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The Daily Kansas Tribune from Lawrence, Kansas • Page 3

Lawrence, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

A beautiful houqoet, composed of I) ILrY TRIBUNE N. Baldwin has fitted up a photograph gallery, over Newmark'a 105 Massachusetts street, Lawrence, Kansas, and is now prepared to make pictures in the finest and mosf approved styles of the art. No 'pains and expense have been spared In uniting the beat faculties for making nrst-clasa work. The greatest object shall be to give to every picture qualities of durability, beauty and expres T. H.

Hirrtos, B. Clara S. Biffins, A. D. Speoialiati for tne treatment of Diseases of the Ejes, Kara, wtt Ikroat Md lf Catarrh, Head-che, DyspepilACiaponic'biarrhe Constipation, Piles, and all Diseases of the Urinary i Rbmoval.

C. S. Webster Co. have this day removed from the Eldridge House block to No. 57 Massachusetts street, Frazer's block, where they will be happy, to see their customers and friends.

Wishing to reduce oar stock of goods adapted to summer wear aa low as possible, preparatory to filling up this fall, we shall offer special inducements to purchasers during the next thirty days. Lawrence, July 3, 1869. i an3-d2w Strayed or Stolen. On July 34th, one bay mare pony and colt. Mare has lour white feet and white strip in face ten years old; colt is a black marc colt, with white spot on hind foot.

Also, one chestnut sorrel mare, with white fore foot, branded on right shoulder "No. 88' has a sore back. Any one sending information of them to Gotleib Arhbery Tom Tabs Camp Mxettng All who wish to attend the Missouri Valley Camp Meeting, near Shawneetown, to-morrow, will make note of the fact that the Kansas Pacific EaawaylwEI run special train; to leave as follows: Topeka, at 7 a. m. Perry Lawrence, Stranger, 9.

No change of ears will be made, as the train will be run by the Fort Scott Railroad to the camp ground. The fare for the round trip to the eamp and return will be three dollars, the tickets to be good till the 18Uy if A jjijf if If the weather Is fair to-morrow, the attendance at the meeting will be Immense, as special trains win run on an the roads centering In Kansas City. Those who do not wish to take provisions can procure good meals on the ground at the usual prices. Remember, the train will leave at eight and a half o'clock, to-morrow I A PROCLAMATION. Whereas a convention between the Fnited Statea "a republic of PertL Tsrondtos-lor theadjustmen of claims of citizens Tof eiUwr country against the other; was deluded Md sisned by their respecUysjieniiwStiariie city of Lisa, On the to year of our Lord one thousand eight hudred and tlxty-tuht, which convention, bein tn the English tod Spanish languages, is word for word asiollows: Whereas 'claims may Per euanto, have, at various times de firm arte las Oeei-sinee the sicnafiire of siones de la eonuaioa the decisions of the mixta qne se renulo ea mixed commissio Lima, el 17 de Julio de which met in Lima in 1S63, puede haberse Jaly, 1863, been made hecho, en distintaa epo-oa the government of cas, reclamaciones con-the United States of tra el Gobierno dQoi America, by citizens of stados Unidos de Pens, ud have, America pot eiodadaaos made by citizens of the del Pern, ban sido United States of Ameri- hechas por cludadanos ea on the government of de los Kstados Unidos Peru, and whereas some de America contra el of such claims aie still Gobierno del Peru, pending, the President por cuanto algnnas de of the t'nited States of dichas reclamac'ones se America and the Preat-aallan an-pendiestts, dent of Peru, being of el Presidents del Peru opinion that a speedy el Presidente de los Eland equitable settlement tados Unidos de Ameri-of all each claims will ea, creyendo 'que 'TO contribute much to the pronto equitaUTO ar-mauitenanoe- of the leglo detodas las dichas lriendly feelings which reclamaciones contribu-sabsist between the two Ira nraeho a.

manteaer countries, have resolved las amistosas rtlac tones to make arrangements existeatee entre ambos for that purpose by passes, han reeoelto ar-means of a convention, reglarlas por medio de and have named as their una conveneion, con plenipotentiaries to con- tal obejeto han nombra-ler and agree thereupon, do ooms plenipotenci-thatiatosay: arioe, para proeeder a The President of the este arreglo: United States names El Presidente del Peru AlTitfP. Uovey, envoy al ministroderelaciones extraordinary and min- exteriores Don oae Aula ter plenipotentiary of tioao Barrenecbea el the United States ot Presidente de los Ksta-America near the gov- doe a eu Excelencla eminent ot Peru, and Senor Don Alvin P. the President of Peru Hovey, enviado extra-names his excellency ordinario ministro Doctor Don Jose Anto- jDe los nio Barrenechea, inin- Kstaaos Unidos ceroa ister of foreign affairs del gobierno del Per, of Peru, who, after hav- quienes despuea de ha-ing communicated to ber canjeado susreepec-each other their res pec- tivos plenoe poderes, tire full powers, found hallandolos en boenay in good and true form, debida forma, han con-have agreed as follows: venido en losiguiente: ASJ6-I Abswtro m. kery claim shall bsnrs- Todas tea reelaakaekiB-. ssated to the SBsssiissioa.

seran pnssatadas il. era within twe awthseoaiistnasdos dentro dad fratS tfca dav of their Boat anatI4.j..77r meeting, nnleas i any do primsra sesioa, case wasre rsanons ivsa oeptaasMoa. ids eaaav lay shall be aBtablished a se $ra aaotivos para Jna-the sarisfccrtoB of thaeom- tiacai la dsaMiraasatisfae. Saisateaanv ar of taa aebi. elaa Am lotankui.M r.

tratse Bornira, ia the del arbltrw etetoaro dl'rt-mDta'iuuiiiBiii. dilhriB laopUdaa thara. fecya dkmrdia entre los sack -ass the period ft a. lose pras-Bttaa; the cW any axtea irarandos aoara el tana in pars ia lODI pjer. Tbeei "TTg4 axaamlaae da-dsefcie apoa BVary ekaiai cidir a4aa kw taelaBta.

withia aU ssaathe bBsa taa etaasa nlwitro baT- day or their ant meeting. tmii qjtj Beimerassstoa. i ABTlcta IT. yf Asncnie IV. AD sasBS of BMBey which TodastassamasdsdiM-ro qne seaa adjadicadaa por toe comisionados por al axbitto ta.etro dirt-auate.

coa motive da las nay be awarded by the comnUskwen. or by the arbitrator, or assplre, ea aoooant of asy elaiac, ehatl oe pate oy tne eae govern, auwit to the ether, aa the case bit aa, wUhla kx rsclamaeioaas seraa pa fades per aao de los goblar-aoaaloti sagm al easo, dm tro de caatro BMaea despnaa da la fecha de a daciskm, sia ia tares sin dsdacalea algnaa, axcept-aaadose la araalada aa el ArWcBlo VI da esta eoa-vancJoB. iknccioT. Ninths after, the daaaaf tne aeciaioe, wilaont latere, aad withoBt any dedaetioB, save aa speci-Ssd in Article TLharaw. attar.

Asticls V. The high eoalraetiBg Las altas partas eoBtra-parttas agree to eraaidat taatas se coanroaMtea a the result of the proceed conaiderar al raenltado da bigs of this eommiauoB aa lea proeadlmieBtos de seta a iqu, peraMst, aae naal fnnaloa como nn piese, satUesMt ef every claias pertteto Anal ajaste da apoa either goverameat todaa las reel nadoaea arisuur oat of aaytraasae-centra etBboa gobtaraoa. tloa ot a date prior te the prevealaataa ae heetaas de exchange of the ratifiea. fecha aotarior al eanje da tiooa of the preatat coa. las ratlncacioaes de la pes- vantlon; aad rattaer ea- seoia eenvanoon; eoa-agethatavaryaaehelaias, viaaea adeaias ea qaato-whether or not the easae das tes dichas reel maci-may have beea praaeatad oeea, hayan aehayaa tea to.

the notice of, made, pre- mismas sido prsasatadas, lerred, or laid before the hechas, interpasatas ea-said eouimiasioears, shall, trBgadas a te dicha eoatis. from and after the coacla- ioa seraa eoa Ideradas atoo of the atauudlag. of tratadaadanmas del dla an the aaid eoauBiaaioa, be qua te eomlaton teraina considered and treated as sas trabajos, como deflnl-fi aally settled, barred, aad ti ram ante ajostadaa excln-tbarefore inadmiasible. idea, jr por tan to inadmUi-bles. Asticls YI.

ASTICTAVOTL the salaries of the seat. II hooorario da cada noo BiiaBoBara shall sot axceed de kw ootniaiooados no ex-forty-flvs haadrad doUaea cedars ds caatro I qnia. ia United States gold coin, leatos pesos, ea oro de Um each, yearly. Tboee of the Batados Caidoa, al aao. Kl secretaries aad arbitrator de has secretaries el del or aniaire hall be deter- arbitro tercero dtnmente uliied by the commission- seraa determined os por la era, and ia case the said comiaioo si los dichoe commission da-kits labors eoBiisioaadoa eooclnyeaeB In lats than aix awaths, ana trabajoe en msnt-a de theeotnmlaaioaeratoeUar sals maara.taadran derecho, wkth their aasiatants will lomismoqaesasaaxillarae be entitled to six moeths a los aoaorarios correspaa pay, and the whole axpea- dieaUa a bb seaiestre.

sas of lbs iiiiBHBisaVTB iball todos los B-stos de te combe defrayed by a ratable kdaa serao eabiertoe medi-ded action oa tha amount ante ana deducckapropo-of the snms awarded by the cioaada qn. as baga sobre al- at si on to total ds tes so always that aach dsdnctioa as adjadicadaa par ah all Bot "exceed the rate eomlaianartaa, eoa te eoa-ef Iva per eeat. ea the dlcloa eoieodida de que anmSBoawardedr Tea de- dedncdoa ao Bcteacy.if any.shsTl be de- del cineo por eieato da tea frayed by ths two govera-sbssbs adjudicadas. Bde msnts la moieties. ficit, ti te hubiese.

sera pa- gdo por ambos gobierni por niitad. AanauTn. Ths present eoaeaat'oa shall be ratified by -the Psesldent of the United States, by and with the coaeent of the Senate thereof, and by the President of Pent, with the approbation of the OoegTeea of that ffvpnblis, aad the ratifications will be exchanged in Lima, as soon as aaay be, wltala sia Amnoiiiio TIL La prat ante eonveucioa sera ratineade por el Presidente del Pern cob te a probation del Ooagraao por el de los Batados Unidos con arruba-cioo consent' del Bee-do de lee sn. i.

1m ratineai lonx t'i -i das en JJ; aeie metre de esta tscha. months oi ins oats aereot. Aatnt TIIL AanciosTIIL The high contracting Lss dos altas partes coo-parties declare that this tratantea dsclaraa qne esta convention shall not be conveneloa no constltny considered as a praosdent aa preerdente abMgatorio obligatory ob them. Bad para alias, qnequedaaea that they remaia ia perfect perftcta Ubartad para pro-liherty to proceed ia the ceder de la manera que manner that may be deem- craaa mas convenlente eu ed most convenient regard- las reclamaciones diple-ing the diplomatic claims matlcss qne paaleran oc- uia. maj a.

ia. mm mi. i hwi wm tore. In teatimonlo de to cual In witness whereof ths los rsspectlvos plenipoten-respeetive plenipotentla- ci arioe lo han nrmado Jo riea nave aigeed the same haa sellado eoa sas reeper-in the KngUah and Spanish tivos sellos. Issgnsgss.aad hsvs sfflxed Hscbo ea Lima a los en-thereto ths seals of their atro diss del mes de Dici-snns.

smbre del anno del Senor Done In Lima, the fourth de mil ocheci.ntos aassata day of December, in the echo, eserita ea espaaol year of oar Lord oas thou- Ingles, sand eight hnndred and sixty-eight. Alvw P. Uovst. l. s.l J.

A. SaBBsaicasA. l.s 1 J.ABAaaaaacssa. l.s.J Alvh P. HOVIT, fl.S.

And whereas the said axmveaaeajkas beea dnly ratified on both parts, aad the respective ratifications of ths same were exchanged at Llata ea the 4th of Jane test: Mow, therefore, be it knows that Ulysses B.Orant. President of the United States of America, have ceased the said convention to be made pnblio, to the end tbat the same aad every etenes and article thereof may be observed snd fulfilled with good faith by ths United states and ths citiseos thereof. In testimony whereof, I have bereante set au hand aad teased ths seal at the United States to be affixed. Dane at the city of fkasBingtea this sixth day or Jaly, in the year of oar Lard oas thoasaad eight nun dred aad sixty-alna, aad of the independence of the United States of America ths ninety-fourth. i U.S.GRAKT By the President: J.

C. Bsaoaar Datxs, Acting Secretary of State. 1 1 IIEtfDRY s5c KOYES, ATTORNEYS AT LAW kllD REAL ESTATE AGENTS. TTIV17 WYD a 17 TMT. A XST G1 1 HAT AS JV VXV OsaXJL.aB.AsVl eUA If UvUl" VA laSalaa-AM

IOA 11 uk BO SwSBU UB M. VaSslS aTUBuscsi VUt IOI, 10 and 168, oa New Jersey street; 34, 49, 5a, 102. 111. 119 and 148 Connect! eat street; 67, 94, 1 10. US, and 172 Kew York street; 1, lb, 25, 27, 100, 176 sad 178 ahode lalaad street; 85, 87 and 10) New Hampshire street: sooth half of 3.

sooth hall of 4, north half of 74, 78, 100, US and 170 Msasa- cnasetm street; is. wees najr or hi, ana levi Vermont atreett 149 en tacky street: Ohio street: 80, 108, 110, 242, S44, 850, 233, 258 sad SCO Louisiana street 1 110 Tennessee street: 10 Indiana street: 10 aad 163 Mississippi afreet Mflnekaey, aad 80 Park. gvul umni vu. iwiii.) wwniHw imbi, well, on aad 8 Hackney street, frame bouse, three good rooms, on 202 Tenn essee street. Boose, with six rooms; barn, wen, oa north half of 84 Kentucky street; price House, six rooms, and barn, oa soata half of 94 Kentucky street; price $1,000.

uoou stone aoose, nor rooms, ceuar ana wen, comer of Kentucky and Warren streets; price SL600. Small frame house sad barn, lot 73 Pennsylva nia street. roar extra lots, frame house, roar rooms, peach, cherry aad ahade trees, corner of Feaa- aylvania and Hancock streets. 19IPBOVKD VAfttSIS AMD aVANDS. Improved forty-aere bottom farm, frame house.

well, stable, thirty to forty fruit trees; four miles from Lawrence). Several forty-acre farms, four to six miles oat. no. 11. A farm of dgo acres, two-storr brick house.

eight rooms, frame barn, large amount of fruit, good water, -timber, Ac An extra farm; six miics irom i-iwreace. i No. S6. A good bottom farm of 109 acres, well Improved; noose, barn, fruit, water, Ae. JWI.

IU. 100 acres timber laad. six miles northwest of Lawrence 17 per acre. a 87 acres ooaom, umoer, opposuo r.aaora; per acre- xo. zs.

iiHtuvTwiaai iwwwu, uwi water, frame noose, on aad half story; one mile and a foanh from chorea and school. srood eighty-acre farm. Ave hundred fruit trees, house, well aad stock water. sua. xe.

A well Improved oae nondred-and-plxtv-aere farm, good baildiap. plenty of frui ter rrra Uutber, well and stock water. fa. sm. 80 acres good fruit land, all fence west.

V. Wf. SO seres, SS SOS gTapeviaes, good water, wiad-break af aesplra, aVc. Southeast ouarter of section 8. townshtp 14.

range 20; northeast quarter of section 10, township 14, range 20; southwest quarter of section SO, township 13, range IS; northeast quarter cf section 29, tnwhsnip 14, nogs 18. augs-au NET7 GHOCEH3T. B. 1IAC02IBEB SON, SB 215 Jlsisinaf hxizettM Street LAWnEfJCE, (Opposite ths Hygeiaa Bose.) WE HAVE WOW OPENED AND are read to snnnlv aa etaaton tre 'wlih all kinds af groceries aad provisioae, kept ta a flret- elase grocery, at reaso-abie rates. H.

B. We will keen ecnet-all on nand the best brands of flour, for both wholesale and re tail, at ww figures. CT Q00E3 IDIH-IVinillD. i Be Zac-aler tone Till. tL.ri.aV I.

THK 8UPEBIOB HEHITS OF these Bra-tog rre sow ettahlUhed beyond aqoestioa. lc erst priies at every fair for 7 aad Speed The stitches are it- tuti on both sides. The machines ran perfectly easy, aad do ths largt ra St. Agents required; 1 a allowed. Send tor eireuiars, i 'aUpaJ.

once, EfcLriie. Jee4 wly aci -xjwery, Aancu HI. BsoaaB sni aaiauts hasta aa awe i i dasppea. Waalillaaaia aa-B nineteen varieties of rosea, iwueu wur sanctum of a little of Its grlmness yesterday, Also, some fine Creeling grapes robbed um of a Mttle Both were presented by Bob Wilcon, who understands both the growing and presenting of each things to perfection. By the way.

he la offering a choice collection of hothouse plants for sale at just half the usual prices. Notice. The citizens of Sigel and vi cinity arej Invited to meet atYaifsjs bridge, on Saturday, Aug. 14th 1889, at 3 p. to consult in reference to the Wakarusa VaHey Railroads H.

FURMAN. G. W. Godwin. Robert Yocxa.

O. W. Petotih. f-: Horace Tucker. "Gabriel Mabkxb.

Abel Yates. William Bakes. H. C. Macy.

Removal. The St. Nicholas Restau rant, P. W. Miller, proprietors, win be removed on next Tuesday, from the basement of Schott's building to the room known as Tamers' Hall, which is being painted, papered and thoroughly fitted up, and when the work is completed, will present a very handsome appearance.

The St. Nicholas has been established almost a year, and under the able manage ment of Messrs. Miller, has become the most popular establishment of the kind in theclty. Stkatbd or Stolen. From thU city, last evening, a dun pony stallion, black mane and tale, about fourteen hands high, six years old, large windfalls on both fore legs; had on a saddle and bridle.

A lib eral reward will be paid to any one returning the animal to Pat. Hamlin's stable, in this city, or to the undersigned, at Clin ton. If stolen, $25 reward will be paid for the capture of the thief. augl4-dwtf Ransom A Howard. Mr.

J. H. Ransom, of Clinton, one of the proprietors of the steam mill in that town, while in the city yesterday, on business, hitched his horse in front ot Whit-comb Mead's grocery. When ready to return, the horse was missing, and a colored barber in the vicinity stated that he saw some one ride It away. Under the circumstances, Mr.

Ransom has good reason to believe it was stolen. A reward is offered elsewhere In to-day's paper for its return. A Warning. A grocery house on Massachusetts street was closed by the Sheriff yesterday. On commencing business here, the proprietor advertised awhile in The Tribune, and secured such patronage that he was soon compelled to remove to a larger building.

Thinking then that he was doing well enough, he took the advertisement out, and for a year past has not let the public know that he was engaged in trade. The natural result followed. One or two others are following closely in his tracks. At a business meeting of the Friends of Progress, held Aug. 8th, a committee, consisting of George Shearer, E.

B. Sawyer and A. Harris, was appointed to take preliminary steps for securing a site, and devising plans for building a hall for the better accommodation of the liberal element of the city and vicinity. A lyceuni or Sunday school committee was also appointed, consisting of Mrs. N.

P. Harris, Mrs. R. S. Tenney and J.

S. Brown. This committee was appointed a library. committee, to take steps for the organization of a library association. Visiting the Indians.

Friend Enoch Hoag, of the Southern Indian Superin tendency, started yesterday to visit the Kickapoo Indians, In company with Thos. Wister, of Philadelphia, one of the three Friends appointed by the Associated Committee of the Friends yearly meetings to visit the Indians of the West. The other two members of the committee, Achilles Pagh, of Cincinnati, and John Butler, of Columbiana county, Ohio, are at present visiting the Cheyenne, Arrapahoe, Comanche and Kiowa Agencies on the plains. They will return to this city in about two weeks. Base Ball.

A very Interesting game of base ball was played on the Kaw Valley grounds, in this city, yesterday, afternoon, by the Kanwaka and Clinton clubs. It was the third and last of a series played for the championship. S. S. Hor-ton acted as umpire.

The game was hotly contested, and well played, both clubs showing good training. We append the score: KAN VARA. CUXTO. O.B. O.

a. C. Colman 5 7 Steele 8 6 Cole 2 7 Walker 4 6 Coeley 3 7 Stoat 4 4 isaiawin .5 uoome 4 4 Cod ant 3 7 Lohr 1 O. Colman 3 5 Vaneil 8 5 8 6 Boutin 5 3 GorrlU 5 5 Buckle 8 6 3 48 43 Kaw Vallet Base Ball Club. The Kaw Valley Base Ball Club met In the City Hall, yesterday afternoon, and reorgan ized by electing the following officers President, S.

S. Horton; Vice President, D. H. Whitman; 3d Vice President, J. E.

Riggs; Secretary, Lefebvre; Treasurer, M. Newmark; Directors, H. H. Carpen ter, D. C.

Haskell, Fred Leonard. The following commit was appointed to revise the constitution and by-laws: D. H. Whitman, A. M.

Saunders and J. K. Riggs. The Directors appointed the regular days for practice on Tuesday and Friday of each week, at 4 p. m.

Several new members were proposed and elected. Love and Bbautt, by Alex. Dumas, the great French author, is in press, and win be published In a few days, by T. B. Peterson Brothers, Philadelphia.

Anything that Dumas writes Is entertaining, and it will command a very large sale, being a narrative of the French revolution of 1703, the Interest is Intense from the first page to the last. The price is only $1.75, bound in cloth. The following new books are having immense sales, and should be read by all: Mrs. Southworth's Bride's Fate," "Changed Brides," How He Won Her," and "Fair Play," Mrs. Stephens' Curse of Gold," "Mabel's Mistake," and Doubly False," 'The Woman in Red, and 'The Breit-man in one cloth volume, with a glossary.

augl4-dlt To W. K. Sutlif, Agent for the Singer Seating Machine: We have sent you as many machines on your order as possible, and hope to send more next week. We are now running our factory night and day, but fail so far to meet the demand for machines. We are now 15,000 behind orders, and making 3,000 per week.

The great popularity for our machines is caused by their simplicity of construction and the great range of work which they will perform. While the Howe machine has 240 pieces', which yon will observe by reference to their book of directions, the Singer machine has less than half that number. Dean A Lowe, General Western Agents, i "605 North Fourth St. Louis, i angl3-d3t Cokqbr's) Butts, and Howard's dairy butter, at Howard A Spencer'a. my29-atf J.

s. B0E8HT05, Traveuss rarrwa-ie-t. SATURDAY, AUGUST 14, 1869. L.OCJA L. MATTBB8.

Thb weather still remains showery, wita no promise of a reform. Thb heavy rain of Thursday morning caused a rise In the Kaw river of about three a Th Topeka Commonwealth does not like our etyle. Very jrood we don' like Its ''pleasantries." tV.W". Chbap. Mr.

Foster, at the music store, has a very good second-hand piano, that he will sell for a hundred dollars. Thb streets were about as muddy yesterday as at any time last winter. Should it continue as muddy for another year, the pvblic will begin to wish that Massachusetts street was macadamized. Hon. Gzoegi Ford showed us a peach from his garden which measured 10 1-2 inches in circumference.

It Is a most delicious peach, but Uncle George would only let us look at it. Kktirbd. Mr. N. F.

Acers, of the Neosho Valley Register, published at tola, has disposed of his interest in the paper to his partner, H. W. Talcotc, who will conduct it alone in future. Mb. Ed.

Kimball returned, on Wednesday, from two months' ruralizing In the East. 8. M. Newh'all, who went East at the same time, returned a day or two previous. Both attended the Peace Jubilee while absent.

Excess Him. If Wm. H. Sells, should "put on airs" for a few days to come, his friends must pay no attention to it, nor take offense. The event that sets him up does not occur every day, and therefore he is excusable.

Wanted. Teams to haul ties. Apply Immediately at the tie-yard, near'ilr. J. Speer's.

augl4-dlt California grapes were among the nov-ties in the fruit market yesterday. Frank nanvers was the enterprising dealer who had them for sale. At eighty cents per pound, they were regarded as being rather luxury. Uncle Gkorgb Ford is getting up a new variety of green corn. It consists of one large ear, with five small ears growing up from the base and completely surrounding it.

At least, he showed us one of that kind, and we presume he has more. Kkcovkrinq. Chas. Lewis, the brake-man of the North Missouri road who was so severely injured at State Line on Monday laot, by, being caught between two cars while switching, Is Improving slowly, and the prospects are tbat he will yet recover. Wanted.

A good cook, to keep house for a email family. For further particulars address Lock Box No. 12, Williams-town, Kansas. augl4-dlt Tbs ladies will And at C. S.

Webster Co. 's, in Frazer's building, a fine stock of summer goods that is being disposed of at but little above cost. The proprietors wish to make room tor a very heavy stock of fall goods, and hence will sell cheaper than ever for a few weeks yet. Notice to Stockholders. The stock' holders of the Lawrence Branch of the Republic Insurance Company will please meet at the office, at the National Bank, this evening, at seven o'clock.

Matters of pleasing interest wPl claim your attcn tion. W.Hadlby, Manager. Delegates. At the workingmen's meeting held at Iowa City, Southern recently, Gen. Hogh Cameron and Mr.

Dunlap, of the Topeka Record, were appointed delegates to the National Labor (ingress, to be held at Philadelphia, beginning on Monday next, Aug. 16th. Mr. Crimeron started east yesterday. To be Removed.

The proprietors of the State Line House contemplate removing it, sometime the coming fall, to the vicinity of the Union depot, a few hundred yards below its present location. The building will be raised with screws, placed on flat cars, and run down on a rail track laid for that special purpose. Fine Berries. Mr. Henry Brown, of Wakarusa, sent us some boxes of Lawton blackberries yesterday, that were a little larger and finer than any we have seen during the season.

Some idea of Mr. Brown's success in raising blackberries may be gained from the fact that he has realized over $300 from half an acre of vines. Sherburne Sc Mason are doing a splendid business at present, and are selling enough boots and shoes, apparently, to cover all the feet in the State. In addition to a heavy stock of eastern manufacture, they have five first-class workmen constantly employed, and yesterday sent to Leavenworth for another. They are fair dealers, and sell at low prices, and hence are popular with the public.

In Fator of Railroads. A corre spondent writing from the Wakarusa valley, in speaking of the contemplated Wakarusa Valley Railroad, says: "The farmers of this locality are awake to this Important enterprise. One ot our neighbors recently hauled 3,000 bushels of oats, of his own raising, to Lawrence, for shipment to St. Louis Such men can appreciate Bad Roads. T.

J. Kirby, who returned from Southern Kansas yesterday, says the recent rains have rendered the roads nearly impassable, and more especially In the valleys of the streams. Consequently, teaming Is about suspended, and traders and merchants find It a difScult matter to get their goods hauledTtown At Wes-tralla flour la thirteen dollars per sack, and rather scarce at that starvation price. The seven hours' rain of Thursday, it appears, was not enough, as we were fa vored with another shower yesterday. The hot, damp, sultry weather that prevails at present, varied with occasional deluges, is not particularly satisfactory, nor conducive to good health If the citi zens of Kansas are not shaken out of their kins with the ague during the coming tall, it certainly will not be the fault of the elements.

Dissolution Notice. The copartner ship existing between W. C. Carey and M. Akers, of North Lawrence, is this day dissolved by mutual consent.

All indebted to said parties are requested to call and etfle Immediately. W. C. Caret. Aug.

12, 18G9. M. Akers. W. C.

Carey will continue business at Carey's block, Bridge street. angl4-d3. Indian Agents. Kriend Thomas Miller, of Springborougb, Ohio, the new Agent of the Sac Fox Indians, who has been in this city tor a week past, started yesterday to the Agency, to assume the duties of bis position. Friend JMahlon Stubbs, of i this county, the new Agent for the Kaws, went out last week to the Agency to take charge of his wards.

forSexual Organs of both sexes; Cores warranted. Office and residence, Massachusetts Central Drag Stare; LkmemoofKtasta. N. B-Ioctre Hjggins will give; her Ipejeial attention to Diseases of Womea and Children. Consultation free, and strictly priTate.

auU-dtf i K.Tt.6y5?ml-nfJ.i?.fri at.r. ueorge Lets Dras Store. Residences, south corners ofMassa-chusetts and Quincy streets. SrsCIi ATTE5TIOH GIVEN TO SURGERY OBSTETRICS. aplO-dtf DBS.

MORRIS RUSSELL. In Sloeaon store, FKAZER'S BLOCK. Night calls attended from office, or residence Of Dr. Morris, corner of Henry and Ohio streets. Jyl-dtf DR.


Bead's store) Residence Ohio street, one door north of the Unitarian chnrCh. jeSO-dly DBS. B. ft K. HCSON, Homeopatnlsta, Office 63 Maesaohnsetta street, SntUff's Block Residence No.

37 Ohio street, LAWRKNi KANSAS Udtf DR. H. T. WHITNEY, DENTIST. Office in Haskell's building, 93 MASSACHUSETTS STREET, LAWRENCE, KANSAS.

Especial attention given to all branches of the profession. Temporary sets furnished free of charge. Please call and learn something to your advantage. TO THE LADIES. Respectfully to the ladies of Lawrence and Vicinity: At Mrs.

M. L. BURHANS, branch of nss.DEnottEsrs Eipouua or mshioi, iVo.115 MASSACHUSETTS LAWRENCE. will be-found a full assortment of PATTERNS, plain and trimmed, in the UUett ttyUt; also DRESS CHARTS. MME.

DEMOREST'S DIAMOND NEEDLES, in ornamental cases, EVERLASTING PERFUME PACKETS, HAIR CURLERS, DRESS LOOPER3, Etc. Stamping, Pinking, Braiding, Machine Embroidering, and Dressmaking in all its varieties, done on short notice, in the best manner. Ladies wishing Information or Patterns of the American Costume, can be accommodated. Shirts and Children's garmentsmadetoorder. fe2-dtf Residence and Office Bell.

DR. MEDLICOTT, 205 Massachusetts St. 305 rSecond door south of the Methodist Church. ap-4-dtf v- DB. J.


Axnr, County Att'y. G. J. Barkeb. Jaia-dswtf MILLINERY OF THE LATEST At MRS.

GARDNER'S. my25-dwtf DR, CARL NEUMANN, Specialist in the treatment of Female. Private and Chronic Disease. Office and Dispensary, CE NTR AL DRUG 8 IORB, LAWRENCE, KANSAS. Jy7-dawly NOTICE.

B. D. Palmeb, Clerk of the District Court of Douglas county, announces to the public that he will draw Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Powers of Attorney, Pension Papers, and all other Legal Instruments; also, Acknowledgments taken Aliens are respectfully invited to call at his office and make their Declaration of Intention, and be come lega Office, District Coon Boom, Tribune Bull dug mch4-dw1 VERMONT STREET WAGON FACTORY ROBSON, FREY CO, rTAVING LEASED THE OLD I I Vermont street Wagon Factory formerly occupied by Charles Hidden, are now prepared to manufacture all descriptions of i Wagons, Carriages Bucgies FARM IMPLEMENTS, NONE BUT THE MOST SKILLFUL WORKMEN EMPLOYED AND ESI MATERIAL USED. We manufacture the BEST CHEAPEST WAG-, Only $100 for a First-class Farm iv as on. Republican Spring Wagons, At prices to suit purchasers ESPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO JOBBING AND REPAIRING.

ALSO, Blacksmltblos la all Us Branches. WE HAVE The Bert Horie-Shoer in! the. City. All work done promptly to order.1 and at the lowest rates. Public patronage solicited myZ7-d3m ROBSON CO.

TO IMMIGRANTS GO BRILL 0 FFEE FOR SALE, ON JtEASON- ABLB TERMS. S0.00O cre of selected lead ia Delaware Reserve. (Douglas and Jeffer-oa eocnties), embracing laads of every grade, from S4 to S3S per acre. Also, sixty good larms in iougias county, irom $10 to $60 per acre. Also, SOu ball ding lots, In La wren and North Lawrence, with several pleasant dwelling houses.

apia-atwtr LAWREHCE MILLS TOE GKAIN -MILLS; AT THE north end of Ohio street, owned by Colonel James Blood, and formerly run by Mr. John Sradebsker, are now re-opened, UNDER EN-tibf r.v VKW-if AXAAKitCMT. The under signed have formed a copartnership in (he milling pnwiaess, unaej ine nmmm They hare secured the assistance of aa experi- mrm intmdarJnc the latest and beat maehinerv. They invite the patronage of the public, and pledge themselves to give 1 All kinds of grata will be purchased at the highest market Custom-work promptly to. Give as a call and Judjrefor your- C.

TENNET. sion. A-share ot patronage Is solicited, with a foil degree of confidence that an may be suited. Prices very reasonable. Proof photographs made if desired, and none required to take a picture unless perfectly satisfactory.

1 Come and see, and make a trial. Respectfully, je26-dtf N. Baldwin German, French, Drawing and Painting taught by Professor Dr. Folk- mann, 68 Rhode Island street. Z' jalO-dtf Board.

Four gentlemen can procure board and lodging, at reasonable In a pleasant part of the city, by applying to J. O. Adams, at Adams Thompson's photograph gallery, No. 135 Massachusetts street. Board and lodging at R.

A. Foote's, on Vermont street, a few steps southwest of the Eldridge House. jyl6-dtf Fob Rent The brick dwelling on New Jersey street, formerly occupied by E. B. Chad wick, containing six rooms, with cellar, good well of unfailing water, Ac.

For particulars, inquire ot Riggs, Nevison or E. B. Chad wick. mch25-dtf Cash will be paid for wool, sheep pelts, wood and coal, delivered at the stone factory, one door south of the bridge on Massachusetts street, In Lawrence, Kansas. All-wool goods, blankets and check flannels for sale low for cash Merchants will be supplied as low as can be bought elsewhere.

dec27 -dtr Horses, Carriages and Buggies. Joel Thomas, having disposed of his interest in the livery business, is now devoting his attention exclusively to the buying and selling of horses, and the sale of buggies, carriages, spring wagons, He has just received, direct from the factories, a stock of fine carriages and double and single buggies, that will be sold at factory prices. Also, from St. Louis, a lot of as fine horses as have ever been offered in this market. Farm, buggy and saddle horses kept constantly for sale, at the market prices." All wishing to purchase first-class horses for any purpose, or number one carriages and buggies, or having horses to sell, are requested to call at his stable, on Massachusetts street, north of the El dridge House, before looking elsewhere.

jei5-dtf Missouri Pacific Railroad. This old and popular line have, at great expense, changed their gauge to correspond with the Kansas Pacific road. Merchants and shippers can now receive freight from St. Louis and the East without break of bulk. To travelers, this route offers superior in ducements, as the road has been thoroughly equipped with new engines, new sleep ing cars and new passenger coaches, all of first-class.

New iron has been laid, and the road Is now in every respect first-class No route makes quicker time or lower rates. We make our advertised time. Thos. Dor win, General Western Agent. H.

C. Moore, Gen. Sup'L jy20-dtf Passengers traveling south over the Leavenworth, Lawrence and Galveston Railroads can get information and tickets of JVE. Watson, under the Eldridge House, corner of Massachusetts and Wln throp streets, for Baldwin City, Prairie City, Norwood and Ottawa. Also, pas sengers wishing omnibuses to call for them at any part of the city, can do so by leaving their calls at the new ticket office of the Hannibal and St Joseph Railroad, Lawrence, Kansas.

ja21-dtf To the Traveling Public By a re cent change of time on the Hannibal St. Jo. Rail Road passengers are enabled to reach all points in central and northern Illinois hours in advance of any other route. This road is now in first-class con dition, and by the present arrangement connections are sure and perfect to all points east. New and elegant sleeping cars have been put on this line, running from Kansas City and Leavenworth through to Quincy.

Passengers for New York and Boston will find this route af fords the best accommodations and makes equally as quick time as any other route. This is Che only route by which passengers can secure through checks for bag gage from Lawrence to Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore. For full information and tickets, apply to E. Watson, corner of Massachusetts and Wlnthrop streets, under the Eldridge House, room formerly occupied by First National Bank, or to W. B.

Wetherell, Agent ot the Union Pacific Railway, East Division. jal5-dtf Ohio Mississippi Railway. This popular line is now running a lightning express train from St. Louis, in the morn ing, in connection with trains from the West. Passengers from the West have ample time in St.

Louis for breakfast, and arrive in Cincinnati at 9 p. making close connections with all night express trains cast ot Cincinnati, without omnibus transfer. Passengers via this line arrive in Louisville at 8 p. m. six hours quicker than any other route.

Through tickets tor sale at all principal offices in the West, and at the company's office, Nos. 101 and 103 Fourth street, under Planters' House, St. Louis. myl2-dtf New Goods Stw Goods Just received, at P. McCnrdy's a nice lot of ladies', misses' and children's gaiters, and ladies', 0118864' and children's shoes, of the latest style.

The goods are an new and of the best quality, being manufactured to order, expressly for the retail trade. All In need of shoes would do well to call on Mac before buying elsewhere, as owing to a decline in prices he can offer greater inducements to purchasers than ever before. Also for saleDay A Martin's blacking, the best polish blacking in use. P. McCubdy, 12S Mass.

Street, ma26-dtf 8ign of the Mammoth Boot. One of the coolest and pleasantest re sorts in hot weather, is P. W. Miller's xestaBrant, at No. 66 Massachusetts street where Ice cream and soda can be obtained at sB my8-dtf BIQGS.NEVIS0N&F00TE, ATTOITSET3 AT LAW, ScTijyr's Block, Lawrescz, Kas.

Jal-dwl7l NOT AST PUBLIC Belf-Help for Use Erring. Womoa or Cam vtedaas to the social cvfk, desiz a bet ter Manhood. Seat in sealed letter ey elopes, free of charge. Address, HOWARD ASSOCX-ATIOjg, Bo P.j Philadelphia, Pa. wmMEB, at.B.

r. B.aroasx, m.m dss. vmDjzxL a nonj. XSoa Woodward's "Kound Coaer" Drag Sor, op stain. XntraaM Henry street.

Eealdenoe Horthwest corner e'MassacfeasetSs and Qniacy streets. ct.i.. CfBpedal attention glTea toSazgery, and diseases at fee Bye and Bar. nart-dawtf i eood 1 rates Sigel P. will be suitably rewarded.

rl-d2w disputing the fact, the Howe macbin three points of excellence no competi tor can exhibit. 'Most simple and perfect wonderful adaptability to all grades of sewing; extreme simplicity of construction, there being but three motions to the whole machine; no occasion to take out a single screw to oil, clean, Ac. consequently no liability to get out Of order. Examine and try all others, then try the Howe. For sale by Mrs.

Eldridge Jenkins, Bazaar, 103 Massachusetts street, Lawrence, angl-dtf Fine Carriages. Mr. C. Livingston has taken an agency for the sale of the superior work turned out from the carriage factory of North Jennings, Leavenworth. Any one contemplating purchasing anything In this line should call at Mr.

Livingston's stable, and examine his substantial and stylish specimens. Prices same as at Leavenworth. jy31-dtf McClubket, Lows Co. desire to say to the public that they intend to ttop in Lawrence, and do their best to build up a business. Monopolies in other towns are to be contended against, but right generally prevails.

If they do not give you as good a carriage, for lest money than you can get it in any other town, they will not attempt to build up a business among you. They 'will warrant all their work, and have facilities to make good their word at their manufactory, corner of Kentucky and Wlnthrop streets. They are practical and experienced carriage makers, and hope their efforts will be appreciated by the good citizens of Lawrence and vicin ity. jy31-dtf Doormats, for these muddy days, can be found at the Variety Store. jy29-dtf First-class Doard can be procured at Mrs.

Rowley's rooms, over Adams's photograph gallery, at $4 per week, jy 24-dtf Daily Union prayer meeting from 11 1-3 to 13 o'clock a. m. at tne Lawrence Library rooms, over George Leis's drug store. All our citizens and strangers are invited to aid to make this meeting a per manent institution. New Boarding House.

No. 38 Massa chusetts street, opposite E. Smith's gro cery, has been fitted up for a first-class boarding, forboth day and lodging board ers. J. Sheldon fe9-dtt Proprietor.

Chemicals. 500 lbs. chloride lime; 200 lbs. citric acid; 200 lbs tartaric acid; 500 oz. sulph.

quinine; 5 lbs. nitrate sil ver 20 lbs. gum opium Jobbing close for cash. jel-dA-wtf Wholesale Druggist. New Lumber Yard in Lawrence.

Messrs. Tipton, Sargent Waples, ot the firm of Ure Hannibal, are opening a new lumber yard on the lots south of the Methodist Church, and will keep constantly on hand a large and well- selected stock of pine lumber, shingles, lath, doors, sash, blinds, paling, and, in fact, everything usually kept in a first-class lumber yard. myl2-deodawtt Bradlet's hoop skirts, duplex and single, at the reduced prices (one-half the old prices), and in all the new shapes, at the Bazaar. ap27-dtf Large covered market baskets, just re ceived, at the Variety Store. au4-dtf Da.

Perot's Concord Wine. Ladies, Invalids and others can be supplied with this well-known wine at their residences, by addressing a line to Dr. Percy, through the Lawrence post office, giving their ad dress in full. Dr. Percy will visit town once a week, and will fill all orders at four dollars per gallon at retail.

jel3-dly From sundry items appearing In onr country exchanges, we note that a new medical preparation ot Woodward's, called 'Blood and Liver Renovator, has been achieving a great success, which we have reason to believe Its merits warrant. The truth is, our climate is in the main a healthy one, and the diseases we do have are mostly of the bilious type, which the timely use of a proper liver stimulant would generally avert. This is often neglected, owing to the indisposition of most people to take calomel or blue mass But Woodward's Blood and Liver Reno vator contains no mercury in any form. As this season promises to be an unusually bilious one, we advise all our new settlers, especially, to be well prepared, and guard against the first symptoms of bilious dis order. je30-dawtf George Leis, Wholesale Druggist, promises to job the following goods at St.

Louis prices: 10 barrels raw linseed oil, pure. 6 barrels boiled linseed oil, extra. 4 barrels lard oil (winter strained) 3 barrels spirits turpentine. 15 barrels coal oil. 5 barrels machine oQ.

Ten thousand pounds Southern pure and strictly pure white lead, myll-dawtf Itch Itch Itch ScratcbT No More. Use Leis's Itch Ointment if you wish to scratch no more. A sure cure for, Itch, scratches, prairie mange, and all eruptions of the akin. Warranted to contain no mercury. For sale by ail druggists.

-ja38-dAiwtf Cages, cages, at the Variety Store. Agents Wanted. Twenty good agents to solicit for the National Live Stock Insurance Company. 'The most liberal commissions given. The agents bow employed by the company are making more than they could at any other avocation.

Apply soon, In person, at the office of the company, or by letter to the addas of the National Live Stock Insurance, Company, mch34-dtx Stray uolts. Tssnayea ironx we sno- scrlber on the 2d day of March, 1869, from his claim on- the Marais flea Cygnes, fen miles above the Sao Toz Agency, Wo bay mare colts, one two years old thla spring, with star in the forehead; the other a yearling, with no whiter Any person giving Information of them win be liberally rewarded; Address 1. mal4-dtr 1 Sae Fox Agency. Disraracrnw. Plenty of chloride lime, rbolic add, at Leis's drugstore.

fel-daWtf r- I Ptostbctcxs lor" lands, or lots wltt do wen to can and see lists for sale by; "J17-dtf Hendry Notes. I aw morning. Lone Jack Celebration. We acknowl edge the receipt of a certificate of me ship In the Lone Jack Monumental elation, and an invitation to atteiur the celebration of the seventh anniversary of the battle of Lone Jack, to be held at that place on next Monday, Aug. 16th.

Good speakers' have been secured for the occa sion, and all arrangements made to render it one of the best celebrations ever held in that part of Mlssoori. This association was formed lor the pur pose of securing funds to erect a fitting monument over the graves of the forty Union soldiers who fell there, in the bat tle fought on the 16th of August, 1862. The lone black-jack tree from which the town took its name formerly marked their resting-place, but is now dead, and the association wish to replace It with a mon ument worthy of the heroes sleeping be neath It. They call upon all Union-loving people to assist them in the noble work, and it is hoped that the call will meet with a ready and liberal response. A fresh Installment of the celebrated Robertson county, Tennessee, white whis ky has just been received at the Arcade saloon, No.

47 Vermont street, near the Lawrence House, W. C. Nolan, Proprietor Fashion. Those fine calf boots made on the new style last, are taking well at Sherburne Mason's. Gents', ladles' and misses' boots made.

Perfect fits war ranted. augl3-dwtf We are gratified to announce to the cit izens of Lawrence that Mr. Chas. McGiU the eminent violinist and piano tuner and repairer, has located in our city, for the purpose of teaching the violin and guitar, and tuning and repairing all kinds of mu sical instruments. His headquarters will be found at Foster's music store, where all orders for piano tuning will be prompt ly and satisfactorily attended to.

Mr McGiil is desirous of obtaining a class on the guitar and violin. Call and see him at Foster's. augl3-d3t Wanted Boarding by a eentleman and wife in a private family; will furnish a room if desired. Address Post Office box 213, Lawrence. jy31-dtf Children Carriages.

There Is no place like the Variety Store to suit yourself in selecting babies' carriages. aug4-dtf For Rent A arood frame house, on Rhode Island street, south of Warren street, with four good rooms, pantry. Ac. For particulars, inquire of J. F.

Rote, at the National Live Stock Insurance office. my20-dtf Beeswax wanted, at Woodward's. aeo-atr Leis'8 Concentrated and Deodorized Benzine will instantly remove paint, tar or grease from all kinds of silks, velvets, cottons, ribbons, kid gloves, Warranted not to injure the most delicate fabrics. jel-dawtf Hair ork Renewed. Special attention given to Crimps, Curls, Frizzettes, and Switches.

Residence with J. H. Glathart, No. 33 New Hampshire street, second house north of Henry street. Highest price paid for hair.

jell-dtf E. S. E. Thompson. Campaign opened tor the season at the Vegetable Head Center.

Blackberries re ceived every day; also good butter and fresh eggs. Ed. Smith. Jyi5-dtf Fob Sale or Rent on Reasonable Terms. A drug store and business house in Baldwin City, lately occupied by Dr.

D. B. Swallow, well fitted up for a drug and general business, will be sold cheap or rented on moderate terms. Also, a comfortable family residence, lately occupied by the said Dr. D.

B. Swallow, in Baldwin City, will be sold cheap for cash or on reasonable time. For further particulars, inquire of the owner. Dr. D.

B. Swallow, Erie, Neosho County, Kansas. Or to Joel K. Goodin, Attorney, Baldwin City. myl9-dtf New style fall hat just received at Sut-liff's.

-aagl3-dwlw The latest style ot silk hats just received at the Emporium of Fashion. augl2-dwlw Choice peaches, pears and apples re ceived daily at Harris, Marshall Confectionery, No. 73 Massachusetts street. augl2-dtf Doc. Talbott has received a handsome lot of candies, and Is now offering them as low as they can be bought this side of St.

augll-dtf Transit and one-hundred-foot chain for sale, both new and in good order. Can be had cheap for cash. Address, for three weeks, lock box 174, Lawrence, Kansas. aug7-dlw Croquet games at A. H.

Kummel's Variety Store. ang4-dtf A few day boarders can accommodated with board, on Wlnthrop street, opposite the Eldridge House, up stairs. Also, a pleasant room and lodgings fo two persons. ap7-dtf Trimming and fringes for Marseilles goods, in many new and beautiful patterns, are now being opened at the Bazaar. jeS-dtf Fob Sale.

One hundred and sixty acres of land adjoining the city of Lawrence, of the best quality and desirably located for residences. Said land will be sold in quantities to suit purchasers, and on rea sonable terms. Also, several business lots and a desirable residence on Massa chusetts street. of myj-qg o. g.

or J. L. PBaamaa. Fob Bale. Trtstdnr to retire from tha blacksmith business on account of HI health, I offer for the following prop erty, in isaiawin city; Doagias county, Kansas: One frame house and two lots, with shrubbery, trees, weU of excellent water, with pump, Ac.

one frame ahop, with two- forgee, on the Lawrence and Santa Fe roads; also, three acres of timber, within three-fourths of a mile of town. A purchaser can obtain a good bargain by calling on the subscriber, soon, in Baldwin City. rJoray.OMrnrH. Dr. Mat has removed Ills efflce front hia residence, Noi 11 New Hampshire street, to Yates'a drug store.

Je26-dwtf mberfhas Article I. Ahticvlo I. The high contracting Las altas partes con-parties agree that all tratantea convienen en claims on the part of que tod as las reclama-corporations, compan- ciones hechas por cor-ies, or private individu- poraciones, companies als, citizens of the Unit- individuos particula-ed States, upon the gov- res, ciudadanos de los ernment of Peru, and Estados Unidos, contra all claims on the part of el gobierno del Peru, corporations, compan- too as las reelamamact-ies, or private Individu- ones hechas por corpo-als, citizens of Ptru, rsciones, companias upon the government of Individuos particulares, the United Slates, which ciudadanos del Peru, may have been present- contra el gobierno da ed to either government los Kstados Unidos, que for its interposition hay an sido presentadas since the sittings of the a cualquiera de los dos said mixed commission, gobiernos para su inter-and which remain yet posicion despues de la unsettled, as well as any rtanion de la referida other claim a which may oomlsion mixta, que be presented within the no han sido aim adjust-time specified in Article ad as, como tambiea IU hereinalter, shall be cual esquiera otras que referred to the two com- sepresenten dentro del missioners, who shall tiempo seaalado el be appointed in the fol- Articulo 111 de esta con-lowing manner, that is vencion, seran sometl-to say: One com mis-das a dos comieionados siener shall be named nombrados dels manera by the President of the siguiente, a saber: un United States, and one oomisionado sera nom-by the President of brado por el Presidente Peru. In case cf the del Peru otro por el death, absence, or in-Presidente de los Esta-eapacity of either com- dos Unidos. missioner, or in the Kn caso de mnerte.

event of either commis- ausencia incapacidad sioner omitting or ceas- de aignno de los comis-ing to act as such, the ion ados, en el caso de President of the United que alguno de ellos States or the President omitiese odejase de fun-of Peru, respectively, clonar, el Presidente shall forthwith name del Peru, el Presidente another person to act as de los Estados Unidos, commissioner in the respectivameate, nom-place or stead of the braran lmmediatamente commissioner' already otra persona coma cemi-named. The couimis-aionado para quo funcl-sioners so named shall one en lugar del anterior meet at Lima at their eomislonado. Los eo mi-earliest convenience af- sionados nombrados se ter they have been re- reuniran en Lima, a la spectively named, not brevedad posible, des-to exceed three months pues de su nombramien-from the ratification of to, dentro de tres meses this convention, and de ratiflcarse esta con-shall, before pieceeding vencion: antes de pro-to any business, make ceder a ocuparse en and subscribe a solemn ningun asunto, haran declaration that they suscribiran uno solemne will impartially and deolaracion de que ex-carefully examine and aminaran decidiran decide to the best of imparcial ciudadosa their judgment, and ac- mente, segun eu buen cording to justice and entender, conforme a equity, without fear, la equidad, sin temor, favor, or affection to favor afecto hacia su their own country, upon proplo pais tod as las re- all such claims as snail ciamaciones que se ies belaid before them on someteran de parte de the part of the govern- los gobiernos del Peru ments of the United de los Estados Unidos States and Peru, re- respectivamentejr dicha spectively, and such declaration fonnara declarations shall be en- parte de las actas de la tered on the record of oomlsion. Los comi-the commission. sionados nombraran en The commissioners aeguida antes de ocu-shall then, and before parse en atro asunto.

proceeding- to other ana tercera persona de business, name some alguna tercera naoion. third person of some para que ejerza el cargo third nation to act as an de arbitro tercero diri-arbitrator or umpire in mente, en los casos de any case or cases on discordia entre ellos. which they may them- Si ellos no pudiesen con-selves differ in opinion, venir en el nombramien- lr uiey should not De to ae aicna tercera per-able to asrree noon the sons, cad a uno nom- name of such third per- brara una persona de son, they shall each una tercera naclon, name a person of a third en cada de discordia nation, ana in eacn ana entre los comisionaaos every case in which the acerca de la decision commissioners may dif- que deben dar, se deci-fer in opinion as to the dira por suerte cual de aecisiou wnicn inev las aoe penonas hi ought to give, it shall nombradas sera el arbi-be determined by lot tro tercero dirimento arnica of the two per- en ese caso psniouiar. sons so named, shall be La persona personas the arbitrator or umpire asi elejidas para desem-in that particular case, penarel cargo ds arbitro The person or persons tercero airimeiuc, so to be chosen to be haran soscribirn, an-arhiu-ator or umpire tes de comenzar a ejer- sball, before proceed- c. eus funciones, una ing to act as sncn in any aeci wbciob case, make and sub- semej ante a la hechay scribe a solemn declar- suscrita anteriormente ation in a form similar por los comisionados, to that which shall have la cual tambien fonnara already been made and parte delas actas de la subscribed by tne com- comtslon.

En caso de missioners, which shall muerte, sufencla, In-be entered upon the rec- capacidad de la persona oruS OI vneir proceeu- personas que sigu ur lngs. In the event of tercero dirimente, ode th death, absence, or oueomitan. rehusen. incapacity of such per- drjen- de ejercer dlcbo con or persons, or oi nis cargo, oa persona uu-or their omitting, or de- tints sera nombrada ea clinlnr. or ceasine to la furma antes express- act as such arbitrator or a para que reemplaas nmulre, another ana a ia persona anienor- dinVront neraon shall be mente elelida.

hara named as aforesaid' to suseriblra ana declar- act as such arbitrator or acion semejante a la ya umpire in tne pi ace anq expresaaa. stead of the person so originally named as aroresaia, ami snail make and subscribe such declaration as aforesaid. Abticm n. Abticclo II, The commissioners Los eomUionados oro- shallthen forthwith pro- cederan en segnida ia eeed to the investigation mediatamente a exam-ofthe claims which shall inar las reclamaciones be presented to their do- queles seran presenta-tine. They shall investi- das.

Ellos examlnar an gate and decide upon decidiran las reclama-such claims in such or- ciones en el orden del der and in such manner modo ana de eonoa ss they may conjointly acnerdo ereaa eonveai- such evidence or Infor- de lss prnebas datos ation as shall be for- suministrados por sua nished by or on behalf respectivos gobiernos a of their respective gov- de parte de estos. s- tbinK nroDer. out noon enta. aero com al menu ernments. xney snail laranooiigaaosareciDur be bound to receive and examlnar todos los peruse all written docu- aocumentos declara-ments or statements clone escritas que se which may be presented lespresente por susre-to them bv or on benalf (Dectiroa cobiernos.

of their respective gov- de parte de estos, ea ernments, in support of, apoyooea contestacion or in answer to any a cualquiera de las reclaim, and to hear, if ciamaciones: required, one person on se solicits, a una persona each aide on behalf of por cada parte en repre-each government as sentacio ae cada gobier-coansel or agent for no, ea cada nna de las such government, on distintas reclamaciones each and every separate separadameate- En caso el aim. Should they fail to de discordia autre lee agree ia opinion on any comisionados, ea nna individual claim, they reclamation coaloniera, shall call to their as- llamaraa al arbitio sUtanee the arbitrator tercero dirimente qne or umpire -whom they hubiese sido aombrado have agreed to name, or por mutao eoaseatimi-wbo may be determined ento por la suerte, se-by lot, as the ease may gun los casos, dieho be, and such arbitrator arbitro tercero dtrt-or umpire, after having mente, despues de ex-examined the evidence amf nar las prnebas pre-adducd for and against sen tad ss a favor ea the claim, and after hav. contra de la reclama-ing heard, as required, clan, de oh-, si se bu-one person on each side, biese soUcUapo, a una as aforesaid, and con- persona ea defeat a de salted with the commis- cada parte, como ya i sioners, shall decide ha dicbo, despues de thereupon finally and consul tarse eon loscom-without appeal. The ieionadoe, decidira di-decisioa of the commis- cha reelamacioa deflni-siopers and of the vamentey aia apelacioa. trator or umpire shall be La dec ision de los esns-givea npoa each claim isionados la del arbi-In writing, and shall be tro sera dad ea cada signd by them respect- racism acion.

por eacnto tveiy. it snau oe com- sera nrmaoa par eiioe petent for each govern- respecUvamente. Cada meat to name one person gobiera podra aombrar to attend the commis- sun persona para qua, sioaers as agent oa its como sa defensor, con-behalf, and to answer eorra a las sesioaes de claims made npoa it, la eomlaioa. conteetaa-aad to represent it gea- do los cargos contra sa erally ia an matterscoa- gobwrao, represeat-aected with the investi- an dole geaeraimente ea gatioB and decision todaa las materiss rela-tbereof. cloaadas coa el examea The Preetdant of tbo-y decision) de las reela-U ailed tales, aad the acion ea.

president or pern. nere- td rresidente del Pe-bv solemnly and sla- rn. yel Preeideate de los eerely engage to coasid- Estados Uaidos se coaler the deciatoa of the prometea por la pre-eommiasioaers eoc joint- seate, solecine laser-ly, or of the arbitrator amenta, coaslderar la or umpire, as the-case decision que sobre cada may be. as absolutely redamacioa dea los final and conclusive nn- comisionadoa eon hint-. on each claim decided meats, el arbitro a npoa by them oa him, tercero dirinteata, to give gaa el caso, como ded-fuil effect to sneh deci- aiUya eoaoloyeate, sIods, withact any ob- a dar.

plea raerza ecuons, evasion, or oe- erecto a aicna uo-SV whalanevar. ft la alna in obiacioa. eva- asreed -that nn timim ajaa. a-demorado aia- arising outof any trass-i gnaa espectc Be. eon-action of a date prior to vita ea que ainguna the aoth of Unwm her.

redamacioa Proven lea- 1863, shall be admissible te de bechos asteriores aaaer this eoaveauoB. at a oviiuore ao lSttJ, sera aanuuda coa-. forme a la presents eon- Tension..

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