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The Charleston Daily Courier from Charleston, South Carolina • 2

Charleston, South Carolina
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Chamber of Commerce The New York Cham LIFE OF PERTHES ber has "defined position" on the Sub-Atlantic a ajr ii 2sr OFFICERS OP THE HOWAlit ASSOCIATION OF CHARLESTON FKESIOEXT GEORGE COFFIN Residence 86 Broad- tree I Office Ado u'a wharf THE COTJBIER Telegraph as reported by tho New York Sun At a meeting' held Saturday A A Low made an address in which he stated that the ob HGREAT BOOKSELLER OF HAMBURG 91-00 THURSDAY KOESIUfO AUGUST 2C 1858 ject of the meeting was to do honor to the man eiaisu a AU Ait INK for Sept et-9S DOCTOR an English NovelioO GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK for Sept t5 AUGUST "6 1853 ssaioa vtcE-raasioENT LESESNE Residence Tradd-atreet Office rwntna-How ee and how to gather them-- BY A WILLINGTON ife CO wut is ft GRAHAM'S MAGAZINE for Sept 95 The Ltthotype It is known to all readers conversant with recent movements in the Photographic arts that vast and varied efforts of research and inventive ingenuity have beett directed to new discoveries in processes and in repeating 6r printing surfaces and as a consequence important advances have been made in the applications of photography to the illustrative and representative purposes of na- tural history and of imitative art One of these improvements or discoveries and as we think one destined to assert a commanding importance has been recently consummated in Philadelphia and was examined and investigated in that city by Prof Francis Holmes ot the College of Charleston who has returned from a visit and has kindly permitted us to examine many speci mens which he has procured Prof Holmes has THE It Natural History and Anecdotes50 DICKENS' HOUSEHOLD WORDS tar SUnt l- a who through flays ot ceaseless vigils and through sleepless nights watched over the delivery of the child of commerce and science the cable born of the Agamemnon andiagara who committed it to the bosom of the ocean and in due time laid it in its bed to enjoy as we would fain hope an everlasting repose He then submitted a series of resolutions which were passed congratulatory of the owners of the telegraph enterprise and that a committee be appointed to consider and report upon the proper testimonial to be presented to THE SEPOV REVOLT AND ITS CAUSES 50 DAILY PAPEIV Te dollar COUNTRY COURIER trf-weekJy) Five Dollars annum TRENCH OF BIBLE REVISION 7 3 TRENCH'S SERMONS 50 Mr Grayson' Poem THE COUNTRY- ft Health Of tUe City- The Mercury of Wednesday morning contains the following TH YELLOW FSVEB SPIDEMIC IB" CHABLESTOtl CkarieaUmJigst The yellow fever i to be epidemic The health officer report twenty-eignt deaths by fever ia this city during the week ending Saturday last "We find the above telegraphic item in the flaBy papers of the neishboriag cities and it to pronably by lb18T5'f the columns of every member of the Associated eso the United States out of Charleston We be of our co-temporaries to regard the first sentence as the declaration of the telegraph and without authority Tne eoaru of Health have not themselves made any such declaration or authorized any one to do so for them The expression is singularly unfortunate to say the least for the Ma will be to quarantine Charleston vessels ia every po-Our Carolinian friend at Columbia will ee that its e-d actions from this dispatch are utterly unwarranted no character of the present fever ia Charleston may be warned from the official report of Monday last and publishea io-our paper of that date wherein out of tweniy-eigni deaths daring the previous week only four were or natives of the United States and two of those of foreign parentage The only reliable reports are those of the Wty Register" The dispatch which tea written and sent from the telegraphic agent and correspondent of the "Associated Press' in this city reads as follows as in the orignal paper now before us: "The fever ha become epidemic Health Officer reports twenty-eight deaths for the week including Saturday" It will be seen that nothing is here stated of a "declaration" of epidemic official or otherwise EXCURSION On account of the anfavorable slate of Captain Hudson and the officers and engineers of the Niagara and such other measures as may be THE MUTINY IN INDIA-- 5 OLD KNICKERBOCKER for Sept-4va5 HARPER'S MONTHLY for liiC wnuio Capt Rxltsa will be postponed en til farther 'notice WILLIAM TOE a Historical Romance By Sir Gea Chas Napier B--f ID" ROUTLEDQE London Invoice now open been necessarily interested in the graphic arts of WSAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON steam PACKET Ia consequence deemed proper On motion Cyrus Field Captain Hudson Messrs Everett and Woodhouse were elected honorary members of the Chamber Browntow's Discussion We find the following notification in the last number of the Knox-ville Register 1 To tho Press We have entered into an agree illustration rrom his editorial and professional duties and especially from a desire to render as perfect as possible the interesting and important COURTENAY'S the Quarantine Regulaiionsat Savannah the steamer GORDON will not resume ber regular trips adver August 96 works of fossil conchoiogy which are in course of ON BROAD-STREET SAFE SURE AND SPEEDY ment to hold a public debate on the following tised LAFITTE CO A August 2ft 3 STEAMER SEABROOIC From tbia date the steamer WM BKABBWA will be withdrawn from the Florida Hue to consequence cf the Quarantine Regulation at Savannah Augustas 3 E- LAFITTE CO Agent ALL DE5IANDS AGAINST THE British barque PENELOPE must be rendered into oar The Fishing Excursion which was advertised to take place this day has been' postponed untU further notice on account of the unfavorable weather as will be seen by advertisement The steam packets Gordon and '-Wm- Seabrook are withdrawn nntil further notice as advertised Zondott Quarterly Rtjssell Jones 251 King-street have received the July issue of the "Quarterly of London' which is re-printed by Leonard Scott Co as the "London Quarterly Review" a title which in London designates a different periodical This number opens with an instructive biographical review devoted to Hepworth Dixon's life of Admiral Blake and the reviewer gives incidentally some admirable sketches of the British sailor and of sea life The next "essay is devoted to the first volume of the "(History of Civilization in England'! by Henry Thomas a work for which great claims have been asserted and certainly a great theme Our reviewer brands the volume and the author's methodology of treatment bo far as developed in this volume as a pretentious failure involving vast assertions and assumptions but effecting nothing "Iron Bridges" is the subject of the next essay which is interesting to the architect the merchant and the attizan and to the philosophic student and server of progress and civilization in its illustrations of the prime importance of this common and versatile metal A review of the life labors and writings of Wtcijffe is peculiarly interesting as the first fruits of a grant lately made by the British Gov-erment "for rendering accessible to the public the original materials for the Mediaeval History of England" We find an article on "Shipwrecks" present ing a condensed summary of late official reports and of the latest resources of prevention and re question 1 "Ought American Slavery to be perpetuated The debate is to be held in the city of Philadelphia and to commence on the 7th day of September 1853 and continue for several days and all such construction or enlargement of the Will the Press ot both sections of the Union mease codt this notice I dispatch is to be charged to the editorial trans-scription The statement as sent was justified and demand 5 Brownlow Knorville office oetore uum 7 CO i 8L Michael's alley jtrxioa vicB-paEsiDCT JAMES TTJPPER Residence 31 MeeUng-elreet OZ-fice 53 Broad-street TKEASt'BK WM- ALSTON PR1NGLE Residence 6 Tradd-sU Office corner Broad and Chureh-sueels CCEETABT GEO PELZER Residence and Office 371 King-street Diaaxrroas ft'mri Jv 1 Robert More Residence 68 Church- Office Boyce to Co' wharf DeSaussure R8 dence 33 MeeUng-et Office Adgers wharf Assistant Visitors for Ward No- Thos White Residence corntr Meeting and Water-streets J- Bar-bot Residence comer Montague and Smith -streets Office Commercial wharf IFard A'o 8 A II Belin Residence and Office corner Broad and Orange-alreets Edgerton Residence 3 'Orange-st Office 3 Broad-street Assistant Visitor for Ward No t-Wa Peronneau Residence I Legarwtreeti Office Adrer wharf H'mri Jt'o Thomas IlanckeL Residence and Office 17 Hasen-street William Thayer Residence 80 CalhouB-street Office State Bank- Acting Visitors for Ward No Rer 8 Eird Residence and Office Calhoun near Meetinf-street Whilden Residence corner Spring and Ashley-streets Office corner King and Hasell-streets Cogswell Resi dence S60 King-street Office 3 Broad-street Ward Jt'a 4 Prof Holmes Residence 60 Su Philip-et Office Charleston CoUege Capt- Budd Residence Rutledge near Don ghty-streetf Office North Atlantic wharf Ward JV 5 Rer Bird Residence and Offiee Calhoun near Meeting-t A Frampton Residence and Office 416 King-street Wari J'o Daniel Wayne Residence and Office King-street opposite Cannon-st Jos A Sanders Residence and Office 66 Pitt-street Ward IIenereyReidence35 Aroerica- tj Office Meeting near Line-street James Eason Residence 23 Drake-et Office corner Nassau and Columbus-streets Ward A'o Wm WhUden Residence corner of Ashley and Spring-sis Office corner King and Hasell-streets Harvey Cogswell Residence 860 King-street Office 3 Broad-et Office of the Association at the Committee's Room Institute II all Meeting street where a record of nurses will be kept and where persons requiring the aid of the Association or desiring employment as nurses can apply at all hours from 7 o'clock A to 10 o'clock August 28 2 CAPT THOMAS BUDD WILE act as my Attorney during my absence from the State Tenn A Pryne McGrawsville 2 llOEsst Bay ed by the best information in possession of the August 26 IN ITS OPERATION AND ALWAYS SATIBFACs TORY IN ITS RESULT 18 Wm A Batclielor's Hair Dje THE ORIGINAL AND BEST IN THE WORLD 1 publication- He is contemplating and we believe has made considerable preparations some volumes devoted to the present and recent shells of our Southern coasts of which we can speak more fully in good time These editorial demands and duties have increased the interest which professional studies and predilections have excited for the resources and processes of the graphic art and especially with reference to the best methods of faithful and exact repetition by any process capable of representing accurately the smaller objects of natural history and at the same time sufficiently cheap to t- be brought within the conditions of common circulation While engaged at Philadelphia in selecting some additions to his apparatus Professor Holmes was struck by a vividly and minutely faithful print (magnified) of a mite which was an exact transfer to paper of the impression made on the eye aided by a good magnifying lens He inquired into the origin of the print and was referred to A correspondent of the Atlanta National Amer agent "and its transmission was an act of The telegraph" of course is not and cannot be considered responsible unless our morning con ican savs that deer never shed their horns Do Fact Speak 3 CONSIGNEES PER BRIO CEO PRESCOTT Gilkk Master from Boa on are hereby notfied that the is This Day discharging cargo at Abobbs North wharf All Good not removed at sunset -will be stored at the expense and rik of Consignees: August 26 4 J- W- CALDWELL -inVOTriVli'VO Pfn Obituary temporary charges and proves error or carelessness in the transmission It is no doubt unfortunate in DIED at Cedar Spring Spartanburg District on the 30th August 1853 EDGAR- IIUGCENIN COLCOCK eldest son of Colcock ia the nineteenth year of nts age "Oh 'tis a fearful thing to love what death may touch gcbooner DANIEL MINCE from Baltimore are hereby notified that she is discharging cargo at Atlantic Wharf JIB goods remaining on the Wharf at sunset will be stored at their expense and risk £Z7" The Friends and Acquaintances of Mr Lawbbrck Brown and family of Mr and Mrs Wiluam La idler and family and of Mr and Mr Jas II Mcrrell and August So 1 UliAKk iitisacLH Jgeui i XOTICK-CONSIGNEES PER family are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral Ser vices of DAVIE3 BROWN son of the former at the the artists whose rooms he visited Ship AMEUAfrom Liverpool are hereby notified that the Ship has been entered under the Five Day Act All a a arBSA TYstssaa English Lutheran Church Archdale-street This Aflemam IN 1839 TOE AMERICAN INSTITUTE AWARDED to William A Batchklob the first diploma ever granted for "a Liquid Hair Dye" Since then he baa received fifteen medal and diploma for HAIR DYE and within that time it is estimated that he ha made at his private room over 100000 applications of his II AIR DYE" These facts speak the whole story and however near others may imitate in general appearance and manner of patting up hone have approached the great and good original BaTCHELOR'S LIQUID HAIR DYE" No possible evil can result from using nay Obioikal "abb Rkuablr Dye as it cannot injure and is always vbk to produce the desired result WM A BATCH ELOR'S nAIR DYE produce a color not to be distinguished from nature and warranted aot to injure ia the least however long it may be continued and the ill effects of bad Dyes remedied the Hair invigorated for life by this splendid Dye GRAY RED OR RUSTY HAIR Dyed instantly to a beautiful and Natural Brown or Black without the least Injury to Hair or Skin I BEWARE OF IMITATIONS ID" The Genuine ha the name and address upoa a steel plats engraving oa four sides ef each box of at Five o'clock August 2fi some cases that the editorial extension and construction of which are very properly made as concise as should introduce words involving a sense not stated or authorized We make these remarks only to assign the proper authority and to protest against a needless reference to the which errors excepted cannot be considered responsible any more than a postmaster would bo for the transmission by mail of a letter of similar terms and for additions made to that letter by the recipient or by any reader The despatch as sent was correct and proper and any constructions put on it are of course to be charged to those making them It is needless to add that the quarantine authorities of cities interested in trade with Charleston are not disposed to act on unofficial or premature information and that the action of New York preceded the transmission of this dispatch In all aspects of the case and especially in view of the well observed fact that interest in some lief The process and the results were new to him and will be new to any readers so far as any photographic improvements in this section have transpired and we are confidently of opinion that they will be specially and eminently important as well as 117 The Friend and Acquaintance of Sister MAGDALEN and of the Sister of Our Lady of Mercy are re The "British Museum" is a most interesting and instructive chapter of history spectfully invited to attend the Funeral Service of the former at the Cathedral on Tv-Momno Morninz at Nine new and interesting The exact process in itself A quarrel occurred last evening between Geo roods not permitteo wui oe eem Stores JAME3 WELSMAN August 24 i K-INDIAN CREEK MO JULY Msase Pbbby Davis Sow Dear Sirs ITaving used your PAIN KILLER for two years I find it to be the best medicine for what it is recommended for that I have ever used I feel thankful for the benefit I have received from it I have been troubled with dyspsp-ia for tea years and tried to no benefit But as soon as I got to using your PAIN KILLER I found relief and by the use of it I am entirely cured For chills Saunders and Williams at the corner ot o'clock AugustSS 07" The Relative Friend and Acquaintances ef Mrs Wm McLkish and family and of Mr and Mr Church and Linguard-streets and the latter re ceived a cut or stab The case is not considered Mabtin are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of or reported dangerous and the details may be the INFANT SON of the former from Mount Pleasant referred to the proper investigation August 23 4 CATER Boat wharf This Jiflemoon at half past Two o'clock: -August 26 WILLIAM A BATCHELOR S33 Broadway New York ixrr r-o'n rim Tinn The Citizen Address in commemoration of the 28th June 1776 to have been quarters of trade and travel will always assist to raMOVAL delivered helore tne mouime uuaras ana rsimcuu uu on their anniversary celebration in June 1858 By Rev JK5-W GRIFFIN COMMISSION MERCHANT AND AUCTIONEER AUGUSTA GEORGIA Messrs MARTIN 28 August 25 is a secret but the results are before the visitor and these results were tested by Professor Holmes as to time and facility of repetition We know of no previous mode of re-print or representation which offered advantages and facilities comparable to this for the multiplication and preservation of "nature prints" from shells insects and other small objects of natural history and for the illustration ot descriptive treatises The museum or the cabinet shell of the collector may by this mode be transferred almost in reality to a book and the student or observer may carry in his hand or pocket the means and resources of classification and comparison for any specimens With this view we invite the attention of any readers interested in the pursuit of any of the departments of natural history and especially in WinKler tnapiam oi uie iuuuunc uumu imrcu by A Burke 40 Broad-street Charleston LE ISTGrlE This address was prepared lor the late anniver and fever or congestive chills it is the best medicine I have ever used I have used it for a great many different complaints and it has never yet failed in giving immediate relief CHAS GANGII Sold by all the principal medicine dealers For sale in Charleston- by SIMOND3 RUFF CO Meeting-street HAVILAND STEVENSON CO Ilayne-street CARTER Hayne-street ASHHUR3T Hayne-street August 28 1 sary celebration of "Palmetto-Day" by appointment of the Moultrie Guards who alternate with From our Special Correspondent New Yokk August 23 1853 Quite a romance is connected with the life of a the Palmetto Guard in this tribute to the day DRAPER AND TAILOR HAS REMOVED HIS STORE FROM MEETING-ST to V-' 37 BROAD-STREET August 10 $13 And is sold wholesale and retail in $1 180 and S3 Voxeby VANSCHAACK GRIERSON CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS IMPORTERS OF Drugs Chemical Perfumery and Toilet Article Sal King-sU Sign of the Negro and Golden Mortar WIGS! WIGS! BATCHELOR'S WIGS AND TOUPEES SURPASS all They are elegant light easy and durable Fitting to a no turning up no shrinking oft" the head indeed this is the only establishment wherv these thing are properly understood and made 33 BROADWAY NEW YORK May''-- nrnrt magnify rumors which apprehensive persons may propagate we deem it the best policy and certainly Our duty as journalists to publish facts and this shall be our course We agree with our contemporary that "the only reliable reports are those of the city register" but it must be remembered that these reports ordinarily only include the deaths and give no other criterion as to the "character of the disease" Under such a case the question whether a disease is epidemic or not must often be one of mere definition of the word a technical and professional controversy into which we cannot enter The delivery of the address was postponed and ultimatelv prevented by a severe domestic afflic venerable lady who has just died Madame Ton-itelli departed this life last week and was hurried yesterday She was a native of this city but tion which was suffered by the orator elect who married in early life a Frenchman who at his however has yielded to earnest and urgent requests from his constituents and friends in submitting a copy for publication conchoiogy and entomology to an examination of death left a large property There were several MS-JJ OP AMERICA-DISTRICT SOUTH CAROLINA IN By virtue of a precept to me directed and issued from the Ilonorable the District Court of the United States for the District aforesaid I do hereby cite and admonish all persons In general who have or pretend to have any right title claim interest property or demand The official declaration of an epidemic is of course a fact and no such declaration has been REMOVAL whatever in to or out of the Barque PENELOPE her tack in le apparel furniture and cargo against which a libel hath made or reported by the telegraphic correspondent or the telegraph Our contemporaries at a distance will see the The Address will be found eminently worthy of print and is commended to our readers as far above the average range and staple of occasional and commemorative oratory Mr Stephens of Georgia who has been tolerably well known for fifteen or twenty years in public life is translated by many exchanges into Stevens children born to them The family lived for a number of years on what was then a farm in the country but which is now in the very heart of the city At the corner of Fourteenth-street and Sixth Avenue stands thg old mansion which they inhabited The old lady herself lived there until about five years ago This property was subsequently used as a nursery for the children of the poor and at present is known as the Palace Gar dens been exhibited ana uiea in tne saia tjourc oy a LAMAR Owner EBEN BEARS Master of Barque A RAWLINS for themselves and others in a cause of necessity and propriety of a strict adherence to the tenor and purport of their dispatches and will Admiralty and Maritime Jurisdiction that they be and appear before the Ilonorable A MAG RATH Judge of the said Court at a Court to be bolden at the Federal Court House on Wednesday the 15th Septemberjiext at 10 o'clock A M- to show cause if any they have why Shows the White Prentice of the At the age of eighty years Madame Tonselli left her sons and daughters and building a fine not read or enlarge them by the "rumors the suppression of which is one main object in giving faithful reports A Bad City Baltimore seems to have established its reputa Louisville Journal has sent a note to Durrett of the Louisville Courier explaining that his first house farther tip town in Fiftieth-st took to live the prayerof the said libelshould not be granted II HAMILTON Marshal So Ca Dia't Aucust 19 Jl with her a young man named Scdekmekhoew He was juvenile enough to be her grand son tion lor being almost the worst governed city in the country The highest crimes are committed JBNOTICE-ALL PERSONS HAV DIBBLE HAS REMOVED HIS FASHIONABLE HAT AND CAP ESTABLISHMENT to Lis NEW STORE 36 BROAD-STREET opposite his old stand 'August 5 OVER SIXTEEN THOUSAND GROYER BAKER'S FAMILY SEWING MACHINES HAVE BEEN SOLD FOUR THOUSAND SINCE THE FIRST OF JANUARY Two hundred are now in use in this city and have proved in every instance satisfactory No family should be without one The price of one ia saved In one year Upon her decease it is found that he inherits all of openly and in the daylight and the law is power ING any demands against the Estate Of JACOB GERD3 deceased will hand them in properly attested to It- SEYMOUR Esq: and those indebted to the said Estate note which he published was not intended as a threat but a peace message Under this construction of the note Mr withdraws his sharp comments and invitation to "come on Macduff" Both the Journal and Courier publish the correspondence and these pugnacious editors will live in peace for a time perhaps As far as the thing has gone Prentice has decidedly the worst of it less to execute any punishment The following her vast property to the exclusion of her own children At her funeral yesterday though her ofispring were present they had nothing to say or will make payment to the subscriber August 12 FREDERICK NIIIAUS Adm'or is from the Baltimore America of Monday last: A canal boat arrived at Union Dock on Friday night being loaded with mahogany fur Messrs Williams it Thomas dealers in mahogany who have their yard in do about it Mr Schermerhorn took their places In addition to the palace gardens which of them Charles-street near Camden Mr WiUiams on Saturday inornine desired the captain or the barge to have it towed selves are a fortune this old woman owned a great deal of other valuable property There is no MS" NOTIC A EE DEMANDS against the Estate of WILLIAM PATTON deceased must be rendered without delay and all persons indebted are requested to make payment to either of the under- tmiv over to a wharf at Federal HUI as it would be mote con venient to cart the wood to their yard A tug boat was doabt but the question of ownership will be con eneased for the purpose and was in the act of towing the signea jwh Kxecatorm barge across the basin when a party of men jumped on tested and the entire romance of the case will be THOMAS KERR board of the barge ana require a tne captain to employ them for $28 to unload the barge tb6 developed in the Courts August 19 Orders on Factors or City Acceptance taken in pay The family of Tonselli is well known by all the old families of the city and this gives greater In order to induce the captain to comply with their demands one of the party presented a pistol at the breast of the captain and used threatening language in case their ment piquancy to the whole affair Two Bons are prom demand was not complied witn the captain intimidated bv their threats finally consented to employ them On KINSMAN AGENT FOR at 8 CO arriving at the Federal llill wharf one of the party approached the captain and alter a tew word of conversa inently known and one of the daughters married a gentleman of some distinction and wealth Like Madame Jumel tie friend of Aaroi Bcrr who still lives here Madame Tojhtejum has been the admiration of the French people and the aston ishment and wonder of those of our own country the specimens which Prof Holmes with characteristic courtesy and spirit will be pleased to submit and explain to any inquirers We trust he will soon be prepared to test and exhibit this method of re-printing in publication For the convenience of inquirers we add a few particulars concerning this mode of Photolithography or Litho-Photography although an examination of the specimens and a comparison with the original and with prints in other styles will be the most effective explanation As the name implies these prints are taken from a stone surface to which they are transferred from the glass The transfer from the glass to the stone is speedily and easily effected by the common process the printing from the stone is the process which is here specially important and valuable Some of the advantages are decisive and distinctive and the only doubt which was suggested at first was as to the time required and the possibility of continued re-print The attention of Professor Holmes was specially directed to these points and from the specimens obtained by him and produced within the time of his visit and observation we are convinced that the Photolith we may be permitted to use that more convenient word will deserve and demand from the artists and naturalists of Philadelphia and other cities the attention which Professor Holmes has bestowed The artists who have achieved and produced this interesting and important process are Rehn Co of Chesnut-street Philadelphia The specimens which are now in possession of Prof Holmes are in part as follows Five shells from the coast of South Carolina are shown on one plate two of them reduced and three of natural size The characteristic marks of these shells are finely preserved and presented and the rotundity and convexity are more effectively represented than by the former modes One of these plates was the first attempt of Messrs Rehn Co with convex objects and the experiment was made at the request and suggestion of Professor Holmes The only defect that the critical eye can perceive or assign is in the characteristics of the spiral lines and gradations a defect which can be readily obviated by proper application and management of light in the camera Another plate represents three butterflies and has the effect of mezzotint combined with the most exact delineation Other plates give magnified representations of which we may mention the itch-mite enlarged to three hundred diameters the head of a horse-fly foot of a common hou se-fly (showing the "sucker" by which the fly is enabled to walk on the smoothest surfaces and in inverted position) brachea of a silk-worm sea weed sections of wood coal teeth One specimen of application to the fine arts is also to be found in the possession of Prof Holmes This is a Photolith from a steel engraving by Alth Francois from the portrait of Michael Angelo by himself It will require direct and positive testimony to convince our readers that this print is a Photolith so distinctly and minutely rendered are all the touches and marks of the graver We take occasion again to ask examination from naturalists and others specially interested in these prints and to invite their opinions as to the value and resources of the process by which they are a process which we trust will be thoroughly tested and developed by the artists Messrs Rehn Co of Philadelphia Manufactured Letters The Missouri Democrat publishes the following extract purporting to be J9S STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA CHARLESTON IN ALONZO WHITE vs Mrs ROPER AND BILL OF REVIVOR It being made to appear to my satisfaction that CORBETT SIMMONS one of the Defendants tn the above entitled case resides without the limits of this State It is ordered that the said CORBETT SIMMONS do answer plead or demur to the Complainant's aid Bill within three months next after the publication of this Rule or the same be taken pro cemfeno against him THOMAS GANTT Register in Equity Charleston District July 15 thl3 STATE OF SOUTH ARO LIN Charleston ALONZO WHITE and WILLIAM ALDER THOMAS BENNETT MRS ROPER and others Bill of It being made to appear my satisfaction that CORBETT SIMMONS one of the defendants in the above entitled case resides without the limits of this State it is ordered that the said CORBETT SIMMONSdo answer plead or demur to the complainants' said bill within three months next after the publication of this rule or the same betaken pr confess against him THOMAS GANTT Register in Equity July 15 thI3 Charleston District W8TATE OP' SOUTH CHARLESTON By Georgk Buist Esq Ordinary JOHN MEITZLER of Charleston PROSPECTUS "THE PLOUGH THE To03I AXD THE ANTIL" An Agricultural Manufacturing stud Scientific for the Million TOE UNDERSIGNED FORMERLY OF TOE VIRGINIA PRESS but now a resident of the great Commercial Emporium of the Union has determined to commence the publication at an early day in the city of New York of a WEEKLY JOURNAL under the above euphonious title which has heretofore been used in a valuable monthly founded by the late JOHN SKINNER a veteran of the pies and a devotee of the Science of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts and now published under the name of "THE AMERICAN FARMERS' MAGAZINE" by Professor A NASH The proposed publication willas it name indicates bt devoted principally to promoting two of the great interest of the country to wit: Manufactures and Agriculture but it is also to be the vehicle of much other valuable information for the general reader a well a for the man of Science Art and Learning It will be printed on handsome and distinct type and in a convenient form for preservation By calling to bis aid talents of a high order auited to the different blanches of his proposed paper and by the active exercise of an energy and tact which the undersigned prides himself upon being able to command in the conduct of such a journal as he proposes to lay before the public be hope to present to the readers of "THE PLOUGH LOOM AND ANVIL" a weekly entertainment which will make it a "welcome guest" to every household and afford edification for the time being at least if it doe not prove permanently instructive for the future He proposes to keep pace with the spirit of the age by advising his readers of all the new invention of the day and by the publication from time to time of well-executed illustrations of many of the most important Improvements in Science Mechanic Arts and Agriculture as they may be heralded from the Patent Office at Washington In the first number of the proposed JOURNAL will appear illustrations accompanied by well-digested statistics of HENRY'S PROCESS OF CONVERTING SEED-COTTON INTO YARNS on the plantations of the South which process requires no other labor or foice to spin the cotton into yarns than to prepare it for shipment in the raw state The information to be thus furnUhed to the planter will alone be worth more to hint than the cost of a century's subscription since it will point out to him how easily be can double if not quadruple his income Nor is it of lees importance to the country at large for it will readily be seen that every man woman and child throughout the length and breadth of the old and the new world is interested in its success Its general adoption will be alike advantageous to the North' the South the East and the West It may indeed be regarded as bringing about a revolution in the wealth and industry of tbia country at least without a parallel and the benefit it is to confer upon the Union by cementing together the North and the South in one common interest will entitle the inventor to the gratitude ef the nation The combination of machinery which ia to produce such astounding results has been at work already on the plantation of GEO YERGER Esq an extensive planter of Mississippi and so far its operations have proved satisfactory beyond the most sanguine expectation of all par-tie concerned 5 PATENT PURCHASING BUREAU Connected with the establishment of "THE PLOUGH LOOM AND ANVIL" will be a PATENT AGENCY for procuring AMERICAN AND FOREIGN PATENTS for Inventors on the most advantageous terms a branch of this agency being already established at Washington and ia London A PURCHASING BUREAU for the benefit of the patron of this paper at a distance who i may wish to buy anything in New York from a band-saw to a steam ship i also to be connected with the establish- menu No charge will be made for such purchases THE BUREAU making the seller of the commodities pay the commission'' Ey-l have for sale interests in some of the most valuable Patents of the age TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION (which must be paid invariably ia advance) TWO DOLLARS per annum UT-Planter or others who may wish to get the illustration of HENRY'S MACHINERY will have to end their subscription without delay a the engraving will only appear in the first number of ihe paper 1 C7No traveling agents employed but a liberal com-niasioa will be allowed to Postmasters and other who aay send list of subscribers with the money Aadres" RO GALLAHER 51 Liberty-etreel New York Nsw Yobk August 1 1858 Notes of Solvent Banks or Postage Stamps re eeived for subscription August 24 August 25 3 King-street ESTABLISHED FACTS REGARDING THE EENOWNED COLLETON BITTERS IT IS AN ESTABLISHED FACT That COLLETON BITTERS is a Reliable Medicine IT IS AN ESTABLISHED FACT I That COLLETON BITTERS has a great aame IT IS AN ESTABLISHED FACT That COLLETON BITTERS la hot a Nostrum IT IS AN ESTABLISHED FACT That COLLETON BITTERS will cure Dyspepsia IT IS AN ESTABLISHED FACT That COLLETON BITTERS is a Vegetable Remedy IT IS AN ESTABLISHED FACT That COLLETON BITTERS has been sold for S5 yean IT IS AN ESTABLISHED FACT That COLLETON BITTERS i a Southern Remedy IT IS AN ESTABLISHED FACT That COLLETON BITTERS has Cured Thousand IT IS AN ESTABLISHED FACT How a gentleman could "explain after the language contained in Mr Durrett's "remarks" would not be easily understood in this locality A bale of new cotton was received in Marianna Fla on the 13th instant from the plantation of Mr Hays near Campbellton and was purchased by Messrs Davis Wilson for 13 cents Gen Walker again The New York Post of Monday afternoon says Gen William Walker the filibuster has been in town for the last ten days staying at Thorp's Restaurant at the corner of Eighth-street and Broadway He is said to be here for the purpose of completing his arrangements for another descent on Central America according to the programme laid down by Henninssen and himself Walker goes out to Nicaragua as a Henningsen remains behind Such are the assertions of prominent filibusters Hie Health of -The Augusta Constitutionalist of yesterday says So far as we have been able to ascertain after very general inquiry we believe we express the opinion of our entire population when we state that the city is as healthy at present as at any former period at the same time of the year We have heard of some few cases of chills and fever some few of disordered bowels but very few cases requiring or at least receiving medical attendance We do not know what reports may be in circulation in the interior about the health of this city but we assure our friends and readers that the above statement can be confidently relied on by them No case or cases of yellow fever have been brought here from other places and none have originated here And we may state further that in the event of any case of yellow fever occurring here this fall we will give notice of it in the first paper we publish after we ascertain the fact We will not allow the readers of this paper to be humbugged or prevaricated with in case the yellow fever originates here Our readers may depend upon this assurance and they are fully authorized to deny any report about the health of Augusta not sustained by statements in our columns Political The list of opposition candidates for Congress in Indiana is now complete and is as follows: 1 Alvin Hovey 2 Wilson 3 William McKee Dunn Republican and Geo Carr anti-Lecompton Democrat 4 Pleasant A Hackleman 5 David Kilgore 6 Albert Porter 7 John Davis 8 James Wilson 9 Schuyler Colfax 10 Charles Case 11 John Pettit It will be seen that all the Republican members of the present Congress are re-nominated In the first district of New Jersey the Democratic Congressional Convention has nominated Judge George A Walker for Congress The Mechanic has made suit to me to grant him Letters of There is a great and continued rush of citizens and strangers to the frigate Niagara Every one who goes there desires to obtain a piece of the Atlantic Telegraph Cable On Saturday there were many curious scenes enacted on board One man who purchased $50 worth of the cable on board from the sailors in attempting to go out with it was relieved of it by one of the guards on duty Capt Hcnsojt has given orders that the sailors and other employees of the steamer will not be allowed to sell pieces of the cable hereafter Tiffahy Co are said to have paid $400 a mile for the remaining seventy or eighty miles still on board Some of the New Jersey people are almost as "cute as the Yankees They have one chap over in Hoboken who promises to yet rival Bar-ncm He advertises a summer garden in that rural retreat and announces on a certain occasion to present a silver goblet to the gentleman who brings the greatest number of ladies The theatres are preparing to open for the fall and winter seasons Lacra Reese is the first in the field Her establishment throws open its doors on Wednesday Bcrtos follows the next he not having been able to let his theatre The two threatres which have been open for a few weeks have done remarkably well The city is so crowded wilh strangers that all the theatres might be open and doing a prosperous business Stephen II Brahch is reported to be lying dan- gerously ill on Blackwell's Island He cannot stand the hard work and coarse fare of a life of imprisonment An attempt to get the Courts to adjudicate upon his case immediately was to-day unsuccessful So Branch whether he dies there or not cannot have his sentence reversed until late in September when it will again come up General Walker the filibuster is in this city He is stopping at a popular resort known as Administration of the Estate and effects of FREDERICK KONRAD late of Charleston Baker: These are there fore to cite and admonish ail and singular the kiudrednd creditor of the said FREDERICK KONRAD deceased that they be and appear before me in the Court of Ordinary to be held at Charleston' on the 2i September next after publication hereof at 11 o'clock in the forenoon to show cause' it any they have why the said Administration should not be granted Given under my hand this 18th day of August Anno Domini GEORGE BUIST August 19 thS That COLLETON BITTERS is recommended by Fhy- 3-FICTORIAL CHANGE OF ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY CHANCES at $5 each Five Prizes as follows IT IS AN ESTABLISHED FACT 'Mm That COLLETON BITTERS has been imitated 1 ANDALUSIAN MOTHER AND CHILD after Mu- IT IS AN ESTABLISHED FACT BIIXO ANGEL OF TOE ANNUNCIATION after Cabl Voijck 3 MADONNA AND CHILD after Raphael 4 BEATRICE CENCI after Grmo VIEW OF NAPLES Pastisa Pictures on exhibition and auubscriptions received COIIRTENAY'S Jane 3 Broad-street That COLLETON BITTERS is sold by all Druggist IT IS AN ESTABLISHED FACT That COLLETON BITTERS is recommended by Ladb IT IS AN ESTABLISHED FACT That COLLETON BITTERS is aot a core for every disease IT IS AN ESTABLISHED FACT That COLLETON BITTERS has genuine certificates IT IS AN ESTABLISHED FACT That COLLETON BITTERS Is SO et per bottle IT IS AN ESTABLISHED FACT That there is at this time hundreds of an kind of Bitters flooding the market possessing no intrinsic merit but MAYOR'S OFFICE JULY 31 1S58 The following Resolutions adopted by City Council at a meeting held on the 12th May 1S57 are hereby rrabtiithed for thi infhrmation of ail rxrsfinn ronrrtipd i Thorp's in Broadway at the corner of Eighth-st The General has heretofore been the guest of his comrade and fellow-filibuster Gen He-inisgsrs but something has lately occurred to disturb their friendly relations Walker however does not taken from a letter written from a friend North Carolina: tion anocKeu mm uown uiey pertnmea mm to nse without committing any further outrage on him and then went to work and removed a portion of the lumber After working a short time they stopped work and demanded S35 for unloading the vessel which was refused by the captain who had his boat towed over to Fenby's wharf where another party was employed to complete the unloading Fearful that the first party would interrupt them the services of policemen Brown Morgan and Wm Pindell were obtained whose presence deterted the rioters from making any disturbance while the unloading of the barge was being completed Shortly before 11 o'clock two young men named Owen McCaddin and Henry Lannan were assisting an acquaintance (who was in an intoxicated state) home and were taking him up the steps ot his dwelling in French near Exeter-street when two rowdies passed along one of whom pushed McCaddin down on the drunken nian and pulling out a pistol threatened to shoot him Mr McC told him that he was large enough to fight without shooting him on which the man aimed a blow at McC who avoided the blow and gave his assailant a severe one in return knocking him down The other rowdy then seized the pistol and fired it at McC who knocked it aside and the contents lodged in a cellar door near by Mr Lannan was then struck a severe blow on the head by the rowdy with the pistol by which time the police coming up the assailants ran o(f into Chestnut street and While Mr McCaddin had the fellow down he begged to be let off crying out that he was a good democrat but Mr McC told him that it did not make any difference One of the assailants was recognized by McC who however does not know his name No cause is assigned for the assault About 6 o'clock yesterday morning a party of five men named Philip Staylor Michael McConnor John Martin Daniel Hays and Daniel McKinley were engaged in a riot on Harford avenue between Hoffman and John-streets They proceeded to the house of Mr John Krammer on the avenue and threw stones and broke in his doors and windows Policemen II Pindell Thomas Urashears Weavers Whitaker and Stanford being informed of the transaction went out and arrested the above men and conveyed them to the Central Station Justice Mearis imposed a fine of $2 and cost on Staylor and released him on security of $1000 for his appearance at Court The others were committed to jail to answer the charge at Court A young man named Charles Lambrecht was passing the corner of President-street and Eastern avenue about noon yesterday when a party calling themselves Peelers made an assault on him- lie was struck by one of the party a severe blow on the head with a kniie which inflicted a wound above the right teinrle about three inches Ions and two deep He was knocked down and stamped on by another of the party and had several of his teeth knocked out They beat and stamped on him for some time until satisfied with their brutal treatment they desisted and permitted him to leave In addition to the other wounds be received a severe cut with the knife over the eye He waa carried to a barber shop a short distance on where his wounds were washed after which be waa conveyed to the residence of his uncle oa Canton avenue near Broadway where a physician was called in to his assistance His condition was rather critical at last accounts James Ramlins Jas Volker Geo Linton who gave their names as Chas Naghan Alex Ramsey and Chas Minion were arrested last evening by Sergeant McCo-inas and policemen Hales and Moore oa the charge of disorderly conduct Tbey started out in the afternoon and in the course of their tour went into a lager beer saloon on Frederick-street and acted in a disgraceful manner After leaving they went along Fayeue-street and at McClelian' alley they met another party of young men whom they attacked and had it not been for the police a serious disturbance would have occurred They next proceeded to Hanover-etreet where tbey attacked several persons but their further proceedings were stopped by the Sergeant with the officers who arrested and conveyed them to the Central Station On their way down Baltimore-street near South acme of their friends endeavored to rescue them but the officer held them firmly and succeeded in taking them to the Station where on being arraigned before Justice Means they were released oa security to keep the peace' A party of six men of the as -era section of the city were visiting the lager beer saloon on Canton avenue yesterday about four o'clock and among others they paid their respect to iir Grieke and also to Hose mark where after drinking as much as they thought proper they tossed the chairs and tables about and knocked several persons down Policemen Guthrie and Ness were called in to quell the disturbance and while endeavoring to get the party out one of the rowdies took a chair and another pulled a billy to strike the officers who were too quick for them and succeeded in geuing them into the street Mr it would not appear against theat and the officer released them t- wvv- --4----c-v About half-past six o'clock last evening a disturbance occurred in the Eastern Spring in the course of which a mas named Henry Krebs was arrested by policeman Baker oa the charge of knocking a mas down and otherwise acting in a disorderly manner He was conveyed to the Eastern Station and confined subject to an examination before Justice Audoun In the same local column from which we extract-the above we find paragraphs of criminal records with such descriptive bead lines as these Arrest pf an alleged murderer An attempt to commit suicide" "Escape from city jail" "Committed to jail "Committed for Court" "Cases for Court (comprising four arrests for assault) "Unprovoked assault" "Assault and ''Released -for further examination" "Robbery" "Seizure of a large lot of butler" and "Arrested for contempt" The Baltimore Patriot of the same date has in addition to the above "Robbery "and incendiarism" "Disturbing a congregation" ''Arrested" "Fined" "Breaking "Bad Conduct "Outrageous" "Burglary" and' the following paragraph I 1 A full Homtc There are no less than two hundred and eleven prisoners confined ia the jail of Baltimore city at tbw time a larger number than at any previous period Instead ef decreasing the number will likely be augmented before the meeting of the Criminal Court in September William A Burt widely known as the inventor of "Burt's Solar Compass" died near Detroit on the inet of disease of the heart Administration was endorsed on the right of lack for friends and companions here General I That no vessel from any usually infected pott in the West Indies shall be allowed to escape the full rigor of the Quarantine Regulation when she arrives between the 31st day of May and the 1st day of October in any year and the discretion framed to the Pert Physician bolstered up and offered for sale as cure-all' THE PUBLIC CANNOT BE TOO PARTICULAR Mr A JENKINS COLLETON BITTERS is an established ar ticle its name as familiar to the invalid as "Household THE GREAT ENGLISH BEJIEDY SIB JAMES CLARKE'S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS sball be limited to the month of April May and November as designed to expressed in the 4th clause of the first article 2 That all communication between the city and vessels at Quarantine shall be through the Guard that is that all packages shall conveyed to the Guard Boat and when for the ships shall be sent for by the ships and -when for the city or from the city shall be conveyed by the Guard Boat's crew in such manner that the quaran-tined vessels crew shall not visit the city under any pretext -sr-j 3 That bo lighter shall land her cargo nor lie it a wharf where other vessels from sound ports are lying or ia the habit of frequenting Loading and unloading lighters ahall be distinct ---J Words" while it ha received the unqualified approbations of the lint Ladies and Gentlemen ef this and neighboring States many of whom have voluntarily sent their certifi Protected cates The article you want is WReat Measher Capt Faknhax and a lot of others are constant in their attentions to the little "grey-eyed man of destiny" Yesterday (Sunday) was memorable for two sermons which were delivered on the Atlantic Telegraph in churches of this city The St Nicholas Hotel is crowded with guests to its utmost capacity For nearly a week about 1000 persons have dined there daily The Metropolitan has nearly as many and all the other public houses are crammed in proportion to their capacities PINK -Judge SkepKerd--Ilon Jesse Shepherd qualified as one of the Judges of our Superior Courts of Law and Equity on the 20th inst be-tore rolin McRea Esq an acting Justice of the reaee for this County Mr Shepherd did not in-lrtfp fWu until (on his wav to Edenton) he whcre te oath's of office would have been administrated by the Governor A case fjK'bfe? the i1101681 at kterty to postpone taking the oaths and emrmR nn by EoyaU 4 Tbat'the Undine and storing of cargoa from lichten COLLETON BITTERS ri -w- WM B) "I was down in Randolph county last week where I was born There are few slaves in that county and the sentiment against the 'institution' is becoming stronger and stronger TheWesIey-an Methodists are quite numerous and are gaining strength i Several years ago two of their preachers were compelled to leave the country and I was told by a gentleman well acquainted with all the facts and feelings of the people that the driving out of those men had caused at least a hundred families to leave the county and a like number-have left this (Guilford) county fox the same cause John i QUmer our Congressman took part a the affair and lost hundreds of votes thereby but his course in especially his speeches cot the Kansas question hag won them all back His motives in acting the part he did were rnisqqdefstQqd by the people His intimate friends know that he accompanied the mob for the sole purpose of preventing personal violence to the which no other man in the country could have done These things are interesting to me they show that things i working in 'old Rip If the Republicans will nominate the right man for President and some good conservative South--ern man for Vice-President they will get a strong vote in this State I fully believe that if were now put to the people of this State 'Slavery or no Slavery there wQujd be a large vote against it My brother owns about $3000 worth of 'niggers don't want to sell them: can't set them free without a special act of the Legislature is'nt able to send them to a free: State and they are a dead expense to him every year- Hun- dreds of others are in the same 'fix PATENT Prsjmed from a Prescription of Sir Clarke be permitted' at the and London Rough Rice a wbarvats" at the extreme western end of Calbountreet or such other points as may be designated by Council it at proper that the city authorities should have the whole control and management of vessels and cantos at taese search question and a resolution was adopted recommending a modification of the tariff so as to afford sufficient protection to the now depressed iron glass and other manufacturing interests Business at The Boston Traveller in its commercial and money summary has the following remarks: During the past week there has been an increased activity in trade Our commission merchants and jobbers have sold freely to the South The encouraging prospect ef crops in that section more particularly that of cotton ia favorable both to the buyer and seller The favorable report from the sugar plantations in the lower Mississippi is also encouraging hese indications of prosperity must infuse new vigor into all branches of industry We understand that the merchants from Tennessee Georgia South Carolina and Texas are purchasing ful up to the matk of former years The success in crops underlie the whole fabric of trade and incites producers to become consumers In this respect our Southern merchant can find no fault The West has not comparatively been so prosperous The evil of speculation and a too firm reliance on prospective prosperity have led the merchant and others in that section into error and proved a stumbling block ia the way of credit with our merchants here- This evil can be remedied by short credits or cash payments and thus restore confidence and in the end be in ore favorable both for buyer and seller i-- -v- The excessive foreign importation for the past two years especially ia India produce are fast decreasing A large portion ot the "gunny cloth" and linseed that has filled our private and public warehouses ha been scattered i --i The favorable new frum the Southern crops is encouraging to our ship owners and builders and we bear of several contract for ships both here and at the eastward And yet this same abolitionist journal the Traveller would be the first to sneer at the intimation that "the success of the 'cotton crop underlies the whole fabric of" New England manufactures and New England prosperity or at any pointed and tropical application of its own philosophy as above enunciated a aysicuzn extraordinary to the Queen "Wharves ABiI Mtrm mnA Kbw hnnlil rci mm parts and parcel of the Quarantine Station and regulated ia such a manner as to avoid every list and danger to the health of the cay That these cargoa shall remain ia these stores for not less iLu fiti nhii jaiB INVALUABLE MEDICINE IS UNFAILING IN ZnL 7 COnstitutia -rwaject It moderate S-wif a speedy cure 4eliverea to acclimated negro draymen to be conveyed on iuw wiuiia me wri uu AND BE SURE YOU GET IT AND TAKE NO OTHER! v-" PliEASZS XOTICB That the words COLLETON BITTERS are blown In the Glass I FOR SALE BY EVERY DRUGGIST IN 1718 CITY AND STATE 'THE TRADE will be supplied on LIBERAL TERM Orders should be addressed to JOHN ASHHURST SPECIAL AGENT 9 nsyne-st Charleston Importer of Drugs Medicines Chemical I Perfumery Brushes tic At Retail by VAW SCIIAACIC ORIERSOJT required tor eiponauoo before the expiration of the said number of dava they may be delivered by lighters on board of the vessel or vessels deatin 4 'vwW dfa This wea known medicine is no ImpoaWon but a sure the duties of his office to administer the judicial oath andYhere peculiar propriety in calling upon Mr McRae to perform the duty He is the oldest MaeUtrate in the County having been appointed in For sixty years he has been faithful active and hd-right the discharge of his duties He is now in his 87th year is still hale and hearty and bida fair to outlive many younger men He is probably our only citizen who remembers the session of the Legislature and the funeral of Gov Caswell in this place in 1798 FayetUrilU (N C) tre said vessel to he at not lew than three hundred yards from any part of the City Th reolatioi of carroa mm-braced in this res olu lion to continue of force from the 31st day of May the 1st day i letaber July 21 CHARLES MACBETH Mayor I HANCKEL NO WELL ACTORS GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS CHARLESTON 8 BiCII: )OVKU THEY WILL SELL ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF PRO DUCE and MERCHANDISE Liberal advances made on all eonsigameota aita Jaty 2e Chemist and Druggist SSI King-street Sign of the Negro and Golden Mortar i The Treasurer of the Howard Association acknowledges the receipt through gentleman of St Helena of the following sums 7" Front a From V-j From Mrs A "--10 From jq ts From Dr i5 From Mrs 5 i From Also by the following authorized Agent BARNES Jc PARK New York j- A A SOLOMONS sc CO Savannah GaJ remaie Difficulties and Obstruction bom any cause whatever and although a powerful remedy they contain nothing hurtful to the constitutioa To tamed ladies fx is peculiarly suited It will ia a short tune bring oa nsularity In ease of Nervous and Spinal Affection Pain ia the Back and Limb Fatigue oa slight exertion Palpitation of the Heart and Hysterics these Fill will effect a cure whea ail other aieaas have failed and although a powerful remedy do not contain iron calomel antimony or anything hurtful to the constitution Fan directions accompany each package Sole Agent for the United State and Canada job MOSES (hue Baldwin Co) Rochester SI and six postage sumps enclosed to any autho rixed Agent will insure a bottle of the Pills by return mail hese Pills have never been known to fail where the directions 00 the second page of pamphlet are well ob- WTed" HAV1LAND STEVENSON Jt CO i 83 Ilayne-street General Agents for North and South Carolina KENIFICK SKR1NE 360 King-street Retail Ageats For fun particular get a pamphlet free of the Agent Aprnt 0019 1 BOUNTY LAND wMth tlie most destructive dry spells of ABB we recollect lor some years we wP rain- Friday night we slight shower and on Sunday neSed Tr? but not as much as was neeaea in several nrt rt- t-- 1-KNSION AGENCY STEPHE5S Notary Public 1IA8 MADE ARRANGEMENTS IN WASHINGTON to facilitate" the prosecution of all CLAIMS tttk 54 I ters were favored with UNITED STATES especially for the betra of RE TO LIT- Htssoun Official returns from all the counties in the State except six show the complexionof the Legislature to be as follows Senate-Democrata 24 Opposition 9 The remaining countiea will probably give the Opposition six and the Democrats one An editor ia Iowa is said to Uv k' AT1 Tnes alone for bread that he proposes to sell himself for etote pipe at three cents a foot hfnr "una a wees or ten PLUMB LEITNER Anrusta Oa EVANS Georgetown DtHAY Camden 8 McKAIN Camden 8 4 Dr AIKEN Wionaboro" a BLACK Cokesbnry BYTIIE WOOD 6t JOHNSON Beaufort 3- McMILLAN Fsraaadiaa Fla Jtt mttrtn were crre a 1 1 "nity and com and cotton were greatly improved but we fear it ia too late to be of any considerable benefit fi i in our immediate nBifrhbothLA? Branch of The New Orleans Picayune notices a hunter of Aligatoxa who has captured 400 the swamps near that city since May He goes into the swamps at night with a hem thev crowd around the light The skins are sold at 75 cents each and make the very best boots The oil tusk and hides of these 400 captured animals have netted the captor 56Q three months jluAai virivfcjw issuers at enquiry will receive prompt attention and food city reference given Can be found at the office of Wbitwbt 4 giate-street be fwten the hours of 9 and 12 A Charleston January S3 I of cotton will doubtless bo inVrT fia 'iw in Stew July I.

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