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Olathe News from Olathe, Kansas • Page 7

Olathe Newsi
Olathe, Kansas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 First published in Olathe Mirror May S3. 13. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE The State of Kusu, 1 Ann nnn jonnsonuounty, i R. M. ATCHISON UULJ TB the probate Court in and for said Count t.

Rheumatism Cured ia a Dzj. Dr. Detchon's relief for Rheuma-tism and Neuralgia radically cures In 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system Is remarkable and effectiYe. It removes the cause and the disease quickly disappears.

The first dose greatly benefits. 75c to $1. Sold by Geo. Whitney, druggist, Olathe. Kansas.

Ia the Matter of the Estate of H. M. Dubois. Deceased. Notice is hereby riven that letters Testamen- aExDirag Pi7dli r.and Mrs-- Jess Riff er were guests of Mr.

Huff, Sunday Miss Emma Hoff is visiting relatives in Kansas City. Mr. and Mrs. Banks were welcomed at this place, Sunday June 5th. James and G.

Shand were taking in the flying machine one evening last week. Miss Lois Wainer of Kansas City-sang a solo at our Sunday School Sunday. Mrs. Chapman and Sue Page were visiting over the phone last week. i tary have been granted to the undersigned on the Estate of H.

M. Dubois late of said i county deceased, by the honorable, the probate uourt oz toe county and Stat aforesaid, dated the sjux. day or May. A. U.

1910. Kow all per sons nann? claims against the said estate Securities Bought Money on hand are hereby notified, that they must present i the same to the undersigned for allowance I within one year from the date of said letters PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. or tney may oe precluded from any benefit of such estate, and that if such claims be not exhibited within three years after the date of i said letters they shall be forever barred. FRUIT GROWERS ATTENTION W.Ii.Thlrr of the estate of H.M. Received Highest Award World's Pure Food Exposition Chicago, November, 1907 What does this mean? it meant that Calumet has tet a new Standard ia Baking Powder the standard of the World.

Because this award was given to Calumet after thorough tests and experiments, over all other baking It means that Calumet is the best baking powder in every particular in the world. Dubois Deceased Dated UaT 23. 1910. J. E.

Thorne Atty. for estate. CI. SHIPLEY, Physician and Surgeon. Phones: Offlce 218; Res.

612. Office Hours: 8:30 to 11:30 :00 to 6:00 p. m. 7:00 to 9 p. Office, 125 West Park St.

OLATHE, KAN3A0L We take this method of A. R. Laird as our general agent 8. G. Long Probate Judge.

S2t4 at Olathe and surrounding country. All orders taken by the above and First published in the Olathe Mirror May 19 19 adjusted wiu be honored by our company. Olathe Home Phone, 175 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT P. L. Lathrop, D.

O. Mrs. Bessie Lathrop D. O. DBS.

LATHROP LATHROP Osteopaths. Graduates American school of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. Office: East end Miller Bik. Res. 110 N.

Walnut Tel. Office 284-A; Res. 284-B. F. P.

HATFIELD, Physician and Sarceon. State at Kansas. Johnson County, as. in the fro Date court in and for said Count And this means that Calumet produces the or postal card. -Respectfully, Mount Hope Nursery Lawrence, Kan.

2St4 Ia the matter of the estate of A. EL Famham. Member State Board of Hedlszl Deceased uwij most aeiiaous, lightest, and purest Creditors and all other persons interested oaung oz am taxing powders. Examiners. Office 131 W.

Park. Phones: Res. 188: Office 31. in the aforesaid estate are hereby notified that at the next regular term of Probate Court in "Doesn't that mean Olathe, Kauitsa and for said County, to be begun and held at the Court room in Olathe. County of Johnson.

everything to you? SUNLIGHT and state aforesaid on the tlrst Tuesdavm the month of July A. D. 1910, 1 shall apply to said Mr. and Mrs. Fleek were guests D.

E. BRONSON, Physician and Surgeon COUNTr CORONER court lor a lull and final settlement of said estate. W.D. Morrison of Mrs. Lawrence in East Olathe, Sunday.

Administrator of estate of A. Farnham Deceased. Roll Lane and wife spent Sunday S. G. Long, Probate Judge, 2it4 with Mr.

Marcks and family. H. M. DuBois. CONCORD 325 S.

Cherry St. Phones: Office 245; Res. 528. Kathryn Grim spent the first of Koy Gleason or Kansas city was the week in Olathe with Mr. and visiting his grandmother, Mrs.

Glea PECK BLOCK First published in the Olathe Mirror June, mo. Mrs. Grim son last week. Olathe, Miss Elizabeth EIcartBhy INSURANCE Fire and Life All million dollar com panis 28 Peck Block, Olathe, Kansas. Kanssa Walter Oliver was a Sunday guest Mr.

and Mrs. W. I. Hayes and PETITION FOR AN ORDER TO daughter. Flossie: Mr.

and Mrs Will at the home of C. Frey in Olathe. Mrs. Kohler and children spent Keuker; Mr. and Mrs.

J. A. Reitz; SELL REAL ESTATE Decoration Day in Archie, Missouri. Mr. and Mrs.

Melvin Brooks and Mr. R. L. MOBERLY, Physician and Surgeon. Phones: Office 211; Res.

135. In the Probate Court in and for Johnson coun ty Kansas: Mr. and Mrs. Toynbee, Miss Agnes and Mrs. Harry Hayes were Sunday guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Charlie Ward and brothers near Morse were in the matter oi the estate of s. r. Bacbman deceased Hayes Notice is hereby given that W. F.Ogg.

Ex Mrs Jasper Lesueur has been ecutor of the Estate oi 8. F. Bacbman deceased. Office in Grange has this day tiled his petition in the office of visiting friends here. Bldg.

Kansas Olathe, We sure are having plenty of rain. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Lawrence spent Sunday at Mrs. Lawrence's sister's Mrs.

Wm. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Holland spent Sunday, May 29th with their sister and brother, Mr nad Mrs.

Ervin Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ernsts' new house is almost completed. Mr.

and Mrs. Clarence Donham called at Adam Cupp's Sunday af-jrrnoon. May 29th. His daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs.

Arthur Powell also spent Sunday, May 29th with him. Miss Ida Plank went home with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Lawrence Sunday to spend a few days. Mr.

and Mrs. James Moll and family spent Sunday at Arthur Loquet's. the Probate Judge in and for Johnson County Kansas, alleging that the personal property Mr. Joseph Little made a short visit with his mother and sister last belonging to said estate, is Insufficient to pay the cost of administration, debts and legacies. week.

and praying for an order to sell at prlrate sain for exsh- Lot three (3) in block fourteen (54) 1-3 Sunday guests at their home. Mrs. Oliver, Miss Lena end Kathryn Grim were guests of Eugene Oliver and family in Kansas City, Sunday, May 29th. Miss Emma Hansen returned from Bartlesville, Oklahoma May 30th to spend a month with her parents. Misses Viva and Helen Gray were guests of the Misses Boone of Stanley on May 28th and 29th.

James Edson wife and little son of Kansas City were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Allison, May 29th. Preaching services next Sunday morning.

Children's Day services and also lot fifty four (14) in block fifty nine New catch white fish, lb. 8 New Rice Fine Cal. prunes 5c in the evening. Every one cordially (59) in tne city of uiatne, jonnson county, nan sas. invited to attend.

Notice is further giren that said petition GEORGE E. A1KIN, Dentist. Tel: Off. S041 Main. Res.

2387 Soatll 510 Commerce 10th Walnut Kansas City, Missouri DR. CLIFFORD P. ELDER, will be heard by S. Lon? Probate Jude in 3 1-lb. 2 3-lb.

2 3-lb. cans salmon 25 cans pie peaches. .15 cans sweet potatoes. 25 and for Johnson Kansas, at his office A GOOD WAY TO USE HYOMEI in the Court Bouse in the city of Olathe Kans 3 3-lb. cans lye as June 11th 1910, at 10 oclock A.

of said day and that such order will be made as appears to Besides breathing through the in haler a few times a day. many ca oe to tne oest interest or said estate. W. F. Ogg Executor S.

G. Lone- TRUTH CROPS OUT. tarrh sufferers write that they find Probate Judge. F. Ogg Atty.

for Est. DENTIST. 25c cans Cal. apricots. .15 35c cans pine apple ..25 25c cans baking powder.

10 20c cans cove oysters. .15 Qt. cans plums and 10 Qt. jars sweet pickles. 20 inhaline Hvomei from a bowl of GAELICS steaming water each before Why Pile Sufferers So Often Fail to Get Relief.

First published in the Olathe Mirror, June 2, 10 retiring a great aid i-i curing stub Now in Olathe every day in the week Room 6, Peck Bldg. Phones, Office 245, Residence. 91. ARE $15 born cases. SERVICE BY PUBLICATION Publication Notice Try it; it very simple; gives auick relief and makes you breathe Gaelics are 10c pkge.

best Glass jars drief 2 10c boxes Young chick food, Oyster shells, Pails, quarter and half a 5C ..15 .15 3c bbls. To Elijah ilton McGee and George Ughtkirk easier. Thomas Taylor aud Nancy Taylor if living ready to wear. and if dead, tne survivors of them and their Fill a bowl half full of Doiling wa successors and assigns, and the unknown heirs, execatora, administrators, devisees, trustees. ATTORNEYS AT LAW.

I. O. PICKERING, Attorney-at-Law. ter; pour into the water a halt tea loonful of Hyomei, cover head and I succesKirs and assign of each and all of said defendants: Take notice that you have been bowl with a towel and breathe we have Science is getting to the bottom of everything, including the cause and cure of piles. The brightest doctors now admit that piles are, caused internally and can' be cured only by internal treatment.

Dr. J. S. Leon-hardt some time ago perfected a remedy in tablet form Hem-Roid, which cures the cause of piles, and therefore cures permanently. It is sold by Geo.

D. Whitney Son, Olathe, Kansas, under money-back guarantee. $1 for 24 days' treatment. Dr. Leonhardt Station Buffalo, N.

Y. Write for booklet. new white fish. W. C.

ELDER, 125 S. Cherry. Two doors South of Postoffice. sued in the District Court of Johnson County, Kansas, oy saute Stewart, as plaintiff. That taid Plaint Iff filed her petition against them in grays, tans, and blue 0 0 you in said court on the 1st.

day of June 110. Office In Swofford Bids. Phones: Res. 170; Office 7. wherein she alleges she is the owner and in serges.

Made through nose and mouth the medicated vapor that arises. This method relieves that at once and makes your heac fe-1 clear. ou can get bot'le of Hyomei ai druggists everywhere or at Sam the quiet, peaceable and exclusive possession of the west half VA of the south east quarter (U) of section twenty nine (39) in township thirteen (13) of range twenty four(24) in Johnson in the Evans-made way. Really good. F.

R. OGG, Attorney-at-Law. county that you set up and claim some, right, title, interest or estate in said Kelly's for only 50 cents. Ask for real estata adverse to said plaintiff and her CHAS. NEWTON said title thereto and therein which is vuld and MONTICELLO Phone 71.

a cloud on her title and praying the court for a ertra bottle of Hyomei inhaJent. But bear In mind if want Hyomi inhaler you must buy a com decree quieting her title to said land for costs We want to LIVERY, which ouly rusts $1, and equttame relief, ou are xurtner notltiea that you must answer said petition on or before the 15th. day of July. 1910 or the same will be pli te outfit TRANS- FEED AND FER BARN. sell you one.

hi But taken as true and judgmeat and decree will be as stated befo-v; if you own an inhair a bottle Rooms 34 and 35 Ogg Bull dins. W. D. MORRISON, Attorney-at-Law. i ready entered in plalntlJrs favor and against you i quieting her title to said land and barring you Hjcmei costs but 50 c-ents.

and straw hats too. and umbrellas and each of rou from all claim, rt ht, title and Hyomei is guarantaed by drug interest in said land for costs of suit and equl Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rogers who have "been visiting relatives here have re-turned to their home in St Joseph, Missouri. Mrs.

Dr. C. Brown is on the sick list. Mrs. Fuller of Eureka Springs is visiting her daughter, Mrs.

C. Si-bert, who is in very poor health. Joyce Brown visited last week in Olathe. Mr. Rollyn Kaiser spent Sunday with C.

O. Sibert and family. fts everywhere and by Sam J. Kel taoie relief. (Formerly E.

C. Wood's Pallie Stewart plaintiff. Burgess and I. O. H.

L. ly to cure catarrh sore throat, and croup or money back. Try it on that generous basis. 23t' Attorneys for Plaintiff. Phone No.

67. Suite No. .9, Peck Block. JOHN R. THORNE, Attorney-at-Law.

Phone 42. GRAND VIEW Lenexa, Kansas First published in the Olathe Mirror, May 19, 10 been Mrs. Chas. Kelly is over from Mrs. Rose Kokjer who has spending several weeks with tives here has returned to her The Misses Kenton were the invited guests of Mrs.

Carl Phillips at Pleasant View, June 5th. Farm Loans and Insurance. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE The state of Kansas Johnson count ss. In the Probate Court In and for said county. In the Matter of the estate of Stephen Sch-eetz.

Deceased. Notice is hereby ciren that letters (Testa Clare. Rev. visiting E. Latham and viie are i Mrs.

Watts and Miss Margarette to 1 were spending Sunday at Mr. Wm. in Charles, Nebraska. Mr. Joseph Beaver was called artin Eleider Dr.

Moore and family. mentary) of Administration have beeo granted to tne undersigned on the Estate of Stephen CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Huffs Mrs. M. Hampton spent last week at Mr.

E. G. Mr. R. L.

Squires of Gardner vis ecneetz late or saia uounty aeceasea, by the Honorable, the Probate Court of the County Prairie Center. Saturday by the ser-' ious illness of his mother, who is suffering from a paralytic stroke Mrs. Frank Alden and daughter Irene are visiting her mother, Mrs. i ited relatives in Olathe, Friday. Phones: Office 240.

Res. 428. Room 18, Peck Building. GORSUCH JOHNSTON, Lawyers. Rooms 29-30 Miller Building.

ana state aToresaia. aat-a tne ita. aav or Mav AJD. 1410. Now all persons having claims again was visiting the week end.

Mrs. L. H. Clark friends in Kansas City Judee Tillotson and wife return Estimates furnished, plans drawn st the said estate, are hereby that they i mu6t present tne san.e to the undersigned for ed from a week end in De Soto, Mon Buildings and Residences planned allowance within one year from the date of said leiters.or they may be precluded from any day. anJ completed in Most Modern benefit of such estate, and that if such claims and Manner.

Phone 470. be not exhibited within three years after date Gardner visit- Miss Nellie Todd of Olathe, Kanssa of said letters they shall be foiever barred. Anna Scheetz. first of the ed Major Bruner the r7ZJ fnrir2rn week. Administratrix of the Estate of Stephen Telephone 25 B.

icneetz ueceasea. Mav lu. ivio. 8. G.

Lione Probate Judge. 22t4 JOHN T. LITTLE, Attorney at Law. The hest chick food on the mar Lenexa, Kansas. -3 v4Z3 LljA ket.

2c per pound. Custom Mills. Phone 49. First published in the Olathe Mirror June 9, 10. Office In Little Building.

SHERIFF'S SALE tate of Kansas, 1 70 SIAY OJHEP! It is also called SALT Mrs. Hatfield and daughter return Kansas ed from a ten days stay in Independ Johnson County, DS CHRIS, haberman: ence, Monday. In the District Court, Tenth Judicial Dis trict within and for said ountv and State. RHEUM. SCALD HEAD, TETTER, ITCH.

7EEPIMC SKtlH.r.lILK CRUST. PRU- Kansas M. O. Miuer- Revived in the name of J. O.

CONTRACTOR. DR.J.E.CANNADAtf Nichols. Administrator of the estate ot M. O. at Sam Ned lies has returned from University and may be found Kelly's Drug store.

J. W. PARKER, Attorney at Law. Rooms 2'and 3 Miller Bids. THE DOCTOR WHO Miller, Deceased Plaintiff, vs RITUS-these are different toSSs nothing names, but all mean, one but eczema Mrs Harry Everly and Mr.

and G. B. Alser. Caroline Aleer and Frank! Hodees and Georre Bodges, A firm doing busi Olathe. Stone, Brick, Concrete and Cement Blocks Always on Hand.

Mrs. Myers of Gardner visited at A. Kaasaa ness as Hodgas Defendants. tmngECZEr.lA. I pror.

erery word that I have said I gtra to ererr sufferer G. Hackler's, Monday. By virtue of a special execution issued out of said Court, and to me directed. I will offer Reliable Bsjond Qoastion for sale at public aucti to the highest bidder for cash in hand, at south ft ont door ofjhe Covrt Mrs. R.

J. Henry returned Monday A FCHEE TODA1L This is statement from the from a vist with her daughter Mrs. House in Olathe. in said County, on Saturday, Cement Block Work. Lenexa, Kansas.

July th. 1910. at li ciock h. tne follow art to thow Charles Johnson of Gardner. A.

L. HAYES, Law and Insurance. Collections a Specialty. Suite 3 Swofford Bid. rou tnt yon nd my treatment.

It is yours for ing dea Tibed property, to wit: bank of my home town. where I hare done business for years. Ail th rigbts privileges and lea-e of De- fendanta G. B. Alger and aroline Alger ia and Don't leave home without one of to certain contracts in wrmnur; the first being tbaaklng-.

If ra bare been to otner Doctors. If you bare taken patent medicine, and need loUona and aalrea yoa are di-srasted. write to me I will eend yo ABSOLUTELY FREE OF C1L1HOE. A TKIAL TREATMENT. There are no strings to this statement.

There Is not one cent to nay not a penny norepted. I know what my trial treatment win do; I know lb at it will conTlnce yon more than anything else on earth that those wagon umbrellas that Harve a con tract dated October SO. 1894. and recorded mmmw-w Tmiwo National Dent sells. If the sun comes out Olathe.

Kansas in book 27 of deeds at paee 309 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Johnson County. Kan- yon neea my treatment. pas, by which there was granted by tbe City of Scftk Me Ja-1-1913. Mr. Geo.

Hodges and Josh Hed-J Olathe to the ia u.b. Alger the tight to cut tee for the term of 25 years from the pond con CHARLES HOGE, Attorney at Law IT you are SUiTKRrXO FROM FCZKM A ron ran nnlr lw r. CuaUtr, nr itjr la a DUr.C. Po EE DENTIST rick of Gardner were in town on business Monday and visted with PbjmlcUa. mskiac apciltr mred one way KK.UOVK TUB CAUSE.

What Is the eaoaet iCinniTHKKimn. wet Haa4l4 ti, bu, iinrdatoD nadatnnMm.i structed on the north fonr acres of the west nine acres of the south went quarter of the north eat quarter of the south west quarter of section 38. also. the south one acre of the yaavr ana aitv ma Bleanslna the blood of the ACID. Homer Limbird.

in. Iru Rooms 44 aad 45 Miller Bulldlns. I Uy treatment Is soothing relterea the dreadful ttchlner at1 ia tttair on kamx, t. t. onoe and cores the dlaeaae quickly.

You drnt bare to taketa vfc tt fcia imtaant ia treatment tor months and roontha. ONE CASE IN TEN it ruin earraetir. north west quarter of the north eat quarter of the south west quarter of section 39 all In town Mr. Hay from Northern Kansas h-s recently opened up a restaurant Phones: Office 299; 13. range Mia county ana state; said sec- tfcalr nay.

aa4 Res. 264. pSnkot that Id third VtHt Olathe. tha raalt au nod contract being dated October 14. laor, be Moved to Ahlenstorf Building.

Has tham at Kelly old stand. He serves lunches, meals and short orders. 2 4 It rallla. CaaUarta ta mmwr af Office now tween the City of Olaibe and G. B.

Alger and recorded tn Book 90 nf Deeds at page 63 in said Register of Deeds office by which the said city e- avered and leaned to the said O. B. Alger a atrip of land ti feet long running north and Ectema Is a dlfteaae of the Wood sad affects an parts of fc. Iwdr-laoe. hps, ears, hands, feet, cenltal organ, etc aTJa-E a2 omia open every day in the week.

-n i.v pniM FiMwiaa ar paacnaa Bifv mam aaaara Tnaaa uutu D. BCOTT, Attorney-at-Law. Office Phone 133. Mr. and Mrs.

Wm. Beauchamp, 503 South Cherry St. will be at home to their friends Wednesday sacttar. Ia mm a aaaa i raaa athiu taarw tnalr. I s'Utb.

which lies west of the main reservoir, to wi bin fifteen feet of tbe west line of the City propert and It lug immediately stuth of the road leading to the reservoir from the west. Kntch ttu taa aaa. acatas Bam eapemet the ftoaj.waacatas cloth Lenexa Kansas afternoon. June 15th, 1910 from tro to six o'clock, the occasion being the being the lathe waterworks and the above Reservoir a 1 a Sa( eaaMS la afcl. IpoalttT-elTOnaraTsteethaterery cecurd by me stay cured lO YliAJLil It most tf stfd or It could no Rooms 20-21 Pirst Vn Bank Bids.

fiftieth anniversary of their mar beicg owned by tbe party of the first part, for be cold thim xt. 01 riage. the purpose of ere- ting and maintaining lee bouse thereon and alao tbe privilege of cut- ttnrtceo3tbe waterworks pooda aad scribed 1 Sircr 3 po Hcz. I Km a rradaata froea two leadizur medical jHEDAL taken In Com pU tire Examlnatioa Iqualified I will send you my book, ahowli cf CZrzItz? schools. am the holder of a GOLD Does this not show that I am fully iC ndorsemente ot business men from cttred Datlanfia mm.

Z. fn th deed betwwa the ciy of atbe aadG. E. COTTER, Attorney-at-Law. Abstracts and Insurance.

Phones: Office 263; Res. 52. Alger, dated Oct: ta, 1834. and recorded In the OfSc of aaid Kesri te of Deeds naze 310 oiauciamea. Also testimonials and eictur The Board of County Commissioners is sitting this vreek as a board of I Equalization On Saturday the Ola-1 the property owners, -who think that they, have been unjustly assessed.

borne ot them may be YOUR KF.ian SO La. V-V5 ot ho or oeeOMWiui tbe same privileges ardo -ligations a therein 'eacrlbed modi- fled by tbe tract of ObC 1. wl above re- r.wcs awVy UrkS.e 1 1 erred to. Said eon tract also eonvev to said G.B. AURORA TCeJifeh- est Patent Flour We have it.

Made at Junction City famous for its good yheat. F. H. NEWTON 8z SON Phone 42 may appear beiore tnem and ask re Is the most compete book ereramt Sadalia. Mo.

lief form of the disease plainly and fully. I Alger the rigtt of way to the $and above leaded to him ov th strip of land 15 feet wide above described of the purpows coanected with the ahow Bictureaof tau.tniwMi. ntreanjf. aiavapaiarrarialtrataMtlS. re been rsx.

a i many severe cases, which are extremely-1 I send you names of thwMfti Who ha1 gRtherirg at removing office: and the rights Velier Crandall is spending a MONEY TO LOAN I ana pn vuegea cerr nea therein. two week's vacation with his mother The above described riirht-. privileges and ciueu auu are giassim. DR. J.

E. CAT! 12 AO AY Us ravkSeware' Cod alia. f.lo. prcpert to be sold aa the pn p-rty of aid G. time, low rate farm loans by Long K.

Aiger and camlme Alzer. and wiil be sold Xatnc lir TroB-tment aad htantat aant fat plaia afifuen. without appraisement stfT said Order of Sale jsteed at her home on North Keeler. Wel-ler is office man in a large publishing house in Leavenworth- Ever hear of any of the boys who used to work on the Mirror not making good? G. T.

GOODE, Olathe, Kansui. Kansas. Lenexa. marker. Attorney.

htr.lfoi Johnson c. 2it4 At.

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