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The Richmond Times from Richmond, Virginia • 2

Richmond, Virginia
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

--RICHMON-D-TIKES--F-RIDAY NO YE3flJE fit rr EPEC1AL noticEg EI)EOIAL nortCTt ERIDAN4 NOVEMBER 80 186 THIS IFENIA11116 usEmm lexltsenit le ow Tort Tallts Porto writs lb Canto Tam overt nor 01-T1' enrlotf hear trviln the renten tosurrecti11 I Irtoon4 la very greet Tho eery wormer and it ti es 1st's tory telegrams porp4zrt I eom over ti NO rti-o to the belirt that IPIO Lt4ettIt Cpte eerhment to exeortaing eenoorship over th Ate lAtotte tel-graph or thus sensei $on ntiwo to mane tortured tem! ed portico in 'lb eityiee Arm soil (411-ero ory known to boy oven pent to I relortO trent nil city Unit of tee bleu tolitila his turn ELI won so offloere tind levee an ex pec ted 'rum the tilt se ClcI tzdirt( 144 re Pottrzt14 011 the ittsoou 9 et ta Troe to vet to os4o 0 SOCE lu VS tt It fr otlall row wry tostrolo omcr104 ttt SI4AVA "4 4114rtra44 IDACQN wilts ES To orber-041 wegrio-111 A INTO 4A11 wlimalcs Ivo rtstaa 314Q1010303 ALXII 1-011: SAL Vit t--- Irn 440 44 VI 16 4n44 4n'4 Vit 00 J4 11at pt i 4 a 4-44 44 0107 0411 k-tr! 71 4 ryas 4 1-7 44 4441144 A 117 IA 0 Iota I 444 01m0v 0011 4 4409 14 4 4 4144444 a 14r IP 1 4 -r I 4 If '4444 4P 44 4 'Ito 11 '11 644' 6-1 vvw I A011 tt-444 4s 44 440 4444 4 '4 It a 444 4t 441 4444 4r 44444441 41444 444 414- 414 S44 44 IP eracysthe exodus of Southerners wastrery great Hon was tben statieme4 In Lynchburg nd our business men and young adventurers go- fgrtblnimilfilthtmbileit log to New York and our political leaders to (Rev John 'Wr Whitfield of the Methodist Pro Mexico In a short time all who went to Mex testant church) who boasted that be bad killed too saw a sufficiency of the elephant to gratify the Dr He (Mr L) then doubted whether the their longings anti while many have returned Erawbrd rywiloyukiledditibut now thinks Dr Smith that battle disgusted and disheartened all would do so if 1 Ile (Mr L) opposed the glan because St lea general amnesty was proclaimed by the Pre- not demanded by the voice of the churn Some ident Recent observation has convinced us churches had-openly declared West it lie the thousands from the South who plunged (ITErdattthtluPeelau beldclitr the 'vortex of New York life would have tont Church atter a fair trial of many years Ho done Infinitely better bad they remained at meant no nlarespect to the honored and beloved home Many of our young men found ready brethren or that church Brethren of the tatty would not attend the Annual and General Con- employment in blew Yolk because the mer- fereneee They eould not do is) without ries chants of that city hoped through their In- electing then temporal interemtsh They did Dot fluence to secure a large Southern custom-- attend committee on which they Phut already They were incredulous as to our poverty and been placed Thitt plan world alias interfere expected a speedy resunaption of the ante bellum With the independence of le Episcopecy It would of necemity proves binderance in assign-trade with the late slave States As they have lug preachers to their various fields of labor been sadly mistaken in these anticipations Dr Smith made a brief response to Mr Lang-they are no louger anxious to secure clerks and borne nt-tining his greaten after which the t) cu salesmen from the South Few if any of our co vote tr witnkttne psinadn ottflethe'L agreed young men who obtained situations in New for admitting I he laity in the executive end leg-York have bettered their condition by doing 80 Wet lye eouuelle of the CI) wail uti After the decision of this queetion bishop They have foubd their salaries Inadequate for Early said You have now crossed the Kobe-their comfortable support and they have cop- con awl the old traveling carriage is on local racted habits and tastes which unlit them for wheels" the enjoy went of those things which once gave Dr Smith made some remarire lirbtch we did them pleasure The condition of few or any of not catch to which the Illation replied Yon are so good Bro Smith I say so good i II trwit Lhese 3 oung men is to be envied by thoge who you anywhere certainly you eau go wor- have remained at the South cultivating the soli thing yen want" disgusted- and 'disheartened all would do so if general amnesty was proclaimed by the President Recent observation has convinced us the thousands from the South who plunged the 'vortex of New York life would have done infinitely better had they remained at home Many of our young men found ready employmeut in New York because the merchants of that city hoped through their influence to secure a large Southern custom-- They were incredulous as to our poverty and expected a speedy resumption of the ante bellum trade with the late slave States As they have been sadly mistaken in these anticipations they are no longer anxious to secure clerks and salesmen from the South Few if any of our young men who obtained situations in New York have bettered their condition by doing so They have foubd their salaries inadequate for their comfortable supports and they have copracted habits and tastes which unlit them for the enjoy went of those things which once gave them pleasure The condition of few Or any of these young men is to be envied by those who have reinalued at the South cultivating the soli :4 Iv Li 00DII 1 i tillt-11 a IC-It A to ItIki I rIt It Nrti ply Tig it 3roxt is tt 1 le A wok fry Ir-ri Ia-tip 04 14-6 I 1-0" tacit 4 Sri ril it ANII il'A NC'S' tes a IP 4 1)a --rK 10 itl worlis Motel li 1114 orkbas 117 rkt 1-6-0' rag rut 't tri1 I Irt-44 It 441 1-1L0 13-gT 11 111 h'I'L i 4 bo4 rt-itt 1101 1-rl-Lvt i II -41 a 1 )t l'rtTrAie Ilk LAC It 041 WPM itAisim51 is 0 lpo11 A 4VN1104 104 ad I IJor (1orl 3 lorill 4 riplmvs l'I-6-41-4-1pA 4 LA i 4 A CIL It'T oat 1 A L-141-Irt LA ir It itIrtrit sAi LI sALIIr til ILI A 1 I 11 Orr lit Lea oat 68-111 It 111 A irrar It I'M Ulm I 16 111 cwt it tut ittl ilb 11 LS A OS 1 0 tb7-1 some rI17 444- 4 a ciroAtmei likype 1a it It ID 4 1pit ttak rcils Iry LAIC sod iraLW6-4 114( 15 taxtrAt boil gi or ii ori trItinPute al eal116VERodulivi 7 ll tin it dt cu topoptot 6-eirroitatt 'I'' Iry (apinueloo 1404 ---rtcr I a (1ru ntt CO: two I -rot iLLII ta tut i- omot tr rom --tt I 1 pursuing some useful occupation Among the young men of the South those who during the past year cultivated the soil have clone much better than ninety-nine out of every hundred of those who rushed into trade and commerce or essayed success in the overcrowded prolCS810118 tait 111 ---X 44 14-4 64 4404 ea 444444 els" "Pm It 44 1 re 141 40'411 Isla 444444-444 4 4 44 1111- 1 IrtN 1144 4100 voo 4 tpiar 1 1 4 41- Irk Ikb 410 imp 4 ova 44444 4 1 tp1-7 r-A st 1 l' 0 1 4 -'k r- i ov Niko dik I moliu 4 A1r 4 ottt-Tiktt4to trazstaa alLeraalt Ottnalt laartnfla TIC Beat of lb rit port od outbreak In iralend basi crowded groat rzellement among this t'entan Item The Et" prose tilts evening soy that It la undorstiool Were Is a roil brlxthit thi city now all ready fur an Pismo inneemorit hien Moot tor drill every Walla be enmriontee at their moose Of In rlihtaadjwithd the city ItoTtow grip at Uniontown tin it le te towle and It 14 mOtird thetitio Infantry nrh Lbe IntentZation tiu(flbons IwtyrePta IZoo) mind tw490 wvoL a whom ere tomilitor lb Macaw' ill sumo hayloft been in Ube Artie-Wass ow-rirte1 One bAttery of rill itiwy void to be fully or Kanisod and toady to lotus ftn Gum its moo an mnwarnent le Inaulsoraisol 'Eno grant init Into etTootita branch wo esiorroly lot 1)7 tho Sweden' durhtt the food twit Jane The els lion omnog tho iEninho on the littrOt le intrwho Stud it le very evident won zininotheary movement la rn lapis ir tilts evening lend mooting will undonliteOly be bold In their "cirrit1 thOttah their lutontione ere involved fig the diNprogdit Ilerrimy They evidently moats work and Inera la an tolling What a day ga3111Y bring bortit I ---t---------- It 41 41IP's' 4 Li LoL Li IV to 'Li 11010101Noill itotitolo itift tt t4 pot434 ars ufsett tom east at tsssslra OTOs) it A 111 ALL rat 'um" artooki a 41 311410 attakat Wawa a tf-C114 Whet Okay asaaaaa Istorortansakta 1 Witloat- boirreLD0200 earillagruni auradamoo Tho OA VARY itibi-etikets4 insiati vkatt tnyr I plome 44 tsattag lama 64 Va lac rawr ateaa a oat fa aa run sod Loodo 111 rasa 441 P101414-paa4 la sa notLograph la As 21 spoon est pa' Vet lessa elproot tal411usa tats seassahsa towa 1 4S masa Iota wadi sa-144k41 grim Asa ao It Tnc vrr tx MyttAttb 101LES It 1101'11 It 1111 osty 41 4 crews bi vspets41441 la Ms lisataataptsicliosstoe4s hi 110144 lad plaza fa litIllosessa 1 a oaltresisi coarattala I- 2 A mogrom to01441ii 600 WC IPIMOVAMNOLloolitSIIPHai le CAL 5 11 111 1C 1 11- ow Ammo 111011 so Pver Nlot -ett )51 I 1 i3O1014Vet 41144 4 004tv'neiowoot Jo 4e: 44 044 t- 04 AI nuoto 4 1 4mo 6 fre-te kat 40 4 tut ottttt tuttortt 7 tilt liorfto tt tttt oa AAA t4rtilik mirr Pivot 'w 14 at IT Arlel a 4 01 rl ow ii-om 04 44gr 44 4 40 7t4Frn-1411 4 UR 404 011444 414 441k4 I 40444011 41441amo 114144 -I TN NA i -t 91't 4-It 1 4 it At l- 0 War aAo a at Ate vto -mp 4 106-04 114 14 law 611d" 00ottste mo 14111641g 0 114 444 a VP loo oomur-401 4t" uwik IP miry r11-- 'w az IT WI a el rl -s-risrst issor lirso ossis a tr rtr: 144 TaAaxIbuaginL Roo-tr tkArLii 1 it di I Irt 3g LA Ai Isiaxr a txrA4 mum 14 kv-1 Vie lo a 10 i ipt 1 414 ilk sip 11 I tv rrt rt VI tqi 3-t AO' 10P te 10 WO I Otie IP ttoto tow trot too 1000 Iwo 14 4414 1 141104 tv jk ta at a 1 6 r-1 tut WI OBIEttolNo -401 L4 tZottt It Witt 1 I oliR bitity-1Nprit titql c-r a MI I i 11 34 VT 'i 1 '1 1r 1 0 1 0 0 ao A410 te 0 I 1411 0 SC 41" 4 40140 woo 401 0 uma snoodot045 lot -111 44404 1 4 4 41104 i tlk "tve jk a 1ik is 0) 4 a a 1 210t twaA0 1 6 ri vAp 444- CIOP OP Vile I CI ALP-1101A Wrt ft le 1r It lot trkL A I 1 1' tr r-ti' Russia Arming "The Eastern Question" still gives much tin easiness to the English Government Russia is not only pressing her conquests Into the very heart of every few Months a territory as big as Great Britain but tale is also raising her army to its maximum strength We thihk that while the Russian Government may oherish 110 immediate debigus against the peace of the world it certainly wishes to intitnift Jaw and perplex the neighboring powers By a heavy conscription the armies of the czar have been placed upon a war footing but the euergy with which Russia Is putihiug her con quests in Asia may explain the alarming fact ahout which there 18 al Ulla time so Intact' Idle speculation in the Loudon Journals 1-voralt a La rtorio 1111-4-161' torno argr voioribo ClUCtICIF A A trut 100111 ittoirtimet 040 WI r0 tiorf LtAllte I it I tha to awoottaanaaatt at oaa taat walk ataP aaa Wolk P140 et It $1111t t'lktt Ot 440 Astietattottamt tito tit1 Soirt so 1 IlitirItt torno Llarlr teeewreeee SY ittonrste bi4s wa o44016 I 1 Al eII -17 11 -0 a 4 raNI to a a a IF vt -s a NLV AND DPLRNDID OALLT-AT Diu 134 putalt er11 tomwire te1114 SolailatbrOull ea "WWI' Deed AU the insriv414 Woos VA rAo ot 'usvs UP OA Sri UPAt 0 trete Sle3s1 aro be elp enk 'Mt Feb114 rioter Itoripswal414 taunted la ovhi aa41 a male- opertommes bortersoteolk DLEA I qv 1 III PAT ItvonlIV 114 moo A int r4 to kni go gp 01b vtlp O' 1114 go Si Ptt' 11(1E161011041 ILL4A eiroT It esss4s4 la MI I SI )11 AA be oe tvip two womo id 146441MOil litleAMIlivi Add tr 1 ft-0C 110 111-0 cur tlAPC iwr riw 1IPIMP oi I Rev-T A Ware from the committee appoint ed to consider a plan for the More equal (Attribution or the members of the Conference upon the regular committee appointed at each es-elfin teported several resolts ions to the erWet that committees should be aPOoto by the Bishop or the Conference on nomitia tionn to be made hy the various Presiding Elder and that the entice person shouid not be appointed to serve on more than one standing Com mit" tee during the committee to be appointed at Iht close of act Conference to et at the neitt ensuing session Some ohjecitIons being urged to the report tt west re-committed to the earths eommitwe4 The Chair annonneed the following clerical mein hem of the Joint Boarti or Pittance for the ensuing year: Alexander 01trownChairivan Petentou Secretary Jacob Mann init Peter August Oscar Littleton John Bieck well Julio Id Saunders and ribald-On motion Confetence took a feces till filer o'clock this afternoon to near the report of the Committeeon Memoirs of pryaeltera win) have died miring the year This will be a good opportunity toffy yen atothitioat report which I have obtained It twill exhibit Um sitrength or the thaaallikattlall the bounds of thin Con fercties Denim the war the number or colored members in tile churen wee 7567 binee that time they have nearly all gone to the Afetoon Alethodia 1psecopot Camel Bishop Early spoke in very kind wrote or title kuew Nome of their leading Mon anti lot hoped that whenever the ctiorost menibers ot the Church desired to I Refit Ye thle connection with the Southern Chureh the preacher would advise them tO Iola tide or gunixation STATISTICAL IMPOST or Iva VlSOINIA CO'S Vatatt4C111 WOI lot3a Number of members (white) MALI number Inembent (colored) 1214 number of local preachers (white) hal flumlruf $0001 I resewers (colored) 4 number baptionts (adult) 411'2: nuinber baptisms (infanta) 721 number ham batb-schoolalizal number or wheels' and teach S606 number of 'winder 161107 number Volumes in library 31507 AirriticsoOrt Scas1014 Bishop Doggett in the chair stotod thet the qUestion for considerittiott was Who bave during the yea Bev Ct tiranbery chairman of the Coro-Mitten on Memoirs read report and co sketch of the life and character of the de Ceion were read brier but touching triout were paid by various members to their piety Worth Seven mintsters have died slues the last scatmion Rev Win MIMI Itegt 10h13 NVonnycutt Bev Wm Blown Bev Aston Bernard Rev itobt Scott itev Wm Lee Daftly Rev Bedford tsheiton Deeply affecting religious serVices were con ducted by Itett II Sergeant stud othersand Couterence again took a Tempe unlit 7 o'clOck I 1 1 1' 'V ft tie441 oliti ernit 4 04 7 novo or tIL 4110 Alw116 opg 410 Or 04001 0111- 41 at40q0 1)V4 41i 777 7 7 14 47 17 7 IPC 1o 4111i44 400444: toe 1'1 41'471' trV rt 4 1 0 4 44 elk 17174174 7117141774717 46-4 'm 4 4: 21 t' "4 1 41V-101 111'0 1" 40 4 4 be r-17 4 4- :4 :214 44 4 4i 14144477 7 747 741 477777 717 Inu: 'to 4o io 441777 4 44 7 7 77 714077 777044771771 7 7 1477141771 171777771407 4 7077771177- 14I irlo METHODIST EPISCOP414 CONEEDENCE trflalif LICIT'S-AVM III IS AltriAelltlirrra Boar ONNovernher le liy inoint the lieulana of lhoton and lie lei poi wee I tOlgit011 to MO 13011reowPo 111 Or the brottierhood they are ret Weal hie Sousa that they Neve (wet se04101 iplallitAl woof arme to New 'forefed 830 anonli abinnailat 01 100Dr7 lirsiditrothor rine Oder 10461frillOOt Ilinailithrtak Irrinia4 Wilk WO seWP irefoolisi ono Unhidden ere 14111 In views la kiettio a raid on l'Attailo of au Inourriertiou le Irvbond le lid be realised Tito on ft-Animal itOnli It IA r1143011d 10A3ly ttolu ever liam been In major of the outline bersabottio are In ay uo path wadi titeolietioa Tile ureteral Shirrs VI It or ammo TO tilittAns l'otor November TILell lodoolintton the very Wariest Fenian aulloorhy trial rf000loont Itoberto boa elven arm to foe pliiina car i aal lis ally way connived at his ittrirto Id yet men In Ireland to pow ani Into rebellion In men in Ireland are deotitolo of arm and any allecOpt ise F001101) IirrwL preaent eau oniy nooi In a butchery of Unartateit tofu tit Okory khaki ntryilevie Kent 1110110qOantiltr of arTn ti Jr land lo rue ilia be ert ever thins he could Into noon In Sew urt nrw4 howirver Ilows that firma have Inert tivieed whirn were probably Urania arrnitil I VIA JAINISM Italisconalla TOunNyre November Lbo Moller Of the rennin tornerna Shot )0000 have uiA yet eons their (0 0(a aim 000 eckatiota I enf amid Ili VOttlict 1104 ttriltit 111a4m Ii ie PIIncd4 the the combo of the delay to mat ths oforta of tend retwoinifi and are oroparling iplabnts0ply WriLia(11 )oililiosot setriog fufilt al Nil 1004111 the teriouncla ion Whin drvkal00 la OM It Is tee Solent loin tir the prheinere colonel to ripply to have the nueoti0 M11111104 III court of Error and alleet If they do so tang the Judiro a alio on uotoducitor IbmL kitaint(frctintilk alas wril alwrar 10 ib0 Joilignorut Already filvsu itituti IU full A WL)11A1 CALL ovetuter 24--A tall ban been 11111e4 tir 111 lThrrtitt4 or the Limn Of the rennin ceinntliti 1- he lailiiret0 Nark: Fellow collo cy tdro ward IN ill you permit ONeil td sidelined oind peru4 lOrrti doW13 before pod atop laid lite rank's Iteideniroor that trot 11 are snarl to lilt their 11441 atui riefivit their arm lor abetter sdrusgle Whet tbO kokal alit not protein lb LAmt to4 Alt Ins it tAp Town truitte botakatal looristftshudi Sall tutu Lin letrite ocrr7! ar Dts Lazo creme Irk 11- ram Illo14 fet et1 oo el xi VI eao irmwgir It ol-44 boin tko loo t14Lhorto 71 611Ak wadi to vs I 4IPlo 4 mg re 1 1 kto Nola a War IVO 111-04 1 it orlftwlAdk moo mo Imamoutom 110 moil 44:10 Vt thr-A rt-711 1041P 0 ug atomism okagoiL lussooms 40401 I row 01-aa 111 0 4 Illumpodwit lositd4 Voto" A 44 1 coos wit HIT I ANMEM01 tt 11tt ta It '71 tos0 Lt TEEL ole I 'or 60 1440-40 4 444 OA I 4 I 4-0 ttetm q41 1411111C-T1r4 tw 114 '1 )60t1be4 4bart0411 Opt On No- 14 4 4640 11- re' 1 4144 rs "ft es Letals Leases and Small Farms- dit It vsill ba recollected by our readers that this a Journal put forth and discussed In several edl- let torials the proposition that long leases and th stuall farms were new required by the interests la and necessillea of the Southern people The do ball which we set In motion seems to bave at- bC tratted attention and aroused discussion this ea was what we sought-to accomplish in aid of the cb welfare ot Our mother State We knew that lit when we cast our bread upon the waters it Tt would return after many days and that from the eollision Of mind with mind the elimination tr of truth would follow Our suggestions about the expediency and value of the long lease system in our present ba condition of prostration seem to have met approval and received endorsement In many s1 quarters The Intelligent gentlemen and pritetwat farmers who recently met in Richmond in behalf of the Virginia State- Agricultural So- 11 cletysseern with Mr NEWTON at their heads to t' given in their adbeelon to our views on tl this subjeet It is admitted by them that the t1 great step In the line of Improvement- Is "to 11 grant long leases" with covenants to Improve '1) under which system Great Britain has made such wonderful advances In agricultural pros- NI perity Let It be borne In mind that this was 8' what we urged long ago and have been repeatedly agitating at intervals in order to keep the question before Lbe people's minds But the theory of small farms which we also advocated seems not to have been as thoroughly reesived Into favor as our proposition of long leases The lion WILLOUGHBY NEwToN la his ad tress before the Exeeutive Committee of the Awrieultural Societyyald "This question of mall farms must bo regarded as already settled They are unsuited to this age and especially to 1 thim country" 1 We have great resnect for air NEsseroses opinions and great centimetre in him as a practical iceessfel farmer but we must take Issue wbl him upon the two propositions which be ad- vanees as cited above: First we deny that the cutest Loft of tonal! terms Is already sett ledeither by experienee Or by the wtight of English or A nerielin authority on this eubtect Joust STUART Ai ILL one of the ablest and moat profound writers on Political economy whose works are text-books lit most of our colleges regards the question of large and small (aims Os an open one and the arguments pro and con cited by him are very evenly balanced nay there be any superior weight or testimony it la In lever ot email farms Says Mr MILL: "The disadvantage when disadvantage there Is of small tanning ea compared with capitalist farming must chiefly consist in Inferiority et skill and knowledge but it is not true as a general fact that swat inferiority exists Coun tries of small and it good agriculture many generations before Eng laud and theirs is nt111 as a whole probabis the best agriculture In the world" Regarding Mr Mitt and the authors whom be Pasta of Heidelburg and a fair offset to Mr NEWTON ws submit whether this question of smali "arra Is "settled" But says Mr NEWTON "Small farms are unstinted to this age and especially to this country" This Is assertion without proof and nil-argument which follows is sustained by no evi deuce history does not justify such a conclueiou nor do the weal Lige of tile Political Eames Mists of the age We find that this age" as far as the Continent of Europe is concerned shill clings to small farms and that that system of agriculture hes been pronounced as probabls the best agriculture in the world" How do we know thet small farms are "especially on suited to this country until we have trieo them? That is what we propose to mak the experiment and there is nothing either it the history of the past or attitude of the pre seta to warn us against it We are In such inoribund condition that every experiment which gives a reasonable hope of success ought to be tried upon us A combined system ot smell fartpe and long leases certainly has much encouragement in Its features nut is is apprehended that if we take to lintel' 'asinine We-Ott-111M CUltiVille ItS MUCII land and our Ileitis will become wildernesses 'What it they do? unit we not better grow timber alto raise hares i rrels zirld coons than to be inn king the land tt by bad cultivation without litiprovetneut? If we tem make more ot one nest than 'we eau on three had we not bet ter work that vere stud hit the other tliree grovo Viet end get imilrovetitelit by repose and the de city of vegetation? A useut luesbettr exists In the leer that old famitioued Virginia hospitality end Vigittle tom Lament will beettinto eXtillOt tinder It syeten of midi time Title le a non sequitur Tito levee nolocit n1'411)0001 Moierv log his melt sloe iklitt 14111101p)It levillory around it dale hi dolt ro et of ills ii stat lit with tomes long 'wet' Milt Ii Yo ION a getttlenten ote lot English hest it Met hi moss demi made And he will live better and mins Otattiorlithly thee Ito tiOett 110W W0141114 untie' the mreseer ss Peen' os witlehing hired lithorea to Nee tied they cern their withal It is tient that ell the toodern labor-Nevins mitehltita itud 01)11111ttie('S DOW Voted on largt tame from their expense multi uot be GRP plilyOki by smell farmers Nothing would tot easier titan for the farmers by association and tenoperetion to It nil the machinery whielt they would need arid Use it In common Tin first dielitie of interest would suggest such I course All the advanteges whiell corporations Possess would tittle be enjoyed by a cotumun its of small tenants mutually aiding and Ptlatelnlug one another That division of labor which is one of the strongest arguments lu favor 01 large farming might be equally brought to beat by concert and arrangement between the ten ants whose lauds might be contigaouss know the power of resourdesol corporate bodiese-why cannot such features be successfully grafted upon agriculture? a that into 1 I a that into or Awspg000ENNOWNpr-- al 41111 41 gg 1 111Ja 111 4 i oarwo4 it ka 414 Akit tit too "1 AA0 INA Amoli VOA I AkA 4AdAme ft 114 woo a a A tv ro4 AMA 11K11 AAA tArblwas a 0 a a la 141466-010 PO40 4 Sao A AtAfte A 47 E1 A pilptt ip Ilk A twa Woe 414 otitm" Oa ala aw a a a at awe Ma 144 oa a aa a a rt tqa 4 4 cisotA to ime ow At to le 1040 INA 44A 404AWAAAAA f111 Aft I1 Ca ft 4404 owl I 1 r-fte 14 1 4 a lb Ili trerobawir Low leo Ima4ts044 liberLIOT AMINO Atillitelre OPZILAT011 TnIt ItTlitAND EAR XalitpactAilty tak)remo lb citioral et itictlimml Dal bootLI ogars Imp ot ta4 1114 LLA ILO 11 000 It tANI Paeca 11 aryl Vint Track 1119aday rimseibtat 1011 ho Ilmoviirley ti IKN1 MI" Itanos Amsawair! 'be olokilib Oslo soothinp lo st 0 oe tioare Orapai IP A )11 Sits I 114 £4 a t-LTS 3t TUCflEAD CATLEILLL b15c1111 Lc) Ea trues 11A4 INCA 233 TEI 11-11 a our 311 ruatos OF WAX 111 OF TOO rper Anita IT 0414 4 OS CASIoll 0110100100 Mlle ILA 11 lot 1 tli MAO Ilk AIIIITIC1AL IT ILNILLILTZ-4 wr1-3Lt1 ir A ts 244 iptfk-vy tamir364041 IA4 Pr Cv ilkiLosis Ira calm IttiLaiLtax vs ea Clic" MITI ttLIAL iTttla Ma 644'41-'4 loao 113t4444414 sal lin Oimmassexitzvo 4 k' AlID AIM 11111114 1104 tvry eteramo I Atrsi gavot7 tpwfbrot el lir 4 fe1 illtmempiN 101 4 wt 114N 1 44 4 A I 1 io 11 Ast 044 IP 4-4 Ilasossis 4 issosts-4 maws's400st st sts4)14 Af ka faallak aa II 41-- a IN fk-a 1-V v-4 rgra say aka-4 a410-1 kayak: re-1 a Vrv VA IAA a el' tatalk A a fa A al A7 IAA- 1-4 kaykaakaaaaa 148 ekaaVi ake a a 4-Aola itOAo44 44444 Aa A- A A 1 4 404 111tit444401 It 0064 A Its 116 smo lonntoorne 10 'Ye Ito 14 344 A 04P 4 44 444 I 'I A tome t0) 1 4tnev 100141tItoo It 414 tilt 7'1 0010t4114 46 4a ay al AyalaaakkakyYekatak yoke taatkkta 04 A 40 iss4issok 444 4 4 4 I 4 11 41 irt-1 I dttl 4S 110044 tt 41141-410 U' lor tor IA1444448f 1 4 4 a 4 aA 11eMtA 10 log 11t 4041 4 4s4ss a et go I -N 10 t-ita 4 '44h4 '141 444t1 4 44 Af4A4044 to 41'T a-aa'74414 tau- tAya Ay I A 4-44 1 tk yam ot A a 4 4t64 4 4144 4114-411 1 Ivt Am-16 oo 01 44 0 41 4444440 40 Al II- 1- 1 0 it4 4444414t- tt'- akkaktk yy 4 0-kaa ak-kak sb 4441 40414 I )4V LA 1'4 7rol (71't LI 4 It- 0 I 41110 444 141111M 140 Ve 114 ilboqpia16 4114 6010 op 4114so ikt 44 11141 44 6msoo 41-4t41461Z06011t At tt 11 11 '1 94 tivkr I it itp gerfreet lon000s eg 0 P10 14 110 1ossk sof lb0W lowtoat 40-4140 IL asef 4 too ii1- ipp-st 11010 14 0 04 et Li 4 A p14e f1-tft 11 110 La It A 114 i 4 lee Ole a (0 '4 L-r 044 44 a eV 4 af 1st 1t A10040 swrgod6 Attu WOOS meet liko-10110 1 a tu 4111ml16 ratrtItnar ean Iktaaltirriiedneolatt Nommtwr 2s otbrtooe o4 Ito0 poo11 100011 amount go 3 hynt1 ogms0m4 okvi Ut I Or rK VI pus p1 howl rotflo butt W-1 Vtryint0 fIN1100 cnunt omill 1110 ok over the lotootguttor ond tine tftimoonict 1 4113 trnm puirpki poototo oeloiOurte4 irrinta ond 111 grion IPdAryiand nn 11144 urt4n sql ova rrma Urrrk 'rim Mar ke4 10)1 44101 1014 4Po 41mo4sy Owl luomOsir tyro vvomtirrooly Otgorr ItIon goo doo A lot of very ak's rapt 14 pot AIN l'rwo tn rod um a RI 'wont: manstils vim end old mow 24 $:1 7'4 a lishi tb4o OIOtle n4 Ili 2V a 11 emoboaori 000 11 01 molt pi 7 -lot A soil print rt art ys por loge 1)0r flgorrot sato 0 O-ol tot Of ZS root pre IL Lois We rot" Allny sod Turarloy 04t0wp-A Ire hot rtoi rod 11t ward 11 big nava OM 00 smoci louroly oo bond whir thiq orvit ot 46oir 42m IA pot IN womb to 1 he 111 IV 1 Orval no Idiot NIP 04 111thirt4 hi 11sp101ipprot oh I ppiglat and 14n4 no grorv to k0 For 05000 $11 1 ill prt tiIae to 4 41'11414 to 1-r S7 tt 00 00 1 010000 1 Irmo 000t7 07 votir ow ib 71 7010107 0 0 044 000 so Alt 7 0 elo 7 000 7007 7007 74 oast 400 11-0t 7 007000000 710004 I-f $007000 770 7 ro 00 o04 700 0070167 070040 7 00 0 4004 mktt-t 701to l'clOrer etessION exonfOrel108 met pursuant to adjoUrntnente Bishop Early In the chase- Dr 11A4i In a low feeling remark presented ressointiona ex presolve of regret sit the tot nster 1r tisulth to IA lAnsie Conference whirls were unentrnouslyadoplowl by a rng vote Dr Nruith thanked itiCUI for lisle exprecodon their kindness and trusted Its tile slew home to nevi Innis to CRUMP trill Conference regret tor present aell lott l'he usual ode of thank way tendered the retiloftil and ieemoat cornpentos eitincne int Norfolk and l'ortannouttsand pastors of cladIr for I noir kindnesses to the Conterenre Rev It IL Coeless annsinitnest the deans ot Rev Jamey Cosi I I Inn Pressident of the Mors freemblbro' Female College and ono of the innat valued owl esLil 'tent bcsaot tomsoa The Mul wee received with tease shod Icel linos of the profoundelot grief Bev Joha EsJi worths nifered appropriate ressolutiohn eisprees NIVO Or the Iona 'sustained by the Cionferrneo and of condolence whit the bereaved bossily which Were Unaulinonal 040pted by a giAlLiag V011 It's's John Ornnbery wee Inestriteloti to prep (4 sasitssiste ossomeitr ot Conning After renown's and an stipleesie reran Mahon I hapset! the epooltil menus were lead and the Conierence adjourned too stir iRa 100 Iwo ost IP 011114 111 "Woke 001000411 ub il14 tor is11 61: osmsst Wm 1 i I -1" A 4A bill IAA I 111 rat rat unit -A 41 400411 tas At lac PrioeSpal IA2lop Ise Irssol Ifwvpsis scow' Xs-e II voli 4 Ikli: 4CFS 1 1 Ah Sit lit 4 01- 1 IL I IMP 1)ox'T roir lla' 6 4 4 4414 Sa I 4 "Jo lose tv 14 4 46 0 01 ik 1 41 Imp o-14'17 TIIIICIICAPLATAIVACtIAN-I'TAILON IVA scirTv-iottio to Arrts A II sift04 11 i 1 114 itA cm miss sis rove s-Iss 144 A pit -I Ital 11 a ir lel la cA 11 11 swps It irssossss ip s-s 9 14 --------mb reqrtm vir kw 4n0teolsk k1 Tuition MIN Ilvso hi' bion I 1)110W111111 $TO tile 44 Ilia I'm-bone 4 Itirra 413 Nik t14 HOU keit( Lielly gm 8401 a4 4101r bight A 44)i1 isea tbsv10414 41)4( 4114114 Ivivon uno m11141141 at4 Mill a4 IWO It Ittbrti telmitt 64 toti lit sureU441'qt 0nsuit 4414a lko )ig 44 ilia itaurrs 4114 timmlootad 404 tel small 4144044 quietis 1000 loo ou mil Ills Jett 1crieis lawn ana4 a4 118 ewer' tiirrti41ft aokti prove441i 414 114 411 suing lova! ilia )aki Kiod Ito oi thirty IlidSdlers ii I'du4 Ito 1111r 1 milvfir14 bhp loops iniS lane at Ills OISitt 11P4411 ag IttO tilikttletintla prupilib11 any 11104 frra IIflR' lio ssil by ite 01111 WWII 11 alc44 Pr en a 41 4140 Atiar4lw41ao Pita' 'urnamigo4 604 timiossiO1 atoll toe Somas VoS 011111111010 nodules do gun41 up Ill Srve Tiites lpflatitara tAVIP Tonk htrpittne otild Pvtt lomomkoolkikino4vott04" ellatelesPso Hiss oilers of robbery Went lisiirts toms their cello Lois riAritro011 or Hills (nolo ih townsiot lattoolswi Piso 'Os 11 1113 IA) oi trees bl ION '11041140 II) Isiug LOSS lab parsed listittleSly enniss jk SI ILrriS lt i 0 "It I el 1 A tifttAV4911 iS Ittoo001 TO 0144" i 'V t14 0 S4 Ito SW 446 a aa aosoo a4a 4 all 01m iot ar ra a a a a a 44 -a a a 1 a 1m 64 as 90 1a rim wo 4144 momv-Iko III- I IIII0 IF' 1" mit 04 A 4 442 i- 441 i0 0 4aa 1 0 a a 4- A 4 A la as a ta 4 I at or Met 499911 It 94 4' i 99 44 444 '441 "II PI 99Ae9190914444919610 WWI 449 41044' Ir9IIIII4t94994 1914 09444 I 4 141449 I II 9 II9 4 9 tt91441 111 I 90 1999I44919999 494 9-4 46 i a i'''11 NC ti ilr I 146- It A 41'4- tv 4 4 9 9 I I I I 1-'''' '1 4 9410919494999410996W4909699199P 0 9- -999o9 A li 14 4aa 4 910- I 449 a )14 1- ss so it 41 SM0 44-tolimat oft 44 amaftmmtmmmm 10 111 SLA41- A IA 13D'''' I ipn e4-- I I it to Ciii41404 III 11 :411 414-1VVs 4A4 AV 1 i 4 I I 0 44164 IL 00 I It- 1 0000 00 4 0 00 10 1 406 it TI00 14 rim a itlSioltika taaaaaVI ail At4)4 1 IA 4 44 044 ai al4 4 111 Jo a a a '1 A Ow to titiotoril 40 I 1 Cart 14 411 ono 44 111 rp 1' 1 I) 6 'gt 1 04 mf Imi 1 a ilk ra 4 SI 1bl SVI 3 '14- IF I I' a 4 111 ft 7 1 I --'t oet fb1 il 4t111 4 I 1-1116-t te 7" 0 441 Ames t4 v7 t- 1-4 A 410914999 9 94 WI r4 4 4 4 4 '4 KIK 4 I 410164 fl Sn to I 1444 1 ovei WI 41 4 t14 -W 1 rt 011 4 MO 04 414411oo LOW 46 90 04 SiU11111111 3C beemslo4 tit Ye suotto is loot armoire Kir Clam II 1104P OWN be Rms 1111 i OWL Wage amok torso YObirsoosot tot rostrodorsob loom" 34Y trokTON ENT It 1'444 twit ol'er7 oitItellt Itt be Ilit4YEA-11ViltUttZTILI DOINIXIN4 CAIKI1)41 LIN lornmILNA 684 41emitmiVe Lwow ilmowesitt vocoriedaI 1104 14414 spat toorootoot- ilasP el 1104 airalAlP eat Svillb TU I itortL Kit Oa WI YOU CLIISAVIII sit PIM C1 A all Is al roe 'if Ott toot tea obt $rok ol NW 4 rool hero leo wits Sf1 a wo 01 ors Si tocot tibH gor 114 limmt tit irate ei grotto assottatbas4 too pt test to so IPS WalSkilat tpat perm tok )1 Wit Pito erTTT Wt i Pa WA IT win to gplasssed 6011 Oa GRIP Olattada el gala larpartra aa-C104XIL 1313a KO 4L11)4AiN 4 lbab eISIAris too toot lotrotooll ikt rirrePolootottko ilal tee? to Lts "ram' Iwo miles at JCLIIII Ye 1r Wo LI Nils 44ottoit LAtts ot1 Twrolb rvo-4 ouvirs! 3C 1419111 18100111 1 ALAme LA4 iruoi A wire At ie timuit I 6111tws Iss Ilissose a Isa SIM- IA ir rik to ta trArrNtz 161mk A 41411e ta-s wails tab LAAIllik IL 41 11111-ot1b t4 11 461mom iimt 144 erl ttik 4116- Ir (-woe 614 9 11410411 120 imbeteL4000111 11110 114" 41L IL Imp 7 111 I 1 I 4 Cos itAdi A- VA I IN tuttutzt IA TA' W111 tA NM 04 411ita It 1-10 LIAL ti141311oe 1 far St LT IL A LAAIN 411 1-411I 14 1144110 141101 Jp! -tra 2 It- A PrOtaina 'Mem groth Itotwor 1 Cott Omer? No Peat i testi NV Jellorne Trinity It Itio14 Putout ill A l'atertiont (lay Street illoier MIII VIVg011 PIO PAIItnr Inents rilantoug histiehrster Eleartio Merles t'lirs Jos Lettr New Kehl Ptiti Witillatiminirii N4110' I Nnrk ILO I istoptots iL t'ettoks ttlotttliewit rtitiON Iii INkiwanla 0041rr 1 I Shipley' MidairIt ininrq it Crown sold queen I I Mitbed Kluft NVIIIIninJ uviter Sotemeles lithium Elitor Itichinttlitt Christian Attroesteo Pennell CrIsithorritsvtidit Heed i'llsrkillesellle A Ware Albemarle It NV Waits Letrerty Stip Stmatinv tie It Vanfiersi Wet It If Vert MIT: Colorti Hate Owl' le A41 Illettsoe 'owl it An demon thooebbittil It spider 116'mowe NV 'terry: Beaver IMIn IL ft Wadies 11milna NV Lumpitilt ()range Charles NVatti Colored People LI tiney btAillsoo Pritchett (3 raen St Seek tom 1441111ot Flnaell Liatesvills ii ji1011nnn: mut Mr I Hunter Chsplalu University of illo nitt It LintisaY L'INclitit790 'Brown Juttkins Court streetJ Edwards Court street mission to be supplied Amherst Osrland Verly pernumesaryt West Amherst Acomptioil Bedford Potts Portsr Mountslu mlstn Cyrus Doggett Nor it Seaford A South Batilurti11 AUienr7 i Cam obeli Josepit Spriggs East Campbell ttlesparrin Au pottiattox NIP (lolored to suppl lett Slate River W11111drOp Ilucktnittlam1 Waggoner DA mertg tr Christian Chariot teG Booker DSouthstitiop Charlotte John Jonen DnnYttIPt Wo Ituncitu Soul ti Or Dtinvl lie Thontioi Lt Ilogicti Itslitax littniberger Ilanialsr A Hal 1 ItingoldJ Jones: k'i Luke' trait la jj Wallace South Strtunton klituks Franklin William Ilemmonti Flint popottedi lieneyJRIMINI Joyner Dign River Jmnieft 3E Jetrrooloo Pal Tiek R-hid-Ir-tit cob shnugh Sup ISsuvitio leinals college rodeo l'remiltlent r-46 Last Day of the oit Change Cif A'anie-ebebote on Lay Meet- ga to Dem-ooett kouelters--10eatit ty diet Mr cko Nortioest Wednesday Nov 281800 3 The seventieth session of the Virginia Con of ference of the Methodist Eplecopel Church South closed to-night about 1in4 o'clock AL er tel as much busimas has been accomplished nu eeday lL I any tttree dass of Ltte pretstint sem ba sem I must therefore leave out all coin wee en Lively unimportant stews and coudense iity re at port of the remainder tbat I Limy nut take up Lot) much of your epace The COUIrteliee Waki opened at 9 o'clock as I aStIal With religious bierviceeelliehop Early tu ()a the The older of the concurrence of this Conference in the actiou of the General Con In erence chaueing the name of the ee Laken up ee nee Dr Rosser asked leave to make an eXplanation He was not satisfied witil tee re an ports of his speece Some des ago upon this guestion This la his explanation: and ir the 111 doctor's meaning Is now not uneertevote your reporter protests that It is not isis heel He 131 said that be bad been represented tot etaying fiat shtvery was the cause of the separation ot tile church in late He leteuded etutply Loewy flit It was the occasional he separio tun Slave th ry lu itsforms may ee wrong but it has always 0 ')o-eti anti Iowa) will be in principleriyht Ile ttu not nomad by his vote ever to give counte tance to the idea that the Southeru Church abandoned the ground It had held from Lue be- 11 4Iuning upon the sublect He would 'lever tonnent to reeve It in tottagonisin with the clear re teachings tat Gon's word The word South in of Jai-name of the church endeared it to our peo ole IL reminded Went of their origin It wtt 141 't continual assertion of their 'whim pies before tr lie worm and if tills essential panel' the moue do tie strickeu out he leered for the result The It Hanle was not sectional Circuital-tenter have lven it deep ineatileg anti as a part Of the rt Murch name it did not imam now Hot section of lit which the church had tot origla but et yati a declaration of great principles of 'true atorlotisin and pure religion tot to the for 11 titer representative of the loyalty of Southern ft Oethod eon to civil nuthority and fiat to the tatter represeetative ot not fidelity to God's word 'r to all ages it The yute was then taken by ayes and noes butt tile Conference resolved to conetsr hi the le name by the tollewitig vote: Ayes 14 it imes 47 At title point Bishop rieree took the Chair tett ultimo need his eectsion upon two law 'plants widen had tattoo subinitted to ititn tor tooitm Tito tirst Avg whether the Conferenee tad a right to review anti reverie the ileelitiou et a preacher itt chute in revivitte a mentlair into Lite tat tireli The otteattitt question watt wine tter an ex pelted minister might be reeeived oink Ilia t'ilittell Without previtine tame sIit ol Lee al (it emelt lie wee rite liteitoO's tiectitittli Was itt tothittittter Out Coitierettett might review itily etimittletrit twis of int preachers modertisettete tile a artatater Otero lot tett 'lividly tenet telett eV the qualinentliale ol wheals mr i I embership 1 tt the Menai Au expelled title item or les to wito title sti witym esmertotti I Itietteveue of Get VORA'S tor Wilton litt Was expelled mill heti- meekly anti getetly teheittiti tile tieeisien th the (Muriel hely dotal prideemitin tif repositheme for lea Hine ttlitt 1 Isiah I ti Christ Lott receiVed lotto the I 111110)1ot lie may iota Lediert itiuteseuett of tielt mime ilisitop Pierce brit took blot hetet Of the Con I erre-nee I itid titt he rt to go away defore the elem or their session but It had been 1 prolonged beyond tile tit-elation Hutt lu order t) nivel an tippeluttnent which too bed Heide to 7 drench le North Cs rol ilia he wits compelled to dtke the even Ine trete Ile lied left Lite ap 1 noint ments with Bishop Doggett who would read them wheuever the Conteretiee were reedy to receive them If hie Visit had been as prone tele to them as it had been pleasant to Weibel( there would be enduring trieutiethip abd regard detween them Ile had done the beet he could in the appoint metes end Invoked the bleseitig of God upon each member of the COI' tertntlee Much regret was felt at the necessity for the Bishop's ahsence He has won alt hearts by hie I outwitin courtesy and it I witless James A Crowder asked for and obtained a Rev Mr Langhorne offered a resOlutiott giV tug necessitOUS preachers a claim upon the Con ference He criticised very severely the action pI the General Conference on the stubject of inance and insisted that they had no right to prevent an Annual Conference from distributing its fund as it elefteed This finance legisla Kai was of a piece with those other reforms of hat wise General Conference Intended to der stroy the great fouudation of Metbodisme-the itinerante' and to throw us into the boectin of comparatively insignificant church Rev Mr Head nailed Mr Longliorne to order Brother Langhorne' reeolutton" sAiti be "nullities the law of the Church" Mr suppose the BiSlior Call decide that point us well as brother Head' Dr Smith explained and defended the legfe of the Genera Conferethe on thie subject It had done the best it could and eta brother was a delegate and did not choose to go there and help Lliem do better he ought not to complain" Mr explained Duties imperative con nected with his church in bad In dueed him to twego the privilege of attending at NewOrleans By the way a reporter's duties are terrIbly increaeed by this habit of explaining every thing into which these ministers seem to have ranee Everybody Is misunderstood and is obliged to consume re tich time and teattpencils to get set right The great question of the Steasion was now called up by the Chair for decision "Shell the Conference concur in the action of the General Conference In admitting lay delegetion to the Lomeli end General Rev Dr Rosser opposed concurrence and explained his position in regard to the Lion of the General Conference at New Oilcans Rev Mr Peterson was the next speeker lie would waive he Said ell Objection to lay dele gallon not because the people wished it but because the preachers alumet untie biliously tie mired it Some plan of lay delegation must be adopted But the plan submitted to us by' the General Conference was so faulty and indeed lo dangerous that he fell bound to oppose it Re had opposed it at New Orleans and if able to open his lips when the vote wee Laken he should say No with ell the emphasis he could give it This plan will increatte the representa- Lion in the General Conference forty-five per cent Several persons speaking at onto: "'You are mien ken brether it reduces the representas Hon" Mr insisted that he was right Dr Smith "Sit down brother tot down end corLS rect your arithmetic" Mr 'P resutning his arta' tounent But the chief Okklovttoo to this lose is hat upon the demand of the laymen In jhe General Conference the vote upon any subject must be taken by the ministers and laynieu separately and both must concur in order to pass any law Now- 11 fourteett layineu only mlioniti be present a majority of that email nu miler might neutralize the Votes of a tiandnel ministers Rev Mr Ed werefeettid that he Intended now tO do what be had never before done be would move the previous question Severe( ministers: Withdraw your motion: withdraw it withdraw it" can't do it" We'll vote it down then" It Was voted dowu anti Dr Smith explained the circomstancee under wh ich the hoe was passed lie mid Olio it beti been fullydirteneeteL wolf metered anti fully ennsidered anti I hen twooltirdaof the General adopted by more than Conference Rev Langherne made en able ateletolb "ant fleetest the Mee We live in liestory anti will eye and wheta the retoords eternity are written up he wiehed to a ppeer on httm ae a rsonsistent 'nen At the Denville Centerenee he favored piulna laymen no clItn al it too on the temporal IntelCent the Cburcie it came into the Cheirch in the fulttetre of thee agitation on the auttlect or my delegation tied was too young to be much involved in it th amain who uow earnestly favors lay steles A Of era of died each anti end the of do lie I tit Air 1" Art 1 4044s1 1100 )1) 0- Alt 464 Vos0 I0 'Ik 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ILO 14in 1111001311111 being dromrd MI fillgrem4417 glii prem the 11111 Perviefe 14 aliJhotioniwi Ono all Nf prrnville i'opota shoo ki now go lo Lashort -11 11 1Ln 01 4 1A-6mi S4 tmlvi SS VOA 3 Ir" 11LIVt 11141431 The beget CA LIC0104 t4 sot too todomo 111' Won otv mirk sti yoltdistosywo its a 44 041 lorrostAt lwevrt 4 SIP IN JUT OP Oh Volt Woo 4 It jims root at istert trios twiny" gtt Prim Klan ra rorus socravv1 A toorrom A th DJ 111111CS 1411MANO 160J Zcli itLAID rtIrt3 tit )1 rttIXO Too swat 3rttro 'a It CLX VI )(it'll treat tooteroimo Stotts akami Tow) thdryt 1441'40 i IA) A 0414 I MX'S' VokkAtil beet CA LICO ES et so so4 tw seer St Jt ILIUM il (TR 110 Stl NO tioet41 444 74704 ri II AS Ir AA Or' 1141 10114 Mg L14411 woo tio 41 '11104111 at ht41 4411400 Adiod Vlore fre Prom ta 1 Att vt Ita iitver-t twe i kr A 11 t1P-P-t 11 I RaNDOTPIT Mar ON Pannell's Peaeocin Prines Edwant Cross Ciimberland Oscar Lyttleton: Anis Ha 3 Wataou Colored People Diggs Wioe Puristtrine It Nottoway Wililurn IL WheetwrightJLSpeno vet sup LtinlliPtitrif A Wilfas Branawl-k Michaels: Meeklentamt Spain sup Colored People McArld in Boyd- tt In and Clarkesetileolameti Jm aiaon 1'1'Mo' 11tbert Horton Itatidol ph Macon Circuit Hoyle Williant Clirter sup Ptentamatiart liorrateT--F Nt'llsott Petersburg Washington atreet A Ituncap Market street Granhery Hiatt street A Proctor City Campbell Chet tettleid tioward Powers sup Cies ver Rill William Jordone Bacon Di widd le Campton Thorns Sup I West Dinwidd le II Proctor II Lam sna Sup SIIKSX Jahn RAU ndemi A Rid dirk Sop Oreensvil le hue 14 Rid Sup: Sims WOonnell Pri nee George isNitin Rollertmon Wood word sup Guy Arrhor Sup Nentrat DittrateT--D Willa Corn berland Sreet Cheat ham I ti ratibySt reef Lee iddis Street Sargent Weetcy Chapel V' Wrigley Second Street to be enrolled Meow Paatellie Will tom Counts Lloyd Moore: ungateague YIsri to Taylor's Taland Dee Ca br I ge 311 Donis Ileritu to be anpplied: Princess Anne I Wising Foakt Norfolk IL Ptens NorOnk Circuit loo be Ptippited Missionary 10 Germans 11 614 141- tA1 --Alts-4 0 it '41 111411b 444ism4A 40 tl 464 44 WO I 6 nob vrty 46000 swinolkl OP 41tivogpsoli6 it 4 4-1W 04 AR tk fr 14 I It 43 3 'fot IttrEC TVAPlir I LE i4 irt ot44 444 rsuidi A oktt LA 10 hoe 't 114 Woirall444 dc 40C 1414t Nit 4P4 How the Emancipated Serf was Made a Good Laborer An Intelligent Euglishuaan who resided In Russia before as well as since the emancipation of the serfs by the present Czar has written a most interesting book with reference to the effects of emancipation upon thirty millions of white slaves For the serf wgs to all intentsand purposes a slave with vices tastes weaknesses and pecullarith a like the Thesert was dirty dishonest ignorant lazy ungrateful insincere and unreliable lie required an infinite deal of flogging to make him do his work and neither the knout nor any other kind of punishment could make Lira do tbia work well 1The promulgation of the ukase of the Czai which emancipated the serfs was attended with Consequences precisely similar to those which followed the sudden liberation of the negroes-- The serfs at first thought that liberty meant a life of sensuous idleness and like our negroes during the spring of 180 abandoned the plantationa and crowded into the cities They were also possessed for a long time with the idea that the hunts of their late mestere were to be di vided out among them and they refused to Work for reasonable wages But for the wisdom and 'sagacity of the Czar Russian industry would have been completely paraly zed by the sudden emancipation of thirty milhous Of laborers No arguments or bribes could force the serfs to labor for heir bread until the Czar devised a corrective for their indolence Judicious rules and regulations were proMitigated for their employirient at' fair wages and their treatment and compensation eve regulated by law Asert who failed to honestly and industriously perform his contracts was sentenced by a magistrate to be flogged and the sentence was executed- by the police Idleness or violation of contracts without good cause was punished by Iligellation This very soon taught the emancipated serfs that freedom and viecons idleness were not synonymous words They were well paid for their work but chastised If they were idle or violated their contracts The English writer In question speaks favorahly qf Ahe change for the better which taken place in the condition of the serfs since their emancipation and he thinks that Russia has been prodigiously benefited by their liberation Match is the fact we think the continneZ and liberal use of the knout has contributed in no email degree to the usefulness of the serf as a laborer' Rad the flagellation been left out or a "Freedmou'S Bureau" substituted for it the Serf would have become utterly worthless i t' a I1 3 I re ir to ty x- of Bd re Ls r- aa cc Its e- eith I n- Dn ti A Ilk 44 lee wit st yen rest 4144 St s-TSI lt toot 44 temp ols ars AAA Asir ILIAAA so SA Awe sum 1044 ass 44 ft- 4 tHopwarrow4 I 4t414 40 A 11 1 ot 4s 6-tFoo s-to la taw 4WOR ihdor A ot itAAP Itit VA'SI-A-AS at II AsAA ea VA A A SAtiVillsAsvt (Kea It 444 44 14s 01- is Lt 4 a A at -14 It Oral talr104 4 -tat 4AAAtA4 r- A sAstA A dosm to Su os 14411 41114 sio 4 A SAAAt gholumt Iry oe 11a -7-0 Ca fit I 4 41 iffimtv PP I 4 4 storr 4 1--ti ip 0410 it- tor IA is 4os- AAA It a ploot CO sA A skLAA Writ frioap-amtO 4-0' 41 ti 11 '6 60 it 11111 It 44 Jr irs't M(11 00e to 4 AAA AAs orwria an1- 40 140 oot II 1 44 Ift4w1441414 4rovatli 41444411414f it 401 4t4t tiva4 sto t104 I Kt 14 tt I Or Pt 4 11'0 ILA esoClUAT 4 1AAJC AT TX11-4! sAtwoltALoittarolubil 61eArth 1111 AN 4 A A 11" WXH et wk womb ALtaixa et DNA KID Loy s4 slot bum tt 64 rr cs PITA La It eve IP it mall maim "gam 110 be pt44 grgibi 1100 VIIIKot 46SA Srask $44 1111011 It et 4 71 411 41 4 4'4 7 44 4 ot1 44 41444 44 4 4o4 4 1 4361 3133e eta 4 14 Et444 $44 tt 4 1 44 44 44 4to ta 40 1414 1-4k 1-44t4 11104nr 1 1 Vt" 4114 4 4N Ow 44' 44 4 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Murfreesboro' Starr: Berlin McMullan: Northempron ld Hf)alonna Rooth ampton Woodward IC Arnol Sun Gates Allen: Sunlit ri tAtoneth 11 Lumsden: Edenton An rtust Hop Pasonotenk Amiss Elisabeth City Fisher: Indian Rhino 1 Garrett: Corriturk Mission to he Pupplied Pla-sittent Murtreeshorot Li rnAlft 'ley Paul Whitehead: Agent Murfreesboro los waCo11geWGrauL RAPPATI411210r1C DISTIIIIVPW It Pawrio Itsposhknnoett Ornytott Hammer nern umers ry Culpeper Robhi no Prannin euperonmerary: King (toorta Payton: Westmoreland Elf Parts la nceintor Bain: ft ootayissinta bowies Itue (I ttowe APPoINTX1INli AND TaApirrim SInffortt I Johnson Prince WIl1Istn3 Porter FatignIrr to he sonottet tI Warren ton I) Bleckwell: Alexandria E' MOH NOV eltirk to be stoppitott Leetnitton TA (lark Wsalev jlmrninl )'itittsorleirj Edward A bonne Friona I tranPferred to Baltimore Cooferrnme: 3 Cloak Arsusrerre4 to North Cur()trot Conn-raw' IL Allen tronsteired to Ode Copforoneo: ilerriaon lea without tippolottnent William A dinlin to Nt Lout Oottersuce Pits'swires Tstmos prt Isstattett that thsts441tiplommttio diepetch sent tram Wad Hutton to one of our In Fri Prin poi tautly It Is supposed to Me toso strsits cost sums 11304 tor trszturtission by tua It It-C IK A rrV a err It-t- a 1 I a W- r4 07 A ei' III-44 7r MI 1 4 4-t41 dt 4 4-4-- -4 4 1 et -Co 1 11444 4 0 0 4444 t0401 111141 rii1-141144 4-4 I 1 4 i A 711-4: :4 1-4i'l iii-14 44? 444 L414-0 14 44 ill 4 0 I AM" r1 rioveno lit I to 0-oof to- ow 1 1 11-11-'1 wo4orowoo I 4 4 0-wo lwroocow $00t roormwoowl 604 Sat too- 0 boo A00 000wa ow Awow o''6 it 4i' I 4-44-440 :5711 0: ----1' -1r'' ti 1' it 1' rt-1v- 9' --7' -x-11 1 1 too) 66-w ilop "wo 44--1110- 11' 11 1 1 0lo oo 4 Na 0444-1 OH vt044 14 4 4- 40 lb ft t- 4 4 144 43 04a4 low MN P1110 44---- 444-44444-44-444-44-4 -4 4 -4 1 4 81 14 1 li -T't lima ltO iK i It Ti -4s at A 4 it0 11 I IA 41 4 111 1H tA 4 11co iii: 2:72 $1-1 11-11 -44---m Pr DIficit VA? tM Cot' ort41Aarir Yeah tellk ttirs sit Itoptiour ir tianuccik 16isht rtilt41 CPI sod diiIy A Irow thty mine in WIImio II ooldy (Min schtleattatadMA si la reort HI moIr MipePro toirn Ui plums wt' limn ortintA One bnlierintent retrtMlilltig 'Mr moon 'firm A nAeoltIRATAL TIAV PqpnitKirit thlikt sori ro 1Inot bqq44I hi CtriMia ta1 Wiedity tarn WAi4e who ell" riert 411 11 trANIA It reI tho tmt rrtn PI hiik o4wrt ay ITir Awl therOwiLh knneko I 11111 down (Pft Nun day btallt Tsykoes condttion Le On "Alt 1Cnrot Pay tow 4 e141 'WOO ytaited Itavernatortoo of IY thw teaaa 06141A41 Soa id fol le Troop turtists losiory as4 etas ea slows sloes eall11 banglesi 4 ssemooso teit lb 1 I I edbolLii Spat loos low woos 1 doom sssos pososool $11Maal 4hkepas It itaollat aerall4P41 lailt04 I totwory me aunclbemt 4-4 14044 44 1041 fat boos woos Ualt ap 'rook II 04401 04 11ILANPA I I So a uo so re 4 "1 401 11:" ILLS Its ILI MAl IWO ow 101 lit a 111 Oi so 'Wog 111 0114 it7 4 4 awls WILLI A )111 IN() tirt lal541-1 SO i11 lv sp00kI sioslabslosoloo 'Au sh 141 "2-4 4-444 IL A Glutted Labor Market We truat that the young men of the South will heed the warning which bee gone forth from the city or NoW York that the labor market or ilothatn bi glutted and that the paralysis which has 'fallen upon trade and commerce litta thrown thousands or clerks tic out of cruploY en luszoodialely alter the collapse of the Conred th Lr- fie as '31 tbs Immediately alter the eollapso of the Conred- I- i od a a 14 1 4 a a 4 6-A 0 CS 14o4 I db IP 11 11111 so-- car allaa a wa a oa raarailLoM $44 tam VI lasadon I 0v 4 11-Z4' ay ip74: 'kJ oo ootoooP000 ow pors-olowS41-0444 44 )4 -a £a1(4 ro 1111Z tallecAti I 0 0 ar aa a aa i Al No ir4 34 of 7 I- Av A0-461 lAt'vtAivA01of A Alr 101 tovis 4w 44an-A tsiim6 A- fiLik IV4I 444.

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