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The Bridgeport Post from Bridgeport, Connecticut • Page 46

Bridgeport, Connecticut
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THTPTV THE BRIDGEPORT POST, TUESDAY, MARCH 30, 1965. RIGHTS CHIEFS GAIN MEETING WITH WALLACE (Continued from Page One) cob Javits, R-N. questioned the wisdom of a proposal by King lo have the nation boycott 2-- IN WASHINGTON members of the House committee on Un- American Activities said they may decide Tuesday whether to launch a full scale investigation of the Ku Klux Klan. 3-- REP. WILLIAM M.

COLMER, asked the House why the Klan should be investigated while other groups, including the Black Muslims, would escape such a probe. The Rev. James Orange, a King aide, said the Alabama memorial services for Mrs. Liuzzo would be held at the site of the slaying, in Selrna and in Montgomery. He said that the main service would be at the site.

Ten casket boxes will be taken to the site lo symbolize those who have died by violence during recent years in the civil rights struggle in Alabama. On each of the caskets will be the names of those who have died, including Mrs. Liuzzo, the Rev. James Reeb of Boston, who died March 11 after being clubbed by a group of white men in Sulma, and Jimmie Lee Jackson, a Negro laborer who was fatally during an outbreak of racial at Marion, Ala. To Carry Caskets After the services, the caskets will be carried back to Montgomery.

Orange said, "We have asked for 60 women to dress in black and carry the boxes in front of the capitol in a procession until 5 p.m." Orange said that the boxes will not be heavy and that civil rights leaders will request a permit for the procession. As Wallace's office announced he would meet with the 20-member Alabama delegation today, criticism of King's boycott proposal continued to mount. Javils said an indiscriminate boycott such as King suggested Sunday might do more harm than good. Whitney Young head of the National Urban league, said he had grave doubts about King's proposal. He said he favored a plan that would not penalize those who have been fair in the civil rights movement.

Claims Damage Rep. Chester Mize, told the House that the call for a boycott has caused serious damage to the civil rights movement. He said the South now has a problem of providing jobs. Sen. Lister Hill, said that King's aim "seems to be to wreck the state's economy, to hurt everybody, the Negro and white-- this is certainly an odd way to promote brotherly love and better understanding between the races." Roy Wilkins, executive secretary of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, declared that King's proposal was in line with a resolution adopted by the NAACP national convention in 196'1 calling (or a boycott of Mississippi products.

He said his group would etudy the plan. King called for the federal government to withdraw all its money from the stale. The Alabama Department of Pensions and Security said Negro welfare recipients would suffer as much as whites by the proposal. The report released by Pensions and Security Commissioner Ruben King noted that approximately 49 per cent of the welfare cases handled by his department involve Negroes. In thc area where King is conducting his civil rights drive, 80 per cent of those on the welfare rolls are Negroes.

Freed on Bond At Birmingham Monday, the fourth man charged in the slaying of Mrs. Liuzzo, Collie Leroy Wilkins was released on bond. He had been held without bond on a charge violating probation which had been granted following an earlier conviclion of possessing a sawed-off shotgun. Federal Judge Scybourne H. Lynn set bond at S500 on the probation charge and at $50,000 on a federal charge.

The other three men were released on $50,000 bond earlier. Thc Justice department also announced that one of its representatives would contact Georgia and Alabama Ku Klux Klan leaders who had asked for a conference With President Johnson. The klansmen asked for the conference after Johnson criticized the robed order following the arrest of Wilkins and three other Birmingham area klansmen in the slaying of Mrs. Liuzzo. Meantime, Ed Horion, an Alabama state senator, called on Negro and white leaders to forget the past and work together to solve the state's racial problem.

"Somehow, some way, we arc going to have to tackle this problem, facs it and solve il," he declared. FANCY SHELL NAMES SANIBEL ISLAND, More than .100 kinds of shells can be found on the beach of Sanibcl Island. Among Iheso lire the fighting conch, alphabet cone, Jiinn'c unlllrx ind anffftl wlnCES. Pike Receipts Hit $1.2 Million In February to Top '64 Month WETHERSF1ELD-- Connecticut Turnpike toll receipts for Febru-' arv were $1,247,681 or C.O per cent greater than the $1,169,882 for February, 1964, il was announced today. Traffic for February 1965 amounted to 4,450,938 vehicles, a 7.2 per cent increase' over the February a i Total receipts including receipts lauranis were $1,300,850, a 5,3 per cent increase over February 1964.

Receipts from Holiday House, the new restaurant operators, amounted to $4,033, and were for the period from Feb. 23 Feb. 28 of this year. A detenni- lalion of Hie a due lo lhe slale for the period prior to Feb. 23, will be made in accordance th lhe terms of the agreement wilh the previous restaurant op- eralor.

for February 1905 arc as follows: Hw 1 1 lll.m HrnlfoHl 260.659 897.B54 136.774 575. ilt DrimliiVii 11.1M 3M.H9 76.211 278,344 i i Illr 40,141 155.513 i'lnlnllrlil 31.374 111.6*4 Tnlnl SI. 247.681 4.450,933 Negotiatdrs Express Optimism As Trades Pact Deadline Nears C. J. NITKA A CITY WEIGHTS SEALER Mayor Tcdcsco has reappointed Charles J.

Nilka to a three-year term as city sealer of weights and measures, subject to ratification by the Common Council at its next meeting April 5. Mr. Nitka is ending his second crni in the post. He was first named by Mayor Tedesco in 1959, and was reappointed in 1962. GARAGE STUDIED FOR DOWNTOWN (Continued from Page One) week, but the matter was dropped.

Jacob Kunin, of Kay's Apparel, 1160 Main street, said today a group of downtown businessmen ire organizing to fight the Lafayette Plaza garage project. He said a meeting of the businessmen is to be called this week. "There is a strong possibility that legal action will be taken to stop the garage," Mr. Kunin said. Edward A.

Dworken, Republican candidate for mayor two years ago and leading nominee or the party's endorsement this year, has said lu is studying the possibility of legal action lo block he garage. Mr. Dworken said he garage issue will be raised at IE next Council meeting. He indicated a decision on a law suit block the garage would be made following the Council meet- ng. WOMAN DEAD IN I I HOWIE RIDGEFIELD An autopsy is being performed in Norwalk hof- jital to establish the cause of leath of a woman, tentatively dentifled as a former Bridgeport resident, who was found dead yesterday in a North Salem road lomc.

Barbara Guzi Ramos, a 27-year- old divorcee, formerly of 45 Caroine street, Bridgeport, is thc entative identification given by police who are seeking relatives or friends in Bridgeport for a lositive identification of the body. Police said Andrew Wojtowicz, 44, of North Salem road, discovered the body about 2 p.m. and called police. Dr. Theodore Safford, medical examiner, there was no evidence of foul play.

Superior court records disclose a Edwin Ramos, of Sridgeport, was granted a divorce from Barbara Guzi (Guz- zic) Ramos, also of this city. Tan. 21, 1964. Thc decree was issued by Judge James C. Shannon on the ground of misconduct.

Mr. and Mrs. Ramos were married Aug. 28, 1959. In an a i a i filed in connection with the divorce proceed- ng, Mr.

Ramos said that his wife was employed at Roadside restaurant, in Fairfield, as of Jan. 1, 1964. 1 A A L.UOO I A 1 i-- HARTFORD-- I The slate Labor Department says it plans no change in the unemployment compensation tax rales during 1S65. Labor Commissioner Rcnato E. Ricciuti said Monday thu same rate table that has been used for six years i remain in effect wilh rates ranging 1.5 2.7 per cent of lhe first $3.000 in wages.

He said an i i i a employer's rate is determined by his employment experience. Those i the fewest layoffs pay the lowest rate. He said while the lax rale will slay the same, some 10 per cent of 'the slate's 35,012 employers will move to a higher rate, and about another 10 per cent to a lower rate. SEEK REGISTRANTS Local a Board 16 officials at headquarters in the Newfickl building, 1188 Main street, said today they are seeking lo contact two registrants who are alleged to have failed to comply i Selective Service Syslem regulalions relative lo notification of change ot address. They are: Samuel Castillo-Cruz of 390 Hancock avenue and Luis Rivera Rodriguez of 385 Hancock avenue.

Wilh contracts between two Fairfield counly building con- Iraclor groups and 17 building trades locals in the area slated to expire at midnight tomorrow, spokesmen for thc contractors today expressed guarded op- imism about the possibility of reaching a settlement before thc deadline. John Sabanosh and Richard Oviatt, both wilh the law i of Cummings and Lockwood, which is representing the Associated General Contractors of Bridgeport, and a similar group of county contractors, thc Associated Builders and Contractors of Fairfield, in talks th the i i i a locals, said "progress was being made." "I see nn reason why sct- llcment can'i be reached, if they (the locals) are realistic," Mr. Oviatt said, but he concluded that if all of tlie locals of only one of the building trades unions struck, other unions would be expected to respect their picket lines, possibly idling as many as 6,000 workers in thc county. Vole Strike In Stamford Meanwhile thc possibility of a strike in lhe Slamford area appeared to increase when members of Carpcnlcrs and Joiners of America, Local 210, voice! lasl nighl lo authorize thc local's negotiating committee to call a strike if ho settlement is reached with Fnirfiekl counly builders group before tile deadline. Robert Bald, business agent of the local, said the vote taken al Ihe membership meeting in Carpenters hall, Slale street, Stamford, was "unanimous." However, he expressed hope for a settlement and said talks would continue wilh builders' representatives at the hall Wednesday at 6 p.m.

The local was Ihe i of Ihc Slamford area i i trades locals, which has announced their members have vo ed to authorize the calling of strike if a settlement is no reached. Thc I a i a Hod Carriers and Common Laborers union, Local 441), voted strike air Ihorization March 22, and Ihc Bricklayers and Plasterers union. Local S. voted slrike authoriza- ion last Thursday. But despite the strike throat in lhe Slamford -area, Mr.

Oviatt said todnv he was more hopefit lor a there "than in some olhcr areas." Seek 5-Ycnr Pact He said thc contractors grou is are seeking five-year i i the locals and indicated tentative agreement reached liist Friday between Ihc Associated General Contractors of Haven and Laborers Local 4. 5 on a five-year contract might develop as a a for a settlement in other stale areas. Mr. i a said a contractors' offer of a 35-crnt an hour wage increase over three years tad been rejected bv for Ihe Slamford area bricklayers who were lioldinc out lor a 50- cent an hour increase over throe years. A IS BLAMED Coroner Isadore L.

Kotler today held a iraiagc Danbury auto- isl guilty of negligent homicide because the major portion n( the windshield of a car he was driving was frost-covered when thc vehicle struck and killed a pedes- i a in Danbury last March 4. Mrs. Nora Fiddlier, 67, of 1 Prospect strccl, Danbury, was on her way to at a.m. thc day of the accident, it was said, when she was struck by by an aulo driven by Joseph Campanclli. IS, of 5 McDermoit street, as he left from McDermoit street inlo Prospect street.

"Before leaving his home min ulcs earlier," said Ihe coronei in his i i concerning Mr Campanelli's conduct, "the car windows windshield were covered with frost. "He scrapcc a i i area on the driver's side. Because thc major portion of Ihc windshield was slill glazed he was, as he turned the cor- driving under these i stances, he was negligent." "I find IhiU i a a i was caused by Joseph P. Campenclli in violation of Sec. 14-218 of our General Statues relating to negligent homicide," Coroner Kotler concluded.

SCHOOLS TO USE JFK STADIUM (Continued from Page One) which controls various municipal properties. He said all participants in the discussion agreed lhe new mil- ion-dollar stadium should not be used for football practice ses- Tn a i i a track meets this spring, he said, it was agreed Ihe cilv clerk's office will contact Edward J. Dcnnehy, Public Works maintenance chief, and school "(finals will contac Albert A. Snyder, school a i The Iwu maintenance divisions i Ihcn jointly handle installa- on of equipment for track and field meets at lite sladium this )ring. This step was treated upon in yesterday's issue of the Harding Bulletin.

It noted: "Kennedy stadium has a track but as yet no facilities for the high broad pole vault, shot put and so forth." a i high school i have track practice at lhe stadium from 1 to 2 p.m. aaily. Centra i school, not needing it that early, will have track practice 1 icre a a time. Mr. Brannelly said this was agreed to by those present.

Bassick high school will have its track practices at Seaside park, as had been planned before, Mr. Brannelly said. Home track meels of all schools i be conducted at the new stadium. The same will be Irue of all ionic football games next a as "a convenient schedule" was worked Mr. Brannclly said.

Games Shifted The cily clerk said some dales were found when two teams had lome games set for Saturday afternoons. "But these were reasonable men, and they worked out an arrangement where one learn would move to Friday afternoon the first of these dates, and Ihe other school did this for the other lime," he said. Mr. Biannelly said there was some discussion of university football games at the new stat i and the general conclusion was that nights would be about the only times available for tiiese. Yesterday's a i Bulletin, issued by principal Frank J.

Mc- related that Harding': track is not available this spring because of work and lhe field will not be availbale for field events because of the ret i project. The Bulletin went on lo report the Student council has receiver assurance from Mayor Tedesco that the re-turfing job will be carried out soon. Plans for the project were first disclosed lasl fall in a discussion of stadium usage. This month, the Bulletin said, thc mayor wrote to Council secretary Marilyn Smith that the turf will be inslalled "as soon as convenient." In answer lo a previous inquiry from her, he added: lave not forgotten my promise. Arrangements have been made with the i that sells and places the sod to commence working on the field as soon as le (lhe firm's experl) deems advisable." The Bulletin related thai wear on Handing's stadium was accen- tiated by past policies under which all three high schools had games there.

Counting occasiona ligh school morning games, nnc university games at night, the a i was host three games a day, it was Harding asked for use of Kennedy stadium for football because the new is not expected lo be fully established against wear by next a Bassick asked because i has nn hrajic field. a is adjacent to thc new stadium, but this i not give it a priority over olhcr schools on use of it, il was established yesterday. Mr. Brannelly, who called yesterday's session upon request ol Mayor Tcdcsco. was joined at liie Citv Hall conference by Asst.

Cin Clerk Kathleen a Bassick ligh school coach Herb Harrington, assistant i i a Robert and athletics directoi Charles Nc.iry; Central high athletics director M. Roche: and a i high school footba! coach Sieve Miska; a coach Charles Pelrino, and assistant principal and athletics director Robert Thompson. Dti'lv Fire Record 1 (Noon Yesterday In Noon Today' MONDAY 2:00 p.m.-- of fire ii house at 9.19 Wordin avc nue. False alarm. Police investigating.

Recall 2:06 p.m. 9:30 p.m. Defective stnvc in 137 Logan street. Back on duty 9:35 p.m. 10: 13 p.m.-- Smoke from incinerator filled hallway in 132 i street.

Back on duty 10:25 p.m. TODAY 9:17 a.m.-- Firemen sent to 143( East Main street to aiii resident oul apartment. Back on duty 9:25 a.m. In cue ol FIRE roll 3174151 OBITUARIES Mrs. Frank R.

Cassidy Services for Mrs. Nellie O'Connell Cassidy, 76, formerly of 169 Lewis street, widow of Frank R. Cassidy. who died yesterday in the Sylvan Manor Convalescent home, will take place Thursday at 8:30 a in the George P. Potter and Son funeral home, 880 Fairfield avenue, and at 9 o'clock in Sacred Heart church i a solemn high requiem Mass.

Burial will be in St. Michael's cemetery. The Licberum and lleaphy funeral home is in charge of arrangements. Born in Welton, Iowa. Mrs.

Cassidy was a resident of Bridgeport many years. She was a member of thc A a and Rosary society of Sacred Heart church and the Council of Catholic Survivors are several nieces and nephews. Salvatore Donzella Services for Salvatore Donzella, 85, of Bldg. 8, Apt. 212 Father Panik village, who died Saturday in his home will take place tomorrow at 8 a.m.

in the Richards Spadaccino funeral home, 499 Washington avenue, and at 9 o'clock in Holy Rosary church with a solemn high Mass of requiem. Burial will be in St. Michael's cemetery, 'lhe Trinacria M.A. sociely will exemplify its ritual lonight at 7:30 o'clock in the funeral home. Stephen Dzugan Services for Stephen Dzuean, of 25 Rustown drive, Slratford, who died Sunday in Bridgeport hospital i take place Thursday at 8:30 a.m.

ir the Adzima and Sons funeral home, 591 Arctic street, and at 9 o'clock in St. John the Baptist Carpalho Russian Greek 1 church with the Rev. John Markovich officiating. Burial will be in St. John's cemetery, Slratford.

Panahedeon services will be conducted tonight ct 7:30 o'clock in the funeral home. Mrs. Fortunalo Fabrizio Scrvices for Mrs. Luigina Marzola Fabrizio, 73, wife of Fortu- nalo Fabrizio, of 1244 Lindley street, who died a a took place today in St. Raphael's church with a solemn high requiem Mass.

i a was in St. Michael's cemetery. Celebrant of the Mass was the Rev. Donald N. Paolucci, assisted by the Rev.

Salvalore B. Zocco, deacon, and the Rev. Michael A. D'Elia, sub-deacon. Father Zocco read the committal.

Bearers were Michael and John Pirozilli, Dennis Mauro, Victor Riccitclli and Dominick and Michael Montanaro. Mrs. Joseph Funk Mrs. Ella Taylor Funk, 79, of 749 Honeyspot road, Stratford, wife of Joseph Funk, died last night i Bridgeport i a where she had been a medical patient since March 3. Services will take place Thursday at 8: 15 a.m.

in the William McDonald funeral home, 2591 1 Main street, Stratford, and at 9 o'clock in SI. James church with solemn high requiem Mass. Burial will be in St. John's ceme- lery, Stratford. Mrs.

Funk was born in Bridgeport and had resided in Stratford 30 years. She was a member of the auxiliary of Anderson-Dunn- Kochiss Post 42, American Legion. Surviving also are a daughter, Mrs. William Corris, of Bridgeport; two brothers, Asher W. Taylor, of Bridgeport, and Clarence B.

Taylor, of Hartford; eight grandchildren, nine great- grandchildren and several nieces Mrs. Demetrius Gogus Scrvices for Mrs. Anna Gogus, 71, wife of Demetrius Gogus, ol 310 Pleasantview avenue, who died Saturday, look place today in St. Andrew's church with a requiem Mass. Burial was in Lakeview cemetery.

Bearbers were Andrew Sisk Steve Filakowski, Albert William and James Cheahak, and John i Mathews. Joseph Jankovsky Sr. Services for Joseph Jankovsky 81, of 196 Houston avenue, who died Saturday in Park City hospital, will take place lo morrow at 8: 15 a.m. in the Cyri F. Mullins a home, 39: 1 While Plains road, Trumbull, ant at 9 o'clock in Our Lady of Goot 'Counsel church wilh a requiem Mass.

Burial will be in St. Mich ael's cemetery. Mrs. Patrick Malagisi Services for Mrs. Josephine Cappuccina Malagisi, GO, of Cour i Father Panik village, widow of Patrick Malagisi, who diet yesterday in Milford hospital, wil take place Thursday at 8 a.m.

ii Ihe Richards-Spadaccino funera ionic, 499 Washington avenue and at 9 o'clock in Holy Rosary church wilh a solemn high requiem Mass. Burial will be in St. Michael's cemetery. The Theresa Guild of Holy Rosary church wil! reciie lhe Rosary Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the funeral home.

Haiti Maiosian Services for Haig Matosian, (IS, of 77 Concord street, who died Sunday in Bridgeport hospital, will take place tomorrow nl 1:15 p.m. in the Larson funcrn! ionic, 2496 Norlh avenue, and at 2 o'clock in Holy Ascension Armenian church with the Rev. Sarkis Kashikjian officiating. Burial will be in Lakeview cemetery. Gcsmando Mauro Gesmando Mauro, 70, ot 453 Helen street, died Sunday in Bridgeport hospital.

Services will take place tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. in the Louis A. Abriola and Sons funeral home, 426 East Washington avenue, and at If) o'clock in Holy Rosary church i a requiem Mass. Burial, with military honors, will ie in the National cemetery, Farmingdale, L.I. A native of Italy, Mr.

Mauro was a U.S. Army veteran of World War I. He was employed by the Bridgeport Brass company before his retirement. Joseph Merlo Services for Joseph Merlo, 22, of 178 Clarence street, who died Friday, took place today in St. Michael the Archangel church wilh a requiem Mass.

Burial was in St. Michael's cemetery. Celebrant of the Mass was the Rev. Joseph Trawinski, who also read the committal. Bearers were Theodore Maniscalco, Joseph Mongillo, Joseph Toth, Frederick Riccio, John Hayes and Thomas Buskey.

Clarence E. Meyer Private services for Clarence E. Meyer, 55. of 122 Gregory street, who died yesterday in New York city, will take place Wednesday in the Albert W. Spear funeral home, 1222 Fairfield avenue.

The Rev. Albert W. Sheckells, pastor of the First Baptist church will officiate. Burial will be in Park cemetery. Born in Bridgeport, Mr.

Meyer had formerly been employed as a machinist with the General Electric company. Survivors are a son, Allen Meyer, his mother, Mrs. Agnes Meyer, two brothers, Fred C. and A J. Meyer all of Bridgeport; three sisters, Mrs.

Francis Robinson and Mrs. Stanley A. Buswell both of Fairfield and Mrs. William Noonan of Bridgeport. Michael A.

Miklos Services for Michael A. Miklos, 57, of 214 Merritt street, who died Saturday, took place today in St. Margaret's chapel wilh a solemn high requiem Mass. Burial was in St. Michael's cemetery.

The Right Rev. Emilio lasiella was celebrant of the Mass; the Rev. Michael D'Elia was deacon and the Rev. John Sansonctti, sub-deacon. Father Sansonetli read the commital.

Bearers were Patrick Erode- rick, John Hunchak, Benny Ri- ucci, Anthony Visciglia, Edward Miklos, and Salvatore Vecchio. Mrs. Marcel P. Oberncsser Services lor Mrs. Anna Hnmi! a wife of Marcel P.

Obernesser, of 427 75lh street, North Bergen, N. who diecl Sunday in the Riverdalc Nursing home, Bronx, N.Y., will take place Thursday at 8:15 a.m. in the Charles T. Pistey and Sons funeral home, 255 Barnum avenue a at 9 o'clock in Holy Ghost Russian Orthodox church. The Very Rev.

John Kivko. pastor, will officiate, and burial will be in Lakcview cemetery. Panaheda services will be co i- ducted tomorrow at 8 p.m. in the a home. David C.

Roche Services for David C. Roche, of 383 Myrtle avenue, a custodian for the Pequonnock apart- menls. who died yesterday in his home, will take place Wednesday at a.m. in the Mullins and Redgate funeral home, 1297 Park avenue, and at 9 o'clock in Sacred Heart church with a requiem Mass. i a will be in St.

Michael's cemetery. A a i of I a Mr. Roche had lived in this country since 1933. Surviving is his wife, Mrs. Catherine Maylan Roche.

Mrs. Gotthold Schwarz Services for Mrs. Gretchcn Humer Schwarz, of 37 Garden terrace, widow of Gotthold Schwarz, who died Sunday in St. Vincent's hospital will take place tomorrow at 8:30 a.m in the Lesko funeral home, 1390 Fairfield avenue, and at 9 o'clock in St. Ann's church with a requiem Mass.

Burial will be in Mountain Grove cemetery. Mrs. Andrew Vargosko Services for Mrs. Mary Wasco Vargosko, widow of Andrew Var- gosko, of 112 Hawlhorne drive Fairfield, who died yeslerdaj will be conducted Wednesday i 8:30 a.m. in the Adzima funera home, 591 Arctic streel, and at o'clock in St.

John the Baplis Carpatho Russian Greek Catholic church. The Rev. John Markovich will officiate, and burial will be in St. John's cemetery, Stratford. Born in Austria Hungary, Mrs.

Vargosko had lived in Bridgeport many years before moving to Fairfield last year to live with her daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Roberto. She was a member of the Woodmen of (he World and of St. Basil's society. Survivors include two o.n s.

Michael Vargosko and John Var- gosko of Bridgeport; five daughters, Mrs. Roberto, Mrs. Mary Shook of Miltord, Mrs. Anna Suuronem of Utica, N.Y., Mrs Margaret Milchell of Hanford and Mrs. Helen Chopik of a brother, Wasco of Czechoslovakia; two sisters, Mrs.

Kathcrine Swatt and Mrs. Anna a of Czec- raslovakia; and several nieces and nephews. James F. Barry DANBURY-- Services for James i F. Barry, 66, of 16 Lee avenue, who died Monday, will take place Wednesday at 8:30 a.m.

in the Cornelius Delury Memorial, 111 Main streel, and al 9 o'clock in SI. Peter's church With a solemn ligh Mass of requiem. Burial will be in St. Peter's cemetery. Mr.

Barry was born in Dan- ury and was employed as a machinist by the Hobson-Botts company. He is survived by a brother, John H. Barry; and a sister, Mrs. Alfredo Osborne, both of Danbury; two nieces and a nephew. Daniel Renzulli HOLYOKE, Daniel Renzulli, 54, formerly of Westport, died Sunday morning in Holyoke hospital.

Services will take place tomorrow at 9 a.m. in the Hodert funeral home, Linden and Suffolk' streets. Burial will take place here. A native of Westport, Mr. Renzulli operated a hardware store in Saugatuck, before moving to Holyoke 24 years ago.

Survivors are two sons, Peter of Holyoke and William Renzulli of Clearwater, his mother, Mrs. Amelia Renzulli of Westport, four brothers, Albert and Michael of Nonvalk, Louis of Westport, and Basil Renzuili of Orlando, two sisters. Mrs. Anthony Filomena Papagno of Wcslport, and George Marguerite Sopp of Monroe. four step-brothers, Vincent of Westport.

Thomas of Yonkers, N. Jerrv and Fred Renzulli of Norwalk, three step-sisters, Mrs. Anthony Carmella Mrs. Eva Nardi, Mrs. Gencvieve Garfalo, all of Nonvalk, and six grandchildren.

Mrs. James J. Rainey MILFORD Services for Mrs. Ethel V. Rainey, 71.

of 16 Roberts street, Devon, widow of James J. Rainey. who died Sunday in Bridgeport hospital, will take place at 2 p.m. in Hie A. G.

Baker funeral home, 1888 Stratford avenue, with the Rev. James Watson, pastor of the Slratford Baptist church, officiating. Burial will be in Lakeview cemetery, Bridgeport. Mrs. James Falconer NEW CANAAN Services for Mrs.

Mary Jane Falconer, 79, of Jelliff Mill road, widow of James Falconer, who died yesterday in Stamford hospital, will take place Wednesday at 11 a.m. in the Fables funeral home, 215 West Stale Westport. The Rev. Charles L. Austin, pastor of the New Canaan Methodist churci will officiate, and burial will be in Willowbrook cemetery, Westport.

Born in Scotland, Mrs. Fa coner resided in the New Canaan area 35 years. Survivors are a son, Colin Falconer of Ridgefield; two daughters, Mrs. Mary Jane Knell of New Canaan and Mrs. Christina Gibson of Norwalk and eight grandchildren.

Mrs. William Castle NORWALK-- Mrs. Lucy Amelia Caslie, 68, widow of William C. Castle, died yesterday at the home of her son, Harld J. Castle, of 6 Peaceful lane.

Services will take place Thursday in the Virkler funeral home, Lowville, N. Y. Burial will be in West Lowville cemetery, West Lowville. N. Y.

Mrs. Castle, a nalive of Lowville, lived in Norwalk six years and made her home with her son. In addition lo her son she is survived by a brother, Robert Woeitje of Taburg, N. Y. Mrs.

Nelson B. Gorham NORWALK-- Services lor Mrs. Ellie R. Gorham, 92, of 119 West Rocks road, widow of Nelson B. Gorham, who died Sunday will lake place tomorrow at 11 a.m.

in the Raymond funeral home, 5 East Wall street, with Rev. A Higgins, minister of thc Willon Congregational church, officiating. Burial will be in Riverside cemetery. Mrs. Edward Gorman NORWALK-- Services for Mrs Agnes H.

Gorman, 73, of 72 Main street, widow of Edward Gorman who died Sunday, will lake place tomorrow at 2 p.m. in the Collins a home, 92 East avenue, with the Rev, Arthur E. Bello, rector of Christ Episcopal church officiating. Burial will be in Riverside cemetery. A prayer service will be conducted lonight at 8 o'clock in the funeral home by Father Bello.

Mrs. Joseph Tracz SHELTON-- Services' lor Mrs. Mary Tracz, 75, of 401 Long Hil avenue, widow of Joseph Tracz who died Sunday in Griffin hospital, Derby, will take place to morrow at 8:30 a.m. in the CoUvell funeral home, 116 Elizabeth street, Derby, and at 9 o'clock in St. Michael's church with a solemn, high requiem Mass Burial will be in St.

Michael's cemetery, Derby. Edward P. Marvel WESTPORT Services for Edward P. Marvel, 68, of 245 Main street, who died yesterday will take place Thursday at 2 p.m. in the Fable funeral home 215 West State street.

The Rev IDana F. Kennedy, 01 Christ and Holy Trinity church vill officiate, and burial will be private. Born in Newport, R.I., Mr. Marvel resided in Westport five Survivors are a brother, Dr. William Marvel of Brattleboro, a sister, Mrs.

Ann Marvel Scott of Westport, and several lieces and nephews. RITES SCHEDULED FOR MRS, LIUZZO DETROIT (AP) The nation's top civil rights leaders are gathering today to attend the funeral of a white woman shot to death near Montgomery, last week while aiding civill rights marchers. Nobel Peace prize winner, Dr. Martin Luther King, head of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, arrived last night to atlend the funeral ol Mrs. Viola Gregg Liuzzo, a 39- year-old mother of five children.

James Farmer, national director of the Congress for Racia Equality, and Roy Wilkins, executive directors of lhe National Association for the Advancement of Colored People also were expected. Hoffa Arrives James Hoffa, head of the Teamsters' union, arrived last night. Mrs. Liuzzo was the wife of a Detroit teamsters business agent, Anthony J. Liuzzo, 51.

Charles (Chuck) O'Brien, a friend of the family and a teamsters official said singer Harry Belafonte and comedian Dick Gregory also are expected to af- A requiem Mass was scheduled al the Immaculate Heart of Mary church in northwest Detroit, followed by burial in Holy Sepulchre cemetery. Attendance is to be limited to the family, close friends and dignitaries. King told reporters upon 'his arrival by plane from Atlanta, thai dealh revaled there are "forces of evil alive in our na- ion that will use violence, terror, harassment the darkest expressions of man's inhumanity to man lo prevent progress. "On the other hand, I think her death revealed Ihere are persons of good will in our country -many white persons of good wi who are so committed to the cause of justice and human dignity that they are willing to pay the supreme price," Dr. King added.

Opposes More Hoffa told reporters that he opposed outlawing of the Ku Klux Klan. Four members of the klan have been charged in federal cour in connection with the slaying. "I am just as much opposec to outlawing the Ku Klux Klan as I am to outlawing lhe Team sters union," Hoffa said. Hoffa said he was opposed to outlawing any group of citizens He said there are enough laws on the books which, if enforced are sufficient lo deal wilh silua lions such as the Liuzzo slay ing. Hoffa said lie had received a telegram from Dr.

King asking the teamsters' support in a boy cott against Alabama. Hoffa saic lliere were technical and lega complications which would make the boycott impractical. Plan Discussion Informed of Hoffa's opinioi Dr. King said "I thought th boycott would be practical, bu I haven't looked into the lega questions. He said he planned to discus it with tho board of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.

Some 2,000 persons packed De troit's Peoples Community churc last night for a memorial servic for Mrs. Liuzzo. Lt. Gov. William Milliken said Mrs.

Liuzzo "made the greatest sacrifice any of us can make to iclp secure what every American citizen has a right to be entitled to." A SATTIN DIES; STATE HIGHWAY A I HARTFORD (AP)-- Harold D. Sattin, who supervised the demolition of thousands of homes and buildings to make way for state highways, is dead at 56. Sattin, of West Hartford, was pronounced dead of natura causes on arrival at Hartforc Hospital Monday after being found slumped in his car. As head of the State Highway Department's demolition contracts division, Sattin was responsible for clearing land for highways. At the time of his death he was with the department's legislat ve liaison branch.

IN MKMOIUAM In memory ol Mrs. Julia Pllhavy. who pnesscd away March 30lh. 1961. In our home she is fondly lemomheret Sweet memories cllns to her nnmc.

Those who loved her In We sincerely Still love her in deMh Just Ihc same. sndly missed by her three children. CARD OP THANKS We wish to express our appreciation In our friends al Lyconilntf, neighbors, am mnnv friends for their kind evpression svmpnlftv lo us In Die loss o'ur heloved husband, nnd father, Joseph Pussoni- anil deepest appreciation for Ihe spiritual and flornl boquiMs. for Ihc a whom called nl the funeral home for Ihe ninny who attended Ihe church services, and the many mends who Attended the funeral. THE BEREAVED FAMILY DEATH NOTICES A In this City.

Mar. 27. 1765. Frank il. Cassidy.

formerly i( 169 St. Friends are invited In attend the funeral from lhe Georte P. Potter and Son Funeral Home-. 330 Kairfield on Thursday. April I.

at 8:30 a and Irom Sacred Heart Church at 9 a.m. where a solemn nich Mass of requiem 'will Iw celebrated, nlcrmenl in St. Michael's Cemetery. Friends may call Wednesday from and 7-9 p.m. Arrangements by Lieberum and Hcanhy Funeral Home.

In this citv March 27. 1965 Kalvalore Uoiueifa. Bfdii. 8: Apl 212, Father Panik V'illace. beloved husband of Salvatricc Lissamliello father of John and Donald Uonzella; brother of f'armello Donzella, Friends me invited to attend the funeral Irom thc nichards-SnadHLTino funeral home, 499 Washington on Wednesday.

March 31st al 8 a.m. and Holy Itosarv church at 1 a.m., with a solemn -Mass of requiem. Interment in fct. Michael's cemetery. Friends may call Tuesday from 3-5 and 7-9 p.m.

The Trinacria M. A. Society will exemplify Ihelr ritual on Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. UZUCAN--ln this city March 28, 1965. Sleplii'H DzuRan, beloved husband of Anna Kstock nziwan of 25 Rustnwn Drive, Stratford.

Friends are invited Drive, Fairfield, Friends arc invited (o attend lhe funeral from lhe Adzima funeral home, 591 Arctic street. Thursday at 8:30 a.m. and at St. John lhn Baptist Carpalho Russian Greek Catholic Church, i Hill avenue, at 9 a.m. Interment in St.

Johns cemetery, Stratford. Friends mav call Tuesdav 7 to 9 p.m., Wednesdav 2-5. 7-9 p.m. Pan- ahedion services Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. A I.

CONMl-- Suddenly in Stamford 'Hospital, Mar. 29. 1965, Mary Jane Maxwell Falconer, wife of thc late James Falconer of Jellis Mill New Canaan. Funeral services will be held Wednesday, Mar. 31, al 11 in the Fable Funeral Home.

215 state Wcslpnrl. Interment in Willowbrook Cemetery. Friends may call Tuesday from 7-9 P.m. TNK-- In Bridgeport March 29, 1965. Ella Tavlor Funk, beloved wife of Joseph Funk of 749 Honeyspot Road, Stratford.

Friends are invited to attend the funeral from the William McDonald funeral home, 2591 Main street. Stratford Thursday, April 1, at 8:15 a.m. and from St. James Church. Stratford, at 9 a.m.

with a solemn 'lisb. Mass of requiem. Interment in St. John's cemeterv. Friends may cai Tuesday.

7 to 9 p.m.. Wednesday 3 lo 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. IOOK In Yarmoiitbport. Mar. 23th.

J965- Henry C. Hook, husband, of Mrs. Adcladie K. Cole Hook, form- erlv of A with residence at 23 Isalene West 1 Hyannistiorl. in his 80th vear.

Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 11 a.m. at the Lindnuist funeral home, 36 Duller Worcester. Burial in Hi) side cemetery, Auburn. Calling hours al lhe funeral home -Tuesday, 2 to 4, and to 9 p.m. JAMiOVSKV-- in this city March 27.

1965. Joseph Jankovsky ot 196 Houston Avc. Funeral sen-ices will be held on Wed. at 8:15 a.m. from the Cyril F.

Mullins Trumbull funeral home, 399 While Plains Rd. at exit 50 Merritt Parkway and at 9 a.m. from Out- Lady of Good Council church. Interment in St. 'Michael's cemetery.

Friends mav call Mon. 7-9 p.m., Tues. afler 2 p.m. MALAUIKI-- In Miiford, March 29, 1965. Josephine Canpuccina Malasisi of 72 Court Father Panik Village, widow ot Patrick Malagisi.

beloved mother of Victor Malaaisi, Mrs. Ann Fiannasan, Mrs. Theresa Evanieh. Mrs. Mary Holilen: a a Mrs.

Rose Cappuccina. sister of Mrs. Piccolo and Mrs. Antoinette Friends are invited to attend Ihc funeral from Hie Ricnanls-Spadiurlno P'uncral Home, -I99 Washington on Thursday.

A i i 1. at 3 a.m.. and from Holy Kosary Church nt 9 a.m. i a solemn St. Michael's Ccmetcrv'.

Friends may ciill Tuesday from 7-9 p.m.. nnd Wei nesday 3-5 and 7-9 P.m. St. Teresa Guild of Holy Rosary church will recite the Ilosary on Wednesday at 8 p.m. Suddenly In Norwalk Hospital.

Afar. 2 9 1965, Edward P. Marvel of 2-15 Main WeMiwrt. Funeral services will be field on Thursday. April 1, al 2 n.m.

in The Fable -Funeral Home. 215 W. Stale Westporl. Interment private. Friends may call at the funeral home on Wednesday 7-9 p.m.

Please omit Rowers. MATOSIA.V-- Entered inlo rest in th citv March 38. 1965. Hnig Maiosian. husband of Archalous Mntosian ot 77 Concord Bpt.

Friends are invited to attend the funeral to be held Wednesday. 1:15 p.m. at the Larson funeral home. 2496 North Ave. and 2 p.m.

al Ihe Holy Ascension Armenian church. 1241 Barnum Avc. Interment in Uikeview cemetery. Friends may call Tueday evening 7-9 p.m. In lie i of (lowers, those who so desire, mav make contributions to the Holy Ascension Armenian church.

A I In 'this cily March 23, 1965. Gesmanto Mauro of 453 Helen street. Funeral services will be held Wednesday, March 31 at 9:30 a.m. from the Louis A. Abriola and Son funeral home, 426 East Washington avenue and nt 10 a.m, at Holv Rosarv Church Interment in National ccmclerv.

Farminc- dale. Lonir Island. Friends may ca I 7 9 JJ.IH. Tuesday. New York, March 29.

1965. Clarence Kdward Meyer of 122 Gregory Rridseport. Private services wil be held from the Albert W. Spenr Funeral Homo, 1222 Fairfield on Wednesday. March 31sl, 1965.

Interment in Park cemetery. Bronx, N.Y.. March 28. 1965. Anno Hamilla Obornesser.

beloved i of Marcel Paul Obcrncsser of -127 75lh Norlh Berscn, N.J. Fiiems arc invited lo attend the funeral from the Charles T. Pislev Sons tune a home. 255 Barnum cor. Noble on Thu s.

at I 5 a.m.. 9 o'clock fro lhe Ho Ohosl Russian Orthodox church th the very Rev. John Kivko Interment in Lakcview cemeterv. Friends mnv call 3-5. 7-9 p.m.

Panaheda services Wed. at. 8 p.m. A I In Hospital March 38. 1965.

Ethel V. Rainey, widow of James Rainey of 16 Roberts Milford. Friends may attend the fun- ecal Irom lhe A. G. Baker funeral home, 1888 Slratford Ave.

near citv linei on Wednesdav, March 31 at 2 p.m. with the Rev. James Watson, pastor of the Kl rat- ford Baptist church officiatinc. Interment 'in Lakeview ccmtery. CallinK hours Mon.

and Tuesday evenings from 7 p.m. lo 9 p.m. KOCHE--In this City. Monday, Mar. 29, 965, David C.

Roche, husband ot Catherine Moylan Roche of 383 Myrtle Ave. Friends may attend the funeral from the funeral residence of Mullins P.edKale, 1297 Park on Wednesday. Mar. 31. 1965, at 8:30 a.m.

and in saered Henri Church al 9 a.m. th a requiem hiph Mass. Interment in tit. Michael's Cemetery. Friends may call on Tuesday from 2-5 and 7-10 P.m.

SCIIU'Allse-- In this cily March 25, 1965. Grctchon Schwitrx widow of Gotthotd Schwarz ot 37 Garden Terrace. Friends are Invited to attend the funeral al thc lxi.sko funeral home. 1390 Fflirlield Mar. 31.

at 8:30 a.m. and at Ann's church wilh requiem Mass at 9 a.m. Interment in Mt. Grove cemetery. Friends may call on Tuesday from 3-5 and 7-9 p.m.

Thc Rosary will be recited Tuesday al 8 p.m. A I Fairifcld, Monday, Map. 29 1965. Mrs. Mary Wnscn Varsosko.

widow of A Varsosho. of 1 1 2 Hawlborne Fairfield. formerly of 247 Willow SI. Friends are invited lo allend the funeral from the Adzima Funeral Home, 591 Arctic on Wei nesday at 8:30 a.m. and from SI.

John the Rantist Carpatho-Russian Greek Catholic Church. Mill Hill at 9 a.m. Interment in si. John's Ccme- lery, Slratford. Friends may call Tuesday from 3-5 and 7-9 p.m.

Panahedeon services nn Tuesday al 7:30 p.m. I MEMORIAM In memory of our beloved Mother, Roblna S. Wilson, who passed flway March 30. 1945. "Your contlc face, your snow-white hair.

Our henris cry out to see you standing there. The touch of your hand In warm embrace, Those are the thinfis time can't erase. Twenty yenrs it's been today Since vou left us here nnd wenl away. The then. Is hard lo bear.

But you left fond memories (or us to Sfldly missed by daughters. Mary anri Mftrjrnret, corrctt Innrtltn, Mtmery and Mmi MotlfM mbmltUd In IKK 4 hiuri In advents ItitftilMtiM dali. Mall 410.

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