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Daily Republican from Wilmington, Delaware • 2

Daily Republicani
Wilmington, Delaware
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ft. e. COR. THIRD AND KINO STREETS The Republican Printing and Publishing Co. PUBLISHED DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAYS Entered at the Pott Ofiica at Wilmington, as second-class mail matter.

SATURDAY, AUGUST 13 1808 Peace Once The news that peace had been declared between America und Spain in our city about 5 o'clock and was received by the ringiug of bells aud the blowiug of 6team whistles, and Hags were thrown to the breeze to celebrate the event The received people wore eager for war. They wanted to teach arrogant Spain a les on that sh a would never forget. After touching that decaying monarchy a lesson that It will never forget, as well as being handed down in history, M. Cam bon, the French Ambassador, representing the Freuch Government signed the peace agreement between the two warring countries and the lighting will be terminated at once, orders to that effect can reach the commanders ol the contending forcej in Puorlo Rico and the Philippines. The final aud complete suspension of hostilities accordingly is not likely to bedeluyed longer thau the time required to send a dispatch boat from Hong Kong to Manila, or about two days.

While the suspension of hostilities aoou proclaimed by President McKinley itummedifttely upon the 6igniug of tho protocol, is merely an order of tho of tho army and navy, leaviug unchanged the offensive powers of jecs to instant revocation at any time, it will require thousands of troops for time to come as well forces and subsome navy to secure and maintain orderly and stable government in tho Spanish colonics turned over 6ny how to so-summarily. It is hard long an armed force will be the protection of for possessions agalust rebellion, anarchy aud misrule. The Military Depurt Kico aud the Philippines will for a long time iug and important adj of government that ha face during a century ot Amorici allty. While tho of Cuba, Puerto tu to come the most interestts of syste come to the suilasted Amorica There were Americana aud nothing else. was Republicaus, no Democrats lsts.

Pres.dent McKinley in bis appointments to tho army gave his iuv. Democrats an woll Southerners as i has beau a war of Americans, not of any party. All party ladings bail beon butiod out of sight and Micro was only try that oursoldiers woro fightiug for. It is to be hoped that our country will again to poueo aud enjoy tlio fruits of industrial pursuits. Wars arc costly.

This present ouo, a though one has beon no exception, but the bo some satisfaction iu paying off ibis w. debt to every American. Republicans, to Northerners. This M'J Short will Not the Dove of Peace. Tho Regular Republicans will hold tbolr convention ai Dover ou Thursday, August Republicans will bold Tuesday, August 30th.

Such news coming at this lime will the Ropublicuu party at iho coming election. Scores of Republic; declared that they would ibo two wing-i of tho par did tOffHhor. Tho antipathy to gut registered it shown by tho uxtrjuiely tiao that took piac wnt sincerely to be hoped thut tho dove of poaoe would hov 26th. Tho Uui-j thoirs 7 benefit voters have get registered all regUtraSuturduy It ver tho wings of the Republican party arid that tho lion mid lamb would lio down i Republican triumph at the polls coming election. buruiiig sh; that some Republic; beyond thoir nose aud lot the past bo uud with Stato would be swept frum Rjhoboth io ires of at tho gro pi i licit led pur.y, the Wilmington, I to pick up graaiu after you h.n kill -d il Tho ue that tho i wo ci enc will uot tsud to iiepubiicauh got rogi to red ing alio by I ill nlluiiid idvi Repul lie, qtll tb ilioir -V youm if the it ii iliuy i uublo hcrea The pte-on Vutl of lutiou.

I) be eujjy the Inbis soil flake the Thirty-six days i iho iVe 681 has pi od uud chusui ft'huio has Im timmt ddiug a and that! (111 un-juf there pubdci Ing whether they fuili said to i. why the at Rehas beet i.nd not curThu to main 1 llu ajjjiu 1 nude ha 11 when il should have hoc meat tho way (let tho Rupubiiou y. that tu get ichiae ado fur every reglsterod uud thereby enjoy hid fr cxcusj for lodug his vote. filling the tcdcr. there is But the methods adopted i po.fitloud has hue such thttw they havo disadvantage insteuu of to tho Republic; Aware It's a cry Worked to par in Delauiu iu Slate should be i Bomebody i state of affairs.

tell dille. pres uly to blame for the The wishes of the Jority of tho people should bo consulted. They the voters, and don't fail to forgot the treat men received. horso to tho watering trough but you cot You lead ko hint Uriuk. with the Ropub oux them but you voters you can't drive thorn.

They du thoir 0 Ing and think out loud when occasions reQuire it. Make tho appointment at select the applicant the people want. Tho futurosucce thiukuf the Republican party that In tho hands of the trust they huvo tak of that pa hoshouid ot abused, ud to the detriment of tho future 'yThe mysterious pu aud Mrs ng cases whereby Mrs Du Dunning of Dover, lost thoir Uv ostial attention. Tho ladi att than lost their lives by partaking of a lot of bo which had boeu lent through the mall to Dunnlcg. Six persons in all madodeathly sick after partaking of the caudy.

Harry Ponulngton is in a serious condition. Leola Deauc, Josephine liateaud Kihul Millington to recovery from the ill effects of tho pulTho fiend who could do such a thing deserves bunging. Another object lesson could bo taken from this mysterious poisoning bona the road aud that is not partake of an? candy sent to your homo Without knowing tho do State detectiv But from tho (mys ery surrounding tho it is hardly likely that the guilty Wretch will The Indies who lost thoir lives This is a for to rk upon. be brought tojjustioe. sisters aud daughters of Mr.

John B. Bennington of Dover. Itching Never mlud if everything else failed to mint. No fall you. Try Doan's there.

50 cents, at O. di ug a ui'u. Kissing It la aald goes by favosa. 80 you will find It to all kinds of business. Men with certain pulls get business that other because they have a friend who has a pull.

They get belter prices and alight the work If it Is necessary to make a few mote dollars than was counted on when the job was first looked ovor. This Is the reason why so many coutract jobs art done in such a slop shod manner. Poor material and workmanship entering into it and the vlctini is this innocent purchaser who gets fifty cents on the dollar for his good money has purchased hand flag to fly from the city hall. It contains only only forty btars but that did not dotroot from Its beauty. Wbat's the matter with the city, is it going into bankruptcy that it could not afford a bran new up to date American flag? THE CHURCHES.

Immanuel Church, Highlands, Rov. K. J. Hammond, rector. Services 10.30 a.

in. and 7.30 p. iu. Sunday school On. in.

Morning subject, "God, Our Father." St. Michael's Episcopal Church, Adams aid Chestnut streets, Rev. Harry Ransom, rector. Low Celebratiou of Holy Communion 7.30 a. m.

Sunday school at 10.00 a. m. Choral oucharist and sermon 10.30 a. in. Evening prayer, with address 7.45 p.

in. Reformed Episcopal Church of the Redeemer Southwest Corner 8th und Monroe streets, Rev Caleb Allen, rector. Preaching 10.30 a. ni. and 7.30 p.

in. by rector. Hunduy school 9 a. m. Rector's Bible Class 9.15 a.

in. and 2.30 Christian Endeavor 0.45 p. in. Covenant Reformed Episcopal Church, West street below Third, James Todd, pastor. Preaching 10.30 a.

in. und 7.45 p. m. by pus tor. Sumluy school 9 a.

and 2 p. m. Chris Endeavor Prayer meeting 7.00 p. m. Prayer meeting on Wednesday 7.30 p.

m. Cottage prayer meeting Tuesday 7.80 m. Kings wood M. E. Church, 14th audClaymont Rev.

E. S. Mace, pastor. Class meeting at 9.00 a. Loyal Legion 0.15 a.

in. Preaching 10.30 a. m. and 7.45 p. m.

by pastor. Morning subject, "True Religion. Evening, "That Girl, What Will She Be Sunda school 2 p. m. Epworth League G.45 p.

in. Union M. E. Church, oth nnd Washingto i streets, Rev. John D.

C. Hanna, 7.45 p. m. preaching by i At the morning service Samuel B. Eel Persia, will speak on "What Mohammedans Do and Teach." The speaker will appear in native coatuine.

Evening subject, "A Yunna Man Who Went to bleep L'uder a Sermon and What Came of It." Sunday school 9.30 a. in. p. in. fipwortli League rt.HU in Bible class U.3U a.

and Men's of Bible Ht. Paul's M. E. and Market, Preaching 10.30 a. m.

30 p. ni. Sunday school Class 9 30 ik in. Camp rvlce led by H. J.

Guth L. S. Murray, pus uud twilight 9.Ho a. m. uud meeting song i the morningnt Newport M.

E. Church. Preaching 10.30 Eider Watt and 7 p. m.

by Rev. at by Presiding W. W. Sharp, Central Presbyterian Church, Kin? street below 8th, Rev T. A.

McCurdy, D. D. pastor. a. m.

und 7.45 d. m. by Rev. W. Porter Lee, or Philadelphia, Pu.

Sunday school in. Young People's Society Christian Preaching Endeavor at 0.45 p. m. First Presbyterian Church. Market Oth, Ifrv.

Win. Main hiug 10 30 a. m. bv Hey. hull, an 1 hurUu Sunday school i p.

Peoj Prayer -day. i Chris PPresbyter! 8lh and Washingin. D. pastor. I' A.

N. ts. It by lo. ul p. in.

1 Mil. Bund W. Peigart, 1 t' chool 2 p. C'hr East Lain- Pr liiu-i-li, 27tli a It. Trail, push tor and 7.00 the byteria Market streets, It b.v pa Prewiring 10 Air.

V. H. Bin Mil I riiool 2 p. held ut land lay Young Pcopli ii-ty Christia Wiiluealar. 45 p.

2 Union ursday West Side Baptist Misti Bible sellout 9 u. in. '1', i- mg 3. South Side Baptist Mission, Heahl A and B. Sunday srhool 9 a.

in. Prai TuursJav evening 7.45. he Bell eh, El nd Jackson G. Buddingtoa, pi Kev At 111.: Oppos pl-eaehing by pastor. Morning suliji Work, or tin- Hivcr that tlowed i Dire Tim haul Purs at the i Bibk- Yo 2 p.

I Eve iring August. St. Stephen Luthora Re lU.IOH. Ill Moral Agent." Not school nt 11.15 a. Ii Tat nail tbove I M.

P. Cl ts, Rev. L. Wolfe. Ph.

pu in. by Kev. E. N. BaUlwii Kev.

F. A. IIo i u. und 2 p. in liing Ht 17.3J p.

king Pi id I Yo day Ifin 'D; Bible a 2 lie! A. M. E. Church, Walnut Rev. .1 Bet Id H.

T. lo. school Cl.i-i; i RJ 1Ut-uoi nl clai root Baptii Prcachi r. Huuduy i A. U.

Church, French h. Rev. Bivens, i glith '1 lurch, H. C. Jo 1 I biff Hth l' Sunday pas I.

il L. Jeffers Prcachi 10 80 pu p. ii 'In End( i Mur Ev. ( '(Jus Mt.

Jov M. E. Cl Wf in i I .1 8 p. Lcugrn. SI l's Jhiptis Rev.

w. W. lor and Lo I Pi IJ 1 p.m. I M. E.

Missi st reet. Ih It v. ts, pi i A. il. 1 H.

It. M. E. Cl Ht! 1 FiR C. A.

m. Wl is I il '9 PInirch. 12 Itev. K. T.

Mi v. Moi du Wins Mi Win 1. by pi or. Sunday pCall 14-32. Tho nd StuUM CY to-day.

It bo of great service to tho attorneys who iu tiio courts. telephone for use in the Vunplaced in position 14-32. The telephono will prac: Notice A hack will leave the corner of Fourth and Market streets for Lout hardy Cemetery on clear Thursdays and Sundays at 2 30 o'clock p. in. New, original, commodious first class Cool Spring Park for sale.

Inmansions formation and estimates free. See B. J-eeds, Architcoi und Builder, No. 1810 West Tenth street. ry Making Preparations, Tho committee in chnrgu of tho arrangements for tho a mortal ii men of tho Roading visitors hold mooting Inst ovening.

IOO BOYS TOSELL THE I HAWAIIAN ADVICES. Arrival Thera of the Philadelphia, With Admiral Miller. Victoria, B. Aug. advices Aug.

4, aay: The United States steamship Philadelphia arrived here yesterday, six days and 20 hours from San Francisco, with Admiral Miller and staff on board. Admiral Miller has orders to confer with Minister Bewail, and until after the conference nothing definite will be decided as to the flag raising program. A conference with the Hawaiian government will be held this afternoon. It is generally understood that the flag will not be raised until the commissioners arrive on the 17th Inst. P.

M. Hatch has resigned his posllton as minister to the United States. The Ewa plantation, the best paying sugar estate In Hawaii, has decided to Increase its capital stock to 82,000,000. The present capitulation is 11,000,000. The Japanese Imbroglio of 1897 has been settled by the payment of $75,000 to Japan.

In making the payment the government does not admit the justice of the claim or right of Japan to indemnity. The payment was made at the request of President McKinley. Queen Lliuokalani returned to Hathe 2d glad, as she said to her friends, to be back in her own country among her own people. She reception by several hundred of her native friends. She declined to be interviewed.

To her friends she said her health was good, but the trip here fatigued her greatly. The United States transport steamers Rio De Junerio and Pennsylvania sailed for Manila Aug. 9, and this morning the transports Peru and City of Puebla took their departure for the same destination. While the vessels were In oort 26 measles patients board the Puebla were cared for at the local hospital, but were removed to their vesels before departure. On July 27 Isaac Strickland, private of Battery Third artillery, died.

He was burled under the auspices of the local Red Cross society. a wall given enthusiastic New Steamship Line Seattle, Aug. mediate result of the annexation of the Hawaiian islands Hawaii. imangements were pleted a few days ago for placing the fine steamship City of Columbia in immediate service between Seattle and Honolulu. The City of Columbia was purchased from the fleet of the Old Dominion Steamship company and has been refitted expressly with a view to strength, speed and the safety aud fort of the passengers.

The first ailing from Seattle will be Aug. 26 and every 25 days thereafter. The City of Columbia flies tlie American flag. Train Robbers Arrested. St.

Joseph, Aug. train robbers who held up the Burlington flyer two miles north of this city Thursday night are under arrest. The leader, James Hathaway, aged 17, is a Western Union messenger boy. His pals in high Charley Cook, Alonzo Ot, William Hathaway, a brother, and Herbert Donipon, ranging in age from 16 to 20 years. All spectable people.

These intrepid road agents received the inspiration from persistent reading of yellow backed romances. crime i of reWindow Glass scale Settled. Pittsburg, Aug. Pi as last night, and throughout the country month, 6.CC0 advance of wages, turers and workmen have cessit time of starting the factories, scale as agreed upon glv a general adva stead of the 7 per year'j scale. vindow settled 20.0C0 workme vill ret them at Both the manufacade to ni of in the matter of wages and the The to the of 5 per in.

asked ov lust Rcnr Admiral Kirkland Dead. Vallejo, Aug. Admiral Kirkland, commandant of the Mare Island navy yard, died last evening. Admiral W. A.

Kirkland was appointed from North Carolina. July 2, 1850, made June 20, 1S58, lieutenant, March 18, 1859, lieutenant July 16. 1862; 1S69; captain. April 1. 1830; 1893.

and rear admiral. March lie would have been placed on I Is the 2d of last month lidshipm; under, 2, .1 1395. the retired list it not for the pres 1 Ai'ithUmI Ii Irclund. Aug. st her a Queenst bearded terday and Byrne, who discovered O'Neil i e(i John W.

Jago, lie first offleer the steamer Britannic. vho ia ed i New York ha ails carried ggling and robbing the board th; KC T1 stea Will Contest Bill ifi Will. Evenill of Adolph Sutro Kluge, the alarried Fra cisco, A i Ing Post will lie contested by leged the dei and als the idow, ho sh ll millii i by the recognized legal heirs vh( ill fight the till I he ill. Mrs. Kluge claims there is vill of recent date In existence.

Yelii Fever Ii Mexli City of Mexico, Aug. fever of the worst type prevails at Merida, and has appeared in the interior of the of Yi stal and Campese. heat is suffocating. The health of City Mexico has nut bee proved and it is proposed here 01 adopt tho ere a large scale. Ii S) Bti-I IlrlgnmN Kill Monks.

Bucharest, Ro band of armed brigands stor Usponlc monastery the fight that ensued kfiled and unia, Aug. tho led. The others lied. The brigands then pillaged monastery and decamped. They have since bee 'any wo tho ih ii ato of Eruption.

Naples, Aug. 13. Mount Vesuvius is sri; of from a new 11 is supposed to be ilaturber. The eruption ith the felt in Moasima und in itlKI Italy. The Wei Pe iu: Rain; followed by clearing in the after easterly winds.

For New Jersey and Rain; clearing in the after; easterly winds, becoming Delaw able. Sc. Fish 5c. the A A enrof soatrout. porgics, fish, bass, white fish ami croakers Madison s're Friday.

Aug. 12th car oflco, 25 cents 1U0 lbs. C.M AliipJen. By Rail and Boat To Tolchester Beach or Annapolis via Pennsylvania Railroad. di th 1 Sunday, AugnBt 14.

Special tral in. und return leaves early Wilmington a hour In tho evening. Jumped the Track. 'I By froight loaded with lumber jumping the track at Embrovillo NVilmingt ho Northern railroad traffic blocked for throo hours yesterday afteruoon, of Every Saturday and Sunday during August, good return until following Monday. All regular trains via Market street wharf, Philadelphia.

the the Fish Market Powell has street maraet- fine assortment of bluo fish, flounders, bass, porgies. Also trout 6 cents a pound, cleaned and ready for n. warranted fresh and sweet. They pt In a glass case, aud free from flies and dirt. The height of the season at Atlantio City.

Only $9.00 round trip from Wilmington via Pennsylvania Railroad. bis stall in tho Third fe the DMTH OF HRS. J. P. DUNNIHG.

to to Another Death at Dover from Eating Chocolate Bon Bons. Dover, August Mrs. J. P. Dunning wife of J.

P. Dunning, now at Porto Rico, in the employ of the Associated Press died last night. Mrs. Dunning was one of the party that ato the chocolate drops on Wednesday night Mrs. Dunning was under the treatment of Dr.

Bishop and Dr. Carmichael, of Wilmington. Ho was lu consultation with Dr, Bishop and both had prospects of her ultimate recovery. Toward night, however, she had a relapse and gradually grew weaker until she died. Her of poisoning wore si rnilnr to those of Mrs.

Deane's The candy which has beon the of the death of Mrs. Deane aud Mrs. Duuning was received by mall on Tueulay night In the inside of the box was a note "For yourself and babies." Therefore nothing bo learned as to where tbo bon bons came from as the post mark was ineligible As Mrs Dunning livod for a time in Sau Francisoo it was the opiulon that they came from a friend there. Mrs.Duuning opened the box and handed it to Mrs.Donne,Miss Bateman, Miss Millington aud Harry Penning ton.Theexselent quality of the cundy was commented by one of the party. Mrs.

Deane was seized with a nauseous feeling shortly after rotlrlng, and she diod on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Dunning ut the samo time was seriously affected aud her condition remained the samo until yesterday ufteruoan when she improved, but died Inst night. Harry Pennington is in serious condition, although the physician is of the opinion that his life will be savod. Leola Deane, Miss Josephiuo Bateman and MBs Ethel Millington, who were nffoctod by oatiug the candy, are on the road to recovery.

P. Duuning, hu band of the victim was in Cuban wutors during tho siego Santiago as a reporter for tho As-ociatod Pro-s. Ho is now in Porto Rica, and he will be noitflod as possible of his wife's death. Mr. and Mrs.

Dunning wore married about uino years ago, in Dover aud later reiuovoii to San Francisco. A chemical analysis will made of tho candy nnd a post tho bodies. tortem will bo hold on Red Men's Reunion Tbo Red Men of this city will have a reunion under the auspice, of Minqtm Tribo Mahiiu's Grove adjoining Shelipot Park this afternoon and evening The following program will be given and tho prizes, which cun-ist of have boon do by Jcsepli Docks ailor, the Indian. One hundred yard race, handicap, for yard for each 160 yards, sjra oh; putting light shot, twelve pouuds; potato nice, similar to to bo de.crihe.l at time of race; running; hop-stjp and jump, soup iling and pio laMng bicyico race, scratch; two mile bicycle throwing light hammer, twelve pounds; one hundred-yard sack all competitors to start on their backs; hurdle race, ecrutch; egg humorous race. ovor so years.

three legged ob permuting there will bo gnmo of ball. In tho evening one of tho nttrncfch will bo a sham battle. Tho Men will lie ied by Dockstader in their different war The nttemlunco will be large, celebrations givey each yo; enjoyable 4 tho 10 always Mothers lose their dread tonjble when they have Dr. Fowler's Kxtrno of Wild S. tho house.

Nature's specific for summer, cum pi units of every sort. I Is second Saturdays ami Suntl.iys during August 11 the following Mom! All irnlus via.Market street wharf. good rot ii i 't V. T. n.

Wier, Frith and King Streets, Dry fnucy Mu; bo fine coffc elevunt this is uiul make drink' curly J.mej 25-; nr 1 Tu-i 1 Ci lb (I il 1 tu at 1 cull id; vl Nice Culiforu rsc this tin I tli J.eti i. rid T1 be is ir v- dec lifil lh T. M. ie'r i tli ii Kii eti. ull-Ulf mm I mm yi? Drawing Teeth a Pleasure pitinlosdtnoLlioi.

When when done by tho people of WiluiingU to have tcollioxlruotod, fillwith a the droil ni roposel in pari or bridged, they do it i lie. by lid llui fuiuuss an .1 DR. F. E. SMITH, burgeon Dentist, No.

811 Market Street. SHERIFF'S VIRTUE OF 1 Mil be uniy.Bute of Wilmington, of Delaware. Castle ON THURSDAY, DAY OF AUGUST. at 2 o'clock p. the following described A 11 those two eci tan 1.

TIIE Ii fit! 1 di N-. tli th of ud tl HI feel I ide of iileof a 1 ride a ling il alley i l.f tl HI si i liereb feet to the place of beginning. lidcof Vandever rly froi tl 'I iy he di't rly Hide of'J north rii i 8 feet "wide alley hading into ue 122 feet to westerly of dev er in the westerly di nl 3 fee ide alley; lh 1 alley sid 1 parallel to thence southerly it and pitHMing 'rly by gl Thatcher middle of tlie brick di the house on this lot the west 122 feet to th jiurallel I orth terly i fe he place of bvgiuui be the tho free ed alley 1 they may, privilege of the above-menl mou with others entitled thi Belted and taken In property of William Guthrie and Annie Guthrie, his wife, mortgagors nnd terre ten uutH, and thereof th be sold bv WILLIAM R. FL1NN, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office.

WUmlngion, Delaware. August UtiM. alO Painless I Dentistry. Teeth filled and extracted positively with out pain. Try our new process.

The only one la the city using It. A Full Set of Teeth, $5.00. elog.nt sot M.OO. Wo our ten rears. A St alio iiuarantoetl or no par.

EXTRACTING VRML whan now tooth are ordered. l'AINLESd EXTRACTING 26 coma. Gold Fil'ings, up. Silver Fillings, 75 cts. Amalgam Fillings, 50 Crown and bridge work a specialty.

Crown $3. All work guaranteed. An FILLINGS American Dental Parlors, The largest and best equipped parlors in tho city. Remember The Number, 610 1-2 Market Street, Wilmington, Delaware. Opposite Paul Brown'sPhoto.

Gallery. Prop. Dr. Ashbrook. j83-w-s-ra-tf BICYCLE RACES AT RIVERVIEW TRACK, Next Friday Evening, at 8 o'clock.

Fifty of the Fastest Amateurs ai.d Professionals in this section will ride. ADMISSION 25 CENTS. IT WAR PICTURES. The most complete service of Pearson's War Pictures, including' Battle Ships, Cruisers, and Gunboats belonging to country and also to Spain, representations of battles, towns, cities, and also prominent men can be procured at this office our for 10 CENTS A COPY, They will bo continued from week week as long as the war shall will furnish a complete and continuous pictorial history of the same. to Call and See Them.

A Coupon cut from tills paper accompanied by cures a copy. the columns of 10 cents pro) REPUBLICAN. For TalmageY mon. It can be had only in the REPUBLICAN, as it has the exclusive right for Wilmington to publish his sermons. It is worth every Presbyterian especially, should procure a copy of Honday's issue.

I I Ii i THE ICE SEASON Is hero. If yn haven't placed your nr tier fo" til ply, let, ih Imvj it you com plum y.but for thu whole inauulacturcd from We 1 I pure fi: I water. DIAMOND ICE COMPANY, Offices: 13th and Lombard, 9th and Shipley, Foot of Market St. JOHN J. HANLEY, THE OWN sraja 0f t6 i 0 onM tu8o made anil provided, do hereby Sie al, writing or the Court of tieoerf on 4he Stato of Delawaro the foih r.

on Monday, being tho t-f, 1 Be ter A- D. 18fc, ueing inonextteiinor sai court, for a wife ot UTern ioT 'ru. tale of intoxicating liquors I11 quantities than one quart, to be Urmia 3 following respeetahlp cltitcQHof ot Icmi twelve of Aminnv Travis, KugrnrJ lohiF 7 August Birnuauu Hu Cert Phllemmu Daniel Quiglcv John Hailey PFnvwi Goo Hartmann Daniel (4eo Huber Frank Garner Martin uSSSth Julm al0-3tdw wl JOHN J. HANLEY. NEW THE STATE of Delaware, to the fclnrlll ot Newcastle, County, Greeting: Whereas, Mabelle L.

Caulk, by her tition to the Judges of our SuperCourt, filed in the office of tho Prothoimtary of suid Court in and for Ntw Castle county, for the (SEAL) cause of complaint therein alleged, has made application to our said Judges that a decree may be pronoun -ed dissolving the marriage existing between tho petitioner and Fletcher Caulk. We, therefore, command heretofu as you you Hinnmon Fletcher Caulk, that he be aud thp Judges of 1 thereof to be held at Wilmington, the nineteenth day of September 1 wit the allegations of said petitio L.Caulk appear befo suid Court nt Monday, Mabelle the Act of Assembly in il provided, I he Court shall then him in this behalf ein meet and et rnch tu d( i ll ll tin sid the urt shall 1 anau set in meet and consistent with the provisions of thu said Act of Assentbly. And have yon then there this writ. Witness the Honorable Charles Ii. lore, Eomure, at Wilmington, the wen tv-third day of May, A.

eighteen hundred and ninety-eight Issued July 30, 1898. al0-ltw-4w VICTOR B. WOOLLEY, Prothouotary. DR. GOSLIN Dentist, Shipley Street.

Corner eighth. $8and $10 nset. Teeth filled with Golf T.nd Plutiua 11 uud tl Toelh extracted without a in 26 und 60 cents. Gas, ether uui jouiu j. Wilmington Nor.

R. R. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT, MAY 15, 'M Trains Wilmington (French Street Station) fo il. A O. Junction, Moutohanln, Winterh, ru, Uuyencourt.

Granogue, Cossart, Clisdd's Ford Chester and intermediate stations, daily o. 2 and 6 p. m. ipt Sunday, at 7.3J only atti.Uj a. 2.15 and 6 p.

For Wayneaburg Junction, Springfield and Intermediate stations. dally, except Sunday at 7.20 a. and6.00 p. m. ouly 8.06 a.

2.15 and p. in. For Joanna, Uirdaboro, Reading and intermediate HtatioiH, daily except Huuduy, ut 7.20 a. and 2.15 p. in.

Sundays only und2.15p m. A.G M'CAUBLAND, Superintendent. 13UWNJCSS URlUOb Pass. Agent. 8.05 a.


C. to Animals Licenses Engineer and Fuel Fines, fees, etc. Interest Dog Sale of meals to prisoners Bale of bicycle Sale of oil at crematory Sale of pawnbrokers books 8ale of ashes. Sale of unclaimed goods at police station Evening Journal, overpaid Plumbing inspector Rent city property Surplus water rents Sale of bonda Premiums on bond sales E. M.

Savors, horse taxes. 1894 E. M. Savors, horse taxes, E. M.

Sayers, taxes, 1894 E. M. Sayers, taxes, J895, E. AI. Sayers, taxes, 1896 E.

M. Sayers, taxes, 1897 187,622 00 E. Mitchell, taxeB, 1896 89,575 00 E. Mitchell, taxes, 1897 267.06S 19 920 00 215 50 621 00 642 20 164 00 4,506 96 2.574 17 8,007 40 rveyor deposits 80 10 00 45 76 36 50 81 56 1134 19 32 65 00 69,700 14 60,000 00 1,333 33 606 00 487 00 8,850 00 7,526 00 21,750 00 $672,487 76 Cash In bank July 1, 1897: Current expenses 4,678 72 Special crematory account 15,000 00 Special fund, parks 42.165 63 784,322 11 EXPENDITURES. Fire Department Board of Health Park Commission Police Department Board or Education Board of Education, new schools 20,000 00 Street and Sower Com mission 150 000 00 Sinking' Fund Commission Municipal Commission Police Committee Interest on Indebtedness Incidentals Redemption Loan No.

25 Redemption Loan No. 26 Redemption Louri No. 29 Printing City elections Salaries Crematory account Public Buildings Garbage Erection of crematory Public Square Navigation Fuel for poor Purchase of park $36,000 00 760 00 26,000 00 79,499 62 25,325 00 2.374 82 2,800 00 84,440 29 6,247 67 6.000 UU 8,600 00 7,000 00 2,895 42 189 93 60,737 43 4.899 32 4,276 01 12,066 69 15,000 00 909 43 21 00 19,121 08 Purchase of park 19,121 08 $696,790 70 Cash In bank July 1, 1898, Current Special fund 65 I hereby eerllfy that tha foregoing hub statement of receipts and exp ditures of the city of Wilmington fr July 1, 1897 to July 1898. Is WM. H.

CURRY, City Treasurer. Mr: 0I TIIE DEBT OF WILMINGTON, DELAWARE. July 1, 1898; Sinking Funa 00 No. 2a, authorized for the construction of a new reservoir (Cool Spring), Improving the water works of the city and other purposes. Date of ordinance, July 30.

1874. Redeemable $6000 as follows: the firs; day of July, 1875, and $6000 on the first day of July of each succeeding year until and including the first day of July, 1907, and tho remaining sum of $10,000 on the first day of July, 1908. Interest payable on the first day of January and July in each year, at the of 6 per cent, mm. Balance unpaid of Loan No. 25 No.

26, authorized for $126,000 for the construction of olr (Cool Spring) Improving the water works of the city and for other purDate of ordinance, 7, 1875. Redeemable the first day of September, 1876, and a like the first day of September of each and every yeur thereafter until and Including the first day of September, 1910, and the reinalnthe first duy of September, A. D. 1911. Interest payable on the first duy of March and September in each per per 62,100 00 Lot follows: $3500 amount ing of $2500 the rate of 6 per annum.

Balance paid of Loan No. 26 48,000 00 Loan No. 28, authorized for pay the present floatng and unfunded debt by the Board of Education In the city of Wilmington. Amount authorized Issued by ordinance of ell. August 16, 1877.

$26,000. Interest payable on the first day of February and August in each year. Redeemable Feby 1, 1897. Amount thorized to be Issued by ordinance of Council, Febr 1879, $24,000. Redeemable tember 1, 1899.

Interest paythe first day of March and September In each year at 5 per cent, per Total of Loan No. £8. 24,000 00 Loan No. 29, authorized for $145,000, to pay flouting and unfunded inde edneas of the city of Wilmington. Data of ordinance, April 10, 1879.

Redeemable as follows: $5000 on November 1884, and $7000 on the first day of November In each and every year following, including the first day or November, A. D. 1904. Inter able on the first day of and November in of per 000 ho epable present I I payMay yeur at per annum. Total of Loan No.

29 Loan No. 31, authorized lor $60,000, for the purchase of water rights In south long race, Wilmington, by of the Legislature, passed at Dover, April 3, 1883. the 49,000 00 Date April 26, 1883. follows: $7400 October 1. 1913; $32,700 April 1, 3914; $29,900 October 1, 1914.

payable days of April and October in each year of Redo ble Into the firs: rate of 4Vfc per annum. Total of Loan No. 31 Loan No. 32, authorized for $120,000 for the benefit of the Board of Water Commissionof the Legislature, Dover, April 18, 1883. authorized 60,000 00 passed Amount by 6, 1886.

$60,000. Redeemable as follows: $13,700 October 1. 1914; $34,700 April 1, 1915; $11,600 October 1, 19jj. Interest payable on tho first days of April and October In each year at the per cent, per annum. second, amount authorized be Issued by ordinance, November 18, 1586, $15,000.

Redeemed February 1. 1887. Part third, amount authorized by ordinance, October 30, 1886, $45,000. Redeemable lows: $9000 October 1. 1919: $9000 October 1, 1920: $9000 October 1.

1921; $9000 October 1. 1922; $0000 puyAprll and October in each year at of 4 per cent, per annum. Amount redeemed January 1, 1889, by Board of Commissioners, $20,000. Total of Loan No. 32 85,000 00 Loan No.

33, authorized for $150,000, for llie purchase of public park, act of passed at Dover, April 30, 1885. OnlInanee passed 4, 1886. Redeemable lows: $24,200 Oc bv Isof October 1, 1923. Interest able on the first days of the fol1, 1915; April 1, 1916; $37,900 Oc1. 1916; $39,000 April 1, 1917; $12,000 October 1.

1917. Interest payable on the first days or April nnd October In each year at the tot of 3 per annum. Total No. 33 Loan, 3i 150,000 00 Cie authorized for $15,000, for the erection of by passed at er, May 6. 1897, and by ncll.

passed 3. 1897. Rethc first day atory city of the Leglslat I 7 of City nt City Hall. Jun deemablp $1500 of October. 1898.

and $15(i0 the first day of October in each year thereafter until the same shall be paid. Interest first days of April lint payable and October Elizabeth Taylor, bonds and mortgages. Interests March and September, $1550 15,000 00 1.550 00 $2,065,650 00 The foregoing Is a correct statement of the debt of the city of Wilmington, transcribe! from the hooks Attest: WM H. CURRY. City Treasurer.

in Buy fruit Hyed. King liu soils outeurly, of David above Eighth. try prod Pennsylvania Railroad. PH I Si NO 0 Schedule In effect May 80. Iraina leave Wilmington as follower iR hta (express).

1.57, 7.42 7.50, 8.50, 8.65, 5.33, 10.08. 11 28 11.45 a. 6.04, 6.07. 6.33, 6.6^, 9 06 and 9.16 D. i Accommodation, 6 10 7.09, 8.12, 11.02 a.

4-00. 5.28, i.20 and 10 m. For Cheater (express), 1.57, 4.20. 6.80. 7.42.

7.60, 8.60, 8.56. lO.of ll.fe MM i i 1.87, 2.00, 4.58, 6.07, 6.67, and p. m. Accommodation, 6 10 7.08. 8.12, 11.02 ui.LU.46, 2.30.

4.00, 6.86. 6.33, 7.20 and 10.4. AND For New York (through express) (Dining Car), 10.48, 11.46 JP ft Cftr 1 37 (Dining Car), 8.11 6.07, (Dining Car). 6.57. and 9.16 p.

jnneetlng via Broad Street Station. PMadeiphla, 4.20, 6.30, 7.08. 8.50. 10.03 a. 2.30, 3.00, 4.68, 6.04 and 10.4(5 p.

m. For Boston without change. 10.11 a. and 6.67 p. 1.67.

Ne wark Center and Intermedia btatlons, 7.38 a. m. and 6.38 p. in. Baltimore and Washington, 4.36, t.Ol.M 9.11.

10.18 and 11.00 a. 12.06, 12.49, I. 60 3.50, 6.23. 7.00. 7.36, 8.11 p.

and 12.53 night. Baltimore and Intermediate stations, 2.45, 4.43, 5.59 p. 12.00 night. Leave Philadelphia. Broad Street, fori Wilmington (express), 3.50.

7.20. 7.26, 10.20. 11.28 a. 12.09, M2, 2.0 i. 112.

3.46. 4.01, 4.41, 5.08, 6.25 5.69, 6.17, 6.66, UL II. 10, 11.16 p. m. and 12.06 night.

Accommodation, 6.84, 7.30, 9.12, M.85 a. 1.23, 3.16, 4.03, 4.J4, 6.26, 8.38, 10.01 SUN DAT TRAINS. For Philadelphia (express), 1.67. f.6fc 4.20, 8.66, 9.33, 10.43. 11.45 a.

1.37, LM 4.68. 6.67, 7.28, 9.06 and 9.16 p. m. iwa 10 "1 For Chester (exprees). 1.67, 4.20, 8.66, 11.4J a.

1.37, 3.00, 4.58. 6.07, 6.67. and 9.06 Accommodation. 7.07, 8.19 a. U.69,* 1.45, 4.00, 6.26.

7.28 and 10.40 p. in. For York (through express), 1.67, 8.02. 9.33 (Dtnlng Car), 10.43. 11.45 s.

(Dining Car), 8.00, 6.07, (Dining Car), 6.57, 9.16 p. connecting via Broad Street Station. Philadelphia, 4.20, 7 07, Mi 4.00, 4.58 and 10.40 p. m. For Boston, wltliout change, 6.57 p.

m. Baltimore and Washington, 4.35. 3.01, 10.18 a. 12.05, 12.49. 1.50.

3.23, 7J6, 8.11 p. ni. and 12.63 night. Baltimore and Intermediate stations. 59 p.

12.00 night. Philadelphia, Broad Stmt, for -Wilmington (express), 3.50. 7.20, 11.23 a.m.; 12.09, 1.12, 4.41, 5.08, 6.66, 7.81, 11.10, p. and 12.05 night. Accommodation, 8.85, 9.12, 10.86 a.

12.30, 2.32, 6.10, 8.3S and 10.03 p. m. FOR THE" 80UTII. Bouthern p. dally, sleepers to New Orleans, Memphis, Tamg Nashville, via Asheville and Hot prings.

1.87 i Atlantic Coast p. dally, sleepers to Jacksonville, Port Tampa ana Macon: 12.58 night, daily, sleepers to Richmond and Jacksonville. Chesapeake Ohio Hallway, 8.11 p. dally, dining car, and sleepers to ClnclnnatL DELAWARE DIVISION. For New Castle, 8.18, 11.04 a.

LSI, 4.27 and 4.58 p. in. Lewes. 8.13 a. 4.27 p.

m. week. For Rehoboth, 8.18 a. day a For Dover.Harrington and Delrnar, 8.1X 11.04 a. 4.27, 6.58 and 11.56 p.

m. tuxdays, 11.56 p. in. For Wyoming and way stations, 2.51 p. week-days.

Exnrei Comfort uays, and 11.58 p. for Cape Charles. Old Point and Norfolk, 11.04 a. week. dally.

TRAINS LEAVE BROAD STREET STATION, PHILADELPHIA, FOR THE WEST. I. daiiy, Plttahurg, Chicago, ClnLouisvule and St. Louis. (Din8.30 a.

dnnatl, ing Car.) 10.25 a. daily tor Pittsburg and Chicago. (No coaches to Pittsburg.) p. m. dally, ''Limited," fTttahurg, Chicago, Cleveland, Toledo, Cincinnati, LoulBville and St.

Louis. (Dining Car.) 12.25 p. m. dully, Pittsburg and Cleveland. Nashville (via Cincinnati), and St.

Louis. 4.30 p. m. dally, Pittsburg, Chicago, (Dining Car.) 8.50 p. m.

ally, Pittsburg, Chicago and Toledo, except Saturday. 10.27 p. m. dally, Pittsburg, Cincinnati and 8t. Louis.

11.20 p. m. daily, Pittsburg and Cleveland, except Saturday. Congressional Limited Express. All Vestibule Parlor Cars and Dining Car.

No extra fare other than the usual Pullcnarge. Limited Express. Curs, Vestibule Passi Dining Car. No The Wilmington Transfer Company will call for and check baggage from hotels ana residences. Fur further information passengers the ticket agent at the Cleveland: I Vestibule Parlor Passenger Coaches and referred J.

i. HUTCHINSON, J. R. WOOD. Geucrui Manager.

Gen. Pass. Agent I a i effect May 15. 1ST3. ins Uiuiuinated with i'intsch All Light.


Sundays. a. p. PHILADELPHIA, week days, 1 3 6.45. 6.40.

7.35. 9.45, 11.OS a. 2 45, 4.15, C.30, Sundays, 7.25, 2.45, I 9.15. P8.60. 11.14, a 1.30, 9.15, p.

CHESTER, week davs, 6.45, 6 40, 7.36, 9.45. 11.08 a. 2.46, 4.45, 21, 6.30, 9.15, p. ni. Sundays, 7.35, 8.50, 2.45, 6 30, 9.16, 11.24 a.

p. ATLANTIC CITY, week days, a. 19, p. m. Suudayo 7.33, a.

2 45 p. ni. CAPE MAY, weok days, 5.45 a. in. 34 p.

iu. BALTIMORE AND WASHINGTON, week days, 7.10, u. i 3.04, P. m. Sundays, 7.10, a.

3.04, p. BALTIMORE AND WAY STATIONS, 7.10 a. 3.04 p. m. dally.

NEWARK, week duys, 7.10, 34, a. 3.04, 7.32. 10.55 p. m. Sundays, 7.10, a.

3.04. 7.32. p. m. PITTSBURG, week a.

p. m. Sundays, a. p. m.


LOUIS, a. I in. and p. m. dullv.


m. daily. Through sleepers to Memphis and New Orleans. 8INOEKLY ACCOMMODATION, week days. 7.10 a.

days, 7.10 a. LANDENBERG ACCOMMODATION, week days, 7.10, 10.00 a. 3.04, 4.67 p. Sundays. 10.00 a.

LEAVE MARKET STREET STATION 67 p. m. Toledo and dally except Sunday 9 3 04, 7.32, 10.55 p. 3.04, 7.32 p. m.

6.32 p. m. for PHILADELPHIA, week 4.30 p. m. BALTIMORE, week days, 6.46 a.

LANDENBERG, days, 9.61 2 65, 5.10 p. m. Sundays, 9.55 a. 30 p. m.

LEAVE PHILADELPHIA FOR WILMINGTON, week days, 6.10, 7.10. 2.00, 4.30, 6.00, 6.30, 10.10, p. ni. Sundays, 9 00, 11.30 a. 2.00, 4.10, 6.36, 10.30 p.

m. Telephone No. 193. Rates to western points lower than via any other line. W.

M. GREENE, Gen. Manager. 9.00, 11.30 a. D.

B. MARTIN, Mnn. of Pass. Traffla Pbila Chester Steamboats Git; of Cbastar and BranJifffliiff Schedule iu effect June 10, 19)8. Fourth street wharf daily (Sunday! Included) at 7.JU and a.

LOU 4.1ian«i E-eave Philadelphia from Pier 8 North abova Arch street, at 7.30,10.15 a. 1.30 and 4 and 7 p. ui. Stop at Washington Park. to Philadelphia 25o.

Excursion 40a Freight received ariday at Philadelphia and liming ton and al the lowest Telephone No. 1597. ry us and be convinccd that we can do job printing at prices to compare with other oificos..

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