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The South-Carolina Gazette; and Country Journal from Charleston, South Carolina • 3

Charleston, South Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

tt W41: 4it hfr 44 et 1114 tlU kit toot-A 4iD Stattrf l' t7 1141f 4it thc oar tit a ck iv tit 01 4t ri A Z4 rty oitt 2 e1 too vI A of TrailLT LAZ'7r3i Id: 144 ozft ot 4 ar 47 f1 'Vt et7LISILTD aid it At St I1L C4 4 1111 it tar '4'1 EtZ III 1ti t'y itt ri i 1 L' 't litt 13 1 itt 'J r' itt Litgt-41 ft Li 47 II4flt :4 7i t- 4 THE t1 flitti-sise Lt: or 'EP of -CA tt 0 LI A 11 ilticiAric At A or ta?) sod crtomtros f) I 1t 114 yc 0 et le: I i 4 a 0 zs If it '1 II ARLE ST 0 No- j4miAtit 74 ONTott'1iy V-11 1)th tle Ate(4y o6 chc1: oon 1htay Szz-ioty lira Le11141e eevilA tho tInart ortizers of c411 Sctitty wut ail te-tleaed Ni4 116 tho LteuttoantCotraner etttlitra C61--riel M53ivikilt tf'i VilCC PrelaJtot Thnina Gtiob11 iJn 1'- TItAt'vrtt i ItwAr3t tvincCo Ili Ictew6t41 leirt Cok-41i betictary mad Cut rellionikest I infl Jr baitioti Liiltalan- hor(day 164 the V--ift114e Maler fiont the 0 a vi t1ondi6a4 vv!) A CArta Of Lcgwixtill din411161-1in7 lot Londaa pot tia 1Cic tar NVrer arld pruviARI Lott Satorday 04 Ship Illy jairtii Scott Mafia 16il1 for London in ortwrn went eationte a Mr V' illilin Pailt ay Mt Co Mr In131 Flory aorl 1rric othet6 The General 1141'441411y of thit il to tict 1110 ttis Day egtriable to the WI Prorogati Mona tit o) Mr 16coh lovbt to Mils Mary ihrlby Mr George Httiot NIL-rail-4 lo GentgeTowo to Mils Satah Tucker ot Cap 'riomas Alltion ion Ltill to Mirs Riad VrortDatighqr ct M401-ttri rasta vt I Et 3c pc( lb 1 Sty a a 11 A I ST 0 Nts- jottiv4ty :4: Tattftxy ils 13tft 1441 a Au ntit (4y ct a Toon 114a aettiv held 1-Att wtiva that tomer ottictr of kaid Sraitty wti a ail acalsaad Nis Ms flocwr tho LtettatnatatCocraner erattent Gst-taal Ma itatilt kfi Pra tidant Thettaaa itb11 lJn 7 Tt tAtvrti i 1-00t tatatacr LAI ic emit biei cur) mad Cut- rativeutent old Mt Salvor rtice Lilltrtan Thettday 14 Pia Sl-iii Rove Thcrnas Mlltry' 014 vt mitt A CAr14 a dir-I g-I fiAellt fliat id 141C tat 'Wrier and PravetriJaa a 3 (4' It I Oge Laid CIAa 775 bcrs t' 11-od te Eqic or Le :1 Year and cle et tls Itlajcit! 1)s RG th TI evrtainin an Elh(rnalto i the Phicta A cad of tt Weatkct and Sz3ra rt ar-1 stttiog tor tlicry Day in Os Vvit Wtor at Ci itc1 7ot spur! Tata Day tr hoiiutlg SwIN-CIrao44 and Cf(a Lilt of Puiwli4 The Nr6r3 egfats Cult tor ml thc a A Cure for the elnkfai Mr11owald'a kerviet ior turn1 Va I L1MC DItcrnper Scurvy IkbrultAtfnl 111 A Receipt for caring Corels A nottA Puiltvitive tozAti Lr Man and Batl DAeription cL et Rod t'zoushout tho einem An Interaft Tatelt at EistA cc Ctrt oar Lotti C1-11 1775 1fr t' Tt-od al at ilitsIttar alt LA 41i tat an et -d te l'Itt!) Fo-itt) ei 1'41 itiajCit V1 6 GtoRGE th TI 3 evrtaiturt bo rih4tnvi 1 rti i i the Pheata and 1414tilitaolalWeatitra i Son Ikl 'and 11ctii Sz3ft R4 es 414 sttaieg ter lottly nil ill tte Volt i Wier Wto sr CI Ir10 Zi-ct spur Illicit 1)a)t 14 lloi1 145 tintnt An Intci1tTac Eistt cr Ctrt By BENJAMIN vvEsT It ii By 'BENJANIINT WEST re iNtutts cil sttorwarit art! in tilt pusrii tpi lArgef hittt tol'L14h) tf (soft imptotvatt is cow it pvi itite 4 uthir paifvulet drier 141 IvrLANTATIOS r1'f ileI c-0114t134 3140 413'414 Ctu03 fluthtei Dorcheiter suit ktiortklii tuit olt 111J rth of ith Wear Elit IWEAF lag Al EAtinvit1 otJ Vtjtao RIOS liatmAtti lana 110w ttt It Eli Ed en the ti4 thttiZ fldlor4 Lit ittl ONg 1)i Or 0tra boat me two good driven) my Ct(I rwytt4irr1 hourt triztoct unit i It! Iteb 4 A thfill totmlirt Ihnto ifl prrirt 8)I1 kPree31 romp of the 1aI i tett) 4t the to be eittted at tmclity ii pAid to VA NI ti eL IIINEN1-MENOMMINIM01100101111MINVIIMMONE001 ernommalsommoWn wwwao odudeglow vomonsolomo ALL ivirg ony 1)eirlto-0 ti the Ate 11v4 91c it sit td4cA 10 rend it) their ekccuntifr) iyrity 140 I ur1 thoe wire 4icbcJ arc ityteirts4 to wilAkeVI)rotti to iotiN 1)14 rtrt ii sPhoors bl t4: ViliLi a I stttwatJt ta w0 vtiot -1 4 11 4 4 I i 4 0 A dlitNa 11 11 F314 "t'' 01 fePll tt t'l I' l'itil rin-L cai4141 "'I" -fl (- 'al gNz4" -I astbtr atilltuaNatt 14 c1 i--w 0 46 ow I I Liwolt 4 Att-lvt I jtaa4 coJ ectegArti Iana t-aw or Lit ct ri-41 IA in at tiNiticuz ttLi (1 Lit it et ONg ND ALL) lt ''oes 14011A lit IONA MINUS (4 my tit rgrtt-ti t--31retil Aid riwyot 74 Isitr rt hourt tirtots malt silt I 1 21 0-411114 hoult tiztots malt ast I tou IC4 0( commit twit in prrica 610 ereezat of the fait mo Ora tht pirttly I LO Ilti 146a Imligy CANItteL A LL l'ttrIrts Ittv'-0 on) 1)colo4 inti tht EAtIP t1' 1 tel41 ski forift trvavier ls 1E11 oioril oar ll'ort I Pio oar fait Leratt tut I LiScrths arrtt at thiii prtanic Rale stpl trio land to littirothow 14114 Forit cki4 Nero as be tigkts Ito At MASS I for Froaoro frat4 rhis yoo COovill sod yoar tone c4olthiot ithiltralt Otprottoit--tra at Ambition's Irtrgt Toticht tiny dor: thir Sargt ttra your elkoler'd ILAN ihs rtf1or'1 daJTyronts trocile svics yam irdofit '4A si CreNt Allowance made to thofe who buy to trptCiAlil it they ke a Q4antity IrliERE ALSO itur BE 1130 A Minitterial AT 111S tultable to be leArtitd by all modon Provindal Goya-via Pt rtionti a 1))acemto Ate Lateens stamoNs TO ASStSt teko41 ski lwift 111:1:11 144 111-14 oar jalt Rl44 I LiSteths ervet Iffeld wt ot tv Fannie A ma Dlr" trif to firt1 Dar those oiArel :1414114 I Fifth' Nr bt iiiPbrt ft BoonJ AxitaleAsst rotA thits yeti? ect puhr tone cmhiat -11 IN bitiz4ea 11 c11011110111trusti etrw aod TOlitbt 41'er (1N'Y diet trocble ass irdolit Cfc N5 AlIowance made to thofe who buy to cfnectIlig It they vibe a ouantite WO ERE ALso film tr A Minirterial CATECHISE Nit Able to be leArricd 141 ado es 4oU At A 41s Minifterial ATEC HIS ruitAble to be leArricd by MI modon Proindal Covavis Pt (loth's P)Accmto ate Cita IA littl or 1A A 4: yog COTOM-110VSI EST11111 IhWA11111 Frtia Snow Swallow aobatt Mee lea Geo Oa $Ilh ork Induftty Hutt) Sentrh --Capt-Ni4hola-Mole Schooner Savannah Packer John Tomer ShipWilliarn Thornas Cla1ott Schooner Thorogoo4 William Pitt Georgia Ship Alexander Thomas IthodeIlland aoth Schooner For Edward North itttniippl Ship flopr Thomas itchdH tionthirat sift Schooner Endeavour ewaret adroit Nt-v-Providtnce Schoontr Sr Ann Duncan McNc1 Jamaica a34 Sloop Indultry James Godfrey yitn ENTRISII OUTWAD110 144' 10 Snow Eagle Hnry Darns Cowes Ship ywart rtic4Ard Liverpool rot ILOTom-Iloval Cet'rgil IthoecIlland ittientini 11 -Pr ovIdtnce artliaCa rs Cow CS LiTerpoot or 1111011101111MilmibaNnetiona Isoloklen masolowdome11111 A 0ItantIty of li IC to be 1o11 Li my Ianding'on Cooper-Ilivcr near lted Bank 11101ftwamlontoll-1NomminlikAIINNEWMMOINt mWorirdomoom11 WOWS ar A Ouantitv I lk It Ls an 0101011111000 ow ogr agnmonlllaraloloodalwol 41111MMOMOM Oormo 11110 01MMON11NO L- iANIES PURCE'LL A-NI ETA E-14 E- 1111 MIWMIN ie PO( of with I It it110 with To BE SOLD 17 Amaiosp In Widiltty its it ti 0 Pobrosty otos ot Ms flantaito itt Mr j1roto Iwo dOtitici Vick Rives di Ton tC1ii im its Foroted ifillJtfr FORTY4r1V Et v4luxble riEGROgit Vel eh Castle sod rimattatiola Too's rad (cm 11taht uoilutet belottiOr IA tht nalli Cli rttr 7dimilit ritvii dectated 'the Pureitaters may WV CINJii Vvirt airca tectuilys to tile Viral n( Pinar ow RLIZ ABETII BROCKINU rot' tictcuttix 1011t4 ECOTTo Extcutor4 tio11 le Irldctty itt ILJ thiltNiti itt Mt Jie lwo um di Tei im Forottoo VIVEI trtluttble NEGRI-41i Aotstiox Too's rtht (cm 11iti1t1) tho Vitog Mr 7amti filviir 41 may iavs CaJii irt To BB soLD itmaioot to waupo itt 01 fibroory scat 0 Ms tisoGatoa Attie Jiwel "IF diataPrai ditil Riaati Rival At Tit aLLEI iAo rAriosAim IFP1P Ww rmor wrw- 0" qt In- 'Tow jjj 1' Fug 1-7-rtvg viluAble INFAIKLtEiit the LAttle atla riltntittktf4 T(4Se i (cm 11talwid Fooilutet belottiOr tC11 tht Moe of Mr Yam's latviirs dectateds The Purehaters may have oirt alTrivta tecutilys to the Viral n( tinna" ow RLIZABETII AROCKINUT0111 tictcuttix ttitiNt traTT Sloop Thomas Anthony Solomon Gibbet St Kitts Sloop Swift Benjamin Stone Barbados Brig Rambler George Cabbott St Croix soth Schooner Hawke Philip T1wath Cowes 7ast CLItARED rote DIPAST111116 For s7th Bug Barbados Ptcket William Hawkins Balbados Sloop William Sr loreph Beojamin Pitt Tobago Schooner Bettey Polly Samuel Stone Georgia Bdg Franklin Thomas 'yell Perth-Amboy Brig It lendthipt John Ltwih New-York Ship taller Stcpben Bee Bon London glop Polly John Conyers It Kitts oth Schooner Beggar'sBenifon lereviah Yates Georgia ScionTeri Sunbury Padget lerentiAlt Dickinion Ditto Ship Polly Friend Streeten Oporto IL Sloop Ranger itichard King St Kitt Sloop NewYork Pa )(et Jets Hunt New-York Brig Sufannah Robert Crawford Oportri ald Ship Ann William Ward Ditto XV)-1)111r1)X )CCV MellZ( NEW ADVER1 ISENIENTS I 1)7 Tkt amemosonem Inonommonowatoomummounowlmaymms ESIttES aq Pet f4ns to whtm he is indebted to tender io him their AccolpIta on cr haute the soth Da of reveal' mitt so he is detet mined abotit that Tims to leave the Provinces NJ Raqueits thede indebted Win to pay tIi their itccountsi or fettle told SalistafLon tefote that Pay Ile La ono by bun ler Soft A 0zantity of Paikeee POItTER in Bottles and Est odotrit any one taking not Itti than ten Potin may have tot Cott and Chaigets A TENT-BED ard PAVILLION and a large Ma- IhLtany BUREAU 144 to of 0111111010to 0 9b VERY neat Tambour work Aprons Ruffles and handkerchiefs and a few Dozens of Parker's Potter to be fold cheap for Cafh by FELIX sotamommodi Aoommmono wmomosomemo goommoommoommougoommoom amowoo womowsev rrUilt COrAtTtilit01111 of LEGARE Pit KIN SON th: InitantThore Petrone oho have Demands on the raid Concen sie tlf ford in frrid thtth la til1 lb ubitittoro wbo tIJ the Docks in Ms lianettAll PetreM1 indebted to atm ate defiled to take Notice ILA no other Pelfn Can Dittitatge SAMUEL LILO ARE SIRES Pet Cos t) whvn he is indebted to ctntier 1 7- A a so tutu ineirkncc41)Its "an trtnctoul Ina 20111:14701 ebrealy mato as he It cett1minc4 auvut taat salt tki Agave the Protnee aids at I IIu glitismial IV 4 I iiii leA Mil inotoommail or tit ot to Lis SloistifLon 14)efort thot tit cal morn? (7 CM or omits A glaalitY of Pokeea POItTER Bolla and Ear whirl any ont taking- ma WI than ten Dutinb may have tor Cost and Chatttx A TENT-RED Ard AVILLIO ant a largabla- i L14111 IA Ob Ko S-1 41 tit tV 1 1E 7 neat Tambour work Aprons Atol 11L 1 Ai rikt04 a IL lI 1010 ea for Cafh by FELIX trARLEr emomoomoulmoossodiftowmmono Imm000ssmoomqmommipoomoomersugookoonommowmp-tmqmono rirtlift SUIP of ISIC1Alltt El 1)1 tK1144 --T 10100116 yp r'or 14 7 t4 po UN!) by a Nigro allD RISC licitb 4 lost leistevsr twos Ito foot ttia tavo it ly toys lit for ibis alvtrtiltattit sold givirg 1'041 fruurd It tts Negro lor bit totttlrs ifItty to 11)r1RD mompo mooleboutionsibenonno lion NTO LEN aitvay tho Id of Dittoter laft film! Mrts Yatall latthog of 7oass Vac a 41r111 CANOE' 16 Jett loNg mod fltt to lot it 444 es kir 104N1 IhUPariortelit't 114:110 1 l't 041114 tJti VI gassil 114 float jbart bbit tile ibrt (44ta'io tor itolv ALI tramit1 ea III to! It 411 tor Itra 10s of rely rd tf Pols he civiv to eji 'trite flat tvi1 lator riation quhtre lbs st or '41thiar lir ill tio-efirr ONIS 144461 701114 MPERS sinsamorommln liminnommenuomio illiatatamemweeftwmmsogioonnown amomannummorowit 'ti life -Of PsI 04 7QUND 111 ortsri a al LD RISC itvitb a urt4 4 ittaits irbitwir twas Aixt maJ ovv it iy toY pair AS 11111 I gfrlit I If 1 slIft1 "Id'Rgt 7'411 11114- 7()I111 EIVE Rt lames 11114d VISIMIIIIMMPoo1001111100MnolireoliWIN 110000MMUNNIIIMINNIt oibelormmU6Alw 1110 11 ilt ea ir 13ItOUCHT TOT WO It A101 I A 11 -1e(143SA jA72 701ad7 Il 1773 A 11 oegro woman' 611 tat tixole is F01'1114011 Cat Mot tell her count tor itikt tuellu's name lite it lett a inch' hglit about In sear ct tet of a yellows cwt 1 hao On 1111t Aggro cloth jacket nd petticoat l'aken up at Mr hrsaiiit' plantbons io from town Janitor 171 1775 A MKT negro womant far her 111MO Juolvt of the begot coontlys hut citonot tell het mil ter'a 111Mit nit is kit highostv3Ut years old I kat VII 3 while negro cloth racket and petticoat Taken up on Ste tiver is milt from town MICHAEL KALTEISENo Wardmi 4 'A rt1 'Antati SIMI lost 011 3 11'4 I 7oitats7 lb 1773 Ii 11 ilegra vitturnarli t3to tat FORT11401t1 Catnot tell her count'y tor hot tuoitWo 0010 011111011 IMMO MO1001141POISOPM400 10110 110SONWINEMMIO OMISIONIOOMMII SOUTHCAROLINA hilandn ig the feveral Notices and WH of his Honour the Li a iv a siarrTGovs woo in Courrete leveral Petlons WhO have hettotolore obtained Warrants of Survey for Linde in this Go eunrilent have hitherto negialtd to carry the lame into Granu ana is nerettary that a poor time Mould be fixed for their fa doing4 in order the more etTeetually to carry hit Itall-Vi hte I SITS IONS: Triltive to the granting of Lend into Exec atien I DO HERIBY GIVE NOTI That if thd Part es poll-effect of fech Warrants do not carry the fame ioto Orsnts before the Firil Day of July next they will be deemed to have forfeited the equitable Right sod Title refereed to them by his Majetty's Greets rind that no Grants will pals alter that Day through the Offices And I DO FURTHER GIVE NOTICE unto all Perfons and fettled on Lands within this Province in Puttuance of Grantt and Surveya from the Governor of Noa TSCA a 01 I Hi That orders they obtain Grants for the fame belote the Fir) Day of Xterris next the raid Lands will be looked upon and deemed as vacant Land and will thereafter until the raw Firil Day of yeiy be granted to NO Perfons who Shall be poll-cad of loch equitable Rights to Lands in this Governmtnt as are mentioned 41- comprehended in his Majellyss faid Inftruaton that dull apply for the fame By Order of kio th LleatenantCoverner Nov ell 1774 JAMES SIMPSON SOLITH-CJIROL Honourable the CI! COI-A: ate hereby Iumrnoned to me et' in the Council Chamber on Tuel ay' the 14th Day of ''February ne xt at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon By Order of bis Honour the Lieut Governer JAMES JOHNSTON OUTHCAROLINA- CEORGETOWN-DISTRICZ Meir HEREAS at a Court of Common Pleas begun and holden at George-Town on Saturday the 16th of No 'ember 3774 jam trofert Itlia Commander Sbarty Fawley Being duly firoimoned and returned to (re as 7 tIRORS at fait' Court Marie Default and were noted for NonAppearance NOT IC is es or tam That they will be fined in the Sum of Five leash Proclamation Money' of America each urilefs they Dian refireelively make good and furficient Ex cutes upon Oath for their NonAttendacce and tranfrnit the fame to the PleasOtfice hi CharlesTown On or before the Iua Tocfday in April next will RIMELEY If 6 gthe ftveral Notices and hit tio6etit the LI I vet- ju 44 Wilt 4j it I -Y tfl kY t' jutt TO 86 SOLI) at panic l'tthimtp to Tkairthy Its sd Dar Fobtitaty soxt Val fair Dlyg if sato os It firA lair Pay ttjtors ai1g l'isatatios of is ides Joao Gaits nt di(talod 'A Parcel of FIELD NFGROES foni abaft tlerrii ilvet Witten lone Wotkmen's Toole Ifouthed Goods belunAing to the Lao or the dece3led The Conelitiont 4r the gait ere CAlt 1)t all Sums under Tye IIPTY rooms and 011 3heiyO tit Months Credit will be titan tliwn pging Inkrall) tiving 'proved Secitrity 1 Prypety not to be aiteteil mil the Cusainions toe conpIled with LU Peackne having lawful Dimanit 1-3tiritAte Ire dolitod Wog them in propelly attttted anJ ail thot art Indebted ale defiled to make ra)maint by lafl Daly SARMI GEL2dits 172comx fair tsxt I me ten's trot Ca tit tilt Edo that TO OE SOLD Audio's VI Pristfalel nal ok ire Ivelto "ex' istb bviant at zit cloth tit the Vete- moon Hogfiteuts or Mcitcovado SU 11 GA rted" in the ship Durchein of Goldolli AnlIko Campbell Matter from Jamaica sod fold to pay alit 146: pairs of the laid Ship SAMUEL PRIOIFAII jun CI Cie For PUBLIC SALE on MONDAY 41h of Fretetrottir asxtt at my Loriut no Wip Areetvill be fild to the ladder A PLANTATION or TRACT of LAW at the Creat Chita's (-me mile front Mr Kerthaw's dote jintog lands of Thinias tide) containing acre oliginally granted to Abraham Collect in the year y4S hAll abut 2 acre cleared and under fence littld a WW1 fettlement on it the fitustion for a itore or pubic hufinefs it equal to tiny in the beck puts of the proorlate and the land very tich The ctinditions will be declared at the time or Sal- A confignment of twentytfour Looking Glaffes rime very elegint and all of the newea (Alen which may be viewel any time 1)4011 the day of rale Lipuget Three oew built Tenemantt in Elittr ftrcCtf Coiletunfquare having two rOOttlit and a gartet with kitchen yaid to each they are neatly fitted up and papered bath balcony and I plialant view of Coopeektiver sod now tents at 6o1 perannum each JACOB VALK TO BE SOLO at fkkie vetsdes at the plaottatioa if Met Drown dicitafet ittoa Deft Cretb 8lack4iver St mor4'1 $aturditit the slith of hbraarl aorta at finite etioa laths fereitoon A LL the perfonal jtate of the (a Id dieted conElling of El II fire feat-until plantation NEGROES together with the houlhold futnitute fundry uterfile ti had of tattle one mare and colt one mare and gelding two and one itallion a tumble of bogs pigs tad two gimp AU perfors indebtid to the feid elate on bond note or open account are dared to difcharge the fame immediately and theft having say demands agaiaft the etlate ate 'egofled to rend itt thee accounts properly authenticated to ttr JAcott sato in Charles-Town Or to the lubicriber on the premares MARY BROVItl lk 't on ttli prtmarcs VIttl ARY BRO TvIARY BROVVII AdmirtillilltX Onmimliomdomi onomeommotaplftmoomp 4100 4061111111111Ft 1101101011111woor 104000talooMilk be be 1r IGHTY '1-lead of fine IIE EP Ej arrived from the Northward to fold cheap Al)ply to JEREMIAII BROVIFR Ii rthward to fine Northward to UI BROV'iFR Ii In Jill r- atio rani A4 17411 4'11 E''R-'': tut ft Fa -----y--- Touu LlOgGANI)OLLAR ijrsims tf a kris 0 tied COW aid CALF maria la soil ear a Apt tht tithe cAl (11t trattla qtit6 as tVtars lomettw: Ills am Revtar At)Atts mg ofto pollthci MIF 11 hash acids 147 iroodid Itt frinftriniF a aNi as of ilski lir otsui hie os pv-1 J1 IN hit' firttlad a trotitr tilout 114r1 4'14 EDWARD SMITH tf tiy 110 It atria iighi 5 part 014 iralital s4st tIt tate" trosit taAttrio 11101dAt ef a bright hey trettlij 161 tar tioltafk iiiii0 Aro abevl $3 AJi maid a kis) tie liar t11 a Iftlitr Wit111Att LANIITIRtIf et trOlviAllItIORrlokitsti IN the sett 4' as noNotiggiolitlir A71trIld es I tech its 6141 114 of 41 RD $11sJI tibo It )14Ptehl a ta(ty CAM till UULII el a pall tl tixial It It i)in trANda IN Ii if birlf4th IN ILI iiouLfir hitt tat a 64 24 jail treitr atir of ils reit krindifo a oxi co the of exit 4 ss htr firthad cld vriLa lia lb Pk Ai tit itift I I ttr ftritlal a oLlut 7 104fItt: Pnair tuiru 0 a Lie it() et ----v ibi jtarl 011'6 iratis4 ilioi 1Ito tato irsif tmlAters tiosat 0 tttico of a Irigli toy trektiol i61 tat' ttlitilfk illilik to abalot il L411 tioa a ki17iijk tia Ear' di- a 'tsittr tokfii ilia A 1s r1- t- ttivrer a trottr vv A 141arat tfrrt er sloon 1171 f01'440 MP li3O114110 V10-4 oft its Irk 4 It Itt AB old 0114 Itt Itch its 0 a 441 efRo talds bibi 3140uotA a tattr titiL 1 If a tffriot 1 It taJ it vti Ircadt1 an ti I tt bkiteah vs A 44 41 016 it 11 I IN I t4 4'1 ida treltr 'lit a tAtrt tit fir: tin4 fot t--1s JI '''74'OBE SOLD A ClIEST containing a comi)leat Sett of Carpenter's and joiner'sA'Ools of the very belt Kind HENR A 1- tt A 5 161 0 CHEST a comt)leat Sett 0 of Carpenter's and Joiner 1 uols 0 the very bcit Kind rs LI it 11 1 Widow or the late RICHARD FOW1111 Uphoraeler lite tripria ilit Ms Skip MILMAID Ciptaisit CHAILLIS HARFORD fr!" LONDO ALarge quantity of paper hangtozo of the newell and genteelett failuons a great variety of bed furniture cletuns 14rn of which are very tich and elegant with a vat icty of trimmirgs to lulu bed lace line tk fte1t humhurns Luckrain Irv cloik pins belticks cheks foe lemur IN wilh a parcel of my good Engli21 ceded hairo fiat down feaihers a few pieces of very teat footled i4an for gentlemen's wear a gond alf Irtment of Eng1-1 perEans wiry cheap a few Celt of hiocifomv looking gles with gitor doles to mAtch a few very genteel Oa trlyas piclatd walnuts iSzce to be (old cheap fur A Llo at her houle ia Mcctisivn tet orp 4ite to Henry l'etont tau wq 11 She he'll' leave to intotm literate rtot oulorners 'that the 4terids to carry L11 eie 1PNCI6161LY Busts as ia all its brAncLes except taitr 16 Sbe beit leave to L(04 ro ht? late lidsr--to I 4i1 11 7 a i Cart AI lb om pt 1' In LW ial Is 1775 Gt4grgt 41'11 al'ut fart St taurt Parybe January 94 Gmthlto Ws di dark bay it I3 katil ti454 braNdfi It the WW1 Tit St takr Ptrijbs 21411mdry 9s GALPitat tods dark bay hatli 11 lit Ti I Ijr 1 GJ torrti aisb IL) urrA 4 port 011 "0117 fif tit forret 1'11'1 16'4 I) 4 4 )11rt oil tOrrit 1:3 I dr thia urd loL16 I ero 111 )1 Polly ttirt'l 11'10' I Lai a titsiCk aid ticti nvol tall ext rj Cis? Plfr's incloiid 74i vektr Pox' 1 re-ve rtt iffy diNDIltliP LI a titsia rVlip rex as1 paw 1411 tliak rsti anti grad ttrtt- 014 nvoi tall ext tt Pr ClorPtfr'si -1 ci roso 114 Oit 1' I a 44'1741 44'1 "Velar Mimi) fl-10 tii rrict -t ijirs zcil 7 Ph tifitt.

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