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The Parsons Daily Sun from Parsons, Kansas • Page 3

Parsons, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE PARSONS SUN, JAM'AIY Ij, FIRST KICK IS IH THE 6 a- A Grand PFEIFFER JAR Gal NINE CONTESTANTS GUESSED I- jf it Mir In our Kctt Store, one of SI Make us a call Very best Sour Pickles, fer per gallon .....20 Shorts 1.15 Bran 90 Sugar, 16 pounds fcr .51.00 Best Flour, per sack si 30 to $1.35 Beat Colorado potatoes, per" 55 Very best apples, per pick 30 Best Corn, three cans 25 Best Tomatoes, three cans 25 Best Lard, per pound 7 1-2 Very best Hams, per pound 11 Best Breakfast Bacon, per pound 11 Egg-O-See, three packages .25 Vigor, three packages 25 Fancy 311 Feefl ai the 35 is the only Hidh Grada Powd offered to the consumer at a Moderate Pricot It should not be confused wit-h the cheap, low grade powders on the one hand, nor the high priced trust powders tn the other. R. F. D. NO.

7. PRICE We are moving this morning. I people guessed $73.30. They were: Nelson, living in the Wood's! J. M.

Fordyce. George Ferguson, H. Just received a fine assortment of Pine China. Call and se. 5.

CSJKTO 1913-15 Iohnson 30 A Ra Pnct will be surprised how cheap on us and get our prices. MAKER tr fi Hi HI Km BIS Electric Motors. Use them for an power desired. Small first cost. Reliable power.

lie Parsons Electric lit and Power (copy. As from the perfect soil is produced the perfect flower, so from the perfect piano is achieved the reputable and enduring name Everett arr: district, has' sold his farm, and last Thursday, niovsd tu Parsons make his residence. tt'm. Eldridge, who has been Hv Ing on the old Mcintosh farm the past yar, removed to Parsons last week. Mr.

Sags of Arkansas, has moved onto the Ed Brooks farm. John Wilkinson of Altamont. past! through here last Friday on his waj to Crawford county, where he was going after some business matters. Jack Snrunes of Parsons, was visit ing friends in this locality Saturday and Sunday. Mr.

Britts, a Katy fireman, spent! Sunday with his family on tho farm near here. Mr. Britts has purchased a house and lot Pa'sons and will! aiove his family to the ciij the first of March. Roy Liston, the Lnesville peda gogue, returned Sunday evening from a short visit with relatives near Alta- mont. Nick.

Bubb.of Parsons who pur chased the old John's farm, about two! vears ago. has traded It to a Butler county man, who will move onto the 1 place early in the spring. Frank Hall moved onto the Slane farm last week. Miss Flora Camnbell of Parsons. was the guest of Mrs.

J. H. Cook on Monday. W. J.

Hall, who left the farm and moved to Parsons about a year ago, moved back to the farm this last I week. Will thinks farm life is goodl enough for him. I Jas. Morgan who has been housed up with the La Grippe the past week, I is now able to be out again. I A.

B. Williams, the Parsons insur- ance man, witn nustnng procinvues, was looking after his business inter ests in these parts last Monday. Mr. Lunbecb moved to Parsons last Friday and Jim Cook moved the same day onio ner iarin, wiutu uc uw I h.o I leased for. the coming year.

C. Dickerson has resigned his position in" the Katy sholis and is at present planning his farm work for the coming year. Considerable interest is being manifested in the proposed 'new telephone i Aima wnrlr It Tin ime. luc before the farmers get busy with the farm work in the spring. Saturday afternoon the caboose to in iumrri the track on to I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I bf by im.ypoii Largest Assorted Stocks of feral Wife.

and be convinced. Life, three 25 Scotch Oats, three packages 25 Good Mackerel, 6 or 1 25 Cabbage, per pound ....1 l-J Dates, per pound Bananas, per dozen It and 20 Mixed Nuts, per ...15 Fine Naval (Briglets) 25 No. 1 Lemons, per 20 Figs, per I to IS Lenbx Soap, 8 bars for .....25 Clariette Soap, 8 tars for 25 Silk Soap, 8 bars Very best fancy table syrup per ean.85 Maple Syrup, per cake 10 Very best Tea, per pound It Avenue. Phone 58. TW, tt Tf you.

can buj from us. CaL SON PUREDRUGS Medicine Toilet Articles, Ptrfume, Paints, Oils and everything found in a firstclass drug store. Prescriptions compounded accurately. We solicit your trade. C.R.HURSH8GG your Face Will feel and look better if you bring ittoTBE STAR or THE RASH ACQ Bar-ber Shops OdIj firstclaps barbers are employed.

We give prompt, careful attention to your bnsi-Dets. I I. HODGE, Prep. Adam Page's Household Goods Moved. Special attention to the latter.

reav calls at Reeme'e Pharmacy, Phone V6, Feess' Drujr Store, Phone 97, Owl Cafe. Phone 100, A. Page's Residence. Phone 231 All back bills may be paid at Reeme Pharmacy. I F.


300 UlTlllfl 50 CEIITS Nincty-thr Thought 31 -the Cs rect Amount W. Lea Braertan and Luther Ccrtelyou Counted the Mcney ar.d Checked the Tickets. Cu'siiag oh the amount of cash in the money fex that bis stood in the Iteplay windo.7 of the Pfeiffer jewel, icr taree montns, xised lat ni.i tlie money was counted aud th? guesses checked. The I people guessed $73.29. They were Jreds lingered around this figure, none hit upon the correct amount.

Nine contestants.however. came with I in one cent of the correct figure. Five Poole, Geucive Johnson, and Ar- I thur Tanner. I Four guessed $73.31, a follows: H. h.

G. M. Woodruff, Mrs. H. C.

Bryant and Lyda Richards, There were more than 300 guesses between the amounts of $73 and $71 The majority of the many thousands of guesses, ranged from $50 to $80, jyet one was 25 cents with another reached $36,000. It is difficult to estimate the exact number of guesses made. The task of counting is so col- iossal that the Pfeifler's will not unterl it. W. L.o Braerton, teller of the State link of Parsons and Luther at the First National bank, counted the money and checked the tickets.

These young men had a task Ion their hands that lasted over two hours. Their well known reputations for honesty and their abilities in han- dling business, leaves no room for doubt concerning the correctness of their decision. There were many pecularities con nected with this guessing, -one of which was the fact that ninety-three persons guessed the amount of $99.99. Another was the fact that the one in dividual thought all those pieces in nlain view must be counterfeit and placed the amount at 25 cents. Every Ibody, including Pfeiffer themselves, seem -to be satisfied with the result and there has been much comment on the result, by those who imagine 1 that there was a bank role hidden within the interior of the Jar.

Tv- that coughs and colds -jnstinatlon and weaken the because they interfere with dlegtlon ncw discovery known as Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar cures all coughs, croup, and whooping cough and assists in expell moving th bowels. It Is pleasant to take and contains no opiates. Sold V- Holmes. Domestic Troubles. It Is exceptional to find a family where there are no domestic ruptures occasionally, but they can be lessoned tavlng Dr.

King's New Life Pills fey ja nr luu" 61 troubles. They not only relieve you, 25 cents at W. C. Holmes Stanley Tinder's, drug stores. To punters.

The gun jg aDOUt two hundred poun(jg 0f g.polnt body type in cases, good condition, which will be sold veTr reasonably. Printers In need of mt address the Sun. jei thousand demons gnawing away at one's vltalB couldn't be much worse than the tortures of Itching piles. Doan's Ointment never falls. "Cure the cough and save the life." Dr.

Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures coughs, colds, down to the very verge of consumption. i- Wonderful Nerve. Is displayed by many a man enduring pains of accidental cuts, wounds, bruises, burns, scalds sore feet or stiff joints. But there's no need for 1L Bucklin's Arnica salve will kill the pain and cure the trouble. It's the best salve on earth for Piles, too.

25c at W. C. Holmes and J. Stanley Tind er's drug stores. Yon can have your picture enlarged free of chare, by hiving a dozen photographs taken at Oates gallery.

205tf LOTHIERS 1 i I I 5 I i Ml '1 11 I 1 I i i Mr REGISTERED FARMERS OF. LIBERTY TOWN SHIP OPPOSED TO THE GOOD ROADS SCHEME. FORM All ORGANIZATION Past Resolutions Condemning Pro posed State Supervision and Fav oring County and Township-Call Upon the Legislators. The first expressed opposition In Labette county to CoL Moore's scheme for state supervision of high ways, comes from road district No. 2 in Liberty township.

At Center school house, on Monday mass meeting was held, in the interest of good roads, at which the plans as proposed by the National association were condemned as being expensive and Impracticable. The general senti ment was for a change in the present road law and in favor of a higher road tax being levied, that the matter grading receive closer attention and that better drainage be afforded. The meeting, by almost unanimous expression, favored the macadamizing of highways, only In such places where a good dirt road seems to be Impracticable. It also favors placing a man in each township, whose du ties it shall be to travel over the roads at Rtatprt Intervals and Initnppf the! condition of culverts and bridges, stop washes in the road and perform such other duties as setmed neces sary. The meeting was very enthusiastic and the report Is that others of a similar nature will be held in other parts of the county.

Unanimous ac- tion by any county, along these lines, would seriously handicap the good marts mnuemenf na Inamniratori hv the national association, and now re- ceiving the support of the government and Jeading railways of the United States. This meeting, by resolution, haa railed iinnn ahptte nAiintv'n rcn. resentatives in the legislature, to ex- ert their influence against such a measure as will probably be lntroduc- ei. Should other townships of the nna i. Questionable whether or not.

this county's representatives at Topeka, the National Good Roads association, nuuiu ouuuuii viit law uiuuvocu uj The following abstract including a resolution from a communication re- ceived at this office, in A Dermanent organization was affected and a commitee on resolu- tions appointed. The committee re- ported the following resolution which to the Parsons Sun and to our senator and representative in the legislature, "Resolved that we favor county rather than state supervision of roads, owing to the condition peculiar to each locality. Even one mile of road mav reouire several different materi- Is and methods of construction. 'We favor working the roads by township rather than by road dis-1 tricts. "We favor paying both the poll, land and property tax in money.

"We request of our legislators, the eTinr-tmptit nf a mad law embodying I these principles." J. T. BRYANT. S. T.


Committee A new departure In "medicine" Is offered In Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar. It contains no opiates, and is a combined cough and cold cure. The clover and the honey bee is on every bottle of the genuine. Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar. cures all coughs and assists in expelling colds from the system by gently mor- me the bowels.

A certain cure for croup, whooping cough; an Ideal rem edy for children. Bold by W. C. Holmes. THE COLDEST WEATHER EVER, Mercury Goes Down to Ten Below and the Sun Shines With a Cold Freezing Stare.

There may have been colder weath er, than that which prevailed last night but the oldest inhabitants don't remember any such performance and he doesn't want to. It was cold all day yesterday, and kept getting colder toward evening until the mer cury last night went down to ten de grees below sero and remained in that neighborhood until late this morning, and even the sun which shone brightly, had but little effect on the weather. People sitting by their warm fires had no Idea of the cold weather that was prevailing out of doors, and those who were tempt ed out by the bright sunlight had good grounds for a suit for obtaining their presence ob the streets under false pretenses. The Sun has been blamed for the present cold wave that struck this part of the earth squarely between the eyes yesterday and is still striking it when it Is down and 'hollering enough. But the Sun ia frank to say that it didn't know it was loaded at least not both barrels.

It is all a hor rible mistake. When the Sun ordered its cold wave last Saturday evening to arrive Sunday night It wasn't for a full consignment but only for a sam pie, but somebody has. left the back door of Manitoba open and we have got the whole thing, and we are frank to say that if this keeps up much longer the preachers will find that their doctrine of an orthordox hell has com? attractions to the average person who ia compelled to face this north wind. Ia the mean time the Sun is sorry It had anything t6" do it ani tfcLi office now has a reputation a weather prophet, almost good as new, which it will trade far a feather bed and no qusstions asked or answered. of I I i I I I I is it I in in the ing ers life the in he PREFERRED BY iowu wmiu 1 i a Mir the John's farm, whlcn occasioned uu- 1U. MUST BE TWENTY-ONE. I Or Boys Under That Age Who Want to Be Soldiers Must Have Their I Parent's Consent Boys who are not yet ripe but feel a patriotic yearning to serve their country as a soldier will be given the opportunity if they hava arrived at the mature ag3 of eighteen vidmg tney nave meir um .1 4 sent. The local recruiting officers have received the following Order from the war department In accordance witn a recent aeci lslon from the military secretary's of- If ice, war department, wasnmgiuu, v. jC, enlistments for the United States army of men between t'-e ages of 18 and 35 years of age are now outhor- ized. Applicants for enlistment between the ases of 18 and 21 years, must pre cent the written COUSt nt Of either parents or legal guardian, and such consent must be sworn to by the par- ents or guardian, in order to prevent applicants from presenting iorgeu tfl the T2Cruitlng Officer.

In addition, recommendation as to char acter must be obtained cerore appn cant is entertained Men who enlist illegally under age fi-9finipnt enlistment which 1 cause for trial Dy general cuun martial, and the penalty for same is hie iiischaree. forfeiture oi uionuuuiuviv i all pay and allowances and confine- ment at hard labor for a period oi from six months to one year, It is the intention of the govern ment to avoid Illegal enlistments, as causes a great deal of expense, and the recruiting officer musi De saut-ntu with the papers presented by the ap Iniinant hefore enlistment will be made. A Very Close Call "I stuck to my engine, aitnou. i ev evry joint ached and every nerve was hacked with pain," writes C. W.

Bell- amy. a locomotive fireman of Burling ton. Ia. "I was weak and pale, witnou nny appetite and all run down. As I vrs about to give tip I got a oouie ui Electric Bitters, and after taking it felt as well as I ever did in my life.

Weak, sickly, nm down peopie ama new life, strength and vigor from nse. Try them Satisfaction guaranteed by W. C. Holmes' and J. sinnley Tinder, druggists.

Price 5" cents. SAW MUSKOGEE RED. Tramp Printer at coneyvme to Have Seen Muskogee Red a Few Days Ago. A few months ago every newspaper Kansas had something to say re garding the death of "Muskogee Red" one of the best known tramp printers the middle west, and a reminant of that class of rlsts are iU 71Z ery printing office in Kansas paid tr bute to "Red's" unquenchable tnirst for booze, and he had probably seen the inside of more city jails than any other man in Kansas, not even except ing Carrie Nation. His only crime was against himself anl he never paid a fine but when jailed would send to the printing office and some printer, or perhaps the owner of the oaper would go to the police and intercede in his behalf.

Borowlng a last quarter from his savior Muskogee Red would shake the dust of that town off his feet and mingle with the landscape far henceward. But now comes a report from Cof-feyvill? that Muskogee Red is not dead. According to the Record tourist Drinter blew that office Sunday and stated that "Red" was alive and well in theFort Gibson Jail and that he had occupied the same cell with him for several days. When news was first given out concern the noted printers death, the pap throughout Kansas ard the Indian Territory commented on the mans at length. "Dodd Gaston," the On Second Thought" man on the To peka Capital, wrote a half column article on the good and bad In "Red." If noted print is not dead, it is safe saying that he will not have as many nice things said about tlm until dies again.

1 1 Am onto I i to prepares tha system for the crceal that he passes through ths event tafely and with but little sufTairsr, as numbers CstJiSf ttlzc.2, by its penetratajj dlays naussi. nervousness, and a it pectant so full that iht hour with A. MARTIN Flotifdnd Feed Also Storage' tor Household Ootds 20S1 Johnson 228 MERCHANTS CIGAR CO. Manufactures of Home Produced Cigars. "MERCHANT'S ADVERTISER" "EL MODELO" 10c.

On sale every place. Dependable "Mrs. Dooley," Our assortment of Fruits and Vegetables is always the best and the freshest the market affords. Good Staple Goods at the lowest possible price Is our motto. O.

L. EVANS 1810 JOHNSON AVE. Phon 149. OASTOllXAi jti, Ittt Kind Hav Alwars Boai Fancy Oroceries. REISENATJER, GABRILOWITSCH, BURMEISTER, CAMPANAM, HIRSCHMAN, NORDICA, KRUGER and many other artists, because of its purity, its resonance, its brilliancy, its evenness of tone.

There are five beautiful styles, but there Is but one grade of the Everett piano, and it is constructed axid finished along lines that mark the highest and greatest advance in piano production, cure an Everett to-day, have the use of it to-morrow and for all time to come it is warranted for all time. ACCOXXODATinO TEEKS IP DESOTO. considerable oeiay 10 uie was caused by a broken rail, Uie ena of which had sprung up after the heavily loaded coal cars had passed over. It was a fortunate thing fortne company that the caboose jumped the track, as the passenger train, which type wm fln(j this one of the was due later in the evening would be8t opportunities that has been ol-certainly have been wrecked, but as tete fot gom, time. For prices G.

M. Johnson's. Music House The 5tate Bank of Parsons SOLICITS YOUR BUSINESS. The policy of this bank ABSOLUTE SAFETY, INTEGRITY. SATISFACTION.

ACCOMMODATION; with the purpose of winning and boldioflr theCON'FlDENCEof every individual who enters its doors. THE SPIRIT OF ACCOMMODATION WILL RULE, and in the treatment of its cofctcmers and all oteers this spirit wiil te developed to the fullest possible extent corsiftent with sound banking. 0. H. Stewart, Resident P.

H. Foster, Vlce-Pres. and Cashier. Commercial Bank PARSONS was, no particular damage was done outside of the delay mentioned. A.

Sprague and L. W. Steinae, i loaded another car of hogs at Lane- ville Tuesday. Rev. Carlisle P.

B. Martin, L. L. D. wnies: "Of a morning, when ftrst arising, I often find a troublesome collectloa of Phlegm, which produces a cough and Is very hard to dislodge; but a small quantity of Ballard's Hoarhound Sy rup will at once dislodge it, ana ine trouble is over.

I know of no medicine that is equal to is so pleasant to take. I can most cordially recommend it to all persons needing a medicine for throat or lung trouble 26e, 60c and $1.00. Sold by W. Feess 4 Bros. Four Hundred BaVes.

St. Vincent's Infant Asylum, Chica go, shelters homeless waifs awaiting adoption, and there are nearly four hundred babies there. Sister Julia writes: "I cannot say too much In praise of Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs, colds and whooping cough." Contains no opiates and is safe, and sure. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar aud Insist upon having It, as It, Is a safe remedy and certain In Ita re- Reruse suDSUiuies.

ror bbw by W. C. McKee. The American Tea Co. makes a specialty of teas, coffees, baking powder.

Phone 25, 1827 Forrest avenue. Parsons Capital, $50,000. TRANSACTS A GENERAL H. EUWAKUS. rrcudCDt.

B. A. WAUK Vic Pretldeot. i. i.

riEKtfOH, Secretary. THE IN Surplus and Profits, $40,000 BANKING BUSINESS. Q. W. HAWK, Cstlucr.


Awt Ch. The Baoet eiKentlU principle in the sucoessful conduct of a Bank are: Fidelity, CoBservatiam end Integrity. On these firm fotiniatloa. Safety and Soundness are balll The employment of then method by this Bank haa resulted In its uninterrupted prosperity for the paet thirty-two year. Do yon not thtnUHbat a Bank of this eharacter Is the best Instltuttoa with which to do buslneaa? THE: FITCH GROCERY -CO.

KENNEDY BUILDING. a-Eil' KG? ton. Sell RiJSt. THAT'S -VS. OXUC3U UilUUgU WiUWil U15 mother must pass usually is cf cuff eriag, danger and fear bdes forward to the critical apprehension asd dread.

and soothing properties, alf unpleasant iedhgs, azi rf si I have testified and said, "it is trcrth its weight in gold." per bottle cf druggists. Book containing valuable information mailed CITLAI-2 C3. Allots a Li Li u5 i i js! I.

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