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Mississippi Free Trader from Natchez, Mississippi • 2

Natchez, Mississippi
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 crautr A DON Aditer Ohio who WIC arrested tor kidnapping slaves from Virginia at rarkersborg la Wood A majority of the court decided that be prisoners rhoubJ he discharged upon the groond that the offence charged did Got occur within the jorisdiction or joxisdietios extending ao farther than the Western bank of the slier at kis water lark Natcriez Dec 14 1846 its Pompoms Dear Sir--111esse insert the following resolu- ion adopted blithe Board of Visitors en Saturday 12th iast: Resolved Tbst from and after this date (Dec 12th) no pupil shall be admitted into the Natchez Infinite under is tears or exe excepting those already enrolled Resolved That the above be published in the city papers Iwo werks PATTERSON Secy ALIVERTISEI-IENUS rrillE unsold Pews in Ttinity ed for rest for the ensuing year ask the tntetill- of January scat Those pews which have be rllea curtest year a will be reserved for the preboaalle pants sbouldthey to-retala them foe the year till 12 o'clock Mottler that hour tikl rented 10 the first a ppllcants Also hie allele for account uf the Eotitlf LOOM deed The undersignett- will be la atteltdalks Church from 10 o'clock A till 2 etkiek THEODORE VENSIGER11014 dee '46-cl Treasr Trinity HE subscriber bait One Thousaaa Reibeis ehiet GULP HILL SEED and about doe saartlft 641 of MASTODON for sale at his pleated a wiles-front Payette leffersoa tunny Dect41 1846-7w BARRA rii14 lidrESS PORK--800 band 111 and Prime Pork for sale by de 18 CREGIEI Learn SADDLE HARNESS CTORY WHIP a- MANUFA i 1 I ted lot kidnapping slaves Nat-cora Dec 14 184o rrillE unold Pews 1 ow rlom 4 0 I '4'1 "En3t ffrtt cr-ritr: Ohio who wets awes 1 1 ed for rein for the missing year -'1' It Wilt from itirgr011 at followi th i otters Dear Sir-Plesse insert he resolu- bose of lanuarext alt th heiday A majority of die court decided i at pi pants should they desire to-retam ews glitch have been A DOXI 'PHAN ittutop rarkershore la Wood coulter- ita Pompoms- shoubl be discharged upon the a esvived for um ut-the roond that a charged did or occur within th jorisdie 12th iast ellee the tion adopted bf the Board of Visitors on Saturday eur'rear ear will he tritat dirt 1 tretiou extending tion of itirginia-that ruts yeat till 12 o'clock Mnher th 1 water work farther than the Wester" bank of theme' at 00 yopil be admitted into the Natchez matted to the fust srAleuts hour they till That from and after this date (Dec 13-00 kit sat a 1 lostitate under is tears of lige excepting lbOse for account of the Esuirif Alm Last? dee-Atm already enrolled tt The undersigned-- will be a atterida lo" 12Rthesalved Resolved That the attore be published in the Churth from at a I it o'clock A 141 till 2 04 I city papers two weeks THEODORE VENSIGEall 011 PATTERSON Secy dee '46-e2 Treasr Trinity am-4 AEI VERT ISO lEri l'S HE subscribes has One Thousast Resiott el 1 I GULF HILL SEED and shout thesis tity of MASTODON for sate at hin Isn Plaatatne" milvr from Fayette leffersoa comity Is -m Dee t1 1846-7w Alttlia mu liktrESS PRIME PORK--------------800 barreh OA and Prime Pork for tale by MO I8 cc EalEt Lae SADDLE HARNESS WHIP si---i'f7-'fij-1 MANUFACTORY 311 I 1 5 144'6 CI 11 1 I -MP ') 4 tr-e We are authorised -to aanounce RALPH as a tam-davit for ai die ensuing elttioa la January rip We ere authorized to aanounes JOITN IL as a candidate for the office of Maros Elle City Llectioesia the tat Monday in January '41 rt We are authorized to auaconee ROBERT u0Oas a candidate for Mayor of the tity of Natchez at the esseinglasitary election Ins tau sr authorited ea announce Mr 7011N thth111aa a eateditiate tot Sciactimax at the sent city election- 4 I lirr We are authorised to assesses JOHN WALWORTLI as a candidate for at the ea city electito rj We ate ite announce WS as a candidate tut ii the sein Ilk The undersigned sill terra as Selectness tut the tumour year it is-elected It PROe LIM AID' THOS BO 1 I prics CYRUS SAJLiT STEWART: We are 'authorized to anikience ROBERT WALKER as a candidate tor Sciectesin of the city et' 14inkhez in the nest election- rr are Authorized to announce 3 A as a tandidate fur Selectman of the City of Vetches at the belt election r-r We reauthorized to announce VALENTINE DUYEit at a candidate rot Selectman of the city of Natchez at the election t-st- 'We are authorized to aatiousee RALPH NCLTII as a candoilto for Mayor al die ensuing electioa la January no We aro authorized Ica asnounee JOIIN ISToCK AN as a candidate for the office or Maros Ellie Coy Etectiootia the to Mirada: is Jannary147 rt We are authorized so asoosaee ROBERT uoD a ea en nd00te foe mayor 0( the i rtijr 0( Natchez at the easainglasemy election ti la ors authorised as anaemic Mr 101IN 0E as a ssadolato tos Itaiscosso at the best city allectlum Wo ar' i trr authorised to ensconce JOHN AV ALWORTLI as a candidate fto tklectmaa at the Select The undei signed ill FOR tos ty elective 4 seat ate etherize so aaa oessst 141N1111Canthlit tut al las acal sit cioctitim 111r werve as iten the year it to-eliteted i ROI 11 kf "CUT) 8LWAa's THOS R0 0T41 I rtirICS CYRUS Lid 211 501T STEWART Th- Ni are outivorized to announce ROBERT WALKER as a candidate tor 11electtuss a( Use city IL Alt) Ikei et' ra tig sct 1 The Stare el Mississippi Set Brad Simihet himself as Rzentior el the last seal and lestainent Elizabdat Smith deceased Ann Solt lane Gillespie' and her husband Jaws A Gillespie Horatio Joke Dnykr Abner Ogden Mary Ogden Seated Podia-wade and Ssesan ile VOU are hereby cited to be and appear before the 1 Probate Court of Adams county at the courthouse thereof on Friday the 5th day of a term of said Court to be holden on the fourth Monday in February next then and there to answer the petition of Israel Smith administrator of the estate of Joshua Smith deceased for sale of certain lands tenements and bereditaments of said deceased described in said petition as follows to wit "A certain tract of land situate lying and being in said county of Adams State aforesaid containing by estimation one hundred and eighty-four acres' and to show cause if any you can why the same should not be sold and further to do and suffer such things as shall be considered and ordered by the Court aforesaid in the premises Witness the Honorable Charles Dubuisson Judge of said Probate Court at the court-house of said County the fourth Monday of December eighteen hundred and forty-six Issued the 28th day of December A lea dec 30 '46-welt RICEI'D A INGE Clerk TILE STATE OF MISSISSIPPIIser Adams County The State of Mississippi to Broil Staid for haw sell as Executor el the last wilt and testament of A Ann Stbit Jane Gillespie Elizabdis Smith decease Jones A Gillespie Horatio stud ley ad Abner 0 den 'Ma 0 gem StlitA) AA a DtPkt I Misty god Seise Po waste POStitillta Ile it cited to be and appear before the VOU are hereby Adams a Probate Court in Adams county at the court- It th reof Pride the 5th day of a term of Ouse on said Coon to be holden on the fourth Monday in February next then and there to answer the petition ot brae) smith administrator of the estate of Joshua Smith deceased for sale of cenain lauds nsatA 41Iva A km oda i to Is pall nf rIPOP21Pil de i 1 li a 1:1 'ti 1 rr we are authorized to atilliii11201 GEORGE S'I'AN WOOD as a candidate for U141 Ogi Ca a City 001sswoort at the ensuing election We are authorized to anunumee WILLIAM ra LOVER ait a candidata tor City Locator et the Ansiong January electioa --We are authorized to announce LEVI 11AR Itio0N as a candidate tor City Aotiessor at the cue Lig eicelon SJ ts IA Arrital of Ms Steamer Cambria15 Days Later from steamer Cambria arrived at Boston on Wedaesday toornieg (10th ism) silos a sage of little over tads days (tea Live Sim brooght to Boston 78 pee- stagers Tors hp from the Baltimore Sit of friday sight18th inst gives the tollowitig abstract of the sews sect-ism! at Philadelphia by telegraph the lines belood being broke: The most promisees pitied sews by this arrival is theobliteratioe of the Republic at Cracow the last manes( of Patted by the combiaed pow ers of Russia Anstria sod Prussia The antes aterket has bees very mite The Idescheeter ttade feet 'my isdigust at the present enormous supported by speculators Golf Upwards of 28000 begs beiag takes by speculators otos Teeeday last St sus of three-ogisthe of 4 poser Tit robtligh ports art to be opened- Sadie cora le quilted at 56 a 58 shinier per quarter Ameticas Aar bad advasted one shit hag per barrel is Liverpool clueing os 34 last with a dews ward trodeocy Twelve of the Royal family et Finis have died ot the This plague is 'mottling westward Fayette" thousand pasties haws died of is The cholera has also appeared is 11 psis The Spani4 papers call es France sod Log-laid to establiets a monerthy ia Mexico to save that country trots falba isteab tr Amencastiolos Ireland lit copyist more usequility and lead' lords have duos(' raciest sad successful mut sures fot the relief of the people Ciao Flares the Ewell' A works resettle is I reported to hove sailed from Spain with one thou- sand moserchists to conquer the Republic of Equadoe' 't 1 The elegem Creel is still oe the rocks Betrayal bee her ports staid October Ito 1847 end report of food is positively prohibited The Popo hat submitted the people of Rome to organize their owe local police whirl is deem-id an immense toacessios Tbe Q090 01 Portugal is is a critical position The Rebellion is very general and it is supposed that she will be compelled to abdiesto 1 Fresh trouble bare btokes out la Tbs British sts preparing for new conquests Eng-1 land bas protested agaieet the occupation el Coe I con 1 Perhm a- vet meets 10th ofranuary Troops for Tampa Iloy--The two COMpanifl of Regulars now stationed at Tempe Lave been ordered to Mexico gni the president of the United Stotts his made a requisition on the Governor of this State for a company of niotty men to supply their place--Ploridian 1216- i Amitlesr for Troopeo-lt will be seen by our telegraphic despatch front Philadel phis says a Baltimore paper that a otherrequisi tioa has beta seat by the Secretary of War to the Governot or Neboyinknia (or an additional regi ment from that State to rendezvous at l'hitadelphi and their destination Tampico The First Pennsylvania Reziment le lull and some half dozen companiis of l'biladelphis are tusking preparations to Join the new Regimens SpunkyLitde Rhode has tendered one of Its tourist and best volunteer companies to the Government for the war and its services have inch accepted Letiskture el le Legislature cossetted at lows City on Monday 741) inst In the Senate llamas Baker of Pull county was elected President and drest Russell of Disown ington Secretary I Jos Myers of apello As- Secretary i Thomas Young at Lee eons IT Sergeant-at-Arms! Jobe A Anderson of Do begot Messenger and IL IL Welch Seal the Democrats a Me House limo of Lee county elect ei Speakers Silo A Hudson of Burlington Chief Clerk PC Porter of Assistant I Solomon Spam of Let county Sergeent-atarms and Chipman of Lee county Wtigt Legislature of this State tom irginic-The Legislature of this Stall cow 1 Arrii of lh Bleallu'r crawbri5 Days Baler from Europe-m-1'h" steamer' Cambria ar A neF li 6WWI on Wedaesday motoist Wilt ism) sites sage of lade over twelve days from Live fibs stagers hp from the isaulmorti 131" of ri- braaittl la Dual" 78 ea- day 816413dt inst gives the itillowiag elate new traceless! at Philadelphia by telegraph the lines belood being broke: Th sun isym-otag witical a -et ew I bin a rival is the oWiterstioe the Republic at Cracow the Heat a nima 11 ets a of 11 A a unto "stria es roma The tattoo epithet has bees eery excited The Maatheetet Style feels isdiguat at die pre- "at 28 "0 Xa I aby 49e4laa by aP" Upwards o00 tors eiteartToaedat matt at auto al talelingettle hag ale patsy 4 a nna: iports art to be opened- 1114's11 el" i'l lla1111 at 68 1158 Per quarter Ameticao ionised 'Avowed one sail Per barrels Li i lwerPol'is ckmillt 34 Us' With a downward tradraty Twelve of the Royal family of Pmis have diett 01 rim cholera Th-is i es is tend roo Mg westward Faintest' thousand potions haws di ed of it la 11 Tit dud also 4 a it ets as appeare 1 a i 4 instant Secretary-it Thomas Toting of Lee lone tr Set mot-at-Arm! JohP A Anderson Of Do buquet 111d 14 We Democrats m111-1 the Howe Drown et Lee count tied ICI A tt--- 1' A kil A Mids nt n1c I ON "31 I S117C1 110: US WI LTA 411S111410 W11181111611111 I c8bPasplaino c)atnLeof etsusalYt 00 080171entsbelm-aalauffal 1 Whilzt 2 1 I Legislature or this Blatt cow Vits4P011ftS1 Main Streekopposite the City Hotel mu undersigned would respectfully toutogs their friends and the public generally dug IL: have re-entered into copartnership mkt the and style of DICKS A WATERS at their old stand for the manufacture ot 8addie4 As they have enlarged the manufacturing dem ment of their house they are now enabled to dad their own make every variety of SADDLES HARNESS SADDLE AA BRIDLES TRUNKS CARPET BAGS MARTINGALES WHIPS Gm oksDik Now opening (late arrival) comprising largest beautiful assortment of Plated Ware (lased in Silver Brass and Polished Steel Bri(lie Melt! rups and Spurs Carriage Barouch and Buggy neSb Mountings Buckets Trace and Halter Chas Saddler's Tools dm Also every variety of EnglishGermait aid la jean worsted Girth and Rein Web English tad Ae erican Horse Brushes Combs and Cards In addition to every article in their line Illey supplied with Coach Laces Fringes Tons and toga Their supply of Leather will al ways be lam and complete consisting of Hogskin Seating Sim ing Harness Riark and Russet Bridle Maltase Russet Upper Bag Hides Top Leather Calf Skin Patent Sole and Gin Band Leather Pad Skkis No Rocco Linings and Bindings Sc dte Making sus gether the largest and best assortment ever oared is this market A large portion of their stock his keg purchased quite recently low for eaA aad they vs determined to self at a small advance the fit lie assured tbat their prices will be found as Iowa ail house in the souther st New Orleans not excepted From a long experience and during a smite elyeits in business in this city their work has stood astet of time and gave general satisfaction they now isse themselves as their materials are of the very tee that every artielt made by them will prove Wait to none either North or South The public are invited to examine their large splendid stock before purchasing elsewhere areal bargains may be had for cash or on the SW time le punctual customers GEO I DICKS STEPHENSON WATEES' Bands of every description made to add at short notice jan tice Repairing done in a neataadtdeugtrable Natchez 1 -T dot ott ur the mot 4 of Iteidteil taring atput 4 te ofitt it Dixie" LPET BAGS BkliDS ig a large test die Mt ee 1 Burgy Eta Lahr Ulm III aid Ito liblt tad ist tiy Itoeldwei et 'ons and Llio wall be 1111I eating Ism lei Black sod tr Calf Skin id SkissAa Mating Aka rex stag 11 Reek has ken 1 Isd the tie the pub vs its low as ast )1 excepted Seriek dyes steed Ulu key sow law the very tes prove Werke keit large Ili there as g3st 11894 time 'VIATERS' We to start st u4 durable Jan It Wet irr We are authorised to eaniposte PICTEll SAiiEtt the rearm tecumbeet as conditions for reelection to the cifice of City Collector at the eau Ire We are antherized to announce CITA IttEll to 1(CN ask undidate fur Car Tat Collett tut at the ensuing January election are authorised to announce TI0111A8 Vie t'LAY the present incumbent ea a candidate for Vity Treasurer at the issuing election NATCUEZ 29 1846 1- We are whorised to unouned Gee Wm 1 aBRANDON of' Wilkinson a is a Candidate for the oiLee of Colonel of the new regiment of 'Volunteers callett for from this State -11110J off ion VI V1 NATOUEZ MktgmeDSCSAISElt SS ISO I- We are nwhorized to announce Geo Wm Li aBRANDON otWilkinnon as a candidate foe the oiLee of Colonel of the new regiment of 'Volunteers callett far from State 0ROU4TRAM THOS MCALISTER ROUNTREE 4 McALIST ER HAVING associated themselves in business at the old stand of the late Samuel McAlister one door above Vid A Britton Co's on Main street are now opening and respectfully otter for sale a choice assortment of fresh and fashionable Dry goods and Clothing and Fancy Articles among which are the following viz: Fancy Mourning and Merrimack Nuts Blue black brown and pink Cambrics Apron checks Plaid linseys green barage English merino French mouselin de Plaid alpaca black Italian and fancy cravats Linen cambric cape bordet'd hemstich'd Hdkfs Silk dress and ladies thibet do do Cord and black mertno shawls French laces bobbinet putting Pongee silk French and Madras h'ditts Gent's cashmere and cord kid gloves Ladies cord and black do do Linen and cottontlapkiniq linen table cloths White cotton hose English ditto blue ditto Misses cord do ladies brk cotton silk do English wool mixed perino brima cotton hose Silk Pursel Ribbons assorted Pet (ornery assorted Victoria Sachelq Umbtellasz Thread Gents' Caltand Kip Boots do do do do Brogans Boys do do do do Ladies Kid Gaiters do do do Weivand Busks Children's Morocco and cloth shoes Ladies Bonnets White Tuscan Black Alpaca and Willow Ladies brit and white Veils A variety of Clothing Hats all a which will be sold at very reasonable prices Natchez Dec Oh '46 1 I ti I ki th 1 sfi kil vi Pal 'PI tke et ill r1 as VI ite opt so la NO 1 wit tali tits of 1 yet tag is i vim lc uthl laci 1 A it I us tat 6 I oal' tic' 1 )1-1ar" frw Ilthe PRI Mi occ cat tr -ft la Sat tyl ID 4 tte Tic t-F4 I I i 'Ltr The Chsacery Cour for the Luther Di Ojai MUNI Smiley presidingE 8 Russell clerk commenced its first regular sessios' for the transaction of business la our eity yesterday morn 4 log We -beetle a number of distinguished yrs from Woodville and other places10 attend 6E44 We bed the pleasure of Omani In our on yesterday Capt IL Cooper of the Vita ioton volunteers he Is in fine health and sea pima (it the success of our army Ile will re aura to the army In about ten days joining It as '-Victors The Chancery Court for the Soothers Dia trier lionJ Smiley presiding 8 Russell clerk commenced Its first regular sessios for the A MIRK FOR CONSUMPTION 7000 Cases of Obotinato Pulmonary Qmpldiido Cured in One Year' CollOtilds HOLLAND GIN UST received one Pipe very supr Holland Gin IP "Rose" brand warranted pure and genuine GRIFFIN CLAY dec 29 cor Main and Commerce sm CRIPFIN do -CLAY dec 29 cor Main and Commerce sIs A jonk I I 1 island on the 3d or 4th inst for Nassau and may dieretote soon be expected at 0 Times Frost the Coscoraia istelligencer Tke'Diekeson new Order of Sod I the Concordia Intelligence of last week the following editorial item under the captios of sA New Omni or Talmo" "A New Order of the lecturer on the champollions of Egypt has presented before' society in Philadelphiathe fond of albums skeleton dog from a pit near Natchez 70 feet deep by Dr Dicktion of that city These revelries beteg foetid below the strata the 'odes and other monster salmi they have set the result st geological enquiry at the theory induced by the tactility of the bible and hooded the chapter of Genesis as printers would soy intopi bo we go" The senor of this kens is eels as to much mischieflf takes is the spirit of csador in which it Is stated sod I thiek requires some comment from thou acquainted with the locality of the (so called) fossil discovery and the circumstances of its exhumation It is bet a few weeks since Dr Dicieson of Natchez presented before the Association of American Geologist' as their convention in New York portions of a remarkable skeleton (probably a Mylodoa) found in theneighborhood of 34atchez and with a single human bone (not a skeleton) being the anterior part of the right hip bone This he assured the association was found in the same loeslit with the Mylodoa () which be calls a Nondescript" He further Wormed them that both were in the Teniary formation at a point far below say in which human remains have hitherto been found Dr Wyman one of the most emioeot of American Naturalists especially in compar- ative anstomy was especially appointed by the Aseociation to investigate the facts This note is intended only to bespeak a suspension ofeditorial opinion until that investigation shall have been made Meanwhile we give the following facts as the result of ten years acluaintance somewhat intimate with the Geology of the Natchez Bluffs esti That the Natchez fluffs and the uplands of their vicinity are a fresh Welie Dativium or Super Tertiary411 its fossils being either lands or fresh water animals Dearly all of recent species 24 That there is ito Tertiary exposure (unless we may class the Natchez Silas under the name of the newest Plelocene of 'yell) within fifty miles of Natchez 3d That the Bayou or deep chasm in which Dr Dickeson found his Nendescript and Wale ilium traverses the fresh water loam and sand strata (and these only) of the Natchez Dluff for-mating from its source to its mouth namely about three and a half miles lith That this is not below the Mastodon's place for the Mastodon next to the Mullusks is the most fossil found in these Bluffs and in the sections made by that particular bayou the skeletons of two species perhaps three having been found by others as well as the writer on many vision" and in many neighboring localities for twenty years past 5th That alio bafou and its tributary branches take their Mort upon and drain several large plantation' which have been cultivated by many "laves for half a century their dead now peopling half a dozen near the Bayous Cal That the rapidity with wheel this bayou (as well ass hundred others in the vicinity) undermines end eaves a way its steep banks of fifty feet in height is such as at times to biing-in its bed trees and animals from the surface to the depth of Were feet and at other times to Lay 'them bare and elms the unpracticed Geologist in to the that they are really in ells" 7th That human bones not fossilized Cauca site Ethiopian and Iodise trees chips with axe and saw marks bogs dogs cats and birds are to be found Its abundance along these terms sad that Alas is the first effort yet made to give any of them so peat as "iniquity as a Tertiary Era That toe great authority has been given to the fossilization of the bone in question that these earths have the faculty of rapid fossilization that trees and stumps petrified standing erect lying on the surface or partially or wholly a very comma affair throughout this diluvial re-teem -C 0 FORSHEY Vidalia IA Dee 14 1840 Of Mrs Chase the heroine of Tampico in hon Of of whom a battery has been owned Fort Ann the Philadelphia Spirit oldie Times tea the following notice Our readers will be pleased to learn ihat this pa- triotie woman once resided in thiccity She is of Irish origins her maiden name was Ann Wear-non and she kept a dry goods 'tors la Second below Pine street She was a woman of great business habits and coney of character and undo considerable money Doubtless many of her old neighbors will recognise her name and rejoice with us that she has proves' herse'lf eminently worthy of this brief notice About twelve years ago she moved to Nell Orleans and subsequently to Tampico where sho engaged to mercantile business and married Mr Chase the then America's consul We are indebted to on old and valued friend for the above information and our readers may rely upon the statement as entirely correct At tem' meeting of the New York Historical Society reported la the Mirror a member read divers papers of interest being narratives of recent discoveries in various parts of the world It was stated Incidentally by the eentlernao that there is sktogether a false notion with regard to the Desert of Sahara which instead of being a barren desolate place is really a -beautiful and fertile country He alsostated a curious faet that in the interior of Africa a race of white people bad been discovered--their skin is perfectly white and they have blue eyes and flaxen hair-sthey are scattered through various tribe and are believers in the Koran They are believed to be remnant of the ancient Vandals he said The gentlemen likewise gave some interesting particulars of the recent discoveries ih 'ticket Nineveh by traveller who is shortly to publish it great work on the itubject for which the French Government have appropriated three hundred thousand fiance It is to contain fifty-five plates of different views of This gentleman explored a large minted to which were series of halls containing paintings and sculpture' giving scenes in the Assyrian history of the highest finish ft appeors from them that the people bad all light hair which they won combed smoothly over the head and their beards were long and curled Everything gave indication of the gorgeous taste of the people of their fondness forjewelry and ornaments of the mostelaboratedescriptiom There were paintings of horses sod chariots the horses being dressed in the richest and most magnificent trappings---Sr Louis Reveitte Prediction of Ilumboldt-4o "Folsom's Merl-en" New York 1842 Is the following quotation from Humboldt: The distance front New Or learn' to the city of Mexico is about 540 leagues or 1620 miles It presents very few obstacles till It reaches the Rio the ascent from the table lands beginsoaly from where the declivity is by no meson rapid: and we can have no doubt considering the progress of civilization on the new Continent that land communication will gradually become very frequent between the United States and New Spain Public cootice will este day roll on front Washinrion to Mexico end Acapulco on the Pacific" This prediction is about to be fulfilled greet work on in the our il ent ce- friend fo the above information way rely anon the statement as entitert tOtreet 5 At at netts' meeting of the New York Bistoro cal Society reported la the Mirror a member read divers papers of interest being narratives of recent discoveries in Various parts of the world It WAS stated Incidentally bythe gentleman that there la the Des- atogether a alse notion with regard to ere of Sahara which instead of being a barren fertile is real a urious feet a beautiful an wool es place country He also-state that interior of Africa a race of white people bad been vtheir Ski I I I Wm and a Per ect white diecoered they have blue eyes and flaxen bair-they not scattered through various tribe and are believers in the Koran They believed be remnant ey are of the ancient Venders he said Thil gentlemen likewis gave some interesting particulars of the recent discoveries i abele Xit Nineveh by French is shortly to publish it traveller who Ina imorect for which the Frentesh Government meta sand francs have appropriated three hundred on It is to contain fifte-five plates of different views Of Ikft-41111316 This gentleman exploret containing a -tit tn ound to which eine a eerie of hauii ti I gving scenes la the As- Pam dfie dd ten or I striae nistoty of the highest finish: It appears from stem that la the people bad ell light hair which combed smoothly over the head Ind they "writ then' beards were long and curled Everything gave indication of the gorgeous taste of the people Of oftheir fetidness forjewelry and ornaments the mostelaborae description' There wererii ntngs chariots of horses so a in horses being dressed in the richest and most magnificent trappings sat Louie Reggiliti Mel- Prectic4ion of thmboldto-le "Pols to' New York 13 84 the following notation eo I 2 Is 3 faun dialsbee truin' "ese leans to the tit oexco ea es gu 0 Mi i about 540 I s' er 1620 miles It presents very few obstacles tit l' (I rld i es the sat tea o-an I ascent rom ittit reaches lands be I 13 I II ere ta 0 all a gots oa tom a ti a th: der- limy is so means rapid: sue we can 'd 41 awe no ou enog progress cal 1- t' a on the new continent that land communica- a la etween tion wIll gradually become very frequent the United States and New Spain Public ay 4 ron a it one st noren et 0 mexi 'and A'capittc311' on eke pac11''ficir This 11 "Iis about to be fulfilled Pre lc um ioland on ths 3 or dth inst for Nassau and may therefore sod on be expected et Notiork-N 0 Fr he istel om Coecordia ligeneer TkoaDI ekesos Skeletott-The weiv Order of Th rs I be CO ordia Int III ace' of lagnr-we7h trte faunae' stelediatote ial item on ee the cootie" of "A New Omni or Tomos" l'A Nets Order of Thinge-oliddou die lee- fur" oath chamPollions of E2114 has resealed bet phI 1 II inn Mel society to i a iat tits rem skeleton dog from a pit near Natchez 70 feet lleeltjb Dr- Diekesoa of that city Theta remains emelt foetid bettor the strata the Mat todos god mbar monger animrant ehry knee net Ible reatilta tor ilealetteld attain at altught-aPliet the nduced by theory I the nettles of the bible and hamlet' she chapter of Cause a all Frio en would say tie We leA The senor this ken is eels as to de touch ofiechleftlf takes le the spirit of in wlikb ft Is stated and I thiuk I "rifle some eeleMen bons those acquainted with the locality the (so 0 called) fossil discovery and the circumstances or tta althamation ot a few weeks Sine Dr Di or is cieson of Nate presented 'vented before the Association of Americau Geologists at their conveutioa in New ha Sahara Moll eroman once restaea in tais coy lose is or Irish origins her maidea aame was Ann Wear- obi goods fl d' an II 1 kept a II II store In loon below Pine street She was a woman of great considera ble business habits and write ofeharacter and made moue Dou Wm man of her old neiehbors will secognist her name an rejoice was to that she has proved herself eminently worthy of this brief swum About twelve years ago she moved to Nei Orleans end subseeuendy to Tampico where sho engaged la mercantile bus- mess end married Mr Chase the then Americaa consul We ere indebted to an old and valued friend to i il I a ere a arras leas aa ear rea era may rely upon the statement as entirely COMM At sr torn' meeting of the New York Bistori- eat Society reported la the Mirror a member read divers papers of interest being narratives of recent of Id 1 parts 1 world was discoverie stated Incidentally in various bythe 4entlemati that there le aktogether a fats notion nit regard to the Dee- Of i sag whch instead of being a barren desolate place is really a beaotiful and fertile: IIVIII UMW OW C11 11111 IOW npin cur ueologtez Ilk' tO the that they are really "its Wu" 7th That human hones not fossilized Cauca- site Ethiopian and fadian trees chips with axe and saw marks bogs dog tots aad birds are to uW doing abundance a one these torus ad woo luting Ling mete unfoull anti toot IWO is toe ono extort yet Wide 10 give SPY Of thm toot satin not Oil Vori PA tigt-r IN min go neat an antiquity as a Tertiary bra that Nr eeid authority boo been even to guy loyelatAngiuu va tug uunv in liuryou? taat 1u7set taTIIIIIIIVE Ille St MIMI 10111111112:1110112 11121 'trees Ind Maim petrillsdi standing nee lying Ion taa aortae Of partiality Or W00117 la 1006 sift ft 1: Allitse7fti ft a clty eutvugnuut SUIA 1C regioa Or FORSHEY Vidalia Dee 14 1844 imba I piethia hoe N'S 10 let sue 4 sta or ot whom a battery has been named Fort Ann a irtt a I the rannaelphis want ot the 'rime Itas lot- towing notice Our readers win itlessed to learn itut this pa ANA-S4214 ION The Notches brought as Saturday evening papers from New Orleans I OM the Metier) Of that sloe we take the foreign news Err We are now enjoying the most delicious weather it Is possible to conceive of For the lut tea days the thermometer has sot been below CO A slega Far sot above 70 i 4 1101I41 IMPS portioa of tLis compaay which was raised la irtforsos Co vat be in tows this evening when is loped that every tuna is Notches who his 'isms down will answer at the roll call -a we tale h- oni on news I vcr Wo are now enjoying the mot ddiclotts weather it yossibleto conceive oft Pot the last tett days the thermometer has sot bun below GO -4161 Uggi 'WW1' 4216 rat set ahoy 711 3 TUOitmo Limos portion in Jr UMICIII too cymplimy Iwo acn Wel ratiorg I 'ts Ott a km in 4k ft amILAftaka I ta yr ma Awn wly est EV WMINE '411 digit ir ti lik 111611 MP MP- 1111 OIS 1PM Id IA MOW ErMEl B11AS MS tame down will answer at the roll eel I GUANO LODGE LOTTERY 'fang following are the drawn numbers in Class No 4 Grand Lodge Lottery for 1846 drawn in thalliansion lionse Natchez Miss 26tb Dee 1816 45 27 47 29 13 70 40 44 64 31 4 2 Natchez December 29 1846 NO 24 Lodge Lottery for GRAND LODGE LOTTERY a- NO MG drawn i 11111C following are the drawn numbers in Class 11- 3'1 Iran(' LAMCIT tUr219tUl 141 tort-mansion "-louse Namara MIN Atka Lite 1 ellth 45 27 47 29 13 70 40 44 04 31 4 2 4411 ikt 1 111 1 St1 1 Ark 6)11 a3 Natchez December 29 1846 I I I I VALZMirWirre irvk I 1 I I 1 1 I els hitt Rocket ad Anottain Rowitzer A new species of force which promises to be were rAignooectablidervveereolutstistoessebeentawtwealnaizd gLitfeoruLittea ctobL erv arpripeastwrslcitiei "Rocket sad Mountain Howitzer Batteries" Bow preparing by the Ordostice Department for home-'hate departure Nose but choice men will be received into this iorps The armmental' one of di re Batteries is composed of four 12 wieder Mountain Howitzers weighing telly WO lb sad caissoes complete two Rocket carrisges wiab the accessary Estates and caimans complete two 12 posed Mortars weighing eighty-four panda each widy mortar beds also complete Oil travelling Forge and one Billiertiregpe la charge of the artificers The travelling Forge and Battery-wagons to be at such taydeoialayarmce leaeasireaarlsaso rheuMenorietaare" wanhdicteehelleisni tequired for special cases only would not ny the Battery in its manoeuvres on the field although habitually in teadiness to be made available when called for The officers sad men are to be armed as followst For the officers swords and pistols for the non-commission( officer and men musquetoons slung the non-commissioned officers carrying if necessary a light sword Every man of the company to be an expert marksman The amunition required for this Battery would the Rowitzero Shells with the improved fuzes and canister shot For Me Rocket Carriages the usual Congreve or War Rocket the greater portion to consist of the smaller kind with a few however el the larger sizes for special purposes A mode is devised for packing rockets in the ordinary ammunition boxes like those for the limbers and caissons of the guns instead iof long sEading more uniformity among the carriages of this battery and also greater faaties for manteuvring the pieces and tranvportjag the ammunition From Lieut Walbacles memoir which received the consideration and approval of the Depart-meat the following statement is taken showing "the nature of the services proposed (or this new corps with temaiks upon its supposed efficiency in certain cases" It is proper to add that to this dil1 igent and well-Informed young officer the project 1 of the new organization with its elaborate details maioly to be ascribed: A battery of this description could be of much service in the thtee following eases viz in the field in the attack of towns and among the passes and defiles of the mountains 1st To operate against masses in general like other Light Artillery Ed More particularly against Cavalry by forcing them with the fire of the rockets from positionand by effectually resisting their charge upon squares of Infantry or upon the battery 3d By the effect of the rockets also upon the opposing Light or dispersing their horses when in battery and by checking their direct advance or changes of position atb By the direct effect of the Howitzers when brought to bear upon squares columns or other bodies of Infantry taking position beyond tango of the musketry and discharging canister shot each cannister containing 149 musket balls or 270 carbine balls and at the rate of firing 7 rounds to the minute delivering upwards 04000 balls per minute from the four Howitzers of this battery 5tb By the use of 'shells from the same either as ahrspnell shot or for ricochet firing which with good fuzes would very dettructive 6th By the peculiar lightness of this battery al-lording facilities for passing obstacles rivers ra vines marshes 4tc which would cheek other Light Artillery and from the celerity of its move- meats being always in readiness and particularly fitted for accompanying light troops on special expeditions or ether detached movements 1st Wherever other light 'beanies could be made available is front of the place -invested by supporting the Beaks guarding avenues and passes or teptillog sorties 241 By the incendiary ef- fects of the rockets charged for that purpose 3d By the destructive use of the locket and canister shot of the battery in enfilading streets bridges after an entrance has once been erected into the town 4th The Howitzers it will be recollected weigh only 220 lbs each and their carriages with wheels complete only 242 lbs more and as the parts are susceptible of being readily detached the whole caa be pecked on the backs of horses or carried on the shoulders of the mete through 'narrow passages and avenues where other tight Artillery could not It could thus be brought up to batter down door-wilt and force eatrances We fortified build logs and even to be placed in battery upon the very rooftops of the houses (if like those of Monterey) and there obtain command over the bard codes and defences in the streets below Riflemen might certainly do the like hut where three rifles would discharge from any aperture or win- dow their twelve shots per minute at most this small howitzer firing id the rate before mentioned could hewer down in the same 'pace of time its 1000 musket balls upon those in rear of the barricades To this add the destructive fire of the rockets anfrifies of the meet of the corps tad tile effect would be most severely felt by the enemy- Ames the passes and narrow defiles of the mountains would seem howeveri-to be the propet this battery where it would prove so much the more efficacious as other Light Artillery could not MitS0310113 at all or if se to very great disadvantage thus: 1st By clearing passes of opposing troops as the track of the carriage wheels is only 281 inches land I am told there are defiles on the road to the City of Mexico only three feet wide) it could be take" through the narrowest pees sc ceseible only to pack mules and be brought to bear where other Artillery could not approach 2d In ascending with it the mountain sides and by cirminims route taking position above and in she flanks of the enemy's batteries planted in the passe below and thus obtain a plunging fire upon them with the Rockets and Howitzers 3d In conjunction with such flank attacks an attack in trout could be kept up from the 12 p't mortars of the Datteg which by their vertical fires could do serious injury among those in rear of the works defending the pass The description of troops that could be most efi recently opposed to this force would evidently be the Light Infantry and Riflemen detaching themselves as skirmishers and firing upon the men serving the guns and rockets To meet such coses this corps should always be supported by a body of select Riflemen co-operating in all their movements aad forming if necessary one cam wand under a common commander For further efficiency and to insure their protection whets de tached by themselves the molt of the compacty should as before stated be armed with rifles and musquetoons and one-hall of them Lem In readiness to act either as drainers and ItaliketS or to repine the disabled men at the pieoesaoBall Americus The Rev Wtti-S Douglass of the Methodist persuasion has been convicted at Springfield Me of incest with one ol his daughters Ile is also indicted for the same offeace accompanied by rape upon two other of his diughters-441 Delta A shrewd old gentleman once said mliii detach' ter: Be sure my dear that you sever marry spoor man but remember the poorest man in the world is One that has money and nothing else' Bo de ascending with more efficacious as other Light Artilley could ny aperture or win- Vi(Mill IIItilarge' 11 dow their twelve shots per minute at most this small howitzer firing st the rate before mentioned could "bower down in the same space of time Ica at of the ano- WOO musket balls upon those in re cade To this add the destructive fire of the rock- eta andrifies of the meet of the corps end the el- fed would be most severely felt by the enemy- Among the passes and narrow defiles of the mountains would seem howeveri-to be the propet where it would ore so much fieldfor this battery Pr hrrnerof not 1131111tOttet0 at all or if so to very great disad- a 1 I clearing Pules et ePPneing St 110 ages us Yc troops as the track of the carriage wheels is only fifit inches (and I am told there are defiles on the road to the 'City of Mexico only three feet wide) it could be takea through the narrowest pass se ceseible only to pack mules and be brought to hear where other Artillery Gould not approach 2d In it the mountain sides and by cir- IC above ill emulous route taking position a ve an in flanks of the enemy's to batteries is the as- fie see below and thus obtain a plungiag fire upon conjunct them with with the such Rockets sd Howitzers- 3d an la flank an attack (toot could be kept up from the 12 p1r mortars of the Battery which by their vertical fires could do serious injury among those in rear of the works defending the as it pass 's The description of troops that could be most et (ovulate opposed to this- force would evidently be 11 i the Light Infantry and Eillemeo detaching theta- selves as skirmishers and firing upon the men germ the guns and rockets To meet such co- be ses this corps should always supporte a be- dy of select Riflemen to-operating la au their movemts aad forming if oecessary one cams ren me efficnd i under a common commander Forency end to their protection whelk further tached by themselves the tneo of the compaoy should as before stated be armed with rifles and musquetoons and one-halt of them kept in readi- nen to act either as tizaillurs aud Bask era to repines the' disabled sum At tbe pieceslt a Americus- The Rev WttiS Doug the hi thodist lass petsussion hotelmen convicted at priogfie14 Me of incest with one ot his daughters Ile is also indicted for the same offeace accompanied by rape upon two other of his diughters--Ar 1 i A shrewd old gentleman onee said 'obis daugh: te Be sure toy dear that you lever marry ape man but remember the poured man I a the world I 0 in is one that has money and both se Rocket wed Alutottaist lkwitzer Battery- A new its of force which promises to be went a P't be or ized ia our military service rueolire to goo An advertisement by Dent albach appea rs in soother colossi calbng for recruits to serve with "Rocket sod Mountain Howitzer Batteries" stow preparing by the ordassc Department (or imme- dilate departure ose but choice men will be eceived int this i ro mps The of of these Batteries ism- arminept one posed of four 12 palmate Mountain Howitzers weighing 'oily 220 the sad CarS301111 complete two Rocket carriages with the accessary Estates yj 12 posed mortars and caissons com etet two weighing eighty-four pounds each wids' mortar beds also complete oil travelling Forge and one to charge of the artificers The travelling Forge and Battery-wagons to be at such dietanee in the tear as convenience sou neeessi- a ty may requite as also the Martan ivbkht being mLE1km- szeTplijewrbevi 'us 11" ll readily detached the whole cas be pocked the backs of horses or carried on the shouldets of me non scrooge narrow passages and avenues where other tight Artillery could not enter-- It could thus be brought up to batter down door- wilt and force eatrances into fortified build togs and even to be placed in battery upon the ve- ry roof tope of the houses (if like those of Monte- icy) and there obtain command over the barn elides and defences in the streets below Rifle- men might certainly do the like tut where three rifles would discharge from any aperture or win- th twelve hots minute at most this ow their pe small howItzer firing et the rate before mentioned could "hewer down in the same space of time its 1000 musket bails upon those in rear of the bawl- cadet To this add the destructive fire of the rock- and rifles the tile el- eta an ri es the meet corps tn fen would be most severely felt by the enemy Among the passes and narrow defiles of the mountans would wou seem however -to the propet i Winne this betasevivitms it amnia iishvo fin a balls per minute front tho four Howitzers zers of this battery 5tb By the use of shells from the same either as ahrspnell shot or for ricochet firing which with good fuzes would pups very deetruelite grh By the peeAlar lightness of this battery al 112 A 12d111141PA EVARAIIIV fordine facilities for ValtiBE obstacle rivers n- vinea-mersh ee which would cheek other Light Anillery and from the Jethro its more' meant being always in mdiness and particularly nuenlot accolnpanyingligng mops On special ex- staihtinsa "up thdrot lonnetAmmanim Iss Wherever other liobt 'batteries could Nil made dable in front of the plass -invested by eva ft supporting toe pools gnawing avenues ana pass es or reptillog sOrties SA By the incendiary et- fects of the tockets and shells charged for that purpose' 3d i31 the destructive use of the rock- et and canister shot of the battery in enfiladins otroot IkriAeroo Aro attar so ontoonoo ham fin Mk some been eneeteu into the town dth The Howitzers iht Si be re collectedtweonly 22011bs osAnld 19 atortradataxiii limit dn a Art 1 i I 1 rz 0 tn 14 Ed El 0 r4 69 1-1 I I I IPr I 11 I tl nottss I Iti LS-IrAlf NCIal In I I- I I Rum" I 1 $159060::: GRAND LODGE LOTTERY Class No 25 toi rPO be draws on Saturday January 6th 1847 la the Mansion Muse Bar Iltoom Natchez Whole Tiekits 24 00 Halves 00 Quarters I 00 SO4 ci11111111! a mo WOW 4 ftr gr lat A 1 1A)11(414: lA)rrEttYI tr 18 Class No 25 o17 MO be drawa on Saturday January I 1847 inthe Mansion louse Bar Room Natchez Whole 'rickets 24 00 Halves 00 Quartet 00 A 4- 41 CO -A alai cks711'4 risat et- 11V ia Tot I "1'4 1 14111 ill Pri Me Deed its session on Monday the 7th Scott Speaker of the Senate and Wm-0 Goode of the House The Governor's Mintage is very long It gives a very tatithetory lecount of the State finances showing a surplus of $150000 under a decreasing revenue Indiana-The Legislature of this Suite met cm the 71h Hon I Read in the chair of the Senate and Garrett Speaker of the House A Gov Whitcomb' Message is not long and reptesents the Aunts of the State us improving Duadliti Calantity-Sevetat accidents' We occurred within a day or two Avail the fillips of masses of snow horn the tops of houses Last evening a small boy was crushed to death to this manner on Third Street opposite the Washington Drewerp-St Louie Union 161h niummirs ea is not wog sae represents the boosts 0 Pro fi the State as im vin w- ti have Dreadful etanmitY0-Beefflt accidents In occurred within a day or two from the faint sat of maws ot snow stow tue tops et nooses teeming a small boy was embed to death la this manner on Third street opposite the Washington Betwery-SL Louie Vero 164 MODetO lell1011 OD moaoay IRO Tie intiaai-60 eir Ast ilk ILIF aft ri AA A APAUS IPEMSAIPA VI WA WAVILIAMIF 71111A VI '105 Goo of I louses The Governor I Message is ng It gives a very batistactory necount of try 13111111110111Celi 111011101 surplus ot louuutt under a decreasing revenue 14ereletere 01 tuts Mate met os the 7iti Read in the chair of the Senate and ft Carron Speaker of the Ileum A (Joy SCLIEME One prize of $159000 it SO 6000 -I' ill 9500 I a 5 es 100 100 Prizes of less denomination too ottmerotts to mention 118 ill 9500 a i 5 1000 400 ii 1500 100 prizes or less denomination too newtons to mention SCLIEME One prize of $159 000 6000 iceomMe tears from the dicers of the Tioge is thismorning hunt Keekukrthat the Ice bat de-mended as far as the mouth of the Ithaois river and will probablyreacb here by to-morrow is Ice teats from rho of rho T10014 a hi i it it Os the k) a i 0 ei mt a smiled as far as the mouth of the Wised' river and will probablyreach here by to-morrow It is I One Package of 25 Tickets are so arranged as-to contain all the numbers in the Louery 75 Numbers are put into the Wheel and 12 of them drawn 25 Tickets with 3 numbets on each make the 75 numbers from 1 to 75 inclusive Consequently when 12 of teem are drawn from the Wheelthe package so arranged must have the twelve Nos on them therefore the least they can draw will be 12 Prizes of e4 Ou each In the above scheme a Package of 25 whole tickets can-be bad for $100 and we guarantee them to draw half the purchase money less the usual deduction of 15 per cent Packages of Halves and quarters in the same proportion To be had in a variety of combine tions by applying to a Taintor Crone or the Managers' Office Vr All orders by mailer btherwise enclosing the cashwill meet with prompt attention if directed to HATCHER CO Managers of the Grand Log tottery Natchez Miss Cornero1 Main and Wall its Des 29 NO Iflt 1-y1 tl 1111 i E-- -'-'4jftit01 ivVV4f 41-- 1 1 -1'1FAs 'is WIT111111ALTITMIt4 iFrAil I I III 1 i'-'7a 2 8 8 ee Co s' AIM A B43 WS 47- vol in the above scheme a Package of 25 whole tickets them can-be had for n100 an we guarantee em to raw half the purchase money less the usual deduction of 15 per cent Packages of Halves and Quarters In the same proportion To be had ha a variety of combine- tiOnS lay applying to a Taintor Crone or the with prompt attention if MarragerstOffice VrAll orders by mailer Otherwise enclosing the cashwill meet directed to HATCHER CO Managers of the Grand Lodge Lottery tor Natchez Miss Main and Wall its Tr" A 0- I I ANN I'll 1'4 44'-'We" 46'7 311t-s ie IvirtylEalth14-'7'-4' 4" is' 0-4- sk e0--a-i--1 'N1Vslit- 'is 42 -s174 11711artrArzirmD -Ar i- 7 -7 -p rs s-4 e'l st Pk Pk 25 nerke Package sysem-Packages of are so arranged as-to contain all the sambas in the re put into the Wheel and 12 of them drawn out-and 25 Lonery 75 Numbers a iekets with 3 numbets on each make the numbers from 1 to 75 inclusive Consequently when 12 of diem are drawn from the Wheelthe package so arranged must have the twelve Nos on them therefore the least they can draw will be 12 Prizes la the above se $4 Ou each Package whole tic tickets 25 scheme a Pac can-be had for $100 and we patantee them to draw half the purchase money less the usual deduction of 15 ill I rt 1 th per cent ac a ves an ua era same proportion To be had ha a thou by a oy ing to Taintor or the mailer Cronebtherwise Managers30 ce VrAll orders be variety of eombloa en chaingthe cashwill meet with prompt attention it directed to HATCHER CO Managers of the Grand LoOge tottery Natchez Miss Tug Sant Ilamoonises-oabie band of st tractivu performers lewd we learn tisidng our city ici a fews days sad giving one or two of theit entensining tOttent The inclement welthir tea they were as here preventing may from bearing them they intend to embrace this' opporb inky to give all chance They are the best performers of that tied aow in the IL 13 irr The Norge news la our columns this morning la interesting commercially showing as WI predicted a few weeks juice a heavy minim Is our great staple' The blood -thirsty tyrants have blotted out the republic of Cracow and the "papers ere eatIng foe Eogland sad France to iw teriere Rid plate a monarch on the Mexicali throne The cholera is travelling westwardly alarmict rapidity Uttellsgrri Rectum Itetta 3 Itegimeut of Mississippi Volunteers is now full lea companies having been repotted and accepted on dee 18th 1884 The following companies with those previously limited by us compose the regb mew patrols Company Capt A A Overton Colon Grayt Capt Adam Unica Cowpony from Lawrence Covingtoo and Hinds The companies composing the new aegiateat are ordered to rendezvous at Ykksberg between the 1st and 5th LOVVILtIgt -StAtir--Loaisitaa tompleta her 'regiment on the 22d Major Dellussee of 'Natchitoches (and formerly of the IL Army) was elected Colonel SF Marks Esq of Lieutenatt Culotte! and Fraser Ghoul formerly 'of this tity was chose Major )1 irkr The steamship Massaehnotte sr 0- rived st Ne Orleans on Thor-easy last with dates Tampico to the 15th and Drasos St ago to pie 18th The Dews is unimportant ILLINOIS Stigm541M Stephen A Doves at present a represestative in Congress wee oa the 12th inst tlected by the Legislature of Illi oois a Senator in Congress for six years from the dtb of March next whets the Honliimes Semple' term of service expires The vote stood Hoe (dew) 100 for Cyrus Edwards (WO 415- A New Damamen---It is stated in the Cheraw I (S C) Queue tha Col hues President of the South Carolina Railroad Cowpony has been appointed 11rigadier General by the Plesident of the United Elatel Oen GAOSDElli ii to take command orate regiments of Volunteers from the Stites of Vitt glum North Carolina and South Carolina l' Mtentlatett 1110111EATCOISPIXTIL-4 us Steen' 3 Itegimeut of Mississippi Voluoteers is now full 4 lis I bee potted and accepted ten companies ir at 111 on tire lath lost The following companies with Eg those previously indeed by us compose the regi mew Pinola Company Capt A Overton 3 Union Grayg Capt Adam- 1 Unica Company from Lawrence Covingtoo and Zinnia The e9vereeies eemPeelel the IL ell aLgialesitt are ordered to rendezvous at likkauarg between sae 1st cod 5th YedderT l' LOVISIAWA Rearre-Lonisiana tompletto let regiment on the 224 Major Dellossee or hes'(ati4 formed of the Us Army) 14 Natchiitoc i was elected Colonel i Marks Esq of Fell- CaO Lieutenatt Colosel sad Frost's Cline' Is I wetly 'of this city was chose Major or 4 a I no" The steamship Massachusetts er rived at Ne Orleans os Thursday last with dates -fora Tampico to the 15th and Brava St ago to the 13th The sews is unimportant 'union Szerroaestion Stephen A Doves at present a representative la Centres was os the 12tb inst elected by the tegiida i ore lil Dots 'a Senator Cg years frowl the 411) -a ooress or six of March next wilco the Hon James Semple's 'vice expires The vote stood Iloo term se till (dem) 100 a for Cyrus Edwards A (Mgt) (15-' ew Diutualem--It is stated in the Cheraw r(S C) Gazette that Col hats Gansoen President of the Soule Carolina Railroad Company has been appointed A Itrigadier General by the President of the Cohost Elates Gen GASODES ill to take command oldie regimenta of Volunteers from the Stites of Vir- i girlie North Carolina sod South Carolina tunny to give au a mace -Kaey are Lae out performers of that tied now Is the 11 es a tcrTbie foolge news la our columns this morning iti interesting commercially showing as i WI predicted a few weeks since a heavy alindee it out great staple' The 131mi-thirsty tyrants have bloed out the republic of Cracow and the ttmere ate calling foe Ragland and France to in tertere aid plate a monarch on the Mexicali I throne The cholera Is travelling westwardly with aletnatc: 'rapidity i Iei of Mississippi a asztestrrt it Itilittnt Comitzt z-The 'mod 3 tgmeuators is now full tee companies having been reported and accepted The following companies with on the 18th 1884 those previously noticed by us compose the regi- mew Pinola Company Capt A A Overton Visi Grayt Capt Adam "Juice on toirrenyi from Lawrence meintoe end Tits Sant Ilaawontees-Thie basd a 'r tractile 'betterment Intend we teem imbibe rink city la a few days and givint one or two of their concerti The inclement wirathir bell they were as here Yteeeating milgt from Leiria them they intend to embrace this' ()rpm I eitHE great American 'Remedy for Lung Cob I plaints and all Affections of the Respiratuy Or-grins Sold by 6 jan 11 mcanw: ROWLANDS' MACASSAR OIL purchasing it is particalvly to N141 cessary to ask for "Rowlands Macassar 00 Each bottle is-(with tt practical Treatise 01 the Hie man Hair) enclosed in an envelope from a sieet graving of eIquisite workmanship by Messrs Patios and 'Simon on which ye these tee lima ROWLANDS' MACASSAR OIL' 4 'Under which are the signature and address dile proprietors in ens thus-s- A ROWLAND (St SON20Ilatton Garden Loden Countersigned ARE ROWLAND To further Insure to the public the original snide ba taining290Z8 letters without this nese are mew Thelrices are 311 frol 7s family bottles (evil 4 small 10s Gd and double that sue Xi Is jan For sale by IL MCGRAW SANDS'S SARSAPARILLA- ICR the removal and permanent eared all die 1 eases arising from aa Impure state of the Mogi or habit of the system namely Scrofula or Ealit EviI Rbeninatism Obstinate Cutaneous Pimples or Pustules on the Face Blotches Liar Chronic Sore Ryes 'Ring-Worm or Tewa Head Enlargement and Pain of the Bonesand StabbOrn ITIcerSt BYPhilitie Symptoms Serstieni nr Lumbago and diseases arising front an injudiciew use of Mercury Ascites or Dropsy carom" e' prudence in life Also Chronic Constitutional orders trill be removed by this preparation Jan I) Sold by McGRAW DR CULLEN'S INDIAN VEGETABLE REMEDY TS a domestic preparation entirely free fres 1 via ilferry or any other minerato-eombiliZ In itself all the requisite qualities to effect a Ind cure in a few days it used according tothe direIt acts first by purging oil all irritating matters ads System which aggravate the disease ad lathe no' time it acts upou the secretion through the medial of the blood by which all vestiges of the $711111146 taint are eradicated from the system The consult tion Instead of being injured at it often the of Mercury Capaive and 'other powerful Pim lacing medicines is benefited and the individualists himself in the enjoyment of better health them ho Irsh before It also eradicates Venereal 141 Sveitais and is a general purifier of the ortell Ian TAYLOR'S 1 BALSAM OF LIVERWORT' PoOL Cbruturopticnt end Liver Col07'laol4 POUGIEIS Coids Asthma Difficulty of 1 Pains in the Side or Breast Sratiag 003W Catarrhs-Palpitation of the Soreness of the Chest Whooping Cough Hectic Fever Night Sweats Difficult or Profuse pectoraniolk and all other Affections of the Char Lungs and Liver This medicine is for sate by jan MeGitj1Lc PEASE'S HOARIOUND CANDY A COMPOUND trout twentyfive of the mostrox 2-3- and salutary cough ingredients Each Inrek54: is invariably signed by the All are spurious articles This preparation is highlY commended for clearing the voice and rel Coughs Colds Hoarseness Irritation ot the Croup Whooping Cough Asthma 01thrltsgreTeia tation of the Heart Liver Complaint rtient Ditheulty or Profuse Expectoratiest end ia Diseases leading to Consumptive and Peath jLiti 21 RA Ye ClIAltRIERS CUPPING INSTRUMENTob A FRESH supply jest seceived per thiP Suble lite! OL front Havre and for sale at Oct 80)14 rurs DavG nd Liver or po RED se- 3 prorietrs In thus rden 1svaver 'Under which ari-ilii-iiigna-ture- and address th A- I To fu Insure to the public the original trade the words Rowlands' Ma OW areengrave et eope meatly1500 times 4 to 1117 RIVCA Countersigned AIM ROWLAND re awl 1 bottles The elticee are 3s Sd 731 family taming wOoto letters without this mew a 4 small 10s Gd and double that sueti Is SANDS'S SARSAPARILLA inn Per sale by MeGgAe- of the eases arising from a Impure a state or habit of the system namely: Scrofula or KO FOE the removal and permanent cart of In Lit' Pimples or Pustules on the Face Blotches 1111s Chronic Sore Eyes Ring-Worm or Teuert Evils Rbeninatism Obstinate Cutomeottol Ersiskast Head Enlargeinent and Pain of the BoneseetyoloN or Stubborn Ulcers! Syphilitic' Symptoms Lumbago and diseases arising front jai stia use of Merenry Ase ites Drops! exPota Dip on- prudence in life Also Chronic Consul or Jan ll orders ill be removed this 'reparati 111 GILAW Sold by -see CULLEN 0 TS a 'INDIAN VEGETABLE REMDY omestic preparation entirel free fro Cl? 1 too sateearry or any oter mineride-congiZ in itdtan she requisite (pigmies to effect a 111 in i-evidays if used according Kolbe airss it cure acts first by purging of all irritating mimeo' ad ecthe system which aggravate the disease' 101 Hine it acts upou the secretions through the InVilitie of the blood by which all vestiges of the eye --elts are eradicated from the system The ei----- Tut' once is br the lal non instead of being injured at it est rose "III Capeless and other powertni redo toting 'eines is benefited and the individual ea be re It also eradicates eer (better health th inuell in the enjoyment hea smethrest otos- fo Vneal the 13reest Ty de and is a general purifier TeGaasc ran fie son 'DM' TAYLows 4 4 7 BALSAM OF LIVER WORT" Po 4 OL Cbturtanplicnt a levasylo thiest nOUGIEISColds AsthmaDifficulty et BIZ" kl Pales ht thn Side or Breast 8ritliDt -ma CatarrhsePalpitation of the Beane-0'Fri plearOtt Soreness of the Chest Whooping lig se Ex Hectic Fever Night Sweats Difficult or LIVI'L104 ons of the pectoratiou and all other AFecti sale by Lungs and Liver This medicine mit) A st i 1 bleG CAD PEASE'S HOARI1OUNO -five of the wow A COMPOUND Irons twee 7 Each coo C3 and salutary cough ingredients nexAhlyr gothers is invariably signed by the ProPr'er is kifg are spurious nicks This preparat og Iittria earl commended for clearing the voice the No ot sb Irritation 11711pi Coughs Colds Hoarseness Croup Whooping Cough Asthma CIttankitelos tatim of the dent Liver complaint Night tert ue use Expectoratioat led a' il 411- Pr" Pe'' Diseases leading to Cososump McGi tousle A Alt el Ir ---rttvmk-is CLIA RR IER a CUPPIAG INS" szbitotv sloe Is FRES11 supply jest teceived per nf rom ilavre and for sal? at titu 9ct at64 :4 y11' DRUG 04 plaints and a 1 ll Affections of the Respiratay a STIHE great American 'Remedy for Lett Cos sans Sold by Ita Ian El limml ROWLANDS' MACASSAR OIL purchasing it is particulmIt a ask for "Rowlands' Macassar Oa L11-'cessarl ft Treatise the Ho Ealu" 4 Pratityll' al ed man Hair enclosed in an eseelepe from a al re t) paha anship by Masts lino graving of Mtquisite workm and Bacon on whkh ate there words-la Sas ROWLANDS' MACASSAR OIL 4 proprietors in RED thus-- tinder which are the signature and address die Countersigned AIM ROWLAN0 A ROWLAND di SON20 Hatton Garden th he Or raves the wordsRowlands' acassar i tone awl too To further Insure to the one the original rude a lt of the envelope nearly 100 timest eP taialogw440 The 3 For sale by ees are erd 7 family allillY bobottles letters without this saw ire 4 8nlall 10s tel and double that sue i I I MeGRAW an OINtIAL Soort left New Orleans PO evening Usti in the steansahip Alabama tor the rjn Grande The Legislature of Booth Carolina ad-'lilted on the nth: last The propositioa made time since of transferring the choice of pies- ilectorsfrom thy Legislature to the people I rtcrive the favorable attention of that 7 the presence of78perr reet of tags were taken made snd printed In five miitutes universal loafers Pr or their regzed vetments I off an under their noses of a haritP alrertising vagrAPts know it! A represented as being very thick and difficult to put through Between Keokuk end Quincy the Ti ego bad several of ber buckets broken by it The buckets were If Web ask plank-St Louie Union Cotton Fiour Grain litThe Cotton market cousinues exceedingly km sotwithstanding the advance in The sales yesterday amount id to 6000 bales takes for Europe tied the Vortb --prices ety (tine Flour is also steady-about 7000 sold for export yesterday prinCipay ii 4 20 for good Ohio Graio--Coro was in less itmanasome 2000 bushels were told at 50 to 53 coots per bushel far the but shipping lots A lot ot 3000 bushels good Wheat brought 90 cqius per bushelDelia of 77toreday Supplying Europe with ship Rap pahannock which ckared at this port on fita Ridley Int for Liverpool had on board the following "enormous" cargo Bales of cotton 1128 bairels of eutty 00541 barrels of corn meal 1250 bbls of turpentine aud tellifil 656 barrels of apples 261 barrels 01 navy bread 103 barrels of soda crackers 25i boxes of soda crackers 50 casks bacon 6 boxes cheese 011 keen butter 100 boodles shooks j25 bloishead staves 1400 The rad weight of the olive Is 1623 tons and is exclusive of baggage and provisions for -fifty steerage passengers The estimated bulk of the cargo Is seventeen thousand five hundred and ighty-three barrels The ship measures as per register eleven bun dred knd thirty-three tonsand draws but eighteen feet and tit inches IA water This is probablv the largest men ever cleared from this Tke freight amounts to about Ilerald14th Pirther Particulars of the Lou of Mt Sloop-of-War Boston sailed from New Yeti on the eth ult had a pleasant passage out and on the 13th while funning before a blaek squall at the rate of nine knots struck oe an enter reef on the north idea the island of Klee: theta and was driven op within thirty yards of the bescholte sea rolling tremendouslyt Having lost all their boat etc they immediately sot away the toasts but the vessel contineed to roll towards the shore until within thirty yards of it where she bow lies In three feet water having bilged on her larboard side Coptain officers and crew all saved together with everything belonging to the vessel except the guns sod water tasks Having reached the shore la safety they immediately went to work and cleared up an sere of land and built tents in which to reside suffering but little ineoavenience except for the want of water which was very bad and brackish After making this settlement they cleared I road about on toile is length down to a cove from which they proposed to debark every: important the Circuit Courithis morning as we are informed Judge Krum gave his decision On a case ot much initiortanee It was one which called lam question the constitn tionality or the law regulating the residence In this State or free colored persons We under- stand that he decided in favor of the law Ind ex pressed the opluilm that none but free white per could enjoy any of the rights of eititensbip This of course excludes the radian as well as the negro--St Louis think saved begides "itioniselves to Nassau and The Genets Court of Virginia glee a decision thence to Norfolk Tbey iatetded Icasinc the on the '15th 'inst lajite case of the citizens et MEXICAN COTTON SEED 20 A HUSLIELS genuine acclimated Mexican LP Cotton Beek which yielded an year one pound of Atte long staple Cotton to 62 For sale at 50 cis per bnshel delivered at Grand Galt GRIFFIN as dee tor Main and Commerce st4' A 1' rackb heavy for Ate by dec 1 '44 1) CiiEULEft Lan 14(41 3 tir 401 Akar UST received direct from Philadelphia a supply e1 of genuine and fresh seed from the extensive Nurseries and Gardens of the Landreth's which may be depended upon 4'or bale low by dee 20 '46 II MCGRAW BEAUTIFUL BOOKS FOR THE SEASON rp LIE Floral Offering for 1847 the Diadem for 1747 the Evergreen for 1817 the Rainbow for 1847 Beetles in the lives of the Apostles The liyacynth 1847 Bryant') Poem Lady of the LakmRogers Po ems Proverbial Philwopity Childe Harold Lalla Rookh Byron Burns SigourneyCrabbe Lieber and Pollock and Longfellow Poets and Poetry of EtuReall done up in fine bindings suitable for pmants lust opened by dec24 11: FOX FOR SALE 4 600 of (rota ke oz e6ecs onad Crcelr eight ta Dwportion of the Plantadon known as Greenfield The land will be sold either in onesbotly or in portions to suit parches-art and being la st most delightful neighborhood would be admirably suited for country seats like- dee Ulm Apply to 303 FERRIDAY MAMMOTH JONATHAN FOR 1847 11HS mix stupendous No yet just received at dee 5111 TAINTOR113 1 UST received and for 1 100 lbs superior Green Tea 1 case do Black do' I 1 case Fresh Prunes Shah kegs Grapes 50 halt bonen Sardines si CLAY dee251 Cor Main and ComMeree sic I 'WANTED' I A GOOD Gardener will bear of an exCellent 1-Ition by applying at this oifitm Dee 184b-cX 200 USLIEL8 Peat Gulf Co Ilya b'erd la stuns tuall for sale by 22 CALCOTE youzcz i the coo Go hi fro' 5 chc ket II Tr I OM A bein pr nth "3 I'l represented as being very thick and difficult to pate ho through Between Keokuk and Quincy the Ti al a ago bad several rat her buckets broken by it The buckets were If loch oak plankSt Louie niers 8 7 4 4 0 A tra bl Cullen rioter Groin ftThe Cotton market coatinues otteedinq firm totaritlistandint ska -1 in frei his be sales 'Verde amount let mu 2 a id re boon bales tee saturop on alku ute Va i Adra "til COS very A s-1 this IA ackas is '-'1s" "11 to Ft tor import yesterday pnacipany it I 20 swung es I nkla atatma two 4 Grala--Coto was la less tlemant-aome 111 bushels Were It314 al to 53 sews Cr bushel lots A lot ot 3000 bushels the best shipping good MI Iss ihr Wheat htaaghl Pet bushetri-Delg's yin Ida 'air 31' res 111 Supplying EtstoPe with rootC-The ship Rap mhannock which cleared at this port on Saturday GO Itt4 4 It 1: --V 1: ---r it pl tk 1 -ort hi I gleam-moose cargo lest foe Liverpool had oa hoard the following sse -t 4444- ---7- froi qltfir a 0 Bales of cotton 1128 bairels Boer 00541 Or '13 tri 5 JUST received direct from Philadelphia a tapply hard of cord me turpentine al I 250i Idris or tee and resin 656 barrels of apples 261 bandit of hi Id 05 ha I ad 25 a of inane and fresh seed from "the extenave IP I Davy eit 1 barrels soda etat era i boxes of soda 50 casks bacon 6 boxes Nurserie and Gardens of the Landreth which may be dependrd upon For sale low by cheese 011 keg butter 100 boodles shooks) dee 20 46 1 11- eGRAW- I 400 i The dead weight of the above j25 aogsheau staves above Is 1623 toes and PEAT I tit Flotal Offering for 1817- the Diadem for 1747- exclusive at 1)aggage and provisions for Evergreen for che ainbow for 1 is 847 steerage pa ssengers ees ta the lives of the Apmtles toft es The estmsted bulk or the cargo Is seventeen iu The liyacy I los nryants poem Lady a the Ake itgers housand five hundred turd eigy-three barrels tat prover ht bial Philosophy Child Ha Id-- Latta 71 The ship measures as per register even mi I Boolth II s- jru 6 yron etetne urns igourney rabbe dred end thirty-three tonsand draws but eightee0 Lieber and Pollock and Loofa bindings suitable for fellows Poets and Poet This is probably hes of water feet sed lit Inc the largest 0 ever dee red ei bly lgest cote na ry of Europe done up in nts Just opened by be le 4- (teen vir tr Fox i this city The freight amounts 10 about from JUL 000--N Herold I I FOR SALE 4 ACRES of Land on Second Creek of the elght ruroter of the Love of the 600 mil es from Natchez being a portion a a Sloop-el! War Bostose-The Mato now Plantatio known as Greenh eld The land will be from New Yeti on the Sth ult had a pleasant pas sold either in onesbody or in portions tomtit purchas sage out and oa the 15th while ittrintog before a being in a most delightful neighborhood black squall at the rate of nine knots struck on an ers an would be admirably suited for country seats este- nnui core left New Orleans on Wedoes- outer Seef on the north side 01 the wend or Bleu dee exim Apply to 'JOS FERRIDAY 4 'eY Leila ill the steamship Alabama fur theta and was drives up within thirty yards of mAMMOTII JONATHAN FOR 1847 i at the rtrlo Grande the beitchthe sea rolling tremendously Having frilig oust stopend 11 yet just receives I 1 A lost all their boats etc they immediately tut sway -11 dee I TAINTOR'S -I Legillatate al' 134ath t'strtalai aa- the masts but the vessel contineed to roll towards i 1 UST received sod for gale- 1 lrned on the loth' inst The peopositios made the shots until within thirty rude of it where she to ritual Decision -In the Circuit Courithis 40 100 lbs superior Green Tea ft 1" --m I since or transferring the choice now lies In three feet water having bilged on her morning as we are informed Judge Krum gave bi 1 ease do Black do 7 I il the Legislature to the people larboard side Captain officers and crew eit saved his decision On a case or much importance It I ea "-ee Fresh Prunes 1 'lecto from together with everything belonging halt kegs Grapes was one which called question the constitu- 4 1' I I -I receive the faversble attention 1 at to the vessel 50 half Sardines I 'r i tionality or the law regulating the residence In or free colored persons We under- MEXICAN COTTON 1 1 7' except tko guns and water tasks 'laving reached the abort la safety they immediately went to work i this State SEED an-ph-sr i' CLAN- 1 dee251 Cor Ma i land and built tents in 7 7- 1 te-141 the presence of18 pet- and cleared en set? or od stand that he decided in favor of the law and ez- gon BUSHELS genuine acclimated Mexican in an Comm'tree No 3 a 1-4--1 1 1 reel of togs were taken made which to reside suffering but le ineouvenitoce pressed the opinion that none but free white per- As ss Conoa Seed which yielded last year one WANTED I i 11 dr- and printed in fitho minutes estibpitor the want of which was vet parer bad i I te For sale pound ne long step Cotton ro62 bo very "IIII1 could "Jet l'r the rlghtt ct thizens iP- st 50 cm per bushel delivered at Grand Gulf i ti tio by A GOOD Gardener mi bear of an excellent l' ''''''l I univers -arnes al makin this settlement tin loafer and brackish After rippering at this offiee they This of 'course excludes the Indian as well as the GRIFFIN de CLAy41: Dec14 1846cx to a pr rn 3 or I leir regged vestments cleared a road about one toile to lengt wa uerosr Louis union 014 dee COr Main and Commerce sr otio fr sole BuskILL 3 I 1 cif owl (- iP1 under their noses cove from which they proposed to debark every- 8 i eta Gulf Cott oa bordii toe thing saved besides themselves to Nassau end of a flaritN 111aaertistos vagra rotate gave a decision I -3 The Genets Court of VI rot sti-00 sacksheavy Oats fo mile by IQ ti Montana ue ki dee IS 46 II CIIIEUIER Landing tee 22 0 ot TE thetice to Norfolk They leaving the 00 the 15thiosti to Jim case of the citizens el I 1 youzcz i i A di II 0MEFECON represented as being very thick and difficult to pate through Between Keokuk and Quincy the Ti- ago bad several ot her buckets broken by it The buckets Were lt loch oak plankSt Leta Union naw 7 CU non Baur Grain ttsThe Cotton market coalition tateeedinqfirm tottitheteastiat Ilic -1 the advance in freights he sales eesterday amounts id to 6000 bales takes for Linens sad the North -1-- 11.

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