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The South-Carolina Gazette from Charleston, South Carolina • 4

Charleston, South Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

A LL upon for the perfons public for who have any or for legal hire of demands waggons impreifed the fervice of the late expedition to the Cherokees under governor Lyrrelten, are required to bring or fend their claims to the public treafarer, that the fame may be fettled and paid. 1. The colonels of the feveral regiments, or captains of companics in the faid regiments, are defired forthwith to tran(mitt the faid public treafurer; affidavits of the truth and jaftnefs of the refpective rolls returned by them, more efpecially with regard so deferters, as no perion can receive pay until the faid affidavits are previoufly made. Co be Gold, On Wednefday the ad of next month (September), at JACKSONBURGH, PONTON, FINE and healthy Cargo of about ONE A HUNDRED and EIGHTY GAMBIA NE NEGROES, jut arrived in the Snow MARL BOROUGH, Capt. KOBERT DODON, from GAMBIA, duftin, Laurens, Appleby.

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