Lieu he bad passed ad the Virginia players the throng ot spectators was tu auskatuse But Liao(WIWI substitute right callback for Mayer to was sent in at left half for Virginitir -Neither team seemed to be able to make consistent gains and punts were exchanged again Virginta gained about 20 yards on the exehauge Tom White was sent in to replace Hoffman at right tackle for Vanderbilt lay Mayer and Gooch bored through Vanderbilt's line for repeated short gains Virginia then was penalized 11 yards for holding and was forced to kick "Curtin McQreens and Sikes made first downs for Vanderbilt blit Vate'erhilt was penalked 15 yards for bol lieg and Curlin punted to Gooch Cheater threw Gooch in hia tracks Virginia attemnted another forward wise whieh failed and Ray punted Crrlin returned the bail to Virginia's 45-vard line On the rext down Vanderbilt lost the distaree gaired on a buctiscii circito ieLi anti rtgct ends tor a LAIILti Of ts aras boeusvu welt pulled to ttoocti to auttetott ou Lie 1ie-0 pa aucerbilt galued a Lew 3-ard8 ou the exclituge anaerotit inaue a soccesstul tolitiacd pass bilies to Lirown gatuiug tj yarus boelisch punted beattud itgutia aud the bail was put tutu play WI nuerolit ard hue Mayer shut around right end tur 15 yards anti on next ptay dasued arouad left for tue saute distance Sliier Latmes and itay ploughed through undercut line by itay Nitoer wore 11e iinesmen ere ()ilea-lug boles in the Vanderbilt defense wenty-tive yards wore was gaintd througa anderulits line by Ray Maker awl iandes bay then bored Ills way across the line tor auother touchdlmu Cutter kicked goal Stade: string men were brougbt -oat In La vard's game today against -Corilo which the Crimson won witli applitt ease 23 to 6 While Brickley fullbitekillarcht-' left half Capt Storer rightriad (41 of the regular liarrard player s'ere the line-up touchdowns were scored each of the three period and firielly added his customary goal from the Cornell was held back of the middle tt field and was a nugligittley factor fur three periods In ikie tast fifteen 'nitrates CIA laugliton iient tus sulisittbes Into U4 aLLA ti Lid they cruutuled itstithit Liilat-aU UliSial Ugh Ahliough Lacy a gathe stand uod held tAoriteitqat '26 anderbilt Warren placed Murray at left tackle for andercilt Loeusch licked off to Gooch on Virginia's 5-yard line Gooch advanced the bail 15 yards on the first two snap backs After trying two mashes through the line Rs- punted to Boenach who ran out of bounds Boensch punted oter Gooch's head to Virginia's 15-yard line Gooch getting the ball Gooch tore through left tackle and end to the center of the held The quarter ended a few seconds later after Virginia had rushed the ball to Vanderbilt's 25-yard line Score end third quarter: Virginia 29 Vanderbilt Fourth Period The last quarter started with the ball in irgiula position on Vanderitiles 25- yard line Randolph replaced Mayer at hair for Virginia By a series of fieree plunges Randolph crossed Vanderbiles oal for a touchdown Carter failed to kiek goal Score: Virginia 34 Vanderbilt Boenseh kicked off to Gillette who was tackled on Virginia's '25-yard line Ray remitted Brown caught the ball and crossed Virginia's goal line lie wnS called back the referee stating the ball WttS1 down before it was fumbled Ray ptinted to Goenseh on Vanderhilt's 45- yard line A forward pass Sikes to Brown netted 30 yards for Vanderbilt Randolph intereepted a delayed forward pass and the ball went to Virginia on their 40-yard line Preston replaced Chester at left end for Vanderbilt Virginia railed in a forward pass N-arelerhilt rerovering the ball from (-enter Of the field Vanderbilt tried three forward prasea which fell to the field tintonetted linffman then threw the ball over nocnsch's head Boensch reeoverel it hilt the ball went to Virginia on downs on Vanderbilt'a 3n-yard line Vandt-rbilt recoeered the hall on a fumble floenqch dashed tbrottE-11 a broken field rev 75 yards bf-inir tackled on Virtrinia's 10-yrirri line by Randoitth On the newt ninv Sikes fumbled Virginia getting the bail ray retnttd to 71 tunsch and ricuro11 conted ba-k to Go it CPrlin replaced rpertsch who was apnlandeci as he retired apparently winded by the lona run After eveheneine the hell on downe titne was ealled with the bell in Vanderbilta possesqinn on her rWit 25-var1 line Final score: Virginia 34: Vanderbilt 15 yard penalty for boiling Time for the first quarter was then called Score e'rvfi first quarter: -Vanderbilt 0 Virginia Second Period Charging the goals the second gnat- ter was begun trith the ball in N-anderbilt's possession on their 40-yard line Vanderbilt was enable to' negotiate any material gains and Cur lin kieked to Gooch on Virginia's 20-yard lines Morgan Vanderbilt's center was hurt in the next play As -be rose to regime play the Virginia rooters gave three rousing eheers for Morgan" ponted to Corlin who fembled but reeovered the ball on Vanderbilt's 20-yard line Vanderbilt hammered Virgirian vainly to battle down the defense and was forced to kick again the ball ening not of bounds on Vanderblit'a 45-yard Hoe flooeb shot a swift forward pass 30 yaraft down the field to White who eatight the hall and was thrown It was the first srenessfrd forward pass of the game Mayer and Gooch catried the ball to Vanderbilt's 10-yard line and Ray made 4 yards more over left Ray went acrosa for a torch-down Carter kicked goal Score: Vit- 7- Vo-riprbilt Mayer kicked off 45 yard to Brown who returned the ball 10 yards Virginia's line was almost impregnable and Corlin dropped back for another kiek sending the ball out of bonnds on Virginia'R 4f-yard lire With a lead of seven points thp rreinitt rooters cheered eontinnonsly Vanderbilt was penalized half distance to goal and Malneens was pnt out of the game for unnecessal7 ronghneeft Coien took MeQueers place Gooch shot forward pass to Woolfolk wl'o crosmed the line for a tonchdown as he caught the ball Carter deiced goal Se0 rP Virginia 14: VA nderbilt Mayer kicked off to Brown who returned the hall 20 yards to Vanderbilt''' 30-yard line Sikes tried a forward pass which Ray blocked Sykes shot another to Frown which Brown fumbled Sikes teed a third forws rd no es im media tel Ijindpq Mocking it Virginia ram penalized 10 yards for interfering with the receiver of a forward TA pdpn intercepted the next attempt at a forwn rd on cot-1-4114g the hail to Vanderhit'a 35-Yard line Gooch punted the ball behind Vander shall 27: ilaverford college At Easton 44 Ursinins 2 At New Brunswick 9 Wee levan 20 At Medford 14 Massachusetts Agricultural college At 19 Vermont At 9 University of Pitttahltrgh At College 14 Worcester Polytechnic At Andover freshmen 30 Andover school 10 At Durham flampshire State 12: Rhode Wand State 0 At Cambrtdge MISS A college defeated Ilariard at soccer today 3 to West At Ann Arbor 43 Syracuse 7 At Madison Wisconsin 3 At Columbia Mo 44: Rolla 14 At Cleveland Reserve 0 Cincinnati At Columbus State 4 Indiana 7 At 31 1111nois 7 At St Louis 6 Tulane At Albion N1 1tli-11111silale 6: Albion 6 At Oberlin 42: Wittenburg At New Concord 51 Wilmington At Athens Unirersity 0 Den won 52 At A Netabra ska 18: Ames 9 -At 14 Lawrenee 14 At 0 Colorado college At Oxford 12 Ohio Wesleyan At Greencastle 11: Rose Polytechnic institute 7 JIMMY JOHN'STON BACK FROM COAST FOR WINTER Sports Diamond for Being Most Popu'ar Player in League Jimmie joituoototo and his leant orrived in Ch' tta tic toga yesterdly I rem Friaeo to spend the vitoter with hi father nod hrotber at the Johnson It we aerosa VirgAnta outdistanced other pursuers and with a buist of speed tackled Hoeusch on Virginia's 10-yard tine A costly fumble by V'auderbdt on the next play ended the tennesseaus' chalices to preveat a abut-out Virginia's scores in the first half were directly due to forward passes but in the latter -half of the game tale local men bored repeatedly through Vanderbilts and circled the ends for substantial gains Neither team scored in the first quarter Each appeared to be testing the strength of the other and playing carefully Virgaula's hrst score toilowed 3o-yard lorward puss trunk Gooch to Lae who was nowued on Vanderbilts 15-yard line Mayer and Gooch shortened the distauce to the goal and Hay carried the bail over for a touchdown Carter easily sent the ball through the posts Vandy Penalized For kinks Playing The neat touclidown for Virginia came after auuerunt bad been peaulcfed 1-2 yarus for rush piaynig brooch shot a torward pass Lroal the 'Zayard Line to ouitoa wco cauget tce win as ce waa cross cg Vatitieralit a goal me Levier agaiu sicaeo goal Carlin who aiarted at quarterback for Vanderialt inutlett cuati3' tuaibte which leu to lru1a ti third tonem01i kIIte rectitered tke ball on banuerbilt'S- 2g)- lard libe and hay currieo tae ball over the line atter three approaching plays Curler kicheo goal The nrst half enued with the stxtre 21 to Ot in iiginia's favor 'the first of the second half Virginia rushed the ball with end runs line plunges and off-tackle p1a3s from toe Virginia 20-yarti line across Vanderhlt goal for a touchdown Ray carryiag the ball over the line Carter kicked goal The last quarter started with the ball In Virginia's possession on Vanderbilt's ZS-- yard tine Itandoini wee sen in I replace Mayer and his fresh strength told against the Vanderbilt I ne Afttr several tierce line plunges be crossed the goal line with the final touchdown Roenseh's sensatioual run for 75 yards was the only feature of the game after that time VANDERBILT Chester 1 Coleman 1 Murray 1 Maiden I Askew I Rodus I Ir Morgan Jett ir Carter Huffman Wool folk Brown a sinitto Citritn OD Gooch S' I Mayer I hb kluQueen bb Ray Turner La tieea Berger Princeton Rinely Colgate Head Michiga Tom lido Ray 3 W'olfolk Randolph 1 Coats from Carter 4 Time of quarters-1 5 mirpitca Subtlt Rs ndolpb for Mayer White for kin er for iotiolph Speer for Mayer Vanderbilt: White for Huffman Ertensell for Utirtin Cohen for SleQueens Huffman for Mo-gan Warren for Murray Preston for Chester FOOTBALL RESULTS South At CharlettesYille 34 Van derbilt At 21 University of Chattanooga At Jackson 21 Mississippi college At Tech 33: Sewanee At 7: Louisiana At Raleigh Carolina AggieL 37 NVale Forert 0 At Athens 19 North Carolina 6 Al On Has A and 6 Texas A and At 10 Johns Hopkins 7 At Roanoke and Lee 21 Virginia Polytechnic 0 At Lexington State 28 Earlharn 10 At Fort Smith of Arkansas 27 Austin college Sherman Tex 7 At Macon 33 Alabama Presbyterians At Greenwood Miss--Mississippi University 6 Louisiana Industlial institnte 0 At of Louisville 20 Butler college East At Cambridge 23: Cornell ct At West 13: Notre Dame 33 tiowus they coind not prevent curette the fourth rush aitst failed to make the touchdown tor Barrett right half la plunging through a hole la the center brought him against the canvas-covered goal post There was a mass el player about bun as be stood grasping the-right unable to get to the ether side tie 3 itS fortunate htwever fit pubitaig the ball around and Ileferee Langford tnied that a touchdown had been scored It was the lirst consostent-outrelll of an opposing team to theliarvard surd Hue this year although Moly Cross scored on Harvard iu the game-two weeirs ago 'he three Harvard tour awasall by Ilrickley came on steadyrusbing awl varied plays although none ef' thew su of a spectacular nature witk the envy Clot) of one I5-yard forward paw: Brittsley tried two goals trutt1e field from the 40-yard Ijnbk missed by narrow margins The items ful goal was made trout the-'10-yeal mark Harvard came through the gam! in prime condition for next -Satartisy" contest at Princeton ARMY SUFFERS DEFEAT- Notre Dante Wins by the tore 4 to 13 WEST POINT Nov Army eleven was beaten -bY Notrepaa today by a score of 35 to la The-citiletil I mere outclassed lu every denu-We of the game and except in Abe iievODH quarter when they scored both the tottelidownsthey looked like noviciate side the westerners Notre 'Janie tong forward -passing nnd pretty open field play was specters lar and a revelation to eastern football enthusiasts Out of fourteen attempts with the forward pass the westerners niade twelve good for long distant zains Pullback Elehenlaub was sttle "on on the offense plowing Oa artily line for good gains Rod howlitig over the interrerenee in slasbint style 110 Ze left half and Wit end played best for the NAVY TEARS THROUGH LEHIG3 Result of Game Never In Score 39 to i ANNAPOLIS Nov 1--Navesfitel: ball eleven easily defeated the LehLth university team here today 89 te game was marked by 'long' taring plunges through the line by tlit--Nel and in addition there were two romi-of nearly flu entire length uf theIeltbY miles nod Niehols AV ii0 went Iti Sit tab" A int te fullback nd qnnrterba -Illr spf4T i ly in the last period From tf r4t few minutes of Pitt7 tug game was Navy and At no time was the opposing team at all dattrerellm only were toncl-olowns seored blit1411" ti SM goals safetits and attempted mot) ko-KA and one or two fwwstrd passes Visitors' great fault featured in the struggle ling was poor- tack- YALE EASILY DEFEATED --aomM Colgate Displays Superior Article of Football NE NV TI AVEN Conn Nov a te found Ynles flinch-vaunted defense more of a tradition than an actuality torlAt 3- a tot defeated the BI11 I( tG6 hr superior ft hu It vas tile first time this year that Vale has been settrett "tun) and C600te goes down in the ftIafl hnli tame as one of the Ivry fe ('t)litt'S Ii the country to defeat Vale (Witrite's trim TR II need -11v It sPo pen rf-ti I it nn 1910's Its MO tzintit tncktf l'a her left and -41bel "2-'11t oT'ne1 11ios in th line outtle of Itoklo hro1L1h which the fleet "voni for znint4 Tbe eon4istoot rkitors was the boo KPen Jai OPICI in many dareYrile was NA tvlor! hv several subtal- itt7tztegn shsnvittr710- the close of the g-f-ntot TIrild 71 7'1 failed rnoiro lip 1k liplar(i nnd a ga1 (711) the irPrI rcy1 It of ttl fomIde elt4i tl'ct ri nipfarin who QM' fi l' I onnt when ttt 4 '1294-4 4111 mlo 1- yin rive rn11s hronTht ovrold Wh" i ENV 4 :4 Sore LEHIG3 I ivy's 601 Lebizt tfi 01111 taring 7- 1 re No or IA lekt 1- i 4 a -c I -t 3 1 I it 19 3 1 1 2 5 ti 1 ti I to 1 9 a 1 4 1- 0 I if LI i a a it i ll 5 11 11 -r 4 -t 1 it 1 -g4 ti 1091'414Y- RESPONSIBLE FOR THREE TOUCHDOWNS Sixty-Yard Run by Woodworth Long Sprints by Dexbehner and Spencer With Hampton's Vicious Defensive Play Fea- taro Plucky Fight of Light Local Eleven lity Staff Correspondent) KlIOXVIIL10 Tenn Nov Raineyi-Tenessee'ts phenomenal with some little' assistance from -his linemen-and Carroll at left end de--tested Chattanooga's plUcky little eleven this afternoon In-the most 'sensational gaunt of the year In Knoxville The bat- 1 tle was chock full of thrills balm-sising plars-and situations 'The pluck of the little -eleverr! from the of old I Lookout brought manY outbursts of aP' planes from the assembled faithful of Tennessee- The Vois scored once in the first half on a 'brilliantly executed for- word pass They scored two more touch the Chattanoogens were frayed worn Woodworth being to leave the gamey and others The final count was 21 te -trusty toe -kicked All three gealt0 Three times Chattanooga had the ball wititbi a Sew yards of the l'eunessee goal- flier time they came within cur lug --distance- the -renneeltee forwards would suifen'or an error lo judgment wttind spoil the chance troodwortii Spencer ittampton and tPegheimer ithertotted in end lashes for- many yards he tto -produce the-acore was never deliveredaud ad the opporsualties were squandered- 4 One untinie after ttte itick-olf the Chattanuogans sent spasms of 'terror down the spines -of Teuneueee rooters Tennessee tailed to gain atter receiving the kick-off and putted On thlr very first play Speucer tore around left end for 30 yard and Desheimer immediately hurried around the other end for Snore placing the bail on Tenuesisee's 3- yard hue' ennessee rooters were silent and amazed the eleven joiniug them in a hazy belief that it was all a dreamUoodworth sneaked through the hue for 8 yards and Spencer tore off 6 more Then a most horrible mistake Dexheimer as tried on-an-cud run and ran far back trying to get aclear geld There could be but one-result instead of knocking on the goal line the Moccasins 14 yards away and the chance was gone An attempt at place kick failed auspense in the Tennessee stands during the unexpected situation wits deep and shout of joy greeted the eto- eaRe- Chattanooga outplayed Tennessee for the rest of the first period save for one rush down the field which ended with a long forward pass to Carroll on a trick formation for a touchdown The goal would 'never have been made ott straight foottiall Woodworth intercepted a for-'ward pass for one 60-yard retnru: Hampton bucked for repeated advances 'and both Dexheimer and Spencer cif cled the ends Twice a Moccasin runner bad- a clear-field Once Spencer slipped in the mud and-went down: Woodworth "on his long run was slowed up enough by -his last tackler -for nnother player te-reaelt-htm from behind Conspicuous- tn the -defense of the MoccasinsAts well as a star on offense was 13Ig Hampton The Athenian threw runny Volunteer bark for a loss downed them eletonsly- andcsuged many to remember his fierce play "Who is the "Watch the biw fellow" ripplest-throttgb the -stand Little Wood- worth distinguished himself in many -V potato of Ditty retorning punts and run' taint welli -V Two Chattanooga players' showed mar- velons Improvement McWhorter spilled Interferenee grandly got many tackles and was In the thick of every plRy In his vicinity Orr at left taekle dove Into the frey with tremetirtons spirit stopped homy ploys bark of the line nnd some of his tackles -in the open field were hard Twicehe screed the Chstta' news st0111 by hard tackles of the It ft iney when other tacklers had passed him up The transformntion in the piny of the big tackle wns remarkab'e to those who hRd seen him in pre-lions games Ps ce I so was busy at 'center and was through on many occa- 1110114 The left side of Tennessee's line fen- turine the breezing play of big Kerr irnRrd Capt Hayley at tackle and Carroll on end was too much for Its opposition and Chattanooga made a grRve mistake by continuing to try that side One of these three players downed 'nearly every attempt to gain over that section of the field and Kerr and Hayley frequently broke through and nailed plays from behind Tennessee eTperimented with Kelly the 200-pounder at ftelbssk and he failed to come through with the worogiq ss ground gm iner In the 'sat half a -Ke'ly was placed hack at tackle Mars in at quarter and Rainey to half The new arrantement seemed srontly to the old mo! Coash Cloven-ger probably will nse little Maya retruA lite' from now on Rs he is a much better field reneral than Retney fulsome praise could hnrdly be written of Rainey on the hnsix of his inftividnal play today Times almost without number he was called on in the pinch when it seemed that -Tennessee lose the hall Not one of the other backs conid gain consistently but Once sta rted wls almost irre-eistible It took three or four tnrklers -to atop him whether they tot him higa or Mw Without Rainey there would be different story -to tell of the game Car- Tennetimeers other boasted star eorreled two forwerd passe which were directly connected with two of Tomes FOR THREE TOUCHDOWNS Sixty-Yard Run by Woodworth Long Sprints by Dexhehner and 'Mous Spencer With Hampton's Defensive Play Fe- tare Plucky Fight of Light -4: 0' Local Eleven 4' t131' Star Correspondent) 1: superior to the old PM Coach Clerea: leer probably will nse little Mays reitil- Alar'y from now on as he is a much bet- Wri ter field than Rainey oo fulsome praise enuld asis hardly be ten of Rainey on the of him play today Time almoat WithOnt flambe? he was called inn in the pinch when it seemed that IrenneRNPe lose the bill Not one of the backs conic! Kiln consistently but once istarted was almost irre- slatible It tank three or four tacklers tO stop him whether they hit him bleu or Mw Without Rainey there wouM be oft atuerent anor 40 tell of the game Car- r011----Tenneumeers other bowed star two forward which were doectir connected with two of Tenons- that the pass of Rainey to Carroll is one of the best yet at both ends Ver-Wiebe the old Harvard star refereed the gatne to the complete satisfaction of both elevens his work being strictly imilartial and his conduct of the game sanppy and thorongh Tapp former-assistant physical director of the Chattanooga A and now physical director of the Knoxville A served as head umpire Chattanooga's Opening Rush Appals Volunteers DeXheimer kicked off Tennessee fumbled on the first play and Rainey's 8-yard gain was not enough to make it first down Sutherland pulled a neat tackle of the auburn-topped star Carroll punted Spencer romped around end for 35 yards He isrumbled and lei after he hada clear field Dextteimer immediately circled the other end for 25 yards- placing the ball on Tennessee's 13-yard line amid sickening heart throos by Volunteer supporters Two off tack plays gained 9 yards but Dexbeimer's wide out end run lost 15 yards A place kick was tried which went wide for -a touch back Tennessee fairly Mashed her way tiown field over the lighter but gamely fighting Chattanoogans Rainey finally stopped the short gun stbff with a ripping run for 20 yards Two plays failed again Rainey came to the rescue with a 15-yard run it seeming impos table to keep him from getting past the secondary to the waiting Woody Hampton eerspping fiercely just here threw two Tiger plays back Dexheinter threw another and an attempted forward pass hit the ground Chattanooga failed to gain was penalized for off-side play and Hampton punted Orr pulled a refit tackle off Rainey and two other ays made but short gains On the fourth down Rainey saved the ball with a great 9-yard sprint Strategy Brings Tennessee's Touchdown The Vole used strategy just here Chattanooga held on two plays Rainey called a formation as if for another end run The Chattanoogans matoed for him as One man Instead of forward Rainey ran backward and threw the ball far over the line to Carroll who was directly under the gaal posts Be had but to touch' it th the gerund and Tennessee had scored ear roll kicked goal Tenneasee 7 Chattanooga Chattanooga received the kick-off and failed to gain 10 yards in three tries Woodworth pulled a neat play here Hampton's punt was momentarily fumbled by Rainey Jumping in the air Woodworth knocked the ball out of Rainey's hands and then recovered it Two plays failed to gain as the period ended Hampton's punt in the beginning of the second quarter was short and out of bounds Tennessee made 11 yards in five plays but a fumble gave Capt Tex a chance to capture the ball and be did so with great speed The Tennessee tackles were busy on the next three plays and Hampton punted 25 yards Rainey made a brilliant 15 yard return Orr tackling him May went to quarter for Tennessee Rainey to right half Lindsay to fullback Kelly back to left tackle Rainey dashed for 8 yards and May sigualleed his entrance into the game with a 25 yard run Thie put the ball in dancesous proximity to the Chattanooea g-al posts The Chattanooga defense stiffened and Tennessee wee forced to try a fornard pass on the fourth down Woodworth Makes Great Run of Sixty-Two Yards Woodworth intercepted the pass intended for Carroll right on the ell line and with two Nloecasins interfering for him ran it (2 yards down the Pell Rainey missed him bet slowel him enough for Chandler to nail him from behind Two plays made but short gains and then Hamnton brought another thrill with a drill right through the line for 23 yard Onee more Chattanooga ineked but 12 yards of a tonchdown Spereer got yards het the lino fa pilled two playe and Carroll intercepted a forward pass intended fox Setherland Wood worth a gs in did fa moettiv when be returned Carroll'e 40 rani pent from behind the eon) line 20 taeala etacine tl'e hell on the 20-yard Fne The Moeensira (yield not rein ottel after three tries Deeheimer attempted a nhee kek which went wild as the half ended Spencer Makes Pretty run g1re Iplace to Scott The Moccasins could not gain and Hampton ripped off a 40 yard punt I McWhorter pulled a great dump' of i ilayley the Tennessee captain hitting the earth so hard that be took time out 1 The forward pass saved the Vole here McClure receiving one for a 20 yard advance: Rainey scurried for 8 yards May for 3 but the ball was fnmbled and McWhorter was on it in a trice The Tennessee line was breaking through and after failing to gain Hampton punted Ellin spilled Rainer swain Tonnes3Ree fumbled and then Scott knbcked a forward max right out of a Tennes- see man's hands a neat piny by lied Carroll punted and the third neriod ended with the score still standing at I 7 to Forward Pass Again Works 4 i When Straight Puy Fails Scott wen an ou-stue kick which I went 2 3ara to Maas Maya tore o1 1 yaws tint tile tiittanotgi ueteinie atttleueu au it-tott agatp p4A1 a pretty pkay un au attetupteu torwaru pass 1)t It Lig it to 1 Ise ground AIJ kbates via8 tried Oil the utaer Niue of the ne and worked Carrod gatnatg 31 yarns on the first pia) tAertatte Hattie 14 autthed tackle 5 yards for a touchdown cat-roll kicked goal lettnessee 14 Chattanooga tt Wirier returned Kelly's kick-off 80 yaros but Chattanooga could hot gan and Scott- kicsed spencer cepted a letwogiee -tora-ard pada 1 Le Usual procedure of three plays and at punt folowed Rainey ripped off snAtber 25-yard run and tour like inays barely made it first down Rainey poot by for another 14-)ard dash but Chattanooga would not let the pther Telinesaee bacss gain and a place-kick was tried by Carroll which resulted in a touchback it was a beautiful etlort missing by but a few inches Chattanooga scrimmaged on the 2O-yard tine and a forward pass was intercepted Tennessee Wati quick to dash into the breach Three toes in succession Rainey carried the ball The first time Le gained t4 yards The next time McWhorter a brilliant tackle for an 8-yard loss but on the third he swept around Chattanooga's right end for 20 yards and a final touchdown Carroll punted out and then kicked 'goal Tennessee 21: Cbattanoogs Chattanooga received it nd Hampton tnanlefi the line for 1 yards as time was ea fled Line-up Chattanooga Tennessee MCWhorter I a Carl 01 I Orr I Ilayley I Harbour I Kerr 1 Page McLean Metean Vowell Taylor Taylor Kelly Sutherland a McClure Chandler I Woodworth Dex- Rainey Mays qb helmet- (lb Thomason 1 14pencer Lindsay Rainey Hampton lb Kelly Lindsay fb (2) Carroll Goals from air oil (3) Wiebe Training sebool Time of perio4s-15 15 1 12 12 NEVER THREATENED Princeton Leaves Holy Cross Behind by 54 to co PRLNCIETON Nov reconstructed football eleven defeated Holy Cross this afternoon by 54 to The visitors neer threatened Irinceton goal line The Tiger abosen the reauit of the past week of regeneration by displayIng a series of foraaril passes nettng gains trow to 35 yurus with Capt Li Bakers left half Law rigat huz Hanuntuad left end and Glick quarter doing the bulk of the work In addition Princeton opened up her game with Baker tiashil around the ends Glick faking passes for quarterback runs through the line and Law faking kick formations for forward passes Princeton also showed a punter of ability in Law whose kick averaged 30 yards Princeton made frequent fumbles and suffered frequent penalties for Offside and using the hands illegally 1913 ATTENDANCE DOPE Chattanooga Sixth Topping New Orleans and Montgomery LITTLE ROCK Ark Nov Kavanaugh president of the Sonthern league today announced the paid attendance figures of the Southern league A total of S6557 people saw the games The figures for each town are as follos: Atlanta 191272: Birmingham i 1 1 1 I i pretty well Jhusnie and into prei ty given time antiafied with both Doe and thnks that they will develop good players if they are juat A ROLLS UP BIG SCORE ON BAYLOR-COUTS Barr Sustains Broken Rib During Frequent SPectot to rhe Cizattanooto 1 totes SEWANFE 'Fenn Nov Military Academy eleven oterwiteliceil Baylor st-hool eleven of Chattanooga here today winning by 63 to making eight touchdewns and Sticking live goals Carter Fritts and lichens abhor were able to cupe nith As crushing offense Latub nho replaced Barr after the latter was out with a broken rib walle to rubs one for and the other for 26 yards Fritts also carried the ball well Duucan tt As big tackle was a cower n-litle the tacktield was steady Lazenby made A brst touchdown recove-ing a fumble anti running 26 yards across the line Dun-(an mode tile second on a 35-yaril end ran Only two counts were nuide ic the first half In the third period Ile niered the due for a Coird ecinter in the fourth period the cadets romped Line-up llaylor-k-outs-0 NI A-63 Massey eu rainier cen Itryant-Shmien4 lg 1 I I hokery I Nieons-Doncau i Iicketis- l'alufer I 1 ram atell I hill I LitLeahy- i'Ve Nert- Hays Mca us aylor Combs N't bite arter -I oily ts Duncon-Tolly Darr IC)1 mut) qb Folts-McNeel TI mpir Dead in inie ot ut al ters-12 iut i tec oals from 6 Touchdon LuzeLoy DIIIICSD Telly and Pyle Bristol Game Postponed specutt I he Lhattango I 111ST01 Tenn Nv of football fans here felt Iseenly the elsarpointnient this afternoon when it was announce that the col teani wouiI he kitiO bi I it III for the chednied wtine with King 4 -f 's tolirnre 1)11 Variloaint hold (hie to a (1-- l' 30 I 'sum in I mra reriod p-hisl' 1144A4-11'N e111v0T1 At 39 eton Lehigh 64 0 Ilol tW1e 1-17117iolled tip with a 100 (lift- Lived train Ti was postponed I lf for At Pe 'art- i '1 ne In the third period the Moccasins re- 409 Chattanooga 86343 New Orleans cross Ix mond ring which tas ureseHted him as ntitil Monday" afternoon of I ceived the kick-off and failed to gain 79804 Montgomery 64494 At New Raven 16 the most popthir tuan In the Pottle Coast If :1 1 of xt-'I' ''-'2- reneral Hampton's kiek was bloeked but Page Yale ti leagne Ile is not up over It recovered the ball Hampton and Des YALE QUARTER BREAKS JAW to 34 inod George GIANTS NOSE OUT In i i3O Itict rsPri tag 01(1103 hnt wears It succeeded in making It first down in At ith 1ewing wn Lvty and a gr-at deal of diunity c-1(ts ro 1ef t1 zfrnatrnd so TIT '--'1124111ridnR1 three plays Hayley threw one play At of pennsyl- It Is hardly urohaloe thlti be Will he seen tinri back 5 yards but Spencer came thror gh NEW HAVEN Conn Nov varia 17 PennsYlvani State collee 0 aund any Of the hatulonts Of the fan for Percy Defeat Chicago Americans in Close 1-- I ttp Fierovi wo1wri t'SRIP 7 with a 25- 3-ard daah Two plays failed Cornish Jr Yale's best quarteHack will At Orono 3: Colby a few days yet or at least for a day or tili gro Game but on a fumble Orr recovered for a not pin foothall aTain this season His At Lewiston 7: Howdoin 10 two as th an elderly is a elderly ge( tletuen over n-i ll first down Again the Moecasins ro(it ii rf(-r I' 1 0 11 Telt r1 with Jaw was broken during the game with Col- At Carlisle---4-e1tYsburg 13 DI al Shepherd who' has Loon folio Wing Tex Nov I NPVI 'fork 0r on 0 ft "To 11 hn 30 yards to pl to the glal line could sate here this- afternoon anti tonight Dr- Son 39 the career of James in It4 every detail for tIre this naowtee(r11100qtnthlteLli! 2 In ase we ilih se 1 rvi n11etst not gain and May intercepted a forward Leonard Sanford the niversity physician At Amherst 21 Ain- seral monhs and there are two or thre ittnp ev6 pass Ralpey wrieled for 11 yards be- stated that because of his injury Cornisb berat 7 little things air atinEired iii the box nd Wilt re hit fregnentiv lint Wilt bad st )1i-ie' 1 2 fore Orr made a hefty tackle Slither- would not he able to get into the game At Chester Military svores lust sumuer which wUl Lave to be shade the be of thlea s- Sore 1 i 1 oi -1 5 6 8 ('7- land then pulled a r- Innings 1 3 4 7 II II: el 1 i 21We at tackle of again this year McLa ghlin a Colgate Academy 27 St Johns told all over again (-Meng() 0000 3 8 0 I I Rainey for a loss Two more Ways substitute end it was learned tonight dis- At Pottstown Pa-11111 Academy 19: Jimmie 's fatt er is the huggiest of the Npw york 00004 Ant tailed and Carroll pnnted Woodworth located his shoulder during the last llarvard freshmen 12 bags ani believes in baring the game a 9 2 i i CR I i rriv t'' et was groggy and merely received the period but finished the game At Lncaster and Mar- layed aa it should be played He la auBdatiuteely-lees--rcraber and Benz Daley winse fliatiimdthe visitors conic' not gain thrOwe i -1 Dash in Third Period In the third period the Moceaaina received the kick-off and failed to gain Hampton's kiek was bloeked but Page recovered the ball Hampton and Dex succeeded in making it first down in three plays Hayley threw one play back 5 yards but Spencer came throrgh with a 25 yard damh Two plays failed hut on a fumble Orr recovered for a first down Again the Moecaains with 30 yards to ge to the glal line could not gain and Nlay intercepted a forward pass Raljtey wrieled for 11 yards before Orr made a hefty tackle Sutherland then pulled a El-eat tackle of Rainey for a loss Two more failed and Carroll punted Woodworth was groggy and merely received the 152135: Memphis 110441: Nashville 101659: Mobile 101- 409 Chattanooga 86343: New Orleans 79804 Montgomery 64494 YALE QUARTER BREAKS JAW NEIV HAVEN Conn Nov 1-sPercy Cornish Jr Yale' best quarteHaek will not play foothall again this season His Jaw was broken during the game with Colgate here this afternoon anti tonight Dr Leonard Sanford the university physielan stated that because of his injury Cornish would not he able to get into the game again this year McLaughlin a Colgate substitute end it was learned tonight dislocated his shoulder during the last period but thalsiled the game At 33 Lehigh At 54 holy Cross At New Haven 16 Yale At 84 Georgetown At of Pennsylvitida 17 Pennsylvania State college 0 At Orono 3: Colby At Lewboon 7 itowdoin 10 At 13 Di- uson 39 At Amherst 21 Amherst 7 At Chester Military Academy 27 gt Johns At Pottstown Pa-11111 Academy 19 Harvard freshmen 12 At Lancaster and Mar St isstionary ridge James is 111 dolled tip with a S'00 diamond rine which was ureseoted him as the most popular man Ito the Me Coast Ile Is not foiell up aver It thetigh hitt wears It with Leo oonoing mod Lsty and a great deal of dignity It Is hardly probalole that be will he seen around any of the hanilonts of the fan for a few days yet or tit leaat for a day or two as there is an elderly geo tietuen over about Sloepherti who has Leen fallowing the career of James ij ita every detail for several monhs and there are two or thre6 little things oich appeared Ito the box setores lest sumner which wUl Lave to be told all over again imitate's fatt er Is the htiggiest of the bags aul believes In havlog the grime played aa It should be played He Is toliPtre Varniount held doe to a delayed train 1 we was postpone LILO' lottday Afternoon GIANTS NOSE OUT Defeat Chicago Americans in Close Game TIEAT-MONT Tex Nov I NPTV YOrk I Nationals nowed nit the Alneriun there this afternoon 2 to 2 Roth Fiiller Iand Wiltse were hit fregnently Iit wijt bad shade the best of the bleatis StOri Innings 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 Chivago 0 0001000I-2 8 0 NP York 00002 001s-3 9 2 and Benz Daley Wiltse a nd Meyers 1 ri NN y1 ri qI Inr1 fsf sine for nnnt 10 flie li i nPrg and LIPV C41'79tP ritr)t en-1 fell on it In tto lact tseei 1 I1r nk COlfintel 1Pft I1Rri ScTIT t1Pfl ittr17)tg fNrn "7i-varcl line for from plaocritent rSMP I 10440 311t rcr scored It flIP T1 "1r nyon fillet "tt 1 17 TO rtin 110 17 a Cl1Prng6 V'1A' 11htit1 I -7i 104 Capt Ketoittn ft glom v(irklind rn 1P AfrPli sttii the visitors conic: riot gain thrOW him rf s' 1 1 I I I I 1 2-.

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