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The Charleston Daily Courier from Charleston, South Carolina • 2

Charleston, South Carolina
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

"Human nstnr i ih ervwhere and at nil CHARLESTON RICES CUR RE NOVEMBER 13 1847 THE COURIER TK Palmetto Wt bave bees favored with the sight of a letter from an officer of the Palmetto Regiment to one of his relatives In this city dated the 97th ult from whicb we gather tba following particulars ome of them only confirmatory Of former intelligence! Thatfm the battle of Chapultepee on the 13th Inst- SATUiDAir morninc wov 13 ist AETICIes Prices Duty Ancs Price Dutsj BY A 8 WIIAINGTOIf sSi CO CITY PRINTERS Comparative Kxports of Cotton and Rice RAISINS Malaga bunch box 40 per cent mo the port or chablestok aoPrct- BAGGING Hemp 44 ill yd TOW i s- Kentucky 44 in 41 BACON flam Shoulders Sides mi NOVEMBER 13 1847 Fair to good 100 lbs TVUuT a a ir 8 a 7 a 8 a a to Nor 13 1R4R ii fnme Choice Brash SOprct Ssi 1 Rim RtirLoFTHE WASHINGTON VtVK DATS LATER FROBI ESGLAHD The American steam ship rFaaigto arrived at New-York on the 9th Inst from Southampton whence) aiw sailed on the SStb ult rv yesterday's mail we received tin following despatch from oat tetegrapbie correspondent TELEGRAPHIC DESPATCH fOl CBAsLEtTOR CUURIEk the fragment of the Palmetto Regiment that went into action had 91 killed and wounded in their advance on tbe city that in storming the wait of the fortification where tbe stanghter of tha Regiment waa the greatest Lieut Hasisadlt waa the first person that reached ina wall and Lieut Roskztsom the second that Lieut- VVaui Cartm received a wound nnd died that night BEEF Mess (New-York) bbl 10120 1979 What is hut Map of busy Life1Cowtu DAILY PAPER Tea Dotler nmis PmrrTTPT COURIER u-i-reekly) F-i lMlm per warn $-Jll Jlfoertuementi appear i 4o(A Paper rrime Brandy Cognac 4ih pf fat 00 a 2 SO Largo M(B0st0D 100 per ct 100 per et 20prct a I I''' a 'a toiao 1979 times See bow the English manufacturer coins bis guineas out of the exhausted frames of his wretched after one set of victims is worked to deaifr another is at hand ready for tbe sacrifice So witb tn Sou them masters though their slaves as a general rule meet with mora kindnsss than any laboring class in the world yet when it ceases to be the Interest of the owner to preserve tbe life of tbe slave be will in many instances eease to be careful of it Any man who will drive horse era fly will drive a nesro or operative to death if he can gain any thins by so dnine "Suppose a tboosaad staves 1o be insured for sewn years and at the end of one two three four or Ave years a portion of them should be unsound and it is no lonferttie iuierertof the owner that Ihpy should life out the seven years: would not many be like the Yankee Captain with the insured ship "damn the old hulk Is her sink I am aafc- That "Almi(rtity DoHar" would soon silsacsi the soft smart voice of humanity "We haveevery reason to believe that many an sound negroes would be Insured fraudulently which eould be easily done- and it ia a singular fact that the negroes who will nurse the master with nntiring devotion and kindneas night and day are like dogs utterly rrgaidless of each other's wants in this is a characteristic in freedom or slavery "It would be unsafe to insure netroee on plantations In the country because it i impossible I Tear to get competent and reliable medical examiners and for other reasons Most of tbe applications would probably be front the town It has not been nor do I think it ia likely to become the custom of masters to insure slaves except in those instances where they suppose some extraordinary risk to ufe is inconedsnd if such risks alone that Lieut Mobaoni was killed that Lieut Stem was wounded and since died that Lieut Class wa snas tn tne leg and Lieut Biluci also wounded but Nol Prime BREED Nasy Charleston 1'Hoi made 00 per ct uomestic Gin Holland Ameneaa--Rusa Jamaica hhda Sl bbl Whiskey Phiia at Bait New-Orleans Peach Brandy 3 SO a 4 6585 407 Crackers 100 lbs a a 8 15 a 20 a BUTTER Goshen prime lb Inferior lb 100 per etl SOperct SOprCL 20pereu 65t5 407 BRICKS Charleston 7 SO a 11 Muscovado lb Northern CANDLES Snerm Itv both getting well that Lieut Robtoh was slightly wounded in the leg by a piece of wood splimeied off by a cannon ball but ia now perfectly well that Major GuDDgn ww also wounded bat was able on the 16th to ride out in his carriage that poor Wiathcrst was the only member of tbe Charleston Volunteers who bss died of his wounds and that Graham and Mayan were killed on the spot Tbe same letter states that Capt pO per cent 30 pr ct 35 16 Tallow Charleston made Porto Rico Havana white brown pV Lump Louisiana 20 pr ct- From Sept 1 axrosTKo to Nov ta imi SIsl Upld Rice Liverpool 878 16238 Scotland Otber Bfporui 1227 Tot Britain 878 17465 Havre 148 6636 BS Marseilles Other Fr port Total France 148 6636 85 Holland Belgium Nol Europe 140 Tot NEurope 140 So of Europe IndteSjfcc 3379) ToUfbr'a porta 10 24241 3474 Boston-: 2567 1002 Island kc New York 337 7235 4634 Philadelphia 1707 gfiy Bait Norfolk 50U 474 Orieansfke -jr Other (JSpt's 16 2 Tot coastwise 337 12025 8105 Grand total 13S3 36266 11581 NEW-YORK NOV 10 Tbe Steamer TraAngoi ha arrived Busiae more deranged Government has expressed sympathy but has as yet furnished no relief Mills stopping and thousands of operatives are now anemplo) ed At Liverpool 93d forced sales of Cotton were made at a jd decline next day ad sauced Jth to id Western Flour dull 36s 6d Wheat and Corn further declined Failures Bat-Ton I a la It Sx Hiaotajeoir BocT Youko Sc Co Cotton Brokers Bestzaso Nai olso CocrtseT Baooc Wiuoif Gzace Baoox It Son' Jongs Co Lit-masTO tt Co Jimei LooarMoltmcapz Si Halbekt Newcastle Joint Stock Bank Scbolis Tctlow It Co Vzanicu Si AotnuBs Coortk zt WaKDek fc Co Tbese are mostly in Liverpool f'r tA JV Picayune 6th inst MEXICAN POLITICAL AFFAIRS On the 14th of October 8nor Row the R-eriiry of Rntr addressed a tetter to the President of Congress urging upon hun tin necessity of tha immediate assembling of Congress and informing him that unless the De-puuet did toon mm he should summon ihe Council of Government thai they might Mine those who were to be associated wilh him in the exercise of executive authority He point oat the necessity of an immediate arobling of Oongre elect President wbo could form a cabinet and estahluh a permanent Government Gentlemen were found reluctant to enter a cabinet which wiu to last but a few days at farthest On the SUih of October Senor Rosaia the name of (he Preaident summoned the Governor of the State of Fnebls Mexico Querelaro Micboacan Guanajuato Ja-liceo Ban Luis and Zacatecaa to meet him at Quere-tara on the 10th of November either in pereon or by commissioners to consult with tha Preaident and In a a 33 a 32 a 33 I 37a 28 a a a a 13 a 13 10a Id 6J a 7 15 a 1 20 90 a a 4 a 7 5a 0 a 7 a 8 aw foruiern Adamantine CHEESE Northern lb 30 per cent Cuba inf to fair lb 354 Good fair to prime" IS a 94 a 9a 7S til 25 a 1644 Liv 'pool coarse jack 4 bosh fine 20 pr ct free Turk's Island bushel 17089 4030 Blahmno and his brother James and Lieuts Maui-oaclt and Bell are all well and unhurt It add that Gen Shields who was again wounded at Chapultepee will pass through Charleston in 8 or 10 days hence on bis way to Washington We trust that our citizena will prepare for tbe fitting reception of the gallant General Cadiz De raaen th chances must ne asainsi uie siiocrwrnsis SOAP American yellow lb 30 per cent 20 percent 40 percent 612 8 28 free diiu an sizes SEGARS Spanish American lb lb 90829f 33 canines uprn luujcvn i we uiimi ini(jutiHfcj wuwu 726 220 78cl 317 452 1270 who has proved himself tbe worthy commander of our Palmetto Soldiery 2933 £96 TALLOW American lb 10 percent iuiHce green Porto Rico Rio St-Jago Laguira COPPER I nf Ord to good ord Mid to good mid Mid fair Fair and fully fair Good fair Sea Island Inf to mod Mid fine and fine Extra fine CORDAGE tarred a uoiwu teai 30 percent Kentucky lb 253! Tba statement in the despatch that an advance of an eighth to a quartet of a penny In Colion on the day following the 23d ia doubtless an error as Saturday was the 23d of October and consequently no business was transacted oa the following day It may be that the error is in tbe figures and that on the 23d the forced sales were made We leave this matter to those Interested as cannot well be aeuied wtinout sucn conferences Ana should another President in the meantime be chosen he tells them that their meeting at Queretaro far from being tuelu as will be even more necessary The more distant State are omitted ia this call professedly on account of their distance What tha purpose of this meeting is oniviinnlfletlir Manufactured free TEAS Bohea 10868 32 283581 a a 35 a 45 70 a 90 45 a 1 25 free 36 4544? 14898 Unf i kroner the Secretary of State addressed souchong Gunpowder Hyson Yonne Hvson Mr Gluldon't Introductory Lecture An audience of ladies and gentlemen select in character and lespecta-ble in numbers greeted Mr Gliddoh's Introductory Lecture on Egyptian Archteology at the Hall of the Ap prentices' Library on Thursday evening last We had tbe pleasure of hearing Mr when be lectured on tbe same subject several years since in this city and familiar as he was then with bis theme and lucid as be a 10 a 11 a 11 lb 30 per cent Manilla 100 lbs 10 TWINE Seine 40 a 13 a UOME8TIC lOpret CO I If dewing S3 31 Jo note to Gen Paredes directini him to proceed to the village of Telolonpan there to await further orders The reason assigned for this order is that tkt public tranquility i concerned in it Seine obeyed Parades replies on the 14th from Tulancingo that he Is ill and has been so for a month He annexes certificates to that effect and pro- thm mnnnr ml nut he Will ObftV the 3 Shirtings brown yd WINES Madeira gal i will mention for example tne ract mat most or nn negroes presented lomerorinsurancehave been deck-bands of steam boats who beside the danger of being blown up are exposed to other dangers much greater atone moment they are employed as firemen and at the next they are rolling cotton bales down the river bank at midnight in a cold sain Many are consequently attacked by pleurisy and other they are not unfrequently seriously injured by blows from the cotton bales while rolling down the high bluffs and lastly they often become intemperate and contract other bad habits wbicb lead to disturbance of health" Appended to this article is a letter from Dr Nott on the struggle now pending between North and South on the slave question and asoounU to a brief but conclusive demonstration that Northern interference so far from accomplishing what be charitably supposes to be its object "to better the condition of either the white or black race" cannot (art to defeat its own end and prove equally destructive of the true welfare of both races He treats Ihe subject ia a calm and philosophic spirit and bases bis nanins on observation and study which give great weight to bis inferences and conclusions We particularly commend the following passage to the consideration of oar Northern brethren aa presenting an illustration of the practical difficulty of accomplishing 40 per cent 40 percent 40 percept Dieacnca Sheetings brown ss i eneniie A Maiaga- 3" 5- 5 la 3 bleached Claret Marseilles cask 1 azr Ck 3 Opret Calicoes bine tt fancy Bordeaux E-3 9 XT 2 2 3 Champagne dog I order and any others which may be giveu He then calls the attention of the Government to his poverty For year be had no pay and his family and himself are reduced to the greatest straits and be is living attbeex- tj kta hmlhw In SISSS tit theS fart he thllllt 7 10 16 20 15 20 16 18 10 15 25 40 per cent 5a 6 a 9 a 13 a 7 a 10 a 9 a 10 a 11 a 9a in a 15 a a 1 3 S-' 2 5 Bsuilc Notes xS 3 the President may see fit to relieve his distresses In SOHTH-C A ROU A 1 SEoaaiA boltl Columbia Com'ciai B'k 20 pr et 1: par Branches B'k State al Dnvmia ciaie ai Bank or U-K 1 i-in pes inaigo Diue Checks Plaids Fustains Osnahurgs cotton DUCK Russia American cotton FISH Mackerel No 1 No 2 No 3 FLOUR Baltimore 'Virginia Canal Western Country tt bbl tt conclusion Paredes calls attention to the pnrase snout public tranquity" and then solemnly declares that in returning to Mexico he bad no oilier end in view than to nerve the public cause should the Government give him orders and in cae it did not to live in strict retirement Ha bad so declared himself to the Administration of Unla Anna -ml nnv 1 ih itnclsrstion So far 20 pr ct IS ill tlNILUIIIIUIBUI Cheraw Bank of Georgetown Bank 1-1- it is -our vocation to report only such information as we receive for which we cannot positively vouch expressing at the same time the most entire confidence in the attention and general correctness of our correspondent A despatch to the £temng Aines says "Sales at Liverpool 23000 bales Upland 4Z to 4 fair 6J I Louisiana 4f to 5f fair 6" Below we give such Items of the news by the Washington as we find in the Baltimore papers From the Clipper The steamer Washington came into New-York yesterday in gallant style after a passage of about sixteen days from Europe with five days later news than received by tbe Caledonia We received last night the following telegraphic despatch from our correspondent giving a synopsis of the commercial intelligence Correspondence of tit Baltimore Clipper By Telegraph PHILADELPHIA NOV 9 9 I send you an abstract of ihe news just received by the arrival of the Washington at New Yolk from Southampton in sixteen days durinz whicb she had to contend against storms and unfavorable weather Tbe terrible pressure in the money market has been on the increase since the Caledonia sailed and the consequence is that several more eminent mercantile firms in London Liverpool fcc have failed and what is worse several Banking Institutions bave been compelled to close their doors Rum and bankruptcy seem to have overwhelmed the nation At Liverpool on the 93d ultimo American floor was quoted at 29s to 96s per bbl When the Caledonia sailed it was quoted at 34s 6d to 26s lid Indian corn is now quoted at 28s to 31s per 480 lbs a Athena GRR Co al dig Branch Augusta par Rucksvill Co a St Mary's Bank of lal Milledgeville 1 Central of Go la bbl 6 25 a 6 50 8e STS Camden Bank of South-Western Rail 8 SOprcU Road Bank Knox be says he bas acted up to bis declaration He bad not Bor would he in any manner take part ia the unfortunate party differences by which biscountrymen were divided From his retreat at Tulancingo Gen Paredes had previously published a long address to his countrymen It 20 1 a lldis Florida no sales GRAIN Com was then in exposition be now adds by ease and grace of manner to the interest of his lectures Aided by bia numerous engravings diagrams maps relies and curiosities (constituting ia themselves an attractive exhibition) Mr contrives to render his very recondite subject level to the popular comprehension and we venture notbing in saying that none can bear him without high gratification of enlightened curiosity and an improving enlargement and elevation of the sphere of thought We have often beard and read of the honor and glory with which Cbampolhoh and both bis predecessors and successors in the field of Archeological science and research have crowned of the treasures of knowledge whicb they have unlocked after having been hermetically sealed up for centuries in the monumental hieroglyphics and papyrim manuscripts of but we are indebted to Mr for putting the key in oar bands and enabling ns to follow the great discoverers and explorers of Egyptian science with sure step and clear vision back'intn primeval antiquity nearly 6000 years before tbe Christian era Nor need any oue apprehend that religion may suffer and infidelity triumph in tbese researches into the remotest part for while they completely revolutionize tbe received theories of Scriptural Chronology previous to Abraham whicb rest only on human authority or hypothesis they unfold not only clear but monumental evidence of the truth of the Scriptural history We shall not attempt any synopsis of Mr G's intro bush North Carolina Virginia Alabama 2 dis(J States Treasn- 2 a 4 disj ry notes a (X C3 a a a 5 00 a 6 00 a 65 a 70 46 a 48 a 1 00 a 1 19 5 a 5 25 lata 8 20pr ct Virginia and Ml Country Georgia Oats Maryland Virginia Peas Wheat Bank Sri axes stitd Stocks wauld nil several columns in our paper ana is admirably written He tells of the pain with which he beard in Europe of the successive disasters of his country After tha battle of Orro Gordo he determined to return home and frankly offer bis services to the nation He wrnu home to tha Government to that effect from Palis 2i" Present -Diri- their visions of false philanthropy a difficulty whicb they perhaps bave never contemplated "Experience teaches that none bat an intelligent people are fit for any- form of government short of an absolute despotism and it is difficult to imagine how the negro is tu be sufficiently enlightened to qualify him for self government He cannot be educated to any extent while a slave because be becomes unlit for slavery and dangerous to tbe master He cannot be liberated and al towed to remain where be now ia because a large popn latiou so indolent improvident and vicious as free negroes every where areeould not be tolerated in any country Could Alabama for example permit her 300000 slaves to be freed and turned loose within her borders? And I would ask the Slates North of the Potomac if they would vote for the emancipation of three million of slaves wilh the "proeiss" that when liberated they most all settle at the North I have no doubt that the abolitionists of the North would sooner vote that all tha tribes of Africa should be turned over to the devil without benefit of clergy Self-preservation equally forbids IKSTITOTIOHS mai cost prices- Si keg 'i 100 IbsU :2 99al00 $3 00 GUNPOWDER HAY Eastern North River IRON Pie 25 pr ct 80 1 Ml 4t30 38 a39 100 lbs 1 12 30 per cent 19 Sweedes assorted 4 87a 75 a a i a 6a 6a 5ia aOprct Charleston Bank Old Stock New South Carolina State' Union Planters' Mechanics' South-Western Bank 25 Sou th-Wes tern Rail Road75 I lb Da 26a27 90 a 7 8 SOprCL 3 SO 1 25 75 50 9 50 5 00 nussia oar Hoop Sheet Nail rods LARD Ex porta of Cotton and Rice FROM THE 5th TO THE 12th NOVEMBER 1847 lb 11 a 11 62 a62' Charleston Ins tt Trust Co LIME Stone bbl 1 a 1 20 271a38 I 00 $100 50 45 100 50 25 looj 50 25 100 100 100 100 100 25 50 25 50 25 mat sucn an idea snouui De emertainea" and shortly after set out on bis voysge He desciibes bis entry at Vera Cruz He knew the boat on which he was a passenger carried letters to the Governor at Vera Crux to warn him Accordingly lie landed first of all and changing bis dress at once made bis escape before Col Wilson could take measures to arrest him which he did the moment an unworthy Mexican who tecognix-es aim disclosed the fad He had not been gone live minutes before the galea were shut cavalry pursued him but be fled before them taking the road of Soledad and after infinite dangers from "evil doers who inundated the country" gueriileros) he reached Cordova and Orizaba and thence Palmar and at once communicated his arrival to tha Government The Government refused bis proffered services and directed the harshest measures against him -How Santa Anna is bandied in Ibis address we have not room to tell to-day Gen Valencia bas demanded a court martial upon his conduct in the battles of the 19ih and 20iti Sept The Secretary teplies that his request will be complied with and orders him to await at Uuerelaro further orders decline of about Ss Indian meal is quoted at 13 a 14s per bbl a decline of Is per bbl Oats 3s to 3 9d per 45 lbs being a slight advance Rice 33s to 36s Thrf cotton market continues languid The quotations are for good to middling 5 to 7dand Mobile 5 to 6d 10 O'CiOCJST I send a few additional items Every branch of trade is paralyzed and tbe govern (Steam 100 allO 10 Board and Scantling Mft 100 16 14 av louring-Assorted canoes South-Carolina Insurance Co State 6 per cent- Stock 5 City 6 5 CS6 8 an tee Canal sub-div shares Hamburg Bank 30percu ductory remarks but content ourselves witb saying that they bore ns pleasantly along an interesting path to the portals of that great temple of knowledge whose sacred treasures are to be unfolded to his bearers in his subsequent lectures It should be noted however that ac KM Flooring boardsOnished al6 aQO al8 a35 a45 a 8 a 4 101 a ment unfortunately cannot afford relief The money revulsion is spreading in every direction with appalling strides Fourteen more failures occurred 7 2t 1 SI LjJ'rf-j Liverpool 3810 Havre 25 2085 Total Foreign 25 5695 Boston 13S1 502 New-York 10 1294 1057 Philadelphia 630 New-Orleans 385 Total Coastwise lo 8060 2539 Grand Total a 7955 8333 50 2 00 1 00 1 75 1 00 Commercial Bank (Columbia) gal iiite rule clear -River Lumber Ranging Timber MOLASSES Trinidad Cuba Musco tea bbla Louisiana NAILS Cut 4d to SOd 50 34a35 Camden Bank (Camden) Bank of Georgetown 20 SOprCL 20 a a 35 a 4a 39 4 30 per cent cording to Mr G's very judicious plan each lecture will comprise a separate and distinct field complete and full of interest and information in Itself although forming a part of a connected series The Lecture of this evening will be devoted to the celebrated Rotetta Stone now in the British Museum at London Ihe great key in the bands of Cbahpoluoh LeJeckc for deciphering the hieroglyphic legends of Egypt sculptured and painted on all her ancient temples lb bbl Tbe concluding portions of Dr Nott's letter are also worthy of the deep attention and study of every true philanthropise "But let us suppose for a moment that the negro really is susceptible of progressive improvement Where is the nation willing to devote the lime and money necessary for the perfection of three millions of negroes? Will Old England! No Will New England? No They may both be ready to sacrifice both the whites and blacks of the South on the altar ef false humanity but neither will stretch out bis band to offer substantial aid in tbe cause "I must bring this basty letter to a close but hope I bave said enouib to make apparent the paramount importance of nerro statistic If the hlscks are intellectually inferior to tbe if the whites are deteriorated by amalgamation wilh tbe if the longevity and physical perfection of the mixed race are below that of either of the pure races and if the negro is by nature unfit for self-f nvernment theseare grave matters for consideration These conclusions 1 solemnly believe to be true and that full Investigation will only tend to confirm them and I may add that my conviction ia tbe result of much personal observation and careful perusal of every work of note on thelmtural history of man in tbe French Bajolc rates for selling £lxehange Bills on England 10 per cent Bills on France 520522 Checks on New-York per cent prem Do on Philadelphia Do on Baltimore Do on Boston NAVAL Tar Wilmington Turpentine soft Rosin Spirits Ttiroentine 20perct a a a 70 a 75 10 a I 15 gal free OILS Sperm winter str'd gal 1 1 1111 a ICG VI LUC lllll) II IV-1 room to-day we extract the following paragraphs: Mexico Oct 14 1847 Up to this time I have written nut no detailed account of the great battles of Contreras of Churubus-co of El Molino and of all ending with tbe capture of the city In Ihe first place I have not been able to see the official reports from which coupleU with personal observation a full and impartial narrative could only be made out and secondly the means of sending such a mass of manuscript to the coast at least Wilh safety are questionable The maps I forwarded to you from the great haste in copying them I know were imperfect and in the hurried synopsis of the events which I sent off for publication I am confident many omissions were made The important part taken by the in Liverpool Numerous failures bave also taken place In Venice The Manchester Bank and New Castle Joint 8tock Bank have suspended The famine in Ireland as ysrll as in Lancashire England is spreading and universal distress prevails The flour market is stesdy hut inferior descriptions are a fraction lower Wheal is also in steady demand and shows no material change The decline in Cottnn since the Caledonia sailed is about three-eight to half penny per pound The Washington left Southampton and London on the 34th and Liverpool on the 23d From the Sun The same depressed state of things continued in the money market In view of the treat suffering and loud cries for relief the Bank of England it waa understood was about coming to the rescue There had been an advance in Indian Corn the average of which was about Is per quarter of 180 lbs As to general or political news there is none of eon- BsudJc rates for ptircrifuiinir Bills on England 7a7 Bills on France 5 32 Sieht Checks on 'New-York par to prem Bills oa New-York 15 days dis Bills on do 30 do Bills on do 60 1 do Oct 19 Latest dates from Liverpool tail summer OSNABUKGS ROPE Oct- 15 20 per cent a 7 a 8 a Latest dates from Havre Latest dates from Havana lbl Nov 6 Court meets four times in the same space of time to LECTURES on An which Court Neck cases are never carried For facts I cient Egypt at the sppenlice' Library Halt The subject for Thi Evening will be tbe LANGUAGE and refer to tbe Attorney General A RESIDENT OF THE NECK WRITINGS of the Ancient Fssnlis A pyramids and tombs and also to tbe line of Scriptural Pharaohs from Abraham to the latest era of the Old Testament record The following account of the Rosetta Stone taken from Mr Gliddos's Chapters on Ancient Egypt to be obtained for 25 cents at Head's and perhaps at the Bookstores also will prove interesting to our readers generally and to such of them especially as design enjoying the intellectual feast to be served up by Mr this evening "By the 16th article of the capitulation of Alexandria all the objects collected by the French Institute of Egypt and other members of the expedition Were to be delivered' up to tbe British After some discussion Lord Hutchinson gave up all claim to objects of Natural HtitoryXfrut insisted on the complete fulfilment of the 16th article as to all other-things A vast number of precious sculptures thus became the prize of the conque ann cngiisn language "The neerne bave attained a greater moral and intellectual elevation greater physical development and longevity and incomparably more happiness in our slave hieroglyphieal professors in the year lf347 elucidated by Correspondence of the Baltimore Sun WASHINGTON NOV 9 1847 the rx position of the ROSETTA STONE and exemplified in application 10 those PHARAOHS of Scripture whose NAMES PORTRAITS and HISTORY bave Health of the Serious Grand Lodge 1 ne rresiaent 10 aay ts in better nraitn anu nne sequence From the American' In mercantile circles there was a more cheerful feel-inr as the Bank of England was living a little relief From the entire Continent of Europe there is not a line of political news of sufficient importance to justify telegraphing it been found on the MONUMENTS of Egypt Th Lec their head they trotted off leaving the unhappy market man blubbering over his dying property Tbe case of Behedetti and tbe opera manager was brought up yesterday before Judge Edwards the evi dence taken and tbe arguments made No decision was however rendered tbe Judge took till Monday to settle tbe matter We hope though not so much as we fear that we shall lose this matchless artist from Ihe entertainments of the winter After 'Change The Cotton market is still heavy with no one buying but spinners The sales are 700 or 800 bales and the market is a little in favor or the buyer Breadstuff's tend downward Sales Genesee Flour at $625 a $637 About 2000 bbla bave been taken for Liverpool to make freight Corn 72 a 75 Genesee Wheat 146 cents Some sales of the Rice afloat bave been made at 9425 spirits All the members of the Cabinet are in attendance The regular dra wine-room evenings will be Tuesday and Friday in each week ture commence at half past 7 13 At a meeting of tbe Commissioner of Cross Roads' held at the Charleston Neck Gnard House King St on the 10th inst It waa batteries of Steptoe and Taylor in divcrtine the enemy in the direction of La Fiertad and Nino Perdido I am feaiful were not even alluded to If I live to get home full and most complete justice shall be done to all who took part in the glorious achievements In the hard and most sanguinary battles which ended in the conquest of Mexico 1 regret to state that two more Lieut Shack-elfbid of the 9d Artillery and Lieut Bacon of the 6th have died since my last of their wounds They were most deserving and popular officers and were buried this morning wilh all honors in the English cemetery of San Cosine At this last resting-place of the dead a quiet and beautiful spot just as you enter San Cosine from tbe north or west all our officers have been inferred Mr Bankhead the English Minister Whose health is attll bad bas advertised all his furniture wines ate for sale and accompanied by his lady is to leave the conn-try in the courxe of a week or ten days I believe Mr Doyle is expected out in the next packet from England to take the place of Mr Bankhead 1 send this letter off without knowing whether it will get through By the same conveyance I also send forward a file of the latest newspapers published here As yet Gen Scott has not determined upon sending down a train to Vera Cruz so there is no ascertaining when we can getaway Yours fcc Since commencing this letter learn that Dr ftnhrrts aura-eon of the 51 Infantry died yesterday from Resolved That a PUBLIC MEETING of lbs eitisj be called tn lake into consideration the Police and Municipal Regulations of Charleston Necks on MnKTLetr EVENING I5ih insu at 7 o'clock al th Charleston Avi'Vas vusiu iiuiiTtr ITV gl l--- r--T nnvs anw 4 B-aa-swv uaililin IX a 1 1 4111 gUclll Ifl ATV i SPA rors and were conveyed in one course to tne British Museum in Londou and among others the celebrated Rosetta Stone "I am indebted for the facsimile copy of this invaluable monument in my possession to Uie kindness of the Hon John Pickering of Boston whose profound philo logical researches are justly celebrated while they have induced him to keep pace with Chauinollion'e discoveries in ancient Egyptian literature My friend Dr Webb likewise of Boston possesses a beautiful plaster cast of tbe original stone and as I am on this point I would observe that the best critical examination of the kierotlvphic portion of Rosetta Stone published up to 1841 may be seen in Salvokvni's "Analysis of various Hieroglyphieal Texts" issued at Paris some six years ago Professor Rosellini hints that his analysis of this Text will he a consequence of his work "This inestimable fragment (the Rosetta Btrme) crm-atu in a block of black basalt whicb was discovered by a French officer of engineers Mon Bouchard in Au Mates man they have ever enjoyed under any otner circumstances Every feeling of humanity then and every motive of policy should bid us handle gently a question of such extreme delicacy We have yet no liehtto guide us safely in a change and as we know that the Southern people are responsible to God alone for their sins and that itas his hand at last that rules the destinies of nations it would be better far to leave this question to the slow but certain work of time and experience" Tbe other articles in this number of the Review embody a vast fund of information on tbe commerce agriculture manufactures and general resources of our country River and Harbor Improvements the Re-sou ices and Progress of Texas (likely to become a great sugar-growing and cattle-raising region) the culture of Sugar and the Vine the production and manufacture of Wool the Direct Trade of die South wilh Europe Lake Navigation and a variety of other cognate tnpica form the staples of numerous and well written essays The able and enetgetic editor Da Bow Esq passed through our sity a few days since on his return to New Orleans fro a Northern tour during which be made arrangement for tbe extended usefulness of bis work and additional contributions to its pages He bad previously enlisted the ablest writers in the South and West as constant contributors and this witb bia own ready pen and indefatigable industry had already won for the Periodical a character and a support ensuring it a permanent aud prosperous existence We cordially wish him an increased patronace commensurate witb the increasing interest and importance of his Review hr utsitsiFjiii-rIs arijssay tVUHUSa ya Pit DR CHHISTIE'S GALVANISM fSsltfSiiism is iiiuwimmI I r-1 IHCHIKH I 111 fiWCITITlIT and Magnetism and these woiidrou agents have long a $431 for fain prime is held at £462 Sales 1000 bales Bale Hay at 53 a 56c for shipment The French packet takes $110000 In silver the New World for Liverpool bss $100000 in gold The steamer it is reported will take (500000 in gold- There are first class bills on ihe market to-day al 9 leading drawers are not anxioua to drew Freights are dull --T The money market is rather stringent snrf tha best paper is selling to-day at per cent Mr Cruchett tbe solar gas manufacturer owns a farm about seven miles from this city in Virginia On this land there is a double dwelling house A man named Harrison Monroe tesides in one part of this house and claims a lease of five years on the entire properly by verbal agreement Mr'Cruchett bas placed another tenant on the farm who occupies the remainder of the bouse and boards tbe hands who are working there Yesterday afternoon a young Washingtonian named Patrick Tutuey whilst standing orr the porch near his front door was violently pushed off by Monroe who threatened that if be attempted to return be would shoot him- Mr Taney paying no attention thereto was in the act of ascending lite porch when Monroe drew a pistol from his pocket and aliot Tuiney badly wounding hiss in tbe left knee It is further slated that after be bad discharged the pistol Monro siezed bis rifle and but for the imerptsntion of bis wife woald probably bava Wiled Tutuey oa the spot Tue wosusded man has been brought to the residence of hi mother in this city and ia under ihe attendance of Ur Morgan Tuia snorning a deposition was snade at his bed sid to the above atalement before justice Goddard and warrants were accordingly issued for the arrest of Monroe The Grand Lodge I held its annual communication last evening when the following officers were elected: Wm Towers Grand Master Steuart Deputy Grand Master Win Bond Grand Warden 1 Hoche Grand Secretary Walter Lenox Trearuier and Wm Moore John Sesslord Jr Grand Representatives BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH Reported for the Petersburg Intelligencer neea known to posses great efficacy is the core some very painful and tedious disease Jhaaa benefits however bave been greatly lessened ty a want of mean fog From Havana The schr Somen Capt Watson arrived at this port yesterday from Havana By her the following letters were received wilh whicb we bave been favored by mercantile friends: "HAVANA NOV The Rice per Somen sold at 10 rls and the arrivals since are tbe Portia and Juno both from Savannah There are now about 1400 tea on hand and the dealers will not offer anything over 10 rls 1-200 bbl Flour sold at $1 3 Last sales of Lard 13 A cargo of Lumber sold at 938 To Freights little doing The quotations for Box Sugars to the IT are 4 to 6 rials per bog" "HAVANA NOV Our Sugar market offers so new feature the stock being reduced to an insignificant quantity and but few transactions having occured The decline in Freights will facilitate the exportation of tbe remainder audit ia likely that the first arri vale of the new crop will find the market entirely bare of old Sugar The prospects for the growing caue are on the whole pretty fair though grinding will be retarded in consequence of the recent heavy rains and three ia but little probability of our seeing any but trifling parcels of new Sugar at market even in February We quote Assorted kinds 7J 9 a 7 10 rials Whites 8 a 10 rials Yellows 7J a 8 Brows 6 a 7 nals' Cucuruchos 5 a 6f rials Some sales of Molasses have been made at 2t and pti auutn a us una ueen snirery anu aeeefully remedied by DR CHRISTIE'S GALVAN a wound received at El Molino Ills gallant conduct on that occasion was noticed by all and his loss is much fretted Both Gens Shields and Pillow are out Tbe wound of the latter Is stated not (o bave been as severe as wa first represented A letter of the 15th of October we have not room for IC RINGS BELT5 BRACELETS and other article which are adapted to any part of the system with perfect safety and certainty of beneficial effect In all Asr-eou Complaints or those whieb are caused by any de rangement of the Nervous System such as PoraJyrif Correspondence of the Courier NEW-ORLEANS (Sunday) NOV To the Editors of the Charleston Courier The re-inforcements for Gen Scott are proceeding with activity judging from the number of volunteers arriving and leaving here About 1100 privates of the Kentucky Regiments reached here yesterday and this morning the steamer Homer is in from Louisville with Jie uouneaux UronchUis Keuralgia Chronic Rheuma tism Epileptic Fit Tremor Dyspepsia tjc the effect of to-day but we extract Iroin it as lollows Capt Pierson of the New-York volunteers who was wounded at Chapultepee has since died of his wounds so too has Lieut Steen of the South Carolina Regiment Capt Huddleonof the 14th Infantry died a day 1 or two since of bowel complaint The climate of Mexico so dry and checking all perspiration is represented as extremely unfavorable to gun shot wounds and hence the impossibility of saving many who were not at first thought to be hurt seriously From another letter or the 31st ult for which we bave not room day we make a melancholy extract Our army here bas to mourn the death of another distinguished and most meritorious officer Cant Mae-keuzie of the 3d Artillery On the memorable 13ih gust liila when digging -the foundations of Fort St Jo-lien erected on the western bank of the Nile between Rosetta and the sea not far from the mouth of the river It was placed by the British commander in chief on board the frigate "Egyptienne" captured in the harbor of Alexandria and arrived at Portsmouth in February 1802 whence it was deposited ia tbe British Museum "In its present state it is much mutilated chiefly on the top and at tbe right side Its extreme lensth ks about three feel measured on the flat surface which contains the writing its breadth whicb in some parts is entire is about two feet five inches Tbe under part of the stone which is not sculptured is left rough In thickness it vsries from tea to twelve inches It bears three inscriptions and is two of them being in the Esprptian ningiiace though in separate and distinct characters the third is in Ancient Greek The first or uppermost inscription is in hieroglyphics and much several lines being impaired or wanting the second is the character styled in the Greek translation CMcAortai "writing of the people" or otherwise it is termed demotic tn designate its ordinary and popular use third is in Greek and purports to be a translation of the hieroglyphic and of the-demotic texts "Thenglinh translations of the Rosetta stone contained in the works enumerated in my first chapter not 300 privates of the Kentucky Infantry under Major BALTIMORE NOV Flour The Beecxenridoe and tbe Ne Ptus Ultra from Cincinnati Steamer Washington bas arrived from Liverpool Ry her accounts Cotton bas fallen in Liverpool 26 6d per bbl witb 3 companies (about 150 men) of tbe Indiana Vol unteers nnder Col LarewIio is attended by his UK CHRISTIE'S Galvanic articles is truly wonderful tbe most perfect care being often made when all hope bad gone and physic and tbe physician had equally failed Pamphlets witb full description and th most respectable testimonials may be had gratia of the authorized Agent or they will be rent by mail Tbe great celebrity and success Dr Christie's Galvanic and Magnetic Curatives haa earned them to be counterfeited by unprincipled person To protect tbe public against deception there is but ONE AUTHORIZED AGENT appointed in each town or eity from whom alone the Gehuisz articles can be pro-eared Only Agent in Charleston MEL VIN COHEN American Wheat 53 to 6 Is per qr Corn Prime White 32 per qr BALTIMORE MARKET The Steamer's news bas unsettled Ihe market Flour Sale of Howard st at 9561 Wheat Sales of prime white at $125 Wheat Sales prime red of 10000 husbels at 8120 Sales of prime white al 63c Correspondence of tbe Courier WASHINGTON NOV 10 1847 General Taylor as 1 am told by one of his friends will not during bis six months' absence from camp visit Washington nor attend any public meetings nor in any way seek notoriety- but will employ himself exclusively in the management nf his private affairs wbicb have suffered from long neglect All eyes are new turned upon Heurt Clay it being well understood that he is about to take and avow a position as to the Mexican war and its objects and future conduct not only for himself but for Ihe whole of that large body of the whig party whicb prefer him aa the next President-Mr Clat is tn speak and offer resolutions on this subject on tbe 13tb of this month It is uncertain what will staff The Quarter Master has made such excellent arrangements here that the troop are not delayed but go directly on board the transports provided for them The number who have sailed bence for Mexico within two weeks is rather over 3500 men Quite a destructive fire broke ont last night about midnight at Algiers just over tbe river The amount of property consumed is estimated at $8000 or $9000 Se September may be recollected that two storming parties of 250 men each were selected from the divisions of Gens Worth and Twigra Capt- Casey commanding the latter while Capt Mackenzie gallantly led the foimer to the assault Again at I lie attack upon the San Cosme gortlo he headed hi little band and his brave and noile conduct was tbe theme of universal praise-Day before yesterday while sitting up he suddenly ex- 9 rials and but a trifling quantity remains We quote 9 a 3 rials Since our last report 840 casks Rice came in from the United Slates and there have been sold 370 casks at 10 rials 400 casks at 10 riala 1000 casks at 10 rials and 900 bags Cainpeacy at 9 rials leaving about 700 casks in first hands and a very large stock in second hands The imports of foreign Rice from 1st October until this date reached the large quantity of 4000 casks The quotations for Box Sugars to tbe United 8 tales are 4 a 6 rials wilh very little enqutsy In Exchange about £20000 were taken on London a few days back at 13 per ccnu premium since which nothing bas occurred On New-York and Boston wa bring at present aecersihle to me I render into bngtisn the French of Chamoollion Figeac Jt is curtailed in PHILADELPHIA NOV Flour Sales of 600 bbls Western brands at 86 Wheat Sales or 4UU0 bushels at $128 Sugar Sale of 200 bhds Louisiana at 6c veral large buildings and much lumber belonging to Messrs Hassam tt Robisioh ship wrights were burnt The Cotton market closed witb much more firmness yesterday the sales of the previous week which reach NEW-YORK NOV 10-5 Flow Hales of be bis course but whatever it may be it cannot fail to have much influence with the Wbig party and wilh the country generally Mr Clat has no doubt thoughtdeep-ly on tbe subject Some suppose that he will defrkre in favor of the policy proposed by Mr Calboor and Gen some measure from Jie original Greet inscription wherein there is a long exordium in honor of Ptolemy Epiphanesto be seen in "Ameilhon's Eelairrissements" published by the French Institute in 1803 The general readerwill find much interesting information on this and other subjects in "Sharpe's inscriptions" British Museum" a likewise in the varied hierological and classical works of this distinguished gentleman The event recorded in the Rosetta Stone the coronation of Epi-plinncs took place at Memphis in tbe month of March 196 years or 2039 years ago" JDe Bow's Commercial Review of the South and West The November number of this able and practically useful publication abounds with valuable and interesting mat Genesee at $625 Sales of Prime White at $1 40 a 143 Cotton bas declined Correspondence of the Baltimore Sunl CINCINNATI NOV PM 36000 bales having relieved it very considerably so that factors are disposed to advance their pretensions a little Middling is still quoted at 6 a 7 and good middling 7 a just about 2c decline since the steamer and 4c per lb since the early part of September Tba course of tbe market has so far completely baffled Uie calculations made two months earlier ia the season Sugar its selling slowly at 5 a 5fc per lb for strictly prime of the pirro ii nn 1 1 if iimu wrcn ikih iwi nim excitement of battle buoyed him up with a strength un-nstural but when all was over and the victory won he gradually sunk and death finally stepped in to cut off his career in the prime of life His body rests quietly with the comrades who have gone before him in the Enclish cemetery of Saa Cosme and many friends mount bis early iocs City or Mexico Oct 17 1847 There Is now mora probability that a quorum of Congress will soon assemble at Queretaro although there ia no certainty of it The city ia overrun witb candidates for different offices but more especially for President The principal candidates of the Modrados era Pedraza Pens Pens Anaya and Herrera the latter probably standing the best chance of being elected The Puros talk of Almonte and Cumplido Why anyone should covet the office at this present time is singular enough unless the successful man hopes to realize something from the stealings of rather poor picking one would think Gen Quitman is a oing home witb tbe as is said to take command of Gen Taylor's division of the army Gen Smith bas been appointed military and civil Passage of Cos Stockton on to Great freshet emd Damage Com Stockton who has just arrived from California passed up toe nvertnis morning on nis way to washing ton His visit there doubtless baa some connection with 11 thsn3 19 Qayne-sb TO MEDICAL STUDENTS Per steamer Southerner best English and A me non DISSECTING CASES Nil 3 THOM FAYSSOUX 31 Broad-sU arrovvrootJ 500 lbs best Florida ARROW ROOT equal to Bermuda Arrow Root 37c per lb Nil 3 THOM FAYSSOUX 31 Brosd-st OPINION Or THE PRESS From the Sentinel Reformer Worcester Mast June '45 WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD Th beneficial effects of this remedial composition are aetos-ishingtolha world and make it one of th most popular medicines now known For Coughs -Colds and Consumptive cases iu curative powers sre established by numerous testimonials of the hichest character fa th first stages of disease termed "Catarrhal Corn amp-lion" oricinating from neglected Colds it bas bee a n-ed with nndeviating success and hundred aekikowledg tbey oe tbe restoration of their health to this lBVaiaabl medic uie None genuine unless signed I Butt on the wrappers Price Jfl per bottle 6 bottles for 5 Sold by Dr COUEN 19 Hayne-st Charleston And by Druggists generally in all th United State 11 2 tbe Fremont trial new crop molasses nrm at sta a suc per gallon ne sales of Flour for Ihs week are about 9000 bbhk mostly to tbe South and West to the interests 01 whicb it is chiefly devoted The leading article entitled quote nominally 1 a 3 per cent premium "The weather has been boisterous within tbe last few days accompanied by some heavy rains" HAVANA NOV Reef Prime 14 a 15 Mess IB a 17 Beans white 19 a 16 Butter 14 a 22 Cheese 12 a 20 Candles Sperm 43 a 43 Tallow mo 17 a 19 Cider in boxes 3 a 4 Flour 13 a 14 Fish Cod 3 a 4 Hams 10 a 13 Lard 13 a 13 Oil Sperm 97 a 30 Wbale refined 18 a 20 do common 15 a 16 Onions per 100 bunch 5 a Potatoes 3 a 3 Pork Prime 17 a Mess 20 a Clear 21 a Soap Yellow 7 a Rice 8 10 a "Lumber ate 27 a 29 Pine 25 a Hoops 19 and 14 ft- 48 a 50 Snooks Box 8 Sugar bhds 18 a Molasses do 13a Empty casks 5 Sugarass'd hf White and hf Brown 6 8 a 7 II While alone a 10 Yellow do 7 a 8 Bruwu do 6 a 6) Cucurocho do 5 a 5 Muscovado a Molasses 2 a 3 Coffee 2d and 3d qualities 4 a 4 Honey 2 a "Frig American To Great Britain £3 Baltic nothing doing Co we Stc £3 a 3 5s States per box 4 a ra States Molasses bhd a2 a 3" There bas been another great freshet here and tbe White Water river has risen tremendously On the Whit Water canal tbe feeder dam and embankment at for Boston and the closing rates are $525 for Ohio and $550 a g575 for choice St Louis Corn in demand at 43 a 46c per bushel Provisions at all kinds are getting lower Mess Pork 12 a 91212 and Prime $11 per bbl Lard offered freely at 10 a 10c for prime in kegs and 9 a 9je per lb in bbla Rice (new crop) 5 for pripie and Harrison are washed away If Commercial Advrrtiser OrrtCE Tuesday Nov 9-9 o'clock PM Tbe sales of Cotton yesterday were about 1000 bale at a decline of cent a pound on the rate current previous old crop 3 a 4 jc per lb with very email sales Freights to tne arrival 01 tne steamer I uera as very utue Busi "Statistics of Southern Slave Population" from the pen of Josiak Nott of Mobile Alabama contains many valuable and important fact illustrative of the superior comfort morality health fecundtty and Ion gevity of the black and colored population under tbe slave system of the South over the like popuralion in iu boasted freedom- at the North The chief practical value of the article however consists in iu bearing on the question of Life Insurance of our slave property Although the writer regards the general fact as sufficiently established by actual statistics tbat there is less mortality South than North in the colored class be yet inclines to tbe opinion that the rate of Insurance on this species of property are too low numerous vessels are arriving and tbe rates must decline Arrivals from sea this ships Clifton Cato and Quebec from New-York Amazon and Gov Davis fiom Boston Tagliont from Havre Cooper from Hamburg Desdemona Cairo and Burlington from Li Tat lor tbe adoption of a defensive tine and tbat he will as to that line suggest the application of the principle of the Missouri of wbicb be was the author others again say that be will declare against the acquisition ef any Mexican territory by conquest and of course get rid ia that manner of tba troublesome proviso question There is no doubt that Mr Clat is to be a prominent candidate for the next Presidency and that at tbe National Whig Convention he will have a very good chance tor nomination Gen Taylor it is suggested may withdraw in favor of Mr Clat and leave him the field in ease Mr Clat should have a fair chance of success On the other band if Mr Clat should be found to be weak'as a candidate he will be dropped and a portion of the Wbigs will go for a "no territory or Proviso" candidate and another portion for the independent candidate whether it be Gen Tat ton or Mr CAUtonn The FkEKojrr trial becomes daily more and more Interesting and important It bas conclusively shown tbat tbe Government in undertaking the conquest of California did it with aa intention of holding it permanently and of Bia king its possession tbe condition sine cue non of any treaty of peace It appears too tbat Lieut Col Fiemoitt acted in open contempt and disobedience of tbe orders of Gen Keab-y and exercised the dotiee of civil and military ruler of California a defiance of General Ksarkt's orders and temonstrajneea These dissentions bear much re-eembiaace to those that frequently occurred between the Spanish conqnarors of Mexico and Peru Governor of Mexico in his stead and was duly installed this afternoon The ceremonies at the Palace on the occasion were neat and most impressive The latest accounts we have of Santa or one of the latest accounts he bed gone tn Tebuacan witb a small escort only as is said in obedience to an order from the Supreme Government Others say that he baa gone towards Oajara ethers again towards us pan Wherever he may be be is up to some scheme or otber for his own good Another gallant and most deserving Lieut Daniels of the 9d Artillery has died of the wound he received at El Molino Not an officer in tbe army had Mexican Political We would suggest to our verpool barque Brett from Malaga and ship readers a reference to the article in another column under the above head copied from the New-Orleans Pi- cayune It will be found interesting Caledonia Brander from Philadelphia Turf Tha Picayune of 7th inrt says: "Mr Vas Leek arrived here yesterday with his stable of six or seven horses Pndona being at the bead of mora friemfnjthnn Lieut not aa officer more richly merited general esteem from tkt The steamship Fanny Capt-'Scott arrived last evening from the Brazos having sailed oa Obituary As the bird to its sheltering nest When the storm on the hills are abroad 80 hi spirit with innocence blest Will repose on th bosom of God DIED oa the 9th inst after a lingering Illness JOHN second son of Mr Andrew Cunningham of Uus city aged 3 years I month and 14 day Alas his cheering smile ar o'er Tbat gentle form bas fled His winning voice we'll bear no Tbe lovely flower is dead Then weep not for his early His lot by God waa given And Ibuueb he slumbers in th tomb His spirit blest la Heaven them We shall have tbe finest horses in tbe country here this season" ili Excellency Go Johnson will be in Columbia on ness doing this morning The market for Flour is quite unsettled notice limited sale of Genesee at $6 31 and of Ohio Osweco and Michigan at tjS 18 a 25 Sales of extra at 7 a 'Receipt by the Hudson River Norn Flour 90500 bbl Wheat 3300 bushds Com 5300 do Rye 2800 do Exchange Foreign Ther hav been sales 10 some amount of sterling bills this mnining with bank endorsement at 109 We quote a before Oa London at 109 a 109 on Pari 5f 23a5f 20 Amsteidam 39 a 40 Hamburg 35 a 36 Bremen 79 79 Witty if not A friend at our elbow sticks to It that tbe te turns from Westmoreland are tbe same tally-sticks that were sent In 1644 witb only some verbal alters lions In Tioga ihey use a pine Mick On oo ide tbey put an I for "democrat" and on Hie other a coon for "whig" and aa every elector come with a jack-knife he notches knowingly oa tbesid he wants to vote In most parts of Berks county tbey use bean Tha mall wbite are the whirs the speckled green white and yellow are for the democrats and Mack beans ar allowed to the abolitionists After tbey are counted tbe bean are put back and remain for the next election for Governor Then aaa democrat or whig die? they take on out or as on comes of age tbey put one in They have one good rule there whicb might be adopted rlsewhere to advantage they never allow a man to vote until he is married This ia under the supposition that he baa liule discretion until be gets it from hi witb By the sams process of reasoning they allow bins to vote a asoa as be has a wife the fact of bis marrying being taken as evidence tbat- be haa com tn tbe uae if not year of discretion A minor marryine there is called 'taking the beans But Berks tike Saxon Enaland bas cotuiuoa law usages peculiar to only certain districts Pittsburg Ammricast and that our "insurance companies are going pen melj into this business without knowing any thing of the probabilities" and risks connected with the subject Tbe following extract from this article wilt put our readers in possession of Dr Nott's views "The facta and deductions thus far presented would lead very strongly tn tbe conclusion that the black slave of the South aie safe risks for insurance but tbougb fully persuaded the favorable position of this class both as to climate and social condition in reference to health and longevity and though deeply impressed with tha importance of tbia-branch of life insurance of tbe slave States still I must say tbat I believe there are yet no data by whicb the value of these lives can be fixed with sufficient accuracy to Justify tbe thoughtless procedure of sonie companies "The mortality among the colored class ia Charleston including blacks moiattoes slaves and free ia I to 44 annually and tbougb this ia a more favorable table tban can be found in any laboring class in tbe world and though even this mortality might be greatly diminished eould we separate tbe free and hybrids from the black slaves yet it must be remembered that among the whiles it is only the better class that apply Sot policies? and that the negroes are the laboring class of the South It Is a wall known fact that aa you rise in the scale of society so ooes tba longevity increase simply because Passenger Persic am packet CVanderbiltfom W'ilmtnjton(NC) for the courier) POLICE OF CHARLESTON NECK Perceiving a public meeting of the citizens of the Neck is called for Monday evening next for the purpose of taking into consideration tbe Police and Municipal regulation for tbe Neck I submit a few remarks oa the subject are told that the time is near at hand that we must either be a separate corporate power or ia a very little while we will most assuredly be annexed to tbe city The city most be very jealous of ns having already so much boundary to make Ibis clamor for incorporation with us We of the Neck bave managed to govern ourselves for tbe past quarter of a century and tbe city should be convinced that we are still able to do so even with our small revenue All the Neck require at this particular time i a little more power vested in iu Commissioners which might be done through their Representatives were they not for incorporation themselves Tbe net of tba Legislature of 1845 gives them ample power to build a Guari House smd emtmUUh rule saU rs-fulutions therefor Alt that is wanted at this particular time is to abolish tbe patrol and substitute a horse gnard to be nappoited by the tax payer Tbey may feel alarm Wood Mia EvrrilMta Gibhs Mr Wood and the 15tb Instant Those having executive business to transact will find him alter that date at the Executive Department inthat city Hon Jo A Black who for severs! terms represented the Plnckney District and wbo was chairman of tbe committee on Military Affairs In the last Congress bas declined a re election and Geo Wallace of Union has been put in nominagiaa as a candidate 10 supply the vacancy We copy the above paragraphs from the Cehrmbia South CaroHnian Columbus Rail Tba City Council of Columbus baa it is stated acted cm tbe recommendation of Ma citizens and passed an orslinanc authorizing tbe Mayoral subscribe for 1500 share so this Company Corysaupondesiea of the Couriers NEW-YORK NOV 9 1847 The Opera Rouse in Astor Place is now nearly finished the last Mews of tbe hammer the last strokes of the painter's brush and the Inst touch of tbe plasterer's trowel are being put upon It and on Monday next it Is to be opened to the public la high pomp It is certainly a most beautiful Theatre the most beautiful certainly ia Ih United States combining elegance and lightness with a stngular slresntb and solidity in the wboi structure If tt were aotao far uptown and were not In the bands the ad Inst On the night of the 13th alt a party of Mississippi and Ohio troops only fifteen la number siurter command of Lieut Wilson who were escorting mail down were attacked by a large force of Mexicans This occurred near Ramos all Ihe mail was lost except the official letters Sergu Scott of the 9d Mississippi Regiment a private named Parks belonging loCapt Duncan 'scora-' vnv thio Regiment and a Mexican leading the mule which bore the mail were killed Tbe rest of the party made their escape Carvsjal and CatAlea ara now said to be plotting tha establishment of the independence of Taajaulipaa Pretty fellows lor such a business Tbe captain of tbe Spanish schooner Flor de Lfanos from Havana waa lately murdored on bia way from Malamoraa by land to Braaos where his vessel was lying Several arrests have been made of suspected ties PkOaiOpHn and Ocean TUegrap Um For soma months past a project has been aitated for constructing 'a saacnetie tetecraph lim Iron Uu city to tne Delaware Breakwater The importance oi the object of the trade of our city baa been acknowledged by tilt mercintita and btwinew community ind aotne profreu hat been made In obtaining subscriptions to aid tbe construction of the proposed work Last evening a meeting ufsner-ehant and other citisena Interested in emaMMiina- this line was held at the office of the Board of Trade at whicb Andrew Barclay presided and Francis Com daughter Mrs Taylor Mrs 8 Everett Mrs Branch Mrs Flood Stevens lady and sister Nicholson and lady Weston and ladyC RheU and lady Fearett and lady Bradley and family Messrs Miles Wiley Harrison MG aire Mostly Brown Boll Wood Fearu Waineries BlaekBey Moaullot Sewell Bradley Hamilton and Kurlx Per US steamer HeUtmora from Savannah via Braurort-MiiiGuenifd Mra Verdier MrtGuerird and daughter Mra Dempsey Mrs Ives Messrs TR Pool Giant Morris Jackson Poreber Dempscy Elliott Meaoa Ives 6 it would be sure of success but ot nnsKiinii managers im upper cissses aie less expose 10 tne causes of encases and can command comforts and prompt medical vM-a aaiiu VSBM VUlNHrnilM VVHIIVH SBI IflVWV W4UIVW A correspondent of lb Augusta Chronicle states tbat tha Hon Pmoto of this eity ia at Milledgeville I advica in sicfciiesg The experience too of iniaruice wnaiutjr if if anything the other way tor the purpoie Of attending to Uie Claim Of Mr Tarn- companies in Europe shows that there is far leu mot- unny seen happened here yesterday afternoon a tality in their selected lives than in the aegregate popsj- ThtGftiUEdifinsySftibf On the fib of October was nbsei vedtt Liverpool but there it was not annular at London and Puts where it was annular the day was cloudy ae that onaervaaioaa eould be asade at the former city and at Paris only the latter part of the eclipse A we bave already remarked tbia waa the only eclipse nearly central a to either annular ot total in Pari in the 133 year between 1767 and I9M and perhaps in the course of a much longer period Tbia eclipse -wa utue up sear Washington Square A compass of II aa- aara were out ttr parade with full ranks snorting char muoa 01 a nation 1 1 eunoi De reasonably expecesa inen mat Uie slave at the South can equal ia tongevny the better classes of Europe or tb selected Uvea of in gers ami an the accessaries of military glory They were drawn ap in lineexulting in their appearance and Ihe surance companies -I uic meet ne 01CE staves tnoagn generally treated with una- ikiH wiln -hidl eraser as tonen sou a si vecs Per steamer Charleston from Dr Gilchrist Messrs A Requter Fraser i i Steele Sanders Brockenridge Colling wood BWoodward! Hinds Wakemau Gamage Sin-gleiary and Col Head also annular at Munich Trieste and Constantinople At ann indulgence are me laboring are exposed I mw much to ih causes of diwane and are lea orotecird in tbe first place the ring was seen beautifully through the clouds which rendered tbe as of the dark glass nnnecs- sa but as to tbe state of the weather- at tbe two last places we have not been informed Boston Transcript Corapaurative view of VesseU LOADixo in the namtn states roE roEEie maw Reduction of Government Ervenses Ws understand Baorfia 17 Senators In the Georgia Senate on tbe 9th insu a resolution waa carried after much debate by a- vote of 24 to 20 to go into the election of two 8 all the whigt voting tor it and ail Ihe democrats against it except Messrs SteWaET and Simmons Tbe whig members of the Legislature held a caucus the same evening and nominated as their candidates for the Senate Messrs Berrieh and Dawsow First Jn order Messrs Berris and Doooheett were balloted Tor Tha vote stood as follows Berrien w't 65 Doe oa sett 23 Next Messrs Crawford Dawso and Doosbertt were balloted for The result Dawson- a CRAWroRD 35 that the Secretary of the Treasuary ha instructed the Collector of this port to reduce the Custom-bouse ex 1647 penses at least ten per eenu Tbi will effect an important saving for lb Government about £100000 per annum and in the ore sent condition of the revenue it sickness than the higher classes like the man-servant and maid servant of Uie free Stales they are less cared tor ia sickness and health than the master and mistress The kwgeat lived classed in England an U10 nobility and tbougb poverty la itself may not be a sin it not only a disgrace bat tempts many a poor fellow to sell soul and body both "Lord lead us not Into temptation' ia the wisest prayer ever it contains a profound reflection 00 human nalar Men ar prone to beeom very good and pious when they ret to old to bs temptedand we should therefor pray daily not 10 be tempted Life insurance on negroes offers strong temptations to be feared many of whicb 1 bave not time to enumerate MVVne a company Insures the life of a free man it has tbe best of all guarantiee against foul play via tbe innate love of life of lb insured party But on tbe other band we occasionally see at the South anfeeliiur mas ed at the cost bat if you incorporate yourselves you say fce1 more so Tn reasoa tbat lb patrol oa tbe Neck le now teraaed a huasbug by some ia because individuals who are the bolder of property instead of performing the duty pay $13 per annum or for each night they are summoned to do this duty What care each men about tha duty or how it ia performed? The Leader finding a thin attendance of the squad discharge bia patrol after walking round a square Tiuesaakea the patrol a humbug It ta somewhat douhtfujtto my mind whether the Legislature can annex 14000 inhabitants If they do not signify their assent Oat of this number there are 823 voters who when their votes nre deposited in the ballot box tell Ihe Legislature you may If you Uke but we shall not be annexed It is tree the population of the Neck has increased two fold and why so The city Brick Law drove the inhabitants to seek refuge on quiet Charleston Neck where we are less no incendiary torch is applied' no burglary no respectable person interfered with ia the no rioting or street fighting carried on nor ar wa at the expense ot (22000 for a rigid police and daymen The Grand Jury in their presentment Aai reported the Neck as a auisance Who Messrs Editors let me ask bas given this intelligence? A residrnt of the Neck or One of tbe city? If ease of assault and battery do oe car when i redres to be obtained? Tbe Court ef Com moa rieas aseeta bat erics ia 12 month whil lb City ing and the nght spirit saemea to animate all those present Tha cost of the proposed ling ia 918000 Between tins city and Wilmington Del the wires of that lina are to be from thence the line Is to run to New Castle thence through Dover (the capital of Uie 8uue of Delaware) and Smyrna to tbe Breakwater- a uastanc at ninety milea Nearly half tha funds necessary to construct tbe line bas already been subscribed A committee consisting of Messrs Washington Butcher 8 8 Bishop Wattson Waldroo and James Devereux was 'appointed to obtain further subscriptions to the stock in order to carry the work into effect at an early period From the spru nan i rested last evening at tbe ajeelru ther 1 aver proapect that ih necessary funds will be speedily obtained and that ia a short period we shall to''T'? by lightning of the arrivals of yea! cM at the Breakwater la case of vessel being wrecked or Injured by tbe storms in our river or bay Information can be losuntaaeoualy despatched to this city for aid and succor promptly despatched The Breakwater is the only secure harbor ia tinea of stnrma were Uhms-ends of vessel navigating oar coast between Cbartea ton and New- York eaa conveniently take shelter PWaiUpA BiUUtm UUiaJt appear to bave been indispensable New Tat Sum sfrrtm tn rlnJ A correspondent ef the New York Tribune writing from Liverpool predicts much ffvri- it sickness in Eiurland owing to the suspen ineu marcei man aove tn sight mounted oa bis wagon and drank not with martial enthusiasm but with poor whiskey Straight oa be drove and when doses to the sen led raaka seeming to be seized with a new input be whipped fats horse to the very top of his speed and nulla and bang be charged upon the btw-sara He was too much for them the man of cabbages and potatoes pt to flight ihe men of war la quick baste they broke their lines and gave tbe enemy passage amid tbe jeering langbter of tbe boys wbo had of course no sympathy with the conquered parry 'and loud shouts of triumph from the victorious green grocer The fun was too good not to be repeated and the German wheeled and charged in the rear witb the same results This waa too much to be borne the Captain was enraged at seeing hie chosen followers thus shamefully pat to rout and just as tba wagon had wheeled for another tilt upon them he drew bis sword and rushed to meet the attacking party One Mow be struck him on tbe back with the flat of the sreapon and then wheeling around tbe wagon be came up beside Ih horse and with a desperate cut felled tbe poor animal to tbe ground severing hi neck and pulling an cad to bis mortal career This the company thought 10 be vengeance with their Capiat at 6 3 9 sion of business Many persons bave been throws out of mnJnment There are about 5000 case of Typhus Dougherty 3 Messrs Berris and Dawson will probably be the two Senators elect- Bat we shall" soon see Fever in Liverpool at of course mainly among of! Ill 4i New-Orleans Nov 6 Mobile Nov 6 Florida Oct S3 Savannah Nov-1 1 Charleston Nov 12 Virginia Nov 1 New-York Nov the poor r- 1 There were 983 deaths ia New- York last 93 men 68 women 76 boy and 45 931 651 81 94 ters as we do unfeeling husbands cruel fathers and cruel masters to apprentices in the free States and such individaala will not allow ary increase of kindness during sickness should their interest be opposed to humanity As long as the negro i aound and worth more than the amount insured self interest will prompt the owner to preserve the life of the slave bat if the stave become unsound and ther is tittla pros put of perfect recovery the underwriters cannot expect fair the insurance money ia worth more than the slave and tit latter ia regarded rather tn tbe light ofji superannuated horse Massachusetts TUe New-York papers Tuesday morning contain partial returns by telegraph of the election In Massachusetts on Mondsy for Governor and Legislature There is probably no choice of Governor by the people though Mr CrsHI the democratic candidant baa a largely Increased vol The Lsgwlatar ia undoubtedly whig in bota branch The whig Bujociiy iu Botoa is 1114 over ail others The 8 schooner Taney Commander Hunter from New York waa at Gibraltar lOtb oiu having arrived oa tha Sih in 3fi davs passage She bad very girls died or eonsumpuva ujrtuicrj mrere m-fiauimatioas25 Tbe Cambria from Boa ton lit instant arrived at 3d and left the same afternoon for Liverpool The steam-propeller Sarah Sand was advertised to leavs Liverpool til 21sl ulU LETTKIt BAGS i the Exchange RoadxntRJOm Ship VERSAILLES Hunt LIVERPOOL tPe conS UVEiUfOOA- Tbe atoop of-wai Matron Capu Siosoitds from YiAiaga also uxnvea a wtwwM WH ww JS.

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