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Virginia Argus from Richmond, Virginia • 1

Virginia Argusi
Richmond, Virginia
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ft 9" llichtnond Printed by SArdOtJu PLlSlSAlNTSj fur the benefit of himself and the other iiepreaentatl'es of 3anvaot PiiiVaota deceived" Vol XXIIN 01351 ItiCIBJOND WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER- is 4 Dolls 7) OP U)1 By the Govenorof the Commonwealth cf Vir-) If here tbey madly speed more force wt'lt Major General Gaines Mnor ti rI Al meet it array comb and nrigadiers Ripley an i Miller L'n the principle huwrver of tlccvU -r there are serious and we'ghty -rctic- It is tedious it re to Jtetvivti by the Sevate and Ifau Pe- psrnrrtiret the United States Jnrix circ and islnju' -o "5 uongres3 itZittnu'eit That th- vl And I cir M'jor General Brown and tbrou-h him I "V11 Commend to th it? abo4 gmit A PROCLAMATION The mst just and Ifolr God k3vinin th Course of hit Divine Prevalence permitted our country to be visited by war and itg consequent calamities it therefore highly becomes peop'e thus afflicted to humble themselves tforeuis hron in the hrp that will ix-ptewed to turn fwav hs anger from And moreover the aliwise dispose of events by the gracious interposition of h'13 Providence repeatedly granted signal victories to the arms of the States in th? wsr which anl i i I ion ton And croud Laurels on the Brow cf fair America! IFtuhingto Ct'tjt October 30th 1814 From a fate London flatter Hn orthographical copy of letter fronn Elizabeth WilQo-cof the town Alloa to the Emperor of Ras-iia Unto the tnmt Excellent Jlexanrfer Fmhcror 'J 'tha 'great dominion of fiua and the Territory thereunto CelitHsr-in5 the atlsntlon cf the us njiutia umier his be eiiicretl rn this subi-rtthpre ia sa also snether trrisiQn hirhlr desct-rinr their attention The or ration ifonr tantry and good conduct in tha uccessive 'yf ties of Chippewa Xiarx mi Erie Urper Lanuila which Hriti-h veteran trocp vrc beaten and by equal or inferior no n-bers and that the President of th UnUed Stats be requeste 1 to cause a Gold Medd to be strnck emblematical of thc Your most humble servant mos humbly begs yoar ra st raciois pardon for my presented to Major General Brown 1 Revived That the President of the United the injustice of the Enemy no compels us to Wige 1 and it txsSng entirely proper that we fchould thankfully acknowledge the kmdnessof Heaven in thus defeating the digws of our enemies and as the issue of the contest is with God it bhve all a we love our country to unite in the continued blessing of Heaven upon our crms THE EASTERN A HPtr $Oh'C Tu fyt Ut a 19 the aeddw fv let tts all to the meeting For many fine lads will be there Exr'aintng the wrongs of Great Britain And pointing xhem out to a hair For Britain wwand most or And of our orp4T the bttlwzrt Has been by republican 'y Assaulted and stabbed in the dark For Madison be leagued with Borny The land onr fathers to vex So help them we must tho' ow nj And done at the risk of our necks The meeting is tobe at Hartford The land of the pilgrims and saints And a csmsnittps have appointed Xo hear ll the British complainta there will bi Harrison Or Assisted by £uiney and Zro And lher will be Stephen Lonjrfettoic And with him the fr fam'd IValdo And there will be Cabot and Prescott Ahd Dana and Bayles and Hist And there will be mild Joseph Lunon And Slate who issurnamed Francit And there will be Jothut Thomas So sweet pnd to Riilii and mim And Samuel IVilde will fyllow'd Ry one called Birelow Tml And there wi'lbe Timothy Fleering Hid liot from the Congress among And 7)U'c7 the rebel abkkrring Aud Ust iliu' not leait Oeacos Sthoko state? De requeued to caitse a Gold Mcdil lo be struck with suitable embVmj pd devices and presented to Atajor Gerers! Sc in testimony of the high sen entertained by Corrrtts oj his distinguished services in the sueeejr vt convicts pf Chippew and Niagara and of bis unilonn praHintry and g(fod couciuct ia n-mg the reputation cf the arms of Uut- States Hetsld That the President of the United Stau- be requested to cause gold medals to be struck With suitable emblems and devices anJ presented to flriadiEr General Rplev Priga dier General Miller and Mpr General Porter testimony of the high sense entertained by Congress of tfseir gallantry and good conduct in he several conflicts ot Chippewa Niatrara adErle ir That tbe thonKs of Conresi be and are hereby presented to Major Gene ral Gaines snd through him to the officers and men underhis command for their gallantry ard gool conduct in drJeatmg the en-my at Erie ti the fifteenth of Aucrust itb rt Now therefore I JAMES IJ ARBOUR Co-venor of the Ccnsmonweidth of Virginia incem-formity to a Resolution of tfe General Astern-biyto that effect do most earnestly recommend it to the good people of the Commonwealth the first Thurday oFDecember next to a33em ble in their several places of Public Worship and consecrating- that day to the purposes above mentioned to acknowledge with deep contrition of heart their manifold offences and through the mercy of the redeemer supplicate forgiveness of the same To return moat sin- cere and hearty thanks to Almighty God for all his favors and especially for the uoce3 with which he has been pleased te crown our arms and to ask for the continuance of the Divine Favor -That it may please God (o bring- to nought all the counsels of those who rise up a-gait)st us and frrant victory to our arm in die day yf battle preserve us from all discord and intestine divisions an 1 cause it 3 10 unite as with one heart in defence of" our homes and our to inspire our enemies with moderation and love of justice so that our Country may he speedily delivered from the e-vitaofWar and blessed with the restoration of honorable and lasting Peace Done at Richmond this 5th day of November in the year of our Lord one thnn daughter the attack of a Hritish veteran ar c-1 tries materially troru that fret cnbed for tha army vl the Um'ed S-afes And in order to have milita received fata the service cf the latter they ra ust be organized acctrding to their plan There ought to bz satherity given by jaw to the fcr this purpose detach ments are required to be placet! ia 4 Ktate of preparation And there ought xrrbe an efficient method prescribe cd for enforcing cbcdierce in attudinj at ny anpoirtcd rendtravruv of th vohmter rps alsa call imperiously for revision This species zIwrj valuable when it cm be brougiit into service but under existing circumstant the public is deprived alTtott entirely of its aid Very few volunteer ccmpames contain the number rf privates necessary for th-ir reception into the service uf thp United Stai and whilst they prar desirous to take their share of duty they wilt not consent to be consolidated A poorer to consolidate where hey are net full and a mode fcr determining the selection of of ficers amongst thcrn is" highly necessary The situation of the Cavalry in piricu" lar merits the consideraion of the legilav tore Tho mode in which the wir ha been conducted and appears like to be con tinued afi'irds but little use for this of troops Ia truth they as well as the vc luqteer infantry corps although composed of the best materials which the country sU fords are for the most part exempts from the public service The war department em the foyrth ot Jul last isud a requisition to most cf th states in the Union fur detaching organizing and holding ia readiness a quota of the militia The proportion required from Georgia was three thousand five hundred This requisition was the more easily complied' with here in comequeree of tbe sUps which ha4 been previously taken to have the mud arranged into and to pau ore third be in constant readiness Tie organiza- tion of the first class made them ready to fill up the quota And one cqmplete BrU £ade has by tte directions rf the Major Ge- neral commanding the United Sta-es troopt the sixth military district been ordered to the neighborhood ef Savannah Beside these it is entirely probable that a fores of considerable strength will be speedily march ed to the Sauth West The movement of the enemy in that quarter have for sot time indicated a plan which Is seriously interesting to the General a my superior in number and that the President of the United States be rsquea'ed to caus? a gold medal to br struck cmbh-maticil of this triumph Sc presented to Major Generd Gaines Eetolued That th thanks of Congress be Tin meeting fcsmbled so Vmn Will hasten to serve out the feast And there wilt be terrible scold irg Among the trite nun the east Hhike he Viil open the meeting With wonderful spirit and fire He'll prove th it to ftht with Great Ilritaift 's attended with troubles most dire and they aje hereby presented to M)cr General Macomb and through htra to the officers and of the regular army nncftr his command end to the mibtia and volunteers New York and Vermont for vt gallantry and gocd comluct in defeating the enemy at Plafsburj on the Hth of September repel I in with one thousand five hundred men aided ty a body of militia and volunteers from New York and Vermont a Uritish veteran army greatly superior in number a-xl thst the President of the States b- equeted to ca-ise a medsl to (Seal) and eight hundred and fourteen tc of the Commonwealth the thirty ninth JS BAtilJOUR Lottery Not ce The Grand filte Iottery second Class is now drawing in Philadelphia in which there it tne loilowing prices pr ize of 40000 struck tntbieinatical of this tnumnh and K-re- A separate peace vie must make with The land of our fathers arid mothers Mysike (ypK'vox yoHWiAtsr take but The terms 1 leave to the olhers" Then Otis will rise all so modest To recommend lenient measures Which will cull up old Timothy Picke-ring' As sharp as a long pair of scissors Timoth? us wjth sopimd and fury Wfll curse Jeff -ft on and friend Forgetting that 'bnrland's ditt ur bert Are now in retirement hicst hsppy: Digression ay ill follow digression And bawlirj and sqcawling will follow Oppression Oppression Ojpression I1 The -agent of Britain will hollow some will cil! out for vision While others want merely to frighten 'Wl3t Ci'i Kttl give a decitiari The cares of the meeting to lighten Tis true our oppressions are grievous iw Ajr vicierai jiacomn LANGDON CHEVES Spe4ker tha Uou of GEHUY Vce Presidcrt of the United States and President of the Senate November 3 Approved JAMES MADISQN boldness in arjjrochirig your most dread Sovereign for your clemency at th-s time My Sovereign the candour of this r'ree dom ii on rccoun of your Sovereigns good nes in the saving and enlarging my son who? name 13 John Duuoan agd 26 years who was on iirize wfo was prisoner with Rxbert Spittle his cf the Jean Spittle of Alo at the time of the British pmbargo in yr ur Sovereigns domin ion in Russia whe is the only support ot me his mothrrand b-esides I have other friend for rny support aud cn account of your gra ciouienevolenci be ea- ed fo accept of this present from your ever well wisher whilst I have breath -he -mall present 3 pair of stockif for gomg in w)en your fiov e-eign'gocs out a hunting I wou'd have sect ymr Sivcreign rdltt stocking if that my pen Could search for it but the ptes being at this time so hot that be cannot go for fear of beinff pressed If your Sovereign wi 1 be pleased- to accent of this and favour roe with nn answar of this by tbe bearer and let me know what family of childreft yur Sovereign has wilt send (Staking- for than for the winter before winter comes on hh also what sons what daughters you mi jlit have Most dread Sovereign I am your most obedient servant aud hunubie servant tit dedtti (Signed) ELIZABETH WILCOX St Niniens byftrerl'mg April 2 IS 14 Please to direct to me to the care of Iiobcrt Hannie in St Niniens by Sterling ttorih Britain" The above ephtje and presentof the stock" were actually received by the dread Sovereign who directed his in London to nuke the old woman tome remu neratioa for the care she had taksa fr the warmth ot his Sovereign feet and "It is said that the first iden the Ambassador hid was to send her Alexander's picture in monds but at the suggestion of the wtTthy and great Lord Melvit'eit was 'convened into a more su b-tanctal ret ni of ahaidxd pounds or a sucti jout tbat niHot BY A UTIIQIUTY Thirteenth Congress of the Unite! Stites at the Third -ssiin begun and held in the City of Wasbinjrtin in the Territory cf ('t'lum bia on Montky tbe ninvU-e ut iyof September one thousand etgbt hundred and fourteen AN ACT For extending the time for locating' Virginia Military Laml Warr-uit and fr returning the surveys thereon to I be general land office it eracted fy the Senate and Jlont of Rt-prcsenta'ire cf the United Strrret in Catena a cutemblcJ That th? onicrs and sohbers pfthe Virginia line on continental cstablishmtnt their heirs or assigns entitled to bounty lands witfiin the tract reserved by Virginia between the little Miami and Scioto river for satisfying the legal bounti to ler officer? and ioldiers upon eontinewlnl esUbbshnunt slli be Hov-ed a lurt! er term of three yaars it out and after the passage of this act to obtain warrants and compile tii-ir locations and a turther term of rive years fiorn ana after the passage of this act as Aforesaid to return their aurveya and Varauts or tv i tifed copies of warrants th? general laud office any thing in any former act to the contrry wotwithstaiding Provided Titat no tocitiotii ss" 'aforesaid within theahovementiontd tract slull alter the passing of thi? act be made on tracts ot land for hicb patents had previously beer issued or which had been previously surveyed and any patent which may nevertheless be obtained for land located contrary to the provi4 sions tff this act shall ba considered as null and Vcid LANGDON CitKVES Speaker of the House of Representatives GKUUY Uut then we must hang all together fvs "The lintith our friendt micht receive I do do 20000 4 do do 00(0 4 do do gOOO '2 di do 3000 510 do do 2000 15 do do' 1000 25 do do 500 85 do -do 100 And in- proportion 50 50 20 so that there is not 1 3 blanks 'to 3 Aa the 4000 felsnk ere entitled ta 12 dollars each the early adventurer iU ha-e a chance for several capital prices and no Tickets warranted undrawn1 cu i be had as yet eleven dollars Also Tickets in the' New York and Baltimore Lotteries can be bought on reason hie terms at the Subscribers Lottery fHicn where several capital pvizes in forrWer Ait rie beta sold and the cash puid in ad Vance Prize Tickets and Hank notes' of other States will be received in payment for Tickets or discounted orders from the country (post ptij Will be attended to and all tickets examined gratis by I IvlTRSTlEFn Who has removed opposite Mr XVm Cowan's watch maker Also for Sale Stamp Paper Mooks and" Stationary' Printing Ink Iron Wire lasting- Pots at the same office a premium tor gold will be gives November tf And then what reward would we So the 'oiks will proceed to mffovrn' Tho oppoh'd by l'rancts'G slang Anil tlliS FAB FAMSO EASTERNC OUVSNTIOlf or gia Legislature MtlledgcviUe October 17 Mdndat Oct 17 Both houses hating convened agreeable to Proclamation and a quorum of each being formed after tbe usual fonilitie they regularly proceeded to the of their officers and made choice of biani burn Esqv President of the Sen tte Beoj Whitafcer Esq Speaker "of the House cf Representatives TUESDAY oct IS The Governor transmitted to both houses the MESSAGE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT CKOHGIA MILLEDCFVILLE 18th OCt 114 Feh'oitf Citizene of the Senate and Ilot'ite of Iteiresenlacwe It has been deemed advisable in the tx hiing posture of public affairs to convene the Legis ature at a period earlier than that prescribed by law The reasons for this measure have arisen from the and unprecedented features given by our enemy to the war in which we are engaged and the obligations theru'jy in poseaJ onus to make corresponding exertions for meeting and re" pelting hh efforts The war has not only assumed an aspect abhorrent to the principles of civilized nations but its object has to us become essen tially changed The contest is now in rea hty for independence on our part and subjugation on that of our adversary The legislature will feel tin of making without delay radical rhartres in Valuable Land for Sale tousjo particular should be frustrated- I have accordingly been required by the war department to hold In reaJiness pre? thousand five hundred men for the purpeso of co operating with reinforcements order-cd from other sections of the Union- This number will be supplied from the-foaUnu ot the first class together with some Vo lunteer companies Tkey are in stare of readiness The exposed and defenceless situation cf our principal sea-port town Lecarqe a source of anxiety so soon as the mode ot warfare intended to be nurari br the ev nemy becarae known fhe fund nppro priated at the last session for military di3 bursements as nearly exhajstcd and with nqt mon-y I could notcfder troops to th field on State account It was important tro that suitable fortifxa ions bo'd bees rected on the land side to repel tbe ap preach of the enemy The of Savannah pursuing the cxampk- wi thcirj at o-her places and stinnuUted by the re-pommettda'ion of the Major General having charge of this Military district wtH a by that of the State Executive adopted ths idea of ftrttfying that city by valunary tent tributions in money and labor or part of the inhabitants confiding I tbe belief tha the General Government y0ul(l pltj mately rei'pburie th expenditure liut the citizen? of that place not beinj very namerous and the pacc juelf ra quiring extensive works an appeal sva made to me aid The appeal was fcc be reasonable The state Corernna-nt appeared b'und to defray tbe cxpendiiur for the present espechilly nhea it vas Considered that lar-e and 1 erul L-iire-mentshad beretofon been ma le fcr the ue fence of our interior frontier and that iha BY Virtue of a deed of trust executed by John Marshall the 10th of September one thousand eight hundred and twelve to myself andCraddock Smith for cert tin purposes there in -I shall as surviving trustee on the SQi day of December next proceed to sell nv ill end about y'hete began Then fy let us all to the meeting Where the men of the east are to prather Caltib'i address to them greeting Jj'e fray they may togeikerr FOB TIIS NATIONAL XKTELLIG EWCKR AN OLD "WAR SONO OP BW VAMPKD The Bntish Grenadier That seat of science Athens and earth's great 1 Where now are all their glories We scarce can find their tomb Thirn gufl'rol your rights Americans! Nor stoop to foreipn sway And thus immortalize th fme of free Ame- rica Proud Albion bowed to Cxsar and numerous Lorda before To Danes to Picts to Normans and many masters more Mut we can boast Americans we neycy fell a p-y Ilu2z huzza huzza huzza for brave America 1 Our sires led freedom hither when lo the desert emil'd A paradise of pleasure was cpen'd in the wild Your harvest free Americans! no power shall Snatch away i HuZra huzw hzza huzza for brave America To cjuit a realm of tyrants our fathers prossM the main Sere forni'd a new dominion and founded freedom's fame Britain must own her master's here fate urges on the dav i at Perkinonvillef to the highest bidder for ready nioney a Tract of Land Supposed to contain one hundred acres lying e-n the waters of South Buckskin in the county of Amelia end bounded by the lads of Patrick Jones the estate of said Jolm Marshall Janes EtcH Mrs llarvie and myself it befog part of the linden uhich the said John Marshall re-tided THOMAS WORSHAM Surviving Trustee Amelia Nov 12 IS 14 Vice I'rcsiuent of the United Stes and our Mditia system Kccent events have more than ever demonstrated that our ioi litia must be better organized and better rresidcnt ot Uie Senate Nov 2 11 14 Approved jamcs Madison uesolution Expressive of the sense of Congress relative to education: jniliam Hil yurir EES PEGTfl'LLY informs his frienib and the public in general that Lis 11 the capture ot tiie ltruili sUop ilemdeer py the American sloop the Wasp Kesohed by the Senate and Ifoute of Hepresen' disciplined Our system has been cslcuia ted fer a peace establishment It is high time that ore should be substituted £tted for a state of war The law passed at the last session of the legislature fur organizing detachments which might be require iter the public service hs been found impract'cable if execution in some of its provisions and tedious and difficult in most of its arrangements It pre duty of protection extended alike to ill But here again my means were limited existing appropriations Undvr these circumstances I have applied for and cbialaid from the Planter's Kink of Savannah a loan wt'hout interest for an amtunt to meet present emergenciei This together with a small advance from the Trrau-r- have been deposited with the corporate on of Savannah to bo expended in works nf When Trident shall beswad byj tivtt of the unfed States oj America tn Cvngre3 iree America uegeneraie sons ot urtain 1 liiinx not your threats we tear' 1 hat the President ot the States be requested to present to Captain Johnston Blakeiey of the sloop Wap a Gold Metlal with suitable devicw and a Silver Medal with like devices to each of the commissioned oflicers and aUo a Sword to each cf the midshipmen and the sailing iiiaittr of the aforesaid veasel in testimony of ttie high sense entertained by We too have Naval Laurels and wield a Mar scribes that the officers shall be elected by VTIIL be continued for the ensuing" year at hi residence in King and Qseen county between Dunkirk ami NewTown and wll opened on the third Monday in January next The bran ehrs of learning taught will' comprehend Heading Writing Arithmetic the Latin and Bnsr- tul the men after their arrsval at a place of Such arrogant pretensions as ye elsevihepe lish Languages Gramaticaltj the Elements of Congress of the gallantry and good conduct of rentkzvous thus leaving no means by which troops are to be marched there It pres cribes that the officers thus elected shall be brevettcd by the commanding rfScer of tbe detachment when in detachments require iug a commander under theranjc of a General Officer that commander must himseif be elected at the same time When ia the course of the present year Cecgrapby and Mathematicks Moral Pki oso-jhy UUtoty and Be-lles Lett res Due arttentjor will be paid to all the duties of his profession and the morals of each student' strictly stten 4ei to" Several boarders will be accomraoda ted Cedar Plain Nov 12 1S14 wSip Just Published jfNOfon Sals at tub Ahgus Offics (Br THE CROSS DOZSN OX SI If CLE THE play Will ue'tr appal the hardy sons of free Ame- 'Thotigh barbarous Drittsh black guardgj witli Cockburn at their Head -May rob defenceless Jienrecstt and strike our Geese with dread Vet -when 'they meet djm'd Vanieet crmV these mifccreants sneak nway And trt-mbie to heboid the Stars of North A- When fame makes known in Britain he oheci her trpops have had George Guelps will curse his Councils and poor Jotm li 11 run mad ueicnce rcr the reimburrsment cf the loan I hav- picked the faith of ths cutive This pledge I rely with" ccifidenc on the LegisUture to trub'a me to ranks gtKw! And Irrcommead totbeni tomtks such farther appropriations as may defray the expence of computing tbe ccevsxrj fortifications thereby ukug tie burthen of present advances frtm the fchou'dirs the citizens and trusting to the of the General Government Lr rtixbcr caents in better times I a so submit ta the consideration cfth Legislature the propriety ef crdennj ir the field party of cavalry in aid the farce nqw ia theservee of the United S'tes Such a corps may be highly ueui "3 it maritime frontiei and shouli p' ca under the immediate cammed tfthv Lieut Cfclooel coiinnandiug the cavalry in that quarter The provU'wi mad' by laaf at tle' lat events rendered it ntcsary to organise 5c hold in readiness for aervice one third of the militia of this state these and other dif the officers and crew the action with the Dri-tish ihop of war lieindeer on the twenty eighth of June in the year one tbouaand eight hundred and fourteen in which action determined bravery and cool intrepidity in nineteen minutes obtained a decisive victory by boarding LANGDON CHEVES Speaker of tbe House of Representatives G'uUUY Vice President of the United State and President cf the Senate November 3 Approved JAMES MADISON RESOLUTION Expressive of the sense of Congress of the gait an ry and good conduct with which the reputsticjj cf the arras of tbe United States has been auatainad by Mjor Gereral Rrown Major General Scott M-jor General Porter ficulties prseuted themselves in their full force To obviate Uiem as far as possible 1 ordered the election to be held in tbe res pective counties and have issued special thus preserving the leading principle of the law the election of officer 1 Virginia Almanack 'For-'1815 1 1 1 1 Yankee' eti epithet vith Kvhich by those wfeo were to serve under them but departing- from the law in its forma British sfliccrt org pkwei to Ltwr all native Blanks of AH Descriptions-' which were found impracticable tf execu tesKo ior paying mto tne i-'-tr cf the UluttJ State msho have the tptnt to act Ltudbly ip opposition to their pretensions For Sab the rus 0 luce tion aiutrs trie araouat ot airtctut.

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